Working vote:

[x]King and Court

The true adversary in this Story is not the Hidden Ones. Not the Geas of Indenture. Not the Apocryphal Curse. It's the incentives towards Reckless behavior our Ring gives us.
Note that staying in the city affects Decimation in that an alternate Huntress Moon target presumably isn't in the city but Decimation isn't focused. Everyone within our hundreds of thousands of miles radius are just as subject to it as people standing next to us. Most of them won't have the cushion of extra vitality the locals have. The main difference our location makes is which people have the opportunity to find and try to kill the mass murderer. Truly Tower buying Hunger has as much concern for lives of the wider population as for those of his subjects. 0 = 0.
Truly Tower buying Hunger has as much concern for lives of the wider population as for those of his subjects. 0 = 0.
Hunger just doesn't treat his subjects any differently than any other people. He has concerns for their lives as a hero, but he also thinks he is good enough to deal with dangers like Decimator with his personal power.
Well, theoretically the rebellion doesn't need to be finished now. Neither Hunger nor his companions have to stay here, and I'm sure Adorie will understand the need for a pause while we search for an alternative target once he explains Decimator. He can leave them somewhere else like Elixir or the Temple while he searches the wilderness for an appropriate target. Once he has done that and has acquired OaF (+ King of Winter) in addition to Tower and Tears, he can come back and show the Lord Protector who's boss.

Edit: One problem with it is the question of Ber. Let's not forget that his original target was Versch, so leaving them alone could be dangerous.
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Note that staying in the city affects Decimation in that an alternate Huntress Moon target presumably isn't in the city but Decimation isn't focused. Everyone within our hundreds of thousands of miles radius are just as subject to it as people standing next to us. Most of them won't have the cushion of extra vitality the locals have. The main difference our location makes is which people have the opportunity to find and try to kill the mass murderer. Truly Tower buying Hunger has as much concern for lives of the wider population as for those of his subjects. 0 = 0.
To be fair, most places in the Voyaging Realm seem to be sparsely populated to the point where even if we're draining everyone within hundreds of thousands of miles, most other places that we could be standing are still going to be draining significantly less people than this place.

Well, theoretically the rebellion doesn't need to be finished now. Neither Hunger nor his companions have to stay here, and I'm sure Adorie will understand the need for a pause while we search for an alternative target once he explains Decimator...
The Tyrant's going to go on high alert almost immediately. He will start hunting down potential allies of a Royalist uprising, trying to crush their power to stop him before they can rally. if the prospective Royalist leadership is off on another planet (or however the geography/astrography works in the Voyaging Realm), then he'll have time to do that without opposition.

We've committed to a bold, aggressive strike. That's going to be met with bold, aggressive countermoves. Expect shit to get real for the rebels, whether we're there or not.

That is part of why I want us to be physically present and strong enough to challenge the Tyrant.
that was Apoc-Chan accidentally throwing us a bone

TBH, Apocrypha threw us a lot of bones! So many we didn't even manage to pick them all... Our first Huntress Moon Target, Rotbeast was just a loot/picks pinata at the end of the day, and we could have picked up Lucenthorne if we went full DELAY-DELAY-DELAY on Apo-procs when we had the chance.

An obvious reference to the Day After. Day After what, though? After rotbeast's reckoning? After getting Sovereign Jewel? Or even the consequences of Letrz's ill-thought plan to bully Hunger? Simply the environmental context for this update? This story is ripe for choices for the aspiring revisionist; highlight and de-emphasize whichever event you want.

The color scene is interesting; I don't think we so much of the lilac-colored options at all outside of Exalted Quests, where that was Sidereal Color. And Red here... I dunno what it is tied to.

With his Evening Sky granted dominion over Edeldross, both the magnitude of Element he could summon and the precision of his control over it had improved immensely; so much so that the physical component of his Edeldross-boost could nearly match Aobaru's specialized Vigorflame.

This is fairly impressive, given that we only invested 27 Arete into our element (discounting 7 arete that we invested to buy it). And you'd be surprised at how much of that value came out of a 2-arete advancement! Edeldross adept was so good, it is disgusting. Perhaps buying magic-improving advancement was a good idea, early on... If only we had more arete generation, back then.

Interesting to think that Evening Sky accepted Eldeldross like a natural part of itself, though. Not all elements suitable, even though magic is perceived as (one of) ES primary domains. What unites Shadowchord and Edeldross, I wonder... The "cloud" theme is pretty weak? Edeldross might have gotten in through connection to Majesty and affinity to the Realm of The Evening, but Shadowchord confuses me outright.

Hopefully, we'll see Aobaru-focused advancements in the future; magnifying effects of Vigorflame on Hunger would be pretty great, but improving Aobaru specifically is likewise a good option. We need to boost him if we ever plan on seeing that ISH potential pay off.

They sparred lightly the next morning, Hunger restraining himself to one-twentieth speed and without the aid of his Blade or blood augments. Aobaru was a sweat-drenched mess by the end of the first hour, his weavespun shirt soaked entirely through as the red light of dawn illuminated field and clouds.


I wonder what would have been "heavily." Trying to teach Aobaru Praxis? :V

I do hope that this stuff actually going to empower our children somewhat once enough time passes... I probably shouldn't. Impact of zero-arete activities seems to be pretty minimal in time-frames like this. Gisena took what, two weeks to complete her evolution? And she was an Accursed-granted companion who has extreme baseline potential.

"It's, okay," Aobaru heaved, one hand held up to forestall Aeira's intervention. "I, can, keep, goiumpfh-"

Is this shounen protagonist speaking, or a young boy trying to look cool in front of his idol? Both, perhaps?

Our relationship with Aobaru seems to mirror typical shounen stories quite interestingly; we are now in that phase where cool mentor protects the hero with his life against an overwhelming foe. Hopefully, we'll acquire potential-type options in combination with generating enough arete to properly exploit them in order to break the narrative before we dramatically die.

Hunger had struck in the interval, burying two fingers into the boy's solar plexus. He carefully laid down the staggered Elementalist and turned to Aeira and Letrizia. "That's enough out of you, let the others have a turn. All right. Who's next?"

Hunger is pretty light on damage here; given that he is able to heal all but most grievous injuries, he really could have trained his children on conditions much closer to real live combat.

But I suppose we are too soft for that; and questionable increase of training effectiveness is probably not worth the damage it'll deal to the minds of these children besides. At very least this type of training works for Aeira, given her advancement in recent updates.

Aeira stepped forward determinedly, cloak of shadows enfolding her like the distaff counterpart to Hunger's own. "I shall be your opponent, sir. Do not worry, Letrizia. I will tire him out so he must go easy on you!"

Gotta love that fierce determination, regardless of wisdom's absence. Shows that as long as we invest a little to allow them progression, forge the road that allows them to go further beyond their natural limitations, these kids actually would walk it instead of wasting our efforts. No wasted potential here.

He could feel his attention sliding off the girl, natural instincts telling him she was no more relevant than the mists and dew of daybreak around her. But his Rank had increased immensely after felling the Rotbeast, and with a pulse of Pressure he repelled her Element's effect on his senses.

I hope we'll get to eat some Shadowchord in the future... Probably not. Advancements like that seem to be awfully rare.

Ah, but how good it could be with Greater Shadowchord or even True Shadowchord! And we just recently bought a stealth advancement; potential for some good synergy is there. And maybe if we upgrade Aeira sufficiently, we can eat her element without depowering her...

"My hero!" Letrizia cheered, "Time to earn that pay!"

Just delaying the inevitable, Letrz. Hunger does not tire, does not feel pain, etc, etc, and he will never ever stop until he avenges his embarrassment at your hand. Pity we don't have that metal skeleton aesthetic; a shirtless man covered in a glob of elemental goop is a combination that doesn't work very well with terminator quotes.

"The person paying you is me," Hunger groused, raising his palms in a fighting stance. "Ready?"

Letrz is really showing off such great wisdom, saying things like that. Well, perhaps with Hunger's unwillingness to train or punish these children particularly harsh, one could argue that she is demonstrating her hard-earned knowledge of Hunger's mental buttons, here. Annoying someone without actually provoking a response is a valuable skill, especially for a noble.

"Always, sir!" Aeira bounded forward, a passing shadow the color of midnight, whipping her blades around to catch him from the side. He stepped back easily, creating distance as his Pressure ramped up - an invisible barrier pressing against everything she was, constricting all routes of action until only his victory remained. Even the flashing sharpness of her daisho seemed to flatten and dull in the wind of that all-eclipsing Pressure.

I wonder how well Aeira adjusted to the charisma blaster; sounds like she is actually capable of interacting with Hunger now without being a nervous, stuttering mess she was at the start. Good for her! Wonder if our charisma-regulating advancement has anything to do with that.

Though their speed was equalized, still the shadow-wreathed mercenary stood little chance. Her ambushes were sealed, her attacks predicted, countermeasures slotting into place before she'd even thought to attempt the act that they nullified.

Is this rank? We actually don't have that many mental stats+ right now, I think. We did avoid Honing and such... Or maybe just "baseline" combat experience Hunger has played a role, here. Aeira is young, after all, while Hunger is a veteran.

She swept and he ducked, firing bursts of edeldross to propel him into a spin-kick against her torso; she thrust and he deflected into a clinch, overpowering her with superior mass and reach. Retreat saw her backing into a wall of solidified Edeldross; striking out with her Element, she was countered by a perfectly-timed blast of his own.

Melee combat. Everyone is pretty agile; pity Aeira doesn't get to show off her impressive ninja skills in magnificent details, hunger easily countering all her moves makes her look worse at this than she really is.

Fighting only with finger-jabs and the fundamentally non-lethal Edeldross, Hunger was quickly able to disable her, leaving Letrizia the last opponent standing.

And now, Hunger finally reaches the instigator of this. I wonder, what was Letrz thinking when she worked to spread that Reckoner title into the masses? Letrz sometimes shows signs of really not caring about the future and mostly living "in the moment"; perhaps Decimation shaped her mind strongly in favour of enjoying what little life she has. A hedonistic attitude is only natural when she sacrificed so much of her life as is.

The young Duchess gulped as she stepped onto the proving grounds. "W-why don't I go get Verschlengorge and you can face someone your own Rank? It's fine to use equipment in battle!"
Yet another meatshield between you and Hunger, Letrz? For shame...

Hunger impatiently tapped his side. "You should be glad we're doing something so productive as your punishment. I had half-decided to make you do lines on a chalkboard."

I admit, I never got the point of that. Culture clash, I suppose.

Letrizia cocked her head. "Lines... on a chalkboard? People actually did that in your time?"

I understand your confusion well, Letrz.

He shrugged. "Who cares? It looks miserable enough."

"Using your position as the Reckoner of Rotspawn to procure such ancient artifacts! This is truly abuse of power!"

Chalk and Chalkboard are ancient artifacts now? How peculiar. Perhaps we should invest effort into locating some; perhaps such ancient, culturally significant things could make a good panoply artifact. Would certainly make finding fitting punishment for children much easier in the future. :V

So saying, she flared her own Pressure, its whipsaw force colliding with his own, blanketing the field with dust as she charged. Like her erstwhile 'classmates' Letrizia favored an offensive style, though her personal combat skills were nowhere nearly as refined as Aeira's.
Well, more like they lie in a completely different field of piloting a giant humongous mecha.

Her Elemental-infused Pressure lent her an intuitive grasp of the tactical situation, but lacked the sheer power necessary to contest Hunger's own. She wielded her Rank with keenness and brilliance, but could not fend off his avalanche force.
The fact that it wasn't instantly snuffed out is pretty significant nonetheless, I must say. Is this Surgecrafting ability to output ridiculous amount of element, or Sharpbright's innate elemental advantages against "normal" pressure?

Hunger deflected her initial forays with a wall of sheer edeldross and effortlessly outflanked her, poking her mercilessly in the side with index and middle fingers.

Letrizia yelped, spasming uncontrollably as she twisted away, but he was already on her opposite flank. A series of swift jabs had the Duchess nearly in tears; knees buckling, she stood resolutely through the assault, swiping wildly at him but catching only air.

I am torn.

Finally here is someone who doesn't just ignore pain and griveous damage like it is nothing - would be such a joy to see Hunger inflict pain and suffering on someone and have them actually react, not shrug it off like nothing.
On other hand, it is our daughteru.

Goddamnit Letrz, why are you so soft. Did we not invest 7 arete in you? By the law of companion arete transfusion, you already ought to have True Sharpbright, or something. Such a lazy duchess...

"I'm not going to give up so easily!" She exclaimed, fists bunched as she launched a focused shard of her Pressure directly into the swelling tide of his own, the greater density of her power forcing open a wedge through which she poured a torrential blast, equalizing their effective Rank for just an instant.

Impressive. Rank 6.3, is it? IIRC this was supposed to require a fantastic effort to achieve. Not quite a legendary feat of "high rank" but nonetheless impressive, even if Ennoblement gives her a slight leg-up.

This she followed-up with a proficient series of melee strikes, a swift combination of arm-bars and lashing kicks that nonetheless faltered before Hunger's vastly greater martial skill. Easily sidestepping the main line of her attack, he targeted the back of her calf with a strike, forcing her to her knees as he locked her arms behind her.
Rihakuverse; when proficient might as well mean "completely trash."

...Really feeling that she could use some sort of a weapon. Versch is all nice and good, but she spends a lot of time out of her mech; that is a lot of time when she is essentially defensiveness against threats on the scale Hunger is currently busy with challenging.

Defeated, Letrizia hung her head. All her efforts had only briefly neutralized his advantage in supernatural power, while his speed and skill both were still vastly the greater.
This surprised neither of them, but it was one thing to know a thing and another to see it so harshly demonstrated. "Okay, now I give up!"
I am surprised that she needed a demonstration at all. Letrz did see Hunger Thorn Rotbeast to death in less than a minute, after all. And before that, rushing through the battle lines at Mach speeds.

Nonetheless, she did really good here; I am pleasantly surprised.

Hunger laughed and let her go. "Don't think you three will get off so easily. Training tomorrow as well, and the day after that, until you're all up to par."

Pity that we didn't start training her before that. Well, I suppose there was no real opportunity for proper training; it all was either fighting monsters or travel time.

Letrizia grimaced, holding back a shiver at the thought of what Hunger's definition of 'up to par' meant. "Don't you think this is a bit over the top, Lord Hunger? We helped spread your legend! According to you that even contributed to your huge improvement in Rank."

Still insisting on that "Lord" thing; playing a dangerous game there, Duchess...

"And you're to face that same Rank on the field of battle," he rejoined. "Fitting, isn't it?"
Aobaru staggered up to him, toweling the sweat from his face. "I'm, up for, another round, sir!"

Bravado of the barely breathing; really looks like Hunger's charisma-blasted Aobaru a little bit too much.

...Wonder what he would have though if he refused to accept him and where he could have ended up. Jotarun's fated teachers were elves; wonder who would've been Aobaru's mentor... Some ancient forebearer's leftover, perhaps? A vestige that dreams of restoration, even?

Letrizia hummed merrily, legs swinging beneath her as she dug into her ice cream sundae. Her entire body was sore, battered into submission like dough for the baking, but the prospect of delicious fare had pain and exhaustion melting away like the airy cream in her mouth.

I must say, Letrz unrelentingly sunny hedonistic attitude is refreshing.

Halfway to her mouth the spoon stopped. Eugh, what was she thinking, evaluating this moderately capable cuisine as anything near delicious?! Trapped in the Realm her standards had truly fallen. Her house chefs alone were ten times more skilled, and Lord Hunger's Fish half a step above that. Perhaps he would be more accommodating of her prank if she flattered those fishing skills of his... but Letrizia saw no such opening today.

Flattery would get your everywhere, Letrz; you just needed to be more decisive. Create opportunities, do not wait for them! Perhaps you could have worked fishing into your punishment, somehow, that could have been a suitable opening...

Aobaru ate with frantic speed, peppering Lord Hunger with questions, while Aeira diligently worked on an Elementalism primer for some of their less-talented classmates. They were both such hard workers, as she'd been, once upon a time.

Very shounen'y table manners Aobaru is showing off there. Wonder what sort of questions he is interested in.

And yeah, that remark sounds awfully like Letrz believing that she should just enjoy her life to the max, since it is probably going to be cut very short.

Pity that such positive attitude was forced upon her by unpleasant weight of decimation. Pity that her father did not encourage it in her childhood; for somebody who will quite probably die before childhood, every second of joy is immensely valuable. Trying to instill grim determination and "proper behavior" was such a cruel thing to inflict on a decimated child.

Uncowed by their example, she luxuriated in another bite of fluffy whipped cream and rich vanilla, sucking the flesh off a rum-dipped cherry to twirl pit and stem against her tongue. It really was best to eat cool dessert after a nice, heavy exertion in the morning. After Hunger was finished with his torments maybe she would take a dip in the hot springs.
Aaand we are back to the foodporn and hedonism.

Letrizia frowned. She couldn't help but think she was forgetting something, however...
"Ah!" She exclaimed. "Lord Hunger."

"Hm?" He turned to her swiftly, taking the offered lifeline to deflect the relentless Aobaru.
Hunger knew what we were in for when we took a star-struck youth into our group. I'd say that he has no right to complain, but he actually seems to be enduring the assault with a great amount of dignity and patience.

"The Decimator's Affliction." She popped the cherry pit out of her mouth and set it down. "It'll be coming back soon, right? You said you'd dealt with it for a month, and that was three weeks ago. I know you... absorbed... Verschlengorge's portion, but were you able to mitigate it any further with the opponents you've fought in the Realm? Several were extremely strong, especially in the Temple, so..."
Well, "soon" really was quite relative.

Letrz's thought here do rise an interesting point; mechanism behind marking certain targets as valid or non-valid for Huntress Moon are pretty arcane at this point. What does Fishing Competition and bringing down an arcane tower down have in common?

Perhaps there is an element of sacrifice? Like, Hunger needing to sacrifice some sort of potential gain in exchange for saying his hunger? If so, perhaps there probably was something great hidden behind social contact with that Evening Sky Pirate.

But then again, alternative to crushing Opalescent tower was simply winning a fishing contest. Not seeing a sacrifice there.

Oh well. Hopefully, the logic would be easier to figure out once we acquire more data points.
He shook his head grimly. "Unfortunately not. It's my top priority after we're finished here. I don't believe the Decimator's Affliction is concerned solely with the strength of foes beaten. Searching for a suitable target may take weeks, so we'll be departing as soon as the political situation is stable."
We did have options to increase Huntress Moon targets availability in the past; these would have come in handy right now. Well, oh well, hopefully, we'll get Pillars soon enough to render this entire timewasting nonsense irrelevant. Pity that rushing into realm of the Evening is not an option right now.

"Hmph," Letrizia laid her head on an upraised palm. "They should just declare fealty to the Crown and be done with it. Or I can take them in as a fiefdom under my House Lands."
Careful, your imperial ambition is showing

On an unrelated note, I hope there is a physical crown we can slot into our panoply. Would be pretty amusing to inflict this on Hunger, and useful in practical terms besides.
"Y, you can't just trample all over our sovereignty like that," Aobaru exclaimed. "Our ancestors came out here and braved the dangers of the Voyaging Realm precisely to escape Imperial tyranny!"
And yet, you accepted Hunger's tyranny quite readily, Aobaru. Cannot help but question your judgment!

Seriously though, it is hard to actually judge Sovereignity's actions before we see how things are under the imperial yoke; perhaps things really are mostly fine and dandy as Letrz says...

"What, 'no taxation without representation?'" Letrizia scoffed. "Might as well just defect to the Republic if you're going to pay lip service to empty ideals."
Wonder if that phrase arose naturally in this dimension... Or there have been some other isekai heroes of some significance in the Human Sphere. Before this instance, Hunger was main source of earth-culture influences and memes in this quest.

"Enough." Hunger put a slightly heavy palm down on the table. "We'll let the people of the Sovereignty make their own determination as to their political state."
He held up a forestalling hand. "...So long as it doesn't involve making me King."
This is hilarious. Especially hilarious considering the choices we made. Moreso, considering advancements like Gleam and absolute load of charisma Hunger has. What sort of a talk about self-determination could be there, when for average citizen Hunger might as well be a memetic hazard?

On a related note, it was remarked once that Letrz is used so superhumanly charismatic entities and is capable of enduring their influence; I wonder how she managed to acquire such resistance. Was it training by exposure, or something else?

Aeira giggled. "But you are considerably wiser than our current rulership, my lord. Even if that is not a very high bar to clear."
"Rulership's tough," Hunger replied easily. "You're blamed for everything, but only have a finite span to redress it with. Not a job I'm looking forward to any time soon."
Not quite completely sincere answer, but this is probably not the time nor the place to reveal Hunger's tragic backstory, yes.

I hope we'll get to ram Hunger's tragic backstory down someone's throat at some point in future, though. He really doesn't feel properly avenger'y without a single emotion-filled monologue about vengeance, imo.
"Maybe you should consider it!" Letrizia said brightly. "I'd support your Imperial claim. As long as you maintain the framework of Empire, there's nothing wrong with putting someone both well-meaning and capable on the throne."
Wonder if Apocrypha is working on that threat to put Hunger against the Empire. This sounds terribly inviting for that exact sort of shenanigans. We had given it a lot of time to work its magic, too, with any potential observers seeing Letrz and her armament prancing around VR with seemingly no rhyme or reason, enabling revolutions and bringing down small nation-states, without any obvious intent to return back home.

"Still able to think such kind thoughts of me," Hunger grumbled. "Either you've the patience of a saint... or I've been too easy on you in training."
Letrizia pouted. "You can't punish me for voicing my political support! Just think of the precedent that would set!"
Perhaps a cursebearer with a geas to become a king of thousand worlds should consider getting used to the thought of being a king in the future. Such stubbornness..

"Maybe I'll put Gisena in charge. That would show all of you..."
She is a pretty good ruler, though? Not seeing the point of this "threat", Hunger! Especially since you are the main target of her antics...

"As long as she is not also in charge of cooking," Aeira said worriedly.
What a one-track mind these children have.
At this rate, perhaps, we should explore Gisena's food as an actual weapon of chemical destruction. So far, Hunger been remarkably clean with his means of war-waging; we need to expand our repertoire to include some weapons with war crime potential or else all that history of ruthless "whatever it takes" from Hunger's backstory is going to fade out completely.

Or we could choose to rally some peasants and lead them to their doom in the Realm of Myth. That works, too.

[X] Core Panoply with [X] Huntress' Moon has won. Hunger now has 6.375 Astral Rank, or 6.575 with Hero-Defeating Stance up.
I think I am satisfied with Core Panoply in general, even though right now I feel some tinges of regret; here we are, with Stranglethorn all but forgotten, with a good percentage of the player base choosing to forego panoply advancements this choice unlocked. Well, at very least Rank is always good.

What was Gisena building at the time?
Gisena requiring time to build stuff really limits her usefulness. Hopefully, once we acquire Pillars, we'll be done with that too, alongside with all this Huntress Moon nonsense.

Decimation Lens - A simple but powerful Artifact that halves the time needed to locate Huntress' Moon targets. Highly relevant to your immediate situation! Offers no combat utility.
Such a painfully obvious choice... Would come in handy if we choose Opalescent Tower, here! Such value, so much synergy with our choices, an impressively consistent strategy of building upon our previous choices!

Seriously, this was such an obvious pick even for the non-tower option, it is hilarious. There probably have been other factors we didn't give due attention, Rihaku rarely weights things so.

This thing is relatively impressive, but with our ever more extreme rate of growth, I can't help but think it would be rendered extremely useless extremely quickly. Maybe if we weren't about to pick two EFBs and then generate enough arete to pick up a third? Maybe it could have helped us in our recent disaster fight; perhaps it could have helped us avoid that painful choice between losing companions or other equally unpleasant options.

[ ] Firmament Reinforcement 1/5 - Gisena makes progress towards an infusion of supernal substance, reified space and time woven through the loom of the Azure to provide reinforced structure for the Evening Sky. Yields additional Protection, health, conceptual weight and regeneration to the Evening Sky when completed.
Wonder if this is going to be available still once we unlock Empyrean Mantle. This+a 33 Arete artifact would be a pretty great combo, I suspect.

Pity we didn't pick Inksky. Well, I suppose it was a reasonable decision, given that getting through Temple's last stretch was pretty difficult even with Eldeldross boost.

[ ] The Contest of Ages - The Republic-sponsored trade city of Valenheim is hosting its biannual fishing contest. A long-time trade partner of the Sovereignty, Valenheim boasts a cosmopolitan gothic appeal and several of the most dangerous fish species known to Voyaging man.

The vaunted "safe" option - even now I am unsure that this was actually safe, with threat's daring tendencies and Apocryphal looming over it all. Turning a fishing contest into a fight for life and death really sounds quite interesting and funny, therefore making it an attractive target for Apocryphal ire.

[ ] The Opalescent Tower - Deep in the fastness of a hidden valley at the furthermost reaches of the Voyaging Realm is a kingdom whose princess was imprisoned in a tower of opalescent sky by a Tyrant of unfathomable malice. The magic of this place is the stuff of foundational myth, its lidless Arcanist's walls piercing earth, cloud, firmament and vastness to sunder its borders clear of the greater Realm. Yet to a voyaging warrior of Hunger's legend, even such obstacles as these may be overcome.

Our current choice, decided in a pretty harsh debate. We regrettably made some mistakes - not purchasing ADS when we had the opportunity - but we are still at the point where we can and should exploit the opportunities still remaining. OOC-wise, this choice made arete generation spike due to the danger - introducing incentives to generate more arete during this month is not unwise, given the bonuses. We generated 50! arete so far thanks to all this, and are going to generate so much more before the end of this arc.
Yeah, if we take the Tower and leave, expect Adorie to be dead when we come back.
Which is why we wouldn't leave her here? Like, the Lord Protector hunting down rebels is sad, but it won't influence the fight's outcome, since Hunger will either bamboozle enemy legions with his Charisma and Rank or just squash everyone like a bug once he's back.

Still voting King and Court, but Eye isn't completely unsolvable, just somewhat dangerous and a bit reprehensible from a moral standpoint.
I am not sure leaving without her is even possible, given the description of the option. Maybe with All Under Heaven.

Honest question here to you, and will, all the Tower Voters. If it turns out Hunger isn't that good, that he not only gambled with other people lives for no good reason but also failed, how do you feel like that reflects on him as a person?
Honest question here to you, and will, all the Tower Voters. If it turns out Hunger isn't that good, that he not only gambled with other people lives for no good reason but also failed, how do you feel like that reflects on him as a person?
It will be an interesting learning experience and might result in character growth? Including an renewed determination to not let it happen again by changing his behaviour or something? Damn, now I want to do this just to see that.
Eh, I wouldn't say that. Eruntael still exist. He has legions under his command. She can join him.
Yeah, but Eruntael is likely to be outnumbered, and the Tyrant will be going all-out to crush him before the mysteriously vanished powerful warrior who busted Adorie out of jail comes back.

No? Option 3 emphasizes his recklessness and cool under fire, but it doesn't make him more heartless or anything. He just thinks that he is good enough despite picking a more potential option.
The thing is, recklessness can cause someone to fail to care about the consequences of their actions for other people.

Recklessness means you do not reckon, you to not calculate or contemplate, the consequences of your actions. That's what it means. You just figure "meh, it'll be all right" and then do whatever seems like a good idea at the time, based on what you've thought of at that moment in time.

Reckless driving doesn't mean you'd be less upset if you hit and killed someone. It means you've stopped thinking about the risk that your driving will kill someone.

+Recklessness may not be the same as +Heartlessness, but it's going to have similar effects.

Which is why we wouldn't leave her here? Like, the Lord Protector hunting down rebels is sad, but it won't influence the fight's outcome, since Hunger will either bamboozle enemy legions with his Charisma and Rank or just squash everyone like a bug once he's back.

Still voting King and Court, but Eye isn't completely unsolvable, just somewhat dangerous and a bit reprehensible from a moral standpoint.
That's kind of the point.

And kind of the problem with Hunger's current attitude towards ruling. I get that he thinks monarchy is bullshit and that power over others is merely a means to an end. But the ability to intuitively accept and understand reciprocal loyalty and not endangering the lives of thousands of squishy people who pledge themselves to your supernal charisma is... kind of important, if you want long term stable governance.

It will be an interesting learning experience and might result in character growth? Including an renewed determination to not let it happen again by changing his behaviour or something? Damn, now I want to do this just to see that.
I don't want to play a Hunger responsible for mass sickening/death of billions of people just so I can fuel his character arc of learning not to willfully do that.

I want to play a Hunger who's got enough insight, foresight, and basic hero-morality to not do that shit in the first place. Someone canny, self-aware, knowledgeable of their strengths and how to leverage those strengths. Someone for whom "age and treachery" aren't just an empty slogan.

Never skip brain day.
Honest question here to you, and will, all the Tower Voters. If it turns out Hunger isn't that good, that he not only gambled with other people lives for no good reason but also failed, how do you feel like that reflects on him as a person?
Dunno about others, but i generally don't judge by the outcome. Regardless of him succeeding or not, underlying premise of cockiness remains.

At that point, as players, only thing we can do is to work hard to prove Hunger right.

.. man, imagine being able to vote for OaF/Tears.
Dunno about others, but i generally don't judge by the outcome. Regardless of him succeeding or not, underlying premise of cockiness remains.

At that point, as players, only thing we can do is to work hard to prove Hunger right.
That's an unwinnable cycle of escalation, though. Rihaku can go on putting Hunger's nuts in a vice for longer than we can go on extracting him from each new predicament.