[X] The Streamline
[X] 7 Arete Version
[X] Inksky

I forget, have Microwave and/or Priest gotten a magic system yet? That seems like low-hanging fruit.
Single Receptacle: Rather than firing blasts of inksky himself, Hunger manifests all instances of High Elementalism through the vessel of the Evening Sky, allowing it to benefit from Accretion. +100% to the Protection and Charisma granted by the Evening Sky. Unlocks a number of highly efficient Evening Sky Advancements dealing with the domains of space, night, majesty and magic.
Unlocks a lot of Evening Sky advancements? Cheap and/or efficient ones at that? And it offers a big discount to an EFB? And is a pretty neat aesthetic to boot? Count me in; the Evening Sky is Hunger's weakest artifact, because we never darn upgrade it. So maybe if it got some actual love and some tempting options, we'd finally start taking them more often. And then it'll actually be more powerful, and so more valued and used more.

Come to think of it, the Evening Sky is also the one out of the three artifacts that aren't from the Tyrant or Forebear himself; i.e. not an artifact that Hunger has stolen, abducted away. So that's neat too.

[X] 7 Arete Version
[X] Inksky

EDIT: Though, Edeldross gives some insight and flashback into Catherine, so that could be really neat too... And it's a good non-lethal option as Conjured Blade put it. I guess I would be fine if that one won, too.
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Everything is awesome. I think I'm going to start with

[x]The Streamline
[x]7 Arete Version

Why Edeldross? It's an easy weapon to use against civilians while you're in a Tyrant proc. Better that than the Forebear's Blade. We're eventually going to be in a big city and something like this lets us cut loose without casualties.
[X] The Streamline
[X] 7 Arete Version
[X] Inksky

Inksky is necessary to allow evening sky to remain competitive in the short-term, especially since it doubles the value of it's +'ses. I would love Elderdross, but potential dies in the altar of raw power, unfortunately.

I'm curious if anyone could make an magical system based on me, but i don't think there is a whole lot to base it around.(Maybe besides Diagram spam)
ughhhhh, I'm torn between two options

Quickwater seems ideal for Hunger just because of it's description but Inkysky gives such a big discount and synergy with our items... AHHHHHH FUCK IT

[X] 7 Arete Version
[X] Edeldross

i'll decide for the spring trip later tommorow morning.

At this point in the game we have such shit protection that this seems like the obvious choice. Quickwater relies more on circumstance and imagination which makes it broader and good but right now it seems inkysky is just perfect forus...

AHHHHHH... Quickwater, you shall well be missed
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Oh look, there's no non-arete spending option. How... honestly unsurprising. Surgecraft said Hunger was going to have to do Progression dickery to access, since he's over 21, so spending Arete for it makes sense.

[X] The Kaguya
[X] 7 Arete Version
[X] Inksky

Making the Evening Sky relevant again? And not only undoing the depreciation of value obtained from Protection & Charisma +'s but actually making them have greater value than before? And also making Surgecraft more reliably usable in combat by tying it to our panoply instead of personal manipulation enacted through physical gesticulation by Hunger?

Say no more. I'm in.

Also, ultra-resort! We don't really use money much anyway, since we're delving a dungeon, so we might as well go for the more expensive one.
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Interesting... Inksky out to an early lead, to be expected given its mechanical advantages, but Quickwater offers more immediate power and Edeldross is infinitely more versatile in time...
Inkysky also is perfect towards grabbing ruling ring into pillars, since it would make the latter a whole lot more practical, and likely has sinergy with it.
Guys, I want to be able to fire blade projections using the Evening Sky.

Interesting... Inksky out to an early lead, to be expected given its mechanical advantages, but Quickwater offers more immediate power and Edeldross is infinitely more versatile in time...

It's a good thing we need something that both has meaningful scaling and immediate power!
@Rihaku is the previous build vote still going on? Inksky not requiring an off-hand makes non-Zweihander options much more competitive. I know I would switch to Prime+Quickening if given the chance; for example.
[X] The Streamline - A relatively bare-bones resort whose focus is on simple quality of water. The overall accommodations, accoutrements and food service are barely on the level of a 3-star resort, but their root access to apex-grade springs and beautiful skyline views elevate them to the ranks of 5-star. The 'cheap' 5-star, for those who need healing at a somewhat affordable cost. 2 currency units for two nights.
[X] 7 Arete Version - As written.
[X] Inksky

Aside from just loving it conceptually, considering I'd love for Hunger to get Pillars eventually one of these days for all the amazing stuff it could do for us such as gifting us incredible magical artifacts, healing benefits, and a bevy of monsters at just the right level to present a challenge and be worth grinding on without making them too much of a threat amng other things, the 7 dot Arete version as but pays for itself in my eyes.

As far as the Streamline, well...Given our companions don't care that much, and Hunger long chose revenge over comfort, I think the streamline makes much more sense given the lack of practical benefits the Kaguya has. I'm sure their is so much more meaningful things Hunger or his companions would love to spend that 6 currency on then the Kaguya, and besides, Inksky puts the even grander paradise of the Pillars not quite as far out of reach.
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Inksky lets us have an arm made out of the night sky. That's just cool. I like that.

What if, and I'm probably crazy and pulling shit out an incredibly low-cost-Necronomicon level 1 for toddlers, picking the Kaguya helped us get more screen time of Letrizia and Gisena enjoying dinner.

OK so while these are all really good, let's talk in a bit more detail. Every one of these has a specialty.

Quickwater is the quick-and-dirty "We need combat buffs" option. It grants some nice buffs to us and debuffs to enemies. It eventually unlocks potion-making as a utility effect. It's serviceable and practical.

Inksky is a combination of "Acrretion is nice let's do Accretion better" and "Evening Sky needs some love." The doubling of Charisma and Protection more then makes up for the malus to those from Uttermost. 5 Arete discount to Pillars of Creation is crazy, it means if we eventually get pillars we'll effectively have spend 2 Arete to get a 7 Arete option. Also, there's this section:

Single Receptacle: Rather than firing blasts of inksky himself, Hunger manifests all instances of High Elementalism through the vessel of the Evening Sky, allowing it to benefit from Accretion. +100% to the Protection and Charisma granted by the Evening Sky. Unlocks a number of highly efficient Evening Sky Advancements dealing with the domains of space, night, majesty and magic.

"Highly efficient Evening Sky Advancements." Remember how good blood buffs are now thanks to Chief Dominion? What if we had that for Evening Sky too? And look at the categories - space, night, majesty, and magic. Lots of good advancements to be found in those categories.

Edeldross though. This has as much potential or more then Inksky. The 20% all Attributes is nice, but the real gem is the ability to eventually replicate one tenth of all Sorcerous Graces. How well do ya'll remember AST0? There were a lot of available Graces, many of them very very good.

Also gives us a discount on Total Eclipse. A first step in that direction if anyone wants that, and we can probably find further advancements that get even more discounts.

Protection blasts are not to be underestimated either.

And finally, being the element based around relationships and having clear synergy with Gisena may allow a lot of good stuff with our friends. And that +Catherine... Could Edeldross be the path to getting her back?

Conclusion: All of these are great, it just depends on what exactly you want. Quickwater is good for immediate power and gets us potion crafting for utility. Inksky is basically +Progression for Evening Sky, overcomes some of the downsides of Uttermost, and is crazy Arete efficient if we get Pillars of Creation. Edeldross has super high potential and has the power of friendship.

Anyway, I really need to be getting to bed, but as long as a 7-Arete option wins I think we'll be OK.
We are going back to the temple, while still lacking in exotic attack vector defense. Everything that isn't a straight-up beam of damage or an attack we can perceive/parry/dodge can and will fuck us up. We don't have Iron Curtain, which would allow us to parry the unparriable, we don't have Magic Defying stance, and we can't really buy them willy-nilly because they all cost 7 arete. Actually, scratch exotic attack vectors, Hunger is helpless against even a simple AoE cloud of magical poison.

But with this, we can make 2 arete Iridescence a highly efficient buy, further boosting normal defense and allowing Evening Sky to defend against all sorts of magic. Our build would have no weaknesess.
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What if, and I'm probably crazy and pulling shit out an incredibly low-cost-Necronomicon level 1 for toddlers, picking the Kaguya helped us get more screen time of Letrizia and Gisena enjoying dinner.


There would be such sadness if we scrimped and saved our currency units only to find out that they're only valuable in the Elixir Sovereignty
[x] The Kaguya
[x] 7 Arete Version
[x] Edeldross

guys our wife was watching us this whole time

how embarrassing

Now, have a badly formatted table of mechanics for Acceleration that will surely be useful for something, someday!!

holy fuck i need to do more drawing

Since acquiring his Quirk, Vanta has dedicated many subjective and objective hours to determining its nature. Presently, he conceptualises it into two fields: acceleration and recoil, both of which have aspects capable of improvement.

Jerk: The ability of Vanta to increment higher rates of acceleration. Vanta is currently capable of compounding his acceleration on a curve that approximates to 1% per subjective second.Jerk naturally improves on a gradient as Vanta's Quirk generates better and more efficient ways to accumulate acceleration. To train a given level of Jerk, Vanta must achieve an acceleration factor of 10^(desired Jerk percent*1000)
Boost: The ability of Vanta to instantly and comfortably achieve a level of acceleration. Over many years of practice, Vanta is capable of achieving 4x speed at will.Boost improves by Vanta achieving a desired level of Acceleration and "memorising" its structure; to do so, he must remain at that level of Acceleration for one objective day.
Edge: Vanta's maximum acceleration factor. Vanta has no known limit.Edge is Maximum by default and cannot be improved.
Build: The ratio of acceleration to recoil buildup. Vanta has worked to reduce this as much as possible, and currently accumulates at 1 unit of recoil per subjective 60 seconds. He believes this is related to the quantity of mass accelerated, but he's always generated the same amount no matter how much he weighed...Build improves on a gradient as Vanta discharges more and more recoil. Vanta can generate Recoil inefficiently without cost if he desires to base his style around Recoil-use. To train Build to accumulate at a level of 1 unit/ n seconds, Vanta must discharge n^2 units of recoil at one time
Fold: The ability of Vanta to accelerate multiple targets. When accelerating objects other than himself without extending his primary acceleration field, Vanta uses secondary Factor variables, which operate at a penalty to acceleration and recoil efficiency. He is currently capable of accelerating himself and/or an outside object at one time. His penalty for other objects is Punishing.Fold must be directly trained in the same way as the corresponding Primary Factor Variable while targeting an outside object, but cannot exceed them. As the Secondary Factor Variables reach parity with the Primary, Vanta's ability to multi-accelerate discrete objects at differing rates will be improved. Each particular Fold Skill has a set of prerequisites that must be fulfilled
Gradient: Acceleration naturally performs several atmospheric accelerations emanant from Vanta's Primary Acceleration Field that allow him to travel without being immobilised by frozen air molecules, accidentally smashing objects with relativistic force, etc. Currently it is unconsciously safety-locked; with training, Vanta feels he can selectively manipulate the volume of his Acceleration Field to exploit certain physics violations that come with interacting time-fields of differing intensity.Vanta must train Gradient directly through narrative actions.

Target: Vanta's ability to select targets to release accumulated Recoil. Vanta is currently capable of targeting single solid fixated objects and liquids through body contact. He is also able to target humans, such as himself. Vanta is capable of expanding his target capability to granular cumulations, gaseous substances, heterogeneous objects, multiple objects, homogeneous loose contacting objects, heterogeneous loose contacting objects, arbitrated volumes, etc.Vanta must train Targeting directly through narrative actions. To do so, Vanta must over-discharge Recoil into a mass of the target to expand his conceptual mapping out of safety concerns.
Force: Vanta's ability to adjust the nature of discharged Recoil. Currently he is capable of discharging it as heat energy. With training, he believes he could utilise this energy as kinetic or vibrational energy, or neutralise Recoil against itself.Vanta must train Force directly through narrative actions. To unlock a Force option, Vanta must experience that force directly to "teach" his Quirk its particular qualities.
Density: Vanta's ability to "concentrate" or "dilute" discharged Recoil across space. Without training, Vanta had to discharge exactly 1 Recoil Unit/1kg or suffer the recoil personally. Vanta has heavily trained this component, achieving a 5 kg leeway in either direction i.e. if he accumulates 40 units of recoil, he must select a mass that weighs between 35 and 45 kg to safely discharge. At high levels, this allows him to selectively discharge Recoil unevenly, or focus recoil into parts of an object. Objects that receive excessive Recoil have a tendency to explode.Vanta must train Density directly through narrative actions. To unlock a particular volumetric option, Vanta must have discharged Recoil into a volume to "teach" his Quirk, and is then capable of mimicking that volume. To unlock leeway, Vanta must discharge Recoil into two objects of identical shape but differing total mass. Density benefits from Retention and Duration improvements.
Duration: The corresponding ability to concentrate/dilute Recoil across a duration. Typically, discharging Recoil is effectively instantaneous, as are effects; extending the discharge lowers the maximum ceiling of Force applied over objective time. Vanta's ability in this is appalling; all Force effects hit hard, fast, and at once.Vanta must train Duration directly through narrative actions. To train Duration, Vanta must over-discharge Recoil repeatedly into a given object; over time, he will be able to adjust the Duration of Recoil for that object or objects of similar volume
Retention: Vanta's ability to hold and selectively discharge Recoil. Currently weak, Vanta must deactivate Acceleration to discharge Recoil, and do so immediately and in one shot. With training, Vanta can retain potential Recoil for a longer period of time after deactivation, and discharge Recoil in portions without breaking Acceleration.Vanta must train Retention directly through narrative actions. To train Retention, Vanta must discharge Recoil into himself.
did you know vanta(15) can subjectively experience two entire Geasa of Indenture (1.9e28 years) in 119 objective seconds if he goes as hard as possible??? talk about boring
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Given the dream thematics of Quickwater, there may be a connection to Dead but Dreaming/Outer Sorcery in the future.

[ ] Quickwater: The moon-graced elixir of formless clarion, whose dewdrops are stars and mist the constellation, its falling rain the cosmos come plunging to earth. In its simplest form, a fog of quickwater conveys pitiless, whimsical speed, swiftness like an ink-blur trail. Dimmed, it conveys the quiet speed of an assassin's moon; heightened, it scours vision away like ten thousand blazing suns. Congealed into tenuous solidity, its potions may confer all manner of transformation, many of them swiftly lethal. Take care when wielding its ten thousand variations, for it acknowledges neither liege nor master, only the primacy of the moment.

Hunger's imaginary Element is determined by his practicality. He requires immediate power and access to esoteric effects; this provides both.

Quickwater mist grants +50% AGI, +.1 Rank, and a degree of concealment to its creator when within its bounds; increasing density over time can improve this to +100% AGI, +.25 Rank with preparation. A symmetrical Rank penalty is applied to others inside, including allies. Bonuses can be further developed with training.
~Quickwater potions can be imbibed for similar effect, but require constant effort to stabilize in coherent liquid form.
~Variations currently available: Assassin's Mist provides ++++Stealth instead of Rank; Blinding Mist grants exceptional "concealment" by outputting enormous quantities of light. Mist type may be switched every moonrise, or potions concocted in advance, though with the usual stipulations. Some means of overcoming sleep may be necessary to keep potions stable through the night...
~Experimentation can yield vast varieties of different mist with varying effects. The transformations of Quickwater are as endless as the realm of dreams. Take care that you do not wander into the distaff plane of nightmare.

[ ] [Dead But Dreaming] - 25 Arete. That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons... Death merely induces slumber in the wearer until the heavens align for his emergence once more. Gain access to the [Outer Sorcery] skill, by which means one's dreams may twist reality towards one's purposes. Apply the effects of To Shatter Heaven to [Outer Sorcery].
Hm... I would say that Inksky offers only a middling amount of power for the Arete cost, locking much of its value behind that 5 Arete discount. You're still getting more than 2 Arete of value out of it, but compared to the immense power of Quickwater or the buffing + esoteric applications of Edeldross it definitely falls a bit short.

Quickwater: You can make potions that give +50% Agi and +.1 Rank, or +50% AGI and ++++Stealth, or explode into super flashbangs that you're immune to. In time create potions capable of nigh-arbitrary tramsutations of essence and form. In any area that's prepped, you have +100% AGI and +.25 Rank, and your enemies have -.25 Rank.

That's an absurd amount of power and versatility, compared to Inksky's +1.4 Protection and Charisma and crude telekinesis + occasional mantle healing.

Edeldross: A +20% bonus to all Attributes, somewhat easy buffing of allies, access to true flight, access to nonlethal takedown for Tyrant procs, all the utility of easy blasts and shields with none of the collateral damage concerns, and in time extreme versatility with almost no limits. Flight alone is a huge force multipler for Hunger given his access to sevenfold blade wind spam, to say nothing of shields that can ablate Tides of Nullity and the ability to quickly knock Letrizia or Gisena out of the way of an enemy attack.
I think people are underestimating the battlefield control Edeldross provides. Being able to reposition enemies and allies at will without harm is incredibly valuable. Gisena about to be stabbed? Shunt her out of the way! We're about to be surrounded? Knock our enemies back to different distances so we can take them one at a time!

It also lets us fly which is basically an instant win against things that can't given we have a powerful ranged attack. Gaining 10% of all possible Sorcerous Graces is also ridiculous!

What if, and I'm probably crazy and pulling shit out an incredibly low-cost-Necronomicon level 1 for toddlers, picking the Kaguya helped us get more screen time of Letrizia and Gisena enjoying dinner.


That would be pretty great, but on the other hand, that extra 6 credits might get them extrascreen time to see Gisena go all Otaku over clarketech guns and Letrizia dote her Giant Robo friend by giving him some better weapons so I can live with that exchange.

If the only benefit of not choosing Kaguya was moar power i'd probably agree with you, but these credits could represent quite a lot of narrative focus in other directions then enjoying dinner for those two.
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