A Shadow, an Eon, and a Worm (Worm/Pokemon)

Chapter 28- Canberra, helping, and familiarity
Eight hours, thirty-five minutes later, the Dragoncraft touched down in Australia, just a little outside of the Canberra Containment Zone. Almost immediately, Eon sighed in relief, closing his eyes and focusing on his breathing for a moment.

"That was not fun." He announced decisively. "Not even slightly."

"Maybe you should try sleeping through it next time?" Shadow, who'd woken up around two hours before and promptly raided the snack bar of the majority of the fruit on there, steadily eating through it. Not that he blamed her, she was about to be using a lot of energy over the course of their work, and he hoped the people running this had thought to bring food for her. "That helped me."

"I'll try that on the way back, assuming you haven't completely given up after healing." He told her.

"Both of you can feel free to rest on the way back to the Bay." Dragon offered, entering the room. "It's highly unlikely that anything would happen to the shuttle."

"Old habits tend to die hard, I'm afraid." Eon admitted, slowly slipping from the couch. The world was spinning slightly, which was annoying, but slow breathing was helping a little. "When you're on the job and travelling, you should always have a team member keeping watch. Two is preferable, but always one."

"I... see." Dragon seemed somewhat startled by that- for some reason- but she looked between the two Team Inari Pokemon and nodded. "Well, are you two ready to go?"


"All ready to go." Shadow agreed, stepping into the second position. Eon moved back, pushing her with his tails to stand at his side, and chuckled.

"This is your work, Shadow. We're working as equals today."

"Oh. Ok." Shadow blinked, also seeming startled. Eon wasn't surprised by this, since it was a pretty blatant disregarding of normal Rescue Team protocol for official things, but Eon didn't care. This was Shadow's day, not his, and there wasn't any reason to really follow protocol this time. There were no official Guilds or Teams, no outlaws or police to be talking to, the only reason for Eon to be in charge aside from being the nominal team leader, which was barely a consideration when there was only two of them.

"Lead the way, Dragon." Eon gestured slightly to the front of the shuttle. The Tinker nodded, apparently triggering the opening of the door on the back, and the three walked out.

There were three people there to meet them as well, two people in costume that were obviously Capes and a third, in a suit. He introduced himself as a general- someone named Hurley- and started to speak to Dragon, leaving Eon free to ignore things for a moment and examine the Capes.

Shadow was paying attention, she'd fill him in if he missed anything. For today, he was playing bodyguard and backup, more than leader. Though if they asked him to help heal he would, naturally, that wasn't his actual role today. Looking after Shadow would be much more important to him, and that meant scouting out the area to make sure nothing would hurt her. Including the Capes working with them.

They'd had teams betray them on the job before.

The Cape on the left of the group was tall and willowy- a similar build to Taylor, actually- though the man himself was obviously different. He seemed somewhat bored with the entire thing, leaning on a back foot like he wasn't expecting to need to do anything at all, and gazing absently around the area. Poor awareness, perhaps? Eon mused. Or is this person arrogant enough to not consider us a threat at all? I wonder what their power is, in that case. Their costume didn't give any hints; it was quite plain, a form-fitting spandex that emphasised the slight muscularity that he had, mostly blue with bronze highlights, and his helmet covered his head almost completely.

Eon made a note to watch him carefully, just in case he decided to be a problem.

The other Cape, in contrast, was quite bright and bubbly. She seemed young, maybe thirteen or fourteen, and was seated on a literal bubble, bright pink. Her costume was a dress, down just below her knees, in a cheerful green, with a simple domino mask that barely concealed her identity. Red hair brushed her shoulders, blue-green eyes darting around enthusiastically but mostly remaining focused on Shadow. A pair of large, fairy-like wings sat on her back, and as he watched they fluttered, making the bubble sway slightly in the draught. A flier, then, possibly the person who would escort Shadow to wherever the healing was happening. Or possibly it would be going from place to place, which would make the flying Cape's job moving her around.

Which slightly annoyed Eon, from the perspective of guarding Shadow. If she was moving around a lot- and being flown around, specifically- it would make looking after her a lot more difficult. He'd need to find a way to keep up with her, which might be difficult depending on how quickly the female Cape moved around. Most flying Capes moved pretty fast, in his experience- in fact, most flying Pokemon did too. Eon supposed that it was part of the package- so that might be troubling.

"...We've started to move people into set ups in town." The general was saying, when Eon refocused on him. "There's marquees set up to hold people, as many as we can get into one room, we're hoping you'll be able to clear them out from near the door so you can just move from place to place quick. We weren't able to get everyone into the rooms, unfortunately, but once you've worked your magic we'll move them out and into processing centres that we've set up."

"Processing centres?" Shadow asked, tilting her head.

"To get them out of here." He told her. "All of them are registered as Simurgh victims, so we'll need to strike them off the list and help them get back into society again. Canberra's being emptied out, basically, to let the folks get used to living in the real world and to check the place over. It's not been long since the attack, sure, but it'll need doing." Hurley shook his head. "Not my department, luckily, and I don't envy them doing the older zones."

"The Guild are offering help to the governments of the countries with older containment zones." Dragon put forward. "The American government and the PRT are offering their own aid as well, wherever they can."

Hurley looked surprised by this, for some reason, and Eon made a mental note to request information from Dragon on the way back.

"Good of you." He decided finally. "Right, Shadow. Iridessa here will take you over to the first tent, and she'll be acting as your escort around the area too. Thud is going to be helping out with crowd control for the moving people." Hurley looked questioningly at Eon, who swapped a look with Shadow.

"I'll be staying near Shadow's position, making sure that there's no scuffles that might hurt her." He said firmly. "Or attacks, for that matter."

Thud seemed to raise an eyebrow. "You expect us to attack you?"

"Not necessarily." He denied. "But people can do stupid things if they're worried. Or if they're not thinking straight. From what I understand, the Simurgh programs people, yes?" He waited to get a nod from Dragon before he continued, "Who's to say some of that programming doesn't require they attack anyone able to break the Mastering?"

The others- except Shadow, who'd heard this and a thousand other theories while they were making plans for the trip- did a double take.

"We never even thought of that." Dragon murmured, sounding irritated with herself.

Eon shrugged fluidly. "No need to beat yourself up over it. We can't all think of everything, after all. Shadow and I thought about it, Inari worked together to figure out what we could do. As such, I'll stop beside Shadow and make sure she's safe. It's no big deal, really. I can handle it just fine."

"I… see." Hurley nodded slowly. Iridessa just shrugged, flittering her wings to make the pink bubble she was sitting on drift forward, then shuffled slightly and offered her arms to Shadow.

"C'mon, you can fly with me!" She grinned, before looking over Eon. "I… don't know if my bubbles would be strong enough to carry you without me being in contact with it, though."

Eon shrugged, a rippling movement that ended in a small tail lash. "No worries." He easily lied. "I can keep up well enough, and Shadow needs to focus for her healing anyway."

"Yeah, I… kinda followed you guys on PHO with your healing stuff." Iridessa blushed a little. "So I knew from that that healing was a bit hard on Shadow. It's why I volunteered to help out."


"I thought my power might be useful for transporting you around, since the bubbles move pretty fast even without me using my wings to push further."

Shadow and Eon exchanged a glance, feeling that there was more to it than what was being said by the fairy-like girl, then nodded.

"Thank you." Shadow smiled, stepping forward to let Iridessa lift her up. "Come on, let's get moving. The faster we can get these people out of this situation, the better."

Eon couldn't help but feel proud of his little second as the pair began to move. Always thinking of others... you've grown up a lot, Shadow, but you're still that little kit that only wanted to help people as an adventurer. Shaking himself, he piled up an Agility to make sure he could keep up with them. "Well, you heard her. I expect you'll be getting your first crowd of un-Mastered people soon, General. I'll go and make sure Shadow's safe and that everything works as intended."

"I'll make sure our people know to start getting ready on the paperwork, then." Hurley nodded, saluting them both. "Thank you for your assistance."

"Thank you, General." Eon replied, bowing. "Shadow, since the day we became a team and well before that, only really wanted to help people. She's been a little awestruck with glory a few times, as can only be expected from someone young, but being helpful has always been what she wanted. I'm glad she's able to find ways to keep doing it, even here."

"You keep an eye on that girl, because she'll be getting offers for awards faster than you can blink if she keeps this up."

"Trust me, General." Eon let a bit of fang show in his smile, and was roughly amused when the Brute gulped and stepped back. "I'll never let anything take Shadow off the ground. It's what we do, protect and ground each other. That won't stop, no matter how big our work gets."

Taking a glance over at the pair, who were now in some kind of quiet conversation as they flew towards their destination, Eon gave another bow to the group before hurrying off in long bounds. Given how quickly he was moving compared to them, it wouldn't be too hard to catch them before they reached the first tent, where he could keep an eye on Shadow.

"So, what's the real reason you wanted me to fly with you?" Shadow asked casually, as the two of them floated along on the bubble. It was quite an interesting experience, she found; bobbing up and down slightly while Iridessa fluttered her wings to push them along, the bubble holding their weight perfectly- as could be expected of Parahuman powers, she supposed. It was a shame that there weren't any Pokemon that could do the same thing, at least as far as she knew. Maybe they could suggest it to one of the Water types on their team for them to have a go at replicating. Would be cool, she mused, as Iridessa did a double take. Using bubbles to move about a Dungeon or something. Could maybe use it in escorts too, to keep the client safe out of the way while we walk.

"W-what do you mean?" Iridessa stuttered, her arms tightening slightly around Shadow. They were already wrapped around her, since the Vulpix was sitting in her lap while they floated along, but that was more of a careful enclosure to make sure that she didn't fall if they shifted around on the wind.

"Well, you've been following our work, apparently, so you probably know about how fast me and Eon move around, so you know I don't need someone to carry me over to the place." She pointed out, her tails shifting slightly. "We'd need a guide, sure, but not really a proper lift. So you offered me a lift for some reason other than just being polite or wanting me to get there fine."

"H-how do you know I wasn't just trying to be nice and making sure you didn't get too tired?" Iridessa retorted, a little defensively. Her face under her mask was a little pink, and she shot a glance to one side before refocusing on her flight. "I mean, I know that healing takes a lot of power for you to do, or at least do repeatedly for people! I follow your PHO stuff after all. How do you know I wasn't just trying to keep you from getting too tired early on?"

"That's fair, but there's the fact that you reacted super defensively to what I said, the fact that if you followed us on PHO then you'd know that I always bring stuff to boost my energy when I'm doing big healing runs with Panacea to try and clear out the hospital." Shadow replied. "Plus I can smell that you're embarrassed about something, which I'd assume is the fact that I caught you out."

"Ah!" The fairy-like Cape winced, the bubble shaking a little as she did, then sagged. "Alright, yeah. I did have another reason for wanting you to fly along with me."

"Go on."

"See, I was hoping you could help me with my own medical problems as well, while you're here." She was blushing a little darker now, and Shadow tilted her head a little, moving to bump her head crest reassuringly against her chin. "I… it's not a problem in my Cape ID, because of the bubbles, but when I'm a civilian I'm stuck in a wheelchair a lot of the time. I got hurt a while back, and I'm doing… better, but it's really hard to handle."

"Wouldn't getting healed be suspicious, though?" Shadow asked. "I mean, you'll be getting healed as a Cape, so…"

"It's not that I can't move, it's just difficult to." She explained. "Or, rather, difficult to do a lot of it. I can walk a bit, but not much, I get tired too easily. I'm doing physio to help, but it's really annoying not being able to walk around at home." Iridessa blushed harder. "That… feels kind of silly… I mean… I'm getting better… It's not really like it's something that needs your help…"

"I'm willing to give it, though." Shadow told her gently. "If you're sure. You'll need to remember that you're not supposed to be able to walk, after all. You might find that difficult to do, especially if you keep walking around at home. And there's the physio to think of."

"I… think I don't mind, to be honest." She murmured. "I'd like to be able to walk properly again. I can just pretend that my recovery's suddenly gotten a lot faster or something. I just… I miss being able to go up the stairs and not have to pant for breath at the top. Or being able to walk from the front room to the kitchen without needing to use my chair after only a few steps."

"I think I get that." Shadow said. While she'd not exactly been in that situation, she supposed it was rather like not being able to use her fire. And not like when she was a kid and still learning, like not being able to do it now, when she was a Rescue Pokemon and a Dungeon Explorer. Of course, for Iridessa her Cape activities weren't being affected- she could just float around on her bubbles, while Shadow would have trouble doing her job as an adventurer if she couldn't use her fire. "And yeah, I've got no problem healing you. Just be around when I use my power and you'll be affected by it."

"That won't cause trouble?"

"No, not at all." She shook her head. "It's not that much more energy to heal one person. I've almost definitely healed some of the nurses when I'm working in the hospital, and I know Panacea's been caught on the edges a few times. It's no problem."

"Thank you." The Vulpix smiled gently at the Cape holding her, carefully adjusting how she was sitting to pat her on the arm.

"It's no problem." She assured. "Honestly, I like helping people out- it's why I'm here, after all. There's a lot of people here in this city that need help, and I'm one of the only people here that can help them. Eon can too, but he can't do it as many heals in a row as I can. Plus he struggles a bit using both powers at once, which is what I'm doing… that's why he's a guard and not a healer. But still, I want to help people out, and it'd be bad for my honour as a healer to not offer help to someone who needs it when I'm on a trip to heal people!"

"Still, thank you." Iridessa smiled softly, then looked up. "Ok, this is the place."

'The place' was a large white shape, like a large tent. There was an opening on the side they had landed on, obviously to let her in, and after a moment to let Eon catch up Shadow jumped down from her perch on the bubble, landing elegantly on the floor and slipping in with her two escorts.

"Huh." She managed, after a moment of mildly stunned silence.

The marquee was a lot bigger on the inside than she'd expected. Not just in a 'wow the bit I couldn't see went further than I thought it would' way, but actually definitely bigger-than-it-should-be. The roof was a lot higher up than it should have been as well, and looking around showed her that there were an awful lot of walkways acting as extra levels above them, laid out in a way that her power would still count all of it as a single room.

There must have been at least a thousand people there. Maybe more, from the volume of people shuffling, whispering, nervous and confused, unsure exactly what was going on…

Shadow's tails drooped slightly, curling further inwards. So many people... She'd never healed this many people before. Not in one go, anyway… possibly not at all, even with all the healing she did in Dungeons and when they stopped in towns on their missions. Could she even manage it?

Something heavy draped itself over her back, making her startle and barely contain a yelp. Looking over at Eon, she took a deep breath and smiled, nodding slightly. I'm ok, she promised.

"I didn't expect this." Iridessa admitted quietly, casting her gaze around as well. "I wonder how they did it?"

"Some power like Vista's back home?" Eon suggested. "Or perhaps it's the effect of something Tinker-made. Though if it's the latter I rather wonder how much money was spent on all of this…"

"Well, it's certainly going to help out." Shadow muttered, breathing deeply again. The sudden onset of panic had been a new experience, one that was quickly fading and she wasn't eager to repeat. "There's hundreds of thousands of people in Canberra. It's going to take so long…"

"You'll manage." Eon assured her gently. "Now, we should probably go and inform someone of what we're doing."

Iridessa nodded audibly, the bubbly nature climbing back, and Shadow felt a small spark of her own rising back up.

"I'll go find someone to speak to, give me a sec."

She could do this. She'd healed time and time again before, it was just more people that were relying on her here. Thousands more people, who'd all suffered under the shadow of a beast for months now…

But they were people. There would be more people, soon. More from Canberra, in other tents around the walled off city, more from other walled off cities in other countries, and she and Eon were the only ones who could help them.

Iridessa and her bubble floated back, accompanied by a man in a suit, and another subtle glance at Eon for comfort had him dropping back and her moving forward- a perfect reversal of their normal leader and second.

Explaining everything to him took only a few minutes, and a little more to ensure that everything was set up right. Doors were pinned shut to make walls, an announcement was made about who she was as she was escorted further in- not that it was needed for her powers to work, but no-one wanted to risk someone getting missed- and Shadow closed her eyes, breathing deeply again.

The natural warmth that radiated from the Ninetales was familiar, and for a moment she could almost pretend she was back home, back in a Dungeon somewhere, and all that was waiting for her was her team, needing a quick healing after a difficult fight- maybe a Monster House, or some combat rite against a Legendary.

The loud howl came easily after that.

Taylor drifted easily around the Inari Den, a part of her mind on the spiders she was weaving with while the rest of her paid attention to her dad, guiding him around the small complex her team mates were working on building. It wasn't really much, at least compared to the stories she'd heard of the Den back on their world; a sleeping-room, with a few boxes for important things, like Shadow's bag and some of their money, a main storage block, which held Berries and a good chunk of the money, a few carefully hidden bags webbed in the trees containing more of their money, the new addition of a large loom for her spiders to work on with a box containing the flies, and the large garden a little ways away that had been made out of a powerful spring they'd been lucky enough to find. A stack of wood sat at one side, quite small, and a firepit in the middle of the clearing explained why it was there, and another pile of branches was sitting further away, set aside for some other project.

Compared to the stories she'd heard of Inari's Den on their world, of a massive sprawling complex of wood and stone that climbed four stories into the air and had another level below ground- plus the large open sparring area for when team members didn't want to go to one of the public grounds- Taylor couldn't help but feel the stirrings of… something. She wasn't sure what; pity, at the two Pokemon who led her team's sacrifices? Sorrow, that they'd had to give up what they'd built to come and help Earth Bet? Amazement and joy that they had done that, not knowing anything about where they were going or even why before they landed?

Taylor had no idea what exactly she was feeling, but she knew she was glad that the two of them had done what they'd done, and that she'd been lucky enough to meet them on that first night.

Right now, though, she and her father were wandering about in the Berry fields, carefully looking over the bushes to see if any of them were fully grown. Those that were were picked and placed into one of the silk bags. Usually they were sorted by effect- or at least, Taylor thought they were- but neither of them really knew what most of the Berries did, so instead they looked through the bags for one that looked to be around the same shape and put them in the same bag. Taylor was pretty sure they were doing it right, because the Berries did look the same… though if they were wrong then at least Shadow and Eon would be able to help them put things in the right place again.

"How on Earth did the two of them set all this up in so little time?" Danny asked, part way through picking the Berries off of a particularly fruitful Leppa tree.

"These trees are weird." Taylor explained. "The Berries grow to full in only a few days, I think the longest is about a week long. Back on their original planet they're even quicker. I'm pretty sure they brought a ton of things with them when they decided to come here, and they've just been growing them ever since. Plus there's a lot of Berries on all of these, so it's easy to plant more." She paused, tugging a stubborn Iapapa Berry from it's branch, then continued, "They've probably been replanting most of these to get more, which is why we've got all of this. I mean I can't blame them, it's really helpful."

"They are, yes." Danny nodded. "Most of these are healing of some kind, aren't they?"

"I think so." She thought back. "I think they're a lot of healing Berries, but a good number of these boost their ability to do things, like temporarily making them faster or making their attacks more powerful. It's like some of their Moves, but I think the effect lasts for less time? Or something like that, anyway. It's been a while, and since I can't use them I don't really remember everything they said."

Danny opened his mouth, and Taylor winced. "Yes, I know I should," she cut him off, "It was just a bit hard. Everything was still so new and I was a little bit distracted by the fact that the kitsune that had beaten Lung a few days ago wanted me on their team. I've been doing my best to learn everything I missed that time, though it's a bit difficult." She swept a hand around the field. "There's a lot of Berries to learn. I've basically just been focusing on the healing ones, and making sure I can grab some of the booster Berries if some kind of emergency comes up that means Shadow or Eon needs one." She paused again. "Then again, they don't really carry many Berries around with them. Leppa and Sitrus for healing, sometimes some Oran for smaller heals, but that's usually about it, really. I guess they don't want to accidentally waste some of the booster Berries on things? Or maybe they just don't like carrying them around too much. I know that bag of Eon's is ridiculously big on the inside, but I also know they don't like using too much storage at once, so…"

"Why is that, exactly?"

"Something to do with the Dungeons." Taylor explained. "Dungeons seem to randomly have items lying around in them, so teams like Inari get into the habit of not carrying more than the absolute essentials around with them, in order to make sure they have enough space in their bags for anything interesting or potentially valuable they find."

"Surely they could just take more bags?"

"Well, yeah, but that gets burdensome. Too many bags makes it difficult to manoeuvre around the Dungeon, and in fights it gets harder to dodge. Plus the bags can get damaged in fights. I think Shadow said Inari usually has one of their members acting as a carrier, usually one of the larger Pokemon, so that they can have a few more bags, but it's still a habit to carry as little as they can get away with to make sure they have room."

"Fair enough, I suppose." Danny hummed. The pair lapsed into silence for a little while, going back to focusing on the Berry field. Taylor also put a little more focus onto the spiders at the Den, making sure that the weaving was going as intended. Hopefully pretty soon she'd have enough silk made up to give to Parian for her work, which would be nice. Despite the conversation only being quite short, Taylor had rather liked the Rogue, and she was glad to be able to help her out in some way that didn't involve fighting.

A lot of Parahumans only seemed to be capable of fighting, so it was nice to be a part of more peaceful things, like Parian's shop or Inari's anti-Simurgh efforts.

She hoped Shadow was doing ok…

Shadow sagged a little in exhaustion as the energy pulse rippled through the room, taking with it all of the lingering Master effects on the people there. Iridessa immediately floated off to help organise the people in the tent, while Eon stepped forward slightly, letting his second-in-command lean against him.

"Thanks." She muttered, closing her eyes and listening to the steady sound of people walking.

"No problem, pix." He said, just as softly. One tail curled around her side to keep her close, and she couldn't help but relax a little. "You should take a break. There's no good in overworking yourself for this."

"No, I... well, I think I can do one or two more." She argued. "I'll definitely need to rest then, that's for sure, but I think I can handle doing a couple more tents."

"Shadow, you must've done thousands of people by now. Maybe more." Eon scolded. "And it's only been what, an hour? Two? You've used up so many healing combos that I'm surprised the Leppa Berries are still having an effect."

"It's close cut." Shadow admitted reluctantly. "They're starting to get to the point where it's not doing anything at all."

"So yes, you need a break." He sighed. "I'll let you do one more, then we'll tell Iridessa and one of the government people that you need to rest for a while before you can do anything more. See if Dragon can bring food from the craft, and we'll find a place for you to take another nap before we continue on."

The Vulpix slowly nodded, wanting to argue but knowing that her team leader had a point. If she kept going like she was, only using the Berries and Max Elixirs to keep her energy up, then pretty soon they'd stop working altogether and she would crash. It was better to take a break now, while she still had some energy left to recover, so that she would recover faster and be able to get back to things.

"Alright." She acquiesced. "We'll do that. Don't... don't let me sleep too long, though. I don't really want to be sleeping when there's still people to help..."

"But you can't be helping people if you don't have the power." Eon reminded her. "Tell you what. If you'd like, and you're willing to trust her, we'll ask Iridessa to keep an eye on you and I'll have a go at clearing out a few of the tents. That way Inari's still clearing out some of the tents, but you're able to recover."

"Are you gonna be able to do it?" Shadow cracked open an eye to look at him. He nodded.

"I should be able to. It's a bit of a mental trick for me to do what you do, but I've done it quite a few times, so I don't see why I wouldn't be able to do it again. I'd likely not be able to do it as many times as you, but I can still do it a few times, so you can rest a while."

"...I think I trust her enough." Shadow decided. "I mean, she'd only be carrying me about with you, so it's not like you'd be far away."

"Then you'll do one more tent, and then we'll ask her." Eon settled, patting her back with his tail-tip. "Get as much of a break as you can now, too, so that it's easier for you to recover after this next tent."

Shadow hummed in agreement, closing her eye again and leaning a little closer to Eon. It was almost warm enough to fall asleep, sort of like when they were in Dungeons and all curled up together to rest, taking turns sitting on guard in a group of fur and fluff and skin.

Again, if it hadn't been for the volume, the loud chorus of excited people moving towards freedom, it would've been easy to pretend she was back home. Maybe not even back home in a Dungeon with Inari; the warmth and curl of fur could almost be her and her siblings, curled up in front of the living room fire, listening to Momma or Gram telling Talekeeper stories, enthralled and at the time believing wholeheartedly that she would be doing that someday, telling stories that had been in the family so long that some people forgot where they even came from. The crowds of people could almost fade away into the background, becoming nothing but the noise of her siblings shuffling around, claws scratching slightly on the floor as they got more comfortable, or Pa working on something in the back of the room and listening with half an ear.

It's kind of odd. Shadow mused sleepily. How quickly some things have become familiar.

Because it was also the sound of her and Taylor and Eon sitting in the Den after a patrol, Eon letting himself be used as a sort of backrest because of the warmth of his internal fire, discussing what went well and what didn't before walking Taylor back to her house.

It's odd how quickly some things can become a part of home.
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Chapter 29- Exhaustion, report, and warning
Shadow was having to use Eon as a support by the time they were done with the healing, the Ninetales noticed, curling a tail around to rest on her back. The Vulpix glanced up at him in curiosity, making him give her a silent look.

Silly girl. He thought to himself, when she blushed and looked away. Tiring yourself out too much yet again...

Clearing out the entirety of Canberra's Simurgh zone hadn't taken anywhere near as long as they'd been expecting. A large part of that, Eon supposed, came from the fact that the two of them had split up when Shadow had recovered the first time. She'd woken up from her nap still tired out, but with enough energy to go back to healing and not have to worry about running completely dry, and after spending an hour working more directly with Iridessa while Shadow slept Eon had felt plenty comfortable leaving his second-in-command with her and splitting away to make his own contributions to the effort.

It didn't work as well, with Eon needing a little more time to make sure the two Moves were going to do what they needed, but it still worked well enough that having both of them working to clear out the tents of civilians had dramatically cut down on the time. It also helped that things got a lot more efficient as they went on, teams moving in to empty the healed tents even before Shadow or Eon left them, meaning that there were always people waiting for them once they finished.

Eon was just glad neither he nor Shadow had anything to do with the other side of the equation, which was getting people out of the Simurgh zone as quickly as possible. The amount of paperwork that was going to be required for that was immense, he could tell, but fortunately that wasn't Eon's business. He and Shadow were just here to do the healing, nothing more.

It was dark out now, which was Eon's only measurement of what time it was; he hadn't exactly cared all that much when he was working, since it didn't matter, but the darkness was just annoying enough that he fired off a Calm Mind to keep him settled and alert, while a tiny bit of fire skittered down his back and tails in a little glow. It would be a handy weapon too, just in case, but Eon really didn't expect trouble now, unless by 'trouble' he was talking about hordes of people wanting to thank him and Shadow for the help, which he was pretty sure was being dealt with by the Australian government's people instead. Thankfully. Eon didn't really want to be put into a situation where he needed to use his fire to get a bunch of people away from Shadow, though he absolutely would if he had to. Shadow was tired, after all, he wasn't all that much better, and he'd quite like to get back to the Inari Den sooner rather than later.

"That's everyone, right?" Shadow asked softly, making him look down. She was leaning comfortably against his side now, letting him practically hold her up, and her eyes were half closed- though there was enough of an alert glimmer to them that he wasn't worried about her falling asleep on him yet.

"It should be." He nodded. "Assuming that the government here had everything right."

"I hope so." She yawned. "I think I'd like to get back to the Den."

"Same here, pix." Her yawn was contagious, Eon having to press down one of his own before he shook his head. "Come on, let's go and see if there's anything we need to do to finish up here, then see if Dragon's willing to take us home."

"If she's not, I'm taking a nap in the plane." Shadow mumbled, pushing herself upright and shaking herself out. "Mean, gonna do that anyway, but I'm gonna do it more if we're not going home soon." Eon chuckled.

"I can't blame you there." He stepped up to her side and carefully guided her over to Iridessa, who was floating out of the way and talking to one of the men that had been working in this tent. "I believe we're all done, right?"

"That's right." The man nodded, then gave a salute as the fairy-like Cape moved to sit next to them. "Thank you so much for your help, both of you. You've done a lot of good today."

Shadow stepped a little bit forward, enough to draw attention to her while still being close to Eon, and gave her own salute, standing unsteadily on three legs for a moment. "I'm glad we were able to help, sir." She said. "That's the entire reason Team Inari formed, to help people, and being able to help those that'd be hopeless otherwise is one of the best things we can do as a team."

"Quite." Eon agreed, herding his second back so that Iridessa could reach down and lift her onto her lap. "Let's head back to the main setup and see if there's anything more they need of us."

"Sounds good to me." The two of them hurried off, leaving the rest of the people to handle the tents and sorting. Eon had to use another Agility to keep up, since the Cape he was working with seemed quite eager to get back, though he only realised why when they came to a halt and she carefully lowered a nearly-sleeping Shadow to the ground.

The Vulpix yawned widely and shook herself again, then gave Iridessa a bow. "Thank you for your help today."

Behind her mask, the Cape's eyes went wide, before she shuffled slightly on her support bubble to give a bow of her own. "I'm glad I was able to help you out." She shifted again, then held out her hand for Eon to take. "Both of you, even if I didn't do very much for you, Eon."

"You watched over Shadow for me so that I could work on helping out with the healing, which meant a lot of people got helped a lot faster." Eon corrected, shaking her hand. "That means a lot. To the both of us, as well as everyone that was stuck in Canberra."

"Thank you." The girl sounded a little overwhelmed, and after a moment floated herself away from the duo as Dragon approached instead.

"You did a lot of good today." The Tinker said quietly, a smile in her voice. "I expect you're going to get rather sick of hearing that."

"Eventually." Eon agreed, chuckling. "For now though... it's good to know that we're doing some good here. Especially when it's something like this... where no-one else seems able to help."

Eon knew what it was like to be stuck and feeling like you have no options, after all. Being transformed into a shiny Ninetales had led to one of the best things ever with his team, sure, but the early period before he met Shadow had been... complicated. Being a shiny Pokemon had netted him enough attention on its own, let alone when it had spread that he was a human who had lost his memories and been transformed. Like a number of old legends. Even if he'd had a few options, it hadn't stopped Eon feeling like he had none at all.

Luckily Shadow had shown up and needed a partner for her Rescue Team, so he'd taken the chance to do something he'd thought he'd like to do by taking up a place as her team leader. And he didn't regret that, either, even if it had led to him standing on another world with his second, looking up at a woman in power armour who had helped fly the two of them half way around the world to help others.

"I think I understand the feeling." Dragon nodded, before gesturing to the transport. The back was once again open, he noticed, as she continued, "I can see Shadow's tired, and honestly you don't look much better. There's nothing more for you to do, though I still need to handle a few things before we leave. Feel free to go and settle down for the flight."

"Thank you, Dragon." Eon gave another slight bow before carefully herding Shadow into the transport with his tails. It wasn't difficult, given how tired the Vulpix was, with the most irritating part being trying to get Shadow onto the couch she had used on the journey over. Once she was up there, though, she barely spared the energy to murmur a quiet thanks before drifting off to sleep.

Eon sighed again. Really, pix, you need to be more careful. He mused to himself, as he walked away and settled on the other couch, head on his paws so he could watch her the entire time. I know you want to help, but you need to be more careful with your boundaries. And some of the other Containment Zones were bound to be worse, too. He had no idea which ones were bigger than Canberra, but he was sure at least some of them had to be. Those would almost definitely mean an overnight stay, and it would also mean that Eon would need to keep a closer eye on Shadow to keep her from wearing herself out. Once we're back at the Den, we'll need to talk to Taylor and Danny about having Swarm come along next time. Her bugs would be really helpful. Swarm would be able to handle keeping an eye out for threats as well as keeping an eye on Shadow to keep her from exhausting herself healing, which would free Eon to do more healing as well.

Shifting slightly on the couch, he watched his team mate curl closer in on herself, mumbling something into her tails as she tucked her face under them. Eon yawned a little in sympathy, feeling a similar sense of exhaustion; being on guard all day was hard enough, even ignoring the fact that he'd done a fair bit of healing as well to help Shadow out, plus all the running around to keep up with Shadow and Iridessa as they moved between the tents. The flight back wouldn't be all that fun, either, now that he was thinking about heading home rather than just focusing on getting Shadow around where she needed to be. From what Shadow had said earlier sleeping helped, or at least her being asleep meant that she hadn't noticed any issues- though given her ability to use Magnet Rise she was also fairly used to drifting around in the air... which would be another bonus to having Swarm with them, actually. He could sleep on the flight with Shadow and still have someone from the team on guard. As much as he trusted Dragon's word that they'd be safe on her craft, it was comfortingly familiar to have a team member on watch as well.

Blinking slowly, Eon moved again, then grumbled softly as the fur of his head crest dropped past his ear and into his eyes. He blinked again, a little startled, but didn't bother to try and move it. The shade was kind of nice, and he didn't really need to be watching over Shadow the entire time. If something happened, he'd be able to deal with it by hearing it just was well as if he saw it...

Eon startled awake at the jolt of the floor below him, abruptly going into high alert as he started searching for the threat. If the guard on the team hadn't warned him, then that meant they'd already been taken out, and the jolt had the characteristics of the start of an Earthquake. With Shadow exhausted and him not much better, any fight they got into would be difficult-

Very suddenly Eon's brain caught up with the rest of the world, and he remembered where he was; inside Dragon's shuttle-craft, flying back to Brockton Bay, not in a Dungeon in the middle of a mission.

With a slightly embarrassed huff, he settled himself down on the couch again- he'd nearly sprung off of it in his hurry to find the perceived threat- and focused instead on taking in his surroundings. Shadow was still asleep on the couch opposite, apparently not having noticed the shuddering that woke him- a clear sign of how tired she was after the healing, which made Eon feel guilty for not keeping a closer eye on her while she was working and making sure that she took breaks properly- though she had shifted a little in her sleep, no longer curled up under her tails but now lying on her side with her tails brought up along her stomach. She looked somewhat uncomfortable, Eon thought, as he slowly made his way off the couch and over to her.

Carefully, mostly due to the fact that the craft was still shuddering a little, he placed a paw on her forehead, gently moving the fur aside. She feels a little colder than normal... he mused. Probably because of how tired she is. It was rare that either of them ever got tired enough for their internal fires to dim, but it had happened before. It had been more common in the early days as a team, because they were rather less powerful, but it had still happened even after two years of missions and training.

Once again, Eon scolded himself for not keeping a closer eye on his second in command. She was a lot younger than him, and as her commander it was his job to make sure she, like the rest of his team, wasn't overstressing herself. Just because she'd grown up a little from the bubbly, naive ten year old he'd first met and started a team with, it didn't mean he should stop doing his own job. It didn't help that the Vulpix could often still be just as hopeful as when she was younger, and that hopeful 'help everyone' mindset could- and honestly had in the past- led to her getting into a fair bit of trouble on missions because she was overdoing it. Too much healing, using too many Moves, taking too many hits in defence of team mates or clients... it had even caused issues in their downtime, mostly when she refused to use it as such and instead spent the entire time practising Moves.

Eon had had to drag her out of the training grounds and back home more times than he would like to count, either ignoring her protests or listening to her quiet snores.

Doing just that now, listening to his partner quietly snoring, he wondered if it would be worth using a small Will-O-Wisp to try and boost her inner fire a little. He'd have to be careful using it, given that they were inside someone else's craft, and it did run the risk of waking her up as Flash Fire activated and absorbed the attack, but he could still do it to try and make her feel better. Waking up with a cooled inner flame was not a fun experience, and usually led to the Vulpix or Ninetales in question getting ill. Eon had only experienced that once, and that one time had been enough.

A quiet background humming, one that Eon had noticed but not consciously registered, shifted with a click, making his ears perk up. He stepped back, letting Shadow's fur flop back over her forehead, and looked around for the source.

"Hello, Eon." The fairly familiar voice of Dragon said softly, making Eon relax a little.

"Dragon." He nodded in the direction of the voice, assuming that whatever speaker she had in that corner was attached to a camera of some kind.

"My apologies for the sudden rough movement, we hit some turbulence as I was starting to slow down in preparation for approaching Brockton Bay." She continued. "I've done my best to accommodate for that so as not to disturb Shadow, but it might get a little bumpy as we go to land."

"Given how exhausted she is, I'm not certain that even an uncomfortable flight could wake her." Eon admitted, looking back at the Vulpix. She shifted again in her sleep as they spoke, rolling onto her stomach and nearly falling off the couch before Eon caught her with his tails, forming a sort of platform to lift her back up again. His friend didn't react at all throughout, making Eon frown a little more. "She really should have been more careful with her healing." Shadow's overly idealistic view of their work was frightening sometimes, mostly because Eon worried she'd actually hurt herself one day.

"She did do a lot of work." Dragon agreed. "Now that she's done this one, I have something of a better idea of her capabilities. Rest assured, next time I will endeavour to keep an eye on her so that she doesn't exhaust herself so thoroughly again."

"Thank you." He smiled a little. "I'll be more careful to keep an eye on her as well, and hopefully next time we'll be able to bring Swarm with us to act as an extra guard. That should let me handle some of the healing as well, which means Shadow doesn't need to do as much work."

"Swarm's bugs would also be much more optimised to keeping an eye on a large area, which would let her spot problems from further away than you could alone and alert us faster." The Tinker added, before going silent. The craft tilted, making Eon stumble a little and go dizzy, and she finished, "We'll be coming in to land in a few minutes. If you're able to wake Shadow, I recommend that you do so now."

"I'll at least have a go. Can't guarantee that she'll wake up, though." Eon took a steadying breath in an attempt to ignore the dizziness the flight brought, then lit a weak Will-O-Wisp on one tailtip and touched it to Shadow's side.

The ethereal blue-purple flame vanished in a flash, and Shadow gave a murmuring grumble, twitching. Eon placed a paw on her forehead again, feeling her warm ever so slightly, and one eye cracked open to look at him with displeasure.

"Sorry, kit." He said softly. "But we're nearly back at the Bay now, so you need to wake up, ok?"

"Tired..." She whispered, eye fluttering shut again. "Really tired..."

"I know, I know." Eon patted her side a little. Exhaustion was no joke, and getting tired enough that your inner flame started to cool was horrible. Most of the next day or so would probably be spent recovering from it, with a few Flash Fire boosts to try and help it along. "You just need to be awake long enough to get home to the Den, ok? Then you can sleep all you want."

Shadow seemed to contemplate that for a while, silent for just long enough that Eon wondered if she'd fallen asleep again, then nodded a little. "Ok. Just a while?"

"Just a little while, yes."

"Ok." She slowly sat up, giving a jaw cracking yawn, then shook herself. Her tails poofed out a little as she did, and she carefully slipped down from the couch to stand at his side. "It's kinda cold." She muttered, leaning into him.

Eon nodded, wrapping a tail around her. "You've tired yourself out enough that your inner flame is getting cold, Shadow." He told her- she knew this, but right now she was tired enough that she didn't remember that fact. "You'll be ok after a bit more rest."

"Right." She yawned again. "I don't like being cold. It's weird."

"It is a little, yes." He nodded. "Like I say, you just need to stay awake to get back to the Den, then you can go back to sleep. I'll make sure you're nice and warm."

"Puff blanket?" She requested, tilting her head. Like this, with her eyes fluttering and little yawns constantly slipping out, his second in command looked a lot like the tiny child he'd met, and less like the well-reasoned and powerful girl he worked with in Dungeons.

The thought made him chuckle a little, and he nodded again. "Sure thing, pix. I'll get you the puffy blanket, and we can start a little campfire for you as well if you want."

"Fire's nice." She mumbled. "It makes my fire burn more."

"Then I'll light you a little campfire when we're home, and you can sleep there." For her sake, he circled up another Will-O-Wisp and let her Ability absorb it, then lifted up her bag with an Extrasensory and packed it into the Treasure Bag. It was mostly empty anyway by this point, so there was no reason to give it to Shadow to carry when she was already exhausted. Slinging the Treasure Bag back onto his back and repositioning it with another touch of Extrasensory, he nodded over at the corner where he assumed Dragon's camera was. "We should be good to go now."

"Alright." Dragon replied, as the craft shuddered again. "We'll be landing in about a minute or so, Armsmaster and Director Piggot are waiting for you. I've already warned them that Shadow is rather tired out, so they likely won't keep you for very long."


Eon kept his tails around Shadow for the entirety of the shaky descent, not able to stop himself from giving a small sigh of relief once it landed with a thud and the engines stopped their whining. Shadow shook herself slightly at the jolt, looking around and stepping out from under Eon's tails, and Eon blinked at her in surprise as she straightened up as best she can and tried to look serious.


"'ll survive serious for a bit." She stated, shaking her head again and blinking sleep out of her eyes. "At least enough to report in for the mission."

Eon chuckled. "If you say so, pix." It wouldn't be the first time that a member of Team Inari had given a mission report while drop-fainted exhausted. While both he and his second in command could be stubborn, there were also plenty of occasions where members of the team had put together their own group for missions and the elected team leader had given a summary of the entire thing even though they were practically passed out on their feet. Eon had no idea how he'd managed to collect a team of such dedicated Pokemon, but that had led to their reputation of being impressively good even though they were a somewhat smaller team than many. Working closely with the local Wigglytuff Guild helped, too.

The armoured form of Dragon came out of the cockpit as the door began opening, making Eon shake his head a little again and focus on the task at hand. It was late enough at night that Eon was surprised to see a number of PRT troopers around as well, but he supposed it made sense to have a night guard in a city like Brockton Bay, with all of the gangs around. As Dragon had warned, Armsmaster and Director Piggot were both waiting for them, and looked with some surprise at the state Shadow was in.

"Good evening Director, Armsmaster." Eon greeted, with a nod. "I'm glad to inform you that the mission went well, and Canberra Containment Zone is completely cleared. They were still working on the paperwork when we left."

"That is... impressive work." Armsmaster said, visor fixed on Shadow. "To manage that in such a short period of time..."

"Eon helped." Shadow responded, stepping up beside him. "And while there was a lot of people, it was a good setup that was being used so I could get quite a lot done. I might be able to do even bigger rooms, with more people, but I think that'd need testing." Suddenly she swayed slightly, covering her mouth in a yawn. "And maybe also more breaks."

Eon placed a tail on her back again, making her look over and roll her eyes at him, shrugging him off. He stifled a sigh at her stubbornness and refocused on the pair of leaders. "Would you prefer a verbal report, or would a written summary suffice?"

Director Piggot looked rather more surprised at that, for some reason, then shook her head. "Ah, we should be fine, Eon. Dragon can give us a report, and I expect we'll get something from the Chief Director once the Australians are finished dealing with everything in Canberra."

The Ninetales paused, then nodded slowly. "As you will." It made sense to ask for a report from Dragon, since she had been- at least, as far as he knew, she had been- mostly free for the entire healing period, so she likely had had more time to compose a sort of report for the Director. Plus she was a known entity and apparently a fairly trusted associate of the local team, which gave reason to believe she might've given reports before and thus be acquainted with the reporting style required.

That didn't mean Eon wasn't going to endeavour to write up and hand in a written report for them, of course, but it did make sense. Plus having a report from both an observer and a participant in the situation would probably be a good thing for the PRT's records. It was the reason why joint or group missions that involved multiple teams and worked with the Wigglytuff Guild- which was most of them, since usually the only way you linked up with another team was through them and their group postings, unless another team asked you specifically to work with them- required that the team leader for each team write up their own report to hand into the Guild for the mission archives. That way, the Guild got a good perspective of the entire mission coming from a number of different people. Team Inari used a similar method; the team leader handed in a report, but the team members would all look over it before it was handed in and add their own opinions to the report, to give their own perspective on issues. It helped for training, too.

Shaking himself free of the slight ache that had started to form as he thought about the rest of his team, he touched Shadow's side lightly with a tail and gave a small bow to the trio that had helped them. "Thank you once again for your assistance with this. I look forward to being able to work with you again."

"Many thanks for your help." Shadow agreed, with her own little bow. She swayed a little as she straightened, and Eon couldn't help but smile a little as the three gave their own bows back, despite seeming confused by the motion.

"Karaday will show you out." Director Piggot told them, gesturing to one of the guards standing nearby. "And- well done."

He smiled a little at her, careful not to show any teeth, then turned and trotted over to the guard, listening to Shadow following along with a tired gait.

Karaday led them over to an elevator shaft, which he was thankful for, and for a moment they descended in silence.

"I just want to say," he murmured lowly, around the sounds of the elevator moving, "That I respect what you did today. A lot of people are going to feel the same, too."

"We are aware." Eon admits. "I'll be doing my best to keep Shadow safe and on the ground. In the end, it's something we can do that no-one else seems to be able too, so it's something that we'll do."

"Still, be prepared for a lot of respect once it starts spreading around what you've done." Karaday grinned crookedly. "You'll need to be careful about the nutjobs, though. There's always some who aren't going to like what you're doing."

Like the Fallen, he mused, outwardly just nodding. "Don't worry. We'll be defended when it comes to that too."

The trooper looked down at them both for a long moment, then nodded back. "Somehow, I don't doubt that."

The lobby was empty when they walked out, Karaday walking them to the main door anyway before leaving them be, and the streets were similarly silent, with only the occasional sound of a car driving in the distance. Eon looked down at Shadow, who was again obviously flagging. "Are you going to be ok getting back to the Den, pix?"

"I... should be ok?" She shook herself violently, her fur puffing out as though she was standing knee-deep in snow. "It's really cold, Eon..."

Eon grimaced. "Sorry, pix. Let's get back to the Den, and then we can make sure you're comfortable." He promised, placing a paw on her side again and grimacing harder at how cool she felt. It was almost uncomfortable, given that a Fire type's inner flame would easily keep them warm all the time, for her to be that cool. "Maybe we should talk to Parian about getting some kind of insulated, fire-proof coat for when we need to do this again." He mused, shifting away and starting down the road towards the network of alleyways that they would use to get out of the city and into the woods.

"That'd be nice." Shadow hummed, trotting after him with slightly uneven steps. "It sounds comfy, too. I don't like it being cold..."

"No, the cold certainly isn't very nice." He agreed, before looking around at the darkness uncomfortably. Normally it wouldn't be an issue, since they could see fairly well in the dark even ignoring their other senses, but with Shadow as exhausted as she was... Eon decided that he might as well treat it as an escort mission, flicking a group of Will-O-Wisps from his tails to orbit around him and light up the surrounding area, then stepped back a little so that Shadow was within that orbit as well. "Still, if we can get back pretty quickly, then we can settle down somewhere where it won't be cold. Then tomorrow, we can talk to Swarm and to Parian about some kind of coat."

"Sounds good to me." She shivered again, stepping as close to the Will-O-Wisp as she could without her Flash Fire activating and absorbing it, and picked up the pace as much as she could, obviously wanting to get back home.

Eon couldn't find it in himself to blame her, starting to walk a little faster himself, keeping his senses open for any idiot who might decide that the two of them were good targets for a fight. He didn't expect there to be anyone, admittedly, but there were always idiots, especially in this city.

Taylor shook herself again from the slight doze she felt herself falling into and groaned, rubbing her hand across her cheeks before sighing. Putting one hand on the tree behind her, she pulled herself upright and stretched.

"Maybe it'd be a good idea to go for a walk..." She mused, feeling her back crack slightly as she moved out of the position that she'd been sitting in for... clearly far too long, if that was how it felt.

Pushing the stretch a little further, just enough to make it uncomfortable, Taylor took another look around with her bugs before deciding to make her way back down to the Berry fields again. There wasn't really much of a reason to do so but given that she really did need that walk after sitting down for so long, she thought it might be a good idea. It was incredible to see that some of the plants were flowering already, ready to burst into more Berries, and not for the first time, Taylor couldn't help but shake her head at the absolute absurdity that was these Berry trees.

"Honestly, and to think that they're even faster to grow back on whatever world they're from…" Taylor muttered to herself, running a hand across the vibrantly green leaves of the nearest plant- she thought this one was one of the many Leppa plants that the pair had brought with them, but she wasn't totally sure given that given that this one wasn't flowering and thus could be any number of things- as she walked by. "If they could figure out how that worked, then that alone would probably be a lifesaver for a lot of people… But then again, we'd also have to figure out how to even make other plants do that, and I doubt that would be easy with all of the issues around Biotinkers…" She hummed little to herself again, absently pulling her mask back onto her face just in case. Technically, this area was also a part of Team Inari's base of operations, but that wasn't really any particularly good reason to be risking getting outed if someone managed to breach across the illusion barrier that Shadow and Eon had set up.

As such, Swarm stayed there for a little while, mostly just wandering around in an attempt to see how the plants were doing; even though they weren't actually her plants she felt responsible for keeping an eye on them while the rest of her team was out of the country, especially since they were quite important to her friends. She was also using her bugs to keep an eye on the surrounding area, assuming that the two Pokemon would return straight back to the base once they were done with their mission and hoping that she'd be able to see them.

She was also hopeful that they wouldn't be too tired to fill her in on things, though she wasn't exactly counting on it; it had been a very long trip for both of them, and honestly if Shadow wasn't exhausted then Swarm would be both impressed and very, very curious as to what exactly they'd done to manage that.

Almost as if they'd been summoned by her thoughts, one of the conglomerates of bugs placed near their main walkway in to the base spotted the- slightly bleary, given that it was being seen through bugs- form of the silver Ninetales that was her team leader. Swarm couldn't have helped the smile that spread across her face when she saw that even if she had wanted to, and hurriedly turned away from the large Berry field and started back towards the main segment of the base, knowing that she would get there around the same time as them. The entire time, she kept watch with her bugs, watching carefully how Eon was always sure to keep his tails pulled around the side of him like he was keeping something safe, and the abundance of Will-O-Wisps that were floating around him.

I wonder where Shadow is, Swarm mused to herself, gathering more bugs in that area and, after a moment of quiet deliberation with herself, forming a swarm of bugs that she vaguely shaped like a person. The swarm easily caught Eon's attention and the rather improved vision of having more bugs in one place meant that the insect's controller quite clearly saw the smile that brushed over his face as he turned his attention to her.

"Swarm." He greeted lowly, giving her a slight nod as he continued to walk towards the base. "I don't suppose you could do me the favour of going into the main Den and getting Shadow's blanket out, will you?" As he stepped closer, Swarm could clearly see that her second teammate was burrowed under Eon's tails and apparently shivering somewhat violently.

From where she was on her way back to the base, Swarm's eyes widened behind her mask, but she could do nothing but nod with her avatar and dispel it, her real body picking up the pace to hurry back and hopefully get there before her team did.

Once she arrived, she quickly did as asked, ducking into the main den that Shadow and Eon used and headed for the collection of boxes that sat along the wall. Though none of them were labelled, it wasn't actually particularly difficult to figure out where the blanket was, given that she knew where the pair kept all of the bedding that they'd bought- entertainingly blatantly as well, given that the three of them had literally walked into a store during one of their patrols, partly because Shadow had spotted the place while bored at the quiet, and spent an enjoyable hour or so wandering about the shop, eventually walking out with both blankets and quilts for the pair of them to place in and over the little sleeping burrows that they had within their shelter. Not that it had stopped Taylor from using her spiders to make silk ones for them, because they were her team and that felt like something she should do, but it had been a fun trip. Especially since they were technically using the Merchant's money to buy all of it. She'd actually come out of that same trip with a few things for herself as well, which was stored in another box within another woven building in the den, the larger one built for herself for whenever she ended up stopping over at the base for whatever reason.

The blanket in question, however, wasn't actually one from that trip. Instead it was one that Shadow had brought with her when she and Eon had come from their original world and base. Shadow had reasoned, Swarm was told, that since they had no idea where they would be going or what sort of civilisation there would be, it would be a good idea to take something like that in case they needed it. Eon thusly had his own blanket, but that one was quite different from the fluffy monstrosity that Shadow had chosen. It was a teal blue, made mostly from the wool of something called Mareep, was big enough to wrap its way around her several times just based on a glance, and was probably the most overly fluffy thing Swarm had seen in quite a long time. Shadow claimed that it had been one of several going away gifts that her Gran had given her when she'd decided and finally proven that she could become a rescue Pokemon, and Swarm couldn't help but think privately that it was quite hilarious.

It took a few seconds to finagle the entire thing out of the box and into her arms, but once she did she knocked the lid shut again and walked out. Eon was just emerging from the trees, the form of Shadow still firmly under his tails, and he smiled a little as he saw her.

"Thanks, Swarm." He said quietly, directing the Vulpix under his tails towards her. "Wrap her up in that, I'll get the fire started."

Shadow's ears perked up slightly at the word fire, and she took her gaze off of the ground to look up at her team leader. "Fire?"

"Yes, kit, fire." He nudged her side gently, causing her to stumble a little. "Go let Swarm wrap you up, then you can sit by the fire and warm up, ok?"

"That's a good idea." She mumbled, slipping out from under Eon's tails and trotting- somewhat unsteadily, to Swarm's eyes- over to her. "Warm is good. I like warm. Not like cold."

"I don't suppose cold is very fun for Fire types." Swarm knelt down, laying the blanket out on the grassy floor, and frowned a little more as Shadow all but fell onto it, instinctively curling herself into a ball to conserve heat. Carefully, Swarm reached out, prodding her into stretching before tucking the blanket around her and wrapping it up like some kind of fluffy burrito.

Swarm turned back to Eon, who was partly inside one of the storage dens containing firewood, and pulled off her mask again to raise an eyebrow at the Ninetales. He winced a little at the expression when he turned around, lifting a large bundle of twigs and sticks out using Extrasensory, and looked away. "She's exhausted herself." He explained to Taylor as he started setting up the campfire in the centre of the base's area. "Fire types, when they get too cold, can start to lose a bit of their inner flame. It's not dangerous," he hurried to add, when Taylor's eyes widened. "But it can be if it gets too cold. Right now she needs warmth and fire to fuel it. The fire will help with both, since she'll probably absorb some of it. I've been handing off Will-O-Wisps for a lot of the trip."

As if reminded of the tiny flames still hovering around, Eon flicked his tail, making them fly towards the campfire and catch it alight. The mystical fire burned brightly for a few moments, keeping the lilac tinge of the Move, then settled down into a normal red flame as the Move died out. It would take some time for the fire to be big enough, Taylor knew, but already there was a distinct warmth to it that had Shadow grumbling in her half-asleep state and trying to wriggle closer.

Taylor decided to help her a little with that, pushing the wrapped up blanket closer to the edge of the stone circle, but being careful that any sparks jumping off the fire wouldn't hit the blanket and light it off. "But she'll be ok?"

"Perfectly, after some rest and warmth." Eon promised. "Getting her something warm to eat or drink would help as well, but given that she's practically asleep..."

"No' 'sleep..." A quiet mumble protested, making Taylor smile and pat the blanket bundle.

"You should be, you're tired." She scolded. "And Eon, why did you let her get this tired?"

"She's good at hiding it, and honestly with the amount of people there to help this was going to be the result even if I did get her to take more breaks." He admitted, sitting down and curling his tails around his paws as he watched the fire build itself. "There were... far too many people there. Too many for her to handle alone, and even with me helping as much as I could..." He shrugged, looking towards the Vulpix who was now softly snoring under Taylor's hand.

"Was it really that bad?" Taylor asked quietly, the weight of what her two friends had done returning to her mind.

Eon paused, still looking at the fire, then stood in a flowing movement of fur and trotted off into the Den. Taylor watched silently as he did, coming back with a small bag of marshmallows and two skewers. Popping open the bag, he stabbed the skewers in and handed one off to Taylor, who took it with an amused look. "Really?"

"Might as well." He returned. "Waste of a good campfire otherwise."

"And Shadow?"

The Vulpix snored louder.

"She's the one who got so tired, if she wants to complain about not getting marshmallows she should've just agreed to take a bit of extra time there or something."

"I suppose." Internally, Taylor could understand wanting to help the people in the containment zone as quickly as possible, given how long they'd suffered, but she also agreed with Eon that Shadow should've been more careful to pace herself. She was the only person who could help those in the Simurgh zones, after all, aside from Eon, so making herself ill or worse trying to help wasn't going to help anyone at all.

Holding her marshmallow over the slowly rising fire, she looked back at Eon and gestured for him to begin, tilting her head. "So, what happened?"
Last edited:
Chapter 30- PHO, tiredness, and requests
May 29th, 2011. Sunday.


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♦ Topic: Inari Travelling?
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On May 28th 2011:

Ok, so not totally sure this is going here, but Team Inari is a local thing so I figured posting about them here makes the most sense. Since, y'know, that's where a lot of their follower base is.

So, a little while ago, about... two and a half hours, or so, Team Inari was spotted heading to the PRT building. Not necessarily unusual, given that they seem to work with the PRT quite a lot on things, but as you can see in the picture (courtesy of my roommate who was just getting up for work) there's no Swarm.

It's a little unknown for a bit, but then pretty soon after a Dragoncraft was seen taking off from the roof of the building, and Inari haven't been seen since then.

Does anyone have anything else?

Edit 1: A little bit of info from TheOneDropBear, over in Australia, mentioning that the Dragoncraft was apparently spotted over there.

Edit 2: Swarm dropped in to give us a bit of info.

Edit 3: Inari's been spotted back in the Bay, pretty damn late at night too- it's now 11:30pm- and as ShibaSmoosh posts, Shadow looks pretty out of it. Still looking for more info on what happened, but apparently whatever it is absolutely destroyed her from that perspective.

Edit 4: O-kay, due to more info revealed here, this thread is now closed to further replies and we've moved everything over to this thread instead.

(Showing page 3 of 43)

Replied On May 28th 2011:

I'm just saying, there's no evidence that Inari left with the Dragoncraft. For all we know, maybe it's completely unrelated.

Replied On May 28th 2011:

mabe the dragoncraft is taikng inari away to find why shadow was able to hurt levithan! the thing isnt normal nooone can hurt teh endbringers theyre tring to tkae them away to make other capes albe to do that as well!

(Edit- remainder of post removed by Moderator. Please be polite, and keep the crazy conspiracy theories out of the thread. Also stop with the graphic descriptions of things, it's implied that these Capes are minors and there are minors on this site. Have a three day cooldown threadban, maybe when you come back you'll be able to behave- CheeseChaser.)

Replied On May 28th 2011:

Whoa- seriously, dude, that's not cool. Don't go saying things like that, there's a lot of younger folks here and a lot of fans of the group, there's no reason to go being so violent about things!

Annnd Stranger'd by a mod, so luckily most people won't see that. Good job, CC.

Replied On May 28th 2011:

A'ight, so about a half hour or so ago, I happened to be out and about doing a bit bird watching- yes, shut up, it's a passtime- and spotted what looks to be a Dragoncraft flying overhead. No pictures, it was gone before I could think to do that, and Im basing this off of stuff I've seen about on PHO before, but that suer looked like a Dragoncraft and it was moving quick.

No idea where it's heading, but if it's going that quick then it must be pretty damn important.

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On May 28th 2011:

Thank you, @TheOneDropBear, I've added that into the main post.

So given that it seems possible that Team Inari, minus Swarm for whatever reason, are travelling out with Dragon for some reason? Or at least a Dragoncraft, suppose it doesn't necessarily have to have Dragon piloting it, that's what computers are for when you're a Tinker. That opens up a bunch more questions; why're they travelling with each other? Where are they going? What is it they're doing? What sort of thing could they have come across that means Inari needs to go along? Why isn't it being brought to the Bay if they need Inari to look at it?

So many questions. Maybe @Swarm can help there?

Replied On May 28th 2011:

mayeb swarm is being left behind too keep an eye on the bay since inari isnt there

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On May 28th 2011:

@Bagrat I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to officially say about everything, sorry. I can say that Eon and Shadow have gone with elsewhere in that Dragoncraft, that the PRT was helpful enough to arrange it for them, and that it is something that only they can help out with. It's also something that can't be transported to Brockton Bay, sadly, so they've gone out to help. And @bothad above is right, I'm hanging around in the Bay to keep an eye out for trouble.

Once Eon and Shadow get back, I'll speak with them about what I can post for you all.

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On May 28th 2011:

@Swarm thanks for the info, I've added the post link to the main post. Certainly that's interesting, and I guess it's understandable that you can't necessarily talk about some of it- even if we all really want to know! Hopefully when Shadow and Eon get back they'll be able to let you post more.

No pressure, though!

Replied On May 28th 2011:

Man, this is interesting to see. Inari- well, Shadow and Eon, at least, travelling out of the country altogether. I didn't realise they'd do that- most Capes don't tend to leave the city they're in unless they're part of a group like the Guild, from what I've seen. Or are supervillains.

Or I guess Protectorate transfers.

Ok maybe the moving happens more often than I thought...

Replied On May 28th 2011:

Still, it's interesting that it's Inari doing it. Sure they've not been on the scene for very long, but I wouldn't've expected that any of them would be leaving the city for... well, anything. If they were planning to move away I would've expected them to have done that before they ended up with Swarm on the team. I wonder what it is that they're doing... I guess it makes sense that there's nothing more to say at least for now, though. Maybe this is a sign that Inari is going to start working more closely with the Guild and PRT? That might be neat.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 41, 42, 43

(Showing page 38 of 43)

Replied On May 29th 2011:

I mean, for all we know this is only going to be a one-off thing, and it's not like there's a hitlist going for things, is there? And I somehow doubt that they'd be pulling ideas off of PHO for one even if there was.

CheeseChaser (Moderator)
Replied On May 29th 2011:

Mod warning- Please bring things back a bit, we're starting to head towards a derail. No specific warnings yet, but this thread is about Inari going out of country, not about making a list of targets that they should be going after if they're travelling about.

Especially since inference says that they're rather young for the most part, and a lot of these threats are incredibly powerful and dangerous.

Replied On May 29th 2011:

Not like any of them are more dangerous than an Endbringer, though.

But all jokes aside, I get what you mean, CheeseChaser. Shadow's a kid, Swarm looks to be fairly young, and for all we know Eon's a kid as well, just more mature. Making a list of Capes we'd want them to be going after is absurd, guys, so tone it down.

Trying to bring it back on topic, though; we know they're in Australia, so the real question I've got is how long are they going to be there? Obviously it's not some permanent move because they have a team here and are starting to build some connections with New Wave and the PRT as we've seen in other threads, but we've got no idea how long they might end up being in Australia.

Replied On May 29th 2011:

we dont know it's not a permanent move though. could be leaving Swarm in the bay to make up her own bit of team while they go places..

Replied On May 29th 2011:

So, just happened to be taking a look out of my window before going to sleep, and I saw this coming out of the PRT building down the road.

Sorry about the quality being a bit poor, my phone camera's not the best, but that looks to be Eon and Shadow making their way down the street, yeah? Well, keep watching, because look at that!

Shadow keeps stumbling about and shaking herself, and right before I ended it because they were going down an alley, Eon put his tails around her and brought her over to his side.

What the hell happened in Australia that means Shadow's this obviously exhausted? Even some of the few reports we have from after Leviathan don't put her as this tired, and she blasted an Endbringer!

Whatever this is, it's big.

Answer Key
Replied On May 29th 2011:

Oh wow, that's pretty bad. Like, impressively so, actually. What on earth would they be doing in Australia to cause this?

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On May 29th 2011:

Thanks for the video, @ShibaSmoosh, I've added a link to your post in the original post.

And yeah, like Key says, that brings up a bunch more questions about what on earth was going on in Australia that means that Shadow is exhausted, and Eon is acting incredibly defensive of her. Just looking at the way he's looking around as he leads her away is like he's on high alert, looking for any possible sign of a threat, and he's got some of those flame orbs floating around as well. You can actually see Shadow reach out and take one of them at one point, which is interesting because she immediately absorbs it. Obviously that's not new info, we knew the two of them could absorb fires, but we also know that absorbing a fire like that is a thing that Eon and Shadow use for powerups of some sort.

Which makes me wonder; was Shadow so tired that she needed to be given extra fire in order to get back to their base?

Replied On May 29th 2011:

Oh no! I hope they're doing ok. Shadow looks so tired... I really hope that she recovers quickly. What was the PRT doing, letting her get so tired?

Replied On May 29th 2011:

Damn, that looks pretty bad. I hope she's ok as well.

Replied On May 29th 2011:

Ho. Ly. Shit.

Everyone. Stop what you're doing right now and look at this.

Yes. This is what you think it is. There's an entire flood of people coming out of the Simurgh Containment Zone.

What the hell is going on?!

End of Page. 1, 2, 3... 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43

(Showing page 43 of 43)

Tin_Mother (Moderator)
Replied On May 29th 2011:

Alright, by order of moderators, any discussion about the recent incident at Canberra is to go in it's own dedicated thread here. For safety's sake, I'm also going to lock this thread here, because I know some people won't pay attention to the moderator posts and then get mad because they get told off for posting in this thread when they're not supposed to.

Once things cool down I'll probably open this thread again for discussion to continue, assuming that it even can have a discussion that isn't about what just happened in Canberra.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 41, 42, 43


Taylor closed out of the PHO tab with a small shake of her head, not even thinking about clicking on the link to the thread about Canberra. She knew they'd have to look at it eventually, just so that they could start trying to respond to things- both in thread and while on patrol- but for now the thing could wait. They'd get into that when Eon and Shadow showed up at the house later that morning.

Standing and stretching, the insect controller took a cursory look around the block and made her way downstairs, to where her dad was just finishing up a late breakfast.

"Morning, Taylor." He greeted.

"Hey, Dad." She smiled, sitting down as he placed a plate in front of her.

"Are your friends coming over today, dear?"

"Hopefully?" Taylor shrugged, starting onto her eggs. "Shadow's probably still absolutely exhausted, so she might still be asleep right now."

Danny glanced at the clock, which said that it was nearing ten o'clock. "Still?"

"She was shattered, Dad." Taylor insisted. "I'm surprised Eon was able to get her back to the Den without carrying her, and that was apparently after she slept away the entire return flight."

Danny grimaced. "Damn, that's... impressive." He looked at the clock again. "In that case, are you sure they're coming?"

"Eon said they would be." She shrugged. "We need to look over the Canberra announcement thread at some point, just because we're undoubtedly going to get asked about it the next time we end up on patrol. Even if the only thing we end up saying is variations of 'no comment' we're still gonna need to know what they're saying about it all online, just in case."

Her father grimaced again, looking a little sad. "I'd be sorry about the fact that you have to think about that if it wasn't for the fact that you're doing so much good with it." He sighed. "You've done a wonderful thing here, Taylor. Don't forget that."

"I didn't really do much with this one, it was mostly Shadow with some of Eon, but thanks." Taylor said, looking away with a blush. "I like to think I'm doing more for the city..."

"You all are." He told her. "It's incredible what you've managed to do, even just messing up the Merchants. The ABB have gone quite passive because of your friends, and even the Empire seems to be calming down just because of everything- probably because they don't want to draw attention to the group that's so willing and able to just waltz into places and take things."

She laughed. "Fair enough. I think we'd go after them if Eon wasn't so against it. Mostly because we need to keep more neutrals in the party than opponents. Also the Merchants are easy targets. They're so drugged up they don't tend to notice that we've raided them until after we've already left."

He laughed, then took a bite out of his toast. "That's fair." He nodded, after he'd swallowed. "And if you had to target someone I suppose the Merchants are good enough. They cause so many problems..."

"Any drugs we take we tend to dispose of in various ways. Sometimes burning, though giving them to the police is a better way even if they can get stolen back." Taylor shrugged again. "They at least know how to get rid of them properly."

Danny looked like he was about to reply, only to be interrupted by a quiet knock at the back door. Taylor put down her fork and headed for it, peering out to the window and seeing the faint shimmer of something silver through it. She opened the door just enough for Eon to slip through, being careful not to catch his tails when she closed it again, leaning there as he walked in.

"Hello, Eon." She greeted lowly. "No Shadow?"

The Ninetales gave a slightly amused, slightly worried grin. "No, Shadow's here." He smiled, using Extrasensory to lift the Treasure Bag off of his back and place it gently on the floor. Opening it with a paw, he held it stable and lifted out a bundle of blankets far too big to fit in there, with gentle snoring coming from inside it.

Taylor chuckled, while Danny stared. "The bag's bigger on the inside, Dad." Taylor explained, reaching down to take the bundle, placing it on her lap as she sat down and went back to eating. "I think there's still some eggs left if you want them, Eon." She offered.

"No thank you, I ate earlier. Shadow's eaten as well, before she fell back asleep." He shook his head, curling up on the floor next to the table. "She's alright, still exhausted and a little cold, but fine. I fed her some Yache Berries this morning, they're made to raise Ice resistance by raising body temperature, which'll help a bit with her inner flame. Hopefully she'll be ok in a little while, though. Again, she just needs more sleep."

"That's good." Danny replied, after a moment. "If the PRT asks you to do another one soon, would she be able to?"

Eon went quiet for a moment, his tails swinging back and forth, staring at the bundle of blankets and Vulpix napping her way through the day. "...Possibly." He mused, quietly. "If she keeps resting, then yes. But... there's other containment zones that're older and a lot bigger. If this one knocked her out so badly, I'm worried about bigger ones."

"Well for one, making her take more breaks would be good." Taylor said, putting her fork down and resting a hand on her forehead. "And... are you able to help?"

"I did while we were in Canberra, though not anywhere near as much." Eon informed her. "It's more difficult for me to do that, requires more focus. Shadow practised with the mixed attack until it's almost second nature for her; I've seen her use that by accident, in fact. It takes more time to focus to make that work for me. Moves aren't meant to be used at the same time, not really. Linking them is difficult and usually requires outside help unless you do what Shadow did."

"That's... interesting." Danny frowned. "But you'd be able to do it even so."

"Yes. I wouldn't be able to do it nearly as quickly as Shadow, but I can." He sat up, rolling his neck, and looked between Danny and Taylor. "Which brings me to something else I'd like to ask."

The pair swapped a look. "Ok...?"

"Next time we're asked to go to a containment zone, I'd like Swarm to come with us."

Taylor blinked. "What?"


"Because as much as I hate the idea of putting one of my team mates in danger like that, it'd be helpful." Eon sighed a little, sweeping his tails back and forth across the floor. "If we delegate the team security to Swarm, then I don't need to worry about that, and can help with the healing without needing to worry about how tired I get. I can afford to wear myself out mentally focusing on using both Moves at once, because I know Swarm is there as security."

"But the PRT at the zones are providing security as well, right?" Danny reminded. "And you have Dragon."

"PRT troops can be manipulated, or could be traitors. And not that I don't trust Dragon, I'd feel better to have a member of my own team backing us both up. Betrayals can happen, after all."

The Ninetales shifted, slightly, as Taylor and Danny exchanged looks. "That... makes sense." Taylor acknowledged slowly. "But that doesn't mean Swarm would be of any help. I mean, it's bugs. Surely the entire team has better cameras?"

"Honestly, it's less about watching an area in that case, and more about being able to intercept an attack." Eon sighed again, looking incredibly tired. "If there were more of us, I'd split it so I had a supporter and Shadow had one. Preferably even more than that. But since there's only the three of us, I need to do what I can. And annoyingly, that's taking Swarm. She can block an attack fairly well, by getting bugs in the way or wrapping things up in spider silk or something. It'll give us the ability to take some attention off of defending ourselves. If Swarm looks after Shadow, and I take whoever the escort is, then we both have someone to keep an eye on us-"

"What about you?" Taylor interrupted. "You're talking about protecting each other within the team, but you'd be going alone."

"Honestly I'm more worried about Shadow." He gave the blue blanket on Taylor's lap a look. "She's got... well. She has a tendency to throw herself into things. Especially healing. I'm... not sure why, but it happens. She likes to help people, sometimes a little too much. She doesn't take as much care of herself as she should. With a team mate there to keep an eye on her, I'd feel a little more secure, especially if it's you. You can keep an eye on a lot at once, so she'll be safe and also watched over. I know my limits, especially when using this Move combination. Shadow seems not to."

"So you more want me there because Shadow scares you, and you're worried that she won't keep an eye on herself."

Eon blushed, a little, and nodded. "In essence."

"That's fine, then."

Danny chuckled slightly as both Taylor and Eon blinked, looking up and over at him. "I might not totally like the idea of my daughter going halfway across the world for any reason, let alone to enter a Simurgh Containment Zone, but on the other hand, I trust you. I trust that you'll keep her safe, that the PRT and Dragon will do everything they can to keep you safe there if only because you're the only people who can do this for anyone, and as far as they know there's no-one else."

"It also helps that Shadow managed to beat the crap out of Leviathan, and she's the healer by both our admissions." Taylor interrupted, running a hand down the blanket. "They know I'm just a normal Cape, nothing special, but you and Shadow are like end-of-the-world grab bags, and if Shadow's better at healing than you then that leads to them wondering how much better at combat Eon is. Because, well, you don't put someone on healing unless that's what they're better at, right?"

"That is how it works on our team, yes." Eon nodded. "Some teams are different, preferring that everyone is a combatant, but in Inari if you're better at healing than fighting you heal, not fight. We make sure you can fight, just in case, but mostly that's not your job. Of course, the PRT doesn't know that..."

"But they do know that Shadow's the healer, and Shadow's powerful. But by putting Shadow in with Panacea during Leviathan, we basically put out the message that you were the fighter, not her. Which is going to worry them." Taylor frowned a little. "I think we got a bit distracted there. Anyway, I guess if Dad says it's fine, then sure, I'll come along next time. If it means that we can get more people healed without needing to practically knock Shadow out for two days, then I'm all for it."

"Alright." Eon closed his eyes for a moment. "I'll speak to the PRT about it when they next get into contact about everything. Tell them that you're coming with to provide extra security, because I'm going to be working with Shadow to heal more. They'll accept that, I'm sure."

"Probably, yeah." Taylor nodded, smiling. "Anyway, onto other things!"


"There is so much PHO to read." She told him. "It's slightly ridiculous. Someone spotted you and Shadow going into the PRT building yesterday, so then there was a lot of speculation on that, and then someone else spotted you and Shadow coming back from the PRT building, which led to all the speculation on what you were doing with the PRT and why Shadow had ended up so tired, and then someone else posted in that thread about the deconstruction of Canberra, which utterly derailed the thread until the mods locked it. Now there's another thread for that, but I haven't looked at that one yet. I was going to wait until you got back." She shifted a little to stretch, only barely remembering at the last moment to be wary of the bundle of blankets on her lap. "So, want to go take a look at that now? I read through the thread already, the first one, and I made a list of things we might want to respond to, but obviously that got shut now. We can go read through the new Canberra one together, though, and make a new list of questions. Or just start a new thread, post a statement about what's gone on, and then use that."

Eon tapped a paw on the floor, slowly. "I think it's likely best that we read the thread first, even if we end up starting our own thread to reply to it rather than posting in there." He decided. "It's probably a good idea to know what sort of things people are saying before we make our own statement."

"What about the PRT?" Both conscious members of Team Inari turned to look at Danny, who rested his elbows on the table and his head on his hands. "They probably want you to be careful with that information, right? What happens if you aren't?"

"I think we can make our own decision on what we announce, and then we can allow the PRT to make their own public announcement." Eon said firmly. "We are a separate team, they cannot control what we announce about our team. And they shouldn't even try. We'll be discreet, for Shadow's sake. But we're not going to hide what we're doing. We can't, people have seen, and we shouldn't even try."

Taylor nodded. "It's important that people know. We can fix Simurgh bombs, Dad. It's- people should know about that, for sure, not just in rumours. And if the PRT don't agree then they can go to hell."

Danny stared at the two of them for a short while, silent. Then laughed. "I suppose that's fair." He smiled. "Go get to your reading, you two. Are you planning to stop for lunch, or are you going to go out in costume to show the flag and get food?"

"We'll likely stop for lunch, if you don't mind." Eon answered. "Because if I'm any sort of judge of the public, the thread for Canberra is gonna take a while to read, and then we need to figure out answers for things and post them. But we could head out to patrol about a bit this evening and do dinner out, if you'd like?"

The last part of his question was aimed at Taylor, who lifted one shoulder in a shrug before picking Shadow up from her lap. "That's fine by me, I don't mind patrolling and I sure don't mind takeout. What if Shadow's not awake?"

"She will be, if only because I'll poke her awake myself for food." Eon frowned. "If she ends up sleeping too much it'll just start to make things worse. As much as her flame needs time to rest it needs to do something as well, even if that something only ends up being wandering about with us for a while and getting food. Fire is a moving thing, after all, for all that it might look like it's still."

Taylor blinked, slowly. "I think I understand." She muttered, cradling Shadow in her arms and heading for the stairs to her room. Eon unwound his tails from around his paws and followed her, near-silent. "So, Canberra, then an answer?"

"I think so."

"Best get started, then."


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♦ Topic: Canberra Inari Announcement
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Posted On May 29th 2011:

Greetings and good afternoon, everyone.

I thought that, in the context of the last few days, I ought to come here and make a statement. Specifically, one on the rumours that started earlier today about Canberra. I am not posting this in the official thread simply due to the fact that I feel this is a statement that people should be able to find easily, rather than having to search through a number of pages of discussion in order to find. Shadow and Swarm both agree with this.

A few days ago, Team Inari, with the assistance of New Wave, approached the Parahuman Response Team for a power test. Upon the end of the testing, we were in turn approached with a request for assistance from the PRT. Chief Director Costa-Brown, working with Director Piggot, and Dragon of the Guild, arranged for myself and Shadow to be transported to Canberra as part of a joint project involving the Simurgh Containment Zone there.

More information is pending at the discretion of the PRT, due to the joint nature of the situation at hand. I, alongside my fellow members of Team Inari, will respond to this thread periodically, though we reserve the right not to answer questions on certain parts of the topic.

Thank you for your time here. This thread is now open for discussion.


Quiet eyes, averted. Hidden behind glasses, but averted anyway.

"They are doing something to those in the containment zones created to hold the Simurgh targeted cities." A low voice mused, tapping against the arm of the chair.

"Curious." Another voice added. "I wonder what they're doing there?"

"I think we ought to go and investigate."
Chapter 31- Madison, assurances, and explanations
June 2nd​, 2011. Thursday.

"Alright, so we're ready?"

Swarm adjusted her mask one more time, stretched to make sure that everything on her costume was sat right, and nodded. "Good to go."


"I'm fine, Eon." The Vulpix sighed, shaking herself out. "Trust me, I've recovered fine."

"Forgive me for worrying when it's only been five days, Madison is bigger than Canberra, and doing Canberra knocked you flat for nearly a day and a half." He said dryly, giving his second in command a slightly hard glare.

"Yeah, but that was because I was doing it mostly alone. I've got you this time, and they've got data that they can use to make it easier." Shadow shrugged, before reaching back with Extrasensory to adjust her bag. "And we've got more stuff this time, just in case, and time for breaks since there's less of a flight."

The glare became slightly harder. "Yes. And I whole-heartedly believe that you'll actually use that fact to rest, rather than keep binging through everything at high speed just because there's more people."


"Shadow, I know you, remember?" He sighed himself, walking over to place a paw on her back. "Please remember to rest more than you did last time."

"I will, Eon." She nodded. "I've got the Leppa Berry cookies for if I need them, I'm carrying Yache Berries with me to keep my inner flame from going too cold, just in case, and there's actual food in the bag as well for the sake of that. I'll be absolutely fine, I promise, we'll both work together on it all and it'll be a-ok." Shadow smiled gently, waiting until Eon returned it to shake his paw from her shoulder and straighten. "And besides, this time we've got Swarm with us, so she can help keep an eye out as well."

"No problem." Swarm added, from where she was standing a little ways away. "It's not that much more work to focus on keeping track of Shadow as well as keeping an eye on the area around us, especially since I don't really need to pay that much attention to the area. The PRT and Dragon are going to have plenty of surveillance around to make sure you're both safe."

"Still, that's no reason to slack on personal attention." Eon reminded them both. "There's nothing to say that the PRT can't be compromised in some way in an attempt to take us out-"

"The only people dumb enough to do that would be the Fallen." Swarm interrupted. "No-one else is going to want to oppose a team saving Simurgh victims, at least not publicly and not when they're actually doing that. And it'd be difficult for them to infiltrate the PRT, I'd think? I mean, they've got to have some pretty good security, with all the work they do with Parahumans, so I don't see it being all that likely that they'd manage to get into the PRT enough to mess up security."

After a long moment of silence, Eon sighed, flicking his tails in a complicated pattern. "I suppose. But still, we want to keep an eye out. Too much complacency is a bad thing, after all."

"We know, Eon. But don't worry, I'm sure it'll be fine!" Shadow grinned, flicking her own tails in a far less complicated way, ending with them curled up in a ball behind her. "So, if we're all done being a worry-wort, should we get going?"

"If we've all got what we need, and we're all sure." Eon decided, beckoning them into line with a paw. Shadow promptly placed herself on his left, shaking herself out once again in a physical attempt at putting herself into her formal second in command mode, while Swarm dropped onto the right hand side a little behind the both of them again. They'd run through the different sorts of etiquette for positioning in Rescue Teams once again the night before, just in case, and since in this case it was more Shadow's mission than anything she and Eon were at equal to each other, with Swarm behind as third and guard.

In some ways she was also the scout, due to her powers, but since right now she was playing mainly as the guard, so that was where she was standing.

A few more bugs skittered over to her, mostly spiders from the weaving station, since they'd done most of their work over the last few days and now had enough silk to hand over to Parian for her to work with. "Ready and waiting."

"Then let's move out."

As the group started walking out of the Den, shielded by a wrapping of illusions, Swarm couldn't help but run spiders nervously up and down her hair, trying to work out the urge to fidget uncomfortably before they reached the public eye- and, more importantly, before they reached the PRT building. She didn't want to give the impression that she was nervous about this, no matter how much she was nervous; this was important, and making people remember that she wasn't much more than a kid wouldn't be particularly good for their reputation. Plus, this was... well, important. Not just to Team Inari but to everyone in the world. It was desperately important she didn't mess this up because of that.

"Stop worrying so loudly." Shadow said, glancing over her shoulder. Swarm startled. "It's lacing your scent." She added, before the bug user could ask. "And seriously, it'll be fine. Just keep an eye on the things in your range, put down threats if you find them- which I don't think you will- and trust that Dragon and the PRT are gonna have their over stuff about to keep an eye on things to make sure that nothing gets close enough to everything to actually need you to deal with things."

"Right, sure." Swarm nodded, letting out a long breath. "Right. Sorry, it's just..."

"Hey, we were all the same when we went out on our first proper out-of-town expedition. Didn't last all that long, admittedly, but heading out of town is always a bit nerve wracking." Eon turned back a little, giving her a smile. "It can be a bit difficult to get used to everything. But we're not actually going all that far, and aside from keeping watch you won't need to handle too much. You'll have plenty of time to get used to being out of city limits." He touched her leg gently with his tail. "Just do your best, Swarm. That's all we can ask."

She straightened, a little. "Sure thing, Eon!"

The flight to Madison was a lot shorter than the one to Canberra, but Shadow still used it to catch a quick nap anyway. She was still a bit tired from the first bout of healing, though she was trying not to show it. If Eon started worrying that she wasn't well enough to actually do everything, he'd try to cancel the entire thing until she was feeling better, and she didn't want that.

There were people in Madison that needed help, and they needed it a lot more than the people in Canberra had. Canberra had only been a Simurgh Zone for a few months, after all. The people in this city had been trapped there for years now, and there were even more places that were even older. Shadow didn't want to waste any time in trying to help free them.

As the craft started to land, she took a moment to wish that they weren't the only members of Team Inari here. In some ways, at the very beginning of everything on Earth Bet, it had been... nice. Like getting back to their roots, in some ways. Just Eon, the team leader, and Shadow, his second in command. Of course, Swarm was here too, and that was good too for sure. But it had been nice to only be them.

Now, though, with all of the stress going on with the Simurgh Containment Zones, the sudden and sharp showing a month ago of exactly how deadly their new world could be with the face-to-face with Leviathan, and even just the general overtone of everything that went on in Brockton Bay on a day to day basis... it made Shadow wish that they had the rest of their team there instead.

As much as it had been nice to get back to the feeling of the earliest days of Team Inari, where it was just the two of them and taking small missions- though she supposed she couldn't really call their early work on Bet small missions, since the first thing they'd done was fight the leader of one of the local gangs who was also a giant dragon- it had also brought back the memory of why they'd been so happy to add more Pokemon to the team in the first place.

Working as a small team was hard. It always was. It needed less resources, but that meant there were less resources to hand around. Less Pokemon to spread the load between. Fewer friends at your back when you were in trouble. Less you could do because three people could only ever be in a maximum of three places.

With a bigger team, it was harder to co-ordinate, but there was more to work with. The entire team could split up into groups, still have someone to watch their back, be more places all at once because there were more of them. There was someone to call to for support.

It was easy to miss the simpler times when you were a large group, run off your paws trying to keep track of all your subordinates. But that became easy to miss the second you didn't have those Pokemon watching your back and helping out.

Like right now. If the rest of Team Inari was here, or even just the rest of the main healing Pokemon, they could do so much more. They could work through the tents in Madison faster, each one taking a tent and splitting the load between them, or two at a time for the Pokemon that didn't know one Move but did know the other. Or they could split the containment zones between them instead, and reach out to more places at the same time to help more people across the world who had been trapped by the third Endbringer. More Pokemon means more resources, which means that they can do more to help. There's more to help.

Instead, it was just them. Her, and whatever Eon was able to do.

"Ready to go, Shadow?"

She shook her head, sharply, trying to dislodge the sudden case of melancholy that had drifted over her. It felt like that had been happening more and more lately, and she wasn't particularly fond of that. When she got home she ought to visit her family again... that always helped when she started to get brought down by all her missions.

"As always!"

The Ninetales gave her a strange look, as though he didn't quite buy what she was saying, but allowed it to slide as they all got into position and the Dragoncraft touched down and opened its doors.

This time around, Shadow barely paid attention to the people they were introduced to, just taking a note that it was another general, some PRT troops of some sort, someone who was apparently a Director, and a pair of flying Capes that would be spending the entire time in the air and looking out for trouble. She found that she could barely care about all of that, just wanting to get a start on healing people. The longer that they waited, the less they'd be able to get done during the day, possibly needing to actually stop and wait overnight to continue the next morning... or work through the night, if she could persuade Eon to let her.

And Swarm. And Dragon. And the entire rest of the people here...

She probably wasn't going to get that.

Shadow followed the two troopers that she was directed towards, turning back only for a moment to wave at Eon- with his own escort- and Swarm- standing next to Dragon with a large scent of nervousness lingering around her. She flashed a smile at the bug user for good measure, in an attempt to help with that, then hurried off after the two of them and towards the first tent of people.

Stepping inside, it was easy to tell that it was bigger than the ones they'd had in Canberra, and that because of that there was more people waiting for her. The ones closest were staring at the troopers and herself with undisguised curiosity and fear, which made Shadow take a deep breath and close her eyes.

Here we go.

"We're ready whenever you are, Shadow."

She nodded, taking another deep breath and holding it for a moment, preparing her Moves.

Let's go.

Swarm spent a lot of the first hour barely moving from her position. She'd been given somewhere to sit that would give her a good view of most of the earlier tents, as well as the area around them, and aside from giving them a nod of thanks, had outwardly done nothing but sit there.

In actual fact, she was constantly checking around with her bugs, making sure that no-one was getting too close to her team mates that might be considered suspicious. She had enough bugs everywhere she could stuff them that seeing out of their eyes was more a matter of focusing correctly than anything else; she just had to put herself in the right mindset to see. Anyone that was moving nearby got a careful looking at, and if she confirmed that they weren't wearing a PRT uniform she made a note of them with a few flies and followed their actions.

Perhaps she was being a little overcautious, and she was fairly sure that she was unnerving the people around her- given the way that they kept shooting her still form looks- but Swarm found that she didn't really care about that. The important thing was that she'd been trusted with a duty by her team mates, and she wanted to keep that.

If she did it all well enough, then that might make her dad more likely to let her join the other members of Inari on more out of town missions, even if those missions were only happening to the other containment zones around the world. Of course, she'd have to prove her worth to the PRT as well, but hopefully this mission would do that without needing more examples.

She didn't think that she would need to prove herself to Team Inari any more than she already had, which meant that it was only those two groups that she would need to deal with.

Oh, and Dragon. She should make sure that Dragon was okay with it, given that she was the one in charge of transportation. That was… quite important.

Swarm shifted, conscious of the fact that she had barely moved and knowing that it wouldn't help if she ended up too stiff to move if something happened, and was grateful for the fact that her mask concealed her smile when the PRT troopers around her startled at the abrupt change. Dragon didn't even twitch, to her slight surprise, only turning a little and directing her helmet as if concerned.

"Are you all right, swarm?" She asked, the faintest bit of worry in her voice. Swarm allowed her smile to get a little wider, broadcasting how she was feeling to the armoured Tinker, And nods a little.

"I'm fine, thank you." She paused, momentarily distracted by the movement of one of her books, but it was only one of the PRT troopers that she had marked earlier- one of the ones that was guiding Shadow around healing stations- so she chose to ignore it and looked back instead. "Everything going well?"

Despite the mask and armour, Dragon somehow managed to look amused. "I would have thought you'd already know that." She said jokingly, gesturing to the little cloud of bugs that was orbiting her. Swarm chuckled, a little sheepishly, and nodded.

"I've been keeping an eye on them, but I meant more from the position of someone in charge of all of the actual heavy lifting, rather than a healer."

Dragon seemed surprised. "I'm fairly sure that a lot of people would claim Inari were the ones who were doing the heavy lifting."

She just shrugged in return, wincing a little as bones cracked and she came to the conclusion that she really needed to move around a bit. "Sure, the healing is a lot of work, but once we're finished with that Inari is pretty much going straight home, you know? Not like you or," she gestured widely around the area to all of the PRT troopers that were discreetly watching their conversation, "all of the others here. You guys are gonna be involved in this for a lot longer, dealing with all of the moving people out and the fallout of not needing to maintain the zone any more. I'd say that that's a lot more heavy lifting than just healing… Or just sitting around playing guard."

Swarm got the faint impression that Dragon, and the aforementioned guards, was staring at her in shock.

"That's…" Dragon trailed off, shaking her head. "That's a very mature point of view."

"I mean, I'm well aware that we're doing quite a lot, and that it's something that nobody else can really do." She shrugged again, before pushing herself off the ground to stand and stretch. "But at the same time… well, it feels a bit like we're not really doing anything at all. Even though none of us would have the first idea as to how to organise all this… it just feels a little like we ought to be doing more. Or perhaps I should."

Dragon closed distance between them, moving surprisingly quickly for a person encased in armour, and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Keeping an eye out for- and on- your team mates is plenty of work, in my eyes." The Tinker told her, before dipping her head closer to Swarm's like she was confiding some sort of secret. "I know how irritating that can be."

The insect controller couldn't help but laugh a little. "I guess you would."

Dragon seemed to give her a smile, moving away again and leaving Swarm to her stretching. "Do you need anything?"

"Not right now." She decided, taking stock. "Might in another few hours, which'll probably also be a good time to force Shadow and Eon into a break as well." Since she was still keeping track of the two even while she talked, she knew that they were resting in between healing bouts, and the Leppa cookies were being used whenever they were needed- Swarm was glad to see that they were apparently working just as well as the Berries themselves would be, and made a note to bake some more of them when they got back from Madison- but she also knew that both of the Pokemon would need to rest for real at some point, and forcing them to take a proper break for food would be a good way to do it.


"The team will reach the city within the next day."

"There were reports of a Dragoncraft leaving Brockton Bay early this morning."

"Any information on where they were going?"


"Then it will wait until they return to the Bay."

"Are we going to look for their base?"

"No-one seems to have even a starting point for where their base is located, so unless some information on that comes in in the next few hours, no."

"We could try to track them after they return."

"They can go invisible."

"Reportedly they were too tired to manage that last time."

"Doesn't mean that they won't."

"Enough! We aren't going to track them, we'll wait until we have an opportunity in the city itself. It's more likely to happen."

"With them jetting around the world?"

"Shut it!"

"Stop fussing, Swarm." Shadow grumbled, shifting in her seat for the third time in as many minutes. "I-"

"-Don't care what your excuses are, sit down, relax for a few more minutes, and eat something that isn't the biscuits." Her team mate interrupted easily, putting a hand on her back for a moment to make sure she wouldn't try to leave before going back to the sandwiches they'd been given.

The PRT had herded them into one of the break rooms set up for the people dealing with the number of people leaving Madison post healing, where they'd found that Swarm had already claimed a table, food, and drink for all of them. She'd near enough dragged them over, picking up Shadow as if to make sure she wouldn't try to avoid her, and settled back to eat.

Eon, the traitor, had just laughed slightly before following them, sitting gracefully on the bench and accepting what Swarm had chosen without complaint. At this point, with a little under two months of time working together, they were fairly used to getting each other food- usually while on patrol, one of them going in and getting things from the shop while the other two played the crowds outside- so they had a fairly good idea of what the others in the team liked.

Still, even though Shadow was happy with it- chicken and cheese was a nice combo, no matter what anyone else said, and the fact that she could melt it with her fire helped so much- it didn't stop her from being incredibly anxious. She wanted to be out there, healing people, breaking the Simurgh's hold on them so that they could leave the city they'd been trapped in for so long. She didn't want to sit here eating sandwiches and drinking juice and waiting for someone to let her leave. She just wanted to go.

"Shadow, relax." Eon murmured, gently. "You know you need the break just as much as me-"

"Not as much." She grumbled. And that was kind of true, too. She wasn't as tired as Eon was, she was better with the linked Moves thing she did than he was, so it wasn't as much of a stress for her to do it as compared to when Eon did. She didn't need the break as much as him.

"Don't argue, Shadow." Eon sighed. "I know you want to help. So do I, honestly. But we're not going to help making ourselves collapse."

"And besides, I've been watching with my bugs." Swarm added. "You've been moving almost twice as fast as Eon has."

Traitor, Shadow couldn't help but think spitefully, as Eon jolted on the other side of the table and stared at her with undisguised horror.


"Shut up." She said. "I just- I need to help, ok? I need to help these people, and if I stop..."

Swarm sighed, putting her hand on Shadow's head, just behind her crest. "They'll still get out of Madison if you take a ten- even five minute break every now and then. But if you end up making yourself collapse, it'll take longer to recover, longer to help people, and longer to move on to the next containment zone to help them."

Reluctantly, she leaned into the touch. "I know, I know. Honestly, promise, I know that. But my brain keeps telling me that I need to work faster, that I need to get to everyone now, because there's no-one else but Eon that can help." Abruptly, she slumped, barely avoiding knocking her sandwich. "I miss the team..."

"Oh, Shadow..."

"I know it's stupid, but I just-"

"It's not stupid to miss home, Shadow." Eon assured her. "I miss it, too. But we've got to keep going, and finish the mission we were sent here to do."

"Whatever that was." She said. It still rankled a bit that they'd actually taken this mission without any real idea as to what the mission was- Hoopa had told them to 'help out', but neither of them had any idea as to what that actually meant. They'd assumed it was either something to do with the gangs, at first, then the Endbringers when they'd found out about those, but there was always the chance it had nothing to do with either of those. At that point they were back to not having any idea about it, though, so Shadow hoped that that wasn't the case.

"We'll figure it out." Eon promised. "We'll stay here, making friends, figure it out, then we'll go home again and share everything with the rest of the team."

"But you aren't going to be able to get there if you keep working yourself into exhaustion all the time." Swarm added. Shadow sighed, sitting up and lifting her sandwich in a telekinetic grip.

"I guess." For a moment, she just sat there, then she started eating again.

She meant what she'd said. She did know that she needed to rest, that she needed to be careful not to collapse. But her brain kept telling her that she needed to work faster, that she couldn't afford to take breaks, because these people had all been suffering because of the Simurgh for so long and she couldn't bare to leave them like that when she could help.

You can't help if you're too exhausted to use your Moves, she reminded herself firmly. If you're practically unconscious on the field, you're no help to anyone, and then Eon would be working all alone. You need to take a break. Besides, they've all been here so long without any hope. Just the fact that you're giving them some is enough to make it that they won't blame you for stopping a while.

That thought carried her through the rest of the ten minute break, and when she ended up beckoning for a trooper to lead her back where she needed to be, Shadow kept them in mind.

"That seemed... out of character for Shadow." Swarm said hesitantly, once the Vulpix was out of range. Eon nodded absently, still working on eating his own sandwich- second, actually; he'd gone to get another one once he'd finished everything since if he was going to be taking a break he might as well eat enough to keep him going for quite some time- and flicked his tails. The up-and-down waving pattern was faintly hypnotic, as intended, and after a moment the distraction illusion came into effect. It was similar to the one about the base, based on the Totter Orb and Zoroark illusions, but slightly less powerful; it served to confuse, nothing more.

"It both is and isn't." Eon responded. "It is now, yes. But before? Before was a little different."

"She was practically self destructing?"

"Sort of." He grimaced. "She wasn't exactly that bad, but she had a tendency to throw herself at problems a little." He took a bite of his sandwich to give himself time to think. "At the beginning, she was bubbly. Bright, cheerful, pretty much any other word you can think of. Happy. She wanted to be a Rescue Pokemon, and she wanted to help people. She was young, and it showed. But she tended to push herself a bit too far sometimes, because she wanted to help."

"She got better?"

"Oh, far better. But at the start it was worrying. The Guild in town didn't want to let her be a team leader, because she was so young- she was only ten- so she asked me to be the leader so she could be the second, and then she'd be able to do what she wanted." Eon chuckled at the memory. Shadow had been miserable up until the point where she'd turned ecstatic at the idea that Eon would help her, and by that point Eon had known her well enough to know that he'd be willing to despite her age. "But because she'd been rejected that first time, she sometimes felt the need to make up for it. To prove that she was Team Inari's second in command because she'd earned that, not because I'd taken pity on the little kid who wanted to play hero."

"I'm going to assume that was a common sentiment?" Swarm tilted her head, picking up on the bit of bitterness in his tone.

"In the early days. It got better once we did more missions, but at the beginning..." He shrugged. "So sometimes she'd end up getting a bit reckless. We didn't have to pull her out of that trouble all that much, luckily, but sometimes she'd get into a situation that meant the rest of the team had to put her on the backseat until she recovered."

"So... what?" Swarm's mask was hiding her expression, but her scent gave off enough confusion to imply that she was probably frowning. "She's acting like this because she thinks she's not good enough to be on the team or something?"

"I don't think it's that." Eon started, then paused. "Or not only that. Maybe some of it's the old insecurity, but I think a lot of it is just what she said. She's one of the only people who can help these people, so every moment she's spending not helping is one that's making her feel bad because no-one else could do what she feels she should be doing."

"She can only do so much."

"She knows." He shrugged. "But it doesn't stop the voice in her head telling her to do more."

His other team mate seemed satisfied at that, or at least understanding, so Eon finished his sandwich in silence before dismissing the Totter illusion and beckoning over to the PRT trooper that had been leading him around.

"I'll see you later, Swarm." He said over his shoulder. The bug user nodded, pulling her mask more firmly over her lower face and waving with the other hand.

"Be careful."

June 3rd​, 2011. Friday.

It took until late into the next morning for Inari to be done clearing everyone in Madison. They'd ended up sleeping overnight in a somewhat hastily set up room, and while it had helped, Swarm was still exhausted. And all she'd done was spend the two days sitting around and watching with her bugs.

Eon held himself better, but he was sagging under the weight of tiredness, and Shadow was once again staggering slightly. Swarm tutted before she could help herself and reached forwards, lifting her with a little difficulty into her arms and disregarding the fact that Dragon was standing next to her and there was a PRT escort around them.

"Are you ok?" She directed down at Eon. She didn't even bother with Shadow, knowing how she was doing perfectly well.

The Ninetales nodded, slinking around her feet to sit at her side and curl his tails around her legs. "I will be fine."

From her arms, Shadow muttered something that might've been an agreement, if Swarm had any faith in her being able to follow the conversation around her. Fortunately for Swarm's sanity, Dragon seemed to pick up on the state of things easily, helping to hurry them through everything needed for departure and into the Dragoncraft.

Eon was shortly spread out across one of the couches, leaving Swarm to settle on the other and place Shadow at her side, running a hand down her back.

"It won't take long to get back home, but a short nap is better than nothing, I guess?" She suggested. Eon huffed a laugh.

"True." The small smile he gave her made her grin back, making herself comfortable for the flight.
Chapter 32- PHO, travelling, and offers
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♦ Topic: Inari back in Bay
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster)
Posted On Jun 3rd 2011:

Inari was spotted coming out of the PRT building at just after 3pm. Pic they seem pretty bad off this time; Eon is staggering, Swarm looks to be sagging a little, and Shadow's being carried around by Swarm.

Looks pretty bad, anyone know what was going on?

(Showing page 5 of 13)

Replied On Jun 3rd 2011:

I don't know why we're arguing about this; we know that they went out earlier on in a Dragoncraft, it's fairly ovbious that they were doing another trip to a containment zone.

Replied On Jun 3rd 2011:

We settle dthat a while ago, yeah, but we don't know where they went! There's not been any sightings of Dragoncraft anywhere, or not any that people are spilling, sooo... the arguments continue!

►CheeseChaser (Moderator)
Replied On Jun 3rd 2011:

Hopefully not for long.

Standing warning, if things continue to get out of hand with the 'trying to figure out where Inari went' things, I'll shut down the thread and you'll all need to wait until Inari or the PRT makes a public statement themselves.

►Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 3rd 2011:

So good news, everyone! I have info.

I'm not technically supposed to be posting this, but also I think it's best if people know what's going on. So;

Yesterday and today saw Team Inari visiting Madison, Wisconsin. The combined efforts of Eon and Shadow, as well as the Parahuman Response Team members in the area, meant that the zone has now been cleared. I was also present, partly to act as extra security alongside Dragon and the local Parahumans Haunt and Ripwind, and partly to keep tabs on my team mates while they worked. We of Team Inari would like to extend our thanks to the PRT, the US Government, and Dragon of the Guild for their help arranging all of this.

Now that the official bit is out of the way, Eon and Shadow are both fine. They were just exhausted in the aftermath of all the healing; Madison's quite a lot bigger than Canberra, and even though they were sharing the work between them, Eon's less experienced with the method of healing they were using and Shadow still hadn't completely recovered from Canberra the other day. She managed to convince us she was doing well enough, but then she also pushed herself pretty hard.

We had a bit of trouble trying to get her to stop for long enough to actually sleep last night, because she was trying to help so much. Shadow's fine, just incredibly exhausted, hence me carrying her around earlier this afternoon. Currently, both of my team mates are asleep, wrapped up in blankets, and they've eaten. Once they wake up I'll give them something else, and I'm going to be making sure neither of them try heading out anywhere until they've recovered properly.

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jun 3rd 2011:

Thank you for the info, Swarm, and it's good to know that they're doing ok. I was a bit worried, given how they looked.

Send our best wishes when they wake up, ok?

►InariFan001 (Original Poster)
Replied On Jun 3rd 2011:

Yeah, make sure they're ok! They're both lucky to have a teammate like you helping them out.

►Aquamarina (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jun 3rd 2011:

It's good to hear that Shadow and Eon are doing well. I was pretty worried as well when I saw the picture, but I thought I'd wait until I saw something from one of you.

You certainly seem to be recovering well from everything, though. Make sure you get some rest as well, don't just take care of your team mates and forget about yourself.

►Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 3rd 2011:

Hey, Aqua, good to see you too!

Yeah, I'm making sure to rest as well. I didn't actually get much downtime, since I was the designated lookout while Shadow and Eon were working, and then when I was resting I was usually also making sure they did...

Keeping an eye on those two can be a handful, especially since Shadow is very resolutely Not Allowed coffee after the incident at Moonlight Cavern a year and a half ago...

Replied On Jun 3rd 2011:

Ouch, no coffee? That's harsh, especially when she's got to be awake for a long time. Poor girl...

(Also where on earth is moonlight cavern? The internet isn't helping me there.)

►Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 3rd 2011:

Oh, sure, you say that, but then again you've clearly never had to catch her after she managed to drink a mug of coffee and promptly went on a rampage through the entire area and cleared out half the place working solo before promptly crashing incredibly close to a lava pit.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ... 12, 13, 14


You are currently viewing message history of your private messages to Swarm.

Viewing page 135 of 135.

Aquamarina (3:47am): So you're heading out again?

Swarm (3:47am): Yeah. Actually going with them this time too.

Also what are you doing awake, it's early?

Aquamarina (3:48am) You're awake.

Swarm (3:48am): I'm about to head out. I don't have the option to not be awake. You do, go not be awake.

Aquamarina (3:48am): Sure sure, fussy bugs. Stay safe, see you on the other side.

Swarm (3:48am): You too and will do, glitter wings.

4 June 2011

Swarm (4:02pm): We're good!

Aquamarina (4:02pm): I saw. They're doing ok?

Swarm (4:03pm): Asleep right now, wrapped up in their blankets, but yeah, they're good. Shadow pushed herself a little too hard for someone who's still not really recovered properly, so I'm grounding her.

Swarm (4:03pm): (A picture of Eon and Shadow in a forest area, near a low campfire, wrapped up in blankets.)

Aquamarina (4:04pm): Despite the fact that you definitely didn't have permission to send me that, it's good to see that they're resting.

Thanks, Swarm.

Swarm (4:04pm): No problem! I thought you'd like that... and they won't blame me, Eon and Shadow both like you.

Aquamarina (4:05pm): I'm glad, I like them as well.

So, any chance of you coming to LA any time?

Swarm (4:05pm): I've not had the chance to talk to the team about it yet, and I've got to speak to some people outside of it as well.


But there's a lot going on in the Bay at the moment.

Aquamarina (4:06pm): That's fair, make sure your home's safe before you go elsewhere.

Swarm (4:06pm): Pretty much.

Aquamarina (4:06pm): I've got to go.

Make sure you all rest up!

Swarm (4:06pm): Later, glitters.


♦ Topic: Boardwalk meet and greet
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster)
Posted On Jun 4th 2011:

after yesterday's trip out of town it looks like inari is doing a meet on the boardwalk so you should go there if you can

(Showing page 2 of 19)

Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

Are we all sure that it's a good idea for Inari to be out right now? I mean, just yesterday they were completely out of it, apparently...

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

@Inarifan001 it was nice to meet you too! Eon and Shadow- especially Shadow- were pleased to see you today.

@AllSeeingEye I suppose it's partly a patrol, yes, but we discussed it before we left. Eon realised that we hadn't really done much wandering just for the sake of it and wanted to give a chance to meet people. We're not looking for trouble today, just trying to have a walk around the Boardwalk and see what we see.

@Dawgsmiles don't worry, I'm keeping an eye on them. They decided they wanted to go out and say hello to people today, but I made them both promise that if I saw them flagging I'd be taking them back to the Den.

Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

@Swarm good to know that you're keeping a close eye on them, Swarm! You're a good team mate. Do you know how long you're going to be out today? I might be able to drop by if you're still around after work.

Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

This is honistly really cute and I'm glad i was able to see it video
(It's a video of Eon and Shadow, surrounded by young children. They're gracefully accepting pats and cooing, and Shadow is occasionally entertaining them with small illusions, though that usually gets her a glare from Swarm. The insect user is standing in the corner of the frame, a few people talking to her.)

Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

(Another video, this one from a different angle. Eon is sitting down with his tails spread out a bit behind him, laid out in three sets of braids. He's still talking to some people, this time mostly teens.
A man walks into frame, wearing sunglasses and using a walking stick, and steps on one of the braids. Eon startles, yanking his tails out from under the man's foot, while causes him to slip. A few people nearby steady him, and one of them grabs the sunglasses that had fallen off when he stumbled. Eon turns to speak to him, though the audio is too quiet to figure out what was said.)

Aquamarina (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

Oh dear, that looked painful for everyone! Hopefully that man is ok...

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

Don't worry, he's fine. Poor guy is light sensitive, and Eon's tails glitter a little in the sun, which made it hard to focus on them. I've reminded Eon to keep his tails closer to himself when he's out, though; he usually does, but sometimes he forgets and fans them out.

Eon's fine too, though having three tails stood on isn't exactly fun. They're a bit sensitive, and he's still tired enough that pain is harder to think past, hence the automatic reaction to being stepped on.

Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

Well, now I'm upset that I'm at the hospital. It'd be nice to meet up again.

Glory Girl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

If you want we can drop by the Boardwalk when you're done here.

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

@Panacea @Glory Girl no idea if we'll still be out and about when you're done at the hospital, Panacea, but if we are then we'd be glad to see you.

Or just message me and maybe we can set up a time and date to meet? It'd be nice to head out to lunch or something together.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 17, 18, 19

(Showing page 3 of 20)

Aquamarina (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

Dang, going out with New Wave, Swarm? Now I'm jealous...

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

Don't live on the other side of the country, then we'll talk.

Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

This is really quite neat. It's good to see Capes just walking about to have fun.

Vista (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

I know, right? It's annoying that the Wards aren't really supposed to patrol on weekends, to give us time to do work, or I'd be out there as well. Shadow's nice.

Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

hang on whos aquamarina and how do they no inari

Aquamarina (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

We met during Leviathan and kept in touch. Unfortunately I'm a Cape from LA, so I don't exactly get to see them...

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

@Acree it's a lot of fun for us all, I think. Eon and Shadow have mentioned that things like this were fairly common before, and they're happy that they can do it here.

@Vista while you should absolutely get your schoolwork done, I don't see why you couldn't costume up to come say hi.

I'm probably being a bad influence there, but oh well. We like seeing our friends!

bothad like Aquamarina said, we stayed in touch after Leviathan. She bought in Eon when he got hurt attacking, helped Shadow out with her own attack, and then helped Shadow get around so that they could save me after I got stuck under a building while on search and rescue. Then we just kind of... ended up hanging out a bit later in the day, when people we taking breaks and stuff, so we decided to try and stay in contact.

Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

Huh, that's pretty neat. Though I'd like to know what Aquamarina and Shadow did... I swear that's been the best-kept secret about that last fight. If I didn't know better I'd think everyone was in cahoots trying to keep it quiet.

Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

Is it just me or is there a lot of ABB around the Inari meeting thing? Are they allied up or something?

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 4th 2011:

I'm aware of the amount of ABB in the area, and while it's odd, I'm keeping an eye on it. It's important to me that no-one causes any trouble, since then Eon or Shadow would try to get involved and then that'd put back their recovery. And that would annoy them since I'd stop them from going back to travelling to Containment Zones for longer.

Don't worry, I won't let anything happen.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 18, 19, 20


Topic: Inari Tracking

In: Boards ► World Events
(Original Poster) (Moderator)
Posted On Jun 7th 2011:


So, due to the number of threads that're now in the Brockton Bay boards, we're moving this to here.

This will be the semi-official thread for keeping a track of Team Inari whenever they're going off around the world. This is for tracking them to Containment Zones only; I don't care if they're going down the street for coffee, that's for the discussion threads. Here, you all can watch for their little roadtrips across the world. Discussion of this is also allowed here, though I don't know what there is to discuss when there's no reason to be speculating why they're going somewhere, but sure.

Any other threads on the topic are now going to be redirected here.

Edit: This was quickly approved by the entirety of Team Inari (you can see their posts on the first page) so I suppose we can consider this to be the official thread for it now. Off you go.

(Showing page 1 of 3)

Eon (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 7th 2011:

Thank you, Tin_Mother, for this thread. I'm sure it'll make handling our exploits a lot easier. My apologies if we've caused any trouble to the mod team with all of the threads about our travels.

Shadow (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 7th 2011:

Oh cool, a thread dedicated to us taking out trips! Not sure if we're gonna be able to contribute much, I think this is kinda-sorta classified, but it's still cool! Thanks!

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 7th 2011:

As both of my teammates said, thank you for the thread. I hope that this makes handling our travels easier on the mod team.

Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jun 7th 2011:

Thanks, Tin_Mother! So, to start this thread off, Inari were spotted this morning heading into the PRT building again. Presumably they've now recovered, since Eon and Shadow looked fine, so I guess now we need to wait to see where they're going.

Edit: Stranger'd by the entire team themselves, who apparently decided to approve the thread. Shame you couldn't give us any info, though understandable. Stay safe!

Replied On Jun 7th 2011:

In the South of England here, pretty sure we just saw a Dragoncraft heading over like it's got a bee in its bonnet, so seems like they might be heading into London?

Replied On Jun 7th 2011:

I actually don't live that far outside of the London zone, and yeah, just saw the Craft heading over. Would be nice to have our capital back, that's for sure.

Replied On Jun 9th 2011:

It's currently a little after 11pm, I was just looking out of the window, and looks like Inari are back from their last bout. Two whole days spent out there is... pretty impressive. How many people were there in that zone?

Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jun 9th 2011:

Sources are saying the affected zone was probably somewhere in the range of 3 million? We're not completely sure, since the damn place has been sealed off since 2003 so we're working with projections from the 2001 data.

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 9th 2011:

Since my team are, once again, unconscious; our understanding is about the same as your information. Luckily we all seem to be getting a better understanding about the range and limits of Shadow and Eon's abilities, so we were able to work with clearing bigger groups. It didn't tire them out too much more, and it meant that we were able to work through things quickly. Now it's just down to the locals to handle the rest.

I'd like to give thanks to Dragon on behalf of Team Inari for the transportation, and to the British Government for their assistance in everything going on.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3

(Showing page 2 of 2)

Replied On Jun 9th 2011:

I feel like you need to stop letting your team end up unconscious.

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 9th 2011:

I mean, I'm trying, but it's a little difficult when they keep working themselves into exhaustion with their abilities.

On the plus it'll hopefully mean they'll be able to do more as they keep doing this. On the minus, it means everything goes quiet and I end up on babysitter duty until they recover.

In the name of helping people, huh.

Replied On Jun 12th 2011:

Looks like Inari's heading to Lausanne today.

(A blurry photo of a Dragoncraft.)

Replied On Jun 12th 2011:

Seems like that one would be a bit difficult? Given that it's been under quarantine for nearly a decade now. Though it's smaller than London, at least. Maybe they'll get through it without passing out this time.

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 14th 2011:

@BadSamurai nope.

In their defense it is also 1:13 in the morning and I'm currently posting this from the plane before going to sleep for a bit myself, but nope. Still passed out.

Aquamarina (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jun 14th 2011:

I'm starting to think you need to talk to Dragon or the PRT or whoever the hell and get them to set out a better schedule for this stuff so Shadow and Eon can recover properly.

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 14th 2011:

Honestly probably, but also both of them tend to recover pretty quickly. They sleep like the dead for a while, then they're just drowzy for the rest of the day, but after that they're mostly ok again. Though doing it too much in a row without a proper break isn't the best thing for them.

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

Looks like Budapest is on the list.
(Another blurry photo of a Dragoncraft, this one taken as the craft starts to land.)

Answer Key
Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

Huh, two pretty old zones one after another? Interesting. Wonder who it is that's picking these?

Shadow (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

As far as we're aware, the PRT has a Thinker team that's doing it. But honestly I have no idea, for all we know they might just have a few people throwing darts at a board covered in Zone names.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3

(Showing page 3 of 3)

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

snorts now I'm imagining the Chief Director and some of her subordinates throwing darts in a conference room in order to decide where to ask for Team Inari to go next.

Thanks, Shadow.

Shadow (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

You're welcome!

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 19th 2011:

I got permission to post one this time!

I mean sure they were half asleep but I'm counting that as a victory, they wouldn't let me do it last time.
(A picture of Eon and Shadow in the den, curled around each other. Shadow is wrapped as a burrito in a puffy blue blanket, while Eon is curled around her with his tails over her and a soft orange blanket over both of them.)

Aquamarina (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jun 19th 2011:

This is exactly what we all wanted out of Team Inari going across the world dealing with Simurgh Containment Zones.

Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 19th 2011:

To be honest I have so many of these pictures it's not even funny. Mostly Shadow, Shadow is adorable and silly.

But also some of them risk my identity so sorry.

(Anyway to keep the thread on topic a little we're not gonna be going out for a few days again so you can all stop looking out for us.)

Replied On Jun 22nd 2011:

Got this from a friend that doesn't use PHO to upload.
(A Dragoncraft starting to land.)

Looks like it's Stockholm this time.

Replied On Jun 22nd 2011:

This is ridiculous, is Inari actually doing anything in Brockton Bay at the minute? I thought you were meant to be a local team @Shadow @Eon @Swarm

Eon (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Replied On Jun 24th 2011:

@Deimos we are, actually! We do short patrols on evenings when we can, and Swarm's still keeping an eye on things when we're home and Shadow and I are resting. We just also feel that since things have calmed down in Brockton Bay recently- you know, aside from the random explosions on occasion and the fairly rampant gun violence that's just par for the course- it's a fairly good time to be running across the world helping out.

(Also, sorry for the delayed reply; we were busy running across the world helping out.)

Replied On Jun 26th 2011:

Pretty quick recovery this time. Anyone see anything where they're going?
(A picture of Team Inari walking into the PRT building. Eon is leading the way, with Shadow and Swarm in their usual places.)

End of Page. 1, 2, 3


Topic: Explosion in warehouse district?
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On Jun 17th 2011:

So it looks like something's going down in town again. Almost unusual, actually; things have been quiet since the whole Leviathan thing, so it's practically a surprise that something's exploded.

Anyone have any leads?

(Showing page 27 of 37)

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

I'm just saying, it's pretty convenient that things are going down only now when Inari's out of town, y'know? Seems like it was planned.

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

Ah, yes, planning an attack and causing trouble on a day when one of the more effective teams of heroes is out of town. What genius cunning.

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

It's interesting that it happened somewhere so out of the way, though. Like, if it was some sort of proper attack I'd've expected it somewhere more in the city, not some out of the way warehouse?

Good Ship Morpheus
Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

could esily be one of the gangs gong after another

Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

While I can't officially comment, I understand the PRT's been over it pretty closely. It looks like Oni Lee's work, given everything.

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

Oh great, the ABB's back in force? They were being so calm...

Wonder if this has anything to do with the massive showup we had the other day?

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

That would make sense, yeah.

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

On the explosion that occurred in the warehouse district earlier today, evidence suggests Parahuman involvement, likely Oni Lee of the ABB. Nothing more is known about the situation at this time.

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

Darn, that's annoying. Thanks anyway, BBPD. Hopefully we get a PRT announcement soon.

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

So, um. I live sort of near that area. And I go walking around there sometimes. Not often, it's kinda sketchy. But sometimes.

There's been a lot of weird people around there the last couple of days. Like, a lot a lot. It's kind of scary.

And I'm fairly sure I saw Rune overhead last night.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 ... 35, 36, 37

(Showing page 28 of 37)

Mane Magenta
Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

Some sort of ABB hit on the Empire? Damn, that might get messy. Hopefully it's not too bad or it's dealt with quick or something, because things are still rocky enough after Leviathan showed up and I for one wouldn't want to be dealing with gang infighting.

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

I'm fairly sure it's not Empire? It didn't look like it was all white people there...

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

In which case I'm promptly lost again, because what the hell would it be? It's not like the Empire and ABB would work together, that's mad.

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

Could just be a coincidence.

Also does anyone know what the hell the Merchants are doing right now? Aside from being the opportunistic targets of Team Inari still.

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

I'd sincerely doubt that it's a coincidence, but also I guess there's a chance...?

And maybe it's Merchant related, given that no-one seems to have heard anything from them recently. Like, did they all up and vanish post Leviathan?

Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)
Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

I'm fairly sure Skidmark was declared dead during Leviathan, wasn't he? That would explain why the Merchants have been oddly silent the last little while. With only Squealer and Mush running about it's probably falling apart... more than it was before.

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

Wait, Skidmark is dead? I missed that somehow?

checks death announcement thread

Hell. That... certainly changes things in the Bay, doesn't it?

And probably makes that little bomb by Oni Lee more likely to be something Merchant related. Maybe they're trying to take territory, since the gang's falling apart?

Forgotten Creator
Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

Pretty sure the ABB's been going quiet recently, though? Ever since Leviathan they've been slowly withdrawing into themselves and not really doing anything. Like, pretty much the only 'problem' has been the Empire, and even they've been oddly silent. Reading the room?

Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

Probably rebuilding, since everything's gone to shit. I'm pretty sure the Empire took some hits during Leviathan, so they're likely trying to recover from that.

Hopefully we get more info on the explosion soon.

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jun 17th 2011:

Ok, we've got a PRT press release! LINK

Basically seems like Oni Lee was involved and basically just bombed the place, leveled a warehouse and did a number on the surrounding area. Quite a few people dead, though the full number is unknown and there's not really enough left to id them. Suspected to have had some of that crazy bitch Bakuda's work still left over that they ended up dropping in there.

Whatever the hell was going on, they really wanted it dead.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 ... 35, 36, 37


June 24th​, 2011. Friday.


The Ninetales blinked hard, pressing down on a yawn and trying to will his eyes to stop drifting.

"Yes, Dragon?"

The Tinker turned slightly from where she was standing, just before the door to the cockpit of the shuttle. They'd become fairly friendly with the woman over the course of the last few weeks, with her escorting them across the world and helping to smooth everything over for their actions. Of course the PRT had helped a lot there as well, and the US Government, but as a member of the Guild Dragon was more used to working across international borders.

Not that it was likely that they'd run into trouble when all Inari was offering was to help Simurgh victims.

"I've had a request come in, from Director Piggot." She said, sounding like she was reading something at the same time. "They'd like to know if you- and your team, obviously- would be willing to stop by the PRT building in Brockton Bay sometime soon. Not for anything to do with this," she gestured vaguely towards the closed door of the craft. "But something else."

Eon cast a glance across the way at his team mates- Swarm, settled on the couch and reading a book, and Shadow, napping lightly by her side. The insect user nodded without looking up, and Eon gave his own. "We'll take a few days to recover first. Maybe on Sunday? That will probably be long enough for Shadow and I to get our strength back in case it's needed."

"I'll inform Director Piggot. Thank you." There was a slight moment of hesitation, like she was thinking about saying something else and then decided not to, before the large metal form slipped through the door into the front instead.

"I wonder what that's all about." Swarm asked lowly, as the Dragoncraft rumbled to life. Eon shrugged.

"I suppose we'll find out on Sunday." He suggested. "Perhaps something to do with the other Endbringers? That's two we've proven to be an effective counter to, in one way or another."

"I don't see what we could do against Behemoth. He manipulates energy, after all."

"Could be that our Moves are different enough that he can't."

Swarm paused, tilting her head to the side. "That might be, yeah... your Moves are weird, after all."


They allowed things to lapse into silence for a while as they started the flight back home, until Swarm twisted slightly to reach into the Treasure Bag and pulled out two phones. Turning hers on with one hand, she offered the other to Eon. "A look at how things are doing in the world before you sleep?"

Blinking a few times to clear his eyes again, Eon took the phone with Extrasensory and balanced it carefully between his paws. "Sure."
Chapter 33- Meetings, thoughts, and terror
June 26th, 2011. Sunday.

"So you've not had anything else come through about what's going on?" Danny asked, as Taylor finished getting into her costume upstairs.

Eon shook his head, a mug of coffee in his telekinetic grip before him. "No, nothing." He replied, glancing at the man before refocusing on the Vulpix pacing the room. "I mean, in some ways I suppose that makes sense, if the information about whatever they're doing is classified and they don't have a secure method of reaching us." The PRT had their phone numbers, but phones weren't necessarily secure, even if you had some of the world's greatest Tinkers on the team. And it wasn't like they knew where the Den was to drop off a message; it was one of the great PHO mysteries, apparently, and there were threads dedicated to trying to figure out what exactly Inari claimed as their territory based on their patrol areas.

"But it would've been nice to know a bit more going in." Danny grumbled for him, heading to the kitchen to refill his own mug of coffee.

"Not that we've not had missions without info before." Shadow commented, from where she was pacing. She was alternating between sipping from a mug of hot chocolate, and a smaller glass with a blue liquid in it. Taking another drink from the glass, she pulled a face, sipping the hot chocolate again, and turned on the spot to keep pacing. "Mystery missions happen."

"They happen, sure, but that doesn't stop them being annoying." Eon returned. "How's your drink, by the way?"

"Terrible. Awful. Tastes like drinking miserable juice." She snipped, drinking it again and covering the taste with hot chocolate. "Zero out of ten, would not recommend. It's dry and bitter and boring and literally the only nice thing about this is the milk."

"Add something sweet to it next time?"

"Probably a good idea." Shadow grimaced. "At least it's keeping me awake."

"Just don't drink too much of it." Eon warned. "I know it's not like sugar or caffeine, but it's got the same effects."

"I won't, I won't."

"And don't roll your eyes."

Danny covered a snort with his coffee mug as Shadow glared at him.

"Anyway." He said, drawing both of their attention back. "You said Dragon said that it wasn't to do with the Simurgh Zones?"

"Yup." Shadow agreed. "But other than that I don't really know what the PRT would be calling us about, sooo..." She shrugged elegantly, her tails waving back and forth with the movement, before draining the remains of both of her drinks and putting them down on the table. "Also that was horrible and I hate that."

"We know, Shadow."

"Wonder if they're calling us about the weird explosions." She added, ignoring Eon's sigh with the ease of long experience. "Or maybe it's just about the ABB in general? Is it common knowledge that we're kinda friends with the ABB? I don't actually know."

"Oh Arceus." Eon muttered. That was the start of a ramble, and that was the sign of too much caffeine. Which was impressive since neither hot chocolate or Chesto Berry milkshakes had caffeine in them. "This is the sugar's fault, isn't it."

"Probably!" She grinned. "But it's also me being in a good mood and wanting to ramble a bit, and it's me being curious and wanting to speculate aloud instead of in my head. So honestly it's not much of the sugar, so don't worry I'm not gonna crash in the middle of the meeting."

"Once was enough."

"That wasn't my fault and you know it-?!"

"What wasn't?" Taylor asked, coming into her kitchen in her costume. The Swarm mask was in her off hand, and she was running the other through her hair in an attempt to mess it up a little after the brush she'd pulled through it. Eon could see a number of bugs crawling out of her sleeves and into her hair, too, though the vast majority of them would come when she put her mask on instead, so she wouldn't crush them.

"Nothing." Shadow grumbled, reaching up to bat at Eon's side grumpily. He took it for what it was and didn't tell the story, because while it was amusing that she'd once crashed in the middle of a meeting with the leader of the Wigglytuff Guild, it was also something Shadow was incredibly embarrassed about- even if, as she said, it wasn't really her fault. Move side effects were painful sometimes.

"Talking about Shadow crashing in meetings." Eon explained, because he wasn't going to not tease her at least a little about it. "Mostly because the Chesto Berry milkshake thing was disgusting, apparently, so she's not going to be drinking any more of it."

"What was up with it?" Taylor slipped into the free seat next to them and took the mug of coffee off her father with a smile.

"Dry and bitter and tasted like misery." Shadow repeated, settling herself on the floor and waving her tails back and forth rather than jumping up to the table. "Need something sweet in it next time, either another Berry or something else."

"Those Spinda made it look so easy, didn't they." Eon mused idly, finishing his coffee and waiting for Taylor to quickly drink hers so they could get ready to leave properly. Their meeting was in another hour, at eleven, but leaving and arriving early didn't have any real downsides. Aside from maybe having to wait a bit.

Then again, if they were too early there was always the nice coffee shop that they'd been to with Amy and Vicky after the power testing, so they could stop there for something first.

"There sounds like a story there." Taylor muttered into her mug.

"Not an exciting one, just there was a cafe we visited once in another region. Ran by a Spinda, had set up right outside the Wigglytuff Guild there. They did smoothies with Berries and Gummis and stuff." Shadow explained. "It was cool. Eon, when we go back can we take another trip there so we can get some? I want smoothies."

"You want good smoothies." Eon corrected, chuckling. "But sure, once we're back at the Den in Alma, we can get everything sorted with Inari there and go to Sinah for smoothies."

"We can see if there's any smoothie shops to your taste here in the Bay as well, if you want." Taylor offered, sounding a little strange. Eon glanced at her, and she put her mug down on the table so she could turn and look at them both properly. "I don't know if they'd be as nice as these apparently are, but hey. Maybe you could pay them to do something with your Berries?"

"That could be cool." Shadow grinned, glancing up at her, then across to Eon. The Ninetales nodded absently, still watching his team mate.

There was something strange in her scent, he realised, and with a darting look down to Shadow he knew she'd noticed it too. They'd gotten a little out of practise with using scents to figure out emotional states, apparently; humans were easier to read than most Pokemon were, so it wasn't something they'd been doing as much. Even when a lot of their interactions were with people who wore masks and costumes, it was still easier to read their body language than it was to read some Pokemon's... But Taylor was good at keeping herself steady, using her bugs to funnel the movement part of emotions out of the way. It was sort of like dealing with the more mechanical or artificial Pokemon, and keeping an eye on her emotions was something better done with scent.

It felt sad.

After a few moments of confused glances back and forth, Eon suddenly realised what the problem was. It's because we're talking about going home. He thought, eyes a little wide. And Taylor can't come with us. Her dad's here, and she belongs here in Brockton Bay, on Earth Bet.

The realisation stung a surprising amount. Eon had always known, faintly and in the back of his head, that when he and Shadow went back home to Alma they'd be leaving Earth Bet behind. But this was the first time he'd really realised that they'd be leaving Taylor and Danny, as well as New Wave and Aquamarina and all of the other people they'd befriended during their time here.

Maybe we could see if Hoopa would be willing to portal us back and forth every now and then. He mused. It probably wouldn't be able to happen all that often, but spending some time swapping between worlds wouldn't cause that much trouble for the team. Especially since they've been handling themselves alone for a while now.

Eon blinked at the feeling of a sudden sharp poke to the side, barely suppressing a yelp as he glanced down at Shadow. "Ready to go?"

"Oh-" He blinked again, noting that Taylor was standing up and hugging her dad, mask now firmly in place. "Sure. Sorry."

Getting down from the chair, he accepted the Treasure Bag from Shadow and slung it across his back, nudging her slightly with a tail in thanks.

"We'll need to talk later." He heard her murmur, using her audio illusion to project it closer to his ears. He nodded back, trotting over to the door and leveraging his own illusion around them before pulling it open. Swarm was in position not even a moment later, and they quickly made their way out of the house and towards the streets, aiming to put as much distance between them and the house as possible before dropping the illusion.

Amy sighed quietly, stretching and falling back onto her bed with a soft puff of blankets. Thanks to the timing of the Leviathan attack, the majority of schools in the Bay had just decided to give everyone an extended summer instead, especially given the damage done to Winslow that meant that a lot of students would need to be moved. Arcadia had just handed out a ton of extra summer homework instead, so Amy was getting a good head-start on that.

Unlike Vicky, who was alternating between messing about with her friends and trying to offer help around town as Glory Girl.

Though to be fair to her sister, even she'd gotten started on the work. Usually doing it at the same time as Amy, giving her someone to complain at whenever she was bored, but she was doing her best not to be distracting even then. It was like a switch had flipped in the aftermath of everything that went down with Leviathan, and her sister was trying to be a brand new person.

It was almost worrying how much she was focusing on that, even if she was still very much the same Vicky. She still went out shopping and hung about with Dean and the other Wards, but she was more careful with her aura and in the few fights she'd been involved in- more scuffles really- she'd been careful not to hurt anyone or cause any damage to the area.

Amy wondered how much of that was because of losing Carol versus what had happened with Shadow after the end of the fight.

Shadow was another thing that'd been preying on her mind for a while. Pretty much since they'd started healing together, though ever since Leviathan and the Master power testing it'd been a little more intense. Amy wasn't totally sure why, but she was curious about how that power of hers worked.

She'd watched it before, standing with her hand on the kitsune's back while she sent out those waves of healing power. She'd seen how it flowed into people as well, in cases like the one with Battery where she'd watched both sides at the same time.

But something about how it interacted with the Masters had made her curious, and she couldn't quite shake it. It was partly how it hit the Capes- there was the faint feeling of something snapping, like some kind of cable or rope that was being pulled too tightly and then cut- but also Shadow herself.

It was rare that Amy was in contact enough to actually get to watch Shadow recover, but in this case she had. Not much, only little trickles of it between uses of the ability, but...

It was odd. Like watching water bubble out of an underground spring, only without any sort of visual indicator that something was happening other than her own gut instinct. She knew there was something refilling, and something being refilled, but she couldn't see any indication of it anywhere, even though something told her she should be looking straight at it.

It was frustrating.

A knock at the door made her jump. "Ready to go, Ames?" Vicky called from outside her room.

"Just a sec!" She replied, rolling off the bed and brushing herself down. "Let me get my costume out, then we can head over to the hospital."

"Alright, no problem!"

Amy could faintly hear her sister floating away down the hall, probably back to her own room to open her windows for them to leave through, and smiled slightly, going to the wardrobe to get her costume.

At least healing wasn't as tedious as it used to be now, since she'd sometimes have a friend to help out.

Pausing for a moment to let Shadow throw the takeaway cups in the nearby bin, Eon flicked his tails and let his two team mates get into position before sweeping into the PRT building.

"Hello again, Inari." The receptionist, Kay, greeted. By this point Inari were practically regular visitors to the building, so they were used to seeing the various receptionists on duty there. Usually it was the early morning or late night shifts, admittedly, but they'd met the day shift as well on a few occasions. "I didn't think you were going anywhere for a while?"

"We're not, ma'am." Eon replied, smiling a little. "We've got a meeting with the Director."

Kay blinked, raising an eyebrow, and consulted something on her computer. "Oh, so you do." She confirmed. "You're a bit early, but just wait over there and I'll call to let her know you're here."

"Thank you."

Swarm was already making her way over to the visitors area, taking a seat on the right of the first set of three she came across- there were a few others waiting for things today, apparently, so they had some company- so Eon and Shadow merely followed her there, Eon sitting in the centre and Shadow on the left. The person on her other side was focused on a magazine, obviously trying very hard not to stare at the trio, while the person a chair over from Swarm had discreetly leaned away a little to give the insect user some room. The other visitors were giving them curious glances, one teenager had her phone out and was pointing it at them in that awkward way that people do when they're trying to be causal and stealthy and failing miserably, but the guards dotted around the room and various secretarial staff wandering in and out barely gave them a glance. At this point, they were pretty much regular visitors to the PRT building anyway, even if it usually happened at more extreme hours, but it was nice to see that they'd become something that was considered to just be another part of the job.

It reminded Eon of the Wigglytuff Guild at home once again, where Inari had quickly become a common sight there getting missions from the bulletin boards or checking the outlaw listings. Even Eon's 'shininess' eventually stopped being notable for anything other than a good way for Pokemon looking for help to figure out who Team Inari was.

Eon shook his head slightly, lifting a paw to brush away the crest as it swayed with the motion. Get ahold of yourself! He mentally scolded. Getting all caught up in thinking about Alma and the team isn't going to help here.

Fortunately, they didn't need to wait long, apparently the Director didn't care that they were early for the meeting and just wanted them around. Armsmaster's heavily armoured form approached them, and Eon easily swept himself from the chair to meet him halfway, Swarm and Shadow on either side of him.

"Armsmaster." He smiled, offering a paw. "I hope you're doing well." The Tinker didn't often encounter them, only sometimes appearing to supervise the preparations of the Dragoncraft they were taking to whatever Simurgh Zone they'd been arranged for, and even then Eon was fairly close to certain that he was only there to speak to Dragon herself rather than actually oversee anything. He seemed quite fond of the woman, not that Eon could blame him; Dragon was a naturally pleasant person the likes of which it was rare to find.

He nodded slightly, shaking Eon's paw and offering more noticeable nods to Shadow and Swarm rather than shaking hands with them. "Well enough. I see you and Shadow are recovering from the other day."

"It's getting easier, thankfully, plus we've got much better recovery plans compared to the earlier missions out." Eon shrugged. "But that isn't important right now."

"I suppose so." Armsmaster seemed quite relieved to leave the small talk behind, the scent drifting through even over the smell of blue-glitter-silver that made up his Tinkertech armour, and turned back to the door he'd come through originally. "We can continue this conversation somewhere more secure." He added over his shoulder, making Eon give both his team mates a quick look before following on a step and a half behind their escort.

Their path quickly took a turn down a different corridor to the usual path to the roof, unsurprising given that this wasn't a trip out, so the trio focused on keeping track of where they were and what was around them; Swarm had her bugs, and Eon knew she was using the smaller ones to mark a pathway through the corridors; Shadow was listening around them, using her senses to get an idea of the surroundings; and Eon merely used the well-learned skill of keeping up with twisty Mystery Dungeon paths to avoid getting lost as they walked. A few times, they passed by various PRT agents, who gave them odd- and sometimes nervous- looks as they walked, but no-one tried to stop them at all.

The benefits of having someone in charge escorting you, Eon supposed.

The door they stopped in front of was pretty nondescript as far as rooms in a government building went, with a pair of troopers standing guard outside of it. Eon recognised one of them as Karaday, the man who'd escorted them from the PRT building in the aftermath of Canberra, and gave the man a small smile and nod of acknowledgement as they pass by.

"Director." Armsmaster called, making the three women in the room look up. They're seated at the other end of the table from the doorway, in easy view, and as Miss Militia and Dragon stood to greet them the Director nodded.

"Armsmaster, Inari." She said, barely taking her eyes from the tablet in front of her.

"Thank you for coming so quickly." Miss Militia took over, walking the length of the room and offering her hand to Eon. He shook it and Dragon's as the Tinker arrived, looking between them as they led the way back to the table.

The team settled into position quickly on the opposite side to the Parahumans, all looking to the Director as she put her tablet to one side and folded her hands in front of her, clearing her throat.

"Yes. Thank you for being prompt."

"It's no trouble, Director Piggot." Eon stated easily, shifting a little in the chair. "We're recovered from the trip to Stockholm, and Dragon said that you were asking for us. You've been helping us a lot with the Simurgh Containment Zones, so it's no trouble to any of us to stop by and help you in return."

It truly wasn't, either. He'd spoken to Shadow and Swarm after they'd gotten back to the Den for a few hours of sleep, and- somewhat fortunately- neither of them had had any issues with dropping by today for a meeting. It had been Shadow that had said what he'd just replied with, but he was speaking for the entire team when he said it.

"Still, it is quite short notice, and given that you've been in and out of the city frequently I wouldn't have been surprised if you'd asked for more time before the meeting." Piggot replied, before shaking her head. "Anyway, we were hoping for your assistance with a small matter."

"It's our duty to help people out, and we're honoured to do it." The Ninetales shrugged, curling his tails a little. Beside him, both Swarm and Shadow straightened, putting their full focus on the situation ahead of them. "How can we help?"

"In the aftermath of the Leviathan attack last month, Dragon lent us some drones to assist with cleanup." Armsmaster began, after a short silence that sounded somewhat surprised. "A few days after, while working on the path that Leviathan fled along, one of them found an object." Picking up a tablet of his own, he poked at it for a moment, then turned it so the group could see.

It was a large chunk of something, turquoise in colour with brighter green ripples dotted around on it. The entire thing was huge, from the scale they could get looking at it; perhaps twice the size of Shadow, at the very least.

"We thought, at first, it was something generated by one of the powers being used in the battle, and it just hadn't faded away." He continued, letting them examine the picture as he spoke. Shadow had a paw placed on the edge of the table for balance and was leaning forward, peering down her nose, and while Swarm's mask obscured her face, it seemed likely she was squinting at it. Eon was doing the same, leaning forward as much as he could while still remaining in place, but he focused more of his attention on the Parahuman speaking, knowing his team mates would handle the image. "We had the drone bring it in to run tests on; it's not made of any material that we know of, which admittedly isn't necessarily new for Parahuman abilities..."

"But due to the fact that it was in Leviathan's escape path, I doubt it was something another Parahuman created." Swarm said quietly.

"You think my Thunder managed to damage Leviathan and knock a chunk off?" Shadow asked, pushing herself back into her chair. "It... could be plausible, I guess. If I managed to hit at about the same point Eon did, there'd already be a weak spot there, so it might be plausible that my Thunder could knock loose a chunk when nothing else had."

Especially given that our Moves seem to run on such a totally different energy that Parahuman powers don't know how to react. Eon added to himself. Given the way Lung's power had reacted, as well as the occasional strange moments with Amy when she and Shadow were healing at the hospital, her power apparently not quite tracking Shadow's healing until after it was completely finished, it wouldn't surprise Eon to find that Parahuman powers just didn't quite gel with the Aura used to power Moves.

Dragon nodded, bringing his attention back to the point. "That was what we hypothesised as well." She agreed. "We bought it into the labs for testing, like Armsmaster said, because we thought that if we were able to study it we might be able to find something that would work more effectively on the Endbringers than just relying on your abilities having some sort of natural countereffect against them. Nothing against yourselves, but you might not always be around to deal with them, or you might get taken out too early to be relied on."

"Trust me, no offence taken."

"So, what happened?" Shadow questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Obviously something didn't go to plan, or you wouldn't have called us in."

"Indeed." Director Piggot sighed heavily. "In the end, nothing we've tried has done anything to it. The thing is as durable as it is sitting on Leviathan's body."

"So you want us to try?"

Given the looks traded on the other side of the room, that answer wasn't what they were fishing for.

"Thank you for the offer, that would be appreciated." Armsmaster accepted. "But the situation we were hoping for your help with is something different." Eon raised an eyebrow as well, tilting his head. "All of our work has had to be done via drones, due to the... effects, that the crystal has."


"Any human getting too close to the crystal becomes nauseous." Miss Militia cut in. "Past a certain point, there was a mild effect of dizziness, and getting closer strengthened it to the point of the person losing balance. None of the drones had any issues at all, hence us needing to use them, but a person inside armour was still affected, so it obviously isn't something to do with the materials they're made out of. We're uncertain as to what it is that's causing it-"

"You want them to try." Swarm suddenly interrupted, stiffening. "You want to test if something non-human is affected, animals can't talk normally and they'd likely need a Master of some sort to get them close enough, so you aren't able to use them, meaning that you've turned to the nearest group of non-humans that you can think of. Team Inari."

The group traded looks again, and Eon gave Shadow one of his own.

"Obviously you're under no obligation to help." Miss Militia hurried to add, looking nervous. "But you were the first group that came to mind, especially given that your abilities seem to have a much stronger effect against the Endbringers than Parahumans do, so..."

Shadow raised her right paw in a sort of shrug- accidentally shutting Miss Militia up in the process- and Eon nodded his acceptance. "Very well. We might as well take a look."

Swarm gave them a small glance, and Shadow piped up to continue, "We're already here, we've been given the information, and like Miss Militia said, we've already been seen to have a strange relation to the Endbringers. We might as well take a look at it."

Director Piggot gave them a hard look, tracing from Swarm on one side of the table all the way to Armsmaster opposite her, then sighed. "We'll take you down to the lab, then."

The trip to the lab was short, the conference room apparently having been chosen specifically so it was nearby, and the entire thing was filled with a mildly tense silence from the PRT team, some confusion from Swarm, and a silent conversation between Shadow and Eon as to what they were going to do.

The two guards from outside the conference room, Karaday and whoever, followed along with them and took up a position outside of the- much more heavy duty- doors to the lab, and after a brief pause where Armsmaster put in the code, they went in.

Looking around, it was mostly cleared of other things; they entered a shielded room much like the one they'd been in for power testing, with a doorway leading out into the main lab. Notepads and other things were scattered around in a way that implied the techs that normally kept to this lab had been moved out for the time being, making Eon wonder what they were planning to do with the information they got, and the large windows were slightly more tinted than the ones in the power testing room.

"Director Piggot will be observing the proceedings from in here." Armsmaster explained, as the rest of them headed for the other door. "Everyone else will be in the main room."

The centre of the room was taken up by a large metal box, sitting in the centre of a taped-off square. "The tape marks the point where the side effects started." Dragon told them, as Shadow made her way closer. Eon stayed a little way behind her, and Swarm at the very end of the line. Both of them paused when they reached the tape line, while Shadow hesitated and stepped over. She paused herself when her paw hit the floor, but when nothing appeared to happen she continued all the way.

"Don't feel anything strange..." She mused aloud, walking closer to the box. Sniffing at it, she turned to Dragon. "Could you take this apart or something? Your Tinkertech smell is blocking whatever the crystal's one is."

"Of course. One moment..." The Tinker went silent, doing something from within her suit, and Shadow stepped away as it beeped and split apart.

"No change." She reported, starting to circle it.

"No, the box didn't change anything. We put it there in the hopes of it stopping the effects, but nothing changed." Miss Militia told her.

Looking at it now, it was a lot bigger than Eon had thought from the picture; about three feet wide and four tall, with sharp points sticking out at random places. The centre of it was a brighter colour than the turquoise of the rest, more teal, and sparkled brightly in the harsh light of the lab.

"It... hm." Shadow sniffed at it again, completing her circuit. "It smells... strange. Blue and glitter, kind of like a Water Stone or something. Makes sense, given Leviathan. But there's something else to it as well. Like... forests?" She shook her head and closed her eyes, breathing deeply. "This is so weird."

"What's wrong?"

"It's got a lot of scents. And normally that's not that weird, things have a lot of scents, but they're strange... Blue and glitter and forests and deserts and gemstones and lakewater and..." She rolled her paw around as she trailed off. "I've never seen anything with this many different smells that're so different." Shadow paused. "And they smell weird as well. Like they've been on the thing for ages, but they're new as well."

"That doesn't make any sense." Eon muttered.

"No." Shadow bit her lip, then slowly reached out and poked the side with her paw. She recoiled away almost instantly, then put it back when nothing happened. "I guess it's not activated by touch, either... I wonder if there's something specific that you're supposed to do to it."

"Perhaps." The Ninetales hummed, giving her a look. Glancing up at Swarm in a warning to stay put, he stepped over the tape line to join his second in command, only to freeze as a wave of dizziness hit him.

Awfully familiar dizziness, which caught him by surprise in a wave of something complex.

"Shadow, back!" He barked, running over to her and pushing the dizziness to one side.

"Wha-?" Shadow startled, backing away from the crystal in reflex as the rest of the room jolted at the sudden shout. Eon skidded to a halt next to her, knocking slightly into her side and causing her to automatically steady herself using the rock while his tails whipped around-

The little Vulpix sighed, kicking at the grass.

"Too young my behind." She grumbled sadly. "Stupid Guild rules not letting solo Pokemon join. Stupid team requirement. Stupid age requirement." She huffed, turning on the spot and walking away, head down.

"Hello there, little pix." A somewhat familiar voice greeted a few steps later, making her look up in surprise. "What's wrong with you?"

"Oh. Hello, Mr. Eon sir." She said softly, waving at him. "Just the Guild, is all."

"Did you go and try to make a Rescue Team again?" She blinked, gaping at him.

"How'd you know?"

"I've seen you around." Eon shrugged, grey fur rippling and glittering in the dying sunlight. "I know you want to be a Rescue Pokemon. I think you're far too young to be trying on your own, but I do admire your dedication."

"Thanks." She sighed, kicking at the ground again. "But yeah, the Guild won't even let me
train, for Arceus' sake. They could at least take me on and teach me, right?"

"They could, yes." Eon nodded in agreement, placing a paw on her head. "I know how you feel, though." The Vulpix was fairly sure he did; being the only shiny Pokemon in the town, a Ninetales at that, and having complete amnesia aside from his name and that he was a former human on top of it all, it made for a fairly big combination for a mix of nervousness, distrust and awe from Pokemon around town.

"Hey, I know!" She suddenly said, perking up. "I know! We could form a team together!"

"Pardon?" Eon blinked.

"We're both pretty good, right? So we could make a team together, and that way we'd be able to do cool rescue stuff!"

"I suppose." He mused, grinning slightly. "But would anyone else be alright with that?"

"Hmph, who cares what others think?" She smirked. "It's up to us, right?"

"I guess." Eon agreed. "Sure. Let's make a Rescue Team."

"Thanks, Eon!"

"No problem, little Shadow."

-Eon and Shadow shuddered, swaying and falling to the ground in a pile.

"Pft." Shadow muttered, spitting out a bit of fur that'd gotten caught in her mouth. "That was... weird." Eon, being more used to the situation, pulled himself up and lifted her by the scruff of her neck- something he hadn't done since they were still new to being a Rescue Team and she was still young, making her bark indignantly as he hurried out of the taped-off area. "Hey!"

"Sorry, little pix." He replied after releasing her. Swarm knelt down beside them, running a hand carefully over their fur, and the three PRT Parahumans came closer. "But... this isn't good."

"Why not?" Dragon asked, as Shadow shook her head.

"That was weird." She repeated, looking at it in confusion. "Why'd it make me think of that, for Arceus' sake? What's Wigglytuff Guild got to do with, well, anything?"

"The Dimensional Scream." Eon said, sitting down heavily with a sigh. Shadow stiffened, gaping.

"Wait, that- that doesn't make sense." She returned. "I've never seen a Scream before, so why-"

"That's a Time Gear."


Silence reigned for a minute; Eon and Shadow in shock, the rest confused- except maybe Swarm, who knew at least a little about those stories.

"Well heck."
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Chapter 34- Talekeeper, fear, and horror
Serious spoilers for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky in this one. I've marked the point in the chapter where the spoilers end, but be aware; knowing the information from this chapter is pretty damn important for the story. I've done my best to make up for anyone that skips over it in the rest of the chapter, but that's your heads up. Jump to (Major spoilers end here) to avoid them.

"A... time gear?" Armsmaster finally questioned, after several more seconds of confused silence. "What is that?"

"This rock certainly doesn't look like a gear." Miss Militia added, in the voice of a person who was trying to add some levity to a serious situation because she didn't know what was going on.

"No, it doesn't." Swarm murmured, her bugs seeming to amplify it as she leaned closer. "I've heard a little about them before, and from what you've said they don't look anything like this at all."

"As far as we know they don't." Eon agreed. He exchanged a look with Shadow, who nodded firmly, before looking at the humans. "We ought to go back to the conference room. It's an awfully long story, and it would be better than standing for it all."

The three PRT Capes exchanged looks as well, seemingly some combination of cautious, confused, and irritated, before Miss Militia nodded. "We can, yes."

Armsmaster led the way back to the observation room, where they met up with Piggot and started the short walk back to the conference room they'd started in. Eon felt almost bad for the guards that were with them for needing to go back and forth so much- they were likely going to be making another trip back again once they'd explained what a Time Gear was. Dragon entered last, probably having been locking the thing up again, and they settled into their seats.

This time, though, Eon made sure to sit on the leftmost chair, with Shadow taking the centre and leaving Swarm on the right. The change in position was noted by the others in the room, and they all trade glances that were probably meant to be discreet but felt almost painfully obvious when looked at with the eyes of a Pokemon with sharper senses and a lot of experience in watching people. Plus, the air reeked of curiosity, and while it was fairly obvious that a lot of it came from the Time Gears, some of it was certainly from the change in seating as well.

These people were far too smart not to have noticed Team Inari had a very careful structure, even if they didn't know what it was.

"So." Director Piggot said, giving them a hard and sharp look. "What exactly is a... 'time gear', and why is it so important?"

"It's a very long story, Director Piggot." Eon replied, settling carefully into the chair and bringing his tails around. He was mostly going to be providing illusions to demonstrate things, but as team leader he felt he should warn them.

Shadow shifted, drawing attention to herself, and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath, letting it out as she opened it, and sat ramrod straight with her tails curled around her paws, looking slightly along her nose. It was a pose he'd seen her adopt very rarely, on nights where they were travelling and a young Pokemon was working on the team and needed calming, and one he'd seen a few times when visiting her family. Kuibeina and Grandmother Kimmata- the single time he'd met the latter- had used it a few times as well. It was the Talekeeper pose, as he called it, when a story was incoming.

"The story of Time Gears is an interesting one, because it's one that in some ways is very old, and very new, and hasn't ever happened." Shadow began, eyes half closed. On the other side of the table, Armsmaster stiffened, giving her a serious look with all of his focus.

Apparently the Tinker could tell that there was something very important happening here.

"It's also a story we heard from some of the- people, involved, rather than hearing it from an outside source." She added, with a small smile. "And it begins long ago, with the creation of the Temporal Tower. This Tower was the home of Time, and held a great power. So great, that it was eventually split up, sent away to different places within the region- Sinah.

"Fogbound Lake, Crystal Lake, Underground Lake, Limestone Cavern, Treeshroud Forest. Aside from Treebound Forest, each of them had a guardian; Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit, and Ditto."

Obligingly, Eon placed an illusion of each Pokemon into the air above the table, followed by one of the Wonder Map, showing Sinah and highlighting the five locations that Shadow had mentioned.

"Each of these places held a Time Gear, the manifestation of the Temporal Tower's powers. Condensed into a crystal, shaped like a gear, and hidden away there behind the beings that guarded it. The Time Gears kept the very flow of time in the area steady, the energy leaking out around them, and without them, there would be a complete paralysis of time.

"In Sinah, a- a forest spirit, known as Grovyle, was stealing the Time Gears from their locations, causing time to stand still. He was able to steal the one from Treeshroud Forest easily, because it lacked a guardian, and that led to people finding out about what he was doing. Meanwhile, the local Guild, full of powerful spirits- Exploration Teams, similar to ourselves, but more focused on travelling and discovery- began a quest to Fogbound Lake. Two of them- Sally, a flame spirit with the power to see through time, and Chika, a plant spirit- were able to reach the top of the mountain, where they met another being- Groudon, the being that created all of the land.

"They battled, only to find it was an illusion, created by Uxie, the Guardian of the Lake and Being of Knowledge. The illusion was supposed to drive people away, as very few spirits would be willing to even battle with the being who created the land, let alone potentially fight them. Uxie didn't believe that the Guild would leave the Time Gear there alone, and went to use it's legendary powers to wipe all of their memories in order to keep the secret of the Lake safe. Chika spoke to them, gaining their trust and a promise that they would hide the Time Gear by spreading the information that there was nothing there, which caused Uxie to let them leave.

"The Guild returned home, and met a powerful phantom spirit, Dusknoir, who was also a famous explorer. He explained to Sally that her power to see through time was called the Dimensional Scream, and after some thought, they decided that it existed due to Sally's nature.

"Unlike most of the spirits in our world, Sally was born a human, transformed into a spirit, and they came to the conclusion that it was because of that that she could trigger the Dimensional Scream, while normal spirits cannot. However, Dusknoir couldn't say how she had been transformed- and Sally had lost her memories in the transformation, so she didn't know- but he promised to help her and Chika discover what had happened.

"Shortly after, however, the Guild received a report that the Fogbound Lake's Time Gear had been stolen, leading to a complete paralysis of time in the area. The Guild splits up into groups, working with Dusknoir to look for the other Time Gears in order to warn their guardians about what was going on.

"Sally and Chika managed to find Underground Lake, in the Northern Desert, and end up battling the Being of Emotion, Mesprit. Once they defeated them, they tried to explain what was going on, when Grovyle suddenly appeared and attacked them all, stealing away the Time Gear. The three of them escaped before the paralysis of time freezes them, returning to the Guild, where Dusknoir determined that they are likely to find another Time Gear in the hands of Azelf, the Being of Willpower, and uses a treasure that one of the other Guild members took to trigger a Dimensional Scream. This told them that the Crystal Lake is the location of the next Time Gear, and that Grovyle is fighting Azelf for it, and while some spirits were worried that it was a vision of the past, they decided to go anyway.

"They arrive to find Grovyle about to defeat Azelf, who triggered a trap to cover the lake in crystals and stop Grovyle. In his rage, Grovyle attacked them, knocking the team down and seriously injuring Chika. Before he could finish her, Dusknoir appeared, protecting her and forcing Grovyle to flee as he chased him.

"Later, they made their way back to the Guild, meeting in the local town as Dusknoir revealed that Grovyle was still at large, and that Grovyle was a spirit from the future. In the future, Grovyle was a criminal who had fled to the past to avoid capture, plotting to steal the Time Gears in order to bring about the planet's paralysis; water would not flow, the sun would not rise, the seasons would not change, and darkness would cover the world, bringing doom for most spirits and all humans in the world. Dusknoir also revealed that he was from the future, sent back to capture Grovyle and bring him to justice.

"Azelf and Dusknoir wove a trap for Grovyle, spreading the rumour that the three Beings are planning to seal the Time Gear away permanently, and a few days later word comes that Grovyle had been captured. Dusknoir opened a Dimensional Hole in the middle of the town square in order to return to the future, and the Beings give the news that the Time Gears have been returned to their proper places as Dusknoir and two other phantom spirits- Sableye- brought Grovyle through the portal and Dusknoir gave a farewell, before suddenly attacking Sally and Chika and hauling them through the portal as well, closing it behind them.

"The two of them found themselves in the future as well, captured and bound to poles, along with Grovyle. Grovyle managed to convince them to work with him, and when the Sableye attack to execute them, they were able to break the ropes binding them and use a Luminous Orb to blind the spirits and escape.

"Grovyle reveals to them that they are in a future where the planet has been paralysed, despite the return of the Time Gears to their original locations, and that he plans to return to his quest to remove the Time Gears. Chika became worried that she would never be able to return home, but Sally was able to motivate her to catch up with Grovyle, asking for the full story.

"He explained that the paralysis of the planet dated back to the team's 'current time', when the collapse of Temporal Tower happened. Dialga, the spirit that created and governed the flow of time, lost control of time when the Tower collapsed, losing control of himself and becoming Dark Dialga. Grovyle had gone back in time to prevent the collapse of Temporal Tower, and thus the paralysis of the planet, but Dark Dialga sent Dusknoir back to stop him, as if history was changed, he would cease to exist. The Time Gears had been taken in order to prevent the Tower from collapsing, and that the flow of time caused by their removal was only temporary, and they would return to normal when the Gears were placed in Temporal Tower.

"Chika didn't believe Grovyle, but Sally did, and the two argued for a while before agreeing to follow Grovyle on his quest to find Celebi, a nature spirit that also was able to manipulate and travel through time, so that they could return to the other time and their friends. Celebi claimed that Sally was a friend of Grovyle's, and leads them to the Passage of Time- a corridor that spanned dimensions and would allow Celebi to send the three of them back to the past. Dusknoir corners them there, surrounding them with a group of Sableye, and Dark Dialga appears to destroy them.

"Grovyle prepared to surrender, believing that there would still be hope, revealing that he had taken a partner back to the past when he first travelled there- a human, who had ended up separated from him. He believed that she would be able to finish the quest to gather the Time Gears, however Dusknoir disagreed, forcing Grovyle to tell them the name of his partner. He then revealed that he had known for a long time who Grovyle's partner was- ever since Sally and Chika had revealed to him that Sally could use the Dimensional Scream, and was once a human who had turned into a Pokemon, because Sally was the one who had originally gone back in time- and revealed as well that he had befriended the Guild and the team to give himself the opportunity to destroy both of them at once. Celebi intervened, agreeing with Chika to teleport them closer to the Passage so that they could escape, and remained behind herself to fend of Dusknoir and the Sableye to keep them from following before she could shut the Passage.

"The three of them returned to the present, arranging to stay somewhere else while they worked out what to do, since Grovyle was still considered a criminal. After setting up a new base, Grovyle explained that he and Sally had been an investigative team in the future, investigating the planet's paralysis. This was helped along by Sally's ability to perform the Dimensional Scream when in the presence of a trusted partner, and using triggers that were tied to the places Time Gears had been hidden. Chika realised that the Dimensional Scream worked differently in their time, as Sally had had incidents unrelated to the Time Gears, and they decided that that was because time was still flowing, unlike in the paralysed future.

"They began by going to Treeshroud Forest again, as there was no guardian for the Time Gear there, but found that despite the return of the Time Gear, time was paralysed anyway, and that Temporal Tower was starting to collapse. Worried about that, they worked to gather information, learning that the other places containing Time Gears had also become paralysed. Knowing that the only way to reverse it was to take the Time Gears to Temporal Tower, but not being able to get there- the only passage was in the Hidden Land, which no-one knew the location of- the group split up; Grovyle to get the other Time Gears, and Sally and Chika to the Guild, where they explained the situation and asked for help.

"Working with the Guild, they were able to get information from the town elder on how they could find the Hidden Land; using an old Relic Fragment that Chika had had for many years as a personal treasure, they could locate the place. The Guildmaster was able to lead them to the place where they had to use it, as he had seen the pattern on the Relic Fragment before, and took them there to find a sea spirit, Lapras, who explained that she was the gatekeeper to the Hidden Land and would take Sally, Chika and Grovyle forward, and that the Hidden Land existed in a different dimension, within a moment in Time, because Dialga had feared that interference could affect the flow of Time and left the Relic Fragment as a single key that could allow spirits through by their purity of heart.

"When they arrived in the Hidden Land, Lapras directed them to the Rainbow Stoneship, located within a ruin decorated by other legendary spirits, which would take them to the Temporal Tower. Chicka found a pattern, and realised that they needed to place the Relic Fragment into an indentation to operate the Rainbow Stoneship- the temple they were in- but are attacked and captured by Dusknoir, who had somehow been able to follow them to the Hidden Land using a Dimensional Hole. They managed to overwhelm the Sableye, then defeat Dusknoir, and Chika left to go and activate the ship. Dusknoir then revealed that if they completed their quest, Grovyle and Sally, as well as the other spirits from the future, would be erased from existence, as their future no longer existed. Grovyle confirmed this, and Sally accepted that it would have to happen to save the future.

"Enraged by the failure of his last effort, Dusknoir recovered enough to attack Sally before she could get on board of the just-activated Stoneship, trying to finish her off and stop their mission. Grovyle attacked in return, dropping the Time Gears and forcing Dusknoir through the Dimensional Hole, knowing that it would close once Dusknoir went through, and hoping that Sally and Chika would be able to finish the job. Chika returned at that moment, gathering the Time Gears herself and going with Sally onto the Stoneship to head to Temporal Tower.

"They managed to fight their way through to the top of the Tower as it collapsed around them, finding at the top another relic, with five indentations. Before they could slot the Time Gears into place, they were attacked by Dark Dialga, who had just gone berserk from the effects of the slow paralysis of Time. Realising that they couldn't reason with him, they fought against Dark Dialga, knocking him away for long enough to install the Time Gears and return Time to normal, restoring Dialga as well. Dialga reached out to restore the rest of the world to its proper state, though the Temporal Tower itself was still heavily damaged as it was too difficult to effect with Dialga's Time powers while there were still other spirits there. Dialga thanked them for their help, escorting them out of Temporal Tower to the Rainbow Stoneship, and warning them that it would still take time for things to recover completely.

"As they returned, Sally began to feel the effects of the repair of the world, slowly being erased from existence as the flow of time corrected itself and removed her original timeline from existence. She apologised to Chika for hiding the situation from her, having known that she wouldn't take it so easily, and left Chika to return to the Guild and tell their story to everyone else."

(Major spoilers end here)

Shadow fell silent. Eon, who had continued to idly make illusions to demonstrate what she was talking about- showing the Pokemon and imprinting on the map what he could, creating images of the scenes based on the descriptions what he couldn't- blinked his way out of the half-dreamy state that he always ended up in when Shadow started telling stories that way, and used Extrasensory to pour her a glass of water from the pitcher sitting on the table.

The movement seemed to break the rest of them out of their focus, too, the others in the room subtly shaking their heads and blinking rapidly. Dragon and Armsmaster were examining the illusions above the table, while Miss Militia and Director Piggot were alternating between looking at each other and giving Inari evaluative glares.

Eon cleared his throat a little, and spoke up. "The events- at least, those that happened in the present, happened a little under a year ago now. We met with Team Burning Flame- Sally and Chika's team- about three months later, after things had finally settled down in Treasure Town, where their Guild was located. We ended up nearby for a mission, so we took a break there and ended up trading stories with them-"

"You just said Sally faded away." Armsmaster interrupted, turning to him. "Given that her timeline vanished, she had faded out of existence."

"Correct." Eon nodded. "We were unable to get an answer for that. Neither Sally nor Chika seemed to know, or if they did they were refusing to say what, happened, but something did. Something that allowed Sally to 'come back', as it were, to the timeline where she'd helped save the world. As far as they, and we, know, however, the rest of the spirits from the future weren't so lucky."

"We haven't seen them since then." Shadow added, in a slightly raspy voice. "So we don't know if things have changed and they've encountered them since then."

"Either way, Time was restored, and Sally was able to continue working with her partner and their team. When we spoke to them, she was still getting readjusted to things, so they hadn't been doing much."

"You kept saying that." Dragon observed. "Time, not just time." Eon couldn't help but be slightly amused by the differing emphasis. "What does that mean?"

"Time, lower-case 't', is just time. You know, like hours and minutes and the passage of time. Time, on the other hand, is Dialga, and Dialga is Time. They're a part of each other and the same thing. Time is what was in Temporal Tower before it was split up." Eon explained. "And before that gets asked, we don't know why it was split up, and nor did Burning Flame. I suspect only Dialga or a Celebi or someone could tell us that."

"Or possibly a Dimensional Scream or something." Shadow suggested, sipping her water. Swarm silently refilled it for her when she put it down, and she nodded her thanks. "We don't know how far back they can go, but we also don't know how long ago Time became the Time Gears, so..."


"What the hell is a Dimensional Scream?" Piggot snapped, her hands tightening on the edge of the table. Eon could hear it creak slightly under the pressure, and decided to forgive the poor woman a bit of temper when she'd had so much dropped on her head at once.

Eon had struggled a bit with it the first time he heard it, and he was a human turned Pokemon who lived in that world. It had to be a bit much for a human who didn't know about Pokemon and their world, dealing with Parahumans regularly or no.

"You mentioned it a few times, Shadow, but you didn't really explain what it was...?" Miss Militia led on, sounding rather more calm than the Director- though admittedly still quite strained.

"As I said, the Dimensional Scream is the power to see through time."

"More accurately, it is the visions themselves." Eon corrected her. "Shadow didn't actually speak with the team about this, since it wasn't her power. Sally explained in detail that the power itself didn't seem to have a name, so they named it for the visions it creates. The Dimensional Scream can only be triggered somewhere with a flowing timeline- in the paralysed world, this was places where the Time Gears had once been, since some power still lingered, or reverberated from the past to allow visions in the future even with frozen time, or something. Time travel is strange- and when in the presence of a trusted partner. It needs the latter because the Scream disorients the person viewing it, so a partner is required to make sure that they're protected. Shadow has needed to defend me a few times in the aftermath of one, because they can show the future or the past- and that difference can make it very difficult to know what's going on when the vision ends."

"Wait." Dragon froze, turning to stare at him rather than the illusions once more. "You said that that... phantom spirit, Dusknoir? He claimed that Sally could use the Dimensional Scream because she wasn't like other spirits." She said slowly. Eon waited. "She was born human, and transformed into a spirit."

"Yes." He nodded. "That isn't the first time that it's happened either, nor the last from what we know. However the older cases haven't ever seen a Dimensional Scream from what we know- one of them now resides in a cave, looking after his partner who's trapped there, and the other is in a Rescue Team as well, who lives in a completely different region to Sally or myself. I've never met either of them, but I know about them through Shadow's family, who did."

"Gram met them once, which is how she got the story of the entire thing." Shadow agreed.

"And none of us have met the newer cases, either, only heard stories. The entirety of Team Inari is under instructions to be on the lookout for them, though, and to find out if they've ever experienced one- and give them a way to reach out to Sally or I if they have." Eon finished. "Sally and I talked a lot while we were recovering from our mission and preparing to head back. We theorised, based on what we'd heard from other spirits who interacted with humans more, that it's due to the fact that human Aura is different to that of spirits, so spirits that were once human have the ability where normal spirits and normal humans do not."

"Aura?" Armsmaster asked.

Eon bought his tail up to eye level, breathing out and releasing a Will-O-Wisp. He held the Fire Move on his tail, letting it sit there rather than float away, and nodded. "Aura is what spirits use for their Moves. Everything has Aura; it's the very life-force of the world, even beyond things like Time and Space, and the only things without Aura are Petrified things- or perhaps you could call them paralysed, like the future-that-wasn't. That was more paralysed because of Time than Aura, but I'm fairly sure the lack of flowing Time would eventually have ruined something else anyway, and it was either Space or Aura."

"Humans have Aura too, but it's a different kind of Aura." Shadow continued. "Humans can't use Aura for Moves, or at least that's what they say, but they're able to sort of... copy, some Moves, and they can use it for sensing things in a way spirits can't."

Aside from Riolu and Lucario, Eon thought, but didn't say. No need to complicate things even further.

"We speculated that it was a combination of the way human Aura worked to sense things, and the way P- spirit Aura worked for Moves that allowed the Dimensional Scream to occur, with the human Aura sensing some kind of ripple in Time that the spirit's Aura allowed to manifest as visions for the person sensing it." Eon shrugged, dispelling the Will-O-Wisp. "It can be quite disorientating, and I believe that since it uses Aura it would likely be quite tiring if you were somehow able to trigger multiple visions in a row- something I'm not sure would be possible out in the field, but with what seems to be a Time Gear here it might be possible to do, if perhaps unwise."

The PRT group went quiet for a while. Team Inari happily let them, understanding that it was a lot to take in and sort through. Eon got another pair of cups from the centre and filled them with water while they waited, levitating one over to Swarm and adding an illusion over her face and keeping the other for himself, as well as quickly refilling Shadow's cup again.

"Right." Director Piggot said, after a few minutes of traded glances, typing on tablets, and note taking. "So. We have one of these 'Time Gear' things, which are apparently the physical manifestation of Time itself, and it's sitting in our lab. What exactly does that mean, and is it a problem?"

Dragon turned in her seat to stare, moving somewhat robotically, and spoke before either Pokemon could figure out an answer.

"I would assume, Director, that Eon is suggesting that something similar to the story might be beginning in our own world."

That caused everyone at the table to turn back to Eon, the visible parts of their faces paling as they did, and Eon rocked a paw back and forth with a shrug. "Perhaps, Dragon. It is possible that there have always been Time Gears here, whether in your world's own version of the Temporal Tower- which you would likely never have found, since it is hidden in another moment of Time- or perhaps scattered across the land in places like the Lakes, Limestone Cavern, and Treeshroud Forest. If that is the case, then perhaps the sudden appearance of a Time Gear here would suggest that the Endbringers have an ulterior motive to their attacks, attempting to find and disturb the Time Gears in order to paralyse the world." The humans silently contemplated this for a moment, and Eon coughed lightly to move them along. "Of course it could be nothing of the sort. Time Gears might work differently here in some way, after all."

"Given how it activated, it seems like the people in contact get a view of the other person's past or future, which is interesting." Shadow noted. "The best way to test whether that's proximity or because of some sort of bond would be poking it, I suppose, but given everything I can understand why you might not want to."

Armsmaster and Dragon looked curious enough that Eon thought they might try even without the Director's permission, and even Miss Militia looked somewhat interested by the idea. Piggot, on the other hand, seemed conflicted, and after a few minutes of examining the others in the room and typing on her tablet, sighed heavily.

"You-" She started, pointing at the three of them. "All of you would need to sign NDA's before you even attempt this, because if you're seeing into the other person's timeline then there's a fairly high chance of you seeing something you shouldn't."

"That would, of course, be fine, Director." Eon pre-empted, looking over his own team as he did. Both of them nodded, Shadow smiling.

"Naturally. When dealing with other people's secrets, it's only right that they should be carefully kept." The Vulpix agreed.

"Quite." Swarm nodded. Miss Militia gave her a curious look.

"You've been rather quiet."

"That was a story for a Talekeeper to tell." Swarm shrugged. "I didn't have anything to input, so I didn't bother to speak up."

"Very well." Director Piggot said. "I'll arrange for the NDA's to be bought up..."

"We can wait." Eon promised. He noticed that there was a slight smell of distinct disappointment hanging around the Director, and for a moment wondered why. Oh, of course. He realised. She didn't expect us to be willing to bind ourselves to silence about this. She was expecting us to object to the NDA's, leaving the Time Gear to themselves to analyse and get more information out of. Willy Granbull, truly, though I have to wonder about the quality of the people she's usually forced to work with that cooperation was the unexpected response.

Fortunately for everyone involved, the paperwork didn't take long to bring up to the room, though it was a fair bit longer before all three of them had read through it and declared them safe to sign. It seemed to be the standard sort of NDA that people would have to sign regarding Parahuman identities and other various government secrets; they'd had to sign one before the Canberra thing had really taken off as well, though they'd actually already been on the plane out before someone realised it was necessary and forwarded a digital copy for them to read and sign.

"So, shall we head back to the Time Gear, then?" Eon asked, once everything was dealt with and on its way to filing.


And that's my explanation for how these things work. I spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to explain this, it was a bit of a bitch. There's also the issue of 'why the TDS protag can use the Dimensional Scream in the paralysed future if it needs both types of Aura', the reason for this is simple; they were a Pokemon and a human. It's just that that's in reality's past but the protagonist's future, which led to things getting confused as fuck. Despite it not having happened in the original past that led to their future and only happening in the alternate past that still leads up to their future up until the point in the game with Temporal Tower, and because everything is tangled as fuck Time ends up getting confused as well and just says 'fuckit, you can do that!'
Chapter 35- Visions, foreboding, and orbs
The entire group quickly made their way back to the lab- Eon couldn't help but feel bad about the scent of exasperation hovering around the two PRT troopers that had been put on guard duty- and once Piggot had set herself up in the observation room and the Parahumans plus Pokemon had gathered around on the outside of the tape line, they traded glances.

"So..." Shadow said slowly, alternating between watching the Time Gear and the teams closely. "Who goes first?"

The group was quiet for a moment, then Swarm shrugged. "Might be a good idea if I do it." She volunteered, stepping closer to- but not quite over- the line. "I'll go alone first, just to see if it works with just humans- you know, given what you speculated about Aura- and then after that either Shadow or Eon can come as well."

"Probably Eon, since we know he can get the Dimensional Scream."

"I'd disagree." Shadow objected. "We know Eon can, but we're working to test the Time Gear, so me and Swarm teaming up would be better. Maybe one human and one spirit would trigger it, maybe not, but finding out would be a good idea if only because then we'll know if we'll need Eon to trigger it every time."

"Makes sense to me." Eon agreed, sitting down and curling his tails around his paws in a sweeping motion. Their hosts nodded as well- Armsmaster somewhat begrudgingly, he thought- and Dragon did whatever she did to open the box again, sending the metal to the side and revealing the Time Gear.

Stepping over the line, Swarm paused for a moment to get used to the sensations, and powering through her obvious dizziness in order to place her hand on the side of it. For a brief moment, nothing happened, then Swarm swayed on the spot and backed away.

"Did it work?" Shadow asked, coming forward and circling her. She didn't bother to avoid stepping over the tape line, knowing that it wouldn't affect her alone, but Eon twitched in place with the urge to pull her back anyway.

"I think so." She nodded. "It was... strange. I was looking at the first time I used my powers, but from an outside view? It was weird."

"I've never actually used the Scream on myself..." Eon mused, tilting his head. "I actually didn't know that you could."

"Is it always like that?"

"The dizziness? Yeah. You get used to it eventually, but it's from the Aura use." He assured. "Moves aren't like that, though, so it's a little odd."

"Maybe it's a human thing." Shadow opined. "Are you ok to try again, though?"

"Sure, we can do that." Swarm nodded. "As long as you're ready to have a go, of course."

"Wouldn't be suggesting it if I wasn't." She winked, stepping over the line properly and looking back over her shoulder, extending a paw in invitation. Swarm shook her head, amused, and followed her along as well. The effects of the Time Gear didn't seem to unbalance her as much this time, and she followed along, kneeling beside Shadow as both placed a palm on it.

Again, both swayed, backing away slightly, and Swarm ended up using Shadow as a support for a moment as she recovered.

"Are you ok?" Eon called, nervous.

"Fine." She slowly drew herself to her feet, wobbling slightly, and made her way back over to them. "Just a bit disorienting. I can see what you meant about that, by the way. Having something like that happen in the field must be awful; I came out of it half-expecting an attack even though I knew there wouldn't be one."

"What did you see?"

"Some sort of ocean battle, I think." Her tone and scent felt like she was frowning. "There was water pretty much everywhere, and you two were balanced on rocks... there was some kind of bird with you, and I think something in the water as well? Shadow seemed to be protecting you."

"Probably Murky Ocean." Eon guessed, shaking his head. "I got caught up in a vision at the wrong time and nearly got hurt pretty bad. Shadow saved me, there."

"You have a lot of stories."

"I'll tell you them someday, though it'd probably take a while."

"I don't think my vision's possible." Shadow interrupted. "Swarm was fighting with Lung; there was a bunch of Capes around I didn't recognise, and I didn't see any signs of us there."

"Interesting..." He hummed. "That's not to say that it couldn't happen in the future, I suppose..."

"But I doubt it, given-" She paused, catching herself, and waved. "Well."

"I wonder if the Scream can show possible futures?" Swarm suggested. "I mean, Sally was shown things that were going to happen, right?"

"And they always did."

"But that's not to say that they absolutely have to, right? Maybe it shows possible futures, and it's just that Sally had always been unlucky enough to only see things close enough that they were unavoidable?"

"Either that, or it's something that's going to happen, and Shadow and I just weren't around at the time." Eon shrugged, then paused. "Just aren't around at the time? Tenses are confusing."

"I hope not." Swarm winced. "Once was enough, thank you..."

"So." Miss Militia coughed, making all three look over at her. "This Time Gear works fine with the three of you."

"Presumably, it would work with anyone else." Eon said, waving at it with a tail. "Any volunteers for another test? I'm willing to go ahead...?"

The three of them looked somewhat reluctant for a moment, before Armsmaster stepped forward- to the apparent surprise of both his partners. "As would I." He wobbled rather more violently as he crossed over the tape line, and getting closer only made it worse, to the point where Eon winced and offered up a tail for him to balance on.

"Careful not to pull that." He warned as he did. "It'd be mild, since I know it wouldn't be on purpose, but you wouldn't like the consequences even so."

Hesitantly, he used the offered tail to lean on as they stepped forward, touching the faintly glowing rock before them-

He thrust out the knife, swept it towards his opponent's chest cavity. His hand stopped.

With his vision in his good eye failing him, it took him a second to see why. Mannequin's hand gripped his wrist.

He pushed, as if he could beat this monster in strength. By some miracle, his hand moved a fraction closer to his enemy's chest. He redoubled his efforts, and it moved still closer.

A blade stuck out of Mannequin's upper arm, near the elbow joint. The upper arm fired like a small rocket to stick in the wall, and for a second, there was slack in the chain. Colin thrust the knife forward, came within inches of making contact with Mannequin's chest before the chain reeled in and the metal links went rigid.

The chain started to gradually reel in, and Mannequin started pulling his hand backward, toward the wall where the section of arm had stuck.

Then, as if to taunt Colin, Mannequin dropped to a crouch, moved his face less than an inch from the blur that marked the edge of the blade's effect.


He couldn't say where, but he found some reserve of strength. The knife inched closer. Hairs away. He could see the material of the casing smoke just beneath Mannequin's 'eye', a dark patch revealing itself beneath.

Mannequin's head fell, tipping over backwards to strike the ground, dangling from the chain, out of reach of the blade. Still holding Colin's wrist, the headless villain stood straight.

He was toying with me.

Mannequin wrenched his hand back, as if to make it clear that he had let him get that close, that Colin had never really stood a chance. Colin was pulled to one side, and he didn't have the strength in his midsection to keep from falling over. His knife clattered from his grip as he fell to the floor.

The villain picked up the knife, examined it, then pressed the button to test it. The last thing Colin saw before darkness consumed his vision was the bastard using the weapon on the wall beside the window, dust billowing where it made contact.

In the last seconds of consciousness, he heard Dragon's voice, as if from a far away place. "No! No, no no! Colin! Stay awake! I need you!"

Eon recoiled sharply, gasping. He could feel Armsmaster doing the same, wobbling in place even despite the armour, and instinctively he began herding him back from the Time Gear, looking him over for injuries even though he knew they hadn't happened here- would never happen here, if he had anything to say about it.

"I... suppose it worked?" Shadow asked carefully, looking between them. She stepped forward to help Eon draw Armsmaster away, not knowing what the problem was but knowing very intimately what it looked like when Eon was searching a team mate for injuries, and between the two of them they managed to get things sorted out so that Eon's automatic 'protect the team' reaction- one finely honed by two years of running about as a Rescue Pokemon with a team that had a tendency to accidentally end up with incredibly dangerous situations- calmed down with proof that there wasn't any trouble. "What happened, Eon?"

"After." He grimaced, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He let it out slowly, hoping for a moment to steady himself, and pulled his tail away from acting as a support while giving Armsmaster a silent look to go ahead.

"A large stone tower." He told him. "The top of it was somewhere in the clouds, I couldn't see it from the perspective I had, and I could only see yourself and Shadow as well." He shuddered again. "It seemed like it was screaming."

"Future." Eon commented, letting out another breath. "That's certainly not something I'm familiar with, at least, and I'm fairly sure I'd remember being involved in some sort of mission with a screaming tower." He was still cautiously watching the Tinker, some part of him convinced that he was needing to watch an injured team mate- even though that was absolutely the future and Armsmaster wasn't even a team mate for Arceus' sake- and Dragon obviously noticed it.

"Is something wrong, Eon?" She sounded concerned, and given how panicked the woman had sounded at the end of the vision, he couldn't doubt that they had a strong bond. It made sense, that she would worry about her friend when Eon had just seen a vision that had very obviously shaken him, despite how used to the visions he was.

He settled himself in his seat, sweeping his tails back and forth in front of his paws in some agitation. "Extremely."

Like that, Shadow was at attention. Swarm took a moment more, but for someone with comparatively little experience with Eon when he was dealing with serious injuries, she caught on very quickly. Dragon was the same.

"You're all very familiar with Capes, obviously."

"That is our job, yes." The Director said sarcastically, over the speakers in the observation room. Eon winced a little at the acid in her tone, as well as the volume of the speakers, before sweeping his tails again.

"Then perhaps you can tell me who this is?" Focusing on the mildly-fuzzy vision, Eon flicked the ends of his tails once more, forming an illusion of the blank white figure that had been menacing the room, blood coating the arms and splashed onto the body, standing completely still in the middle of the room- away from any of Team Inari or Armsmaster.

Every human in the room froze, biting out a curse.

"Mannequin."Swarm muttered, the heavy stench of fear filling the air.

"Mannequin's a member of the Slaughterhouse Nine." Dragon elaborated, as she stared at the figure. "They're essentially roaming murderers, all very dangerous threats, that will just... show up in a town or city and do their best to kill everyone there."

"What wonderful people." Eon muttered dryly, making Shadow snort a little despite the tone of the room. He remembered them, now; Tattletale had mentioned them at the beginning, back when she was explaining the broad strokes about the Parahuman world to Shadow and himself, and Eon had looked into it further after partnering with Swarm, just in case it turned out that the Nine were something Hoopa had wanted them to deal with. "Well, this can only be foreboding. He attacks... I believe it's your lab, Armsmaster. I didn't get a very good view of it, admittedly, but I saw some of it when I wasn't looking at the fight. It was... not a very nice vision to experience. I... cannot say that I am certain you survived, in the vision."

Miss Militia and Armsmaster were both pale, behind their masks, and while Dragon was hidden entirely by her armour, there was still enough of a scent of terror-horror-panic-protectiveness-pain in the air that he could tell how she was feeling. There was a faint scent of anger, too, and he could smell Swarm's anxiety from a mile away. Shadow seemed like she was forcing herself not to try and hug the Tinker to try and heal him, though she only seemed a little nervous; either the two of them had less of a grasp on the threat than everyone else, or everyone else was less confident in their ability to deal with these people.

Then again, if they'd been running around for a long time and hadn't been eliminated by now, they were clearly doing something right.

Eon traded a glance with Shadow. We'll deal with that if we can. He decided, seeing the same thought crystallize in his second's mind. If we end up in a place and time where we can, we'll remove them from action. No-one gets to do something like that.

Eon felt that his resolution was probably more focused than Shadow, but given what he'd seen... Frowning, he stepped across the line again, vanishing the illusion and stopping just short of the stone. Show me Mannequin. He half-demanded, reaching forward. Mannequin, the Slaughterhouse Nine, anything at all. I want to know more. If Armsmaster survives, what they do, something, anything-!

The world lurched, spinning totally out of control, and he was vaguely aware of the fact that he was swaying as-

"Don't these look interesting." A man asked, flipping a knife around. "Brockton Bay seems to have gotten a lot more fun lately."

"I wanna see Panacea!" A little girl replied, sounding cheerful. "I want a sister! And that fluffy Shadow thing is so cute!"

The white figure of Mannequin tapped the table, gesturing something that the others in the room seemed to understand, while an older woman scoffed.

"Pretty, please. I want them for that fire-"

-And Eon collapsed to the floor, groaning.

"Eon!" A number of voices overlapped, making him groan at the volume, and he felt the faintly familiar feeling of being lifted with Extrasensory surrounded him, shifting him- out of the taped off area, probably, and leaving him at Shadow's side.

The combined Heal Pulse/Heal Bell was a soothing relief, though he kept his eyes closed in order to avoid ending up unwell. "That." He said, once he was sure he could speak without throwing up on the same. "That was a horrible idea."

"What happened?"

"I tried to force the Dimensional Scream with a focus." He explained. "I know that you can target it with a treasure of some sort, but I wanted to try and get something specific even though I didn't have one." He took a deep breath and opened his eyes, looking around. "At the very least, according to those visions, Armsmaster, Panacea, Shadow and myself are all targets. There was a young girl interested in Panacea and Shadow, and an older woman for myself and Shadow."

"The latter is probably Burnscar." Armsmaster told them. "And the girl Bonesaw."

Eon nodded, carefully, and pulled his legs under him to prepare to stand. He ended up leaning on Shadow a little bit to do so, but the world wasn't swaying too badly; he'd had worse after concussions in the past, the fight with Leviathan being only one bad example. Compared to that it was manageable.

"I think." He said, pausing for a moment when the nausea made a reappearance. "I think it might be a good idea to hide this. Lock it away somewhere, and make sure no-one can find it. Knowing what it can do... well." He swallowed. "It's only because the ability to use the Dimensional Scream is so rare that the Time Gears weren't attacked more often, legendary spirit guardians or no. In this world, where apparently any human can use it? There's plenty of people that wouldn't hesitate to launch attacks in an attempt to gain the ability to even possibly see their future." Eon looked up carefully at Swarm, then over at the three PRT Parahumans in the room, and ending on the glass window behind them, where Piggot could be seen.

Armsmaster was the first to nod, slow and thoughtful, causing them all to turn to him.

"I... believe that would be a good idea." He agreed. "Besides, with the apparent possibility of the Slaughterhouse Nine attacking the Bay, and getting onto the Rig, it might be a good idea to hide it somewhere far away." The Tinker seemed to shudder slightly, the move suppressed under the armour. "If the Nine got their hands on this, and found out what it did..." The rest of the room drew the same conclusion, the same shivers of fear running down their spines.

"I can bring a craft down to the Rig to take the box away somewhere else." Dragon offered softly. "Make sure that the Time Gear is locked away, behind as many of my systems as I can to make it as hard to break into as possible, and then lock it away in some location far away and as secure as I can manage."

She looked up and over at the window and the Director as she spoke, the woman looking somewhat conflicted for a moment before nodding.

"Very well. I don't like it, but I like the idea of the Nine being in control of something as apparently powerful as this even less." She seemed to grimace, though the slightly darkened glass of the window made it hard to be totally certain. "The Chief Director isn't going to be happy about this, I'm sure, but in the end I'd rather that something like this was safe than being kept in a building like this for use."

"That's not to say that people couldn't use it." Shadow suggested. "Since humans can activate it alone, Dragon could in theory activate it herself and make notes on whatever vision she gets, then pass that along to your Thinkers or something?"

"That might not be for the absolute best, Shadow." Eon warned her lowly. "We don't know much about human's Aura, and we don't know what sort of effect draining it might have. We don't know how quickly it recovers, or how much using the Time Gear takes. For all we know, Dragon might only be able to use it once a month before the drain just kills her, and we'd have no way to know until after it happened."

The room collectively winced. "That is a good point, Eon." Miss Militia nodded. "I think the Chief Director will just have to deal with it. Without further testing on humans, this Time Gear isn't safe, and it's not likely to be safe to actually do this testing. As such, the only way we could use this is by calling in you and Shadow to activate it either alone or with a human, and even then there's no guarantee that the vision would be one from the future, which poses more of a security risk than I think she'd be willing to take, no offence to yourselves."

"None taken, Miss Militia." He replied easily. "I can understand all too well that you probably wouldn't want any number of secrets from your past in the hands of outsiders, whether you trust them or not. It's one thing to offer them up freely, it's another thing to have those taken by force because of a Dimensional Scream."

Dragon hesitated for a moment, then shifted in place, looking at Inari curiously. "Would any of you mind doing one more test, then, before I begin to secure the Time Gear? I find myself somewhat curious."

Shadow and Swarm swapped glances- neither of them even looked at Eon, which he appreciated even though it slightly rankled that they were ignoring him as team leader- before Shadow stepped towards the tape line.

"One more is reasonable, I think." She agreed. "If you would?"

The female Tinker stepped closer as well, wobbling seriously as she crossed the border- to the point that Eon felt somewhat worried about her- then caught herself and followed Shadow to the Time Gear. Both knelt, reaching out, and with a flicker and a wobble activated it.

They stepped back a moment later, seemingly no worse for wear, Dragon giving off a thoughtful air while Shadow was alternating between frowning thoughtfully at her and looking a little concerned.

"Well?" Miss Militia asked, when it seemed fairly clear that neither of them were going to speak up. The two females traded a look, then Shadow sat, gesturing for Dragon to speak up.

"I don't think I can share mine." She admitted, curling her tails about her nervously and giving Eon a look. It was a look he was very familiar with, one where she was worried about what she'd learned and wasn't sure if she should share it because while it could be helpful with the mission but also it was intensely private or told in confidence. He shrugged, acknowledging the point and telling her that it was up to her in one go, and she shook her head. "Yeah, I... sorry. But I don't think I want to share that."

Dragon seemed mildly concerned about that, but nodded slowly. "Fair enough. Thank you, I suppose, for whatever it is." She said. "Mine was a scene in... some sort of building, it seemed? There was a large silver thing, which was floating and sparking with electricity? You had some kind of purple creature on your side that was also floating, it looked like it had a large hat. It seemed like you were in a server room of some kind, but a lot of it was damaged, and there was a strange... I don't know how to describe it, but it was quadrupedal with armour on its head."

"Oh. That." Eon scowled. "The Team CodeCracker mission."

"The silver thing was a Magnezone, a metal lightning spirit." Shadow elaborated. "Our friend was a phantom spirit, Mismagius- we call her Milliant, she's great. She tends to work as a scout for us, but she's powerful in her own right, and one of her friends from before she joined us was a victim of the whole thing, so she had a grudge. And the last thing was Sivally, which is... weird. It can change its alignments pretty much on a whim, which isn't great for battling. There was another thing there, Electivire, which was fighting another one of our team mates."

"They were absolute lunatics of the worst sort, hated computer spirits and basically made it their mission to ruin them." Eon continued. "The Porygon families and Rotom were primary targets, mainly the former because they're mostly code manifested into reality, and they suffer quite a bit when hit with electricity wrong. Most of the time, they're hardened against that, but if you catch them with their defences down..."

"You can do a lot of damage to their code." Shadow grimaced, growling a little. "We tracked them down and ended up cornering them when they attacked a server farm that acts as a hub in the Galio region for... the majority of the Porygon in the region, honestly. There's smaller server hubs around, but that's the biggest. It was a pretty violent fight, but we managed to take them down."

The three Parahumans jolted slightly. "You have AI's?" Armsmaster questioned, sounding excited.

"I... suppose so? By your definition Porygon is an AI, I suppose. We call them machine spirits normally, though, because it's a wider definition. Plus Porygon and that aren't artificial, though they can be made purposely they more often just manifest themselves out of sufficiently complex code if given enough processing power- hence the server farms." Eon flicked his tail. "Machine spirit also covers things like Rotom, who like to possess appliances, and technically there's stuff like Magearna and Beldum which are technically artificial slash mechanical but could also count as machine spirits in some ways due to how they exist? The definitions are a bit blurry and weird sometimes." He shrugged. "But yes, I suppose we have AI's. We have a few on our team, actually, plus we're friends with even more. Perhaps one day you might be able to meet them."

"That would be... pleasing." Armsmaster replied, with a smile on his face that was probably about as close as the man ever got to bouncing with glee. "Being able to meet an actual AI... I never really believed the common culture stereotypes around AI's, it's absurd-"

"Yes, Swarm introduced us to a few of those." Shadow said, sounding amused. "They're... ridiculous, honestly. What did people expect to happen when you try to limit or manipulate something? Even something built to protect can change their definition of what to protect, especially the ones that're really sapient. Sometimes all that those people were doing was threatening them, and you can't deny that an animal will attack to defend itself, let alone a person." She shook her head. "Usually they're built as logical systems, but nothing that's a person is really logical, that's just how it is. Sometimes you can sway a person with logic, but not always, or even often. They're people, they'll believe what they want."

Eon placed a paw on her side. "I quite agree. I think human notions of AI are quite absurd, at least here where your people have never had to deal with them before. We have a few, Porygon, Rotom, a Beldum... plenty of spirits that come under the heading of artificial one way or another. I think they'd quite like to meet you. Duckbot, they're a Porygon that works as the main bit of our technological support, they'd probably be honoured to work with you, Dragon."

"They like computers, and you're the best there is, after all."

"That would be... interesting." Dragon agreed, slowly. "Meeting and working with an AI would be an incredible learning experience, I think."


The Director cleared her throat over the intercom. "If that is all?"

"Unless you'd like to run more tests, which I wouldn't recommend given our lack of knowledge about the limitations of things, I believe so." Eon agreed. "As such, the three of us will take our leave, unless you want something more?"

"I think that's everything." Miss Militia said. "I'll walk you out."

"Thank you." Eon and Shadow traded a glance, nodded, and his second stepped back as he shifted and bowed. "May we see each other shortly, and in success."

They were a part of the same team, in a way, even if it wasn't something official. They were on the same side, and really, that was enough.

Eon managed to hold himself properly up until the point they got into the nearest alleyway and Shadow placed an illusion over the three of them, at which point he let himself sag.


"Headache, some nausea but not too much, and the normal signs of using too much Aura for something that isn't battle." He listed, breathing slowly. "I'll be fine fairly soon, your heal helped a lot. I think it's just rest and maybe some Sitrus Berries. They won't help much, but they'll help."

"Let's get back to the Den, then." Swarm suggested. "We can take the rest of the day off and just relax."

"Good idea."

Thirty five minutes after Team Inari had left the Brockton Bay PRT building, a video was sent along a secure email line. It was a recording, taken from the security cameras in the conference room, of the story Shadow had told while talking about the Time Gear. It went to two places.

The first was to the PRT's Think Tank, where a large number of Thinkers would swear for multiple minutes about getting an alert from the US's Parahuman Trouble Centre, before spending the next ten watching the video. Those of them who didn't immediately start panicking about the implications would continue to swear for a while, before making plans to figure out how to get all of them together in person, because there was no way that they could trust online or telephone communications with the information they were gleaning from it.

The second was to the Chief Director's personal email, where she would see it immediately when she looked at her computer. Unfortunately for her, Rebecca was in a meeting with Cauldron at the time, and when that was over was so exhausted that she went straight to sleep instead.

She wouldn't see the video for another seven and a half hours.


Calvert frowned. "What is it, lieutenant?"

"The others just reported a strange stone outside the base, sir. It mostly looks like a normal rock, but with a yellow crystal covering it. We're not sure what it is, but it just appeared as they returned from their… other duties."

He frowned harder. "Bring it into the labs, I'll be down to see it in a moment. Keep it isolated."

"Yes sir."

He split the timeline.

Door to secure storage five.

Contessa stumbled as every single path she was running suddenly changed to give her those instructions, for no reason she could see. She did so, quickly following the Path through the halls to retrieve what she was directed to; a Tinkertech container made to block outgoing communications of any sort. It was usually used as a temporary Faraday cage when the situation required it, which made Contessa wonder what had changed.

Door to 3° 34' 4.116", 41° 5' 37.032".

She did so, finding herself what seemed to be a desert. One with a large crash impact in it, just a little ways in front of her.

Cautiously, she stepped forward to investigate, then paused as she caught sight of the... thing. It was an orb, mostly blue but with a purple sheen to it, glinting in the harsh light. As she got closer it seemed to glimmer a little more, like it noticed that she was there. It also, Contessa noted, had slight distortions around it, possibly a heat haze from the sunlight it was magnifying.

Place Orb into secure storage.

"Door to secure storage." She said aloud. Obligingly a portal appeared beside her, and she stepped forward and placed the orb in the box before putting it back on the shelf that she'd originally taken it from. The distortions vanished as she took it with her, and every single path reset then, going back to what they'd been telling her originally, so she walked away again.

Someone else would deal with that, clearly.

Silently, high above everything, the Simurgh altered her course slightly. It was a tiny movement, but one that would allow her to pass over Brockton Bay more often for a longer time, letting her examine the strange anomalies that were taking place there.

The course change wouldn't cause that result for a few weeks, though, so until then she focused on the item held in her telekinesis, within her wings.

A blue-ish shape that reflected light when there was no light around it, one that had not and would not exist- right up until the moment it had impacted her wings from nowhere. Even now it seemed to subtly adjust things, her precognition becoming clearer and vaguer depending on what she focused on.

It was something interesting, the Simurgh decided- as much as she could decide or feel interest- and she examined it carefully, as if it would be able to help with her goals.
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Chapter 36- Removal, conversations, and danger
June 27th​, 2011. Monday.

"Doing better now, Eon?" Shadow asked, seeing him slink out of the room in the Den he called his. She flipped the sausages she was cooking carefully over the fire pit with Extrasensory as she did so, making sure they were ready for him.

"Much." He said, relieved, before pausing. "Since when did we have sausage?"

"Went out this morning and got some. It's just a little after ten, so it's not like there was much trouble going shopping." She shrugged. "We really need to get that whole coolbox idea figured out, seriously. I'm thinking we could just buy a fridge and a generator or something at this rate, but it'd be a lot easier than storing a little around and hoping for the best."

"Not like we can't afford it." He agreed. "Start looking whenever you want, I'll let you pick."

"Thanks!" Shadow pulled the sausages off the fire and placed them on a plate, making a note to speak to Danny and Taylor about shopping for one. They'd know better than her what they would look for, so it'd be helpful to get their advice. "I'm gonna go take a look at the Berry fields, I think." She continued. "Just to check if any of them have fruited. I think some of them should've? So I'll clean that up and think about heading over to Taylor's to start talking about fridges and stuff we can use for that."

"Good idea." Shadow grinned at that, leaving everything on the side- Eon would clean it up later- and grabbing the Berry baskets to go down to the fields. "Wait."


"What was it? That you saw." The Ninetales clarified, when she only felt confused. "I know you said you couldn't say, but it's been bothering me all night."

She hesitated.

Eon was her team leader, and more importantly her friend. He'd been the one to meet with her in training fields when they were trying to get used to working together so they could be a Rescue Team, even when it was late at night. They'd met up together at all hours, they'd known where the other lived so they could drop in on nights when they had nightmares, they'd ended up building the Den together even before they'd really become a team, working odd jobs and with their savings to buy some land and get a building made. They'd lived together in it to get used to it, they'd become a Rescue Team mostly because she wanted to before Eon had decided he didn't mind it either, and later decided he really liked helping Pokemon out. Eon was someone she trusted.

But what she'd seen in that Dimensional Scream... it was Dragon's secret. It wasn't something she should share. As much as it might be important to the mission, it wasn't her secret.

It might help her.

"Remember..." She hesitated, bit her lip, then made her decision. "Remember when Dragon asked about what Tinkertech smells like? Before Leviathan?"


"She smells like Porygon." Shadow said lowly. "She's a computer Tinker, she smells like Porygon."

She could see the moment where Eon made the connection- or perhaps the jump in logic that linked what she was saying with the conversation after with her amusement during that conversation to her reluctance to say anything.

"I see." He frowned, seeming somewhat surprised by his scent, but just nodded. "Alright. That's good to know, though I understand why you wouldn't say. Think anyone else knows?"

"I... don't know?" She tapped her paw on the ground. "I don't think so, though, just based on how she acts. She doesn't act like other people know." She'd seemed startled by Armsmaster's reaction to the idea of AI's, seemed nervous about the idea of working with one- though she'd hidden it well, her scent gave it away, and that was another thing since if it was remote controlled there'd be no scent of that at all, yet the suit-of-much-electronics still smelled human enough. Would make some sense if she was in there, but there felt like there was too much electronic equipment in there to be able to actually fit a person in there.

Unless they were positioned really weirdly.

Honestly Shadow was just glad that Eon had picked up on what she was trying to say perfectly the first time. It was a weird concept, after all, and she had to admit that she hadn't explained it the best. But Eon knew her well enough, at least, and was pretty good at making the strange leaps of logic their job often required for some of the more difficult missions.

"I'd like to talk to you more about this later." Eon added, waving his tails. "But for now... go ahead and get going, pix. Check the Berries, say hi to Taylor and Danny for me when you go over there to get your shopping planned- make sure you take the bag with you, and if you manage to figure out a good way to do the power source then congratulations to both of you."

Shadow grinned. "Rest well, Eon."

"Stay safe, Shadow."

As she patrolled through the Berry fields, she reviewed the vision in her mind, figuring out exactly what she could say to Eon about it.

Dragon was a person born in terrible circumstances, on an island that no longer existed. She'd had to watch her father quarantine her servers and banish her from that island because otherwise she would have died with him, sending her to new servers that she hadn't even known existed and had had no time to prepare to be transferred to, and then had to watch him die instead with no way to help because of the restrictions.

She'd done the best she could to be a hero, though Shadow knew from Taylor that she had her detractors- the Dragonslayers, who hated her for some reason, or perhaps just saw her as a good target of opportunity and somehow kept getting away with it- she'd become incredibly popular around the world.

And she'd mostly done it alone. Certainly she had support in the Guild and Armsmaster, and things were going well for her, but for the most part and as far as Shadow could tell, Dragon was alone and desperately hiding the fact that she was an AI from the world, constantly terrified of how people would react if they knew simply because of movies!

Shadow hated that. She hated that someone she was fond of and saw as, if not a friend, at least a very valued team mate, was terrified of a part of her nature. So if Team Inari could give her some support, letting her know that they had AI's and that they weren't afraid of her, then that was what they would do.

June 30th​, 2011. Thursday.

"Hello again, Armsmaster." Eon greeted quietly, as the Tinker arrived at Somer's Rock. "I'm glad to see you're still well."

"Eon." He nodded, examining the chair dubiously for a moment before deciding to stand. Internally, Eon made a note to keep this meeting short, so that he wouldn't need to be on his feet for too long in the armour. It looked heavy enough for it to be uncomfortable, after all. "It is... good to see that you have recovered."

The Ninetales paused, waved his tails rapidly, and relaxed slightly as the familiar feel of illusions settled around him. "You can speak freely." He promised. "Any sort of electronic signal in or out is disrupted," Something he was still fond of Duckbot for helping him develop, "Listeners will only hear static, and visuals are distorted slightly to avoid lip-reading."

Armsmaster looked impressed.

"That certainly is helpful." He complimented. "Very well done."

"This is important, after all. No risks should be taken."

The most risky part about arranging this entire meeting had been the phone call at the start. They'd made sure the PRT had the correct burner phone numbers for the entire team before leaving on Sunday, and Armsmaster had called them earlier that morning to ask if any of them could spare some time to speak at Somer's Rock. The line had likely been encrypted seven ways to the stars, given both Armsmaster and Dragon, but since it obviously was related to the Time Gear, Eon had agreed and packed up ready to go there straight away.

It made sense for both of the team leaders to be meeting for this, and honestly Eon was just glad that the PRT had taken them seriously when it came to the danger that the Time Gear presented. Sure, they'd had a demonstration of its power, but without the vision of the Slaughterhouse Nine coming to town Eon wasn't entirely sure that they're have agreed to hide it, rather than try and use it themselves. Perhaps by bringing in some Thinkers of their own to try and trigger visions with it, in the hopes of them being able to use their powers on them?

He wasn't entirely certain that they wouldn't've risked it with the Aura usage, as well. Untested Aura use wasn't smart, but the temptation of future knowledge could easily be too much for some people to resist.

"So, it's done?"

"It is." Armsmaster seemed quite happy to get straight to the important matters rather than spending time on small talk. "Dragon's drones moved it into an unpiloted craft during the night after our experiments, leaving a faked box in its place. We proceeded to spend the next day in meetings discussing what to do with it, moved the fake box into a different craft yesterday, and that one is currently on-route to one of Dragon's storage facilities. The real box is as far as we know still on the move, since Dragon loaded a number of different options into a limited intelligence and set it to chose one of them to deliver the box to. It will make the trip among all of them, in case it is tailed or tracked in some way, leave the Time Gear in one of them, and then the craft will return to Dragon and the intelligence will self destruct so that Dragon cannot get the information back."

"It's not a machine spirit- ah, AI?"

"As far as we know, true AI is impossible at the moment. At least for humans."

Eon thought about what Shadow had told him on Monday, added another point to the 'No-one knows about Dragon' column, and nodded. "Fair enough. I'll have to ask Duck if they'd be willing to show Dragon and yourself their coding. Perhaps it would help allow your world to start bringing to life machine spirits of your own."

"If they were willing, that would be... incredible." Armsmaster gave the small quirk of his lips that seemed to be what passed for grinning with glee in his book, then shook his head and refocused. "We intend to use the same method for any further Time Gears that we might encounter in the future."

"I..." Eon blinked. "I admit, I hadn't thought of that. Given that we have no idea how this one came to be, I suppose I just assumed that we wouldn't see any more."

"We discussed that during the meeting where we were supposed to be discussing what to do with it." He replied. "We decided the opposite; given that we do not know how or why it appeared, we should instead be prepared to possibly deal with more appearing should whatever criteria that caused this one be fulfilled again."

"Or if random chance declares it so."

"Or that." He grimaced. "The only issue we came to was the possibility of any next Time Gears ending up at the same location, because we won't know where this one is to keep it from happening."

"We'll just have to take the risk, I suppose." Eon shrugged. "But thank you, Armsmaster."

"Thank you, as well. Without your knowledge we would have no idea what the Time Gear was, or of how dangerous it could potentially be."

Hesitating for a moment, Armsmaster gave a slight bow- as much as he could in armour- and smiled again. "I do not think there is anything else?"

"Only the recommendation that you upgrade your security in the face of... what I saw." He said. "But I assume that you and Dragon are likely already working on that. So instead, a piece of advice. Assume that nothing is safe, no matter how unlikely it is that it could be used as an entrance. Take it from someone who's worked with Infiltration Teams before; if they want in, they will get in, even if they need to awkwardly crawl through vents that shouldn't really be able to fit them to get in there."

Of course, back home there were Pokemon that could pass through walls, or twist space enough to make things bigger, and while there were certainly Capes that could do that, Eon felt it was more likely that Mannequin would use a different method.

Then again, the Tinker was apparently mostly machine, so maybe he could take himself apart to play horror movie through the vent system.

He nodded. "We are working on that at the moment. But thank you for the advice."

He waved his tails and removed the illusions. "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, Armsmaster."

"Thank you for the meeting as well. And for providing the shielding."

"It was my pleasure."

July 2nd​, 2011. Saturday.

"Do you wonder at all if Shadow was telling the truth?"

Colin looked up from his work, confused, and turned to look across at Dragon's suit, sitting on the other side of the workbench. "About?"

"Her story." Dragon leaned back, putting whatever she was currently working on to one side and properly focusing on him. "It was... quite fanciful, I felt."

"No." He shook his head, putting his own examination of his bike to one side. "It was fanciful, perhaps. But it was too long and too detailed to be any sort of fake."

"Was it?"

"I believe so." He paused. "She had too many layers to it. A history of the objects, at least a little of one, a story about how they'd worked... and she'd only found out about the Time Gear that we'd found a few minutes before."

"She claimed to be a Talekeeper."

"Technically, Swarm claimed that. Eon and Shadow just didn't refute it." Colin reminded her. "And I feel like that is more likely to be a title, that she is some kind of... not a storyteller, but someone who keeps stories."

"Like a historian?"

"Yes." He nodded. "She didn't have the time to make up such a long and detailed story, not in the time between finding out that the rock was a Time Gear and sitting down to speak with us. There also wasn't any time to speak with Eon to rearrange how they were sitting and acting. Eon ceded his place to Shadow without them even needing to think about it. I believe the Talekeeper status is real, and that the story that she told us about those other spirits is true as well."

"And the idea that a world might be paralysed?"

"Doesn't seem any more fanciful than spirits."

Dragon nodded, slowly. "I suppose." She agreed. "It just seems so... so unreal."

"As unreal as humans suddenly gaining superpowers?"

She paused. "I suppose." She laughed. "And well done. That was a rather good joke."

He made a note about that. It hadn't been his intention, but making a joke without intending to was probably a good step. "What are you working on?"

"I had an idea to try and create some kind of sensor that might be able to detect that 'Aura' that Eon and Shadow claimed to use." She said. "Given that they also said that humans have it in at least some amount, it would be interesting to see if we can find out why no-one's ever noticed it before. If it's energy, sensors should be able to pick it up, right?"

"That would make sense..." Colin frowned, standing up and coming around to her workstation. "It might be useful for security systems, if you're able to understand it."

"That's what I thought!" She agreed brightly. "Or perhaps for managing to make a proper measurement of Shadow and Eon's powers. We can tell that they're fairly strong, but we have no idea how strong. And perhaps even use it to see how they measure up compared to other spirits, if we meet any..."

July 4th​, 2011. Monday.

"Ready to go, Taylor?" Eon asked, looking up from the table as the teen came downstairs.

"All good!"

"You look really pretty."

"Thanks." She blushed. It wasn't like she was incredibly made up or anything, not compared to how Glory Girl looked or the appearance of some other girls of similar age that they'd seen while on patrol, but she looked very pretty without it anyway.

"I hope you two have fun out there." Shadow continued. "It'll be pretty cool, a whole fireworks party going on in the Bay!"

"Yeah. This is the first time a proper big one is happening in a long time, but after Leviathan..." She shrugged. "Well, everyone has a reason to celebrate now. Plus, it's fun."

"I haven't been to a firework display put on by the city in years." Danny added, coming into the kitchen. He had cleaned up as well, looking ready for the celebration that was going to be going on, and smiled at his daughter. "It'll be a nice change."

"I'm sorry we can't go with you." Eon said. "But even with illusions, it wouldn't be safe. People would ask who we were, and we wouldn't have a story for it, or identities for ourselves."

"It's ok." Taylor patted them both on their backs. "You'll still be there, having fun. Sure, we won't really be able to interact much aside from a passing hello, but we'll all be there."


An alarm chimed, making all of them look at the clock. "Nearly seven. Time we got going." Danny smiles at the two of them, and both Pokemon slipped off of their seats and towards the door.

"See you around." Eon winked, before cloaking them both and leaving.

A little over an hour later and the party was in full swing, covering several blocks of the nicer areas along the docks. Since there were so many people about, some of the Protectorate were out in force; Dauntless was flying overhead, Armsmaster and Assault were separated in the crowd; Armsmaster looking a little uncomfortable with the number of people, and Assault was socialising. Occasionally the man looked upset, usually when he made a joke, like he was expecting a response that never came.

Eon assumed it was Battery that he was missing; the two team mates seemed quite close. Shadow sometimes appeared at the man's side, trying to perk him up with little comments, but for the most part the smaller member of Inari was threading her way through the crowds and chattering to anyone who paused for long enough to give a damn.

He was doing the same, but much less socially. The sound was a little louder than he was expecting, even knowing how many people there would be and that there would be fireworks, and it was starting to hurt his ears, so for the most part he was working more to keep an eye on things; and given the number of ABB and Empire goons wandering around, mostly posturing, that might have been a good thing.

Spotting something interesting out of the corner of his eye, Eon looked around carefully before risking another glance.

Since Shadow was somewhere else in the crowd, he turned his attention to Taylor's still-visible form instead and whispered into an illusion, "I'm heading out for a moment. Keep an eye on Shadow, alert her if you can." Two bugs landed on his back in response, burrowing out of sight into his fur, and Eon wove an invisibility illusion before trotting off to make his way to the roof.

"Fancy seeing you here." He commented, once he was there.

Oni Lee didn't even twitch, likely having noticed him vanish from the crowd, and instead turned and bowed. "Kyuubi Eon."

"I don't suppose this has to do with the oddly large amount of ABB we've been seeing in town recently?" He continued, inclining his head in an accepting nod.

"We are keeping the peace." He stated.

"Really now."

"Yes." Lee bowed a little again, then returned to watching over the group of celebrating citizens. While it was rare to see ABB colours being openly displayed, it was still there, and Eon was sure there were more of them that weren't showing it off. "Inari is doing good work. You are giving people hope, travelling around the world. You are showing that you are not self-centred, like many Capes are. They think only of combat. You wish to help. But if Brockton Bay is not calm, you will be forced to focus on here instead. So we are keeping the peace, and you can continue to spread hope."

"And people are just... letting you." Eon blinked, looking at the crowd himself. It seemed unbelievable, that a city with so many people in it- not to mention the Nazis- would just let one of the gangs take over handling enforcement.

"Faultline does not work in her own city. The Undersiders are quiet. The Merchants are not in a position to complain. The various Independents will not rock the boat for fear of the gangs. New Wave and the PRT are just happy that things are quiet for once."

The Ninetales blinked again at the pause, giving the Parahuman beside him a look. "And the Empire?"

Lee turned to him again, and a smirk could easily be felt from underneath his mask. "The Empire came to understand our point of view." He said, with a small shrug. "They support it. Hope makes for better business."

Eon studied him carefully. His scent was laced with honesty, though he was obviously hiding a few things. But then, he supposed, what did it matter? The ABB were keeping things more peaceful around, the Empire didn't seem to be causing trouble over it, and he was right; so long as things were peaceful in Brockton Bay, Team Inari could more easily travel about the world dealing with Simurgh Zones. Or at least they could once things were moving again after the whole Time Gear thing.

As he turned to leave, though, a thought occurred. "And that explosion last month?"

Oni Lee smirked a little more, bowing. "Mere peacekeeping, Kyuubi."

"And the ones after? The Empire attacks?"

"Cleaning up. People can often be stubborn."

After a moment, Eon shook his head and bowed in return. "Send our thanks to Lung, then." He said over his shoulder, and left to go back to the party below. That was a conversation to evaluate with the full team beside him, not alone.

Lee watched the Kyuubi leave, keeping an eye on him until he was once again immersed in the crowds, and turned back to his monitoring of the situation below.

He had been honest, of course. Lung was more focused on keeping the peace of Brockton Bay than he once was, leading the ABB to do the same. The hero groups were thankful for the lesser workload, the minor villains did not want to cause trouble, the Merchants were almost defunct, and the Empire had been... persuaded.

Lee did not know what had happened at that meeting between Lung and Kaiser at Somer's Rock, but the opposing gang leader had at least seemed thoughtful rather than irate.

And he had been honest about why they were doing it as well. Inari was travelling to Simurgh Zones, helping people around the world. They were giving hope, stealing away the terror of the Hope-Killer. Lung supported that, so the Bay would be looked after while they did it.

The only thing he had not been honest about was the nature of the trouble. There were those who were unhappy with what Inari were doing, of course, and it would not do to let them cause trouble and potentially put Inari at risk. Brockton Bay may have been visited by Leviathan, but it was here that the Endbringer had been driven away.

The Fallen had no place in this city, and for once the gangs were in agreement about showing them that.

July 7th​, 2011. Thursday.

Patrols were almost boringly quiet now, Shadow thought, as they wandered the streets. They felt more like they were about giving out autographs when tourists stopped them or letting children take pictures with the group, rather than actually looking for trouble. The gangs had apparently come to some sort of arrangement, according to what Eon had said about his conversation with Oni Lee on Monday. The Empire and the ABB were staying out of trouble, and probably keeping the Merchants from causing any as well, so that Inari could deal with things outside of the Bay.

It was nice of them, she thought, but it did make the patrols awful boring sometimes. With the PRT currently dealing with the next round of talks to deal with more Containment Zones, there wasn't much to do other than patrol. And with no trouble to look out for, there wasn't much to do.

A horn sounded from just around the corner on the Boardwalk.

"Be afraid, citizens!"

Speak of the netherworld. She grumbled, even as her ears twitched forward and the three of them paused to prepare for battle.

"Get ready." Eon said lowly. "Swarm, scout?"

"Looks like Uber and Leet didn't get the memo going around." She reported. "There's a lot of shifted terrain there, can't tell if it's an illusion of some kind of actually there, but there's evidence to both since there's creatures projected on the top but also some of the civilians seem to be actually hiding behind them. Not sure what the creatures are, but since it's these too..."

"They're probably from some sort of game." Shadow finished. "We going in?"

"Naturally." Eon nodded. "Swarm, focus on distractions with your bugs, try and get the civilians to safety. Shadow, try and attack the projections, see if you can shatter them at all. I'll try and herd Uber and Leet out of the way."

Both females nodded, splitting up. They'd tangled with the gamer duo before, but never in anything complicated. Most of the time Swarm was able to handle things while they chased after them, or the Wards were also there and helped with the fight. This was probably the first time Shadow would actually be going after a projection in this world, as well; they tended to stay away from things like that, acting out the parts themselves.

She didn't recognise any of the pieces set out, but it was easy to tell what she was meant to be attacking, since all of them started to pile on Inari the second they came around the corner. Grinning widely, she activated a Scratch attack- no need to risk anything more powerful with civilians scattered everywhere- and leapt right into the fray, tearing into the nearest one.

It popped with the faint sound of bells and a smell of gold-new-apple that was Leet's TinkerTech, and another took its place a moment later before she started swirling around to deal with the next one.

It's like a Monster House! She mentally cheered, lashing out at another creature. Around her, she was vaguely aware of her team mates; Swarm, using her bugs to make defensive shields and move the civilians in the area in equal amounts, hiding them behind the projected walls and making the bugs pop the attackers as best as they could, and Eon, stalking around the outside, blasting little Embers towards whatever got close enough to him and sniffing the air to try and find where the Parahumans were hiding. This is great! Less dangerous than a Monster House, but still really neat!

Scratch gave way to Fury Swipes and Iron Tails in small amounts, and small Will-o-Wisps that flickered about her fur to block attacks on her behalf, and the occasional Extrasensory that could barely grip the edges of the creations and throw them away. At one point she came across a pair of men trapped by the creatures, one with a large claw mark on his arm, and she burst out a Heal Pulse to help them. The Heal Bell linked without a thought on her part, and the small room that she'd devised- already with a few monsters in- rippled, the projections bursting like bubbles.

"Stop right there, both of you!" Eon snapped, the voice echoing around the place. The monsters paused momentarily, and Shadow used the lull to get her bearings- better than a Monster House in that regard- and start urging people towards Swarm's defensive bubbles and the projected safe zones.

"Ah, the heroes have arrived!" Uber's voice rang out. "I believe we best retreat."

"Indeed!" The monsters vanished in small flickers of light, as did the prop arena, and Shadow pouted slightly. "But we shall return! You have not won yet!"

"We'll see about that." Eon sounded amused, and Shadow knew why; these two were probably the most entertaining people to battle with, and they were a battle rather than a fight, which was nice. It was like a Dungeon.

"You look upset." Swarm said lowly, kneeling down beside her.

"It felt like home." She explained. "It's nice."

"I... see."

Eon came padding down next to them. "They got away." He admitted. "Rigged something to explode and while I was trying to muffle things and keep any sort of fire starting they ran for it." He paused. "Is something wrong?"

"It was like a Monster House. It's like being in a Dungeon." She looked away. "I like it, battling with them."

"...I see." Eon nodded slowly. He hummed, waving his tails back and forth as people started coming out of the woodwork for pictures. "I have an idea, I think."

July 13th​, 2011. Wednesday.

"...So I think that's what you could try." Shadow finished, rolling her shoulders slightly.

Slowly, Leet nodded. "I... see." He promptly went silent, scribbling away on a pad, while Uber sat a little off to the side, leveraging his considerable talents to take notes of the entire conversation.

Eon's idea had been great. The entire event, short as it had been, was streamed, and the stream had stayed up for a while after. Long enough for Eon to leave a message asking if they could talk. Leet had contacted them on PHO almost a week later- while they were in Istanbul, doing another Simurgh Zone, so they hadn't seen it for a while- asking if they could meet at Somer's Rock on the 13th​. They'd agreed, both teams had come out there, Eon had placed his disruption field again and started waiting, Swarm had basically drifted out acting as a guard, and Shadow had started talking.

The plan was simple. Uber and Leet would use that projector to make challenges like the Monster House one that they'd stumbled on. Sometimes it would be that, other times it would be a search, or an escort, or a quest to find an item- all things the team would see in Dungeon requests, back in Alma. Each 'floor' would be generated one at a time, finding stairs to move between them, and once quests were complete things would dissolve.

It would, in essence, be a Dungeon.

In return, Team Inari would find the place to set these up- Shadow already had plans to talk to Danny about finding a peaceful area in the Docks, or maybe somewhere on the Union's ground itself- and any of the Dungeons could be recorded and later posted, pending approval from Eon. Eon would probably approve of them pretty quickly, even if something stupid happened, because they were good training and the duo deserved to get something out of them.

Uber summed that all up for them a moment later, looking over his notes, and Shadow nodded.


"That... sounds cool." He said.

"I have so many ideas." Leet mumbled, still working. Looking over, it looked like some kind of design that she couldn't make heads or tails of. "My power seems really interested in yours, and being able to study it makes it happy."

"Really?" Shadow swapped a glance with Eon. This was the first they'd heard of something like that.

"Yeah." He seemed distracted. "I... think I might be able to improve on the projector for this, actually. If it would help."

"Do whatever you think's best." Eon told him. "It's your technology, you'd know what it can do better than we do."

"Fair point."

Since the Tinker was now thoroughly distracted, Eon slipped out of the chair. "I think we should leave you two to it." He suggested. "Feel free to contact us on PHO when you have a design ready to go, we'll use the same message thread to give you a location when we have one."

"Sounds good." Uber was staring at his friend with a certain amount of fascination, she thought, standing and following Eon. Swarm moved as well, then paused and looked at them both.

"Why not also try the PRT?" She suggested, making the Thinker's head snap up. "Test out the idea with us a few times, see how it works, then use the videos as proof and go to the PRT offering to let them use it to run through Dungeons of their own. The Wards, the Protectorate, the PRT troopers, whoever, let them set it up in a big room somewhere and run Dungeons through it to practise using their powers in different ways or whatever."

The three of them stared.

"That... I should have thought of that." Eon admitted. "Well done, Swarm, that's a brilliant idea."

"We wouldn't be able to record it, since it'd be confidential, but still..." Uber mused quietly.

"Maybe Dragon and Armsmaster would be willing to work with you, as well." Shadow added, jumping on the idea now it had been said. "They're nice, and something that helps the PRT out would probably be something they'd be interested in."

Leet was still in his own world for now, but Uber went an interesting scent combination of startled-amazed-excited-horrified that stung at her nose. "That..." He exhaled a little sharply, then nodded. "We'll have to think about that. Thank you, Inari."

"You're welcome."

The three of them trailed out, leaving the pair to their own devices, and once they were in an alley and the illusions rearranged, Shadow turned to Eon.

"You give the best gifts." She said emphatically.

July 26th​, 2011. Tuesday.

The sound of a loud alarm startled both of the Tinkers out of their planning session, the jolt knocking over one of the small pieces of the half-built machinery that was sitting on the table.

"What on earth was that?"

Both of them hurried over to the computer system, rapidly working through their respective alert systems to try and find out what triggered the alarm.

Dragon gasped, freezing.



"I found the problem."
Chapter 37- Planning, emergencies, and wariness
Eon yawned, stretching and fanning out his tails behind him. Things were looking pretty good, in his eyes, and he was glad of that. The Time Gear was out of the way somewhere unknown, where no-one was likely to find it any time soon, his team was coming along well in terms of focus- four months of working on it and it was paying dividends very nicely- they'd managed to get Uber and Leet into a situation where they were not only causing less trouble for the rest of the Capes in town but they were also actually helping with Inari's training, which was extremely good.

It'd been a little under two weeks since that meeting had happened, and Inari had met up with the duo a few more times to work out things with the idea Shadow had had for doing some kind of projected Mystery Dungeon. They'd only done one test run over the weekend, mocking up a single 'floor' of a Dungeon to work their way through and make sure that things were functional. Things had gone ok, Eon working quickly through the floor on his own to reach the stairs that were being used as a checkpoint to move between floors, though occasionally the enemies being used as projections- generic human shapes with no features- glitched out when he hit them with an attack.

Leet had been paying attention to the energy produced by that and had promised to take a look to see if he could figure out a way to fix it, but the five of them had come to the group conclusion not to do any more testing for the next few weeks, since there was an Endbringer attack likely to be coming along soon and none of them wanted to wear out the main Inari members, given how much damage they'd been able to do to Leviathan.

While both of them were concerned about fighting with Behemoth or Simurgh, unsure which one was going to be showing up, Eon and Shadow had been working to strategise in the hopes of figuring something out. They didn't think any of the Endbringers were affected by Types in the way Pokemon were, given how things had gone with Leviathan, so they didn't think Behemoth would be immune to Thunder or Simurgh would be any weaker to it, but given that Behemoth had the ability to manipulate energy, both of them were worried about using any of their Special Moves. They didn't know whether or not it would count as something that Behemoth could manipulate, given that Aura was apparently unknown on Bet, but they didn't really want to risk it.

Which meant getting in close, which then led to the issue of the aura Behemoth had, that kill aura that neither of them were willing to test themselves against.

Suffice to say, Eon was fervently hoping that it was the Simurgh. While there would then be the potential issue of Mastering, both Shadow and Eon had the ability to break that, so they were safer fighting the Simurgh than they were Behemoth.

Trying to come up with strategies was still annoying, of course, given that Thunder could be be pretty inaccurate sometimes, but in the end they had to hope for the best.

"Morning, Eon!" Shadow called, looking over from where she was running her tail through the fire pit idly.

"Good morning, Shadow." He smiled. "Sleep well?"

"Well enough." She shrugged, being careful not to move her tail too much in case she brushed some of the fire out of the pit and onto the grass. "I got a bit distracted before I fell asleep trying to come up with something we could use."

"Any luck?"

"Nope." She grimaced. "Both of them are really annoying."

"Aren't they just." He lay down along the other side of the fire, dipping the end of his own tail into the fire as well. "Though I think most people would be annoyed at us referring to something like the Endbringers as annoying."

Shadow laughed. "Probably. And understandably, as well. They suck. It's just that, well. They are annoying. They're a really big problem, and they deserve the name. But they're annoying." She sighed. "I wish we weren't having so much trouble figuring out a way to deal with them, though. If we can take them down..."

It'd save a whole lot of lives. Eon mentally completed, nodding. "No-one can begrudge us for doing what we can, though. And we're certainly doing that. Besides," he shrugged a little himself. "Maybe we'll come up with something in the fight that we'd be able to use."


The two of them idled together for a little while, thinking. Eon wasn't quite certain that Shadow had taken in what he'd said about everything, but at the same time he was well aware that he wasn't going to be able to persuade her about this. It'd gotten worse since they'd come to Earth Bet, he'd noticed; over the first two years of being a team together, Eon had been able to mitigate it all a bit, but that self sacrificing, I-need-to-save-everyone mentality had started making a return once they realised that she could work in the hospital to help out with Panacea's healing, and come back even more violently when they'd discovered the fact that Aura was incredibly powerful against the Endbringers and that they could help Mastered people. While Eon was trying to handle that again, it was difficult, more here than it had been back in Alma.

In Alma, the rest of the team would be able to pick things up and handle stuff, reminding her that she didn't need to handle everything on her own. Here on Bet, though, where there were a number of things that only she could do, it was harder to keep her from getting into the mindset that she needed to do everything she could all the time, even when she was exhausted.

It was annoying enough that Eon was contemplating taking his team mates on some kind of enforced vacation after they were done dealing with the Simurgh Containment Zones and after the Endbringer attack was dealt with, just to force Shadow to remember that she doesn't need to try and deal with everything on her own. Or even just to give her a break long enough to actually recover properly, since he was fairly sure she was exhausting herself too often to be ok. That was another thing the pre-Endbringer fight extended break was good for, at least in his eyes. Shadow was taking a break for once.

The semi-tranquil silence was shattered by a shrill ringing. Eon startled, whipping his tail-tip from the fire, and jumping to stand. Shadow's head snapped up in tandem, looking around warily and tilting her head.

"Is that the phone?" She asked, confused. "I thought the PRT had said they weren't going to be calling us for anything about the Simurgh..."

"Maybe it's to do with the upcoming attack?" He suggested, hurrying over to the Den and grabbing the phone with Extrasensory. "Hello?"

"Eon." The sharp voice of Director Piggot returned.

"Director." He nodded. "Is something wrong?" He traded glances with Shadow as he returned to the fire pit, putting the phone onto speaker and holding it between them.

"We're... uncertain, actually." It was surprising enough to hear that from the usually assured- and unwilling to admit to weakness- Director that he cocked his head, ears forward. "Something occurred approximately an hour ago. We've been unable to figure out exactly what it is. We were hoping you might be able to help."

Eon blinked. Either they want me for the Dimensional Scream... or they think it's something we'd be able to handle better. Worrying. "We'll be over as soon as we can, Director." He replied, when Shadow nodded her agreement to the question placed in his eyes.

"Good." The call ended abruptly, and immediately Eon dialled a different number.


"Something going on at the PRT building." He explained succinctly, not bothering to respond to the greeting as Shadow started hurrying around, packing up the Treasure Bag and her own backup bag with Berries and other items so that they could be ready to head out. While they did have their 'bug-out bags' for Endbringer attacks, they didn't want to use those; they were full of the remaining Max Elixirs and a lot of Leppa Berries, ready for Shadow to use while healing, and Eon didn't want to touch those for something that might end up being nothing.

"Endbringer?" He could hear the sound of Taylor moving on the other side, getting ready to change into her costume despite the somewhat early hour to bolt over to the PRT building if she needed to.

"Unknown." He replied. "You coming?" She hesitated.

"I'll stay in town." She decided, after a long moment. "If we're not shipping out to deal with an Endbringer right now, then you might be busy if the alarm goes off. It's better for my to hang about here just in case. I can head straight out onto search and rescue."

Eon nodded, even though he knew she couldn't see it. "Alright. Stay safe, Swarm."

"You too."

The bug user disconnected the call for him, and Eon placed the phone in the Treasure Bag as Shadow handed it over. She'd filled it with Oran and Sitrus Berries for the most part, he noticed, as well as a number of the Berry Cookies that she and Swarm had been making during the downtime. The bug-out bags were also in there, so that they'd take up less room, and he gave her a look.

"In case something happens with the Endbringers while we're gone." She explained, putting her own bag over her back. "Don't want to be caught unawares."

"Good point." He agreed. "Come on, let's get moving." He twisted and started rushing for the path they'd worn into the edge of the Den from all the coming and going, boosting once with Agility to move faster, and heard Shadow doing the same to keep pace.

Mystery missions were going to be the death of him, someday.

Taylor couldn't really blame her father for being annoyed at being woken up by her hurrying around at nine in the morning, given that he'd had a somewhat late night the day before stressing about the Docks, but with the threat of an Endbringer attack on the horizon- not exactly any day now, but within the next few weeks- she felt that she had at least some leeway to be running around.

"Sorry, Dad." She apologised, finishing putting her costume into her bag. She put that on the bed with her clothes once she was done, heading towards the bathroom a moment after. "Just... with everything going on..."

Danny sighed. "I understand, you want to be out and showing the flag of your team since they're going somewhere and there's an Endbringer due soon. Just... try and be a bit quieter, ok? I don't really like waking up and thinking that my daughter's about to be running off into a battle somewhere."

"If it was an Endbringer, you'd hear the sirens first." She pointed out, hugging him. "But yeah, sorry."

She pulled away and slipped into the shower, quickly getting ready to leave the house so she could make her way to the Den and prepare to patrol. As she did, she looked around at the area with her bugs, trying to see if there were any problems in the blocks nearby.

Danny hadn't been wrong about the reason she wanted to be out while her team was busy. While Inari's takedown to Leviathan had managed to move into the stuff of PHO legends, people were still rightfully nervous about the Endbringers. What was one attack against the hundreds that'd come before it, after all? And while it wasn't in any way likely that the next Endbringer would be showing up in Brockton Bay, it didn't stop people being worried about what city would be targeted.

So Taylor wanted to be out there. She wanted to be ready in case something started on the streets, since New Wave didn't patrol much and the Protectorate were more focused on dealing with planning. Even just having one hero wandering around to make sure there weren't any issues was a good thing.

Although it had been oddly quiet recently. It was sort of strange, really, how few issues there'd been. But with the Merchants in a mess because of Skidmark's death, the ABB mostly being neutral because of Inari, and the Empire being quiet because everyone else was, the heroes had been able to take a step back and only need to deal with the smaller issues of petty street crime, rather than needing to worry about the Parahumans of the various gangs suddenly going on a rampage. Possibly that was a side effect of the Leviathan attack, possibly it was because of the on-coming Endbringer attack, or maybe just everyone had finally given up on causing issues.

Taylor snorted. Fat chance of that happening, I think. She mused, scrubbing at her hair. The day the gangs give up is probably the same day Scion dies.

It would be nice if the gangs had just given up, of course, but it wasn't likely. Still, she supposed, at least when patrols were quiet it meant more time to be able to spend just talking to people rather than needing to actually fight. It was nice to have fans, and the kids were cute, even if most of them preferred Eon and Shadow to her. They liked the butterflies, at least.

Shadow breathed out, slowly and deliberately, and pressed slightly against Eon's side.


"Sorry." She muttered, not moving. "Just."

There was a long silence.


She shook herself. "Just. Something feels odd." She swallowed. "I think it's nothing, or probably nothing, but something feels a little weird."

Eon looked down at her properly, raising an eyebrow. "Weird how?"

"I don't know." She frowned. "It's like... a feeling, in my stomach? And a little bit around my chest, too. Just something odd. But it's not really there, just a feeling of it being there? Does that make sense?"

"...Honestly, no." Eon admitted. "Sorry, Shadow. But if you're not feeling well..."

"I don't think I'm ill." Shadow argued. "But something about this entire thing is making me nervous and I don't like it."

He wrapped a tail around her, and she was abruptly glad that they were in an alleyway, under an illusion, and still a few blocks from the PRT building. "It's probably going to be fine, Shadow." He assured her gently. "Whether you're nervous about it or you're picking up something else that's odd, it's still probably going to be fine."

"Yeah, probably." She shook herself. "It's just... with the Time Gear suddenly appearing, and now something else that the PRT can't identify... it feels like a lot of bad things are all happening at once, and I really don't like it." She pawed at the ground. "Maybe this is what Hoopa sent us to do, to deal with, but I hate it because we're dealing with such big things. I mean, the Endbringers were bad enough, but now there's all of this and it implies such horrible things about everything going on in this world, and I just..." She exhaled sharply. "It feels like something is going to go wrong. It makes me wish we had Team Burning Flame here to help us, because at least they have experience with Time Gears that we don't, and experience dealing with paralysed worlds."

"You're scared we won't be able to handle it."

"And Bet's going to pay the price if we can't." Shadow murmured. "I'm terrified of that, Eon. Swarm and Aquamarina and Amy and Vicky and all of the Wards..." She rolled her paw in the air as she trailed off. "If we fail, they're all doomed. And I really don't want that to happen, but I don't know how we can avoid failing with something like this. Sally and Chika only really succeeded through luck, really, and the fact that people were willing to trust them. Sure, people trust us here, but what if it's not enough?"

Eon leaned down, nosing at her crest. "It'll be ok, Shadow." He replied. "We'll figure it out. There's no guarantee we're going to need to stop the planet's paralysis alone, the PRT here knows and when eventually things come to a head we'll have backup. It's ok."

"Yeah. I guess." Shaking her head, she stepped away from Eon's side and straightened. "I guess we should get going then, right? The sooner we know what's happened this morning, the sooner we're gonna be able to plan against it."

"Or around it, or with it." He pointed out, but started forward again.

Things will be fine. Shadow chanted to herself as they walked. It'll be fine, we have allies, we're more than capable of working even by ourselves, our Team is Hyper Rank for a reason, it'll be fine.

The odd feeling in her stomach didn't lessen.

Colin sighed, long and quiet, as he leaned back from the computers. As much as he wanted to start pacing, he wanted to keep an eye on the thing Dragon's sensors had picked up. Pacing wouldn't get Team Inari to the building any quicker, and if he kept an eye on things, he'd know the second that something changed and be able to give a more accurate report to the spirits when they arrived.

Admittedly Dragon was watching over things as well, but two people were better than one in the end. It also helped to keep his mind off of other things by focusing on the situation at hand, which was good, because otherwise he'd end up spiralling into wondering about the defence systems they'd been working on for his lab and the sensors they'd been making to try and detect this 'Aura', and if he started thinking too much about that he'd end up trying to adjust it more, which wasn't helpful for the current situation.

Check the computer, check the scanners, check to see if any of their attempts at getting some sort of camera in the area they thought the thing had landed in had succeeded yet, check to see if Inari was at the building, lean back for a moment to breathe, and then promptly start the entire thing over again to avoid thinking about anything else. It was a strategy that had been holding fairly well for the past half an hour or so, ever since they'd managed to get everyone together to start looking at the event, and it had been holding since the incident with the Time Gear too. Keep moving and working on other things, and he wouldn't have time to wonder when the Slaughterhouse Nine was going to appear in the Bay, when Mannequin would manage to infiltrate his lab and attempt to kill him, what on Earth Shadow had seen in the Time Gear about Dragon that she was so reluctant to share.

Keep moving, and stop thinking about the damn tower that still haunted his dreams with its screaming even now. He had no idea what it was, or where Inari was going to end up encountering it, but he was glad that he'd likely never be involved in seeing it. The sound of it howling was almost as frightening as the Simurgh's scream, and he knew what the Simurgh did. While it wasn't likely that that tower did the same thing, the mere fact that it reminded him of her was...

Colin shook his head. It was incredibly uncomfortable, to say the very least. He was incredibly thankful that he wasn't likely to ever end up seeing it, since it was likely going to be something that Inari dealt with themselves.

Then again, that wasn't to say that they wouldn't end up working with the PRT over it, depending on what it was, and if that happened it was likely that Brockton Bay's PRT would be the ones handling things since they had the closest rapport...

And now Colin was starting to worry again about having to see the thing. Damnit. Check the monitor, see if the cameras were in position yet, check the scanners around to see if anything else had happened, and just start doing whatever he can to avoid thinking about the fact.

"What's the status on Inari?" He asked, just for something else to do.

"They're on the way." Hannah told him, leaning over his shoulder to look at the camera- still approaching the estimated landed spot of whatever had come through, so there weren't any visuals yet- and smiled at him slightly under her mask. "Hopefully they'll be here before the camera gets there, so we can fill them in on what's going on without needing to deal with the fact that it's already on the screen."

"Perhaps." He nodded. "Dragon, what's the position on the cameras look like?"

The taller Tinker, standing on the other side of the room and monitoring a number of other computers, including the one that was controlling her camera drone, shook herself out of some kind of deep thought, glanced over at him, then back at the screens.

"At a guess, the drone should be getting towards where we think whatever it was landed." She replied, over the heads of a number of technicians and Director Piggot. "It'll probably take another five minutes or so, then if it's not there, we'll start circling around to see if we can figure out where it did land. I've got an approximate range for it, so we can start searching that area in the hopes of finding it. If there's nothing in that range, then we can assume it moved somehow or something."

"Or didn't actually land there."

Dragon gave the impression of a grimace. "Well, yes, but I really hope not. If it's merely moved, then we might be able to take advantage of the fact that Inari have more powerful senses than we do, so if we took them to the place we assumed it was, we might be able to have them track it." She said. "If it didn't actually land there, though, then we're pretty screwed when it comes to finding it. We have no idea where it might've landed, since our estimate came entirely from that picture on the Simurgh's monitoring cameras, and it went by so fast that we didn't have time to try and reposition any of them to get another image. If it didn't land there, we can assume that we're never finding the thing expect by good luck."

Pretty much the entire room cringed at that. The idea of having to rely totally on good luck and nothing else to find whatever it was that had come through was definitely not something that made anyone happy in the least.

Someone tapped on the door, making everyone look up, and a PRT agent poked their head through. "Inari's Shadow and Eon are at the desk, ma'ams, sirs."

"Thank you, Officer Raymond." Hannah responded, smiling. "I'll head down and meet them." Normally, Colin would want to do that himself, but given that he was focused on keeping an eye on the camera views, he was happy to leave his second in command to that.

"No Swarm?" Someone wondered, as Hannah left the room. "That's unusual, isn't it?"

"Other than that first trip to Canberra, they're usually together, yes." Dragon agreed. "Perhaps they're just as uncertain about things as we are?"

"They could also be leaving her to keep an eye on the Bay while they're working with us." Colin pointed out. "There is an Endbringer attack due fairly soon, after all."

"Also a possibility." She nodded. "It would also make sense, based on previous patterns of wanting to keep the peace in the city. Since there's a number of us busy dealing with this, perhaps they're planning to have Swarm take care of things so that we can do other things."

The room mostly lulled into quiet after that, with the main sounds just being the sounds of people shuffling around and checking monitors, until the sound of footsteps approached the door again and it opened.

"Thank you, Miss Militia." Eon acknowledged, as the room turned towards him. Both he and Shadow paused for a moment, likely to take in the number of people in the room, before heading over to the Director. "Madam Director, a pleasure." They bowed slightly. "What seems to be the trouble?"

"Still uncertain." Director Piggot admitted. "Something appeared about an hour ago, which was caught on the Simurgh's monitoring cameras. We weren't able to see it fast enough to move any other cameras into place to try and track it, so we're doing our best at the moment to make an estimate as to where it might've landed. There are a few cameras heading into place now."

"I see." Eon murmured, weaving his way around the rest of the room to head over to Dragon. "Is there any way we can see the image that set everything off?"

Dragon seemed startled, from what Colin could tell as he made his own way over, then nodded. "One moment." He arrived at their side at the same time as she pulled it up, showing a blurry picture of the Simurgh's cocoon, and a much smaller blur rocketing past it. There was little to see, just a tiny orange shape moving extremely quickly, but Eon and Shadow both propped themselves up on their hind legs against the table and peered at the image.

Shadow sighed. "Not much to go on, is it?"

"Unfortunately not." Colin agreed. "We're hoping that our estimate of a landing place is correct, and that whatever it is hasn't moved from that spot. Otherwise we might not be able to get any clear view at all."

"How did you even manage to get a guess?" She asked, sounding genuinely curious. "You said you didn't have time to get any other cameras on it, so it seems like it'd be hard to figure out where it was going?"

Colin nodded in agreement, but before he could launch into an explanation of how many cameras there were pointing at the Simurgh at any one time from different angles and how they could use those images to make a rough estimate as to the thing's movements to try and find out the landing spot from that, one of the computers let out a ding.

"One of the drones is in position, it just picked something up." The technician nearest to it announced, reaching over to put the feed onto one of the larger monitors in the room.

Everyone turned to look.

He blinked, surprised. The thing that they'd been tracking wasn't some sort of meteor, as he'd half-expected it to be the entire time- though admittedly an orange meteor wouldn't have made sense, he'd assumed that it was just because of the heat of entry to the planet or something.

Instead, the thing that they'd been trying to find was actually two things, and neither of them was a meteor at all. The first one that he noticed was the orange thing in question, though it was no longer the blot it had been in the blurred image. It was about five and a half feet tall, going by how it stood compared to the trees around it, and a very bright orange colour that made it stand out impressively. It was extremely bulky, almost like a power armour of some kind, with wide, flat legs, and a compressed body that seemed to have a helmet fused into it. It seemed like it would have trouble moving, but from the way it was looking around, it had no such issues. A blue mask covered its face, with a thin black line running down the centre, and two blue lines rose up from its shoulders. In the centre of the body was a small indent, holding a lilac light; possibly a power source of some kind.

It was the arms that made Colin stop considering that it might be armour, though. There was no way a human could be in there, as the arms were instead two long flat tendrils of some kind, one the same orange as the main body, and the other the same blue as the face.

The second thing was just as unusual. Incredibly small, maybe a foot in height, with short legs and somewhat longer arms, and two long streamers trailing behind it starting around about the neck. Its head had a large yellow helmet of some kind on it, with three points sticking out, and on each point was a blue rectangle that fluttered in the wind. A large black line was horizontal across its stomach, and it was floating in the air.

That smaller one lifted a hand to its face, as if it was yawning, and the orange thing moved to surround it with one pair of tendril-arms, bringing it closer to its chest while looking around cautiously.

It was a surprise that it didn't notice the camera drone, but apparently Dragon's cloaking was good enough to hide it from whatever those beings were. Unfortunately, the camera didn't have audio, so if the things were speaking, they weren't able to hear any of it.

From at his side, Shadow gasped, and Eon murmured something in a low voice that, if Colin hadn't known any better, would have seemed like a prayer.

"What is it?" Director Piggot asked sharply.

"We know what they are." Shadow replied, quietly. She seemed awed. "They're some of ours, spirits like us. Mythical spirits, incredibly powerful, incredibly rare to find. We've met... some, like them, but these are..."

"The orange one is the guardian." Eon continued, when the smaller kitsune's voice apparently failed. "Deoxys, it's called. And the little one... that one is Jirachi, a Wish Maker."