Blue the sky and blue the sea and blue the titan thundering below, and white the froth of the wrath-tillered waves as they slapped uselessly against the titans warring. The Fish of the Blue was dying. Spinning still, he fell further now, and struck the cold salty waters of the ocean below.
I really liked this passage, well put Mr R
After purchasing Overwhelm - Whiteout and All-Defeating Stance, you're at roughly 4.3 Arete!

Will this finally be Stranglethorn's hour to shine?

It's so good, I have no idea why we've passed it up this long. Iridescence has become significantly less useful with ADS but Combat INT would be an enormous power up for us, especially now with ADS boosting our stats significantly.
Alright, I've decided to compile picks we can get offered and why we should get them. Afterwards, we can decide to see which one is the best and then ignore it when we pick something shiny.
  • Echo of the Forebear(1p 0a): Good old Echo is not on this list merely for posterity sake - getting one Echo would unlock Tenfold; for those that forgot, Tenfold Echo is an Advancement that just flat out gives us thirty stats - ten agi, con and str. What makes Tenfold Echo actually good, however, is that it can be purchased with either three picks and no Arete, or no picks and 7 Arete. In practice, this would unlock another powerful snap-pick option for use, value of which is hard to overestimate. As Echo requires merely a single pick, it works well with options such as Honing or Iridescence
  • Honing(2p 2a): Vigor's oft ignored brother, Honing struggles to fucking finally get picked for quite some while. Honing offers decent stats, powerful combat int boost and, above everything else, opportunity to unlock even more blood advancements
  • Exalted Spirits(1p 2a): Another value pick we never ended up actually getting is Exalted Spirits; similar to Honing, it offers decent spread of rare stats, it allows us to buff other people even better and unlocks more Blood Advancements. If you remember, one of Advancements we got offered was 7AP option which improved Surgecraft of us and others by decent chunk - 40% All Stats for us and then additional 40% for physical stats from Aobaru sure is something
  • Iridescence(2p 2a): Reinvigorated by the purchase of Tower comes good old Opalescence/Iridescence combo. They offer entirely modest stats - two points of Prot and a point of Cha - and ability to resist esoteric effects with our Protection, but the real reason to get this is to unlock more Prot Advancements. Right now we are sitting at Prot being our second highest stat, and finding new ways to use it would be very nice
  • Pearlesence(3p 9a): Because at this point, why not? Another old favorite, Pearlesence scales our Prot to our powerlevel; and as our powerlevel is currently very high and mostly divorced from our stats, this can prove to be a powerful way to translate our Rank into Stats
  • Preeminence(2p 9a): As thoroughly outclassed as this build is at this point, Preeminence still offers us the promise of Ruling Ring - which improved Pressure works very well with our high Rank, whose All-Rank+ we could always use and, of course, whose Progression++ we really, really want. Preeminence themselves are not terrible, as they offer some rank and stats, but those are completely secondary to their ability to unlock the Ruling Ring
  • Hateful Might(3p 9a): Or some other Preeminence-specific Advancement. Hateful Might was extremely powerful for it's single pick, so if we do get Preeminence we might want to get some Preeminence specific Advancement
  • Stranglethorn(3+1p 0a): You know it, you love it. We can use CPs special ability to start working on Stranglethorn, which would immensely improve our general combat power once we actually get it. Unlike other Advancements it doesn't actually improve our build until we get another pick, but we are at point where we don't really care about that
  • Dreadnought's Bearing(3p 7a): As I've theorized previous, between Never Better, Armament Fish being titanic and this being a three pick, it's highly likely that we will be offered Rune King. Needless to say, ability to improve our Signs and Praxis(Graces too, but right now they are badSigns so no one cares) in such a massive way has great amount of utility
  • Other: Other than mentioned picks, we could be offered Feat, fish-specific Advancements, additional rare Advancements and Tears of Winter Advancements. Still, this should be good overview of what you can expect from next build vote
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That's Apocryphal mitigation. First strike opens up Ber's chamber and he sticks his head out to get it chopped off. Technically a mistake I guess but 15.75* fold Ruin would have stopped his cyst working as a control node anyway. Not that he seemed to have the reaction speed or bandwidth to have contributed to the Fish's survival.

Truly we are playing rocket tag these days. If the enemy lacks 150+ AGI they take a dozen Ruin enhanced Artful Thorns and die. If the Fish had had the speed to seriously attempt to hit us every swing would have carried several times more energy than the Chicxulub impact. We'd have to tank fireballs the size of Wales from the misses...
Itt had sufficed to bring him into the highest echelons of competition, before the strictures of fate had deposited him here, before all his dreams had come true.
Ber was a big name? I can see that, I suppose. But it's my understanding that he's not much stronger than a foot solder in the Realm of Myth. Or maybe a captain?
Highest echelons of competition to me sounds like he wasn't a soldier, he was a pro gamer back on earth in esports before he was brought to here with video game powers.
I wonder if Seralize and her nation are from the video game he was good at, come to think of it and this was very literally his dream come true.
As for my wishlist:

1) Rune King*. Not much to say here; Rank is only a early game focus and this will let us translate into Praxis/Signs that much better. I wouldn't be surprised if it comes down to this vs Saber, and it would honestly be a pretty tough choice. Even now I'm undecided - in fact, I've swapped these two three times while writing this post lol
2) Feat: Saber*. Getting something like 0.3 Rank would be pretty significant with our build and we will still be on route to our next Trinity. It's very pricey, however, so you likely have to get something like Echo+Opalescence - which is not bad, as they pretty much discount Tenfold and Iridescence in future. Or we could just start working on DA I guess
3) Honing+Exalted Spirit. They are just super value all around and, more importantly, unlock more cool shit for future. What's not to like?
4) Stranglethorn. Likely better than #3, but it's kinda boring that we don't get immediate gratification
5) Iridescence. I'm just not really into this I guess. I find other things more important, even if we could really use a way to translate Prot into something useful
6) Preeminence. Yeah, idk, getting RR without Pillars is somewhat ???. On the other hand, improved Pressure would be super nice

Of course, there are still Tears Advancements and Fish specific Advancements so it's impossible to come to decision just yet, but being prepared and having sort of read will help us make decision.

What are you guys looking forward to?

*Both of these are something I'm assuming we'd get, but are not confirmed
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Just checking: The +1 from OaF is the only all purpose Rank that doesn't scale up the difficulty of further Rank acquisition, right? So the 0.2 external from H-DS, 0.2 from Bastion and 0.6 from ToW (Adorie) don't stack with OaF but they do mean we count as Rank 8.4 for the purposes of getting more.
Just checking: The +1 from OaF is the only all purpose Rank that doesn't scale up the difficulty of further Rank acquisition, right? So the 0.2 external from H-DS, 0.2 from Bastion and 0.6 from ToW (Adorie) don't stack with OaF but they do mean we count as Rank 8.4 for the purposes of getting more.
No, that's a property of external rank in general. So, our internal rank just counts as 7.475 right now.

EFIT: I corrected it since Tears gives internal rank.
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Now that we have ADS and 4 Arete left, there are a few obvious build options. Wolfy already covered most of them, and somehow (??) has an analysis that I mostly agree with. The world must be ending. However! There's an element missing from the analysis:

Undying Vanguard: We will have enough Arete to buy it, and it puts our high protection stat to work against the Apocryphal Onslaught. Depending on how Priority Two plays out, we might part ways with Aobaru at some point. It would be a good safety net to have his protection stat scaling along with Hunger's charisma + protection stats.

More importantly, we are about to go to war with the Lord Protector. It is tempting to think that 3 picks + ADS will be enough to rip the scales in our favor, and maybe they will. But the LP has had time to summon other minions that will be tailor made to kill Hunger. Expect exhaustion debuts and other Rank nullifying techniques.

I'm not sure if ADS ruin protection is shared under UV, but even without Ruin defense, UV would make our allies a less obvious weak spot for the LP to target.

There is a second consideration: UV is a component in unlocking Company of the King. We know for a fact that it has additional requirements, but in my mind thats just a guarantee at a second chance to buy it.

So my preferences, mirroring Wolfy's list:

1. Undying Vanguard + Stranglethorn 3. I'm giving up on ever seeing the Crown DA. Strangle is good, so let's just get it.

2. Undying Vanguard + Exalted Spirit + honing. If we have a good mining session this would be possible, and it would enable a lot more squad tactics. It would massively improve the blood buffs that we can apply. However, I doubt the miners guild will shell out this much on Companions.

3. Rune King
4. Honing
5. Saber

If we don't get UV, my preferences are similar to the list above. I think Saber might be a mistake given our Rank is already higher than our Stats.
Just checking: The +1 from OaF is the only all purpose Rank that doesn't scale up the difficulty of further Rank acquisition, right? So the 0.2 external from H-DS, 0.2 from Bastion and 0.6 from ToW (Adorie) don't stack with OaF but they do mean we count as Rank 8.4 for the purposes of getting more.
The 0.6 wasn't external, it was just straight up plus Rank. so we are at 7.4 right now.
Well, I want the same things I always want: Mage stuff and cool new things. As such, I am entirely willing to back Rune King above anything else baring new shiny of incredible shininess. If Rune King doesn't appear, I'd ideally want a new advancement from the Tears of Winter, but Exalted Spirit is also very good and we've passed it up too many times IMO.

Highly uninterested in yet more rank. Getting Honing to unlock shiny new blood advancements would be OK-ish.

Stranglethorn is very synergistic with our build and doesn't eat Arete. It's not exciting, but I'm beginning to get a little worried about our lack of picks. Pillars of Creation is looking increasingly like it may be a necessity sooner rather then later, so I could hold my nose and back a Stranglethorn and Save for Pillars plan, so long as we actually get Pillars. Running out of picks means much less shinies, and less shinies is omegabad.

OTOH, we don't need picks to develop Graces, Signs, and Praxis, so Rune King takes precedence over such a plan I think. TSH all magic systems is great and my greatest regret in this quest is being convinced to compromise on Apex instead of going for Rune King the first time it appeared.
Yeah, I suppose we could just go for low Arete spending in order to save for Pillars.

I don't think it's actually likely we'll do that, but it's a consideration.
if it's internal, why didn't the multipliers apply?
Maybe they did already. It definitely doesn't seem external Rank though:
Now that you have Bastion of Myth, Once and Future is only yielding +.6 general Rank and +1.6 military Rank
Bastion is the 0.4 difference, obviously. Unless the Tear's Rank stacks fully with everything, which would make it indistinguishable from internal Rank anyway.