I glanced around the dark forest. Duskwood.
The name was fitting, the place was always overcast . . . no one really knew why. Well, no one I've asked at least. I'm sure the mages of Stormwind orsomeone knew, I'll ask one if I actually still care enough, if I even remember it, when I meet one.
Creepy place, it's like the entire place is constantly in shadow.
I frowned, the caravan had slowed, before coming to a halt.
"Wonder what's going on..." I mused aloud, craning my neck trying to see past the wagon ahead of us.
Dawn shrugged, "No idea. Too early to make camp."
I nodded, "I'll go have a look. Stay here, but be ready in case there is trouble." I dismounted and made my way to the front of the caravan.
After we'd gotten back to camp a couple of days ago, we'd reported the troll ambush. From then on the caravan was on heightened alert, doubling our scouts and sentries.
We hadn't encountered signs of the local trolls since.
I stopped by one of the wagons further ahead, looking up at the green troll driving that wagon. A Blood Elf girl wearing even less leather than Dawn and a pair of rather wicked looking daggers was sitting next to him.
"Any idea what's going on?" I asked.
The girl shrugged, "Border patrol. Or so we think. We are crossing into Alliance territory."
Ah, that makes sense.
"I see." Looking down the line "I'll go see if I can help."
Orcs or more specifically, the Horde and Alliance, have been at each others' throats for a long time. A couple of months of an uneasy peace since the portal opened would not have eased tensions by much. This is a border province as well, which meant an aggressive, promotion hungry commander.
Some things are constant in any Plane. I'd seen that kind of thing frequently in Westeros.
The old caravan master, Coalthorn I think his name was, I hadn't spent much time interacting with him was talking with to a small group of human soldiers in fancy looking armor, and blue uniforms.
I sighed, adjusting my armor slightly before I walked over, changing my demeanor to that I'd developed in my dealings with backwater garrison commanders in Westeros.
Projecting quite clearly and firmly that 'I'm fucking in charge and you had better bow down or I'll make you regret ever being born.'
It had saved a lot of time with petty lordlings and garrison commanders whom weren't power hungry, sycophants whom wanted to use me to climb to the top.
"What's going on here!? What is causing this delay?" I projected loudly as I reached them.
"Explain yourself!" I haughtily demanded of the man in the shiniest armor. It would have much more effective have been better if I'd known how to read his rankinsignia, but it would work anyway.
The blonde young noble twitched at the sound of my voice, turning to me "Who are you? Where did you come from?" He growled.
"The Caravan. Now, explain yourself! What is the delay? This caravan carries vital supplies for the forces defending The Dark Portal!" I replied, immediately pressing my advantage.
"My Lord these people are of the Horde.." The commander said "I. I can't just allow them to enter Alliance territory without explicit orders from High Command. Why are you traveling with these . . . who are you?"
He looked quite out of his depth but he kept his hand on his sword hilt.
Foolish. He should try to disarm the situation, not keep his weapon ready to draw. What did he think that would do? We outnumbered his patrol group a hundred to one. If he had any brains he would've had one of his group stay back in the woods, mounted, ready to run to the nearest garrison in the event that violence broke out.
"I'm Winter. I am traveling with these fine folk because it is convenient. Now send a messenger to your commander and get permission to let us through or stand aside. We're going to Dark Portal! No pissant border guards are going to stop us from stopping the Burning Legion from invading this world!" I replied, feigning outrage and anger.
He looked indecisive for a moment, glancing between me and Coalthorn before he looked back at the solder behind his right shoulder "Johnson, mount up and ride back to the garrison. Tell the commander what's happened . . . we need orders."
Good boy. Kick it up the chain.
"Good choice." I said, nodding curtly, turning to where Coalthorn was observing my display in silence. I nodded at him as well "Mr Coalthorn."
The old orc slowly nodded before turning to the human commander, "We will set up camp here for tonight. To await word from your commander."
The young officer hesitated and then sighed "Yes, I believe that might be for the best."
On the way back Coalthorn gave me a suspicious look, "Who are you?" He asked, switching from accented Common to Orcish.
I shrugged. "It's complicated. I'm on your side, let's just leave it at that." I answered in Orcish.
Coalthorn, frowned, nodded and turned away shouting orders to the caravan.
I simply sighed and started to make my way back to Dawn, acquiring a couple of more looks than normal from the rest of the caravanners.
So much for not drawing attention to myself, but hopefully that smoothed things out a bit. If we have to fight our way through alliance territory to even get to the damn portal because some stuck up local garrison commander has a swollen ego . . .
Yeah, that wont happen. If it came to that, I'm grabbing Dawn and Walking out or at least pulling back to neutral territory.
I have no intention of fighting humans again unless it is absolutely necessary.
Or other sophonts.
AN// Many thanks to Arimai for betaing this part.