- Location
- Italy
Hunter Hunted
The winning vote was [X] Hunt for Healing with [X] Amaranth Star, Age and Treachery. You have spent 2 Arete on Amaranth Star and 1 Arete deposited into [X] Once and Future. You may purchase [X] Once And Future for 24 Arete at any spending point, including (theoretically) this one.
my pillars lost
so, hunt for healing? I can understand not wanting Letrizia to be crippled I suppose. Age and Treachery is a nice power boost, and amaranth star makes it immediately useful by mitigating the effect of exhausted and tired (and the +++ agility is nice too), though I think I'd have preferred hunt to go with the specific hunting ability.
Oh well, this can work too, I'm not upset about it.
I AM a bit upset about the Pillars though.. Once and Future is certainly not a bad pick, but my heart yearns for the Evening Realm... a little slice of paradise to keep us happy throughout eternity..
Hunger pursued a monster to find healing for his companion. Which suitable creature did he encounter?
[ ] The Plumed Offering - Hunger encountered a group of traders who, stunned by his force of personality and breathtaking appearance, happily traded him a magnificent regenerating creature for the King Fish's Scale and meat. The tormented beast had spent its life regularly being carved for steaks and was relieved to experience the blissful release of death.
100% Chance of Uneventful Victory
+0.5 Arete, 1 Selection
Time Spent: 4 Hours
Lose King Fish's Scale
Lose King Fish Meat
Gain Money
uh. Interesting use of a regenerating beast. Infinite meat. A bit dark though.
No chance on death or injury, 0.5 arete, reasonably quick but only one selection (that I still have to go through) and it costs us our fish...
THe clear safe choice, which possibly makes it the wisest... but SV rarely goes for the safest (and usually less rewarding) choice
[ ] The Mire Wolf - Deep in the swamps at the far edge of the lake lay a legendary predator: part direwolf, part alligator, whose fangs were ivory daggers, whose flesh was stone carapace, the shock of its tail a dragon's thrashing. Feared for its nigh-unkillable resilience and dogged pursuit of prey, but Hunger drew it out and in prolonged battle slew it, the Fell-Handed Stroke and power of Ruin too much for even its undying thews to withstand.
80% Chance of Uneventful Victory
20% Chance of Complication (an unhealable wound, poison, or some other moderately inconvenient long-term debuff)
No Arete, 2 Selections
Time Spent: Only 2 Hours! Minimal chance of Gisena / Letrizia being attacked, as you're close by anyway.
fastest option, middle level risk, we keep the fish, 2 options to select, no arete and money.
I think I like it a bit more than the previous one, though not actually that much. I'm likely to change my mind once I go through the actual options we unlock though.
[ ] The Tyrant Beast - Of course the Apocryphal Curse would strike once again when he was wounded and separated from his allies. Nonetheless Hunger mustered all his remaining strength to oppose the creature which reminded him so much of the man he gave everything to slay. Its towering bulk, its claws like drawn sabers, its scales like congealed lead - all paled before the glint of cold experience in its eye, evaluating him as rival or prize.
50% Chance of Uneventful Victory
30% Chance of Complication
10% Chance of Grievous Complication (very inconvenient long-term debuff)
10% Chance of Death
+1 Arete, 2 Selections
+0.25 Astral Rank if successful
Reduced % of Apocryphal Curse for 2 weeks
Resets A Hunger, Sated (gain ~2 days)
Time Spent: 10 Hours. Letrizia will suffer some minor permanent damage, nothing that would noticeably impair her. Reversible with Pristine Star and similar effects.
Less risky creatures more attuned to pure healing exist, but were not available because Scent of Prey was not chosen. However, high Charisma enabled The Plumed Offering.
more arete than the first option, as many picks as the second option, extra rank and reduces apocryphal in the short term. The 2 days of hunger sated are really not worth mentioning.
Of course it's also the option with the highest risk, INCLUDING A NOT NEGLIGIBLE CHANCE OF DEATH, and some minor "permanent" damage to Letrizia.
...yeah, no. Too risky. 10% of quest end is not fine by me. The prize is NOT worth the risk. Better the wolf at that point. Even if the worst happens the risk from that is not unbearable, it will just have us slow down some more.
So the choice for me comes down to the safe option or the mid-risk option, and that's going to come down to the special picks.
is 1 extra pick worth 0.5 arete+ money + reduced risk to our companions (-fish)?
Let's see!!
We will use the forum dice roller for these checks, so bear that in mind. You presently have about 5 Arete, plus whatever you gained from the choice above.
Which healing abilities did he acquire in the process? Select 1 if you picked The Plumed Offering and 2 if you chose any other creature.
[ ] Evening Sky - Pristine Star - The wearer and those regularly in his presence will always heal completely, without complications or scarring, even from grievous or amputating wounds. Grants resistance to illness and disease. Healing is somewhat accelerated, in that one may expect to recover from even the worst of survivable injuries in about two weeks.
Enemy effects may contest this.
the free option. It STILL slows us down considerably and is slow to act, but removes any risk of long-term injuries, like the ones to Letrizia for the 10-hours beast, or the injuries such a beast could give us (as long as we survive, obviously).
Decent, and a possible good extra pick if we want to save some arete.
-- 2 Arete Options --
[ ] Evening Sky - Shine Bright - 2 Arete. The wearer can slowly (over the course of several minutes) heal most forms of wound, illness and disease in others. Sustainable in moderation, draining if overused. Creates noticeable illumination, useful in dungeons but can attract attention. Does not work on the wearer. Greater Charisma modestly improves healing efficacy, speed, stamina cost.
Unlocks a path of findross related research.
better healing... of others! Still, this is probably the option best suited to heal our companions, even if it leaves US just as hurt, and likely even more tired. I wonder if we can use it to heal Veschle... on that note I also wonder if Pristine Star would slowly repair Veschle too.
possible pick, but we can likely do better. If we take this Pristine Star is mostly superfluous though.. except I just realized that with Pristine Star we can finally get our limbs/eye/lung back!
uh, Pristine Star just went up a bit in my evaluation.
[ ] Forebear's Blade - Second Stage - 2 Arete. Those who believed the Forebear felled were in for an unpleasant surprise. Upon reaching 0% health, instead of dying manifest as your Second Stage, a being of wraithflesh and shadow that pierces the curtain of the real. If your Second Stage is not slain, revert to your ordinary human form, fully healed, after a night has passed. Second Stage has [-Strength, +Agility], weakness to certain uncommon types of damage, and minor phasing abilities. Your Artifacts phase with you.
Pre-requisite for Form of Rage. Pre-requisite for Final Form. Second Stage prevents most forms of overflow damage.
And HERE we get a VERY good complement to the other 2 arete option! If the previous pick had the perfect "heal other" effect, this one gives us something even better than a "heal self" effect: it gives us a second life, a respawn, and it renews after just a night!
Taken together they would allow us to Heal Letrizia AND to be a bit more reckless with Hunger even while he's still injured.
It even offers a somewhat dangerous form of self-healing: we can basically kill ourself, and wait a night. Of course we'd be more at risk for that one night, but if we're in a reasonably safe location it's worth considering (even if, with Apocryphal, it's probably better not to risk it most of the time)
The question is, does a 2+2=4 arete plan beat a 0+7=7 arete plan?
Well, it's going to depend on the 7 point options! 7s are usually more efficient, but synergy might very well make the 2+2 better in this case, and it would let us save some arete too instead of wiping out our reserves!
-- 7 Arete Options --
[ ] Forebear's Blade - Echo of the Forebear + Undying Echo + Undying Vanguard - 7 Arete. Taking Echo of the Forebear (1 pick) and Undying Echo (2 Arete) unlocks Undying Vanguard (upgrade to Undying Echo, 5 Arete).
Where tread the Forebear, his men would not fall, for the shadow of his presence could turn even death aside. And for his most stalwart servants, the reach of his shadow spanned continents and worlds.
Choose up to 5 companions whose true Astral Ranks do not exceed your own. They receive bonus Protection, Constitution and regeneration depending on both your relative power levels and their level of loyalty to you. A highly loyal companion would be about as difficult to kill as you yourself are, including the effects of your Artifacts. [+Might, +Agility, +++Constitution]
You personally don't receive any healing from this, though the extra Constitution will increase your effective health. While this offers comprehensive protection to your companions, it is expensive protection that does not really help you scale.
a retinue-lite option. It doesn't make our companions actually stronger, but it makes them much more resistant, which is still good. And this power increase scales with our own strenght.
The extra power is also nice, though still leaves us crippled, while Pristine Star (and possibly second stage too) would give us our limbs back (one slowly over the course of a few days to 2 weeks, the other as soon as we die and respawn).
We could probably get these back later though, so it's still a valid option, even if takes 2 full picks.
[ ] Hunger - Pitiless Maw - 7 Arete. A Conjunctional Advancement that requires the Forebear's Blade. How can hunger perish from this world? So long as there is one hungering thing, it will emerge again and again to feast upon this realm of mere phenomena. Passively restore health equal to 100% of the damage you deal in melee combat, and triples the Power of Ruin associated with melee strikes.
This average rate of healing offered by this effect vastly surpasses that offered by the other effects here. This is compounded by the additional armor-penetrating effect of tripled Ruin. It doesn't help you heal Letrizia, but you'll be able to heal yourself and protect her much more effectively while she's recuperating! Incredible sustain that lets you take on armies of moderately weaker enemies, and even stronger enemies without powerful burst attacks may struggle to fell you. Beware the melee range limitation, however.
good combo with Pristine Star, getting slow full healing for our whole group and the power to buy the time needed for it to complete.
ok, now let's talk plan/combos. I see a few different valid strategies.
We're doing all of this to heal Letrizia, so a selfish plan (like taking only Second Stage) is not an option. If we take a single pick it has to be either
1)Evening sky (Pro: no arete cost. Con: we're still slowed down until she heals, and we're still injured for that time).
2)Shine bright (Pro: heals Letrizia quickly, costs only 2 arete. Con: it doesn't heal US at all!)
This said, I think a single pick plan is suboptimal. This basically forces me to choose the Dire wolf for the 2 picks, as I'm NOT fine with the 10% death risk.
so, with 2 picks and a max of 7 arete we could spend.. IF we got to 7 before the plan is over, which is unlikely unless taken with a +arete option, and as a single pick is not good enough that would be the tyrant beast, which I ALREADY said I'm not willing to risk..
basically 7 arete points are barely possible, and would leave us with nothing stored. I think the best choice is to limit ourselves to a 4 arete expenditure max, maybe even 2.
so, what are the best combination under 4 arete (ignoring the single picks I discussed before?)
well, there are only two that achieve all our goals
PLAN A) Pristine Star + Shine Bright. Healing for our companions immediately, slow healing for our limbs in a couple of weeks. costs only 2 arete.
PLAN B) Shine Bright + Second Stage. Healing for our companions immediately, a renewable second life for us that comes with full healing AND that we could theoretically use to heal ourselves immediately if we're willing to risk being without that extra life for a whole night, which I personally am. Still a much lower risk than taking a 10% death chance after all, and we'd actually be in a better situation than we're in right now against a sudden ambush anyway. And after this night we'd STILL have our secret form second life anyway.
so, with this said... I think
Mire Wolf (2 picks)
Shine Bright (heal others)
Second Stage (second life with health restored to max)
is the best plan. IF Second Stage comes with regrown limbs that's even better. I'm sure someone asked if it works like this after the update, so I'm going to get some clarification soon enough.
well, I can see that the quest is still going on, so I at least know that even if Tyrant Beast won we missed the 10% chance
(not that it would suddenly make it a good decision, mind you!)
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