Have a couple more builds! Less preemptive backstabbing this time; scamming is fun, but enslaving Students who spent a Rank on prosocial mitigation is what's colloquially called a "dick move."

Cutting Class

Student +3 & 2S, Try Me, No Mitigation
Drawbacks: A Dalliance (Moderate) +1, A Season for War +2, Embrace of Winters +2
Powers: Initiate Sword -1, Initiate Bread -1, Initiate Rune -1, Initiate Storm Sapphire (Wind) -1, Initiate Truck -1
Core: Longevity 5, Output 3, Placement 0 for a total of -3
Sparks: Broken Limiter -1S, Heroism -1S

Who cares for prudence? Rather than learning at some Master's knee, I depart Earth for the Dalliance of a season. Let my classroom be the battlefield and experience my instructor; when I return, it will be with the strength to save this misbegotten world... if anything of it remains, after the inevitable internecine strife of the First Travail in Challenge Mode. The revised Rivalry's actually safer for the planet, since it scatters the teams throughout the multiverse.

Anyway, this build's not too complicated. The Dalliance is calibrated according to capabilities, so as the Truant I take a broad selection of powers that can be developed as necessary rather than investing Ranks in starting as an Adept. Broken Limiter's training is fast from Initiate to Adept, so that's where I focus my efforts, reserving Heroism for pushing to Exalted or creating new Powers. Physical exertion and opportunities for distinguished service shouldn't be scarce with this set of drawbacks.

A great deal depends on my Dalliance task and which of the Blood Halo's innumerable battlefronts I'm deployed to, but Restoration's likely to be the highest priority. Auto-resurrection enables Heroic risk-taking, yes, and healing the mind is necessary given the psychological toll of Season and War. But the real perk's that once I reach Exalted, I can restore and train the Bread (what does that even look like? Running marathons with a loaf in my mouth?) to Exalted.

The mental fortification from consuming it protects against Exalted Awe, but should also be relevant for weathering Winter's tempestuousness. Unlike Blossoming Spring, it doesn't scale with your stoicism. That drawback's avoided because the Truant, ironically, can't afford to slack off in the slightest. It's probable that despite Restorative therapy and Bread-based coping (aka. stress eating), I'll get fed up with the Embrace's shit at some point. Hopefully by then I'll have milked the Sparks for all they're worth and will have Powers aplenty to sacrifice. In the long term, sustained Heroism is incompatible with immortality no matter how many defenses I stack.

Sword and Bread together makes for a decent statblock; combined with Sapphire's wind control I can leap medium-sized buildings in a single bound. At Adept I'll snag metal as a second element for temporary synergy with the Sword and Truck, though Storm Queen's the ultimate prize. If I reach Exalted Sword, I'll call my SMA the Thunderer's Approach: a dim, diminished shadow of the apocalyptic war-making arts employed by the Architect of Ruin during his campaigns.

Mechanically it's mostly +Willpower with bursts of Might/Agi/Wits from galvanic supercharging, applicable to both man and machine. It can also hurl Jovian lightning bolts empowered by the wielder's resolve and/or wrath, synergizing with SQ and Endless Hope. Speaking of Hope, since Rune-Bread can be eaten repeatedly I have a means of inducing an ecstatic emotional state at will - which'll inevitably give way to anger, when my enemies prevent me from eating more Bread.

Truck's the odd Power out here, taken for initial damage soak and an eventual escape hatch if the situation on Earth looks untenable. If I return from the Dalliance to find everything on fire, everyone enslaved by Awe, or the whole planet gone the way of Alderaan, at least I can take a roadtrip to greener pastures. Truant tries to steer clear of powers that malfunction when contested, hence the Timepiece's absence.

And that's the build! A variant could easily avoid the Embrace (or Season, though if I wasn't ditching Earth to have swordfights the name wouldn't fit) by dropping Longevity to 4. But I wanted a properly immortal playthrough, so this goes all-in on ambition rather than ruthlessness. The Truant either dies during the early or midgame in some alien warzone or lives forever, having refused the 'Gift' of Men.

Codename: Zeus

Master +9, Try Me, No Mitigation
Drawbacks: Gift of Men +1, Dalliance (Difficult: uplift the human condition) +1, Blossoming Spring +1, Rivalry +2, Embrace of Winters +2
Powers: Exalted Tincture -5, Exalted Rune -5, Exalted Companion -5 (Exalted Bread, Exalted Awe, Adept Timepiece, Adept Sword: Greatsword + Bastard Sword, Adept Truck)
Core: Longevity 3, Output 3, Placement 0 for a total of -1

A confusing name, as the last build featured an electrokinetic! But since the CYOA's called Prototype, somebody must make Alex Mercer. The original conception of this featured both Zeus and the chosen Companion (a version of his sister Dana imbued with some much-needed competence) taking Exalted Tincture, so I could get double the shoggoth goodness and a protean war form with twice the mass. But it matches the game's story better if she's a source of inspiration and a humanizing anchor for a more monstrous protagonist, so the final cut has her with Exalted Bread and Awe instead.

The result's a solid Rivalry build. Zeus is a shapeshifting horror that just won't stay dead and can share the fun, stacking contingent resurrections on his teammates. The Rune can Restore Dana's Bread too, innoculating them against Awe. They also have both Awe and Tincture, so other allies can be boosted to situational relevance against the unprotected. Thanks to having seven domains between them, they can benefit from a variety of buffs in return. Paying for all this requires an unpleasant set of drawbacks, however. Thankfully mitigating the First Travail is unnecessary as it doesn't affect teammates.

The transhumanistic difficult Dalliance is fitting for Mercer and doesn't separate him from the team in the early game; Restoration and Tincture allow for progress while accomplishing other strategic objectives. Blossoming Spring isn't that bad with Awe to provide motivation, and while the Embrace will eventually become unendurable it's decent for Rival builds that can defray the cost of slipping its leash if they win. All told, the build manages to scrape together the Rank to dodge Season of War. Sure, Tincture means Alex and Dana could go together, but spending seven-tenths of their time absent? In a life-or-death PvP match? Season's as harsh as the Affliction of Slumber for Rivals, in a way.

All in all, a surprisingly viable meme build. The pun had to be made, but the shapeshifting abomination being a team player is perhaps funnier.

1651 total words, counting the previous build.
Edit: Objectively Rune King is the best advancement for someone without progression, since it applies To Shatter Heaven to your Magic systems. But, it's technically a remittance and it derives from Hunger sacrificing a fraction of his Progression for the effect. Replicating even that fraction should be well beyond the power level of the Butter choice and the cyoa as a whole.
Outside forces like Gisena CAN replicate progression to some extent, I don't think it's a big deal in this context. If we apply too much of this logic, it'll come to things like "you can't pick any Forebear's Blade options because they depend on being the Forebear and owning the blade, even the Tyrant couldn't use it etc". Nearly everything Hunger does is based on the Accursed's power in some way.
Outside forces like Gisena CAN replicate progression to some extent, I don't think it's a big deal in this context. If we apply too much of this logic, it'll come to things like "you can't pick any Forebear's Blade options because they depend on being the Forebear and owning the blade, even the Tyrant couldn't use it etc". Nearly everything Hunger does is based on the Accursed's power in some way.
Forbidden Fruit costs 14 arete and its primary effect is giving one LR. It makes sense that Butter, which only costs 7 arete, cannot replicate multiple LRs (multiple instances of TSH, one for each magic system, of which you might have as many as three) at full strength.
I don't understand you people. The accursed offers us limitless power at the price of guaranteed horrible suffering and almost certain death and you're like "wow what a great deal! The accursed is such a nice guy!".

Gisena offers us stronger starting power and potentially also limitless from what I can tell at whatever risk you feel like taking all the way down to pretty much no risk at all and you're all " dammit having to take handouts from Gisena sucks" and "How demanding of you to ask us to do things in exchange for limitless power!" And even "I'll kill you for this Gisena!"
The Gisena hate has been around since the original AST where she zapped Seram. I think we would have liked Gisena more if this was her first ever appearance in the Rihakuverse.
I don't understand you people. The accursed offers us limitless power at the price of guaranteed horrible suffering and almost certain death and you're like "wow what a great deal! The accursed is such a nice guy!".

Gisena offers us stronger starting power and potentially also limitless from what I can tell at whatever risk you feel like taking all the way down to pretty much no risk at all and you're all " dammit having to take handouts from Gisena sucks" and "How demanding of you to ask us to do things in exchange for limitless power!" And even "I'll kill you for this Gisena!"
In quest, Hunger takes the risk. In CYOA, its <you>.

Gisena's offered power isn't as good as the accursed's offer too mostly. All the effects cap at Exalted (or 50% more than Exalted) level for one.
In quest, Hunger takes the risk. In CYOA, its <you>.

Gisena's offered power isn't as good as the accursed's offer too mostly. All the effects cap at Exalted (or 50% more than Exalted) level for one.
Its not as good as progression but it's probably better than being a combat cursebearer and you don't have to take any curses to get it!

With Master, go easy
Adept truck, initiate bread
Longevity 5, output 1, placement 3

You can live forever with 10x physical ability and the power to self isekai to a universe of vaguely your choice if you get bored for no drawback or cost at all!
A bit of "strategy" for An Even More Comfy Ascension.

To start I have no substantial threats. None of this mind wammy, superpowered combat, galactic threat nonsense. Thanks Gisena!

But I do have no starting powers, and very mundane threats like poverty. So for my first 800 hours I'll take it easy and act mostly like I don't have a seed of incredible power. That means it will take a bit longer than 800, let's triple it to 2400 or 100 days, however long it takes.

For my first power I'll develop Awe. At even in the first level that would do wonders for me financially. I'll want to maximize fun, so maybe I'll be a highly successful Twitch streamer so I can work and develop powers simultaneously.

I'm not sure how long I can push it before Dalliance (I'm going local goal) kicks in and kills the good vibes. Hopefully developing my powers and telling myself I'll need them asap will help while that's still true. Spring is nothing but an asset here, sounds like it makes it harder to NOT enjoy life.

After Awe 1 I'll go with Truck all the way to 3. Why? Because my incredible potential still leaves me vulnerable to sudden catastrophe, like getting hit by a Truck. So the protective powers are very welcome. But then if I push it to 3, I can travel to incredible friendly technologically advanced universes and load up some of their hypertech (also just go on vacation. I'll found an organization, maybe a tech corporation, to slowly introduce the hypertech and make me the richest person in the world.

By now my rate of power development will have slowed down substantially, but not enough to be truly irritating. I'll get Awe 2, not to be a dictator because that's boring, but so I'm the most beloved figure on Earth. I'll call for World Peace and all that jazz (Awe and Truck should help with the folks who want to assassinate me for that).

After that I'll have 2 primary concerns: 1) accidently setting off a dystopia and 2) the possible limits of hypertech medical science when it comes to my loved ones. For that I'll develop the Rune of Restoration and the Bread combo. With Restoration at Exalted I can stop aging, heal any disease or injury, and bring someone back from the dead in case of sudden catastrophe. The Bread will make me smarter, more capable, and inspire me. Also I get to enjoy the bread whenever I want. With my awe, greater insight and artistic capability I'll work to make sure the hypertech is used to improve the lives of all and not to oppress.

My power development will be pretty slow at this point and I'll need to guage things carefully. Will I need Exalted Awe? Time? I'll probably take Tincture next so I can empower representatives to act as Stewards over my paradise and take vacations around the nicer corners of the multiverse.
Its not as good as progression but it's probably better than being a combat cursebearer and you don't have to take any curses to get it!

You are, uh, badly underestimating Combat-Class Cursebearers. They are by default far more powerful then a Fundament Nexus Master, and have way better scaling then a Student.

You are correct that the Fundament Nexus is a good deal, though. A significant amount of immediate power, or good long-term scaling, for a price of literally nothing if you so desire. And even the lowest rank of longevity more then quintuples the lifespan of a modern human, with living longer then the entire history of our planet being easily achievable.

I have commented before that the dissatisfaction Prototype has received is undeserved, and I stand by that.
I should post a comfy build. I forget if anyone has actually completely written out a Sword Student.
[P] Student
[P] Go Easy

[P] Embrace of Winters
[P] A Dalliance
(Unite with my love, overcoming the negative elements of Embrace of Winters)
[1] The Sword
[5] Longevity
[1] Output
[2] Placement
[P] Broken Limiter
You are, uh, badly underestimating Combat-Class Cursebearers. They are by default far more powerful then a Fundament Nexus Master, and have way better scaling then a Student.

You are correct that the Fundament Nexus is a good deal, though. A significant amount of immediate power, or good long-term scaling, for a price of literally nothing if you so desire. And even the lowest rank of longevity more then quintuples the lifespan of a modern human, with living longer then the entire history of our planet being easily achievable.

I have commented before that the dissatisfaction Prototype has received is undeserved, and I stand by that.
I was under the impression that combat cursebearers don't really scale afterwards? They are probably more powerful to start with though than even a min-maxed master since they compete pretty well at the highest levels of nameless cultivator land.

Curses are quite a bit worse than most of the drawbacks on offer here though so it balances out. Free immortality with extra powers on top is a pretty damn good baseline.
The Prototype CYOA also involves zero curses being taken unless you want it for more power. Gisena's also vastly lower powered than the Accursed so it's hardly fair to compare her to such an Exalted entity.

A maxed out Student could probably bring low a starting Combat Type though.
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Even further beyond's character generation says combat cursebearers don't progress so you might be able to become more powerful than one with a LWL prototype cyoa build. Depends on how the stated effects stack up against the power of high end even further beyond cultivators and whether you can upgrade artifacts past exalted and also whether you can count the trucks self isekai ability as advancement.
I was under the impression that combat cursebearers don't really scale afterwards?

No, they can scale, depending on the remittance they get. There are even (a very small number of) High Cursebearers who are Combat-type. Rihaku's posted a few Combat-type remittances on his patreon, and partial write-ups can be found in this thread even.

Combat types with a high-potential remittance can get up to extremely high power levels, although they do cap out eventually. And of course the Imperial Praxis, even without Progression, has a ceiling of "none". It's slower without Progression, but with enough work it'll get there.

Even further beyond's character generation says combat cursebearers don't progress

I think Nameless Prince specifically couldn't get high-potential remittances (except Praxis, which all Cursebearers get a chance at), for some reason. The rules behind how Cursebearers work are arcane at the best of times, and it's entirely possible they aren't comprehensible by human minds.
I think Nameless Prince specifically couldn't get high-potential remittances (except Praxis, which all Cursebearers get a chance at), for some reason. The rules behind how Cursebearers work are arcane at the best of times, and it's entirely possible they aren't comprehensible by human minds.
In large part it's because Nameless Prince was based of maximized initial power to kill the Heroine ASAP.
How would purchasing Azure Moon and Linear Halo prior to it work with Archmage? It's technically just a huge extrusion of the Realm of Evening via the Imprisoner, so would it be disqualified by either Azure Moon providing a different Soul Evocation(Librarian for example, though Eva's might be of interest) or Linear Halo without Outward?
Soul Evocation is just One Magic System, I think, on a technical level, so I don't think Linear Halo would forbid you from using an additional SE that you somehow picked up? It doesn't prevent you from learning new spells in magic systems that have spells, and that feels like maybe the closest analogy.
Intelligence - Somewhat imprecisely, any single Intelligence +s yields a point of IQ worth of intellectual capacity. This diminishes to 66% gains at 15 Intelligence, then 33% gains at 30 Intelligence. In other words, it's easy to raise your IQ by one standard deviation, and difficult to raise your IQ by two standard deviations or more.
IQ tests are mostly visual processing. Does this at least unlock higher Ordinals?
Wits - Any single Wits +s grants you an increase of +1.0x to your mental processing speed. In essence, at Wits 10, you can think around ten times as fast as the average human, and at Wits 20, you can think around twenty times as fast, and so on.
This, meanwhile, massively inflates your results on any IQ test.
+50 Luck - Amazing luck, almost beggaring belief; survive every car accident you're in, find $500 on the street in reasonable denominations five times in the same day.
Most people survive every car accident they're in? Stats might be different in bus-crash countries, though.
I don't understand you people. The accursed offers us limitless power at the price of guaranteed horrible suffering and almost certain death and you're like "wow what a great deal! The accursed is such a nice guy!".

Gisena offers us stronger starting power and potentially also limitless from what I can tell at whatever risk you feel like taking all the way down to pretty much no risk at all and you're all " dammit having to take handouts from Gisena sucks" and "How demanding of you to ask us to do things in exchange for limitless power!" And even "I'll kill you for this Gisena!"
The Accursed doesn't seem to be deliberately selling my species into slavery, though?
Its not as good as progression but it's probably better than being a combat cursebearer and you don't have to take any curses to get it!

With Master, go easy
Adept truck, initiate bread
Longevity 5, output 1, placement 3

You can live forever with 10x physical ability and the power to self isekai to a universe of vaguely your choice if you get bored for no drawback or cost at all!
Oh, and locking you out of all 'supernatural' healing whatsoever. Forgot that part.
IQ tests are mostly visual processing. Does this at least unlock higher Ordinals?

This, meanwhile, massively inflates your results on any IQ test.

Most people survive every car accident they're in? Stats might be different in bus-crash countries, though.

The Accursed doesn't seem to be deliberately selling my species into slavery, though?

Oh, and locking you out of all 'supernatural' healing whatsoever. Forgot that part.

So you'd prefer not to get Gisena's offer at all? Then join me... in the Greed club, we can append different build from different CYOAs together with only token justification, or for literally no reason at all, such as combining the Furthermost Reaches, Winter Dynasty, and Prototype CYOAs, to get an ungodly abomination fit to rival a Progression Cursebearer, nevermind what the Greed build version would look like!

Lack of supernatural healing doesn't matter if Genius prevents you from getting hurt. Red says 'Ha! No.' to being enslaved by anyone if you get any time to scale up at all. Not to mention that you can take the Drawbacks pretty freely with this kind of power, such as taking Madman for another Jade. I can't see Ten Thousand not vastly improving your research speeds, and heck, maybe you can make the dream of introducing Hunger to Red come true. We'll get that damned Essence Ring yet!
Greed builds are just a godhood dressed up a little, if one ignores the premise of a CYOA being largely self contained, what's the point? Where's the challenge of optimization?
you can just write your own thing with whatever planned power level if you want to greed yeah :thonk:

fun of cyoa is playing within restrictions author put in and seeing how they envision the world