Alright, social tactics. Sounds like a productive breeding ground for a discussion.
A mighty warrior and tactician beyond compare, he is resentful at being summoned out of his now-idyllic life to steamroll some uninteresting R-type.
So, it looks like we might be meeting whoever comes out in the Middle Temple. This could be really good for our survival chances should we decide to bail instead of fighting him.

So stats don't lose to rank after all.
We got a lot, a lot of stats.

I'd even say, A LOT OF STATS.
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Who is to say you do not have some sort of trump card that could narrow or overcome the apparent harrowing gap between you?

Sounds like an enemy tailor made for us. Either we succeed in the social (which is pretty likely) and thus keep S A V I N G or we just flashbuy the Magic and Weapon-Defeating Stances to put him in the toilet. What a good option!
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Radical, we can just dad-talk this guy all the way to the bank. Inquire about his grilling setup, and complain about Letrizia's work ethic. She hasn't even quintupled her power lately!

Just get him to show us pictures of his grandchildren, that'll buy us like four hours.
Uninteresting...? I bet he won't be thinking that once we collapse his civilization and end up killing his grandkids.
He suspects, perhaps rightly, that the Council's divinations were defeated by this R-type's protections and they have decided to drop the hammer, employing massive overkill in lieu of more direct solutions.
Notably, he is considered to be an overwhelming force, non-trivial even in Temple's innards. This speaks good things about how much further we need to climb.
If ever there was a Tyrant proc waiting to happen the guy whose very soul is a manifestation of governmental authority is one to do it. Sounds like one to pass on, except the rest are probably just as bad in their way.
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"Not suicidal" is not exactly a ringing endorsement of Hunger's chances in a direct confrontation...
We wouldn't even have to pop the ghost form? This sounds better and better every moment.

Well, jokes aside, assuming we fight him and don't immediately die, 4 picks choice point is good for arete generation. And we don't even have to pay arete to attempt to diplomance this Vanreir.
Notably, he is considered to be an overwhelming force, non-trivial even in Temple's innards. This speaks good things about how much further we need to climb.

Possibly, at the end of the day though he's a farm leaguer who made it good. He might be at the top end of what the Temple can unilaterally deploy, whether he's equal to the top tier of native inner ringers is a different question.
So stats don't lose to rank after all. Interesting that we get to pick who we meet to defect to.
Stats lose to rank, and rank loses to stats. If someone has ten times your strength, enough agility to maneuver around you like your feet are nailed to the floor, and the durability to casually tank blows that would cripple you, the fact that your Astral Rank is higher than theirs will only help so much.

But if they're only 1.5 times stronger than you, marginally faster, and a little bit tougher until you get past their armor... that Rank difference could be a lot more decisive.
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You'd really want Hero-Defeating Stance for this guy...

Well, of course, since it directly counters all his advantages but that's just unbearable when we've seen an equal cost Praxis option that's pretty much universally better. I would have thought a bunch of stats and being able to ignore his Soul Evocation would be enough to close to gap. If that's not the case, I'd give him a miss.

Notably, he is considered to be an overwhelming force, non-trivial even in Temple's innards. This speaks good things about how much further we need to climb.

Notably, it means that Rank 6 would probably be enough to mark ourselves as one of the Temple's biggest guns, especially with all of our ancillary abilities. If we get to the level of power and relative lenience this guy has and then combine that with a few support abilities like Ennoble and we could wreak havoc and their internal politics.
The lack of apparent difficulty in fighting him despite his rank probably comes from his Rank not being unlocked, and is stuck in its weakened defensive form.
Let's get to the next page.
yes sir!
Notably, it means that Rank 6 would probably be enough to mark ourselves as one of the Temple's biggest guns, especially with all of our ancillary abilities. If we get to the level of power and relative lenience this guy has and then combine that with a few support abilities like Ennoble and we could wreak havoc and their internal politics.
Rank 6 does sound super hard to reach through direct advancement of our Rank, however.

The lack of apparent difficulty in fighting him despite his rank probably comes from his Rank not being unlocked, and is stuck in its weakened defensive form.
Firstly, his rank is Active. Secondly, 'not suicidal' is not a lack of difficulty. Finally, we have a marked advantage in physical stats.
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We'll probably get a rank pick here, if we manage not dying.

Although social victories tend to unlock corresponding picks, so maybe we'll just socially wrek the inners instead.
For the sake of completion, what are people's thoughts on what the Quester Magics of Unelementalism, the 360 Runes, the Vermilion Legion, and Valiance would be like?

Also, does anyone who doesn't have a Quester Magic want one still?
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I;m thinking about thos fish
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So, a thought. We didn't see Gisena's EFB for max-relationship yet, but we're going to see it soon, and our Arete is beginning to close into that point where buying an EFB becomes possible.

I know that we'll have to snap-buy something soon enough if we're to survive the current situation, but this is just something to keep in mind when our Arete comes back to these levels.
Rank superior to the giant skyscraper robot? What a disservice we have done to Versch. :(