Will we get some Rank from defeating the Fish? On the one hand we didn't have too much difficulty dealing with it, but on the other hand OaF says 'Does not raise the difficulty of improving Rank', so would that mean we defeated the Armament-Fish as a Rank 8.475 guy for the purposes of Rank gain?

Before OaF we were at Rank 7.475 so that should be the base that's used to calculate any future gains. As for if we will be getting Rank difficultly is only one factor. The fish has been annihilating civilizations for who knows how long. Regardless of how strong it is compared to us it can't be denied that it is one of the strongest beings in the entire VR. The prestige and recognition gained from slaying such a beast should be enough to generate a significant amount of Rank. Especially so since our Rank is only considered to be in the mid levels for the next increase(s).
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Sadly the theories about the Forebear being part-orc didn't pan out.
Spoken like someone without a growth mindset, they haven't panned out yet. The greenskin menace can be found everywhere if we just look closely and interpret creatively enough!

But seriously, I'd like to see Hunger interacting with an orc. Imagine Jotarun going 'maybe you need to stop and smell the roses, your regimen's a little hardcore'. Or perhaps it would be a vicious virtuous cycle, two golden-eyed individuals with a proper appreciation for martial growth going to town.
Sadly the theories about the Forebear being part-orc didn't pan out.

Maybe it's not that the Forebear is part orc, maybe the orcs are part Forebear.

The orcs do remind me a lot of him. Total focus on martial prowess to the exclusion of all else. Think of themselves as heroes. And they have golden eyes, like Hunger got after picking up the blade. Maybe orcs are descended from one of the Forebear's dynasties?
Well, their way of procreation is really different, but maybe the Forebear thought the usual way was too bothersome and just Cut Through as he was prone to do. Or he created them in his image. Must have been pretty early on in his journey if true.
With his mastery of the Color he could level cities with a gesture, yet it would not be wise to overestimate his strength.

Do we have any city levelling abilities yet? Most of our moves are single-target focused, or at least lack the wide-scale capabilities that this sentence implies.
Well, their way of procreation is really different, but maybe the Forebear thought the usual way was too bothersome and just Cut Through as he was prone to do. Or he created them in his image. Must have been pretty early on in his journey if true.
Maybe they were based on the Berserkers, designed as a cleaning service to scour away Divine mold? The Power of Ruin stems from the Ur-Bother, no reason he couldn't take inspiration in other areas.
Do we have any city levelling abilities yet? Most of our moves are single-target focused, or at least lack the wide-scale capabilities that this sentence implies.
Our Rank alone might be enough for that, even without taking the scales Blood magic operates at into account. We also have a lot of Ruin to throw around now. We cut a significant wound into a continent-sized fish just this update, so unless it was all Artful Thorn, I don't think we lack for wide-scale destructive power.

Worst come to worst we can just summon an Astral critter specialized in it.
Do we have any city levelling abilities yet? Most of our moves are single-target focused, or at least lack the wide-scale capabilities that this sentence implies.
Cutting Through counts, the depth of the wounds left in the Fish demonstrates as much. Like Vanreir, our default attack is also our Ultimate; it would've been amazing to have had him in our head reacting to Once and Future, but the lore would've been less potent without Hunger being able to Cut himself.
Hey Rihaku, any updates for this guide?

Low Ranks (1 to 3) - A 1 point difference in Rank is noticeable, 2 points is overwhelming (90%+ favored if other stats equal)
Middle Ranks (3.1 to 8) - A 1 point difference in Rank is overwhelming, 2 points is nigh-unwinnable
High Ranks (8.1 to 10+) - A .5 point difference in Rank is overwhelming, 1 point is nigh-unwinnable

Or how about our Armament shroud?

The character may manifest an Armament Shroud even if they are not Rank 9+.

We are definitely getting up there in power levels.
Man, and to think if he had just done another quest that day Bearic would still be having his highly degenerate isekai adventures out there with us none the wiser. Maybe he'd even be successful!

Hahahaha, who am I kidding, dude was always going to be eaten by a bigger fish eventually. ("bigger fish"? Eh, Eh?)

I'm pretty sure Hunger would sympathize with his backstory quite a bit given their similar circumstances, but the ship sailed on that the moment he tried to kill our Companions. And the fact that he still didn't realize his friends died in an attempt to kill our friends before declaring revenge and all certainly makes me less sympathetic to him. The foibles on relying in the System, what kind of Secret boss has friends after all?
Question: If by some advancement or story development, we gain access to Hunger's old name, would you vote to keep being called Hunger or our old name?
I don't think I would want to use his old name even if it was possible, 'Hunger' has just become such an integral part of his image. But I don't think it's that easy anyway, self-sacrifice of such scope often has great meaning even in the wider context of the Rihakuverse, not just the original world. Like with Runes of Mastery, allowing Hunger to maim himself so permanently that nothing short of a True Wish would be able to heal him. I don't know if his original sacrifice of his name and memories has as much weight (he was able to regain his power at least), but I don't think getting them back would be a trivial task.
I'd vote to keep Hunger as the name.

Mostly because that's a name for a bygone era, and arguably already someone else completely.

But if it promised soup...Hm...
4 is death. Does OaF IV let us see if and how the Forebear died? Of course, if the trend holds, that's likely to require a 4 pick option, which I suppose is appropriate. Imagine how powerful it would be though. Perhaps something with that many picks would actually benefit from the powers of the Ruling Ring.
Man is our fame going to spread after this. You'd have to go to some real backwaters to not know about the guy who killed the Armament-Fish, at least with Gleam in play. I'm hopeful we'll get some level of Rank advancements in the mix after this, ideally Saber but I'll take what I can get. Would be rough to not get Honing or Iridescence though.