I sketched out a Dien CYOA a few months ago but it never went anywhere because the answer was always "Dien would just pursue all the worthwhile options simultaneously". But if you'll indulge me, there were a few mechanical ideas that I thought might be cool. They turned out to be too hard to implement all at once for my first CYOA though.
First, you select parts of your build a megaproject before you know what strategy Hunger & Co. will be following. We voted from among several combinations of splitting the party, including sending the Rank 9 teenagers out into the wilds alone. So, after the first selections you are prompted to roll for what the Praehir's party does. Similarly, Dien has to select build options
before seeing what kind of Hunger emerges from the Realm of Evening. The foe that emerges would be rolled from some of the build options we were presented (including Broken Kaleidoscope Gisena).
Second, each blurb (in a completed version) would have a measure for how easily it can be liquidated from potential into pure power, in case Dien needs to turn into a jellyfish octopus monster.
Third, Dien has access to Catherine and Etrynome. I had a vague idea that some of the blurbs might come with a risk of alienating Cat, which could be paid off with concessions about letting parts of the Republic persist, or concealing your experimentations, etc. But employing Etrynome's noncombat utility would massively improve your rewards? This was the biggest roadblock for me because it felt like doubling the # of blurbs I'd have to write (which is already not my strongsuit)
You are Dien Bravo, baptized anew by a coruscating aurora of laughably mundane weapons fire as you awake to a galaxy at war. A single implement, piloted by a rudimentary facsimile of a Maker, has braved the protections of your Prison-Tomb for succor against a nascent Praehihr on the warpath. When a patient asks for help, what recourse does a Surgeon have but to apply the knife?
First, Surgeon, heal thyself. Selecting a course of treatment in which to employ the Implement will set you on the path back to coherence, if not full restoration.
[ ] Feeder Suns - The canonical option, Dien repurposed entire solar systems into
findross arcologies. The striving of an artificial ecosystem is turned towards restoring a sliver of the Surgeon's might.
[ ] Nebulae Forgeworks - A Foremost equipped with an
Ereadhihr can wield the heavens themselves. Reactivate the artisanal workshops of the great Foremost weaponsmiths and retrieve an arsenal of proper weapons rather than the toys littering this fallen age.
[ ] Astral Interstitial Zones - Turn your gaze to the higher realms and establish the laboratories necessary to integrate alien ontologies into a fully restored iteration of the Foremost Surgeon.
[] Armament Flesh Gardens - The little fallen Makers have been playing at imitating the blueprint of surviving Implements. You know the secrets of generating the biosynthetic flesh that housed each Accursed Core; splice a new evolutionary branch into the galaxy and let the new paradigm supplant the old.
Next, roll for Hunger's strategy as he wages war on the Human Sphere:
1-30: Don't Split the Party [Group sticks together]
*31-60: Hammer and Anvil [as in Canon]
61-80: Hammer and Anvil [alternate configuration of 2 teams]
81-100: Questing Rounds [Teenagers go wandering alone]
[Not sure what the mechanical effect of these choices would be??]
Select ## from the available Operating Theaters, each of which represents a facet of the identity of Surgeon. Leveraging Etrynome in a theater will massively improve performance in that theater at the cost of revealing your methods to its pilot. In your current state, the Implement's pilot could range from a distraction to a threat.
Field Hospital – You are not the only Shard to awaken. Collect the waking revenants of your people and cut away the rot and the confusion until they resemble something of their former greatness. Or, harvest them for parts.
[Boost from using Etrynome: ??]
[ ]
Event: Least Maker - A small shard limps into your Field Hospital's system, the greater portion of an irrelevant nobody. But a
Foremost nobody. At full power, the Maker would have fit several rungs below your lieutenants. As a shard, it may be more useful as spare parts
-[ ]
Dissect the Least Maker. Elevate the mundane humans under your command to the level of basic competency and compatibility when commanded to use Foremost technology. Grants a small army of technicians for Laboratory work. [Major] Diplomatic malus with other Foremost Shards. Harvested Spiritual and Biological corpus is almost entirely fungible and may be redeployed or converted to personal power without penalty.
-[ ]
Restore the Least Maker to coherence. Receive a Foremost Assistant, a technician of the sixth rung who had (almost) competently manned a Forge-Loom before the sundering. What he lacks in insight and creativity, he makes up for with diligence and eons of practical experience integrating mystical and mundane technology. A massive boon for augmenting the technology of the mundane polities, and a token of your good-will. [Minor] Diplomatic benefit with other Foremost Shards.
[ ]
Event: Vice Steward - A miniscule fragment of your Tomb-Prison's Warden arrives seeking help.
-[ ] Heal: grants limited administrator-access when unsealing and repurposing Foremost relics
-[ ] Consume: Receive the status of [Renegade]
Mad Science
-[ ]
Event: Seeding Heroes - yeet some Orks into a pressure cooker like one of the Realms (epistolary realm?)
-[ ]
Event: Corporeal Bodies for Astral Sovereigns - Astral Sovereigns from the deepest layers of the Astral have Pressure to spare, but struggle to project their influence into the material plane. You can give them what they want, if they are willing to pay for it.
-[ ]
Event: Augmentation for Etrynome - Put Cat back in the Robot
-[ ]
Event: Gradient manipulation by Mundane Methods - Necessity is the mother of invention and the Astral is difficult to manipulate with mere matter. The humans' rudimentary scrambling in the dirt without the ability to shape the gradient of their own Pressure provides you with an epiphany for integrating Pressure into the comparatively mundane technology available to you today.
[ ] Vizier
-[ ]
Political offers for Association \ Empire \ Republic \ Astral Sovereigns \ Voyaging Realm polity in exchange for concession and collaboration
-[ ]
Infiltrators / Bioweapons
--[ ] Invasive Meme Complexes
--[ ] Sleeper agents [as canon]
--[ ] Bioterrors
--[ ] Fast-acting population subversion [as canon]
-[ ]
Countermeasures & Contingencies in case of personality death
--[ ] Dimensional escape
--[ ] FTL Lifepods
--[ ] Personality Forks
-[ ] Search for other esoteric Powers - Dien recognized the taste of Winter on Hunger's abilities, surely there are other "factions" that could be bargained with. There's an entire cosmology implied by the various magics & dimensions that Dien taps into when preparing for the final battle.
[ ]
Attack the Praehir before the gears of Progression can spin up to provide a real threat
[ ] Don't do that
Roll for Hunger's Realm of Evening build (options from canon)
Roll for Hunger's Build coming out of the Realm of Evening with his party
Canon: OaF3 + Mythology Halo
Alt1: Regalia of Strife
Alt 2: Hail the Queen
Alt 3: Piloting Nova
Alt 4: Share the Weight
Alt 5: Broken Kaleidoscope
Note: Sharkey bought like 5 EFB Praxis Techniques, so that's the canon rate of advancement during the War-phase…
[Unwritten section converting blurbs from war-phase into monstrosity points after RoE emergence]