I'm not sure Imperia can compete with Gisena in memetic-hazard and competence at this point, so it'd be a short war, rather pointless really. Although, I suspect there's some people in this thread who might see Imperia getting smacked down as cathartic...

Isn't the Venn Diagram of the anti-Imperia and anti-Gisena types basically a circle, though?

And imagine how upset they'd be if Gisena instead picked Imperia to be her cute new protege. :V
Update in 10-20.

...At minimum, they had to replenish enough of Adorie's mythic platinum for her government to run itself for the next few years, until she could recoup lost reserves from tax revenue. This amount was well short of the full tonnage Adorie had donated; Augustine's conquests had left their coffers swollen with expropriated wealth, sufficient for decades of intense deficient spending.

Honor demanded that he instead return all of what Adorie had given, but he had no idea of the timeframe required for such a task. Ideally they would stumble upon some means of generating arbitrary amounts of mythic platinum, but that was essentially a pipe dream. Perhaps Gisena might be able to do so with specialized Graces and a surfeit of time, but it was not a task even the Renaissance Woman could expect to complete within the year.

And yet, the entity standing before him could do so with the barest exertion, with an effort so minuscule it could not even be described as trifling. This he knew with irrevocable certainty, for time had stopped in Nilfel to mark the coming of the Accursed.
Why is he here? What could be dire enough to have the Accursed show up? Was this the result of a Lesser Wish? But what could have procced it?

Is someone going to get an offer?
Heck yeah, time to become a Cursebearer! Wait, we already did that part.

Instead, it looks like Hunger is going to ask the Accursed for... money. Lame. :p
As far as I'm aware, all or most of our Lesser Wishes are defensive, and I don't know how us failing Synthesis would be put us into Immediate Death territory. Still, if that is what happened, I'm looking forward to seeing whether the Accursed makes any mention how Hunger earned this Wish, considering he hasn't taken any Favor-granting advancements or options yet.
Each page will be the hardest thing that you have ever done