Hunger could have used many other strategies, he went with this one because it had the highest odds of victory. Focusing fully on defense is much safer!
True, we could theoretically cripple them and just ignore them, but that carries it's own risks. I feel like if Cut gets bogged down, it's game over for Hunger...
[X] Foment Rebellion
[X] Ennobling

A social roll fails and suddenly it's all 'the thread can't into tactics, so we should just Cut everything'. Cut is a great option, make no mistake, and there's value in exploiting a presented window of opportunity. But abandoning part of what makes Hunger so great, his cunning and guile, which we've even shored up last vote, doesn't sit right with me.

Will probably still switch to Cut and Shameless if Ennobling doesn't gather enough momentum, because I'm not sure what the plan behind trying to Foment Rebellion without having a carrot is.
Luckily I read some discord clarifications, so let me betray you all:

[X] Foment Rebellion
[X] Feat: Shameless

As Rihaku said, Gisena and Aeira are much better than just one pick; plus Hunger is experienced at this whole stuff, especially now that he has G-DS. Plus, between Blood and Edeldross he actually has quite a buffing focus which is best if we have tons of allies. This saves Arete for a Stance snap-buy too, so it's pretty good.

Will probably still switch to Cut and Shameless if Ennobling doesn't gather enough momentum, because I'm not sure what the plan behind trying to Foment Rebellion without having a carrot is.
We get this anyway when we rescue the Ring and normal Ennobling takes weeks; I don't think it will be relevant enough if we buy it here; Rank would be much better.
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[X] Foment Rebellion
[X] Vigor Incarnate

Switching to the safer option.

Vigor Incarnate grants charisma in addition to giving great protection, so it's an obvious pick for fomenting rebellion.
[X] Foment Rebellion
[X] Feat: Shameless

New plan: stall and S A V E till we can afford an Evening Sky EFB, then get the Special Advancement and Cut Through.
I just realized:
Foment Rebellion will proc Nightmare Praetor's "As Planned" bonus to planning and preparation!
Fark it I have no idea right now:

[X] Foment Rebellion
[X] Ennobling

@Duquette7 We get magic defense regardless but Iridescence widens the spectrum for Evening Sky protection I think.
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Why Ennobling? We wont have time to spread it around with Rebellion and we get it when we free the Ring anyway, so why now? Is this the dreaded Curse of Anti-synergy?
I really would've thought Rebellion would've been >= to Cut risk-wise seeing as it gives time for them to assemble. How much support could we peel off in the hour or so that seems like the max it would take for a true emergency to call up the reserves? Still since it's indeed better I'm thinking one extra pick probably isn't worth it.
In fairness, that could just be propaganda intended to paint them as the dutiful protectors of civilization. But I'd expect to have at least one Immortal guarding the Treasure around the clock, that's the bare minimum of expected vigilance. Then there are the sigils to consider, we've seen them used to communicate and we've seen just how fast Hunger can move these days, so if they put out a call of their own and we don't commit a successful Ring-napping things could get hairy fast. Could try targeting the sigils, but honestly I expect they've got redundant alarm systems we know nothing about. It's the literal backbone of their civilization, it's going to be a fucking fortress.

Anyway, serious strategizing aside, Hunger's probable thoughts: "I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I'm gonna bring the whole fuckin' diseased, corrupt Temple down on your head. It's gonna be biblical."
They should know by now that Gramps lost his fight so whoever is on guard should be prepared even if we're super quick.
Fark it I have no idea right now:

[X] Foment Rebellion
[X] Ennobling

@Duquette7 We get magic defense regardless but Iridescence widens the spectrum for Evening Sky protection I think.

Cut + Vigor Incarnate + Fierce Quickening would be the best way to blitz. Failing that, I think Rank + Rebellion is the safest choice. Rank provides un-typed defense against everything, including narrative contrivance. Boosting Rank will reduce the probability of missing informers or double-agents, and it will increase the probability that we are able to find useful allies available for recruitment. Gisena can handle the actual persuasion roll for recruits, so any additional bonus to Hunger's CHA is less valuable now than it might be at another time.
A question, would fomenting rebellion spread our fame better thus getting us more rank? Or is it about the same as cut?

It can, depending on tactics! It would work better for an open leader than someone who works in the shadows, etc.

Vigor is a tremendous option, but Rank is just that good. Less risk fighting high rank opponents, more fortune in getting favorable encounters, Rank is like +Luck and also -relevant stats for your opponent. We do what it takes to win, friends.

Rank is very good, but one must also consider how much Rank one gets compared to the opportunity cost in raw STATS!
On a spectrum of cut to rebellion.

So, the simplest strategy is charging directly at the temple's heart in a straight line. Edeldross rocketboost would help this, and +Agi picks. Arisen Blood to ghost through defenses, vulnerable to dispellation, though. Cut through.

Still got Tiller Wurms on the brain, just dig down and then sideways, because stealthmode is a thing that we can definitely for sure 100% do. Stealth Aeira would be nice about now. Rejected.

Hunt for picks? Capacitor and Wyvenford? No, those'd be the worst since they're already ready. Go after members of the leadership and. Uh. Kill them publicly, while monologuing about revolution. What am I typing with my own hands.

All the adventurers notice the Call is gone, bullshit about why that means we all have to attack now because it means the Residents are having a moment of weakness?

Fail to master the ring, and it will master you. Everyone knows this, dummy, according to Avecarn. The Immortals have failed to master the Ring, and now we come with another ring to master them? That's why all the chaos is happening, mhm.

Blood (or Edeldross?) buffs happening in tandem with +++++++++++Charisma speeches, the rightness of his cause literally boils in their blood, that's how undeniable it is. Wow, if I just throw away ideas like "telling the truth," lots of kinda/very scummy options open up! Whodathunk.

[X] Foment Rebellion
[X] Vigor Incarnate
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I return, diminished but no less jocular!
Welcome back, you've been missed! Hop on into the Discord if that suits your fancy. It's an endless shitposting extravaganza that'll monopolize your time and attention.

[X] Foment Rebellion
[X] Vigor Incarnate

Anyway, somewhere in the process of writing up the devil's advocacy effortpost I seem to have convinced myself to switch sides. So it goes. Vigor or Ennobling are the best choices for Fomenting Rebellion, going with Vigor because the +0.5 Rank buff caps out at 3.5. +3 to all stats is great and the lifespan bonus could be a very helpful carrot when dealing with the Inners, but we'll get access to the latter anyway once we wrest the Ring from their clutches. The added charisma'll give us a much-needed edge in negotiations and the protection can't hurt either; my heart goes out to the poor Evening Sky, shredded in a single blow...
We get this anyway when we rescue the Ring and normal Ennobling takes weeks; I don't think it will be relevant enough if we buy it here; Rank would be much better.
Yes, but doesn't taking Foment Rebellion mean we don't rescue the Ring immediately and try for a slower victory instead? We need something to show them that being on our side is worth it. And we don't need to fully use the inefficient version of Ennobling on anyone, just show some of its effects as proof.
[X] Foment Rebellion
[X] Ennobling

A social roll fails and suddenly it's all 'the thread can't into tactics, so we should just Cut everything'. Cut is a great option, make no mistake, and there's value in exploiting a presented window of opportunity. But abandoning part of what makes Hunger so great, his cunning and guile, which we've even shored up last vote, doesn't sit right with me.

Will probably still switch to Cut and Shameless if Ennobling doesn't gather enough momentum, because I'm not sure what the plan behind trying to Foment Rebellion without having a carrot is.
We still have rank 7 blood buffs even without Ennobling so we can just bluff that they're permanent until we grab the ring and then they will be!
[X] Foment Rebellion
[X] Vigor Incarnate

I think this is the better pick. We will get some charisma and transform it to a lot of Protection. I can change to that or Rank. I consider them equally important but at least take advantage of the +2 Charisma from the stance we just bought. I think Magic Defeating is a must when we attack.
Here @formalAI

589 words.

[] FormalAI – The supreme unity between magic and technology, grabbing concepts of the Kabballah, alchemy, and numerous magical systems, combined with the peak of technological advancements create beings that go Beyond what once was possible.

FormalAI is a magical system based on old principles of creation (golems, homunculus, etc.) and adapting them with use of modern technology. The system is very broad, and can be used in a variety of ways. Most FormalAI Creators are scientist or engineers that have stumbled into these lost arts and re-made them. There is actually some argument in what counts as being inside FormalAI (for example, some summoners whom give their creatures cybernetics implants would argue that it's a manner of FormalAI, much to the debate of scholars)

There are three main disciplines of FormalAI, each one with different basis:

AIGolems: Golems are known for their immense durability and strength, but lacking intellect, AIGolems solves this by the use of simple AI to augment its intelligence, decision making and learning skills. Not only that, use of steel, as opposed to classic clay, already makes modern golems magnitudes more durable and resistant, their innate magic having multiplicative effects with steel. User of other alloys and materials are very common, on top of having in-built weapons, such as flamethrowers, or more commonly melee weapons that use of their immense strength. Titanium, carbon nano-tubes, and even magical alloys made with other magical systems are very popular and cause multiplicative increase of their effectiveness.

One should not forget about old practices when making these golems, however. Kabbalah is an old art, and full of secrets, some of those secrets might very well allow a revolution of this practice…

True Homunculus: The Homunculus of old, now better in every way thanks to the wonders of cloning, genetic engineering and cybernetics. The mains advantage of Homunculus, compared to the other arts, is twofold: They have much more creativity than golems, while being much less fickle than spirits, and much more dedicated to their masters, while also having potential to use magic with sufficient mastery of alchemy. It should be kept in mind that creation of an actual soul in the process is very, difficult, however.

Even without souls, mass production of them is much easier, and they are much better than common clones: Smarter, have access to some degree of skill towards a purpose, and much more loyal. Use of cybernetics is also great to use them as fighters, especially if also given access to magical equipment.

Theoretical mass production of homunculus with souls is possible.

Formal Spirits: Contract with spirits, and use of them by having them inhabit artificial custom-built bodies. This is the art with the most variety inside of it, one could use mostly empty clones to house these spirits, or supercomputers, or machine bodies. Most of the focus of the art if finding the correct spirit to the correct body: For example, spirits of knowledge in supercomputers are terrifyingly effective, while for some unknow reason, spirits more focused on exoteric effects are more effective in flesh bodies.

The peak of this art would be the construction of complex systems consisting of multiple spirits in conjunction with one another, for example, a robot with a brain with a spirit of knowledge, with a fire spirit in a fusion generator for energy and to wield as a weapon, with a spirit of ice in the cooler, with a beating heart with a spirit of magic, allowing a myriad of effects with all the others.
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We still have rank 7 blood buffs even without Ennobling so we can just bluff that they're permanent until we grab the ring and then they will be!
We buff them -> they go back to consider things -> the buffs disappear

Houston, we might have a problem. Unless you're planning to follow them around and surreptitiously maintaining the buff, which would be hilarious in its own way.
Ahhh, inefficient Arete expenditure, it burns..

[X] Cut
[X] Fierce Quickening
[X] Feat: Shameless

Feats are hard to come by as is. This has obvious synergy with Uttermost and Flare, spends no Arete and, if that one theory is correct, will unlock additional Defining Advancement - and we do need one for Evening Sky too.

I am very happy with taking Flare given how narrative of it turned out to work. Rebelion would be my preferred choice, but between Azure's final call and Feat I can't really justify going for it..
Anyway, somewhere in the process of writing up the devil's advocacy effortpost I seem to have convinced myself to switch sides. So it goes. Vigor or Ennobling are the best choices for Fomenting Rebellion, going with Vigor because the +0.5 Rank buff caps out at 3.5. +3 to all stats is great and the lifespan bonus could be a very helpful carrot when dealing with the Inners, but we'll get access to the latter anyway once we wrest the Ring from their clutches. The added charisma'll give us a much-needed edge in negotiations and the protection can't hurt either; my heart goes out to the poor Evening Sky, shredded in a single blow...

To be fair, the High Marshal's blow was formidable indeed! It actually laid Hunger's upraised arms bare to the bone even through the Cloak of Evening.