A Shadow, an Eon, and a Worm (Worm/Pokemon)

Chapter 38- Wish Maker, aggravation, and alarm
Pretty much the entire room gave the equivalent of a confused blink.

"What...?" Dragon asked, apparently being the first person to recover from their confusion. "They're spirits?"

"Yes." Eon agreed, still staring at the screen. The Deoxys had moved around once again, still cradling the Jirachi to their chest, and seemed to be scanning the area. It surprised Eon that they hadn't noticed the camera, given that rumours were that Deoxys could use electromagnetic waves to communicate, but maybe they were ignoring the drone as non-hostile? Or perhaps they could tell what it did.

"Where exactly are they?" Shadow questioned, frowning. "It would probably be best if Eon and I went to greet them. They'll recognise us- well, not us, but they'll recognise our species, so they're more likely to take us as friendly and let us explain things."

"They're on Devon Island." Dragon told her, probably glancing at something in her helmet. Or possibly just knowing where the camera was instinctively, depending on how her abilities as a machine being worked. "It's a mostly uninhabited island, due to the fact that having Leviathan roaming around has shown in the past that small islands aren't the safest places to be living, so it's unlikely that these spirits are going to be found by anyone else."

"Excellent." Eon nodded. "Is there any way we can get some sort of plane out there? We can continue talking some other way, but I think it'd be best if we got moving as soon as possible to make sure that they're safe. Jirachi... they're incredibly powerful, and while there's limits to that power for safety reasons, I don't want them to feel the need to defend themselves against an opponent. And then there's Deoxys."

"I have one of my crafts on the roof of the building." Dragon assured them, sending one more glance at the monitor before starting to lead the way out of the room. Eon and Shadow both paused for a moment to nod to the technicians and bow to the Director and the two Capes in the room, then followed her out, each adjusting their bags as they did. "We can take that. Should be able to get there in an hour or so, assuming nothing goes wrong. I'll file for flight plans and that on the way, to minimise the time."

"Ah, good." Eon smiled, giving Shadow a worried look. As they walked, fading into silence since no-one wanted to risk the possibility of someone else overhearing what was going on- not that it was likely anyone else could get to Jirachi and Deoxys before them, but there was still a risk no matter what- Eon took out the burner phone from his bag and held it with Extrasensory.

Something's come up, we're heading out. Keep an eye on things, will fill you in when we get back.

Ok, no problem. Nothing going on so far, staying sorta near base so I can run for your go-bags if we need them. Stay safe?


It didn't take long to get to the roof, and even less time to settle into the Dragoncraft- it was the same one that they used for heading to the Simurgh Zones, so both of them just headed for the couches that they'd claimed as 'theirs' and lay along them, leaving their bags at the base of the seat- and Dragon went straight into the pilots cabin and started the engine.

"I've set up a call to the room we were just in." She announced over the speakers as it rumbled into the air. "So go ahead and keep filling things in. Trust me, it's secure."

"Good." Eon nodded to the air. "Is there anything you'd like me to talk about?"

"What exactly are these two?" Director Piggot's voice asked. "You gave us titles, but what are they?"

"Both of them are somewhat mysteries, even to us, but we'll do our best to tell you what we know." He promised. "Deoxys, first. They're a spirit from space, essentially an alien even to us, and travels on meteorites for the most part. The crystal in their chest appears to be the main body of them, and they can communicate via and see electromagnetic waves."

"It doesn't seem to have detected the cameras we're using." Armsmaster noted.

Eon shrugged. "Perhaps your technology has something to it that they can't trace. It's Tinkertech, after all. Or maybe they've seen it, but aren't regarding it as any sort of threat."

Privately, he doubted that, since that Deoxys was guarding the Jirachi in that way, but it was still possible, so he put it forward anyway. Eon thought for a moment more, then decided not to mention any of the weaknesses they had; even if the communication was secure, he wouldn't want to be the one risking a Jirachi just because he'd told people that Deoxys could be disoriented or even blinded if there were too many electromagnetic waves around them.

"But aside from that, there isn't much more."

"Jirachi, though." Shadow sat up a little, halfway to her Talekeeper pose again, and Eon spent a moment ruefully reflecting on the fact that she'd been using that much more here on Bet than she'd ever done back home in Alma. "Jirachi is a mythical spirit, one of incredible power. They are the Wish Maker, and that means exactly what it says; they grant wishes. How varies from tale to tale, or perhaps from Jirachi to Jirachi; some require a quality to be met in the person they speak to, a clear voice or a noble soul, kindness and compassion. Some require a challenge be completed first; a test of skill and resolve, or even a battle against them directly. I know of a few that merely require you write the wish on one of their tags; possibly the most difficult, since they can escape you if they want. One is known to use the power of a comet, awakening only even one thousand years, and needing a friend that they can trust to be able to keep them safe when they wake up. That one is the most powerful, and thus the most dangerous, but any Wish Maker can be dangerous if they choose." She smiled, a little regretfully. "Not all of them know when a person is good, after all."

"Jirachi is powerful, and thus a myth, and for good reason." Eon added. "We've heard stories before about the Star Cave, and the Jirachi that waits there. That one requires a battle against the person wanting to make a wish, and from what I understand of that story, it was quite the battle. We have no way of knowing what sort of test this Jirachi would want, though, until we meet them."

"Star Cave?" Someone asked- lowly enough that it probably wasn't supposed to be a question that they heard, but the microphones picked it up anyway, and with a glance at Shadow, Eon nodded.

"A place from a region near our home. Sinah." He told them. "It was an interesting tale to hear, and one we were both glad to add to our collection of stories."

"I... see." Director Piggot said, slowly. Clearly she remembered Sinah from the incident with the Time Gear, and at a guess probably didn't want to think about that for too long, so Shadow moved things along.

"Some Jirachi have some kind of protector with them- not all, not even a lot, but some of them. That's why we're saying that Deoxys is the guardian here. They're job is to keep the Jirachi safe, especially when they're in their resting form."

"Jirachi can't grant wishes continuously, they need rest to recharge the power." Eon jumped in, before anyone could ask. "The bigger the wish, the more power it'd take. If it takes too much power, they form a crystal shell to rest. It looks like a meteorite, but they can still use some of their power to defend themselves or travel. That's likely what happened here; the Jirachi was travelling, the Deoxys was with them either in their own form or attached to the shell in some way, and the two of them ended up here."

How that had happened was a completely different matter, and one that Eon was extremely keen on exploring, because it made no sense up until he started wondering about a lot of other things, and then it just made a bit too much sense and lined up with some other things far too well.

Explanation A; Hoopa. Why Hoopa would send them a Jirachi and a Deoxys, he had no idea, but if it was him, then at least it made sense that they were here.

Explanation B; Bet and their world were a lot more closely linked in some way than they had originally known, and somehow a travelling Jirachi had managed to fly all the way through space and ended up on Bet. Personally Eon thought that this being a coincidence was bullshit of the highest order, but it could happen. He just thought it was more likely that they'd've ended up somewhere else first and probably settled down there.

Explanation C; something to do with a wish. He wasn't sure if that was the most or least likely explanation, since it being a wish implied that it was someone who knew about Bet, and that would imply Hoopa and Hoopa only, leading back to explanation A all over again. But there was also the possibility that the wish had been something extremely vague, had never mentioned Bet at all, and it was just pure luck that they'd ended up there after a wish.

Speculating was pretty much worthless, though, given that in less than an hour they'd be meeting the two of them in person, all being well, so they could just ask them then. Hopefully they'd actually get a straight answer out of them, because there was always a chance that they'd lie, but that was a bridge to cross when they got to it.

And maybe burn, if things turned into a fight, but Eon hoped it wouldn't get that far.

Emily excused herself for a moment after Eon finished speaking, heading out of the conference room that they'd taken over to use for monitoring and moving herself into the office next door. While the call was still ongoing, and would be up until the point that Inari and Dragon arrived at the island in order to meet with those spirits, there were enough people currently in the room that she didn't have any real issue missing some of the conversation. She could get Hannah to bring her up to speed if needs be.

Once she was sure the security in the room was up and the door was locked, she sat down heavily and buried her face in her hands, allowing herself a moment of weakness that she couldn't really afford, but had to take anyway before she started shouting at people.

Possibly Inari, based on everything else going on.

And given that she could not afford to offend Inari by accident with her stress-filled shouting, Emily much preferred taking a moment to herself instead.

An Endbringer attack is due any week now, the gangs are being strange for no apparent reason, there was an explosion last month that we still don't really know anything about aside from the fact that the ABB and Empire decided that that warehouse needed to be gone, the god-damn Chief Director has been bitching at me about what we did with the Time Gear ever since she looked at that report, apparently the Slaughterhouse fucking Nine is going to be showing their faces around here at some point in the future, and now there's this. She mentally ranted, pressing her hands to her forehead and staring down at the table. And now there's this bullshit that I'm inevitably going to need to write up a report on for the Chief and probably also for the Thinkers to take a look at, assuming that they're able to get anything out of apparently mythical spirits showing up on Bet that Inari recognises and knows are incredibly powerful. Probably powerful enough for them to block Thinkers if they wanted to, let's be honest here. And Costa-Brown is likely going to want to try and get these two onto the Protectorate's roll somehow, nevermind the fact that they're more likely to want to hang about with Inari because they're similar beings or whatever the hell is going on there.

"Why is this city fucking cursed." She asked herself aloud, despairing. "Inari is here, the Empire is here, the ABB is here, the Merchants are here, and now we're apparently about to get two more magical bullshit spirits of super powerful everything that're going to start wandering around the city getting dinner with other heroes, signing autographs, and generally being really goddamn weird when compared to every Cape in existence. Why are these people here. Why can't they be gathering literally anywhere else. Why does it need to be my goddamn city that they decide to gather in to do their crap."

She sighed, slowly. It was as much of a release of stress as she could afford right now, given everything that was going on in the other room, she wouldn't be able to go down to the gym and punch something. Honestly it might be a good idea to get her heart checked out by Panacea or something, or at the very least maybe arrange for herself to be on the edge of one of Shadow's healing waves to make sure that nothing was going to go wrong. Brockton Bay was cursed as fuck, but it really couldn't afford a new Director taking over when they were still dealing with all of this. Maybe once things had calmed down a bit, she could finally fucking retire and make it someone else's problem.

Emily had no idea what she'd do with a retirement, but at this point, that was a problem for her future self. She'd be happy to just get to the point where that was an option, honestly, with everything that was going on.

Maybe she could make a wish for it.

Emily snorted. Wishes. She thought. Forty years ago and that would've been a complete joke of a phrase. Hell, even five, ten years ago, this would probably have been a joke. And now apparently we've got a super myth being from space and it's magical space guardian showing up a little ways away with magical wish granting powers that apparently work by right of combat or the power of fucking friendship or something. I need a fucking drink.

She sighed again. "I hate this city." She muttered.

After several long minutes of merely staring at the table and pretending that the clusterfuck going on in the next room wasn't, Emily hauled herself to her feet, took another moment to try and centre herself so that she hopefully wasn't going to go insane at anyone, and headed back into the main room.

"-Kely that we would need to try and befriend the Deoxys first, before we'll even be able to make an attempt at Jirachi." Shadow was saying as she walked in. "Deoxys is their guardian, in this case, so we'll need to be able to convince them that we're not a threat to Jirachi before we're able to speak to Jirachi themself."

"What exactly does this guardian thing entail?" Hannah asked, sounding concerned. "It seems important..."

"It is and it isn't." Eon said in return, and even though he was on a craft miles away Emily could visualise the shrug that he gave. "It's important because they're guarding someone who's very powerful, and could potentially be in danger or dangerous. But in truth it's not so different than an escort mission, just keeping an eye on a client."

"Potentially dangerous?" Emily queried, making her way to stand between the two Capes.

"Naturally." Shadow sounded faintly amused. "Jirachi is a Wish Maker, but more importantly; they're Mythical. They're powerful. Not so powerful as something like Dialga, per say, but powerful."

Emily, Hannah, and Colin all winced, remembering what Dialga was very clearly, and Shadow continued, "So yes, they could be dangerous and in danger. In danger, because it's possible for Jirachi to be attacked in an attempt to force some form of battle, but dangerous, because they're incredibly powerful in more ways than just being a Wish Maker. If someone attacked Jirachi, there's a good chance that they would retaliate, and if they had to retaliate, they could cause a lot of damage with their Moves if things went wrong."

"I... see." Emily said slowly. "So this Deoxys is there to keep Jirachi safe, but also keep others safe from them?"

"Pretty much, yes." Eon replied. "It's actually fairly unusual that the guardian P-spirit is a similarly mythical being, though. Deoxys is pretty powerful as well, so any fight that happens with any of them is going to be dangerous. But since Deoxys is also a space-farer, that's probably why the two of them are sticking together." Eon hummed, quietly. "To be fair, though, guardians in general in this fashion are a little rare, nowadays. Teams and Guilds like ours became more common, so a lot of spirits rely more on that than guardians. And mythical or legendary spirits tended to retreat into Dungeons where it was difficult for most others to find them, which made it less necessary for guardians as well."

"That's..." Colin seemed to be attempting to find something to say to that, but failed miserably. "I see." He said instead.

Eon huffed out a laugh. "Regardless, to return to the topic, we'll need to persuade Deoxys that we don't mean any harm before we'll be able to talk directly with Jirachi, but hopefully we'll be able to give both of them a quick explanation of what's going on on this world so that they'll be safe even if they don't decide to come with us."

I desperately hope that they decide to go with you.
Emily couldn't help but think. I can take another two mystery beings in my city if I have to. I don't think I could take it if two massively powerful creatures were just wandering around the world wherever they wanted without any sort of support or monitoring. My heart couldn't take it, and I'm fairly sure the Costa-Brown would end up going insane.

Dragon couldn't help but feel incredibly nervous as she started lowering her craft into a nearby clearing. There was no way that the Jirachi and Deoxys had managed to miss their ship coming in for a landing, but the others back in Brockton Bay had said that the two of them were still exactly where they had been when they'd arrived, still ignoring the camera, and while they'd looked up as the craft came closer, neither had made to leave. It worried her slightly, given what Eon and Shadow had been saying about them on the way over, but she was hopeful that nothing would go wrong.

"Ok, we're here." She announced, as things settled. "Would you like me to come with you, or should I stay here?"

"Feel free to come along." Shadow beamed, looking up at one of the cameras. "Deoxys and Jirachi are the kind of spirits that wouldn't have any trouble with someone a little more unusual."

Dragon froze for a moment, trying to figure out what she meant, while Eon winked at the same camera and added, "While they might not be too used to humans, they'll adapt quickly. We all do."

Was that just an innocent comment about humans not being common in their world, or a veiled reference to my nature? She couldn't help but wonder, as she stood from her seat and started out into the main room of her aircraft. It was difficult to tell, with Inari. Sometimes it seemed like they were totally innocent in regards to knowing about what she was, but sometimes it seemed like they knew exactly what she was.

Especially given the incident with the Time Gear. Shadow refusing to tell any of them what she saw made her feel a little nervous, given what everyone else had seen, and if it hadn't been for the call going on in the plane- and possibly Eon, given that she didn't know what he'd been told after Inari had left- she would've asked Shadow what she'd seen. But the way that Shadow had been acting after the vision, the way that she'd explained things about the machine spirits of their world, made Dragon feel like there was a lot more to it than just saying how things were different there.

Perhaps on the way back, if there wasn't any calls going on, she might ask Shadow if she would be willing to come into the pilots cabin so that she could ask her. Unless she was needed to speak with Deoxys and Jirachi, but Dragon expected that Eon would be able to deal with it alone fine.

"Ready?" She asked, as they made their way to the door, Shadow drifting naturally into her usual spot at Eon's side. Dragon stood a little ways behind them both, since the other side was apparently Swarm's side, and she didn't want to accidentally intrude on things there, and internally started making preparations to end the call while making sure to record the entire encounter.

"Of course." Eon nodded, shifting slightly on his paws. "We'll hopefully be able to report back a decent success."

"Best of luck to you." Director Piggot said. Dragon ended the call then, opening the doors at the same time.

They'd landed a little way away from the place the two spirits were, so the three of them had to walk over to them. That at least had the advantage of both sides being able to see each other as they approached, and Deoxys' form turned somewhat sharply towards them, still cradling the Jirachi in their arm against their chest.

Dragon couldn't contain her gasp when the spirit shimmered, a lilac sheen flickering across their body, and the bulky form abruptly shifted. Now, they were much thinner and sleeker, with only two tendrils; one blue, and one orange. The orange armour that had coated their body had moved, covering only the head and forming two bands at the top of their legs. The rest of them was a black colour, and the lilac thing in the centre of their chest was much more clearly visible, showing that it was some sort of crystal. The head was similar, but with two pointed 'ears' on either side, and when it crouched down, she could see a long spike trailed from the back of it.


"Deoxys can change formes." Shadow explained, a little tersely. "The one you saw before was the Defence forme. This one's Speed."

"I take it that there's more?"

"Normal forme focuses on being well rounded, Attack forme focuses on damage. The other two are Defence and Speed, as you might guess."

Eon silenced both of them with a tail, glancing back, then straightened a little. "Deoxys, Jirachi, greetings." He called, stopping in place. Shadow immediately stopped as well, and Dragon hesitated mid-step for a moment before stepping back.

'Demand. Require identification.'

Dragon gasped again at the feeling of a voice pressing into her mind. She shuddered. It felt disturbing, the words being projected directly into her mind instead of coming through the microphones on the suit, binding themselves into the coding that handles audio inputs with no regard. The words seemed to have more information to them than what was said, as well, but she couldn't quite figure out what it was- she knew it was there, at least vaguely, but the meaning felt somewhat incomplete.

Eon seemed completely unaffected, however. "My name is Eon, the leader of Rescue Team Inari, from Alma. My second in command is Shadow, also a Talekeeper in training. The person behind me is Dragon, a member of the Guild, from a country called Canada. They're a native to this world, part of a type of policing force here. None of us mean you any harm."

'Demand. State purpose.'

"We noticed your arrival here due to some camera systems that are set up to monitor a being that stays on the edge of space." Eon said. "Originally Inari was called in to potentially help identify you, and when we did we were asked to come and meet you to explain the situation on this world."

'Information required.' Deoxys returned, slowly standing up. They were still holding Jirachi to their chest, but they at least didn't seem like they were about to flee.

"The world that you're on is Earth Bet. The main species here are humans, and there's no sign that our kind have ever existed at all. Rather than regions their world is split into a large number of various countries, each with their own leaders. Approximately forty years ago, a being known as Scion arrived, and after that, people began getting powers in events called Triggers. These people are known as Parahumans, or Capes, and some of them work in groups similar to Guild teams, while others are more like Outlaws. Additionally, there are things called Endbringers, which attack on a cycle and cause massive devastation, which Parahumans fight with."


"For normal humans and beings like us, they're pretty dangerous." Eon agreed. "Someone of your power, though, or Jirachi's, probably wouldn't have too much trouble with them."

Oh that's not terrifying at all. Dragon couldn't help but think. The idea that Eon considered the Endbringers to be pretty dangerous to them, given what they'd managed to do to Leviathan? Sure, Eon had been hurt pretty badly at the end of the fight, but both of them had still done more actual, physical damage to Leviathan than anyone had ever managed since they'd first appeared.

And these two spirits wouldn't consider them much trouble?


'None of that sounds very good.'
Dragon startled again as another voice joined the conversation. This one was much more comprehensive, without the feeling that the words were being compressed, and sounded... young. Almost child-like. It was also distinctly male, defined in a way that Deoxys' voice had lacked. 'Deoxys, lemme go.'

Slowly, almost reluctantly, Deoxys uncurled their tendril from around the spirit they were holding, letting Jirachi float out. Up close, he seemed even smaller than he had on the camera, hovering in the air before them with the cloak-like streamers rippling in an invisible breeze. There were two small triangles under his eyes, too small for the camera to have seen at its distance, that almost made it look like he was crying.

"Wish Maker Jirachi." Shadow greeted, giving him- presumably, anyway, given the voice- a small smile.

'Hello, Talekeeper Shadow.' He smiled in return. 'It's an honour to meet you. Perhaps we could trade stories sometime.'


Jirachi gave Deoxys a small glare, then floated down to Eon's level and held out a hand. 'And it's good to meet you too, Inari Leader Eon. Thank you for coming to meet us. We weren't very sure where we were, but Deoxys thought that they'd felt something watching us, so we figured we should wait around and see if anyone came.'

"Seems like it'd be a risk, if we were hostile." Dragon pointed out, making Jirachi blink and look up at her.

'Deoxys is very fast, and good at defending me.' He replied. 'We could get away.'

'Query. Request for identification.'

Dragon winced a little. "As Eon said, my name's Dragon. I'm a member of the Guild, a Canadian Parahuman group that works internationally dealing with Parahuman threats of various kinds. I tend to work a little more closely with the American Parahuman Response Team, and these last few months I've been working in Brockton Bay a lot with Inari."

'Understanding. Reiteration; request for identification?'

She paused. "I'm... afraid I don't understand what you want?" All four of the spirits blinked at that.

"They're asking what you are." Eon told her. "It's... pretty clear?"

"I didn't get that at all." Dragon responded. "Just... 'request for identification'."

"Interesting..." Shadow murmured, making Dragon look down at her. "And to answer, she's a Parahuman from here. A lot of Parahumans have armour, usually the ones called Tinkers; they build things, like armoured suits. This one's Dragon's."

'Understanding. Request for information; unit connections?'

Again, Dragon didn't quite understand what they were asking, but Shadow spoke up, "Dragon often uses remote control to link to her suits so she can be further away from them. That's probably what you're sensing."

Deoxys seemed a little dissatisfied with that answer, but the sound of an incredibly loud beeping from the craft- loud enough to be heard even as far away as they were- made all of them stop, Dragon starting to search through her databanks to find out what that alert was.

'Is something wrong?' Jirachi asked, moments before an almost deafening alarm went off, making all of them wince even as Dragon, Eon and Shadow turned towards the craft.

"Endbringer!" Eon growled, lowering himself down slightly before shaking himself. "That's one of the creatures we told you about, the dangerous ones- Dragon, which one is it?"

"Behemoth, apparently." She told him, looking over the readouts of her devices. "Seismic activity detected around 30 seconds ago, consistent with the activity for when Behemoth starts to move, and it's his turn on the attack cycle."

"A little early, isn't he?"

Eon ignored his second in command easily, looking over at Jirachi and Deoxys instead. "I understand that you don't have a lot of reason to, given that you've only just arrived here and don't really know much about this place, but would you consider joining up with us in this fight? Our team in this world is only the two of us and one Parahuman, a friend of ours called Swarm, and this fight is going to be incredibly dangerous for just about everyone else here. Your assistance could save a lot of lives."

Jirachi and Deoxys exchanged a look, then nodded. 'Always wondered what it was like being a Rescue Pokemon.' Jirachi admitted, as they started hurrying for the craft. Dragon directed the camera drones that they'd sent here originally to follow them as well, storing them in one of the compartments while everyone else clambered into the back.

She went straight for the cabin, already directing the liftoff sequence before she'd even arrived, and tuned into the cameras in the other room.

"Do we have a projected target?" Eon asked, sitting on his couch with his tails curled around Shadow. The kitsune had a phone out, seemingly texting someone, and was also rummaging through her bag at the same time.

"Not yet, but we're already working to narrow it down." She told them. "It might take a while. It's looking like it'll be somewhere in or near Asia, at least."

"That'll be one hell of a flight."

"We're not heading there. We're going to the nearest teleport gathering and meeting Strider there."

"I'm gonna be on healing with Amy again. Eon, I guess you'll be in combat if you can figure out a good way to do it, Swarm's on search and rescue, so Jirachi, Deoxys?"

If either of them replied, Dragon didn't hear it, and she mimicked clearing her throat. "Can either of you two speak up? I didn't get that, and if I have the information I can start passing it on to other people." She was already coordinating a large number of her suits to start heading for teleport areas, as well as helping to oversee the distribution of the armbands, but getting more information about things wasn't much of a strain.

'Sorry.' Jirachi said. 'I can speak aloud, but telepathy's easier, and Deoxys can't at all.' Dragon froze, taking a moment to absorb the fact that apparently these spirits were telepathic, as Jirachi added, 'Deoxys and I are both going to be working with the attackers. We're not totally sure what we'll be able to do yet, but a lot of my attacks are ranged. Deoxys might also move in and out of search and rescue, since they're fast, and maybe some sort of defensive option if we need to contain things a bit. Their formes make them really good at what they do.'

"I... see."

'Query. Designation, battle?'

There was again the feeling of some form of nuance that she couldn't quite understand, but apparently the question wasn't directed at her anyway, because when she glanced through the craft's internal cameras, Eon was giving a wide, fanged smirk.

"No. This is a fight, for certain."
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Arriving At Alma
Shadow looked curiously at the map in her grip, lifting it with a bit of difficulty to position it next to the map on the large sign before her.

"So, I'm here, and I need to be over... there, I think?" She frowned, following the path on her map.

It wasn't as good as the one on the sign, but that was mostly because it was a lot bigger than it. Her map had a lot of places on it, going all the way from her small hometown of Fori to the really big (and kinda scary, not that she'd ever admit that) cities to the place she was trying to get to now; a town, bigger than her home but not massive, that also had a Pokemon Adventurers Guild in it, one run by a Wigglytuff. That was probably a good thing, given that Wigglytuff Guild's had a very high rate of very successful adventurers and Rescue teams coming out of it in the end.

"It'd be nice if it wasn't so far from home, though." Shadow grumble lowly, folding her map and carefully putting it away in her bag. She figured that she was probably right in her guess as to where to go next, and if it turned out that she wasn't then she could probably just ask for help at whatever town she ended up in.

Shrugging her bag onto her back again, she continued onwards to what was hopefully her destination, all the while reflecting on the trip so far. For the most part, it had gone wonderfully, with her only needing to use her new- newish, anyway. She could already do it before now, but she was a lot better and more powerful than she had been before her Mama had started training her for her trip- Ember Move to blow a little fire at a few random Dungeon Pokemon once. They'd decided to pester her, and they had run off straight away after that so it hadn't really descended into a fight; more like a scuffle between her and her siblings, at least before Pa or Mama pulled them apart to avoid anyone getting hurt by the horns of the three Absol.

Shadow sighed, poking awkwardly at the bag hanging by her side with her tails. It'd been a going away present from her family- more specifically her four siblings, since they'd been the ones taking extra chores and helping around Fori for money to gang together and buy it for her. They'd also bought a scarf, in matching purple, which was snugly around her neck. It had enough grow room for if she decided to evolve too, which was nice, though she didn't think it was necessary. She wasn't really in a hurry to grow up- not like little Kaltria, her baby sister. Still, the thought was nice, and she supposed you never really knew what would happen while she was on her Rescue Team. For all they knew, maybe she would end up evolving at some point. Maybe in some sudden, last-minute decision in the battle against the bad guys in order to save her team and the treasure they'd been hired to rescue!

Or maybe it'd be in her base, with the rest of her team, because they decided they needed more power and she was in a good place to give it to them.

The point was, she supposed, she had no idea at all whether or not she'd end up evolving once she'd joined a Rescue Team, so it was nice of her siblings to take that possibility into account when they were getting her her gift. And it also meant she had a useful place to put her team leader Rescue Badge as well, rather than threading it through her fur or something.

She missed them...

Shaking her head, Shadow set her shoulders and continued forwards along the path. She didn't need to miss her siblings, it'd all be fine. They were at home in Fori with Mama and Pa, and she'd be writing to them often, and they'd be responding, and she'd become a super powerful Rescue Pokemon that led a super famous team, and she'd be able to hire a teleporter to go back there for visits when it wasn't busy, and it'd all be great.

And she was gonna keep telling herself that until the sad sicky feeling went away and she believed it.

Welcome to Alma.

Main town, straight ahead.

Rescue Pokemon rental fields, left.

Wigglytuff Rescue Team Guild, right.

Enjoy your stay, whatever the reason.

Shadow stared upwards at the sign and grinned widely.

"Brilliant." She crowed quietly, eyes bright. "I knew it was the right way. Nasty Murkrow..." One of the Dark-type birds had interrupted her on her walk through the woods and asked where she was going. He'd tried to persuade her that she was going the wrong way, but she'd pointed out on her map that she was going the right way. He'd tried to argue against that for about five minutes, but he eventually got fed up with trying to explain and fluttered off all angrily, telling her that she'd regret not listening.

She almost had, actually, when she'd run into a strange illusion field in the middle of the forest she'd been walking through, but it hadn't been very good. All it'd done was make her feel a bit confused for a minute, but she knew how to deal with that and had just kept walking past it with a bit of fire to burn the edge of the confusion off.

Flash Fire was sooo useful.

"Right, so straight ahead for the main town. Guess that's where I'm gonna need to go first, because I'm gonna need a hotel or summat to stay in. At least until I become an awesome Rescue Recruit, that is, since I think you stay in Guild until you graduate. And then you're normally pretty good and have money and stuff..." Shadow grinned enthusiastically at the thought of being a famous Rescue Pokemon, then shook herself free of it and adjusted her bag and scarf. "No, Shadow, stay focused. Get set up in town first. Then you can focus on being an awesome Rescue Pokemon. Just gotta focus."

She started trotting down the road in front of her, shooting a slightly longing glance down the one to the Wigglytuff Guild before she continued.

Just a little bit longer, and she'd be able to make it!

"Where's the hotel here?" Shadow muttered irately to herself, pawing at the floor as she looked around. "It should probably be around here... right?"

She had absolutely no idea; she was basing it kind of off of her time back home in Fori, which had a smallish hotel near the entrance of the town, and as such that was where she was standing at the moment, looking around for where she hoped it would be.

Being in a new place was annoying, she decided, stepping off to the side so that she was out of the way if anyone needed to walk past. The bigger towns and cities she'd stopped in on her way here hadn't been so bad; there were lots of signs everywhere, and if she was still lost there was usually another Pokemon that she could ask for directions.

People were usually pretty nice when she asked for help, probably because she was so young. She was only ten, after all, and a lot of the Pokemon she'd met on her way here had commented that it was pretty young to be travelling alone.

Shaking her head a little, she looked around again, trying to spot a sign that might point her in the right direction.

"Are you alright, there?"

Shadow jumped and squeaked slightly, before blushing and turning to look at the speaker. An Arcanine had managed to sneak up on her somehow, and was now looking down at her, faintly amused.

"Oh, um, hi." She said, waving a little awkwardly. "Um, yeah, I'm ok, just a little lost..."

"The hotel's a little further into town, a couple streets down round the corner." She gaped, and he laughed. "You look like a traveller, and a lot of them get a bit lost cause they think the hotel's gonna be nearer the gate than it is. Dunno why Blissey set up where she did, but whenever the two've them are asked they just titter and talk in circles 'til you forget what you asked."

"Oh, thank you!" Shadow smiled. "Yeah, I was a bit confused..."

"No worries, no worries. Glad to help. I'm Arcanine- yes, just Arcanine, you'll find that a lot round here- leader of Team Rushout. We're one of the bigger local teams round here."

"I'm Shadow, and I'm gonna be a Rescue Pokemon." She told him. He laughed, a loud, booming sound.

"Excellent, it's always good to have more Pokemon around! Here, let me walk you to the hotel, I can answer a few questions for ya." The larger Pokemon gestured down the street for her to walk ahead of him, keeping to her side. "There's not a lot going on around here, true, but there's always something."

"What's it like being in a Rescue Team?" She asked. "I kinda want to make my own."

"I'll put in a good word for ya, kid, but you might have a bit've trouble with that. Not Wigglytuff, he's a darling, but Chatot can be a bit strict sometimes, doesn't like the idea. He's a bit hard pressed letting kids into the Guild at all, t'be honest. Still, if he's a problem, feel free to find me, I'll let you join up with our lot for a while. Or ever, if ya take to it." Arcanine offered. "But to answer, it's pretty good. Stressful, whether you're leading or just working in it, but it's good work. Getting to help a lot of Pokemon out and travel around... dangerous, too, o'course, with Outlaws and Dungeons being what they are, but still good." He paused, then pointed. "Just over here's the hotel. Blissey and Audino run it, with their kid Chansey, they'll be happy to let you hang about until you're all sorted. Whether that's with a Team, the Guild, or something else."

"Thank you!" Shadow beamed. "And thanks for the offer, too, but I'm gonna be a Rescue Team leader myself! You'll see!"

He laughed, again, though it didn't sound mocking. "I bet, kid. Maybe we'll be able to work together in the field sometime."
Chapter 39- Threat, analysis, and beginning
"Behemoth," Eon said slowly, breathing deeply. It wasn't the first time he'd had to fill in a team member on a threat- he'd has to do it plenty as the leader of the team back in Alma, after all- but it was the first time he was ever going to be doing it for two Legendary Pokemon, both incredibly powerful and both totally, absolutely unaware of the sort of threat they were facing. "Behemoth is a dynakinetic. He manipulates energy. That makes countering him extremely difficult, because it's paired with incredibly high defences and a kill aura. It means he can ignore what the Parahumans here call the Manton Limit- basically internal powers only work internally, and external powers only work externally. He can bypass that and use his powers both ways within around thirty feet, letting him kill people incredibly easily. Suggested that you keep about a hundred foot distance from him because of that so you can dodge. Also projects radiation, glows white when he does it, that's got a range of about a hundred feet as well so staying back means you're hitting two Taillow with one Rock Throw. The radiation poisoning also causes a lot of trouble from it, and that'll get you fairly well even if you're pretty far away. Because of that the only people that get close are people with an extremely high defensiveness ability- what humans here call a 'Brute' rating- or are otherwise invulnerable. Most people with shield abilities don't like to risk it, though, at least from what I understand."

'I'm a Steel type.' Jirachi asked, tilting his head a little from where he was sitting on the opposite couch, Deoxys' arm curled around him slightly defensively. 'Wouldn't I be immune to the radiation poisoning, if it's a type of Poison?'

"Perhaps." He acknowledged. "But it's very different to how Poison types work in our world, so I wouldn't want to risk it, to be honest. For all we know it'll be just as harmful to you as it is to anyone else, and I'd rather not have you die from that."

'Fair point.'

"Anyway, that makes short range a pain, but long range is also an issue depending on what sort of thing you use for that. Since he can manipulate different types of energy, it's a bit hard to actually hit him. Plus he shoots lightning, which is pretty powerful when he wants it to be, and also he's pyrokinetic which will put us at a bit of a disadvantage because we don't know if he can use our flames."

"Fortunately for us, we have one advantage." Shadow butted in. "From what we've been able to tell in our fight against Leviathan, they're particularly weak to our Moves in some way. We're uncertain as to why, but we're pretty sure that it's something to do with our Aura. Since Aura is mostly an unknown force here- we've recently discovered that human's have it, but they can't manipulate it in any way- we figure that the Endbringers also have no idea what it is, and thus are more seriously affected by it, since they don't have any defences specifically for it."

'Query; would assistance be more beneficial on the attacking team? '

"Probably, though you'd be good anywhere." Eon told them. "Attack Forme is fragile but powerful, from what I understand, so you could likely do some good damage, assuming you have the right sort of moves to be able to do so. Defence Forme would be useful to try and control Behemoth's movements; maybe you could use your shields to keep him from going to certain areas. Plus you can shield others from Behemoth's attacks- perhaps even from the effects of the kill aura, though that would require experimentation that we don't really have time for, so we should probably avoid that for now. Speed Forme is less useful directly, since it's extremely frail from what I know, but indirectly you'd likely be able to handle search and rescue very well, which would let you get a lot more Parahumans back to the safe zone that we have for healing."

"The faster they get there, the more likely that it is that we can help them." Shadow added. "So that's also a really good thing in the end, because we can use that to be able to keep people from dying in the fight."

'Understanding; Unit will assist as directed.'

"Ok, so you're alternating, but focusing on search and rescue efforts at first. Good, that's probably for the best. Just make sure you use-" Eon paused. "Actually, you won't be able to use the bands, given that you can't speak aloud. Ok, you'll have to alert someone else to change the mode of your band so that you can help when you change what you're doing."


"Everyone participating in an Endbringer fight gets a band. These help keep track of who's where, what status they're in- they announce if they're down or deceased- and for people on search and rescue it helps point them towards other bands so that they can try and get to people faster than if they'd need to search themselves."

'Oh, I see.' Jirachi nodded. 'What about me?'

"In a way you're more and less complicated." Eon admitted. "Less, because you're powerful, so naturally you're on the attacking force, but also more, because you might be able to help more elsewhere. For example, you could help with search and rescue, being able to move a large number of people- can you teleport?"

'I can.'

"So that's an option, as is helping with healing if you were able."

'I can't do healing, no. Not without a wish, but then I'd need to do a Challenge first, and it wouldn't last long.'

"That's fine." Shadow promised. "Panacea and I can handle it ok, and there's probably gonna be other Capes there that'll have healing powers in some form that can help. Plus there's the normal humans that volunteer to stay and form medical teams as well, handling the less serious stuff and keeping people alive up until we can get to them. We managed Leviathan fine, though we did have more setup time then, hopefully we'll be ok here too." Shadow paused, looking up from the phone at Eon. "Swarm's on the move, she's picked up her own emergency kit and was heading to get ours, I told her no need, and she'll be heading out in a minute. She's planning to send a message to try and meet up with whoever in New Wave is heading out, and she's going to stick with Amy as best she can."

"Alright, good." Eon smiled, then refocused. "So Deoxys is switching around as they feel they're needed, and Jirachi is...?"

'I'll... I'll focus on attacking.' He told them, sounding nervous. 'I don't know how much I can do... I'm powerful, but I don't know if I'll be able to keep my power restrained enough to avoid hurting anyone else...'

"Just aim at the big bad, and we should be fine in the end." Eon suggested. "Other than that, there's not much to say, I think."

'Query; would multiplication be appreciated for rescue?'

Eon blinked. "Multiplication?"

'Deoxys can split themselves.' Jirachi elaborated. 'It's kinda difficult, and those guys are limited to Normal Forme only, but they can do a lot even so. They're not as powerful either, and they're pretty fragile...'

"That would be incredibly good for search and rescue." Eon agreed, after a moment to gather himself. "We'll have to pass that along up the chain, give a warning, but as long as they aren't about to get destroyed and end up hurting someone even more because they got dropped or something..."

'That isn't too likely to happen, but they can work in groups or something to keep that down as well.' Jirachi suggested, getting into the spirit of things amazingly well for someone so out of their depths. 'Sets of three, having two of them focus on defending and the other on moving? Sure the defences won't be as powerful as Defence Forme, or even just a normal Normal Forme's shields, but they should be good enough that they'd be able to keep things from getting through and hurting anyone on the other side.'

"That could work, yes." Eon hummed, turning towards the camera in the room. "Dragon, do you have a moment?"

"Certainly." The woman's voice was somewhat harried, likely from trying to coordinate things going on, so he kept it short.

"First, do we have any better confirmation on where it's going to be?"

"New Delhi, India. Scary, pretty populated, difficult to evacuate in a hurry, but there's already first responders on the scene working on it and we're trying our best to get our people there to help out as well. Hopefully we'll make it in time."

"Good. Second, Deoxys has the ability to duplicate themselves. The clones will appear only in their Normal Forme, will be unable to shift, and are rather weaker than the main body. They've suggested using them as disposables for search and rescue, allowing them to spread out further than we could otherwise and hopefully save more people, working in teams to minimise the chances that they'd be destroyed in a way that might hurt someone."

Dragon was silent for a long moment. "What exactly do you mean by duplication?"

"Clones, essentially, or perhaps something more similar to projections?" Eon shrugged. "I'm not totally sure, to be honest."

'Query; demonstration required?'

Eon looked at them. "Would you be able to do that in here?"

Deoxys nodded, before promptly doing so. The clone that appeared was purple rather than orange, with a duller blue, and the eyes looked blank and lifeless. The lilac crystal in its chest was dull as well, and it took the expected shape of Deoxys' Normal Forme.

Dragon made a soft, startled noise from the cockpit, while Eon fluidly removed himself from the couch to walk around the clone. "Impressive, though it might be a little... worrying, to some people. Then again the options are accepting its help or possibly ending up dead, so..." He shrugged. "How many can you make?"

'Admittance; upper limit unknown.'

'Usually doing more than about fifty leaves them drained, though.'
Jirachi put in.

"Sets of five, ten groups? Have all of them searching, three on defence, two on removal, moving that around as needed?" Eon suggested.

'That... that should work.' Jirachi nodded, rocking a little with the movement. 'Deoxys?'

'Agreement; suggested grouping is likely to be a viable tactic.'

"Alright, that's good." Eon hummed. "Dragon, did you get that?"

"I did, yes." She agreed. "I'm sending a message ahead of us now, so that people are properly warned. You should probably get back to your seats, we're coming in for a landing soon."

"No problem." The clone faded into lilac light as Eon jumped back to the chair, wrapping his tails around Shadow again. "How's Swarm?"

"Fine but worried." She replied lowly. "She's a bit unsure how much help she's going to be in a fight with Behemoth, but she's got what she needs and she'll be doing search and rescue as well."

"Remind her to stay as far out as she can-"

"Already done that, and she's aware. Swarm's not stupid, Eon, just because she's a bit uncertain doesn't mean that she's helpless." Shadow gave him a glare. "I know she's weaker and more limited than both of us but that doesn't mean we need to coddle her."

'Swarm?' Jirachi asked.

"The third member of our team. She's a Parahuman, native to this world, and controls insects." Shadow smiled. "It's actually a pretty cool power, all things considered."

'That sounds...'

"It's more useful than you'd think." Eon promised. "She's mainly our scout, since she can see and hear a lot further away using them, but they're not too bad for combat either. Mainly as a distraction, but also as actual weapons. Bites and stings tend to hurt humans pretty badly, especially if they're not expecting it."

'Interesting.' Jirachi raised an eyebrow. 'I'm looking forward to meeting her, I think.'

'Query; other notable figures?'

Eon blinked, then shook his head. "Yeah, filling you in on that might be good. Main one is Strider, he's going to be teleporting us." The craft shuddered to a stop, and as one the group hurried towards the already-opening doors, where a crowd of people were waiting for the teleport. "He'll get us where we need to go. Grab an armband, put it on, state your name and what you're planning- Deoxys come here and I'll do it for you-"

"No need, I'm on it."

"Thanks, Dragon." He nodded. "Alexandria, Brute, mostly invulnerable, probably gonna be up close. Legend, Blaster, long range, he'll be coordinating that team. Eidolon, Trump, mixed bag, no idea where he'll be until the point the fight starts." Eon flicked his tail in time with his words, creating illusions of each of the Parahumans he was talking about to show who they were. "Swarm looks like this, and this one is Panacea, she'll be working with Shadow and the other healers. She's one of the most powerful, so she desperately needs to be kept safe. We'll figure out where the medical bay is as soon as we can and point it out to you so you know where to take people, and hopefully Behemoth won't go anywhere near it. If he does we're gonna need all the help we can get forcing them back."

"From what you said the clones are pretty weak, so if you can keep them on search and rescue. Since they can't shift formes they're not going to be able to go into Attack Forme and act as some kinda canon fodder to distract Behemoth, or use Defence Forme to keep him away from things, so just keep them running around finding and saving as many people as they can before they get broken." Shadow added. "Do you feel them break?"

'Agreement; limited knowledge of when duplicates are removed from field.'

"Then keep an eye on that and make sure not to let too many of them break. Refresh them as often as you can when you need to, they're gonna be really helpful in this fight. Oh, and start boosting now, we're not going to have a lot of time once we get there cause we're gonna be going straight into the thick of things and I'm not certain where it's going to be starting, so you're gonna want to be as powerful as you can be before you head in."

Putting actions to words, Eon focused, breathing deeply for Calm Minds while bringing in Agilitys at the same time. "I'm staying on search and rescue, I think." Eon said quietly. "At least until we know what sort of effects our Moves have."

"Get close, blast it with a Flamethrower, and if it doesn't do anything start helping find people?" Shadow suggested. "I'd offer a Thunder, but there's no clouds, so unless one of you two knows Rain Dance, I'm no help there."

'We don't.' Jirachi looked worried. 'I have a few Moves. What happens if I'm no help?'

"Can you sense minds?"


"Sorta's good enough, you can move onto search and rescue as well and try to help find people. Look for minds and use your Psychic powers to lift them out of danger, either hand them over to Deoxys or bring them to the healing zones yourself." Shadow told him.

'Right.' Jirachi straightened. 'You know, this is a lot more serious than I expected rescue work to be...'

"This isn't normal rescue work." Eon corrected. "There's a lot more chance that people die here. While some missions might have that chance, it's far lower. Though we still put about this much work into planning the things to make sure that number stays as close to a zero chance as possible."

'Oh. I see.'

"Next group, go!"

"Eon, Blaster."

"Shadow, Healing."

"Jirachi, Blaster."

The four of them moved closer together, heading further into the room. Deoxys curled a tendril around Jirachi protectively and stared around, half-glaring at the people staring back.

"Don't worry about them, it's because you're new." Eon advised. "They'll get used to you in time, especially since you're with us. These people get used to weird things really quickly."

"Hold on!" Strider shouted, appearing. "Teleport going now!"

Eon held his breath.

The world shifted, taking his focus with it for a moment, fading out into a whirl of colours utterly unlike any long-range teleport he'd ever been in. It was subtly different from the last time they'd been teleported by Strider as well, probably due to the longer distance, and when the group was deposited they swayed lightly. Eon automatically curled his tails as far under him as he could, trying to keep them from being stepped on again, and both of the Legendaries made unhappy noises.

'That was... uncomfortable.'

"It was a lot worse than last time." Eon admitted, steadying himself. He started to look around, trying to see who was nearby, and herded the group of them out of the way of the teleport point. "Swarm should be around here somewhere, Deoxys, you can join with her on the search and rescue front for a little while. Shadow, since Panacea's gonna be with her, go ahead with them."

'I'll stay with you?' Jirachi requested, floating out of Deoxys' hold and down to the Ninetales' level instead.

"Works for me."


The sound of the Endbringer alarm was as loud as ever, making everyone in the street freeze in place. A number of people clasped their hands over their ears, crying out.

Swarm pushed her reaction into her bugs, making them buzz a little more loudly, and started working to gather them closer to her. "I'm sorry." She said to the group she'd been talking to. "I need to go."

"Stay safe!"

"Good luck!"

"Be careful!"

She slipped out of the way and into the nearest alleyway as fast as she could, using her spiders to lift her phone out of her backpack.

Be careful. We've got the situation handled, on our way out now. Have emergency bags already, will meet you there?

Sure. Stay safe.
She replied, before swapping over to a different number and hitting dial.


"Panacea. I'm heading to the PRT building, currently I'm on... fourth street, near the Boardwalk." She told her. "Shadow says that she'll meet us on the other side, they headed out for some stuff earlier this morning."

"New Wave's mobilising and on our way out too." The healer said, over the faint rush of wind. "Hang on, I'll get- Crystal! Swarm's over by the Boardwalk, think you can grab her?"

Swarm didn't hear a reply, and quickly moved some bugs to make a symbol pointing over to her. A few minutes later, Crystal- Lazerdream- flew down and landed next to her.

"Need a lift?" She asked, trying for cheerful. The fear of the situation seeped through, though, making it hard to take the attempt seriously, so Swarm just nodded.

"It'd be handy, yeah. Hope you don't mind the bugs." She returned, letting the older girl lift her up and start flying.

Like this, they made much better time towards the PRT building, the rest of New Wave flying in escort around them, but aside from nodding in acknowledgement to them, no-one said anything until they landed.

"I'll stay with you two." Swarm told Amy, while Vicky floated nearby. "Eon and Shadow are probably going to be looking for me, so it'll be easier to pass you over to them if we're all together."

"Sounds good to me." Amy said nervously, pulling at her costume. "We should get some armbands and get into groups for the teleports."

"Good plan." Vicky floated away, coming back a few moments later with three bands. "I take it you'll be on search and rescue too, Glory Girl?"

"Yeah. I don't really think I could do much to Behemoth up close, even with my invulnerability." She shrugged. "I'm better placed trying to help people out in this one."

"Makes sense to me."

"Do you know what Eon's doing?"

"No clue." Swarm grimaced slightly. "We've been talking about it a lot the last couple of weeks, trying to figure out what we could do against the other Endbringers. The Simurgh was considered as fairly safe, though it'd be annoying and Shadow would probably end up coming off of healing to start using her Moves out in the field instead, and Behemoth was one we were having a lot of trouble with. Don't have a way to resist the kill aura, after all, and we've got no idea if he's able to manipulate the energy they use."

"That's a good point."

"Possibly Eon's going to go into rescue as well, at least until he's got a chance to see what his Moves can do against Behemoth in a... well, not a controlled environment since nothing about an Endbringer fight is controlled, but a place that's less likely to have things go wrong?" She shrugged. "Then again, they also got called out by the PRT this morning over something. They said they're on their way, but I've got no idea what's going on."

"They didn't tell you?"

"I wasn't involved, they probably didn't think it was important." She shrugged again, waving it off. "Annoying, yeah, but what can you do? Besides, might be secret."

Both other girls looked unsure, but the entire group of them brushed it off in favour of moving closer to the teleport spot, where Strider flashed in a few moments later.

"Get ready, we're moving out!" He called. "New Delhi, Behemoth!"

Swarm inhaled sharply. "Great, probably the worst one." Not all that much time to evacuate, and a decent possibility that they wouldn't be able to do all that much to it. Fucking wonderful.

The teleport felt a lot worse than the last time, Swarm swaying heavily on the spot and needing Vicky to stabilise her. "I'm fine." She said to the concerned look. "Just a bit disorienting."

"If you say so." She replied. "Where're your team?"

They moved out of the teleport point to keep it clear, letting themselves get swept up in the flow of other volunteers, and Swarm stretched out her range, looking around for the Pokemon on her team. It took a lot less time than she'd expected, given how much smaller than all of the humans around them they were, but it was helped along in part by the new additions to the group.

"What the hell...?" Swarm muttered.


"I think I figured out what they were called out for this morning." She told them, starting to move towards them. She started moving her bugs into the expected attack zone as she did so, no longer needing them to track her friends down- it was easy enough to tell where they were from the glance she'd had, and her familiarity of needing to hunt them down helped out as well. It was easy to find people when you were used to needing to find them. Plus the much taller orange addition made it even more simple to see them. "Eon!" She shouted, making them all look sharply over.

"Swarm!" Shadow greeted. "Amy, Vicky, hi." The Vulpix hurried over, bumping against her team mate's legs as she walked past, then looped once around Amy's and stopped at her side. "Ready?"

"Are we ever?" She laughed bitterly, leaning down to pat her on the head. "Good to see you here at least."

"We'll manage."

"What's the situation?" Swarm cut in.

"This is Jirachi, that's Deoxys. He's on the attacking team helping us figure out what our Moves can do, they're on search and rescue until we get that information. Hopefully it turns out we can do something, cause they're both pretty powerful. I'm staying the same as Deoxys for at least a little while but I'm aiming for a good shot as early as I can manage to so that we can try and run a repeat of Leviathan and get Behemoth out of here as soon as possible. There's no guarantee that Behemoth will be able to turn any of my fire against us, but if he can we should at least still have Jirachi and Deoxys, plus anything else I can use." Eon listed quickly. "Deoxys, best to get your duplicates ready soon-"


"-Because things are starting now!" Eon finished. "Get going, stay safe, seeya later, go!"

"Going!" Swarm nodded, running away. Her bugs showed that behind her Amy was lifting Shadow into her arms before being carried away by Vicky in turn, likely using the bands to figure out where the medical area was. Eon was already running into the fight, dodging around people as the ground started shaking from the force of Behemoth's arrival- Swarm had to take a moment to steady herself as well, nearly tripping over into one of the other Capes nearby before she did- while the new pair, Jirachi and Deoxys, floated slightly off the ground to avoid dealing with it.

Jirachi almost immediately started following Eon, going over the top of everyone in the way instead, while Deoxys glowed a sharp lilac colour from a crystal in their chest. The colour warped around their body, flashed once, and then seeped away from them into the air, forming blobs- she counted about fifty in total.

They flashed again, and her eyes widened behind her mask as they formed into copies of the original. Now I see what Eon meant by duplicates, she chuckled weakly, examining them. They looked similar to the original in shape, just differently coloured, and she couldn't help but wonder if they were going to make people panic more, or if they would link it to Team Inari fast enough to avoid that. They started flying off, moving in sets of five; Swarm assumed that this was part of whatever strategy that Eon had managed to lay out with them while on the way over to the fight, probably to be as widespread as possible on the helping side of things.

Behemoth smashed out of the ground, roaring and causing a much larger quake than the ones before, and Swarm promptly disregarded her examination of the other Pokemon- and probable new team mates, given how Inari worked- in favour of using her bugs to start looking for any nearby civilians that hadn't been evacuated in time.

Epicycle down, B-6. Geared deceased, B-6. Wilderbeast down, B-6. Omnigal deceased, B-6. Vehemence deceased, B-6.

Amy looked down at the kitsune in her arms. "So, new friends?" She tried, lifting an arm to shield herself against the wind.

"Yeah, kinda." Shadow sighed. "It's a bit of a mess, and we didn't really get any sort of details before the alarm went off, but... well, we're on the same side for now, and that's enough for me."

"Enough for anyone when it comes to the Endbringers, really."

"Hopefully they'll be able to help out- we do actually know of them, or at least of the type of spirit that they are. They're really powerful." Shadow grinned. "If it turns out that we can use our abilities again Behemoth? This fight might actually end up finishing faster than Leviathan did."

"Oh." Amy didn't know what to say to that.

"Course it helps that we'll know pretty quick what sort of an effect we'll have." She continued, apparently oblivious. "With Leviathan we just knew that the Endbringers were super hard to hurt. Here? We know we did a lot of damage to Leviathan in one go with our abilities, so it stands a chance that it'll be the same sort of thing with Behemoth. We manage to land an attack, we'll hopefully be able to destroy him."


"Probably not." Shadow admitted. "We have no real way to tell whether or not we're strong enough to do that. Plus Behemoth's pretty defensive, from what I remember. Even with our boosts, we might not be anywhere near powerful enough by ourselves." She paused. "Then again, both Jirachi and Deoxys are really strong, so maybe they could? I don't know."

They landed at the healing tents before Amy could figure out another answer to that, so she let Vicky place her down and lowered Shadow to the ground, disregarding the conversation to hurry into the building and start looking around. There wasn't anyone there yet, given that the attack had only just started, so instead she busied herself washing her hands and checking with the people nearby that everything was set up.

"Stay safe, take care of yourself." Shadow said quietly.

"You too." She murmured in reply, as her companion ran over to the other side of the divide that had been set up to act as her healing room.

Duress deceased, B-6. Stoplight down, B-6. Gorge deceased, B-6.
Chapter 40- Contemplations, combat, and trust

"Armsmaster." Dragon replied distractedly, most of her focus on gathering and directing more suits to command during the fight. Splitting her attention like that was annoying, and for the most part she used smaller AI to run things while she gave them directions when necessary, but since most of those were still starting up, it was up to her to handle things. "How's setup?"

"Good enough, most of Brockton Bay's Capes are here helping, Panacea and Shadow are already on route to medical, being escorted by Glory Girl." He told her. "The spirits came with you?"

"Eon and Shadow asked for their help." She explained. "They agreed, pending discovering how much help they can actually be. Eon's planning to try hitting Behemoth early on so that they can try and figure out if Behemoth can manipulate their Aura or not."

"I should think not. Given that we have no way of detecting it ourselves as of right now..."

"That doesn't mean that they can't." She pointed out. "For all we know the Endbringers can manipulate it."

"Leviathan didn't show any sign of that."

"Leviathan isn't a known dynakinetic, though. Behemoth might be able to."

She could imagine the grimace on his face. "I suppose. We should hope for the best, though."

"True. Anyway, Jirachi is attacking, hopefully also finding out what they can do, Deoxys is on search and rescue while we wait for that information."

"We'd noticed. The purple clones are quite eye catching." He sighed a little. "Still, hopefully it will end up helping."

"I expect they will, given how Inari works." She pointed out. "They're helpful enough alone, so I imagine that some sort of spirit that's even more powerful than them would be able to help out much more."

The first set of bots came online as she spoke, taking over running a large group of her suits and freeing some processing power to focus on helping wake the other ones up. A part of her was also keeping track of the bands going off- Hedge deceased, B-7. Stormcat down, B-7. Starfly deceased, B-7. Frost deceased, B-7. Professor Ice down, B-7.- with a mental grimace at the number of dead.

"Stay safe, Armsmaster." Dragon added, before cutting off the call. She couldn't afford to get distracted talking with her friend when there was an Endbringer nearby, and she had a job to do providing as much support as she could using the more disposable drones that she had on hand.

One of the drones stumbled across a group of Deoxys' clones, two of them carefully holding people- both unconscious, fortunately, and both civilians- while the other three were projecting shields from the palms of hands that hadn't been there a few minutes before, floating in a triangle as they escorted the pair in the centre towards the medical zone, and she smiled slightly looking at it.

Those clones are going to be extremely helpful in this, she thought to herself, watching through the drone as they flew quickly away. Depending on how close they can get to Behemoth, and how fast they can move, they might be able to lower some of the casualties.

Scarlet Swipe deceased, B-7. Starry Night down, B-7.

Then again, so much of Behemoth's damage comes from close range and quick deaths that it's hard to say.
She admitted. But it should cut down on issues with radiation poisoning, at the very least. I wonder if they can sense it... they can apparently sense energy waves of some kinds, after all, so perhaps it's more than just electromagnetic waves? That might have been a good idea to ask...

Behemoth fired a lightning bolt towards a group of Capes, and she quickly abandoned that train of thought to duck a few drones into the path, defending the group and firing some of her own weapons back in return. They did very little, thanks to the heavier armour that Behemoth had, but they successfully diverted the Endbringer away for long enough that the Capes were able to make their escape.

A large chunk of ice followed, slamming into the side of Behemoth and flash freezing for all of a moment before melting away, and Dragon vaguely recognised it from the battle against Leviathan. Something Eon could apparently do, though not very often, and a part of her felt like she could hear the discontented grumble as the Kyuubi started moving again.

It seemed like even Eon was having trouble dealing with this one, and that made her worry slightly. Admittedly since those other spirits were apparently much more powerful, it wasn't too problematic if Eon couldn't provide a lot of support himself, but since they were mostly relying on Eon to handle finding out if they could actually deal damage to Behemoth, it was still worrying enough. Mostly because it would either mean that the Aura that the spirits used to attack with didn't affect Behemoth, or it meant that they couldn't figure out the answer to that question until Jirachi and Deoxys started trying to attack themselves.

And if they were as powerful as Eon and Shadow were suggesting, something like that could easily cause quite a lot of damage as well. Dragon didn't really want to risk something being used against Behemoth that he might be able to turn around, especially if it was something extremely powerful.

Although, Dragon thought, with a sudden jolt of unease, We've never actually seen any real destructive capabilities from Eon and Shadow, have we? They'd used their powers against people without hurting them at all- not even slight burns- and there'd barely been marks on any walls that were hit in the background of fights. There were some sooty marks and little scorches on occasion, but very little else. It was surprisingly little damage from the spirits, no matter what sort of fight they were in, which was something that had been commented on a number of times by PRT analysts and PHO alike. Since the conversation with Inari about the Time Gear, Dragon had come to the conclusion that it was probably a side effect of the Aura that the spirits apparently used for their attacks, potentially doing something to stop the attacks from doing much damage to the surrounding area or to the people they hit.

It was an interesting idea, and one that made her somewhat curious about how Inari handled fights back where they came from. If the Aura making up their attacks protected the people and environment that it hit to some degree, then she was curious how it worked when there was actually a serious enough threat to require proper damage.

Though there was a good part of her that really didn't want to find out.

Bringing her suits around for another set of blasts on Behemoth, she found herself needing to push them into dodging away from a collection of pink beams that came flying past. They were surprisingly indiscriminate, though they didn't actually hit anyone else; they just spread out across an area of about ten feet or so. A number of them missed completely, hitting buildings and the ground- again, leaving very little damage behind- but a few of them hit Behemoth in various points across his body, causing him to roar loudly.

She winced at the slight damage the sound did to her suits- Chaos deceased, B-7. Fireborn down, B-7. Phantom deceased, B-7. Radiance deceased, B-7. Nemesis down, B-7. Skipper deceased, B-7. Knockdown down, B-7.- and again at the flow of names coming in, before aiming again at the Endbringer.

The places where the beams had landed had a surprising amount of damage on them, she noticed, adjusting the targeting system to aim at them. It wasn't as violently obvious as Leviathan's had been after Eon had hit it with his metal tails, but Leviathan was less durable than Behemoth had been shown to be in the past anyway. It made her feel optimistic about their chances of actually driving Behemoth away with some serious damage.

Possibly they'd even manage to do it faster than Leviathan, too. An hour was probably the record for any of these battles at all, and that was without having any idea that Inari's spirits could deal incredible amounts of damage from the start. Here, going into the battle with that knowledge and with two more powerful spirits?

Dragon was genuinely hopeful that they might avoid the normal 'one in four deaths' that had become a rule for all Endbringer battles and just about a staple for Behemoth in particular.

Shadow breathed out slowly, letting the last of her Heal Pulse fade away, and trotted over to the side as the Capes in the room started moving. Most of them gave her a nod as they did, either heading back out into the fight again, or through another door in the side that would take them away to rest for a while. The vast majority were going out, but some people were taking a few moments to rest and rethink what they were doing. No-one was leaving the battle, exactly, but a fair few people would rearrange what they were doing, moving from attackers to defenders or onto search and rescue instead.

She'd overheard it happening a few times while she was healing for Leviathan, but it had happened a lot less there. She supposed that was because Leviathan was a little more fragile- comparatively speaking- and a lot faster, so people were more likely to just go straight back into the fight and do what they could to contribute. Since Behemoth was slower- and less likely to cause outright destruction in the form of literally sinking islands- they had a bit more time to figure out if they could be of more help elsewhere.

Plus Behemoth killed a lot more people than the others did. With radiation sickness and much more focused attacks, he was a lot of trouble. Plus he could redirect other Cape's attacks with some work too, which made him even more annoying. At least she and Amy could take the radiation poisoning out of the equation when they were healing. That was something she hadn't been certain about, because she hadn't known ahead of time if it would count as a status in the same way burns or paralysis did for Heal Bell, or if Heal Pulse would treat it as damage and handle it accordingly. She still didn't, but she did know it worked, thanks to Amy having a moment to check, so she would take it as a win and go from there.

Didn't really matter how it worked so long as it worked, right?

"You doing ok, Shadow?" Amy asked, appearing at her side through the doorway.

"Alright, yeah." She nodded back, sitting down beside her bag. There was no-one else there for the moment, just the other medical staff in another room who were handling smaller injuries- predominantly on the civilians being evacuated out, but there were a few of the search and rescue Capes that had injuries from their movements that were also being handled there. Mostly it was little cuts that were in bad places, like above the eyes, and were bleeding a lot. Anything more serious was usually sent straight to Shadow, or Amy if things were really bad or couldn't wait all that long.

It had been similar with Leviathan too, though in that case the casualties were usually going straight to one of them. There'd been a lot more of them, so it wasn't hard to fill a room to the breaking point and let Shadow handle all of it at once, though it led to Amy getting run off her feet a little as she tried to keep up. The other healers had helped, but they weren't anywhere near as effective as either of them.


"I'm surprised there's not more people here." She admitted quietly. "I mean, not that I want there to be more people, but Leviathan was so packed..."

Dragonloom deceased, B-7. Nightbolt down, B-7. Griffin deceased, B-7.

"That's why." Amy said quietly, looking down pointedly at her armband, now silent after the declaration. "The casualties are further apart with Behemoth, but there's still a lot. And they're usually deaths." She swallowed slightly. "With the kill aura that Behemoth has, and things like the scream he can do... there's a good number of times that Capes are dead and gone before we can even think of doing something to help them."


"Yeah." She sighed. "And of course, with how long it can take to get downed Capes out of there... the lucky ones are taken down outside of Behemoth's range, so rescue can get to them quickly. The unlucky ones are stuck behind the kill aura and end up dead from that instead. Unless you have some otherworldly Brute rating and manage to end up somewhere where Behemoth can't hit you himself, in which case you're going to be stuck waiting for the fight to end so people can even start to try and find you."

Shadow's ears went down, and she followed the movement with her head, focusing on her paws rather than the healer next to her or the empty room- a room that suddenly felt more like it was filled with ghosts and echoes than anything else. Abruptly, the mostly quiet of the medical bay felt deafening and stifling in equal amounts.

"I think I'd rather have Leviathan back." She murmured, after a few long moments. "At least then we could help."

"I know." Amy knelt down, running her hand down Shadow's back, and for a brief moment she couldn't help but be surprised at how easily she was taking all of this. Nine Endbringer attacks and working in the hospital all the time could do a lot, for sure... but the fact that her friend was so young and yet so jaded hurt. Amy was barely older than Shadow was, for Arceus' sake! The fact that she was so resigned to her inability to help was...

Quickslash deceased, B-7. Precia deceased, B-7. Cable down, B-8. Whirlwind deceased, B-8.

...It hurt so much more than she had ever expected.

"I hope Eon gets back to us soon." She added. "Maybe we'd be able to find out if I could be doing more out there." She hesitated. "I mean, I know I'm helping here, making sure people stay alive, but with how quiet things have been, maybe I'd be doing better if I was out there and helping to end the fight faster."

"Maybe you would be." Amy agreed. "But I wouldn't be able to guess. At least ending the fight faster would mean more people could be found and rescued, without the pressure of the whole Behemoth thing running about the field causing damage."

The noise outside the tent picked up for a bit, people rushing back and forth and handing over the injured to volunteers. Shadow swallowed, listening to it, and stood as they started moving people into the room with her.

She had plenty of Moves left to work with, and she hadn't needed to tap into her supply of Leppa Berries yet, let alone the Max Elixirs. It had only been about ten minutes or so, so that wasn't really too surprising, but the Leviathan fight had been much worse. At least here, she might be able to save her items, relying on the longer breaks between heals to let things recover on their own instead.

Though saving her items was only really good because it would mean having more for the Simurgh, whenever she showed up. And for the hospital, which would also be nice, but primarily for the Simurgh. Given that they had no idea how they were going to handle that, and it would likely depend entirely on the location of the attack, she had no idea how helpful she was going to be, but hopefully she'd be good enough.

Especially since she could work to clear off the Master effects that the Simurgh placed, which would mean that the Capes could stay in the fight for longer. If that went well, then they might even be able to minimize the damage the Simurgh did; as far as she knew she was pretty fragile compared to the other two Endbringers, so it was possible that being able to throw the same Capes at her over and over again would mean that they were able to destroy her faster.

Then again, if things worked out with Jirachi and Deoxys here, then they might not even need that. Maybe they could just throw the legendary slash mythical Pokemon at them and let them handle it.

...Probably it was best not to rely on that, though. The Simurgh was kind of Psychic, after all, and while there didn't seem to actually be any sort of types here on Bet, she didn't really want to pit three powerful Psychics against each other and hope for the best. That way likely lay a lot of pain for someone.

"I need to go." Amy told her, standing straight again. "Keep going, ok? Hopefully we'll get a message from Eon saying that you guys are effective against this thing soon."

"Hopefully we get a message saying that it's over soon." Shadow griped, slightly more sourly than she would usually have been. She was still upset about the number of deaths going on in this battle, and it was tipping over into her speech.

Healing might help, she hoped as she started preparing herself mentally for her Moves. It might not, it might just upset her more to remember how many people were getting hurt out there and how many of them she wasn't able to help because Behemoth could pretty much just kill them instantly...

But she could focus on doing what she could for now, at least. That would be good.

You do what you can, because your best is only your best when you're not doing it all the time, she reminded herself. If you're doing it all the time, then that's your normal, not your best. So just do your best when you can, and do what you can when you do.

Keeping that in mind was hard, but it was something she should probably try and do more often. If only to keep herself from going crazy trying to help everyone in times like these.

Tereso down, B-8. Killian deceased, B-8.

She grimaced deeper. Not that it always worked...

Swarm stumbled slightly at the earthquake that shuddered through the ground, looking nervously up at the buildings around her.

"Hopefully none of you decide to fall." She muttered, pushing her fear into her bugs. "Been there, done that, would rather not ever have to do it again, thank you very much."

At least there hadn't been too many people around here. She'd half expected more, for some reason- probably because Behemoth was the Endbringer that was hardest to evacuate for, being fast and hard to detect until he'd almost arrived- but it seemed like this area had managed it fine, either getting out themselves or already having been escorted away by other Capes that were running around doing search and rescue.

It was good, at least, because it meant that there were less people in the danger zone, and Swarm was definitely behind that idea... but it was also a little bad in that it was making it hard for her to focus on ignoring what was going on around her in favour of finding people.

Maybe that was selfish- no, that was definitely selfish, but Swarm couldn't find it in herself to care right now. The last few months had been painful, she felt like she was entitled to a little bit of selfishness even if there was an Endbringer fight going on.

...Ok, perhaps that was wrong. But the last few months had hurt, from a personal standpoint. Mostly because she'd been doing nothing.

The trips to the Simurgh Containment Zones? Just sitting there and waiting for Shadow and Eon to work, keeping an eye on things with her bugs even though there were cameras everywhere and Dragon was there too, undoubtedly with a half dozen invisible drones or something making sure nothing could go wrong. And that was before she got to talking about whatever guards were around- PRT or whatever the local equivalent was in that country, or even actual military- that were also very dedicated to making sure that no-one could try and attack the two Inari members that were able to do more for the people stuck in those zones than anyone had been able to do ever. She was just a side point, the extra member of the team bought along just because. No-one was really bothered with her.

Patrols? On the now less than rare occasions where she was patrolling alone- testing out of school to let herself patrol during the day had been a brilliant idea in the end, even if it had been difficult and led to a lot of time off to study that she was still making up with the team- a lot of the time people were more worried about asking her where Eon and Shadow were, rather than being curious about her herself. They talked to her a bit, asked for help with some mundane things sometimes, asked for pictures and autographs, and a few times she'd ended up holding impromptu lessons in the street as she taught kids about the differences between bees and wasps to make sure that they didn't get stung by then, but mostly people weren't interested in her. They were interested in Eon and Shadow, from Team Inari. They weren't interested in Swarm, the Parahuman in Inari.

Because of course most people were completely certain that neither of the fox-like people were Parahumans, because of everything they'd said online. Swarm had admittedly helped egg that on a few times, both with her 'official' account and a few personal ones, so it made sense, but... It meant no-one was interested in the bog-standard Parahuman. They were all curious about the weird spirits.

Not that that was unfair, really. Parahumans were common enough that they weren't interesting. Magical spirits that're apparently from another world or realm or something? That was new, so that was what people tended to focus on. Plus with Shadow being so well known as a healer now- one of the only people to be able to remove Master effects in that way- and Eon right behind her just about all the time, it made sense that they were popular and that people were curious about them.

Swarm just wished they cared more about her, too.

Even her team was a little bit colder now. With Shadow continually working herself into a stress when they were handling Simurgh Zones, Eon was spending a lot more time taking care of her- and lecturing her to remember that she didn't need to do everything herself, and didn't need to push herself so hard when she was working- and had less time to patrol or even just... hang out with her outside of Rescue Team work. And with Shadow always being so tired after the healing sprees she was doing, she wasn't really around to talk to or hang out with either.

Hell, aside from the Simurgh Containment Zones, the most interesting thing they'd done together since Leviathan had been biscuits. Done together, too, not as a team but just as friends having a little bit of fun experimenting with food. The closest thing after that would be the Dungeon setup with Uber and Leet, and even then that was being seen more as training than as a bit of fun. Like, it was fun, but that wasn't the main point of it. It was for training, not really for fun.

And that was depressing, because she missed that. She missed what it had been like right at the very beginning of things, where Inari had been the three of them learning the ropes together. Swarm got to teach Eon and Shadow about Parahumans and the world they were in- they'd gotten a lot of it from Tattletale, but she had the time to go more in depth with that- and Eon and Shadow taught her about working with a team, helped her learn to experiment with her powers, generally taught her about being in a Rescue Team and how how help people. They'd been so close, and now...

It felt like that was falling apart.

Thorns deceased, B-8. Mist Demon down, B-8

And then there were the new ones. Deoxys and Jirachi. Two mythical beings, extremely powerful by Pokemon standards, and something that made her even more nervous. Eon and Shadow were already bad enough; they had so many powers compared to her, so what was the point of her being on the team anymore? All she did was control bugs and act as a scout. She barely did anything else. Eon was pyrokinetic, could make his tails into iron clubs, could shoot ice balls with some focus; Shadow was pyrokinetic, could heal with barely any thought, and had a ton of really powerful attacks that were big enough to take out an Endbringer with quite a bit of ease, and both of them could boost their powers even further.

And then there was her. Little Taylor, in her costume, that just ran around controlling bugs and doing nothing else.

She didn't know all of what the new ones could do, yet, but she knew some things. She'd seen Deoxys split into duplicates, both of them could fly, Jirachi was helping out with the attacking forces, Deoxys could apparently do the same if he wasn't helping with search and rescue... And she was fairly sure she'd heard of Jirachi before, under the name Wish Maker, which probably meant that that was a power that he had as well.

What was even the point of having her on the team if all she could do was look around- poorly- with bugs?

Another quake rumbled through the area, making her wobble and curse softly, before snapping her head around at the sound of a scream. Her bugs startled collecting over in the direction it had come from, looking to gather together so that she could see better, and she started to examine the area to see who had screamed.

The answer came a few minutes later, finding a young woman trapped under some rubble- an overhang of some kind that had fallen when the quake happened, Swarm guessed. She didn't know what language she was speaking, but she was whispering something to herself.

She probably doesn't speak English, does she... Swarm groaned to herself, before hurrying over and looking around. There was a small opening, not quite large enough for the woman to crawl out, and she wasn't strong enough to move it herself.

"Hello!?" She called, trying to keep her voice soothing. "Stay calm, I'm going to get you some help!"

Even if the woman didn't speak English, Swarm hoped that the tone of her voice would help out a bit, keep her from panicking too much.

She didn't bother to try listening for a reply, instead turning to where she thought the closest Deoxys pack was, sending her bugs towards the group to get their attention.

Over here, she wrote, before making a line of bugs towards her. Hopefully the clones were smart enough to get the message.

Luckily for her, they were, changing course automatically to start making their way towards her. She traced them through the bug collection that she'd used to spell out her message, using the group of them to see a little more clearly, waiting for them to appear to her human self so that she could actually direct them towards the trapped woman.

"There's someone trapped under here." She told them, when the five landed nearby. "I can't get her out myself, I'm not strong enough, but I think you might be able to move them?"

The Deoxys clones traded looks with each other, then the one nearest stepped forward, the deadened core in the centre of their chest glowing lilac. The fallen debris glowed the same colour, and after a moment lifted up into the air, leaving a clearly shocked woman in their wake. Another clone moved forwards, lifting her up into their arms, and Swarm nodded.

"You should take her back to the medical bay." She recommended. "I know there's still more of you to search, but you should probably get her out of here."

The clones didn't react much, floating there for a moment, then started flying further away, the three on the outside forming shields while the other on the inside floated closer to the one carrying the woman.

Swarm started walking, spreading her bugs out around to see if she could spot anyone else, half paying attention to the five clones and making a note to keep an eye out to see if she saw any more groups. It could be useful for getting people out of the way quickly, given that she couldn't do that herself.

I guess having these two won't be too bad, she hummed to herself. At least they'll be able to help Eon and Shadow more than I will. Probably going to be able to help more in fights as well, since they're so powerful.

Jirachi dodged sharply to the left, weaving away from the lightning bolt being thrown at him. The act separated him from Deoxys, who had ended up moving to the right, and he scowled before looking around a little.

The small group of Deoxys' clones weren't hard to track for him, since they gave off faintly psychic vibes that he could feel in the air around them. Deoxys themselves was staying close to him, doing their job as a Guardian even though they were on a totally different world- and apparently in a different dimension entirely.

Jirachi was kinda surprised that Deoxys hadn't completely left him behind the second that they'd found out that Guardians and all of that sort of thing wasn't something that was really done anymore. Or done at all here. It had been quite a long time since the meteor he'd became upon using all his power had actually landed on a world, so it wasn't really surprising to find that out... though it was a surprise to find them in a different dimension of some kind. He was extremely curious as to how the Ninetales and Vulpix- Eon, Eon and Shadow were their names- had managed to get here, to a place where Pokemon didn't exist and people here thought that they were some form of spirits instead. He could tell Deoxys was as well, though they didn't show it. Travelling together for so long had given them some perks, and being able to read them well was one of them.

Hopefully when this fight was over they'd be able to get an answer from the two Rescue Pokemon.

Until then, he just needed to get through this fight.

It was a lot more violent than he'd expected. If it hadn't been for Eon's assurance that this wasn't like normal Rescue work back on their world, then Jirachi would've been seriously concerned for the health of every single Rescue Team that existed. The amount of damage being done to the area around them was terrifying, and the only reason that Behemoth wasn't more frightening was because Jirachi had been around for one of Kyogre and Groudon's earlier fights, and had seen the amount of damage they could do when severely pissed off. Hell, a good number of the more minor Legendaries could do more damage in one go than what he was seeing here.

So, while it was definitely more violent than he'd originally expected, there wasn't actually as much damage being done as he'd thought was going to happen. He'd figured that Deoxys would be busy running around, in Speed Forme trying to save people or in Defence Forme using shields to keep things from collapsing. Inside, they'd been able to let the clone groups do most of the work, leaving them to stay at his side- currently still in Normal Forme, though they seemed half tempted to switch to Speed Forme and bolt, taking Jirachi with them.

Guardians, he half chuckled, drifting back to their side and letting them check him over for non-existent damage. So fussy.

'How's is looking?'
He asked softly, taking a glance around the field again.

'Observation; extreme danger. Damage potential high. Query; certainty of assistance?'

'Yes, I'm sure.'
He sighed. 'If we can help out, we should, especially after what Leader Eon said about how these things normally go.'

They didn't push it further, however, apparently knowing that this was a point that he wasn't going to shift on, and instead flickered lilac. Their Defence Forme bubbled out around them a moment after, leaving them in a much more bulky appearance, and a shield appeared on their right hand. 'Observation; Priority Unit: Wish Maker requires closer range. Allied Unit: Inari Leader Eon has been unable to deal damage to Opponent Unit: Behemoth. Testing of damage potential required. Unit: Self will assist in closing in on Opponent Unit: Behemoth to allow for testing. Agreement?'

'Makes sense.'
Jirachi agreed, after a moment. Looking down and around himself again, he could see the silver-white form of the Team Inari leader flowing across the buildings and rubble in the area, blurring with the tell-tale sign of Agility boosts. Jirachi himself didn't have many boosting Moves, only Calm Mind, which he'd been using to keep things from getting too overwhelming as well as to hopefully score a decent hit.

He hummed. Earlier in the fight had proven that Dazzling Gleam didn't do much damage; whether it was something to do with the Fairy type itself, or if it was just because of the way the creature before them was made, he wasn't sure. But it did tell him that he'd probably need something different. The only issue was what, because aside from that, he had very few Moves that he could actually use in a situation like this. His entire knowledge of Moves was pretty limited, partly due to the fact that he lacked the time to learn much as a Wish Maker. He had to deal with people wanting to try challenging him quite often when he was just wandering- hence having a Guardian in the form of Deoxys in the first place- so he hadn't really had the ability to expand his Moveset beyond what he already knew.

For the most part, that had never been a problem. He had Dazzling Gleam, Psychic, and Future Sight for his main attacks, Water Pulse, Signal Beam and Thunderbolt for backup, and Calm Mind to help him use those. He'd never seen the need to really learn much more. It had always been enough for his Wish Challenges, the few that he'd ever done. Deoxys had handled most of his defences themselves, not letting Pokemon hurt him, so he hadn't needed anything more.

Examining Behemoth again as they got closer, Jirachi carefully cocooned behind the shield and bulk of Deoxys, he charged a Water Pulse between the palms of his hands, then peered out from his safe space to hurriedly throw it at the creature. He hit what appeared to be its head, making it lash out, the shield flexing but taking the hit well as they retreated.

It didn't seem to do much more than make it more angry, though, and with a small sigh he looked around for Eon.

'I don't think this is working.' He said, lowering himself down so he could hear the reply. Deoxys followed, still holding the shield above them even though Behemoth had been quickly distracted by some of the Parahumans around.

Eon spared them a small glance before going back to watching the fight, clearly carefully analysing his opponents moves. "No." He agreed. "I've been starting to think that for a while. Flamethrower doesn't work, I can't get close enough for Iron Tail, the one Freeze Dry I've been able to use didn't do anything more than annoy him... I saw your Dazzling Gleam and Water Pulse didn't do much either."

'There's not a lot more I can do.' Jirachi admitted. 'Well... aside from...'


'It's a signature Move of Jirachi. I've only ever used it once... never really had a threat big enough that Deoxys wasn't able to handle.' He scowled slightly at the memory, then shuddered. 'It's called Doom Desire. Takes a little while to charge, but it's powerful enough that it should do a lot of damage to that thing.'

"If you do enough damage, the Endbringers are known to retreat." Eon muttered, gaze sharpening. "Would you be willing to try? I understand if not, it's clearly very powerful, but the faster we get rid of this thing, the fewer people die."

Lockjaw deceased, B-8. Echo down, B-8. Pearl down, B-8.

They all winced at the proclamation of the bands, Jirachi looking down at it contemplatively. By his count, it had been about a half hour or so since this fight had started. The band had mostly been chiming in every few minutes with a recounting of down and dead, and that number was already uncomfortably high. And there was the fact that there were probably a lot of people dead under wreckage that hadn't had bands to announce that fact, too...

And the longer this went on, the more they'd need to rebuild here. The more lives would be ruined.

He clenched a fist. 'I can do it. Get everyone to start backing away, and Deoxys? I'm going to need you to try and box this thing in. Keep it still so that it can't dodge away and make me hit something else, please.'

'Surprise; Unit: Self did not expect this outcome. Agreement; Unit: Self will contain Opponent Unit: Behemoth with shielding capabilities. Projected outcome.'

The image that they sent implied that they would be working to trap Behemoth on all sides, lifting it up on a platform to keep it from digging away and enclosing him so that it couldn't run. So long as the thing wasn't able to jump over the edges, it would be fine, and since Deoxys' Defence Forme had two modes- extremely strong shields or extremely big ones- it wasn't very likely that it would be able to. Even if the shields weren't big enough to enclose it completely, it didn't seem like it would be able to jump over the sides, given what they knew of its abilities, and they would be strong enough to keep it from breaking out, especially with the help of a few boosts.

"I'll warn Dragon and she'll start warning everyone else out of the way." Eon told them. "How long will it take to charge?"

Jirachi paused, thinking back. It had been so long since he'd used it last... 'Maybe two minutes?'

He winced. "Give them a bit more time to get away. Maybe have Deoxys use that to start setting up shields?"

'Agreement with Allied Unit: Inari Leader Eon. Unit: Self will begin preparing containment barriers.'


Jirachi waited about two extra minutes. Two minutes which Eon spent arguing into the armband, apparently trying to persuade some of the Parahumans to back away, before running himself with a slightly terse "Good luck." Two minutes that Deoxys spent floating in their Defence Forme, herding Behemoth onto a platform and lifting it up before building more shields around it- layered, from the feel of things, so that even breaking one wouldn't set it free.

Two minutes spent getting ready.

Then he spent the next two minutes charging the Move, carefully maneuvering so that he was below the shields, just in case. Deoxys noticed, adjusting them to have a small hole above where he was floating, one barely big enough for the blast of the attack to go through. His third eye opened-

And the world stuttered, whiting out entirely.
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Chapter 41- Explosions, destruction, and regrouping
Swarm searched around with her bugs, pushing her range out as much as she could to try and find anyone else that might be in trouble. Given the situation right now, she wasn't entirely sure that there'd be anyone else that she could find- with Behemoth there was a good chance most people were already dead- but if she could find people trapped under rubble she might be able to save them. Even if it wasn't likely that she'd be able to move the rubble alone, maybe there'd be enough Capes nearby that she could signal someone to help her...

Something caught the edge of her attention, making her pause and shift her bugs towards it, trying to get a clearer idea of what it was-

And the world spun, like she'd moved too quickly, and she stumbled, swaying on the spot as things seemed to freeze around her.

It was over a few moments later, the world coming back in a rush of blood in her ears as she fell to her knees, retching. Some part of her had made the decision to try and block out her bugs, leaving her with only the orange-tinted view from her goggles to focus on, which helped slightly.

"What just happened?" She mumbled, as soon as she felt she could without trying to vomit. None of the quakes earlier had done that to her, and as far as she could tell there hadn't even been a quake that could have set it off for her... though with how she'd been feeling she wouldn't've been surprised if she'd missed it, honestly.

Carefully, she stood up, then stared.


A tower-like structure was looming, a good few miles across the battlefield from where she was, barely big enough to peer over the remaining structures still standing but definitely enough for her to get the idea. It was glowing a fairly familiar lilac colour, one that she'd last seen barely half an hour before when Deoxys had created their clones, which gave her an idea of what had probably caused it. The inside was filled with a vibrant glowing white, which made her wince and look away a moment later, shielding her eyes with her arm. The shields had dimmed it a bit, but the brightness of what had obviously been an explosion still flared through well enough that there was no way she wanted to look at it for much longer.

I guess I know what knocked me over. She chuckled faintly, still somewhat awestruck. I'm going to assume that was Jirachi or Deoxys' doing... and that it was probably Behemoth in there.

being the operative word there, given the explosion that was still fading away inside the shields.

Lucky that whoever planned that thought to direct it all upwards. She added to herself, as she started to search around her with her bugs again- this time being careful not to look too closely at the shield tower. Otherwise that probably would've done a lot more damage than just whatever of the shockwave managed to escape. I think we're lucky that it probably only really hit us Capes, and didn't manage to take down any of the buildings... though I feel sorry for any of the fliers that caught the brunt of that. They probably got knocked out of the air.

Hopefully none of them had gotten too badly injured by it all. That would really be the cherry on top of this Endbringer-sized pain in the rear. Though Swarm was also pretty sure that this was the fastest an Endbringer attack had ever been ended, so it was possible that anyone who'd gotten hurt in the last blast would forgive them for that.

For now, Swarm would focus on continuing her search and rescue efforts, at least until it was either too dark to keep going or until one of Team Inari- which the two legendary Pokemon probably counted as now- came and found her to head back to the Bay.

Given what the Pokemon members of the team had managed today, she needed to find some way to catch up to them, and keeping up search and rescue was the only thing she could really do now that the fight was over- there was no way it wasn't over, with an attack like that hitting Behemoth. She'd seen how much Eon and Shadow had done to Leviathan, so someone even more powerful would certainly be making Behemoth turn tail and flee the second he was able to. In her mind there was no chance that this fight would be continuing.

So as much searching for people who needed help as she could manage was the only thing left for her to be able to do. Though she should probably keep an eye out for more aftershocks, either of the earthquake kind or the 'things are falling' kind, to make sure she didn't get knocked over or disoriented like that again. Plus, the earthquakes from Behemoth's retreat would have a pretty good chance of knocking more things down if anything was unstable, which might end up being a bit dangerous to get around.

This time, she'd also be careful not to look too closely at the shield that was still present over the top of the buildings, even though the explosion in it seemed to have faded away by now. If Deoxys was holding the shield up for some reason, Swarm was happy to assume that there was a good reason, and just leave them to it.

The sound of the explosion made everyone in the healing rooms jump, though fortunately there wasn't anyone around at the moment that needed help. Shadow glanced around as she picked herself up, having stumbled slightly when she'd started, the world having gone slightly dizzy for a moment from the faint concussion that had rippled through, and could see that everyone looked just as confused as she felt.

"What the hell was that?" Someone- probably one of the guards, given that she didn't recognise the voice- asked.

"No idea." Another person replied, sounding worried. "But it was probably something to do with Behemoth..."

Automatically, Shadow looked at her armband, heart abruptly in her throat, waiting for the band to start reeling off the names of people who had gotten hurt by the explosion- maybe Behemoth had pulled out a bigger attack, or hit something with fire or lightning hard enough to cause something like that? Or maybe it was some sort of new power that they'd never seen before, used because of the damage that was hopefully being done by the other Pokemon on the field- so that she could prepare herself for the influx of injured and scour the list for any of her friend's names at the same time...

But the band stayed uncharacteristically silent, as it had been since the last alert to brace for-

She sat down heavily, bringing her paw up to her head. "It was probably Jirachi or Deoxys." She announced generally, when a few people looked over. "We were asked to brace, yeah? Because the others had a plan." The band had said Inari, and Shadow had no doubt that Eon had been more involved in the decision making than just spreading the word to back off. "So it was probably them."

Now that the panic had passed, Shadow was just curious as to what the hell her team mate had been a part of- and what it had been able to do to the Endbringer. Hopefully they'd been able to do enough damage to him to make him flee, since that would make this an incredibly short attack with amazingly low casualties- at least, for a Behemoth fight, where the average number of deaths was one in four- and actually for pretty much any Endbringer, really. Only the Simurgh had any sort of low casualty numbers, and that was because she was apparently focused on mind controlling people more than she was killing them.

"What do you think they did?" Amy asked her, as people started bustling around again, and Shadow shrugged.

"I couldn't begin to guess." She admitted. And she couldn't, either. There was any number of things that could have theoretically happened to make that explosion. Maybe Eon had managed to land a good hit with a lot of boosts- something like Freeze Dry, perhaps, that didn't have an element Behemoth was known to manipulate. Maybe Deoxys had entered their Attack Forme and charged him, managing to land some high damage hits and splintering him. Or their Speed Forme and had gone for lots of weaker hits instead.

Possibly Jirachi had been able to hit him with something and done a lot of damage, or all three of them had teamed up and blasted Behemoth with something at the same time, using each others Moves to break through the barrier of his durability and made something explode at the same time.

"There's a lot of possibilities, really." She continued. "So I don't really know what would've happened... I'd need to speak to Eon. Though if I had to guess? Probably Jirachi or Deoxys in some way. Eon's pretty good, but there's not much he can do to match the raw power that Po- that spirits like them have, and that's without them boosting as well. So it was probably one of them."

"It sure sounded pretty impressive." Amy agreed, glancing over to the door. "Hopefully they've managed to put Behemoth down for a bit so that people can recover."

"Would be nice, yeah." Shadow sighed. "This hasn't been anywhere as frantic as Leviathan was, but I think it's been worse just because of how many people aren't coming to us."

Her tails curled into a ball behind her, ears drooping, and Amy ran a hand across her crest in comfort.

The armbands chimed, once, making everyone pause for a moment and glance at them.

"Behemoth down." Dragon's voice said over the speakers, sounding like she didn't quite believe her own words. "The attack is over. I repeat, Behemoth is down, the attack is over."

"Holy shit."

Shadow wasn't sure who'd said that- partly because it came from so many mouths that she wasn't certain it had been one person who started it- and stared up at Amy in shock.

"Behemoth is... down?"

"We need to find Eon." She said, spinning to get her bag from where it was being stored.

"You go find your team mate, I'll stay here and handle anyone who comes through now the attack's over." Amy assured. Shadow felt a little guilty for leaving her friend to deal with everything- now that the attack was over, search and rescue efforts could begin in earnest, since no-one was having to deal with the Endbringer running around the field- but it wasn't like she'd be of much use at this point. Most of the people coming in would either have very minor wounds that could be funnelled into the other healers, larger wounds that her Heal Pulse couldn't fix without help like broken bones or large tears, or enough damage that her Moves wouldn't be able to help out at all and could actually cause more problems with. Plus, there wouldn't be as many a lot of the time, so the main bonus of her abilities in this situation- being able to heal a full room at once- wasn't going to be as useful here.

And she needed to find Eon. He'd been a part of the attack that had somehow downed an Endbringer, whatever that ended up meaning, and the last time that'd ended up happening during Leviathan he'd been downed in return for helping set it up, and even though the band hadn't said anything about him being taken out it didn't mean he couldn't be hurt or exhausted somewhere...

So she had to go find him, even if it meant leaving the other healers without her help for some or even all of the rest of the time she was here.

She had to find Swarm, too, she noted to herself as she hurried out of the healing units and started looking around. While it wasn't as likely that she'd gotten into trouble during this fight, there was still far too much of a chance that she'd ended up injured in some way, given all of the debris going around, and she desperately wanted to make sure that her team was entirely safe.

Eon first, she decided, seeing the tower of Psychic energy that was slowly fading away in the distance. That was undoubtedly where Eon was, or at least near to where he was, but even if Eon wasn't there then Jirachi and Deoxys would be there- that was definitely Deoxys' shields at work, and there was no way that Deoxys was going to be far away from Jirachi, given that they were his Guardian- and the two Legendaries could point her in the correct direction for her leader instead. She didn't feel too bad about taking a bit longer to reach out to Swarm, given that the fight was over now and it wasn't likely that she was in any sort of danger, at least right now, and... well, she needed to get a report from her leader so that she could do her job as the second in command and start to deal with everyone else.

Plus, she trusted Swarm. She wasn't the most powerful member of the team, but she was smart, and she knew how to leverage the powers she had to keep herself and others safe, which was probably the most important thing to know when you were on a Rescue Team. Shadow could trust that she'd be ok until someone was able to find her, especially since the armbands hadn't reported anything on her this fight.

Taking a deep breath and another look around, she spared another moment to mourn the amount of destruction caused during the fight and took off. Heading towards what had been the centre of the fight was a little bit nerve wracking, even after two years of rescue work and another Endbringer attack under her badge, but she knew Dragon wouldn't have reported it as over unless it was definitely over- which was more than she could say about some battles that she'd been in in the past while on the job- and since Deoxys was taking down their shield, she was pretty confident that everything was under control over there, so there wasn't a need to worry about things.

Get over there, find Eon, get a report on what went down from him- or Jirachi, I guess, he could probably tell me as well- then go find Swarm and start helping out with the cleanup and search and rescue stuff. She told herself, picking her way through debris. We can stay well after it starts getting too dark for most people to see, too, since we have better night vision and can provide our own lights. Hopefully we'll be able to get this place into the position to start rebuilding sooner rather than later. That would be nice, given that there were still some parts of Brockton Bay that were being repaired after Leviathan's attack two months ago, because of how hard it had been to remove some things.

Eon shuddered slightly at the sound of the explosion, ducking down behind the nearest piece of reasonably-sized debris and covering his ears from the noise. While the shields muffled it all enough that it wasn't likely anyone further away had heard it, up close it was still plenty loud to his sharp ears.

Fortunately he was well versed in dealing with things like this during combat- because a lot of Moves had explosions as side effects or were otherwise very loud- so aside from a brief pause where the entire world seemed to be staring at them, he was barely stunned.

Even still, he remained behind the protective barrier that the fallen buildings made up until the after effects had definitely faded, then carefully peered over.

There was still some light within the shields, but for the most part everything was handled. Behemoth was gone, and Deoxys had started to collapse their shields downwards, removing them layer by layer from the outside in as if to ensure that any of the energy that was still left over from the Doom Desire didn't manage to escape outwards and cause more damage. Jirachi was floating slowly out from his position underneath the shields, the third eye on his chest drooping closed, and he was rubbing at his actual eyes and yawning.

"Are you alright?" Eon called, sweeping out from behind his makeshift defence and bounding over. He approached quickly, but kept his distance as he circled around the Legendary for a visual check- it was likely that Deoxys was still extremely protective of Jirachi, for good reason, and Eon didn't want to accidentally aggravate them by getting too close and potentially setting off danger senses that were still far too close to the surface in the aftermath of the fight.

Though Deoxys was currently occupied taking down the shielding that had been containing Behemoth, the residual energy fading fast, so there was a chance they were too distracted to notice.

'Fine.' He assured, mental voice sounding exhausted. 'Doom Desire is just... difficult. That's all.'

"I'm sorry I had to ask you to do that-"

'Don't be. I volunteered it, and I did it. I knew it'd make me tired, but it was worth it.' He replied, before yawning again. 'Urgh... I wouldn't say no to some time off, though...'

"We- that is, Inari- we're gonna be here a little while longer to help with search and rescue." Eon told him. "But you and Deoxys could take a break somewhere safe to regain your strength. No-one would really hold it against you if you decided to go home, either- ah, wherever home is for you right now- since there's a good number of Capes every attack that leave pretty soon after because they can't help out. Since Behemoth is down-"

Eon paused. Blinked. Looked at the ground, whole aside from the craters where Behemoth had stepped. Then up at the shields, which were still being taken down.

"Did." He paused again, shaking his head. "Wait, did you manage to destroy Behemoth?"

His voice sounded slightly incredulous even to his own ears- which was ridiculous, he knew. Behemoth was tough but Jirachi was a Legendary, the Wish Maker, and their Moves already did a lot of damage to Endbringers without even bringing that into the equation in the first place- but apparently Jirachi was too exhausted to pick up on that, given that he just nodded, bobbing in place as his levitation failed to compensate for it. 'I think so, yeah. It was a lot of power, so I'd be surprised if it made it.'

'Agreement; Opponent Unit: Behemoth has been destroyed.'
Deoxys confirmed, floating over. They were followed by a small box made of shields, which contained a number of large chunks- presumably left behind by Behemoth after his destruction.

"...By the Netherworld." Eon murmured, looking at Jirachi with some slight amazement. "That is... incredibly impressive, Wish Maker."

'Just call me Jirachi.' He shrugged, bobbing again. Deoxys- still in their Defence Forme- reached out with their paddle-like hands and herded him closer to their chest, near to where the core crystal lay, and he gladly took the moment to lean against them. 'We've fought together, you might as well.'

"If you insist." Eon accepted, stepping forward to examine the pieces in the shield. "These were left behind by Behemoth?"


Eon felt dizzy. Light headed, a little bit in shock-

And something more familiar, he realised after a moment, with no small hint of wariness.

"Oh dear." He grimaced, pulling away. "Deoxys, would you do me a favour and open a small hole in your shield? Just enough to put my paw through."

'Affirmative. Query; reasoning?'

"I'd like to test something, very quickly." He explained, looking around. There wasn't anyone nearby enough to possibly see it, given that everyone had backed away from Jirachi's attack-

But there was one thing that could make it a bit less likely that anyone would appear.

Eon sat down, freeing himself to reach up and press the communications button on the armband. "Dragon." He said clearly, waiting a moment for it to connect.


"Spread the word, the fight is over. Behemoth is down." He informed her. "Cleanup can begin."

"...You're certain." She replied, after a long moment of silence.

"Absolutely." Eon nodded. "Behemoth is down, totally destroyed." He didn't think it was a good idea to mention that there were still pieces left around over a channel like this, no matter how much he trusted Dragon's ability to keep things secure. There was still a chance that someone might be close enough to overhear, on either end- more likely on his end, since Dragon had hers on the internal speakers of her suit- or the even lower chance that someone could have hacked into Dragon's communication lines and could overhear things that way. "Jirachi did it."

"...I see." She sounded disbelieving, and honestly Eon couldn't blame her; the Endbringers had been a problem since the 80's, starting out with Behemoth himself, and he was known for being incredibly durable, so the idea that he could have been destroyed was...

It was understandably awe inspiring, he supposed.

"I'll spread the word around and get people started on moving into cleanup, then." She added, still sounding baffled, but seemingly putting it to one side in order to start working on the practicalities. "And- thank you."

"Our pleasure, Dragon." He assured, ending the call. "Ok, that should keep people from getting too close for at least a little while." He told the two Legendaries. "Mostly because they'll be too busy being in shock."

'It's really that big a deal?' Jirachi asked, frowning slightly. 'I didn't realise...'

"I'll give you a better history of it later- or Swarm will, she's local so she's more of an expert in this sort of stuff- but Behemoth was really bad news." Eon said. "So yes, it's a really big deal to get rid of him."

He focused on the chunks being held in the shield again, where there was now a small hole for him to reach through. Moving forward bought with it that familiar dizziness again, and that more than anything made Eon fairly sure that he was right, but he reached through anyway and touched the closest one.

The vision wasn't particularly important- a flash of a past or future with things built or rebuilt, and people walking in the streets talking in a language he didn't understand- but the contents of the vision weren't what he was interested in anyway.

He pulled away slowly, letting the dizziness from the vision fade away alongside it, and grimaced. "That's not good." He murmured.

'What's wrong?'

"Not right now." He half-snapped, looking around for Shadow on instinct at the same time as he started weaving his tails around in the air. Shadow wasn't there, which was bad because he needed his second in command right now to help him handle this, but also that was fine because she would be here soon- he could feel it, in the depths of his bones and in the fire that fuelled his Aura. She would've heard the alert Dragon sent out and made her way straight to him as soon as she could, so she would be here soon enough to help out- and in the meanwhile Eon could handle himself perfectly well, crafting an illusion out of thin air and layering it over the Time Gear pieces. "Close the box, make it as small as you can, keep the pieces in there and do not let go." He demanded as he did. "As strong as you can manage it, these things need to be protected with everything you have."

Illusions of invisibility and notice-me-not and nothing-to-see-here and there's-nothing-important-go-away and things-are-watching-me, over and over and over themselves until it was hard for him to look at them straight, let alone anyone else. Deoxys and Jirachi were already being affected as well, looking back and forth nervously and after a moment Eon put in an exclusion for Deoxys, because it wouldn't be a good idea to lock out the Pokemon who was holding up the integrity of the box in the first place.

'What's going on?' Jirachi asked again, his exhausted voice gaining a bit of strength as it gained nerves. 'Eon, what-'

"Not. Now." He hissed. "It's not safe here." He let his tails droop slightly in his own exhaustion, the feeling of layering so many illusions one after another straight after a fight like that pulling him down, but he mostly ignored it- it was familiar- in favour of another thought. "Unless you can read minds."

'Not really.'

'Agreement; Unit; Self lacks the capability to perform action.'

"Yeah, thought not." He sighed again. "Right, just... just keep that shield up, ok? Keep it running, don't let anything break it. I'll handle keeping it from being spotted but if that falls apart then you're going to need to protect it. Forgive me for saying it but between Jirachi and those things those are the more dangerous thing in the area. They need to stay safe."

'...I... see.'

He could tell from the tone of voice that Jirachi couldn't, not really, but at the same time he was trying his best to keep his questions to himself. On Eon's side, he wouldn't feel safe talking about the Time Gears until they were far, far away- on some ship of Dragon's, being dropped on some island in the most secure state they could manage, far away from anyone at all- and preferably until he was locked away under some illusions of his own.

As much as the PRT knew about Time Gears- and that was an annoyingly widespread amount of people- they didn't have the sort of experience with them to be truly wary. None of them did. But Eon had heard that story first hand, and there was no chance that he was going to play games with the entire planet.

Though if it came down to it and he had to kidnap Swarm, Danny, Amy, Vicky, and whoever else they could think of as friends, into a Hoopa portal and take them to his world, he would without regret. He was also fairly sure Shadow would help him if he needed it, up to and including knocking them out if they had to.

The wait didn't take long, Shadow suddenly appearing at his side with a blink of Agility, looking like she'd run the entire way over from the medical bay.

"What's up?"

He exhaled. "Jirachi fired a Doom Desire, Behemoth is destroyed. Only thing left are a bunch of fragments, in a similar condition to the ones that we had after Leviathan's... incident."


"You're on run, find Dragon, tell her what we need. We'll be bringing them to a craft asap once you've done that. For now we're staying here, I'm anchoring the illusions and as much as I could set them I'd feel better if there was more protection because of Jirachi's status. Deoxys can set their clones into a different grouping now, because we don't need to worry about defending them and the people they're rescuing from Behemoth, just from the rubble and things like that. Groups of two or three should be fine, maybe just make sure you can re-coordinate things if they come across a lot of people that need help all at once."

'Affirmative; Unit; Self will rearrange Unit; Self's duplicates into requested formatting. Unit; Self will ensure group is safe.'

The last part felt faintly reprimanding, but the leader ignored it. "Perhaps, but Jirachi is exhausted and you're going to need to be focused on the fragments, so I'd rather be safe than sorry. Shadow, get moving, after you've confirmed with Dragon I'll send Deoxys and Jirachi over to you and go pick up Swarm. After that we can all move onto search and rescue work up until we're all too tired to keep going, then we'll regroup with Strider and teleport back home."

Thank Arceus for the fact that Shadow was used to working with Eon even at his most snappy and distressed. She didn't say a word about the way he laid everything out, didn't question the orders, just nodded and bounded away again.

It would take her a while to find and get to Dragon, even using the bands to search her out, but that was fine. Eon could take a moment to recuperate, even if he'd be on mid-to-high alert keeping the Legendaries and the Time Gears safe.

He was fine with that.

It took maybe half an hour after the really big explosion for anything to really change.

Well, aside from the broadcast that came from the armbands about five or so minutes after it. Swarm wasn't really concerned with the length of time at the moment, given that she was working on pulling people out from under some rubble that another Cape was holding up- and not all of them were alive, or even in good shape- but a half an hour felt right.

The announcement that Behemoth was down had her worried and elated in nearly equal measures. Elated, because holy shit someone downed an Endbringer, and that someone was probably her team, which was amazing and thought to be impossible and it was hard to believe it. Worried, because holy shit her team had been nearby to that and downed an Endbringer. Somehow.

Every part of her had wanted to ditch out then, to use her bugs to find her team and head over there and not let any of them go for another week. Even Jirachi and Deoxys, because even if they weren't officially on Team Inari- which wouldn't be the state of affairs for long, Swarm could tell- they'd still been nearby when everything had gone down and Endbringer fights were traumatising for people who knew at least vaguely what they were going into and had been looking at news articles and shit about it for years. Being thrown directly into one, with barely any preparation aside from Eon's 'this is what the enemy is' speech that he'd undoubtedly given on the plane ride over, while new to the entire planet that they were now on?

Swarm was going to be surprised if the two Legendary Pokemon let each other out of sight for a very long time anytime soon.

Possibly Eon and Shadow would be similar towards them as well. Eon especially, since he'd been on the field as well and probably had been part of setting up that plan, which meant that when he came out of the 'I need to be the leader' mode that he had he'd be pretty worried about everyone, and probably end up trying to herd them all into the Den for him to keep an eye on for the rest of the evening.

It wasn't new, after all. She'd been in that position quite a few times now, usually when she was nearly shot out on patrol and he freaked. It was nice to have someone who cared, for sure, but it got annoying quickly when she wanted to go home in order to let her dad fuss over her.

Shaking her head as the last person crawled out from under the rubble, she reached out and helped them further away before examining the space once more. "It's good." She said to the Cape- she hadn't caught his name- as she helped the woman she was with to her feet and over to one of the flying Capes that was waiting to help with evacuation.

The rubble was lowered a moment later, and they exchanged a nod before walking away. Swarm kept looking around with her bugs, trying to see if there was anyone else in the area that needed help so that she could start walking that way, before a prickle of something at the back of her neck made her turn around.

"Eon." She greeted as she did, looking around-

-At the apparently empty street. She frowned; I swear I just saw him...

"Swarm." He returned, fading into view. "How'd you know I was there?"

"I thought I spotted you." She told him. "Did you forget to cloak to my bugs or something?"

Eon blinked, tilting his head. "Might've done." He shrugged. "I wouldn't be surprised... things were a little crazy a bit ago."

"Need a break?" She knelt down beside him and reached out, placing her hand on his head for a moment when he allowed it.

"I'm good for now. We have Berries and those biscuits, it's fine. Just came to fill you in on things."

On the things that were safe to say in public, she mentally corrected. "Lay it on me."

"Behemoth's down, we're all moving to search and rescue. Deoxys and Jirachi are backing up a bit, because Jirachi's exhausted and Deoxys' on protection duty. Shadow backed out of healing when she heard the word and came along, she'll be helping out too because it's not likely that her sort of healing is going to be of any help now things are over. I volunteered to find you and assure you that we're fine before things started for real."

"Good to know."

It was, too. It was good to know that her team was safe and well, even if it worried her a bit about Jirachi. "Is Jirachi going to be ok?"

"Should be fine, just too much energy used up in one go." Eon promised. "From what the two of them have said, he doesn't use that Move much."

"At all, I'd think, given how big it was."

"Pretty much." He nodded, sagging slightly. "Still, everyone's good now, we're going to keep going until things are over or we're all too exhausted to keep working safely, then we'll regroup at Strider and make our way back home."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

Eon nodded again, then started moving again, nudging her in the side with a tail as he walked by. He didn't bother to cloak this time, just moving through the streets and sniffing at the air.

Swarm turned her attention away from him, putting her full mind into working on finding people now that she knew the team was safe. The sooner that everyone else was safe, the sooner they would all head back to Brockton Bay and take a while to breathe, which was good.

She got the feeling it would be needed, given that Behemoth had gone down to one of her team mates. There'd probably be a lot of meetings about it all.
Chapter 42- Cleanup, backstories, and feelings
The cleanup work was, as expected, long and arduous. Mostly due to the number of buildings that had been utterly wrecked by Behemoth during the fight. The numerous earthquakes he'd set off hadn't helped matters in the slightest, Shadow thought to herself as she walked, since they'd destabilised things that had already been somewhat unsteady just from his approach, let alone everything else that had been thrown about during the fight. Fireballs, lightning, radiation bursts, Capes that were hit with the side effects of any of those, things that the Capes themselves were throwing around...

It was sort of amazing that New Delhi was standing at all, to be honest.

Shadow had helped out as much as she could manage, which was a fairly large amount given that she'd only been in the healing rooms during the attack itself. Mostly she'd focused on moving rubble out of the way so that it could be removed from the scene by other people, along with the occasional rescue of a person who'd been trapped or- unfortunately more often- the removal of a body that would be taken away for a proper honouring.

There was a part of her that wanted to set Behemoth on fire herself every time a body was removed, from under rubble or just from the streets they were on. She was glad that he was dead- or destroyed, given that she wasn't totally sure the Endbringers were conscious enough to be capable of death- but whenever they found someone else who'd been unlucky enough not to be able to escape, she wished he could have been tormented just a little bit more.

Still, it was in the past now. Behemoth was gone, courtesy of Jirachi, the cleanup was well under way, and a text had gone out about ten minutes ago that Inari was going to be heading home soon. She was glad for that, since she had been able to feel the start of exhaustions crawl, so she'd confirmed that she was on her way, finished up what she was helping with, and started to pick her way through the city streets towards the teleport point, where the others would be waiting.

Shadow sort of wished she could be doing more- she felt a bit guilty that she hadn't been able to help as much as she would have liked in the healing rooms during the fight, because of the way her powers worked and how few people were actually coming through, and a similar guilt was being carried about the fact that she hadn't dismissed herself from healing when she'd realised that she wasn't helping and gone into combat instead- but she was getting tired, the others on her team were almost certainly exhausted by now- especially Swarm, given that she didn't have the same stamina that Pokemon had- and things were going well. In all the situation was good enough that going home and resting wasn't a bad idea, even if it was unlikely that they'd be returning to do anything more. The rest of their week would be spent recovering, getting Deoxys and Jirachi up to date on things, and waiting for the inevitable PRT meeting that they were going to be called to when the Time Gear thing got around.

And wasn't that just a cherry on the cake, Shadow thought bitterly. Confirmation that somehow the Endbringers were related to Time Gears, that her hit on Leviathan was why the Time Gear in Brockton Bay had been created... and Shadow really wanted to see if they could figure out some answers on all of it, because the Time Gears back in Sinah hadn't been anywhere big enough to possibly create one of the Endbringers, let alone the three that Earth Bet had.

Sure, those ones were carved into actual gear shapes- which was another bundle of questions they'd never gotten an answer for- while these ones were chunks of it, but it still didn't make any Arceus-damned sense at all and was something she wanted answers for. Even if she probably wouldn't even get any.

She turned the corner onto the main base that'd been made up for the cleanup stuff with that irritating thought in mind, and easily spotted the rest of her team standing just a little ways away from the teleport points, clearly waiting for her. Swarm and Deoxys standing together made for a pretty impressive sight, and they were tall enough that they were easy to spot.

"Hi, sorry, I was further away than I thought." She apologised, hurrying over to them.

"No worries, Shadow." Eon assured in return, looking her over. "I take it you have everything with you?"

"Yeah, I'm good to go."

There was a noise that sounded faintly like a barely-audible cheer from Deoxys' direction, and when Shadow glanced over she saw Jirachi was bundled up in his ribbon-like trails and being held close to their chest. Understandably so, given that he'd been obviously exhausted after destroying Behemoth, and she didn't want to know how much effort even just floating about must have taken after that. Jirachi and Deoxys had stayed out of the cleanup for good reason, after all, and Shadow felt vaguely bad about making them wait to leave so the Wish Maker could rest.

They started to move towards the teleport point, where they'd wait until Strider appeared and get a lift back to the Brockton Bay PRT building, before the sounds of someone coming in to land next to them caught her attention. For a moment, Shadow assumed that it was just someone else heading for the teleporter, before a loud voice called out, "Inari!"

Eon turned sharply, and she and Swarm quickly fell into step behind him, eyes widening slightly at the sight of Alexandria walking over to them.

"Alexandria." Eon greeted. "Is something wrong?"

"I had a question about the clones." She said, sharply. "Will they vanish if they leave?"

Shadow was a bit annoyed by the rudeness in her tone, but she figured that Alexandria was probably pretty stressed out helping to run the Protectorate response to all of this, so she let it slide and glanced back at Deoxys.

'Explanation; duplicates have assigned orders. Units will continue functioning until assigned orders are complete.'

'Deoxys told them to help clean up.'
Jirachi's tired voice added. 'They'll stay around until the clean up is mostly complete, then start dispelling. They might get a bit weaker or more strange once Deoxys is out of command range, but it won't be too bad.'

"I see." She nodded. "My thanks." The Brute flew away just as abruptly as she'd arrived, and as one the five of them traded shrugs before moving back to the teleporters.

"I'd like if you all stayed over the Den tonight." Eon said quietly, as they waited for Strider to return. "There's plenty of space, and I'd feel better having everyone nearby when we're all worn down like this."

'Works for me...' Jirachi yawned again. Deoxys shrugged, apparently accepting their friend's judgement, and Shadow looked up at Swarm.

"I'll need to send a message first, but yeah." She sounded just as exhausted as everyone else, and there was a slight sag in her shoulders from holding herself upright. "Better to have everyone together."

Things started to blur together after that; Shadow remembered going through Strider's teleport, all of them wobbling slightly on landing, remembered Swarm taking out her phone and texting Danny about the arrangements, remembered all of them walking through the city and guiding Deoxys towards the Den, but all of it felt foggy from tiredness.

"We'll need to talk more tomorrow." Eon added on, as they all started settling down.

"Tomorrow." Shadow agreed, yawning into her paw and stumbling into their room. "But sleep now."

Rebecca frowned slightly as she watched Inari teleport away, thinking furiously. The fact that her powers didn't work on anyone aside from Swarm in the group wasn't actually surprising, all things considered, but it was still annoying. She wasn't used to struggling to figure out what people were thinking.

There was a part of her that wanted to try and recruit the new creatures that had appeared, either into the Protectorate or into Cauldron. Something with that level of power would be extremely helpful in the fight against Scion, given that they'd just demonstrated the ability to down an Endbringer.

As much as Rebecca wanted to find out what had happened there, she knew she'd be getting a report at some point. She just had to be patient, which was better than trying to hold them for an explanation right now.

On the other hand, though, these beings weren't Parahumans, so there was no reason to try pushing them into the Protectorate, and she wasn't entirely certain that they would agree with Cauldron as an organisation. Maybe the goal, but given what they knew of the spirits from conversations with the two kitsune it seemed more likely that they'd just try to challenge Scion in combat of some kind, and that could be disastrous to every world that the Entity was working on.

So no, it was better to keep them at arms length and let Inari continue doing what they wanted, within reason. At the very least they'd then have their support when Scion eventually went off, and possibly they'd attract more of their kind that would work with them.

Until then, though, she had other things to focus on. Like co-ordinating the cleanup, both on-site as Alexandria and off-site as the PRT's Chief Director, and at some point she could figure out a way to set up a meeting with Inari- preferably out of Brockton Bay and closer to her main offices instead, so that she could more covertly set up her own equipment to monitor things.

Once again, she wished that her powers had come with the ability to avoid sleep.

July 27th, 2011. Wednesday.

Jirachi woke up slowly, with the kind of haziness that he'd only really felt a few times before. The sort that came from a bone-deep exhaustion.

For a while, he couldn't actually remember what was going on. That wasn't exactly new, because when he was travelling in comet form with Deoxys he only had a faint awareness of what was going on around him; it was why he relied on his guardian so much, because they were the one who kept an eye on things to keep them both out of trouble. But just the fact that he'd woken up, rather than come aware of things while coming out of his comet form, made him struggle to push himself to figure out what had happened.

Then he pulled himself out of the protective curve of Deoxys' arm, looked around at the faintly-familiar wooden weave around them, and felt it all come rushing back.

Doom Desire would definitely explain why I'm so tired... he thought, partly amused. Most of him was upset that he'd needed to use that Move, the side effects and the destruction being nowhere worth the rush of power that came with it, but there was still a sort of amusement to it as well. Like a regretful one.

He wondered if there was a word for that.

Mindful of both his power levels and the fact that Deoxys was still in rest mode, he floated into the air and made his way over to the doorway, pushing aside the sheet that covered it and landing again in order to take in his surroundings.

The Den, as Eon had called it the previous night, was a very simple campsite. Compared to the buildings that they'd seen during the fight it seemed almost primitive. But to Jirachi, it was a fond reminder of the few campsites he'd been in before he and Deoxys had started travelling starwards instead, though it was also larger than those. Which made sense, given that it was being built as a permanent home and a team compound, not just a place to stay overnight.

The main building was hidden partly under a willow tree, which Shadow and Eon had disappeared into the previous night. Another room made up Swarm's retreat, which was much larger to accommodate for her height. He and Deoxys had taken one of the other larger rooms, one that had probably been made for visitors in the past. A number of other buildings dotted around the clearing they were in, with sheets of the same kind of fabric that was on the other doors hiding the contents of them. The centre of the clearing was taken up by a large-ish fire pit, and somewhere to his left he could hear a river.

In all, it felt very much like what Jirachi expected a Rescue Team base to feel like. Though he'd never really seen them before, having left not long after the Guilds had started being built up and never having had the opportunity to go and visit the bases of any of the teams that had existed before that point, he understood that they'd likely have been large compounds just to be able to house all of the team and any equipment, and he didn't think that would've changed over... however long they'd been gone.

Jirachi sighed a little. In some ways, there was a part of him that regretted going starwards with Deoxys all that time ago. He'd adored it, getting to travel with them around space- because they could avoid needing to breathe with their powers, which was good- was cool even if he didn't always remember a lot of it because he was in comet form, and it had gotten away from a world that, at the time, had been getting hostile. Things had been a little more dangerous, with all of the Mystery Dungeons that had been popping up, and Pokemon had been getting more and more insistent on challenging him in order to win a wish from him. For a while, he'd been totally on his own, relying on whatever help he could get to learn Moves and defending himself as best he could.

Then Deoxys had appeared.

Something of a machine Pokemon and an alien, they'd encountered him outside of a Mystery Dungeon and promptly latched onto him, needing direction in the strange new world they'd found themselves in. He hadn't minded, because it had worked well for both of them; Deoxys had direction, and he had someone who was willing to help protect himself from Pokemon that were after Wish Challenges. While at first Deoxys hadn't been much better trained than him, the two of them had managed to figure out a few Moves together and a few more from Pokemon willing to help, and they'd gotten by.

Deoxys had been the one to suggest going starwards, in the end. When it had gotten too much, and Jirachi had had to use Doom Desire for the first- and before yesterday only- time to get them out of danger. Jirachi had been thinking about retreating into some kind of Dungeon at first, but that had also carried the risk of powerful teams finding them, and Jirachi still wasn't confident enough in himself to handle that.

So they'd left, Jirachi entering comet form and Deoxys clinging to him as they floated themselves into space and just... went. They'd travelled about, going wherever Deoxys had decided to take them, and just moved on with things.

The end result was that neither of them were particularly powerful in terms of Moves for a pair of Legendary Pokemon, but in space that hadn't been an issue. Even if it had been a bit troublesome during the fight before.

He sighed again. The fight yesterday... Arceus, wasn't that just something to think about. A giant monster- though not the biggest being he'd ever seen, given how large some Pokemon could get- rampaging through the streets of a city, hell-bent on destroying everything in its path and killing hundreds of people in the process... it was like something out of an old Talekeeper fiction, and dealing with it had been terrifying.

He couldn't even begin to figure out how he was going to sort out that mess.

The familiar psychic presence of his partner made him look up, Deoxys' Normal Forme giving him the slight look that he knew meant they were concerned.

'Query; has Unit: Wish Maker recovered well?'

He shrugged a little, turning on the spot to look at them more easily. It was still a little hard, given the massive height difference, but Deoxys ducked down further to make it better. 'I'm still a little tired, but that'll go away.'

'Agreement. Further query; Unit: Self has concerns about Unit: Wish Maker's state of mind.'

He sighed again, rolling his eyes a little at his guardian's over protectiveness. 'I'm... well, not fine, but I'll be ok. Just tired, and still trying to wrap my head around everything that happened yesterday.'

'Understanding. Observation; the events of previous day were unusual and concerning. Further information is required.'

'Eon and Shadow might be able to fill us in more.'
He suggested. 'We could see if they're awake.'

Deoxys nodded slightly, reaching down with two tentacles that morphed into a hand after a moment. Accepting the gesture for what it was, he let himself be picked up and cradled to their chest again, leaning on the crystalline core as the two of them left the room.

Outside, a tall human that he didn't recognise was tending to a small fire. Next to her was a number of cooking tools and packets of food, which she clearly meant to cook over the fire once it was stronger. Given that the only human who'd been there the night before was Swarm, he assumed that this was her as the two of them went closer.

"Hey." She said, easily, looking up from the firepit. "Swarm, or Taylor Hebert as I'm known out of costume. We didn't get to talk much yesterday, with everything, so it's nice to meet you." Taylor stood, offering her hand.

Jirachi leaned forward and shook it first, Deoxys following his lead a moment later. 'Nice to meet you to. How come you have two names?'

"Parahumans here have a name that they use in costume. It's to help keep their family safe. So my name's Taylor, but when I'm in costume, everyone knows me as Swarm."

'That's odd.'

She laughed. "Yeah, I guess it is when you didn't grow up with it. Eon and Shadow were pretty confused too, from what I know. And I sure thought the whole Rescue Team thing was weird when I first heard of it." She went back to the fire as she spoke, sitting down on a log that was placed at the side and gesturing to the other that was there. "We'll make sure you're up to date on everything, though, so that you don't get lost in everything going on."

'Like that Behemoth thing?'

Taylor winced slightly at that, though she seemed happy even so. "Yeah, like that. We'll need to wait for Shadow and Eon to wake up first, and I'm gonna need to be heading home pretty soon. I need to see Dad. He'll be worried until he sees that I'm fine in person."

'So your dad knows about this?'

"Yeah, of course." Taylor shrugged. "I mean, he didn't at first, but we told him after an incident near the beginning of everything. He's been helping us out, being someone outside of everything that we can bounce ideas off of. Hey, you two."

"Good morning." Eon greeted, having just poked his head out of the room he'd been in. Shadow was at his side, also peering out around him, and after a moment pushed straight by and came over to the fire.

"You should probably go to Danny, Taylor." Shadow agreed, puffing a small Ember at the fire and making it blaze brighter. "We can handle cooking, and you really do need to get home to tell him you're ok."

She smiled- though Jirachi felt that the look seemed a bit strained- and nodded. "That's fair enough, I guess. You guys gonna fill them in on everything ok, though?"

"'S Time Gears and Parahumans, we can handle that." Shadow grinned. "We'll be by pretty soon to see Danny, though."

"I'll tell him." Taylor stood, heading back over to her room and pulling out a bag. "I'll see you later, then?"

"Stay safe, Taylor." Eon said.

They watched as she left, ducking between the trees like she'd lived here all her life, then settled back down again.

"So; local issues, or the Time Gears first?" The leader of the team asked them.

Jirachi looked up at Deoxys, who tilted their head slightly in a sign that they didn't care. 'I guess the Time Gears? That sounded like something that was dangerous, so getting that out of the way is probably good.'

Eon nodded. "Fair enough. It'll be the short version, because there's a lot to it. Though I'm surprised you don't know anything about them..."

'Not all of us are Creation Legendaries.'

"True. We don't know much about Time Gears ourselves, admittedly." He waved his tail in the air, forming an illusion of a blue-green gear. "But they're dangerous. From the story we've been told..."

"From the story we've been told," Shadow took over, as Eon's voice faded. "They're supposed to reside within a Moment in Time, where they help regulate the flow of Time. When they're disturbed, it can lead to the planet becoming paralysed."

Jirachi inhaled sharply, for multiple reasons. He could infer what a planet being paralysed would mean, in both the short and long term, and there was no way it was good. The fact that fragments of these Time Gears had appeared when he'd destroyed the monster with Doom Desire implied something much worse, since they were clearly so dangerous. But also...

'You're a- wait, of course.' He started to ask, distractedly, before shaking his head. 'I'm sorry, I forgot. You said you were a Talekeeper earlier… I sort of forgot, I'm sorry, but I recognise the tone. I met a couple, once, when I was still travelling around our world.'

"Interesting... and yes, sort of. Talekeeper Shadow, technically in training, at your service." She inclined her head. "I started my training, but put it on hold to focus on being a Rescue Pokemon. I picked it up a bit here and there once I was more settled, and you don't ever really forget some things. But, anyway. Time Gears are dangerous, and it's worrying that they keep appearing..."

'Since they're clearly being disturbed.' Jirachi finished, frowning. 'This needs to be investigated... Why would one appear after that... Behemoth thing?'

"I have a theory." Eon admitted, making all of them look at him in surprise- even his second in command. "I think they appear where- or rather when particularly momentous occasions happen. I also think it might be a side effect of Shadow and I arriving here; perhaps something in our Aura is setting it off?"

"You think we're unbalancing things?" Shadow sounded hurt, and Eon grimaced.

"I... think it's less that, and more that things were already unbalancing when we came here. It's just slipping faster and faster now. I don't think it's because of us," He hurried to add, when Shadow just seemed to pale further. "But I think it might be what we were sent to stop." He paused, then, and looked back up at Jirachi and Deoxys. "The only other time a Time Gear has appeared was when we drove off Leviathan. Before that day, the Endbringers had never been driven away so quickly and with that much damage."

'So they're linked to that?'

"Maybe." Eon shrugged, glanced at Shadow, and then settled slightly more. It was a Talekeeper pose, though one done by someone who obviously wasn't a Talekeeper, but it made it clear how important everything was. "We'll do our best to explain just how important the Endbringers are, and how Parahumans came to be."

Jirachi nodded his acceptance, settling more comfortably against Deoxys' core as he did. It felt like it was going to be a long story.

Danny didn't bother to contain the small smile that grew on his lips when he heard the back door unlock from his place on the stairs. He hurried the rest of the way down as his daughter locked the door, stepping around the table and hugging her before holding her at arms length to check for injuries. While he's sure that they would have warned him- either Taylor would've said something more than just an 'all fine' in her message, or one of the vulpines would've sent something along to warn him that she was hurt in some way- and he knows Shadow would've offered to heal her ahead of going home anyway, it still didn't feel right not to check her over.

Instead of injuries, though, he got a good look at the sadness on her face.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Taylor opened her mouth, and he fixed her with a raise eyebrow. "And don't try brushing me off, Taylor. There's something bothering you."

She paused for a moment, then huffed, throwing herself into a chair and dropping her bag next to her. "I'm an awful friend."

"I doubt that, but why?" It was better to get his daughter talking rather than letting her stew in things, he knew, so he went into the kitchen to start on breakfast while she talked.

"I was being an ass about Jirachi and Deoxys." She said. "They've just gotten here and I got worried because they're gonna be part of the team and what use am I when we're getting another two really powerful Pokemon onto the team?"

"Did you actually say any of that to them?"

Taylor blinked. "No?"

"Then I don't see how you were being an ass about it. And Taylor, you do different things to them. Your powers are more structured than the rest of your teams' are, and that puts you in a difficult spot, but you have your own role in the team. Even if you're mostly doing scouting, that's incredibly valuable because no team works well without information, and you being able to get that information for your team means that it's a lot less likely that someone gets hurt while you guys are out there."

"It just feels like I'm barely doing anything on the team-"

"Then talk to the team about it." Danny shrugged. "Maybe they can think of something else you could be doing. But I don't think you're not doing much. Maybe on patrols it can feel like it, but you're still giving them information on what's going on around them, which is helping. You've also been keeping an eye on them when they're exhausting themselves but still insist on being out in public. And then outside of that, you've been handling a lot of public relations while they've been busy; doing your own solo patrols, talking with people out on the streets, chatting on PHO on behalf of your team... you're doing a fair bit, it's just that it doesn't feel like much because it doesn't seem like Cape work."

"...I hadn't thought of it like that." She admitted, looking a little ashamed.

"Talk with your team." He repeated, turning to put a hand on her shoulder. "Let them know how you're feeling, and I bet they'll say the same thing I did. But you'll all be able to work together to figure out what else you can do as part of the team."

"That makes sense." Taylor nodded. "The others should be coming by later, Eon and Shadow are explaining the Time Gears and Parahumans and stuff to Jirachi and Deoxys right now, but they said they'd be coming over here to see you... I think they might also ask those two for their story then, since I'm not there at the moment and they'd want me to hear it as well."

"That makes sense." Danny turned back towards breakfast with a nod of his own. "No reason not to save it for when they get here."

The next half an hour lapsed into easy silence; Taylor sitting at the table thinking, while Danny cooked for both of them, assuming that she wouldn't have eaten before she left the Den earlier in the morning. Eating was done mostly in silence, too, and just as the two of them had started to clean up there was a knock at the back door.

"Hi guys." Taylor murmured, opening it and standing aside. There was nothing obviously there, but Danny knew that the rest of Team Inari would be traipsing in under one of the invisibility illusions. "Jirachi, Deoxys, welcome to my house. This is my dad."



He startled slightly at the sound of voices appearing in his head, but was less surprised than he probably should've been, instead just turning around and taking in the two new Pokemon that had probably joined the team.

"Nice to meet you too." He greeted. "Give me a moment to put this away... Taylor said you'd got a story to share with us?"

'That's right.' The little one sitting in the other's arms said. 'It's not much, but Eon said it'd be a good idea to tell it.'

Danny hurried up the cleaning at that, letting the others use the time to find places to sit so that they were all comfortable. The smaller one- he really should've gotten even a basic description of them both from Taylor before they arrived- was sitting on the table in front of his friend, leaning back against the faintly glowing purple thing in that one's chest and looking exhausted.

"At some point I'd also like to know how the fight went, but that can wait a bit." Danny added. "Drinks?"

He mostly ended up giving out water, though there was a moment of amusement when he tried to find a small enough glass for the little one to use, then sat down in the remaining free chair and waited.

'Ok, so...' The little one started. 'I... don't really know how to do this... um. I'm Jirachi, and from what Eon's said about their- our?- world now I'm actually from a really long time ago compared to both of them. I'm a Wish Maker, which is something my species gets called a lot because we can grant wishes with our powers, and I'm specifically a Challenge type, which means I need someone to do a battle with me before I can grant their wish. That used to make things kind of difficult, because people would challenge me a lot but I couldn't always defend myself properly, and I was thinking about retreating into a Mystery Dungeon of some sort like a lot of Legendaries were before I met Deoxys.'

"So you're older than the Dungeons are?" Taylor asked, sounding surprised. "I thought they were really old..."

'I mean, yes?' Jirachi seemed a little nervous, and shrugged. 'It doesn't feel like that long ago to me, but then I've been in space... um. A-anyway. I met them near one of the Dungeons I was looking at, and we kept exploring for a little while before Deoxys suggested that we go starwards instead. So I went into comet form, Deoxys latched onto me because that's something that their kind can do, and then we went travelling. We've stopped at a few worlds before, though there's not always been a lot there, and I guess now we're here?' He shrugged again. 'I... don't really know what else to say... There's kind of a lot and not a lot at the same time, because a lot of it's all about the other places we found and that's... not really relevant?'

"I'd like to hear about them some other time, though." Shadow requested, from where she was sitting on Taylor's lap. "They sound interesting."

'Sometimes it was neat.' He nodded. 'But, um, yes. We've never come across anything like these Parahumans before, which sound cool, and most of it's been travelling in space? Also I've never actually gotten much about what they were doing before they found me out of Deoxys, so, um, there's that too...'

"That's fair, I suppose." Eon hummed. "And don't worry if you don't think there's much to talk about. It's still nice to hear about."

'Thank you.' The small Pokemon seemed to be blushing slightly, and glanced down. 'But anyway, what are we going to do now?'

"Well, you can always join the Rescue Team." Eon suggested. "It's mostly just patrolling around town and stopping humans from causing crimes, and talking to people. Or you can just do what you like, I guess. You don't really have to do anything, though I think a lot of people would like it if you showed up for Endbringer fights again once this gets out- oh, by the way, information about what happened won't be coming out for about two weeks, since that's the grace period for things to get sorted out first, so the only people that could pester you about it would be the Parahumans that knew it was you who did that."

"It also might be best if the Wish Maker thing doesn't get spread around too far to the general public if you're not working with the team- or even if you are." Danny added. "Since you don't want to need to defend yourself from people after a wish."

'I don't have to accept the Challenge, but I see what you mean.' He nodded slowly. 'And I think it would be best if we stayed with Team Inari, at least for now? While we get our bearings for things.'

"Then that's what you can do." Shadow smiled welcomingly. "For however long you want to be, you're a part of Team Inari. We'll help sort things out."
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Chapter 43- Arrangements, worry, and setup
29th​ July, 2011. Friday.

Rebecca frowned heavily, thankful that the call was voice only, carefully keeping it out of her voice as she nodded. "Yes- yes, of course. Thank you. Yes, I'll see to it. Goodbye."

Ending the call before it could end up dragging even longer than it's original time, she leaned back and sighed, allowing herself a few moments of weakness. Glancing at her schedule as she sat up again, she saw that she had around ten minutes until her next meeting and sighed again, this time with relief.

"No matter how many times I do it, it's never easier..." She murmured to herself, reaching out for the mug of coffee on her desk. Taking a sip, she allowed herself to relax a little so she could gather her thoughts.

Dealing with the after effects of an Endbringer attack wasn't easy, no, but at the very least this time had a lot less death and destruction attached to it. There were still deaths, certainly, and there was still an unfortunate amount of buildings that had been destroyed during the entire thing that needed to be cleaned up and rebuilt, but things were moving smoothly enough. From the information she'd gotten, the vast majority of the dead had already been found, and the cleanup efforts were well underway.

It helped that a lot of the damage had been confined to a fairly small area, too. Less damage than normal and most of that being in one place meant that it was fairly simple for work crews- or assisting Parahumans- to get things done. And that meant less running around organising things, which was good.

Still, the fact that she was still working on things like that two days after the attack wasn't unusual. In fact Rebecca wouldn't be surprised if she was still working on things in a week's time, and the only surprise there would be if things stopped at that point. Normally the efforts were still going on by the time the generally accepted two weeks silence was over.

And we know who to thank for the lack of trouble... she thought to herself, caught somewhere between sour and grateful. Inari. Or at least, those new creatures that were working with Inari.

Rebecca had been annoyed to come back after the attack and find a memo in her inbox, buried among all of the Endbringer-related fallout that she had to handle, but fortunately it had been a short read. The annoyance mostly came from the fact that she hadn't seen it before the attack began; it had been sent only a few minutes before, and at the time she'd been busy in a meeting that had only ended shortly before the alarms went off, so she hadn't had the time to see what was in her mail box.

Coming back from the attack and seeing a memo from Piggot about her damn city and the strange creatures that they'd sent Inari and Dragon out to meet hadn't exactly been her idea of a pleasant return, though.

Because her train of thought had taken her that way, she moved her mouse and opened the message again, letting it sit on the screen so she could stare at it.

At approximately 7:46am EDT an unknown entity was captured on one of the Simurgh's monitoring cameras. The event triggered one of Dragon's monitoring subroutines, and once it was confirmed that it wasn't the Simurgh moving, estimations were made as to the landing zone of the falling object and cameras were dispatched to attempt to get a clearer picture for closer evaluation.

Inari's Eon and Shadow were also called to attempt to provide backup should something occur, and upon the camera drone's arrival at the site identified the falling object, which we discovered to be two different beings. They, along with Dragon, have been dispatched on a Dragoncraft to make contact.

That was all. There was no information about what Inari had said, no description of the creatures- spirits, she supposed reluctantly, if they were part of the same type of group as Inari- looked like, and nothing about the meeting that they'd had. Though that had the excuse of the message probably being sent before Inari and Dragon had touched down to meet with them. Still, there wasn't even any information about what had been said to persuade Piggot to send out Inari in the first place, which would've been nice to know as the PRT's Chief Director!

Breathing in slowly, she put her mug down before she shattered it and leaned back. The lack of information was galling, true, but it also meant that she could put together her own opinions and ideas about these thing's powers before she got given that information. She already had a bit of information from the fight, as well, and eventually they'd be able to figure out enough that they could decide how to use them.

For now, though, she had her next meeting to get ready for, which meant finishing her coffee and making sure the office was locked up so no-one could get in there while she was gone.

Leaving with a nod to her secretary, who would hold any incoming calls for her while she was busy, Rebecca left the building and slipped carefully into an alleyway. "Door to Cauldron HQ." She announced, stepping through.

"Rebecca." Doctor Mother greeted, inclining her head. Kurt and Contessa were there as well, and a moment later David stepped through a portal of his own to walk over to the table.

"Doctor." She returned, sitting down. "David, how's the situation in India?"

"Good enough, things are cleaning up quickly. I still don't see why I needed to be out there, there's no threat and I have better things to do."

She rolled her eyes at his sulk. "Because none of Inari has been back to help clean up, so it's a show that the PRT's strongest are willing to help out with messes they didn't cause while the people who were a part of things don't care."

Which had the benefit of being somewhat true, even if it wasn't her main reason for recommending that to him. The main benefit was that it meant David was out in public on the other side of the world, so he couldn't go wandering off to Brockton Bay to try and pick a fight with those beings that had shown him up during the fight. Given what they'd managed to do to Behemoth, she didn't want to know what they'd end up responding with if Eidolon tried to attack them, and she'd prefer not to have to help Paul clean up that mess as well.

"Do we have any more information about what happened?" Doctor Mother asked, interest piquing in her voice.

"Not much more than what we saw." Rebecca sighed. "Big purple shield appeared, trapped Behemoth, big flash of light inside it, and then Behemoth was gone. The shield went away shortly after, then cleanup started after the announcement went out that Behemoth was down." She gave Contessa a short glance, and the woman shook her head.

"Whatever they are, they can't be Pathed." She told them. "It's the same issue that I have with the rest of Inari; different to the Endbringers, but still unavailable."

And wasn't that just the kick in the teeth. Rebecca leaned back and folded her arms. "I'm going to try and bring them in for a meeting." She decided. "Or at least get Piggot to put pressure on that team to write up a report about what the hell went on on that field. It's absurd that we don't have any information about how those things managed to completely destroy an Endbringer, and they're just wandering around Brockton Bay freely for all we know!"

"Get a report on what happened first." The Doctor recommended. "We can use that to see if it's worth trying to pull them into Cauldron or if we should try and find out more about their powers independently of that first. The power to destroy an Endbringer like Behemoth…" The woman shook her head, seeming almost awed. "That sort of power could potentially even damage Scion greatly. It would be a wonderful boon to our side."

"If we can get them on our side." David said bitterly. "They're friends with Inari, after all, and that lot have those rules that they work by. If they work the same way then they'd be incompatible to work with us, you said it yourself."

"There's always the chance that they could be persuaded." She retorted. "Just because it was decided that Eon and Shadow were too attached to their morals doesn't mean that these ones will be so troubling."

Rebecca's phone buzzed with an incoming email, cutting off the argument before it could begin and making her pale slightly. Her phone was always muted during these meetings, with the exception of a few words that would allow her to get an alert. Most of them were related to the Endbringers, since there had been occasions where an attack had started while they were offworld, but one of the other ones was…

"Brockton fucking Bay." She snapped, picking it up and opening the email. She read over it once, swore, read over it again more closely, swore again with great depth of feeling, then slapped her phone onto the table so she could glare at the wall.

"What happened?"

Rebecca picked up her phone again, reopening the email- and feeling just a little bit glad that she hadn't managed to crack the screen again- and read aloud.

Chief Director,

Below is a summary of the events leading up to the Behemoth fight surrounding the two new spirits that arrived with Team Inari.

Summary of events;

While on route to the crash site of the two beings, Eon and Shadow offered us some information. This is in the summary below, along with information gained during the flight towards the fight. Upon arriving, they led the way into the confrontation, meeting with both Jirachi and Deoxys and introducing themselves and Dragon to the spirits. Both Jirachi and Deoxys communicated solely with telepathy; Dragon reports that she found Deoxys' method somewhat difficult to understand yet Inari had no problems with it, while Jirachi was apparently clear to all. When the Endbringer alarm activated, Eon requested the assistance of the two spirits, who agreed to side with the team.

Summary of spirits;

The larger of the two is called Deoxys. They can apparently travel on meteorites, being spirits that usually live in space, and their primary method of communication is via a kind of telepathy, though they can also see electromagnetic waves and communicate that way, and it is unknown if they can speak aloud. The orange body is in fact some kind of shell, with the lilac crystal in the centre of their chest being the actual primary body. They have the ability to shift 'Formes', which grants them different capabilities; the 'Normal Forme' is their default, the 'Attack Forme' is more powerful offensively, the 'Defence Forme' is more defensively based, and the 'Speed Forme' is known for moving incredibly quickly. They are also able to create clones, though the parameters of that are currently unknown.

The small white being with a yellow helmet-like hat is called Jirachi. He is apparently incredibly powerful with the same sort of abilities seen in Eon and Shadow, however his main ability is being something known as a Wish Maker, which allegedly allows him to grant wishes when the conditions are met. He is apparently unable to grant wishes continuously due to the power usage, and some things are too intensive to grant, as well as the fact that Jirachi is able to ignore requests. He also communicates primarily with a kind of telepathy, and it is also unknown if he can speak aloud.

It currently appears that both Jirachi and Deoxys intend to stay around Brockton Bay with Team Inari, and based on the lack of sightings recently it is likely that they are staying at Inari's base- currently an unknown location.

Director Piggot, ENE.

"Granting wishes?" Doctor Mother repeated, after a few moments of somewhat stunned silence. "How interesting…"

"That's something we should look into." David said decisively. "Who knows how dangerous a power like that could be?"

Rebecca frowned at him. "There's plenty of other powers just as dangerous." She pointed out, a little sharply. "But you're right. A spirit that's able to grant wishes like that could be extremely useful for the fight against Scion when that happens…"

"I wonder if that's how Behemoth was destroyed." The Doctor added. "Depending on what the conditions are for the being to use it's powers, that might be a valuable weapon against the other Endbringers as well…"

"Possibly it's only something that can happen with the help of the other spirits?" Kurt, who'd been silent and mostly focused on something else on a tablet the entire time, looked up. "We have no idea what causes it, but if it requires the other spirits in any way, then we might not be able to use it at all. Given that we don't think Inari would work with us without a lot of difficulty, and all."

"True." Rebecca thought for a moment. "I'll request a meeting with Team Inari… or rather, I'll request a meeting with this Jirachi, and tell them that Inari and this Deoxys can also come with him. That way we should be able to get some answers out of them, but it'll give them a sense of security having their fellows with them. I'll need to leave it until the end of the two weeks, of course, because of the amount of things to do until then, but then I can try and press them for more information."

"Acceptable." The Doctor nodded. "Once that happens, we should be able to figure out if we can use them as part of the fight against Scion- and see how far we could bring them into Cauldron when that happens."

Rebecca nodded her own agreement, mentally beginning to compose her email back to Piggot to try and get that meeting. Using the Director would be a good idea, since Inari already had a rapport with her, so they'd be less likely to turn down a request from her rather than one from the Chief Director…

And she'd need to bring Paul into it as well, even just as an observer, since he was the head of the Protectorate. Possibly also bringing in some other members of the PRT that were high up enough to be trusted…

There truly was too much work to do in this job sometimes.

"Are you alright, Colin?"

The way her friend jolted slightly when she called his name made Dragon even more concerned than she was, and she turned her armour slightly more to look at him. He was looking away from a computer screen and rubbing the bridge of his nose, now, and leaning a little to glance around him showed that he was analysing data on Behemoth.


"I am fine, Dragon." He assured her. "Just…"


"Somewhat." He admitted. "We don't have much data on Behemoth, but everything we do have says that he's so extremely durable that nothing would really be able to do much more than superficial damage. The fact that this Jirachi was able to destroy him is…"

"I understand." Dragon agreed. She shared a number of those concerns, but having met the small 'Legendary' she felt that they were, while not unfounded, less likely to be realistic than most people were worried. "Seeing Shadow and Eon both damage Leviathan so heavily was impressive and frightening, but Leviathan has been damaged before." By Lung, most notably, but even then not to that extent. "They did warn us that Jirachi and Deoxys were both much more powerful than they were, Colin."

"There's being warned, and then there's seeing it." Colin said dryly. "And then there's… the other thing."

"The fragments?"

"Yes." He sighed. "I know, in my head, that that was the right way to handle it. That they need to be hidden to stop people from using them and possibly getting hurt. But there's a lot of people that would disagree… and a part of me wants to use them again."

"I… wouldn't have expected that." The conversation was taking a turn into more introspection than she usually got from Colin, though that had been a theme for the last few months now. But the way Colin had reacted to the last time the Time Gear had been used- hearing about Mannequin targeting him, especially, though the vision of the tower had apparently worried him as well- she wouldn't have thought that he'd want to try using one of them again.

"Neither would I." He said. "But the chance to see the future interests me. Possibly too much… It's better that they're not here, but them being sent away and hidden without any sort of discussion and only on the word of Inari is going to cause a lot of problems."

"Only among the people that know, and currently that's us, Director Piggot, Inari, and the Chief Director." Dragon pointed out. "Inari isn't likely to complain since they're the ones that sent them away, we're not likely to complain because we know how dangerous they are, Director Piggot isn't likely to complain because it's technically out of her remit since it didn't happen in the town, which only leaves the Chief Director to complain, and she probably won't if only to avoid annoying Inari."

Slowly, Colin nodded. Dragon knew he agreed with her, it was just the fact that he was worried that was making him focus so much on the situation. She placed a gauntleted hand on his shoulder. "It'll be fine." She assured. "Come on, let's look more into that preposition that Leet had for us. I'd be quite interested in working more with him if everything he can hand over is like this."

Her friend brightened, and shortly after they were both buried in the details of Leet's projection system, examining how it worked to construct those Dungeons that Inari had used a time or two for training.

It was incredibly interesting to see, as well as having the bonus of showing a bit more of why Eon and Shadow tended to work like they did- if this was the way things usually worked for them, then it explained a lot about the tactics that they used when they were out on patrol.

1st​ August, 2011. Monday.

Unit: Self (Designation Deoxys) found the situation… confusing. Priority Unit: Wish Maker (Designation Jirachi) appeared confused also, though he was able to navigate the situation well between the new units. Conversations between the four of them were going passably, while Unit: Self (Designation Deoxys) struggled to make themselves understood in most cases.

Allied Unit: Inari Leader Eon (Designation Ninetales) appeared pleased with the state of affairs, often conversing with Priority Unit: Wish Maker (Designation Jirachi) about the new world that the two of them had arrived on, giving him more information about the situation that they were both now in so that they could more easily fit into the area. Unit: Self (Designation Deoxys) was also using that information to assess potential local threats against Priority Unit: Wish Maker (Designation Jirachi), as he was still vulnerable from his fight against Opponent Unit: Behemoth (Designation Endbringer).

Allied Unit: Inari Talekeeper Shadow (Designation Vulpix) also spoke to both of them often, usually in the form of gathering stories from the time that they were on, as she referred to it as, 'Earth Mystery Dungeon'. Priority Unit: Wish Maker (Designation Jirachi) enjoyed those conversations, according to their observations, spending long periods of time telling stories from before Dungeons had become common and they had left the planet. Allied Unit: Inari Talekeeper Shadow (Designation Vulpix) had also taken it upon herself to attempt to teach Priority Unit: Wish Maker (Designation Jirachi) new Moves, claiming that it was a poor idea to be travelling as they did without any abilities to heal. Priority Unit: Wish Maker (Designation Jirachi) had taken to it well, even though he was unused to using Aura in that way.

Allied Unit: Inari Third Swarm (Designation Parahuman) was more quiet than the two Pokemon on her team. She had a second life, Unit: Taylor Hebert (Designation Parahuman), that she was required to attend to and limited her time acting as Allied Unit: Inari Third Swarm (Designation Parahuman) with the rest of Team Inari. She also was interested in the stories that Priority Unit: Wish Maker (Designation Jirachi) and Unit: Self (Designation Deoxys) had about their travelling, and often attempted to converse with themselves rather than Priority Unit: Wish Maker (Designation Jirachi) for it, despite the issues that they had using their telepathy with her.

Which was potentially the most troubling thing about their new world, in their opinion. Before, most Pokemon could understand their telepathy just fine, even if Psychic types were the only ones who could get the full depth of everything, but here on Earth Bet, the humans could barely understand a thing they said. It meant that they were forced to rely on Priority Unit: Wish Maker (Designation Jirachi) to put what they were trying to say into words for them, and it was…


Much like right now, for example.

"Everything seems to be in order." Unit: PRT Director Emily Piggot (Designation Human) said, after a long period of silence (2.45 seconds) after looking over the report that she had been given. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Director." Allied Unit: Inari Leader Eon (Designation Ninetales) replied. "We're happy to be able to have been of help."

The woman sighed. "Indeed you have been, even if you've also given me a lot more paperwork now that my city is hosting the being who killed an Endbringer."

"Worth it?" Allied Unit: Inari Talekeeper Shadow (Designation Vulpix) asked.

"It's still not as bad as the Chief Director and Legend are dealing with, so I'll take it." Unit: PRT Director Emily Piggot (Designation Human) shrugged. "Keep an eye on your team mates after this gets out, Inari, they'll end up swamped with even more fans than Shadow got after the Simurgh happened."

"Maybe we should finally get a P.O box, then." Allied Unit: Inari Third Swarm (Designation Parahuman) muttered. Allied Unit: Inari Leader Eon (Designation Ninetales) gave her a look, which made her quieten.

"We'll leave you to your work, Director."

'Request: Priority Unit: Wish Maker inform Unit: PRT Director Emily Piggot of Unit: Self's gratitude?' They directed.

'Deoxys and I thank you, Madam Director.' He repeated for them. She winced.

"Yes, well, if that's all?"

"Of course." Allied Unit: Inari Leader Eon (Designation Ninetales) began to move towards the door, the rest of them following silently to meet with the guard that had escorted them.

4th​ August, 2011. Thursday.

"Can I talk to you two?" Taylor asked, kneeling down at the fire pit outside of the Den. Jirachi and Deoxys were out at the moment, wandering around the town and just generally getting acquainted with the new world that they were on, this time without any sort of escort from the other members of Team Inari- not that she had a problem leading the two Pokemon around her hometown and showing things off, it felt a lot like those first few weeks a few months ago with Eon and Shadow, but it was also nice to have a bit of time to talk with those Pokemon without having to deal with the others.

"Sure thing, Taylor?" Shadow rolled over from where she'd been lying on her back, staring contemplatively at the sky, and tilted her head. "Wazzup?"

"There's… something I need to speak about." She hesitated a little as Eon looked up from the laptop he was using to browse PHO- probably tracking the newest members around. "I've… already spoke to Dad about it, and he said I should talk to you guys…"

"You're not leaving the team, are you?"

"Wha- no!" Taylor startled. "No, not at all! Being a Parahuman and being in Inari's been some of the best times I've had in years- well I could've done without the Trigger Event, but otherwise it's been great!"

"Oh. Good." Eon relaxed slightly from where he'd sat up to his full height, and gave her a curious look. "Then what is it?"

"Ok. So. I was… I spoke to Dad because during Behemoth's fight I started getting worried that I wasn't being of any use to the team. I'd kinda felt like it before, and then when Jirachi and Deoxys showed up it got worse, because, well… They're both really powerful Pokemon, y'know? And then there's me, who just controls bugs around the place. And I felt like I wasn't really doing anything useful." She blushed and looked away.

"That's daft." Shadow said quietly. "You do loads. Sure, you're not the most combat-oriented team mate we coulda had, but that's probably more of a good thing. Eon and I pack plenty of punch, but you're the one who makes sure that we have information for when we're working around things."

"That's what Dad said, too." She admitted. "It's harder for me to do stuff because my powers are more structured than yours are, but what I can do I do pretty well."

"Which you do." Eon assured. "Giving us information is extremely helpful, I can't tell you the number of times missions have gone mad because we didn't quite have all the information we needed, or because it was wrong- or even because we didn't have any, which really sucked- so having someone that can reliably head into a situation before us is great. Before we'd enter the Dungeons and need a Ghost type to scout, and that was risky because they could get hurt and they'd still have to get back to us to be able to tell us anything. With you, you can be standing right next to us, which lets us defend you while you search, and since you're already there you can give us updates in real time. That's gotten us out of a lot."

"Maybe you could try figuring out a way to speak with your bugs?" Shadow suggested. "Less bugs, I mean. I know you can do funny kinda-sounds to talk through them, but that needs a lot of bugs and it's kinda obvious? So maybe you can figure out how to do that with less bugs, or quieter. Then you can pass on messages from further away. Y'know, if something changes while we're on a mission or something."

"That… could work." Taylor admitted slowly, running the idea around her head. "It'd be a bit difficult, but I might be able to get a hang of it…"

"So even just trying that might be a good start." Eon continued. "We can sit down and try to think of more ideas if you'd like, once we've got a good amount of time to do that. And even if you're not doing more things on missions, you can still help out in other ways. Like that deal you have with Parian."

Taylor started, glancing reflexively over to the collection of looms; rather more of them than she'd started with, and with much better fabric on it. She'd looked up some videos on weaving and how to do it during her downtime, and started applying that to her spiders, and it made everything look a lot better than the flat single layer that it had been before.

"That's a good point." She nodded. "I didn't think about that." She'd been putting a lot of work into that whenever she'd had downtime, and since she could set her spiders to keep working while she was away, she tended to have a lot of silk to hand over. It made quite a bit of money, even though she'd negotiated with Parian to give the tailor a very low price. It wasn't like it really cost her all that much to make them, so she didn't see a problem with it, even if the other Parahuman had been almost offended at the fact that Taylor was asking for so little money. But pretty much every other week now she made her way over to the tailor's shop in costume, taking a bag with all of the fabric over to her, and swapped it- occasionally ending up walking out with new scarves or something as a part of the payment, because Parian refused to let her actually pay for things when she was providing so much silk for the shop.

"It's been a small amount of money, but it's still been helpful, and more importantly you've been helping a lot of other people that way." Eon explained. "Back in Alma, there were members of Inari that did similar jobs to this; they were part of the Rescue Team, but they didn't actually participate in rescue missions, just handled things around the base. Looking after the Berry fields, for example, or making things out of silk or whatever. Ariados would do that sort of thing, mostly. Vespiquen would make hives and make honey, and we could sell that stuff to the Kecleon market or other teams or whatever. Or use it to bake things and then sell those. It was a pretty good way to get a little bit of extra money, either for the team as a whole to use, or personally."

"And even if you're not making a lot of money, you also need to think about what the impact of it is." Shadow added. "You're selling silk, which Parian can use to make her wares. Then she can sell them, which helps her shop stay in business, and it also means that the people who're buying them benefit as well. So it's good for a lot of people, not just us as a team."

Taylor nodded. "That makes sense. Thanks, guys." She looked away and blushed slightly. "I feel a little silly now… it feels kinda like I was worrying for no reason."

"I wouldn't say it was for no reason. You didn't feel like you were contributing much to the team, which made you worried because you want to be helpful. But you came to ask for help and didn't just bottle it all up, and we were able to figure out a solution together." Eon stood, walking over to pat her on the shoulder gently. "And even if you were right, and you weren't able to do much on the team, you'd still be the third in command. Just because Jirachi and Deoxys are more powerful than you, we wouldn't replace you with one of them because you've got more experience. You're more able to work as the third in command since you've done more missions, so you're able to judge things better- plus you're more of a scout than an actual battler, which is probably better for a third when you consider that both Shadow and I are mostly battle Pokemon, as much as Shadow's also a healer."

Shadow walked over as well, nudging her nose against Taylor's arm. "You did good, Taylor. You had a problem, you talked it over with the rest of the team, and we figured out a solution to the problem." She grinned. "And you're gonna need to help us show Jirachi and Deoxys around, after all. We compared a lot of things to Dungeons when we were getting used to things, but they don't have Dungeons as a point of reference for things. Plus Rescue Teams were kinda different back then, from what I know, so…" She shrugged. "We'll probably need to figure out a completely different way to explain things again, and you'll be really helpful for that."

"I can do that." Taylor agreed.

9th​ August, 2011. Tuesday.

"Of course, Chief Director." Piggot nodded, despite the fact that the other woman couldn't see her. "I'll send an invitation to them as soon as I can."

"Good. I want to meet with them as soon as possible." Costa-Brown said, somewhat sharply.

"It might take a little while." She warned, for about the fourth time in the conversation. "We'll need to make sure they can be flown up to D.C, and that requires Dragon being available as well as them."

There was an almost audible sound of someone waving a point away. "Just get it organised." The other woman ended the call without much fanfare, and Piggot spared a moment to scowl at the now-silent phone before putting it to the side to start writing an email to the address that Inari had set up for better communication with the PRT.

Team Inari,

The Chief Director of the Parahuman Response Team has requested that you meet with her in D.C. in the aftermath of the incident with Behemoth during the Battle of New Dehli on July 26th​. This meeting has been set for as soon as possible, and the presence of Jirachi and Deoxys is strongly requested due to their actions in the fight…
Last edited:
Chapter 44- Enemies, meetings, and ideas
11th​ August, 2011. Thursday.

Calvert sighed, stepping out of the car once it was firmly hidden in the secret parking area that he used when he needed to enter his base, and started making his way through the hidden pathways that would let him get to his office to change into his costume and start work.

And there was a lot of work, this time. The aftermath of Endbringer attacks were always frantic and scrambled, trying to patch together survivors and fix up damaged cities, and while most of that was already done after the last two weeks of work, this attack was still shaping up to be more confused than most. With everything that was now leaking out from the various Capes that had been involved at the fight, that wasn't a surprise.

The sudden appearance of another pair of strange creatures, ones apparently familiar to Team Inari and willing to listen to them, was worrying enough. That the smaller one- rumours called it Jirachi- was able to destroy Behemoth without much effort, leaving behind nothing at all, was pretty horrifying.

He couldn't help but be curious as to what the threat report the PRT was obviously working on would say. He'd have to take a look when it was completed, but he was fairly sure the answer would involve 'Shaker: Yes' somewhere.

It was also a shame that Calvert hadn't managed to get in on the meeting that was happening between Inari and Costa-Brown today. Being only a civilian consultant, he didn't have the sort of sway needed to get into that sort of thing now, especially not on the short timescale that it had been arranged. From what he knew, the official contact had only been two days ago, which was an incredibly short period of time to organise everything. It seemed like Inari had just dropped everything to get to this meeting, which was… also very interesting. Most Cape teams with any amount of influence would likely have arranged for the meeting to take place later, in order to give them more time to prepare.

That implied one of two things; either Inari's leaders were confident in their ability to handle this meeting, even the newest members of the team, or they were ignorant of the amount of sway they held in the aftermath of the Simurgh Containment Zone clears and the destruction of Behemoth.

And Calvert didn't think it was possible to be that ignorant.

Frowning to himself, and trying to figure out what on Earth Inari's plan was, he opened the door to his office and froze.

Sitting on his desk, completely without the glass-and-Tinkertech casing he'd had put around it, was that strange crystal that had suddenly appeared nearly two months ago.

He hadn't ordered it to be brought to his office. If he was going to do that, he would've done it after getting into costume. As it was, he was in a business suit, having dressed in order to appear that he was going to some kind of meeting rather than his base. He also wouldn't have had it brought to his office unshielded, since he had no idea what it was or what it might do. Two months worth of examining it had given them nothing, even letting Tattletale use her powers in another timeline- while he was out of the way in case of strange reactions, of course- had only given her strange errors and cryptic nonsense. They couldn't damage the thing to take samples, any sort of scans that they did to it just showed it being a normal rock with crystals in it that didn't match any known crystals. It didn't make any sense, and for the most part he'd had it stored and left alone because they couldn't get any information out of it.

Now, though? Now he had a problem. He couldn't call for someone else to take it away, since he was still unmasked and having Thomas Calvert in this base would make no sense, but to get to his costume he would need to pass through his office into his quarters on the far side, which meant walking past his desk- and while the rock hadn't ever done anything before, he still didn't want to be around it unshielded. He could just leave, call someone in to remove it and stay out of the way while they did, but then the mercenaries might question where he was, which had the potential to be awkward even if they did understand that it was because he was out of costume.

Weighing his options for a moment, Calvert began slowly edging along the room, keeping away from his desk and the rock, then paused again.

What am I thinking? He scolded himself, with a slight head shake. Why sneak around the room and possibly put himself at risk? If something went wrong, it could go wrong in a timeline where it could be undone. Then he could reevaluate what he wanted to do.

He split the timeline-

Legend shuffled his papers around for the fifth time in the last ten minutes, glancing at the clock again as he did. Almost eleven, almost time for the meeting to start.

He could feel Rebecca giving him a look from the corner of her eye, probably irritated with his fidgeting, but it was the only thing he could really do at the moment. It wasn't like there was anything to do other than arrange his notes for the sixth time and make sure everything was set up for the meeting- interview, really, though that wasn't how it had been presented.

Legend was pretty sure Inari knew what it really was, though. It was fairly obvious, and the leaders were experienced in dealing with these sorts of things according to all the conversations they'd collected about them, even if the two newest members weren't. Rebecca seemed to want to try and draw Inari even closer, and while he agreed that having that sort of power on their side would be useful, he was also just as sure that it wouldn't be happening. From the conversations they'd had- on PHO, with various Protectorate and Ward members, with Director Piggot- the way they were working with the PRT currently seemed very similar to the way that they'd worked before they arrived here, and he doubted that they'd want to change that for something that was much more structured- and, dare he think it, also a lot more limited.

But they could really do with having a meeting about the Behemoth fight, and how Jirachi had been able to destroy him, so he hadn't been able to say anything about how much of a doomed endeavour it probably was to try and recruit them this way. Instead he'd just gotten himself into the meeting and decided to wait. And maybe try and guide the conversation away from recruitment.

"Will you stop that." Rebecca hiss-snapped, as he moved his notes around for the eighth time. He winced, then glanced at the clock.

"They should be here soon, I think?" He replied, rather than responding to that. Rebecca looked at her phone.

"Dragon confirmed that they're on their way." She agreed, willing to let it go. "We should get a notification from security that they're being bought up any-"

The phone buzzed.

"-Minute now." Rebecca gave her phone a wiry look, seeming slightly amused, then shuffled her own notes before sitting up straighter and checking the recording device on the table. There was only the one, rather than also having the systems in the room recording things, out of respect for the sensitive nature of the whole thing- as much as Inari's involvement in Behemoth's demise was now public knowledge thanks to people on PHO, the PRT itself hadn't made a public statement yet, wanting to speak to Inari themselves first before they did anything.

It said a lot about the sort of power these people had, really, that the PRT was unwilling to release a statement without consulting them, Legend thought in amusement. And also said a lot about the state of the PRT, really, but that was a bag of worms that was probably best opened at any time other than when they were about to have a meeting.

The door opened, one of the security team walking in to hold it there, and trailing behind them was the five members of team Inari; Eon first, Shadow slightly behind him on the left, Swarm slightly behind her on the right, and the newest pair of Jirachi and Deoxys floating in behind them, standing close together.

While Legend was no expert in alien body language, he thought they seemed nervous as the group stopped a little away from the table and bowed.

"Legend. Chief Director Costa-Brown." Eon greeted, as the pair of them stood as well. "I believe this is the first time we've had the honour of meeting in person, Chief Director."

"It is, yes." Rebecca nodded, stepping around the table in order to offer them her hand. She had to stoop a little to do so, but Eon handled it easily, quirking something of a smile as he did.

I suppose they're quite used to it now, aren't they. He thought, as he moved to do the same. "It's good to see you again, Inari. And in rather better circumstances."

Shadow chuckled. "Yes, Endbringer attacks aren't exactly the best time to get to know a person." The group moved away to take seats at the table- aside from Jirachi, who remained hovering over Deoxys' shoulder between them and Swarm- so they took their own seats again as well, Rebecca giving them a welcoming smile.

"Now, I'm not sure how familiar you are with these proceedings, but essentially we'll be asking for a recitation of the events leading up to Behemoth's destruction, as best as you can. The device in the middle of the table is a recording device, so you'll need to speak clearly to make sure it's picking things up. We're only making the one recording, which isn't quite usual procedure, but given the sensitive nature of the situation we figured only having the one recording to store would be a better idea."

"That makes sense." Eon nodded. "Jirachi can speak aloud, but Deoxys can't, so we'll make sure that anything they wish to add is translated over properly."

"We'll keep that in mind." Legend replied. "We're also going to be taking notes for the PRT's official press release on the subject, and we'd like to give you five the chance to make sure there isn't going to be any information that might be dangerous to your team in it."

The three original members of the team tilted their heads slightly, seemingly understanding the unusual nature of the offer, and agreed.

Those particular formalities out of the way, Rebecca leaned forward slightly and clicked the button on the recorder, clearing her throat.

"Today is August eleventh, two thousand eleven, it's eleven-oh-three AM. Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown, with Legend also present, interviewing team Inari about the events of July twenty-sixth during the attack of Behemoth on New Delhi, India. The team is made up of Eon, team leader, Shadow, team second, Swarm, team third, and team members Deoxys and Jirachi. This record is specifically for archiving purposes."

And definitely is not an attempt to get to the bottom of the sort of power we're dealing with in the hopes of maybe being able to use it for ourselves, not at all.

The recitation of events was fairly simple, mostly Jirachi and Eon speaking in turns about things. Occasionally Deoxys input something themselves, which required a few minutes of back and forth conversation within the group to make sure that everything came across properly- Deoxys' method of speaking was unusual, and it gave Legend slight chills every time he heard it- but for the most part the group left the two of them to handle things. Legend wasn't sure why; Eon made sense as the leader, and Jirachi made sense as the person who'd actually destroyed Behemoth, but it seemed usual that neither Shadow nor Swarm had wanted to give their own views on things, especially seeing as Deoxys had.

Possibly they'd worked something out before they arrived?

It took about half an hour to cover everything, going from the arrival of Jirachi and Deoxys on Earth to the end of the fight, and by the time they turned off the recording Legend felt rather exhausted from just listening to the situation. He could hardly imagine how insanely stressful and tiring things must have been in the heat of the moment.

"Thank you." Rebecca, of course, looked unaffected, sitting back with the recorder in hand. That recording would be uploaded into the databases once Inari had left, and probably also sent along to the Thinkers to see if they could glean any sort of extra information out of it, but for now it was set to one side while Rebecca reviewed her notes. "The press release for this is going to be… difficult." She sighed, tapping her pen on the desk. "There's probably a lot of information that we wouldn't really want to put out there, mostly because- no offence- knowing how powerful you are could frighten a lot of people."

Jirachi gave a sigh of his own, raising a small hand to touch his throat. 'I understand… even agree, honestly.' He admitted. 'Eon's been explaining how this world works, and I suppose that as much as knowing that someone out there can destroy those monsters is a good thing, it could easily cause a lot of panic because people don't know how to react to the change in the status quo… We actually saw a lot of that sort of thing when Dungeons started to appear, back home. The Dungeons changed things, and a lot of Po- of spirits didn't know how to handle that. There was quite a lot of trouble… it's why I ended up with Deoxys, and why I was running with trustworthy groups before that.'

'Agreement. Danger; high.'

"I think the best way to frame it would be to be honest." Shadow finally put in, waving her tails a little. "Admit that it was Jirachi, and admit that it was one of his abilities that did all the damage. But also admit that it's incredibly difficult to do, requires a lot of charge time as well as being exhausting, and that the main reason it was able to destroy Behemoth so totally was because of Deoxys' assistance with the shield."

"And don't say anything about the leftover pieces." Swarm interjected. "No-one knows anything about the bits Leviathan left behind- well, the public doesn't," she amended, giving them a look which clearly said that she knew there was quite a few people around the PRT that knew about them, "And giving the impression that nothing was left behind is probably for the best. Sure, it might make things more dangerous for Jirachi in that people think that he's capable of destroying an Endbringer entirely, but that's a lot less dangerous than giving the idea that there might be pieces of Endbringer sitting around somewhere."

'Especially given that they became Time Gears.'

"We'll probably want to avoid anything about Jirachi's other powers as well." Eon continued. "As much as things like Wish Challenges could be useful, those becoming public knowledge could be extremely bad."

'Those battles aren't usually too violent, though...'

"To people like us, no. But to normal humans? It could cause a lot of damage."

"Wish Challenge?" Rebecca asked mildly, though with obvious curiosity. Legend couldn't blame her; he was curious as well, it sounded interesting.

The group all paused, swapping looks between them. It almost seemed like they were speaking without words, which was pretty impressive given that some of them were new- then again, Legend thought uneasily, two of them can speak into people's minds… what's to say that they can't do that? That would make dealing with them a lot more worrying- before Jirachi floated slightly forward, folding his arms.

'A Wish Challenge is something I can do. It's pretty powerful, and one of the reasons that my kind tend to have Guardians or Teams of some kind to help them. Or they hide out in Dungeons, where most spirits can't reach us.'

"It's dangerous?"

'Only if you're not careful. And trust me, I'm careful with it.' He frowned. 'A Wish Challenge is a type of battle, one only done between a Jirachi and a different spirit. It's pretty formal, compared to a lot of other battles, and kind of ritualistic. Jirachi have the power to grant wishes through various forms; mine's a Wish Challenge. The challenger asks me for a battle, I accept, and if they win the battle then I'll grant their wish. If there's multiple challengers the battle is harder, and usually I'll adjust my strength based on what sort of spirit I'm fighting- and what kind of wish it is, if I'm able to find out more about that before things start. And there's restrictions, too. I can only do one wish per battle, and I can't do too many wishes in quick succession, it's too tiring; small wishes and I can do… maybe a half dozen, but the bigger they get the more power they need, so the less of them I can do. And my powers aren't omniscient, either, I need information on the target.I might be able to… I don't know, destroy a building? But I'd need a lot of focus to know what the building was, where it is… so pictures, addresses, things like that. If you wanted me to kill the Endbringers, I might be able to, though I'd probably have to do it one at a time and there's a possibility that I might end up going into comet form, but killing the thing behind the Endbringers isn't going to be happening because I'd need an identity for whatever's behind it.'

Legend jolted, and in the corner of his eye he could see Rebecca do the same. "There's someone controlling the Endbringers?"

Jirachi shrugged. 'I've no idea, I was using that as an example. If there was, though, I'd need the information about who or what it was to be able to remove them. Kill wishes take a lot of power, too, to the point where I'm actually pretty much guaranteed to need to return to my comet form- that's what I use for travelling, and I won't wake up for a while, so that's not ideal. Wishes also need to be done pretty quickly after the challenge is over, too, so you need to figure out what you want first- that's also better for the challenger because if I know what the wish is ahead of time I can tailor the battle's difficulty better, where if I don't know things then I usually end up going for much more powerful ones off the bat.'

"Interesting…" Rebecca mused, settling back. "Yes, I think that's something we should keep out of the public eye. Preferably no-one but your team should really know about it… though if you find that you need to use it for something, then I'd recommend you do so."

Eon nodded, shifting slightly as he flicked his tails. "Yes, I quite agree. There's likely a few things we could use them for, but we shouldn't let it into the public eye. Too many people trying to come forward with Challenges would be annoying, even if Jirachi can refuse them. So keeping that out of the public eye would be a good idea… we won't mention it on any of our PHO releases either. If something comes up where we actually need to use a Wish Challenge, then we'll deal with that then, but until that happens keeping quiet is for the best."

"That sounds like a good idea to me." Legend nodded. He could tell that Rebecca didn't quite agree with him there, but he couldn't really find it in himself to care. As much as she might want to use the wishes thing against Zion, keeping it a secret would be a good idea- and besides, it wasn't like she was going to keep it quiet from the rest of Cauldron anyway. She'd undoubtedly tell them all the next time that they had a meeting together, and the only thing that would lead to would be a massive argument as they attempt to figure out a way to get a hold of Jirachi and use him to their advantage, likely only ended when Contessa couldn't come up with a way to actually make it happen.

That sort of thing had been happening a lot in the last few months, and he couldn't see how this time would be any different.

So all this agreement was doing was keeping it from the public eye, and he absolutely had no problems with doing that. Keeping the general public from trying to get into fights with the spirit that had killed Behemoth was somewhere at the very top of his new priority list, right below 'hope that can be repeated with the other Endbringers' and 'keep them from trying to destroy any of them'.

"Is there much else, then?" Swarm mused, tilting her head slightly. "I mean, we've agreed to keep the press release down to a minimum of information, we're keeping the Wish Challenges out of the public eye, and Team Inari's going to be making an announcement that Jirachi and Deoxys are a part of our team. I don't really think there's anything else."

Rebecca disagreed with that, too, he knew, but there wasn't anything she could do here. Trying to recruit the entirety of Inari into Cauldron might be a good idea on paper, but in practise it was going to require a bit more manoeuvring than they had room for in a simple meeting like this one. So instead, she nodded, shifting to stack her notepaper out of the way and standing to shake hands.

"I believe it might be." She said. "Thank you for coming all this way to speak with us securely. We'll ensure that the recording of this is stored safely, and there'll likely be a press release in the coming week about everything that occurred during the Behemoth fight."

"It was a pleasure to meet you all properly." Legend added, shaking hands as well. "As much as I hope the next time we see each other is just as quiet, well…"

"It's likely that that will be during the next Endbringer attack." Eon finished, as they all slipped out of their seats and back into position. "Assuming so, we'll likely be there. The Simurgh, right?"


"Then hopefully we'll be able to do even more damage to those damned things." He sighed. "Until then."

"The troopers will show you out." Rebecca dismissed, watching as they left the room- Swarm actually breaking from her position for the moment to hold the door and leaving behind Deoxys.

"That went well." Legend muttered to her, sinking back into his seat and looking at the recorder as the reality of the last three quarters of an hour or so hit him properly. "Now we just need to hope that Inari keeps doing that well, because…"

The amount of destructive power they now held was incredible and horrifying, and he truly hoped that they didn't see it outside of an Endbringer attack ever again. Unless it was being used against Scion, he supposed, in which case it would probably be more reassuring than anything.

"I'd like to get them into Cauldron." Rebecca frowned, looking at the recorder herself. "But that might be difficult."

"They do seem used to the way they work."

"Jirachi and Deoxys are apparently from before that system. We might be able to use that, if we manage to get to them before they end up too entrenched in Inari's group."

Legend thought back over the meeting, to the easy way that the two powerful spirits had deferred to the apparently weaker Kyuubi. Somehow, I doubt that you'll have a chance…

Eon settled himself carefully on the couch in Dragon's craft, curling up so that Swarm could sit on the other end as Shadow curled into her own ball in between the two of them. Deoxys took the other one, sitting up straight and watching around them closely- as if there was likely to be an actual threat inside the craft itself- while Jirachi placed himself next to them and lent into their leg, bringing his streamers around him like some form of cocoon.

'Are all meetings like that?' He asked, as they started up. His telepathy was likely adjusted to Dragon to hear as well, given that she was in the front of the craft and it wasn't like this was a team-only debrief or anything, and Eon made sure to make a mental note of that.

Swarm laughed. "A lot of the time, yes." She nodded. "Or at least most of our PRT ones seem to be, so it's not surprising that ones with people higher up end up the same way. But it was pretty successful too, which is nice. I wasn't sure if things would be more of a problem, dealing with people that don't deal with us regularly."

"So things went well, then?" Dragon asked over the speakers as they began to leave the city. It wouldn't be too long back to Brockton Bay, he knew, but it would be enough time to give Dragon an idea of their chat which she could then pass on to Director Piggot and the others so that they would have an idea of what happened.

It was a fairly roundabout chain, and probably unnecessary, but also Eon didn't want to get out of one meeting and immediately go into another meeting about the first. So instead, informal debrief that passed things along and then let their friend deal with it.

Just like Rhythm Forest...

"Pretty well, yeah." Eon told her. "Basically they wanted a recap of how we got Jirachi and Deoxys all the way up to the end of the Endbringer fight, and then they wanted our opinion on how much we wanted released, and then I accidentally mentioned Wish Challenges so we had to go over that."

"Wish Challenges?"

'Not it!'
Jirachi immediately put in. Swarm laughed again, loud and bright- she was doing a lot better now, since they'd all had that talk about her place in the team, Eon thought gladly- and projected an obvious grin towards the small Mythical.

"I'll do it." She volunteered. "I'm pretty sure I can give a decent idea of what it is after that explanation."

And she did, too, Eon thought proudly as he listened to her explain the situation to Dragon. It wasn't quite so in-depth as the one that they'd given to Legend and Chief Director Costa-Brown, but it was good enough to get everything across- and explained very well why they didn't really want the general public knowing about that particular capacity of his.

"I have a question." Shadow asked softly, once Swarm had tapered off into silence and Dragon was out of her own inquiries. "Jirachi, do you have any sort of healing power?"

He tilted his head slightly- a move that was almost unnoticeable wrapped up like he was in his streamers, and faintly adorable in the sort of way tiny things that could kill you were- and blinked at her. 'No?' He replied, sounding confused. 'I mean, that was why I was in the fight with the others all in the first place, rather than with you in the healing area. I've not really got many Moves because I spent most my time travelling with Deoxys...'

"No, I mean-" She paused, tilted her own head in return, then made a little wave with her paw. "I mean, can you heal with your wishes?"

'I… should be able to?' He said, after a moment. 'I mean, there shouldn't be a problem with it. It might take a bit of power, but there's nothing in my normal limitations stopping me, so… Why do you ask?'

Shadow sat up straight, tails drifting back and forth happily. "Because there's someone in Brockton Bay that I wasn't able to help." She explained. "Neither was Panacea. We don't know why, but our powers just didn't work. I was wondering if yours might be able to."

The faint memory of Battery, lying still in her costume after Leviathan's attack, floated through Eon's mind- things had been hazy then, sure, but he remembered that, remembered how distracted and miserable Assault always was since then- and he bolted upright as well, looking down at his second in command.

"Would that work?"

"I think we'd need to ask Director Piggot for permission." She said. "And maybe some of the people in her Protectorate team as well. But if Jirachi can't see any problems with it, and if we can find a place to do it all safely in… then maybe we could do a Wish Challenge to heal Battery?"

Battery's health was something that had been weighing on her for a while- on Amy, as well, though Shadow more- because it was the first time that she'd stumbled across something that she couldn't heal for no apparent reason. There'd been times where her Moves had failed her before, for one reason or another, but usually they were able to figure out why and sort something different- even if it was only using Berries instead of Moves because of the problem being caused by something weird. But not even that had worked, when they'd offered it over to the medical team, and the combined feeling of failure and the upset that it had caused Assault the past few months had been pressing on her so heavily that it was almost a physical weight.

"Should I put in a call to Director Piggot for you?" Dragon asked.

"No." Eon shook his head. "We'll be back in the Bay soon enough, we can just meet her ourselves and put the idea forward."

There goes any hope of avoiding another chat about the meeting and heading home, he thought, a little mournfully. But it was for a good cause, so he settled down again to start composing an idea of the arguments he might have to make, and the report he'd have to give.

And those were a good distraction from worrying about Shadow, because he knew that if they got permission to do this she was going to be the one who challenged Jirachi to a battle...

Chapter 45- PHO, threat reports, and incidents


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♦ Topic: Holy F**k
In: Boards ► World Events ► Endbringers
(Original Poster)
Posted On Aug 9th 2011:


It's the end of the two week silence, and while I'm definitely not the first person to get to this, I'm making a thread anyway because there's no official mod one yet. (Edit; now there is) Besides until that happens this is going to get thrown all over the place anyway, so who cares about one extra thread.

Anyway, apparently Behemoth got fucked. According to a number of people in other threads (links not exhaustive), anyway. Most of those are Parahuman accounts that saw something of the battle.

For those too lazy to click those links and also who've been living under a rock for the past few hours (or just weren't awake yet, i'unno), Inari has new friends. We're not sure of anything about said new friends, or even if they're actually part of the team, but they showed up with Eon and Shadow in a teleport group, and were seen talking to them multiple times during and after the attack. (No footage or images, since people were a bit busy, obvs)

We don't have much from the attack itself cause everyone was kinda busy, but we do have a lot of stuff from the end. Mostly that Behemoth apparently has gone bye-bye.

Like, literally.

Again, no videos or anything (edit; wrong!) but apparently something wacky happened at the end of the fight and things exploded, and now there's no more Behemoth? There's been no comment from the PRT or Team Inari yet, so we've still got kinda nothing to go on, but like. If Behemoth is gone.

God damn.

Edit 13/08; PRT gave a press release. What the fuck.

(Showing page 3 of 6)
Replied On Aug 9th 2011:​
I'm surprised that we've not gotten anything from the PRT though, @GellSine. Like, sure, two weeks silence and all that. But that's also two weeks to get everything sorted out, arrange to talk to all the people involved, and make the report. They could do that in those two weeks and have a report ready to go up the second the silence ended.​
Obviously I get that there's probably a lot of clean up work to do, but that's not the job of all the people in offices, is it?​
Replied On Aug 9th 2011:​
office people have stuff to do as well tho? they prolly gotta make sure people doing cleanup can do their stuff​
►Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)​
Replied On Aug 9th 2011:​
Unofficially, of course, but I've heard that the Chief Director's had to do a lot of coordinating to make sure they can all help out. I've also heard that there's been a lot of chatter about that whole 'no more Behemoth' thing. Still waiting on anything about that though.​
Replied On Aug 10th 2011:​
Hopefully we get some kind of answer soon, because I for one really want to know what the hell sort of thing would happen to make Behemoth fucking vanish or whatever the hell happened to it.​
Replied On Aug 10th 2011:​
You and me both.​
►Cameo (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Aug 11th 2011:​
Ask and yee shall receive!
It's from my bodycam, so sorry the quality isn't great. I usually only need this thing for recording evidence of crimes so I can hand them over to the police, only reason I had it with me is cause I forgot to take it off first. Still shows it ok, though.​
►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)​
Replied On Aug 11th 2011:​
Hot damn. Thanks, @Cameo.​
So. Um. What the hell.​
Replied On Aug 11th 2011:​
What the hell is right. Some big energy shield and an explosion? What even caused that?​
I think it's probably something to do with Inari's newest friends, since we've never seen anything like this from powers before and if it were Shadow or Eon I think they'd've done it against Leviathan. (Plus I think Shadow was assigned to healing again? So she couldn't've been involved.)​
Do we have anything on these guys? Anything at all?​
Replied On Aug 12th 2011:​
Apparently the two new ones have been hiding or something, since no-one's seen them since they came back to the Bay? But I've heard rumors that they're named Jirachi and Deoxys. Not sure which is which.​
Replied On Aug 12th 2011:​
End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


PRT Internal Document LE/RCB/THRPT/1022-03-00102734/2011-08-12


Secret, Not for Public Release, Limited Internal Release


Security level 5


Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown, PRT East, Washington D.C


Legend, Protectorate ENE, New York












SUBJECT: Team Inari

Update August 12th​, 2011


This report contains an update to the threat report for the Parahuman group known as Team Inari (original DocRef EP/THRPT/1022-03-00102659/2011-05-14), along with protocol recommendations for communication. This document should be read alongside the document referenced above.

Threat Assessment Ratings, Provisional


PRT Associated Hero

Real name:

Unknown, potentially Jirachi


Team Inari




Approximately 1'




Jirachi has the appearance of a small semi-humanoid creature, with a white body and head. He has small legs and somewhat longer arms, with sleeve-like flaps on the underside. A thin line sits along his stomach. On his head is a large yellow structure with three points, giving the appearance of something like a star, with three teal tags hanging from each point. On his body, at approximately shoulder height, are two yellow streamers. [PicRef PHENC/001/9:18:26]


Jirachi is a rather quiet being, seeming quite young despite conversations with the spirit suggesting that he is in fact far older than both Eon and Shadow. According to those conversations, it appears that Jirachi has spent much of his life 'sleeping' in a coma-like state, which would account for the apparent youth. Most of the time, he appears serious, taking orders from Eon without complaint, and often looks to the other members of Team Inari for guidance before acting. However, on the few occasions that he has been seen in public since the Behemoth attack, he has been very curious, though keeping the polite attitude.

Known Associates:

Other members of Team Inari (DocRef EP/THRPT/1022-03-00102659/2011-05-14), New Wave (as associates of Team Inari, DocRef EP/THRPT/1022-01-00102631/2011-05-17)

Mover 7+:

Jirachi's primary method of movement is flying, likely due to his small legs. Observation during the Behemoth fight shows that he is highly manoeuvrable while in flight, assisted by his small size and excellent control over his abilities. Due to this, targetting him is extremely difficult, and attempting to hit him while in retreat would likely be near impossible.

Blaster 12+:

Jirachi is an exceptionally dangerous Blaster, the likes of which is otherwise unheard of. So far, this has only been demonstrated during the Behemoth attack (DocRef ENDBRINGER/BEHEMOTH/2011-07-26), but as the ability was able to completely destroy Behemoth, Jirachi should be considered an extreme threat, as the limitations of the ability used during said fight are unknown.

Thinker 6+:

While Jirachi is assumed to have similarly powerful senses to Eon and Shadow, the true danger is his ability to telepathically communicate with others. This appears to be his primary method of communication, however he is capable of speaking verbally as well. As the limitations of this ability are mostly unknown, his true abilities are mostly subject to speculation; however it can be assumed that he can tailor his telepathy to only be heard by some people and not others, which would make him an incredibly dangerous co-ordinator, able to command his team without others hearing.

Brute 1+:

Much like Eon and Shadow, Jirachi has been seen to take hits above normal human strength with no apparent difficulty, however judging how much he can take is made difficult by his manoeuvrability and the fact that his first reaction is almost always to dodge away from damage.


PRT Associated Hero

Real name:

Unknown, potentially Deoxys


Team Inari




Between 5'05" and 5'08", depending on the appearance assumed


Unknown, could potentially vary depending on the appearance assumed


Deoxys is a large creature with a primarily orange body. They have four different appearances, and change between them depending on the situation;

Normal Forme- their Normal Forme has tapered legs with segmented stripes running vertically along the upper section. The abdomen is black with vertical lines, while the remainder of the body is orange. The arms appear as a pair of tentacles, usually coiled in a double helix shape, in blue and orange, though the two can be uncoiled to act independently. The centre of their chest has a lilac crystal embedded in it, which seems to glow faintly when they use their powers. Their head is round with rectangular protrusions on either side, and a blue face plate with a long lilac stripe down the centre. They have a small, barely noticeable tail. [PicRef PHENC/001/10:12:54]

Attack Forme- their Attack Forme has tapered legs with long blue stripes along them and a large spike at approximately knee height. There is less of the orange armour, showing more of the black body below it, and the arms are more whip-like and are rarely coiled. The head is mostly unchanged, though the protrusions have become triangular points with a longer one all extending back. The tail is also more noticeable.

Defense Forme- their Defense Forme is bulkier than the others, with the orange armour spread across the entire body none of the inner portions visible. The head is fused with the body, creating a completely sealed suit, with no protrusions. There are two blue stripes, one on each shoulder, while the arms have transformed into flat, paddle-like hand shapes rather than being pointed. The legs are completely armoured, save for small blue spots on each knee, and the tail has also vanished. [PicRef PHENC/001/9:18:26]

Speed Forme- their Speed Forme is mostly uncovered, with the armour only over the head, hips, and crystal. The tendrils are now one on either side, one orange and one blue, and more blue stripes are present on the hips and legs. The head protrusions are pointed vertically, with a longer one forming a spike out the back of their head with a blue stripe along it.


Deoxys is primarily silent, communicating very little with other beings. This appears to be mostly related to their method of communication- a type of telepathy that humans seem to have some difficulty understanding, though the spirits on Team Inari seem to have little to no issues with it. When they have chosen to communicate, the issues understanding their meaning makes it hard to judge their personality, however the most important thing of note is that they are very protective of Jirachi; conversations with Eon and Shadow have marked them as his 'Guardian', with all the implications that gives.

Known Associates:

Other members of Team Inari (DocRef EP/THRPT/1022-01-00102659/2011-05-14), New Wave (as associates of Team Inari, DocRef EP/THRPT/1022-01-00102631/2011-05-17)

Mover 7+:

Deoxys' primary method of movement is a form of levitation, and while they normally remain close to the ground they are fully capable of flying much higher, as well as having similar manoeuvrability to Jirachi. Due to their height, they are less capable of sharper evasive actions, however they are still incredibly difficult to hit.

NOTE: Due to the ability to assume other formes, one of which is called the Speed Forme, it is assumed that Deoxys' rating in this category may be somewhat higher than stated, however due to lack of evidence this cannot be confirmed.

Thinker 4+:

Deoxys is also assumed to have similar senses to Eon and Shadow, though this is unconfirmed. The true danger is their capacity for telepathic communication. Unlike Jirachi, this appears to be their only method of communicating, though whether they are truly incapable of verbal communication or just unwilling to use it is unknown. The limitations of this ability are unknown, and thus mostly subject to speculation; however, they were shown during the Behemoth fight (DocRef ENDBRINGER/BEHEMOTH/2011-07-26) to be able to use this to sense people trapped during the attack and remove them from the field.

One known limitation is the difficulty in understanding their telepathy. While the other spirits on the team seem to have less issue, humans find it incredibly hard to interpret what they mean, making the ability somewhat less dangerous in terms of being able to co-ordinate their team.

Brute 5+:

Deoxys has been seen to take attacks that would put a normal person in a lot of danger. They are also capable of lifting large blocks of concrete- seen primarily during search and rescue against Behemoth- with little issue.

NOTE: Due to the ability to assume other formes, one of which is called the Defence Forme, it is assumed that Deoxys' rating in this category may be somewhat higher than stated, however due to lack of evidence this cannot be confirmed. Alternatively, other formes have been mentioned to be more fragile than the Normal Forme, meaning that in certain situations this rating may be lower.

Changer 5+:

Deoxys has been observed changing into two different 'formes', with at least two more mentioned but unseen. A breakdown of these can be found in the 'Appearances' section of this report. Each of the different formes have been stated to have somewhat different abilities, mostly that they have different specialities in combat and are weighted towards different classifications.

Shaker 12+:

Deoxys is an extremely powerful Shaker, and a broad example of the category. The primary reason for this rating is the shielding ability demonstrated in the Behemoth attack (DocRef ENDBRINGER/BEHEMOTH/2011-07-26), which was capable of containing the powerful Blaster ability that Jirachi used as well as the explosion caused by Behemoth's death.

Other Shaker abilities have also been observed, mostly from Deoxys being able to telekinetically lift rubble during search and rescue, in amounts much larger than have been seen with Eon and Shadow's similar abilities.

NOTE: Due to the ability to assume other formes, this rating may fluctuate, and it is possible that Deoxys is more powerful in offence or defence depending on the forme that they chose.

Master 8+

Deoxys has been seen to be able to duplicate themselves, creating clone forms. These clones have a rather different appearance to the original, the armour being a lilac-purple colour rather than orange, and can apparently only appear in what is known as the 'Normal' Forme. They are much more fragile than the original, though they can still take hits stronger than the average human can impart, and disappear into a flare of lilac light when destroyed. They also seem to be unable to communicate with others, though they can allegedly be directed by Deoxys, and are rather mindless in their task.

The most seen at once is somewhere in the range of fifty clones, though it is unknown if they can create more.


The new additions to Team Inari are extremely dangerous, and should be treated as such. However, they do not appear to be actively hostile. It is likely that they would respond to threats harshly, and will likely take direction from the other members of Team Inari before responding with anything truly dangerous, but unless provoked it is likely they will act similarly to their other team members in their passivity.

Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown, PRT East, Washington D.C

Legend, Protectorate ENE, New York


♦ Topic: Introductions!
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Posted On Aug 13th 2011:

Greetings, PHO!

I know it's been a little bit, but that's because we've had a lot going on recently, and we wanted to get all of that dealt with before it ended up ballooning into something really annoying. So, as the designated PHO person for the team;

Introducing @Jirachi and Deoxys! They're new members of Team Inari, and you'll likely be seeing them around in the town a lot more over the next few weeks. The last couple have been spent getting them used to everything and making sure they've settled in ok, and now they're going to be joining us on patrols.

They arrived here a little bit before the Behemoth attack the other week, and Eon and I went- with Dragon's help- to go greet them. The intention was to bring them back to the Bay and settle them in with the team, but, well...


Jirachi's mainly a Blaster/Shaker with a whole lot of Mover, and Deoxys is a Shaker with a bit more of a grab bag and also a Mover. Both of them communicate telepathically, though Deoxys doesn't talk much- that's also why Jirachi has a PHO account and Deoxys doesn't, by the way- and they're pretty powerful. We're helping to tutor them in things as well as also getting them set up on-world.

This thread will be open for greetings and questions, though we reserve the right not to answer things.

Also, have some pictures!
(The first image is a picture of Jirachi, smiling nervously and waving at the camera, while the second is one of Deoxys looking over curiously. Both of them are obviously shots meant to show off the new team members. The third is a picture of the entire team together; Swarm and Deoxys on the outer edges, left and right, with Shadow in a battle position in front and to the side of Swarm and Jirachi mirroring her before Deoxys. Eon sits at the very front of the 'triangle', with his tails swept around his paws.)

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►Tin_Mother (Moderator)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Hello there Jirachi and Deoxys! It's nice to meet you both. I hope you enjoy your time with Team Inari- from what I've seen they sure get into a lot of things, so you'll probably never be bored for long.​
Jirachi, I've gone ahead and verified your account for you.​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Hi there you two! Nice to meet you both!​
Before things get too far, mind telling us how you like being addressed?​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Nice to meet ya! Hopefully you settle in in BB pretty well, it's a bit mad at times. How'd you end up with Inari, if you don'tm ind answering?​
►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
First off, hi Shadow, good to see that you're all doing ok. I was getting a bit worried, since I hadn't heard much from you since the end of the attack.​
Second off, hello there Jirachi and Deoxys! It's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to Brockton Bay! I'm Panacea, or Amy, one of the New Wave Parahumans. Ask the others if they haven't filled you in yet on that, we're pretty good friends with your team. My sister and I would love to meet you, maybe we could all meet up for dinner or something one night?​
►Jirachi (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Hiya there! It's nice to meet you all! thanks for the verifying, Tin_Mother, Shadow and Swarm explained what that means a little bit ago. I'm Jirachi, and I'll be answering stuff for Deoxys on here as well. They didn't want an account because they didn't think they'd have much to say- they kinda struggle with talking a lot- but they agreed that I could handle stuff.​
@RiseoftheHals I'm Jirachi, and Deoxys is just Deoxys as well. No need for anything special here! Well, Deoxys sometimes gets the nickname of Guardian, since that's what they are to me and all, but that's not really much of a thing and they'd prefer to just be called Deoxys.​
@BlueDragon it's nice to meet you too! And thanks for the well-wishes, it's been pretty fun getting settled into things. We're staying at Inari's Den, which isn't the most in-city thing, so it's been quiet. Helps that we've not been out much yet, though we're gonna start that soon. I'm really looking forward to it, actually, the others have told me so much about everything around town and promised a tour.​
How we ended up with Team Inari is pretty interesting, actually. Deoxys and I arrived here right before the Behemoth attack- I was in my comet form, which is kinda a way that I sleep when I'm super out of energy- and we ended up in the middle of nowhere. Dragon came on one of her crafts because she'd seen us landing, and she brought Eon and Shadow along because she thought they'd be best to explain things to us. She was right, and they did, and then the Endbringer alarm went off. We came with them to the nearest teleport point, and spent that trip figuring out what we should do to help, and then we did. Inari offered us a place to stay afterwards, and then a place on the team after that, so... Yeah!​
I'm pretty thankful for it, I always wanted more friends- not that Deoxys isn't great! But more friends would've been nice. And I think Deoxys' glad that they have more help keeping me out of trouble, so they're happy.​
Panacea hi there! Shadow's mentioned you, a few times, though mostly that was to do with the Endbringer attack. But Swarm's told us all about New Wave and everything when she was filling us in on everything about Parahumans and the like, making sure we were all caught up. And Eon mentioned that you and Shadow were friends, and we were all pretty friendly. Dinner or something sounds really neat, too, and I'd like to meet your sister. I'm told she's a flier as well? It could be fun to compare how things work. We'd probably need to talk to the rest of the team as well about that one, though...​
►Shadow (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Hi Amy! Sorry, I didn't really think, I was kinda trying to make sure everyone got settled in. Didn't mean to worry you. Dinner sounds great; I've opened a group PM so we can try to sort that out. Would be a nice way to get Jirachi and Deoxys out in public- even if it does mean they're gonna worry about him the entire time.​
Oh, and Eon wants to remind you that he'd prefer that you didn't get into too much aerial acrobatics in the middle of the city, Jirachi. Deoxys probably wouldn't be happy with you for doing that either.​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
So, Jirachi, is there anything you're willing to tell us about yours and Deoxys' (Deoxys's?) powers? We here at PHO like to talk about these kinds of things.​
►Jirachi (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
So I've been warned, @Echorealm. Shadow said pretty much everything about our powers at the top, but I guess I can add something? Um, let's see...​
By your ratings, I'd be mostly a pretty powerful Blaster, and also a Mover, I think? I fly, I have a few beam-like Moves that I think count, and I can take a fair bit of damage before having trouble- I prefer dodging, though.​
Deoxys is a bit weird to do, because they switch formes. They have Normal Forme, which is the one in the pictures up there, and then Attack, Defense, and Speed. Each of those has a different inclination; so Attack is powerful, Defense is strong, and Speed is fast. I think they'd mostly count as a Shaker, maybe? Oh, and also a Master, since they can make duplicates of themselves.​
There's not really much else to it, I guess? We didn't really have a chance to learn many Moves before things started happening, and while Eon and Shadow have offered to teach us both as much as they can, that's still not tons. But we can do enough, we think, so we'll hopefully be able to help out.​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
'Before things started happening', huh? Mind sharing a bit more on that?​
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Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Those seem like pretty useful abilities. They're more widespread than a lot of Capes are, that's for sure. Seems like you'll be able to work with the others in Inari pretty well. Are you planning on splitting the team at all- ie, you and Swarm on patrol without the others, or other mixes like that- or are you going to be doing it in big groups?​
(Also no I definitely didn't miss that Shadow had talked about your powers in her intro post, no not at all why would you think that.)​
►Jirachi (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Sorry, but I'm not really comfortable talking about it. It's mostly old memories anyway.​
Edit, because we apparently managed to post at the same time; It's ok, Echorealm! These things happen on occasion. I don't mind needing to repeat myself a bit if it comes down to it. I don't know about the splitting the team up thing; since Deoxys is my Guardian, they like being close to me, plus the two of us are still getting used to things, and Eon/Shadow/Swarm are also still getting used to having the extra team members here, so we're all sorting things out at the moment and getting used to how we gel. Maybe in the future we'd look at splitting up? But for now probably not.​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
*waves a rolled up newspaper in PoisonedCells direction* we do not ask about Trigger Events!​
Anyway, it's nice to meet you, Jirachi! Welcome to the Bay. My question of the day's kind of similar to Echorealms'; are you and Deoxys going to be joining the rest of Inari on their Great Civic Adventures as well?​
►Aquamarina (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
You guys went and got new team mates two weeks ago and you didn't tell me??? I'm offended!​
(I'm not really, I promise. It's nice to meet you. Clearly we now have another reason to get Inari to LA, so we can meet in person.)​
►Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Ok look. Yes it's been two weeks, but also we spent those two weeks sorting everything out so that they could work with the team, ok? And we were recovering from the Behemoth fight. We were kind of busy, ok?​
And seriously, do you know how hard it is for Capes to get on a plane? We'd have better luck doing a cross country car journey to get to LA to see you, except then we'd be away for ages and then Eon would get antsy.​
►Aquamarina (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Come in civvies and change when you're here???​
►Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
What, and shove the others in a bag?​
►Aquamarina (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
►Jirachi (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Hello Aquamarina! Swarm's told me a lot about you, so it's nice to meet you! Shadow's told me a bit as well, mostly about how you guys met. I think that was really cool!​
It'd be nice to meet you in person, but like Swarm says, it's kind of hard to get to you. Well, I guess? I've never been on a plane before aside from Dragon's craft thing, so I wouldn't know about that being hard. I'd appreciate it if we didn't get shoved in bags, though, that sounds uncomfortable.​
And AllSeeingEye maybe? We're not sure yet. Neither of us can heal, though we're willing to learn, so we're not really certain what we could do to help out. Deoxys and I might just pull security shifts during Shadow and Eon's hospital visits for a while, I guess.​
(Also thank you for the defense, it's appreciated!)​
►Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Edit; that message came through at a poor time, huh. Sorry, Jirachi, I promise you're not an idiot!​
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Shadow has created a new group message, with users Eon, Swarm, Jirachi, Panacea, and Glory Girl.

The chat's name has been changed to Dinner Preparations

Viewing page 1 of 2.

Shadow (11:33am): Ok so hi!

This is the chat for the whole 'let's go out to dinner sometime to introduce Jirachi and Deoxys to people' thing that just came up in the intro thread.

Because I know most of you weren't paying attention to that.

So! Dinner?

Swarm (11:34am): Ever heard of sending one message?

Shadow (11:34am): Nope!

Eon (11:34am): Settle down, girls. And dinner sounds like a very good idea. It would be a good way to get Deoxys and Jirachi out in public a bit, and be fairly low profile.

Panacea (11:35am): You're suggesting a group dinner with four very non-human Capes, Swarm, and two members of New Wave.

And you're claiming that it's low profile?

Eon (11:35am): Technically, it's more low profile than storming a Merchant base.

Swarm (11:35am): Or fighting Lung.

Shadow (11:36am): Oh, I'm sorry for saving your life!

Eon (11:36am): Girls.

Jirachi (11:36am): Is this always like this?

Eon (11:36am): This seems to be what happens when team mates are also friends, yes.

Panacea (11:37am): Can confirm, this is exactly what the New Wave group chat looks like sometimes.

Anyway, on topic; dinner is low profile. Sure, whatever.

Any idea where you want to go?

Shadow (11:38am): We could go to that Thai place again?

Swarm (11:38am): Oh, that was nice.

Eon: (11:39am): Are you sure you want to go to the same place again?

Also the food we had there was kind of spicy in places, so I'm not sure Jirachi and Deoxys would like it.

Jirachi (11:40am): I have no idea what Thai food is, but I can confirm that I'm not really fond of spicy food?

Glory Girl (11:40am): What the hell is this.

Panacea (11:40am): That's fair, Jirachi.

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Hi Vicky.

Glory Girl (11:40am): Oh, we're doing dinner? Neat.

There's this Chinese place off the Boardwalk. It's kinda new, but I've been told it's pretty good?

Hang on.

[Glory Girl has uploaded an image]

There, where the red dot is. We can try that?

Swarm (11:43am): That sounds good to me.

Eon (11:43am): Sure? All in favour say aye?

Shadow (11:43am): Aye.

Jirachi (11:44am): Aye?

And also Deoxys agrees.

Panacea (11:44am): Then I guess we can do that.

Does next week work for everyone?

Swarm (11:44am): Hold on, lemme check.

Eon (11:44am): Should be good for the rest of us.

Swarm (11:49am): Ok, just checked, I'm good for next week as well. How's the 20th​ sound, next Saturday?

Glory Girl (11:50am): Sounds like a plan! Seeya then, guys!

Jack hummed to himself, flipping a knife around in one hand as he looked at the video Riley was watching.

"Don't these look interesting." He mused. "Brockton Bay seems to have gotten a lot more fun lately…"

"I wanna see Panacea!" Riley said cheerfully. "I want a sister! And that Shadow thing is so cute!"

The white figure of Mannequin tapped the table, gesturing. They're causing trouble. Doing a lot of 'good'. I want them for that. Mimi snorted.

"Pretty, please. I want them for that fire." She told him. "It's impressive. I want to see if I can control it."

The large lump sitting at the back of the van grunted, shifting around. "New ones killed Behemoth." He put in. "I want to fight them."

Mannequin tapped the table again. I want Armsmaster. He said, reluctantly. Dragon too, if she's there. But I want those Inari ones to go away and stop helping.

Jack scowled slightly. "Fine, we're going to Brockton Bay." He decided, irate. They'd wanted to go after Leviathan, too, but he'd been able to talk them out of it. He hated that city with a passion, and even keeping his little gang under control wasn't quite worth it. There were other targets he could point them at, besides, and not all of them had wanted to go.

But with Crawler deciding he wanted some as well, there wasn't much of a chance he'd be avoiding that city. The Changer would probably just leave the group and go by himself, which would cause massive issues.

"Hopefully we get to recruit someone new, or something." He grumbled, making his way up front to inform Manton of the plan. "Maybe we can rope one of the new ones out of that team before they're too settled..."
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