Torn between Might and Glimpse. Shelter is quite solid but leaves a massive surface of attack for the Apocryphal, which I'm not really on board with. On the one hand, it would be nice to just stab her in the face and be done with this nonsense. On the other hand, leaving the Shard alive seems like a ticking timebomb for Nilfel and now that we've recruited Adorie, that's not really on. A chance to kill her right now would be quite nice, to say nothing of the loot we might get. Having such an incredibly powerful buffing wizard would also be very sweet and it's not like we haven't already committed to extracting two magic from the Voyaging Realm.
On the other hand, she is definitely, definitely a warcriminal and we have no idea to what extent she can be trusted. Maybe we could summon an Astral Entity with powers related to sanctifying deals? Our strength after one month is enough to overcome all the powers of Nilfel, unified or not. If they turned this nation to the task of empowering us further, we could very well manage to exceed the power of the Shard in relatively short order.
Perhaps this place might even have the tools necessary to repair Versch?