Say, does anyone know why we never got an option to make Aeria a Sorceress? We never took Slice Fate to make it an option for Letrizia, but it should have been trivial to make Aeria the Threnody Sorceress during one of the Realm of Evening procs, or even just when Archmage became a thing.
After a certain point, it became mechanically and narratively irrelevant.

She might, in fact, became a sorceress off-screen already, it just doesn't matter with these powerlevels.
After a certain point, it became mechanically and narratively irrelevant.

She might, in fact, became a sorceress off-screen already, it just doesn't matter with these powerlevels.

I ask because I was wondering how many Feeder Suns she could eat before all it did was deny Dien assets. Like, that's a ton of Findross, and better it get eaten by her than Dien. If anything could have given her a leg up on the power curve, that would be it.

The Fifth Quarter​

- Refugium
- Andrea
- Grand Design
- Might of Myriad
- Luminous Scroll (Singing Steel)
From your comments, I get the impression that the Change in the world is rather more urgent than the other builds have truly prepared for. Thus, I have decided to prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.

Refugium provides a last redoubt should any truly irrecoverable catastrophe befall the Earth. (Although now that I read it, I'm unsure whether the network of caverns is located on Earth vs safely on another dimension.) The powers that I chose are designed to maximize my compatibility with either of the immediately activated Panoply items: either monofocus on learning the magic of Light, or developing short-term psychic powers to blend any given enemy. Andrea provides heavy weapons support, and hiding in a bunker gives us broad leeway to carefully select any social encounters at the beginning of the scenario.

The choice of optimal Panoply item would ultimately depend on what kind of lesson is imparted by the Conservator. If he provides a generalized boost to an existing system then the Scroll is a better pick, but if he inducts me into an entire system then the sword would be the play. This is essentially a Prepper build, so Sword fits the aesthetic more, but my own preferences settle on Scroll just because of who I am as a person. I already tend to fixate on preparation and learning how to implement things, so descending into a Youtube spiral about Light Magic feels more on-brand.

Sword is probably better tho.

- Umbracele
- Free: Vastitas
- James
- The Four Senses
- Second Skin

People respond to crisis in different ways. This was actually the build I thought of first, and is what I would take if the urgency of the Change was anything less than apocalyptic. Umbracele explicitly leans in to a transactional conceit that I have been stewing on for quite a while: the components of your identity are valuable assets, if you can find the right buyer. At present there are parts of my psyche that I'd pay to carve out, so selling them instead has already doubled my profit from that transaction.

Vastitas is a broad wasteland that may contain a gem hidden in the rough. This is prime real estate for a scavenger or a bounty hunter. With the Four Senses I act as a metal detector (magic detector) and can more quickly find value amongst the dreck. This is an extremely low-power start, though, so I need the Second Skin to prevent pickpockets from snagging my sense of Self, or rival scavengers from simply killing me.

The gameplay loop here would be to liquidate my (meager) holdings IRL and give them to James asking to gamble aggressively for an X% share of any winnings (This assumes James has some kind of loyalty enforcement mechanic!). Next, I'd make a transaction for some sort of immediate temporal power, in exchange for favors owed later. The Second Skin makes me somewhat more confident about taking a high-power, high-exploitation offer from a broker in exchange for future services rendered.

I'm young enough that trading a non-distortionary commodity like weeks or a year of my unlived life is not terribly painful. I'd be willing to part with things like "the novelty of magic" or even "fear in the face of the unknown", either of which will be quickly beaten out of me anyway. In their raw form those facets would be valuable drugs or weapons, to say nothing of more complex refinements. They are only harvestable from greenhorns which means supply is limited in a place like Umbracele. I think my starting offer is enough to provision one initial expedition. I'm aiming at a simple mover or blaster power, which should be readily available in any back alley tbh.

Edit: It's worth mentioning that most of your personality traits are fungible at start: e.g "The laughter of a mortal". But eventually any adventurer should become well known enough that "A laugh from renowned archaeologist Zampano" is much more valuable. Similarly, "services rendered" at quest-start may fetch a low price, while your capabilities / resources may be extremely broad by quest-end. Be judicious with what you trade away early!

Then I'd yeet myself to Vastitas and try to detect something valuable enough to fund additional trips.

I ask because I was wondering how many Feeder Suns she could eat before all it did was deny Dien assets. Like, that's a ton of Findross, and better it get eaten by her than Dien. If anything could have given her a leg up on the power curve, that would be it.

With Gisena's Halo, the teens can only use Findross with permission. And with the Maiden, being a Sorceress is more of a liability than an asset. If you want to make the two Sorceresses for the purposes of one of Aobaru's Apocryphal procs, I think you have a lot of leeway.
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The Furthermost Reaches
It's been a while since I've worked through this, and, in retrospect, I overlooked the obvious. You're in the voyaging realm, just get Rank!

Inexhaustible Bulwark
[ ] Resilient [2 Copper] -
[ ] Red [1 Jade] -
[ ] Last Laugh [2 Copper] -
[ ] Bolt From the Blue [4 Copper] -
[ ] Sigil [5 Copper or 1 Platinum] -
[ ] Plate [10 Copper or 2 Platinum] -

A formidable force, the brute defences and resilience of the armored dead married to a lethal sorcerous offence. You do not require skill with a sword, nor the bravery to enter into close physical combat with beasts out of legend -- those can come with time. With a phrase and a gesture you may slay even a lesser beast of myth.

Further, the social defences of the Plate synergize with Bolt from the Blue. The social harm of murder is ameliorated, and thereby your capacity to exploit your primary weapons discrete application is notably enhanced. With even a smidgen of social skill you would make for an excellent ambusher or assassin.

This is, naturally, only the beginning. Red, on its own, is a potent magic. But you do not need to restrict yourself to a single system. After all, you are in the voyaging realm.

From the Soul Evocations of the Temple, to the Astral Rank of beasts and person's, to the Surgecraft of the Elixir Sovereignty, these should not be beyond you, in time. Surgecraft in particular should be replicable through a process very similar to Hunger's, though you will lack the assistance of Progression to make this a quick and easy process. But, with time or significant advancement in Red it should be quite possible.

You may also wish to prepare to flee. If this is the same timeline Hunger resides in there is at least one great calamity on the horizon.

I might write an omake for this, devouring myth beasts for their essences could be quite interesting. Slay a Dragon and acquire the Might of Ages for yourself, if you can just crack the essence matrix responsible for that effect.

Given how many EFBs and regular old choices we've had since then, how about another go at that? Heck, maybe just go 'Pick an EFB, then build around it with 20 Arete and 10 Picks' this time.
I'm quite interested in, I suppose, the inverse. What is the least combination of advancements you would require to accept the Geass of Indenture and one other Curse (not lesser curses, except at least two of the Rivalry line).

Without Progression or a rock solid Accursed provided power just surviving your tasks becomes immensely difficult.
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Alrighty, I'm finally going to do a build for Aabcehmu's Fifth Quarter.

First, the serious build. It bears some resemblance to Orm's build. However, I take on:

[F] Vastitas, the Trash Heap
[F] Doppleganger(Refugium, the Last Chance, The Four Senses, Luminous Scroll)
[F] A Grand Design
[F] Time's Favorite
[F] The Skeleton's Closet

I assume Time's Favorite provides some resistance to 'damage over time' effects, such as environmental hazards, allowing me more time to find stuff in Vastitas, in addition to dramatically accelerating the buffs provided by Grand Design. I think I'll make the Skeleton's Closet into something like a guild hall for those seeking to recover things from Vastitas and similar realms. After all, if there's four, there are probably more, or will be soon, given the changes Earth is supposed to be going through. Heck, I might even contact Death via Time to let them know about the place as a show of good faith. The Doppleganger has a free place to stay and my help with intellectual problems in return for access to any magics the Conservator teaches them and the Scroll. Four Senses is partially to make it easy for them to learn magic from the Conservator, and partially because I figure someone who basically doesn't have an identity would appreciate being able to experience the world so fully. Plus, they'll get way more out of any music or the like they use the Scroll for. I expect they'll initially visit the Conservator as a mix of simply wanting to see their collection and ask about the Conservator's opinion on personhood, seeing as they've been literally robbed of theirs.

As for the Greed version:
[F] Vastitas, the Trash Heap
[F] Umbracele, the Night Market
[F] Andrea la Valliere
[F] James St. John
[F] Doppleganger(Lapidae, the Divine Palace, Refugium, the Last Chance, The Four Senses, Might of the Myriad, Luminous Scroll, Second Skin)
[F] A Grand Design
[F] Time's Favorite
[F] Singing Steel
[F] The Skeleton's Closet

Presumably, doubled Picks would apply to our Doppleganger friend too. Meaning everything but one person is selected, though we each only get about half the stuff. James acts as my agent in the Umbracele, spreading word of the returned Skeleton's Closet, and pawning the stuff I find, with aid from Andrea and sometimes the Doppleganger, whose ridiculous physical attributes and sensory suite makes them incredibly well-suited to grabbing stuff, with my ability to assess value because of my mental buffs helping us find good stuff. Second Skin provides the Doppleganger a great deal of defensive ability, which they will probably need as they sell their services as a mercenary when not waiting in the Lapidae line when recovering from missions. It presumably also safeguards against Umbracele thieves if they should visit the place, and may well develop the capability independently, as encountering a dire threat to their personhood is their entire backstory.

Andrea and I will keep the peace in The Skeleton's Closet, when the former isn't being loaned out to the Doppleganger, which the Singing Steel will aid greatly with, and I suspect the Singing Steel's legend echoing across the Greater Span will have some synergy with the Closet wandering through the Greater Span. Who knows? Maybe I'll eventually pick up enough from the Doppleganger's secondhand magical studies to use the legend to open portals to spaces few know of using the Steel as a dowsing rod of sorts, especially with my ownership of the Closet likely conferring some ability to direct it to various places to begin with.


Any opinions?

Also, since Prototype's premise is that Gisena is tossing out the Nexus to a bunch of people on random Earths in case they stumble across some neat power and/or are interested in becoming footsoldiers in Hunger's crusade, so wouldn't it be possible for that to actually be something that happens? Having gotten my Five Wishes CYOA just before, or Aabcehmu's Fifth Quarter, Once and Always, Mage Recruit, or the Galaxia One Year Experience, or enlightenment based ones like Elemental Interest or my Status Screen? Not Crossworld. For one thing, I'd be very surprised if the Sovereigns reacted well to Cursebearers in general, for another, they'd probably freak the hell out at even a tangential connection to Haeliel via Hunger's Favor, because if she finds out about them, then the boss man finds out about their current location, and they'd really rather not deal with that. Well, not Birdsie's Illustration.

Huh, most of the 'just stumbled into it' ones are either Furthermost Reaches(which wouldn't really be compatible because they aren't some rando on Earth) or from Aabcehmu. Anyway, I'm thinking of doing a trio of Greed builds for Protoype. A classical Greed build with doubled Ranks, a combined build taking a Winter Dynasty build where the person was reformatted upon the Forebear's timeline being overwritten by Hunger, and appending Furthermost Reaches(presumably the currency the Curse Broker is interested in was collected and survivied the trip, eventually drawing his attention to Earth and the player specifically) and Prototype, with the latter unlocking the powers of the first two builds as a byproduct of having a Nexus jammed into one's soul. Really, it's mostly an excuse to jam all three of Rihaku's CYOAs together and see what happens! I'd probably do a Greed build for that trio, but that's technically not a separate type of Greed build. Lastly, the version where all the chance and enlightenment CYOAs are appended to Prototype, rather than Rihaku's other CYOAs, though a fourth Greed build with all of them together could be in the cards. Prototype would presumably take place last chronologically, regardless.

945 words, discounting this line.
Alrighty, I'm finally going to do a build for Aabcehmu's Fifth Quarter.

First, the serious build. It bears some resemblance to Orm's build. However, I take on:

[F] Vastitas, the Trash Heap
[F] Doppleganger(Refugium, the Last Chance, The Four Senses, Luminous Scroll)
[F] A Grand Design
[F] Time's Favorite
[F] The Skeleton's Closet

I assume Time's Favorite provides some resistance to 'damage over time' effects, such as environmental hazards, allowing me more time to find stuff in Vastitas, in addition to dramatically accelerating the buffs provided by Grand Design. I think I'll make the Skeleton's Closet into something like a guild hall for those seeking to recover things from Vastitas and similar realms. After all, if there's four, there are probably more, or will be soon, given the changes Earth is supposed to be going through. Heck, I might even contact Death via Time to let them know about the place as a show of good faith. The Doppleganger has a free place to stay and my help with intellectual problems in return for access to any magics the Conservator teaches them and the Scroll. Four Senses is partially to make it easy for them to learn magic from the Conservator, and partially because I figure someone who basically doesn't have an identity would appreciate being able to experience the world so fully. Plus, they'll get way more out of any music or the like they use the Scroll for. I expect they'll initially visit the Conservator as a mix of simply wanting to see their collection and ask about the Conservator's opinion on personhood, seeing as they've been literally robbed of theirs.
Time's Favorite doesn't actually directly make A Grand Design's progression any faster on its own, but you can spend annual boons to do that so you're not far off the mark. You are correct that there are many more realms out there besides the four Places offered in the CYOA, and while approximately none of them are identical, there are certain to be others that one can loot in a similar manner to Vastitas. Contacting Death via Time is also possible, though the two of them are not on the best of terms with one another.

No real comments on the Greed build.
How does War and Wind play out with our build? Hunger has 11 days left on Apocryphal (1 extra due to farming picks otw to the temple). We are going rather aggressively, though, so hopefully that's not an issue. Also, Gisena is with Hunger, but.. I'm.. not so good with writing banter, so bear with my attempt to be faithful to Gisena's 'voice'.
The moment he stepped across the threshold, the doors boomed shut behind them. Uncanny speed, given how reluctantly they'd opened. He examined the gates for any latch or release mechanism, but there were none. Instead there was a sigil of a moon unfilled which hung over where the handles would be. Perhaps the gates could only open once a night, or worse, once per lunar month. He hoped it was not the latter. The gates were magnificent pieces of art and it would be a shame to destroy them.

"Admiring the doors? No need to worry! I can carve our way out with my Nullity if they're too painful to destroy." Gisena spoke from his back.

Before them was a vast marble entrance hall, part forum and part antechamber, flanked by carven pillars that rose skyward to the opalescent ceiling some ten stories above. The chamber was well-lit by enormous braziers of dark gray, each the width of three men around. The braziers housed crackling bonfire-flames that exuded the warm merriment of a cherished hearth, upright and proud as if boasting to the visitor of their mighty hospitality. There was no one else, no signs of life, not even stray vermin.

He began to walk. Onwards and forwards the entrance hall crept, half a mile or more in length, until slowly the marble bricks of the wall and ceiling began to fade before him. Bricks increasingly hung unsupported in the open air, a patchwork caricature of wall through which the blue of an unfamiliar sky shined through. As he walked further the entire hall bowed open, thinly populated "walls" and "ceiling" curving up and away, yielding to grass and sky.

This was a wholly different landscape from that outside the Temple, a vast grassy plain whose sun was gentle and bright, a paradisiacal sweetness in the taste of the breeze. His ring hummed and he dropped into a crouch, sword held before him, but no enemies emerged. Instead the hum only intensified, a low mournful keening that steadily worsened over time.

Something was calling to him, a will that was not quite an entity in its own right, but which nonetheless was suffering greatly. It begged for an end to its torment, to the great depth of exhaustion to which it was interminably forced, each scraping-away of essence like a screw driven endlessly deeper. It promised vast and bounteous power to whosoever tore it free, or merely put an end to its wretched existence.

He stepped forwards, in the direction of the call, and the hum lessened. He stepped backwards into the antechamber and it worsened. Suspicious.

Now that he was aware of it, he doubted the not-quite-scream of the Calling would desist even if he left the Temple. Perhaps Gisena would be able to dispel it, though his instincts told him that the Call itself could not be faked, could in fact be nothing less than the truth. There really was something deep in this Temple whose essence was being drawn upon endlessly, and which suffered terribly for it.

The power of his ring was modulating the Call, clarifying its message while reducing its intensity, rendering it more comprehensible and bearable as well. Strange. The ring had never exhibited such powers.

But the Call was a distraction nonetheless. Best to resolve this matter before he faced the blue swordsman again. With the gate closed behind him, he would proceed forward. He'd return after nightfall to see if the doors would open, and cut them down only if they remained closed.

"Something up, Hun? Hearing voices already?" Gisena said, ever-cheerily.

"It's a scream. Whatever in this temple is begging for an end to its misery." He replied. Was Gisena already warding herself off from the entity's call?

"Thinking it's fake? My Nullity can smother the sound if you wish!"

"I think it's impossible to fake. Somehow, my ring is able to decipher it's meaning, reduce it's volume. There's something there."

"Perhaps some kin to it, then!"

Having slain many thousands of monsters on their path to the Temple, he was stronger and faster than he'd ever been in this world, and many times tougher as well. And if forced to the absolute brink, there was one final card he could now play, power that transcended flesh and spirit alike.

He grimaced. The thought of it reminded him too much of his final blow against the Tyrant, an uttermost exertion of the self. The consequences of its use should not be quite as severe, but... he would use it only as a last resort. Only if all else failed.

He'd walked only a few minutes before coming upon a creature, a shadowy giant in gothic armor with an enormous blade sheathed against its back. As it sighted him it rose from the hill on which it was situated. It moved with a ragged exhalation, creaking of disused metal and the slithering of chainmail against plate. Without warning or preamble it attacked.

It was fast relative to it's towering bulk, gray thunderbolt of smoke and force whose opening blow split the air as he ducked. He plunged own blade into the monster's chest, armor shrieking and giving way to his sword. Gisena followed up with a wave of dispellation right onto the gaping wound he made, magics of its armor already fizzling. He moved around the side to avoid the follow-through of its tremendous strike, the giant already slowing. Calling his blade to him he stabbed its leg, where in a normal man its hamstring would be. Another wave of dispellation followed, Gisena unleashing her Nullity right into whatever magics animated the shadow-knight. Shuddering, the knight staggered as if a man struck where heart would be. Hunger wasted no time striking once more in it's moment of weakness, his blade lancing out in swift strokes, carving away nullified armor into so much scrap metal within instants.

Discontentedly he surveyed its remains. Fresh power surged within him from the ring, not much. The monster-knight had scarcely been a foe worthy of the name.

Movement on the horizon. Perhaps called by the death of their comrade, more ghostly knights had appeared, a dozen or more bristling with weaponry: curved blades and heavy pavises, pick-axes and enormous hammers, ballistas wielded as siege-crossbows, their cruelly barbed bolts glinting in the noonday sun. Hunger smiled. Perhaps this might be a battle worthy of being called one, after all.

One angled its crossbow upwards and fired, the bolt landing soft inches from his foot. He charged, reaching the ranks of the shadow-knights in moments. He targeted the ones wielding crossbows first, reaving through their ranks with the Fell-Handed Stroke of the Forebear, power of Ruin ripping apart barding and enchantment both. Gisena covered his back, unleashing wave after wave of Nullity that caused the shadow-knights to stagger as the translucent torrent of nullification washed over them, animating magics disrupted. With the squad disoriented by Gisena's antimagic, Hunger had no difficulty swiftly dismantling the knights with superior speed and strength, their movements increasingly become rote to his eyes as he moved from knight to knight. As the last knight fell, his Ring pulsed with power once again.
Wow, that's brutal. I don't think the poor lone shadow-knight even qualified as a single pick here with how fast Hunger + Gisena dismantled it. I'll write it off as paying off the exp discrepancy due to this build having taken Conclusion. At least the squad of shadow knights qualifies for some picks, even if one didn't. Maybe two in total. Let's look at how The Winnowing Garden plays out. Note that Hunger is taking an Aggressive approach, which includes a 'RIP AND TEAR' kind of attitude, on top of +10% damage.
With the shadow-knights dispatched so readily, it did not make sense to return so soon as opposed to growing his strength with greater urgency still. The shadow-knights were uniquely vulnerable to dispellation and he could overpower them already with superior speed and strength. Against other enemies he had Gisena's magic of dispellation, with which fights could be reduced down to a raw contest of might, and within that realm Hunger could readily annihilate most enemies imaginable with the outrageous power of the improved fell-handed stroke that now struck like a thousand cuts.

The knights were sparsely dotted across these grassy plains, many of them situated in locations of tactical import - hills and fens, caves and groves, wherever a vantage point or natural fortification might present itself. He passed by a gently babbling brook that was, disappointingly, utterly devoid of life. Not that he had a fishing pole at the moment, with Letrizia's supplies beyond the Temple gates.

He wondered what, if anything, the people in here ate. Was it possible to live off the land, did adventurers simply bring their own meals?

Speed and strength having been bolstered by the knights he felled, and wise now to their tactics, they dispatched squads of knights without issue. Hunger quickly escalated up to knight-legions, finding their combined numbers all the more suitable for an appropriate challenge. They even attempted to pincer him into an ambush once with a squad as bait, but Gisena detected the attempt with her magical senses while he localized their positioning with his ability to scent them out. Element of surprise robbed and then turned back against them, Hunger and Gisena dismantled them with brutal efficacy, spring-trap become grave, before moving onwards.

"Looks like they're organizing, Hun! Perhaps we'll see their commanders soon, maybe they'll be more of a challenge for our Lord Hunger?" Gisena spoke with tired cheeriness. Constant use of Nullity was likely tiring her out.

"Tired already? Perhaps a constant resting on my back has led the Nullity Sorceress to lethargy already.." Hunger replied.

"Alas, however shall I return, then? Perhaps my noble steed would carry me back again.." Gisena answered.

While Hunger was confident in their combined ability to take down whatever foes of the level they were facing, with Gisena tired, it would be unwise to press their luck further. If they then faced a Magus or a notably magical enemy after she became truly exhausted from continued hunting, it would be at a severe disadvantage.

With that in mind, he called it a night and withdrew, but was intercepted along the way by an enormous burrowing wurm-creature, its titanic length erupting from the green earth in a world-sundering burst of noise and motion, tides of heaving pitch-black loam, shattered-stone shrapnel in a furious geyser as it snapped at him. Its quadruply-segmented jaw, thick with stone-cracking fangs, was mercifully slower than the wind-light mass of his spirit body; though the heaving bulk of its follow-through, like an onrushing train, nearly caught him out with its whiplash speed. He leapt back and away, the hard earth shaking as he landed. And then, quick as it'd come, it was gone, disappeared beneath the earth once more. Gisena searched worriedly, eyes glimmering as she did, but it would seem they faced an unmagical enemy, or at least one enough so that her Nullity would be more hindrance than help.

Like a bomb going off the worm had appeared: sudden destruction and chaos to be followed by a long, ear-ringing aftermath of tense silence. Now that he was attuned to it, he could smell traces of the beast, hear the mountainous rumble of its passage beneath, gliding smoothly through dirt and stone, circling about its intended prey. How much strength, how much sheer force of momentum, was required to move so effortlessly through the solid earth?

Would this be the one, this nameless, eyeless beast? Would it force out the power he'd pledged, not hours ago, to forsake except in direst extremity?

No. It would not be here, not now, not to this overgrown muckraker. He ran, sprinting for the antechamber, pounding footfalls alerting the beast to his location as he moved. Coming across a rocky hill, he climbed it, pacing across its length as if undecided as to his next destination.

There. The rumbling of its movements had paused. Some might take it that the pursuer had given up. He knew it for what it was. Unnatural stillness, like a serpent coiled to spring. Waiting to ensure its target would not spook or startle before it committed to the attack. The Tyrant had been fond of movements such as this. One did not spring the trap until the bait was claimed.

He closed his eyes, became still and silent, attuned to the world around him, the whorls and eddies of Pressure as it twisted the skeins of chance, bringing the physical world in alignment with his wishes. The ring of power blazed on his hand, crimson light like an anglerfish lure, enticing the creature's avarice, its hunger. His pressure and ring of power was not so strong to force instantaneous action; But he could identify and track it with ease. So he had time and focus, pushing it's urge bit by bit till it's hunger and gnawing void became predominant, and it struck to fill it.

It arrived
with thunderous blast of roaring sound as its jaws swallowed earth and sky, the hill given way in a instant, plunged within the monster's gullet. But he had moved to the side, position just glancing to the emerging monsters, Forebear's blade angled to slice downwards as it rushed upward. He stuck with the Fell-Handed Stroke of the Forebear then, worm suffering pain of a thousand cuts yet unable to correct it's primal spring as Hunger remained stationary relative to it's heedless charge. Already fluids were leaking profusely from the line he had carved lengthwise through it's body, and Hunger gave it no time for respite as he struck again and again, ducking and weaving through spurts of blood and digestive fluids as the creature thrashed and screamed against his relentless onslaught.

Its primitive mind and soul bled was quickly bled dry by Hunger's blitzing strikes and cruel power of the Forebear. For all its towering physical might, it was, in the end, only a worm, and though the force of it spirit was unusually bountiful, still it had no way to stem the bleeding, no means to replenish what his attacks irrevocably stole. With each clash the worm responded slower, made it easier for Hunger to find a more vital spot to strike or dodge a yet more clumsier attack from a further-diminished mind. Eventually it ground to a slow, shuddering halt, meters-thick layers of muscle twitching and undulating stupidly, its intellect utterly banished, dispersed into the aether by the Forebear's cruel power. Unable now to control or regulate its internal functions, it was a helplessly breathing corpse, meat to the slaughter. Panting, he approached it with his blade once again, this time with intent to butcher.
RIP Tiller Wurm. Hunger's time limit now isn't the HP of his Shadow-Form, but rather Gisena's ability to spam Nullity 24/7. Instead of doing the clever tactic of getting into the Wurm's interior and cutting it from inside-out with repeated critical hits, Hunger does the somewhat less effective strategy of spamming Thousand Cuts-boosted Fell-Handed Strokes at the Wurm until it's dead. He has much more Agi/Might (as well as Thousand Cuts), so this is a lot more viable than it was for canon Hunger. Work smart... or work hard. More power can substitute for lesser effectiveness with it.

Hunger grabs Stranglethorn, plus a rank-improving pick, which should be enough to bring him up to Rank ~4 when combined with the coolness factor of soloing entire knight legions.
Rank: ~4
Bright Champion: +Strength, +Charisma, +Wits

Forebear's Blade:

Echo of the Forebear x10: 10+s Might, 10+s Agi
Undying Vanguard: Choose up to 5 companions whose true Astral Ranks do not exceed your own. They receive bonus Protection, Constitution and regeneration depending on both your relative power levels and their level of loyalty to you. A highly loyal companion would be about as difficult to kill as you yourself are, including the effects of your Artifacts. [+Might, +Agility, +++Constitution]
Fell-Handed Stroke: A devastating blow of unutterable magnificence from which no recovery is possible. A powerful, but draining strike that inflicts cursed wounds from which spirit and will leak as freely as blood. Resists healing.
-Forebear's Blade - A Thousand Cuts: In the Forebear's grip could even a common knife blaze with fell power. All melee attacks made with the Forebear's Blade now apply cursed wounds. Septuples the power and speed of the Fell-Handed Stroke and allows it to be used with blade projections. Such horrific offensive power allows one to challenge foes vastly stronger.


Hunger - Feast of Lives: Gain modest regeneration and improved health of the body. Briefly gain extreme regeneration upon defeating a non-trivial opponent.
Hunger - Scent of Prey: A single drop of blood will set predators to swarming. When hunting a target, gain an instinctual sixth sense for its distance and bearing. Existing knowledge may yield superior accuracy.
Stranglethorn - The might of beasts is not the only province of the ring Hunger. It bears witness to a deeper and elder power as well, the strength of root and stem that bleeds life from the earth itself to thrust upwards towards heaven. The might of oaks, ancient and thousand-ringed, which crumbles stone and blunts steel, which repels the wind and absorbs the tide, which stands unscathed even in the face of heat and fury. That juggernaut stubbornness like a gnarled fist: the power to push through problems with patient, unyielding strength, to break them down and see them crushed beneath you.

Increase by 20% the value of all Rank +s
Double the value of Strength and Constitution +s
Double the value of Willpower +s
Reduce by 20% the value of Agility +s
Establishment: By committing meaningful resources towards a given context, and staking out a solid position, you slowly but increasingly accrue power and influence within that context, becoming ever-more inescapable and impossible to dislodge.

Curse Mitigation:
A Hunger Sated (Conclusion): Reduces progress from Hunger by 25%, lasts 2 years. It is easier for the hero to find some measure of peace with regards to the losses suffered at the Tyrant's hands, and is less likely to be emotionally compromised by events that remind him of such. Gives you the moral high ground and the ability to travel to lands barren of life, like outer space. Additional unknown effect.
Tyrant - Trusted Counsel - Trust Gisena.
Apocryphal Curse - Direct Mitigation: Reduces the difficulty of encounters by roughly 10%.

The Rod of Ages: [+Ductility, +Casting, ++Depth, ++Prowess, -Bait Quality]
[Master Baiter] ++Manipulation when provoking enemies to attack you, or ++Bait Quality for Fishing and fishing-analogous tasks.
[+Ductility, +Casting, ++Depth, ++Prowess, +Bait Quality]

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Arrival in Winterhold 1.1
4E 201, 17th of Last Seed – The College of Winterhold

It is only once dressed in the many layered robes of the College that I dare to brave the outside world once more. Stepping out from the Hall of Attainment the harsh winds grab and drag at my new hood, but it covers my ears well and the cloth is thick enough none of the biting chill seeps through.

The courtyard is circular. At its center sits a pool of enchanted water, a haze of blue light rising above it, almost like a hazy bonfire. It does not give off heat, but its sides are free of snow regardless. The statue of a robed man holds out his hands, as if conjuring the light up from the waters.

A stone path leads up to, around, and past this central feature, leading to the Hall of Elements, the primary building of the College, where lectures are held, the library resides and at the top of which the Archmage lives. The next semester begins in three days, however, and so Tolfdir is preparing for his initiation lecture. Until then, there are no seminars in which I may participate.

That would leave the library, or more focused instruction from one the master wizards. But I lack gold, and so personal tutoring services are out of my reach.

I turn away from the fountain and toward the left edge of the Hall of Elements. There it cuts into the circle and creates a shaded corner with the walkway that serves as patrol path for the Atronarchs atop the wall and as shade for the path below, though less against the sun and more against the snow.

A trap door sits there, flush with the stone floor. It doesn't creak, indeed it moves without a sound – perhaps enchanted? – and reveals a ladder that leads down into the glacier maze beneath.

For the second time I reach down into myself and let the light inside rise and fill the framework of association, emotion, and algorithmic structure that is a spell matrix.

"Mage light." I incant and fling the orb of light down, where it sticks to the grey flat grey stones below.

Nothing moves or shrieks, no skeleton clatters or draugr groans, no trip wires seem to span the floor or runes indicate contingent spells. To be sure I reach into myself and let a fraction of my Magicka diffuse into the air around me. With careful attention I feel the way it shifts and changes, as currents both natural and artificial disturb the regular flow leaving my body.

It is like breathing out in the winter, seeing the mist of one's breath swirl and distort. Were I much stronger, or somewhat more practiced with sensing techniques, this would happen subconsciously. For now it requires conscious effort.

The greatest flow of magic comes from the pool, its enchantment like a gentle but constant breeze. Nothing noticeable rises up from the Midden, not to my senses anyway.

It should be reasonably safe to enter, then.

Still, I cast Ironflesh upon myself before climbing down.

The wood of the ladder feels strange beneath my hands, not dulled in texture but less harsh – a splinter bends against my skin.

Nothing charges me at the bottom, no trap is sprung. Only my shadow stretches down a tunnel into the earth, cast by my Mage light.

Unfortunately, no torches burn to light my way. I create another orb light, but this time I set it to hover a half step back and to my right.

Apprehension creeps up my spine, becomes a cold weight in my stomach. There are foes down here, lethal dangers ranging from animals to the living dead, monstrous spiders the size of a small car.

But, despite that, this is one of the safest places to get experience.

And experience is what I will need. Ancano must go, and that is likely to be a lethal confrontation with an experienced mage. It may be necessary to enter Saarthal and overcome Jyrik Gaulderson, a capable mage and warrior empowered by some fraction of the eye of Magnus. Even should all those be unnecessary, I do intend to free Serana as soon as practical, which will require overcoming a small army's worth of vampires and draugr.

Combat is coming my way and I need to be ready.

More frightened than cautious I follow the tunnel until it reaches a large square room. It has two levels, the higher of which consists of a walkway leading around its edge, connecting three entrances and exits to the Midden. The other level can be reached by a stairs, leading down and deeper into the maze, where soon blue white ice and snow replace grey stone.

More important than the room, however, is the immense rat, a skeever, lounging impertinently before the stairs.

In game these are aggressive foes, though not much of a threat in the scheme of things. In reality I cannot be sure.

A fireball spell should kill it, the explosion and flames devastating to its soft tissue and fur.

But… what if I miss or it gets lucky? Should it turn on me, scurrying forward, teeth bared, screeching in pain and rage… I might panic, make a mess of things and get injured.

No, better to be cautious first.

In my left hand I fill the matrix for a steadfast ward, ready to manifest within a fraction of a second.

Then, in my right, I shape a conjuration spell, calling and binding made to activate all at once.

With a push I cast the orb of blue just a meter behind the rat.

A wolf of spirit and magicks is brought into the world mid jump, flavored and primed for action by my intention.

It falls upon the skeever, a blur of teeth and claws. They yowl and scream, thrash and tear at each other.

In moments my ward manifests, the sheer violence of the moment pumping adrenaline through my veins in torrents. The world both sharpens and falls away, every thought cast aside as I prepare to- my summoned spirit wolf rips the throat out of the rat with its teeth.

Blood drips and gushes ruby rivers on the floor and flecks the muzzle of my spirit hound.

A second time it surges forth, ignores rat claws and teeth to clamp around its neck and snap it like a twig.

In moments the fight is done, the bulk and suicidal focus of my summoned wolf too much for a simple skeever.

My first fight, however distant, is survived.

A little more magic, even the barest moment of combat. Still, you have to start somewhere. Soon, the first Praxis spell.

Words: ≈1100
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I'll be doing a Prototype build. Normally, I do a serious build alongside my Greed/Richer build to maintain a fig leaf of acquiescence to the spirit of the CYOA.

However, I have to agree with the general assessment that there's like, 4 viable builds at most if you take the options that don't leave you the sole Fundament Nexus holder in your universe. So, I'll go straight for the Greed build.

Thus, a Student that receives 6 Ranks and 4 Sparks of Possibility instead of 3 and 2. As Ranks are at a bit of premium even so, I'll be going for Try Me to automatically set my Output Core Functions to Rank 2. So, 10000 years before my Nexus collapses, which is plenty of time to fix that issue even assuming Gisena doesn't. 10,000 years might as well be eternity for a Progression Cursebearer and his Companions. My Output is upgraded from several seconds of modest exertion to get an effect, to fractions of a second of minor exertion as is recommended for serious combat, for 1 Rank(5 Ranks) with Placement switched over to Challenge Mode, presuming that Try Me changes that to +2 Ranks.

Additionally, I'll be taking on the vast majority of the Drawbacks. Partially because they can be used to negate each other in whole or in part, and partially because I'd like to actually be of use to Hunger, even with this paltry power, a literal handout.

First, the Veil of Maya(8 Ranks, Life Worth Living will make this a lot more bearable, as goofing off will technically qualify as training, and the improved sensations should make it easy to qualify for full benefits), Season For War(10 Ranks, getting whisked off for Hunger's wars helps me avoid issues with my fellow Nexus holders), Tempestuous Tides(13 Ranks, rolled a 1, for Hubris. Problematic, particularly if I should encounter Hunger because Hubris and Tyrant don't mix well if I like breathing, but it's not a full Curse, so not a complete deal-breaker, and there's no guarantee I'll actually encounter him), Embrace of Winters(15 Ranks, going to be separated from my platonic love almost three quarters of the time, so that's pseudo-mitigated the way Tempestuous would be), The Gift of Men(16 Ranks), I've already got 10,000 years. A Dalliance(17 Ranks, might be able to grab some synergistic magics this way, probably be fused with Season For War, possibly acting as a forward scout or the like for Blood Halo forces as opposed to serving in a more conventional conquest. Higher risk, but potentially a great help to the cause), which is not compatible with Rivalry unless I pick my Quest. I guess I could try to introduce the Ordinal Spiral to the Earth to give non-Nexus holders some options to deal with us, but it seems like that would be epically difficult even with the Truck. I'd have to find someone to teach me, and I don't even know if the Ordinal works in this meta-context. It probably does, but there's no guarantee.

Speaking of which, powers time!

First, Initiate Timepiece(16 Ranks). While Initiate or even Adept stuff doesn't help me much on Earth with all the Masters and fellow Students around, I'm not going to be on Earth 70%+ of the time, and Dalliance tosses me into a different world immediately, so I have some time to train up, and fooling around with time is usually relegated to the villains for a reason. Rune of Restoration at the Initiate level(15 Ranks) is good for immediate survivability, and for minor healing(a week to heal drops to about an hour and 40 minutes at Initiate, for example, and presumably Adept drops that to something like a quarter as long once I've trained up a bit) that could theoretically have healed by itself, its great. The Truck gives me excellent travel abilities even as an Initiate(14 Ranks), allowing me to rapidly survey a world for conquest or take important people or goods to different places on the planet without major issue. Initiate Awe(13 Ranks, Charisma can semi-counter Charisma, so this should provide at least some defense against enemy Charisma, including enemy Awe holders) is more than enough to make me very, very useful as an infiltrator, without being an obvious memetic hazard, and since it doesn't count as an active magic, it should be at least resistant to most dispellation effects. Combined with the Transmuter's Tincture at Initiate(12 Ranks) and the potent disguises it allows for, I could easily set myself up as a very, very dangerous spy. I'd be able to gain information on the locals and sell it to other locals, weakening them for Hunger's conquest as they were wracked by internecine conflict before his forces arrived. The Initiate Storm Sapphire (Earth, great for screwing up footing, 11 Ranks) would probably join the Truck in my pockets for ease of access. The combat buff it provides would stack very well with Sword, but more on that later.

Initiate Bread(10 Ranks) which I eat immediately for a pseduo-Numeracy Ten. That is, my strength, speed, and durability are improved to that of ten people, which will in turn have major synergy with Sword at Adept(9 Ranks) as I pick Greatsword to double it's direct stat boost(another times ten, additive with Bread's, for twenty times in total, which means I could take a hundred ordinary men in a fight without much trouble. Probably dodge point blank gunfire without issue as well.) as well as doubling the power of the Sapphire, Rune of Restoration(it's not clear if this doubles the ceiling on what it can heal and the healing rate, or just the former, but I'll assume both, meaning a week to heal something drops to about 50 minutes for an Initiate, and once I've trained up to Exalted and Tincture can heal Artifacts, it shouldn't be impossible to do repairs on my slowly degrading Nexus to stave off my deadline), Tincture (disguises that boost war-making ability are doubled in potency), and the Bastard Sword upgrade, which leaves me protected against superior speed, while allowing me to lie with the best of them, and take advantage of superior speed in my own possession. I then spend another two Ranks(7 left) to grab two of the remaining three Sword upgrades. Piercing Blade's dexterity would make my utter lack of formal training a non-issue. Saber's ability to slice through magical protection and granting the ability to damage Artifacts will probably allow me to destroy a lot of powerful magical items across the cosmos. I suppose it depends on if it's like the One Ring and it's specifically enchanted to only be vulnerable to fires that created it or if it's just generally powerful and the durability is a byproduct of needing to survive channeling that, or somewhere in between. Lastly, my last two free Ranks on Adept with the Pen. My wards will be against Enhancement(Awe and similar memetic attacks), Transmutation(I don't fancy being turned to stone), Evocation(I think most conventional magic attacks will count as this to one degree or another) and Destruction(most forms of harm can probably be considered this or Transmutation to one degree or another. Even Awe, if you consider it akin to being destroyed and replaced by a version of you with the defining objective to do as the Exalted Awe holder says) to protect me against most of the potential sources of harm I could encounter. The last five are burned becoming a Spark of Possibility, which will be saved for Exalted Sword, specifically unlocking Fatal Threnody's ability to progress. With Pen and ten thousand years, I can probably hit myself up with enough masterworks to expand my lifespan indefinitely, making Threnody's Grandmastery potentially useful. Well, once I get Exalted Pen. To that end, I'll be spending my Sparks of Possibility!

Since I have Maya, Broken Limiter and Towering Arcane probably won't work out well for me. Instead, I burn 2 Sparks to get buffed Heroism, which operates rather like Hunger's Ring in that combat provides powerups, but more general heroic actions such as improving quality of life for the locals also work. At 150%, Hubris artificially inflating the difficulty of combat encounters and poisoning my motives in any acts of altruism(assuming it doesn't end up merely overshadowing my nihilistic apathy and sloth to allow a better man to shine through, but it's a derivative of a Crowning Curse, so...)shouldn't slow me down too much relative to baseline, and it's explicitly called out as the swiftest means of achieving mastery. 2 more Sparks on Life Worth Living. Here, Maya and Hubris may actually benefit me, as I'd obviously enjoy hyping myself up, and the pleasures Maya offers would make it relatively easy to have a ton of fun with just about any activity.

So, this build is a Nameless-style 'work really hard, and slack really hard' sort of deal. As a Hubris bearer, I'd probably tell just about anyone who asked that I advance in my magics by fighting and by slacking, so I'd have to go out of my way to not be training in some sense. This is a build that can operate in a war zone, or a pleasure island, without much issue, but works best in-between. Where combat and hedonism are both available. I can't expect to match Hunger, though Hubris might, but obtaining an Exalted power per year(so a quarter of what Hunger went through, which is probably more than I would go for, but with Hubris...) would let me easily achieve effective Nexus immortality, and allow me to rapidly scale up to more challenging tasks. I'm assuming my Hubris self would maintain enough continuity of personality to prioritize combat buffs over Awe. After all, I'm already awesome, what do I need more Awe for?

I'll do the Rihaku CYOAs Unite build another day. It's too bad you can't take on 3 Dalliances to match up with the three seasons off Season For War gives you, so you can spend the first couple years just completely avoiding Earth. Or heck, 15 so you just keep doing tasks until the Ithilmora come, and can grab practically everything off the list you could want. Possibly 60(enough to grab Adept on everything, grab every Spark option and still have enough left over for Threnody's with a legal build other than the Dalliances, assuming their illegality) so you only show up again when the Oppressor begins pulling his shenanigans, and can grab literally everything. Nobody would expect another Student to show up after that long! Assuming a) that the Masters and Students can overcome the Ithilmora without me, which seems reasonable, but if they can't it's sort of moot, and b) that post-Hubris me doesn't earn any vacation time for exceptional service(which is likely if I don't die as my reach exceeding my grasp is kind of the point of Hubris, even if done artificially via 'Saitama using zero-effort punches by default, and only pulling out big guns attacks against a handful of people who manage to piss him off or who he feels deserve it' holding back) and come back early to check on how Earth is doing without my 'illustrious' presence, of course. I don't think I lose powers if my Winters bond is severed without my consent, and it's not like I have a Geas of Indenture, so I probably won't know either way until I go back. If the Earth was doomed without me, then my Hubris self would probably just go 'Yeah, I knew taking on that many Dalliances was a bad idea the second I got my powers.' and set about restoring the Earth. With Tincture being a priority(I might be awesome, but all these less awesome people can still die, and being able to un-kill them would be very helpful), it should be more of a matter of kicking the Ithilmora off the planet than anything else, and with Greatsword's boost, I suspect my ten year time limit would be extended to 20 years, meaning there's no way I'm not within at least the secondary bound for the human race.

2065 words, discounting this line.
How does War and Wind play out with our build? Hunger has 11 days left on Apocryphal (1 extra due to farming picks otw to the temple). We are going rather aggressively, though, so hopefully that's not an issue. Also, Gisena is with Hunger, but.. I'm.. not so good with writing banter, so bear with my attempt to be faithful to Gisena's 'voice'.

Wow, that's brutal. I don't think the poor lone shadow-knight even qualified as a single pick here with how fast Hunger + Gisena dismantled it. I'll write it off as paying off the exp discrepancy due to this build having taken Conclusion. At least the squad of shadow knights qualifies for some picks, even if one didn't. Maybe two in total. Let's look at how The Winnowing Garden plays out. Note that Hunger is taking an Aggressive approach, which includes a 'RIP AND TEAR' kind of attitude, on top of +10% damage.

RIP Tiller Wurm. Hunger's time limit now isn't the HP of his Shadow-Form, but rather Gisena's ability to spam Nullity 24/7. Instead of doing the clever tactic of getting into the Wurm's interior and cutting it from inside-out with repeated critical hits, Hunger does the somewhat less effective strategy of spamming Thousand Cuts-boosted Fell-Handed Strokes at the Wurm until it's dead. He has much more Agi/Might (as well as Thousand Cuts), so this is a lot more viable than it was for canon Hunger. Work smart... or work hard. More power can substitute for lesser effectiveness with it.

Hunger grabs Stranglethorn, plus a rank-improving pick, which should be enough to bring him up to Rank ~4 when combined with the coolness factor of soloing entire knight legions.
Rank: ~4
Bright Champion: +Strength, +Charisma, +Wits

Forebear's Blade:

Echo of the Forebear x10: 10+s Might, 10+s Agi
Undying Vanguard: Choose up to 5 companions whose true Astral Ranks do not exceed your own. They receive bonus Protection, Constitution and regeneration depending on both your relative power levels and their level of loyalty to you. A highly loyal companion would be about as difficult to kill as you yourself are, including the effects of your Artifacts. [+Might, +Agility, +++Constitution]
Fell-Handed Stroke: A devastating blow of unutterable magnificence from which no recovery is possible. A powerful, but draining strike that inflicts cursed wounds from which spirit and will leak as freely as blood. Resists healing.
-Forebear's Blade - A Thousand Cuts: In the Forebear's grip could even a common knife blaze with fell power. All melee attacks made with the Forebear's Blade now apply cursed wounds. Septuples the power and speed of the Fell-Handed Stroke and allows it to be used with blade projections. Such horrific offensive power allows one to challenge foes vastly stronger.


Hunger - Feast of Lives: Gain modest regeneration and improved health of the body. Briefly gain extreme regeneration upon defeating a non-trivial opponent.
Hunger - Scent of Prey: A single drop of blood will set predators to swarming. When hunting a target, gain an instinctual sixth sense for its distance and bearing. Existing knowledge may yield superior accuracy.
Stranglethorn - The might of beasts is not the only province of the ring Hunger. It bears witness to a deeper and elder power as well, the strength of root and stem that bleeds life from the earth itself to thrust upwards towards heaven. The might of oaks, ancient and thousand-ringed, which crumbles stone and blunts steel, which repels the wind and absorbs the tide, which stands unscathed even in the face of heat and fury. That juggernaut stubbornness like a gnarled fist: the power to push through problems with patient, unyielding strength, to break them down and see them crushed beneath you.

Increase by 20% the value of all Rank +s
Double the value of Strength and Constitution +s
Double the value of Willpower +s
Reduce by 20% the value of Agility +s
Establishment: By committing meaningful resources towards a given context, and staking out a solid position, you slowly but increasingly accrue power and influence within that context, becoming ever-more inescapable and impossible to dislodge.

Curse Mitigation:
A Hunger Sated (Conclusion): Reduces progress from Hunger by 25%, lasts 2 years. It is easier for the hero to find some measure of peace with regards to the losses suffered at the Tyrant's hands, and is less likely to be emotionally compromised by events that remind him of such. Gives you the moral high ground and the ability to travel to lands barren of life, like outer space. Additional unknown effect.
Tyrant - Trusted Counsel - Trust Gisena.
Apocryphal Curse - Direct Mitigation: Reduces the difficulty of encounters by roughly 10%.

The Rod of Ages: [+Ductility, +Casting, ++Depth, ++Prowess, -Bait Quality]
[Master Baiter] ++Manipulation when provoking enemies to attack you, or ++Bait Quality for Fishing and fishing-analogous tasks.
[+Ductility, +Casting, ++Depth, ++Prowess, +Bait Quality]

Is he actually supposed to be in ghostform? There's a line about it while fighting the Tiller Worm, but I don't think he is. Also did this Hunger take Form of Rage or not?
Rihaku CYOAs Unite!

So, as I mentioned, I'll be doing a combination of Rihaku's A Winter Dynasty, Furthermost Reaches, and Prototype CYOAs. The premise is essentially that, while the Forebear timeline has been overwritten, and choosing Blood Halo over Inheritance likely means that Hunger is never going to be an exact duplicate of the Forebear, some of the ripples left in his wake persist. It's strongly implied the Forebear killed the Foremost, not to mention the Tyrant and the Blade Hunger currently wields. So, is it really that difficult to believe that an entire person from the Winter Dynasty CYOA might have been reincarnated on Earth following the rewriting of the timeline, and the secondary link a Nexus, which is hinted to be a Gisena-Hunger conjunctional advancement, provides is enough to reawaken their own past life, though only enough to regain access to their powers, rather than the heights they reached in that past life.

Naturally, I'll be doing legal and Greed build versions.

First, Furthermost Reaches, as I might as well do them in order, and the previous incarnation of me would have been plucked from here, so the Winter Dynasty is post-Curse Broker, just to be clear.

[F] Violet [2 Copper]
[F] Red [1 Jade]
[F] One [1 Copper]
[F] Three [3 Copper]
[F] Ten [2 Platinum]
[F] Ten Thousand [1 Jade]
[F] Last Laugh [2 Copper]
[F] Step Up [1 Platinum]
[F] Stitch in Time [1 Platinum]
[F] Sigil [1 Platinum] - Applied to Violet to fuse it with Red to form Magenta, allowing Red to benefit from kills and Violet to more directly gain from Essence drain. Placed in mouth, underneath tongue.
[F] Tarnish - +2 Platinum.
*The Hunted
[F] Blight - +1 Jade
*The Madman

Firstly, I take Red, because no duh. Do I look like an idiot willing to pass up ISH 3.9999 power? However, instead of taking on Gold, like Flower, I take on Violet, as unlike the Sword, it doesn't care where the Essence of slain foes goes, just that they be slain. As I lack Elysian's self-healing, One is an absolute necessity. Three's ability to see duplicity as easily as it does magic is necessary to counter Violet's gullibility. The idea is to take advantage of Hunted to massively grow in power via Magenta, with Ten providing some initial safety and multiplying the physical enhancements Magenta grants by ten, while using Ten Thousand to practice the Verses and any other magics I pick up. If all else fails, I can use Last Laugh to buy a reprieve from Doctor Apocalypse, though I suspect he would begin attempting to scale to the Curse Broker instead of myself, and CB probably wouldn't be amused by me dragging him into the Blight I bought off him. Presumably, I could use Magenta to boost Three to find magics and enemies to siphon for power. Not much else to say, this build is pretty straightforward.

Next, Winter Dynasty.

[W] Your Choice - Higher Interpretations Warhammer 40K. [+1 Gift]
[W] The Overlord - [+5 Gifts]
[W] The Seraph [+1 Heroic Favor]
[W] The Mandarin - Double Obol benefits [1 Gift]
[W] The Barrister [5 Gifts]
[W] A Debt [+2 Gifts]
[W] Obols of Paradise - Primarch chassis, doubled by Mandarin [5 Gifts]
[W] A Sword - Supporter's Repayment [1 Heroic Favor]

First, a Higher Interpretations Warhammer 40K. Specifically, a variation of the Galaxies of Darkness found in War Against the Apocalypse. 18 Chaos Gods, 18 Lords of Order, 60ish Primarchs(though it's 120 in this case), and conquering a galaxy is something the major powers would send a small fleet for, with conflicts fought over galactic clusters and superclusters, with the Imperium being more like a billion galaxies than a million worlds. A Segmentum might be 50 territory points, and some superweapons are similarly measured in territory points. The current conflict is between those who wish to destroy reality, those who wish to subsume reality in one way of another(Tyranids evolved into a New Devourer-esque creature, a faction of Undead lead by Charon the Ferryman wishes to remake Death, Undeath, Life, Afterlife, and Birth as all one thing, the Gromfink is a kind of Green Goo, where it's Grom the Paunch all the way down), and those who wish to preserve/enrich reality, or at least survive in a recognizable form. The Warhammer Fantasy factions/races without direct equivalents in 40K have been translated over, via literally jumping from the destroyed Mundus to the 40K universe. Sigmar is the leader of the Lords of Order, for example.

Anyway, I think a universal-scale conflict over the continued existence of the universe, involving numerous threats promising fates worse than death or an oblivion so thorough you never existed in the first place, would qualify as a +1 Gift universe. It's at least theoretically possible to live a decent life in the Lovecraft Mythos as long as you don't poke any of the weird stuff, not so much here, as all the weird stuff is actively seeking you out to commit atrocities or get you under their banner before a more malicious thing turns you into resources for themselves, which will immediately be turned on those benevolent figures. If I died rather than just got overwritten, this is the place it would happen. Even if I successfully conquered an entire galaxy, I'd still be small potatoes without something that would let me casually churn out quadrillions of of high quality troops or equivalent power. Still, it offers a great deal of potential boons to myself, and to my liege.

The Overlord is chosen as much out of a genuine desire to empower the Forebear(and my present self would likely hit me with significant Mental Contamination towards that end, but since Hunger is the Forebear's incarnation and I'm quite inclined to help Hunger out already, I don't see that as being likely to cause many problems) as it is to make the build viable at all. Sure, I'll be taking on a Debt as well(presumably turning an entire galactic cluster or more's output towards the end of clearing the Debt would be possible if a comparatively minor sacrifice like permanent loss of a limb or half my firstborn's lifespan would qualify, especially with a super-Primarch like myself as ruler) but I kind of need as much power as I can get my hands on in this kind of universe.

Anyway, the benefit proffered by Haeliel's Favor is meant to augment my service to the Forebear/Hunger. See, I'm supposed to spend eight hours a day tithing power to him, thanks to Barrister halving the problem. However, Supporter's Repayment makes that much less of an issue. You see, the Supporter's Repayment duplicates my gains from killing enemies/draining essence, and packages it up for the Forebear/Hunger. Thus, the Magenta from Furthermost Reaches(someone had the idea to conjoin Violet and Red via Sigil, which I would be copying here) would allow me to pay off that particular debt by slaughtering my enemies, and there's absolutely no way I won't have enemies. Numeracy Ten and Numeracy Ten Thousand are absolutely bonkers on a super-Primarch, the former likely making me quite capable of mulching most of my fellow Primarchs right out the gate, and the latter granting me both immense Rulership ability and far, far greater control over my psychic powers. Being able to micromanage hundreds of different powers to accomplish effects of impossible complexity at my relative skill level would be enormously useful. Primarchs are incredibly difficult to kill, so anyone who managed to get me to 'low health' would be in for a nasty shock when I popped One, or Stitch in Time, since most things that could kill a psychically awakened Primarch(as Magenta would casually allow even if a double-strength Primarch somehow doesn't come with that already up and running) with Ten and Ten Thousand are probably powerful enough to at least notice me fooling around with time. Oh, and being a super-Primarch lets me ignore Elysian, because I have vastly superior physical and mental buffs, effective immortality, potent regeneration, and I don't really age conventionally, which would probably be a relief to counter-factual me. Presumably, the Forebear and co. would have used the same treatment that allowed their powers, likely something soul-based in a World Egg sort of situation, to remain intact across various universes, assuming their treatment doesn't just make your powers work everywhere regardless of where you get them from.

Lastly, the Prototype build.

[P] Student - Receive 3 Ranks worth of Powers and 2 Sparks of Possibility.
[P] Try Me - Your Longevity and Output Core Functions begin at Rank 2 instead of 1. Your world will undergo the travails, below.
[P] A Season For War - [+2 Ranks]
[P] Tempestuous Tides - [+3 Ranks] Rolled a 2 for budget Crowning Curse of Attention.
[P] Embrace of Winters - [+2 Ranks]
[P] The Gift of Men - [+1 Rank]
[P] A Dalliance - [+1 Rank]
[P] Timepiece (Domain: Time) - Initiate [1 Rank]
[P] Rune of Restoration (Domain: Healing) - Initiate [1 Rank]
[P] The Truck (Domain: Space) - Initiate [1 Rank]
[P] Awe (Domain: Enhancement) - Initiate [1 Rank]
[P] Transmuter's Tincture (Domain: Transmutation) - Initiate [1 Rank]
[P] Storm Sapphire (Domain: Evocation, Fire) - Initiate [1 Rank]
[P] The Sword (Domain: Destruction) - Adept [5 Ranks to obtain all Adept benefits]
[P] The Pen (Domain: Creation) - Initiate [1 Rank]
[P] Core Longevity Rank 2 [0 Rank]
[P] Core Output Rank 3 [1 Rank]
[P] Core Placement Rank 0 [+2 Ranks]
[P] Heroism: To boldly go. [2 Sparks]

IC, the higher potential would likely be more enticing to the current me, and possibly some echoes of my previous self, brought to the fore by Gisena's connection to Hunger, might be nudging me towards such. As such, the Initiate levels are bought as much for access to the Domains and having Magenta rapidly empower me to Exalted levels as anything else, meaning Bread and the Companions do nothing for me. Since Barrister is halving the downsides of the Debts, they can be taken on without major issue. 3.5 seasons of 10 isn't really that bad. Tempestuous Tides doesn't actually hit you with a Curse, so it too should be halved in severity. Winters at half-strength should be entirely bearable even at the very beginning. I don't really care if the Nexus as more than 10,000 years to live, because I have more than enough time and mental faculty to figure out a means of extending it's lifespan indefinitely. The Dalliance, assuming it scales off the combined power and not the Prototype power, would only be moderately difficult, though I have a suspicion that I'd end up needing to conquer a galaxy or something, given all these powers. Certainly, this version of me would have no trouble taking over a mundane Earth right out of the gate. Unless I was dealing with a universe where the top dogs casually toss infinities out(Star Trek's Q, Marvel, DC, Dragonball Super, etc.) I'd probably be in the top 1% of the most powerful beings in my Dalliance, though I suspect the War would be very different.

With a Primarch body, even Initiate effects can be ridiculously potent. A Primarch's speed first doubled, then multiplied by ten by Numeracy Ten, then multiplied by three by Timepiece tripling my timeflow, is ridiculous. I might be capable of fighting the Emperor with just that. Initiate Restoration multiplies baseline healing by 100, which would probably make Elysian's healing look downright slow on a Primarch. If Greatsword applies to non-Prototype combat arts, then Magenta(it gains power via killing people, how could it not be a combat art?) then that's an immediate, massive buff. Piercing Blade grants me significant skill using my new body in combat, while Bastard Sword allows me to treat everyone's speed as roughly peer to my own, or at least force them to spend a lot of extra power overcoming the effect. Honorblade would allow me to make binding treaties that the other side could trust me to uphold. Being able to slice through conventional and magical forms of protection, and slightly damaging Artifacts, means I could easily kill some very powerful entities and destroy a lot of enemy plot coupons. The Wards made with the Pen, and with a Primarch's mind and body they'd probably qualify as Awe Initiates themselves, would be the same as in my previous build. Enhancement, Transmutation, Evocation, Destruction, and I'd also have Space to prevent being chucked into hostile dimensions and the like. Being teleported against my will to some faroff location(which Truck can somewhat help with, but that'll need some training time) seems like the simplest means to deal with this build. If you can't beat me, throw me somewhere I can't influence how the fight is going. There's a reason getting sucked into the Warp is counted as the unit being lost in 40K's Tabletop.

Since Barrister already gives me access to Fatal Threnody, I would probably have Sword unlock something else, and I see little reason to save a Spark for it. Heroism provides a major boost to my growth, and with my pseudo Curse of Attention, I won't have much choice in getting involved in a bunch of fights. I suspect Hunger would have me being a distraction for the actual invasion forces, and with them preoccupied dealing with me, the others can smash into them from behind. I'd earnestly be trying to conquer the place in his name, so it's not like they'd be wrong to target me. An entity like this could very easily snowball given even a week to study local magics and the like. Heck, maybe my first Season task would be aiding in the conquest of an entire universe! With a few months to snowball my powers, and having fed Magenta a stead diet of foes and evil artifacts drained of Essence, I'd be enormously more powerful. Maybe I could pull a scam where I offer my services disarming dangerous artifacts, sucking them dry of Essence. I might even tell them I had a special magic that didn't care what the original intent of the magic was, it could drain it from one source and give it to another, and given my intention to boost up the artifacts tied to the Nexus, I wouldn't even be lying!

Yeah, this version of me would be massively, ridiculously powerful, and beyond hitting the jackpot in those terms, I'm sure Gisena would be very interested in examining the blessings alt-timeline Hunger and Aeria dispatched, and the Sword I'd gotten thanks to Haeliel. Not to mention all the stuff I'd gotten off the Curse Broker.

Now, the Greed build version.

[GF] Gold - [1 Platinum]
[-] Remove Numeracy One - +1 Copper.
[GF] Bolt From the Blue [4 Copper]
[GF] Perfect Storm [1 Jade]
[GF] Gonne [7 Copper]
[GF] Plate [2 Platinum]
[GF] Stain - +2 Copper
*The Captain

For the Reaches, doubled currency means up to four Curses, so Captain(I've got a Primarch body, and it's halved in strength anyway, though I'm not sure Wretch or Madman would be halved, given Wretch is an actual Wretched shard, which suggests Madman is an Attention shard) for an extra 2 Copper. Even if not, resistant to any form of healing may mean that it won't naturally heal, but even if Rune of Restoration drops to the normal healing rate as of Initiate, Primarch healing abilities are still pretty great. That gives me an additional 10 Copper, 3 Platinum, and 1 Jade to work with. Giving up One would push that up to 11. Just enough to afford buying 5 of the 6 Verses on offer, the Gonne(Magenta doesn't care if you kill them with your fists or a bullet, beyond absorbing the Essence faster in the former case) so I can fire Bolt from one hand and the Gonne from the other(Numeracy Ten should be enough to wield it one-handed).

This version of me would gamble that with Plate, Ten Thousand, and the progression offered by Red, taking Gold wouldn't drive me insane before I could outpace it, with the Plate and Progression offered reducing the need for One. Luckily for me, I was snapped up by the Winter Dynasty before I lost my mind. If Barrister halves the negative consequences of a Color, then having 3 should be fine. Let's say that each Color doubles how bad having Colors is for your mental health. So, 1 would, obviously be equivalent to 1, but 2 would be 4 times as bad, 3 would be eight times as bad, so yeah, I can see why that would drive someone insane. If Barrister directly halves that, 3 is only as bad as 2. If it instead attacks the root of the problem and changes that doubling to a 1.5 multiplier, then 3 Colors is only 3.375 times as bad as 2. Either way, I should be in the clear with Plate to help out. Similarly, Gonne's Mental Contamination should also be significantly curtailed. More than enough for me to develop other powers while my mind and spirit are enhanced to resist such things.

Speaking of Barrister... yeah, 3 more Gifts go straight to Heir: War, for the direct combat boosts, and for the eventual ability to wage meaningful conflict against concepts, meaning I can kill the embodiments of those in universes that have them and harvest their Essence.

Now for Prototype's Greed bonus.

[GP] Blossoming Spring [+1 Rank]
[-] Remove Honorblade [+1 Rank]
Convert 5 Ranks into third Spark of Possibility. Save to unlock progress for equivalent of Fatal Threnody unlocked by Exalted Sword.
[GP] Life Worth Living [2 Sparks]

With 3 more Ranks and 2 Sparks of Possibility, getting a third Spark is in reach, which is accomplished by removing Honorblade and getting a Rank back(it's not like I can't regain it via training, right?) and taking on one more Drawback. With the ++Willpower of Heir, it's reasonable to assume Spring is similarly empowered, but Barrister reduces the temptations while keeping the pleasure intact, vastly easing 'training' with Life Worth Living. Therefore, whenever I take some time off, I'm still training, and when combat rears it's ugly head, the locals may find my relaxation to have been much, much more productive than it looked.

3065 words, discounting this line.
I'm quite interested in, I suppose, the inverse. What is the least combination of advancements you would require to accept the Geass of Indenture and one other Curse (not lesser curses, except at least two of the Rivalry line).

Sometimes you have to answer your own questions!

[ ] The Geas of Indenture -
[ ] Brand of the Champion -
Hunger - Stranglethorn (4 picks)

This is the absolute minimum I would require. Which is, I suppose, not surprising, as it is a defining advancement. While far from impressive given the scale of Cursebearers or serious supernatural beings, doubling an average humans strength, constitution, and willpower is a very significant improvement in more common contexts. It provides you the sheer mental endurance you will need to deal with the constant minor tasks of the Brand of the Champion. It also gives you a significant physical boost, very useful for physical labor.

Establishment, meanwhile, is well suited to overcoming Indenture tasks. It provides you a reliable method of turning effort into results, and since you need to complete such tasks about 9.37e24 times consistency is king.

There are - very many - weaknesses to this build. You do not have immortality, or even a reliable method of life extension, which makes it likely that the first Geass world will be an assassination task (100 years) in a world without life extension. Since you probably could scrape by for a hundred years, so the task would still technically be possible, but it be would difficult in a way that you have serious trouble accounting for.

On the other hand, if you survived you first Geass Task your next world would be all but guaranteed to contain accessible life extension, since otherwise you'd have almost no way of completing the task.

Just about anything would notably improve this build, even just knowing the language of your first Geass world would be a tremendous boon. You don't even have supernatural defenses against disease, which could be quite lethal on its own.

I thought, initially, of taking Slumber instead. However, even a simple 9-5 job would be very difficult to hold, since you're only awake for 8 hours and can expect to live with your curses unmitigated for a quite significant amount of time.

Whether the Accursed would even hand out a transaction as unequal as this I can't say. On the other hand, I'd take the deal so...

Time and Temperance 1.0
Kratakis 1.0

The sky is still dark when I rise, leave the workers barrack, and go to wash up with a measure of water from the well. Cold and not as clear as I'd like, still it is better than nothing.

Then, as is my duty, I fill bucket after bucket, four heavy wooden pales, and hang them from the worn wood staff placed above the lip of the well's roof. As the pinks and oranges of morning rise to herald the day I trudge, back and forth, between the main house and its water source.

There is a nearer one, closer to the fields and stables, but it is reserved for productive use. No, early and back breaking though it is, my efforts provided the family with luxury. It is this effort, made every morning, that buys me the same simple forbearance they extend to every other man and woman they meet.

As I carry the last set of buckets to the kitchen I hear quiet footsteps wander down the servant stairs. A maid, no doubt, but which one?

It is when she speaks, voice pitched to stay within the room and leave those sleeping to their cozy beds, that I recognize Amalia. "Ah, good morning Kratakis. Isn't today your rest day?"

I take a moment to arrange the words within my head, fit them into those structures of grammar and meaning I have managed to glean. "Good morning miss Amalia. Yes, today I will visit the village. You are well?"

"I slept well, thank you, and thank you for the water as well. It makes for a wonderful morning and evening." Her words are light and unreserved, but still clear and slow enough that I can understand them. Of the workers here she is the most accommodating, the baseline kindness she offers in return for tasks greater than any other. Yet tasks are still required.

"You are welcome." It is true and reflects well on her character.

She smiles and begins the preparations for this morning's breakfast. If experience was any guide then it would be porridge and perhaps some egg for those of us laborers most valued or liked.


I received none, as every day before.

Though, today, unlike those other days, I received my pay.

Two gold coins, three silver, a stack of ten copper. It seemed, so far as I could tell, the same amount my fellow laborers received for a similar time. Adequate for my purposes.

The trek to the city is long, but not tiring.

When the sun reaches the apex of its arc it fits within grasping talons that top the crimson gate house set into the city's red brick wall.

No lines of golden solar plasma drift down to be harvested by mystical machinery, no runes of grand scale are powered by the sun, there is no indication of the supernatural at all, were the wall not so immense.

A hundred thousand, perhaps a million people live inside, it sprawls past the horizon yet the wall encircles it all. Not only that, it is well maintained, no portion crumbles, none of the color is weathered or distorted by time. One way or the other this immense construction is maintained.

The farm, in its own way, is similar. The land is immense in size, the family wealthy enough to afford three maids and employ a barracks worth of labor long enough to fabricate such a dwelling. The scale is vast, vaster than could be expected given the otherwise lackluster technology.

How, then, did they come to be? Today I intend to solve this mystery, one way or the other.

Words: ≈ 967
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Thirteen Blades: Prologue
I awoke on the dirt. Feeling off, I cracked my neck. ...Well, I felt a little better, but I still felt rather like I'd been dragged out of bed by my soul and thrown onto the dirt. Looking around, that seemed to be exactly what happened. I'd seen places this pastoral in pictures... but mostly historical ones. I'd also visited a rural family, friends with my own, with their own castle, but that one had been abandoned beyond general ownership for decades, little more than a very large, very expensive lawn ornament. The one I could see in the distance was clearly bustling with activity.

Looking around a bit, as missing some Macguffin that had shown up with me, possibly being what had brought me here in the first place, would be very embarrassing, I found my phone and laptop sitting on the ground. Checking them over, not only were they working fine, though they only had a few hours of charge and a lack of Internet/satellite access severely hampered them, but the former had an hour and change of music loaded, while the latter had several games still going, and ten tabs open, including three videos. Now, I might not have been a huge Amphibia fan, but I had a distinct recollection of Anne successfully introducing the locals to human media, and assuming they wouldn't burn me at the stake for it, I could probably manage something similar here, if lesser in scope since I didn't have nearly that many movies downloaded, in part because my phone was comparatively crappy. Though I didn't expect to get a huge amount of resources for it. Though it was odd, the tabs seemed... smaller? Like there were more open than there should have been. Nothing for it now.

The 12 blades sitting on the ground equidistant to my own spot were also very suspicious. I... they seemed vaguely familiar, classic deja vu, but I didn't recognize them. Shrugging to myself, I went over to try and pick one up. Now, I wasn't the most athletic person even before quarantine hit, but I could lift 80 pounds no problem. The swords didn't so much as budge. Either they were made out of a metal that was much, much denser than anything I was familiar with, and might even be denser than was possible on Earth if my Isekai-related suspicions were correct, or they were working off of a Thor's Hammer-style enchantment and wouldn't budge for me unless I was at least the smallest infinity strong, and possibly not even then if I was dealing with something very high on the ISH. Without any sort of supernatural senses, it was impossible to tell.

Without any better ideas, I headed into town. I was hungry anyway, so I should get started on making enough money to buy food. My wallet was missing, and I doubted they'd take my Debit Card here anyway, so I'd have to hope my mooching off of other people's creativity was enough to pay my way.

About half an hour later, I was in a bit of good news, bad news situation. On the one hand, my phone and laptop did not lead to any accusations of devilry on my part. I spun a yarn about the videos and music being tales from my homeland I was hoping to spread around in return for some money(sort of true), and nobody seemed to question it. I eventually made my way to a town square of sorts, and showed a few people what I had to offer. I managed to scrounge up just enough money, in part thanks to a lucky find of a few coppers on the street, to rent out a big piece of glass to form a giant TV stand for them. This, in turn, was enough for me to have a proper show, with a proper audience, with myself running commentary and answering a few questions about the 'legends from my homeland' from the audience. The bad news was that I'd drained my laptop accomplishing this, and while I still had my phone, it had a lot less content available. Still, I could probably last a few days before the novelty wore off and my phone died outright. Telling the audience that I'd be putting on a different show for the next few days, I set off in search of food.

As I had noticed, there were no restaurants around here. Nobody would give me a straight answer as to why, though I suspected some kind of grand edict backed by serious force, given I couldn't even find any food carts. Still, I was at least capable of cooking for myself if I had the ingredients, and I knew how to start a fire, so I gathered some interesting ingredients from the market, some of which tickled at my memory the way the swords had, and set to work, making use of a currently unoccupied bonfire location. Half an hour later, I was drooling over the smell alone. Now, I was certainly hungry, but I was by no means a master chef. I'd probably used too much spice, for one thing.

Still, when I tasted it, I couldn't stop eating until it was gone. I'd had no idea roast beef and dragon meat would go so well together, but apparently they did! What really surprised me was the sudden surge of strength in my limbs and expansion of my mind. After a moment, I shook it off. Did I land in a Xianxia world? I sure hoped not. Those places were cesspools. The sudden emergence of a blue stream of energy that seemed to empower me and anything I decided to target with it, and nothing else, didn't really help answer that question.

Still, I seemed to be in a relatively safe place, as the protagonist of such stories usually started out, if only on the macro scale, so I decided to talk to people around town and experiment with my... Supportstream, as seemed to resonate with the energy, while I passed the time between meals and shows.

By lunch time, and another empowering meal, I had learned that I was in a sub-realm of the Voyaging Realm, which was hard to access by outsiders, though that meant little to those deposited in the Voyaging Realm by accident or Astral current. The Voyaging Realm was an immense, supposedly artificial, dimension of magic and wonder, but also monsters and danger. The Culinary Realm, as it was called, had sealed itself off a long time ago, swearing off contact with the outside. Much of it's magics had been lost in the intervening centuries, as there was little need to maintain combat arts, though I suspect much of it had simply seeped into the very soil beneath our feet, allowing even relatively mundane ingredients to provide massive improvements to any given individual. Perhaps the ruling party had banned cooks to prevent someone from overthrowing them? More generously, perhaps they'd wanted to prevent an arms race of such from bleeding their land dry. Anyone who'd read any Cultivation stories whatsoever knew how the cultivators got about resources, so I could see that happening, particularly if they'd been burned by territorial ambitions one way or another before.

Still, that was no reason for me not to absorb as much power as I could from this place without causing undue harm. It wasn't as if I was interested in ruling. Ignoring the lack of modern conveniences, it really wasn't that bad a place to live, and to hear the old folks tell it, the king and his family had been ruling well for generations. Which was why I was so concerned about the bean I'd accidentally dropped while preparing my second meal sprouting a giant beanstalk, as if from the tale of Jack and aforementioned Beanstalk. Considering my vastly improved physicality, I decided it was only fair that I go up and investigate myself. If I was lucky, these were Disney Giants, and could be reasoned with, if I wasn't, they'd be like that one movie from ten years ago where they were Always Chaotic Evil. Given the panic I could faintly make out in town as I climbed up thanks to my vastly improved eyesight, I was guessing the latter.

Sure enough, the moment I made it up the stalk, I found myself surrounded by a trio of giants, happily chattering about eating the people below. That was definitely a point in favor of Warner Bros. giants. Luckily for me, the meals I'd eaten hadn't just given me a superhuman physique sufficient to lift literal tons with one hand, but significant skill with any melee weapon I cared to use. I swiftly stole a giant's hammer and crushed his skull with it, as well as his friends' skulls. I made my way through the place, killing the giants as I went. Hm, I wasn't nearly this callous about killing before. I was definitely more driven than I'd been before I showed up in the Culinary Realm, but not that much. Maybe there were side effects to eating these meals? That was another potential explanation for them being banned.

Anyway, with my insane durability and the self-buffs from my Imaginary Element(how did I know that?) Supportstream, further augmented by my Astral Rank(again, how the hell do I know that?!), they couldn't even hurt me much if they got a lucky hit in, and I wasn't interested in letting them do that very often. With some moderate flesh wounds, which were rapidly healing due to my vastly improved constitution, I had successfully cleared out the inhabitants. I decided to head back down the beanstalk to tell the townspeople there was nothing to worry about, though I did grab some gold on my way back out. It wasn't exactly weighing me down.

With my durability, I decided to jump down about halfway down the stalk. I'd probably have been fine from the top, but I couldn't tell if anyone was beneath me before then. Sure enough, I had to go to the other side to avoid flattening anyone.

While a significant cloud of dirt was kicked up by my landing, I was otherwise unharmed. I addressed what seemed to be the king's guard.

"Good news everyone! I've taken care of the giants, so there's no reason to worry. Sorry about the beanstalk, but how was I supposed to know I had one of Jack's beans?" I explained.

The knights and common soldiers muttered a bit at that, but didn't draw their swords or anything, so I considered that a good sign. "Given no giants have tried to make their way down the beanstalk, I'm inclined to believe him, sir." a nearby mage, given his decidedly ill-suited for combat garb.

The leader, a tall man in full-body armor, which appeared enchanted to the eyes of an apprentice in the Dark Arts like myself, gave me a searching gaze. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to let us have a look at any foodstuffs you've still got?" he asked in a tone that made it clear he really wasn't asking.

"Sure, sure. Follow me." I'd made sure to stash my remaining food when I noticed the rapidly growing beanstalk. I'd expected quite the ruckus to erupt, either from the townspeople, descending giants, or both, and didn't want it trampled. My phone and laptop were here as well, for similar reasons.

Followed by a detachment of knights and the captain and mage, I reached a hollow tree, and carefully handed over the now-suspicious beans. The mage carefully picked out eight more beans, putting them in a pouch. "Not many recognize these beans, so I suppose we'll need to do a few rounds in the town to explain what to look for." the mage noted, holding the pouch as if it were a glass vase he was afraid of dropping.

"If you'd follow us to the castle. While the king is unlikely to appreciate the sudden, unapproved growing of a beanstalk, he'd likely appreciate the chance to acquire a great deal of extra land and treasure, while removing several nearby Giant's Realms as threats. Perhaps turn them into Marches against the others." the leader of the king's guard stated.

"Well, the gold isn't really useful to me, so I'm perfectly fine with letting his majesty have it." I agreed to that part at least. "Though I would like at least the chance to look over any magical artifacts recovered from them."

The leader hummed in thought. "I believe that would be acceptable." he sent a few of runners off to deliver a few messages.

So, I spent my next few days prepping meals, clearing out Giant's Realms while my previous conquests were surveyed and underwent initial reclamation efforts, with gold and jewels being carted off with magical help. The townspeople had been nervous at first, and the king had only agreed to it after confirmation that I had, indeed killed off all the giants in the sub-sub-dimension, but as I cleared each Giant's Realm, they were increasingly happy, as new farms and lands were to be parceled out by the king, and the treasury was now overflowing, which would be used to fund a great many big dreams the king and his advisors had had for quite some time. I averaged 3 cleared beanstalks a day, 2 on the first, 3 on the second, and 4 on the last. Really, the shows I put on in the evening were as much to unwind myself as anything else, though my vastly improved intellect and charisma allowed me to deliver some very interesting commentary to the audience.

The giants didn't really have any magical artifacts of much use to me. Mostly stuff that was good for farming or cleaning. Surprisingly, they had a lot of utility effects, whereas the townspeople had a lot more in the way of combat effects, despite their degraded magical abilities. Still, I'd pocketed a bit of the gold for myself, and I had managed to find their equivalent of a pocketknife to serve as a monstrously huge sword on my part. I'd also found a white ring that I'd slipped on once I'd confirmed it wasn't cursed. I wasn't noticing much in the way of effects just yet, but I could tell the thing was powerful, and the same deja vu that had continued to plague me was practically screaming here, much like with the blades.

By the fourth, announcing that I was leaving shortly after my phone died actually managed to get some people broken up, though I assured them I'd come back to visit. "Maybe you'll have some more beanstalks for me to climb by then." I half-joked. Frankly, with how insanely charismatic I'd been getting, I was kind of glad I was leaving. A few more days of this and I'd actually be a memetic hazard. I was pushing it as it was. Deliberately making myself unappealing only helped so much. Luckily Inksky, as I'd awakened the second day, could protect people from my solar flare presence. My rapid advancement of it to achieve such a suppression of my charisma was quite the surprise, but I suspected it wasn't just that I'd gotten supergenius intellect.

At any rate, with the kingdom thoroughly occupied dealing with their new lands and money, I was able to slip out with considerably less trouble than I'd been expecting. I briefly returned to the 12 blades I'd awoken between, and, after trying to lift them again more on the slim chance I was wrong about what would happen than anything else, I began pinging my Astral Rank off of them in hopes of finding whoever they were looking for. With Rank like mine, it wasn't hard to find his direction, if not location, as he apparently had a thirteenth blade on his person, though I couldn't actually lock onto him personally, and I set off. If their bearer was a decent person, I'd happily lead him to the blades. If not... well, best I find him before he found them.

Now that I had some serious skill in the Dark Arts and Astral pressure to match, I could sense the power contained in these swords, and having it fall into the wrong hands would be a disaster. Still, I had a good feeling about this! I was confident the chosen bearer of the blades was a good person, though I wasn't sure why. Then again, these strange bouts of intuition had yet to steer me wrong, so I saw no reason to doubt them now.

Leaving the Culinary Realm wasn't hard, and upon doing so, I found myself on the edge of the Voyaging Realm. Now that I had a lock on the 13th blade, it wasn't hard to keep following it, despite the rapid pace it's bearer was setting. I was much, much faster. Still, seeing an Armament, even a heavily damaged one as my strangely checkered knowledge of this universe told me, was quite a surprise. It was standing outside of an absolutely enormous temple, perhaps the size of an entire Giant's Realm, and my grasp of magic was sufficient to inform me that it was even larger on the inside.

I decided to take the diplomatic approach, and moved to hail the giant war machine and it's pilot. No reason to initiate hostilities.

AN: So, here's an Omake centered around that Thirteen Blades Advancement I made, using Birdsie's Hunger CYOA. If you were wondering, yes, Hunger's Cursebearer protections are blotting out the A Simple Transaction tabs from my point of view. I suspect I'd end up closing them by 'accident' just to be sure. I do have some awareness of Astral Rank and Imaginary Elements still, but nothing on the context I learned this information from.

9 instances of Aabcehmu's plan, going from 5.25 Astral Rank to 7.25. Still less than an Armament by any stretch, but also still godlike compared to most anything else. Including Hunger, at least up until Procyon arrives.

9 Baguettes means I'd have an enormous amount of melee skill, provided I had a melee weapon. 9 Deviled Eggs, strengthened by a Mayonnaise(+25% to special effects, +50% to Attribute bonuses) and three Salts(+10% to special effects apiece), provides at least 1.55 apprentice in the Dark Arts skillsets apiece, or 13.95 times that skill level in total. It also provides 9 Lesser Remittances, which I'd be burning on TSH for Accretion(since I'm nearing the end of the Mid Ranks it's going to be really hard to get more), the Dark Arts of the Deviled Eggs(well, why not?), Magic in general(likely to be my main Advancement method, since I'd be so massively physically powerful and even with TSH on Accretion I'd have some difficulty further raising my Rank), one on each of my Imaginary Elements(the Supportstream mentioned in my own plan, Inksky, and Exavolt), Surgecraft as a whole, Combat, and Buffing.

Inksky and Supportstream together would make me incredibly good at boosting Hunger's Cloak in addition to Hunger himself. Combined with Rank 7.25, I can probably unlock all those Advancements for the Cloak Inksky supposedly could have, and discount Pillars of Creation by 5 Arete like it would have.

The Stats for those 9 instances combined look like this:

+90 Strength, +81 Agility, +153 Constitution, +99 Willpower, +900% Willpower, +54 Intelligence, +54 Wits, +27 Wisdom, +54 Charisma, +54 Appearance, +1800% Health, +5.25 Rank*9=7.25. 3 people with a noticeable disadvantage in Astral Rank can match up to the advantaged person, based on the fight between Hunger and those three Armaments after he exited the Realm of Evening, which should logically translate into 9(3 groups of 3) being able to match up to an overwhelming gap, and I don't think my Stats are behind in the least. At Mid Ranks, 1 AR is noticeable, and 2 is overwhelming, so in AR alone, I'd have an overwhelming advantage over day 1 me.

I'm probably smarter than Gisena, at least pre-Renaissance Woman, just from these mental stats alone. Heck, I might have higher Willpower than Hunger pre-Refinement of Purpose. Not to mention my ridiculous, bullshit Charisma. Together, Gisena and I could probably determine a lot of the principles of Imaginary Elements. 3 examples from myself, Hunger's Edelross and Letrizia's Sharpbright, then Aeria's Shadowcord and Aobaru's Vigorflame, she could probably figure out a way to force-activate it in others without using the Elixir Springs. We might see Adorie with an Element. Perhaps even some of Hunger's Ennobled individuals.

Adding the three instances of KidFromPallet's plan, found near the bottom of that post, grants an additional:

+75 Strength(+66% value), +24 Agility, +132 Constitution(+66% value), +15 Willpower, +9 Intelligence, +9 Wits, +48 Wisdom(+132% value), +9 Luck, +39 Charisma(+66% value), +9 Appearance, +600% Health.

3 Ur-Carrots would likely give me moderately supernaturally keen eyesight and 3 times the abilities of a master marksman. Now, three Butters, each boosted with a Salt, provides a few extra Advancements. Given Might's Repose and a 7 Arete Element are rewarded by Dragon Meat, with it's true power unlocked by Roast Beef, I'm going to say that Butter with Salt backing it up can grant 2 Picks and 7 Arete worth of Advancements. First, the pair of Sword That Was Stolen - Thick As Thieves and King of Thieves, which provides a total of ++Agility, +Intelligence, +Charisma, +Theft, +Stealth, and +Heartlessness. Now, the +9 All Stats from 3 instances of Meat would probably apply to Theft and Stealth, but not Heartlessness, since it's not a normal Stat. Meaning I'd have 11 of those, counting the base 1 in any given Stat a person has once they're unlocked. The second is used to acquire Philosopher's Wreath(+Int, +Wis, +Charisma, +Int*100% to Advancement rate in a chosen magic you've encountered, substantially improved variety and conceptual potency of effects derived from it, applied to Surgecraft, provides allied mages with novel applications of their abilities and steadily improves their knowledge and power with effort, though this can no more than triple their Advancement, excepting any progress they make on their own raising this cap further. This may be rescinded at will if the mage is no longer allied.), because I don't have Progression, but this would be something like +++Progression in Surgecraft, on top of the TSH in it and each Element I possessed. Lastly, Gardener's Hallow, which is of limited use until Hunger gets the Evening Realm going, but should be quite useful then, and I might manage to make a few useful powerups when he starts using the Ring of Blood to greater effect upon obtaining Crimson Flare.

As mentioned above, I'd have three Surgecraft Elements. This is thanks to three instances of Dragon Meat, which is in turn improved by 125% thanks to Mayonnaise-boosted Roast Beef. Dragon Meat provides Might's Repose and a 7 Arete version of an Imaginary Element. The former effectively gives me 6.75 Might's Repose, meaning I accrue Attribute +s from it 6.75 times as fast, provided I sleep at least 9 hours a day, which is doubled to 13.5 when I'm sleeping, which I can do up to 90% of the time. I also have 6.75 times the immunity to artificially being made Tired or Exhausted. The latter provides 14(well, 15.75) Arete versions of the canonical 7 Arete Inksky and Exavolt with Roast Beef's help, and an equivalent-strength Imaginary Element of my own design. The former canonically tripled the strength of the Evening Sky, and allowed Hunger to rapidly regenerate it's substance, as well as doubling the Protection and Charisma offered by the Cloak. I don't have a Cloak of Evening, but I could probably make myself a pseudo-Cloak, since Inksky is basically Cloakstuff, and maybe I could glean something from Hunger's actual, real Cloak. Exavolt, meanwhile, is mix of excessive scale and EM spectrum energy, so if you want to blow someone up with gamma rays, or rip the iron out of someone's blood, it's great! If you want to charge your phone, on the other hand, you need some serious skill. I have TSH on it and Surgecraft in general, of course, and Philospher's Wreath buffing it's advancement 6600%, but I don't think I'd immediately be able to charge delicate electronics without frying them.

Lastly, 3 instances of Fungal Growth, which will provide 156 Strength(3 per week) and 312 Constitution(6 per week) over the next year, so I can focus my energy on training my magics and mental attributes, seeing as I'll rapidly hit the point where nothing short of conceptual attacks like Hunger's Ruin can hurt me, and I have Inksky to provide protection from those things, so training that up will be a high priority even before I meet Hunger.

Combined, and assuming a base of 1 Stat, the 12 builds provide 166 Strength at 166% value, 108 Agility, 286 Constitution at 166% value, 115 Willpower at 1000% value, 66 Intelligence, 64 Wits, 77 Wisdom at 232% value, 10 Luck, 96 Charisma at 166% value, 64 Appearance, 11 Theft, 11 Stealth, 1 Heartlessness, 2500% Health, and 7.25 Astral Rank. It should be noted that even if I do absolutely nothing, Fungal Growth is going to push Strength to 322 and Constitution to 598, and this is before Supportstream and Inksky buffs, plus anything Exavolt might provide as I work on it.

Oh, and Eggs grants 12 of it's boost to regenerative effects. This presumably makes healing spells much, much more potent on me, and probably gives me absolutely bonkers regeneration until Fungal Growth runs out. Once Hunger's Bloodcasting is up and running, I'll probably rival him for sheer regenerative ability, provided I'm close enough for him to use it on me. 3 of Milk grants me 3 revivals to use on myself or allies. Post-death revivals, not smelling salts revivals. I doubt it would work for, say, Haeliel potentially blowing up Aobaru if she tried to empower him, but it does give me some insurance. Probably most useful giving Hunger effective extra lives.

Me the first time I deal with a Giant's Realm: Uh, okay, this place is magic or whatever, and I could benchpress a tank one-handed at this point, so it's not that big a deal, I guess?

Me the second time: Again? Alright.

Me the third time: Why did they sell me these?!

Me the sixth time: ...Whatever.

Me the ninth time: I'd complain to the shopkeep, but looting these places is getting me a lot of money, and the king's rewarded me for granting the kingdom use of the Giant's Realms I've opened a path too.

Anyway, I think it took about 4 days for Hunger to reach the Temple of the False Moon from game start, so I think I'd be in the clear to catch up in a relatively short time with 7.25 Rank, 10 Luck, and 108 Agility. Given the workout of climbing up and down the beanstalks and wiping out the giants, I'd probably have some extra to eat, so I could see myself working through my 12 meals in three days.

4575 words, discounting this line.
While I was going to do a different Omake, in the spirit of the competition going on, allow me to present:

Richer Reality: Hunger Edition​

In which one of Rihaku's Patreons won the lottery and decided to go full Nameless for the whole Quest. I'll be operating on a few assumptions. One, that it was me, locking in a few of the decisions later on in the Quest. Two, that this would not meaningfully affect the Remittances due to The Accursed being beyond the power of money, and OOC because, say, having Prolessarch as well as Gisena would likely trivialize much of the Quest between their intellects and the latter's experience in various magics, nevermind how utterly the Quest might be changed by Caethlynn being a Remittance. Like, can you imagine how much more powerful that version of the fusion with the maiden would be? Not to mention the possibilities of Hunger having extra instances of TSH on some stuff. Three, Arete generation would be the same because while my constant EFB-ing would lower the tension, it would also bring out even more interesting blurbs and let us see a lot of high-power Enhancements from the beginning, possibly get Rihaku to make more CYOAs due to a very profitable side hustle, not to mention people in other places becoming curious what someone was willing to shell out nearly a thousand dollars for, and I'd probably be willing to commission a bunch of art both for the actual Quest and certain Omakes, given I'd have 'never work again' levels of money. Four, Rihaku started his Patreon at the beginning of this Quest, and not around the time of Red of Sky and Fang. Now, since Picks aren't doubled like Arete, and Three Picks and the like still require specific enemy types, this is less outrageously potent than it might immediately seem from my usual fare. It's still pretty bonkers, of course, just not the insane engine of growth it might be before the Realm of Evening was available for Pick Farming. Let's begin with Evening Sky, the first update to mention Arete.

I'd obviously pick Dead But Dreaming as the first Nameless-tier pick, mostly because I'd be running out of time in that first month and not really have any other options. Presumably I'd have banked the pick to go off on our first EFB, and since it would only have been a handful of days/updates since the story began, it wouldn't have degraded significantly. Thus, Hunger might begin to spec into sleep-related powers in this alternate canon, as he would grow in strength passively via sleep, could not be artificially exhausted or made to sleep, and when he did sleep, he could advance Outer Sorcery with TSH applied to it, not to mention the dream-related reality-warping. Of course, since we're sticking at least somewhat to canon, mostly by necessity at this point, the more relevant bit is how, while Cloak of Evening/Evening Sky is still purchased unchanged, Fell-Handed Stroke is traded for Sword That Was Stolen, as Fell-Handed Stroke/Thousand Cuts will be available later, I suspect this would give more conjunctional Aerie Advancements, and the Beric fight seems to have had more issue with speed than insufficient cutting power. This also leaves 10 Arete available for spending further on thanks to the Wish. Well, 15.6(2.8*2+10 from the Wish)-9=6.6, but the 6.9 gained by Lady of the Lake being doubled would push him back to 20.4, though the Thread would almost definitely vote to burn 4 Arete on Gisena, since one extra Curse cost 2, so one Mitigation Stage on each Curse would logically cost 4, dropping back down to 16.4. Further, it's likely that rather than just saving one option, the thread would feel confident enough to put 1 Arete down on Once and Future I(15.4), Ruling Ring(14.4), and Pillars of Creation(13.4) in Enduring and Fleeting. Just in case of issues with Fell-Handed Stroke and Thousand Cuts showing up later without having the former purchased, the former(12.4) and Azure Moon(11.4) will also be bought into.

I don't expect Sword That Was Stolen to change things enough to prevent Exhausted as opposed to Tired by the ambush from Beric's Idiots, or dramatically reduces the danger of the Mire Wolf, as nothing I've seen makes me think Beric wouldn't throw that final spiteful attack and unless Outer Sorcery did something, nothing here is sufficient to prevent that from injuring Letrizia as in canon. Of course, with the 4.2 canonical Arete generated doubled, to 8.4, we have 19.8 Arete available, and that changes things in Age And Treachery. Though I'll stick to at least one of the canon choices of Hunt For Healing, Fury. However, while Amaranth Star, and Age And Treachery were the canonical choices, Shard's recent Areteless Temple run has convinced me of the sheer ridiculous power of the Scent of Prey in the longterm, so we'll be buying that instead, with the third Pick going towards an Echo. This also has the benefit of negating a number of ambushes as 'nearest hostile' seems like a pretty simple cheese to have early warning for these things. There would probably be some idea about saving up for an EFB, as the thread would know not the power of, possibly a Ring-related one, given we'd had a glimpse of some of the Advancements we could get from our Panoply(though I don't believe we called it that yet) and doubling 1.1 Arete for 2.2 puts us at 22, a pretty good place to jump off of to get there. Of course, with Scent of Prey, we have 5 Picks to spend on things rather than 2.

Powergang awakens during Hunter Hunted, to respond to the affront of voting for utility over power so early, and forcing Hunger to enter a bunch of 1 Pick fights on the way to and from the Mire Wolf to sate their own hunger for power. They not only buy the canonical Second Stage(20) and Pristine Star(1 Pick, no Arete), Shine Bright(18, stamina-based healing, doesn't work on Hunger himself, can be used for illumination, scales with Charisma, unlocks Findross research, which I'm sure Gisena will appreciate), Undying Vanguard(11, yep, getting this way earlier, definitely going to be a surprise to them when they suddenly sprout healing factor like a day after meeting Hunger), and Pitiless Maw(4, effectively grants lifesteal in melee combat, healing Hunger equal to damage dealt, and triples Ruin's power, though still in melee) and begin the great rivalry of the two gangs, Savegang and Powergang. Savegang wishes to save up for more Wish-tier stuff, while Powergang wants a bunch of incremental improvements now. There is more nuance, but that's the gist.

I suspect the thread would still be concerned about the chances of Gisena and Letrizia being attacked while Hunger was away, and nothing bought thus far actually improved Hunger's travel speed(well, Undying Vanguard hit him up with a +Agility, but it's not that much at this point, especially when no Amaranth Star means he's actually -Agility compared to canon and his state of Exhausted is worse, though all his healing probably lets him set himself a slightly more ruinous pace since he doesn't have to worry about muscles tearing or anything) relative to canon, so Mire Wolf would be chosen over the Tyrant Beast, seeing as we don't actually get this stuff until we beat it (and whatever other three things justify the other three Picks, presumably on the way to or back). On the bright side, Pitiless Maw would once again carry the day here, as there was already an 80% chance of a perfunctory victory, and now Hunger is hitting about 3 times as hard and absorbing any damage he deals as healing. This would be a case where Pristine Star's ability to heal the user would likely carry the day over Shine Bright, at least in a fight, though Chill of the Grave would likely still be inflicted, if only because Hunger was probably a lot more beaten on by the Wolf in this fight. It's likely that a different set of Advancements would be offered, as we'd have a bit more than the 5 Arete we had during the Hunter Hunted update. 9.8(2.9*2+4), to be exact. Plus, there'd likely be people who would want to save up for a non-Nameless EFB, both out of a desire to see it in action, and out of simple pride that alternate me was carrying the thread and they wanted to contribute too dammit! It's not exactly completely out of reach, especially with three of them payed down 1 already.

Anyway, I'm not a hundred percent sure if the Chill of the Grave debuff was purely the Mirewolf or if there was some influence from Hunger offing himself with the Forebear's Blade with disturbing lack of hesitation or care. This would make Temple of the False Moon even more attractive, particularly with extra Ruin and Undying Vanguard in hand, and Scent of Prey makes it so Hunger can find Picks where, making the other two routes much less appealing. What's more, people would be concerned about someone trying to steal Verschlengorge(oh the irony), seeing as they'd literally just been attacked the day before. so things proceed roughly as canon up until we actually get to the Temple. During this time, as we hit June, I would buy us Total Eclipse, meaning we'd be benefitting from True Quintessence going into A Moment's Reprieve, particularly with Shine Bright as a Findross-y thing. I wouldn't know what it did, but I would assume it was good, want to know about it and it's lore, and have a faint hope the True Quintessence unlocked by Total Eclipse and Outer Sorcery might synergize. Who knows? Maybe they would, if only in the form of relevant Stats. More imminently important, the continued doubling would take us from canon's 3 going to somewhere between 8 and 9(we hit 11 before spending it either way, so it doesn't really matter, but let's lowball it to 8.1 for the purpose of actually having a hard number to double) which, discounting the +2 Arete from the Temple(which I would assume is not doubled) is 3.1, doubled to 6.2, then add the 2 for 8.2, then add 10 from the Wish, pushing Hunger to 28 at the time.

Given that Undying Vanguard has already been obtained, and Hunger has 6 Picks to work with, I suspect the vote started in A Moment's Reprieve would go very differently even without the new options available. Assuming it still goes on that long, the additional doubling of 2.4 Arete collected(discounting the 0.5 from the Main Entrance) by Solitary Moon is more than enough for a 25 Arete Advancement(33.3), though in this case, some immediate power now is probably preferred, since the sheer size of the edifice and Hunger's musings would almost certainly stir thread paranoia, egged on by Rihaku who, in the interest of remotely maintaining the planned arc, would be trying to steer us away from buying an EFB in favor of filling out some holes in our build, additionally pointing out that if we get too strong too fast, we'll be forced to rely on Apocryphal(which is still deactivated at the moment) for Picks, as we have nothing we are capable of training at any real speed, and few magics to train, for that matter. Scent of Prey can't find us a 1 Pick if there aren't any within Hunger's reach.

I suspect this would be where Rihaku begins acting sus *cough* gaslighting the thread to prevent EFBs from being bought. Partially because it's funny watching us twist ourselves into logical knots over why we should buy all these weaker Advancements instead. Anyway, the plan is divided between those who want to keep stacking Forebear stuff, though there are some murmurs about some of the higher-end stuff having Mental Contamination, which the thread doesn't know much about, those who want to grab more Cloak stuff, opposed because we literally just got an EFB for it, and those who want Ring buffs, opposed because they mostly don't apply to Second Stage. Beargang takes the win, grabbing an Echo, Fall of Night(31.3, an extra third to blade projection damage and 50% more Ruin on them, blade winds cost less, and falls can now be controlled), Form of Rage(26.3, a 2.5th life(as it's conditional) is always welcome), Fell-Handed Stroke, immediately upgraded to Thousand Cuts(19.3, melee attacks inflict cursed wounds, septupled power and speed of FHS, and now it can be used with blade projections, which Fall of Night just upgraded), before the last 3 Picks are burned on Ruinous Valor: Zweihander, to give him his other arm back, behold the power... of two hands!), which I would guess would be called Forebear's Beginning, because of all these basic things he's doing and learning(or rather, relearning) to do via good old-fashioned monster-killing.

See, this is probably where the major divergences really begin. A few days to advance Outer Sorcery(which has TSH and Hunger pretty much not having a choice in sleeping and thus having nothing better to do during that time more or less guarantees at least some 'study' in) and whatever benefits Total Eclipse yielded, on top of having Thousand Cuts already, would change things dramatically, assuming the same options. I think the logic that a) Second stage already gives us a second life and making us stronger is probably going to work out better than a Rage Mode, but it doesn't hurt to have it while not having might mean the end of the Quest, and b) with Letrizia healed, preventing the damage in the first place becomes a lot more viable, though their Loyalty probably isn't high enough to give Letrizia or Gisena a massive amount of extra protection at this point so this is mostly bought so they won't be in too much danger waiting outside, in addition Thousand Cuts and Fall of Night's blade-wind buff added on top of canon Hunger will significantly improve the safety of Aggressive over Conservative investigation of the Temple, at least in regards to the Outer Ring. If Bright Vanquisher added ++Str, ++Agi, +++++Con, then Forebear's Beginning would add +++++Strength, +Agility, +Might, , so this Hunger is about as fast thanks to having Undying Vanguard(discounting lack of Amaranth and septupled striking speed) less durable, but stronger and he hits way, way harder.

I mean, we played fairly Aggressive anyway, and the +10% to Arete and damage might as well be added, right? That turns the time 2 multiplier into an effective 2.2. So instead of going from 2 to 4.25, the 2.25 generated improves to 4.5. That raises 19.3 up to 23.8 as of War and Wind. Savegang would probably rally to try and prevent this from being splurged when this version of Hunger is badly thrashing any Craven Knights he encounters, aided by Rihaku noting that 30, 40, and 50 Arete Advancements are even better, so I could see a 5 Echo version of Brute Force(2 Echoes of the Forebear) winning, especially with the Arete bonus, but a little spending is still done. First, an Echo(the second), then Slayer Knell(2 Picks, increased effectiveness against enemies of the same type for each enemy slain, working better against stronger enemies, partially memeing about Hunger and fish, but also because the place is apparently crawling with knights, it will also eventually grant an effectiveness buff against pretty much everything, and I strongly suspect Augustine would grant some for the universe-succubus given her proclivity for Foremost Runes, and possibly Dien since they're both Foremost), and Swift as Death(21.8, Second Stage gains 5 Agility +s and a Willpower +, also improved phasing, and while healing the physical body takes a whole day still(assuming Hunger's mass of healing techniques doesn't accelerate it, as while overflow damage is blocked, it never said anything about overflow healing from Pitiless Maw), the Second Stage corpus only needs an hour unmoleted) which leaves Second Stage as our strong form at the moment. Don't get used to it.

However, Vanquish the Pursuers, enabled by Hunger's plethora of Advancements, including Slayer Knell making each successive knight easier to beat and Pitiless Maw healing him for free per attack, would likely have been selected, yielding an additional 2 Picks in the following update. This Hunger presses on, and runs smack into the Tiller Wurm nest. I Am The Danger being at 10% instead of 5 would also be used in favor of Vanquish, as was Second Stage's fast healing multiplying off of Hunger having a lot of recovery options, and they help keep him alive here. The 2.1 obtained as of The Winnowing Garden would be doubled(ish) to 4.2, rounding down, totaling 26. As you can imagine, the build vote would be fiercely discussed as Savegang and Powergang clashed blades over buying an EFB or not. Most contentious would be the option of sacrificing 2 Arete in favor of a tenth(5 Picks achieved via Scent, 3 from the Wurm/Wurms, and 2 from Vanquish) Pick, when this pace of Arete generation puts a 30 potentially in reach.

Though the battle was hard fought... the end result was determined when people realized they'd only even been offered a single Defining Advancement, and that it was 0 Arete, thus, allowing Savegang and Powergang to achieve a compromise, in part due to internal division on Powergang's part over whether they wanted Once and Future I(power now), Ruling Ring(some power now, some power later via Progression), or Pillars of Creation(bunch of power later, but on a regular basis). Indeed, with an effective 2.2(2.4*2.2=5.28) multiplier, they were sitting at 31.2 as of Cutting Through. Thus, a combination of No(29.2), 2 Echoes(3 and 4), Feat: Apex(+0.2 Rank), Gardener's Hallow(22.2, basically, Ennoble fruit or animal, eat it, gain power, a prep/potential Advancement, be great for Pillars of Creation and his 9 months of downtime/Rulership) Stranglethorn(22.2, since it cost 4 Picks and only 4 Picks, combines with Apex to help get his Rank back up towards canon) to grant Hunger more self-healing and some self-augmentation, and the same for Letrizia and Gisena. Remember that Returning to the Antechamber was selected after this, and with Hunger being heavily wounded. Despite the ridiculous power growth he was experiencing, it is likely that we would want Gisena as backup before actively seeking out anything particularly dangerous after the Tiller Wurm ambush(in this 'verse, it was 2 or more with Slayer Knell and all his healing options saving him, hence him being nearly dead despite his major offensive buff), and Rank is the best way to protect allied units he's got right now, seeing as he's already got Undying Vanguard for them, and he was just supposed to scout anyway. Giving him some non-fight utility would probably also be a concern percolating in the back of people's minds, hence Gardener's.

More prominently, getting Stranglethorn here is a huge change to Hunger's build. It's likely that Vanquish the Pursuers offered some Rank thanks to Aggressive, though the Tiller Wurm(or Wurms if all the fighting riled them up and/or Aggressive screwed us over, having a general buff against the second one would be a lifesaver in that case) did so via Apex, which is obviously chosen here, +20% Rank gain will immediately boost gaining 0.2 Rank from Apex. Not to mention the huge power boost Stranglethorn represents. With Thousand Cuts' septupled speed for it's attacks and the blade wind buff of Fall of Night, Agility being at 80% isn't the problem it would otherwise be, particularly with Second Stage's Agility, and doubled Strength and Constitution are huge game-changers for the remainder of the Temple, not to mention that even at this point, Willpower is important to Hunger. It's why he has Arete instead of Willpower like Seram, after all. Of course, this would probably be enough to knock most of the current area of the Temple out of the running for much of import... unless, of course, Scent of Prey allowed the three options to be combined into one as Hunger will know exactly where to find each of these Boss encounters, with the pair encountering the Dreadbeast on the way to The Magus, with the Knight Legion showing their craven nature and attacking while the trio are drained and injured from previous fights. After all, Undying Vanguard makes Gisena much, much more durable, so the risk to her in any of those fights is dramatically reduced, especially when Hunger can blast away at at least some of them with blade winds before they get close. I am going to assume going back to the Antechamber deactivates I Am The Danger, so Arete production is *fingered air quotes* merely doubled from this point on.

The +0.25 Rank from the Dreadbeast would improve upon Apex even before the +20% from Stranglethorn, and the Ritual Ground update has a gain of 5.75 Arete... but The Magus provides 2 of that, so only 3.75 gets doubled to 7.5. The Knights add another 0.5, of course, for a total of 10, though still not as much of a difference as one might have expected. Still, going from 22.2 Arete to 32.2 as of The Ritual Ground, and picking Seize the Day over Veterancy getting them 10 Picks(2 from the Knights, 4 from the Dreadbeast, 3 from the Magus for 9, then one more from participation, additional targets can be taken out mid-journey if they no longer provide these benchmarks), if all three fights are gone after, would significantly change the build. I suspect Ruling Ring would be offered as part of a modified Bloodmight, also has the fifth through tenth Echo though. That would raise the price to 20.5(RR is discounted by 1 from prepaid Arete), but that would drop the group to 11.7, with Tenfold Echo saved for later. That's a dramatic empowerment for Hunger, though all this fighting, only possible because Scent of Prey is functioning in a crude manner akin to Decimator's Lens, would likely make him Tired again, if not outright Exhausted, and he'd probably still return with Gisena sleeping the exertion off, as she might have been relatively unscathed from all the fighting, but be unable to keep up with Hunger's ruinous, borderline self-destructive pace without some enhancement, which he would promptly do upon their return. By the time of Coin and Realm, Arete would, thanks to doubling, be back up to 18.2, though without Picks to spend it on. The ++All Stats and ++Progression would also be very useful this early on, though it's interesting to think about how the Azure might react. From potential savior to approaching predator, perhaps. Would be quite something if Inner Ring people realized the Ring was concerned that it might be trading one master for another. A kinder one, almost by default, but still. What's more, Bloodcasting has a fell power when combined with the Gardener's Hallow... the boosted Ennoblement has synergy with the latter.

Anyway, Hunger repeats his earlier bout of madness, and, in exchange for a guaranteed Complication of becoming Exhausted again(special offer of going into it in Second Stage and being Exhausted, like trading a Pick for 2 Arete in the Vote to follow, as Rihaku's way of balancing things for Hunger's current ridiculous stat growth, as major Stat penalties across the board have multiplicative effects on combat power, and when you don't have a second life as a safety net, well, that would be a lot more effective than wagering a lot of money, yeah? Particularly when you're simultaneously debuffing yourself in a way you can't trivially undo mid-fight. Dyinggang grows strong in these times, though the name is somewhat more ironic), fights the Hunter Trio(+0.5 Arete), the Resident Outriders(+0.5 Arete), and the Knight-Commander(0.25 Rank), possibly buffed in some way by an Inner Ring on alert from. Now he's in possession of 10(pretty much the same as last time) Picks and 25.6 Arete as of Meditations on the Sword. Once again, the canon option is modified, as Thousand Cuts is already purchased, as is Undying Vanguard and Ruinous Valor, Quickening(18.6) is instead purchased early as a means of dramatically improving Hunger's combat stats, mental stats, and healing(Lingering Paralysis is still chosen, as Exhaustion is not available due to prior commitment, the fell power of synergy once again rearing it's head at the temerity to spend 7 Arete right after buying an EFB) all at once, and beginning the path of rapidly obsoleting Second Stage.

For you see, the Quickening Advancement found in Fending Off was merely a piece of the greater Blood Enhancement package unlocked by Ruling Ring, Quickened Blood, where 4 more Picks are spent on 1 Vigor Itself(++Might, +Charisma in blooded forms) and 3 Fierce Quickenings(++++++Agility, +++Wits in blooded forms), though it does render Second Stage rather useless beyond an absolute last chance. In addition to tripled healing rate for himself and allies(if this alternate version were to decide to bring Gisena along, or possibly all three of his Companions given his much, much greater stats), he has improved Rank(and markedly superior Rank compared to canon) and Stats, which will apply to basically any fight. Gisena, meanwhile has 2 Picks spent on an Evening Gown(11.6, immunizes the Cloak against Nullity, allows Gisena to initiate a Sorcerous breakthrough, presumable aided by Shine Bright) which will make her ultimate wash over Hunger like a strong gust of wind, changing strategies involving the two of them following this.

Throne And Alter is a win for Savegang, as instead of grabbing an EFB, the 5 picks are used on an Echo, 2 Vigor Itselfs, the Exalted Spirit Advancement(16.6) instead of Fall of Night as in canon, and Blood Rage(14.6, roll twice to activate Form of Rage, if the second roll is needed, Form of Rage is berserk until the enemy that activated it dies or Hunger runs away) allowing another 1.8(0.9 doubled) Arete to be banked, reaching 17.4. Similarly, Sublime Attainment(15.4) is the choice made in Once and Future(1.1 doubled is 2.2, so we'd have 3.1 instead of 2 if that specific section were doubled), allowing Arete to rise to 17.6, and Savegang pushes the now enormously bloated stats even in wraith form for this section of the Temple as reason enough to go for Preparation: Resolve to save 2 Arete. Despite Hunger using the same strategy as in canon, he still takes that True Maiming to his liver because Vanreir can tell Hunger is really strong and reacts accordingly, and possibly because we haven't regenerated from Second Stage yet from deliberately weakening ourselves for Pick-farming, diminishing our Stats a great deal, not to mention having Exhausted up. This leaves Hunger with 9 Picks to spend(4 from Vanreir, 5 from miscellaneous enemies) on stuff in Sky Above Sky.

The Legacy of Vanreir plan is a Savegang victory, as it buys an Echo, Feat: Kinlayer(set Rank to 5 for 4 Picks), and Uttermost, Hunger's strength improves immensely. Still, with Uttermost picked(mostly because people have seen the sheer value Stranglethorn has, very much want to fix the Blade, and want to stack Rank modifiers on due to all of Rank options they've been taking, including this one, though Cut Through's Arete cost is mostly a non-factor, people come to the conclusion that it's a similar situation as Fell-Handed Stroke, where it's a prereq for something much better, as has been the case with a number of things, so, basically everything about Uttermost prompts people to pick it, and with Savegang's backing, it is) in that allows for an additional 12.6 Arete to be saved by the time of Arisen Again(between Once and Future and Arisen Again, accounting for the 2 spent on Dialogue), or 30.2 total. Yet another victory for Savegang, as they are so intent on saving to 50(not that Rihaku will make it that easy) and they take 5 Echoes of the Forebear and Vacation, pushing them to 30.7. They splurge a little and heal Verschlengorge to 5.25 Rank, getting 2 Picks for their trouble instead of the one, though they still go to the Beseiged Colony for an actual Vacation, ie, curing Conditions.

Now I, quite frankly, can't for the life of me tell whether the Arete or the Reroll, but I'm going to say it's the former based on my extremely dim recollection, meaning the canonical Arete generated was 4.2 as opposed to 5.2, for a total of(since this isn't the Temple) 8.4+28.7(because of Versch) for 37.1, with 6 Picks to spend(as that was chosen instead) in Impunity because that's the big choke point in this universe. Rihaku successfully gaslights the thread into buying Slice Fate with one Pick(30.1 left) because rerolls and a Sorceress who can into spells unlike Gisena, 4 Echoes, to buff his wraith form stats a little without draining Arete significantly, and Cut Through(5.1) for canon's reasons and because it represents a huge boost to his power. Also because they were under the impression that they can't buy Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera without higher Letrizia +s(which threw more weight behind Slice Fate) and only realized at the last second that wasn't the case by which time the vote had closed, and that, once we did, that it would be much, much better with 10+ Rank, and possibly a couple more undeath representations. Presumably he kills a whole bunch of Primary and even more Elite Rotspawn(spamming blade winds everywhere, presumably) for a bunch more money due to his greater threat riling them up even more, if not whatever comes after a Primary, assuming something does, which is largely useless to him, but allows Letrizia and Gisena to buy up a bunch of top of the line trinkets for their convenience/study, and makes paying off Aeria even easier, which is more of a no-brainer with Undying Vanguard set up. Or maybe he(and the thread) didn't learn their lesson from Vanreir and have him preemptively ghosting himself for a greater challenge, since the point of it was to use a challenge to improve his sword skills.

All Along The Watchtower canonically generated 8.2. Doubled, that would be 16.4, totaling 21.5. As of Accursed Implement, Hunger has gained 10.5 discounting the +0.5 from the Major Complication of Studying the Blade, though doubled that's 21, Arete in this timeline, putting him back at 43, with Spendgang, as Powergang and Companiongang have Closed The Fist into to overcome Savegang, triumphing and spending 5 Arete to upgrade Letrizia's Element without having to spend the participation bonus on it, while Letrizia's Element is set to the 7 version(38), which is still Sharpbright because they don't really need a bigger hammer right now, they need more Rank and more precision with it, the participation bonus is set to a fourth(ninth) Pick instead. This allows Prime(+0.3 Astral Rank), to be bought alongside 2 Echoes, The King Stands Alone(31), Dreadnought's Bearing: Sharp of Eye(24, 50% Tired, stacking multiplicatively, and 25% Exhaustion resistance, eye regrown, ranged attacks gain acuracy thanks to restored vision, Iron Curtain will no grant permanent benefits on purchase, allowing you to ignore Exotic Attacks via Con check instead of deflecting them) and Pillars of Creation(0). Oh yeah, we're getting it way early. Given it took 2-3 weeks to get to Nilfel after killing the Rotbeast(well, 1-1.5, but there was a significant span of time spent dealing with the Temple and Be The Change, not to mention all the travel time between the Sovereignty, going back to the Temple, and then heading over to deal with Mizuku, the Rotbeast, and the Crown feat explicitly saying it's been three weeks since he arrived...), and this Hunger hasn't even finished the Temple yet, I feel it safe to assume the group would get to jump into the Realm of Evening for the first time before Vacation ended. I suspect that, since the thread was confident in their powerups thus far, the whole time would be spent upskilling in the Realm of Evening's use and the others learning the very basics of their Elements. This period allows Gisena to tutor Letrizia in Sorceress-ness as best she can. As we all know, Slice Fate allows that, and, well, Hunger certainly isn't going to teach her about that.

Speaking of which, Total Eclipse and True Quintessence finally become useful in Vertiginous Heights as he buys the 7 Arete version of Edelross, as doubling is still active so generating 7 by the next update should be easy. With TE, making Pseudo-Graces via Edelross becomes a thing that actually happens, since Hunger has real Graces to base them off of, and Edelross and Findross not being the same thing might allow him to simply duplicate any Findross Graces to get doubled benefits. My God, the fell power of money has awakened a power more fell still... synergy. Oh, by Scarlet Legion, whereupon he's made 13.9, which is doubled to 27.8, then add 1 because 1 of the generated Arete was consumed by Stay And Train, for 28.8, though that drops down to 21.8 for the 7 version of Edelross. Here is another deviation. Instead of 2 Vigor Itselfs(which we've already maxed out anyway), with Cut Through and Slice Fate, people feel comfortable picking up Philosopher's Wreath(14.8 Arete), which is incredibly fitting considering the circumstances of Scarlet Legion, to boost Edelross(and Sharpbright, Vigorflame, and Shadowcord by proxy) and by extension pseudo-Grace creation via Edelross, which means it will also boost Gisena's later Grace creation and Letrizia in the short-term. Gisena proves a capable advisor here, vicariously living out her own Sorceress fantasies via experimenting with Hunger's Edelross and Graces, while working on making the Devouring Sorceress out of Letrizia and boosting her Graces with refined Edelross as a catalyst. Side note, that will negate her issues with Hunger eating Versch, because a part of him will always be with her, though I suspect it would become relevant long before then. As you can imagine, this makes his choice of Control much, much more effective, though really it would have improved any choice. Gisena might have some issues with Letrizia's nature as a Sorceress being closer to an Orc than a conventional Sorceress.

In Fleeting Respite, it is confirmed that Scent of Prey works for sparring partners too, allowing 6 Picks to be collected. So an Echo, Sublime Transfusion(12.8, blood transfusions grant healing at triple the doner's rate, with Rank treated as being 7 minimum, or 1 Rank higher than it actually is, ignores species barriers), Vigor Incarnate(10.8, adds Charisma to Protection), and the massive improvement of Edelross was further compounded by purchasing Edelross Adept(8.8), as in canon, which explicitly doubles Edelross Grace creation rates. In canon's Force of Nature, after Crimson Flare had 1 put down on it, we ended up with 18.7 Arete, and by my calculations, we'd burned 9/10 from the point it was last announced how much we had, meaning we would have produced 37.4 with doubling, 46.2 with what we already had, which would have been enough to snap-buy Crimson Flare then and there(23.2, as Sublime Transfusion discounts it by 2) with 1 burned to unlock Sliver of Evening upon the next Pick point(22.2). Savegang prevails on the others to wait on spending it as Crimson Flare(thanks to Kinslayer setting Rank to 5, this already represents a huge powerup in terms of Rank, not to mention the +2 to Bloodcasting, assuming that Ruling Ring doesn't screw this up somehow. Not sure if the ++Progression for Ring stuff would cancel out any issues the Azure has with the Crimson being the Ruling Ring)... I'm just kidding! Scent of Prey allows single Picks to be farmed pretty much at will, so snap-purchases of EFBs that are 1 Pick is no more of a problem than 0 Pick ones. Gaining 9.3 Arete in canon by A Wind Full of Knives means 18.6 Arete in this timeline, or 40.8, is more than enough to buy All-Defeating Stance(12.8) and the subsequent 4.4 is within the Temple, and thus... still only receives a 2 multiplier because even if returning to the Antechamber didn't deactivate I Am The Danger, Vacation definitely did, for 8.8+12.8(21.6), whereupon the Hero-Defeating Stance is absorbed.

While currently only one can be deployed alongside All-Defeating, as his base Rank is not sufficient to do otherwise, Hero-Defeating offers a great deal of flexibility, even if it drops him to 14.6 Arete, as with All-Defeating and Crimson Flare alone, he could probably solo the entire council. I suspect that Gondrar, Avecarn, and Selune would be deployed together considering how Hunger was ripping through the place before, but it probably won't matter much when he's got All-Defeating in addition to Crimson Flare. Another 5.6 is harvested to set him back to 25.8 regardless with Battle's Close, and further still to 28.7 by Provinces, Roused, as while we have 5 Picks(Scent of Prey really is carrying us here, as it lets us sniff out hidden Bosses like Vanreir with ease, and the Voyaging Realm and sub-Realms like the Temple always have some weird stuff hidden somewhere) 3 are spent on What Rains May Come(3 Picks, 0 Arete, allows Hunger to take wounds from allies once a month, and reverses wound penalties, unless dealt by his own hand, which means he gets stronger as you hit him) because Arisen Blood strengthening the Wraith would make Pick farming more difficult, and he's so strong right now that he could probably manage in Wraith form what his canon self did in physical form. Shameless is chosen instead of Vigor Incarnate(we already have that), as Rank is much, much more important to the build than yet more Stats at this point.

Foment Rebellion is still chosen in Provinces, Roused, but in this case it's a deliberate effort to gather the council together so they're actually worth some Picks, and so Hunger can kill more of the people who've been directly responsible for torturing the Ring, partially to appease Azure, and partially because he suspects they would be targeted by the Apocryphal for revenge like Beric unless he played his cards right. The strategy on that front might change to Hunger having Gisena hang back and deploy Nullity if he's being overwhelmed, which her new dress has immunized the Cloak too, and Hunger by extension as long as it's up. That is deemed unlikely between Crimson and All, though Apocryphal is back in play thanks to the Pillars of Creation proc, so it's not impossible, especially with a bad roll. Between the massive Stat boost and Holy Shit making Foment Rebellion disturbingly easy with all his Charisma, combined with further boosting Edelross, this strategy is the only means to avoid a total curbstomp, and I'm not sure how much that will matter, considering just All-Defeating had a chance to solo the whole Temple, nevermind in conjunction with Crimson Flare. Still, I'm going to cheat a little and say that Holy Shit and Scent of Prey respectively knocked a Pick off of picking Larisse(and may well have let him recruit The Silver Horde and/or Who Walked Away for free) and allowed him to just grab 1 to grab her with. He's being careful here, despite the recklessness of going into the fight in Wraith form, just in case Apocryphal throws a curveball, since, again, I think the extra week from getting Pillars of Creation so early would have reactivated it. I'm not padding wordcount here, Apocryphal is super-nasty, as all Crowning Curses are, and an unreasonable powerup for an enemy is one of it's most basic tricks. With 5 Picks from Scent, an Echo is grabbed, followed by Iron Maelstrom(26.7, +++Protection and ++Might to allies while Hunger remains undefeated, additional unlocks, yet another companion buff is likely to help with pretty much all of the army battles from this point, this one, Rotbeast, Augustine, Dien(remember that one time Gisena freed some of the soldiers and they helped out a little against Dien's monstrosities, and of course it still applies to our normal companions), and the maiden(+++Protection might raise that quarter who didn't become slaves a bit) and Heartpiercer(19.7, Ring can give Hunger pseudo-comabt(or romance) precognition based on capillary movement, granting a major boost to combat/romance against blooded beings, and a minor one against those without(ie, that shadow thing that was going to possess Aerie in the Realm of Evening). As mentioned, this takes the tactically worst of Full Frontal and Scorched Earth, which yields an extra Pick and Arete, rather than just the latter. It also leaves the Temple and Ring in better shape afterward.

Sure, they gang up on him in The Ultimate Price, but Hunger just bulls through it all. Lucky hits, attacking while he's distracted with gutting another council member, nothing is working. It's so one-sided, that Sten has his mental breakdown anyway as Hunger notes that everything they did was for nothing while slaughtering the other Immortals. Building an entire civilization around the torture and harvesting of the Ring? Meaningless. They at best delayed the inevitable, and at worst, just made the Ring angrier and more inclined to cause horrific things, and now Hunger was taking them apart like toys. Eva going down is much of the reason for it as well. As mentioned in Day of Independence's options, she was much of his Sanity Meter. With an additional doubled 6.7, 13.4 Arete(33.1) and a set of six(thanks to two Immortals who are now corpses and the extra Pick I mentioned) Picks to spend, The Blade is modified due to Hero-Defeating having already been purchased. The Echo of the Forebear Pick goes to Knife(31.1, +0.2 Rank thanks to Uttermost, though since Hunger has both more Rank and more Rank boosters, it's hard to tell what he'd get), but since Fierce Quickening is filled out, Honing(29.1, already filled out Fierce Quickening, the important part is the stat feeder element, half of Wits is added to Int in combat-related scenarios), and Avenger(22.1, If Hunger or his kin are severely wronged by an enemy, double his physicals, and halve the enemy's Luck, Wisdom, and Protection, though the halving can be resisted, and every physical or social attack that lands gains tripled effectiveness, being considered a critical hit. Hunger's outfit and jab at the Maiden would have hurt her a lot worse, nevermind their exchanges of blows, can be upgraded to Blood Price for 21 Arete, but Savegang says we should wait until the end of the fight with Sten and see what saving Azure unlocks) is purchased, to aid in breaking Sten's mind by improving Hunger's ability to fight him while keeping him alive via improved (Combat) Int, alongside the canonical Knife which aids both in that and in direct combat, and, you know, in general.

Once Sten breaks, he's kept alive in a cruel mercy(so Hunger tells the Azure), I suspect Ruling Ring forces Subordination, but as mentioned in other builds, we're going to burn the Azure on the pyre of Archmage later, and between Nullity, Gisena having supergenius even before Renaissance Woman(even if, surprisingly, she's starting to have serious competition from Letrizia here, thanks to Sorceress Graces boosting her stats in general) Sliver of Evening(8.1, discounted by 10 because of Subordination and 1 downpayment Arete, Edelross abilities count as Graces and therefore no longer require upkeep or even coherent structure), augmented by Star of Grace, is bought immediately, with my Wish(18.1 thanks to that +10) spent on Heavenly Tomb, providing a massive Protection boost, massive durability boost for the Cloak in regards to raw health, and dramatic improvement of the Realm of Evening's capture/storage abilities is likely to improve the Archmage extrusion later on, which will likely be of use in attempting to take Augustine alive, which I'm sure Adorie would appreciate, and may well allow the Tower of Earth to be safely eaten alongside rerolls, and also grants the ability to take more precious metals along when the party leaves because HT basically gives Hunger an Inventory, leaving the total as of The World Your Oyster(obtained 9.8 in canon, doubled to 18.6) at 36.7 Arete, which immediately drops to 29.7 thanks to Inherit The World's canonical purchase, and then another 4 (Temple is running out of even 1 Picks at this point, but the better direction helps with building up to stuff with 1 Picks) Lunar Coronet(22.7, hits Hunger with -Heartlessness in blooded forms, Vassals get +to Mental and Social Stats) and Feat: Mightier(20.7, added 0.39 Rank in canon, though it required a Propaganda action. Luckily Mass Ennoblement counts). Lunar Coronet not only empowers Letrizia and Aeria(the former immediately goes up an effective Rank, and who knows how the effective probability manipulation this grants affects things down the line, though improved Grace creation is probably the minimum bar, I assume the latter's stealth and thievery improve commensurately, it also provides them Protection from Hunger's Charisma thanks to Vigor Itself) as well as Hunger's own Edelross(30% boost->50%), but the proto-Companions of the King via fusion of Edelross and Ennoblement is of benefit to his party and allows rapid Ennoblement of everyone Hunger cares to do so for in the Temple(Vassale number is Rank^2*10, so about 250 currently) to replace the Azure's power, reducing Apocryphal buildup time, which would be a concern thanks to that Evening jaunt from before. Heck, not only is it faster then canon, I'd go so far as to say the new enhancements are at least comparable to the old Azure ones, at least for the vassals. Honestly, giving Gisena the Ring is probably at least partially Gisenagang trying to throw her a bone, since her Element is both not unlocked, and would basically be useless if it was, so she was never going to get an Elementalist Lunar Coronet slot, and Aobaru is not accompanying us currently, nor do we have much reason to think he would.

Rihaku is once again making paranoia-inducing comments, this about a large imminent expenditure. Sure enough, Threefold Meditations comes up, and 25 Arete is immediately burned(-4.3) on the altar of a) Refinement of Quickness, b) Artful Thorn(as Scent of Prey means we don't need to wait on until later due to lack of Picks, and c) acquiring a new Curse and a subsequent Remittance. That conversation's been done to death, though I wonder if this scenario introduces enough new variables to make it go differently. Perhaps The Accursed is impressed with Hunger for advancing at least ten times as fast as a normal Progression type. Regardless, despite 7 Praxis picks being obtained, with 1 saved, and a new Curse(which is immediately Mitigated a stage by Gisena, so I'm going to say Plenary Brand, as while it's full power would make it impossible to do Treachery, a stage of mitigation makes that possible again, and Aeria's Shadowcord might also help) with a new Remittance(I'd go for TSH myself, given how useful Progression is and how bonkers it would be on Hunger, canon or here, especially if it's on the Praxis, which Rihaku has noted is the only means of improving Praxis Progression, as it exceeds normal Progression, which makes sense considering it's source, if combined with Imperial, well..., and another TSH on two of our extant artifacts(+300% Progression on our whole Panoply would likely translate directly or almost directly into +300% Rank gains, but just the Cloak and Blade would likely be really helpful in that regard still) or just setting them on Accretion and Surgecraft in hopes of the former unlocking more Defining Advancement and Panoply slots, and Rank is presently always useful, not to mention how important all of our Artifacts are, especially the given how important each of them is to our build at this point and in general, and how much we struggled to get proper utility from the Realm of Evening in canon) and Arete reserves at, thanks to the canonical deluge(12.5 from the last spending point, doubled to 25), 20.7. Yeah, probably not going to do much saving next build vote.

Triumphal Gleam(13.7) is bought as it was in the canon Mists of Quickening, and the remaining 4 Picks are burned on 2 Echoes(hey, speed is important here), Opalescence, and Iridescence(general magic resistance), and Diplomacy drains 2 Arete(11.7), Choice of Import is... mostly unchanged, since Ruling Ring and Azure already being subordinate means a Ring War would be... difficult to pull off with so little credibility. As Apocryphal scales to our increased power, and had a few more days of effective charging time, she tosses in a breakthrough for the buffing Elementalist right as they fall into Rotbeast hands, making this a nasty fight still. Well, she also buffs Beric more, but does anyone really care? Apocalypse Now arrives. A modified Do It All. We don't go into Pick Debt, as we already have Refinement of Quickness, so it's more a matter of getting to Mizuku and the Rotbeast before they do too much damage, made all the more urgent by the latter being stronger than in canon, so getting there right the hell now via Quickness is very important, especially if we want to take the time to offer Mizuku mercy.

Earning 6.7 Arete as of Eidolon of the Grand Travail means an additional 6.7 from doubling, for a total of 25.1. Offering Mizuku mercy, being more about skill than raw power, but Hunger's got a bunch of mental stats on his canon self, so it shouldn't be too difficult, especially since he's got more options for healing people here, and stronger Bloodcasting. Since no Pick Debt was necessary, and Scent of Prey would trivially resolve that if it were, we have the usual 5 Picks Hunger grabs Tenfold Echo(3 Picks, 0 Arete) and Outer Sky(18.1, merges Evening Sky and Outer Shadow, dramatically improves magic resistance, Outer Shadow's issue with draining mental stats if overused is negated, discounts Outer Darkness), with the last Pick being spent to get Hungry Vim(16.1, +++Agility, +++Wisdom(Combat, cheaper here than later, and as I said, Agility is important here, as canon demonstrated, higher Wisdom offers new tactics). The addition of Tenfold Echo should be enough to deal with the powered up Rotbeast, with Outer Sky being insurance. This Hunger should have enough mental buffs to be about as good or better at planning this shindig.

Endless Tides goes a little differently. While Hunger still opts for Cut Through, having Artful Thorn beforehand makes it slightly less dangerous, even if he's holding it in reserve for the Rotbeast itself. What's more, Letrizia has been working on a Grace to let her focus Verschlengorge's Decimation more precisely, as that's her biggest potential contribution against any of the armies Hunger's been facing recently. With a little help from Sharpbright, she can take out the rear lines of the Rotspawn safely, easing the pressure on the Sovereignty, which is good, because they weren't doing well against the canon Rotbeast, nevermind this further empowered one. Hence Aobaru's father still being dead. Even if he wasn't, Lunar Coronet on Aeria would be enough to convince him he should come along. She jumped a couple levels in like, 3 days. Hunger doesn't really see a reason to say no, since Undying Vanguard and his Ennoblement still have plenty of slots, and another buff can't hurt.

As for the decision in A Fire Woken, since Silver of Evening is already bought, there is strong consideration to have Hunger instead grab Elixirdross. In addition to making Edelross Graces even better for him by making them permanent like Findross ones, and allowing him to use something that matches rather than mimics Findross, thus allowing to even more thoroughly refute the veil-woman, it also allows him to activate the Fairbright Bloodline, which grants him... lore. Apocryphal will have been Stage 2 Mitigated before much longer, so that part's not really relevant. Not to mention the option of making Letrizia or Aerie into magical girls via Lucenthorne seeking Hunger out. However, we buy Outer Darkness(-3.9, eldritch entities can be communicated with, though their treatment of you depends on relative power levels, -1ISH to all sanity-targeting effects, which would likely count the Beauty-based Mental Contamination of the maiden, since that's some serious cognitohazard shit, +2000% HP instead of 400%, Outer Darkness automatically defends allies within reach, may block that final attack from Dien automatically, which could in turn allow for his capture and having his expertise granted to Hunger and Gisena. Well, the rest of the party too, but mostly them.), the vote modified to include Feat: Reckoner since we didn't go into Pick Debt and Outer Sky is discounting OD(25-7=18). 13.8 Arete doubled is 27.6, so the total increases to 23.7. Given that version of Silver had a discount of 7, I assume Reckoner is a 2 Arete, 2 Pick purchase, pushing it up to a cost of 20 Arete. Cloakgang convinced the thread that OD's anti-insanity defense and boost to companion defenses when fighting alongside them trumped a further boost to Edelross. Aobaru's True Vigorflame drops it to 16.7 Arete.

Core Panoply(while canon has +1 Defining Advancement slot, +2 Panoply slots, +0.3 Rank/0.6 after modifiers, it's an Accretion thing, and would presumably be boosted by TSH, so who knows what it would look like here) is not still selected in Sovereign Jewel, though in this case being 3/3 Defining Advancements in is making people even more nervous when I could, theoretically, forget about that and try to buy an EFB that costs one of those slots. The extra Rank (as it's getting harder to raise it) and Panoply slots certainly don't hurt it's cause, especially with all this Arete, but people aren't as concerned about that relative to boosting everything, especially since TSH on Accretion. Instead, A Promise Kept(50% positive Apocryphal at all times) is selected, as Apocryphal's scaling has been made more obvious, so people value a positive variant more. With TSH on Accretion(and Praxis and Surgecraft, if those are relevant to getting more slots), getting more Rank, Defining Advancements, and Panoply slots shouldn't be hard. Heck, with A Promise Kept greasing the wheels, Hunger might get them for free. I'm going to say that's what it's burned on, to avoid conflicts in the build with Tears and Seraph's Favor later on.

Huntress Moon is also selected as per canon in Dawn and Thereafter, not the least because of Scent of Prey synergizing with it, as is Opalescent Tower. Similarly, Be The Change, which should be much easier than canon with his improved stats and Ennoblement, which in turn should allow Gisena some more time for Artifice, which in turn should help with the Decimation Lens. In Realms of Myth, the thread assumes we'll have enough Arete for whatever, because, well, duh. 9.9 Arete are generated in canon, 19.8 here, and 36.5 total. Drops to 24.5 thanks to Crown(it really is a lot of Rank, and again, that's only going to get harder to gain), and 22.5 thanks to Honing. Generally, things proceed as in canon for a bit, such as the purchase of Skyveil in Platinum Expanse, up until I also buy Elixirdross(32.5) at the same time, which changes a few things, not the least of which is the further stat boost. I believe it would only further boost Graces when combined with Silver of Evening, and simply having a 25 Arete version of Edelross, given how Vigorflame eventually turned out, would likely be of immense value in terms of conjunctional Advancements.

As of Smoke and Miren, canon had gathered 26.1 Arete, counting the 7 used on Skyveil(Vanquisher and Skyveil cancel each other out, and I have no idea how that might affect Opalescent Tower, so the effective resilience Skyveil's Charisma reduction provides and might unlock in regards to Plenary takes priority) back during The Platinum Expanse and the -2.1 that would have remained after Crown's purchase. So, double 26.1, subtract 7, 45.2, which in turn adds up to 77.7 Arete(maybe we'd unlock some special Luck Advancement). So, I don't think taking on The Princess Herself(75.7) and Shadow Mastery(68.7) will be a problem. With Elixirdross and Gisena, who has experience with making a Sorceress out of Letrizia(who cost nothing due to the Realm of Evening's first proc making it easy to suffuse her, which was part of his initial exercises to do control the place), making Aeria the Threnody Sorceress shouldn't be hard. Let us take the normal cost of a True Element and say her True Shadowcord is 25 Arete, purchased because it provides effective resistance to Plenary Brand. More than enough for that(43.7) even if it doesn't have a discount from Shadow Mastery, as unlocks implies a prereq instead. Funnily enough, Aobaru and Gisena are very much falling behind, moreso the latter since if Shadow Mastery exhorted Aobaru to greater heights, then True Shadowcord with Shadow Mastery would only increase his drive. Presumably in-universe the Opalescent Tower's connection to the Evening Realm and Aeria's connection to it through Shadowcord causes her to become more potent from encountering the Tower, kind of like Chad visiting Hueco Mundo accelerated his Fullbringer powers coming to the fore, with constant exposure to Vigorflame throughout her youth, and later Edelross/Elixirdross and the Cloak, then all three at once, having enhanced her Element. Given Shadow Mastery was enough to let her contribute, especially if it combines with her Threnody Sorceress abilities, she might actually become a relative to peer to Hunger, at least for the moment. Do remember that Lunar Coronet's two-stage enhancement is still in effect where Shadowcord is concerned, so it would be even stronger than a normal 25 Arete Imaginary Element by two stages.

Given a threnody is a poem, song etc. of mourning, I suspect it would be a morale/social-focused set of Graces, becoming as deadly in social combat and emotional manipulation as she is in ambush and assassination, and perhaps stuff like Persona Shadows as manifestations of guilt and grief to screw with their Mental Stability, potentially to the point of trapping them in a Silent Hill situation, or even outright animating one's shadow to act against them. Although since this Hunger has Outer Darkness, I suspect trying that on him would be worse than useless, as at best his mastery of darkness-related stuff would merely make it much less dangerous to him than an ostensible peer opponent ought to be, and at worst, he'd just hijack it, with something similar applying to insanity attacks for similar reasons. Assuming of course that the technique doesn't come with some inherent Willpower debuff relative to the target, since they're shadows rather than full-fledged people from the get go, in which case he'd definitely hijack it. For this reason, the seducer of armies would have some issues using it against him even beyond the fact that it's a combination of Shadowcord and Threnody Sorceress powers. Worst case for her, now she has to fight 2 Hungers, and I'm pretty sure a contest of control over a Hunger of shadow is one she would lose, so she'd probably avoid using it, predicting how trying that Grace or any insanity-related ones would go. I'm not sure if the Daylight Realm can block this sort of ability, seeing as the darkest shadows are caused by the brightest lights while casting a shadow on darkness isn't going to do anything, though I don't think Aerie would have the conceptual elevation to use it on her at this point. Anyway, Gisena really is falling behind here, huh? With Letrizia and Aeria both having more investment than canon, she and Aobaru, for the moment at least, are kind of being left in the cold, ironically. It would probably exacerbate her issues with lacking magic of her own to see Aerie as a Sorceress on top of Letrizia. Hunger's Total Eclipse making him a Sorcerer and Elixirdross as an equal to Findross certainly won't help, though in his case she likely excuses it as a Progression thing, seeing as Hunger is apparently developing powers all but spontaneously here.

As of Contest of Kings, the thread had generated another 21.8 Arete, doubled to 43.6, adding up to 87.3. That's more than enough to purchase three of the EFBs on offer. I think that, rather than merely uniting Tears of Winter and Opalescent Tower(which upgrades Evening Realm stays to three weeks, Sliver of Evening to once a week, and presumably upgrades Outer Darkness, as it is technically a 25+ Arete Evening Sky Advancement, not to mention Heavenly Tomb, which is explicitly a 25 Arete Cloak Advancement. Here's a reminder of what it does: +10 Protection, ignores Protection penalties, massively improves the health and health regeneration of the Cloak, an unlimited number of defeated enemies may be absorbed into the Cloak, frozen in time, though they can be unfrozen to interact with when visiting the Realm of Evening. Doing so prevents them from ever defeating Hunger again, though they can still harry him both in combat and socially, even if they can't actually defeat him. This may eventually be used on aspects and ideas.) in the form of Eye of the Storm, Hunger also grabs Companions of the King in the Court in the Storm build, which mitigates the recklessness and greed of Hunger's style of rule, and of course since Undying Vanguard is already purchased, it only costs 25 Arete. However, in Who Dares Wins, the thread had generated 21.6 Arete, doubled to 43.2, which adds up to 130.5, more than enough to add Once and Future in the King and Court Under the Heavenly Storm's Eye, and grabbing 4 EFBs(33.5, since the cost drops to 97 with 1 Arete already invested in Once and Future I) at once represents an enormous empowerment of the group, even if one barely empowers Hunger himself. With Companions up, leaving them behind to aid Adorie against Augustine's legions should be much, much safer than in canon, even ignoring how much stronger Aeria and Letrizia(sorry Aobaru) are. Not to mention this version of Adorie herself, as she has Undying Vanguard. With TSH on Accretion, Hunger might be matching an Armament's Rank outright by this point, or at least only be a half step behind instead of a full one, and since this is pre-Oath of Winter, Adorie would be one Rank down from that. Accretion with TSH+Companions is practically +Progression for the whole party, as I'm sure has been mentioned to shill Companions of the King.

Anyway, the Signs go as canon, as Hunger doesn't have Refinement of Place to obviate the need for a long-distance teleport, which eating the Tower rather necessitates, Bastion of Myth is still useful, as I'm not sure if Armaments have Rank above Hunger's right now in their base form, but they definitely do with their Shroud deployed, and Supreme Enclosure is going to see a lot of mileage later on, not to mention informing on the Lord-Protector being Augustine. The Armament Fish is chosen for all the same reasons as in canon's Uttermost Pursuit, in addition to Slayer Knell meaning he'll get a boost against fish and Armaments, but things are a little different. Since Hunger was stronger when that Apocryphal proc went off, Beric's joining with the Armament Fish was more akin to a conventional Armament's Totality, though Beric has issues controlling the thing, as it's essentially halfway between a Prototype and a full Armament and as Letrizia has noted, Armaments do have minds of their own. Still, Totality dramatically improves Beric's ability to draw on the Blue, and the fact that it's Totality instead of just greedily absorbing power means his System is intact. His goal is to obtain the power to either bring his companions back and then avoid Hunger at all costs as a Secret Boss he is most definitely not prepared for, or kill Hunger, as he suspects, here at least, that Hunger's nature as a Cursebearer(the Fish recognizes something in Beric's description) is interfering with the System's efforts in this regard. Either way, this is a significantly more dangerous fight, as Beric's human mind provides significant benefits to the Fish, and the Fish's Blue, in turn, is more easily used to boost Beric's with it's willing support than Beric acting as a parasite. When Hunger attacks the Fish, Beric immediately knows who he's dealing with, and responds accordingly. Still, All-Defeating Stance, Heavenly Tomb, and Outer Darkness provide Hunger enough of a Protection/HP, and to a lesser degree offensive, buff to let him win the fight. Beric is substantially stronger, but there's decent odds of him just dying from a hit on the Fish, or with it, and he's not nearly as strong as it regardless. Even if Hunger is in Second Stage form, it's unlikely he would pose much of a challenge himself.

Heck, with Elixirdross, it's entirely possible Hunger might manage to capture him alive and maybe even secure his support by promising to help him with resurrecting his companions within the year(Ha! Try six months!), and Heavenly Tomb allows Hunger to ensure Beric can't directly threaten him. He's also got Supreme Enclosure, perhaps he could just summon the Astral Lord Beric was working for(with a little help from Scent of Prey), kill it, and free Beric from any obligations to it? Study of the Color Blue might give Gisena some ideas, and if it's Knowledge-based(with draining from the Fish being a cheat, which is part of the reason the System wasn't reacting well, as you aren't supposed to Advance the Blue this way. The System being the only reason Beric wasn't taking significant soul damage from forcing it in this manner, and the constant stream of information, some of which was secret to one degree or another, he was harvesting with it was massively improving his Advancement in Blue to begin with if it's like my version) like the version from my Lost Realm CYOA, then Gisena would be incredibly well-suited to it's pursuit. Though we have no idea what this counter-factual scenario would look like, nor the Advancements, so it's tough to say what the potential benefits or Arete costs would be.

Before the fight, Shattering Ice consumes 7 Arete via Whiteout, dropping reserves to 26.5. All-Defeating is already bought at this juncture, so it obviously won't be bought here. As of Titanomachy, I Wish up Cold Light of Vengeance(the idea being that Hunger practices Praxis while he waits for the Nightmare Flight recharge, as his healing capabilities are vastly improved compared to canon and he's got a lot of Agility and the like on his canon self, so he can finish up helping people much quicker) here. Part of it being that each Praxis boosts Hunger's Praxis stamina, and part of it being so he can clear hordes of enemies quickly, particularly if separated from the others. It should be noted that the Wish used to bring out Renaissance Woman activates this month, so I'm only boosting September Arete production by 50%.

Okay, I'll be honest with you guys here. I don't remember what All-Defeating Stance cost at this point, but I think, from my research, that it was 14. Thus, I add 19.6(since there was 1.4 Arete left from the last canonical vote that tracked it, but Whiteout was also purchased) to the 14 produced by Sea of Blades, for 33.6, which is multiplied by 1.5 for 50.4. Adding the reserve, and 10 from the Wish, and we're back up to 86.9. With Scent of Prey active, we can grab 1 and 2 Pick stuff with ease, so Fisher King(full 24 for full purchase, so 62.9) is bought in full now, with Hasten Signs bought, Arete drops to 43.9. Deathly Star and Armor of Midnight are unlocked early, with Night's Ambition(defer bonus until Seventh Sign) selected because we'd unlocked the first five within updates of getting them at all. Rihaku tempts us with another major Praxis round, and another 7 Praxis Picks are harvested, eight in total with what was saved from last time, which are used to get Refinement of Place(only teleports one person at a time, unlike Nightmare Flight, but it's drain depends on how far you're being transported, so it can be used to 'flee' enemies under some circumstances by chucking them elsewhere), Unbound Severing(Draining, but allows the user to disrupt local forces in both physics, ie gravity, and metaphysics), and Shatter the Pane(Highly draining, and requiring proper timing, but the user may dramatically weaken hostile effects, such as a wound that causes instant-death being reduced to a moderate one), which all drops us to 18.9 Arete and 0 Praxis Picks, but also massively improves Hunger's Praxis stamina. While his first round of 4 Picks knocked him out, he later got the Refinement of Purpose and Imperial Refinement within like a week of each other to little ill effect, so this shouldn't do more than tire him out a bit. Exhausted isn't enough to counter the sheer stat advantage this Hunger has on his canon self to make Augustine's forces remotely a challenge. This 18.9 drops to 16.9 thanks to the Glimpse in Vendetta. This also exhausts the Arete canonically generated in this time, meaning all Arete available at the next update to make note of it is fresh. Therefore, Aobaru doesn't receive A Chosen Purpose in Phoenix Rising, but A Burning Spirit(presumably the attack is buffed to keep Aobaru and Letrizia distracted so they cannot intervene with the theft of Verschlengorge), as in canon. Sorry man, I honestly forgot this was coming up. Looks like Mordred is still on.

With Companions up, I'm not sure if stealing Verschlengorge would still have worked. Let's say it did, due to a further buffing of Augustine by Apocryphal to compensate for Hunger's increased power. I assume rerolls are only used on calamitous losses like himself or a companion dying or being grievously injured such as a baseline human with access to baseline healing losing a limb, as otherwise one would have procced on his original theft, so while Slice Fate would protect against Augustine sacrificing Versch for power, it would not block Augustine's theft, probably a good lesson for this counterfactual timeline, and while Hunger himself might have Rank to rival an Armament, the exponential curve of Rank means 8-9 is potent, but not impossible to overcome, especially since Apocryphal would be buffing Augustine even more than in canon, and Hunger isn't right there, and may not have been close enough to influence it at all before it happened. 11 is the point the universe starts snapping to attention at your presence, not 10, certainly not single digits.

Of course, with how many rerolls we've got, the thread would think going for the Tower of Earth(4.9, probably go for either tripled Protection or upgrading Supreme Enclosure to Bring To Heel, as both would be very useful, with the arguments largely boiling down to short-term and long-term gains conflicting. As we don't know what Bring To Heel would have done, I'll go with tripled Protection for expediency's sake) in Fear Itself was fine, and the chance to subsume the Earth, considering the number and potency of the upgrades the Opalescent Tower offered, would be enormously tempting, especially when it would be advocated by Rihaku as offering some resilience against a number of the Cloak's weaknesses. In this case, it's also to support a Diplomacy route. They're way stronger, after all, and absorbing another Tower right out from under her ought to shock her enough that she'd at least be willing to contemplate surrender. It... sort of works. The Tower is absorbed, and will unlock a bunch of new features for the Cloak(not the least of which is screwing up the maiden's contest, as the Earth doesn't give a crap about Daylight being conceptually advantaged against Evening) but Augustine designed it to take out the Cloak for a little while, like blowing a fuse. The Cloak isn't permanently damaged or anything, and neither is Hunger, but it's a problem, because it won't be recovering for this fight, and Gisena's Nullity still affects Hunger without the Cloak. Thus, if Gisena hadn't gotten Renaissance Woman in The Truth Manifest, he might actually have been in real trouble. Sure, he could have blown a bunch of rerolls on it, but he's only got so many of those at this point, and they should really be saved for a fight where Hunger didn't just screw himself over in the name of a show of force.

25 Arete generated in Spoils of the Tyrant, so 37.5, or 42.4 in total. So we go on another spending spree. As Fisher King(which doubles the proc rate and mitigation for fish-based targets. Slayer's Knell is really going to do work here, huh?) is already bought, people feel comfortable going for Foremost Blade(30.4) which makes all 4 Pick foes count for Decimation targets, regardless of whether the difficulty is artificially inflated or not, which unlimited rerolls are great for, as will be the Realm of Evening, which, again, has Earth boosting it due to assimilation of the Tower of Earth. It also grants 2 Accursed Favor. Similarly, instead of Direct Mitigation, the Serendipity Mitigation(18.4, one in seven procs become helpful, empowering/benefitting Hunger in interesting ways, though more limited than hostile procs, and buildup is not slowed like in Direct Mitigation. Very helpful in timeskips and for Epilogue points, as building credibility over time is now a risky proposition for the Apocryphal Curse, as she might get distracted by some really cool beneficial circumstance she could cause instead of screwing Hunger over. Has a chance of dramatically weakening the maiden by having Apocryphal blow a bunch of credibility making Hunger even more powerful, forcing it to wait to even longer build up credibility again, which is an even worse proposition with A Promise Kept working in the background, meaning the Apocryphal now risks an uphill battle with every timeskip. Potentially taking long enough for a significant portion of the next paired Domain being worked through via Fault-Defeating is in the cards.) is taken, pushing us to a whopping 14 Accursed Favor, which is likely to be the in-universe justification for being introduced to the Cursebearer Association. Plenary Brand is Direct Mitigated though. 75% strength means Treachery is somewhat viable again, though it's likely to complicate the Procyon fight somewhat, especially when this is a somewhat more powerful Apocryphal proc due to Serendipity not affecting the actual strength of an Apocryphal proc in general, just it's positive or negative valence.

I'm going to say the extra proc power is burned on a breakthrough in Armament Prototype production, allowing a huge number of the things to escort Procyon, and this type in turn has some kind of affinity that pushes them to Rank 8.5 as long as it's around, like a bizarro mirror of Companions of the King. While little threat individually, they could prolong the battle and/or strike Hunger down after Procyon wears him down. After all, Bloodcasting doesn't work on them either, and a hundred 8.5 foes is a little much for Hunger on top of Procyon. Working together, the Prototypes might(with heavy casualties) be able to beat an enemy Armament without it's Shroud, and they have Procyon for that, so Hunger is fighting something like 1.75 Procyons here. This is rapidly becoming a keystone of the Republic's strategy, with grumbling about felling Armaments quelled by the ability to make a bunch of pseudo-Armaments to fill the gap. Sure, this makes the system more fragile, as taking out an Armament brings down a whole network, but it's not unworkable. Heck, since it's not proximity-based on the Armaments, merely their continued existence, it's arguably an improvement, because the Prototypes neither inflict Curses on anyone, nor have opinions on who can and can't pilot them, so in theory they might actually be able to increase humanity's domain over time by having a bunch of people who couldn't pilot actual Armaments for one reason or another form Prototype Companies(60-200 soldiers) to serve as pseudo-Armaments, alongside honor guards of the things for the Armaments themselves to make ambushes by Astral denizens or other Armaments a riskier proposition. The pilot himself also has a major breakthrough in it's use, figuring out something akin to Hunger being able to add his Charisma to his Protection, which is super nasty with the Armament's Plenary Brand. Normally, this wouldn't work, because Curses don't benefit you without Mitigation, but the Aporcyphal managed to convince Plenary to take a stab at Hunger somewhat more directly than the norm. He can also extend a weaker version of this to his 'knights' in the linked Armor Prototypes. He and the scientists working on the Prototypes openly speculate on a feedback effect unlocking previously unknown functions. I mean, only the Foremost really understand what's up with these things at this point, so it's not like they'd have any reason to think otherwise. It might even be true!

Elder Sign(6.4) is also bought, partially because Fisher King and Pillars of Creation have already been bought, doubling the effectiveness of each odd-numbered Empyreal Sign. Nightmare Flight can be used twice a day, Supreme Enclosure can summon two things at once, and so on. Most relevantly, Midnight Armor is upgraded, making it much more useful against the Armament. It also means that Once and Future always considers odd-numbered Signs to be being used for military matters, which is very useful to Hunger until he becomes Champion of Winter. Hunger finds the Ring's research penalty waived for odd-numbered Signs as well. Anyway, since Intensive Research was for Signs 4 and 5 and Hunger already has those, and I don't know if Adorie's improved Rank will override the increased difficulty but I do know Sign 6 is still just as hard for him to contribute to, I'm going to go for the Praxis. That is Study The Blade, though Regency and Consolidate Power remain in effect. With Rerolls, 4 Praxis Picks are generated. As we have already absorbed the last of the 4 or lower Praxis options we were initially introduced to, we elect to save them.

In Tales Without Number, which signals October and the imminent Forced Induction and associated Wish, I buy True Sharpbright as a Companions EFB, further cementing Aobaru's neglect, I mean, Letrizia's position as a useful Companion and granting enough Relationship pluses that even if Devouring Sorceress didn't manage it, SJUC is now unlocked. Don't feel too bad man. Gisena's only really gotten the Ring of Artifice off of us, since Companions was done to the whole group, and that was as much because she was the best person for it as anything else. Speaking of Gisena, as Companions has been bought early, her research into Graces(which will take at least 3 weeks per Major, considering she does have Companions Rank but doesn't have the Realm of Evening's facilities, and that Rank is lower than it was in the canonical Realm of Evening stay), Signs, and a method to leave the Voyaging Realm without triggering it over the mages being taken out is considerably improved. Still, I don't think enough time will have passed before Procyon arrives for her to get a Major going.

As of Forced Induction, we generated 24 Arete. Since it was a Wish, I'm going to multiply Arete by 1.5, though that 42.4 increases to 52.4 thanks to my Wish's Arete bonus. While we will of course be getting Haeliel(Why would we not? We have nearly twice the Arete canon did at this point.), with her Advice Corner and Favor selected as per canon, we will also be grabbing Blood Sorcery(40.4, I'm going to say the increase in Rank is enough for Adorie to figure out the whole deal with Mythic Platinum, possibly thanks to Gisena, so it's still on the table. BS allows Hunger to invert bloodline abilities, including Surgecrafters, though it requires his complete attention, and is thus not very helpful in combat, though it does allow for rapid advancement of Signs via the canonical method of having the Cloak chug Mythic Infused Platinum, which Adorie and Gisena's improved Rank presumably allowed them to figure out without Intensive Research being chosen, as Adorie can mass-produce the stuff with access to more common materials with her bloodline inverted, though it is somewhat tiring for her, and this can only be done with Adorie around for obvious reasons, still it should make advancing the Signs trivially easy, possibly enough to hit the Sixth Sign, though considering the exponentially increasing costs probably not the Seventh, and she can do it while the party is split up during their jaunt in the Human Sphere. It also generates 2 Picks, which we spend on Pathway to Idyll(helps recover Mental Stability over time, and he can stay in the Evening Realm when resting to reduce Apocryphal charging) and it's upgrade, Perchance to Dream(Patreon has the description, but it was mentioned in the thread in the same update as Idyll), dropping us to 26.4) in Lies the Crown. This is meant to reduce the odds of a 5-Pick fight in the future by effectively mitigating the Apocryphal Curse by two-thirds whenever Hunger isn't actually going anywhere, which Nightmare Flight and Refinement of Place dramatically reduce the time taken to do.

As of To War and November, I'd have grabbed us SJUC. While not the optimal time, +175% Rank(so at least 1 even if he's at 8.0(rises to 9.4, a huge Rank advantage at this level, thanks to Once and Future adding another Rank in military matters, but Hunger's stats are still way the hell behind) right now despite all the boosts. Hopefully Accretion has unlocked a new Defining Advancement slot, as I believe this would make 6, but I'm pretty sure SJUC gives plus 2 Defining Advancements), and +100% to Int and Wis(to improve tactics and battlefield judgement, as that small a boost to Might/Agility wouldn't do much) will improve things a lot. Immunity to most poisons and diseases isn't very helpful, but not needing to eat, drink, breathe or sleep(guess Outer Sorcery is obsoleted outside of recovery sleep and doing stuff while dead) is moderately useful for more training of the Praxis while retaining the benefit of Might's Repose by virtue of sleep still being the most conducive way to recover from that type of exertion, and not being hampered by the loss of most internal organs means ignoring a lot of wound penalties, and though What Rains May Come already handles that in combat, Hunger does do things besides fight. Being able to fight Shroud with Shroud(Shrouds being disabled was part of Once and Future II, as part of the price for a personal Ontology, as purchasing II was necessary to get III without the negative side effects via Haeliel's Favor) thanks to hitting Rank 9 is pretty good, as is halving the effects of Tired and Exhaustion, and doubling of the Shroud's radius and effects. Hold the Line is selected as per The Curtain Rises, as is Follow Through in On The Sword, which indicates 41 Arete produced since Forced Induction, accounting for Haliel's Basic purchase, which means 67 generated. As no canon Wish enters my recollection in November, the 11 days of November are doubled(67/31*2*11=47.54), as opposed to the 20 days of 50% increase(67/31*20*1.5=64.83), which totals 112.37, which in turn is added to the reserves for 138.7, 148.7 with the Wish(man, people would be bemoaning how close we were to grabbing Committed on Haeliel, though that vote would have closed a while before reaching the 200 necessary even ignoring Blood Sorcery), which should be more than enough to preserve 75% of Hunger's identity, and I doubt we'd need to with all our rerolls. Slayer's Knell's boost against Armaments from the Armament Fish and Hunger's comparatively massive protection and self-healing from wounds inflicted on Procyon and co. are really all that carries the day here.

Sure, Letrizia's newly boosted Sharpbright helps(presumably it's upgrade would allow it to buff others, though I doubt it would be good at it, as it's not really meant to be a buffing Element, not the way Edelross is), but Hunger can't use his Treachery against Procyon here, and all the Companions are just under the Rank of Procyon's Armor Prototype bodyguards. Remember that while Lunar Coronet upgrades Sharpbright to give Letrizia an effective +1 Rank, she was Mid-Ranked at most before Companions, and even something like True Sharpbright has limits as of Rank 8, especially when she's had almost no training time with it, and has more issues buffing people than Aobaru or even Aeria. Honestly, Aeria's improved stealth capabilities letting Hunger get an attack off from an unexpected angle might contribute more. Ironically, Plenary Brand makes the fight with the Plenary Armament much more difficult, though Aeria helps deal with that. So he has to take it in a more straight-forward fight, and Procyon and his swarm of powerful underlings ignore Bloodcasting debuffs, so while he wins in somewhat better shape, he still collapses from exhaustion.

In Glory, Hunger being unconscious means no Scent of Prey, and 3 Picks not generated by the Realm of Evening or Apocrypahl procs are at a premium at this point even if he wasn't, so Myth and Legend is selected as per canon, dropping the total to 101.7, though 4.8 generated Arete sets that back up to 111.3 thanks to doubling. King of Winter doesn't cost any Arete, so that doesn't really matter for this. It's too bad I can't use Scent of Prey to burn 50 Arete and 3 Picks to buy Pillars of Creation with Hunger unconscious from overexertion. I'm sure that massive a boost to the Realm of Evening would massively boost Archmage, not to mention that Pathway will reduce Apocryphal buildup to roughly a third about a third of the time as Hunger still needs to recover from overexertion, Praxis and otherwise, and sleep is the most efficient way to do that since time is really the only cure for Praxis training exhaustion at this level and Might's Respose makes sleep actively beneficial, as does Outer Sorcery, so dumping another 70 effective days to buildup would be the only effective means for the destroyer of minds to have the full Apocryphal proc she got in canon, just so this version of Hunger can dunk on her in spite of that.

In Unshattered, we see our first canon use of the Evening Realm, though the counterfactual first use here was spent having Hunger learn the basics of it's use, so Plowshares to Swords, if the Blade was in fact wounded as in canon, which is unlikely, would be moderately more effective on that front, especially since Gisena's Findross stitching would be backed by Rank 8.4, plus whatever Saber granted Hunger, would be more effective. As is, I'll assume it wasn't necessary due to many more rerolls. Just as in canon, Evening Chill is taken first to regenerate a Mental Stability +, and unlock a third Social action. Similarly, Adorie, Aobaru, and Letrizia are taken as Socials, netting +Adorie, +Sign Augmentation, benefitting one of Hunger's Signs, +Aorbau, ++Aobaru Power, +Letrizia, +Imperial Data. Then we go with Always Forward and Hunger Sated, because a) people want to avoid Decimating their new loot pinata as much as possible, especially since it just got a huge upgrade, and b) finding Decimation targets without using the Realm is going to be really hard with all of the powerups he's about to get. Killing Dorminus is not going to be enough to Sate Decimation and pay for Exalted Battle Array here.

In December, I Wish up Sword in the Stone(121.3), which in-universe is at least partially born out of Hunger taking note of Gisena and the group as a whole being displeased with Hunger for using a very weak(enough to avoid any significant penalties with Adorie there and working off of his Ennoblement/Companions boosts plus some extra expertise in the use of her bloodline accrued from using the opposite effects via Blood Sorcery) variant of Shattering Blow to slay Procyon when it engaged it's Shroud as Hunger chewed through it's special Prototype Armors, before the Walls could completely disintegrate, as even that variant would have been enough to destroy a significant chunk of his memories without her present. The next time we have a concrete number on Arete(generated 30.1 in canon) in Eternity And An Hour, it's December 9th, as opposed to November 19th. December has Christmas doubling, in addition to the Wish Sharkey used on grabbing Refinement of Battle and Aerie's Shadowcord boon in exchange for that near-miss with the shadow creature that was going to possess her and try to flee the Realm. Thus, it only gets a 1.5 multiplier, so(30.1/21*12*2=34.4)+(30.1/21*9*1.5=19.34)=53.7. 175.0 Arete in total. Canonically, Gifts of Plenty, when the Picks become available, saw 18.1 Arete generated, which improves to 27.15(202.1) thanks to my Wish.

So (Heroic Advancements can be bought for 3 Picks and 50 Arete according to Regalia, and Scent of Prey/the already significantly upgraded Realm of Evening(Tower of Earth, among other things, should be helpful in this regard) allows Hunger to reaccess previously unlocked Advancements), he burns 9 Picks and 150 Arete(52.1) on the Heroic Advancements for Crimson Flare(massive bloodsense scaling off of Int and Wits, triples Quickening bonuses, massive Ennoblement bonuses, if the Ruling Ring Ring War is still a concern, makes that a much more distant worry as this massive investment dramatically heightens it's power), Pillars of Creation(additional 210 days of Pillars proc, which can be used any time, granting +++Mental Stability and +Relationship to everyone taken inside), and Saber(doubles Saber's Rank bonus, which aids in resisting the new ultra-paradise of the Realm of Evening, provides actual skill with the sword, which benefits both direct combat and Sword Praxis, probably only get up 9.6ish with how much Hunger's Rank has improved, which is still relevant to Bloodcastng and the like despite Oath of Winter, especially with Once and Future I active) in The Reward of Discipline. Assuming Hunger doesn't just explode, this might be an impressive enough rate of growth for Haeliel to comment on it next time she shows up.

Now, First Flare is of limited use in the Realm of Evening, but it takes some time for the power to circulate, especially in such immense quantities, so while the Realm immediately upgrades in both opulence and Hunger's control fidelity due to literally being inside of it as opposed to the Ring being rather disconnected from much in the way of creatures with Blood right now, the current visitation still ends at it's three week allotment to avoid Apocryphal buildup, though they can immediately return if they so choose. First Flare activates the moment they leave, empowering Nilfel and making it utterly trivial for them to putter along without Adorie's direct oversight. Of course, the downsides of this kind of power is that Decimator and Apocryphal scale with you, so, as mentioned, finding Decimator targets will be hard, and Dien is liable to be a lot nastier for one reason or another.

As of Even Bigger Fish, where Midnight Armor is upgraded by Adorie and with proof in-universe that Shadowcord has some connection to the Realm of Evening from her massive powerup upon entering the Opalescent Tower, Hunger accompanies Aeria as happened in canon, with Haeliel's Favor negating the shadow creature's danger. Similarly, Vanquisher's Grace and Auspice Temporal are selected more to boost Gisena's non-Realm of Evening Grace research than for the combat boost, particularly when Hunger's sword being fine has negated any immediate need for Make Whole. Adorie was talking with Augustine, who had been frozen in the Realm of Evening for possible interrogation on Gisena's behalf, and possible reconciliation with Adorie. This would probably lower the -s to their relationships from fusing with Gisena later, if only in the sense of hitting them up with more +s. Adorie was also spending her time either producing Mythic Platinum or researching the Sixth and Seventh Empyreal Signs while resting from the former, which made hitting six and seven easy.

Additionally, the canonical 3.5 Arete, improved to 5.25, leaves 57.3 Arete and 9 Picks to spend. Rihaku notes that not giving Hunger at least a little time to cool off(not the least because of Refinement of Battle being bought by Sharkey) on the big stuff could have dire consequences even with Progression backing him up, so a bunch of little build-fillers are taken on from way back near the beginning of the Quest. First, Feast of Lives(7 Picks. Gains modest regen and improved health, former is amplified extremely after beating non-trivial opponents. Quadruples appetite and makes the bearer more carnivorous. In return, gain 0.5% Decimator Mitigation that does not increase the difficulty of future Mitigation, though failing to feed this appetite will lead to increasing health penalties and -2% Decimator Mitigation) as feeding Hunger shouldn't be a problem when he can pop into the Realm of Evening basically whenever he wants, and this makes dealing with Decimator slightly easier, and he finally lives up to his name in non-fish related manners. Well, still mostly fish. Next, King of Thieves(55.3, 6 Picks, ++Agility, +Stealth, +Theft, improved theft as Hunger goes through combat, improves the Abduction Art of Accretion in both power and ease, which should have some neat effects when combined with TSH) to avoid situations like the Tower of Earth. Do keep in mind that Might's Repose allowed Hunger to no-sell Dormins' sleep-based Ultimate, so even Advancements from this far back can be relevant. Third, Ring of Blood(53.3, 5 Picks, allows Might's Repose to fully heal Hunger, and the Ring of Blood to inefficiently heal, though I'm not sure how that interacts with Bloodcasting's healing. Still, the former should help a little with Blood Halo hitting all healing with -1ISH, as Hunger will heal a tiny bit in his sleep, so in theory he could recover from his calamitous injuries by sleeping it off, as Might's Repose allows sleep to continue indefinitely, so I guess he'll be able to do a Forebear and enter recovery sleep, though I doubt Apocryphal will let him sleep for centuries unless he gets spectacularly lucky with Serendipity and A Promise Ketp procs, and I'm pretty sure Slice Fate rerolls don't work there. Perhaps Haeliel's next visit would allow for some more healing to take place?). The last three of the backdated Advancements are a modified Mage Lord build(39.3, 2 Picks, Azure Moon grants access to Soul Evocations of the fallen, the Librarian, Administrator, but I'm going to get a second copy of Sten's Outer Shadow for Imprisoner's Refinement later on, likely a result of Rihaku making note of it's strong affinity for Imprisoner. Linear Halo grants huge bonuses to a magic system, though in this case Hunger uses it on Elixirdross to allow him to somewhat match Gisena's Grace-making in his spare time, and of course dramatically improve the buffs it grants), with Outward Halo(32.3, 1 Pick) bought to regain the ability to learn new magics, which will be of use in the next Geas task, if nothing else. Last of those taken are Flight of Falling Stars(25.3) from EBF, which is, as is canonically bought and used on Deathly Star to allow multiple uses of the thing per battle, which are much more powerful thanks to RoB.

Novakhron goes as canon, as does Avenger and Sharkey buying Exalted Battle Array(which would operate pretty much as canon) while I would buy a Patreon EFB, presumably a Praxis, for my Wish, but things take a bit of a left turn at the reawakening Foremost and Dien. While Apocryphal does give Seram serious consideration, pitting Cursebearers against each other outside of Culling shouldn't be done lightly, and it would really rather Hunger not get an effective 19.2% chance of Serendipity procs for the next century if he should win, and this kind of ridiculous Progression would be dangerous even for a fellow Cursebearer to go up against. Plus, intentionally triggering Apocryphal Onslaught against Hunger by having a fellow Cursebearer attack Aobaru felt a tad unsporting, you know? There's a difference between clearly labelling a 'you die now' condition and sending someone to trip that wire.

Anyway, Dien immediately synergizes with the news Caethlynn brings about the 'breakthrough' with the Armor Prototypes, and, combined with news of Hunger, immediately determines that he's dealing with a Cursebearer who has Apocryphal, as well as, thanks to Plenary, Indenture, Decimator, Tyrant, and of course Plenary. He would wonder a bit if that was a sign of low compatibility or someone who had weighed themselves down with Curses for more power, before dismissing it as largely irrelevant beyond allowing him to make more specialized counters, and some musing that his consumption of inhabited systems technically qualified as a direct attack on Hunger if his Geas taks was rule rather than assassination. Still, he gathers some of the modified Prototypes, and, since Apocryphal-based breakthroughs aren't like an Ork Waagh! Field(yes, I am aware of the irony) he actually learns something new here, which in turn improves his own craft. As you can imagine, this is very bad when combined with his hordes. Hunger's vastly improved Bloodcasting makes it relatively simple to free the population of any planet he's on, but there are so many different types of plague that immunizing the population to all of them is beyond him for the moment, and for the sake of focusing on Dien himself, the canonical strategy of focusing down on the more egregious examples of control while pretending the less obvious ones are vastly better at avoiding detection is taken on, with Dien observing the Ring of Blood with some interest as a very potent fleshcrafting tool.

In Bravado, the Refinement of Purpose and Imperial Refinement, have been bought, so my February Wish is accounted for already. Still, 20.5(-20 from the 40.5 generated due to two Wishes) is increased to (8.92+17.33+2.23)=28.4, 38.4 from the January Wish, add 20 from the two Wishes for 58.4, and add the reserves for a grand total of 83.7. As we still have 4 Praxis Picks, we are free to buy The Open Hand(a passive ability that allows allies in proximity to benefit from stat-boosting Praxis, Battle and Quickness at the time, with the moderate reduction in Praxis endurance as a result likely covered by all the extra Praxis techniques) effectively for free, with Closing the Fist and the canonical Seal of Ruin bought for 37 Arete, dropping to 46.7.

This continues... somewhat as canon in Gauntlet Thrown, with Breaker of Suns selected for more or less the same reasons as canon, alomngside the possibility that the Heroic version of Saber boosts the Advancement of the Saber. After all, between TSH, SJUC, and Feat: Orb, Hunger should have reached a base Rank of 9.7ish, possibly 9.8, so Tower's Rank bonus is likely to be a lot lower, and at this point, some extra Wisdom would probably be really attractive. However, Untoward Mustering sees a change. See, Letrizia, as the Devouring Sorceress, has more in common with the Heroes than the average Maker in terms of how she is empowered, so she, not unlike Hunger, eats a Feeder Sun to vastly empower herself. The difference being, Letrizia can do a lot more of that and gain significant benefits. Dien takes quite a bit of interest in her because of this for a very simple reason. If it were possible for a Maker as degraded as this to replicate a Hero, shouldn't the reverse be possible? Imagine what one could do if they could use the abilities of the other castes without compromising their identity and ontological coherence... At any rate, what he gleans from Letrizia and her fellow Quasi-Makers, Gisena and Aeria, not to mention Hunger himself, as Elixirdross draws some attention as being equally potent and yet different from Findross, accelerates his research quite a bit. Not unlike how Letrizia and Aeria's Graces will later empower the maiden. Funnily enough, he probably learns more from what he can glean from the party in their combat with his hordes and constructs than the combined lore accrued by the Republic. Though, to be fair, Cursebearers are bullshit, and... yeah. Not that Gisena isn't, but still.

Back in Dueling Wits, 31 Arete is produced canonically, which here rises to 77.7 instead of 47 due to greater reserves, though since Promising Lead is taken, that drops back down 65.7. From there, On the Trail is still selected, because Hunger was using Scent of Prey to try and track Dien down, but the Hero took advantage of his lesser buds kind of sort of counting as him to throw up a ton of false leads. After all, these lesser Orcs are technically Dien. So reuniting in the interest of dramatically improving Hunger's power and potentially unlocking some counterfactual stuff now that Letrizia has force-ascended off the back of at least 3 Feeder Suns. Not to mention how much stronger the whole party is, with First Flaring providing +30 Might, +25 Agi, +20 Wits, +15 Will, +10 Other Attributes to everyone, probably changing up the Graces Gisena can make(+20 Wits plus Temporal Grace is going to be nuts, even discounting +10 to Int and Wis). Like the scenario I outlined with Beric, it's difficult to say what she might have unlocked, so we'll just say she's made some progress on Sealing Protocol to empower all her other Graces.

As of Untoward Mustering, and the arrival of March, I Wish(75.7) for Refinement of War. Aeria and Letrizia might have a somewhat different conversation, as Letrizia's ability to eat Feeder Suns has probably pushed her immensely further along in her Sorceress powers, though she lacks Gisena's talent for it. Aeria, meanwhile, has Companions as in canon, as well as True Shadowcord and Threnody Sorceress.

A Solemn Reprieve generated 19 Arete. 94.7 Arete. In Wrack And Ruin, we generate the canonical 11 Arete, so we end up with 105.7 Arete total. With the Realm of Evening being massively, massively upgraded compared to canon, it's much more capable of restoring the group's stamina, and so Hunger. So, Halo Crown(40.7) has Hail the Queen appended, dropping Arete to 12.7. Another +++++to All Attributes for Hunger and Adorie offers improved options. Halo Crown involved buying Once and Future II to gain access to the positive effects of OaF III, specifically the special Ontology, and Mythology Halo for Gisena, which is in turn used to obtain Sophont Halo as in canon, which probably offers improved benefits for her because she has to parasitize Hunger, Letrizia, and Aeria's Findross, with Hunger using Vetruvian on everyone(since First Flaring allows Sublime Fulcrum-style modifications, being a stronger version of SF), allowing them to experiment with new magics in place of their old Graces, assuming he hasn't figured out how to make Elixirdross Sorcerers/Sorceress(which would presumably be compatible with Gisena's own Sorcerous nature allowing her to double-dip in support of her Findross abilities), and Gisena promising to find a workaround when everything's not on fire. Hunger's TSH on Surgecraft would apply to Elixirdross just fine. I mean, between Philosopher's Wreath and Linear Halo it's got a huge advantage over canon, particularly with the Elixirdross upgrade itself.

Things proceed pretty much as canon for a while. Peace Through Strength selects Companions II(in part because of all the Companion EFBs purchased and partially because there is a strong expectation that we'll achieve Stage 3 relatvely soon) and Heavy Weapons Array. As I canonically bought November Sky in April, as seen in Light of the Soul, in order to make Archmage viable, and then Ascendancy Halo(which directly improves Sword in the Stone via +10 Luck, on top of Hail the Queen's +5) in May, with the blurb quoted a few posts below Defiance, and given the 65 Arete canonically spent on Halo Crown was everything we knew we'd generated at the time, Arete obtained should be pretty much the same, meaning affording Mordred(as it's noted he obtains the powers of Legendary and A Chosen Purpose, it's likely that this does not count against the issue of stacking Sublime Fulcrum templates, as this is not accomplished via Hunger's Ring but a mix of Dien's mastery of his craft, absorbing the Shogun, and the Apocryphal Curse deciding it would be cool) in Fate shouldn't be a worry for getting that.

I suspect the boosted Apocryphal proc, particularly when Aobaru has already had First Flaring massively boosting his Stats, would extend Aobaru's mastery of heat and light further to a slightly lesser mastery of cold and darkness. This allows for things like 'freezing' time, and messing with black holes, as they are essentially 'dead' stars turned to energy-drainers rather than energy-producers, vastly improving his options in a contest with Hunger. There is also the possibility that, as the other Imaginary Elements are but reflections of his own, as sparks cast from a fire, he might gain access to shadows of all other Imaginary Elements, from Hunger's own Elixirdross, to Letrizia's Sharpbright, to Aeria's Shadowcord, to Mizuku's Quickwater, and so on. Perhaps even the Elements they could have had, such as Inksky and Exavolt, which improves his value a great deal upon being restored as an ally, as it allows him to unlock secondary, tertiary, and so on Elements in others, meaning Hunger would gain Inksky and Quickwater following this, and since he had Philosopher's Wreath in Imaginary Elements, they would progress rapidly. Not to mention there might be an aspect of all Elements being shadows of his own that causes the Elements unlocked by him to match up to the progress of the main one, minus a stage or so. Gaining Exavolt would probably be helpful for Letrizia's combat abilities, especially with her high Rank and Sharpbright(a boost to being bright plus control over EM spectrum stuff sounds like a recipe for ridiculous power), not to mention whatever Aeria might have had, and Gisena might actually get something out of her Imaginary Element, or Elements, with all the upgrades she's had. Perhaps having a non-Findross version of Nullity to compare with would give her ideas on how to activate the effect in other ways. She was much dumber when Renaissance Woman was grabbed by comparing Augstine's Runes to her own Sorcery, after all, and isolating the Null aspect of Nullity outside of Findross might in turn have some utility for her work in getting around Sophont Halo's effects on fellow Foremost Sorcery users. Maybe Aobaru could also upgrade Elements to their 25 Arete variants at will, too, so Hunger would not merely gain Quickwater and Inksky, but Agilewater and Inkcosmos or what have you. Basically, he'd obtain a third upgrade centered on mastery of Imaginary Elements in general, possibly an outgrowth of Vetruvian, given Apocryphal was fully capable of granting Legendary, which would be incredibly useful to him when he takes over the Voyaging Realm. This would immunize him to Hunger's ability to shut down abilities based on genetic markers via Blood Sorcery, as his mastery of Imaginary Elements trumps Hunger's mastery of flesh via the old truism of a specific ability of lesser magnitude overcoming a greater but more broad one, though Legendary and A Chosen Purpose strengthening him certainly help, as does his knockoff Sharpbright enhancing his Companions-obtained Rank.

Still, Hunger himself is far stronger than canon. That huge number of Imaginary Elements Aobaru has gained access to is a double-edged sword because he doesn't have time to master them and Hunger won't be letting him use Philosopher's Wreath. I, as happened in canon, Wish up Fault-Defeating Stance in June, which joins Imprisoner's Refinement: Flood of Rune as the last canon Wishes, mostly because there weren't any further Arete-based choices to make. Meanwhile, Gilded Cage is selected not only to be used against Dien and to heal Aobaru more quickly, but to defang the risk of addiction from Heroic Pillars of Creation and because there is likely synergy between GC and Heavenly Tomb. However. With all the upgrades Hunger has, I suspect Dien wouldn't get the chance to make that last shot, or at least that he wouldn't get nearly far enough to force Hunger to release Aobaru early, at least not with Aeria and Letrizia's upgraded Elements and the Vetruvian templates the party has been granted.

Heroic First Flaring is already unlocked, Imprisoner True is even more attractive, and selected as in canon. Seeing as Hunger would have 200-something days of Pillars of Creation free to use and the ones not used in a given year just expire, he'd likely have hundreds of extra Echoes and quite a bit of time to further train up Elixirdross, True Inksky, and True Quickwater as unlocked by Aobaru, including creating a Sorcery equivalent with the former and granting it to the others if he still hasn't done that, though obviously Gisena would benefit the most, because no duh. Spending quite a bit of his time in the Realm of Evening(not sure if Praxis study would be viable in the Realm with all these upgrades on canon, and he has to spend at least some of his time outside managing the Human Sphere even with the upgrades the party has undergone) via Idyll and Perchance to Dream and his canonical use of sheer Rank and Archmage abilities to rule over the Human Sphere, with a little help from Sword in the Stone in this case so his few decisions are even further magnified in Rulership beyond even the Law Domain's ability to have his rule be just, has roughly set his Apocryphal buildup back to canon levels due to Serendipity over normal Mitigation, ignoring the possibility of a Serendipity proc, though A Promise Kept would be slowing down effective Apocryphal buildup. So the maiden, while likely reduced to a 3-Pick fight by Elixirdross(counters Findross without being vulnerable to her mastery of Findross ), Outer Darkness(-1 ISH to her Beauty's sanity-targeting effect means Hunger doesn't need to gounge his eyes out), Heroic First Flaring(mostly for the raw Stats it gives Gisena) and A Promise Kept(Apocryphal is basically at half-strength), among others, the fact that there's no way her attempted destruction of the Human Sphere like erasing a chalkboard won't trigger Sword in the Stone's 'you swung at the king' effect in Hour of Reckoning, and so on, will be about as buffed as she was in canon.

In Full Circle, we chose Equinox Lacing and Innermost Sanctum. Here, where she's dropped to a 3-Pick due to Hunger outpacing Aporcyphal via abuse of the Realm of Evening, and with Rihaku encouraging the shit out of our self-destructive streak, we grab all four non-Flower of Victory selections, adding the powers of all Sorceresses everywhere regardless of their affiliation with Findross or lack thereof(though not Sorcerers, so we wouldn't have to worry about, say, Seram's Graces, and Elixirdross is obviously not available for her to trawl for Graces) with her Stats rising to match their highest and Rank 15(and loss of speech) while manifested in the Human Sphere from Implicate Veil, and 100 Arete of anti-Hunger Advancements combined with a 30% chance for any hostile effect to fail(and a 10% chance of being open to negotiation), but not neutral ones like the Cloak's Protection. With the Tower of Earth absorbed, the Daylight Estates have their conceptual primacy over the Realm of Evening disrupted, and Hunger's mastery over the Realm of Evening is massively more powerful than in canon, which likely makes his Archmage powers far greater, and makes such a conceptual primacy contest much more in his favor, as even Rank 15 only has so much power over superior ISH. Further, her Advancements are limited by her knowledge of Hunger, and while she can to some degree work around his Cursebearer protections, she cannot do so fully, meaning she would be unprepared for Hour of Reckoning's second Ontology, not to mention the Rank and ISH benefits. After all, he'd never have used it before. This would set his Rank to 14 in military matters, and he'd pretty much be guaranteed to have significantly greater ISH in fighting related matters. Plus the benefits of 25-Arete Quickwater in terms of Rank.

I'm not sure where the cutoff point for Wishes was in regards to the maiden, but I'd continue Wishing regardless for extra Arete. July, August, September, and November 2021's Wishes spent on a 100 Arete Praxis that I can't discuss in detail because it's an Patreon thing. Let me assure everyone it's good though. I keep Wishing for Praxis, mostly buffing the Refinement of War in hopes of obtaining Attainment of War, through Ever Brighter and Finality with one goal in mind: earning enough Arete to get not one but two of the Final Advancements. You see, there were 12 canonical Wishes, 4 of which were mine. Finality took 1 year and roughly 7-8 months to reach, meaning 19-20 months, or an additional 14-15 Wishes, leaving me confident that I'd have doubled the Arete generated in total, particularly because I'd have always gone for Arete doubling and the +10 benefit, and likely have comissioned quite a bit of art through the course of the Quest. Especially when I would be happy to keep burning Wishes on gaining enough Arete for it, with Hunger likely gaining a ton of Advancements post-maiden, as if a dam had burst.

Thus, a pick two rather than a pick one of Inheritance, Blood Halo, and Imperishable Night. While the former had only really gained Sword in the Stone relative to canonical Advancements, Blood Halo had Ruling Ring, Linear and Outward Halo, Blood Sorcery, and Heroic First Flaring buffing it, while Imperishable Night had Heavenly Tomb, Hunger's new 25-Arete Inksky, Outer Darkness, Idyll/Perchance to Dream, absorption of the Tower of Earth, and Heroic Pillars of Creation on it's canon self. So I expect both would be much, much stronger. The former is giving up much more potent healing capabilities and the Ring itself has been made much stronger even ignoring it's extra Halos, not to mention already having the ability to use 4-Picks for Hunger Sated targets so dropping to 3 isn't nearly as much of a leap. The latter... well, the Realm of Evening is much, much more powerful now, and there's likely something special from the Tower of Earth. So we go for Imperishable Night combined with Blood Halo. The only question there is if their combined form is called Bloody Night or Imperishable Halo. The former is edgy, but I find a certain preference for it, particularly if the offense to the maiden's sensibilities counts as yet another attack.

Combining Imperishable Night's +++++++Quality of Life for the inhabitants with Blood Halo's ridiculous combat ability might actually raise the percentage on the maiden being open to negotiation a little, but let's assume it fails because she has a similar idea as the Shogun that amputation of trouble and strife removes free will, which we all know is the worst thing anyone can do, even compared to anything Dien did, and Imperishable Night's boost to Quality of Life is definitely a removal of trouble for the inhabitants. The Cloak encompassing the entire Human Sphere should make it far, far easier to Hunger to have staked a claim on it with the Realm of Evening, and simply not being cast aside by the Daylight Realm is not a hostile effect, nor is preventing the destruction of the Human Sphere by the maiden's callous hand, and I'm sure Blood Halo would consider this a relevant defensive effect to boost by 1 ISH. Even if she removes the Cloak from a given portion, that only makes it all the harder to displace from anywhere else, as it's Protection increases exponentially both numerically and in terms of ISH as this occurs. As this would be combining with Armies of the Shogun and Sword in the Stone, the sheer, ridiculous quality of life would probably be a very effective Willpower buff to the soldiers resisting the maiden's memetic attack on the free will of any being who dares oppose her.

It should also be noted that every moment she fights Hunger is dangerous. Not only do we have the bleed effects of Blood Halo, but Imperishable Night has massively amped November Sky, with Hunger always considered a peer for it's effects on an enemy, it ignores defenses, and it always at least substantially inconveniences an enemy, even if that means raising it's effects until it does. Dog of War's +800 All Stats is only +0.8% benefit to Blood Halo's Might and Agi, 8% benefit to Int, Wits, App, Protection(which is of quite a bit of benefit with Imperishable Night as the effect says Protection +s defend against almost every attack the maiden could dish out, even if only Evening Sky Protection defends the Human Sphere itself), and Prowess, but Wisdom, Charisma, and Luck also receive that benefit. The former alone is likely to be significant pseudo-Apocryphal Mitigation on top of the actual half-stage Imperishable provides. On that note, the +Progression stacks with Blood Halo's removal of the Ring training debuff to further shove Apocryphal buildup in the gutter relative to Hunger's Progression.

Imperishable Night also offers Hunger a trump card in case even all this still isn't enough. Discard the Apocrphal Mitigation and associated 2 Accursed Favor in return for Hyper Novakhron providing +100,000 All Stats and +1000% All Stats, which is absolutely bonkers when stacked with Blood Halo, and +5 Rank, which changes the calculus from 14 Rank versus 15 Rank to 19 Rank versus 15 Rank. That would likely end the fight then and there as to say that's a nigh-unassailable advantage is such an understatement it's almost beyond comprehension. Even the differences between Rank 1 and Rank 5 is so great that a Rank 1 basically can't win. The additional +0.3 ISH is mostly icing on the cake.

So the maiden would probably be screwed. Hunger's Praxis stamina is magnitudes greater than canon, he's magnitudes stronger, and he can respond to her trump card with a nasty one of his own. The only question is if the Arete bonuses I Wish up are enough for Perfect Merger. Hopefully yes.

Hm, ironically, despite Hunger being even more aggressive than in canon, the playerbase of Richer Reality seems to purchase fairly conservatively considering their resources! Like, wow. 20+ Arete on a regular basis, and 40 semi-regularly! Not to mention the madness in the aftermath of Glory. Also, man. Letrizia used to be so much more cheerful. Hopefully this version's vastly increased power and potential relevance will improve on that. Maybe she won't do soul-brain surgery since she's got Sorceress-ness to back her up, as Gisena would definitely have had time to work out the kinks in Sophont Halo by that point. At very least, her studies on infinite Rank probably aren't nearly as futile, between Sorceress Grace stat boosts and 25-Arete Sharpbright, with 25-Arete Exavolt providing some serious oomph to her nervous system and perception once she's had some time to practice, as Hunger would provide amply. Aeria is much, much more powerful and versatile than canon, as is Adorie, whose Hail the Queen synergizes well with Law, to the point she might gain new unlocks in this counterfactual timeline, not to mention the both of them having extra Imaginary Elements. Ironically, Gisena and Aobaru have changed the least without major counterfactual speculation, like what might be extracted from study of Beric's Blue and what she might gain from multiple Sorceresses to work with, for the former, and the benefits to the latter being mostly confined to anything he might glean from the new 25 Arete Elements(mostly Aeria), and higher Rank, unless such a Master of All Imaginary Elements powerup did in fact exist. Though obviously none of them have anything on how different Hunger is. I mean, he's got Findross and Elixirdross Graces for crying out loud! What else was he going to spend all that time in the Realm of Evening on between Echo farming?

20260 words, discounting this line.
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Fanwork#1100 works

The Next Enemy

[ ] The Shadow-Thief [5 Picks] - A dark reflection of the Blood Halo, stitched together from the cast-off shards of self Hunger has left in his wake more than once, suckled on the nectar of Apocryphal's patronage. The Shadow-Thief has existed for years, though now the hour of his ascension approaches and he seeks to overcome his source material, to prove himself the true and rightful self. The Apocryphal Curse has cultivated this doppelganger into a powerful enemy in parallel to Hunger's own growth. These are the Shadow-Thief's most powerful and relevant advancements.

* A Shadow By Blood Cast - An equal weapon must be forged from equal steel. Provides the Shadow-Thief with +All Stats and +Rank equal to the difference between his parameters and Hunger's. This effect is on-going and dynamic, ensuring no number of Echoes nor any surfeit of Rank alone will ever allow Hunger to outgrow his shadow. Additionally, immunizes the Shadow-Thief to the effects of Ruin, allows his attacks to pierce all Ruin-based defenses, and protects him from the essence-severing and wound-cursing aspects of Hunger's attacks, at the expense of the Shadow-Thief also suffering a -1 iSH diminishment applied to any healing he receives (though any mitigations to this drawback which Hunger devises are likewise mirrored by the Shadow-Thief).

* Undivided Waters - A darkness was upon the face of the deep. Allows the Shadow-Thief to travel at-will to and from the Domain of Chaos (also known as Ginnungagap, Taiji, T'hom, and many other names), the impossible, riotous nothing-yet-everything through which ontogenous Founders and apocalyptic Leviathans roam. Aside from being a serviceable evasive maneuver, the Shadow-Thief may freely shift his perspective of time for any worlds which he has access the Domain of Chaos from, such as by accelerating, decelerating, stopping, or reversing the flow of time, or by viewing alternative timelines, and may return to the world at any point in its temporal continuum. The Domain of Chaos itself may be navigated to reach any world which has not been plucked from its depths by greater forces, and itself contains many opportunities to exploit, such as respiring its potent pseudo-substance to cultivate primordial power within the Shadow-Thief's self or harvesting exotic metaphysical ontologies from its inhabitants.

* Belettamtu - The Mother of Water is a force beyond all reckoning. Once, in an aeon eternally past, she danced with the Father of Fire, whose caress molded countless truths from from the reveries of her flesh, whose light illuminated her boundless depths and revealed the numberless possibilities therein, whose love gave form to the formless and fullness to the void. Once, in an aeon eternally past, the Father was cruelly slain, blade met blade and gold was outshone by cold blue. Once, in an aeon eternally past, the Mother grieved. Now, the era of rage begins. Belettamtu possesses total and absolute mastery over the Domain of Chaos, and finds herself allied with the Shadow-Thief in his stand against the echo of her lover's murderer. Her aid allows the Shadow-Thief instant and effortless access to the full resources of the Domain of Chaos, including travel to virtually any world he could imagine, bottomless wells of power to draw from, and Belettamtu's own vastly infinite wisdom and scale, though in the absence of the Father she is unable to manifest more than a finite portion of herself within any given reality.

* The Antediluvian - The Shadow-Thief's soul is a fragment of Hunger's, whose Soul Evocation is the Imprisoner, impossibly bent by blade and will unyielding to the Archmage's task. Within Belettamtu's venerable stores, impossibility heaped upon impossibility can be found. A soul of unutterable antiquity, a relic of time before time before time before time, risen from the darkest depths, infused into the Shadow-Thief's being and evoked to its fullest extent. The Shadow-Thief's nascent Shroud is subsumed into a radiation of existential unwinding, a dark radiance which he exudes continuously, easily submerging entire multiverses if he draws upon the wells of chaos. This radiance brings the history of things to surface, recalling memories of times long-past. Trivially, this can be used to return any target to a state or combination of states which it has previously existed in, as well as to summon whatever forces initially created the target, and to in turn unwind them into their own earlier states. With an exertion of will, the Shadow-Thief may drag a reality submerged in this radiance wholly back to its primordial origin, into the Domain of Chaos. Immersion in the undivided waters of the deep naturally and automatically undermines the metaphysical foundations of almost all forms of magic or technology, though Hunger's are presently hardened against this effect, but also fully unburdens Belettamtu of the need to manifest finite fractions of her power, allowing her to marshal her full force in aid of the Shadow-Thief.

* Chimerical Darkness Form - A gross expansion of the Antediluvian's remit. The Form of Chimerical Darkness erases the distinction between the Shadow-Thief and the dark radiance entirely, vastly increasing the radiance's already immense rate of emission. Being a self-emanation, the Shadow-Thief may now conjure endless droves of his own past self, each one fully realized in his strength. They are all equally capable of pursuing new paths to power, and of sharing the fruits of their labors with the whole of the Shadow-Thief's greater corpus. Additionally, now that his existence has grown to a breadth of comparable scale, the Shadow-Thief may 'dance' with Belettamtu, unifying themselves to reach even further beyond their already impossibly vast grasp. The harmony of this unification is limited, riddles with exponentially proliferating instabilities which harshly limit the subjective time for which it can endure, but while it lasts, its power is unimpeachable.

* Event Horizon - Step beyond the point of no return. Through a monumental and transcendent effort by both the Shadow-Thief and Belettamtu, the form of their dance and the nature of their union is altered. The soul of darkness is chaos, so with their hearts set upon this ideal, they may embrace the discord between them, darkness enfolding darkness. This transforms the exponential instabilities that plague their unification into a hyperbolically compounding ensemble of constructive influences. This not only eliminates the time-limit on how long they may exist in this unified state, but catalyzes a further explosive growth in their collected power which approaches a metamorphic singularity not entirely dissimilar to a sorcerous coalescence or maidenly ascension writ tenebrously tremendous, power so absurdly incredible it defies any sort of concrete description in mere language. However, just as the former instability of the unification limited their ability to maintain the dance, the sheer gravity of this new form is so great that once the dance is undertaken, the Shadow-Thief and Belettamtu will never again be able to separate, the fusion of selves percolating through every level of their existence.
Is there anything in particular which is not within the Shadow-Thief's ascended power?
A bit like the Maiden, there's nothing the Shadow-Thief (or the Syzygium he and Belettamtu are becoming) can't do, but he is better at some things than others, and noticeably he does still have the massive -1 ISH malus to healing, though the Syzygium will likely be powerful enough to begin mitigating that.
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Blood Halo is no joke! Plus 'A Shadow By Blood Cast' needed some kind of drawback given how much automatic scaling it provides.