That "once per sidereal week" bit. Doesn't that mean it doesn't count time spent in the Realm of Evening? Because it needs "real time" in order to recharge. This means that we would be using up a once-a-week thing, right after we faced a (presumable) Apocryphal proc enemy, while doing nothing at all... All to grant a measure of security in a 24 hour period. When we might not even know if the Apocryphal is even going to hit at all.
Sidereal doesn't mean 'real time' per se. to quote wikipedia:
"Briefly, sidereal time is a "time scale that is based on Earth's rate of rotation measured relative to the fixed stars""
Since we're going to the realm of evening and time is stopped, it does Sound like it'd be stopped, but since it's relative to the sky it's at least plausible it'd be otherwise.
Real time recharge, yup.
Makes perfect sense!

What if you used the Silver of Evening's perfect defense in the Pillars of Creation? Is it on cooldown until 1 week after leaving the Realm of Evening? Or does it recharge after 1 week in the Realm of Evening?
Certainly someone like Haeliel could resurrect them, were she so inclined, but any recovery of Armament or pilot within Hunger's normal means would be an epic undertaking at the very least.
Ah. Oh dear. (First Vanreir, now the Amarlt Armament...) So it looks like Procyon was not merely just defeated, but truly killed or destroyed, huh?

Hrm. How many Armaments are there in the Human Sphere? How many of them have been destroyed in history? How often are they made? How often are they remade if destroyed?
Vote update in ~20-30.

] Armory of Night
- Gravity his onager, evening his shield, the stars his munitions; the cosmos his armory in full.

Attain the Sixth and Seventh Empyreal Signs of the Evening Sky for 5 picks, 52 Arete. This is a discounted price. The functional effect of these Signs with the Set Bonus will be for Hunger either to enhance or outright manifest an Armament of his own; clad in these spellfire vestments, Verschlengorge could be restored to the fullness of its power and beyond, or Hunger could forge an Armament of his own to take Procyon's place: an Implement of terrifying grandeur and power whose plate is the Armor of Midnight, its cannons Deathly Stars.

*Ideal for those who wish to venture to the Human Sphere as soon as possible.
*Assuming it's piloted by Letrizia, Verschlengorge bearing the Armory of Night would be capable of fighting off four peer-level Armaments simultaneously.
*This will also awaken his secondary heads to full sentience, and manifest a fourth head opposite to his current primary. The Devouring Armament no more; Behold the Maw of Night, the Hungering Armament whose jaw is the void and the cessation of all things.
*Should you choose a custom Armament, you still won't be able to manifest a Shroud, though you will be able to use a Curse-specific Ultimate. The nature of the Forebear is beyond the piddling grasp of Foremost technology. Hunger would for obvious reasons also need to link with his new Armament instead of Verschlengorge, which means Verschlengorge's Decimation would return.
*However, note that the Ereadhihr have considerable utility applications beyond their might in battle. A second Armament would open up enormous logistical and cosmic terraforming possibilities, to say nothing of its Curse-specific Ultimate!
Oh damn, that's some serious shit. Sixth+Seventh+Seven Sign Special Advancement allows you to manifest a freaking Armament? I guess in retrospect that means rushing for the 7th would have worked back then, though I'm happy we didn't since losing 5 ranks would have sucked.
Two armaments though apparently opens up room for a boatload of science shenanigans. Blood Sorcery was nifty in spite of it being overshadowed by Haeliel. We also get double the storage space. More room to keep money. Finally getting to find out what the special armament benefits for Cursebearer pilots are.
Recent developments within the ontological hierarchy (particularly those concerning self-evident epistemological truths pertinent to the Beulah that those of the Vote-Severing Realm reside in) indicate a precipitous rise in the need for a new page.
As ever, I am here to serve.
I'm not too familiar with the lore, what does four peer level armaments mean exactly? Versch isn't a peer to the armament we just killed right - it's inferior? Is it inferior enough to be less than one fourth in power?
That certainly is the kind of power I'd expect from 5 picks. Not quite sure how powerful Hunger's armament would be, but having the reward for beating an armament being the ability to buff an ally to the point of being able to take on 4 of them is certainly a worthy upgrade.
I'm not too familiar with the lore, what does four peer level armaments mean exactly? Versch isn't a peer to the armament we just killed right - it's inferior? Is it inferior enough to be less than one fourth in power?
Versch would, I think, be a peer-level opponent to Procyon conditional on being healed. Currently Versch is operating at like Rank 7.x, and is consequently fairly weakened.
Holy shit that option is so god damn cool. I am struggling to think of anything that surpasses an armament with armor of midnight plate armor and deathly star cannons. Think of how awesome that would be.
I'm not too familiar with the lore, what does four peer level armaments mean exactly? Versch isn't a peer to the armament we just killed right - it's inferior? Is it inferior enough to be less than one fourth in power?

Versch was badly damaged by the battle that left him and Letrizia stranded in the Voyaging Realm, and he hasn't yet reached his former power. Presumably a fully repaired Devouring Armament would be a peer to the Plenary Armament.
Recent developments within the ontological hierarchy (particularly those concerning self-evident epistemological truths pertinent to the Beulah that those of the Vote-Severing Realm reside in) indicate a precipitous rise in the need for a new page.
As ever, I am here to serve.
Abjure! Abjure! Coherentism adequately meets the challenge of both infinite regress and foundational beliefs in the context of justification for knowledge!

Shun Shun Rikka! I Reject!

Abjure! Abjure! Coherentism adequately meets the challenge of both infinite regress and foundational beliefs in the context of justification for knowledge!

Shun Shun Rikka! I Reject!
Ah, but the infinite regress, by its very act of 'asking for a reason' implicitly concedes the primacy of reason itself. You've doomed yourself by your own question, fool!

*Mad cackling*