I glanced around the dark forest. Duskwood.

The name was fitting, the place was always overcast . . . no one really knew why. Well, no one I've asked at least. I'm sure the mages of Stormwind orsomeone knew, I'll ask one if I actually still care enough, if I even remember it, when I meet one.

Creepy place, it's like the entire place is constantly in shadow.

I frowned, the caravan had slowed, before coming to a halt.

"Wonder what's going on..." I mused aloud, craning my neck trying to see past the wagon ahead of us.

Dawn shrugged, "No idea. Too early to make camp."

I nodded, "I'll go have a look. Stay here, but be ready in case there is trouble." I dismounted and made my way to the front of the caravan.

After we'd gotten back to camp a couple of days ago, we'd reported the troll ambush. From then on the caravan was on heightened alert, doubling our scouts and sentries.

We hadn't encountered signs of the local trolls since.

I stopped by one of the wagons further ahead, looking up at the green troll driving that wagon. A Blood Elf girl wearing even less leather than Dawn and a pair of rather wicked looking daggers was sitting next to him.

"Any idea what's going on?" I asked.

The girl shrugged, "Border patrol. Or so we think. We are crossing into Alliance territory."

Ah, that makes sense.

"I see." Looking down the line "I'll go see if I can help."

Orcs or more specifically, the Horde and Alliance, have been at each others' throats for a long time. A couple of months of an uneasy peace since the portal opened would not have eased tensions by much. This is a border province as well, which meant an aggressive, promotion hungry commander.

Some things are constant in any Plane. I'd seen that kind of thing frequently in Westeros.

The old caravan master, Coalthorn I think his name was, I hadn't spent much time interacting with him was talking with to a small group of human soldiers in fancy looking armor, and blue uniforms.

I sighed, adjusting my armor slightly before I walked over, changing my demeanor to that I'd developed in my dealings with backwater garrison commanders in Westeros.

Projecting quite clearly and firmly that 'I'm fucking in charge and you had better bow down or I'll make you regret ever being born.'

It had saved a lot of time with petty lordlings and garrison commanders whom weren't power hungry, sycophants whom wanted to use me to climb to the top.

"What's going on here!? What is causing this delay?" I projected loudly as I reached them.

"Explain yourself!" I haughtily demanded of the man in the shiniest armor. It would have much more effective have been better if I'd known how to read his rankinsignia, but it would work anyway.

The blonde young noble twitched at the sound of my voice, turning to me "Who are you? Where did you come from?" He growled.

"The Caravan. Now, explain yourself! What is the delay? This caravan carries vital supplies for the forces defending The Dark Portal!" I replied, immediately pressing my advantage.

"My Lord these people are of the Horde.." The commander said "I. I can't just allow them to enter Alliance territory without explicit orders from High Command. Why are you traveling with these . . . who are you?"

He looked quite out of his depth but he kept his hand on his sword hilt.

Foolish. He should try to disarm the situation, not keep his weapon ready to draw. What did he think that would do? We outnumbered his patrol group a hundred to one. If he had any brains he would've had one of his group stay back in the woods, mounted, ready to run to the nearest garrison in the event that violence broke out.

"I'm Winter. I am traveling with these fine folk because it is convenient. Now send a messenger to your commander and get permission to let us through or stand aside. We're going to Dark Portal! No pissant border guards are going to stop us from stopping the Burning Legion from invading this world!" I replied, feigning outrage and anger.

He looked indecisive for a moment, glancing between me and Coalthorn before he looked back at the solder behind his right shoulder "Johnson, mount up and ride back to the garrison. Tell the commander what's happened . . . we need orders."

Good boy. Kick it up the chain.

"Good choice." I said, nodding curtly, turning to where Coalthorn was observing my display in silence. I nodded at him as well "Mr Coalthorn."

The old orc slowly nodded before turning to the human commander, "We will set up camp here for tonight. To await word from your commander."

The young officer hesitated and then sighed "Yes, I believe that might be for the best."

On the way back Coalthorn gave me a suspicious look, "Who are you?" He asked, switching from accented Common to Orcish.

I shrugged. "It's complicated. I'm on your side, let's just leave it at that." I answered in Orcish.

Coalthorn, frowned, nodded and turned away shouting orders to the caravan.

I simply sighed and started to make my way back to Dawn, acquiring a couple of more looks than normal from the rest of the caravanners.

So much for not drawing attention to myself, but hopefully that smoothed things out a bit. If we have to fight our way through alliance territory to even get to the damn portal because some stuck up local garrison commander has a swollen ego . . .

Yeah, that wont happen. If it came to that, I'm grabbing Dawn and Walking out or at least pulling back to neutral territory.

I have no intention of fighting humans again unless it is absolutely necessary.

Or other sophonts.

AN// Many thanks to Arimai for betaing this part.
One nitpick: to strike camp usually means to break down the tents and get moving. I think you wanted the phrase "to make camp".
Nozdormu said:
I Think blood elves would kill to have him in their city because he's essentially a mana battery that just keeps growing and growing.
He only gets more mana if he moves around and claims new land. If they keep him in the city he just refils but doesn't grow.
EasyCo said:
Just curious, but I thought you didn't want to use game mechanics? I know when people brought up large inventory spaces, you said you weren't doing that because of game mechanics, but here you justify the "armor" she uses being useful, even though that's clearly game mechanics as well. If the enchantment is so common and strong (seriously, the enchantment her clothes have, allowing them to provide more protection than full plate, and it's not even considered a great enchantment?), then why justify this and not the other things? It just seemed weird that you ignore some things because of game mechanics, but allow others which are just as clearly game mechanics.

Still, I'm enjoying the story, so I guess just consider this a nit pick.
It's the degree of change. We know they have caravans in game, but would they need too with magical bags?

It dont make sense.

The armor however was easy to figure out a reason to why it might look like it do. If I changed that I needed to change how everyone is dressed. Including lore characters like jaina proudmoore.

Sorry if the explanation is a bit short. I am on my phone.
Doomsought said:
Unless they have the capacity to choose good they are not sophonts. Creatures made of pure evil have limitations on their thought pattern such that you could consider them to be a sophisticated VI.
The problem with this line of reasoning is it's simplified to the point of retardation and uselessness. Also, try saying that sort of bullshit to something akin to Exalted's Primordials.
Hiver said:
It's the degree of change. We know they have caravans in game, but would they need too with magical bags?

It dont make sense.
A compromise might be that the bags that are enchanted to be bigger on the inside are extremely rare and pricey because they require extremely hard to get materials and only very few actually have the skill to make them. Which is, I think, supported in canon - bags that only have six or eight slots are just mundane containers. As an example Woolen Bags (eight slots) are just bags without any fancy ingredients or magic. Most people in the caravan probably use them because they are affordable and sturdy.
Bags that have more slots have enchantments placed on them and require either expensive materials or are otherwise difficult to get your hands on. Fel Steed Saddlebags (ten slots) require a trip into Shadowfang Keep and are probably unique anyway (since nobody respawns), Silk Packs (ten slots) require lots of silk to craft. And that is just for a very minor enchantment that lets you store two more items.
Bags that have 20 or more slots are nearly impossible to get for anyone besides high level characters, of which there are not many.

At least thats my take on it.
Which would really increase Horde-Alliance friction and quite possibly destabilize the very fragile psuedo-truce going on for Burning Crusade.
I wonder if Winter could close the dark portal without all of the hullabaloo that they needed the first time.
Right now, it's Thrall that's warchief and Bolvar Fordragon who commands the forces of Stormwind, rather than Garrosh and Varian, so the political situation is not *quite* as bad as it got later on. Still not really good, but not outright, open and sanctioned warfare between factions.
"This place is creepy." Dawn said as the caravan slowly moved through the middle of Darkshire.

Couldn't argue with that.

A small village at the edge of alliance territory in a forest that was always in shadow. A forest filled with giant spiders and undead wandering about.


Yes, I would say it was creepy.

"Yes...yes it is." I said and I looked around the village. The place looked abandoned. Only people visible were the guards of the local garrison.

At least the local commander, whatever his name was, didn't have his head up his arse and gave us permission to proceed... under guard until we where out of his district, but still...

Couldn't blame him for that. I wouldn't have allowed a couple of hundred former enemies run around my land without eyes on them either.

"Keep a eye out for spiders." Cloudsong said as he rode up next to us. "The things could drop from any tree at any time. They almost got a soldier further back in the caravan an hour ago."

"Will do." I nodded and kept my hand on my gun as we slowly exited the small village, Dawn giving me a slightly worried look before looking up at the trees.

Creepy fucking place. Why the hell would somebody want to live here?

As a matter of fact, who the hell thought it was a good idea to move here in the first place? I mean, someone would have at some time looked at this place and thought 'This is a good place to settle down!'.

Crazy bastards.

Still, the most amusing thing happened. The soldier leading the group, I never did catch his name, read the message scroll and when I walked over, he went into attention and saluted me!

Until his reinforcements arrived to escort us through Duskwood, he kept calling me 'My Lord'.

I'm still not entirely sure what was going on there, but I'm not complaining as whatever it was, it smoothed things out nicely.


"You said something about creepy?" I commented as I eyed a dog-sized spider slowly climb up a large tree outside camp.

The spider was of the black widow model, large bulging body with long, thin, pointy legs.

Dawn shivered and turned away. "Ugh."

I grinned slightly at that. Not a fan of spiders? Well, I don't enjoy them either.

"Yeah, I agree with that." I said as I pulled my gun and placed a hypersonic round through the damn thing, causing it to drop on the ground. The spider actually screamed as I shot it.

Dawn twitched at the shot and rubbed her ear. "Watch it!"

"Sorry. I just rather not have that bloody thing drop on us in the middle of the night." I commented, holstering my gun again. "It was the gun or a fireball and I rather not burn the forest down... as satisfying as it would be."

She shivered and turned her back to the forest, leaning her back against the wagon as she sipped her tea. "At least we'll be out of here tomorrow."

"Yes... through Deadwind Pass to the Swamp of Sorrows. Isn't that a cheerful thought." I snarked as I put down my own already empty cup. "At least in the Swamp of Sorrows, the spiders are said to be bigger but not climb trees."

Shaking her head, Dawn sighed. "Well, that's always something, I guess. At least, it'll only take a day to get through the pass."

"Yeah, I still don't like it though. Anything with the name 'Pass' in the name scream ambush to me." I said as I looked out over the forest again. Was that another spider?

"You are being paranoid again." Dawn said with a smile, finishing her cup before putting it down on the wagon. "Do you have time to talk in private? It's about that....thing."

I frowned and glanced around. "Can't leave the camp, You know that. Guard commanders orders everyone in the caravan."

She nodded "I know, I'm just wondering if you could teach me how to do that thing we are meant to be able to do."

I frowned at that and asked, "Walking?"

Dawn nodded, "Yes."

I thought about it a couple of moments. I didn't mean to try teaching her that until after she learned real magic and had a full set of lands. But that would solve some problems, for example the risk of loosing her in the multi-verse from a random emergency walk.

Frowning slightly, I slowly nodded. "I'll think about it. It will have to be in the right spot. We will discuss it when we can talk freely."

She nodded and then picked up her cup again and stretched. "Ok...but I'd better get moving. I volunteered to help with kitchen duty today."

I looked after her as I frowned slightly.

All I could hope was for her to keep spider off the menu. I did see the cook carrying a large spider today while talking to one of the caravan guards.

I shivered at that thought and then looked out at the forest again, fingers tapping at the butt of my gun.

Maybe I'd stick to bread and tea today.

AN// Many thanks to hpackrat for betaing this part.
Winter really needs to go to Australia to collect "essence" at some point. Maybe get some giant-growthed jumping spiders or some giant poisonous snakes.
Bailey Matutine said:
Australia: where some of the sheep aren't venomous.
The good news: There aren't many snakes!

The bad news: ...because the spiders ate them.

so, pertaining to Winter? When he finally will see the local surrounding spider population becoming less during their travel further, it is either a very good sign... Or very, very bad.

The snakes arent bad if you use your brain and avoid walking on them. (we only have 8 of the top 10 lethal snakes)

The spider's arent bad if you use a modicum of common sense and really, we have had the anti-venom for decades for the Funnel Web and the Redback.

We haven't had a Lethal shark attack in years and a non lethal attack in months.

We have anti-venom for the Blue-Ringed octopus, assuming you get some into you in the 5 minutes before you die.

We have effective ways to treat Box Jellyfish stings, and you likely won't snap your vocal chords screaming in pain like you would 20 years ago.

The sap of the Stinging Tree can stop you dying from it's venom (yes Venom, not poison. It injects the toxin into you).

Drop Bears arent a problem nowdays, so there is nothing to get worked up about.

Only an idiot swims in Salt water Crocodile infested waters. I mean seriously, it's an enormous reptilian predator that eats people and you want to swim where it lives?

The Platypus venom isn't lethal.

Dingo's will only give you a nasty bite at worst. Even the one case where they are blamed for the death of a child is still disputed.

Stingray's arent a common cause of death, despite what Steve Irwin would liked to have believed.

More people die from being crushed by cows each year than by native wild-life combined.

So whats the problem?
I notice how you carefully didn't mention that one of those eight are hoop snakes, also found in the American mid-west.
...I am now curious of how weaponizable Australian Cows are. Can you tell me some of the more common (and preferably most bloodthirsty) of breeds?
Nah, Hoop Snakes are a myth.

The Goanna however, it's bite will only give you gangrene if you dont clean the wound properly.
Or it's cousin who's name I can't remember, we call it the Crotch Lizard because it hangs around underneath the native bird's flight paths (yes, birds use flight corridors in the forest. If you don't believe me, look up the paper by Dr Harry Recher(sp?) on the flight patterns of birds in the New England region, published in the Australian Journal of Ecology around 1995-1996. I was one of the assistants). So anyway, it has what can only be called prodigious leaping ability. It's reactions are set to 'jump' when the shadow of a bird passes over its eyes and it leaps up and bites the bird then lands and starts eating it. Now, imagine what happens when it's biological response to a sudden shadow passing over it occurs when you step over one........
As for weaponized cows....The Brangus is the most evil. It's pure black with beady eyes.......and is evil.

It seems that many non-native animals, upon being introduced to Australia, go....well....nuts.

Rabbits become a plague of biblical proportions. Same with mice.
Feral Cats are domestic cats on crack, PCP and steroids.
We have wild camels. They are on average, 25% bigger than the Saudi ones they are descended from.
We export our wild water-buffalo to SE Asia, where the only problem is they are easily enraged and dangerous, as well as huge compared to the locals.
Cany like a Fox? Aussie foxes could out-think Holmes sometimes. A friend who lives on a farm swears he saw one use a stick to lift a latch into the chicken coop.