Hmm, findross seems like a very suitable system of advancement for us if what Gisena told us was true and vali isn't mistaken about its mechanisms. If acting in accordance to some ideal is helpful for improving one's Sorcery... doesn't that sound like it would fit together quite well with Accretion? Our magic system benefits from accomplishing legendary deeds and being a mythical figure in general, whereas Sorcery rewards following the ideas of excellence in something. Should we choose an appropriate archetype we'd like follow (hero seems obvious, but maybe there are other aspects we'd like to emphasize), the magics could boost each other.
If Edelross wins I can see us being by even more build votes as we now have to actually explore the magic system of Surgecrafting, but also the magic system of Sorcery.

And this is after Cut Through finally lets us develop Praxis like magical effects.

Heck Edelross outright says that mastery is a long and arduous process which to me translates to "requires a lot of Arete to make useful in a reasonable time frame."

And it becomes more than likely that Evening Sky will fall further and further behind. I know that a lot of people are aiming for the 25 Arete option gated behind having 3 25 Arete options from the 3 pieces of Hunger's panapoly but I am reminded of Philosopher King from Even Further Beyond, so much invested into getting it only to reject it when it was offered twice for another shiny.

At least with Inksky it consolidates its development with that of the Evening Sky and provides avenues of growth that the Evening Sky would have.

We are going to have future ways to get sorcery so long as we stay with Gisena. Heck Evening Sky would eventually give that possibility given one of its major themes is magic.
Someone asked for an Byzantine magic system, here:

[X]The Byzantine Fortress: The magic of an unmovable mountain. The byzantine fortress gives individuals access to a defense in the conceptual level, that can apply to even outside of combat. The wielder can choose something as an 'point' and as long as the user has enough will, they are immovable and invincible in it.

This point can be physical, moral, or even an argumentative point, the user will be strengthened to withstand it, and the longer the user spends protecting a point, the stronger he will be, even if it takes some amount of 'will' towards maintaining a point.

The more specific the point, and the harder the point is to hold, the greater will the gain, and the power gained will be held as long as the user can be said to still be holding that point.

The strength given is geared towards the opposition. Fighting against a mage whom can use fire will give the user power over water, for example, debating with an expert liar will give the user an immense intuition. The degree of power gained varies with the power of the enemy, and the power gained can, at times, be seemingly random, however, there is always a reason behind them.

The Byzantine Fortress requires the user to constantly maintain a point, however, that does not mean that the user has to me immobile, for as long as his actions help in holding that point, doesn't matter how, The Byzantine Fortress will remain in effect and strengthen the user.

Might disagree with him in a lot of things, but i still respect the effort that he put towards the thread. Even if he doesn't come back, i feel like he deserved this!
Come on, Edeldross. You can do it!

/// TOP SECRET ///
Threat Assessment, Republican Intelligence Division (Republican Rump State)
"Lord Hunger"
Status: Active
Origin: Extradimensional
Rank: 8+?!
Lord Hunger, as he calls himself, is in many ways a mysterious figure, appearing from nowhere with no past to study, no friends or family to investigate. Scout teams have been unable to find any civilisation within the Voyaging Realm that might be his origin. In light of this, and his unusual powers, he has been officially designated an Outsider.

Lord Hunger emerged from the Voyaging Realm with the highest rank ever observed in a human, bringing armor prototypes to their knees with his sheer presence. His conquest of the Human Sphere was as swift as it was bloodless, with Hunger challenging and defeating all Armaments sent against him. With all significant high-rank combatants neutralized, surrender followed quickly, aided by supernaturally convincing negotiations by his retinue (see attached files). It is unknown why Hunger allowed the creation of small rump states, amounting for roughly 8% of inhabited planets. A desire not to wipe out century-old institutions? A desire to stay on his guard, knowing he has enemies out there scheming against him? A pressure valve, a place for dissidents to emigrate to? We can only speculate at this junction.

While Outlanders have displayed unusual powers and magic so far, Hunger is the only human being so far observed to duel an Armament at full power and win. This leads many to doubt Hunger's humanity in the first place. Some within his empire have begun calling him 'the Renewer' and worshipping him as a semi-divine being, a deity of duality. The primary cause for this worship seems to be the 'citizen enhancement program' put forth by his administration, which improves nearly all aspects of his citizens by a considerable amount. Many diseases have become extinct within the Hunger Empire. The full extent of Hunger's enhancements have been demonstrated in several expeditions into the voyaging realm, where Hunger Empire Commandos demonstrated feats easily matching or exceeding armor prototypes.

According to the 'Renewer' worshipers, Hunger is a divine being sent into this realm to tear down old structures and renew what is left behind. The claim that humanity has relied for far too long on aping the Foremost, playing in their ruins rather than building their own destiny. Hunger brings destruction to the established human polities, then rebuilds his own empire from the ashes, to reach heights that match or even exceed the feats of the Foremost. Hunger supposedly brings death with his sheer presence, yet spreads life energy throughout his realm. His scientists, lead by the brilliant 'Lady Gisena', have spearheaded new breakthroughs in numerous areas, aided by the intelligence boosts provided by the citizen enhancement program. Even the power to bring the dead back to life is rumoured to be his. Adding to his air of mystery is just how rarely citizens see or hear from Hunger, who leaves day to day decisions to his retinue.

Recommendations: Hunger can, at the moment, simply not be fought. While there are some potential leads on Foremost superweapons (See project EVA RED), no actionable plans have been formed and any attempt might lead to the final destruction of remaining human polities. Attempts to sow dissident and arm rebels within Hunger Empire territory have found a surprising lack of willing partisans, and what partisans are recruited are swiftly found and exiled, robbing the movement of prominent martyr figures. Negotiations with Hunger have so far proven completely futile, with envoys teleported away from the imperial crown world minutes into their speech. Moreover, Hunger has openly stated his intention to 'do what he wants', so any agreement we reach would be at risk of being broken at his whims. Our recommendation is to appease Hunger and not provoke him. Note: Hunger's retinue appears to consist solely of attractive women. Possibly way of appeasement?
I don't think we actually know the cost of the Special Advancement yet

And we have a good chance of never knowing them if we add more things to focus on.

Remember Philosopher King in the previous quest was never achieved despite more than half of the quest spent trying to get it only to be dropped when it finally came into view.

Expecting quest discipline when Rihaku makes it his job to lead the players astray is a fool's dream.
And we have a good chance of never knowing them if we add more things to focus on.

Remember Philosopher King in the previous quest was never achieved despite more than half of the quest spent trying to get it only to be dropped when it finally came into view.

Expecting quest discipline when Rihaku makes it his job to lead the players astray is a fool's dream.
good thing I'm voting for Inksky which puts 5/7ths of its Arete towards the Special Advancement route?
Would any of the remaining fence-sitters regarding Inksky/Edeldross be willing to sell me their votes? I'll offer 2 for 1, with no expiration date for the votes owed, transferable to any other quest that allows for vote trading. You can also call in one vote for me to get my ass in gear and write at least 1k words of omake before the relevant votes closes if we're already voting the same thing.

If this offer is still open, I'll take it.

[X] Aabcehmu
[X]The Byzantine Fortress: The magic of an unmovable mountain. The byzantine fortress gives individuals access to a defense in the conceptual level, that can apply to even outside of combat. The wielder can choose something as an 'point' and as long as the user has enough will, they are immovable and invincible in it.
You are aware this overwrites your vote, right?
[X] The Streamline
[X] Inksky
[X] 7 Arete Version

I'm going to go ahead and change my vote back to Inksky. I changed it to Edeldross back during a time when it seemed way, way farther behind rather then the much closer battle that seems going on now because I saw a lot of practical and narrative potential in it, along with enjoying it's themes and the possibility of exploring Findross.

However, I still love Pillars a whole lot more over Total Eclipse for a variety of reasons other users have said better then me, plus i'm extremely interested in what sort of new advancements might come from picking Inksky.

However either option winning would be fine with me at this point, so i'm not overly stressed, and I hope Edeldross voters wouldn't have trouble with Inksky winning either.

I am kind of suprised about all the Kaguya votes though. I've probably mentioned this before, but this civilization is jampacked with cool stuff that could lead to more intresting practical benefits for our party, which can in turn lead to narrative focus down the line due to them still being relavent in our fights, to immediate narratively scenes with them. Examples i've given before from options we've seen in the past involve Gisena gushing over ranged weapons or supplementing Ver arsenal with Letz. The Streamline be just as relaxing and restorative as the Kaguya in terms of how it affects Hunger apparently, and even if the lack of mechnical benefit is in fact what appeals to you which I can't fault you for, I'm sure we'll get other opportunities to splurge that might be character defining in ways you like even more.
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If this offer is still open, I'll take it.

[X] Aabcehmu
It seems it has been taken twice already, see
you're probably offering too good a deal, but I'll take it!
[X] Aabcehmu
Sure I take that deal. I am really stuck between them. Inksky because the efficiency and the coolness factor and Edeldross because I love fluff and relationship stuff.
No need for any other quest part, just this quest is enough.
[X] Aabcehmu

One would question how valuable someone's vote is when they already owe 4 other votes to others, since they'd likely have a vote called in at any contentious vote where you'd want your own token used, after all.

Speaking of, can I offer to sell you my vote at a 1 to 1 rate, no veto, to vote for Edeldross?
I'm going up on offer with 1 marker for EdelDross. Usual terms, 1 veto(Not sure what I'd be using that on given the current circumstances and the unlikelyhood of Azure Moon becoming viable again), markers are on a first come first serve basis, I'll try to come up with argument material.
One would question how valuable someone's vote is when they already owe 4 other votes to others, since they'd likely have a vote called in at any contentious vote where you'd want your own token used, after all.
To be fair, I am offering no-deadline, quest-transferable votes, and they can be exchanged for omake-power instead of votes, so while I admit they might be a little inflated I don't think they're worthless.
One would question how valuable someone's vote is when they already owe 4 other votes to others, since they'd likely have a vote called in at any contentious vote where you'd want your own token used, after all.
With 2 for 1, no veto, and Rihaku so far maintaining very frequent updates, him having some extra markers out is well-compensated for!
To be fair, I am offering no-deadline, quest-transferable votes, and they can be exchanged for omake-power instead of votes, so while I admit they might be a little inflated I don't think they're worthless.
True, the omake writing is a big draw. How do you intent to resolve a situation where two different people try to call in their token on the same vote? First come first serve?
Well, it doesn't look like QuickWater has any hope, so...

[X] The Streamline
[X] 7 Arete Version
[X] Edeldross
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Hm. Would it be too sentimental for Hunger to try his best to paint his lost love's face in the stars?
Anthropomorphizing the stars is a time-honored tradition, that's how we get constellations!

[ ] Reversion ...Resurrects one person, or fully repairs one object. Resurrection is perfect, total, and unerring, and can target any person in the world that died in the last year.
Perhaps it is time to dredge up old wounds. It has been over three seasons since they died...
[ ] Edeldross: This precursor component of findross embodies redemption, perfection, restoration and the renewal of cycles... precise configurations of Edeldross can be arranged so as to replicate nearly one-tenth of all Sorcerous Graces.
Would this work, I wonder? If it's possible at all, it would depend on rapid development so the time window doesn't lapse, the 'in the world' clause not prohibiting targeting those outside it, the Tyrant's violet blade not possessing relevant anti-healing/resurrection properties, and a host of other factors. Even if it's viable, it may not be advisable, with the Apocryphal Curse in play. But it's enough to make me speculate.
[X] The Streamline
[X] 7 Arete Version
[X] Edeldross

Edelross seems better for the Temple, and it also has a lot of long term potential: a non-violent way to deal with Tyrant procs and Sorceress Graces sound pretty great. And Gisena will even advance it for us!
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True, the omake writing is a big draw. How do you intent to resolve a situation where two different people try to call in their token on the same vote? First come first serve?
If two or more people call in a debt to vote and they call for different options, I will abstain and consider neither debt paid, and suggest that the creditors compromise. If they both call the debt for the same vote, I will vote as they call for and consider one half (or one third, one fourth, etc.) of a vote two each creditor to be paid unless the creditors come to another compromise. If two or more creditors call in for omake-power simultaneously, I will do my best to output the require wordcount, and if I fall short, I will consider only an appropriate percentage of the debt paid to each creditor.
Anthropomorphizing the stars is a time-honored tradition, that's how we get constellations!


Would this work, I wonder? If it's possible at all, it would depend on rapid development so the time window doesn't lapse, the 'in the world' clause not prohibiting targeting those outside it, the Tyrant's violet blade not possessing relevant anti-healing/resurrection properties, and a host of other factors. Even if it's viable, it may not be advisable, with the Apocryphal Curse in play. But it's enough to make me speculate.
I wonder if it's possible to break that limit 1 year limit with To Shatter Heaven and Progression.