Stuff we know:

1. Hunger is naturally talented with Abduction, the forbidden art of seizing the panoply of others and making them your own
2. Hunger's Soul Evocation, the basic expression of his self, is the Imprisoner
3. Hunger's soul seems to already contain multitudes, given the wording of Inheritor

Considering how quickly Hunger grew in his original world (11 years to the Tyrant's centuries and his raw strength still managed to be greater than) despite the lack of destiny's aid, could there be some factor in our boy that makes him so capable of these feats? There has to be a reason he was selected over everyone else to be summoned, it can't have been entirely random. We can see this in the nature of his Progression to; he frequently has the choices to steal the strengths of his enemies in a way that Seram simply did not.

But what does it mean? Could Hunger actually have the spirits of his dead companions laying dormant at his side? Or would some similar effect be responsible for his potential ability to resurrect his family without drawing the attentions of the Hidden Ones? We need more lore.

The "Evening Sky - Heavenly Tomb" also mentions imprisonment, "a prison spun from time and space" with some more details for us whales only. So add that to the list.

I suspect that the Inner Temple could unlock our soul evocation, Seven Seals/Imprisioner, pretty easily. So that's another magic system we can get, and we've seen how good unlocking magic systems is.
Are they mutually exclusive? I never really got that impression and I think it would be good for us both to have as we will come up with different graces and have different focuses. Honestly though, considering how Important Gisena's nullity is it may be more important for her to get it than for us.
It's not that they are mutually exclusive, but rather, I find it highly unlikely that the thread would grab both of them.

There is probably major sinergy in having both, especially since we can combo our research and create synergetic graces, but I really doubt the thread would go for it. Might be wrong tho.

Also, as Sara stated, we have Edeldross, we have the ring, if we grab total eclipse, we might be able to even induce graces in individuals, our powers would be very, very synergetic with uplifting people to fight alongside us. Not on the same level as us, but we can do immense stuff with our power set.

I also think that it would be a nice dynamic, especially as Edeldross is based around his relationships.

It's also a big part of the reasons why I believe we should conquer the ring civilization, it's a good starting point towards something much bigger, but I think it's understandable why people don't want to.
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Hm... with the truth (?) of the Ritual Grounds now exposed, one strategy that could be tried is systematic disruption of the Knight Formations and Tiller Wurms. Make the enemy come to you! On the other hand, it's hard to say how large the total grounds are, or if this would be a productive use of your time at all. Even with Hunger's speed, if the Outer Temple is the size of a continent or greater, the risk of waste would be substantial.
[X] No

Now that the S A V E position has been established, I'm more willing to reinforce it. The power of Stances might seem useful now but I really don't want to spend 7 Arete here and miss out on a strong Praxis option if it's unlocked by an encounter with the High Marshall.
Hm... with the truth (?) of the Ritual Grounds now exposed, one strategy that could be tried is systematic disruption of the Knight Formations and Tiller Wurms. Make the enemy come to you! On the other hand, it's hard to say how large the total grounds are, or if this would be a productive use of your time at all. Even with Hunger's speed, if the Outer Temple is the size of a continent or greater, the risk of waste would be substantial.
Can't be a Ritual Grounds if there is no ground, fuck your leylines or pentagrams or whatever. Cut through the dirt, even if it can not be cut. Stab the sword in and start running.

Wurm: Tills.
Hunger: You are like little baby. Watch this.
Adhoc vote count started by formalAI on Jul 2, 2020 at 9:26 PM, finished with 433 posts and 60 votes.
If we cause complete containment failure, that'll draw stronger competitors for the Ring that we can farm too. Still, that strategy might take too long, I don't want to be here when the Apocryphal comes back online.
If we cause complete containment failure, that'll draw stronger competitors for the Ring that we can farm too. Still, that strategy might take too long, I don't want to be here when the Apocryphal comes back online.

Well, if we manage to conquer the place, this might be a great place to be when it comes back online. Does the Apocryphal curse account for people under our command?
I mean, the temple is certainly a dangerous place to be, but is there such a thing as a safe place when considering the Apocryphal Curse?
Right next to the Accursed, probably. Or you could build a clubhouse with a sign outside saying no cursez allowed? But really, I'd say there are definitely safer places to be than a city of 10 million dudes with strong wizards who are angry at you.
Maybe as a compromise we can take Reinassence woman later? Would rather have Total Eclipse ourselves, but I think I would be okay with her having it instead.
Are they mutually exclusive? I never really got that impression and I think it would be good for us both to have as we will come up with different graces and have different focuses. Honestly though, considering how Important Gisena's nullity is it may be more important for her to get it than for us.
It probably saves on research time, since the findross configuration to develop new Graces only has to be discovered by one party? Don't think that's enough to make it efficient compared to the broader capabilities of just having two different Imperial Advancements.

The Arete cost on RW is also prohibitive, buffing Gisena seems more easily accomplished by making her the Azure Ringbearer.
If Grace magic involves doing research on it... and if Hunger's advancement speed is severely nerfed for any outside-of-combat leveling... then I dunno if I'd prefer Hunger having it, to Gisena having it. As to both Gisena and Hunger having it... I dunno.

Currently, I'm favoring Pillars of Creation -- because it'll allow progression. Targeted search for powers and advancements, even. And healing too! And buffing, too. The equipment can't be taken out, but buffs from the food and from healing springs and stuff would be retained. And you can take people with you, too. So they can benefit from it all, too.

... Actually, I wonder if an Armament would be able to heal really quickly from eating stuff in there? Hm. We can probably manage that through high enough Rank plus Crimson Flare (and/or rescuing the Azure Ring) but it's a thought. (And who knows when we'll have high enough Rank to be able to heal an Armament to Rank 10.)

That'd be an amusing usage of Pillars of Creation; stuffing Verschlengorge with Astral Food, to help repair it.

... Hmm... Say, since we're attuned to it... I wonder if Verschlengorge can benefit from "A Hunger, Sated" ability? That is... If the Armament defeats and eats a challenging foe -- like in the Pillars of Creation (or just if a fancy enough Astral Beast attacks while in the Voyaging Realm) -- that maybe the "A Hunger, Sated" condition could propagate to Hunger too?

Could Verschlengorge mitigate our Decimator's Affliction? Can the Armament qualify for being able to Hunt things, and satiate its Curse?
Hm, Combat vs Stealth is actually really close! Looks like Guile-Defeating Stance has a substantial lead on the rest, though...
Isn't it sad magic defeating stance? Nobody appreciates your nullity powers. How can I get another update of Gisena saying we're destined to be together if we don't keep taking similar powers!?
Isn't it sad magic defeating stance? Nobody appreciates your nullity powers. How can I get another update of Gisena saying we're destined to be together if we don't keep taking similar powers!?
Hm... come to think of it, won't Guile-Defeating Stance render her conversational ploys transparent to us? Could compromise the banter.

Edit: Bloody ninjas, I swear. You recruit one...