Another thing to consider: we've got a pretty good warrior-mage type build going on right now. But we already have some trouble with our picks being split between Sword, Ring, Blood Advancements, Evening Sky, Edeldross, Praxis, ally-boosting, and in the future we're going to need Empire-building things as well! Do we want to add a stealth tree as yet another thing splitting our focus?

Fighter-Mage-Thief is definitely a thing we could do, but keep in mind that if you multiclass into too many things you end up weaker overall, due to your focus being split too many ways. I think that's something we should consider.

Not that I dislike Shadowlord - shadow powers are cool, and having an excuse to get Iridescence would be a good thing. I just worry that trying to add a whole new area of specialty to our build will cause existing areas to be left by the wayside, or that the new area we pick up will fail to be upgraded enough to be stay relevant in the long term.

If stealth works out we can literally clear the Inner temple in a day, is the thing.

Now this is just straight-up speculation. What exactly are you basing this off of? We've heard nothing of the sort, and if the Moon Ring's Sanctum doesn't have defenses, including anti-stealth defenses, far superior to anything we've seen so far then I will be extremely surprised.

The Moonslavers have been shown to be competent so far, do you really expect them to fail to account for the possibility of some sort of super-thief sneaking into their Innermost areas?

TBH I kind of felt that commentary is more than a little bit weak, so don't worry about it too much.

Added some stuff, but not really much. This really needed more time and effort to get actually substantially better, but sleep is good and the xp growth curve encourages posting reactions when a lot of other people already posted lots of fanworks; meaning it is better to post this now rather than a modestly improved version tomorrow.

Welp, whatever. Gotta grind that arete.
I got no idea. Ever since EFB I associate glades with elves, but this doesn't look like it this time around. We are not dramatically powering up with a Pure Potential EFB this time, either.

Returning to civilization, Hunger collected Gisena before making his way to the bounty office. It was time to collect on the Rotspawn he'd killed, though the harvest of power from the creature itself was payment enough in his mind.

Material goods often quite easily transfer into power. We had a possible remittance that could have produced items out of enemies, even. An item, or power that could directly transform money to power should be likewise possible, although nothing in our panoply currently fits. Maybe Talon could have evolved in that direction eventually...

"What an odd creature," Gisena remarked, poking gingerly at the decapitated head.
"What's odd about it?"
This was a quality bait. Gisena doesn't not cease to amaze.

"Hm?" She raised a finger to her lips. "I can think of a few things! This specimen decided to go hunting for exotic monsters after declaring he'd take a vacation. He then pushed himself so hard that he was slain, returning as a pale wraith to present the trophy of his mutual-kill to a society of strangers!"
Yes Gisena, lay it on the madman. Lay it down properly, so we could actually maybe change some of that in the future. Right now the circumstances are not quite right, but eventually...

Though, to be entirely honest, we also did it to feed our daughteru and revel in obscene luxury, so. There are mitigating circumstances.

"Sounds normal to me," he demurred. "I've always heard geniuses were very adaptable. Failing to pick up on a consistent pattern of behavior, perhaps you're losing your touch."
...Hunger is getting too adept at bantering with Gisena. If he'll get too good at this, he'll be impossible to convince of anything!

We are still guiding him but just blasting absurd amount of charisma makes it easy to almost accidentally suppress the points of other people. People who roll absurd amount of social dice with zero effort should really take care; I remember how Aurelia was all like "Are you really sure about this?" when Nyong proposed a plan to her to talk him out of being a spoiled arrogant ass through her brainwashing-tier charisma.

Gisena laughed. "I'm too distracted by all the wondrous technology around! I haven't even had time to complete my meditations..."
One day she'll actually become High Sorceress. One day. Not today though. Man, it is taking awhile. Imagine if we took an Evening Gown while expecting immediate results?

...I still kind of want to give her the evening gown tho. And other Night Sky Advancements. Ugh.

I kind of hope she'll get at least some power armor prototype or something to support herself with, eventually. Preferably self-built; if we continue buffing her int she might just manage in an acceptable timespan.

"Speaking of which," she continued, "Letrizia asked us to find a Hot Springs resort to stay in. I did some digging and these two look the most promising. What do you think?"
Time to indulge in luxury. I wonder of Letrizia actually had visited anything like that before; for all apparent bottomless wealth of her family, she does not seems to be terribly used to actual luxories.


Or maybe she really just does like her food that much. Man, "Devouring Sorceress" is kind of a little bit funny in retrospect. So much teasing material lost. Should we actually ever get to Quintessence, this will be one of the very first things to do.

She fanned out a pair of pamphlets, one for a starkly modernist resort, the other a decadent eastern-style villa.
"This one," he pointed at the latter. "What else are we going to spend the money on?"

If we chose vertex thou... But we didn't. But to be entirely honest, just Letrz+Gisena would probably be entirely enough to handle pretty much anything on that front. Their money-spending capabilities are not to be underestimated.

"Fair enough," Gisena said, walking around to his other side. "Oh, your arm's growing back! First your sword and then your arm, I see you have your priorities in order!"
I can't argue with this logic. Arms to hug people with and carry sorceresses properly are of paramount importance, after all. Pity the combat benefits are somewhat substandard, but what can you do.

...Man, seriously, once we pick up Praxis Bladewinds this is going to be super-mega redundant. At least it didn't cost any arete.

"Would any man choose otherwise?" He deadpanned. "But yes, I slew a monster with four arms. That seems to have granted enough power to overcome the Tyrant's curse and repair my one. I was lucky. It was considerably stronger than I expected."

That is honestly a little bit of a steal. I kind of hope we'll eventually get a pick that would allow us to grow more arms and more weapons to stab people with! More arms! More sword!

"Congratulations!" Gisena clapped. "Now we just have to fix your eye, lung, liver and heart and you'll be good as new!"

"...There's nothing wrong with my heart."

Keep at it Gisena. Slam some sanity into his thick skull!

...I wonder thou if most of these things even matter right now in terms of combat. Liver does have a notable debuff, but eye and lung got reduced to almost cosmetic status, I feel.

"Heartbreak's a serious condition, you know? And extravagant luxury is just the remedy. Never leave home without it!"

Well, also Letrizia likes it. Pampering your child soldier daughteru is pretty important, especially when her days are filled with crashing singularities and toppling thrones of Astral gods. Lords. Whatever.

The bounty office paid out a generous sum for the Rotspawn's head, noting that it was the first Primary-grade Rotspawn downed in months. Their overawed desk staff beseeched Hunger to campaign against the Rotbeast itself, but he refused.
I wish we could have done this. Alas. Maybe we could do something for these people later on. Navigating this place, moving around and so on is becoming progressively easier as we get stronger, so maybe if we get stupid strong we can help these people as a momentary diversion.

I wonder if they ever actually had adventurers capable of killing Prime Rotspawns. We got a pretty standard-issue lecture on rewards for killing Rotbeasts, but it appears nobody actually expected us to accomplish anything but die in that swamp.

"Turning down a battle? Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Gisena placed a palm on his forehead as if to check for fever.
This is not unfair. That dig is absolutely not unfair. You'd think Hunger was actually into getting stabbed and almost killed, all things considered. It's not like he is really bound for the temple and its mortal perils either, at this point.

"We've got other priorities; the Temple comes first. Slaying this Rotbeast might be the work of an afternoon, or it could take weeks and months. Targets that big are usually well-fortified or they'd be hollowed out by opportunistic predators."
To be perfectly frank, we probably could overcome any sort of fortification without much issue as of now. Rotbeast actually hiding though, that could be a problem. Or it deciding to try to kill us with all of its spawns together, too. Proper tactics and such would be a complete bitch to deal with, theoretically.

Later we got confirmation that slaying mooks does make the terrain become less hostile to us, so we don't even need complicated cut through plans; just kill stuff until terrain stops concealing the rotbeast.
"A sensible precaution! Perhaps the creature you killed was also a genius?"
We are still not sure about state of rotbeast/rotspawn intelligence btw. There are more signs of some tactics-capable intelligence in later updates, but nothing indicating that rotspawn are anything more than meat-based killbots.

"Given all the things you've claimed a genius can do, I'd be surprised if the category included anyone besides you."
"Aw! You always know just what to say." Gisena hugged his arm cheerfully.
More banter. Hunger and Gisena got pretty comfy with it, too.

"Speaking of which, how did Letrizia's infiltration mission go?"

I wonder how she even got the idea. You can't one day just get up in the morning and go "Imma infiltrate a school today." Of course we got some practical benefits out of this, but... This was supposed to be a vacation, you know? Tells volumes about what she considers to be "fun."

Truly, she and Hunger fit each other incredibly well.

"She snuck in and pretended to be a transfer student during their lunch hour. It worked well, at least until she got caught! But there weren't any serious consequences. Even out here, provoking the Empire by detaining a duchess would be a bad idea!"
I smell animu hijinks. There surely have been some Adventures she is not telling us about. She managed to get at least one significantly powerful Surgecrafter fall in desperate love with her, surely there have been other interesting bits.

...Well, aside from getting caught. How did she manage to get the vials to us without them getting confiscated, anyway?

"The Empire hasn't even bothered sending a team to retrieve their Armament."
"That we know of," Gisena nodded,

Pretty surprising, that! Well, Human Sphere has Issues navigating Voyaging Realm, but you'd think the could spare an Armament to retrieve an effectively irreplaceable resource.

"But the separatists don't know that! Why risk making an enemy of the Artriez dynasty over something so petty? The magics here are basically an open secret anyway."
And Hunger murdered a prime rotspawn just recently. They can't take him. They should know that, too. Not without involving a massive army operation in the middle of their settlement. The fact that he regenerated his arm and powered up is probably not missed on them, too.

"I haven't heard anything, or seen mages at the front."
"That's what you have us for! Most of their mages are children, teenagers at the oldest.
Notably, more reservations about using children than Letrz's family. Elixir Sovereignty trying to be humane pretty hard, it seems. Maybe too hard - the existential threat right on their borders is pretty serious.

They practice the manipulation of semi-conceptual forces called Imaginary Elements. The children have given themselves the somewhat presumptuous title of 'High Elementalists.'
I sort of get the logic. Highly conceptual effects and all that... It still sounds stupidly pretentious, though. Surgecrafting meanwhile does sound cool without being too much. Hunger's naming scheme is superior!

The Rotbeast began its incursions around when their first Elements manifested, so it's quite a controversial topic!"
Alongside with firepower, Sovereignty really is in for some tough times, on the social side. It has been repeatedly pointed out that surgecrafter-based society is a barrel of dynamite waiting to explode, and from what we later saw of advanced Surgecrafting affinities yeah I can see it.
"Weren't you planning to call yourself a 'High Sorceress' after completing your meditations?"
Were there any upgrades equivalent to what Gisena has achieved in Seram's Transaction? I can't recall.
"Well yes, because I've earned it!" Gisena pouted. "There aren't even any normal Elementalists for these kids to place themselves above!"
But surely there is Avatar, The Last Something Bender, a classic on the level of Neon Genesis Cathedrallion.
"Matters of self-proclaimed sorcerous nomenclature being of utmost priority to the intellect of a genius like yourself. Even above battlefield fashion, apparently."
Absolutely accurate for the actual academic fieldwork. Naming schemes are serious bsns.

"Don't tease me on this," Gisena's pout intensified, tears shining brilliantly in her eyes. "I've worked hard..."
"Hard work doesn't deserve to be teased? I'll remember that," he said, with the tone of a man marking down his ledger.
Hunger is starting to win these banters too often. I am getting worried.

"Good!" Gisena chirped, skipping ahead with playful grace. "Now, let's go see the resort. I can't wait to spend your money on such frivolous magnificence!"
Kaguya might be a reference to one of the old Grail War quest of Rihaku's.
"Who said you were going to? The room will be for me. You may hunt your own Rotbeasts if you'd like to chip in for a suite."
"Don't worry, I'll earn my keep! We'll have Letrizia expense it for us when we get back, so it's really the Empire's money!"
Bullying their own child. Some parents. At least Letrizia is getting to be a wizard.
"I'll take you statement on credit, but if it falls through then you'll owe it all back, with interest."

"Naturally!" She raised two slender fingers. "Maiden's honor!"
From what we saw of the sorcerous council in Simple Transcation

Maiden got noooo honor at alllll

A whole lot of Heartlessness, calculating ability and an occasional streak of bloodlust though, sure, yeah.

The resort itself was a traditional Eastern-style enclave carved into the mountain at the heart of Elixir territory. Deep within the towering stone was a spring of mystical water heated by geothermal flows.

Interesting. I wonder where the "primary" cultural influences of this nation lie.
The core pools in which this water accumulated had the highest magical purity, and each five-star Elixir resort held a direct tap to this most pristine of reservoirs.
They seriously build an entire nation around this stuff. This would be hilarious if it wasn't kind of sad. Well, not every voyaging refuge group gets to occupy a giant moon temple and exploit a cosmic artifact for magic and power.

Rumors abounded as to the source of the magic, but according to Gisena, who'd studied a sample of the water, it was a spontaneous manifestation the likes of which occurred from time to time in the Voyaging Realm.
Spontaneous manifestation of empowering magic. How convenient. Gives some more fuel to Voyaging realm being an experiment in empowering and creating magical societies/new novel magic systems.

"I wonder what they'll do when it runs out?"
"The water or the magic?""The magic. It looks like it'll last for maybe... sixty more years? It'll peak in strength within the next five and decline steadily afterwards. It's strongest on nights with a full moon. We have waning gibbous, which is the third-most optimal condition..."
Well, this is just goddamn sad. We can't even warn them, it'll take much effort to convince them and all that it'll realistically achieve is mass panic.

....I wonder if kids of current Surgecrafting generation are going to be Surgecrafters too. Maybe this whole thing is not as significant as it seems, tourist trap stuff aside. And who knows, maybe there is/will be a surgecrafter that could recreate the waters independently of random magic spikes.
"Such analytical prowess."
"Only the best for my favorite creditor!"

We honestly should get some perception powers of our own. Perhaps we should be a little bit more... Sharp of an eye. It'll help us with magic research and noticing more available options in the field.

The Kaguya, their chosen residence, was considered the most premier lodgings in the entire Sovereignty. Such luxury did not come cheap, but Hunger had little attachment to the currency of this minor nation.
TBH he could acquire a literally unlimited amount of currency in no time at all so, yeah, understandable.

Letrizia met them on the tram up to the hotel, excitedly expounding on the magic system she'd discovered while Gisena examined every detail of the tram itself.

magical neeeerd

"It's called High Elementalism and each kid has their own unique element, with physical and sometimes magical properties! I asked and they said anyone young enough has a chance to develop it by bathing in the hot springs." Letrizia fidgeted excitedly.

And her element is going to allow her to be even more of a needed

....Hunger is such a good parent, giving magical systems and repairing his daughters mechas instead of draining them for power

"I also got you blood samples from a couple of the stronger mages." She tossed her hair, expression smug. "Boys are so easy to manipulate."

I wonder how precisely she managed that. This takes a non-trivial level of social ability and non-trivial level of dumb from the people she tricked. Some kind of advanced dumb.

He soberly reached out a hand, taking the vials. "Gisena. I fear our charge may be taking the wrong lessons from this experience."

Completely reasonable concerns. Gisena tell her to be more responsible with this great power.

"Hm?" She looked up from the now-exposed circuitry of the tram's computer. "Oh, yes. Letrizia, don't manipulate boys for gain, or at the very least, let them down gently when you're done."

Gisena no

"Teaming up on me," Letrizia huffed, crossing her arms. "After all the good work I did!"
You also got in trouble with authorities for that. Letrizia Artiez, everyone, the future duchess - A criminal and a conwoman.

"Think about it from their perspective," he said sternly. "How would you like it if you were infatuated with someone who only wanted to use you for your blood?"
"H-hmph! I can't help if they're throwing themselves at my feet!"
"A capable Armament pilot lacks even this amount of discipline? I'm surprised."
"F-flattery will get you nowhere! Besides, y-you're one to talk about lacking discipline. How come you're in ghost form again?"
Elder tsundere shamelessly abusing social power and experience

No mercy

"That's a lack of wisdom," he answered sagely, "not of self-control. I only endangered my own heart, not those of your innocent classmates. And I got my arm back, so it was completely worth it."
I'd say that this was some self-deprecating humor in this, but chances are Hunger was completely serious about this. This is pretty sad, and I am glad we picked a +san option at the next available opportunity.

"T-they're not even my real classmates!"
100% if we actually drag along any of the kids on the adventure she'll make some quick stalwart friends. Then they'll pick up some lesser mechs, and she'll have her own quirky miniboss squad.

Famished after a long day of hunting, espionage, and technological research, the three of them set about immediately to the food service, where a sumptuous repast awaited.
We are pampering Letrizia too much.

...Sorry, I meant not enough.

Before them were bright crimson shells of freshly steamed lobster set atop a fountain of golden garlic-butter sauce; crisp egg cakes perfectly warmed and daubed with truffle glaze; hand-pressed nigiri artfully arranged with rice-grains glistening like pearls; thick cuts of opulently marbled steak seared openly on the fires; crystal-chilled fruits like jeweled fists translucent; and a cornucopia of lesser fares each superbly executed, containing ingredients of impeccable freshness. It was a vast, indulgent, omnivorous feast and Letrizia sighed in delight, wandering from station to station, hands folded as if in a dream.
Food porn

Food-based magical system when Rihak... Oh wait, we passed Gardener's hallow. Much sad. Maybe we'll grab it later?

I wonder if actual people cooked this or it is some sort of a hi-tech robo chef fare. Would be quite reasonable in sci-fi society; this nation-state seems to be a little small for such luxuries to be crafted the "normal" way, too.
Hunger ate steadily but tirelessly, powering through with superhuman constitution to sample each delicacy in turn, while Gisena cheerfully mooched from their plates, slowly talking the food-addled Letrizia into paying for it all. Delightful as it all was, however, there was still something missing, some inexplicable element that rendered it less than totally satisfying.


Hunger paused with his fork halfway to his mouth. Ah, that was it. Though he'd indirectly hunted for it, he had not caught this meat himself. For all its joys and wonders, this commercial fare just wasn't the same as consuming a fish off one's own line.

Goddamn fishing joke

...Wonder if Hunger would get obsessed with Gardening if we get Gardener. Chasing interlopers away from his Quintessence-grade vegetables would've been hilarious.

Two days at the resort and then it's back to the Temple for Hunger & Co. What is his general strategy for dealing with the Inner Temple?
A nice, efficient weekend. We powered up almost as efficiently as if we spent time grinding at the temple, occasional Vanreir-type spikes aside. Pity we didn't get to be a hero for these people, but we'll get more opportunities.

[ ] Farm, then Clear - Challenge those in the Encampment to duels; if victorious, proceed to attack the Middle Temple until Outrider patrols are exhausted; if victorious, proceed to attack the Inner Temple. Combat will hone the edge of his prowess in his new magic.
This had something to do with the camp, so naturally, it lost. Jokes aside, I hope we'll get more opportunities... I hope. It appears that, if anything, we'll probably be killing more camp people to buy our way into the Inner Temple. Very sad.

Hunger's estimated risk assessment for the first stage:
Notably reasonable risks. Inner temple still does not give a fuck about inner residents.

[ ] Offensive Bias - You've dithered long enough. Cut through.
I actually quite liked this. Pity.

Discounts Once and Future by 1 Arete
+5% Effectiveness in battle, improves Rank gains from battle.
Discount coupons! Additional rank would've been really good, too. Alas.
Hunger's estimated risk assessment:

Also quite reasonable! We leveled up gut. That said, that 5% chance does point that there is either a deadly combination of foes, or a single supreme foe to be defeated. I hope we don't encounter them during infiltration... Or that we encounter them in a somewhat peaceful environment so we would at least know what sort of things we are competing with.

[ ] Stay and Train [-1 Arete]
Hunger had quite a bit of experience working as an agitator during Tyrant's reign. If he wants to, he got this. The only question if he is actually going to try agitating; people voted against, thankfully. As a progression-type, we don't really need to make as many hard decisions as a less heaven-defying protagonist.

What is the Imaginary Element of duchess Letrizia Artriez?
As I unhappy I am with white/transparent sticky stuff being our surgecraft element, I am happy with Letrz getting some actually cool magic. One day we might even improve her stuff to an EFB equivalent as we did with Suizhen. Rank might not be terribly impressive on its own unless you have an absolute truckload of it, but it is an incredibly synergetic system with pretty much everything else.

[ ] Sharpbright - The sharp bright sword of will that brings mere physical law to heel! A focused form of Pressure itself that allows Letrizia to improve her effective Rank in situations where being "sharp" or "bright" would be relevant.



Proud of our daughteru, she picks up all sorts of right and correct magic systems to overcome problems in most direct and Hungery way possible.

*Reaching the apex of Low Rank is trivial, reaching the apex of Middle Rank extremely difficult, and anything involving High Ranks involves legendary levels of mastery
Thankfully we are a progression-based Cursebearer. We can help her progress to legendary levels of mastery as a matter of the norm.
*Allows her to advance her research into the nature of Pressure and Astral Rank!

I hope something cool turns out of this.
Fighter-Mage-Thief is definitely a thing we could do, but keep in mind that if you multiclass into too many things you end up weaker overall, due to your focus being split too many ways. I think that's something we should consider.

The way shadowlord works we get scaling stealth just by buying Pearlescence I think, the auto increasing +Prot from experience it grants would also grant +Stealth.

Now this is just straight-up speculation. What exactly are you basing this off of? We've heard nothing of the sort, and if the Moon Ring's Sanctum doesn't have defenses, including anti-stealth defenses, far superior to anything we've seen so far then I will be extremely surprised.

That's why he qualified if it works out. Either way though I expect stealth takes less time then social engineering in the vast majority of scenarios, even accounting for the additional day.
Last edited:
Another thing to consider: we've got a pretty good warrior-mage type build going on right now. But we already have some trouble with our picks being split between Sword, Ring, Blood Advancements, Evening Sky, Edeldross, Praxis, ally-boosting, and in the future we're going to need Empire-building things as well! Do we want to add a stealth tree as yet another thing splitting our focus?

Fighter-Mage-Thief is definitely a thing we could do, but keep in mind that if you multiclass into too many things you end up weaker overall, due to your focus being split too many ways. I think that's something we should consider.

Not that I dislike Shadowlord - shadow powers are cool, and having an excuse to get Iridescence would be a good thing. I just worry that trying to add a whole new area of specialty to our build will cause existing areas to be left by the wayside, or that the new area we pick up will fail to be upgraded enough to be stay relevant in the long term.
The comment is valid. Still, there's not just Iridiscence, but also Pearlescence, which would give us an additional XP gauge for Protection and thus Stealth. That's going to keep our Stealth going for a long time and might open new options for Evening Sky.

Edit: Ninja'd again. What, is everyone but me suddenly a Shadowlord?!
The comment is valid. Still, there's not just Iridiscence, but also Pearlescence, which would give us an additional XP gauge for Protection and thus Stealth. That's going to keep our Stealth going for a long time and might open new options for Evening Sky.

Edit: Ninja'd again. What, is everyone but me suddenly a Shadowlord?!
And this will increase priority of pearlescence from "eventually" to "now."
[X] +1 pick below
[X] Evening Sky: Shadowlord

I was just reading through the blurbs again, and this ( *Attention-Deflecting Shroud: +Protection from the Evening Sky now adds to Stealth. ) totally, 100%, absolutely implies a 1-to-1 transferral, right?
Fighter-Mage-Thief is definitely a thing we could do, but keep in mind that if you multiclass into too many things you end up weaker overall, due to your focus being split too many ways. I think that's something we should consider.
My position is that we should've considered that before voting for a course of action we don't have the skills for. Now that we're committed to infiltrate, I want to have infiltration skills rather than face characterization I don't like alongside risks I don't want to face.
Frankly, since we're doing Infiltration.

I'd really love a Dishonored sequence. Also wait.

Did ShadowLord protect us from...all. All sound and music based attacks.

Does. Does it protect us from the Abhorrent Word? Or it's more deleterious cousin, the Abhorrent Grammar?

Is it even sound based To begin with—if we don't hear the word then will it still cause the world to become the equivalent of an outdated box type TV in a b-rate horror movie?
[X] +1 pick below
[X] Evening Sky: Shadowlord

Alright, I guess. Hopefully, we'll generate enough arete to mitigate at least half of its cost.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Byzantine on Jun 28, 2020 at 3:20 PM, finished with 308 posts and 55 votes.
Letrizia/Me: Rotbeast! Rotbeast!
Hunger/Rihaku: *Sigh* We have bossfights at home.

Fanwork#2887 Words
The hot springs episode may be fleeting, but the vacation as a whole is eternal! Ignoring the fact that we're leaving tomorrow or the day after, this vacation has much more word count devoted to it than I expected. Course, we did vote to delay once already, but can you blame us given how Hunger's power has skyrocketed? The picks just keep happening.
It was a cool, clear, cloudless night, the moon pale and bare like carved crystal, crown-jewel of the skies presiding over the winds and realms beneath. They crunched through the snow-frosted path to reach the public baths, expansive panels of richly oiled wood towering menacingly to shield the occupants from onlookers.
The moon, presiding. The Moon Ring? Ruling Ring, contest of primacy?

Everything is now as clear as this night is. When we finally piece together the Ruling Ring in the Inner Temple, needing a powerup before the last bossfight, it will emit an ominous hum. Dread courses through Hunger's spine. Slowly, silvery fog coalesces in front of him into the form of... a map. Of a room that looks similar to the one he's currently in, as a matter of fact. One section of the map brightens, and Hunger looks to the corresponding space. He leans over and picks up the still-screaming Moon Ring-

Contest of primacy over, congratulations. The real enemy was outside us the whole time!

Nah, it's unlikely. But I'm always looking for secret messages in Rihaku's depictions of the sky, and it would be entertaining if the contest would've forced us to come to this place before it came to us, we'd be ahead of the curve. Maybe he's just telling us to try to put the Moon in the Sky, but I was planning on that anyway, so there.

As usual, I want to be in the Kaguya, there's no richly-oiled wood in my apartment.
"Let's get a private pool," Gisena said, flipping the jeweled key on her wrist. "There are some reserved for suite holders only!"
"Suddenly shy?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Of course!" Gisena clasped her hands meekly. "I'm just an innocent maiden, after all..."

"I'd like a private pool," Letrizia said, eyes darting to and fro. "You never know when there might be perverts lurking about."

"Fine, lead the way."
Always take the private pool if one is available, who wants to have to socialize with people? Even if they aren't perverts. And perverts are also a concern, especially if Gisena's internalized some of her society's admiration of maiden-ness and would already be uncomfortable with showing skin. Not that she'd reveal any discomfort, of course. Letrizia... I can't tell how much of your concern is sincere and how much is anime, but it all leads to the same place so whatever.

Even the key is ostentatious, this place is sickening.
They entered a smaller pool inset to the side. Though thick wooden panels obstructed horizontal vision, the panels facing outwards could be lowered, allowing bathers to take in the view. Below them was the serene darkness of the mountain outside giving way slowly to the jewel-fire glow of the city beneath. It was a breathtaking vista, and Hunger spent a moment simply absorbing the sight before leaning the Forebear's Blade against a wall, then entering the bath.
I'm probably projecting my mechanical incompetence on Rihaku, but I'm imagining him writing this nice description before realizing he'd already put a wall in the way. But most people know how blinds and windows work, I'm the oddball who took five seconds to figure this out by waggling my hand in the air. Seeing this city makes me want to protect it mumblemumblerotbeast.
Gisena pushed Letrizia in, then daintily slid in herself, carefully gathering her hair to twist into a water-resistant bun. Letrizia surfaced angrily, sputtering, and lashed out with a wave of water and Pressure that Gisena effortlessly dodged. Pouting, Letrizia sank beneath the surface, blowing bubbles at the two of them.

"Stupid nullification aura, let my Pressure through..."
Gisena's putting her superhuman speed to excellent use, putting her hair in a bun before Zee can even come out of the water! I think she's being a bully because she's jealous of the magic, Letrizia, don't take it personally. Or maybe do, Gisena's powers are very good at expressing her salt about her powers.

Letrizia is a bubble-blowing baby, so she had it coming anyway according to Spongebob.
Gisena turned to him. "What do you think of our swimsuits, hun? Rather fetching, if I do say so myself!" Hers was a two-piece bikini of pale violet, with lace-like patterns adorning the sides.

He grunted. "Is all your clothing the same color as your hair?"

"Pretty much!" She splashed over to him, leaning onto the stones beside the pond. Looked out at the city, a slight smile graced her features. "It's hard to find shades that go well with purple. You're welcome to expand my wardrobe if you'd like..."
Of course her clothing is monocolored, that's how you know she's a wizard! Gandalf the Grey, Gisena the Purple, that's just how it do. I think darker blues look good with purple, too. And some white, forest or envy-eye green? But my fashion choices are T-shirts and basketball shorts whenever I can get away with it, and they don't even have lace-patterns, so don't take my advice on this.

Pity we didn't take Evening Gown, but Gisena can't get everything she wants.
"Maybe after you pay off your debt," he remarked, slumping forward and closing his eyes. The waters of the spring had a steady, intense heat that felt almost as if it were massaging his muscles, gentle warmth that pervaded through to bone and marrow.

"Aw," Gisena brushed playfully against him, hauntingly beautiful in the moonlight. "Sure I can't take out another line of credit?"

"It would be inadvisable. Debt can crush even a genius."

"But money is just a social construct!"
Hunger closes every last one of his single eyes and still notices Gisena's beauty, that's how you can tell that her +++App is becoming conceptual. She's becoming too powerful. I guess it's possible that he opened his eye without that being explicit, but my interpretation is more entertaining.

Brb, doing relaxation exercises. I already took my shower for the day, but I can untense my shoulders and take a deep breath. Do it with me! Ahh... there was some tension in my feet, nice to get rid of that.

Money is a social construct, but isn't "genius" also a social construct? Checkmate, Gisena. "Not if a genius says it isn't?" Curses.
Letrizia swam over, nose upturned haughtily. "Miss Gisena, I still haven't forgiven you! Lord Hunger, do you want to review sparring partners for tomorrow?"

"Oh my, the wrath of a duchess!" Gisena winked at him. "Her fury knows no bounds! I'd best retreat before she turns truly serious."

So saying, she dove and emerged on the opposite side of the pool, sighing contentedly as she lounged against the stones.

"Only if you don't call me a lord. Now, sparring partners. Is your notebook waterproof?"

"I don't need it!" Letrizia said cheerfully. "Now with my Element enhancing my Rank, the information I need comes easily to mind with just a quick review."

"I'm proud of you."

She preened. "Well, i-it's not that big a deal. T-this is just kids' stuff compared to what I'll ultimately be able to achieve."
Not only does she push me in the water and Nullify my magic, she's also hogging all the attention! Gisena was right to run away. I can't tell if there's a joke I'm missing with Letrizia's insistence on the "Lord" bit, or if she's just being polite.

Poor notebook-chan, introduced for a single update for the sole purpose of proving how unnecessary you were to become. The mental benefits of Sharpbright came more quickly than I would have thought, and there's more on the way. It's a pity that we're not in a situation that will allow that to really shine. Letrizia is weak to praise and headpats, whoever designed her is truly insidious.
They discussed tactics and likely opponents both for the spars themselves and the potential recruitment to follow. Hunger was uncertain if their party wanted another member to look after, especially one that would need to be protected as nearly all Elementalists did, but couldn't avoid the fact that the Elements she described had undeniable utility in breaching the Temple.
Hunger's doing his Uttermost even against high school students, buuut this scene is almost exactly what us voters were doing yesterday, so I can't be too snarky about it. I'd talk about Undying Vanguard, which is constantly increasing in value as we get tankier, but somehow that's true of everything and the more Arete we grab the harder it is to part with. Opportunity Cost: the Game is real.
"So, tell me about your own Element, Hunger! You said it helped you beat the Rotspawn today, but what does it actually do?"

"It's a force of indiscriminate enhancement that applies to anyone immersed within. As far as I can tell, it works on all faculties of body and mind, on foe as well as friend."

"Interesting!" Gisena appeared next to Letrizia, who startled as if jolted. "Fire a bolt? I'd like to take a look."

"I can't really fire bolts..." Hunger said. "The smallest blast is still the size of a car."

"Cars are fascinating!" Gisena replied easily. "It's translucent force, right? No one will notice!"
I'm not sure what Hunger told Letrizia earlier was exactly truthful, if anything the Edeldross helped the Rotspawn flail slightly less uselessly against Hunger. Hunger School of Indiscriminate Spellcasting? Has a nice ring to it.

Gisena almost got sidetracked into a tech discussion, but her willpower saves the day. Surgecraft doesn't do "bolts" so easily, except actually Letrizia seems to have better control than Hunger started with. Sure, she shook the entire tree, but she still managed to knock a single peach down. Maybe she's more suited for wizardry than we think, all that frustrated studying catching up to her? Anyway, time to cast mostly-untested spells at our friends!
He loosed a blast at them. Letrizia cowered slightly before she exclaimed in awe, looking at her palms as if they held the secrets of the universe. Gisena adopted a contemplative expression before smiling smugly.

"This almost feels like findross!" She said. "Incredible, I think this is a precursor substance to actual findross itself. Blast us again, I want to test a theory..."

Shrugging, he did so. In response she raised a palm, intercepting his blast with her own Nullity.

"As I thought. The energy isn't being nullified - that is to say, the power of Nullity isn't rendering this Element mundane. Instead, they're actually cancelling each other out! I think this contains the parts of findross that uplift and restore, elevating the mundane to the supernal. In a sense, it can be considered the opposite of my own power!"

She scooted happily over to him. "It's just as I said earlier. We're a perfect pair!"
Letrizia is high on Edeldross. In her defense, the impact of a single +Con on your mood would probably be fantastic, and the +Wits would let you feel it even more strongly, to say nothing of the rest of the holistic boost.

I like how Gisena gains her smug look as soon as she comes up with her theory, rather than after she finds evidence for it. What arrogant genius she displays. I think it's common-ish knowledge that there's a findross precursor? But I haven't read AST0 in a while. Findross uplifts and restores, and something else that I forgot, but Edeldross does the first two and also... redeems and cycles? Feels a bit like splitting hairs. But there might be something we can do with Gisena's idea and cycles, if we uplift something for Gisena to Nullify it repeatedly, might it learn to make Edeldross itself? Longshot.

It seems like Nullity is the exact opposite of Edeldross, yet it was created through findross. I have no idea what that means, sounds yin-yangy. And on that note, I think Gisena is actually flirting in this bit, as opposed the the flirty banter in her every line. Good luck, Hunger has a situational ++++++Protection against such things from his tragic backstory.
"Hm..." Letrizia thoughtfully tapped the side of the pool. "Your Element's pretty cool, Lord Hunger, even if it's not as good as my Sharpbright. If it really is related to findross as Miss Gisena says, maybe we can call it edeldross? The prefix 'edel-' refers to ennobling or improvement, especially in the context of something traditionally bad becoming good. Don't you think it suits you?"

"A fine name, but do I come off as evil?" All of his current panoply had been Abducted from one villain or another. The Forebear's Blade, the Ring from the Tyrant; even the Evening Sky had belonged to that pirate captain, though in a diminished form.
For some reason, I thought the names of Imaginary Elements came instinctually to the wielders, like how Truth can only ever be Truth and how the Call of the Moon apparently can't be faked. Does that mean that the surgecrafters just pick them, like superhero names? How appropriate.

Letrizia did me an educate, I had no idea that Edel- had anything to do with stuff being bad. Hunger got fucking annihilated by the collateral damage of that attack, though. How does it feel that your daughteru considers you not only bad, but "traditionally" bad? You can't even snap back about her ego, you're straight-up dead.

Yay, he shares my thoughts about his Panoply! I feel validated.
"Yep," Letrizia said obliviously, "but don't worry, it's kinda cool! And I'm sure no one would mistake your intentions once they see your work!"

"I don't know," Gisena said. "I've seen plenty of Paladins and Knight-Captains with that color scheme, or at least similar ones! I'm sure people would mistake you as a hero if you smiled more."

"That part of my life is finished. I'm done with taking on requests for strangers with no expectation of reward."

Letrizia looked slightly disappointed. "But isn't that the best part of heroing?"
Stop, he's already dead, add 1 to the undeath form counter. I actually do think that Hunger's intentions in fighting the rotspawn were at least 70% selfish, despite what the cheer squad might've thought. But he's 100% heroing the shit out of the Moon. So much that he's killing people and using shady tactics, in contrast to the straightforward SORD heroism he's exhibiting for murder money and XP.

I'd say that Gisena's desecrating his corpse at this point, but Hunger is disillusioned with the idea of being a Hero so she's actually on his side this time. It first appears that Hunger is saying that he's done with being a hero, and I dearly hope that he isn't also saying that the smiling part of his life is over. Pls be happy. Even the hero bit is a lie, though, because the moon is a stranger that he's dropping everything to help, so nyeh.

Letrizia seems to be enamored with heroism? You'd have to be, just a bit, to be a giant robot pilot, but I would've expected that line from someone a bit more... heroic. Not a ding against her, opportunity has been conspiring against her being able to show that off, but she struck me as slightly more self-interested. +Letrizia-related curiosity.
They discussed his choice of wardrobe for several minutes more, to his moderate dismay. Tired out from overusing her Element, Letrizia eventually trailed off, mumbling to herself as she slowly fell asleep.

"I'll carry her back," Hunger volunteered, but Gisena laid a soft hand against his arm, eyes gentle and green.

"Let her rest here for a bit. The waters may help with her Elemental exhaustion."


"What?" She swirled around to face him directly, crossing arms beneath her cleavage. "You don't believe me?"

"...Are you trying to make her pruney again?"
Ha! I knew that the reason Gisena was trying to bully Hunger was because she was mad about his prune-immune constitution. There actually is a minutes-long conversation to be had about Hunger's wardrobe, I now realize, if he can shift the Evening Sky into a towel so easily. His color scheme is set, but the possibilities for form are endless! Evening Tuxedo, Evening Hawaiian Shirt, Evening Hazmat Suit? A sky for every occasion.

Letrizia was playing too hard and exhausted herself, probably mumbling about she still isn't tired. I prrroobably shouldn't infantilize a nineteen year old, but she's totally doing it on purpose. Hunger had better not make the connection between the waters healing exhaustion and the possibility of training even harder, Gisena might actually experience visible stress. Would serve her right.
Gisena giggled. "Maybe I want you to carry me instead! You have two arms, so there's no excuse to skimp out on a full princess carry."

"Hmph. I do owe you one for the Magus fight. Here to our room is a pretty short stretch. You okay with that?"

"Good point!"

She leaned back, raising one pale, slender foot out of the water. "Perhaps you can give me a massage instead?"

"You slacked off the whole day, why do you need a massage?"

She gently kicked water at him, which the Evening Sky obligingly deflected. "Why not? It's a continuance of my relaxation!"

"Fine. Come here."
Both Gisena and Hunger are cheaters when it comes to water fights, they deserve each other.

I was making jokes about Letrizia being high, but an Edeldross-infused massage sounds more decadent than the rest of the Kaguya put together. A two-handed one, at that, Ruinous Valor is showing benefits already! Heightened senses for the experience, and on top of all the other benefits the additional toughness would let the masseuse really put their back into it. Gisena's getting her money's worth, we probably don't even owe her any dresses after that. Hunger needs to find something incredibly important to carry with his non-sword-holding hand to make Gisena pout when he gives her another piggyback ride, for science.
The next day they set out bright and early, though the hotel staff did their best to have them stay, even offering free nights if he would but fight the Rotspawn again. Despite the tremendous economic value of their proposal, Hunger had to deny them, though he didn't rule out attacking the Rotbeast if they happened to pass through this region again. Their vacation was drawing to a close - one last bit of training against Letrizia's classmates, and he would make for the Temple again.

They'd gained much from this trip; in many senses it had been more productive than attacking the Temple directly. But every day delayed was unnecessary suffering heaped upon the Imprisoned Ring. Hunger would see to its rescue as soon as possible; other paths were unacceptable to him.
Hotel staff: Heeeeey, wanna fight some rotspawn!
Hunger: X
Me: But I want to kill the rot-
Rihaku: We have bossfights at home.
Me: But
Rihaku: Fine! Later, geez!

I'm being teased with Hunger's notoriety growing in the margins of these updates, it feels like if we actually do something impressive soon we could grab a pick-free Rank up. That's an argument for Shadowlord, isn't it. The second most persuasive one.

For the most persuasive, fill in the visuals for the meme yourself.
:/ Shadowcord?
:> Shadowlord!

Some people take training trips, Hunger takes training vacations. There's nothing more relaxing than having enough power to not die, and that was a sarcastic sentence until I typed it and realized I completely agree, actually. That last line would be more appropriately final if it weren't possible that we're about to vote to delay another day, but we'll see what happens.
[X] Infiltration with [X] Shadowcord has won. Gisena's Relationship EFB will be revealed later!
We are choosing to sneak with the sneaky person? Too synergetic, 2/10. I was actually worried that Shadowcord and Methodical would be the winning combination despite that being a nasty snarl, so I'm glad. Rihaku will, of course, drop the EFB blurb when it will cause the most chaos.
From sparring with the (temporary) (false) classmates of Letrizia, Hunger receives 1 pick, or 2 if the appropriate bonus was chosen above. Choose wisely, this may or may not be your last chance before infiltration attempts begin!
Damn, we're getting picks again? You spoil us. The coin landed heads for the trip here, we got three picks from a fight with a maximum of two, two picks in addition to the magic system, and now this. That's, like, five more than I might have expected. We're gonna need them.

Nobody buys echoes anymore, blood upgrades are the new Echospam.
[ ] The Ring of Power - Dominion - 2 Arete
Have you heard of our lord and savior, the Ruling Ring? Our Rank is lagging, dontcha know. It builds towards Preeminence, which has +All Stats, the value of which is dramatically improved by our Willpower feeding our physicality and the Edeldross boosting everything!

Buuut only like four people are voting for it, which is fair given all the competition. I just want the precious. ;_;
[ ] Fierce Quickening
This is very efficient towards the goal of making us more killy, which is always welcome but not the priority when Plan A is not killy. Pass.
[ ] Augment Dominion: Blood
The scaling mechanic of this upgrade is very interesting: could we bank picks for it? It doesn't matter, 'cause our base Rank is so low that picking conditional boosters for it makes less sense than it will when base increases become harder. Pretty soon Blood+ will look amazing.
You've heard of Sublime Gisena, how about Sublimer Gisena? Are you sad about Hunger being too heartless to be a hero and kill the Rotbeast? Make yourself and everyone around you smarter and more charming with this product, now for only Arete1.99!
[ ] Sublime Transfusion
How the hell did I not realize that lime is in lime until just now, that joke has been all over the thread. Healing Verschlengorge is cool, but this probably won't help us infiltrate. We could negotiate with healing potions made of our blood, buuuut according to precedent they'd probably decide that strapping us down and torturing us for eternity would be more efficient, fuck the Inners.
Ah, yes, a straightforward blood option, add Cha to Pro. Not worth ment- ha, can't type that with a straight face. This is obscene, stat converters are at the end of the bloodecho line? Half of me wants to be consoled that we don't need the Ruling Ring if Bloodmight gets us upgrades like this, but the true half of me realizes that the Ring upgrades must be even better!

Local man is fucking invincible, the world thinks that he's too pretty to be allowed to come to harm. The only reason this isn't a must-have right this instant is because there are like five upgrades that are equally must-have.
How useful, exactly, is a sword made of Edeldross? Sword of Buffing +1, stick enemies with the pointy end to make them stronger.

Everything else about this is incredibly useful, it has something for everyone, because that's how Edeldross rolls. The best argument against it, I think, is that we could reach this level with just some more practice, but time burns, and the doubled speed of gracemaking is unique to Adept. If babby El Stats voter me from weeks ago could see this, he'd be crying tears of joy.
[ ] Evening Sky: Shadowlord
Is one teenager too much for you already? Do you want to spend even more time on vacation? How about those never-before-seen (Thief King isn't real) stats, huh. Another stat converter, you just saw me squee about that on Vigor Itself. And Vigor Itself converts a stat into the stat that Shadowlord converts into another stat, the ludicrous chaining possibilities make me drool. I actually think that Shadowlord voters haven't been hammering in how awesome that 100% crit chance from stealth is, it only takes one stroke to decide a battle, and the first hit is the most important. And gofast and gosmirk. Be a ninja. Also immunity to sound based attacks, which is too situational to hype for but would be nice if we bump into a siren or a banshee or a rock concert, I guess.

All of this comes at a cost, though, not only the 7 Arete but also the additional party member in Shadowcord. And the day that it takes to grind money, but honestly that might be a good think if we can get Rank out of our slaughter spree. I think this option is better than Edeldross Adept, but not 5 Arete better than Adept because it's really good.

Thats all I have to say about this vote. As for the infiltration, which still makes me nervous...

Idea! Using Shadowcord's stealthmode, we can skive off bodyguard duty for the return trip to the Temple and work on Graces instead. If Gisena isn't done with her breakthrough, we can buff her first, and then we can take advantage of Adept's 2x bonus to Gracecrafting speed to grab one. A social Grace (lol) would probably be too complicated, but simple power would be nice even if it doesn't directly help with the immediate mission.

Speaking of Gisena, we need to drag her with us everywhere. It's getting old to say that Gisena can help with social, but the Sublime social Sorceress should be an insane contribution to whatever con we're pulling. Even more so if we can snag Exalted Spirit at some point.

I was going to say that we should quiz Shadowcord for infiltration tips but she's 18 lol. Maybe we can hope that Letrizia's anime has infected her and she comes from a family of ninjas, and she actually has tips to share. She might be able to go after our actual objectives in secret while Hunger's loudly ingratiating himself to the Inners.
Shadowlord+Pearlescence would be very good, yes. It would get us scaling Stealth and Protection, meaning we wouldn't have to invest in protection or stealth ever again, and could focus purely on other aspects of our build. That would solve my concern about splitting our focus too much.

However, Shadowlord+Pearlescence is also 16 Arete. And, as a Maeg Gang guy, it feels pretty bad to throw 16 Arete into Stealth when Mage has gotten 7, and Ring and Sword have both gotten a lot more. Despite my promise to be more positive about this, anything that looks like Mage build getting shafted provokes emotional responses.

There's also the fact that many people want to rush EFBs, but if we're going to get Pearlescence we've going to have to give up on that. Which I don't mind! I've never believed that EFBs are the only path to victory as some do.

But if we commit to getting Shadowlord, we absolutely need to give up on EFBs for a while. We can't be trying to do multiple high-Arete plans all at the same time, that will result in none of the plans being done and lots of wasted potential.

And really, we already have an EFB. I don't think we really need more at the moment.
No, we can't. It only applies Protection from Evening Sky to Vigor Incarnate, and the Cha added to protection wouldn't be from Evening Sky.

Depending on whether or not the ++Charisma we have from Evening Sky, that gets converted into ++Protection from Vigor Incarnate, counts as coming from the Evening Sky or from Hunger, we could get an extra ++Stealh from the pick. Definitely not the Blood boosts themselves or the Thick as Thieves picks, obviously.
[X] +1 pick below
[X] Evening Sky: Shadowlord

Alright, I guess. Hopefully, our arete generation is going to be good enough to mitigate our greed at least somewhat.
My position is that we should've considered that before voting for a course of action we don't have the skills for. Now that we're committed to infiltrate, I want to have infiltration skills rather than face characterization I don't like alongside risks I don't want to face.
But we never voted for a stealth operation, so why would we need the skills for one? If we want to turn this into a Metal Gear mission ok then, sure, but our original plan was for a social infiltration with the main purpose of learning more of the Inner Temple before we fully committed to a final push.

I mean, technically my plan was to just sord everything and worry about stuff later, but well the other vote won and I wasn't really against it either. Now I'd rather get a good power and progression multiplier, not get Hunger distracted with trying to fulfill an entirely different party role when we can just recruit people for it, and worry about stuff later cause I think we're being spoiled with fantastic picks which will come useful one way or another.

I'd be rather sad if we end up leaving our new professional assassin daughteru here rather than bring her with us though (and again, we're recruiting Shadowcord for a month, it hasn't even been a month since the beginning of the quest yet, anyone who isn't considering her a permanent addition to the party is working on an entirely different timescale or is expecting a timeskip for some reason).
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You've got to admit that Stealth pairs wonderfully with the rest of his abilities tho. It's not just something tacked on, it's an organic addition that takes advantage of his existing powers. Plus being a rogue is something uniquely his! Its legend originally comes from his own efforts at theft and Abduction, which is why we could have gotten King of Thieves.
[X] +1 pick below
[X] Evening Sky: Shadowlord

It was a tough decision, but I've decided I wanna read about Hunger being batman next chapter.
[X] +1 pick below
[X] Evening Sky: Shadowlord

Urg, this is hard, they're both so good!

Unfortunately, a good point was made earlier that a substantial portion of the Surge advancement is buying things now that we will get through training latter, the magnitude, the consistencecy, and the uptime are all baked into the 7 Arete we've already spent on the system, the only lasting benifit we get besides time is the faster grace generation, and while that's good, it doesn't quite edge out a 30% Agi increase.
After leaving the Temple as a wounded basically-warrior, coming back as a largely-healed ninja gish would be satisfying for the sheer ??? of it. Only the sweetness of Edeldross is more tempting, this is a nice low sodium vote like that.
I mean, two points below and sry phone posting

Hunger probably knows how to Stealth better than most. If anything, he'll be the one teaching dohteru2. Lived a life that was closer to being a fugitive than a hero, for one. Dude might have galvanized and instigated hurricanes warfare against the Tyrant, but that doesn't preclude him from knowing how to get into the soft underbelly portions of society. He's got that backstory experience, being an abductor and all. And given how the Tyrant practically (I think) controlled his fair share of heavily defended castles and fortresses, our ever guile loving hero would've most likely snuck in and dealt some inner turmoil shit before the allied forces swooped in to deal more direct damage. Unless it really called for it, I can't imagine Pre-Hunger actually going to the open field to do some knock-off martial stances as his first option.

Pre-Hunger might have been a hero with a sword, but he matured up into a thief and a rogue first and foremost.

The second point is like:
Hunger being able to A+ stealth means he can leave Gisena and Letrizia together for his own peace of mind. Aside from the moon temple and Rotspawns, and apocryphal too. We've still gotta handle bearic. And if Hunger can be more comfortable with knowing his Important People at least have more means of self-protection, then the less he has to feel guilt and worry over when he's off trying to Not-Hero the Lunar Ring away.

Justabitto insight of some background stuff for Hunger. For as much as we wanna look forward, the past is what really Hunger ends up measuring himself against. At least until he gets strong enough to just ffffffuck over the Tyrant again.

250 words for what matters, I guess.

Oh shit additional edit:

Temple guys know we can sord really good. If we show off some magic shit, they'll think that we picked up something new along the trip.

And they'll feel at least somewhat complacent. BEcause sure he's an R Type but what kind of fucking freak suddenly pulls out another skill tree in the week he's been away.

Just s thought. Maybe.
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And, as a Maeg Gang guy, it feels pretty bad to throw 16 Arete into Stealth when Mage has gotten 7, and Ring and Sword have both gotten a lot more.
I don't really like this "measure how much arete my favorite option has gotten!" tendency. A lot of our current problems go back to us having foolishly taken on an area outside our level, forcing expenditures into immediate survival. So trying to balance expenditures without accounting for our position feels... unwise.