The Hungering Veil
The Hungering Veil

Past the summoned feline there were no further interruptions to their passage. In a matter of minutes they reached a second trellised door, this one of marbled stone that glimmered like the opalescent sky. His Cloak of Evening reached out towards its counterpart, gently brushing against the stones, drawing greedily upon their power with the air of a drought-stricken wanderer slaking its thirst at last.

"Stop that now," Hunger frowned. As badly as his Cloak sought completion, nonetheless it was poor form to consume the Tower without at least informing its occupant of his intentions.

"Having wardrobe issues?" Gisena peeked over, hands behind her back. "Shall I discipline it for you, hun?"

"It'll behave," he said, forcing down the overeager Cloak with an effort of will. He had bound it irrevocably to himself; only by inattention could it ever act against even his unarticulated desires.

"How convenient," Letrizia laid a hand against her cheek. "You don't know how good you have it. If only Verschlengorge was so complaisant, all the trouble I would've saved..."

"You have a strong bond with him," Hunger observed. "Should you really be complaining?"

"T-that's true," Letrizia said, flushing slightly at the unsolicited praise, "B-but it wasn't always that way. And he has plenty of independent attitude even still. Which is pleasant on a personal level, but he tends to be far more aggressive than is tactically optimal, and loves eating people..."

"Hey," Aobaru narrowed his eyes. "Have you ever seen that holovid, Neuron Genesis Cathedrelion?"

"Shut it, Roller Boy," Letrizia growled. "Not another word."

"Don't need one," Aobaru said, cautiously amused. "That reaction tells me everything I need to know."

"At least she didn't call you stupid," Hunger observed.

"It's not even a holovid," Letrizia grumbled menacingly.

"Enlightening as this discussion has been, we should consider returning to our task," Hunger said. "Especially if we're forced to integrate rather than destroy the Tower in order to match the Lord Protector. Time will be short before the Decimator's Affliction returns. My bloodsense detects three people behind this door. Gisena, anything unusual?"

She shook her head. "They could hardly compare to our exalted magnificence! Likely servants or attendants of some sort."

"There is the outside possibility that the Princess is actively complicit in the Lord Protector's schemes," Hunger mused, "And the Royalist faction merely a convenient means by which dissent is funneled. Stay on your guard regardless."

"Um," Aeira said quietly, "I could use Shadowcord to cloak myself, Letrizia and the Chosen One? It might not help by much, but any enemies would be more likely to overlook us."

Aobaru blanched. "Whoa, don't go calling me the Chosen One like that! I'm still just plain old Aobaru, Aeira!"

"But your destiny is to be a powerful theme park manager," Aeira smiled teasingly. "All right... Roller Boy."

Hunger nodded at Aeira, giving assent to her suggestion, and opened the door.

They were met by three attendants, each heavily armed. The greeters swiftly apologized for the martial likeness of their dress, explaining that vigilance was the order of the day, and asked the party to accompany them to the Princess' receiving room. Senses alert, Hunger decided not to bring up the matter of the Foremost cat until they had a better understanding of the situation. The Evening Sky trailed avidly behind him, swishing across the floor-stones like a calligrapher's brush. Sky-folded opalescence swept into its embrace as it moved, leaving a trail of bleak mundanity behind.

Hunger raised an eyebrow and quelled the Cloak's appetite once more.

From the windows he could see that they were at an inimitable height, the bustle and mayhem of mighty Nilfel made minuscule obscurity against the vast landscape beneath. The perilous open sky occupied much of his vision, with faraway ground and peoples nearly an afterthought against that expanse of cloud and blue. Clearer than ever he could see the Outer Halo which encapsulated the Voyaging Realm, a sharply-limned band of gold like the unlidded eye of a god.

Sticking his hand out a window, the air was cold and harrowing, sharp contrast to the delightfully comfortable atmosphere within. Some invisible barrier truncated the two realms, despite their lack of physical separation; within and without as clearly divided as the sun and the moon by the sky. It seemed the tunnel's exit was far removed from the floor of the Princess' residence, which was even further up than this; they clambered steadily, ascending thousands of flights of stairs, though the air of the Tower held a resplendence of home and hearth that prevented even the teenagers from tiring overmuch.

Aeira had shaped their cloaks in the manner of traditional capes, each shroud of shadow clasped at the throat by a brooch of denser shadow-stuff, which shined like lucent amethyst in the light of an occasional sunbeam. The attendants paid little heed to the teens, engaging instead in small-talk with Gisena, though neither party disclosed any secrets of import.

At last they reached the Princess' antechamber, an octagonal room of faultless construction, milk-white stone carved with finely detailed depictions of nature, the floor patterned with runes of Mythic potency. Wide-paneled windows exposed them fully to the sky, thin bands of ivory holding up the ceiling, surmounted by stone songbirds and circled by carven vines. This far up, the upper reaches of the heavens took on a slightly darker hue, blue of the daytime gradually become indigo as air yielded to void.

Princess Adorie awaited them, hands clasped with the faintest touch of nervousness. She was slender and of slight figure, half a head shorter than Gisena, with bright blue eyes the color of the sky and hair of spun-sugar pink; a storybook figure stepped off the page.

Their presence was announced by the attendants that accompanied them, with Hunger and Gisena omitting their royal titles.

"Mighty champions," the Princess curtsied slightly. "Thank you for agreeing to this audience with me. Nilfel is in much need of heroes like you. Please, won't you sit?"

"After you," Hunger gestured, and they were all seated. "Let's get down to business."

"Mm," Adorie crossed her legs demurely, the picture of perfect innocence. "Are you not ones to stand on ceremony? I'll dispense with the formalities, then. Please help us!"

She scrunched her eyes closed, interlocked hands raised in a beseeching gesture.

Hunger ignored the aghast expressions of her attendants, answering evenly. "If the price is right. I don't work for free."

Adorie nodded. "Of course! I'd gathered as such from your name. We are fortunate to house the most spectacular kitchens in the Voyaging Realm. Whether it's pastry, pie, or the most exquisite cakes in all the land, I'm sure we can offer something to sate any appetite!"

"Cake sounds delicious..." Gisena murmured dreamily, shooting him an amused expression. No help from that quarter.

"It's a start," Hunger said noncommittally, "Though as down-payment for the restoration of your kingdom, we'd require something more substantial."

"Oh? Like sweetmeats, or one of those flourless confections? ...Or perhaps my Lord is more a steak-and-potatoes sort of person?"

Hunger shook his head seriously. "I'm afraid any one course would not be enough. I'm looking to secure a lifetime supply, which means acquiring the means of production. Something on the scope of your kitchens themselves, and all the lands that supply them."

The Princess was silent. She blinked enigmatically.

"...My lord drives a hard bargain," Adorie finally replied, proffering a tremulous hand. "But if this is the price of my people's freedom, then so be it. You may have my hand in marriage, and all the lands that come thereby, so long as Nilfel is liberated from the Tyrant's grasp!"

Hunger coughed.

"Sorry, sorry!" Adorie covered her mouth as she laughed. "It's just, I so very rarely get the chance to meet someone new. I can't help but get excited and end up making frivolous jokes! I've spent my whole life with my head in the clouds... An unfortunate condition I just can't seem to shake!"

"You are forgiven," Hunger said blearily, "I was going to ask for one major Artifact, but now you've doubled the price."

"Double? Thou art too generous, my Lord. My conscience will not be soothed unless you are offered triple, nay, quadruple what you are rightly owed!"

"Glad you're so accommodating," Hunger replied easily. "But does your armory hold treasures enough to account for all these debts?"

"Certainly!" Adorie produced a vellum-bound tome. "For have you not heard, my Lord, that every manuscript of note is a treasure beyond price? The contents of my library represent riches beyond measure!"

"The library, and the Tower it's housed in," Hunger rejoined. "That's one."

Adorie looked out the window. "It may be a prison, but it's been my home of the last twelve years..." A flash of sentimentality crossed her features, which she quickly shook off.

"Still," she continued, "It would not be seemly for me to hold on to it, when your cloak seems so eager to see me liberated! You will just have to let me borrow it from time to time, whenever I'm feeling homesick."

Negotiations proceeded apace. Hunger did not mind spending an hour or two hammering out the details of their agreement - there were still a few days before his Affliction returned, and he wanted no chance of misunderstanding that the Apocryphal could exploit. This was not a scenario where his personal power alone was guaranteed to carry the day; without the help of the Royalists and their home Legions, the campaign against the Lord Protector promised to be bloody and protracted.


[X] Into the Breach has won. In a comedy of errors Hunger and Adorie both rolled low, but Hunger slightly higher. He did not have All-Defeating Stance or access yet to the Opalescent Tower's Attribute boost so the result was more or less a draw for both parties. Hunger has maintained control of his own volition, avoiding any binding commitments. He has secured reasonably fair, if expensive, trade terms with the Kingdom of Nilfel for his own subordinate polities. He has gained significant experience in the dismal science of economic negotiation between kingdoms, something he will may have much opportunity to employ in the future given his Geas task...

You have acquired one pick.

[ ] Once and Future I - You will need to generate somewhat more Arete to actually pick this, but it should be eminently doable within a day or two so long as you keep a steady pace.

*Unlocks [King of Winter]
*Grants immense personal might, enough that with Eruntael's Legions you would be favored in a contest against the Lord Protector... so long as you do not give him too much time to prepare.
*You did take Bastion of Myth, so the general Rank bonus is not as impressive as it could have been

[ ] All-Defeating Stance + Exalted Spirit - The combined mental and social attribute boosts of ADS and Exalted Spirit will noticeably improve Hunger's strategic reasoning, vastly expanding the space of possible actions to be taken against the Lord Protector. While it lacks in raw power, it may grant Hunger the intellect to better leverage his existing strength, and the wisdom to apply it in a manner most favorable for all.

*Large Wisdom spike allows Hunger to re-evaluate his Philosophy of Rule, if desired
*Substantial INT, WIS, and LCK boost will improve your capabilities for lateral action against the Lord Protector, compounding the INT gain from the Tears of Winter
*Apocryphal, Decimator Mitigation
*Exalted Spirit is necessary for a large number of mental and social-based Advancements
*Since you took Bastion of Myth, still very powerful in a direct contest, and less vulnerable to the rare anti-Rank effects.

The contest between [ ] The Long Voyage and [ ] Priority Two is incredibly tight! We will keep that component of the vote open for now. But what is Hunger's chief immediate priority?

[ ] The Decimation - Integrating the Tower has not quelled the Decimator's Affliction at all. While expected, nonetheless it's a tad disappointing... Hunger will have to seek out another Huntress' Moon target ASAP. His current plan is to seek out the Decimator's target alone or with the assistance of a Supreme Enclosure summon, leaving Gisena to lead the kids + Versch to assist Adorie in pressuring the Lord Protector. You may propose and support alternate tactics if you feel this is too risky to the party as a whole, however.

[ ] The Lord Protector - The Lord Protector is too dangerous to be left unchecked. Initiate a full court press against the existing regime with the best tactics at Hunger's disposal (you may propose build-specific tactics). The hope is to overcome him before the Decimation clock runs out and then hope to hunt a Decimator's target in a less populated area. With Hunger and his entire party directing the entirety of their energies against the Lord Protector, the chance of confronting additional specialized summons is substantially decreased.

Please don't forget to include your preference of [ ] The Long Voyage or [ ] Priority Two as well!


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If you'd like to discuss the quest in real-time or just chat with the questers, you're welcome to join us on the AST Discord! We encourage substantive posts still to be made in the thread, and shitposting within the Discord.
[X] Once and Future I

[X] All-Defeating Stance + Exalted Spirit

[X] The Decimation

[X] The Lord Protector

[X] Priority Two

[X] The Long Voyage
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Oh, like hell we're missing out on the Title we took two EFBs to have the opportunity for.

[X] Once and Future I
[X] The Decimation

We got Nightmare Flight for this. The primary argument against Tower was for this. We feared Adorie convincing us away from this.

Let's follow through.

[X] Priority Two

This bit I could be swayed from. Current feeling is that we might as well see the Human Sphere within the quest.
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[X] Once and Future I
[X] The Lord Protector

We get strong, we kill the guy, we get out. Worst case scenario Decimator is up for a few days. It already was up for a few days at the beginning of the quest so this isn't something new. All we need is to find a place with relatively few people.

As for our path going forward I've thought about it and I've decided that while I value Letrizia more than Aobaru I value potential power more than any of our companions. (Except for Gisena of course. May the princess regent reign in supremacy for all eternity. Hail Gisena.) So I've decide to vote for the VR quest line.

[X] The Long Voyage

Still we should invest more into our relationship with Letrizia. I'm convinced something will happen to put her against us helping Aobaru. More relationship pluses with her mean less risk of her abandoning us.
Oh, like hell we're missing out on the Title we took two EFBs to have the opportunity for.
Also, if we get ADS now after passing it up last update, I might actually start crying. (notsrs)
Please don't forget to include your preference of [ ] The Long Voyage or [ ] Priority Two as well!
Wait... so despite being eliminated, Procrastination still won in the end?

[X] Once and Future I
[X] The Decimation
[X] Priority Two
Oh, like hell we're missing out on the Title we took two EFBs to have the opportunity for.

[X] Once and Future I
[X] The Decimation

We got Nightmare Flight for this. The primary argument against Tower was for this. We feared Adorie convincing us away from this.

Let's follow through.

Don't forget to vote on your preference of [ ] The Long Voyage and [ ] Priority Two, as well!
[x] Once and Future I
[X] The Lord Protector
[X] Priority Two

Time to go full Red. Get maximum power and drive straight for The Lord Protector.
[ ] All-Defeating Stance + Exalted Spirit - The combined mental and social attribute boosts of ADS and Exalted Spirit will noticeably improve Hunger's strategic reasoning, vastly expanding the space of possible actions to be taken against the Lord Protector. While it lacks in raw power, it may grant Hunger the intellect to better leverage his existing strength, and the wisdom to apply it in a manner most favorable for all.

*Large Wisdom spike allows Hunger to re-evaluate his Philosophy of Rule, if desired
*Substantial INT, WIS, and LCK boost will improve your capabilities for lateral action against the Lord Protector, compounding the INT gain from the Tears of Winter
*Apocryphal, Decimator Mitigation
*Exalted Spirit is necessary for a large number of mental and social-based Advancements
*Since you took Bastion of Myth, still very powerful in a direct contest, and less vulnerable to the rare anti-Rank effects.

[ ] All-Defeating Stance + Exalted Spirit - The combined mental and social attribute boosts of ADS and Exalted Spirit will noticeably improve Hunger's strategic reasoning, vastly expanding the space of possible actions to be taken against the Lord Protector. While it lacks in raw power, it may grant Hunger the intellect to better leverage his existing strength, and the wisdom to apply it in a manner most favorable for all.

While it lacks in raw power

Now that you have Bastion of Myth, Once and Future is only yielding +.6 general Rank and +1.6 military Rank... a substantive boost for sure, and enormously powerful on the battlefield, but there is something to be said for taking the Mental stats before undertaking the difficult strategic crunch of resolving both the Lord Protector and the Decimator in a brief period of time!

Noticeably increasing Hunger and Gisena's Wisdom and Int (remember, Exalted Spirit also buffs allies) could open up strategic possibilities he might otherwise have missed, ones requiring more deliberate contemplation that the circumstantial gravitation - or raw power - of Rank alone would be harder-pressed to discover!
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[X] Once and Future I
[X] The Decimation
[X] Priority Two

Please, it's been 5000 years. Let's just get this damn thing and be over with it. After so long, let's just take this so it isn't such a nag on our decision-making anymore. It even comes with a cool title! We can get Exalted Spirit later and save A-DS for a rainy day, the opportunity cost of passing this up here is just too high! Especially considering we only have 10 more days with double Arete generation. Let's go for the 3 EFBs in a month and save A-DS for later since it's so much cheaper!
[x] All-Defeating Stance + Exalted Spirit
[X] The Lord Protector
[X] Priority Two

True. Having greater mental capabilities might make all the difference. We do need to think gud against someone as competent as The Tyrant and the mitigation might also require it.
[X] Priority Two

Haven't read the power options yet but i still stand by my previous change and desire to see the rest of the girls have some use in the human sphere.

Will vote for power ups later.
You may propose and support alternate tactics if you feel this is too risky to the party as a whole, however.
I've been wondering if the backlash from the Voyaging Realm against extracting a mage is likely to take the form of a foe that could sate Decimators Affliction. What are the odds on that according to the people we can consult and Rank intuition??
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