The most recent amended documentation involving the deal.

The following terms involve the three people (from now on, 'the poster(s)" mentioned here: Aabcehemu, Da Boyz and Birdsie. Each poster will uphold the terms of this contract in good faith and cooperation. Any breach of the contract gives right to any of the poster to share publicly this contract to shame the guilty poster or posters.

1. Aabcehemu will pay Birdsie the agreed-upon amount of currency (CtF. $100)​
2. Aabcehemu must add to his sig that he is the "Ultimate Gisena Simp" permanently, on any and all accounts he intends to have on SV - and any other forum he will be part of, should Rihaku host a Quest there and should Aab participate in any form.​
3. Birdsie will offer and record two vote markers to Da Boyz.​
4. Da Boyz will release Birdsie from his current voting marker.​
5. Birdsie will give Aabcehemu one voting marker to be used immediately upon a choice offered in this vote.​
I hereby place my signature here:
Sir Birdsie Maximus Anodorhynchus Hyacinthinus III, Esq.

[X] Close the Fist
-[X] High Merger [25 Arete]
--[X] Invincible Vigor
--[X] Living Legend

The most recent amended documentation involving the deal.

The following terms involve the three people (from now on, 'the poster(s)" mentioned here: Aabcehemu, Da Boyz and Birdsie. Each poster will uphold the terms of this contract in good faith and cooperation. Any breach of the contract gives right to any of the poster to share publicly this contract to shame the guilty poster or posters.

1. Aabcehemu will pay Birdsie the agreed-upon amount of currency (CtF. $100)​
2. Aabcehemu must add to his sig that he is the "Ultimate Gisena Simp" permanently, on any and all accounts he intends to have on SV - and any other forum he will be part of, should Rihaku host a Quest there and should Aab participate in any form.​
3. Birdsie will offer and record two vote markers to Da Boyz.​
4. Da Boyz will release Birdsie from his current voting marker.​
5. Birdsie will give Aabcehemu one voting marker to be used immediately upon a choice offered in this vote.​
I hereby place my signature here:
Sir Birdsie Maximus Anodorhynchus Hyacinthinus III, Esq.

[X] Close the Fist
-[X] High Merger [25 Arete]
--[X] Invincible Vigor
--[X] Living Legend

A pleasure doing business with you.

Now back to making a Genesis CYOA build.
If I knew I could charge real money for this shit, I wouldn't have given makers for free.
Truth is... the game was rigged from the start. Or in other words, I'm calling in my marker.
Ah, so this is how it feels to be hoist by my own petard.

[X] An Ending True [20 + X Arete]

1k words of reaction tomorrow.

Ah, the true villains of the quest reveals themselves... The voters.

But, for real. I understand that Gisena sacrificing herself would be compellingly tragic, a deeply emotional ending for certain... But isn't the goal of the Accursed, and by extension the Cursebearers as a whole, to do away with such tragedies? Seems like a surrender to allow such a thing to occur. Also @BrainInAJar what's your policy for if multiple people try to call in your vote markers on the same vote.

First come first serve, I'm afraid. I think there was some previous polemic about this, and that was the decision reached.

If you want to pay me real money, though...
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I like that Duties are distinct from the more traditional drawback system. It's not about paying a price to enable the player's greed, but what they prioritize as people, the kind of life they want to build in the Enduring Coalition's expanded universe. Here are three builds aimed at different things:


Potential: Skillful
Powers: Unbreakable (1), Transmigrator (1), Sensitivity (1)
Skills: Archivist (1), Conservator (3), Descrier (1)
Duties: Conservation

History's chain has been broken once, with disastrous consequences. The interstitial dark age spans tens of thousands of years and today's disasters follow directly from that tragedy. The thousand seeds of humanity scattered throughout the stars have grown into the Unity and other threats, a bitter and chaotic orchard instead of the utopian abundance that should be humanity's by right. Therefore, it's incumbent on those souls with the capability to ensure that this cataclysm can never happen again. Continuity at any cost.

Research into and replication of Dark Shards is crucial, but this build's comparative advantage is as a conservator. If a soul's characteristics are retained between lives, then every incarnation is equally Unbreakable. Avoiding death in the first place is preferable, but since Continuity's entire existence is a contingency for worst-case scenarios, not taking Transmigrator would be irresponsible.

Sensitivity's intended to maximize affinity as an Archivist, allowing for more rapid data intake. There's also some synergy with Descrier's auguries. A conservator has a surplus of spare time, once the considerable startup cost in training's paid. So when there are no index updates to be made, Continuity's day-to-day consists of doing divinations and applying accumulated knowledge to mediate disputes.


Potential: Powerful
Powers: True Form (1), Unbreakable (1), Trinity (3)
Skills: Pankrator (2), Vessel of War (1)
Duties: Unity War, Special Operations

The wolf is at our door. If Unity triumphs, all individuality and diversity will be snuffed out, the power of the soul used to strangle humanity's spirit. Consciousness replaced by conformity: a conquest that eliminates the very capacity to dissent. With the future of the species at stake, how can anything be valued above Victory? This build goes all-in on the Defense Force mission statement. Bodily alterations are a small price to pay compared to the wages of failure.

True Form and Trinity sets up some powerfully transhumanistic synergies. If becoming a magitechnological engine of mass destruction is the most efficient path to Victory, so be it. Mutability of form's juxtaposed against an Unbreakable soul, useful considering exotic attack vectors and the psychological toll of war with a divergent strain of humanity. The goal is a build that can sustain multiple tours of duty with little to no downtime, taking on any mission necessary.

Since the latter accounts for other Skills, it's assumed that Pankrator and Vessel of War are synergistic, or at least not redundant. Vessel can be swapped for Descrier if that's not the case. A Balanced alternative version that drops Unbreakable to take Idealist or Infusionist is also possible, if they can fill a similar niche for extending time in-theater. Might even be better; depending on scaling and developments in the conflict, Victory's likely to be die permanently at some point given difficulties reincarnating the Unbreakable.


Potential: Powerful
Powers: Aura Aureola (2), Splendor Solares (3)
Skills: Genopoet (2), Archivist (1)
Duties: Mercantilism, Humanitarian Aid

All things considered, the universe is vast and the war seems to be going well. Rather than throwing oneself into the cosmic meatgrinder, why not focus on making a world worth fighting for? Or worlds, in this case, since Prosperity's intended specialty is planetat and orbitat construction. Living space is always in demand, and one of the perks of not being the Unity is ability to exchange goods and services for money.

Aura Aureola and Splendor Solares combined make this build a conduit to Idealspace. Not the trickle that every mage partakes of, but a thundering cataract of power, the supernal floodgates thrown wide to unleash an endless tide of essence! The economic value of the ability to execute grand workings with no assistance is enormous. Apart from highly evolved Gray Matter or a Dark Shard, it's the most profitable build I can think of.

The exact hollow : mage ratio is unclear, but it's skewed in favor of the former and the need to coordinate imposes additional costs on greater/grand workings. Genopoet's taken over Ecumenarch on the theory that restoration requires more skill, where raw creation favors power. Archivist's mostly because the Skill point's at loose ends, but is useful for memorizing templates to realize and negotiating contract work. Prosperity sets out to fill the Defense Force's coffers, but being seduced by the private sector's entirely plausible.

By the by, did you see Crimson Moon's Genesis CYOA? I'm kind of surprised nobody but me posted a build for it.
The perils of posting inside spoiler tags! It's surprising how small barriers (click-through, scrolling, etc.) can affect participation, though fixation on Hunger's current straits is also understandable. Since it's a fun one that deserves more exposure and we can always use Arete, here's another build:

Pale Horseman

Path Location: The Woundlands +3
Access Method: Transmigration 0
Shard Unit: True Heir (Death) -3
Privileges: Exalted -1, Grand Armamentarium (Scythe) -1, Brand of the Five (Sword) -2
Functional Error: At Doom's Gate +2, Trojan Horse +2

The era is rife with signs and portents. Hungry for vanished glories, the Hegemony casts aside old taboos; never burdened with any to begin with, Telosia spills rivers of blood to further its research. The Rupture weeps divine ichor, evidence of a wounded, Dissolute world. Cullers rampage through fallen Harkairos, once the heartlands of the Central Plane. Chaos and war sweep the compass of Genesis; the Epoch of Change teeters upon the brink. And everywhere, from the obsidian wastes of Mortereo to the League's aegis-shrouded lands, there is death.

At the edge of all hope, at the end of all things, appears a Pale Horseman.

In the Cult of Hess-te-Aistra's creation stories, the Cullers are responsible for massacring the firstborn children of the Progenitors. This may or may not be true; not having Reincarnated, everything he knows of Genesis comes from the CYOA itself. He can't even speak with the locals to start with! However, this build's fluent in the only universal language: violence. And as a True Heir of Death, he intends to avenge his hypothetical siblings. Starting in the Woundlands is suicidal for many builds, but the Horseman takes to strife like a fish to water. Swarms of lessers Cullers are simply grist for the engine of advancement. The Brand of the Sword bypasses the relatively static nature of True Heirs.

With a steady stream of enemies, there's no limit to the heights he can reach, especially if the Grand Armament is synergistic with this scaling mechanism. Since an Exalted True Heir doesn't lack for intial strength, the best effect would be something that allows him to harvest a greater fraction of my foe's essence. If choosing Death augments this further, even better. Once local opposition's been eliminated, exploring the Dwelling from Beyond is the next logical step. Preternatural combat prowess, the ability to predict and resist one's own demise, combined with phylactery-esque Soul-Crypts, makes the Horseman well-suited to braving the Void-haunted labyrinth in search of treasures even greater than his starting artifact.

Of course, the catch is how he pays for all that power. The apocalyptic rhetoric of the introduction is borne out by At Doom's Gate, catastrophes heaped upon an already-crumbling world. Taking a leaf from Hunger's playbook, the Horseman intends to ride the waves of conflict. Every enemy reaped by his scythe is additional strength that can be used to dispatch the next. 'Downtime' is spent grinding in the Dwelling. That all of ADG stems from a single catalytic event is interesting; unlike the Apocryphal Curse, there's a light at the end of the tunnel once the dominoes are done falling. Perhaps the Horseman's not the hero Genesis needs or deserves - or even a hero at all, save in the starkest, most utilitarian terms. Still, he's the man who will save the world or die trying. Eventually the Plane will know either the peace of (relative) safety or that of oblivion.

The Horseman himself is afforded no such mercy, however. For him there is only the oath. Forcing him ever onward, to higher costs and greater extremes. In the long run that any Heir of Death must consider, Trojan Horse is by far the harsher error. I'd call it a mistake in truth, if it wasn't so fitting for the build's name. He operates under the assumption that accruing power is a generally productive action that can later be turned toward the purpose to which he's sworn, justifying his explorations of the Dwelling and other adventures. Similarly, he acts to save Genesis to preserve option value and because that's what he defaults to in the absence of other orders. Should his newfound liege instruct otherwise, anything's on the table: usurping Tartres as the King of Death, looting the Untethered League's technology, war with the Hegemony, etc. That's what it means to defend one thing above all others.

1505 words, if it matters.
I like that Duties are distinct from the more traditional drawback system. It's not about paying a price to enable the player's greed, but what they prioritize as people, the kind of life they want to build in the Enduring Coalition's expanded universe. Here are three builds aimed at different things:


Potential: Skillful
Powers: Unbreakable (1), Transmigrator (1), Sensitivity (1)
Skills: Archivist (1), Conservator (3), Descrier (1)
Duties: Conservation

History's chain has been broken once, with disastrous consequences. The interstitial dark age spans tens of thousands of years and today's disasters follow directly from that tragedy. The thousand seeds of humanity scattered throughout the stars have grown into the Unity and other threats, a bitter and chaotic orchard instead of the utopian abundance that should be humanity's by right. Therefore, it's incumbent on those souls with the capability to ensure that this cataclysm can never happen again. Continuity at any cost.

Research into and replication of Dark Shards is crucial, but this build's comparative advantage is as a conservator. If a soul's characteristics are retained between lives, then every incarnation is equally Unbreakable. Avoiding death in the first place is preferable, but since Continuity's entire existence is a contingency for worst-case scenarios, not taking Transmigrator would be irresponsible.

Sensitivity's intended to maximize affinity as an Archivist, allowing for more rapid data intake. There's also some synergy with Descrier's auguries. A conservator has a surplus of spare time, once the considerable startup cost in training's paid. So when there are no index updates to be made, Continuity's day-to-day consists of doing divinations and applying accumulated knowledge to mediate disputes.


Potential: Powerful
Powers: True Form (1), Unbreakable (1), Trinity (3)
Skills: Pankrator (2), Vessel of War (1)
Duties: Unity War, Special Operations

The wolf is at our door. If Unity triumphs, all individuality and diversity will be snuffed out, the power of the soul used to strangle humanity's spirit. Consciousness replaced by conformity: a conquest that eliminates the very capacity to dissent. With the future of the species at stake, how can anything be valued above Victory? This build goes all-in on the Defense Force mission statement. Bodily alterations are a small price to pay compared to the wages of failure.

True Form and Trinity sets up some powerfully transhumanistic synergies. If becoming a magitechnological engine of mass destruction is the most efficient path to Victory, so be it. Mutability of form's juxtaposed against an Unbreakable soul, useful considering exotic attack vectors and the psychological toll of war with a divergent strain of humanity. The goal is a build that can sustain multiple tours of duty with little to no downtime, taking on any mission necessary.

Since the latter accounts for other Skills, it's assumed that Pankrator and Vessel of War are synergistic, or at least not redundant. Vessel can be swapped for Descrier if that's not the case. A Balanced alternative version that drops Unbreakable to take Idealist or Infusionist is also possible, if they can fill a similar niche for extending time in-theater. Might even be better; depending on scaling and developments in the conflict, Victory's likely to be die permanently at some point given difficulties reincarnating the Unbreakable.


Potential: Powerful
Powers: Aura Aureola (2), Splendor Solares (3)
Skills: Genopoet (2), Archivist (1)
Duties: Mercantilism, Humanitarian Aid

All things considered, the universe is vast and the war seems to be going well. Rather than throwing oneself into the cosmic meatgrinder, why not focus on making a world worth fighting for? Or worlds, in this case, since Prosperity's intended specialty is planetat and orbitat construction. Living space is always in demand, and one of the perks of not being the Unity is ability to exchange goods and services for money.

Aura Aureola and Splendor Solares combined make this build a conduit to Idealspace. Not the trickle that every mage partakes of, but a thundering cataract of power, the supernal floodgates thrown wide to unleash an endless tide of essence! The economic value of the ability to execute grand workings with no assistance is enormous. Apart from highly evolved Gray Matter or a Dark Shard, it's the most profitable build I can think of.

The exact hollow : mage ratio is unclear, but it's skewed in favor of the former and the need to coordinate imposes additional costs on greater/grand workings. Genopoet's taken over Ecumenarch on the theory that restoration requires more skill, where raw creation favors power. Archivist's mostly because the Skill point's at loose ends, but is useful for memorizing templates to realize and negotiating contract work. Prosperity sets out to fill the Defense Force's coffers, but being seduced by the private sector's entirely plausible.
Three wonderful builds!

For Continuity, there's a notable difference between Unbreaktable Transmigrators and 'normal' Transmigratiors, since each incarnation is indeed Unbreakable, and in fact the soul remains Unbreakable even when discarnate entirely, even retaining a dreamlike semi-consciousness and a limited ability to direct their reincarnation. This does make integrating with past lives somewhat more difficult, as rather than a steady trickle of memories, they are instead a coherent mind separate from the current incarnation. Integration is certainly still possible, but it's much less automatic than otherwise.

For Victory, VOW and Pankrator definitely stack, especially with True Form and Trinity in play. A single fighter isn't going to break the approximate stalemate the DF has with Unity, but you would nonetheless be an extremely valuable asset, and probably more than capable of completing devastating attacks on Unity installations even on your own. Dropping VOW for Descrier or Unbreakable for Infusionist or Idealist plausibly increase your versatility especially out of combat a lot, and if you're not operating alone behind enemy lines the loss of Unbreakable isn't unaccountable. Unbreakable is really nice for Unity War though, given their proclivity for psychic attack vectors.

For Prosperity, you've definitely hit on a very proftable build. Splendor gives you the power you need to really just knock out habitats one after the other, to the point where the actual genopoet work may not even be the limiting factor on how much work you can do. You are also correct that a genopoet benefits significantly more from Overwhelming Power than an ecumenarch.

There's one mage born for roughly every ten thousand hollows, though this can fluctuate somewhat in a limited region if, for example, a large number of transmigrators die simultaneously. ~99% of Mages have more-or-less 'ordinary' souls with no mutations like those in the Power section. Mutations like the 1-point Powers make up ~99% of that remaining 1% (with True Form and Sensitivity being somewhat more common and Familiar Bond: Ideal Spirit, Transmigrator, and Unbreakable being progressively less common), 2-point powers representing ~99% of that remaining 0.01% (with Tastefulness being slightly more common than Aura Aureola or WIsdom, and Familiar Bond: Gray Matter being somewhat less common than that) or some pair of 1-point Powers, Trinity and Familiar Bond: Dark Shard (slightly rarer than Trinity) or 3-point combinations of Powers representing ~99% of the remaining 0.0001%, and 4- and 5-point combinations as well as Splendor Solares and Perspective being present in the approximately 0.000001% (with SS and Perspective being particularly rare).
Adhoc vote count started by Aabcehmu on Jul 29, 2022 at 6:34 PM, finished with 367 posts and 56 votes.
I think tally by block is much better than tally by line for plan votes. Ending True voters want something very different from Perfect Merger voters, after all (0 overlap between the two plans' voters). It's easier to count too.

Assuming each of the Vendetta plans count separately, CtF isn't far behind now that they have the blue bird on their side.

Adhoc vote count started by RedV on Jul 29, 2022 at 7:12 PM, finished with 93 posts and 38 votes.
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I saw this when it was posted, but got distracted by Rihaku's post right after. So this is my first build for Genesis.

When in doubt, acquire Godhood.
[] The Untethered League
[] Transmigration (0 Coin)
[] Heir of Cradle (1 Coin)
[] Home Sweet Home (3 Coins)
[] Blood of the First (4 Coins, requires Heir of Cradle or Halfblood)
[] Lilith (+2 Coins)
[] Genesis Protocol (+3 Coins)

I have no idea who half these people are. Lilith who? Him what? Her? The politics of the setting makes a good amount of sense though.

In that context, or rather given that lack of context, it seems particularly prudent to have a reliable shank, should it be needed. Hey, maybe Lilith is actually a nice lady with good reasons for her shady name and operations. Maybe "Him" is a Himbo, who's never done anything wrong. Maybe that mind controlling woman at the start is actually a totally chill person with a reasonable work life balance.

But, you know, just in case, I want to have a divine-nullifying shank on hand. Also, in the war to come, being the only guy whose powers work seems a pretty solid advantage.

Edit: I chose the untethered league because, without speaking the language, it seems the most welcoming. As a trade center the people have an interest in helping you out, rather than kicking you out, so long as you can offer then some value. Hard labour should be a place to start, if nothing else.

On a separate note was it intended that the CYOA directly prove Venerable Erebos wrong?
Your Shard is kindred to one of the Four Principles, so now you must choose one of them.

Venerable Esebio, one of the erudites of the former kingdom of Pactia, postulated that there are no Four Founding Principles of Genesis, but rather one – the Principle of Blood, from which everything else emanates.

Is the reason blood magic doesn't work with True Heir shards because the theory incorrectly postulates the Blood Principle as the source? It would seem adjusting for this inaccurate assumption might be the break through required to utilize True Heir shards. Alternatively, the Foremother's ring could help.
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I don't think we have the arete to afford Perfect Merger atm. Rihaku said it'd take a couple weeks to get the arete needed even if we keep up our current pace of arete generation.

If any Perfect Merger voters aren't strongly attached to Gisena and simply prefer Vendetta over CtF, can you approval vote for both Perfect Merger and Ending True? Currently there is no overlap between voters for the two plans, but I don't think every single Perfect Merger voter really dislikes Ending True. We mostly get the same results from both at the end of the day, and the Arcanist is going to be an interesting source of lore on top of being Augustine's mum.

We can immediately bear the Arete cost of Ending True, it gives us Task Leeway which is great for Epilogue and it gives us interesting insight into the foremost from the Arcanist. I think it'd definitely be preferable over arete debt or just not being able to afford Perfect Merger.
That's a big thing for CtF by the way. 25 free arete, and we only need to generate 9 arete for High Merger or 17 for Supreme. That's a lot more manageable than 50, and still less than even 20.
That's a big thing for CtF by the way. 25 free arete, and we only need to generate 9 arete for High Merger or 17 for Supreme. That's a lot more manageable than 50, and still less than even 20.
To clarify, the Arete we earn now is matched 2:1 for all of our current options. So to earn enough to buy Perfect Merger or Supreme CtF we need 50/3 = 16.67.


Have some examples of blurbs for the leading options. Note that the Maiden may have hidden or costly techniques of her own. I wonder what she's built with Archsmith's Hammer, for example?

Arete generated for the Blood Halo bonus can be repurposed towards these Advancements by the following means: For each point of Arete generated onwards, two additional points of Arete from the intervening span can be re-directed from Companion Survival % to Hunger's general Arete pool. So you need only generate 8.35 Arete to afford a 25 Arete option, and so forth - so long as you're not concerned with reducing your companions' chance of survival in this and all future battles.
I don't know how I got it twisted.

Still, CtF comes with 25 free arete, which is a lot.
This is a free EFB, plus another two EFBs.

I don't know how I got it twisted.

Still, CtF comes with 25 free arete, which is a lot.
I wouldn't describe it like that.
CtF gives its benefits of +ISH and so on, and a single signature move. If we want to have 2+ signature moves, we need to use 25 Arete. This does not imply each Signature Move is 25 Arete. For instance, the moves could by synergistic or anti-synergistic- in my assessment, they're the latter, except the Apocryphal Curse one (which has external costs and so cannot be described as simply an EFB). Given that assessment, CtF is its other benefits, +more than 25 Arete- 30, perhaps? more? debatable-'s worth of value- but that still doesn't make it Free 25(or 30) Arete. CtF costs one thing: The opportunity to pick Vendetta. Selections are valuable! Insofar as CtF 'comes with 25 free Arete', we can infer that Vendetta's base power is also worth 25 Arete(unless you think +Simping is a price worth a substantial amount of Arete, I suppose).
Saying CtF is 25 Free Arete doesn't communicate anything useful, because that "free" "arete" isn't in the form of arete, it's in the form of an upgrade we're getting at a price which is presumably worth about that much.

Incidentally, I see people are valuing Votes in real money! I'm currently very split between the options, preferring Vendetta - Perfect Merger to Supreme Merger but otherwise ambivalent in lower Arete ranges. If someone wants to buy me voting for them in that regard, my price would be far lower than Birdsies was, be it in pride or money! Sure, I'm also less prolific, but I don't think I'm quite ten times less prolific.
plus Birdsie might technically owe me a vote marker.
CtF gives its benefits of +ISH and so on, and a single signature move. If we want to have 2+ signature moves, we need to use 25 Arete. This does not imply each Signature Move is 25 Arete. For instance, the moves could by synergistic or anti-synergistic- in my assessment, they're the latter, except the Apocryphal Curse one (which has external costs and so cannot be described as simply an EFB). Given that assessment, CtF is its other benefits, +more than 25 Arete- 30, perhaps? more? debatable-'s worth of value- but that still doesn't make it Free 25(or 30) Arete. CtF costs one thing: The opportunity to pick Vendetta. Selections are valuable! Insofar as CtF 'comes with 25 free Arete', we can infer that Vendetta's base power is also worth 25 Arete(unless you think +Simping is a price worth a substantial amount of Arete, I suppose).
They aren't antisynergistic though

Like infinite Might combos very well with "I make every injury I inflict much more damaging", and extending the RoW to 12 exchanges (the number Maiden herself thinks victory or defeat will be decided in) is really important. The option itself notes that they have synergy, in the newest blurb.

In addition, combining Aobaru's dominion over light with the Imprisoner's Refinement: Flood of Runes will allow Hunger to somewhat disable the Maiden's access to her domain of Daylight while in melee range. If taken with Invincible Vigor, total denial is possible assuming the Maiden has no tricks up her sleeve.

Hunger has been using the Refinement of War with each sword attack so far, but even one of such immense will as he can't sustain this pace for too long. The Praxis is a demanding art.

please read the new content before pushing your assumptions of the lack of synergy, I guess. Supreme CtF is stated to be the strongest option we can go for in terms of direct power, and that power is likely to not be compromised via beauty or Mental Apex mindjack. :thonk:
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I have some builds for
that I have been mulling over. Overall I have decided that I personally don't want to be conscripted for a war against Unity and risk a fate worse than death. I kind of don't want to get conscripted at all, but if I am I do have some options I quite like that aren't risking as much life and limb.

Magical Data Entry
[M] Powerful
[M] Aura Aureola
[M] Splendor Solares
[M] Negotiation
-[M] Archivist
[M] Navigation
-[M] Reckoner
[M] Mercantilism

Behold and fear the negotiation prowess and business acumen of a data analyst!

More specifically, the idea behind this build is to not go down the obvious path of stacking mental augmentations or divination in order to learn what you need or speak with people.
As I understand it the normal process is to have a Descrier to gather info and then have a Reckoner process that info. But instead of taking on the Descrier skillset which seems half focused on actual navigation and ship sensor data (hence the name of the section it is in), get the Archivist skillset. Instead of trying to divine or scan what I want, use the already existent information that I'm archiving and use the Reckoner skillset to process and filter it into something useable for my specific purposes. The non-magical negotiation training the Archivist has should also help out my Mechantilistic aims.
Doubling down on the power side of things is to maximize the effectiveness of the workings I can pull off in those two areas.
If stupidly huge datasets are a good enough solution for Google in order to solve things, they're good enough for me.

Felix Fix-It
[H] Powerful
[H] Aura Aureola
[H] Splendor Solares
[H] Negotiation
-[H] Archivist
[H] Ecology
-[H] Ecumenarch
[H] Humanitarian Aid

I have long fantasized about being given incredible magical or divine abilities and being able to just... fix some of our world's stupidity. This build lets fulfill that dream. The power leaning is to maximize the size of my eventual responsibility. I understand that the guy in charge of a national park doesn't actually have the park as his own personal fief or whatever, but its not not so unrelated even if he can be fired. Taking part in cataloging Earth's everything and sum total of history and culture seems like an enjoyable side incentive to remain on the homeworld as well.
I can appreciate both of those builds! Splendor Solares can definitely fuel some serious Big Data number crunching, and while genopoets get a bit little bit more use out of the massive power, ecumenarchs can definitely still put it to good use. Also, in general it's totally valid to not want to be basically kidnapped, and the Defense Force at least attempts to compensate generously for the inconvenience.