Also, are the First Principles whose elements include Expression and Arrant Incarnation just a fancy name for souls, or what?
The Principles are a constricting element of Expression that shackles the ways it can manifest itself and develop. Otherwise, Expressions can theoretically scale to an infinite degree over infinite time.
The Most Honest Person

[The Ouroboros]
[The Originator]

[ ] Bestowal, Least [-1 Coin](Angelic appearance+Wings. Wings functioning is optional, that can be worked on)
[ ] A Choice [-7 Coin](Dawn)
[ ] Secrets Worth Keeping [-2 Coin]
[ ] Ten Fetters [-6 Coin](Sever-Conceit into Ignorance into Doubt)
[ ] Ring of Power [-25 Coin](Truth.)
[ ] Clarity, Lesser [-9 Coin]
[ ] Sublime Fusion [-14 Coin](Ring+Fetters)
[ ] Sever the Limit [-1 Remittance](Ring Of Power)

[ ] Out of Hand
[ ] Hand Over
They Who Watch threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 4
4 4
Given the number of luck boosts you've stacked, Beast of Principality should be survivable in something like 99.99[...]% of the cases. With Ring and Thorns, you'll have a decent leeway of versatility as well, and you'll definitely have the heroic motivation to do work with Clarity. With so much luck and Ouroboros as your master / Favored, and a domain such as Growth, you'd most likely act to enhance the efforts of the Grovetenders and embark on occasional logistics-oriented missions.

Thanks, that sounds exactly like what I was hoping for.
All beings have only a single First Aspect, hence why it's the First, and the Second is the Second, and the Third is the Third.
So is it that if memory is your first aspect, expression can't be? Your earlier explanation sounded more like any two magics channeling the same first aspect would automatically transcend and/or destroy the realm of external experience. Are the First, Second, and Third aspects more like essential nature, mind, and body respectively?
Are there any other Element of a First Aspect magics? Also, why is the Dominion trying to kill all Unprincipled Expressions - just because Ecumenist scared them?
Also, what does the Heroine say about offering the Hand a clue about the Ring of Greed, namely that it was held by a Dominion expat with a warship and crew but no serious backing beyond his own Ancient litany, as of the year the Heroine gained access to Essentialism?
So is it that if memory is your first aspect, expression can't be? Your earlier explanation sounded more like any two magics channeling the same first aspect would automatically transcend and/or destroy the realm of external experience. Are the First, Second, and Third aspects more like essential nature, mind, and body respectively?

Are there any other Element of a First Aspect magics? Also, why is the Dominion trying to kill all Unprincipled Expressions - just because Ecumenist scared them?

Also, what does the Heroine say about offering the Hand a clue about the Ring of Greed, namely that it was held by a Dominion expat with a warship and crew but no serious backing beyond his own Ancient litany, as of the year the Heroine gained access to Essentialism?
I do believe it's Arrant Incarnation and Expression each fundamentally alter the way your Aspect interacts with reality; having one means the other can't properly form.

The Dominion was never visited by the Ecumenist, as far as I know; neither is he an Expressive to my knowledge.

That Ring's safely in Alliance hands, at least in this timeline, and the Hand is aware of this.
I do believe it's Arrant Incarnation and Expression each fundamentally alter the way your Aspect interacts with reality; having one means the other can't properly form.
Huh. That sounds like the sort of thing Sever the Limit can fix. Are Arrant Incarnations automatic Wind targets?
The Dominion was never visited by the Ecumenist, as far as I know; neither is he an Expressive to my knowledge.
Huh, you didn't catch that? I guess Orm did tell me half of it directly, but it was one of his few public comments on this verse:
If you try scaling in the Six's backyard, using Dissident to convert injustice into power, there's a chance of an early confrontation (Ancients, Enforcement dreadnoughts, the Six themselves, etc.) and near-certain death. If you go off-world, you forfeit your shelter from DoDF and may not experience the same rapid growth, but could gain multipliers. You do have at least one natural ally in the form of the only other Unprincipled Expressive, though, whose goals are almost an exact match for the Paladin's!
I also thought Infinite Morning explicitly said Leveling was an Expression, but I might've been wrong about that.
Huh, you didn't catch that? I guess Orm did tell me half of it directly, but it was one of his few public comments on this verse:
The Ecumenist and the Unprincipled individual being referred to in that comment would certainly get along well enough (if the Ecumenist were not stuck in his current predicament, of which I shall not speak,) although they are not the same person.
Taskmaster/The Analyst

Favored Patron: Originator

Least Bestowal(Tattletale's power from Worm)-1 Coin
A Choice(Midnight) - 7 Coins
Lesser Clarity - 9 COins
Undying King: Deathless -20 Coins
Fruit of the Grove(Iridescent Eyefruit) - 10 Coins
Lifeblood(All applied to Iridescent Eyefruit) - 2 Coins
Chivalry's Zeal - 17 Coins
Celebrant Cadfael: Training Arc - 8 Coins
Essential - 48 Coins
Remittance(Sever the Limit): Iridescent Eyefruit

Confirmed Exotic Senses: Essence Sense, Emotional Aura Sense and Magical Ability Sense elevated by Sever the LImit, Death SEnse

Drawbacks: Martyr's Doom(Hearing), Charitable Works, Geasa(3)

I'm banking on sufficiently augmented touch being able to substitute for conventional hearing, especially in conjuction with whatever other senses I get. Like... 3e Golden Calibration Solar Exalted with Awareness charms level senses. Count the raindrops in the clouds, hear a pin drop in a thunderstorm, smell the full moon, taste ambition, etc

The Logic is to load up on and elevate other senses as a force multiplier for having Tattletale's power. And if I've got the Practice combined with Iridescent Eyefruit augmented by sever the limit, it seems like a waste to not take Celebrant Cadfael. I should have enough stat buffs to get a good result out of the Midnight Tower and lesser clarity should make me able to not burn out doing the Charitable Works drawback. Iridescent Eyefruit with Sever the Limit should among other things give me Taskmaster's photographic reflexes or perhaps something even beyond that.

I probably have the Soldier title from the Into the Ormulum CYOA too.
The Final Scion
[ ] Streetwalker -
[ ] Litanist (2 orbs) -
[ ] Final Scion of Water (2 orbs) -
[ ] Immortality (2 orbs) -
[ ] Somber (+1 orb, requires Streetwalker) -
[ ] Dreams of Distant Fire (+2 orbs if outside the Dominion, +1 otherwise) -

Way back when I knew nothing of the Ormulum Lethe was free points, now (where I know almost nothing) its almost unacceptable.

This was supposed to be a moderately comfy immortal Litanist build, starting with Reaping, Revelation, Repulsion. Immortality + Reaping has significant synergy, enough to keep you both pretty safe and pretty lethal to most reasonable threats. Powering your Artifacts with life-force/limbs/etc. should be enough to run anti-memetic and anti-mental influence defences against Thaumiel even when fairly far away from the Dominion. There are still fate-worse-than-death type threats on the Street, but between Revelations, prophecies, Reaping, and playing dead you should be alright.

There's just one problem. I'm an absolute sucker for lost, forgotten, abandoned, and broken things. Zoran's still around (being hyper tortured, probably) so the Shaper-Kings art is still extant, the Originator's Inheritor is guarded but might be freed, but Water? Waters fucking dead.

So, instead of a comfy sight seeing tour, this Final Scion aims for asylum under the Dominion -- probably as a strategic asset that weakens the General and Fire as a polity.

Final Scion provides tremendous stealth and evasion capabilities, which should be supported and rounded out with a Litanal artifact, ideally a cloak sung from water, which is powered by blood or something.

Then, a secondary artifact, an SOS signal, a method of contacting the nearest Dominion embassy, or something similar. Two possible designs seem obvious to me, but they depend on how the Dominion actually manages communication. Sending morse code by pulsing a revelation at a known object which is monitored for such occurrences seems an extremely basic but likely quite effective system. Alternatively, the Dominion might hand out emergency beacons/anchors whose state is monitored by revelation. Should they, for example, break, that might count as an SOS signal, triggering a contact attempt. Variants on this could also work through Reciprocity.

Should such methods fail, or simply not be possible within the limits of the Litanist purchase, scrying for "nearby" Litanists on the Street or in worlds that intersect with it, would be another place to start.

It might be necessary to attempt to make contact with the Hand. I would expect at least a few Fingers on the street, and while I doubt there would be Fingers on every world the street intersects with, the Hand seems to get around. Inducting some number of Fingers into the paradigm of Water might suffice to barter Transport to the Dominion, further services, support against the General, etc. may also need to be offered. If necessary, swearing the Oath is not out of the question, though suboptimal, given this build doesn't take the Ladder.

Even beyond that, this builds stealth and evasion capabilities are high. Since the Final Scion is on the Street they could keep walking or step off onto a world at every intersection. This drastically increases the potential search area for the General, buying more time. Awakening various travelers and random people at intersections to the paradigm of Water might further dilute the Generals focus, but might also create sympathetic connections to follow.

While the majority of this build focuses on delaying apprehension by the General, it can rely on Water for offence, defence, and healing even when its Litanies falter. This leaves it better prepared for the dangers of the Street.

Between blocking your ears with water plugs, higher attributes, and whatever defences against supernal sophistry, persuasion, etc. this build can conjure, it should be possible to resist Thaumiel. It is likely that Thaumiel will not persist in infecting you if they believe that would turn the General against them, but making this argument, or relying on it, is not recommended.

There are two worst case scenario tactics:
If capture by the General seems imminent, using reaping to destroy yourself as utterly as possible may trick or delay him once.
It may be possible to merge with Thaumiel. Depending on how territory ownership works, this could leave Thaumiel dramatically enhanced. The consequences of this are probably nightmarish for everyone.

On the whole, I think getting asylum with the Dominion should be manageable. You have various methods of reaching out to them and should be able to evade the General long enough to do so. Once you make contact you weaken a serious enemy of theirs just by existing, can provide an entire elemental paradigm to their citizens at will, and are yourself a prodigious Litanist.

While this build isn't set up to 1v1 the General, it has no trouble linking up with and supporting groups that oppose him. It should be possible to manage this threat, eventually.

Beyond that, there are a million and one things to do. In particular, I'd want to investigate any connections between the Street where the Stones Speak, Bath Kol, the Way she mentions, and the Litanies. There has to be a connection, the music imagery is too consistent!
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Why does the ladder make swearing the oath beneficial?
It doesn't make it beneficial, but deriving (or already having) the Ladder is one of the components needed to fulfill the Unbroken Oath, iirc. If you have the Ladder there is a chance you complete the oath and eventually go free, probably after the Hand ascends as God Head / reaches the top of the hierarchy and institutes his own order.

If you don't have the Ladder you're probably bound to spend a very, very long time ruthlessly, and ceaselessly aiming to realize this ascension.
It doesn't make it beneficial, but deriving (or already having) the Ladder is one of the components needed to fulfill the Unbroken Oath, iirc. If you have the Ladder there is a chance you complete the oath and eventually go free, probably after the Hand ascends as God Head / reaches the top of the hierarchy and institutes his own order.

If you don't have the Ladder you're probably bound to spend a very, very long time ruthlessly, and ceaselessly aiming to realize this ascension.
What would the Hand be like as an overgod?

There really needs to be a setting guide to this verse.
Operation: Second-Hand
The Iselgradis Encystment (+3)
Magic: Viscerality (-2), Demarcation (-2), Engine of Eld (-3), The Practice (-1)
Benefits: Heroic Destiny (-1), Chosen One: Viscerality (-2)
Drawbacks: Three Wishes (+1), Hamartia: Lust (+1), Ark's Golden Gloom (+2), Thaumiel (+3)
DLC: Power Word: Bird (+1)


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; but organisms of intelligence often adapt to match or counter the victor's strategy. As a being that proliferated wildly across the multiverse, and with access to outrageous magics and countless advantages, the Hand is, indeed, a successful organism.

Therefore, imitate the Hand as closely as possible.

Activating on Viscerality, the Chosen One's benefit expands its remit to include influence over the Second Aspect and enables cloning. Although in some fashions it may be considered inferior to the Hand's Colocation Array, the advantages of this method lie in other areas. Demarcation of one's Lust allows the reaping of Visceral benefits, without the attendant effects on personality. Newly created bodily patterns of the Second Hand do not suffer from Thaumiel, meaning the original instance may be stored in a stasis closet as countless scientist instances granted access over the Forge-Realm study the parasite and the best methods of extracting its influence.

With the Practice, they'll attain superhuman levels of skill in science, engineering, biology, and all other endeavors rapidly; synergizing greatly with repairs to the Engine, and further bolstering their studies of what Viscerality can accomplish. Naturally, other instances will focus on infiltration, diplomacy, and combat. Certain instances may devote themselves to worshipping the Ogdoad, especially Khoduar. With Demarcation, a sheering of the ego gradient can unlock an easy and reliable way to mass-empower all instances. Ruthless pursuit of power, swiftly equaling or maybe even surpassing the original of the newly created organism is soon to follow.

One of the early focal zones of the clone will be the attainment of implants, Visceral psychic powers, or other means to establish a hive mind. This should be simple enough with the Engine and Practice. Immediately after that, a method of traversing worlds. The most reliable method here is most likely developing the Engine's capabilities, although a massive Essential working accompanied by clones who are also clerics of Uledras may be able to open a semi-stable rift through the Hand's Cordon. Once the instances reach the Estates, they'll work hard to earn Acknowledgments and collect the Authorities under one banner. Other worlds shall have other rewards.

The end result is the strength of a fully developed civilization with access to incredible technology and carnomancy; its citizens inhumanely united and focused on their ethos, rather than a mere god. With access to Demarcation, the Hand's Cordon may be replicated. However, without the stress limits of the Colocation Array, there is no population capstone on how many instances may be created and maintained at once, save the natural growth rate enabled by Visceral Aspect engineering. Exponential, they'll blossom across the Hierarchy's worlds like the explosion of a tumor, spreading themselves everywhere and taking what can be taken.

The Ark and its treasures should prove nothing more than a welcome challenge; strike teams with shields of Demarcation against Reaping and equipped with weaponry that surpasses that of the Litanists, superhumanly skilled and capable of endless regeneration. The crucial component of the anti-Ark strategy is Reaping denial tactics, to prevent the Litanists onboard from gathering True Coin and properly restoring themselves after encounters. Once Sulevast is dealt with, the Ring of Greed and the Ark shall make a fine addition to my collection of superpowers, as will the groups of captured, brainwashed Litanists willing to Reciprocally share their magic...
Ultimate Essentialist

Patron: The Heroine

[ ] Clarity, lesser [-5 Coin]
[ ] Sublime Fusion [-7 Coin]
- [ ] Essential [-24 Coin]
- [ ] Ring of Power [-50 Coin] - Magic​
[ ] Sever the Limit [-1 Remittance]
- [ ] King of Arranor: Flame of Apprenticeship [-10 Coin]​

[ ] Bestowal, Least [-1 Coin] - mental boost
[ ] A Choice [-7 Coin] - Dusk
[ ] Lifeblood [-3 Coin]
[ ] Fruit of the Grove [-20 Coin] - Iridescent Eyefruit

[ ] Drawback: Martyr's Doom [+30 Coin] - Sense: smell
[ ] Drawback: Charitable Works [+20 Coin]
[ ] Drawback: Geassa [+3 Coin] x5

This happens to be a fusion of the two most expensive coin picks along with a (separate) highly synergistic limit break.
The ring of power now makes combining essentialism with other magics far more easy and effective and resonates with the Gift to allow for channeling massive amounts of essence. The various other picks are very helpful for surviving the insane and impossible months long training arc that is going to ensue from the severing of the limit. And the result should be quite impressive.

Spend 4 of the lifeblood on the fruit and save one for possible later uses.

Least bestowal is tailored to give a supernatural boost to most mental areas with a focus on intelligence, along with some benefits towards Practice in particular. The only immediate physical boost comes from the fruit. The supreme mental speed when under stress combined with absurd skill should allow for incredible micromanagement of magical effects on a vast scale.

The drawbacks should be fairly bearable with the help of clarity and perhaps dusk.
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I'd been tinkering around with nearly the same build - I think I decided Sever the Limit would make most sense to spend on Lifeblood, if one was going for power more than skill, and had deprioritized the Ring as having limited aesthetic resonance. Also I think giving up one eye and being doomed to be trapped in a tree would have more mythic resonance for a wizard. (Shame I don't see a great way to fit in Hallowed. Maybe mine drops Ring and grabs Deathless for the Koschei aesthetic? Fusing Deathless with King of the World sounds pretty neat actually.)
So no one told me Glowfic was the non-Discord RP meetup. But thanks to @Archon, I have @Orm Embar's Glowfic Gallery. Of particular note is the fact that the Kryptarch (I think that's @Aabcehmu's mysterious green pseudodivine patron, and possibly also the Ouroboros or its predecessor) is listed next to the Ecumenist... and someone named the Elegiast.

Edit: Did you know that Orm commissioned @Andelevion for art of the Hand, the Progenitor Resurgent, and a third person who seems interesting?

Andelevion Adds Art to this Thread

HEY I'M ALIVE. Updated my Commission information with more recent work and prices, and got some commissions done!! Artist Commission Registry - For y'all on mobile, but it's in my signature as well~ I don't think I've shared @Orm Embar's commissions??? Weird. So here's a mix of some older...
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It'd best for your (hypothetical Ormulum self-insert's) health if you stopped digging here.
The Wind's rise can be higher or lower, and knowing the wrong things can make it rise very high, very quickly.
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