This posts implies that part of the cost of taking defining advancements might be locking out other ones.
Really? I read it as "don't rely on having a fight that drops Stranglethorn; Hunger powers you up real fast but it restricts your build decisions a lot".
If this is true, it discredits my argument. But this brings us to another more relevant concern: if we've already imprisoned them, that means it's possible for us to get this option later in the future since the thematic framing of [Having Beaten a Strong Enemy and Imprisoning Them] is not unique to this encounter. As such, the opportunity cost of not taking this option is not that high. Consider taking Uttermost, which seems to be more unique and overall offers more immediate combat power versus combat utility!
I'm pretty sure the drop is "enemy whose themes are strongly resonant with Inheritance/powering up by hosting or imprisoning other souls".
What I don't get is where all the Mage Lord voters went. Back in the day Mage Lord had 25 people behind it, but the next time something comparable shows up suddenly there's much less.
Hey, I'm down to get Librarian if it's a choice between Librarian and Unerring. If it's a choice between Unerring and Uttermost, though, I'm definitely going to pick the one that isn't Uttermost.
Not that either Unerring or Uttermost are bad with your current build, but you should probably plan to be strategically coherent within this vote and not rely on getting a specific Advancement in the future. Hunger's progression is rapid but part of the cost is less definitive choice in what he has access to.

Yeeeesh, called out by the big guy. Sorry @Byzantine , your willpower may be unlimited but mine isn't, and I'm not really interested in taking Unerring if we'll be locked out of Stranglethorn.

[X] Lingering Exhaustion
[X] Forebear's Blade - Uttermost (4 picks)
Another point: taking Mental Contamination from Vanreir is a bad idea for Hunger personally, as it's likely to negatively affect his combat effectiveness. Vanreir, the guy whose interlude is titled Honor Unstained, the straightest shooter this side of the Temple, now influencing the mind of someone who barely got several deadly battles only through Age and Treachery. Will Hunger, the next time he faces an overwhelming foe, allow himself to deceive and cheat in order to win?

Librarian would be so much better...
Yeeeesh, called out by the big guy. Sorry @Byzantine , your willpower may be unlimited but mine isn't, and I'm not really interested in taking Unerring if we'll be locked out of Stranglethorn.

[X] Lingering Exhaustion
[X] Forebear's Blade - Uttermost (4 picks)
That is not what that says. He's saying that we can never be sure what picks we are going to get.

Not to mention that very logic could also mean Uttermost locks us out of basically everything too.
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Yeeeesh, called out by the big guy. Sorry @Byzantine , your willpower may be unlimited but mine isn't, and I'm not really interested in taking Unerring if we'll be locked out of Stranglethorn.

[X] Lingering Exhaustion
[X] Forebear's Blade - Uttermost (4 picks)
I don't think any of these options lock us out Stranglethorn. He's just warning us to pick whatever is best in the moment and not worry about future advancements. I'd say neither Unerring not Uttermost have particular synergy with Stranglethorn, as both rely on the speed of their attacks for both offense and defense. If we want to pick a synergistic option, Stranglethorn won't be appropriate for either of them.
Another point: taking Mental Contamination from Vanreir is a bad idea for Hunger personally, as it's likely to negatively affect his combat effectiveness. Vanreir, the guy whose interlude is titled Honor Unstained, the straightest shooter this side of the Temple, now influencing the mind of someone who barely got several deadly battles only through Age and Treachery. Will Hunger, the next time he faces an overwhelming foe, allow himself to deceive and cheat in order to win?

Librarian would be so much better...
Hey, we got two mental contamination from the Forebear and barely noticed! The effects of such might be overstated.
Well, all things aside, we did a good job actually generating arete today.

And yesterday.

And day before that.

Arete generation has been somewhat ramping up, lately. But today, in particular, has been really fruitful!
I don't think the point we're making is that X choice will lock us out of Stranglethorn, but that Uttermost as a defining trait is more coherent with the traits presented in Stranglethorn. Both are implacable, stubborn, and find a way. We give ourselves two avenues for that-- to be sharp and to cut through unerringly, or to dig our feet in and keep on going. The aesthetic appeals to me so goddamn much, for some reason.
None of these options lock us out of future ones, and anyone saying so is fearmongering baselessly.

Rihaku is clarifying that there is not a guarantee that a given option will be available in the next few fights. Which has always been true; if we don't kill things that make gardening likely, we won't get Gardener's Hallow. If we don't fight Knights we won't get Slayer's Knell or Knight of Holly (we've locked ourselves out of the former and soft-locked the latter through our progression however, because none of them offer XP anymore).

To act as though "You don't necessarily know what you'll end up fighting, so you don't necessarily know what picks you'll get from them" is a new concept is... astonishingly short-term memory.
I don't think the point we're making is that X choice will lock us out of Stranglethorn, but that Uttermost as a defining trait is more coherent with the traits presented in Stranglethorn. Both are implacable, stubborn, and find a way. We give ourselves two avenues for that-- to be sharp and to cut through unerringly, or to dig our feet in and keep on going. The aesthetic appeals to me so goddamn much, for some reason.
Because it's the aesthetic for how we have been playing. You know? Suicidally?
The amount of omake firepower deployed is kind of crazy. Personally maybe we should try to increase voterbase to reduce their power.
Why are so many people voting for Lingering Exhaustion? We only have nine more Apocryphal-free days and we can't do anything in the seven days we spend exhausted without risking making our exhaustion worse and are still tired for a week after that. Do people think we can power through the rest of the Temple in two days while tired? Or are they okay with the Apocryphal triggering while we're inside the Temple?
Why are so many people voting for Lingering Exhaustion? We only have nine more Apocryphal-free days and we can't do anything in the seven days we spend exhausted without risking making our exhaustion worse and are still tired for a week after that. Do people think we can power through the rest of the Temple in two days while tired? Or are they okay with the Apocryphal triggering while we're inside the Temple?
We've given up clearing the temple before Apocryphal returns. It was never viable.
Hey, we got two mental contamination from the Forebear and barely noticed! The effects of such might be overstated.
That's because Forebear is great! I'd gladly take another three from him. Vanreir, not so much. In fact, it's a little strange to see how we passed up Cut Through before this because of one point of Forebear contamination, but decide it's cool to take twice that from someone with a much less synergetic mentality.