A Shadow, an Eon, and a Worm (Worm/Pokemon)

Chapter 20- Conversations, cuddles, and phone calls
May 20th, 2011. Friday.

"Morning, Eon." Taylor said, stifling a yawn. "What's up?"

"Shadow's gone to visit the Dallon's, so I was wandering if Swarm wanted to come out and patrol with me." The silver Ninetales replied, sounding similarly tired.

"I guess I could, sure." She glanced at the clock, then held the phone to her ear with her shoulder while she started sorting out her costume, now completely repaired from the damage it'd taken when her arm had been crushed. "Don't see why we should really bother, given that it's still technically Endbringer Truce and most the building work is getting along well enough to not need Parahuman assistance, but I'm game."

"To be honest, I was mostly thinking of it as a way to just relax without being stuck at the Den or your house." He admitted. "We always need to be careful at your house, and here at the Den there's nothing to do."

"Maybe we should see about getting internet installed." She joked, digging out her mask.

"Pretty sure that would mean bringing people to the Den, which I'm not fond of, but it could still happen." She could hear a shrug. "Either way, Shadow's going to be making new allies and having fun, so I figured a couple of routes around town just having a wander would be nice. Show the flag, have a look around at things, talk about some stuff that's alright for public- or just shove an audio illusion over us both and not care- and maybe say hello if any of the Wards or Protectorate happen to cross our paths."

"We should probably try and keep some kind of operational security, even if you can stop people from hearing us, Eon." Taylor laughed. "But that's fine. I'll meet you at the Den in… maybe an hour? I still need to eat, and I smell food downstairs."

"You go do that, I'll see you then, Swarm." The Ninetales hung up on her, leaving Taylor to find a bag to stuff her costume in, followed by a bunch of random other bits, a few squares of spider silk fabric just in case she got an opportunity to drag Eon to talk to someone, and her phone. Heading downstairs, she grinned at her father, who was sitting at the table with a plate of pancakes reading the paper.

"Hi, Dad." She waved, hurriedly pulling her own plate over and sliding into a seat.

"Good morning, Taylor." He smiled back. "I heard you talking to someone?"

"Eon." She filled in, pouring syrup over the pancakes and grabbing a knife and fork. "He was wondering if I fancied a wander around town today, just to talk and show the flag, so to speak. Shadow's over at the Dallon's, apparently, so it'd just be the two of us going about town. I'm gonna meet him at the Den and we'll just go from there." She looked over at him. "That's ok, right?"

"I'm glad you're spending time with your friends, Taylor." He assured her. "Even if it is running around in a costume terrifying and beating up muggers."

"There's not going to be many of the muggers around at least, most of them aren't quite stupid enough to be causing trouble during rebuilding." She paused. "Well, there's the Merchants, but I hear they've been having some awful difficulties recently."

"Difficulties involving bugs and strange invisible things vanishing their drugs and money, by any chance?" Danny asked, looking amused.

"Something like that, yeah." She chuckled in return. "It's apparently become something of an open secret that we like to target the Merchants. To everyone but the Merchants, I guess."

"I'll never be opposed to you dealing with the drug dealers, Taylor." Danny told her. "Now, eat those pancakes and go have some fun. I'll be keeping an eye on PHO at work to make sure you don't blow something up or whatever."

"We never do, Dad." Taylor blushed. "We're careful, neither Eon nor Shadow's fire burns anything normally because they're good at controlling it, and I haven't caused any trouble with my bugs yet."

"Having a healer on team probably helps, so remember that you don't have her today if you get into trouble."

"I won't."

"Hey Eon." Taylor waved, jogging into the clearing.

"Hi, Taylor." He smiled back, waving a tail. "Have a good night after yesterday?"

"Yeah, it was nice. Dad and I talked a lot, I think he might want to talk to you about that deal we made with Lung and what you think of it, but we can do that later." She swung the backpack from her shoulders and started digging for her costume, a shield of bugs growing around her as she did. "So, what's the plan for today? Just wander around looking at stuff and get some food?"

"Pretty much." Eon agreed. "If we find some trouble we'll end it, obviously, but otherwise just a walk about town and maybe a meal if there's any nice restaurants open."

"There should be. Enough of the Boardwalk managed to get left sort of alone, somehow, even despite that stupid tsunami, and even then there's plenty of places that aren't on the Boardwalk we could go to." She responded from behind the wall. "Anything in particular you want to try, or are we just going wherever we find first?"

"I'd say that Thai place, but I know Shadow wants to go there and wouldn't ever let us live it down if we went without her." He hummed. "Maybe we can try around that area and see if there's anything nice around it that isn't that?"

"Fine by me, just make sure you bring a lot of cash." She nodded. "Some of those places are expensive to eat at. Not as bad as on the Boardwalk, sure, but still not great by any means."

"Will do, Swarm." Eon made his way over to the Den, pulling the Wonder Bag over towards him while he opened the box with all of their money in it. Pulling a bundle out, he spent a moment looking at the amount the team had, before chuckling and turning away again. "So quickly back up to a budget like we're used to… and far easier than how it happened back home." With a half grin, half grimace at the memory of some of the horrible missions they'd done as a team for starting cash- or to make up the cash for Shadow's massive splurge on the recipe for Max Elixirs, even if it has been well used- Eon dumped the bundle into the Wonder Bag, plucked the Map from its place on the shelf, and tied his scarf around his neck with the Badge in pride of place.

He liked this scarf. Swarm had made it from spider silk, then carefully dyed it silver-white so it blended in quite well with his fur. He once again made a mental note to talk to the Kecleon twins that ran the market in town, as well as his Ariados team mate, to see if it would be possible to do something similar and if it would sell.

Then again, maybe it'd be better to approach… whoever it was that ran the tailors in town, he couldn't remember right now. He hadn't had much contact with them, but they'd probably know better than the Kecleon or him whether or not silk scarves like these would sell. Shadow would probably know, actually, he recalled that she'd gotten a bunch of scarves and bags made for her siblings as a birthday gift a little while before they'd left for Bet, though not made out of silk like this one.

Shaking his head, Eon pulled himself out of his thoughts- it'd be a while before he would be able to do that, after all, so it could wait- and wandered back out of the Den, seeing Swarm fully in costume, drawing her bugs back into the secret slots on her clothes while hiding the bag out of sight in a little storage area in the Den. That had been added a little while ago, when they'd finally decided it was too much hassle for Swarm to duck in, and far too much work to build the Den upwards more, so they'd added a hatch that dropped into a box for her stuff, and a pulley system that used her spiders to bring stuff back when it was needed.

"You've gotten really quick at that." He complemented, watching as more spiders closed up the shell backpack and vanished into her hair.

"It's definitely a lot easier than it was before, I'll give you that." She grinned. "There are days where I think I probably shouldn't have fitted this thing so well. But then I normally stop caring, because it looks cool."

"Cool is good, of course, but if you feel miserable, you could always remake it." Eon suggested, laughing when she grimaced.

"No thanks. I've already got this one, plus I'm most the way through the new one- I'd be further, but I had to do those repairs on this one, which put things behind a bit. Plus I lost a few spiders to Leviathan, though most my important ones are safe."

"That's good." Eon trotted over to her side, and after a moment where both of them mentally checked that they had everything, began moving out towards the Bay. "Have you spoken to Aquamarina since she went home?" He asked, as they got closer to the border of the Den's illusion field.

"A few times, yeah." She nodded. "We've talked once over the phone, then we decided that it'd probably be better to just communicate through PHO because that way we can just send messages to each other and get back that way. Plus it doesn't waste messages on the burner phones which we might need for an emergency or something."

"That's a good point. Anything interesting, or...?"

"Not too much, to be honest. We've just talked a bit about our different experiences in the city. LA's a lot better, despite the fact that the city's a lot bigger, because... well, Alexandria." She chuckled. "She apparently scares the crap out of criminals a lot more than most people, so it's mainly petty crime on the outskirts where Alexandria doesn't tend to show up."

"Meanwhile with us, there's stuff going on absolutely everywhere because there's not enough Protectorate to handle the entire city, the Wards aren't supposed to get into Cape fights if they can avoid it, and most the Independents are either neutral, get the hell out of this city as fast as they can, get snatched up by the PRT, or end up dead because of the other Capes." Eon sighed. "Y'know, there are days where I occasionally wonder if we should've arranged to join up with the PRT when we first arrived."

"Really?" Swarm glanced down, a raised eyebrow clear in her voice.

"Mhm. But then I realise it probably wouldn't have worked out well. We didn't think of playing up the kitsune angle and changing our story about a bit until after the chat with Tattletale and our trip to the library, and we'd probably have had to give some kind of story anyway; being all mysterious like we do as independents wouldn't be as much of an option. It's better that we're working separately to the PRT because of that." He shrugged. "I suppose part of the reason I wish we had is because I'm used to the Guild support."


"Back home, the Adventurer Guild- well, for us it was specifically the Wigglytuff Guild- works really closely with Rescue Teams in the area. For most Pokemon, the Guild is where you go to leave mission requests, because you know that they'll make sure the team taking it can handle it, and for us it's also a place to request support. If you're in a Dungeon and need some help, you can send a request back with the Badges and they'll send out a new Rescue Team to come help you out of the Dungeon you're stuck in. I don't know if the Wards and Protectorate do the same thing, of course, but even so having someone in the background on the console must be helpful for them."

"I suppose." Swarm nodded. "I'm glad you two didn't, though. We wouldn't have ended up working together if you had."

"Did you ever think of joining the Wards?"

"Only for a few moments, right at the beginning." She said, as they left the field. "But I decided not to. I was struggling in school with the bullies and everything, and jumping into another nest of teenage drama, this time with superpowers added, didn't seem like a good idea. That's also why I never told Dad about my powers until recently, I was pretty sure that he'd want me to join the Wards. I got lucky that I'd already established myself with you guys before I had to tell him."

"Fair enough." Eon hummed. "Going back to the original point, though, I can see why Aquamarina has it a lot easier than us here. I guess Houston and New York probably do too, given that they have the other two parts of the Triumvirate."

"I don't know much about Houston, but New York has its own bundle of issues. The Teeth, for one."

"Ah." Eon knew vaguely what the Teeth were, since it'd come up in the earlier bits of research they'd done on their new world, but it still took a moment to recall. "Led by the Butcher, right? The one that jumps to their killer."


"Yeah, I don't suppose having that group of nutcases around would make New York feel much safer." Eon couldn't help but grumble. "Heck, we're miles away from them and it makes me uneasy."

"There are an awful lot of gangs around, aren't there?" She reflected, as the pair began approaching the outskirts of the city. Most of this area was undamaged, ignoring the amount of mess left behind by little gang skirmishes, but that made it reasonably easy to slip into an alleyway and begin making their way towards the more populated areas for their patrol and wandering about.

"Far too many." Eon agreed. "Our world doesn't really have gangs, as such. There's sometimes groups of outlaws that band together for protection and to make crimes easier, but for the most part all outlaws work solo. It's fairly easy for Rescue Teams to deal with outlaws, even the newer ones. And there's not really that many criminals around even so, for some reason."

"Your world just seems better, to be honest." Swarm admitted, lowering her voice. "If it weren't for Dad- and the whole 'no memories' thing that you have- I'd probably take any offer to come to you guys."

The Ninetales froze, staring up at her.

"Seriously?" He managed, after getting his voice to work. It was still pretty hoarse, though, and he cleared his throat before continuing, "But… why?"

"Better than Bet." She said easily. "No Endbringers to worry about every three months, no real need to worry about suddenly being attacked by criminals, no secret identity needed, and the chance to run about in weird magical dungeons doing stuff for people or just finding things. Plus no bullies."

"I suppose no bullies would be a good reason." He allowed. "But there's bound to be more positives to Bet than you're saying."

"If there are, they're escaping me."

After a moment of thought, Eon nodded. She's not wrong… there really doesn't seem like much good here. "Fair enough, I suppose." He sighed, starting walking again. The taller girl followed after him as they ducked into an alleyway, both of them silently agreeing to move off of any subjects that might let secrets out.

"You said Shadow'd gone to the Dallon's?" Swarm asked, after a few moments.

"Yeah. Glory Girl called this morning, woke both of us up. I didn't listen to the call, but she sounded kinda upset. Shadow went out with a lot of money and a bag, muttering something about shopping."

"I see." Eon got the feeling Swarm knew more about this than she was saying, but if Shadow hadn't mentioned it to him before, he wouldn't ask.

It wasn't his to know, it seemed.

"How come you don't call her Vicky?"

"She never said I could."

"That… feels like a weird distinction to make."

"I make the same distinction between your two identities, too. And if anyone else gave me their names, I'd do the same there. It feels… right, I guess."

"Even still, it wasn't Glory Girl who called this morning, it was Vicky. She wasn't calling on Cape business, and she probably wasn't in costume if she was calling from her home, so by your logic it was Vicky calling."

"…You make a good point."

The two of them continued chatting all the way into town, easily ignoring the cameras that were pointed at them once they got onto the main streets.

Shadow stared upwards at the door, annoyed.

"Dang humans being so much taller than me…" She grumped. "Lessee…" Looking around, she picked up a small rock with her Extrasensory and lifted it to the level of the doorbell, using it to push the button for her. The faint noise of the bell ringing inside made her perk up her ears, and a few minutes later a tall man was at the door, looking vaguely familiar though different to when he was in costume. "Hiya!"

"Oh. Hello, Shadow." Mark Dallon greeted, looking down at her. "I take it you're here to see Vicky and Amy?"

"Yup. Vicky called earlier, so I came, like I said I would." She nodded, as the giant man stepped out of the doorway to let her pass. She carefully shifted the bag off her back, holding it in the air next to her, then squeaked as she suddenly joined it.

"Hi, Shadow." Vicky mumbled, sounding miserable.

"Hey, Vicky." She grinned, once she'd gotten over her shock. "I brought ice cream."

"Thanks." The girl grabbed the floating bag and carried both of them into the main room, where Amy was sitting on the couch looking tired. "Ames, Shadow's here."

"I know, Vicky, I heard." The Brute landed on the couch next to her, placing Shadow in the middle of them both. The Vulpix was promptly snatched up by Amy, who held her close as well.

Shadow just chuckled, shifting slightly to get more comfortable. "You two do realise we're gonna need spoons for the ice cream, right?"


"Are… you gonna get any, or…?"


"In a minute." Shadow laughed again, shaking her head slightly.

"You two…" She sighed, then nudged Amy in the face. The girl looked at her, apparently a little confused, and she tilted her head. "How many hugs do you two need?"

"Probably a lot."

"We could do it a lot more effectively if you and Vicky were also hugging."

"Good idea." Vicky mumbled, pulled both of them over. Amy was now bright red.

The three of them sat there for a while, Shadow just waiting for the girls to finish up with their cuddle quota and stop being quite as mopey. To try and help it along, Shadow hummed out a tiny Heal Pulse/Heal Bell combo, lighting up the room a little with energy.

Amy mock-glared at her. "That's cheating."

"That's helping." Shadow corrected, sticking her tongue out. "That's what I'm here to do, right?"

"Cheating." Amy retorted, still grinning even so. "You're cheating."

"Look, I brought ice cream for this, and if you two sit here moping and cuddling the fluffy fox critter all day then we won't get to eat it."

"…True." Vicky nodded, moving Amy slightly and floating off the couch. "I'll go get spoons." The blonde floated off, and Shadow looked up at Amy.

"So, aside from eat ice cream, what do you want to do?"

"Dunno." Amy shrugged. "I honestly thought today was basically just gonna be us both moping, but with you about and ice cream. I didn't expect you to cheat like that."

Shadow snorted. "So I'm guessing a movie of some kind, laugh at people on PHO, then go for a walk or something?"

"That… could work." She agreed. "Means getting changed again into something better to go out in, though." Shadow glanced at the leggings and t-shirt she was wearing.

"I don't see a problem with that?" She then looked over at Vicky, who'd just floated through the doorway holding three spoons. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, this one slumping off one shoulder.

"It's about presentation. We're not supposed to look silly when going out, because it reflects on New Wave."

"And that matters why?" Shadow huffed. "Capes should get time off. Even open Capes like you guys. Just go out like that, if you want. Who's actually gonna care?"

"That's… a good point." Amy nodded slowly. "Hey, Vicky, some silly movie, PHO and then a walk sound ok to you?"

"Well, a walk might be alright for you, but I have no need for such exhaustive activities." Vicky replied, mock-haughtily. "I'll fly instead."

"That's fine too." Shadow agreed. "Hey, if we aim for lunch, maybe we could meet with Eon and Swarm and go to that Thai place I want to try."

"Are Swarm and Eon out?"

"No idea, Eon was still drowsing when I left, but if I asked they'd probably be willing to meet up for that and maybe a bit more of a wander around." Shadow shrugged, lifting her bag from the floor. She slipped her phone out of the side pocket before pulling the ice cream tub out and popping it open.

Vicky immediately stole it from her, digging in with the one spoon and handing another to Amy. Shadow meanwhile sent her team leader a text, then stole the third spoon and took her own scoop.

A reply came back quickly, just as Amy was slipping off the couch and over to the film case next to the TV, and Shadow glanced over it with a muffled laugh.

Swallowing the ice cream, she explained, "Eon and Swarm are already out, apparently. Eon was bored, called Swarm to see if she fancied going for a wander around the city in costume just for the fun of it, Swarm said yes. They're fine for meeting up for lunch if you are, they were apparently thinking about going to the Thai place but didn't want to go without me."

"Then that sounds like a plan." Vicky smiled widely. "I like that Thai place."

"The one downtown?" Amy asked. Shadow nodded. "Yeah, that place is great."

"I'll tell them we'll meet them there, then. About one sound good?" Both girls looked at the time.

"That gives us three hours. Plenty of time for a movie, some giggling at PHO, and still getting there even if we don't want to hurry." Amy easily agreed. "Now, How to Train your Dragon? It came out before Christmas, Shadow, so I don't know if you've seen it yet…"

"I haven't." She confirmed.

Twenty minutes later she was staring avidly at the TV, absently sharing the ice cream, eyes sparkling.

"There they are." Amy pointed, carefully adjusting her grip on Shadow as she did.

"I see them." Vicky slowly descended from the air, landing just beside the other two members of Team Inari with a smile. "Hi, Eon, Swarm."

"Hello, Glory Girl." Eon greeted, as she put Amy on her feet.

"You can call me Vicky, you know." She laughed, as Amy let Shadow down onto the ground as well. The Vulpix stumbled a little as she regained her balance, then trotted over to her team. "Besides, this isn't anything Cape-y, just all of us ending up for lunch in the same place." Eon laughed as well.

"I suppose so, Vicky." He looked down at his second. "Have fun, pix?"

"So much." She grinned widely in return, eyes sparkling again. "We watched a movie, it was so cool, Eon. You need to see it. So many dragons…"

"Is that the new one that came about before Christmas?" Swarm asked Amy, who nodded. "I haven't seen that yet either, actually. Never got around to it."

"You need to, Swarm." Shadow told her. Gently, Eon placed a paw over Shadow's mouth, making her look up at him irately.

"Maybe we should all go inside and get food before you start rambling about the dragon movie?" He suggested calmly, making her sag.

"Are they ok with you eating in costume here, Swarm?" Amy checked.

"Yeah, we asked just before you got here. Just leave the bugs outside." She nodded. "Which I've already done, so we can go in."

Their entry caused a bit of a stir with the people already in there- apparently while they'd noticed Eon enter and speak to the counter earlier, they hadn't been expecting the entirety of Team Inari plus some of New Wave to show up- the people currently on the counter were rather calm as the group of Capes placed their orders, found a table, and sat down.

Shadow stared at Swarm for a few moments, her tails waving, then nodded. "Check that for me, please, Amy?" The healer looked at the insect controller, frowning.

"That's the same illusion you used last time, isn't it?" She queried. "Just set up for only half of her face instead?"

"Yeah." Swarm nodded, the static-like effect moving with her. "We can't completely deny PHO of all the pictures of us being here, can we?" Vicky laughed.

"That's nice of you."

A few seconds later, Shadow again began rambling about the movie they'd just watched. This time, Eon let her, merely rolling his eyes at the others before settling back to listen. Her rant- there wasn't really much else to call it, given that no-one else got a word in edgeways the entire time- only came to a halt when the food arrived, mostly became Swarm jumped in to ask a question before she could get started up again.

"Say, Vicky, do you happen to know where Parian's set up her shop?" Swarm asked, making the Brute look at her in surprise.

"Ah, yeah. It's just downtown, I think?" Vicky replied. "It's pretty hard to miss, though, given that she tends to have little dolls scattered around the place, in the windows and stuff. Why, thinking about a costume redesign or something already?"

"Not really. I'm making a spare one, as a backup in case something goes really wrong and I need more time to repair it." She very carefully did not look down at her left arm, where her costume still held a few marks from the Leviathan attack. "But I was actually just curious about talking to her, plus I know Shadow wants to meet her."

"You said she uses giant teddies." Shadow snarked. "Of course I'd like to meet her. That sounds awesome."

"…Pix, how much of a sugar rush are you on, right now?" Eon asked suspiciously.

"Not much!"

"Kinda a lot of one." Amy overruled, one hand on Shadow's back.

"Oh, joy." Eon sighed. "I'm sure this'll be fun, won't it."

"I'm always fun."

"Depends on your definition of fun, pix."

The group all chuckled, breaking up the snarking match between the two, and the conversation drifted to other things.

Sarah glanced down at the phone in her hand, then the number sitting on the table next to her. Sighing, and knowing that she'd probably put it off for long enough by this point, given that it'd been nearly a week, and with the low amount of damage that'd been done during Leviathan there wasn't much of a chance that they'd still be doing damage control up there, she dialled the number.

"This is Miss Militia." The Cape on the other end of the phone answered.

"Hello, Miss Militia, this is Lady Photon." Sarah said. "I was hoping you'd have a moment to talk."

"Certainly, Lady Photon." Miss Militia sounded surprised. "What seems to be the problem?"

"I'm actually calling you on the behalf of Team Inari, today." She explained. "In the aftermath of the attack on Sunday, Amy had a rather curious idea about a possible use of Shadow's powers. The girl herself is uncertain as to whether or not it would work, but she's happy to test it, especially given the possibility for helping others. I offered to call you for her, since New Wave is a rather more established team than Inari is."

"Quite. What exactly was this idea of Panacea's about?"

"Amy thinks, and after hearing a description of how her power works from Shadow I have to agree, that it's possible that Shadow's healing might be able to remove Master effects."

There was a rather long silence on the other end of the line.

"I beg your pardon, Lady Photon, I fear I may have misheard." She came back faintly.

"It's possible that Shadow might be able to remove Master effects using her power." Sarah repeated, grinning widely.

"I see." There was another long silence. "If that were truly the case, that could have a drastic effect on a large number of things."

"Hence why Shadow is willing, and indeed rather eager, to find a way to test that out." She told her. "She clearly knows quite a lot about the state of the world, and she wants to help. I believe clearing out the containment zones was mentioned in passing to Amy more than once."

"What, in your opinion, would she want to test it on?"

"She's already admitted to being uncertain as to what sort of Master powers she can affect, given that her powers don't stop Swarm's from working, but she also thinks it's possible that that's just because she considers herself to be on the same team, thus stopping any of the possible negative side effects," Sarah reported, mentally thanking Vicky for that little titbit, "So access to another Master who controls minions, some kind of mental Master, and perhaps one that affects a person physically as well, like a puppeteer-style Master. That covers most of it, and would give quite a lot of information as well."

"Thank you for your call, Lady Photon." Miss Militia replied, after another moment of quiet. "I'll have to speak to the Director about this, and most likely we'll end up calling in a few favours from other PRT departments to try getting our hands on some people who're willing to help, but just having the possibility would be incredible." She paused again. "Would it be alright if I called you again once we have everything set up? We seem to be lacking in a contact number for Team Inari in general, let alone Shadow, and I don't think sending the Wards about in the hopes of them running into her would work very well."

"You could always send them a message on PHO." Sarah suggested flippantly. "But calling me back would be fine, thank you. I'll make sure the message gets passed to Shadow when it's all set up."

"I don't think PHO would be the best way of securely sending information." She laughed. "Thank you, Lady Photon. It seems rather likely that I'll be calling you back quite soon."

"I'll be waiting." She promised, before hanging up. Placing her phone in her pocket and the number in the safe, she left the room and headed for her family, feeling like there'd been a job well done.

Hannah stared at her phone for a few seconds, thinking hard, then dialled a new number.

"Hello, Director." She greeted, when it was picked up. "I've just been given some information that I feel you might find very interesting…"
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Chapter 21- Business, planning, and surprise
May 21st, 2011. Saturday.

"So how was yesterday, Taylor?" Danny asked, frying eggs.

Taylor, face down on the table and half asleep, shrugged. "Fun, I guess." She mumbled, with a yawn. "Might've been out for a bit too long, thinking about it, but the food was nice, Vicky and Amy seemed to be doing ok, and there wasn't really much going on. Signed a few autographs, which was weird."

"I'd've thought you'd be more used to it by now." He commented. She shrugged again, pushing herself up and leaning on her hands.

"I mean, I kind of am, but it's still weird. Inari tends to work at night, since I'm at school and all. Don't want too many days off, but also don't want to set a pattern of me being off when Swarm's out and about, in case people draw the wrong conclusions. But because of that the main people we see are criminals causing trouble, shopkeepers and random mugging victims. Don't tend to end up signing much then. Since Leviathan, though, we've been out in the daylight a lot more." She grinned wanly. "I guess having Glory Girl and Panacea eating with us didn't help on the attention side."

"Not to mention the sparkly Kyuubi, the kitsune on a sugar high, and the slightly menacing bug controller?" Danny said dryly. Taylor chuckled.

"I guess. Was still strange, though. Especially since they left us alone while eating, aside from taking pictures, but the second we were outside the place we got swarmed by people wanting us to sign stuff."

"I also saw that Parian got some rather interesting visitors." He led, poking at the eggs for a moment. Taylor nodded again.

"Yeah, I asked Vicky if she happened to know where Parian's store was, since all I could find online was 'downtown', then Inari decided to drop in after we ate." She smirked, remembering how surprised the doll Cape had been at seeing them show up at her doorstep. "I'd needed to talk to her anyway, and she seemed nice, though a bit overwhelmed."

"I think that having you three show up unannounced would be enough to overwhelm anyone." Taylor laughed.

"Probably, yeah. I feel kinda bad, but at the same time it was a really good opportunity for both of us, and she seemed really, really enthusiastic once we explained why we were there and I made my offer."

"Hello there Parian," Eon greeted, as the Cape appeared from the back of the shop. "A pleasure to meet you, I've heard quite a bit about what you do here. It's rather nice to meet a Cape that doesn't care for violence."

"Ah… nice to meet you too." She stumbled, clearly staring at them from behind the mask. Swarm smiled a little behind her own, outwardly examining a rather nice dress that was standing on a mannequin near the door. Shadow's attention, meanwhile, had been quickly captured by a particularly sparkly bag, which she was curiously circling and admiring. "Eon, right? Of Team Inari."

"That's me." He nodded. "Along with my second, Shadow, and Swarm."

"Hey there!" Shadow called, looking up to wave. Swarm turned around fully, giving up the pretence of examining the dress- though it was a nice dress, she'd probably never wear it, it wouldn't really work if she bought it as Swarm, and Taylor had nowhere near enough money to afford it- and nodded to her.

"So, what brings you here?" Parian asked, apparently trying to move back to more familiar ground. "I wouldn't think either of you need a costume, and Swarm apparently made her own according to rumours."

"Correct, but it is actually Swarm that wanted to speak to you." Eon replied, waving a tail at her. "Shadow and I are primarily just here as an escort, since we were all together already."

"I… see." Parian turned to look at her, so she made her way closer to the counter while Eon dropped back to start looking around as well- something he'd been denied the chance at doing at first, being the team leader. "So, what did you need, Swarm?"

"Actually, it's more of an offer for you, rather than a request from me." She grinned widely, directing the spiders in her bag to start bringing out the bit of spider silk she'd brought for the demonstration. "I was curious if you'd be interested in a little business idea I and my friends came up with…"

"Honestly, Dad, she looked like she was about to start dancing with joy." Taylor laughed, now holding a coffee and rather more awake. "She was actually bouncing on the spot, it was so funny."

"It does sound like it would've been amusing." He admitted, pushing the eggs out of the frying pan and onto some toast. The bacon joined them a minute later, then the two plates made their way over to the table. "Do you think you can manage it, though?"

"Probably, yeah." She nodded, taking hers from him. "I can set the spiders to keep weaving even while I'm away, and the Den has a lot of spiders there now. I set them to work and they just spin, every time I drop by the Den I feed them and take the bits down to store them, and there's still the ones upstairs too. Not as many there, and I might move them over to the Den eventually, but I figured it'd be a good idea to keep some separate in case something happens."

"A good call, I think." Danny agreed, wincing slightly at the memory of the boxes in his daughter's room. "And I gather you're doing this cheap?"

"A hell of a lot cheaper than it'd normally be for spider silk. I looked it up, and really don't see why it needs to be so expensive. Spiders don't need paying, after all."

"It's the economics of the thing." He shrugged. "But good on you, Taylor. A nice, legitimate way to make money."

"Hey, stealing from the gangs is legitimate!" She remarked, mocking offence. "Not exactly legal, I suppose, but it's not like they got most of it through legal means anyway."

"I suppose that's true." Danny chuckled, leaning over to ruffle her hair. "And the less money the gangs have to work with the better. Even if it is mainly the Merchants."

"Attacking the Empire would just give the Nazis a reason to label us as ABB sympathisers, especially given Shadow and Eon's appearances, and there's now our truce with Lung, too." Taylor brushed his hand away. "Not that I really mind that we're only targeting the Merchants. They're a major problem, and none of us like them. Lung we can put up with, he has some honour and he's so scared of the idea of a Kyuubi running around that I don't see him being a problem. The Empire's a bit harder, but they seem to be avoiding targeting us as well, which is nice, and hopefully it'll stay that way if we avoid to obviously going after them."

"Cape work. Almost as bad as politics, but with more threat of injury." He said dryly. Taylor laughed.

"That seems to be the basic situation, yeah. It sucks, but we're managing. Even if we don't make much of a difference on the whole, we're getting to be a bit of a pain for the Merchants, which is always good."

"As long as they don't get annoyed with it and decide to come after you to teach you a lesson."

"We're actually surprised it hasn't happened yet." Taylor admitted, poking at her half-eaten eggs. "Eon and Shadow have some ideas for plans, based on the stuff we've found online about the Merchants, but nothing's concrete. If they do decide to come after us, though, we'll be able to fight back, at least until the Protectorate or someone shows up to give us a hand." She smiled thinly. "Maybe even Lung, given how he's been about us."

"Ah yes, the rage dragon of Brockton Bay showing up to help Team Inari. That won't catch some attention at all." Taylor shrugged.

"If it does, so be it. Rather be mostly alright because Lung showed up and have to explain why Lung showed up than have something go wrong and people get hurt."


"…And I think that's the last of that." Director Emily Piggot sighed, making a note in her pad. "Everything's recovering well in the city, actually faster than the Thinkers projected, which is nice. Work on the memorial's already begun, relief's going fine… is there anything else anyone wants to bring up?"

"I have something, Director." Hannah aired, looking up from her own notepad for a moment before flipping backwards a few pages. "I had a call from Lady Photon yesterday…"

"Ah. That." Emily sighed, as a number of other Capes in the room winced. Lady Photon calling wasn't normally a good thing, since she was the leader of an independent hero team. "Right. I would like to get everyone's opinions on it, at least, before I go taking this up to the Chief Director."

This made everyone sit up- even Ethan, who'd been sitting quietly in his chair the entire meeting. This normally wouldn't be a bad thing, except for the depressed aura he was radiating and the miserable looks he kept shooting the chair to his left, where Alice normally sat. Something that would need to go to the Chief Director was something everyone wanted to hear about.

"Thank you, Director." Hannah nodded. "I had a call from Lady Photon yesterday. She was actually calling on behalf of Team Inari, because Panacea had an idea last Sunday after the attack. From descriptions of her power given to her during their healing stint, along with some information picked up during their hospital visits, Panacea managed to conclude that Shadow's form of healing also has a mental component, one focused on healing mental disabilities of a certain severity. While she's uncertain exactly what it would work on, and Shadow admits to having never tested it before, Panacea thinks it's focused on rebalancing the chemical makeup of the brain, through unknown means."

Hannah had spent a lot of time the night before communicating with Lady Photon after the initial phone call, gathering as much information on the theory Panacea had come up with as possible. Panacea had also spoken to Shadow about what they were telling the PRT, given that it was her power, and in return Lady Photon had forwarded a paragraph, written by Shadow on Panacea's phone, that explained in detail how her power worked, followed by another one written by Panacea that shed some light on what she saw it doing.

"Interesting…" Robin hummed, leaning on the table slightly.

"Panacea believes that it's possible that it would remove Master effects."

The room went completely silent, all of them staring at her. Emily smirked slightly, knowing that her first reaction had been rather similar.

"Swarm's power is a Master effect." Rory pointed out, sounding stunned.

"Shadow calls it the badge rule." Hannah sighed. "Apparently it got its nickname from the badges they wear that denote them as being on the same team. As long as she mentally compartmentalises them as on her team, none of the negative effects of her abilities will touch them. In her message, she mentioned that she could attempt to use her sleeping ability on one of her team mates, and it would only work if she really wanted it to. If she'd been trying to use it on an enemy and her team mate was used as a shield, it wouldn't affect them. Shadow believes this is the same thing; her healing power only heals Swarm, because they're on the same side, but it doesn't affect her ability to control insects for the same reason."

"Wait, but if it only works on her team mates, but her team mate with a Master power isn't affected by the anti-Master thing, then how would it work otherwise?"

Hannah shrugged. "Shadow admits that she's unsure, hence the offer. Lady Photon, on behalf of Team Inari, is requesting a specific power testing, using a few different Masters and a volunteer or two, to see exactly how her power can be made to react to Master effects."

"Wait, hang on." Shawn, apparently coming back from wherever he'd been for a moment, interrupted. "If Shadow can decide who's on her team, that means she can restrict her healing when she does it, right?" He waited for Hannah to nod before he continued, "Would that mean she'd be able to stand right on a battlefield and heal everyone but the opponents?"

"Probably, yes." Hannah nodded again. "But there'd also always be the risk of her being knocked out or killed if that happened, to stop her from doing that. Additionally it's apparently quite the mental task to keep everything like that lined up, because if there's too many she might slip and accidentally heal an enemy. It's easier for her to define a room and heal everyone in that room, a task which she normally uses her illusions for."

"I see."

"Anyway," Emily butted in, before anyone else could; Colin, in particular, looked worryingly curious about the idea. "What do you all think? In order to get the Masters together we'd need to call in rather a few favours from other branches, so I think it's better off going straight to the Chief Director for this one instead."

"I agree." Robin stated firmly. "This could be an incredible chance to heal hundreds of people, hell it could probably deconstruct the containment zones built around Simurgh attacks. The bigger question would be why the hell wouldn't we want to?" There was seconding all around the table, even from Ethan, still sitting miserably in his own little world.

Colin frowned. "Is it likely to work, do you think? I am… unsettled by the idea that we are just supposed to expose some people to Masters and hope that Shadow's power works."

"That's why it would be our own Master class Capes, and all be done in a test environment here." Emily reiterated. "Shadow would only be here to use her healing power on those volunteers, and if everything works as Panacea hopes it will, then it will be organised with the Chief Director for Shadow, and possibly the rest of Team Inari depending on whether or not Eon is found to be able to do it or if they merely wish to show up as her bodyguards- because by that point it feels likely that Alexandria herself might choose to escort them around, and they could probably put any condition in the world on her healing and the public would pressure to work with them- for them to travel to the different containment zones around the world to remove the Master effects left there."

Assuming they can, of course. Emily mused silently, as Colin acquiesced. There's no guarantee that Shadow being able to heal human Master's effects means that she'll be able to remove the Simurgh's ones. But even being able to fix humans would be a good start, if nothing else. "Right." She said aloud. "I'll send a message to the Chief Director about this but, pending that acceptance, Hannah, get ready to send Lady Photon a message for Team Inari, with a date and time for their appointment with the PRT for… put it down as power testing, I suppose."

"Will do, Director." Hannah made a note in her pad- even though they all knew she didn't need to- and looked up.

Emily glanced around. "I don't suppose there's anything else?" She held up a hand when Colin opened his mouth. "Not to do with that, Colin. We'll speak of that another time." He made a little grumbling sound, nodding and sitting back again. She waited a few more seconds, then finished, "No? Then meeting over, everyone can go back to whatever they were doing before this started, I'm off to send that message up the chain."

Heaving herself out of the chair, she stomped towards the door, planning on heading straight back to her office to draft up a message to the Chief Director, asking for assistance from some of the other branches to test this theory out.

Rebecca nodded to her secretary as she headed back into her office, casually opened the door, and pretended that she wasn't cursing out David with every breath she took. The break for lunch hadn't managed to calm her down any, like she'd hoped; instead she'd ended up spending entire time stewing on the conversation trying to figure out what the hell had happened with the idiot.

Admittedly, that wasn't really hard to figure out; he was pissed because Shadow had somehow managed to do more damage to Leviathan than anything they'd tried ever on the damn thing, but that made David's irritation more confusing in some ways. The damn Endbringer had been driven off incredibly quickly, and with very little damage compared to what was normally expected of the Island-Sinker, yet for some reason this seemed to make him more annoyed. To the point where she'd just spent almost an hour arguing with him, with the help of Paul, trying to stop him from following through with the idea that they needed to force Shadow to talk to figure out how she was so powerful.

Absently she winced, rubbing at the bandage under her sleeve, where her arm still stung from taking a large impact from the lightning strike. Admittedly Rebecca would love to interview Shadow about her powers, if only to figure out how the hell they'd managed to injure her, but force was in no way the best method of doing it. The little kitsune creature had driven off an Endbringer with ease, her team leader was a Kyuubi and thus most likely stronger, given that he had control over her, and Rebecca really didn't want to see what they might do if they decided the Triumvirate were being hostile towards them.

No, what they needed was a nice, calm reason to bring them in and ask a few questions about how their powers worked, preferably without giving away the fact that they'd managed to injure Alexandria in the process.

Sitting forward in her chair with a groan, Rebecca tried to pretend that David wasn't being a strange idiot and that she could instead get on with some of the work that always came in the aftermath of an Endbringer fight.

Then she noticed the folded piece of paper on her desk.

She sighed, picking it up and opening it, hoping that it wouldn't be something to add to her problems-

Message incoming from Brockton Bay. Agree, and do whatever's necessary to make it happen. Everything else is up to you.

Staring blankly at Contessa's message slash demand, Rebecca gave up, resting her face against her palms and watched the darkness for a while. The nice, calm darkness that wasn't giving her cryptic hints, more work, or a stress headache.

When, about two minutes later, her computer pinged with a high priority message, she glared at the monitor for a moment before opening the message.

Then she leaned back again, grinning and giggling slightly madly. Sometimes things just drop into your lap, I suppose. She read the email again, reaching for a pen and pad to make notes on while she did.

"Three Masters, at minimum, we might want to try and find more than that just in case, and a couple of volunteers for the human Masters… Piggot can set up a lot of this, thank god, but I might as well smooth the process out a bit…" Rebecca muttered to herself, flicking to another window as she tried to remember how many Master class Parahumans the PRT had access to, and whether the Directors would be willing to give them up for a day or so for power testing purposes.

Possibly, if David had stopped being an idiot by then, she could bring him along and get him to use some of his Master powers as well, which would make it a little easier to set everything up.

At least she wasn't irritated anymore.

Sabah hummed gently to herself as she wandered around her workshop, the remains of her last project left on the table as she directed one of her larger gorillas to move the mannequin with the dress into the side room, where it would be out of the way until it was picked up. Cleanup would be done in a few minutes, once she'd had a moment to catch her breath and decide which project she would move onto next.

She had quite a few at the moment, which was nice. A couple of them were from out-of-town, which she would be sending out for delivery instead, the payment being made to the bank account she'd managed to get set up for her Cape business.

That had been an incredible pain in the ass to get sorted, mostly because it was being done under her Cape identity, and most banks didn't like that, but she'd managed it in the end only a few weeks ago, just a bit before Leviathan.

Thinking about the Endbringer attack just a week before made Sabah sigh, looking around. She'd gotten incredibly lucky that her shop had avoided damage almost entirely, the other buildings around the area blocking a lot of the wave and the sealing she had keeping most of the rest away. Her finished orders had been fine, all far back in the shop and on high shelves, her fabrics had been fine, and the examples of her work that were on display in the front had only been somewhat damp where the wave had leaked in.

The lack of damage altogether was practically a miracle, given that it was Leviathan. Sure, Behemoth was well known for wrecking cities, but Leviathan had sunk islands before. Getting out of the attack mostly just bruised and scratched- in terms of destroyed buildings and that- was incredible.

As Parian she hadn't been able to contribute much to the rebuilding effort that was going on, unlike some Capes, but she'd still been sure to show up around and do what she could. Her gorillas had been good at that, moving things about that were too heavy to be done alone normally, and once she'd had one holding up a significant amount of building to let the workers get out when a support of some kind had broken and caused the two floors above to almost collapse in- she'd also used her animals to complete the rest of the work under the direction of the foreman, making sure that it would be safe for the workers to go back in and finish it properly- but compared to some of the things going around on PHO at the moment it seemed like very little. Glory Girl, for example, had been very visible, jetting this way and that to help out anyone she saw that seemed to be having even a little trouble; from carrying cement across the road to helping move supplies to a shelter that was out of reach because the road was damaged and the van couldn't get around it, to giving an elderly lady some help getting home with her shopping when the building work had caused her trouble.

Or Team Inari, who'd been popping up a lot as well, just wandering the streets to keep the peace or using their telekinesis to lift things into place for the builders to use. Admittedly Swarm had seemed a little left out, but her powers weren't exactly very well suited to this sort of thing. She could probably make a killing clearing out infestations, but bugs weren't very good at building massive structures that humans could use.

Rather like fabric, she supposed.

Thinking about Team Inari made Sabah smile slightly, glancing over to the patch of spider silk she'd been given the day before when the three had suddenly dropped by. It was about a foot square, and she'd already poked at it a bit with her power, testing how it worked. It was definitely the sort of stuff she'd like to work with, especially with how cheap Swarm was willing to sell it, though she might want to try layering them to make it thicker when she worked with it. It would take a lot of silk, and probably fabric layers for some designs, but it would be very worth it.

Reaching out, Sabah lifted the square from its place on the shelf, carefully pulling and flexing it again, before replacing it and going over to the safe where she kept her 'floating' cash, for situations where she needed to give change- because some customers liked paying up front- or when she needed money and didn't have time to go to the bank.

Pulling a few hundred from the safe, she slipped it into one of the envelopes on the same shelf as the safe, then grabbed a pen from her table and noted on the front, 'First payment for spider silk, to Swarm.' That done, she replaced everything, closed the safe, and went back to thumbing through her different orders, wondering if any of them would be willing to pay a slight premium for their outfit to be made of spider silk instead, dyed whatever colour they wanted.

Rebecca leaned back slightly, unable to keep herself from staring at her monitor in mild shock, and reread the email again.

"Everyone." She murmured to herself. "Literally everyone has no issues at all."

She'd gone through the list of Master-class Capes that the PRT had access to, some Protectorate and some Wards, and made a list of her own out of the Directors that she felt were most likely to agree fairly easily to her request. The emails had all been sent out separately, asking so-and-so Director if this Cape or that one would be available on Tuesday of this week to help with a power testing that would be occurring in Brockton Bay that day. Not expecting responses for a little while, given the time zones, she'd moved on to some other work, mostly related to the Endbringer attack from the previous Sunday.

When the first email came back, Rebecca had mentally prepared herself for a long inquiry into why the Capes were needed, and who was being tested, and why she was asking instead of Director Piggot- only to open it and find that the Protectorate Cape she'd requested, an animal Master focused on snakes, would be available to help with that power testing, and they'd send him along on a transport aiming to arrive about an hour before.

She'd actually spent a few minutes staring at the email before sending a reply thanking them for their help, then dropped back in her chair and stared into the darkness of her hands again, trying to figure out why on earth she hadn't had to do anything more.

The next two emails, for a minion Master that controlled a pair of puppets, and a human Master with the ability to slightly influence people into moving certain ways, had been just as easy, but the next one- another human Master, this one with emotional effects that boosted the negative emotions of a target- came with the difficulties that she had been expecting.

Admittedly she hadn't been the Director to come across so strongly, but the requests for clarification had all been there. Who was being tested, why was she contacting him instead of Director Piggot, why did they need a human Master specifically… she'd sent back a response, half expecting to need to argue the point further in a little while, only for the next email to be one informing her that the Cape in question would be flying out on a transport to arrive a few hours ahead of time, barring any delays, and that they hoped that would help.

Rebecca wasn't sure if it was the fact that Panacea had been mentioned in the email, as the one who came up with the theory, or if word of Shadow's part in Leviathan had spread that far already despite the standard two week silence about the attack results, but whatever it was had clearly changed that Director's mind quite quickly.

One of the Wards she'd asked about had been refused, on the grounds of parents refusing to send their child to a place that, a) was known for being a hotbed of crime, and b) had just been attacked by an Endbringer- ignoring the fact that the city was recovering well and that the entire place had enforced its own Endbringer Truce throughout the rebuilding, though to be fair the reputation of the place was fairly well earned- but one of the other animal Masters had been allowed through, so Rebecca hadn't bothered to chase up someone else.

Two animal Masters, one minion controller, two human Masters, someone that animates shoelaces, and a projector… this is going ridiculously well. Rebecca mused to herself. Literally no-one at all has any trouble with moving these Masters to Brockton Bay for power testing. I mean, I suppose curiosity could be playing a part in it, but seriously, one person wanted more information and was fine with it as soon as they got it, and only person to refuse is because of their parents. She shook her head, leaning forward again and compiling the list of Cape names, regions and Directors to send back to Director Piggot, as well as what time to be expecting each of the Capes.

Once that was done and sent, Rebecca locked up her computer, stood and stretched, before heading out of the door in search of food and coffee.

At least this was easier than trying to deal with David again.

Emily glanced over at the sound of a high-priority email coming through, opening it with half a thought. She grinned victoriously a minute later, reaching across her desk for her phone.

"Miss Militia speaking."

"Send a message to Lady Photon for Team Inari, Shadow's power testing is down for three pm on Tuesday." Emily instructed, making a note on her calendar. "Also put out word that we're looking for a couple of troopers willing to be put under a Master effect temporarily for the sake of testing out a possible Master removing power. Perhaps four people, two for each of the human Master's that're being shipped out to us."

"Ah- yes, Director." Hannah replied, sounding vaguely startled. The line went dead just after, and Emily leaned back in her chair with a smile.

Now this was looking good.

Amy yawned, looking at her phone as it pinged with a message. She and Vicky were lounging about on the couch, the TV playing some random terrible movie they'd found as background noise, the flying Brute scrolling through PHO while Amy read. Folding down the corner of the page she was on slightly to make a temporary bookmark, she closed it with one hand and unlocked her phone with the other.

Seeing that it was a message from Aunt Sarah, she raised an eyebrow and scanned over it, then read back more deeply with her eyes wide.

"Vicky, I need to borrow your phone for a minute." She half-demanding, not moving her gaze from the screen.

"Why?" Her sister audibly raised an eyebrow down at her. "You've got your phone."

"Yeah, but I need to call Shadow and I need to keep this message on the screen at the same time, and it's easier to just nick your phone."

"Ok, but I better find out what this is about." The girl demanded, placing her phone in Amy's empty hand.

"You will in a minute, trust me." Amy promised, checking and dialling the number before waiting.

"He-llo, this is Shadow speaking." The peppy voice of the small fox announced.

Amy chuckled. "Hi Shadow, it's Amy."

"Oh, Amy! What's up, do you two need me to come round again?" She could vaguely hear the sound of shuffling in the background, like someone was running about collecting things.

"No, no, we're ok, Shadow." She assured. "I'm just calling because I got a text from Aunt Sarah a minute ago."


"Yup. Make sure your afternoon's clear on Tuesday, because you've got an appointment with the PRT for power testing." Amy explained. "Three o'clock in the afternoon."

The other end of the line went quiet, while Vicky stared at her.


"Hello, Amy." Eon's deeper voice came over the speaker. "Sorry about Shadow, she's currently running around in very enthusiastic circles." Amy laughed loudly.

"Fair enough. Anyway, Shadow's got her appointment at three on Tuesday afternoon, I've been asked to come along because I'm a healer, and the entirety of Team Inari's also invited, either to let you play bodyguard because you're independents, or in the hopes that you can do it too, Eon."

"I can, but it's rather more limited than Shadow's is." He replied. "I've not been doing it for nearly as long as Shadow has, I only started practising a little before Leviathan attacked, she's been doing it for years. I get two, maybe three uses at a push, then there's no way I'm doing it or pretty much anything else again. Shadow gets a lot more out of it, plus the restoration works better on her because of that. Even still, I'll be there. Swarm probably will as well, I'll ask her in a little while."

"Excellent. I'll tell Aunt Sarah to tell the PRT that, then." Amy smiled.

"Thank you, Amy. We'll see you on Tuesday, then. If not sooner."

"We'll be in touch." She promised, hanging up. Turning back to Vicky, she handed the phone back to her, and continued, "So I've got an appointment to make on Tuesday, at three in the afternoon. Mind giving me a lift, Vicky?"

"Sure thing, Ames." Vicky nodded, after a moment. Both of them laughed a little, then went back to what they'd been doing, Amy sending her reply to Aunt Sarah before picking up her book again.
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Chapter 22- Gift, meeting, and acknowledgement
May 22nd, 2011. Sunday.

"Seeya later, Dad!" Taylor called, as she ran out of the back door, a backpack over one shoulder.

"Goodbye, Taylor!" Danny replied, before the door slammed closed. He chuckled slightly, lifting the coffee mug to his lips and taking a sip before heading for the front room, planning on spending his Sunday relaxing with a book until his daughter and her team came over for the afternoon.

He was rather glad that Eon was willing to keep him in the loop about their Cape activities, and even more pleased that he wanted to ask for his advice. While Danny might not be much use when it came to actual Cape stuff, he knew politics quite well, and was happy to use that experience to help make sure his daughter's team didn't get into trouble with the authorities over any incidents. Especially because, according to rumours, the PRT was often rather desperate to grab powerful Capes for their own team.

Although from the message Eon had sent Taylor last night, the PRT currently seemed more interested in forming some kind of alliance with Inari, rather than forcing them into a contract in the Wards to try and use their power and current popularity.

It said an awful lot about how the PRT worked that that was his opinion of them, he supposed. But it was known to happen in other places, and there were rumours that it'd happened before in the Bay, too, though he couldn't remember what the context of it was. It had only been a vague reference about six months ago at the office, and he hadn't been listening all that hard.

He was also very glad that Team Inari had been making connections to other Capes in the bay. Even if one of them was Lung… which might well have been a better thing, in some ways. He couldn't see any of the heroes helping them get their Threat Report out of the PRT's systems as a measure of friendship…

Snorting slightly at the mental image of someone like Glory Girl or Lady Photon walking up to Armsmaster and asking if they could see the Inari Threat Report, Danny placed his mug on the table and stood, heading for the bookshelf for something to read while he waited on his daughter and her team.

Swarm paused mid-step, cocking her head slightly to the side and turning unerringly to the left, staring at a wall.

"Something up, Swarm?" Shadow asked lowly, projecting her voice with her audio illusion to the girl.

"Kid, about seventeen, in ABB colours." She murmured back. "I can't see him too well, but it looks like he's got a backpack of some kind. No idea what's in it, I'm not going to risk trying to get any bugs in there."

"Interesting…" Eon mused. "I wonder what he's doing around here."

"We could go and ask?" Shadow suggested, with a smirk. "I mean, I don't see why not."

"Lead the way, Swarm." The Ninetales waved, stepping back from his slot as team leader. Swarm moved to the front as a scout, keeping a number of her bugs following the ABB member while she led them towards him through the alleyways.

She purposely led them so that they would come across him as they encountered a split, where they would normally turn left and out. The ABB member was coming from the right, and the trio paused for a moment to restructure themselves back to normal before leaving, almost walking right into him.

"Hello, there." Eon greeted, after giving him a moment to get over the shock of nearly running into the 'Cape' trio. "Apologies for startling you, this area is usually rather quiet."

"I was looking for you, Kyuubi Eon." The boy replied, looking nervous. "It's been noticed that this is the route your team comes into the city by, so I thought patrolling it would lead to finding you."

"Hm. If we're really getting that predictable, then maybe we need to start varying our routes some." He hummed. "It'd end up being a little too easy to trap if we keep using the same one, and I'd rather not be trapped by someone hostile." Looking up at the teen, Eon noticed him slowly moving towards his bag, and cocked his head a little. "What brought you looking for us?"

Picking up on the quiet almost-threat in his voice, the boy froze in the middle of sliding the backpack off, and looked around jerkily. "Lung-sama sent me, Kyuubi." He murmured. "One of the moles in the PRT managed to succeed in their mission, and he sent me to act as courier for it. I have the document in my bag, hid so it just looks like a lot of school work."

"Hand it over, then." The boy shot to grant his request, slinging the bag off his back and placing it on the floor to open it. He handed over a slim plastic folder, which Eon took in an Extrasensory and handed to Swarm, nodding. "Give Lung my greetings and gratitude."

"O- of course, Kyuubi." He bowed, swinging the bag back on and scurrying down the alley he'd come from.

They waited a few moments for him to leave earshot before speaking again.

"This is… interesting." Swarm said, having opened the folder to peek at the first page.

"We'll have a proper look at that later, we have a meeting to get to." Eon reminded her. "Put it into the Wonder Bag for now, it'll be out of the way and safe there, we'll do what we need to do today and have a look when we're back with your dad."

"Right, that makes sense."

"I wonder how much of it they got right." Shadow mused. "Probably not much of it, since they don't know anything about our origins or anything, so they don't really know how our powers work, but I'm curious to see what they were able to get kinda right under their understanding of things."

"Probably more than you expect, pix." He replied, as the bug controller closed the bag. "From what I understand the PRT are rather good at inferencing from known data- which isn't surprising, given their job."

"I suppose so." The Vulpix sighed, stretching slightly on the spot while Swarm stood up. "C'mon, we should get going, I guess. Wouldn't be nice to keep them waiting."

"Sure. We also need to figure out some different ways into the city, if we're starting to get predictable. I don't want anyone getting hurt because someone decided to lay traps along here for us."

The entire group of Capes looked up at the knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Vicky called, from where she was already hovering near the entrance to the front room. She was out into the corridor and opening it almost immediately after, before anyone else could respond, making Mark and Amy sigh and shake their heads. "Hi, you three!"

"Hello, Vicky." Eon's low voice replied from the front of the house. "I hope you're doing well?"

"Pretty good, yeah." The door shut slightly heavily and the blonde floated in, leading the three members of Team Inari behind her.

Crystal, currently back from college due to her aunt's death during Leviathan, poked her head out of the kitchen. "Hello, Inari. Nice to meet you all, I'm Crystal, aka Laserdream. Want coffee?" The trio traded glances, Eon's gaze staying on Shadow for a few moments, then nodded.

"Coffee would be nice, thank you." Eon replied. The Cape vanished from the doorway, and two of Inari took their places; Swarm on a chair set up for her, and Eon to her right, slightly forward.

Shadow, on the other hand, completely ignored that, heading directly for Amy, who slipped down from her chair and smiled. "Hi, Amy. How're you doing?"

"I'm fine, Shadow." The healer showed no hesitation in running her hand over the crest on her head, Sarah noticed with interest, as she replied. "I guess you all are doing good as well?"

"Yeah, we're fine." She grinned back, pushing up slightly into Amy's hand. "I'm glad you're ok, though." She stayed there for a moment, then headed over to Eon's right side, sitting a little back from him. Sarah observed their dynamic with curiosity, then Crystal came in, balancing a large tray on her hands which she set down on the table.

Everyone busied themselves with arranging their drinks, Eon telekinetically moving things around to do so, while Shadow looked up at Swarm.

"Check that, Amy?" She requested, drawing everyone's attention. Most of the room immediately blinked and looked away from the eye-twisting static-like effect that had been placed over the lower part of Swarm's mask.

"That works fine, Shadow." Amy told her. Shadow nodded gratefully at her, while Swarm reached out and took a sip of her coffee.

"Oh, that's cool." Crystal commented, peering at it. "To stop people from being able to see your face, right?"

"That's right." Swarm confirmed, a little bit of buzz in her voice as she put the mug down. "It's not as effective as a mask is, because Shadow needs to concentrate on holding it up, but for eating or drinking in costume it works perfectly fine."

"It's a variation of the illusion I use to cloak." Shadow added. "I use a different one to Eon, because I have less power for that sort of stuff- well, most of it's the same, but the base is different. I just adjusted it so that it looks more like the static you get on a TV, then added a wrap around to it."

"It's a good use of the illusion set, and it's probably something we should experiment more with." Their leader finished. "There's probably quite a few uses for it outside of conventional security stuff, for instance."

"It does sound like something useful." Eric put in, from where he was half-lying on a couch. Crystal poked him in the side, making him shift so she could sit down, and Sarah leaned forward.


Inari all subtly shifted as well, apparently recognising the beginning of the meeting.

"Now, I know Shadow's been introduced to all of us before, but Swarm and yourself haven't. I'm Sarah Pelham, that's my husband Neil, that's Eric and Crystal, our children, that's Mark, and you've met Vicky and Amy."

"A pleasure to meet all of you." Eon half-bowed from his seat, while Swarm gave the impression of smiling gently as she waved slightly. "I'm a little surprised all of you decided to meet with us, though."

"It's mainly not wanting to leave the kids alone, plus Amy's going to be there with you anyway, so I thought it would be a good idea for all four of you to hear it together so nothing gets missed." Sarah admitted. "But anyone can come up with good ideas, and it's surprisingly common that the kids end up spotting something we missed, so including them can be helpful."

"Which certainly makes sense." Eon's tails curled around him in a wide arc, while he watched attentively over the table.

"So, your appointment's on Tuesday, at three in the afternoon. I'd recommend showing up a little earlier than that, maybe by five minutes, but you can always choose to stay in the area for much longer and only actually go in when your appointment is about to start." She began. "You and Amy can make the decision on whether or not you arrive together-"

"We probably should, just to give a little more credibility to the meeting." Amy cut in. "Shadow's already well known as a healer, and us saying it's power testing doesn't necessarily mean that it's Inari's power testing, just that it's a test that might need healers so they've called us in as backup. Eon and Swarm would obviously just be there as Shadow's escort to the building in that case, like Vicky tends to do with me."

"-And you can decide who it is who speaks to the receptionist about the appointment as well." Sarah sighed.

Eon, Shadow and Amy swapped looks.

"It might be best if you do it, because people in the city know you better than they know us, so they'd be less confused by you talking to them."

"But it's your appointment, officially, so it's probably under your name." She countered. "So Team Inari would need to ask, while I'd just have to put in that I'm with you for your power testing."

"I suppose I'm doing it, then." Eon rolled his eyes, lifting his coffee towards him. "If only because I'm Inari's team leader, so in many ways that's my job."

"Thanks, Eon!" Shadow replied cheerily. She took a sip of her own coffee, the mug doing nothing to help hide the smirk, and added, "That's nice of you to do. I was expecting that I'd have to do it, because it's my power testing."

Sarah watched with interest as Eon mimed hammering his head off a wall, created with his illusions, while Inari laughed. Amy and Vicky joined in, which was curious, but not too much so- they'd clearly made friends in the aftermath of Leviathan, which was nice. She could hear Eric and Crystal chuckling quietly from the couch beside her, as if they were uncertain as to whether it would offend them, and even Mark had a tiny smile on his face.

She cleared her throat, making the five rearrange themselves into something vaguely resembling seriousness, Shadow and Eon placing their coffee down as they did. "Right. Well then. Your appointment is technically with Miss Militia, but don't be surprised if Armsmaster shows up as well. He has a tendency to like showing up to power testing, probably out of curiosity. There's also probably going to be a few people monitoring over video call, just because that way they have people out of range if something happens. It's standard protocol with Masters of any sort, even when they're heroes and from the Protectorate, when working with unknowns."

"I'm not gonna start any trouble!" Shadow protested.

"I'm sure you wouldn't, but it's standard, since things can go wrong." Sarah shrugged, referring back to the information on her cell phone that Miss Militia had sent through for her to use to brief Inari.

Apparently someone in the PRT really wanted to keep Team Inari on their good side, for whatever reason.

"Yeah, it's not meant to be anything against you, Shadow, the PRT's just supposed to expect the worst." Amy put in, leaning over to run her hand over her head again. "Everyone's going to be fairly sure that you won't do anything, but they need to make sure to think of how they'd deal with it if you did, hence all the paranoia."

"Feels mean, though." Shadow pouted, looking down. "'Slike that stupid Bellossom back home, always complaining about fire just because she's a flower. Not like it can hurt anyone really, just sting a bit." The gathered New Wave members traded confused looks as Eon patted Shadow on the back sympathetically.

Swarm just sipped her coffee.

"Anyway, I'd recommend that you be polite to everyone there, because the PRT has the power to make your life very difficult if you're causing trouble for them, but mostly just be cooperative." Sarah suggested. "Answer what they ask about your powers honestly, because that'll help them narrow down what might and might not work, and follow what they direct you to do."

"Though if you really want to keep something secret, I wouldn't recommend telling them anything about it." Neil put in, making his wife give him an exasperated look. "The PRT's not the most secure system in the world, so anything that goes in there can probably be pulled out by someone else with enough effort."

"Good to know." Swarm said.

Sarah gave her a look as well, as best she could under the illusion. Despite the insect buzz in her voice, that had sounded suspiciously like a suppressed laugh.

"They'll probably poke and probe in the hopes of getting more information out of you while you're distracted dealing with the power testing, so don't be afraid to push back if you don't want to tell them something and they keep going." She finished. "But I would recommend cooperating with them, if only because they're often very good at extrapolating more about powers from what you give them."

"I see." Shadow nodded slowly, looking into the bottom of her coffee mug. She seemed very focused on it, and for a moment Sarah wondered what was so interesting about the remains of the drink before her tails curled up, shifting from the sides of her body back around. "Thank you for your help, Mrs Pelham. Amy, we'll meet you outside the PRT building on Tuesday, then. We've probably taken up enough of your time today." All three members of Team Inari drained their mugs and placed them back down, in a strangely synchronised move. "I'm sure you all have other business to handle today, and we've got some stuff to do as well, so we'll leave you be."

"Oh- of course." Sarah fumbled, staring. Luckily, Eric managed- somehow- to not be taken by surprise by the sudden exit, hopping up from the couch and offering his hand to Eon.

"Nice to meet you all, Inari." He grinned, as Eon placed his paw on his palm. "Glad you're working with my cousin. Hope it keeps up, you're all great."

"Thank you, Shielder." The silver Kyuubi smiled slightly in return, and all three Inari members gave slight bows to her, Shadow's a little deeper than the other two. "I also hope we get the opportunity to continue working with Amy, and hopefully also with your team here as well."

"It'd be fun for sure." Eric agreed, as Vicky floated out of her chair and headed pre-emptively for the front door. "Maybe we'll end up together on a patrol sometime, that'd be nice."

"It would, yes." Shadow rushed over to Amy, giving her a slightly awkward hug, one her niece returned after a second of surprise, then the three headed towards the door.

"See you Tuesday, Amy!" The smaller kitsune called over her shoulder. There was the sound of quiet conversation at the front door of the Dallon house for a moment, and Inari left. Vicky came floating back in as they traded glances.

"I wonder where they were off to in a hurry?"Crystal mused, picking up and draining the rest of her mug. "Must've been important."

Nearly an hour later, the three of them had reached their main destination. Shadow was jittering around a little, an after effect of the mug of coffee and some sugar, but she was better off than she probably would've been- Eon had used the opportunity to define a small room and test out his own Heal Pulse on her. It hadn't been as effective at it might've been if Shadow had done it, and he'd been left fairly drained afterwards, but Shadow had reckoned it was passable and promised to keep up the practising.

Now, the team was looking at an obelisk near the edge of the city. It was purposely placed close to where Leviathan had first entered Brockton Bay, and hundreds of names were inscribed on it.

"According to rumours, most of the other ones are larger." Swarm said softly, the insect buzz in her voice muted. "This is probably one of the smallest in the world."

Eon felt sick. Shadow looked it.

Swarm walked around to Eon's side and opened the Wonder Bag, carefully lifting out the three bouquets of flowers. Swarm, vaguely familiar with some of the meanings behind a lot of flowers, had picked them out; marigolds, roses, and pink carnations, in various amounts. Keeping one for herself, she handed the other two to each of the Pokemon, then stepped forward to lay them down at the base of the monument, among the rest of the wreaths and bouquets from others.

Eon cleared his throat, shaking off the feeling of horror that came with knowing that this was considered a small monument, and spoke gently, "In honour of your sacrifice to help save this city, and in memory of those civilians that did not manage to escape." Swarm knelt next to him, head bowed, while Shadow muttered something unintelligible he couldn't identify.

"I am sorry for your loss." Swarm added. "You Capes died facing a foe believed to be unbeatable; that takes strength. To the civilians, we failed to get you to safety in time, or hold off Leviathan for long enough that you could make it. Leviathan was thought unbeatable, though. No fault of your own, nor of ours, led to this."

Shadow stepped away from her team mates for a moment, bowing lowly. "May your spirits go swiftly forth to the Cave of Memories, beyond the Turnback Cave, on the boundary of the Distortion and True worlds. May Giratina guide you, and the Dusknoir protect you, until the time you step from Memories." She straightened, focusing for a moment, and four Will-o-Wisps burst into life. They were caught in a Psychic grip and lifted to the top of the monument, burning gently with a soft blue glow.

Swarm looked down at Eon, tilting her head. He shrugged; he had no idea what that was about either. The bug Cape nodded absently, walking around the memorial and examining the names.

"Looking for anyone in particular?" Eon asked softly.

"Not really." She admitted. "Just curious, I guess. I doubt I really know anyone, aside from maybe a few of the locals like Shadow Stalker, but I thought it might be good to just take a look and-" She paused, stiffening. The bugs around her started moving frantically, the slight background hum of buzzing that hung around her form becoming much more pronounced.

"Are you ok, Swarm?" Shadow asked, trotting over. "See something?"

"Sophia." She rumbled in return, still staring at the monument.

Eon looked up. There, between a few Capes he didn't recognise, was the name Sophia Hess carved into the side of the large stone pillar.

For a moment, he couldn't figure out what it was about the name that was so important to her, before the long story of the bullying campaign at Winslow came back to him, and he grimaced.

"Ah." Shadow reached up, placing a paw awkwardly on her side.

"C'mon, Swarm, let's go home." The Vulpix said kindly. "We can talk more there, can't we?"

"Yeah." She nodded, exhaling heavily. The bugs around her went back to normal, though Eon could still tell that they were louder than normal from her emotions being pushed into them. "Yeah, Shadow. You're right. Let's get back." She promptly did an about-turn on her heel and strolled away, leaving the other two to hurry and catch up with her, heading for the Hebert household in the hopes that maybe Danny would be able to help out with this better than they could.

Danny glanced up as he heard the back door opening. Placing a marker in his book he put it to one side, standing and heading into the kitchen to meet his daughter and her team mates.

"Good afternoon, you three." He called out, as the smell of burgers reached him- clearly they'd decided to pick up take-out on the way back. "Did you meeting go ok?"

"Quite well, Danny, thank you." Eon replied, as he entered the room. "We got rather a bit of good advice out of it, as well as a bit more information about how the testing is being set up. Should be helpful."

"That's good." He smiled, looking down at the Ninetales for a moment before turning to Taylor, who had taken her mask off and was running her gloved hand through her hair.

Danny frowned. She seemed… a little off, somehow. More muted than she normally was when her team mates were around. "Are you ok, Taylor?"

"Not really." She admitted, sighing. Shadow and Eon placed the take-away bags on the table, heading over to her side as she collapsed into one of the chairs nearby. "Sophia's dead."

"Ah." Danny paused, sitting next to her. "What exactly is the problem, Taylor?"

"I don't know!" She sighed heavily, holding her head in her hands. "It's just… I don't know how to feel about this. I mean, on one hand, it's Sophia, for god's sake. She's spent most the last two years of school making my life complete hell, and now she's just… gone."

"Which, though I hesitate to suggest it, is somewhat of a good thing." Eon put in, from the chair he'd just jumped into.

"I mean, yes, because she's not a problem anymore, but also no, because she's dead." Taylor groaned. "I mean, I might've wished they'd get into trouble or get hurt or something, but I never really wanted them dead."

There was a slight weakness in her voice that made him think she was lying, though he left that for now.

"You don't need to feel obligated to mourn her just because she died during Leviathan, Taylor." Danny said, after a moment of serious thought. "Like you said, she decided for whatever reason to make your life terrible. There's no reason for you to really mourn the fact that she's not around anymore. Maybe feel bad for her family, but you've got nothing personally to be sorry about." He paused. "Probably not the advice I should be giving you, but I think it's right."

"So do I." Shadow admitted. "I mean, I never met Sophia personally, but I saw her a few times at that school. She was nothing but trouble for you, and while you shouldn't celebrate her being gone, you've got no obligation to mourn her if you don't want to."

"I suppose." Her voice still sounded hesitant, and Danny made a note to revisit that later on, when her team mates had left, and sat down next to them.

"So, anything else interesting pop up?" He asked instead, taking one of the bags and peering inside. This was apparently the trigger for the other three to remember the food and do the same, picking up the bags closest to them and beginning to work through them.

Over the course of the next ten minutes, they filled him in on the meeting with New Wave, the information they'd been given from it, and the situation surrounding that meeting.

"What was with what you said, Shadow?" Taylor asked, coming back from her quiet musings.

"It's a family thing." She explained. "Or maybe it's a Ninetales thing, or a Talekeeper thing? I'm honestly not sure. It was in some of the stories I've learned, and Gram said something similar when we went to visit my aunt after her hatching failed. And it's been said basically word for word before on memory days about different Pokemon that sacrificed something. Thought it was appropriate."

"It sure sounded cool." Taylor smiled. "Your family have some cool traditions and stuff."

"They're definitely interesting." Eon agreed. "I've heard a few of the stories Shadow learned when she was littler before, her Mom and Grandmother have tons more apparently, and it can paint a very strange picture of our world even to those of us who live in it."

"I wouldn't mind hearing some of these stories, to be honest." Danny said. "What about that threat report of yours?"

"Oh, right, we need to look at that." Shadow realised, putting down her half-eaten burger. She went down into the Wonder Bag, coming out a moment later with a thin plastic folder, like the sort you might see school assignments in. Opening it they found three pages, which she laid out on the table, Danny and Taylor moving to read them.

A few minutes later, the burgers lay forgotten.

"I believe I understand now what Lady Photon meant about the PRT being good at extrapolating information." Eon hummed.

"I feel like I should feel offended that they think I'm only good for a distraction." Taylor pouted. "Even if it is kinda true, there's still more than that that I'm good for."

"Yup." Shadow nodded, her head tilted slightly to the side. "Still, very interesting. I think I'll need to think harder about what I talk about during the power testing, aside from the healing stuff. If they've figured this much out from just what we've shown…"

"To be fair, you have shown rather a lot." Danny put in. "I've not seen you going out of your way to keep things secret, aside from the whole 'other world creatures' thing. Even then, you still make references as if you were spirits or something- though that does play off of local belief quite well. But point is, you're not really trying to keep things secret when you're fighting-"

"I never saw the point. In a Dungeon, you go hard so that your team mates don't get hurt and to keep yourself from needing to be defended." Eon shrugged, lifting up a chip. "Admittedly it's rare that any of those fights ever escalate into actual serious injury, but rule of thumb is that you want to put the enemy down before they manage to do the same, just in case. We've been careful here, because obviously our enemies don't get suddenly teleported out of the fight if they're too hurt, but we still try and end things quickly so no-one gets hurt."

"Which is good, many Capes don't bother to think about bystanders that might get hurt in their fights, or collateral damage. It's nice to see it. Even if you aren't Capes."

"Getting civilians hurt is pretty much the exact opposite of what a Rescue Team's supposed to do, after all." Shadow grinned, lifting her burger. "But yeah, Capes on this world don't seem to be very conscious of the impact of their battles."

"Which is a shame."

"Quite." Danny nodded at the three. "Anyway. We've got your threat report. What are you going to do with it?"

"Probably… very little." Eon acknowledged. "Making ourselves seem like less of an opponent to the PRT would be good, of course, but there's not really much we can do with the information without revealing that we have the information. Which of course would make them worry about how we got it."

"Fair enough. You could always make yourself seem like more trouble than you're worth, of course, but that can backfire."

"Which would be very bad, given that that might put Taylor in danger." Eon sighed. "I think just continuing as we are is probably the best option, but knowing how the PRT sees us is still a very good thing. We should try and keep them as our allies."

"I'd certainly agree to that." Taylor nodded. "They could cause a lot of trouble for us. Better to avoid that."

"How do you plan on dealing with Tuesday, then, Shadow?" He probed. It would be better to see if there was anything that might cause issues before she went in, of course.

"Honestly, it'll mostly be following whatever the PRT people say." She said. "They're the ones who've set all this up, so they probably know what's best to do. I'll just heal whoever they tell me to, maybe get Eon to define rooms for me if it makes it easier."

May 24th, 2011. Tuesday.

Shadow stared up at the large building before her. For the first time since all this had been suggested, she could feel a twinge of nerves.

"Hey, Shadow!" A familiar voice called from above, making her look up. She returned Amy's wave as she dropped down next to them, her sister placing her gently on the ground.

"Hey Vicky, Amy." She grinned weakly, leaning a little into Eon's side for comfort.

"Ready to go?" The healer asked.

Shadow inhaled deeply, closing her eyes for a moment, then nodded, stepping up to stand next to Amy.

"Yeah." She glanced at the other two members of Inari and at Vicky, all of whom were smiling at her. "Yeah, I'm ready."

"Then let's go." Amy lead the way in, with Shadow close on her heels, and Swarm and Eon just behind that. Vicky didn't follow them, and a quick look behind showed her lifting off again in the direction of the coffee shop.

"Hi." Shadow greeted, with a wide and friendly smile. The receptionist stared at her, making the smile become slightly more amused. "I'm Shadow, from Team Inari. I'm here for a power testing with Panacea, as well as my team. I believe Miss Militia asked for me?"
The day her clutch was born, there was a rather large celebration.

Kuibeina supposed she shouldn't have been surprised, really. She had a large family, and while it was rare that she saw many of the oldest, a new clutch hatching was one of those things that always drew a bit of a crowd.

"Aaww, aren't you cute?" Her brother cooed, fussing over the oldest of the group. She seemed pleased with it, making the happy little chirp noises that only the very young could really manage.

"Naymos, please leave Elixa alone." She sighed, laughing even so. "You're going spoil her at this rate."

"What's a little spoiling of my niece?" The Mightyena grinned back, nuzzling the baby Absol's side.

Rolling her eyes, Kuibeina let them wander around the rest of the room, where her other hatchlings were being doted on by some others in her family. There was Deltien, with her sister Lita and her mate Kel, her mate was with his two brothers and a sister letting them fuss over Kaltria, Luriean was napping in his basket with his sister-

There was a quiet knock on the door, and the Serperior beside it opened it, still engaged in her conversation with her Mightyena mate- her grandparents through her father's side, wonderful Pokemon both- to let a Ninetales and Mightyena in, the latter more stooped with age than the former, but both bright-eyed as they looked at the controlled chaos in the room before them.

"Mama, Pa!" She called in greeting, not wanting to leave her two sleeping Vulpix alone. Her parents came straight over, her mother leading, and nuzzled her cheek in greeting.

"Hello, little 'Beina." Her Pa greeted, the hyena Pokemon butting her side. "Quite the party, I see."

"Apologies that we're late, daughter." Mama added. "There was some issue with the teleport Pokemon before we left."

"I'm just glad you're both here, Mama, Pa." Kuibeina smiled, her tails waving back and forth gently- carefully, so as not to wake the sleeping kits with the movements. "I know you said you would come, but when you didn't arrive, I was worried."

"We wouldn't miss this for the world or stars, 'Beina." Pa assured her easily. "Now, I see two little hatchlings here," he nodded at the sleeping pair, "But where are the others?"

"Lukos has Kaltira, meeting her aunt and uncles, while Naymos has a hold on Elixa at the moment, they're over by Lita and Kel, Deltien is there too," she frowned slightly as the two Absol cuddled into each others sides, the three adults apparently overwhelming them.

Pa followed her gaze, a similar frown. "I think I'll go over there and rescue the two of them and bring them back here." The Mightyena set off, the body language of a Pokemon on a mission, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Pa." Turning back to her Mama, who had been scanning the room curiously, she continued, "This is a lot... more, than I thought it would be."

"It's a new clutch, love." Mama returned. "You've been to other reunions before, why would this one be any different?"

"I don't know." She admitted, with a laugh. "But it was surprising to see so many Pokemon here." The room was mostly full, though she knew that some family would be leaving to make room for others to show up soon. Those with hatchlings of their own would be showing up much later, in order to let the newest family members meet and spend time with their various cousins and such.

"It won't be for long." Mama assured. "Soon it'll be back to just you two and your kits."

"I'm welcoming it, honestly. These five are tiring work."

"You all were as bad." The elder Ninetales looked down at the basket by their side, and the two Vulpix sleeping within, lying with their heads on each others tails. "Two in a clutch of five..."

"They're the calmest out of all of them." Kuibeina told her. "They tend to just sleep. Elixa, Deltien and Kaltria wake up all hours of the day and night for stuff."

"They'll grow up out of that soon enough." She chuckled. "Then you'll have five kits leading their own little adventures." She smiled again. "Which one's which?"

"Luriean's the one on the left." The proud mother explained. "Shadow's on the right."

"Her fur's slightly darker than her little brother's..." Mama mused. "I take it that's part of the reason for her name?"

"Yes." She nodded.

"I see..." Leaning down to gently nuzzle the sleeping kits, she smiled. "I think little Shadow here is likely to be very interesting when she grows up." She said. "I'm rather looking forward to it, I think."

Kuibeina raised an eyebrow at her Mama, who didn't respond, and it was promptly swept towards the back of her mind by her Pa, with the two elder Absol carefully carried by the scruff of their necks.

For the kits first birthday, it was primarily the seven of them. The five kits were still spending a lot of time sleeping, but they also had some very long days where all they did was run about their play room.

Kuibeina was lucky that Lukos was normally available to keep an eye on them when that started going on. His danger sense could easily be tuned to making sure that the kits didn't hurt themselves playing or get too exhausted running about. It was much harder to do herself, especially since she couldn't exactly just separate them all with Extrasensory- though her Miracle Eye had gotten a lot better since the kits had hatched.

Today was just a day where they were playing games, though. The family had sent over a large number of assorted gifts, and the end result meant that there were numerous chasey or chewy things scattered around the playroom, as well as the remains of the wrapping paper for whenever the kits got bored and decided that shredding things was more fun.

There'd also been a number of books for young Pokemon delivered, though at the minute the five were having too much fun running about to think about reading, no matter what the subject was.

Lukos was watching over them now, as they chased things around the room, while Kuibeina was having a quiet cup of tea before she went in to drag them out for cake.

The sugar rush she knew she'd have to put up with later was worth it to see her kits so happy, in her mind.

A knock at the door made her raise an eyebrow and place her teacup on one side, standing from her chair and trotting over to it.

"Mama! Pa!" She exclaimed, seeing the two familiar faces. "What are you doing here?"

"You didn't think we'd miss our grandkit's first birthday, did you?" Mama grinned, slipping in. "The teleport was a bit difficult to set up, admittedly, but we managed."

"Where're Lukos and the kits?" Pa asked, looking around. The front room hadn't changed much in the month since they'd last been, Kuibeina knew, but it was more the Mightyena making sure that they were all taking care of themselves ok, rather than looking for differences.

"They're all in the playroom, Lukos is keeping an eye on them while they chase things around." She explained, closing the door and leading the way back to the table. "I was just having a cup of tea before getting the cake out." He nodded, while the elder Ninetales made herself at home in the little kitchen, coming back a few minutes later with two more cups of tea.

"Ah, good." Mama smiled. "Well, no reason to make them wait for cake, I suppose. I'll give them all my gift later."

"Are you sure you'll manage to get them to sit still that long?" Kuibeina checked, knowing what her mother meant by gift.

She chuckled. "Of course. No matter how energetic, kits always calm down for one of our family's stories."

"Not that you wouldn't know that." Pa laughed as well. "You probably use it to get them to settle to sleep. I know we did with you." Kuibeina blushed, nodding. It was the best way to get them to fall asleep; send them off with one of the stories she knew as part of a Talekeeper family.

The three drank their tea quietly, discussing little things like the weather over the top of it, before the mother went to fetch her mate and five kits for the cake.

The five of them entered the room with despondent faces, not knowing why they were being pulled away from their game and not liking it at all. It was Kaltria that noticed them first, being at the front of the group squeezing through the door- they still hadn't quite figured out the concept of 'single file lines'.

"Gram! Gramp!" They cheered, suddenly brightening. There were a few trips as they all suddenly picked up the pace and sprinted for their grandparents, who chuckled and scooped them up into hugs.

"Hello, little kits." Pa smiled widely. "How's your birthday?"

The usual tumble of voices as five one-year-olds all tried to get their side of the story across at the same time followed, with only little snippets of it being actually able to be heard, but both of the elder Pokemon smiled and nodded as if they understood completely.

"Well, I'm glad to hear you're all having a good time." Mama told them, as Deltien finally ran out of steam to talk about his day. "Now, how about we all sit down and let your Mama here tell you why she interrupted playtime?"

They tilted heads slightly in sync, making Kuibeina grin at the cuteness of it.

"Not Gram?" Luriean asked slowly. Mama chuckled.

"Well, I might be part of the reason your Mama called you out, but I wasn't the main one." She admitted. "Now, you five come and sit here at the table, yes?" The five padded over, apparently still working over the situation in their heads as best as they could, and let themselves be arranged on the seats set aside for them at the table.

All eyes widened when she levitated a set of five cakes over to them, each with a little candle on the top. They were only small- the kits were still young, after all, and honestly Kuibeina didn't want to know how much trouble they would be on a serious sugar rush- but to the little ones that didn't matter.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…" She led, placing them down. "Happy birthday dear kits, happy birthday to you."

Lukos smiled down at them as they gaped at the cakes, fire reflecting from their eyes. "Would you like to blow the candles out?" They looked up at him, then nodded, all inhaling.

It took a little bit of effort, and the tiniest bit of help from Mama when none of them were looking via an Extrasensory, but all of the candles were blown out. Carefully, Kuibeina plucked them from the top, leaving the little cakes alone.

"Can have?" Elixa asked. She chuckled, nodding.

"Yes, Elixa, you can have the cakes."

Unsurprisingly, there was very little talking for a while after that, as they dug into the cakes. Mama had gotten up to make another round of tea a little way in, handing them around, before sitting to wait.

"Now," she said, once they were finished. They all looked up at her, curious. "Who wants to hear a story?"

"Me!" They all cheered, making her laugh.

"Well, let's get you out of those seats and down to the mats, and Gram can tell you a story, ok?" Kuibeina offered, walking around the table. With the cooperation of the kits- as in, them actually sitting still and waiting for once, rather than wriggling to get down to the floor faster- she soon had them all down on the ground and trailing towards the mats in the corner of the main room, where Kuibeina would often tell them stories if she wasn't trying to get them to go to bed.

Once they were all comfortable, and Mama had lifted her tea, she sat herself down between her mate and Pa to let her Mama talk.

"Long ago, back when all the world was covered in forests, there was a group of travelling Pokemon…" She began, in a soothing voice.

Kuibeina leaned against her mate, letting the familiar tale roll over her, as her kits listened, entranced.

By the time the kits had reached their second birthday, the family of seven were no longer living in the large city of Obiva, instead having moved to a much smaller town called Fori. While it placed them all further away from their family, and Lukos had had to arrange a transfer to a different branch of the Pokemon Expedition and Archaeology Team, but they'd both felt that it was a better place to raise their kits than the bustle of the big city. Plus, with Teleports, it wasn't exactly much of a hassle for their family to come and visit, or for them to go there instead.

The house was also rather larger, with extra bedrooms for when the five grew up and decided that they wanted their own; for now they all wanted to stay in the same room, where they could snuggle up together, but soon enough that would start becoming difficult as they got larger. The downstairs space was much bigger, allowing for more of a kitchen, a playroom was set to one side with plans to renovate into a library or Talekeeper room once the kits were older, and this house had a back garden, with enough space to be used for teaching the kits their Moves and also growing berries, which Kuibeina planned to sell at the town market.

The kits had already made a lot of friends among the younger Pokemon around Fori, in fact, which was part of the reason she was glad for the massive back garden. At the moment, it had a table set up, full of food, and a big birthday banner for all of them hanging off the poles set up- unfortunately there weren't any trees big enough to use yet, and probably wouldn't be for a while.

Either way, soon the five of them would be coming down, not having any sort of surprise party this year because they wanted to invite all their friends, and then the garden would be full of happy children running around and playing games.

Kuibeina was slightly disappointed that her Mama couldn't be here for this one, but she and Pa had visited only a week ago to drop off the kit's presents and wish them a happy birthday, so the kit's wouldn't mind.

Mama had said that the main reason was because she knew they'd want their new friends over to play, so they didn't want to get in the way, which was nice.

Still, as the five kits stumbled out into the garden with wide smiles and party hats, and the guests from Fori started arriving with greetings and gifts, Kuibeina decided that she didn't mind too much that her family weren't able to visit.

There were plenty of Pokemon here, after all, and whatever made her kits happy was perfect.

The five didn't get a chance to really celebrate their third birthday, due to the fact that two days before it they'd ended up attending their first family hatching gathering. The timing had felt a bit sour to Kuibeina, even though logically she knew it wasn't really reasonable for her to try and blame her sister-in-law for the fact that her little tribe had hatched so closely to her own, but watching the kits run around and coo over the new Poochyena and Rattata hatchlings that were being shown around took a lot of the edge off.

"Aren't they cute like that?" Lukos whispered in her ear. She took her eyes off Shadow for a moment to look up at him, then nodded as she found her kit again in the crowd.

"They are, yes. How're your brother and sister?"

"They're ok, just tired."

"I'm not surprised." She muttered. "Five was bad enough, I can't imagine having to deal with thirteen."

"They'll manage, in the end. Besides, our five grew up rather faster than these will, so we had a lot more time with them causing trouble." Lukos chortled, then paused. "Speaking of which, where's Deltien?"

"He's with your mother and a couple of the pups." She told him immediately. "I saw them a minute ago, he seemed to be doing alright, if being a bit of an annoyance like normal."

"He's still cute enough to get away with it, I suppose." He sighed. "I'll leave him for a while, then go drag him away if he causes trouble."

"I think that's just the basic plan of action for all of our kits, really." Kuibeina grinned, spotting Elixa and Kaltria bobbing through the crowd, chattering to their great-grandmother while the Serperior in question slithered through the mess that was a family hatch gathering. Shadow had joined Luriean- how did she manage to get to the other side of the room in the space of a few seconds?- in talking to some of the cousins more their age, catching up on how everything was going in that funny way only young children could manage.

Instead, their birthday that year was a quiet affair with gifts arriving in the mail, a bit of running about playing games, some reading in the corner, cake, and a sugar rush that still hadn't worn off by the time they were supposed to go to bed.

I suppose letting them stay up for a little while longer won't hurt in the end. Kuibeina decided, watching them bounce about the playroom after a dozen different coloured balls. At least it'll calm them down somewhat.

At their fourth birthday, Kuibeina was wondering if this was revenge for the relative peace of the day a year before.

"And what have we learned from all this?" She asked sternly, looking down her nose at the five. She remembered it being an effective way of Furretting the truth out of young Pokemon from when she was younger, and it seemed to still work just as well, since they were squirming under the gaze.

"To only set off food fights when the adults won't see?"

All except Deltien, who'd inherited her mate's stubbornness and then some, plus some sarcasm from somewhere.

Kaltria swiped at her slightly-elder brother, ignoring his return growl as she said meekly, "Don't start food fights at a party?"

"Don't cause chaos?"

Kuibeina barked out a laugh at Elixa's suggestion, all veneers of seriousness forgotten. "Honestly, asking you lot not to cause chaos is like asking the Sun not to shine. Still, not quite, you three."

"Ask permission before starting a food fight?"

"Tell you beforehand what we want, so you can make stuff sepif- sessip- just for it?"

She grinned down at the two Vulpix, who were smirking slightly in return. "Pretty much, you two. Yes, Lur, I'd like to know if you wanted to start a food fight, and the other parents probably would as well, and yes, Shadow, knowing beforehand that you wanted to do it would mean I could make stuff specifically for the fight, leaving the rest of the food alone and giving you stuff that's easy to clean up."

"Speaking of which," Lukos put in, looking over the five of them, "Cleaning up is something you all should be thinking about as well."

The kits were splattered with various sauces and juices; while it was most visible on the snowy white coats of the three Absol, there were still stains on both Vulpix as well. Elixa in particular seemed to be attempting to become a collage painting with the number of different berry juices on her coat, leaving her more of a red-yellow-purple-green mix than white. Deltien had managed to get most of the orange drink juice along his back, Luriean was so yellow and glittery he could be mistaken for a shiny Pokemon, the horn on Kaltria's head had an apple stuck on it in addition to her coat having a rather large splodge of Tamato Berry juice running down her side, and Shadow seemed to be attempting to become a salad.

Actually, on second glance, Kuibeina was pretty sure that whoever was responsible for her elder Vulpix's state had just upturned the salad bowl on her, given the lettuce and Tamato stuck in her head crest, the fur on her tail had Pinap Berries in it, and there were dozens of little bits of berry scattered around the ground that had probably fallen off while she was running around using the mustard bottle as a beam weapon.

"Ok, Pa!" They all chorused, running over to the hose by the side of the house. She exchanged an exasperated look with her mate.

"Well, at least it's not boring." He commented. She thwapped him with the end of her tail.

"Oh, be quiet and help me clean this up." She commanded in return, starting to use Extrasensory to remove bits of sandwiches from the ground and put them in the bin.

She could still hear him snickering as they made their way around the garden.

Luckily for Kuibeina's slowly declining sanity, the kits decided they didn't want a big birthday party for their fifth birthday, so instead the family had sat around playing board games and eating silly party food after opening their gifts.

Between the group of them packing up the board game- it was still unfinished, so Kuibeina was sure to preserve it for if they wanted to continue it the next day- and the kits going upstairs to get ready for a story and bed, the Ninetales ended up facing a slightly nervous-looking Shadow.

"Is something wrong, kit?"

"Not… really, Mama?" She said, biting her lip. Kuibeina sat, sweeping her tails around her, and placing the littler kit between her paws.

"Say, then." She encouraged. "I can't help otherwise."


She blinked. "Pardon?"

"Stories." Shadow tried again. "Can you teach me?"

"You… want to pick up Talekeeping?" She checked, a little surprised when the female nodded. Five was… young, to be learning most of the stories, but there were definitely a few that she could teach her- well, a lot more than a few, admittedly, but when the archive of stories her family knew or stored was somewhere in the thousands that wasn't a big shock- at her age. "Are you sure?"

"Mhm." She nodded a second time. "Your stories're cool. I wanna be able to tell cool stories too."

"Alright." Kuibeina hummed. "You go to bed now, and I'll come up to tell you all a story in the big room in a minute, then sometime over the next few days I can start teaching you some of the easier ones."

"Thanks, Mama!" Shadow cheered, stretching up to bump her nose against hers. She leaned down a little to make it easier, and the Vulpix quickly jumped up and went running for the stairs.

Kuibeina watched her go, still a little shocked, then sighed and shook her head. Standing and shaking out her tails, she followed after her second eldest daughter, mentally planning out the letter she was going to write to Mama for advice.

Perhaps she'd be able to drop by for a visit to help her teach. She had the experience in it, after all.

They ended up at a water park for their sixth birthday.

Kuibeina had no idea how she'd managed to get talked into this, and honestly she wasn't completely certain Shadow or Luriean knew either, but apparently the three Absol kits had decided on it at some point and browbeaten their siblings into agreeing with them. They seemed to be having fun, though, even with the Fire type's being constantly splashed with water.

And also the Water types of the group having taken it upon themselves to use Water Gun or Bubble on any Pokemon that strayed too close.

The adults were spending their time around the outside of the pool area, watching over their smaller kits and socialising. Lukos was wandering around with a slight rainbow sheen over his horn, keeping an eye on the children that way- any of them being hurt would be a disaster, after all.

"This isn't quite what I would've expected from a birthday party for your kits." Alika, an Electivire who was looking wearily at the water park, noted, inching a little further away from the edge.

"It's not what I was expecting either, believe me." She laughed. "But you know what those five get like when they want something."

"At least it's not going to be as messy as the one a couple years back." Mitul grimaced, both faces looking upset. "I looked like I was strawberry flavoured for a few days after that."

"There, there." Jillim sympathised, patting the Vanilluxe on the side. "At least you didn't have to clean it up."

"Neither did you!" Kuibeina reminded the Reuniclus. "You lot just left us to deal with it."

"I never said I helped." He grinned. "Just that Mitul didn't have to." The three of them chuckled together for a few moments, watching as a pair of Elekid and one of the Vanillite worked together to aim one of the larger water guns positioned around the large park- put in for those Pokemon who couldn't go into the pools because it was unsafe, but still wanted to join in with their siblings or friends that were able to swim around- at the group of birthday kits and fired a massive blob of water at them.

They shrieked in surprise, along with the Totodile and Meowth that were with them, and the parents laughed aloud when another canon went off behind them, aimed by one of Jillim's Solosis with Confusion and fired by a Ralts that had gotten bored with swimming, and took advantage of the surprise created by the scream to hit another group.

A large water fight promptly started up, with the Pokemon on the canons being hit a few times as well. The adults quickly backed away from the edge, retreating instead to the safety of the food area behind the glass wall, thus shielding them from the water spray outside.

When the kits were seven, they ended up visiting Mama and Pa at their home at the bottom of the Winterhaunt Mountain. The mountain was on one side of a rather large forest, with the city of Obiva on the other side, but the forest was big enough that the small village had its own branch of the Teleport Guild.

"Gram!" The five called, storming into the building to hug the taller Ninetales.

"Hello, little ones." Mama greeted, sweeping all of them into a hug- with a little difficulty, given how much taller they were all getting and the length of the Absol's horns- before passing them over to Pa. "How are all of the birthday kits doing?"

They broke into chatter, talking about the gifts that had been opened that morning before the teleport- some from family, sent through the post, while others had been dropped off during the previous days by friends in Fori. Pa chuckled, leading them into the living room to sit down, while Kuibeina and Lukos smiled at Mama.

"I swear, it's like they haven't seen you in forever." Lukos grinned widely, giving her a hug. "Though it is nice to see you again."

"Good to see you too, child." Mama nuzzled him, opening the hug to her daughter as well. "And I can't really blame them. To a hatchling, a month is an eternity, especially when it comes to family. I know I hated it when I didn't see my Gram for more than a few days."

"I suppose when you're young it's hard to comprehend it being difficult to travel to visit." Kuibeina admitted. "They're getting older, of course, so they'll come to learn pretty soon that it's both difficult and expensive sometimes to travel to see Pokemon."

"They do get money fairly well already, actually." Lukos added. "So it shouldn't be difficult for them to understand. They're rather fond of going shopping in the village with me or Kui."

"Mostly Shadow and Elixa, honestly. They like being seen as grown up." The Ninetales sighed. "Only seven and they want to be seen as grown up… strange."

"That's how things work, I'm afraid." Mama told her, patting her shoulder. "They'll probably grow out of it, amusingly enough."

"I suppose so."

"Now, how about we go and rescue your Pa from the horde and tell our little kits some stories, hm?" She suggested. Kuibeina laughed.

"That'll be one way to keep them happy." She agreed, as she and Lukos went over to the cushions in the corner of the room.

"Kits!" Mama called. "Come here, will you?"

"Sure thing!" They replied, all crowding around her. "What is it, Gram?" Elixa asked.

"Why, I have some stories to tell you, of course." She smiled as they all perked up, running to sit beside Kuibeina and Lukos on the cushions. "Good to see that you're all enthusiastic about it." She added, sitting down beside Pa on another pair. "Now, let's see... long ago, in an ancient forest, there was a shrine..."

Kuibiena let her Mama's voice roll over her again, watching with amusement as her kits eyes sparkled as they listened to the first of many stories.

It was only when the group hit eight that they started getting more interested in their birthday presents. For the first few years, it was mostly games and toys, and the occasional book, and while it was similar things now, Kuibeina couldn't help but think that there was something strangely more to them in some way.

Maybe it was the fact that the kits were starting to get different interests, more obviously than before, and so presents were chosen with that in mind. Maybe it was because they'd been chosen by their friends themselves, instead of just being picked by their parents but with their friends names on them.

Or perhaps it was because this was the first time where the five of them had personally picked out presents for each other, using their pocket money to buy what they could- and begging her for a little bit extra if they needed it.

Lukos had been the one to organise the presents the night before, making sure that the ones the kits had gotten each other were right at the back, for last. Given that she knew what each of them had brought each other, the mother approved of that decision.

"Ooh..." Kaltria's awed gasp brought her out of her thoughts for a moment, and she smiled at seeing Elixa's gift sitting in front of her, still surrounded by wrapping paper.

The thing in question was a pretty little ornament meant to be hung on horns, which would drape down the side of Kaltria's face when attached to the lower part of her horn. It'd been fairly cheap- Kuibeina had banned them from actually buying anything too expensive for each other, plus it was being bought on a kit's pocket money- but-

"It's beautiful." She added, unknowingly completing her mother's thought. "Thanks, Elixa! Now I feel bad about what I got..."

"I'm sure yours is great too, sis." The eldest Absol reassured her.

"Mama, can you put it on for me?" She begged. Smiling a little more, she lifted it up with Extrasensory, carefully undoing the clasp and hooking it around her horn. "Thanks!"

"It's really pretty, Kal." Luriean commented.

"Suits you." Shadow agreed. Deltien just nodded.

"Thanks." She said again, grinning just as widely and with a little blush on her dark cheeks. "Del, you go next!"

Kuibeina settled back beside her mate as the five continued, working their way pretty much randomly through the presents given by their siblings. For the most part, the girls had little sparkly bits, though Deltien had one too; a sort of necklace, or a very glittery scarf, that Shadow seemed to have gotten as a joke. The younger Absol had been happy with it, though, which was nice.

And it was a very nice scarf.

Books had also been traded around, and little games- nothing quite as big as the console Lukos and she had bought them, made by a group of Porygon and other Pokemon as a mimic of the game consoles humans had, but smaller things that would also work well as family games.

Kaltria's gift to Elixa had been jewellery as well, a wrist band that clipped around her paw, and the eldest sibling had given the youngest a hug of thanks for it, declaring that it was easily prettier than what she'd bought. Shadow had brought Deltien an amusing winter hat, knowing he hated the cold, that had a hole in it for his horn, then Luriean had found that the Vulpix had gotten him an absolute ton of sweets and Gummis, teasing him about his sweet tooth when he opened it- which led to him teasing right back about her inability to eat more than a few without going on a sugar rush.

By whatever system they had been working by, Shadow ended up the last one to open a gift; this one from Luriean, her slightly-younger sibling. The elder Vulpix poked at it for a moment, curious.

"Did you get me a book, Lur?" She asked. He blushed, and pointed at it.

"Have a look, if you want to know so bad."

"Planning on it!" She chirped, using one claw to carefully slice through the tape.

A purple book fell out, followed by another lilac one and then three pens, blue, grey and black, for those Pokemon with paws. Glancing at her brother with a raised eyebrow, she flipped through the lilac one, the eyebrow going further when she realised that it was blank.

"I know that when you do Talekeeping stuff with Mama and Gram, you just use bits of paper, and it's kinda a mess." He explained. "So I figured it might make it easier to keep them all in order if you had a book. Then I saw the darker one, so I bought that as well."

Shadow looked blankly at it for a moment, then around at the other things, then at him.

Then she jumped him, ending up tangled in a hug.

"Thank you, Lur!" She cheered.

On their ninth birthday, after everything had been opened and packed away, Shadow decided to make an announcement.

"I," she declared, using the pile of books and games that she'd accumulated as a stand, "Am going to be a Rescue Pokemon."

Silence greeted that remark from all quarters, since she hadn't even mentioned that to Kuibeina yet, and a glance told her that Lukos hadn't know either- not that he wouldn't've told her straight away if she had.

"But..." Luriean asked, "Aren't you gonna be a Talekeeper?"

"Yeah!" She replied easily, "But I can be a Rescue Pokemon too!"

"That sounds like it'd be hard, though." Elixa put in, head tilted to the side. The new bangle on her horn caught the light as she did, similar to the one she'd bought Kaltria a year before.

"I mean, yeah, kinda, because I'd be learning new stories and also training a lot, but being a Rescue Pokemon would give me chances to travel around the world, and meet new Pokemon, and I could get stories from them!" Her eyes were sparkling slightly at the idea. "I could get stories from places that we'd never managed to go before, because I'm there on a mission, or because the client knew them and was willing to share, or because a Pokemon from far away joined the team!"

Kuibeina met Lukos' eyes, and the two of them padded back a bit while the kits talked.

"Would she be in danger?"

"Of course she would." He snorted. "As a Rescue Pokemon she'd be fighting all manner of things, and doing all manner of crazy missions. She'd probably get into more trouble than I do at my job." Her heart dropped a little. "But she'd also be doing all of this in those Mystery Dungeons, rather than in old ruins or whatever. Those places have strange powers, I've heard, that keep Pokémon in them from getting too badly hurt." He shrugged. "So, really, it's more about if we think we can prepare her."

"She'd have support, right?" She checked.

"There's always the different branches of Adventure Guilds, Wigglytuff Guild is the most common around here I think, and she'd have a team." He assured her. "Even if she started out as the only one on her team, she'd probably be given someone to work with during the basics or something. Or she might have to join a team for at least a little while at the start, then be allowed to make her own team once she has more experience."

"Plus she'd never shut up about it if we didn't let her, or she'd just leave when she was old enough to do it." Kuibeina sighed slightly, then nodded. "If you're ok with it?"

"Only if you are." They traded another look, then the Ninetales stepped forward.

"Alright, Shadow." She said loudly, cutting off the conversation. "We're ok with you becoming a Rescue Pokemon, but there's going to be a few conditions first. Namely, I'm going to start teaching you some Moves and how to use them properly, and you're going to need to prove to us that you can use them. You're also going to learn a lot more about your illusions, how to use them, and how to detect if someone else is using them on you. You'll only be allowed to go and join a Rescue Team- or make you own," she added, seeing the female inhale, "When your Pa and I decide that you're good enough with your Moves and illusions to stay safe. Understand?"

"Yes, Mama!" Shadow nodded frantically, looking like a bobble-head statue. "I'll do just fine, you'll see!"

She had.

No matter how much Kuibeina might've hated it, and wanted to hold her back again and again just so that she didn't need to see one of her kits leave the den- and so young too! She was still barely a hatching as a Vulpix- she had to admit that Shadow had taken everything they'd thrown at her and come back asking for more. She'd learned Ember with ease, and started messing around in her own time to figure out how to start upgrading it to Flame Burst, Inferno, and then Flamethrower. She'd been doing things with her illusions quite well, though she still struggled with making her Pokemon illusions lifelike enough. There was a Lucario in her family tree, she knew, so she'd spoken around Fori and found that Jillim knew Heal Pulse, though it wasn't the most stable, but he'd been willing to teach Shadow how to do it, even if it only did a tiny bit.

Even her cousin and uncle had gotten in on the mix- though Shadow had gotten into the habit of calling them 'uncle' and 'gramp' respectively- and taught Shadow Magnet Rise on one of their visits, just to add an extra skill in.

She had a fairly varied Moveset now, with some physical and some ranged Moves, an ability to heal that would grow in time, and a number of different ways to negate weaknesses or lower the damage by boosting her own stats.

It was pretty much accepted by now, both in the family and in Fori, that Shadow was going to be leaving soon. Probably before the end of the year.

This fact seemed to make this birthday a particularly hard one for the others to take; Luriean especially.

The presents weren't much, again just books and bits of jewellery. In fact, pretty much every present gotten by the others was quite small, due to the single gift given to Shadow as a group.

"We all worked together to get this one." Kaltria explained nervously. "Which is why there isn't really much from us. We're sorry about that... do you like it?"

Her elder sister gaped at the present, the paper now scattered across the place, then grinned at her sister. "Of course I do."

The gift in question was a scarf, dark purple, and a white bag with lilac stripes.

"We thought the scarf would be good for you to put your badge on, when you get it." Deltien explained. "Then Elixa suggested that we also get a bag, so you can put stuff that you need or want to keep on you in there."

"There's a little side pouch for Pokè too." Said Absol added. "Though you might not be able to get too much stuff in there... it should be good for berries and that, though, or other items that're important."

"We figured it'd be useful for when you leave to go to Alma." Luriean finished. "We all pooled our money together to get it for you..."

The explanation was cut of by Shadow pulling all of them into a group hug, crying.

"I'm gonna miss you guys..." She sniffled.

"We'll write, and we can always come and visit by Teleport." Elixa reminded her. "We're not gonna fall outta touch." Even the eldest Absol had tears in her eyes, though.

Kuibeina glanced at Lukos, and both parents joined the hug as well, the presents left forgotten on the floor.

When the kits hit eleven, they decided to play a prank on Shadow.

The group had exchanged letters with Eon a few dozen times since Shadow had teamed up with him in Team Inari, and Kuibeina had arranged with him for Shadow to be dragged put to training most of the day, allowing for the family to Teleport in and set up in the den for a party.

"You would be Kuibeina, yes?" A Machoke asked, standing just outside of the Teleport place.

"Yes, that's me."

"I am Zemo, on Team Inari. Eon sent me to guide you to their den." He explained.

"Oh, thank you." The Ninetales smiled gratefully. "Kits, stay together, ok? Make sure you have everything."

"We've got it, Mama!" Elixa promised, as the rest of them worked together to grab the bags of decorations they were going to set up in the den. Lukos made up the back of the group, and nodded to her that they were fine.

Zemo waited patiently for the family to get into order, then started off, letting them follow him through the streets of the rather large town over to where Shadow had described as the Rescue Team fields.

"Here." He told them, opening the door of a woven hut, large enough for the entire family plus a bit, and stepped aside. "Milliant is looking out for Eon and Shadow. She will tell you when they return."

"Thank you for your help, Zemo." Kuibeina smiled, as the four kits ran in and dropped their bags, starting to search through them for banners and pins. "And please thank Milliant for me as well, will you? You're both being very helpful."

"Family is very important to Shadow." He shrugged. "I am happy to help arrange things for her to spend her birthday with them."

"Thank you anyway." She reiterated. "Not every Pokemon would be willing to help out."

"Inari would." He said. "Inari helps out it's own." The Machoke wandered away, and a Mismagius poked their head through the wall.

"All clear for now, they shouldn't be back until well later this afternoon, so you should have a few hours to set things up." She told them. "I'll just keep an eye on things out here and pop in when they're coming back."

"Thank you, I assume Milliant?" She nodded. "Thank you."

"No problem, ma'am." An arm came through the wall as well, giving a salute, then the Ghost type retreated completely.

"Right then, kits!" Kuibeina called, over the bustle. "Let's get things set up for Shadow, shall we?"

"Yes Mama!" They called back.

When Shadow and Eon returned to their den a little after three, the entire room was covered in glitter and streamers, there were presents piled in five groups, and the six of them were sitting in the centre of the dark room waiting for them to arrive.

"...but that went really well, I think another few times and I might have Heal Pulse down." Shadow's voice said from just outside the door.

"Dian seemed to think you're doing really well with it, yeah." Eon agreed. "Hopefully you'll be able to figure it out enough for missions soon."

"Then I'm going to start on Heal Bell, I think." She added. "If I can find someone who knows it."

"Maybe Dian does. Or someone on our team."

"Right! I'll ask around." The door slowly creaked open. "We need to put some better windows in here. Or get better blinds or something, it's stupidly dark-"

"Surprise!" The family chorused, making her yelp.


Eon doubled over laughing, and she spun to glare at him.

"You knew about this?"

"Eon helped set it up." Lukos told her. "And had a couple of your team mates help us out too." She grinned, tackling him in a hug.

"Thanks, Eon."

"You're welcome." He smiled in return, patting her back. "Now, why don't you go catch up with your siblings and open your presents."

"Will do!" She laughed, storming her siblings and getting a group hug going.

Eon headed into one of the side rooms, coming out a little while later with a tray of tea things. The three settled down on the side, watching the eleven-year-olds enthusiastically open gifts.

When they were twelve, Eon and Shadow decided to reverse the prank. Organising it through letters had taken a while, but they'd set everything up for the four siblings to be out of the house with Lukos while the Rescue Pokemon Teleported in and made their way to the house.

"Hello again, Eon." Kuibeina welcomed, pulling them into the house. "We've got most of everything set up, we're just waiting on you two."

"Hi, Mama." Shadow smiled, hugging her and trotting by. "Where're the presents?"

"Over by the table." She called back, as she and Eon swapped amused glances. "Your team doing ok?"

"It's going well, ma'am." The shiny nodded. "Shadow spent a lot of money recently buying the recipe for Max Elixers, which was worth it, but it means the entire team's been pulling longer shifts to make up the money. We had to be pretty careful with the scheduling to make sure we got here."

"The Teleport cost isn't going to cause trouble, is it?" She checked, concerned. He shook his head.

"No, ma'am. We're managing fine, and we have savings for things like this. Sometimes we use the Teleport service to get closer to Dungeons for missions, we just tapped into that. Might have to take some more difficult jobs for more money when we get home, but the other squads in the team can manage fine."

"Alright." She said softly. "But don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it, ok?"

"We will, ma'am."

"Eon!" Shadow called, trotting over. "Can I have the presents?"

"Here." He handed over the Wonder Bag that was on his back, letting her take it with Extrasensory.


"What did you get them?" Kuibeina asked, as her daughter wandered off again.

"It's mostly Shadow's gift, but you'll see in a bit." He smirked. "When are the others getting back?"

She glanced at the clock. "About an hour from now."

"Excellent." He went off to see what Shadow was doing, and she rolled her eyes, going towards the kitchen to put the tea on.


"Shadow!" Luriean shouted, recovering first and piling into a hug.

"Hey, slightly-littler-brother." She grinned, patting his head. "I am home for the birthday!"

"Brilliant!" Kaltria laughed. "I was wondering why we weren't sending you your presents by mail. I thought we were going to Teleport again."

"Nope." Eon put in, from where he was standing by the side of the present piles. "We decided we'd come to visit."

"Hi, Eon." Deltien waved. "Now, presents?"

"You all need to open mine last, and at the same time." Shadow warned, and she handed the first one on Deltien's pile over. "But yeah, presents."

Thus followed the standard mania that was opening presents on their birthday. Kuibeina, Lukos and Eon sat on the side, drinking tea and quietly chatting about things, until the group got through the pile.

Shadow had gotten a cool hat from the four, which apparently boosted healing abilities- tested by Jillim to make sure it worked- and was looking eagerly at her siblings as they all slit open her gift to them.

"Oh!" Elixa gasped quietly.

"I thought it would be nice if we matched, so I got all of you ones as well." She said quietly. "They were custom done at one of the stores in Alma."

Each one of her siblings had in front of them a pair of a scarf and a bag, in matching colours. Elixa's scarf was a beautiful yellow, while the bag was white with gold stripes, Deltien's was an emerald colour while the bag was forest green, Luriean had a royal blue scarf with a sky blue striped bag, and Kaltria's was a bright, firey red scarf with a bag that had a much darker, more burnished red for the stripes. They were all clearly based on the lilac striped bag and purple scarf that she'd been given when she was ten, just before she left.

"Thank you, Shadow." Kaltria sniffed, pulling them into another group hug.

For their thirteenth birthday, one of them was missing.

The group was a lot quieter for that, and one pile of presents sat unopened on the side.
Chapter 23- Power testing, chattering, and planning.
The receptionist, to her credit, recovered quite quickly, smiling politely in return and nodded. "Certainly, Shadow. Let me just call her for you." She turned away from them and picked up the phone, obviously dialling the Cape. "Panacea and Team Inari here for you, Miss Militia." She waited a moment, during which Shadow could hear vague mumbling on the line, and nodded again. "Of course." She put the phone down and turned back to them, gesturing over to the side as she did so. "Miss Militia will be down in a minute to escort you to the testing room. If the four of you would just wait over there…?"

"Of course." Amy replied smoothly, with a smile. She led the way over there, Shadow staying by her side and both other members of Inari following a little bit behind, taking seats- with the two healers in the middle of them. She looked amused. "Any reason you're doing that?" She asked lowly.

There was a somewhat large gap between them and the nearest other people, the building surprisingly empty for being the main hub of most the heroes in the city, that also did tours, but Shadow understood that unlike the Rescue Guild people didn't come personally with their problems, but called them in. Even still, she appreciated Amy's attempts at being discrete.

Eon, sitting on Amy's right and between the rest of the chairs, smiled a little at her, touching her arm to draw her attention. "We're in an unknown area escorting two healers to an important duty." He explained, just as quietly. "As such, we're your guards against any possible form of danger, no matter how unlikely it is that you'd be harassed or attacked. It's standard protocol for an escort mission, though given that this would likely be classed as a high ranked mission I'd honestly rather we had more members. Shadow can protect herself, of course, and I've no doubt you can too, but I'd still rather neither of you had to while we were on duty."

"Do you really expect trouble?"

"Honestly, no. I doubt any criminal would be insane enough to attack the building containing the city's heroes, and don't doubt that if someone was the heroes here would be responding promptly. It's a matter of personal business, is all. You're our friend, and Shadow's our team mate."

"Besides, not like either of us can do much to help with the healing bit." Swarm added, shrugging. "Eon can do it, sure, but not as well as Shadow can."

"Shadow's been learning since we started, which was two and a half years ago." He said. "Maybe a little longer, actually?"

"I started learning Heal Pulse just before we started, but only by a few days. One of our mentors taught me so I could make sure neither of us got hurt while training without them. Heal Bell, the other bit, took a little longer, because I had to find someone to tutor me and it's also harder to see if it's having the right effect." Shadow reminisced. "I taught Eon a little, and he picked up some from my tutors, and I offered to teach anyone who joined us. We ended up with enough healers- and enough people in the team- that we can routinely do three groups of four teams doing missions, if we want to, with backup healers and teams in case of trouble. Not all of them take that, of course, some missions can be easy, but we always have a healer on the team, just in case. Eon rarely used his healing abilities. He's always the leader, so it's his job to handle giving orders on a mission, not keep an eye on everyone and make sure they're healthy. That's the healer's job, after all."

Amy looked curiously, as though she was about to ask another question, when all three Inari members straightened, their enhanced- or extra- senses telling them that the Cape they were waiting for was approaching. They all shifted into various 'ready' positions, Eon and Swarm a defensive one while Shadow was more polite and formal. Amy got the idea quickly, clamping down on her curiosity until later and straightening as well.

A few seconds later, the military-themed Cape entered through a security door, turning to search the waiting area and finding that she didn't need to. She headed straight over to them, Amy and Shadow standing to greet her. Swarm and Eon also stood, standing a little bit behind both of them and waiting.

"Hello, Panacea, Inari." Miss Militia greeted them both, her eyes clearly smiling. She shook Amy's outstretched hand, then leant down somewhat to take Shadow's paw as well.

"Hello again, Miss Militia." Shadow replied, feeling a little more comfortable. She'd worked with Miss Militia before, in combat and in interviews, she could handle this with that and her friends being there. "Thank you for this."

"The two of you are likely to provide rather a great service today. Three, if Eon can manage it too. That's plenty of reasoning to assist." She let go of Shadow's paw, letting her drop down to all fours and follow along as she headed back for the door. Swarm and Eon followed them, a step behind, though they all had to pass in front of Miss Militia in order to get in. They let her take the lead, though, and both ignored the slightly strange look she gave them. "I hope you've been keeping this quiet?"

"New Wave knows." Shadow said easily. "But that's because they've been helping with it all. It's only fair."

"True." Militia nodded. "Out of curiosity, why are Eon and Swarm here? Not that you're not welcome, in fact another healer- Eon can heal, I believe?- and an extra Master to work with is very useful, but…"

"No, I understand. Eon can heal, yes, but he can't do it quite the same. I can do both parts of it at the same time- it was an accident, I was battling a copy of something that if it were real could've easily killed Eon and I, and I panicked- but I've never been able to teach how to do it. I don't really know how I do it, to be honest, but I can do them either separately like Eon or together. I'm not sure which would cause the Master effect break thing, though I have a guess, and Eon might be needed to do it if I get too tired." She explained, shifting the bag of restorative items on her back with Extrasensory. She was still making more Max Elixirs to replace the ones from Leviathan, but a pair of Leppa Berries and some focus would do the same job, so that was what she had with her. "Swarm can volunteer for the Master thing as well, if she wants to of course, but she's mostly here from curiosity and to support me, I think."

"Pretty much." The bug Cape acknowledged. "I'll help out too, though. Having an example of Shadow's exclusion rule might be useful. If only to see if we can toggle it."

"That might be interesting to see as well." Miss Militia nodded. "Figuring out how your exclusion works would be good, I think. I'll pitch it to the Director in a moment."

"Who's actually involved in this testing?" Amy asked, curious. "Aside from the Masters, obviously."

Their guide laughed a little. "Aside from the Masters, Armsmaster and the Director will be with me on the other side of a barrier, which is where anyone not currently involved in the testing will be, due to Shadow's requirement for a defined room. Dragon is going to be monitoring remotely as well. Standard protocol for anything to do with Masters or Strangers."

"Makes sense." Shadow nodded. "And you do know that I can define a room with illusions, right?"

"Yes, but we thought it would be a better idea to have one clearly defined, rather than you either needing to make a room and also try clearing the effects, which might mess with the results, or having Eon do it for you." She explained. "Mostly because we weren't certain Eon would be here with you."

"Shadow is my second." Eon said simply. "Of course I'd be around for something important with her." Shadow shot a quick thankful look over her shoulder at him as they took another corner, then stopped beside Amy as Miss Militia opened another door.

Stepping through, the Vulpix looked around with interest at the room they were led into. It was mostly bare, just a number of chairs lined up under a table, which was against a wall of glass. Seven of the seats had Capes sitting in them, two of which had animals and one just a tall box, four more seats had men and women in PRT uniforms, and standing a little ways away was the semi-familiar armoured figure of Armsmaster and an unfamiliar woman that she assumed was the Director. On the wall behind them all was a screen with another familiar person on it, though this one was just the image of a helmet.

"Ah, Miss Militia." The Director half-announced. "Good, you're here."

She nodded. "Director, this is Inari. Inari, Director Piggot of the ENE PRT."

"A pleasure to meet you, Ma'am." Shadow bowed lowly, knowing Swarm and Eon would follow the movement with slightly less depth. "I must thank you for arranging all of this. I understand the power to clear Master effects is something that would be very important here on Earth Bet, but I would have in no way had the ability to arrange something like this myself."

"Ah, that's quite alright, Shadow." She replied. Looking up, Shadow noticed that she seemed quite confused, which confused her in turn- she was just offering proper thanks. "Although in fairness, the Chief Director was the one to arrange for the Parahumans to come here for your testing." She shook her head, slightly sharply. "Still, if we continue trying to place the credit in the right place I believe we'd be here all day without getting anywhere, so let's begin."

"First, introductions." Miss Militia cut in. "Of course, you know Armsmaster, and I believe you met Dragon during Leviathan," both Pokemon nodded, getting one in return from the Capes, "The seven Capes you won't have met are all visiting us from different bases around the country; Viper is an animal Master from Phoenix, Arizona, Protectorate," a man in a brown costume, patterned on snakeskin, nodded to them, one hand on a long brown snake around his neck, "Ursinae, a Ward who specialises in bears, from Utah West Valley City," a girl around twelve waved from her seat on top of a rather large grizzly bear, her costume apparently designed like she was wearing a bearskin rug- which seemed slightly strange to Shadow, given that she controlled them, but whatever, it wasn't her job to make the costumes, "Geppetto, Protectorate, from Evansville Indiana, controls puppets."

"Which explains the two large human-shaped boxes in the corner." Amy put in, making the Cape wearing a flat mask and something that looked like a suit, nod.

"Quite right." A wave over to it caused the frontmost box to creek, and they all looked over to see a white mask with a smiling face lean out, one hand coming up to jerkily wave at them. "Not my best puppets, don't want to risk any of them in testing stuff."


Miss Militia cleared her throat, making Shadow look back at her. "Bad Faith, also Protectorate, from Salem in Oregon, a human Master who pushes specifically negative emotions in whoever she targets, and Microshift, another human Master who can slightly influence how people move around him, coming from Jackson Mississippi." A tall woman with white-blonde hair and a green domino mask nodded coolly at them, while the boy- about fifteen, maybe- grinned. "Tripwire is a Ward, from Greenwich in Connecticut, who I believe you'll be starting with unless something's changed," Another boy, this one a little younger than the other and in a costume that reminded Shadow of shoelaces but was probably made of steel wire or something, waved at them, while the Director shook her head in response to Miss Militia's querying look, "And finally Ursa Aurora, from New York City, who makes forcefields that look like bears." Shadow could feel Swarm's surprise behind her as the woman in a glossy black mask added her own wave to the greeting, and resolved to ask later as she grinned.

"Nice to meet you all!" She waved a paw back, tails wagging gently. "Thanks to all of you for helping with this, it's great."

"Not a problem." Bad Faith shrugged, her voice sounding slightly French- from what Shadow'd heard on videos and stuff, anyway. "Zome- pardon, some one being able to break Master's effects is a big thing, in the end."

"There's also the four Parahuman Response Team members here, which are going to be helping out in the human Master testing. Jackson, Walter, Kelme, and Mann."

Shadow smiled at them as well. "Thanks too. I know being put under a Master isn't exactly most people's idea of a good thing."

Mann snorted. "Not particularly, but it's for a good cause." She agreed. "You just do what you're supposed to be here doing, and we'll all be fine."

"I'll do my best."

Director Piggot cleared her throat, seeming a little annoyed for some reason. "Right, well, if that's all?" The group of Capes nodded, which made her relax a little, looking down at Shadow. "Then you and Tripwire can go into the other room, and we'll begin."

"Alright." Shadow let out a little sigh as she followed Miss Militia over to the other door in the room, Tripwire coming up beside her. She slipped her bag off her back and left it by the door, then headed into the centre. The room was plain and boring, with nothing in it other than the wall of glass on one side, where the rest of the people in the testing were watching.

Well, there was also the scents of a bunch of people behind another wall, but since she hadn't been introduced to them Shadow assumed she probably wasn't meant to know about them and so she ignored them.

"So, Tripwire?" She asked, just for something to do while they waited for a signal to start.

"Yep." He nodded. A long coil, which she had taken to be a belt or something, unwound itself from around his waist and waved the end at her. "Power seems to use an aglet as a requirement for what I can control, hence the little thing on the end."

"Aglet?" She cocked her head, then finished a second before he replied, "Oh, the things on shoelaces. Guess that explains why your stuff looks like them so much."

"I started out planning on being an independent. Actually did for a little while, then ended up going to the Wards when stuff got a little too hard to handle." The boy shrugged. "I asked branding if I could keep the call back to shoelaces though, because that was the main thing I used."

"Which is fair, I guess." Shadow smiled. "I know a few of my old friends had cantrips they used that they kept mementoes for. Some of them had really weird stories to them, too…"

"Shadow, Tripwire, we're ready to begin." Armsmaster's voice came over an intercom. Looking back at the glass wall, she noticed that everyone had taken a seat, Armsmaster likely in a special one for his power armour. A few flashing lights indicated that cameras were probably there, and that they'd just come online, probably under Dragon's control or something, but there were probably more around the room that she hadn't seen. "If Tripwire could hold some cables at various distances around the room?"

"No problem, sir." Tripwire said respectfully, more long cables rising up from his costume. There was a second layer of armour underneath, Shadow noticed as they wound around the room like snakes- particularly adventurous Arbok or Seviper, maybe, that were willing to be floated around. Some of them reached almost to the ceiling, though the Ward was careful to avoid placing them in a way that would have them land on either of them if they fell.

"Hey, do we want Amy in here as well?" Shadow asked suddenly. "To see if she can spot my power doing anything to Tripwire?"

There was a long silence on the other side of the window, followed by the brunette healer slipping through the door. She wove through the collection of cables, ending up at his side and offering her hand out.

"I'll take that as a yes." He muttered dryly, rolling up the glove he was wearing and letting her rest her hand on his wrist.

"Go ahead, Shadow." Dragon prompted, sounding suspiciously like she was trying to avoid laughing.

The Vulpix nodded again, closed her eyes, and barked.

The sound echoed around the room for a moment, almost immediately being covered up by the sound of metal cables dropping to the floor. Shadow yelped, instinctively covering her ears because of the noise, while both Amy and Tripwire flinched slightly.

"That was weird." The Ward announced, after everything had landed and the ringing died down. Shadow cautiously removed her paws from her head, standing up straight again with a slight blush. "I could feel the connection I had with them just vanish."


"Yeah, like I cut my power out completely from the cables." He nodded. "I've done that before, just let everything go, but that was like someone else cut the link."

"I think that's basically what happened." Amy admitted. "I could see the activity in your Corona cut off for a moment."

"It came back about a second after, I didn't reactivate it because I was kinda surprised." He crouched down slightly, offering his free hand to Shadow. "Wasn't really sure if you could do it, so sorry for not believing it."

"No problem." She grinned, taking it. "Your kind aren't really used to people being able to cut out powers, from what I know. There's power nullifiers, but not someone who can randomly disconnect your abilities for a moment. Sometimes that's all you need, of course."

Amy gave her a curious look as Tripwire pulled his sleeve down again, collecting the cables from around the room and bringing them back. "Yeah, I learned that one myself. All you need is a moment of surprise to turn something in your favour." The door opened again once all the cables were in place on Tripwire's costume, and Viper came in, snakes slithering behind.

He held out his hand to Amy without saying anything, and the brown snakes that had followed him settled themselves around the room. Shadow sniffed curiously at the nearest one, noting the different scents on them.

"None of them are poisonous." He told her, sounding irritated. "I made sure I was only bringing constrictors for this, since I was told I might lose control of them."

"Alright." She accepted, looking up at them. She paused for a moment, breathing carefully, then snapped out another bark.

The wave of energy burst out, and a few seconds later there was a loud hissing on her right.

Slowly, Shadow turned, eyeing up the much larger boa glaring at her from a good few feet up. For a moment, she recoiled, old instincts from facing much bigger Pokemon rising up, and it lunged, heading towards her throat.

Another instinct, this one honed by two years of Dungeon exploring, sent her away, dodging left and swiping out as she did- knowing that they weren't poisonous and had no ranged Moves meant that it was a safe bet- and she knocked its head away. Some louder hissing followed, sounding angry, before it suddenly stopped.

Shadow shook her head, pushing away the warm Fire burning in her chest and swallowing, then looking up at Viper- she'd ended up next to him and Amy from her jump. "Thanks."

"Are you alright?" He asked, as the four snakes made their way over to them, the one she'd hit having a slight mark along its face. "Sorry about that."

"No problem." Shadow shrugged. "Bit of a scare, but we probably should've expected that to happen." She looked up at the injured snake. "Is it ok?"

"He's fine." Viper told her, glancing at the window. "Anything else you want to do?" The Vulpix's sensitive ears told her that there was a quiet, hurried conversation going on behind the glass, and she looked over as well before looking at the snakes.

"Maybe we could try leaving them here, then you going out of the room." She suggested. "To see if I need to hit the Master or the minions?"

The other side of the window went quiet again, then the side door opened.

"I think that's probably a yes." Amy snorted, heading towards the door. The four snakes wrapped around Viper made their way down to the floor, the Protectorate member following after her and leaving Shadow in the room with the four large constrictors.

She gulped. This may have been a mistake… They started to fan out around the room, Viper apparently trying to keep them out of easy lunging distance- whatever that was for a snake that size- so she tried to calm herself and waited.

She had to stop herself from using Calm Mind to help out, because she didn't want to bias the results at all, so she just sat there breathing carefully until Armsmaster's voice came over the speakers again, giving her the go ahead.

Shadow barked, and once again had to dodge around irate constrictors. This time all four of them at once for a few seconds, before Viper got his control over them back.

"Well," she panted, once she had her breath back. "It looks like I can break control just by hitting the minions, at least?"

She swore she heard Eon snorting with laughter as Amy opened the door, slipping back in and letting the snakes wander out.

"Do you want to try it with just the Master, too?" She asked. "Or are we not bothering with that."

There was a pointed silence.

"We can try that with Geppetto's puppets." Director Piggot told her. "For now, continue on with Ursinae." Another, much larger door opened in the wall- that one much more hidden than the one they'd come through- and the Ward came in riding a large grizzly bear.

"Heya!" She waved, sliding down its side as the door shut again. "Anything you want me to do?"

"Please keep the bear on the other side of the room." Shadow requested, looking up at it. "Mostly since the snakes seemed kinda annoyed that we broke the Master connection, and I don't really want to know if it's going to have the same effect."

"That's probably a good idea." Amy agreed, eyeing it warily.

"He's nice." Ursinae complained, but did as she asked and put him on one side. The bear curled up into a ball and watched them with his head on his paws, and both Shadow and Amy took a step back. "Anyway, ready?"

"Sure." Shadow glanced over at the window while Amy offered her hand to the Ward.

"You can begin." At Armsmaster's confirmation, Shadow breathed deeply and snapped out another bark.

The angry growling of the bear made her swallow, staring back at it, but it just grumbled and settled back down as Ursinae took control again.

"Same result." Amy mentioned, letting go of the girl. "Literally acted the same as Viper's did."

"Thank you, Panacea." Dragon said, as the larger door opened again for the bear to walk through. Ursinae waved, patted Shadow awkwardly on the head, then bolted after her bear, with the scent of embarrassment floating back.

Shadow made another mental note to start paying more attention to the emotions in scents again. It wasn't something she did often, not really being bothered with them back in Mystery Dungeons unless she was using it to figure out where other Pokemon were coming from, but with Tinkertech here having a special smell depending on the maker- and possibly also Mastered animals having a similar scent to the person controlling them, given how Swarm seemed to work; Viper and Ursinae could maybe be waved off as spending a lot of time around their animals- it was probably a good idea to keep a proper check on things.

A clattering of wood made her look over at the door again, Geppetto walking through the door with a pair of puppets awkwardly following behind him, using the walls as support.

"Shouldn't be too much trouble with this one." He greeted, waving to them. The puppets followed his movements, the happy and sad masks turning to look at them with empty eyes. "I'm gonna keep them over here near the door. Make it easier for me to get the things out of the room after they collapse or whatever's going to happen when you hit us with your little pulse thing."

Shadow nodded. "That's fine, they just need to be in the room." The sad puppet closed the door for them, then stood next to the happy one a little ways away from the wall. "Ready?"

Geppetto rolled his sleeve up slightly for Amy to place her hand on his arm, then nodded at the Vulpix. "Go ahead." Her bark caused both of the puppets to fall to the ground in another clatter of wood, and the sound of a bit of metal snapping.

She winced. "Sorry."

"Eh, it's alright." Geppetto shrugged. "Like I said, they're old ones, not my best. I was kinda expecting one of 'em to get broken." Clearly exerting his power again, the two of them stood slowly, the happy mask one balancing on a broken leg. "Not that bad, actually." He mused, testing making it stumble around a few steps. "Might actually be worth it to repair and upgrade these two a bit later. Been putting off doing that for a while, they were old and not worth it, but I do kinda like these two. Pair of my earliest."

"Sorry for breaking Smiley over there then, but I guess if it means you've got a reason to upgrade the two of them to use more then I suppose it's not too bad?" She said hopefully.

He snorted. "Smiley. I like that. Better than One and Two after all." Sad walked around to put an arm on Smiley, helping take the weight of the puppet off the broken leg, then the two of them hobbled their way out of the door into the other room. "Now, since I've been volunteered as the guy you test the other bit of the Master clearing on, if you're good to go again then go ahead."

"I think I'm good for this one, though I'll need to grab something out of my bag before the next one." She decided, after a moment's pause. "Ready?"

"Sure, just make sure no-one tries to catch my puppets when they fall over." He directed that towards the group of people behind the window. "They're pretty heavy." Shadow Heal Pulsed again, and there was the quiet sound of something falling.

"I think it worked." Amy told her. "I saw the activity in the Gemma flicker for a moment."

"It worked." Dragon confirmed for them. "And if Shadow does need to take a break, then now's a good time, since we're moving on to the two human Masters and Geppetto needs a moment to come collect his puppets."

"I'll only need a couple minutes, don't worry." Shadow assured her. "It won't take too long."

"Take whatever time you need, Shadow." Miss Militia told her, as Geppetto headed out of the room. "We have most of the afternoon still, after all."

Shadow nodded, heading over to her bag in the corner by the door and rummaging through it, checking the time on her phone while she pulled out a Leppa Berry and taking a bite out of it. Somehow it'd been twenty minutes since the start of the testing- it felt like a lot less than that, and it probably was; some of that was probably taken up by them waiting, walking in, and the introductions. Either way, Shadow mused, swallowing the Berry and feeling her ability to use Heal Bell rise back to normal again, it's time well spent in the end. Humming to herself for a second, she closed her bag again and finished the rest of the Berry in her mouth, the remains of it having gone in a little plastic bottle in the bag, then nodded to the window.

"I'm ready to go again."

"Already?" Director Piggot sounded surprised, so she nodded again.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Only need a minute or so to recover with help." She shrugged, heading back to the centre of the room. "Recovering on my own takes a little longer and isn't anywhere near as effective, I can only get about a use or two out of whatever I'm trying to recover." Microshift entered the room as she finished, followed by two PRT troops, Jackson and Kelme.

"Seems like a strange way of recovering, but powers are weird." The teen mused, holding out a hand. "Nice to meet you, anyway. Do you need anything specific from me?"

"Telling me when you start using your power would be good, maybe, but not really." She shrugged, taking it. "Just tell me when to start, basically." He nodded, holding out a hand to let Amy hold his arm.

"Fine, fair enough. Don't do this on two people very often, should work on that." Going silent and clearly focusing behind his mask, the two PRT troopers stiffened very slightly before starting to move.

Automatically Shadow barked, the wave of pink flickering out, and the troopers twitched, shaking their heads.

Microshift had a rather more violent reaction, shuddering severely and dropping straight to the ground, Amy letting go in shock as he fell. She quickly scrambled to grab onto him again, checking to see that nothing was wrong, and Shadow froze.

"He's ok." Amy announced, after a moment. "Look like the backlash from breaking his control had an effect something like a concussion, but that'll go away pretty quickly on its own, or I know your power affects things like that."

"Is that safe?" Shadow asked nervously.

"He's not using his power at all, so yeah. I'm sure it'll be fine." Even so, Shadow sent a glance up towards the window, seeking out Eon's face. Her vision wavered for a moment, a sure sign of an illusion, and the facsimile of a normal Ninetales jumped down from the window as if it were a portal, landing next to her and nodding.

Rolling her eyes slightly at his dramatics, as well as making sure that none of the others could see, she trotted over and placed a paw on the Ward's side, barking out a much smaller Heal Pulse focused mostly on him. A little wave went out, disrupting Eon's illusion as it did, hitting the rest of the room again, and Amy nodded.

"There we go, pretty much fine now." She took her hand away. "He'll wake up in a sec."

On cue, the boy stirred, and Shadow took a few steps back as he lifted a hand to his head, her ears and tails going down.

"Ow." He muttered hoarsely. "Anyone get the number of the truck that hit me?"

"That was Shadow's healing ability, actually." Amy informed him, offering a hand to help him up. "Looks like cutting a direct connection to a Master like that is pretty unpleasant for the Master."

Shadow looked up at the window. "Bad Faith, do you still want to take part? I don't really want you to get hurt unless you're willing to help."

The blonde woman seemed to consider it for a moment. "Non- no, I will be fine. This is important, after all, and if ze- the-" she broke off for a moment and muttered something low that Shadow didn't catch, then continued on slightly more slowly, "Damage is minor and you can fix it regardless, then I do not mind." Shadow nodded slowly.

"If you're certain." She watched as Amy led Microshift out of the room, issuing commands to him- probably related to medical stuff, from how it sounded- while Kelme and Johnson followed. Bad Faith strolled uncaringly out of the room a few seconds later in her skintight bodysuit, with Mann and Walter trailing behind.

Making good on her mental promise, Shadow sniffed the air. The two troopers entering seemed a little worried, as did Bad Faith, but for the most part the Parahuman seemed reasonably confident about the situation.

A few seconds after the door had closed, Amy taking a hold on Bad Faith's wrist, the worry of the two troopers abruptly began increasing quickly, making the two of them scan around the room with jerky movements.


The bark once again caused all three of them to shudder, Bad Faith nearly falling to the floor before she stabilised herself, using Amy's shoulder as an impromptu crutch.

"My apologies." She mumbled, closing her eyes. Shadow quickly trotted over and gave her another Heal Pulse, helping to solve the issue and gaining a grateful look in return. "Thank you, Mademoiselle. I had underestimated how bad the effects of that backlash might be."

"You're alright though, right?" Shadow checked, holding her paw a little way away in case she needed to Heal Pulse again.

"Oui, I am fine." She nodded, reaching down to take the still-outstretched paw. "You are doing good work here, Mademoiselle Shadow. I believe this will be something I am quite interested in following."

Shadow smiled back. "I hope it does end up that way." Amy walked with Bad Faith towards the door again, giving her the same instructions that she'd given Microshift, and Shadow scratched behind her ear as she waited for her healer friend to return with the last person to test on.

"Hi there." Ursa Aurora smiled kindly from behind her mask. "Nice to meet you, Shadow."

"Nice to meet you too, ma'am." Shadow grinned widely. "Thanks for helping out with this. Are you sure you want to do this? With the backlash on the others…"

"It didn't hurt anyone but the human Masters, so I'm pretty sure that the chances are I'll be fine." The Cape shrugged. "Besides, it's better to know in the end whether or not your power works on the complete set, and I'm not above getting hurt to prove something like this."

Shadow snorted. "If you're sure." Both looked up at the window as Amy came and placed her hand on the Cape's proffered arm.

"You can proceed whenever, you two." Dragon stated.

"Thanks." Ursa Aurora nodded, then visibly focused for a moment, three purple bears coming into existence, forming a three point defensive position around the Cape.

They were slightly cloudy, with little white spots in them like stars, and Shadow spent a moment admiring them before snapping out a bark.

The first bear, the one closest to her, popped instantly. The one on the left, slightly further away, went indistinct and misty- incorporeal, almost, like Milliant when she decided to start passing through walls in Dungeons to act as scout- while the third one did nothing at all, just sitting there unresponsively.

"Huh." Shadow murmured, looking at them. Curiously, she went over and poked the incorporeal one, watching it ripple around her paw. "That's... new. Wonder if it's a Ghost?"

"It feels rather strange." Ursa Aurora commented, a furtive look on what she could see of her face and confusion in her scent. "I can half-feel one of them, like my power isn't quite sure it's really there."

"Your power kinda flickered when Shadow's power hit you, and now it seems to be doing... something...?" Amy frowned heavily, then lifted her other hand to her forehead. "I have no idea what's happening there, because it's making my head hurt."

"Should I try again?"

"Go ahead." Ursa Aurora shrugged. "I'm curious as to what'd happen."

Amy just shot a look at the window.

"You might as well." Dragon agreed. Shadow took this as a go-ahead, shouting out another bark.

The incorporeal bear promptly popped, while the remaining one went see-through. Amy, being the closest of them, poked it, and watched as her hand sank somewhat into it before rebounding off.

"That's different to what happened to me." Shadow pointed out, trotting over and pressing her paw in. The bear's form melded around her paw, not letting her push as much as the other did, but not forcing her away. "I wonder how come you got forced out? And why this one still seems more solid than the other one did."

"It being more solid could potentially be a side effect of it being further away from you." Miss Militia suggested over the intercom. "For the reflection thing, however... I have no idea."

"It would be interesting to push the limits of, however."
Armsmaster put in, in the tones of someone thinking hard.

She heard Eon next, which surprised her. She hadn't realised he had access to the intercoms. Maybe Miss Militia was letting him use hers? "While that would certainly be fascinating to test, from the point of view of seeing what sort of things cause other reactions, that should really be pushed to one side for now, given that this is Master testing." He let that sit for a moment, then continued, "Of course, given that, the question really ought to be about why Shadow got this result at all."

"Is it possible that you're not really a Master?" Shadow asked the Cape, who was looking down at her bear with a curious and confused expression. "I know there's other classifications that can make stuff appear, like how Amy's cousins are a Shaker for their shields, so could it be something like that?"

"As far as I know, your ability doesn't affect shields." Amy agreed, nodding slowly. "Though we haven't really tested that properly." Shadow almost blinked in confusion, but suppressed that urge for a moment, instead thinking hard about when she'd healed a person through one of Eric or Crystal Pelham's shields. "Maybe with Shakers, it just ignores it, and with Masters it destroys projections, so when it hit something between the two it got confused and tried to do both, which is why one popped, one didn't do anything, and the other went halfway?"

They all contemplated that for a moment.

"That makes way too much sense." Ursa Aurora admitted, sighing. "Well, looks like I'm going through power testing again when I get home, just to see if there's anything else we managed to miss. Fun." Curiously, she reached out and touched the remaining star-bear, watching as her hand sunk into it for a moment before being repelled. "Also should see if I can do this on command. And if they can pass through stuff."

"Good luck figuring that out." Shadow said. "And I'm sorry if this causes you more work." The Cape snorted.

"Don't worry about it, Shadow. It's interesting, and having something new to figure out with my powers should be an interesting time waster for when I'm not patrolling." Releasing herself from Amy's grasp, she knelt down to shake Shadow's paw, smiling. "Thanks for the new pastime, I guess, and good luck."

"Thanks, and you too." Shadow returned the smile, balancing on three paws for a moment to shake her hand, tails wagging. "Hopefully it goes well for you."

The three of them made their way back to the door, Shadow lifting her bag with Extrasensory as she passed, and both healers promptly found themselves flanked by Eon and Swarm.

"Would you like to test the immunity Swarm has, or are we going to leave that?" Eon asked, from his position to the right and slightly behind Shadow. Miss Militia, Armsmaster and Director Piggot traded looks, then the Director sighed.

"I suppose we ought to, if Shadow and Swarm are ok with that." She turned to the two, who swapped their own looks and nodded together.

"Might as well. Next room, then?" Swarm nodded again, reaching out and pushing the door open, letting the healers walk through first, Amy glancing back down at Shadow and rolling her eyes. A number of spiders made their way out of her hair and costume as they went further in, Swarm's scent covering them and smelling slightly nervous.



Amy placed her hand on Swarm's arm, in the small gap between her sleeve and glove. "Ready."

"We're ready too." Dragon confirmed. Focusing for moment, Shadow snapped out a healing pulse, hoping she wouldn't have to deal with irritated spiders and other bugs swarming them.

Nothing happened.

Blinking, Shadow nosed the nearest bug. She'd... somewhat expected nothing to happen, but at the same time it was surprising to see.

"No change at all." Amy reported. "Absolutely nothing. No change to the Corona's, no sudden case of shock or whatever, nothing at all."

"Good to know you're safe, then." Shadow sighed, as they made their way out of the room again. Not that we didn't know that anyway, but having confirmation is good.

"Always good to confirm." Swarm agreed, so quickly that it made Shadow do a double take, did I say that out loud? She could smell the smirk on Swarm's face, and sighed softly. If I did, then not much we can do about it, I suppose. Just have to hope for the best. Though I should probably pay more attention to things.

"I suppose that's everything, then." Eon said decisively, taking his place with the rest of the team.

"Yes, I think we're done here." Director Piggot agreed. "We know that Shadow can break Master effects now, admittedly with some backlash to human Masters."

"We'll likely want to talk to you again fairly soon." Miss Militia added. "If we passed on a message through Lady Photon, would that be workable?" Shadow, Eon and Amy swapped glances, then nodded.

"That would be fine." Eon replied. "Thank you all for your time." Easily the three Inari members gave a bow, Eon a little deeper than Swarm and Shadow a little deeper than Eon.

Again the entire room seemed confused- except for Amy, who'd probably been filled in by Vicky- and Miss Militia spoke. "Thank you for your time as well. Not all Independents would be willing to come in for power testing like this. Let me show you all the way out."

Swarm followed her out, and Shadow let Amy go in front of her before trailing along with Eon behind. As the door closed, she could vaguely hear Director Piggot start talking; thanking the Masters and the PRT volunteers for their help, and mentioning something about a Chief Director.

"Shadow," Miss Militia said, drawing her attention back up, "It's likely after this that the Chief Director is going to try and get you to some of the Simurgh quarantine zones, to see if you can break the Master effects there too. I don't know how much you know about those, but..."

"I know enough to know that it would be an incredible thing to do, Miss Militia." Shadow replied softly. "All of those people are trapped there, just out of fear for what might happen. If I'm able to free them- even if I can only free one zone of them for now- then it's absolutely worth it." She could tell that Miss Militia was giving her a funny look, even just mentally, and didn't care. She was a Rescue Pokemon, after all, so she'd do her best to help people in need, even if they weren't the people she normally worked for... or with.

"Yes, well." Miss Militia coughed. "The Chief Director will be informed of the results of today, and we'll pass a message on to Lady Photon if she arranges you transportation to a containment zone."

Eon and Shadow swapped a look- I don't like the sound of that 'if'...- but nodded. "Thank you, Miss Militia." As they were starting to reach the door, they went quiet for a moment.

"I'd like to ask that all of you keep what happened here today quiet." She requested lowly. "Since we have no idea what'll happen next with this, and we don't want the chance of someone trying to attack you if they hear that you're planning to try breaking the Simurgh's control."

Amy stiffened, breathing, "The Fallen..." Shadow resolved to check with Swarm who that was, but she got the point; bad guys, don't want them near us.

"Exactly." Miss Militia nodded, seeming nervous. "So we really don't want this leaking out, at least not yet. We'll have pretty much no chance of containing it once the first few trips have happened, but we can keep it quiet for now at least."

"Which is a good idea." Swarm muttered. "We'll keep it quiet, ma'am."

"Good." Opening the door, she said, slightly louder, "Thank you for your help today, Panacea, Shadow."

"No problem, Miss Militia." Amy replied. Shadow just nodded in agreement, not certain what was going on but pretty sure it was some kind of politics thing. "If you need us for anything again, just call."

"We'll be certain to." The Cape smiled. "Stay safe."

"And you, ma'am." Shadow smiled in return, then followed Eon away as the door closed, the Ninetales taking point this time. Amy walked at Shadow's side, ignoring the people pointing at them from the rest of the lobby, and sighed once they were outside.

"God, there was so much politics there I don't even know..." she grumbled. "I take it you understood most of that?"

"Yeah." Eon nodded. "Swarm can probably fill us in on the rest." Their insect controller nodded silently.

"Great." Amy pulled out her phone, glancing at it. "Well, it's just after twenty to, that didn't take all that long at all, anything you fancy doing to waste some time or are you going straight out?"

"I have money if you and Vicky want food, or at least a drink of something." Eon offered.

"There's a nice enough coffee shop just down the road." Amy told them. "I'll call Vicky to tell her, then text Mark."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Shadow grinned, finally relaxing. There'd been a lot of pressure there not to mess it up, for both her team and the people on Earth Bet, and she was glad that she hadn't. "Eon, can we have cake as well?"

He chuckled, patting her gently in the head. "Yes, Shadow, we can have cake. Just don't eat too much, alright? Your mother would give me hell if she learned that we were using this mission as an excuse to eat lots of sugary things."

"What, is your mom a dentist or something Shadow?" Swarm chuckled.

"Nah, but Mama knows I tend to get... a bit uncontrollable when I have a lot of sugar." Shadow admitted. "So Eon's supposed to make sure I don't have too much so I don't start being silly."

"As you can tell, I've been failing miserably at that. Mostly because Shadow's silly anyway." Eon snarked, tapping her side. "But I can at least keep her from being too hyped up on sugar while we're here."

Shadow smirked. "You can try, sure. Will you succeed is another matter."

Amy chuckled. "You two sound like you have a great time dealing with that."

"Oh, it's a great time." Eon sighed. "Especially since I can't just heal her and stop her being so bouncy. Not good enough to do that yet."

"I'm sure we'll manage." Amy said dryly. "Anyway, Vicky's on the way, she's just finishing up in a shop, and Mark says that it's fine, so as soon as she gets here we can all head to that coffee place."

"Vicky knows where the shop is, right?" Shadow checked, to a nod. "We could start heading there now then, and Vicky could meet us there."

"Good idea." Amy murmured, typing rapidly. Her phone flickered in response a few moments later, and she nodded again. "She'll see us there when she's done."

"Excellent." Shadow grinned. "Lead the way, Amy!"

The brunette healer chuckled as well, then started down the road, ignoring the photo's occasionally being taken and the fact that Eon and Swarm were once again protectively flanking the two of them.

Just in case, of course.

"So," Emily Piggot sighed, looking around the meeting room. "Now that's done, what do we think?"

Hannah frowned, rubbing her eyes tiredly. It had been several hours since the power testing, and the visiting Parahumans had all been shipped off to their respective home bases. The last one, Ursa Aurora, had left nearly half an hour before, having stuck around to make sure everyone else left safely and possibly just to delay her inevitable meeting with the power testers once she got back to New York.

Hannah couldn't blame her, those people were mad when they got insulted, and being told by some random team that they'd gotten something wrong was a brilliant way to get them riled up.

"I think Shadow has the possibility to be the scariest and most useful member of that entire team." She finally sighed, after rolling the question around her mind for a minute. "Scariest, in that if she can mess with Masters, what else could she manage to do? Most useful in that she can apparently teach how to do that... which kind of links to the scary, I suppose."

"Given that Swarm hasn't suddenly shown any sign of telekinesis, pyrokinesis, or magical bullshit healing, I'm going to hope that those two are limited to teaching each other." Emily muttered, scribbling something in the margin of whatever she was looking at. "Anything related to what just happened?"

"The ability to break human Master effects is impressive, and very efficient." Colin said easily, paying more attention to the tablet in front of him than the conversation. "It would be very useful if we were able to leverage it into being used on people suspected to be Mastered."

Hannah sent him a slightly irritated glance, rolling her eyes. "Of course, there's no guarantee that it'll work on any of the Simurgh's victims, even if it does work on normal Masters."

"But at the minute, it's the best chance we've got." Emily grumbled, dipping her voice further and adding under her breath, "Unless some Tinker manages to figure out a device to find Master effects of something."

Automatically, Hannah glanced at Colin, making sure he hadn't heard. The man was bad enough with his normal Tinker projects, they didn't need him getting more ideas that'd take up more of his time and their budget. From Emily's normal mutterings, it was bad enough.

Luckily, the man was still absorbed in the tablet, so she relaxed a little and smiled at Emily. "At least it's an option, though."

"Yeah, an option." She snorted. "An option that relies entirely on the goodwill of a random team of Independents. In Brockton Bay." Making another mark on the page before her, she sighed heavily. "Fuck it. I'll wait for the power testers to get their report done, add my own stuff to it, then send that to the Chief Director. She wanted it fast, after all."

The Director seemed incredibly tired and honestly fed up with the entire situation.

"I can write up my impressions on it all too, if you want." Hannah offered.

"Thank you, Hannah. That would be helpful. Colin, could you do so as well?"

The man looked up, seeming a little irritated, so Hannah added, "It would be more efficient for the Chief Director to have all of the impressions of the situation in one place, rather than having to chase them all up."

Colin closed his mouth, looking thoughtful, and Emily shot Hannah a thankful look as the woman smirked slightly. After working with Colin for so long, she knew how the man worked. Just mention that something would make something else more efficient, and he'd usually bend- or at least think about it seriously.

"Very well." He nodded. "I will endeavour to have my impressions on the power testing to you within an hour."

"Thank you, Colin. You both may go." Emily gave Hannah another grateful look as the Tinker left the room, securing his helmet as he did, and she nodded back as she pulled up her mask and left after him.

That entire power testing had been very interesting, and she thought she'd need to think very carefully about what her impressions of it were.
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Exchange Of Psychic Might
I kind of promised to post this… long time ago. So here it is. Pretty much an omake, where MewTwo shows up to The Simurgh fight, and the end result ends up with a pretty grim realization. For Earth-Bet that is. Feel free to point out any mistakes, or potential changes.

Omake: Exchange Of Psychic Might

Earth-Bet parahuman population knows this drill to this point well. They gather for Endbringer fights, many of them die, many times they lose to protect their objective, and they move on. It's a very grim representation how this looks like, but this is how it is.

Something changed since last time. True, some fights ended up with fewer casualties than expected, but they always left that feeling of helplessness. Resignation. Lack of hope. But with two new unexpected players, last time it changed. Eon and Shadow... had the potential to change the situation. And from what they gathered together, there was more of them. And come from a world where creatures, no people is a more polite terminology, come from. Maybe if they had access to their resources as well humanity could start fighting back.

Legend sighed inside his mind. He was tired, and kind of helpless these days. But the ray of hope showed up, and this time hopefully something would change for the better again.

If it was possible that is. They were about to confront The Simurgh. The worst one of them all. Someone who specialized in destroying hope. The Hope Killer.

But something was off this time around. Although with The Simurgh of all options this was pretty much the default feeling. You couldn't outsmart, or out predict her. It was her, or rather, its bread and butter. Perfect precog. Maybe…

No, they needed to fight till the end. Their duty. But seeing The Hope Killer being here instead of Behemoth, which according to their own schedule should be the one they needed to confront in New Delhi, screamed a warning in his head.

"It has been a while, Legend. Although I wish we would meet in less grim circumstances." The smooth, and calm voice of silver furred kitsune break out Legend out of his thoughts, and he sent him his trademark polite smile. Even if he wished to simply sigh, and return to his husband.

"It's nice to meet you as well Eon. And you two Shadow, Swarm."

Swarm calmly nodded, while Shadow with her pretty characteristic cheerful smile, greeted him as well. Legend suspected she wanted to add more, but the overall pretty grim atmosphere made even her hold back for a bit. There wasn't a lot of time left, so he was about to start his speech when few meters away a portal opened up.

"Hoopla sent us some help! At last"

"Hoopa." Exasperated, but also clearly happy with the situation, answered the young kitsune protege. Although when he noticed who left the portal, Eon bowed his head slightly, in a clear show of respect.

Which brought interesting reactions out of some people. Lung one the most noticeable, someone who again decided to participate in Endbringer fight, when previously he never did. Wariness, worry, and some shock were pretty clear in his body language. Reports mentioned that Lung deeply respected Eon and Shadow, most likely based on the myth they both represented or picked on purpose to give them some advantage. So in this case, if someone he respected, showed the same kind of attention to someone they considered very likely their superior, it was a pretty worrying sight by itself. Or it could be an edge they so desperately needed for this confrontation. Although at this point it was clear Eon and Shadow are genuine in their help, so it should be at least one less worry to think about.

Eon, Shadow, and… Swarm. It's nice to meet you. And you as well, ladies and gentlemen.

Some surprised looks and nervous reactions were understandable. Because the sudden feeling of hearing voices in your head was very unnerving. Telepathy was supposed to be one of the things parahumans should never have access to, and this being clearly proved otherwise. Eon, in return, smiled politely, and greeted most likely one of his superiors?
"It's nice to see you as well, MewTwo, sir." He calmly stated back, while continued. "Also… people aren't used to telepathy in these parts, as the only being suspected of using it in this world is the opponent we are about to fight."

Apologies. But this is the only way I can communicate. I'm a mute otherwise. Anyway, I promise to not do anything aggressive with it. Also no need to be so formal Eon. We're comrades. I'm simply a MewTwo between us.

"It's alright. It simply startled us, Mr. MewTwo. We are glad that you showed up to assist us in the incoming confrontation." Legend interrupted, as the one who always brought out hope, and peace to people in tense situations.

There was simply… something unnerving about this being. The alien look, very confident, above us kind of body language if it made sense. MewTwo radiated power and unshakable confidence. But it was also clear from his experience that a very clearly powerful telepath was a very hardened battle veteran. His body language screamed it to everyone around, and something in his look… sent goosebumps in his spine. It was a worrying feeling, as he was a hardened veteran himself. Fear is something he still knew well but never allowed it to affect him in the end.

No worries, I know The Simurgh is supposed to be a very powerful telepath, and telekinetic, so sending someone like me only makes sense. Plus I wanted to meet your new teammate as well. It's nice to meet you, Swarm.

"It's nice to meet you as well MewTwo. Eon and Shadow had lots of good world about your world, and one day I would love to visit it." Swarm greeted MewTwo back, the most relaxed, and confident of them all. In a way, he was envious of how easily she adapted. Or rather how she never felt uncomfortable with this presence. Legend guessed that this is how much she trusted Eon and Shadow. And anything connected to their world. Plus their PRT files have mentioned that she is supposed to be a pretty confident, and calm one. This also brought to him a realization about his own teammates… and it wasn't a nice feeling.

I know they have lots of good things to tell about you. And it's good to see how much they trust, and they trust you in return. In our organization, we always appreciated this kind of deep camaraderie. And it's good to see you working with us so well.

Swarm straightened her back and rose her chin up a bit, clearly satisfied with the praise, with the way her body language suggested. He wasn't as good as Rebecca at reading it, obviously, but he was pretty experienced in reading other people as well.

He observed everyone around, and there were a lot fewer nervous reactions around than he expected at this point. MewTwo proved himself to be a pretty reasonable, and calm individual, which affected everyone. Although when a flash of anger, that he barely missed, showed up on MewTwo's face when his look dropped on Alexandria and Eidolon, left him worried.

He floated calmly and levitated in front of us. David and Rebecca stiffened slightly but didn't react. Legend also noticed how David's fists… clenched, but he in the end didn't react. MewTwo was a very unnerving presence, alright.

Only four of us may hear my voice now.

The voice in the head sounded calm, but there was… a dangerous edge that brought out that earlier feeling of alarm, danger.

I will keep it short. I see what you represent Cauldron employees. Sigh… yet another hidden organization with hidden, questionable methods. And I find some of your methods… repulsive.

How dare you…

I dare, Eidolon because, in the end, this is a dangerous world. I was sent here to both help it out, but also protect some of my subordinates. And I see that you, as humans say, hide lots of skeletons in your closet. I don't like it. You see… humans created me, to use me as a superweapon, to satisfy their lust for domination. It REALLY offended me on a personal level. I made them pay a heavy price for their impertinence. Permanent one.

Legend slowly realized what they deal with, and with hesitation wanted to prepare for something aggressive, but Mewtwo raised his hand slowly in his direction, clearly not bothered with any potential hostile answer.

No worries, Legend. You knew about them, but still have no idea what they really did. And you will be there for the incoming discussion, which we will have. Whether they like it or not.

I don't think this is the best way to convince us to do it.

It's not, Rebecca Costa-Brown. And I read it from the mind of your… comrade. Strangely I can't read yours, which is fascinating by itself. It's like a static, a void, I simply can't get into. Maybe with time, I would be able to, but I'm here to also play a peacemaker.

You don't do the best job clearly.

I'm not… the most diplomatic sort, really, Eidolon. But if something out there is powerful enough to threaten the safety of the world I come from as well, then I will do what is necessary to protect it. No matter what. And many of your actions offend me on a personal level.

"The Simurgh incoming!"

MewTwo quickly turned around, floated in the air, and summoned a massive… spoon, that suddenly released a massive amount of energy, that turned into a barrier made of something resembling a hard light. A massive building struck it with no visible effect. And the unnerving presence of Hope Killer was strangely… static, unmoving. Like she tried to find something in us, in our souls. The Simurgh was also such an unnerving opponent to face.

"I apologize for MewTwo. He is deep down a good person, but can be… intense at times."

"It's alright Eon. MewTwo simply exchanged some pleasantries with us." Eon raised his eyebrow slightly but quickly return to his position, preparing something for the incoming battle. Even if something told him, that something big was coming. Something that would change the situation. Not sure if for better or for worse.


MewTwo, behind the barrier, stared at the opponent with a cool, calm gaze. He was still angry, but it wasn't the time for it. Powerful Pokemon casually blocked the first strike, although it surprised him that something with such a powerful psychic might bothered to do it with a building, instead of doing something personally.

Because he needed to admit it, it's been ages since he faced something that strong. Building cracked on his barrier, but what surprised him that in fact, some cracks followed the impact. Powerful telekinetic force, although he had a feeling The Simurgh was holding back. Just like himself to be fair, but he actually cares about collateral damage, and the potential impact of a fight escalating to the level both of them could go into.

But The Simurgh should not have any reasons to hold back. Especially with her pretty grim reputation. And there was something off here. MewTwo could read her thoughts, but they felt… fake. No, it wasn't the right word. They felt artificial.

Ah, clearly a genderless type. Or something similar to it. Some Pokemon like Melmetal or Bronzong felt similar on a telepathic level. They were clearly sapient, but there was something, that held them back from presenting things like emotional impact or empathy, more biological creatures are capable of showing.

But they still presented some sort of… living body language. Some genuine reactions, hidden microexpressions, clearly defined complex thoughts. MewTwo felt nothing like this here. Even something like a Genesect felt more natural. The Simurgh felt like a… robot. Something far more, and less complex than AI. Both far bigger, and smaller. Simurgh had her own agenda, he felt it, but couldn't clearly express it. Like being… shackled, imprisoned, if it made sense.


Interesting. She could communicate with him. What an interesting way to do it. One word, and could express so many things at once. Fascinating…

Do you understand me?


Even more interesting. So it was possible to be talked and reasoned with. Hopefully. But why was she acting this way? Why did she stop after the first attack? Or it was because… MewTwo needed some confirmation.

Why are you attacking? What is your objective?


Programming? Was she forced into it? Was it a ruse? She clearly tried to penetrate his current defenses, and on a telekinetic level, he felt the air around them 'cracking' them, clearly showing the exchange. And she wasn't doing it, MewTwo felt that being completely on defense would be a bad idea. More cracks showed up on the barrier, and it felt like… she was trying to resist? No, it was a bit too liberate, too calculated. Were his instincts wrong?


MewTwo was about to reinforce the barrier when Eidolon showed up and used some unknown green… wave of power almost hit the Simurgh, but she dodged it without issues.

When he wanted to join the fight, Legend showed up near him.

"What's going in? Why was she so passive?"

I can communicate with her, telepathically.

The shocked look on his face and more tense body language on Alexandria's were visible to someone with senses as sharp as his, even if she tried to hide it.

"What did she say." No nonsense voice of Alexandria instantly made MewTwo report back. This wasn't the time for idle chit chat after all.

She doesn't feel alive, and somewhat she is. Her language is very basic, and yet complex. A creature of contradictions. But mentioned 'programming'. Like she was designed for… this.

"Someone… created her. Are you certain?" Rebecca's voice echoed around, and he nodded.

I suspect you think that someone created her, like those people you call tinkers. Impossible. She's too complex of a creature, this I know. I can't read her fully, and she can't do it to me as well. It's a psychic impasse. Something far more… deadly. Powerful, like a god. But why would someone do it like this, and why leave such… limited instructions? Why not keep her going for as long as possible?

Legend gulped because those questions were pretty spot on. Why Endbringers attacked periodically, and why they bothered to stop? If they wanted to simply… destroy, no one could stop them.

MewTwo realized it as well. Unless… an error showed up in programming. That something hijacked the connection? Was it possible?

Future Sight…

Vision blurred. An incredible confrontation started to shatter everything around. Many Pokemon, and parahumans fought valiantly together. Massive Golden Man called Scion with a look of raw fury tried to blast everything around. Some blocked, some fell under his might. When Eidolon showed up, and wanted to attack him, Scion simply stated, with that deep voice, and possibly for the first time ever used something resembling human speech.

You Needed Worthy Opponents.

MewTwo opened his eyes again, and with a realization, his eyes moved towards Eidolon, who was smacked back towards yet another building. The Simurgh for the first time in that battle smiled. It was both strangely genuine, and do unnatural on a being infamous for such cruelty. Was that… the answer? Was his Future Sight wrong? Could he… risk not acting on it? Was he played? Did he… underestimate her?

"What's going on?" He ignored the voice of Legend and instantly teleported towards the Eidolon. He… felt it. Something dimensionally displaced. Just visible enough for him to detect. Hoopa or Palkia would be better for this kind of job, but he learned enough from observing them know how to use his telekinesis to affect things dimensionally in some limited fashion. But the telekinetic component was also there, something MewTwo was really good with instead.

Eidolon slowly stood up, and with anger, and surprise turned to MewTwo.

I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. You really had no idea. That you and Endbringers were connected to each other. Sleep well.

With a thought, MewTwo released his trademark Psystrike, almost invisible, towards the hero who could summon any power, and like that he dropped unconscious. When he turned around, Simurgh simply stopped, and a few seconds later started to fly up, clearly moving towards outer space. Unchained. And possibly free. When a very familiar portal opened up in the sky and disappeared most likely in his home dimension… everything turned into an uproar.

Shouts, accusations, happy thoughts, uproar, shock, and several other reactions almost bombarded his mind, but he ignored them. Because this mess was about to become that much more complicated...
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Chapter 24- Results, negotiations, and rambling
May 25th​, 2011. Wednesday.

Rebecca yawned slightly as she settled herself at her desk, sipping slowly at her coffee and wishing that her powers made it unnecessary for her to sleep or something. It'd really help in this job. She grumbled to herself. There aren't many times I envy Miss Militia, working in Brockton Bay and all, but her not needing sleep is most definitely one of those times. Shaking her head and imagining all of the work she could get done if she didn't need to sleep, the Chief Director started looking through her emails, trying to figure out what she needed to deal with immediately versus what could be left alone for a while.

Funding request, that can wait a bit, there's a few meeting requests that can wait a while as well, updated threat reports for the twins in New Orleans that's been sent along, a power testing report from… the Protectorate ENE… in Brockton Bay? Rebecca stared at it for a minute over her coffee, trying to figure out why she was getting an email for a power testing from Brockton Bay. As far as she knew, there hadn't been any new Capes recruited in Brockton Bay recently, though she had to admit that with the recent situation with Leviathan she wouldn't be too surprised to have a few new Triggers being picked up. The city was in very good shape, though, compared to most of the places targeted by the Endbringer, so maybe not.

Shrugging, she sipped her coffee and moved to delete the email, since there wasn't any reason to read over a power testing report personally- that's what she had deputies for, after all- at which point the caffeine suddenly hit her system and let her brain remind her of what she'd set up for the previous day.

Forcing herself not to spit out her drink, resulting in an awkward half-choking sound followed by a lot of coughing, she took a moment to recover and wave off her concerned secretary who'd popped her head in at the sound of coughing. Once she'd assured the woman that everything was fine, and she didn't need any help, she went back to the computer and opened the email, putting the coffee down on her desk as she did.

Reading over the summarised version of the events in the beginning of the email, she raised an eyebrow, then opened the document from the power testers and analysts that'd been hidden in a side room observing everything and scanned over that as well.

"Very interesting." She murmured, tapping her fingers on the desk. "At least, it is in some ways." The majority of the information wasn't incredibly interesting, really. The effects on the animals were expected, but the fact that the disruption of the Master effect made them turn rather hostile was curious, simply from the fact that the Mastered animal wasn't reacting badly to the Master.

It made her wonder what exactly the effects of the Masters really was, as well as pale slightly when she realised just how horrifying it could've been if Swarm had lost control of her bugs during any of the times where Shadow was healing with her nearby, but she shook her head, made a note of it, and continued on reading.

She hadn't expected anything to happen with the puppets, and luckily they hadn't suddenly decided to come to life or something, but the backlash that the human Masters had suffered when Shadow had hit them with her ability was both intriguing and worrying. Intriguing in that the healing power, which Shadow had always said had no offensive capabilities at all, would suddenly hurt a person like that apparently as a side effect, and worrying for almost the exact same reason.

After all, if human Masters ended up suffering from a backlash from an effect only there for a few seconds, then what would a Master effect that'd been sitting there for months, even years, do to the Simurgh when it failed?

Shuddering again, as well as paling slightly further, she shook her head. No use thinking about it, really. Piggot knows, Miss Militia knows, Armsmaster knows, there's a number of Masters who know, and Paul's going to know the second Aurora decides to start mentioning it, assuming he hasn't already heard of everything from before this entire thing went down. I'm going to have to sort out something involving the Simurgh containment zones simply because of that, unless I'm somehow able to persuade Paul that it'd be a horrible idea to do it in case it annoys the Simurgh.

A stray thought hit her as she moved to go back to her reading, making her smile. Maybe Shadow could do so much damage to the Simurgh in backlash that she'll be destroyed or something before her next attack. That'd be one way to deal with an Endbringer… Glancing once again over the document, she frowned a little as she reread the information on Aurora. The effect Shadow had on her was interesting as well. She's not a Master, or at least not solely one, which means the power testers screwed something up there. Which is just great, and given that Shadow figured that out probably means that we're indebted to them a little more, but at least Aurora can figure out some of this stuff on her own before the power testing, which should make things a little easier on that front. It also means Inari has yet another person they can call on if they want help with something or putting pressure on the PRT for whatever reason, which is less good for us. Still, Shadow's interaction with her power was very interesting, if simply to see how Shadow's powers interact with the ones the Entities give out.

Unlike David, Rebecca's opinions were more in line with those of the Doctor's in that Shadow and Eon weren't lying about their origins being from outside of Earth Bet. After all, the Doctor and Contessa had both confirmed that they weren't Case 53's, plus the fact that they lacked the tattoos, and aside from a ridiculously extreme Changer ability combined with the worlds most terrifying grab bag on a level even David couldn't match there wasn't really another option.

She was pretty sure that that latter idea was why David had a problem with them, in the end, because they gave the impression of being far more powerful than him without much apparent effort, but she was also fairly certain that they couldn't be Capes. After all, they had a lot more power than any Cape she'd even seen, a lot more abilities than any aside from David, and were able to teach each other their abilities if the fact that Eon had learned to heal was any indication.

Plus, though she wouldn't admit it to anyone outside of her own head, the idea that whatever god might exist had suddenly decided to take interest in the world again and sent some help against Scion made her more hopeful about their chances than she'd been in a long time. Especially since both Eon and Shadow had managed to seriously damage Leviathan with their abilities.

So, until she was able to get more information out of Shadow or Eon, she was going to hope that the stories going around about them were true and they were actually some kind of god-beings from another world.

At least this way the aliens were on their side.

A final addendum noted that Eon had informed Miss Militia that he could also heal, but that hadn't been tested, as well as mentioning Swarm's apparent complete immunity to Shadow's ability, before the power testers ended their report with a request to get them back into power testing as soon as possible. Apparently the interactions were interesting, or something, and they wanted to see what else they could test.

Rebecca made a note of that fact for later, just in case it was something they could possibly follow up on in the future to find out more information about the team or the two kitsune, then read the parting message from Emily.

In my opinion it would be best to allow Shadow to make trips to the various Simurgh Containment Zones, beginning as soon as possible. A very high security level would be recommended, and I also suggest allowing either Eon or Swarm to travel with her to whatever zone she goes to, both as extra security and as reassurance to Team Inari.

Rebecca wasn't quite sure what a kitsune would need reassurance for, given that under the legends she knew Shadow was at least six hundred years old, but given the way she acted perhaps she was more inexperienced than any of them realised. She was definitely growing up quickly, though. Which was almost a sad thing, her worldview whenever she posted on PHO was both refreshing and amusing. Perhaps it was supposed to be reassurance for Swarm? All signs pointed to her being quite young, and very attached to her two team mates. If she was worried about her team mate going away like that, then knowing that Shadow was with Eon or being with her herself might keep her calm.

Making another note on the page next to her, as a prompt to remind her to bring someone else from Team Inari onto the trips, she closed the email and instead opened up an internal PRT document, one that listed all of the Simurgh Containment Zones in the world.

Hopefully she'd be able to set something up, she mused, starting to read.

Shadow shook her fur out with a yawn, trotting out of the Den.

"Ahh, the Sleeping Slakoth awakens." Eon said sarcastically, uncurling his tails and standing, leaving the woven pile of sticks and branches resting gently on one side.

"Hush, Eon." She rolled her eyes at him, the impact slightly decreased by another yawn. "I did a lot of healing yesterday, I'm still tired."

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I rested plenty, I was using berries to restore my Move power, so I'm fine. Just tired from everything that happened, that's all." She assured him, trotting over to sit next to him and examine the wooden thing. "What's this for?"

"Extra Berry crate." Eon explained, picking it back up with Extrasensory. A few more branches followed it and started working their way into the weave. "Figured you might want one, given that we're still rebuilding our stock from Leviathan. You especially."

"True." Shadow nodded, thinking about her Berry supply. While she'd been lucky enough that the rain from Leviathan hadn't washed any of the currently-growing Berry bushes away- the tree cover in the area and the small stream running through it taking most of the rain out of the way for her, the trenches the two of them had dug doing the rest, and there'd not been much rain there anyway with how far out of the city it was- there was still the problem of having used a fair few Max Elixirs and Leppa Berries to recover from healing almost constantly for a good half an hour, plus the time in the aftermath of the attack healing anyone else who was brought in by search and rescue after the battle. Plus, with the two weeks needed to make more Max Elixirs being one that needed a fair bit of watching over, though there were some very long periods where it could be left alone, she hadn't had the time to really sit there and make them.

Hopefully she'd have a bit of time soon, though given that she'd brought a good few hundred with her by raiding their stores and the town stores, then setting her team to start working in the normal groups to make more of them.

That was one of the nice things about Team Inari's setup. Three teams would be out on jobs for a given week, each with a healer. Three more teams would wait in the background, also with healers, in case something happened and someone in Inari's mission teams needed backup. The rest of the team did whatever; shopping, visiting family if they had any, tending to the Berry farm, move tutoring- either doing or getting the tutoring- occasionally some of the oldest and more powerful Pokemon would do smaller missions that only took a few hours in local dungeons for a little bit more money or to collect items, and a lot of them had worked with Shadow to provide what was basically twenty-four-seven oversight over making Max Elixirs. It was a bit ridiculous, and most of the Pokemon that did it with her were non combatants anyway- as much as you could be in a Rescue Team- but in the end it would have an absolute ton of Max Elixir made to be bottled, because you could have multiple batches running at once. It wasn't recommended to have less than three Pokemon working on one batch, so you could rotate out the amount of attention being paid it, so she split the groups into four a piece and went from there. Hopefully within a little while they'd've managed to replace everything she'd took from the storage and maybe started selling them to the Kecleon brothers again along with some Berries.

"I suppose we don't really need more Max Elixirs." Shadow hummed to herself. "If we're careful with what we've got, and mostly use the Leppa Berries we have rather than them, I think we'll be fine."

"We brought so many, I'm pretty sure we're alright." Eon chuckled, twisting the basket around to continue weaving.

"Plus I don't really have the time to make any more nowadays." She sighed. "I miss being at home with Inari. Swarm's great, and we're doing loads of good here so far I think, but I miss having an entire team I could command around to make sure we had enough items and stuff, and a bunch of Pokemon to work with making Max Elixirs when I'm not on missions with you."

"When we're not on mission rotation, you mean."

"Same thing, really."

Shadow chuckled a little, leaning into Eon's side and burrowing into the fur on his chest slightly. "I miss it, though. Even if we're doing a lot here, I miss our team and Team Fleetfoot and the others we work with. I miss getting to go shopping in the market and stuff and talking with the Kecleon about the shop. I miss doing missions in Dungeons where no-one can really get hurt. It's so risky here, you or Swarm could get hurt at any time and I already know I can't fix really big things."

Eon bumped his nose against the crest of fur on her head, letting the weaving still. "You can keep us safe until Amy gets there with Vicky, though. I won't say don't worry, because it's just a smart idea to worry when you're in a dangerous place, but I will say that you're good enough to manage to keep us safe if something goes wrong. Plus, well, if it's escalated to the point where one of us was seriously hurt, I expect the PRT would've noticed by then, and perhaps New Wave as well, so there'd be backup on the way."

"Still would prefer no one getting hurt at all…" She rumbled softly.

The two of them sat there for a minute, thinking, when the shrill sound of the phone ringing from the Den made them look over. Shadow forced herself to her feet and stumbled over, feeling a lot more tired all of a sudden, and pulled the phone out from its place with a tug of Extrasensory.

"Shadow speaking." She greeted, going back outside so Eon could listen to the conversation as well.

"Hello, Shadow." A gentle, slightly familiar voice came from the device. "This is Parian speaking."

"Oh! Hello, Parian, nice to hear from you." She smiled. "What's up?"

"Is Swarm with you at the moment? I'd like to speak to her."

"She's not about at the minute, but if you want me to I can pass a message along to her for you?"

"Oh, that works too. I was wondering if she'd be willing to drop by later? I'd like to negotiate a deal with her."

Shadow paused. Taylor still wasn't back at school, given that Winslow had managed to get completely swamped from the rain- nothing else had really affected it, but the rain itself had managed to seep in just about everywhere and wreck it, so it didn't look like the city was going to bother trying to rebuild it. Hopefully that'd mean Taylor would end up in a different school without the bullies, which would be nice. Or she'd persuade Danny to let her home school so she could patrol more. Either would be good, of course. But the bonus was that Taylor was pretty much always free at the moment, and Danny was willing to let her run about whenever they wanted. They were planning to patrol today, in fact, so they could probably spare a little time.

"Yeah, we can drop by while we're on patrol today." She told her. "Though I'm not sure exactly when that'll be…"

"That's no problem." Parian assured her. "I'll be in the shop pretty much all day today working on orders, just come in whenever you have a moment in your patrol."

"We'll be certain to." Shadow grinned. "See you then!" The Vulpix hung up without ceremony, then swapped a look with Eon.

"If you want to go get Taylor, that's fine by me." He said. "I'll be staying here to do more on this, thank you."

"Is that permission for the two of us to go out alone?" She asked cheekily. Eon thwapped her side with his tail in response, making her laugh and skip out of range, piling on an Agility and taking off towards Taylor's house.

Eon shook his head, going back to focusing on the Berry crate. Silly Vulpix. Of course I wouldn't be giving you permission to run off alone when someone has a deal to make with Swarm. Someone needs to be there to make sure things go well.

Knock. Knock.

"I'll get it!" Taylor called, pushing herself out of her chair. She was apparently in civilian clothes, but with her costume underneath that. Her mask was sitting in a pocket on the outfit, along with her phone, while some of the money she had plus a bunch of spider-silk bandages that she'd been making since Leviathan were in the costume's backpack.

It was a rather large backpack, luckily, plus everything could be compressed down a bit. The Epi-pens and the like were at the very top, in easy reach of the spiders, but there was still plenty of room for other things to go in as well if she needed to, assuming she didn't just store it in the Treasure Bag.

Opening the back door, she took a step back and to the left, behind the door, waited about five seconds, then closed the door again. "Hi Shadow."

"Hey Taylor." Shadow grinned, the illusion fading away as Taylor looked back. "Came to ask if you were ready to go patrolling?" She gave her a dubious look. "You don't look it."

Taylor smirked, lifting up the edge of her shirt to reveal her costume underneath. "This is just because I was sitting in the front room." She explained. "My mask's in my pocket. I'll just leave this in the Den when we get there, if that's ok?"

"Sure, no problem. Are you gonna say goodbye to your dad?"

"No need, I'm here." Danny announced, walking through the door. "Hello Shadow, good to see you recovered well from yesterday." Shadow blushed; they'd come back to her house to fill Danny in after their coffee appointment with New Wave, and even with the caffeine and sugar Shadow had been falling asleep in the seat she'd taken, with Eon practically carrying her back to the Den after they'd talked to Danny. "You stay safe, girls, and come back later if you want. We can talk more."

"We'll definitely have some stuff to talk about." Shadow promised, straightening. "We'll stop off at the Den on the way back to put stuff back and the like, but we'll be back to chat."

"Then have fun on patrol, and don't get hurt." He stepped forward, hugging Taylor- gently, to avoid any bugs- then patted Shadow's head.

"I doubt we will, there's still not many people wanting to mess about at the moment." Shadow reminded. "Someone might decide to kick up a fuss suddenly, sure, but we're still in the two weeks of silence after an attack, so it's not really likely."

"We are coming to the end of that, though, so we'll need to start looking out for proper trouble again soon." Taylor pointed out. "Plus there's always idiots around that cause problems and aren't with a gang."

"True." She nodded, remembering the number of small time muggers they'd run across. "Point is that we'll be careful, there's not much going on, and I can heal." Taylor opened the back door again, and Shadow took a moment to wrap both of them in invisibility before they headed out. "So I'm pretty sure we'll be fine together."

"Fair enough."

"Anyway! Parian called me a little bit ago, she wanted to know if you were free to stop by sometime. I said sure, we could do that while we're on patrol, and Eon says it's fine as well. Hopefully you don't mind?"

"It's ok. Do we need to be there at any particular time?"

"No, just whenever." Shadow told her. "We'll just walk about for a bit and pass by the shop, then we can drop in to talk to her."

"Right. I assume this is something to do with me selling her spider silk?"

"Probably, given that she wanted to talk to you."

"Excellent." Taylor grinned broadly, reaching into her trouser pocket to grab her mask as they crossed the road. She slipped it over her head, pulling her hair out of the back, and Shadow grinned up at her, knowing it was just a bit of extra security for in case something happened to her illusion while she was tired. "Do we have some of the sample bits at the Den?"

"I would've told you before we left if we didn't." Shadow promised. "There's a good couple of squares left in the box in the Den for us to take with us on patrol for you. We're obviously gonna stop at the Den first to pick up Eon, so we'll put that in your bag before we leave then make our way slowly towards Parian's shop."

"Alright." She glanced around behind the orange eyes. "Where is Eon, anyway?"

"Back at the Den. He's making another Berry basket for me, since the bushes are growing so well." Taylor snorted.

"Those trees are bullshit." She muttered. "I have no idea how you lot were able to maintain such a big farm back on your world without ending up overflowing with the things. Especially if they normally grow faster there than they do here."

Shadow's smile was a little bittersweet. "We tend to use a lot of them in Dungeons, simply from getting into fights. Heal Pulse and Heal Bell is for quick heals mostly, when we don't have much time between one fight and the next, or when people on the team are sleeping or something. Forced sleep tends to be hard to wake Pokemon up from unless it's done naturally or with a Move, so sometimes I Heal Bell to wake them up unless they're stirring themselves. Oran or Sitrus Berries are good for health boosts, and are actually better than Heal Pulse if the Pokemon are lower level. Pecha for poison, Rawst for burn, Cheri for paralysis, Chesto for sleep but it's a pain to eat unless you juice it, Aspear for freezing- don't ask how that works, because again it's mainly juicing it- and Persim helps with confusion." Shadow listed off. "They're also a good snack, of course, and since those ones grow in a day it's easy to resupply. Leppa increases Move Power, which is why I eat them when I'm getting tired, Lum cures any status at all, a day and two days normally. There's some Berries that lower the effectiveness of super-effective Moves when they're eaten; Eon or I could eat a Passho Berry and take less damage from a Water-type Move, but only the once. We need to eat more to get the effect again. There's some that're best eaten when you have low health that boost your stats to a higher point, but they tend to make you disorientated for a while after you eat them, kinda like coming down from an adrenaline rush. There's also a bunch of others that don't have any sort of battle effect, but they cook really nicely. I brought some of those along to grow and cook with, though I'm not sure what to make yet."

"Why not a pie or something?" Taylor asked, bringing the Vulpix out of her musings. "That might be good. Or a cake for New Wave to say thanks?"

"That's a good idea." Shadow nodded with a smile, shaking away the slight sadness that came with thinking about her home and team. "No-one would be allergic to anything, given that these either don't exist here or are basically just similar to yours, and I'm pretty sure humans eat them pretty often normally. A cake might be good, though I'd need a kitchen I can use."

"Make Eon float you around on a box or something so you can reach ok, and use Extrasensory to cook." She suggested. Shadow barked out a laugh.

"That'd work, totally. Mind if I use your kitchen when we have some time?"

"Check with Dad first, but I don't see why not."

"Probably should check with Eon too, if he's gonna be helping me." She added, as they got deep enough into the forest to drop the illusion completely. "I mean, bit rude to just rope him into it. Fancy helping with the cake?"

"Sure, why not." Taylor smiled behind the mask. "Mom and I used to bake cakes pretty often. Maybe I should pull out some of her old recipes… I think her book is on the shelf still, we can figure out what sort of things we can swap out for some of your Berries."

"This sounds like a multi day endeavour. I'm absolutely fine with that when we've got some time." Shadow nodded. "Eon's gonna get sick of holding me up to cook with you. And I'm gonna use so many Berries in this."

"Make sure you have enough to replant."

"It'll be pretty difficult not to, to be honest." She admitted. "I brought a couple dozen of each one we have access to, excluding some of the really, really rare ones we don't have many of, and only a couple of really important Gold and Silver ones that take forever to grow, but I don't cook with those ones anyway, because they're rare and valuable."

"Gold and Silver?"

"There's really rare Berry mutations that tend to mean the effects of the Berries are much greater. For the plain ones they just taste super nice, so I sometimes cook special things with them, but for the ones that boost stats it gives a super boost instead. Those are only for very special occasions, like if the mission we're hired for means we might be fighting a Legendary or something super powerful like that. The Gold and Silver versions of those boost Berries don't give as much of a backlash either, but they're so rare it's not even funny. Plant a seed from a Gold Maranga Berry, you're lucky to get a Gold and two Silver from the crop. Takes three days to grow, you're lucky to get eight out of it with a lot of care, and five of them are just normal. You get about three or four seeds per Gold, which is alright, it depends on the care of the bushes."

"Sounds like a pain." Taylor commented, sounding amused at her rambling. "You know a lot about these Berries though."

"I've been growing them for the last two years for the team, and we had a garden back home with Berries in it. Took a while to get all the Gold Berries we've collected, but with the careful care of some of the others we've managed to collect quite a few of the type we have, Maranga being one of those. We got lucky and got a Sitrus as well, and we have some Silver Pecha and Persim. I've been looking for some of Leppa for a long time now, but we've gotten unlucky."

"I'm surprised some of the ones you grow already haven't suddenly mutated into being Gold or Silver."

"So were we, but it's really rare that they mutate, so I think we're just not getting it." She shrugged. "We'll probably get there eventually."

"Fair enough." Walking a little further into the forest, the uncomfortable feeling of the repelling illusion rolled over them, making Taylor shiver a bit. "I still don't like that."

"It is weird, absolutely. We don't use them at home, but sometimes you find them in Dungeons hiding something. It's where the idea came from, I think, though it's possible that that Zoroark figured it out alone to hide something." Shadow shuddered a little. "I still don't like it very much, but it's handy."

"What is?" The voice of Eon called, making them both smile.

"Just your little repulsion trick." Taylor told him, pulling her mask up to her head for a moment to smile at him. "Hi, Eon."

"Hello, Taylor." The Ninetales came over to them, the Berry basket settling on the ground. "Ready to go?"

"I've got my costume on under this." She explained, seeing the slightly dubious look he was giving her. "I'll leave this outfit here and pick it up later."

"Ah, I see." Eon nodded. "There's some samples in the Den, by the way. On the shelf near the door."

"I'll grab those for you, Taylor." Shadow offered. Taylor, already starting to surround herself in a screen of bugs, nodded.

"Thanks, Shadow." The bugs completely surrounded her, and she quickly removed the civilian clothing she was wearing over her costume, carefully folding it before placing it on the ground to pull her mask back over her face. Picking up the clothes again, she brought the shroud of bugs down and walked to the storage place, putting them away. Turning back to her team mates, she noticed that Shadow had settled herself between Eon's paws, a couple of foot squares of silk floating before her. "I need a better way to make larger amounts of silk if we're doing this." She muttered, coming over.

"I'd say set up a massive weaving station here, but I think we're too far out of your range for you to be able to monitor them at home." Eon hummed.

"Way too far, yeah." She nodded. "But there's not really enough room at the house for a proper amount of spiders, and it'd be difficult to come here every day to feed them and stuff."

"Could you set it up so the spiders weave for a certain amount of time, like an hour or something, then they go and eat some flies, then go back to work?" Shadow suggested.

Swarm paused, thinking. "Maybe?" She mused, cocking her head. "It'd be a pretty complex instruction… I haven't done anything that complicated before with them, but it might be possible. I'd have to set it with a few spiders first, and make sure I'm not in range of them at all but also have someone monitoring them…"

"Set a few to do it when we get back from patrol tonight, maybe, then Shadow and I can keep an eye on them for a little while to see if it works." Eon put forward.

"Sure, that's a good idea."

"Off we go, then?" Shadow said, tilting her head. "I mean, faster we patrol and do our meeting and patrol more, the faster we get back here to test it out!"

Swarm and Eon laughed, the insect user taking the floating silk and putting it in her backpack, following her leader and second onto the patrol.
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Chapter 25- Crowds, business, and cooking
"Anything interesting going on, Swarm?" Shadow asked lowly, displacing the sound to almost right next to her ear. The insect controller, who was quietly watching the crowd around them, shook her head a little, tapping twice on the ground with the tip of her boot. Assured, Shadow went back to smiling at the group of children around her, slightly surprised that so many of them were around on a Wednesday morning. Maybe their school wasn't open yet?

"Can you make a fire?" One of them asked, a little girl standing next to a tall woman. The woman looked slightly startled at her daughter's request, as did a few of the other parents or guardians standing around, but all of the children looked excited. She chuckled, then nodded.

"If all of you step back, I can make a little fire for you to look at." She promised. "Don't touch it, though, it'll be a bit warm."

"Ok, Miss Shadow!" They all cheered, taking a couple of steps back. Eon carefully intervened with gentle Extrasensorys to keep any of them from tripping over each other, and Shadow focused for a moment. Fire ran along her fur for a moment, starting at her nose, and a small Will-O-Wisp burst from the tips of her tails, breaking off and orbiting her, waiting for a target.

The kids oohed and ahhed at it, and Shadow gave a slightly proud grin while they did. The creation of a Will-O-Wisp wasn't difficult in the slightest, it was one of the easier Fire Moves to channel- making it so it only burned and nothing else was the hard part- but running it over the entirety of her body before forming them at her tails was more difficult than it should be.

Looked cool, though. Probably added more power to the burn effect as well, actually, because it was being formed for longer. That sounded like something they should probably test when they got back home, since having a much stronger burn effect to apply with not much more focus- after some practise- sounded like something they should really do before heading into the Dungeons again.

She made a mental note to ask around for someone willing to help her test that when they were back, as let the kids admire the Will-O-Wisp for a minute more before blowing it out, halting the attack.

"That was pretty!"

"It was, wasn't it?" Shadow smiled gently. "Of course, it's dangerous too, but it still looks nice."

"As much fun as this is, I'm afraid we need to be going now." Eon stepped in, giving a slight smile of his own. "We've got a meeting to go to, Shadow."

"I guess you're right." She sighed. "Sorry, everyone."


"I know, I'm sorry, but meetings are important to go to." She stepped back, taking up Eon's flank while Swarm stepped into theirs, and the various parents began gathering their kids, moving out of the way of the trio. All three waved to the children as they passed, and pretended not to notice the number of cameras pointing at them.

"That was nice of you, Shadow." Swarm muttered, lowly enough that Eon and Shadow could barely hear her. Shadow wove together a displacement illusion again, and spoke quietly to both of them.

"It's not really much of a hardship, entertaining a few kids. We've had to do it a few times, actually, when kids end up being the targets of our Rescue Missions. Happens more often than it probably should, actually, but it means we have a fair bit of experience dealing with it." Shadow smiled. "Plus, it's pretty fun."

"For you, maybe." Eon rumbled, mimicking the illusion she had in place. "They like you. Me, not so much."

"It's because you're a Ninetales, and just about everyone ever knows you should be wary of Ninetales and their curses."

"Yes, as if we apply those at random." He hissed. Shadow nudged his side with her tails.

"Calm down, Eon. Some kids like you too, remember. You're sparkly."

"And you're bubbly, so Pokemon like you more."

Swarm chuckled. "Stop arguing, you two. We're nearly at Parian's shop now." Both vulpines grumbled lowly at her interruption, not really annoyed at all, and put on their 'serious' faces. Swarm took the lead of the group, given that it was her work they would be negotiating, and pushed open the door of the shop, listening to the bell jangling back and forth.

"Coming!" Parian's voice called from the back, and Inari walked further into the centre of the shop floor as the doll-like girl hurried to the counter. "Hi, how can I- oh, Team Inari!" The woman's voice went from professional to enthusiastic in the space of a second or so, and all three of them smiled at her.

"Hello, Parian." Swarm greeted. "Shadow mentioned that you called this morning, so we thought we'd come along and talk to you before we got into our patrol in earnest."

"Oh, thank you." The Cape gave an audible smile and took something from behind the counter before walking across and opening a gate. "Here, come on through to the back, we can talk in my workshop." Again Swarm led the way into the back room, Eon following and Shadow taking position in the back of the group.

The workroom was a mess of fabrics and scissors, dress dummies scattered around the room with half-finished projects on them. There was a single completed dress in the corner, a layered ruffled dress that Shadow thought looked very pretty, and needles and thread were laying on the table. One of them was threaded through some fabric, as if the dressmaker had been in the middle of her project when they'd come in. The sample of spider silk Swarm had left last time was also on the table, and Parian quickly pulled a few chairs out from a corner to offer to them.

"Sorry about the mess." She apologised hurriedly. "I've been working on a few things and wasn't really expecting you to come by so soon."

"It's fine." Shadow waved off, jumping up into the seat. "We did come pretty quickly, and it's not like we were expecting you to drop everything just because we showed up here."

"Still, I should probably have tidied up a little when I knew you were coming." She scratched at the back of her head, embarrassed. "Anyway, about the spider silk…"

"I have a few more samples for you, and it shouldn't take too long to make more, larger ones for you." Swarm told her. "I… have to admit that I'm not sure how much spider silk would normally go for, but to be honest it doesn't really matter much? I mean, it doesn't take too long to make the squares, so…" She half shrugged.

"I don't want you to feel like I'm undercharging you." Parian seemed to frown, and Eon and Shadow swapped an amused glance, sensing this was likely to be similar to a few trading days Inari had had in the marketplace, and settled back to watch.

It had been.

It'd been very similar to the times where the group had been haggling for things like Max Elixirs in the marketplace, trying to get a slightly better price than the Kecleon duo were asking. Eon had quietly made a joke about it being rather like their month-long journey to obtain the recipe for Max Elixirs themselves, which had led to Shadow snorting and drawing some attention to her.

Either way, it'd gone quite well, though Parian and Swarm had seemed to be playing the opposite role; Swarm had been insisting that she was being offered too much and lowering it, while Parian had been horrified about ripping her off and put forward higher amounts. In the end, the seamstress had given up and just accepted the fact that Swarm was refusing to let her give her anything more than fifteen dollars per foot square and ended the negotiations on that.

"Well that went well!" Shadow said brightly. They were once again under the audio illusion, Shadow's voice being displaced into Swarm and Eon's ears while dampening whatever Swarm said.

The bug controller glared at her slightly through the mask. "It was a pain." She said flatly. "Why wouldn't she just accept that I didn't want much money for the silk and leave it at that?"

"Same reason you kept trying to drop it, she didn't want to feel like she was ripping you off." Eon told her. "Spider silk is pretty expensive, from what I'm understanding, and the idea of having someone that can make it so much more easily probably hasn't quite gotten through to her yet."

"Plus it does take you time to make the bits of silk, so maybe she's taking into account the time you'd need and not wanting to make patrols or your civilian life trouble by having you need to sit down and make it." Shadow added. "Of course, if that little experiment with works later today, it'll take even less time to make the silk lengths."

"I suppose that makes sense." Swarm nodded. "So, what's for the rest of the patrol? Just wander about, fight people that cause trouble, hopefully not end up in any sort of trouble?"

"Basically." Eon nodded, glancing back at her from point position of the group. "Don't really expect to run into anything, let's be honest, but just showing the flag is important too."

"Naturally." Swarm grinned, before pausing. "Looks like a mugging, two alleys ahead. A guy being accosted by two girls, I think one of them has a knife? Bit hard to see."

"Good enough information, Swarm." Shadow smiled, as the pair of Pokemon lowered themselves to the ground slightly and the hum around the insect controller got noticeably quieter. "Man, do I wish we had you in Mystery Dungeons back home. So much easier than having to completely search the entire floor for the Pokemon or whatever we're trying to find."

"At least the exploration is fun." Eon pointed out, poking her with his tail tip.

"True that." She grinned a little viciously, her eyes starting to shimmer with a Hypnosis. "Now, let's catch us some criminals!"

Five and a half hours later, the team got tired enough to justify going back to the Den. It was half five now, so it wasn't exactly dark, but it was getting a little late and the group wanted to stop and eat, as well as let Taylor spend some more time with Danny.

Plus Swarm was excited to test out the idea they'd had with the spiders, which required going back to the Den.

Slipping out of the city was a little harder than normal, since for some reason people seemed to be very focused on following them about with cameras, but aside from a few muggings they'd dealt with and a short encounter with Clockblocker and Gallant walking around, not much had actually happened.

Swarm had speculated it was to do with their visit to the PRT building the day before, which PHO had apparently gone a little mad about trying to figure out why they were there.

Eventually the trio had just ducked into an alleyway and completely cloaked, with Swarm suppressing the sound of her bugs to as near nothing as she could, and stealthed their way out of the city and into the forest before breaking into a jog.

"So." Swarm sighed, once she had her breath back from the jogging. "I take it we're good, then?"

"I'd say so." Eon chuckled. "It's worked out pretty well today, I think. Your deal with Parian went well, the patrol was pretty good," they all paused to shudder slightly as they went past the barrier illusion, "So I think that counts as productive."

"So do I." Shadow nodded. "Now, let's get into the Den, you get changed, set up your bugs, and then we can arrange going to yours to make cake tomorrow."

"I'll make sure I have the stuff for a cake, and probably also find a recipe out." Swarm promised.

"I… think I missed something here?" Eon paused, looking between the two of them. "Cake?"

"We talked about it on the way here." Swarm explained. "We talked about making a cake for New Wave to say thanks for their help, Shadow mentioned the Berries and went on a ramble about them, you're being conscripted to float a box around the kitchen so Shadow can see what she's doing, and yes we're fairly sure it'll be safe for them. I'm willing to help make a second one if you want me to eat it and make sure it's not going to be trouble, though."

"No, I doubt it would be, people eat Berries all the time in our world." Eon agreed. "And since when was I nominated to make Shadow float?"

"Since earlier." Shadow sniped back, as they entered the area where the Den was. "I'll have to think a bit on what Berries we put into it, but I'll make sure I bring them with me tomorrow."

"I take it I'm not getting any say in this?"

"Nope." Swarm chuckled, heading over to the storage box and getting out her civilian costume. A wall of bugs quickly surrounded her for a moment, and Taylor soon stepped out from behind the swarm, shoving her mask into her pocket. "Right, let's set something up for me to set my spiders up on, and probably find a way to box in some flies for them to eat. Set the command, then I'll head home to spend some time with Dad and find that cake recipe out."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Eon settled down to watch the pair of girls wander about the Den, setting up a rail of sticks and branches for Taylor to place her spiders on, then arranging a pile of flies to sit on one side that would just sit there and wait for the spiders to come and eat them. The spiders were then set up on a sort of weaving board, and Taylor stood back to stare at her bugs.

"I… think that's done." She muttered, after a minute. "I'm not really sure what else I can do here."

"What did you do?" Shadow asked, as the spiders began to move.

"I told the spiders to start weaving in the same pattern I use for my normal cloth, then told them that every ten minutes they should take a break and eat a fly. They'll do that and then go back to weaving, and they'll do that until they run out of flies, at which point they'll just keep weaving until they die."


"I'm alright losing these spiders, I have tons of eggs waiting to hatch at the moment, but this is just a test. If I start doing this properly, I'll make the spiders weave until they run out of flies, then when they do they all just go into hibernation until I get more flies for them and wake them up." Taylor explained, watching them weave. "Right, I need to get going, then, so we can make sure they'll do it when I'm not around."

"I'll walk you back." Shadow volunteered, trotting around her feet. "Seeya in a bit, Eon."

"See you tomorrow, Taylor." Eon lifted a paw and waved absently, lifting up the still unfinished Berry basket and going back to work on it.

May 26th​, 2011. Thursday.

Lung grumbled as he worked his way through the most recent reports from his different moles, looking for anything useful. Technically, everything in the pile would be important, with his moles being well aware that that they should only send the important things on to him, but it was always a good idea to check it over. Knowing which of his moles were sending more useless information might be helpful for figuring out whether or not certain moles had been compromised in the organisations, which meant that he would know to take them with a pinch of salt.

Another one from the PRT mole? He mused to himself, placing the report from one of the few moles he'd managed to get in the Empire to one side. Interesting… I wonder what might have changed… a new Parahuman in the Bay, perhaps? Lifting it up, he glanced over the threat report's title, then paused. Team Inari.

The leader of the ABB sighed, putting the report down again, and started going through the rest of the files he'd been given by the rest of his moles. If he was planning on looking at something Team Inari had been doing, he wanted to at least have the rest of his work done first so that he didn't get distracted by their work.

It took nearly an hour to get through them all, mostly inane but interesting things that could be useful in the future. The city was still in a state of mostly quiet in the aftermath of Leviathan's attack, but that wasn't likely to last for much longer, so knowing some of these things for when the peace time ended would be useful. Finally putting away the last report, he turned back to the Team Inari report and flipped through it, scanning over the folder as fast as he could to figure out what sort of insane thing the team had managed to do.

By the time he'd reached the end, Lung sighed, placed the report back on the side again, and rested his head on the desk.

"Of course." He mumbled to himself. "Of course they can break Master effects as well. They already do ridiculous things pretty much every time they get involved with something more major than street crime. Why not be able to remove Master effects?"

It did make sense, though. If the duo really were kitsune, being able to remove the control the Simurgh had over people would be something they'd need to do, especially if they were planning on fixing the world like they seemed to be aiming towards. Having the ability to both heal and fight made the pair of kitsune very powerful allies to have; there weren't many Parahumans who were able to heal for some reason, and the fact that Inari seemed to have allied somewhat with New Wave made a very powerful healing pair. Panacea could heal almost anything, but couldn't do anything to do with the brain, while Shadow couldn't heal as much as she could but could make some impact on the brain. Between the two of them they had almost everything covered, and now they could remove Master effects as well.

Lung was pretty sure the Chief Director of the PRT would be hearing about this soon enough, and it was likely something would be arranged to bring Shadow to one of the Simurgh containment zones as soon as possible. The PRT had no love for those things either, from what he was aware, and the symbolism of their 'victory', as it were, against the Simurgh would give the public the impression that the PRT was doing something, even if it needed the help of an independent team to do it.

Moving the Team Inari report to one side, he carefully collected a folder and slipped it inside, then called for Oni Lee.

"Lee." He said, once his second-in-command had arrived. "Take this report, arrange for it to be delivered to Team Inari the next time they make a public appearance somewhere. Ensure the delivery is done discretely."

"Yes, Lung-sama." The only other Parahuman in the ABB bowed, taking the green folder from his hands, then teleported out again in a burst of ash.

Silently musing to himself about the changes in the Bay since Team Inari had come around a month ago, Lung moved on to the next bit of work in his pile, somewhat curious as to what would come next from that trio.

"Hey, Taylor." Shadow grinned widely. "Ready?"

"Absolutely." The girl nodded back, with a similar smile on her face. "It's been a while since I've done any sort of baking for fun, and I'm really interested to see how this works out."

"Should be fun for sure." Shadow traipsed in, a number of baskets floating behind her in a pink grip. More followed in a darker one, and they were followed by the grey form of Eon, who flicked the door closed with a tail on the way in. "I've done cakes before, but they've been small ones, since berries have just as much an effect when they're juiced and using them as cake mix is a nice change of pace for Dungeons, but I never thought of making a big one."

"Experimenting is going to be… interesting." Eon agreed. "Also rather expensive. But definitely interesting."

"How do you three plan to do this?" Danny asked, from his place in the doorway. "Also, good morning."

"Morning, Danny." Eon nodded to him, depositing his baskets on the table and claiming a chair. Shadow put hers next to them, pausing for a moment to think, then jumped into the chair next to him.

"Might as well handle a team meeting first…" She muttered to herself, gesturing for Taylor and Danny to sit down as well.

"To answer your question, Danny, I'm pretty sure these two intend to just sit here with a bunch of Berries and start subbing them in for normal ingredients, baking them, then eating them to see how it turns out." Eon continued. "Then repeating the cooking for whatever did work. Hence expensive."

"And hence my undercover shopping trip last night for more things for cake." Shadow added. "I went out and bought a ton of eggs and flour and milk and stuff for us to use as well. They're in the baskets as well. I'll go out and get more if we think we need them."

"…This is going to result in a second round of the Great Flapjack Incident, isn't it." Eon sighed. Taylor and Danny exchanged a look while Shadow blushed.

"Not that bad, not my fault."

"I hold you responsible for it even so."


"Anyway, mini team meeting." Eon continued, ignoring both the palpable confusion at the table and Shadow's look. "Summary, the little experiment worked, we have the silk they managed to make in the Bag, so if at some point you want to come by the Den and spend a few hours setting up a much bigger setup that's fine."

"Really?" Taylor's eyes lit up, her confusion being pushed to one side as Eon handed over a large rectangle of spider silk. "Oh, wow, that's awesome! I'm so glad that worked, that'll make things loads easier. Parian is going to love this."

"Especially since you're undervaluing the hell out of it." Danny added dryly. "You could be making a lot out of this."

"I don't see the need." Taylor shrugged. "I make the silk for basically nothing, just the cost of some time and flies, I can now automate it so it's even easier, and being a Cape it's pretty hard for Parian to actually make money legitimately. Being able to offer her materials at a low price that she can use to sell her clothes for more means that she can actually make a fair bit of money for her time, which she deserves. Might as well sell it for practically nothing to help someone out."

"Huh." Danny gave her an impressed look. "That's… very well thought out."

"Of course it is." She smirked back. "Anyway, I'll come by at some point soon to set up a weaving station at the Den, though I'll need to grab more flies. Might just see if we can take a trip into the country or something and just collect them. And probably set up a stupid powerful breeding station to get more of them."

"The Den's going to be busy." Danny observed.

"We're going to start building more rooms, I think." Eon said. "The house under the willow is useful, of course, but at this point the secrecy isn't too big an issue. We have the illusions over everything to make it harder to find without us bringing you there, and there's also the Berry farm nearby that would show that someone's living in the area, so we're going to go around the area near the Den and expand it out. A place for Taylor to weave so that the silk doesn't get wet, maybe a few more houses as well just in case. Designated storage rooms that we can put under more illusions."

"You're building a village."

"Sort of." He admitted. "Back in Alma, almost all Rescue or Exploration Teams had something similar. Huge complexes that stretched around, to the sky and underground, where all the teams would live. For big teams, the complexes were often pretty huge, but a lot of the time the rooms themselves were small, aside from the treasuries and I suppose kitchens sometimes, because it was rare that the entire team was there at one time. Members would all go out on long missions in teams of their own, occasionally staying over in foreign towns and cities in order to take jobs out there before coming back. They'd be long expeditions and rarely return to the central hub of the team unless they paid for teleportation. Living space was more about sleeping and storing a few personal things, rather than actually living in a lot of the time. And of course there was the town of Alma itself, with the Kangaskhan Storage and the Kecleon Shop, you didn't really keep much in the storage of the base often. Valuables went to Kangaskhan, who couldn't be robbed, and a lot of things for missions could be brought from the Kecleon before you left. Berries were kept in storage for cooking with the rest of the food, some semi-rare items like Reviver Seeds were kept because the Kecleon didn't always have those in stock… so for the most part, the Dens were huge complexes for show." Eon's voice had gone somewhat quiet as he reminisced. "Lots of team members, so they needed a lot of space so Pokemon could stay there, to store items, to keep money before it was moved to the bank, to have room for new members. But so much of it would go unused sometimes… they were still incredible, though."

"They sound it." Taylor admitted softly. "I'd like to see those someday."

"Maybe you will." He smiled, blinking a little. "But yes, in a way we're building a village. Living space, storage space, we need those more than we would back home. We can't just go shopping here for things, there's no bank we can use, so we need a lot more room. Maybe some time we'll dig out underground caverns to use as storage, but for now a bunch of Dens will do to keep it all."

"Where do you get all the wood from, by the way?" She asked.

"The Berry trees." Eon explained. "They grow so fast they're fairly easy to use for it."

"They're tiny."

"But they work quite well when tied together." He reposted. "The rest of the woods can be used for longer bits of wood, sure, but the Berry trees are replenishable. I use them for basically everything, and it's not too hard." He paused. "They're also not actually that short, though they are compared to normal fruit trees. Probably because they don't have many Berries on them."

"…Fair enough." She acquiesced. "I don't see how you can build a village out of them, but sure."

"It'll be a lot of time and work for certain, but we can manage it." Shadow agreed. "And having something like Inari Base here on Bet would be nice."

"I've been overruled!" Taylor laughed, holding her hands up. "Alright, alright, Inari can have a village in the woods. It'll be cool, at least."

"It will be." Eon nodded, with a grin. "Now, onto the next thing, Shadow's attempt at filling your kitchen with cake."

"It's a joint effort!" Shadow objected, hopping down from her chair. Taylor slipped out to follow her a second later, heading into the kitchen to pull a cardboard box into view. The Vulpix promptly jumped onto that, Eon floating it up so that she could see the counters. "Now, we should probably write down what we substitute in so we can easily repeat it later, but we have a fair few Berries to work with. I bought a range of all of them with me so we can test them, but there's more of some than others- we have very very very few of the Golds and Silvers even at home, let alone here, so I only bought one of each with me. Those'll probably be really good, as long as we mix them with the right things; Maranga and Sitrus are kinda sour, and Pecha and Persim are pretty sweet, so we'll need to be careful with them."

"I hope you know what you're doing here."

"Of course I do!" Shadow sounded slightly offended. "I'll tell you how the different Berries taste before we use any of them. You have the cake recipe?"

"Yeah, right here." Taylor handed it over to Shadow, who started reading it over. Danny looked over them all, sighed slightly, then stood from his chair to go and get some paper and a pen, so he could write down what Berries they used in each cake, shaking his head as he did.

"Am I the only one who wants to know what the Great Flapjack Incident is?" He asked himself lowly.

Rebecca looked at the clock, did some thinking, and decided it was probably a good time to make that phone call she'd been waiting to do. She'd already spoken to Dragon and made arrangements for a transport, pending agreement from this next call, so all she had to do was arrange this, send a message to Emily, and let her subordinate deal with the rest of the problems that would probably come up from this.

Opening up the book of important phone numbers that sat on her desk, she double-checked the number she had to call, dialled it, waited for the other end to pick up, and spoke. "Good morning, sir." She said politely. "I apologise for calling so early in the morning, but I have a proposition to put forward to you…"
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Chapter 26- Shopping, information, and gift
"Well that went well." Eon said decisively, lowering Shadow's box-seat to the floor again.

"You're not the one who no longer has eggs or flour in the house." Danny muttered in return, looking around at the counters in the kitchen, then the washing up in the sink.

"Perhaps, but that's easily sorted. Nothing got dropped, or set on fire, or broken, so I think that counts as a win." The Ninetales smirked slightly at the look on Danny's face, Shadow jumping into the seat opposite while Taylor checked the temperature on the oven.

"Those'll cook on their own for the next twenty minutes or so." She nodded triumphantly. "And that'll be the last of it. It was a way better idea to do the tests as more of a cupcake style, Dad, you were right."

"It just means we don't have tons of cake left over to eat our way through." He shrugged. "And means that this only took five hours, instead of… however long it would take to bake a bunch of very large cakes."

"Though we do need to go shopping again now." Taylor admitted. "Eggs, flour, and we should probably grab some cupcake cases for if we decide we want to make cakes again."

"We could go shopping now if you want." Shadow offered. "We have money on us just fine, it's not like anyone could notice that it was us with illusions, so why not?"

"Sure." Taylor grinned. "I'll go put my costume on and we can head out. Dad, Eon, keep an eye on the cakes?"

"Sure thing, Taylor." Eon sighed. "Be careful, you two."

"We will be, Eon. Nothing is gonna go wrong, it's just shopping."

"Honestly, that's what I'm afraid of…" He muttered, as the pair of females left the room to get ready. "It's impossible for Shadow to have a quiet shopping trip." He elaborated, at Danny's raised eyebrow. "No matter what she goes for or who she goes with, something happens. Not usually criminals, though that has happened a few times, more often than not she'll walk out of there with some kind of thing she never intended to buy or get gifted. We once got given a Secret Slab completely randomly by a passerby that didn't know what it was but thought it would be useful for a Rescue Pokemon to have… how we met Hoopa, actually, we took the Slab to Warp Temple and found Hoopa hiding there."


"Oh, for sure, but also slightly nerve wracking to watch her leave the Den to go shopping because it's always a game wondering what she'll bring back this time." Eon nodded, as an illusion rippled in the house and the front door slammed shut. "Oh well, I suppose we'll see." Casting a glance over the kitchen area, he sighed. "Do you think we should try and clean up a little before they get back?"

"It'll save time, at least." Danny agreed. "Though they'll probably get all of this out again to make whichever cake they decide they want to give to New Wave."

"That's why it's cleaning and not tidying." Eon repeated, as he started shuffling the baskets on the table around- they were mostly empty now, only a few Berries in each, so Eon started tipping the remaining ones into one basket and piling the others inside themselves. "That way they don't have to spend long getting everything together to bake another one."

"Fair enough." Danny went into the kitchen and started on the washing up, watching Eon's work with some interest. "Out of curiosity, why don't you put those in that magic bag of yours? I know Taylor said it stacks things strangely."

"That… is a good question." Eon mused slowly. "I think it just never occurred to us. We don't usually use the Treasure Bag to put mundane stuff in, just to carry things in Dungeons, so I guess we didn't think of it." Carefully levitating the empty baskets, both of them watched as they went straight into the Bag, not even a bulge to say they were there.

"That is so strange."

"It was the first few times we saw it too." Eon nodded. "But it's really useful, and after a while you do get used to it."

"I suppose you'd have to, since you use it so often."

"Not wrong there." They worked quietly for a minute, listening out for the girls, then Eon added, "Fancy placing a bet on what Shadow comes back with?"

"Alright, simple run, eggs, flour, do you think we might want to also grab some more milk as well?" Shadow asked, as they wove their way into the city proper. "We did use a lot."

"It might be a good idea to just get everything we need for the cake, plus some extra, because we're gonna be baking again once we decide what sort of cake we want to do." Swarm suggested, with a small hum. "I mean, it's not like we don't have the money for it. I have, like, some hundred dollars in my backpack, and that's not including whatever you have."

"I actually don't have much on me, though there's a little in my scarf." Shadow paused for a half-second to pat it with a paw. "The scarf was custom done by my siblings- well, custom ordered, they couldn't make something like this on their own- and it has a little pocket thing in it to put money. They figured I wouldn't always have my bag on me so it'd be a good idea to have somewhere to put money aside from the magical Rescue Team bag." She smiled gently. "Of course I brought my bag with me to Bet, but since I don't want to have it all the time I've taken to putting some money in there all the time. There's fifty or so in small notes, I think."

"That's still plenty." Swarm nodded, as they dropped the cloaking illusion and exited an alley onto the main street. "Now come on, let's go grab what we need before the hordes of your adoring fans show up looking for cuddles or whatever."

"Oh hush, you." Shadow scolded, amused. "You're just jealous." She gave the Vulpix a look that seemed to show an eye roll without being able to see her eyes, and she chuckled again before leading the way into one of the small shops on the main street. Swarm picked up an basket on the way past, having made sure to leave most of her bugs outside, and the pair manoeuvred their way through the aisles, ignoring the number of stares they were getting from the other shoppers- as well as the multitude of phones being pointed in their direction.

"Alright, eggs, butter, milk, flour, simple as." Swarm muttered to herself. "Let's see here…"

"Here's the eggs for you." Shadow passed them over in the grip of Extrasensory, two boxes gently being placed in the basket. "Milk should be- oh, it's over there, hang on." She trotted over to that as well, pulling one of the larger jugs from the fridge and carefully reading the label. "I… think this is the same one?"

"Looks like it." Swarm nodded, catching up and taking it from her. "Yeah, it's fine."

"Do you want more?"

"No, one's fine." She smiled through her mask, moving on and carefully slipping past a pair of teens that were standing in the middle of the aisle, gaping. They did move aside as she got closer, but continued to gape, and she chuckled quietly to herself as she took some butter from the shelf as they passed. Flour was added to the basket in short order and they made their way to the till, Shadow handing some of the money in her scarf over for them to pay. "You do realise that having fifty dollars on you at all times is a little overkill for just about anything?" Swarm commented, handing over a few of the notes and taking the bag from the- slightly overwhelmed- cashier.

"Eh, better to be over the top than not have enough." Shadow shrugged, grabbing the change from Swarm's hand and tucking it back into her scarf. "Thanks, by the way." She nodded to the person on the counter, who gave a stunned one back, and Swarm gave a wave to the public at large before they headed out the door.

"I guess that's fair." She frowned, inclining her head to one side. "Did you normally do that?"

"No, we normally had access to the banks, even in the field, so money was fine." She explained. "Plus money was easy to find in Dungeons, and while there were Kecleon markets sometimes in Dungeons you didn't normally need money for much outside of towns, where there were banks, so…" she shrugged.

"I guess that makes sense, yeah." Swarm nodded, as they turned into the alleyway again. "I guess everyone worked the same way in that case?"

"I think most of them do, but I don't know about all. It's just easier than trying to always predict how much money you'll need, after all, and the Duskull bank is basically unrobbable."

"That's not a word."

"Is now." She stuck her tongue out at her. "Anyway, yeah, no-one messes with the Duskull or Kangaskhan or Kecleon in town. They are… scary, when they're mad."

"I'll take your word for it." Swarm nodded, then stiffened. "Incoming. Looks like… I have no idea but they're teleporting, I can't keep them in sight for long enough to figure it out."

"Team Inari." The vaguely familiar voice of Oni Lee greeted them from behind, apparently having just teleported into the alley.

Both frowned heavily, Swarm taking a step back as they turned to let Shadow take the helm as second. "Oni Lee." She replied, a greeting and invitation in one.

"Lung-sama ordered this to be delivered to you." He continued, holding out a dark green folder for them. "When I saw you today, I took it on myself to deliver it."

Carefully, Shadow reached out with Extrasensory, taking the folder in its grip. Oni Lee let go of it, letting her float it over and open it, peering inside at the contents. Just paper. She nodded. "Thank you, Oni Lee. Pass our thanks to Lung as well." He bowed, then vanished in a sprinkle of ash.

Shadow immediately handed the folder over to Swarm and cloaked them, leading the insect controller further through the alleys. "Looks like another report of some kind." She said lowly. "Let's get back to yours so we can show Eon."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Swarm nodded firmly, taking a more careful hold on the folder and hurrying after her second.

"Another report?" Eon asked curiously, as Taylor sat down at the table. The duo had returned in a hurry, Taylor going directly upstairs to change out of her costume, while Shadow had come into the kitchen to put what they'd bought into the fridge and brief her team leader. "Interesting…"

"Think it's about the power testing you three did on Tuesday?" Danny suggested, looking at the green folder.

"Probably." Shadow nodded. "If the report went into the system today, Lung probably has standing orders with his people in the PRT to pull anything to do with us out of the system and hand it over to him so he can hand it to us."

"They've managed that pretty quickly, then."

"Maybe it went in early?" She shrugged. "Any way it is, we have it now. Want to take a look?"

"Of course." Eon reached out with Extrasensory, flipping the folder open and pulling the stack of paper out. "A lot of this is just the original report… ah, here, it's added as a note." He nodded, putting the original report to one side and scanning over the new one.

Addendum to PRT Internal Document EP//THRPT//1022-01-00102659//2011-05-14

SUBJECT: Team Inari

Updated May 24th​, 2011.

Addendum made to Threat Assessment Ratings.


, Independent Hero

Real name:



Team Inari

Addendum made to threat ratings:

Subject Eon should now be considered to have a rating of Shaker 8, from the previous of Shaker 6, due to the ability to create healing waves that can also break Master effects. This is the same effect used by his team mate, Shadow. His team mate, Swarm, is immune to his ability to break the connection to Mastered minions.


, Independent Hero

Real name:



Team Inari

Addendum made to threat ratings:

Subject Shadow should now be considered to have a rating of Shaker 8, from the previous of Shaker 6, due to the ability to create healing waves that can also break Master effects. This is the same effect her team mate Eon uses, however Shadow is able to use it much more than Eon, possibly also with more power than him. Her team mate, Swarm, is immune to her ability to break the connection to Mastered minions.

"Well, that's nice of them." Taylor muttered, with a frown. "Although I'm not sure why the power to break Master effects makes you more dangerous to them."

"Probably the fact that we can break the control their Capes have over their animals or minions or whatever." Eon suggested. "It means that if we ever went hostile, they wouldn't be able to send Master class Capes after us, because we could break their control over whatever they're using. It doesn't matter that they can take control back a few seconds later, because those few seconds could be all we need to take them down, or for the animals they're controlling to go on a rampage and maybe hurt someone. Especially since the animals seem to be pretty mad when the control's broken."

"That… makes sense." She nodded. "I didn't think of that, actually."

"You know, the more I hear about your powers, the more I wonder what the PRT thinks of you." Danny said slowly. "From their perspective, you're probably the two most powerful Capes in the world aside from Eidolon, and even he doesn't actually have the sort of strangeness that you two have."

"Honestly, I have no idea." Eon shrugged. "But as long as they let us do our best to help out, I don't really care either." Glancing into the kitchen area, he added, "Do you two plan on tasting those cakes so you can pick what you're doing for New Wave, then?"

"Oh!" Shadow, who'd been sitting their contemplatively in silence, suddenly perked up. "I'd forgotten about that! Yeah, we should eat the cakes! Then we can make a proper big one for New Wave!"

The Vulpix jumped down from her chair and hurried into the kitchen, Taylor following and bringing some of the tester cupcakes to put on the table.

"Right, which one first?" Taylor asked.

"I think… probably the Pecha and Custap?" Shadow suggested. "That one's gonna be pretty sweet, and I think if it's too sweet we should probably disregard a lot of the similar creations."

"Hello, Dragon."

"Chief Director." The avatar of Dragon smiled slightly over the video monitor. "A pleasure to hear from you. Is there something you need?"

"I was hoping to ask a favour from you." Rebecca admitted. She didn't really want to be indebted to the Guild or Dragon, but she also didn't see any good way of managing what she needed to do without asking the Tinker for help. "It's about the power testing Team Inari went through on Tuesday."

"I doubt we'll be able to get them back in for more power testing, if that's what you're hoping for." She replied.

Rebecca shook her head. "No, it's not about that, though it is based on that. I was speaking, earlier today, to the Australian government about possibly arranging for Shadow and Eon to be transported to Canberra-"

"To see if Shadow can help the Simurgh victims there?" Dragon caught on, audibly straightening and focusing more on the call. "That would likely work quite well, though the logistics of it could be difficult…"

"Actually, the most difficult part is going to be getting them there at this point." She corrected. "The Australians are quite eager to possibly have someone removing any Master effects in the city, thus also removing the need for a quarantine zone at all. They'd like us to get Team Inari over there as soon as possible, and I'd like to ask if you could supply a transport to take Eon and Shadow over there."

"That wouldn't be a problem at all." Dragon promised. "If you'd like, I'll also contact Director Piggot about contacting Team Inari."

"Do we even have a contact number for them?" Rebecca wondered idly, flipping through her notes.

"Eon gave one to the ENE PRT during Shadow's power testing." Dragon told her. "Director Piggot shouldn't have any difficulty reaching them."

"I see." For a moment, she contemplated the idea of letting Dragon handle it, then shook her head. "No, I'll contact Director Piggot myself. It won't take long. But thank you for your help, Dragon."

"It's no problem, Chief Director. Helping Simurgh victims is always something I'll support." The Tinker on the other end of the call hung up, probably to go sort out things herself, and Rebecca sighed before picking up the phone for her next call.

"So, we're in agreement, then?"

They all nodded. "Silver Pecha and Micle Berries work well together. Micle Berries are a little dry, but that helps offset the amount of sweetness the Silver Pecha Berry has, plus the Micle Berry itself." Danny put forward. "Some of the others would be pretty good for a cake as well, but I think for this one we want to go with that."

"We can make more cakes some other time." Shadow promised. "This was really fun, actually, so I'd love to make more sometime. Course it'll be a bit annoying to keep making cakes, but it's not like we can't afford it as Team Inari."

"As long as we're not destroying my kitchen, and you lot make plans to store it somewhere other than the house, then I'm fine with that." Danny told her. "These are all very good cakes."

"Yeah, we'll have to come up with a better way to do that." Eon agreed, looking around at the collection of half eaten cakes that were scattered around the table and kitchen area. "But I think as long as we don't do it too often, we probably won't have too much trouble with keeping them in the fridge or something here. Either that or we get some kind of cool box for the Den."

"Well, you know Freeze Dry, and you do need more practice with it, so maybe we could use that to set something up?"

"You can probably buy something like that at a shop somewhere, which would be less effort." Taylor pointed out. "Though I don't know how good those would be for cake."

"We should look into that." Eon mused, obviously making a mental note. "More importantly, are you planning on making New Wave's cake now, or not?"

Shadow glanced at the clock. "It's nearly half past seven now, so we… probably have time to make a proper big cake and set it to cook before we need to leave?"

"Well we don't have anything important to do tomorrow, so you can sleep in if we end up staying up too late." Danny pointed out. "How long's it going to take?"

"Maybe… an hour or so?" Taylor guessed, getting up to go look at the recipe. "Hm, maybe a little longer… how many people are there in New Wave again?"

"Seven?" Shadow guessed. "Amy, Vicky, their dad, their cousins, and their parents. So yeah, seven."

"Might want to go a little bigger than this recipe is, then." Taylor muttered with a frown. "Because this is for six. It's not too much of a bother, obviously, and we have plenty of stuff for that without needing to go shopping again."

"Let's get to cake making!" Shadow cheered, jumping down from her seat. She headed straight for the box-seat that they'd left on one side, only for all of them to freeze at the sound of a phone ringing from inside the Treasure Bag.

"Is that-" Danny started, only for Taylor to hush him. Eon fished his phone out of the bag, sent a glance around at the other two members of his team, and hit answer and speaker in quick succession.

"Team Inari Eon speaking."

"Good evening, Eon, this is Director Piggot of the PRT." The voice replied. "Is Shadow there with you?"

"I am, yes." Shadow put in, jumping back into her chair. "A pleasure to speak to you again, madam Director. Is something wrong?"

"Not as such, no. The Chief Director called. Apparently she's been speaking to the Australian government, and they'd like you to make a trip to Canberra as soon as possible."

"The most recent Simurgh attack zone?" Taylor checked, a group of bugs around her to give her her 'Swarm' voice.

"Correct, Swarm." She confirmed, after a moment's pause. "The Chief Director spoke to Dragon about providing transport to Canberra for Shadow and Eon, and I was told to pass that along to you in the hopes of getting the pair of you to be willing to travel to Canberra."

"To try and help the Simurgh victims there?" Shadow tilted her head. "I don't see any trouble with that. Maybe this Saturday, the 28th​, so everyone can get things together?"

"I don't have any trouble with that." Eon agreed.

"I'll call the Chief Director back and get that scheduled, as well as messaging Dragon." Director Piggot told them. "From what I can tell, the Australian government want it done as soon as possible, so they're willing to take anything at all."

"I'd just be glad to help." Shadow said earnestly. "If we show up at the PRT building at something like nine in the morning on Saturday, would that be a problem for you?"

"I don't see why not."

"Then I suppose we'll see you then, barring any more contact because things need to be rearranged."

"Indeed. Good evening, Team Inari."

"You as well, Director." Eon hung up the call, putting the phone away in the Treasure Bag again, and looked at the Vulpix next to him. "You think you can do it?"

"I don't see why not." She shrugged. "It's just Heal Pulse and Heal Bell. Sure, it'll be over a much larger area than normal, but I can heal fine, and heal a lot in succession fine, so I don't see why I can manage it. And it'll help a bunch of people out- it looks like I'm the only one who can after all, so of course I want to help."

"Then I guess on Saturday we're going to Canberra." Eon nodded. "Sorry, Taylor, but I guess you'll have to find something else to do that day."

"I'll figure something." She shrugged. "Go to the Den and set up the spiders to do a load of weaving, wander around on a solo patrol, just hang around with Dad."

"All good plans."

"Now cake?" Shadow reminded, looking hopeful. All three of them laughed.

"Yes, Shadow." Taylor laughed, patting her on the head. "Now cake."

"Excellent!" She jumped down from the chair once more and went back to the box-seat on the side, which Eon obligingly picked up with Extrasensory and floated into the kitchen, where Taylor was preparing the counters to make another, larger cake.

"Right, we said something about making things bigger, any idea how?"

"I don't see why we really need to, to be honest." Shadow responded, leaning over her shoulder to look at the recipe. "It's a pretty big cake, I'm pretty sure- where's the cake dish?" Taylor pulled it out of the cupboard, letting Shadow take the recipe from her hands to keep reading. She glanced up, then nodded. "Nah, that looks fine. Don't see why we'd need to make it any bigger."

"If you say so." Taylor pursed her lips, then put the dish down. "Let's just go for it and find out, yeah?"

"Sounds like a plan to me."

Eon and Danny shared another amused glance, then settled back to watch the pair of them work on their cake.

May 27th​, 2011. Friday.

"How did I end up being the one nominated to do this?" Shadow asked quietly, holding the large box with their gift in it.

"Because you were the one who suggested the cake, I was holding you up while you were making it, and we used Swarm's kitchen to make it." Eon replied lowly. They were holding their conversation under an illusion, but that didn't mean that they didn't want to be careful even so. "And you're also the one with the closest friendship to Vicky and Amy, so you should be the one to hand things over."

"Right." She paused. "Shouldn't you be the one to do it, though, because you're team leader?"

"You were the one most affected by what New Wave did for us." Swarm pointed out. "Now stop delaying, or I'm ringing the bell for you."

"Fine." A careful bit of very fiddly telekinesis lifted a small rock up to the doorbell to press it in, the bell dinging from inside the house.

"Coming!" The door was quickly opened, Vicky floating slightly in the air. She looked a little confused at first, seeing Swarm, then glanced down and smiled at Shadow and Eon. "Hi, guys!" She waved, drifting backwards. "Come on in."

Shadow took the lead, walking into the familiar house and into the living room, where Amy and Mark Dallon were both sitting. Eon and Swarm trailed behind, looking around curiously, and Vicky shut the door before floating after them.

"Shadow?" Amy asked, closing the book in her hand. Mark looked up as well, muting the TV as he did- there was some sort of sports thing on, Shadow thought, though she didn't really know much about it- but let Amy continue, "Is something wrong? Oh, and hello Eon, Swarm."

"Hey Amy." Swarm waved, while Eon smiled and nodded back.

"Hi Amy, Mr Dallon, and no, nothing's wrong." Shadow shook her head, the box next to her following the movements for a moment before she focused and stabilised it. The slightly brighter glow on her eyes caught their attention, making them look at the box, and she moved it over to a clear spot on the table before settling it down. "We just wanted to bring you this."

"What is it?" Vicky asked, tilting her head to one side. Shadow gestured towards it in a silent offer for her to take a look, and the blonde quickly flew over them to open the top.

"Cake?" Amy blinked, as Vicky carefully reached in and lifted it out of the box. "Why cake?"

"It's to say thank you for your help with the power testing." Shadow explained, while they looked at it. It did look fairly interesting, a silver-green-pink mix from the Berries they'd used mixing together into a sparkly grey-pink colour, with only a tiny bit of green dotted around. It looked quite pretty, Shadow thought. "I mean, Amy gave up some of her afternoon to come and stand around checking on the Master Capes I was working with, and your aunt was really helpful in setting all of it up and arranging it. And Amy was the one who started everything off, too. So we figured we'd get you a sort of gift to you all to say thanks for your help, and then I started talking to Swarm about food and stuff, and one thing lead to another…" She shrugged. "We ended up with cake. Took a little while yesterday to do it, messed about with a bunch of things to get there, and then when we finally made up our minds on what we wanted to do we made this one to give you."

"You didn't have to." Amy hurriedly responded, eyes a little wide. "It wasn't a big deal, really! The PRT probably would've wanted me to come in to check on them afterwards anyway, so doing it at the same time as you just made sense to make it easier on everyone."

"You still came." Shadow shrugged again. "And besides, if it hadn't been for you and your theory then we wouldn't've thought of the idea of trying to use my power to help Master victims, and without your aunt I don't think we would've managed to actually talk to the PRT and arrange for the testing to happen."

"And without that we wouldn't be doing what we're doing tomorrow." Eon added.

"What's going on tomorrow?" Vicky asked.

"The PRT have arranged a transport to take Shadow and I over to Australia to try and clear out the Canberra Simurgh Zone." He explained. "Shadow's going to be the one doing most the work, to be fair, but I might be able to help out too while she recovers, depending on how they've got things laid out."

All three of the Capes looked slightly stunned, then Amy got off the couch and knelt down beside Shadow, lifting her into a hug. "That's awesome!" She cheered, grinning.

"Hell yeah!" Vicky added, snapping out of her shock. "Helping out Simurgh victims… that's so cool!"

"From what Miss Militia said during the power testing, it also might be quite dangerous if it gets out and certain people hear about it." Swarm put in. "Not that it won't get out pretty much the second these two get back from Canberra and the people in Australia start posting on PHO about the Simurgh victims being released."

"We'll make sure to keep it quiet until then." Vicky promised.

"The PRT will likely make a press release about it as well." Mark noted. "Probably as soon as they're able to confirm that you've succeeded in clearing them and they're able to start dismantling things."

"Do you have any idea how long it's going to take you?"

"Not really." Shadow shrugged. "It depends on how many people they're willing to put into a room. The amount of effort it takes per person barely moves up the more there are, so if there's a thousand people in a big room then we'll be able to clear it fairly quickly."

"There's about three hundred fifty thousand people in Canberra."

"Then just make bigger rooms." Shadow frowned. "It'd take a while to be sure, mostly just moving people in and out, but if they just set up a bunch of roped off areas and arrange for people to stand in them I can move from one to the next and clear them, then leave the PRT and Australian government to handle sorting everything out. I don't expect it to take all day, though."

Amy seemed quite shocked at that idea, and Shadow used that to wriggle out of her arms and back onto the floor.

"Anyway, I was hoping you'd share some of that to your aunt and uncle and cousins to say thanks as well." She continued. "Plus maybe a review on what you thought of the cake? It's the first time I've done something like this, really, so I'd be curious as to what you thought. I've done pies and salads and stuff, but not cake. Normally I buy that if I really want it."

"Sure, I'll send you a message when we're tried some." Vicky promised, reaching over to pat her on the head. "And good luck with your trip tomorrow, both of you. Swarm's not going?"

"No, I'm staying here. Probably going to spend some time out being a Cape, I think. Been doing a lot of Cape stuff recently." She nodded.

"If you want a partner to patrol with, though, let me know."

"I will."
Last edited:
Chapter 27- Reminiscing, impact, and travelling
May 28th​, 2011. Saturday.

"Seven AM is too early for this." Shadow grumbled, spitting a bit of fire to warm the thermos of coffee up to a decent temperature. It wouldn't be as nice as it being done properly, but warmed ice and some coffee grounds would work to keep them awake until they got to the PRT building.

Or, rather, it would keep Eon awake. After the Moonlight Cavern incident, Shadow wasn't allowed coffee. She was making do with very warm chocolate, and the hope that the plane ride would be long enough for her to wake up properly so she could focus on healing.

"A little, yes." Eon nodded, taking the thermos and sipping. "When we get back, we need to start working on Berry drinks again. Having a decent supply of both those and the cakes would be useful, especially since they seem to keep the properties of the Berries, even here."

"We really should've thought about that earlier, actually. Having a bunch of Berry cakes to carry with us on missions would be helpful." Shadow mused. "Or cookies! We could make Berry cookies!"

"You and Taylor can talk it over when we get home, if you want." He offered, setting his thermos to one side and stretching. "For now, though, we need to get ready, check things over, and then get to the PRT building."

"Yaaaaaaayyy…" She said sarcastically, stumbling into the Den and digging out her purple adventurer's bag. It had already been packed the night before, after they'd gotten back from the Dallon's and Taylor had set up more of her most disposable spiders to let them weave overnight. The resulting length of spider silk was still sitting on the makeshift loom, where Taylor would pick up the dead spiders and replace them with new ones, as well as arranging for a lot more food to be left for this set. She'd been breeding flies specifically for this, and while there weren't exactly many flies compared to everything else, there were a lot of eggs- so many that Danny had started to get disturbed by them and ask that she breed them elsewhere, or at least put them somewhere where they wouldn't infest the entire house every time she went out.

Taylor was planning on moving the flies into the Den, but the only problem was that it would mean spending a lot more time at the Den to look after them. Not that that was an issue for Eon and Shadow, they were used to having the entire team on base with them, but they both thought that Taylor should spend time with her dad too and that was difficult at the Den.

"Leppa Berries, check, Oran Berries, check, Sitrus Berries, check… wonder if the Gems work on things like Heal Pulse, I never checked. Maybe if I carried two, and did Heal Pulse and Heal Bell at once, they'd both activate and boost both Moves?" She mused. "Hey Eon!"


"Do we have a Normal and Psychic Gem you don't mind me using?" She asked him, as his head popped through the doorway. "I was wondering if they worked with Heal Bell and Heal Pulse."

"I… don't think they do." He mused. "I think they only boost damage, not the status Moves."

"Oh, really?" Shadow tilted her head, going back to poking around in her bag. Water, just in case, yeah, one of the Max Elixirs that we have left- I swear I need a good two week downtime to make more of these, though it's not like we can't just use Leppa Berries instead- and that's the bag, so where's my scarf. Lifting the bag with Extrasensory, she fastened it onto her back and started looking around the Den to find her scarf.

Silently, Eon handed it over to her, tying it around her neck for her, and pinning the Rescue Badge onto it.

"Thanks." She muttered, yawning.

"When we get to the PRT building and onto the plane, I'm sure Dragon won't mind if you take a nap before we get to Australia to help out in Canberra." He told her, making her grunt. "C'mon, pix, let's get moving. It won't take two hours to get there, but we can grab some decent food or something from one of the shops open at the moment, and if you promise to be careful I'll let you grab a Coke or something from the shop for the sugar."

"Promise?" She asked, tilting her head. Her ears perked forward slightly at the idea of sugary drinks and a little more energy for the morning, and Eon laughed quietly before picking her up by the scruff of her neck and depositing her outside the Den, closing the door with his tail.

"Yes, Shadow, I promise." She grinned as much as the hour would allow, her eyes drooping slightly even through the promise of sugar, and took up her place on his tail.

"Then lead the way, Leader Eon! I want sugar and food and to get on this plane."

"Well, it's all on the list." Eon chuckled, his tails waving slightly as he placed a few more illusions over the area to keep it safe while they were in Australia. Nothing that would make it difficult for Taylor to get there later, but it would cause trouble for anyone who they hadn't brought to their base personally, which would stop intruders from getting in. "So we'll head out into Brockton Bay proper, stop at one of the shops on the way to the PRT building, basically just make it an early morning patrol, then head to the building for a little bit before nine so we can grab our plane out of here."

"It's nice of Dragon to offer to let us use one of her planes to get there." Shadow noted, as they started walking.

"It is to help Simurgh victims." Eon reminded her. "I doubt there'd be many people that'd have trouble with that. Pretty sure we could ask the US government and get a free army escort if it wasn't for all the issues and the fact that Dragon's Tinkertech is faster."

"Guess it's because we never have things like this happen at home." She mused. "I mean, there's big threats sometimes- not that we've run into one, but you remember that Team… what's their name?"

"Burning Flame, I think."

"Yeah, them, they had that massive thing last year that we heard all about- by the way that is a really weird name, given that their second is Grass type."

"I'm pretty sure that was meant to be the joke."


"Yeah. After all, if the second covers them in Grass stuff, like Sleep Powder, then things can be set on fire."

"Oh. Huh. Good point." Shadow thought over that for a moment, then shrugged. "Whatever, not the point. Anyway, other people kinda got involved in that thing, but it's a surprise that their Wigglytuff Guild didn't reach out to any of the other ones around the place to ask for help dealing with things."

"From what I remember, they didn't actually realise how big the problem was until it was almost too late." Eon told her. "They knew about the Grovyle thing, and that got spread around everywhere. But they didn't realise what was actually going on until it was nearly too late, at which point it's not like it was worth running around trying to get the news out and get some help dealing with it."

"I guess that's true." She frowned. "Though I thought they had a few days warning?"

"Would a few days really matter, though? Sure we have teleports and things, but I'm not exactly sure that would've been enough time to call in reinforcements… plus they would've needed to get to that place as well to be able to help, and for all we know maybe having a bigger team or lots of teams would've caused more trouble."

"I guess…" She nodded, frowning a little more. "I mean, it could've been like… um, I forget which Dungeon it was. But that one that only lets so many Pokemon into the Dungeon at one time."

"I suppose it could've been, yeah." He agreed. "Or they might not've called in reinforcements for some other reason."

"Maybe when we get back we can speak to that team again and try asking them." She suggested, with a grin. "It'd be nice to see them in person again. Writing letters is fun too, but it's not quite the same."

"They are fairly fun to talk to, but the Teleport costs are terrible." Eon reminded her, as they turned onto a main road and into one of the small corner stores that was open this early. "Now, go grab your drink."

"Yes!" Shadow did a mini fist pump, jumping in the air, and hurried inside. Eon could hear a slight gasp of surprise from inside the shop at the sudden appearance of a Cape, and chuckled quietly before following her inside, looping his tails around to avoid knocking anything over in the store.

Hopefully he wouldn't come to regret this…

"Is there a bin anywhere near here?" Shadow asked casually, holding a can in her telekinetic grip and looking around. She was currently standing near Eon's side, a little closer than a second usually would, and quietly tilted the can to get the last of the drink out before looking around a little more closely. "I don't see one, actually. What the heck, why aren't there any bins around here?"

"There's probably some in the PRT building, you know." He pointed out, taking a look around himself. "So you could just wait."

"Yeah, I guess- oh, wait, there's a bin over there!" She grinned. "Be right back, Eon, just gonna go put this in there, then I'll be back and we can get going!" She hurried over with bouncy steps, jittering back and forth as she moved, and Eon winced slightly.

Oh Arceus, she's going to go hyper, isn't she? He mused to himself, with a low sigh. Why did I agree to let her have caffeine… Shadow, please, for the love of everything, don't get too weird and jumpy when we're travelling to Australia and helping people out…

"Whatchya thinking about, Eon?" She asked cheerfully, making him startle.

"Oh, just thinking about the trip we're about to make." He half-admitted. "It's going to be quite interesting, isn't it?"

Shadow gave him a slightly startled look, then realised that there was an illusion over them that was hiding their conversation by making it sound far, far quieter than it was supposed to be and nodded. "Yeah, I guess it is." She hummed, flicking her tails back and forth. "I mean, Australia's really far away, so it's probably gonna be a long trip, but I wonder how long it's gonna be if we're flying with one of Dragon's aircraft instead of taking a proper plane."

"Well, from what Swarm said, from here to Canberra it's about twenty hours, which is why we're leaving so early." Eon reminded. "Because we wouldn't get there until tomorrow morning going on normal flights. With Tinkertech that's not exactly guaranteed, but it seems pretty likely that it'll still take most of today to get there."

"That's annoying." Shadow sighed. "Spending an entire day- actually, probably more like two or three- away from Swarm…"

"We've spent more time away from our team mates before, little pix." He teased. "So much more time. Why are you worrying about leaving Swarm?"

"She's the only one here." Shadow pawed the ground, her tails curling. "Back home we have a lot of them in and out of the Den all the time, so there's always plenty of Pokemon there to look after any of the littler recruits and trainees. Swarm's gonna be on her own…"

"Her father's here for her so that she doesn't spend too much time doing Cape stuff, but if she wants to go out and do something then she can call on Vicky and Amy to go out with her." Eon pointed out, prodding her with a tail. "Relax, kit, and focus on getting ready for your healing stint."

"Right." She shook her head. "Right. Right. I have people to heal, people who really need help getting out from under the grip of that damn Simurgh. Focus, focus, focus."

"Are you going to be using Calm Mind?"

"I want the boosts. They don't help much when it comes to Heal Pulse and Heal Bell, but they help a little." Shaking her head again, she batted at her own nose with her paw. "That drink was a mistake… oh well. Nothing to do about it now."

"Sadly not." Eon chuckled, gently nudging her. "Now come on, form up and let's get in there, it's nearly a quarter to nine."

"Ok." Shadow dropped back slightly, just enough to take her second spot, and followed Eon into the PRT building- there weren't nearly as many people hanging around as the last time they'd been in the building. Probably because it was early, and very few people knew they were supposed to be there?- with a smile. I'm getting to help a lot of people now. She reminded herself. There's a lot of people in Canberra, all of them really need help, and I'm probably one of the only beings on the planet that can help them. No matter how long it takes, I'm going to help every single one of them. Then I'll work with the PRT to go to the rest of the Simurgh Zones, and help every single one of them too. I wonder if this is why Hoopa sent us here? I mean, there's a lot of problems on Earth Bet. The Slaughterhouse Nine, Heartbreaker, Ash Beast, the Endbringers, the Yangban… so many issues. But a lot of them can be dealt with by normal humans and Parahumans. It's just the Endbringers that are really a problem, and even then they can probably handle it given time. But breaking people out of Master effects… unless someone new Triggers with the power to do exactly that then Eon and I are the only people who can do it. Slowly, she exhaled again. It's a lot of responsibility, but… it's something important, so I can do this. I have to do this, for the sake of all these people here. If this is what Hoopa sent us here to do, then it's the responsibility that I'll need to handle, as part of the mission. If it's not… well, it's something good I can do while we wait to figure out what Hoopa did send us here to do. Win-win, really.

"Hello." Eon greeted the receptionist, making her snap out of her thoughts and stand a little taller. "I'm Eon, of Team Inari, here with Shadow. We're here for an appointment with Armsmaster and Miss Militia. Would you mind notifying them?"

"Oh- of course, Team Inari." He stumbled. "If you would take a seat?"

Hannah had volunteered to be the one to go down to the reception and escort Inari when they arrived, simply because she knew Colin would want to talk with Dragon more before she set off with the pair for Canberra. Not that they couldn't talk while they were flying, since the craft was mostly automatic once it had a destination set, but the pair of them liked the few chances they got to talk in person, and would take them at every opportunity.

It slightly surprised Hannah that Dragon had turned up personally to escort them, but she supposed that since Inari had already met the Tinker- albeit briefly and under the stress of an Endbringer battle- it made sense for someone they were reasonably familiar with to go with them to Australia for the test. It would also allow Dragon to act as an intermediate, given that most people knew of the Guild Tinker from her reputation. That would most likely help Inari handle things, depending on how unfamiliar the situation was to them.

Upon walking into the reception area, she didn't have to look far to see the pair of kitsune sitting in the chairs, being the only ones there at this time of morning on a Saturday. Eon was already looking at the door, Shadow gazing around idly as if bored, jumping to attention when her leader tapped her on the back with a tail.

"Oh, Miss Militia." Shadow smiled widely, jumping down from the chair. Eon followed, flowing into a standing position and strolling over with Shadow at his side.

"Greetings, Miss Militia." He gave a much smaller smile and a nod to her, which she returned with an outstretched hand. "Thank you for offering to work with us." He shook it, as did Shadow.

"It's quite an important situation, after all." Hannah returned. "But come along, we should get moving."

"Of course." Eon nodded, following her through the door and into the passageway. The pair of vulpine creatures looked around curiously as she led them up to the rooftop, where Dragon and her transport were waiting.

Colin was still quietly talking to her, but stopped as they approached, turning towards Inari. "Inari." He nodded respectfully.

"Good morning, Armsmaster." Eon gave a little bow, and a slightly deeper one to Dragon's suit standing beside him. "Dragon. Thank you for offering us transport."

"It's no trouble at all, Eon." Dragon replied, with a smile in her voice. She offered a slight bow back as well, something that clearly surprised the Kyuubi and his partner, and added, "After all, it's a very special thing that'll help a lot of people, and making sure you get there safely is important for that."

"Still, thank you anyway." He insisted. "Now, I assume we're ready to go?"

"The very last of the checks are just being done now, so almost, yes." She confirmed. "Unless there's anything you need to do, we'll be leaving shortly."

"No, the both of us are fine."

"How long d'you think it'll take?" Shadow asked, tapping her paw on the ground. It was an action somewhat unlike her, Hannah thought, and wondered what the problem was. Maybe she was just anticipatory for heading out to help people?

"The checks shouldn't take much more than five minutes." Dragon told her. "The flight itself... maybe nine or so hours? Since it's mostly open ocean on our route, we'll be flying at around the sound barrier, which would cut a lot off of our time."

"Oh, that's handy!" Shadow grinned. "So, we'll get there around six... our time, that is, and then we can handle everything there."

"It'll be around ten in the morning in Canberra when we get there." Dragon said. "Hopefully it won't take too long to handle the actual effects."

"Probably not." The little kitsune agreed. "Depends on how everything's organised, I guess, but it shouldn't take too long even so. Should be fine in the end."

"Huh, we might even be back home by tomorrow, then." Eon muttered.


The remainder of the five minutes was spent talking quietly among themselves about assorted things, mostly to do with their trip to Canberra but also about the city of Brockton Bay and how things had changed. Mostly because Lung had started slowly going to ground, taking the rest of the ABB with him, due in part to the appearance of the two kitsune wandering around the city and dealing with crime, which was leading to the Empire 88 getting a little more brave, pushing the boundaries between them and the ABB a little in the hopes of taking territory.

The Merchants hadn't been doing the same, but there was speculation on the idea that they'd even noticed, given how drugged up they were. And the fact that the Capes of the team had been too busy rampaging about the fact that their money kept vanishing due to being Inari's favoured target for messing with and stealing money from, which meant that they were paying rather less attention to the doings of the other gangs in the belief that it was some internal action that was making the money go away.

This was despite the fact that it was fairly public knowledge that Inari favoured them as targets, and also despite it being very public knowledge that Inari had members on the team that could go invisible, which Hannah found incredibly amusing. From the looks on their faces, Inari did as well, with Shadow making a funny half-snort sound which she quickly buried under her paw.

The PRT trooper who was in charge of checking over the Dragoncraft was waiting somewhat awkwardly at the side while they talked, until Dragon noticed him and waved him over. "Everything's ready to go, Ma'am." He said, saluting. "You're cleared to take off at any time you like."

"Thank you, Lieutenant." The Tinker audibly smiled back, then looked towards Inari. "If you're ready to go…?"

"Of course." Eon smiled, with a nod. "Whenever you're ready, we're willing to continue on."

"One trip to Canberra, coming up." Dragon started over to the transport, beckoning them to follow after.

"Safe travels." Hannah offered, as Inari went to leave as well. Eon turned back, bowing once more.

"Again, thank you for your help with this matter. Thank the Madam Director as well, please?"

"I'll pass along your gratitude." She agreed, before Colin could step in.

"Then may we see each other shortly, and in success." Shadow bowed lowly. Eon gave her a sideways glance, then gave his own slightly shorter bow.

"Indeed. Good day." Both kitsune started walking again, while Hannah swapped a slightly confused look with Colin.

"What was that about?" She asked quietly, once she was fairly sure the pair were out of range of even their extended hearing.

"Unknown." Colin replied, similarly quietly. "I have never seen any member of Inari offer that as a greeting or goodbye before."

"I don't think Eon expected it either, from the way he looked at her." She told him, knowing that he would've missed something like that from the Kyuubi. "I wonder if it's not something that's normally said by her?"


Eon was curious as to why Shadow had offered one of the typical farewells for teams to the pair of Protectorate members, but given that they were now on Dragon's shuttle and getting settled onto the pair of larger couches that were waiting on the inside he knew he would have to keep his curiosity to himself until after the trip. While on the plane it was likely that they were being monitored, and in Australia they'd probably be too busy to manage to really talk about it, so it would need to wait. Not that he minded too much, it was just curiosity, but Shadow hadn't spoken those words at all since they'd left the Den and their team over a month ago- nearly two now, actually.

It was possible it was just the sugar getting to her, in fairness, but Eon didn't think so. The Vulpix had been quite sincere in her words, he could tell, so it seemed like she had genuinely meant to give them a team's farewell.

Whatever the reason was, however, it was shoved to one side in favour of listening to the Tinker before them, who was standing near a discrete door at the front that most likely led to the pilot's cabin.

"Hopefully this is comfortable for you, I had the internals redone slightly yesterday to give you a bit more sitting room, since we'll be flying for quite a while. There's a mini bar in the wall over there that slides out using the button, and there's also a bathroom you can use if you need it behind the other door on the side. Feel free to take what you want from the bar, I don't mind and it'll all be cleared out once we get back anyway."

"Thank you, Dragon." Eon offered a nod that verged slightly onto a bow, as best as he could from his position lying on the seat, and Dragon offered a bow back before vanishing through the door. The engines started up a moment later, likely some kind of limited AI handling it- like how Porygon or Rotom would often handle computer based things in the rescue world when it was necessary- that Dragon would then be monitoring as they flew, and smoothly caused them to rise into the air.

He turned his head to Shadow, who was happily stretched out on her couch. "So, looking forward to it?"

"Mhm." She hummed, eyes closed. "Should be interesting. Now lemme sleep. Wanna make sure I'm not too tired when we get there."

Eon chuckled quietly. "Sure thing, pix." The air was soon filled with gentle snoring as she slept off the sugar rush from earlier, while Eon did his best to ignore the slight motions he could feel from the flight.

Taylor sighed somewhat despondently, quietly stirring her cereal with her spoon, resting her head on her hand and gazing at the little whirlpool she was making.


"Huh?" She blinked, looking up at Danny in confusion.

"Is something wrong?" He asked her. "You're acting a little odd."

Danny was pretty sure he knew what was up with her, but it was still a good idea to check before he tried to reassure her about something, just in case he was wrong.

"It's weird. Not having Shadow and Eon around, I mean." Taylor murmured, still stirring her cereal absently. "Sure, they're not normally here anyway, because they live at the Den, but knowing that they're not in the city at all feels... different."

"Because they're not in easy calling distance?"

"I guess." She frowned. "I could call them easily, I think, but since they're probably flying out about now that wouldn't be the best idea, I guess. It just feels odd to know that they're going flying out to Australia to help people out, and I'm stuck here."

"Are you upset about being left behind?"

Taylor opened her mouth, then paused. "I... kinda." She mused. "I think… it's odd to not have Eon and Shadow here in the city. I've gotten kind of used to having them here, even though it's only been… well, less than two months since they got here and invited me into their team. But the fact that they invited me at all is… I'd sort of given up on making friends." Taylor put her spoon down, resting her head in her hands. "Because of those three… I didn't think I'd get the opportunity to make friends again. Then I Triggered, and started doing Cape things, and then they intervened… it was all pretty weird, to be honest."

Danny didn't say anything, just letting her speak.

"Getting to join their team was… kind of a dream come true, actually. I never expected to end up in a team since, well… I didn't want to join the Wards, because of the oversight and drama, and I wouldn't join New Wave because it'd put you at risk, and there's not really any other options.. or well, I thought." Taylor shrugged. "Then they came along, and I started to work with them, and… so much has happened. It's so odd. And now they aren't here…"

"You miss them."

"Yeah." She nodded. "And I guess I do kind of feel a bit left out, being left here in the city alone while they go traipsing off into far away places. But I understand that they need someone here in the city to handle things while they're gone, and it's always possible I could go along with them the next time."

"I'd be worried if you did, I'll admit." Danny told her. "But I'm also well aware that you can take care of yourself, and that even Shadow alone is probably a match for just about anything that might try to harm you, let alone having Eon beside her. Next trip, depending on what happens with this one, we'll talk it over with Eon and Shadow and think about you going."

He wasn't totally sure it was a safe idea to do that, given how powerful Capes could be compared to Taylor's relatively weaker insect control, but seeing how her face lit up at the thought was worth it.

"Thank you!" She smiled widely. "I'm not really sure how I could help, except for guard duty of some sort which the PRT probably would already have covered, but…"

"Your insects might catch something they miss, and just having you around would likely help your team mates feel more relaxed about their healing." Danny pointed out. "And having you around to perform that layer of guard duty might let Eon feel relaxed enough to help out with the healing somewhat."

"That'd get things over and done with a fair bit quicker, I guess, if they can split up to cover more rooms." Taylor nodded. "Which would mean that Team Inari can help people out faster, and get home faster, and then go out faster."

"Just make sure that none of you overtire yourselves, Taylor." He warned her. "Eon's usually a pretty down-to-earth person- ah, Pokemon- but it's possible that he'll get a little lost in the idea of helping out a lot of people all at once. The three of you need to work together to make sure none of you get exhausted doing this, and leave time for your normal patrols and to relax as well."

"And to rob the Merchants."

"And to rob the Merchants, yes." He chuckled. "They're good targets, I suppose, and it's a decent enough way to fund your Cape team."

"Maybe we should sell those cakes we made, as a more legit way of doing it." Taylor suggested, finally starting to eat her cereal. "That'd be pretty funny. Three Capes doing a bake sale."

Danny shook his head. "Maybe don't start selling out cakes, Taylor." He replied. "It's not like you need to, and honestly it's probably better that you keep them for your own team. Especially since they seem to have something of the power the Berries themselves have."

"Yeah, I guess." Taylor frowned. "I think I know what I want to do today."


"I want to go to the Den, set up the weaving again for Parian, then check on the Berry trees for Shadow." She explained. "Then I think it might be a good idea to collect some of the healing ones- I think that's Oran, Sitrus and… Leppa? That… sounds right- and bring them back, maybe make some cakes or something out of them to start carrying around in our bags."

"Not going out with Glory Girl?"

"No." Taylor shook her head. "I've spent plenty of time patrolling with Inari, I don't need to do any more right now. I'd rather stay home with you and use my time in a more effective way, helping prepare things for the team to use rather than going out and possibly getting myself injured and causing trouble."

Danny smiled. "Keep thinking things through, kiddo, and you'll all do fine."

"Thanks, Dad." Taylor paused, tilting her head- a gesture amusingly like Shadow. "You've not seen the Den, have you?"

"Not yet."

"Come with me!" She invited enthusiastically. "Make up a little basket and we can pretend we're going out for a walk in the woods if anyone happens to ask, and we'll go to the Den together."

Danny smiled a little more widely. "I'd love to, Taylor."
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