In general, I still yearn for a Rihaku quest in which we, the questers, make a tangible in-universe appearance. Maybe I'm just greedy and want attention, though. If only that one option from Dr. Apocalypse quest won at the very beginning...

Anyway, P A G E G A N G
PAGE better than something that PAGE's really well! Like... uhhh... something that's really super good at PAGEING!!!
Arise, arise, posters of Rihaku!
Quills shall be shaken, salt shall be spilled,
a SORD-day, a red day, ere the update rises!
Write now, write now, write! Write for ruin and the world's ending!
Post! Post! Post!
Forth Hungerlingas!
As far as I'm aware, all or most of our Lesser Wishes are defensive, and I don't know how us failing Synthesis would be put us into Immediate Death territory. Still, if that is what happened, I'm looking forward to seeing whether the Accursed makes any mention how Hunger earned this Wish, considering he hasn't taken any Favor-granting advancements or options yet.
Hunger just had a heart attack (an ISH step 3 heart attack ofc) from being too hardcore, so we had to use our defensive wish to get the Accursed to tell him to chill.
Page once, page again.
Man, if the Accursed doesn't even show up to us and he's around for some totally unrelated stuff elsewhere in the universe, I'm going to laugh so hard I fall out of my chair.