A Shadow, an Eon, and a Worm (Worm/Pokemon)

Chapter 44- Enemies, meetings, and ideas
11th​ August, 2011. Thursday.

Calvert sighed, stepping out of the car once it was firmly hidden in the secret parking area that he used when he needed to enter his base, and started making his way through the hidden pathways that would let him get to his office to change into his costume and start work.

And there was a lot of work, this time. The aftermath of Endbringer attacks were always frantic and scrambled, trying to patch together survivors and fix up damaged cities, and while most of that was already done after the last two weeks of work, this attack was still shaping up to be more confused than most. With everything that was now leaking out from the various Capes that had been involved at the fight, that wasn't a surprise.

The sudden appearance of another pair of strange creatures, ones apparently familiar to Team Inari and willing to listen to them, was worrying enough. That the smaller one- rumours called it Jirachi- was able to destroy Behemoth without much effort, leaving behind nothing at all, was pretty horrifying.

He couldn't help but be curious as to what the threat report the PRT was obviously working on would say. He'd have to take a look when it was completed, but he was fairly sure the answer would involve 'Shaker: Yes' somewhere.

It was also a shame that Calvert hadn't managed to get in on the meeting that was happening between Inari and Costa-Brown today. Being only a civilian consultant, he didn't have the sort of sway needed to get into that sort of thing now, especially not on the short timescale that it had been arranged. From what he knew, the official contact had only been two days ago, which was an incredibly short period of time to organise everything. It seemed like Inari had just dropped everything to get to this meeting, which was… also very interesting. Most Cape teams with any amount of influence would likely have arranged for the meeting to take place later, in order to give them more time to prepare.

That implied one of two things; either Inari's leaders were confident in their ability to handle this meeting, even the newest members of the team, or they were ignorant of the amount of sway they held in the aftermath of the Simurgh Containment Zone clears and the destruction of Behemoth.

And Calvert didn't think it was possible to be that ignorant.

Frowning to himself, and trying to figure out what on Earth Inari's plan was, he opened the door to his office and froze.

Sitting on his desk, completely without the glass-and-Tinkertech casing he'd had put around it, was that strange crystal that had suddenly appeared nearly two months ago.

He hadn't ordered it to be brought to his office. If he was going to do that, he would've done it after getting into costume. As it was, he was in a business suit, having dressed in order to appear that he was going to some kind of meeting rather than his base. He also wouldn't have had it brought to his office unshielded, since he had no idea what it was or what it might do. Two months worth of examining it had given them nothing, even letting Tattletale use her powers in another timeline- while he was out of the way in case of strange reactions, of course- had only given her strange errors and cryptic nonsense. They couldn't damage the thing to take samples, any sort of scans that they did to it just showed it being a normal rock with crystals in it that didn't match any known crystals. It didn't make any sense, and for the most part he'd had it stored and left alone because they couldn't get any information out of it.

Now, though? Now he had a problem. He couldn't call for someone else to take it away, since he was still unmasked and having Thomas Calvert in this base would make no sense, but to get to his costume he would need to pass through his office into his quarters on the far side, which meant walking past his desk- and while the rock hadn't ever done anything before, he still didn't want to be around it unshielded. He could just leave, call someone in to remove it and stay out of the way while they did, but then the mercenaries might question where he was, which had the potential to be awkward even if they did understand that it was because he was out of costume.

Weighing his options for a moment, Calvert began slowly edging along the room, keeping away from his desk and the rock, then paused again.

What am I thinking? He scolded himself, with a slight head shake. Why sneak around the room and possibly put himself at risk? If something went wrong, it could go wrong in a timeline where it could be undone. Then he could reevaluate what he wanted to do.

He split the timeline-

Legend shuffled his papers around for the fifth time in the last ten minutes, glancing at the clock again as he did. Almost eleven, almost time for the meeting to start.

He could feel Rebecca giving him a look from the corner of her eye, probably irritated with his fidgeting, but it was the only thing he could really do at the moment. It wasn't like there was anything to do other than arrange his notes for the sixth time and make sure everything was set up for the meeting- interview, really, though that wasn't how it had been presented.

Legend was pretty sure Inari knew what it really was, though. It was fairly obvious, and the leaders were experienced in dealing with these sorts of things according to all the conversations they'd collected about them, even if the two newest members weren't. Rebecca seemed to want to try and draw Inari even closer, and while he agreed that having that sort of power on their side would be useful, he was also just as sure that it wouldn't be happening. From the conversations they'd had- on PHO, with various Protectorate and Ward members, with Director Piggot- the way they were working with the PRT currently seemed very similar to the way that they'd worked before they arrived here, and he doubted that they'd want to change that for something that was much more structured- and, dare he think it, also a lot more limited.

But they could really do with having a meeting about the Behemoth fight, and how Jirachi had been able to destroy him, so he hadn't been able to say anything about how much of a doomed endeavour it probably was to try and recruit them this way. Instead he'd just gotten himself into the meeting and decided to wait. And maybe try and guide the conversation away from recruitment.

"Will you stop that." Rebecca hiss-snapped, as he moved his notes around for the eighth time. He winced, then glanced at the clock.

"They should be here soon, I think?" He replied, rather than responding to that. Rebecca looked at her phone.

"Dragon confirmed that they're on their way." She agreed, willing to let it go. "We should get a notification from security that they're being bought up any-"

The phone buzzed.

"-Minute now." Rebecca gave her phone a wiry look, seeming slightly amused, then shuffled her own notes before sitting up straighter and checking the recording device on the table. There was only the one, rather than also having the systems in the room recording things, out of respect for the sensitive nature of the whole thing- as much as Inari's involvement in Behemoth's demise was now public knowledge thanks to people on PHO, the PRT itself hadn't made a public statement yet, wanting to speak to Inari themselves first before they did anything.

It said a lot about the sort of power these people had, really, that the PRT was unwilling to release a statement without consulting them, Legend thought in amusement. And also said a lot about the state of the PRT, really, but that was a bag of worms that was probably best opened at any time other than when they were about to have a meeting.

The door opened, one of the security team walking in to hold it there, and trailing behind them was the five members of team Inari; Eon first, Shadow slightly behind him on the left, Swarm slightly behind her on the right, and the newest pair of Jirachi and Deoxys floating in behind them, standing close together.

While Legend was no expert in alien body language, he thought they seemed nervous as the group stopped a little away from the table and bowed.

"Legend. Chief Director Costa-Brown." Eon greeted, as the pair of them stood as well. "I believe this is the first time we've had the honour of meeting in person, Chief Director."

"It is, yes." Rebecca nodded, stepping around the table in order to offer them her hand. She had to stoop a little to do so, but Eon handled it easily, quirking something of a smile as he did.

I suppose they're quite used to it now, aren't they. He thought, as he moved to do the same. "It's good to see you again, Inari. And in rather better circumstances."

Shadow chuckled. "Yes, Endbringer attacks aren't exactly the best time to get to know a person." The group moved away to take seats at the table- aside from Jirachi, who remained hovering over Deoxys' shoulder between them and Swarm- so they took their own seats again as well, Rebecca giving them a welcoming smile.

"Now, I'm not sure how familiar you are with these proceedings, but essentially we'll be asking for a recitation of the events leading up to Behemoth's destruction, as best as you can. The device in the middle of the table is a recording device, so you'll need to speak clearly to make sure it's picking things up. We're only making the one recording, which isn't quite usual procedure, but given the sensitive nature of the situation we figured only having the one recording to store would be a better idea."

"That makes sense." Eon nodded. "Jirachi can speak aloud, but Deoxys can't, so we'll make sure that anything they wish to add is translated over properly."

"We'll keep that in mind." Legend replied. "We're also going to be taking notes for the PRT's official press release on the subject, and we'd like to give you five the chance to make sure there isn't going to be any information that might be dangerous to your team in it."

The three original members of the team tilted their heads slightly, seemingly understanding the unusual nature of the offer, and agreed.

Those particular formalities out of the way, Rebecca leaned forward slightly and clicked the button on the recorder, clearing her throat.

"Today is August eleventh, two thousand eleven, it's eleven-oh-three AM. Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown, with Legend also present, interviewing team Inari about the events of July twenty-sixth during the attack of Behemoth on New Delhi, India. The team is made up of Eon, team leader, Shadow, team second, Swarm, team third, and team members Deoxys and Jirachi. This record is specifically for archiving purposes."

And definitely is not an attempt to get to the bottom of the sort of power we're dealing with in the hopes of maybe being able to use it for ourselves, not at all.

The recitation of events was fairly simple, mostly Jirachi and Eon speaking in turns about things. Occasionally Deoxys input something themselves, which required a few minutes of back and forth conversation within the group to make sure that everything came across properly- Deoxys' method of speaking was unusual, and it gave Legend slight chills every time he heard it- but for the most part the group left the two of them to handle things. Legend wasn't sure why; Eon made sense as the leader, and Jirachi made sense as the person who'd actually destroyed Behemoth, but it seemed usual that neither Shadow nor Swarm had wanted to give their own views on things, especially seeing as Deoxys had.

Possibly they'd worked something out before they arrived?

It took about half an hour to cover everything, going from the arrival of Jirachi and Deoxys on Earth to the end of the fight, and by the time they turned off the recording Legend felt rather exhausted from just listening to the situation. He could hardly imagine how insanely stressful and tiring things must have been in the heat of the moment.

"Thank you." Rebecca, of course, looked unaffected, sitting back with the recorder in hand. That recording would be uploaded into the databases once Inari had left, and probably also sent along to the Thinkers to see if they could glean any sort of extra information out of it, but for now it was set to one side while Rebecca reviewed her notes. "The press release for this is going to be… difficult." She sighed, tapping her pen on the desk. "There's probably a lot of information that we wouldn't really want to put out there, mostly because- no offence- knowing how powerful you are could frighten a lot of people."

Jirachi gave a sigh of his own, raising a small hand to touch his throat. 'I understand… even agree, honestly.' He admitted. 'Eon's been explaining how this world works, and I suppose that as much as knowing that someone out there can destroy those monsters is a good thing, it could easily cause a lot of panic because people don't know how to react to the change in the status quo… We actually saw a lot of that sort of thing when Dungeons started to appear, back home. The Dungeons changed things, and a lot of Po- of spirits didn't know how to handle that. There was quite a lot of trouble… it's why I ended up with Deoxys, and why I was running with trustworthy groups before that.'

'Agreement. Danger; high.'

"I think the best way to frame it would be to be honest." Shadow finally put in, waving her tails a little. "Admit that it was Jirachi, and admit that it was one of his abilities that did all the damage. But also admit that it's incredibly difficult to do, requires a lot of charge time as well as being exhausting, and that the main reason it was able to destroy Behemoth so totally was because of Deoxys' assistance with the shield."

"And don't say anything about the leftover pieces." Swarm interjected. "No-one knows anything about the bits Leviathan left behind- well, the public doesn't," she amended, giving them a look which clearly said that she knew there was quite a few people around the PRT that knew about them, "And giving the impression that nothing was left behind is probably for the best. Sure, it might make things more dangerous for Jirachi in that people think that he's capable of destroying an Endbringer entirely, but that's a lot less dangerous than giving the idea that there might be pieces of Endbringer sitting around somewhere."

'Especially given that they became Time Gears.'

"We'll probably want to avoid anything about Jirachi's other powers as well." Eon continued. "As much as things like Wish Challenges could be useful, those becoming public knowledge could be extremely bad."

'Those battles aren't usually too violent, though...'

"To people like us, no. But to normal humans? It could cause a lot of damage."

"Wish Challenge?" Rebecca asked mildly, though with obvious curiosity. Legend couldn't blame her; he was curious as well, it sounded interesting.

The group all paused, swapping looks between them. It almost seemed like they were speaking without words, which was pretty impressive given that some of them were new- then again, Legend thought uneasily, two of them can speak into people's minds… what's to say that they can't do that? That would make dealing with them a lot more worrying- before Jirachi floated slightly forward, folding his arms.

'A Wish Challenge is something I can do. It's pretty powerful, and one of the reasons that my kind tend to have Guardians or Teams of some kind to help them. Or they hide out in Dungeons, where most spirits can't reach us.'

"It's dangerous?"

'Only if you're not careful. And trust me, I'm careful with it.' He frowned. 'A Wish Challenge is a type of battle, one only done between a Jirachi and a different spirit. It's pretty formal, compared to a lot of other battles, and kind of ritualistic. Jirachi have the power to grant wishes through various forms; mine's a Wish Challenge. The challenger asks me for a battle, I accept, and if they win the battle then I'll grant their wish. If there's multiple challengers the battle is harder, and usually I'll adjust my strength based on what sort of spirit I'm fighting- and what kind of wish it is, if I'm able to find out more about that before things start. And there's restrictions, too. I can only do one wish per battle, and I can't do too many wishes in quick succession, it's too tiring; small wishes and I can do… maybe a half dozen, but the bigger they get the more power they need, so the less of them I can do. And my powers aren't omniscient, either, I need information on the target.I might be able to… I don't know, destroy a building? But I'd need a lot of focus to know what the building was, where it is… so pictures, addresses, things like that. If you wanted me to kill the Endbringers, I might be able to, though I'd probably have to do it one at a time and there's a possibility that I might end up going into comet form, but killing the thing behind the Endbringers isn't going to be happening because I'd need an identity for whatever's behind it.'

Legend jolted, and in the corner of his eye he could see Rebecca do the same. "There's someone controlling the Endbringers?"

Jirachi shrugged. 'I've no idea, I was using that as an example. If there was, though, I'd need the information about who or what it was to be able to remove them. Kill wishes take a lot of power, too, to the point where I'm actually pretty much guaranteed to need to return to my comet form- that's what I use for travelling, and I won't wake up for a while, so that's not ideal. Wishes also need to be done pretty quickly after the challenge is over, too, so you need to figure out what you want first- that's also better for the challenger because if I know what the wish is ahead of time I can tailor the battle's difficulty better, where if I don't know things then I usually end up going for much more powerful ones off the bat.'

"Interesting…" Rebecca mused, settling back. "Yes, I think that's something we should keep out of the public eye. Preferably no-one but your team should really know about it… though if you find that you need to use it for something, then I'd recommend you do so."

Eon nodded, shifting slightly as he flicked his tails. "Yes, I quite agree. There's likely a few things we could use them for, but we shouldn't let it into the public eye. Too many people trying to come forward with Challenges would be annoying, even if Jirachi can refuse them. So keeping that out of the public eye would be a good idea… we won't mention it on any of our PHO releases either. If something comes up where we actually need to use a Wish Challenge, then we'll deal with that then, but until that happens keeping quiet is for the best."

"That sounds like a good idea to me." Legend nodded. He could tell that Rebecca didn't quite agree with him there, but he couldn't really find it in himself to care. As much as she might want to use the wishes thing against Zion, keeping it a secret would be a good idea- and besides, it wasn't like she was going to keep it quiet from the rest of Cauldron anyway. She'd undoubtedly tell them all the next time that they had a meeting together, and the only thing that would lead to would be a massive argument as they attempt to figure out a way to get a hold of Jirachi and use him to their advantage, likely only ended when Contessa couldn't come up with a way to actually make it happen.

That sort of thing had been happening a lot in the last few months, and he couldn't see how this time would be any different.

So all this agreement was doing was keeping it from the public eye, and he absolutely had no problems with doing that. Keeping the general public from trying to get into fights with the spirit that had killed Behemoth was somewhere at the very top of his new priority list, right below 'hope that can be repeated with the other Endbringers' and 'keep them from trying to destroy any of them'.

"Is there much else, then?" Swarm mused, tilting her head slightly. "I mean, we've agreed to keep the press release down to a minimum of information, we're keeping the Wish Challenges out of the public eye, and Team Inari's going to be making an announcement that Jirachi and Deoxys are a part of our team. I don't really think there's anything else."

Rebecca disagreed with that, too, he knew, but there wasn't anything she could do here. Trying to recruit the entirety of Inari into Cauldron might be a good idea on paper, but in practise it was going to require a bit more manoeuvring than they had room for in a simple meeting like this one. So instead, she nodded, shifting to stack her notepaper out of the way and standing to shake hands.

"I believe it might be." She said. "Thank you for coming all this way to speak with us securely. We'll ensure that the recording of this is stored safely, and there'll likely be a press release in the coming week about everything that occurred during the Behemoth fight."

"It was a pleasure to meet you all properly." Legend added, shaking hands as well. "As much as I hope the next time we see each other is just as quiet, well…"

"It's likely that that will be during the next Endbringer attack." Eon finished, as they all slipped out of their seats and back into position. "Assuming so, we'll likely be there. The Simurgh, right?"


"Then hopefully we'll be able to do even more damage to those damned things." He sighed. "Until then."

"The troopers will show you out." Rebecca dismissed, watching as they left the room- Swarm actually breaking from her position for the moment to hold the door and leaving behind Deoxys.

"That went well." Legend muttered to her, sinking back into his seat and looking at the recorder as the reality of the last three quarters of an hour or so hit him properly. "Now we just need to hope that Inari keeps doing that well, because…"

The amount of destructive power they now held was incredible and horrifying, and he truly hoped that they didn't see it outside of an Endbringer attack ever again. Unless it was being used against Scion, he supposed, in which case it would probably be more reassuring than anything.

"I'd like to get them into Cauldron." Rebecca frowned, looking at the recorder herself. "But that might be difficult."

"They do seem used to the way they work."

"Jirachi and Deoxys are apparently from before that system. We might be able to use that, if we manage to get to them before they end up too entrenched in Inari's group."

Legend thought back over the meeting, to the easy way that the two powerful spirits had deferred to the apparently weaker Kyuubi. Somehow, I doubt that you'll have a chance…

Eon settled himself carefully on the couch in Dragon's craft, curling up so that Swarm could sit on the other end as Shadow curled into her own ball in between the two of them. Deoxys took the other one, sitting up straight and watching around them closely- as if there was likely to be an actual threat inside the craft itself- while Jirachi placed himself next to them and lent into their leg, bringing his streamers around him like some form of cocoon.

'Are all meetings like that?' He asked, as they started up. His telepathy was likely adjusted to Dragon to hear as well, given that she was in the front of the craft and it wasn't like this was a team-only debrief or anything, and Eon made sure to make a mental note of that.

Swarm laughed. "A lot of the time, yes." She nodded. "Or at least most of our PRT ones seem to be, so it's not surprising that ones with people higher up end up the same way. But it was pretty successful too, which is nice. I wasn't sure if things would be more of a problem, dealing with people that don't deal with us regularly."

"So things went well, then?" Dragon asked over the speakers as they began to leave the city. It wouldn't be too long back to Brockton Bay, he knew, but it would be enough time to give Dragon an idea of their chat which she could then pass on to Director Piggot and the others so that they would have an idea of what happened.

It was a fairly roundabout chain, and probably unnecessary, but also Eon didn't want to get out of one meeting and immediately go into another meeting about the first. So instead, informal debrief that passed things along and then let their friend deal with it.

Just like Rhythm Forest...

"Pretty well, yeah." Eon told her. "Basically they wanted a recap of how we got Jirachi and Deoxys all the way up to the end of the Endbringer fight, and then they wanted our opinion on how much we wanted released, and then I accidentally mentioned Wish Challenges so we had to go over that."

"Wish Challenges?"

'Not it!'
Jirachi immediately put in. Swarm laughed again, loud and bright- she was doing a lot better now, since they'd all had that talk about her place in the team, Eon thought gladly- and projected an obvious grin towards the small Mythical.

"I'll do it." She volunteered. "I'm pretty sure I can give a decent idea of what it is after that explanation."

And she did, too, Eon thought proudly as he listened to her explain the situation to Dragon. It wasn't quite so in-depth as the one that they'd given to Legend and Chief Director Costa-Brown, but it was good enough to get everything across- and explained very well why they didn't really want the general public knowing about that particular capacity of his.

"I have a question." Shadow asked softly, once Swarm had tapered off into silence and Dragon was out of her own inquiries. "Jirachi, do you have any sort of healing power?"

He tilted his head slightly- a move that was almost unnoticeable wrapped up like he was in his streamers, and faintly adorable in the sort of way tiny things that could kill you were- and blinked at her. 'No?' He replied, sounding confused. 'I mean, that was why I was in the fight with the others all in the first place, rather than with you in the healing area. I've not really got many Moves because I spent most my time travelling with Deoxys...'

"No, I mean-" She paused, tilted her own head in return, then made a little wave with her paw. "I mean, can you heal with your wishes?"

'I… should be able to?' He said, after a moment. 'I mean, there shouldn't be a problem with it. It might take a bit of power, but there's nothing in my normal limitations stopping me, so… Why do you ask?'

Shadow sat up straight, tails drifting back and forth happily. "Because there's someone in Brockton Bay that I wasn't able to help." She explained. "Neither was Panacea. We don't know why, but our powers just didn't work. I was wondering if yours might be able to."

The faint memory of Battery, lying still in her costume after Leviathan's attack, floated through Eon's mind- things had been hazy then, sure, but he remembered that, remembered how distracted and miserable Assault always was since then- and he bolted upright as well, looking down at his second in command.

"Would that work?"

"I think we'd need to ask Director Piggot for permission." She said. "And maybe some of the people in her Protectorate team as well. But if Jirachi can't see any problems with it, and if we can find a place to do it all safely in… then maybe we could do a Wish Challenge to heal Battery?"

Battery's health was something that had been weighing on her for a while- on Amy, as well, though Shadow more- because it was the first time that she'd stumbled across something that she couldn't heal for no apparent reason. There'd been times where her Moves had failed her before, for one reason or another, but usually they were able to figure out why and sort something different- even if it was only using Berries instead of Moves because of the problem being caused by something weird. But not even that had worked, when they'd offered it over to the medical team, and the combined feeling of failure and the upset that it had caused Assault the past few months had been pressing on her so heavily that it was almost a physical weight.

"Should I put in a call to Director Piggot for you?" Dragon asked.

"No." Eon shook his head. "We'll be back in the Bay soon enough, we can just meet her ourselves and put the idea forward."

There goes any hope of avoiding another chat about the meeting and heading home, he thought, a little mournfully. But it was for a good cause, so he settled down again to start composing an idea of the arguments he might have to make, and the report he'd have to give.

And those were a good distraction from worrying about Shadow, because he knew that if they got permission to do this she was going to be the one who challenged Jirachi to a battle...

Sorry about missing the upload last week, folks. With the move to my new flat, I've obtained humans that a) like playing Pokemon Go, and b) are willing to bully me outside every now and then if they don't think I've been out enough. Also I live on top of like, five Pokestops. So I ended up spending most of last Sunday playing the Oshawott Community Day. Plus side, I got 15 of them. Minus, most of them were terrible and also I didn't actually go out to play it since, y'know, living on a ton of 'stops. Hope this was still good enough that the wait wasn't too hard on you all.
That's... that's not Groudon illusion. Now I only started playing Sky again after like a long time of not having played it but even I remember this. Maybe I'm wrong but that cry seems awfully familiar to my memories of Dark Dialga and if they aren't failing me this is similar to it's cry because I just got through Groudon like two day's ago. That and whenever Time Gears are involved Dialga shall follow.
Gotta say, I was, and still kind of am, hoping for a different sort of conclusion to the Taylor Feeling Useless and Weak plotline. I mean, we had all those hints early on that there was something special about Taylor, even before she got powers, so I've sorta been expecting her to pull out something unique and useful at some point. Having her just talk it out with the team, and then decide "Okay I guess I'm perfectly happy with being nothing but support staff, left useless and forgotten by the wayside as soon as any problems start." Especially with her reaction to being sent away to go reassure her dad that she was okay while the others explained Earth Bet to the newbies. Like... from the standpoint of somebody with a penchant for depression and self-doubt, one who is already questioning their worth, that would feel a lot like a dismissive "Go away now useless one, we don't need you for this." Plus those sorts of feelings have an annoying tendency to keep coming back, even after being assured that they are baseless.

Relegating herself to a scout role is also... In a group that's constantly going to new areas, facing new problems, a scout is essential, one of the keystones of a good team. But Team Inari... isn't really doing that. They're staying in the same territory, dealing with the same problems. In such a situation, Taylor as a scout can pretty much be replace by a police scanner, with little to no loss in team efficiency. And on the cases where they go elsewhere, Taylor always arrives at the same time as them, and either they all split up to do their own separate tasks, or all the scout work has been done beforehand by other people. Taylor is still currently completely superfluous to the team, and will continue to be so until and unless something like Mystery Dungeons start popping up where good recon is important. She's also uniquely vulnerable, leaving her as a major weakness of the team. Let's say the Wish Maker secret gets out and some powerful parahuman comes to make a challenge. If Jirachi declines, what's stopping that parahuman from simply taking Taylor hostage to force the issue, or hurting her to "give Jirachi a lesson" or something?

Plus... well... if she thought being ignored by the public in favor of the far more popular Shadow and Eon was bad, some people might well just push her out of the way for a chance to see Jirachi and Deoxys.

The whole situation just doesn't feel resolved with all the things that started her doubts still being there, ready to do it all over again.
Chapter 45- PHO, threat reports, and incidents


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♦ Topic: Holy F**k
In: Boards ► World Events ► Endbringers
(Original Poster)
Posted On Aug 9th 2011:


It's the end of the two week silence, and while I'm definitely not the first person to get to this, I'm making a thread anyway because there's no official mod one yet. (Edit; now there is) Besides until that happens this is going to get thrown all over the place anyway, so who cares about one extra thread.

Anyway, apparently Behemoth got fucked. According to a number of people in other threads (links not exhaustive), anyway. Most of those are Parahuman accounts that saw something of the battle.

For those too lazy to click those links and also who've been living under a rock for the past few hours (or just weren't awake yet, i'unno), Inari has new friends. We're not sure of anything about said new friends, or even if they're actually part of the team, but they showed up with Eon and Shadow in a teleport group, and were seen talking to them multiple times during and after the attack. (No footage or images, since people were a bit busy, obvs)

We don't have much from the attack itself cause everyone was kinda busy, but we do have a lot of stuff from the end. Mostly that Behemoth apparently has gone bye-bye.

Like, literally.

Again, no videos or anything (edit; wrong!) but apparently something wacky happened at the end of the fight and things exploded, and now there's no more Behemoth? There's been no comment from the PRT or Team Inari yet, so we've still got kinda nothing to go on, but like. If Behemoth is gone.

God damn.

Edit 13/08; PRT gave a press release. What the fuck.

(Showing page 3 of 6)
Replied On Aug 9th 2011:​
I'm surprised that we've not gotten anything from the PRT though, @GellSine. Like, sure, two weeks silence and all that. But that's also two weeks to get everything sorted out, arrange to talk to all the people involved, and make the report. They could do that in those two weeks and have a report ready to go up the second the silence ended.​
Obviously I get that there's probably a lot of clean up work to do, but that's not the job of all the people in offices, is it?​
Replied On Aug 9th 2011:​
office people have stuff to do as well tho? they prolly gotta make sure people doing cleanup can do their stuff​
►Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)​
Replied On Aug 9th 2011:​
Unofficially, of course, but I've heard that the Chief Director's had to do a lot of coordinating to make sure they can all help out. I've also heard that there's been a lot of chatter about that whole 'no more Behemoth' thing. Still waiting on anything about that though.​
Replied On Aug 10th 2011:​
Hopefully we get some kind of answer soon, because I for one really want to know what the hell sort of thing would happen to make Behemoth fucking vanish or whatever the hell happened to it.​
Replied On Aug 10th 2011:​
You and me both.​
►Cameo (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Aug 11th 2011:​
Ask and yee shall receive!
It's from my bodycam, so sorry the quality isn't great. I usually only need this thing for recording evidence of crimes so I can hand them over to the police, only reason I had it with me is cause I forgot to take it off first. Still shows it ok, though.​
►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)​
Replied On Aug 11th 2011:​
Hot damn. Thanks, @Cameo.​
So. Um. What the hell.​
Replied On Aug 11th 2011:​
What the hell is right. Some big energy shield and an explosion? What even caused that?​
I think it's probably something to do with Inari's newest friends, since we've never seen anything like this from powers before and if it were Shadow or Eon I think they'd've done it against Leviathan. (Plus I think Shadow was assigned to healing again? So she couldn't've been involved.)​
Do we have anything on these guys? Anything at all?​
Replied On Aug 12th 2011:​
Apparently the two new ones have been hiding or something, since no-one's seen them since they came back to the Bay? But I've heard rumors that they're named Jirachi and Deoxys. Not sure which is which.​
Replied On Aug 12th 2011:​
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PRT Internal Document LE/RCB/THRPT/1022-03-00102734/2011-08-12


Secret, Not for Public Release, Limited Internal Release


Security level 5


Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown, PRT East, Washington D.C


Legend, Protectorate ENE, New York












SUBJECT: Team Inari

Update August 12th​, 2011


This report contains an update to the threat report for the Parahuman group known as Team Inari (original DocRef EP/THRPT/1022-03-00102659/2011-05-14), along with protocol recommendations for communication. This document should be read alongside the document referenced above.

Threat Assessment Ratings, Provisional


PRT Associated Hero

Real name:

Unknown, potentially Jirachi


Team Inari




Approximately 1'




Jirachi has the appearance of a small semi-humanoid creature, with a white body and head. He has small legs and somewhat longer arms, with sleeve-like flaps on the underside. A thin line sits along his stomach. On his head is a large yellow structure with three points, giving the appearance of something like a star, with three teal tags hanging from each point. On his body, at approximately shoulder height, are two yellow streamers. [PicRef PHENC/001/9:18:26]


Jirachi is a rather quiet being, seeming quite young despite conversations with the spirit suggesting that he is in fact far older than both Eon and Shadow. According to those conversations, it appears that Jirachi has spent much of his life 'sleeping' in a coma-like state, which would account for the apparent youth. Most of the time, he appears serious, taking orders from Eon without complaint, and often looks to the other members of Team Inari for guidance before acting. However, on the few occasions that he has been seen in public since the Behemoth attack, he has been very curious, though keeping the polite attitude.

Known Associates:

Other members of Team Inari (DocRef EP/THRPT/1022-03-00102659/2011-05-14), New Wave (as associates of Team Inari, DocRef EP/THRPT/1022-01-00102631/2011-05-17)

Mover 7+:

Jirachi's primary method of movement is flying, likely due to his small legs. Observation during the Behemoth fight shows that he is highly manoeuvrable while in flight, assisted by his small size and excellent control over his abilities. Due to this, targetting him is extremely difficult, and attempting to hit him while in retreat would likely be near impossible.

Blaster 12+:

Jirachi is an exceptionally dangerous Blaster, the likes of which is otherwise unheard of. So far, this has only been demonstrated during the Behemoth attack (DocRef ENDBRINGER/BEHEMOTH/2011-07-26), but as the ability was able to completely destroy Behemoth, Jirachi should be considered an extreme threat, as the limitations of the ability used during said fight are unknown.

Thinker 6+:

While Jirachi is assumed to have similarly powerful senses to Eon and Shadow, the true danger is his ability to telepathically communicate with others. This appears to be his primary method of communication, however he is capable of speaking verbally as well. As the limitations of this ability are mostly unknown, his true abilities are mostly subject to speculation; however it can be assumed that he can tailor his telepathy to only be heard by some people and not others, which would make him an incredibly dangerous co-ordinator, able to command his team without others hearing.

Brute 1+:

Much like Eon and Shadow, Jirachi has been seen to take hits above normal human strength with no apparent difficulty, however judging how much he can take is made difficult by his manoeuvrability and the fact that his first reaction is almost always to dodge away from damage.


PRT Associated Hero

Real name:

Unknown, potentially Deoxys


Team Inari




Between 5'05" and 5'08", depending on the appearance assumed


Unknown, could potentially vary depending on the appearance assumed


Deoxys is a large creature with a primarily orange body. They have four different appearances, and change between them depending on the situation;

Normal Forme- their Normal Forme has tapered legs with segmented stripes running vertically along the upper section. The abdomen is black with vertical lines, while the remainder of the body is orange. The arms appear as a pair of tentacles, usually coiled in a double helix shape, in blue and orange, though the two can be uncoiled to act independently. The centre of their chest has a lilac crystal embedded in it, which seems to glow faintly when they use their powers. Their head is round with rectangular protrusions on either side, and a blue face plate with a long lilac stripe down the centre. They have a small, barely noticeable tail. [PicRef PHENC/001/10:12:54]

Attack Forme- their Attack Forme has tapered legs with long blue stripes along them and a large spike at approximately knee height. There is less of the orange armour, showing more of the black body below it, and the arms are more whip-like and are rarely coiled. The head is mostly unchanged, though the protrusions have become triangular points with a longer one all extending back. The tail is also more noticeable.

Defense Forme- their Defense Forme is bulkier than the others, with the orange armour spread across the entire body none of the inner portions visible. The head is fused with the body, creating a completely sealed suit, with no protrusions. There are two blue stripes, one on each shoulder, while the arms have transformed into flat, paddle-like hand shapes rather than being pointed. The legs are completely armoured, save for small blue spots on each knee, and the tail has also vanished. [PicRef PHENC/001/9:18:26]

Speed Forme- their Speed Forme is mostly uncovered, with the armour only over the head, hips, and crystal. The tendrils are now one on either side, one orange and one blue, and more blue stripes are present on the hips and legs. The head protrusions are pointed vertically, with a longer one forming a spike out the back of their head with a blue stripe along it.


Deoxys is primarily silent, communicating very little with other beings. This appears to be mostly related to their method of communication- a type of telepathy that humans seem to have some difficulty understanding, though the spirits on Team Inari seem to have little to no issues with it. When they have chosen to communicate, the issues understanding their meaning makes it hard to judge their personality, however the most important thing of note is that they are very protective of Jirachi; conversations with Eon and Shadow have marked them as his 'Guardian', with all the implications that gives.

Known Associates:

Other members of Team Inari (DocRef EP/THRPT/1022-01-00102659/2011-05-14), New Wave (as associates of Team Inari, DocRef EP/THRPT/1022-01-00102631/2011-05-17)

Mover 7+:

Deoxys' primary method of movement is a form of levitation, and while they normally remain close to the ground they are fully capable of flying much higher, as well as having similar manoeuvrability to Jirachi. Due to their height, they are less capable of sharper evasive actions, however they are still incredibly difficult to hit.

NOTE: Due to the ability to assume other formes, one of which is called the Speed Forme, it is assumed that Deoxys' rating in this category may be somewhat higher than stated, however due to lack of evidence this cannot be confirmed.

Thinker 4+:

Deoxys is also assumed to have similar senses to Eon and Shadow, though this is unconfirmed. The true danger is their capacity for telepathic communication. Unlike Jirachi, this appears to be their only method of communicating, though whether they are truly incapable of verbal communication or just unwilling to use it is unknown. The limitations of this ability are unknown, and thus mostly subject to speculation; however, they were shown during the Behemoth fight (DocRef ENDBRINGER/BEHEMOTH/2011-07-26) to be able to use this to sense people trapped during the attack and remove them from the field.

One known limitation is the difficulty in understanding their telepathy. While the other spirits on the team seem to have less issue, humans find it incredibly hard to interpret what they mean, making the ability somewhat less dangerous in terms of being able to co-ordinate their team.

Brute 5+:

Deoxys has been seen to take attacks that would put a normal person in a lot of danger. They are also capable of lifting large blocks of concrete- seen primarily during search and rescue against Behemoth- with little issue.

NOTE: Due to the ability to assume other formes, one of which is called the Defence Forme, it is assumed that Deoxys' rating in this category may be somewhat higher than stated, however due to lack of evidence this cannot be confirmed. Alternatively, other formes have been mentioned to be more fragile than the Normal Forme, meaning that in certain situations this rating may be lower.

Changer 5+:

Deoxys has been observed changing into two different 'formes', with at least two more mentioned but unseen. A breakdown of these can be found in the 'Appearances' section of this report. Each of the different formes have been stated to have somewhat different abilities, mostly that they have different specialities in combat and are weighted towards different classifications.

Shaker 12+:

Deoxys is an extremely powerful Shaker, and a broad example of the category. The primary reason for this rating is the shielding ability demonstrated in the Behemoth attack (DocRef ENDBRINGER/BEHEMOTH/2011-07-26), which was capable of containing the powerful Blaster ability that Jirachi used as well as the explosion caused by Behemoth's death.

Other Shaker abilities have also been observed, mostly from Deoxys being able to telekinetically lift rubble during search and rescue, in amounts much larger than have been seen with Eon and Shadow's similar abilities.

NOTE: Due to the ability to assume other formes, this rating may fluctuate, and it is possible that Deoxys is more powerful in offence or defence depending on the forme that they chose.

Master 8+

Deoxys has been seen to be able to duplicate themselves, creating clone forms. These clones have a rather different appearance to the original, the armour being a lilac-purple colour rather than orange, and can apparently only appear in what is known as the 'Normal' Forme. They are much more fragile than the original, though they can still take hits stronger than the average human can impart, and disappear into a flare of lilac light when destroyed. They also seem to be unable to communicate with others, though they can allegedly be directed by Deoxys, and are rather mindless in their task.

The most seen at once is somewhere in the range of fifty clones, though it is unknown if they can create more.


The new additions to Team Inari are extremely dangerous, and should be treated as such. However, they do not appear to be actively hostile. It is likely that they would respond to threats harshly, and will likely take direction from the other members of Team Inari before responding with anything truly dangerous, but unless provoked it is likely they will act similarly to their other team members in their passivity.

Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown, PRT East, Washington D.C

Legend, Protectorate ENE, New York


♦ Topic: Introductions!
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)
Posted On Aug 13th 2011:

Greetings, PHO!

I know it's been a little bit, but that's because we've had a lot going on recently, and we wanted to get all of that dealt with before it ended up ballooning into something really annoying. So, as the designated PHO person for the team;

Introducing @Jirachi and Deoxys! They're new members of Team Inari, and you'll likely be seeing them around in the town a lot more over the next few weeks. The last couple have been spent getting them used to everything and making sure they've settled in ok, and now they're going to be joining us on patrols.

They arrived here a little bit before the Behemoth attack the other week, and Eon and I went- with Dragon's help- to go greet them. The intention was to bring them back to the Bay and settle them in with the team, but, well...


Jirachi's mainly a Blaster/Shaker with a whole lot of Mover, and Deoxys is a Shaker with a bit more of a grab bag and also a Mover. Both of them communicate telepathically, though Deoxys doesn't talk much- that's also why Jirachi has a PHO account and Deoxys doesn't, by the way- and they're pretty powerful. We're helping to tutor them in things as well as also getting them set up on-world.

This thread will be open for greetings and questions, though we reserve the right not to answer things.

Also, have some pictures!
(The first image is a picture of Jirachi, smiling nervously and waving at the camera, while the second is one of Deoxys looking over curiously. Both of them are obviously shots meant to show off the new team members. The third is a picture of the entire team together; Swarm and Deoxys on the outer edges, left and right, with Shadow in a battle position in front and to the side of Swarm and Jirachi mirroring her before Deoxys. Eon sits at the very front of the 'triangle', with his tails swept around his paws.)

(Showing page 1 of 10)
►Tin_Mother (Moderator)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Hello there Jirachi and Deoxys! It's nice to meet you both. I hope you enjoy your time with Team Inari- from what I've seen they sure get into a lot of things, so you'll probably never be bored for long.​
Jirachi, I've gone ahead and verified your account for you.​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Hi there you two! Nice to meet you both!​
Before things get too far, mind telling us how you like being addressed?​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Nice to meet ya! Hopefully you settle in in BB pretty well, it's a bit mad at times. How'd you end up with Inari, if you don'tm ind answering?​
►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
First off, hi Shadow, good to see that you're all doing ok. I was getting a bit worried, since I hadn't heard much from you since the end of the attack.​
Second off, hello there Jirachi and Deoxys! It's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to Brockton Bay! I'm Panacea, or Amy, one of the New Wave Parahumans. Ask the others if they haven't filled you in yet on that, we're pretty good friends with your team. My sister and I would love to meet you, maybe we could all meet up for dinner or something one night?​
►Jirachi (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Hiya there! It's nice to meet you all! thanks for the verifying, Tin_Mother, Shadow and Swarm explained what that means a little bit ago. I'm Jirachi, and I'll be answering stuff for Deoxys on here as well. They didn't want an account because they didn't think they'd have much to say- they kinda struggle with talking a lot- but they agreed that I could handle stuff.​
@RiseoftheHals I'm Jirachi, and Deoxys is just Deoxys as well. No need for anything special here! Well, Deoxys sometimes gets the nickname of Guardian, since that's what they are to me and all, but that's not really much of a thing and they'd prefer to just be called Deoxys.​
@BlueDragon it's nice to meet you too! And thanks for the well-wishes, it's been pretty fun getting settled into things. We're staying at Inari's Den, which isn't the most in-city thing, so it's been quiet. Helps that we've not been out much yet, though we're gonna start that soon. I'm really looking forward to it, actually, the others have told me so much about everything around town and promised a tour.​
How we ended up with Team Inari is pretty interesting, actually. Deoxys and I arrived here right before the Behemoth attack- I was in my comet form, which is kinda a way that I sleep when I'm super out of energy- and we ended up in the middle of nowhere. Dragon came on one of her crafts because she'd seen us landing, and she brought Eon and Shadow along because she thought they'd be best to explain things to us. She was right, and they did, and then the Endbringer alarm went off. We came with them to the nearest teleport point, and spent that trip figuring out what we should do to help, and then we did. Inari offered us a place to stay afterwards, and then a place on the team after that, so... Yeah!​
I'm pretty thankful for it, I always wanted more friends- not that Deoxys isn't great! But more friends would've been nice. And I think Deoxys' glad that they have more help keeping me out of trouble, so they're happy.​
Panacea hi there! Shadow's mentioned you, a few times, though mostly that was to do with the Endbringer attack. But Swarm's told us all about New Wave and everything when she was filling us in on everything about Parahumans and the like, making sure we were all caught up. And Eon mentioned that you and Shadow were friends, and we were all pretty friendly. Dinner or something sounds really neat, too, and I'd like to meet your sister. I'm told she's a flier as well? It could be fun to compare how things work. We'd probably need to talk to the rest of the team as well about that one, though...​
►Shadow (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Hi Amy! Sorry, I didn't really think, I was kinda trying to make sure everyone got settled in. Didn't mean to worry you. Dinner sounds great; I've opened a group PM so we can try to sort that out. Would be a nice way to get Jirachi and Deoxys out in public- even if it does mean they're gonna worry about him the entire time.​
Oh, and Eon wants to remind you that he'd prefer that you didn't get into too much aerial acrobatics in the middle of the city, Jirachi. Deoxys probably wouldn't be happy with you for doing that either.​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
So, Jirachi, is there anything you're willing to tell us about yours and Deoxys' (Deoxys's?) powers? We here at PHO like to talk about these kinds of things.​
►Jirachi (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
So I've been warned, @Echorealm. Shadow said pretty much everything about our powers at the top, but I guess I can add something? Um, let's see...​
By your ratings, I'd be mostly a pretty powerful Blaster, and also a Mover, I think? I fly, I have a few beam-like Moves that I think count, and I can take a fair bit of damage before having trouble- I prefer dodging, though.​
Deoxys is a bit weird to do, because they switch formes. They have Normal Forme, which is the one in the pictures up there, and then Attack, Defense, and Speed. Each of those has a different inclination; so Attack is powerful, Defense is strong, and Speed is fast. I think they'd mostly count as a Shaker, maybe? Oh, and also a Master, since they can make duplicates of themselves.​
There's not really much else to it, I guess? We didn't really have a chance to learn many Moves before things started happening, and while Eon and Shadow have offered to teach us both as much as they can, that's still not tons. But we can do enough, we think, so we'll hopefully be able to help out.​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
'Before things started happening', huh? Mind sharing a bit more on that?​
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(Showing page 2 of 10)
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Those seem like pretty useful abilities. They're more widespread than a lot of Capes are, that's for sure. Seems like you'll be able to work with the others in Inari pretty well. Are you planning on splitting the team at all- ie, you and Swarm on patrol without the others, or other mixes like that- or are you going to be doing it in big groups?​
(Also no I definitely didn't miss that Shadow had talked about your powers in her intro post, no not at all why would you think that.)​
►Jirachi (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Sorry, but I'm not really comfortable talking about it. It's mostly old memories anyway.​
Edit, because we apparently managed to post at the same time; It's ok, Echorealm! These things happen on occasion. I don't mind needing to repeat myself a bit if it comes down to it. I don't know about the splitting the team up thing; since Deoxys is my Guardian, they like being close to me, plus the two of us are still getting used to things, and Eon/Shadow/Swarm are also still getting used to having the extra team members here, so we're all sorting things out at the moment and getting used to how we gel. Maybe in the future we'd look at splitting up? But for now probably not.​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
*waves a rolled up newspaper in PoisonedCells direction* we do not ask about Trigger Events!​
Anyway, it's nice to meet you, Jirachi! Welcome to the Bay. My question of the day's kind of similar to Echorealms'; are you and Deoxys going to be joining the rest of Inari on their Great Civic Adventures as well?​
►Aquamarina (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
You guys went and got new team mates two weeks ago and you didn't tell me??? I'm offended!​
(I'm not really, I promise. It's nice to meet you. Clearly we now have another reason to get Inari to LA, so we can meet in person.)​
►Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Ok look. Yes it's been two weeks, but also we spent those two weeks sorting everything out so that they could work with the team, ok? And we were recovering from the Behemoth fight. We were kind of busy, ok?​
And seriously, do you know how hard it is for Capes to get on a plane? We'd have better luck doing a cross country car journey to get to LA to see you, except then we'd be away for ages and then Eon would get antsy.​
►Aquamarina (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Come in civvies and change when you're here???​
►Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
What, and shove the others in a bag?​
►Aquamarina (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
►Jirachi (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Hello Aquamarina! Swarm's told me a lot about you, so it's nice to meet you! Shadow's told me a bit as well, mostly about how you guys met. I think that was really cool!​
It'd be nice to meet you in person, but like Swarm says, it's kind of hard to get to you. Well, I guess? I've never been on a plane before aside from Dragon's craft thing, so I wouldn't know about that being hard. I'd appreciate it if we didn't get shoved in bags, though, that sounds uncomfortable.​
And AllSeeingEye maybe? We're not sure yet. Neither of us can heal, though we're willing to learn, so we're not really certain what we could do to help out. Deoxys and I might just pull security shifts during Shadow and Eon's hospital visits for a while, I guess.​
(Also thank you for the defense, it's appreciated!)​
►Swarm (Verified Cape) (Team Inari)​
Replied On Aug 13th 2011:​
Edit; that message came through at a poor time, huh. Sorry, Jirachi, I promise you're not an idiot!​
End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 8, 9, 10



Shadow has created a new group message, with users Eon, Swarm, Jirachi, Panacea, and Glory Girl.

The chat's name has been changed to Dinner Preparations

Viewing page 1 of 2.

Shadow (11:33am): Ok so hi!

This is the chat for the whole 'let's go out to dinner sometime to introduce Jirachi and Deoxys to people' thing that just came up in the intro thread.

Because I know most of you weren't paying attention to that.

So! Dinner?

Swarm (11:34am): Ever heard of sending one message?

Shadow (11:34am): Nope!

Eon (11:34am): Settle down, girls. And dinner sounds like a very good idea. It would be a good way to get Deoxys and Jirachi out in public a bit, and be fairly low profile.

Panacea (11:35am): You're suggesting a group dinner with four very non-human Capes, Swarm, and two members of New Wave.

And you're claiming that it's low profile?

Eon (11:35am): Technically, it's more low profile than storming a Merchant base.

Swarm (11:35am): Or fighting Lung.

Shadow (11:36am): Oh, I'm sorry for saving your life!

Eon (11:36am): Girls.

Jirachi (11:36am): Is this always like this?

Eon (11:36am): This seems to be what happens when team mates are also friends, yes.

Panacea (11:37am): Can confirm, this is exactly what the New Wave group chat looks like sometimes.

Anyway, on topic; dinner is low profile. Sure, whatever.

Any idea where you want to go?

Shadow (11:38am): We could go to that Thai place again?

Swarm (11:38am): Oh, that was nice.

Eon: (11:39am): Are you sure you want to go to the same place again?

Also the food we had there was kind of spicy in places, so I'm not sure Jirachi and Deoxys would like it.

Jirachi (11:40am): I have no idea what Thai food is, but I can confirm that I'm not really fond of spicy food?

Glory Girl (11:40am): What the hell is this.

Panacea (11:40am): That's fair, Jirachi.

Viewing page 2 of 2

Hi Vicky.

Glory Girl (11:40am): Oh, we're doing dinner? Neat.

There's this Chinese place off the Boardwalk. It's kinda new, but I've been told it's pretty good?

Hang on.

[Glory Girl has uploaded an image]

There, where the red dot is. We can try that?

Swarm (11:43am): That sounds good to me.

Eon (11:43am): Sure? All in favour say aye?

Shadow (11:43am): Aye.

Jirachi (11:44am): Aye?

And also Deoxys agrees.

Panacea (11:44am): Then I guess we can do that.

Does next week work for everyone?

Swarm (11:44am): Hold on, lemme check.

Eon (11:44am): Should be good for the rest of us.

Swarm (11:49am): Ok, just checked, I'm good for next week as well. How's the 20th​ sound, next Saturday?

Glory Girl (11:50am): Sounds like a plan! Seeya then, guys!

Jack hummed to himself, flipping a knife around in one hand as he looked at the video Riley was watching.

"Don't these look interesting." He mused. "Brockton Bay seems to have gotten a lot more fun lately…"

"I wanna see Panacea!" Riley said cheerfully. "I want a sister! And that Shadow thing is so cute!"

The white figure of Mannequin tapped the table, gesturing. They're causing trouble. Doing a lot of 'good'. I want them for that. Mimi snorted.

"Pretty, please. I want them for that fire." She told him. "It's impressive. I want to see if I can control it."

The large lump sitting at the back of the van grunted, shifting around. "New ones killed Behemoth." He put in. "I want to fight them."

Mannequin tapped the table again. I want Armsmaster. He said, reluctantly. Dragon too, if she's there. But I want those Inari ones to go away and stop helping.

Jack scowled slightly. "Fine, we're going to Brockton Bay." He decided, irate. They'd wanted to go after Leviathan, too, but he'd been able to talk them out of it. He hated that city with a passion, and even keeping his little gang under control wasn't quite worth it. There were other targets he could point them at, besides, and not all of them had wanted to go.

But with Crawler deciding he wanted some as well, there wasn't much of a chance he'd be avoiding that city. The Changer would probably just leave the group and go by himself, which would cause massive issues.

"Hopefully we get to recruit someone new, or something." He grumbled, making his way up front to inform Manton of the plan. "Maybe we can rope one of the new ones out of that team before they're too settled..."
Last edited:
Ok, so with that updated and also that cliffhanger primed and ready, some bad news;

So I've started back at uni now, which means I've got a lot of actual work to do, unfortunately. That, plus the fact that my motivation's been a bit all over the place and mostly focused on 'not this', means that SEW chapters might be getting a bit more few and far between. I'll probably shift to uploading them the Sunday after I complete the chapter, though I will be sort of aiming to get a buffer back so we can go back to every other week uploads as well? It'll depend entirely on how much writing I can actually get done at any time. Sorry about that, everyone, but the schoolwork is sadly actually important, and I don't have much control over my muse when she decides she wants to go off on a bender writing in the MCU or something.
Sorry about that, everyone, but the schoolwork is sadly actually important, and I don't have much control over my muse when she decides she wants to go off on a bender writing in the MCU or something.
Never apologize for furthering your education or your muse being ADHD. Every body knows that muses tend to go 'Ooohhh! Shiny!'
Now imagining crawler vs one of the Pokémon in a Pokémon battle .

It would be interesting to see Broadcast vs legendary level psychics. If they could telepath Dragon imagine if they could hack shard signals .
Now imagining crawler vs one of the Pokémon in a Pokémon battle .

It would be interesting to see Broadcast vs legendary level psychics. If they could telepath Dragon imagine if they could hack shard signals .
Jack scowled slightly. "Fine, we're going to Brockton Bay." He decided, irate. They'd wanted to go after Leviathan, too, but he'd been able to talk them out of it. He hated that city with a passion, and even keeping his little gang under control wasn't quite worth it. There were other targets he could point them at, besides, and not all of them had wanted to go.

But with Crawler deciding he wanted some as well, there wasn't much of a chance he'd be avoiding that city. The Changer would probably just leave the group and go by himself, which would cause massive issues.
I think broadcast probably doesn't like the chances it's host has at that city...
Wait... didn't GG get splattered by Leviathan? Or was that a different story I'm thinking of?

Edit to avoid double posting:
Either the splat was Retcon'ed, its from a different story, Panacea's gone nuts (either turned someone else into her sister or is just hallucinating that her sister's still alive), or that's not Panacea talking to them...
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Wait... didn't GG get splattered by Leviathan? Or was that a different story I'm thinking of?

Edit to avoid double posting:
Either the splat was Retcon'ed, its from a different story, Panacea's gone nuts (either turned someone else into her sister or is just hallucinating that her sister's still alive), or that's not Panacea talking to them...
You're thinking of Brandish, not Glory Girl in this story.
Is Jack thought he wasn't dying fast enough? Since, he seemed to eager rushing to his death.
Is Jack thought he wasn't dying fast enough? Since, he seemed to eager rushing to his death.
His power normally pokes him if he's about to do something suicidal. This causes Jack to be very stupid and assume that his gut is always right and that he's far smarter than he actually is. It can't here because pokemon aren't parahumans, so broadcast doesn't realize the suicidal nature of Jack's plan. Thus Jack is overestimating himself and walking straight to his own execution.

As an aside after a stray thought I now want to see Leviathan panicking after being exposed to Desolate Land. What does the endbringer with control over water do when under an affect that burns away even the most powerful of water attacks. As more or less a side effect.
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Oh, I really do hope that Manton ends up coming down with a chronic case of ALL THE BEES.
His power normally pokes him if he's about to do something suicidal. This causes Jack to be very stupid and assume that his gut is always right and that he's far smarter than he actually is. It can't here because pokemon aren't parahumans, so broadcast doesn't realize the suicidal nature of Jack's plan. Thus Jack is overestimating himself and walking straight to his own execution.

As an aside after a stray thought I now want to see Leviathan panicking after being exposed to Desolate Land. What does the endbringer with control over water do when under an affect that burns away even the most powerful of water attacks. As more or less a side effect.
On the other hand, he also happened to REALLY NOT WANT TO GO THERE. Only going because now instead on nearly all, it is now all and one would go anyway so he is stuck going, it's just, I guess neither his shard nor he realizes just how bad an idea it is to poke that giant...
Jack scowled slightly. "Fine, we're going to Brockton Bay." He decided, irate. They'd wanted to go after Leviathan, too, but he'd been able to talk them out of it. He hated that city with a passion, and even keeping his little gang under control wasn't quite worth it. There were other targets he could point them at, besides, and not all of them had wanted to go.

But with Crawler deciding he wanted some as well, there wasn't much of a chance he'd be avoiding that city. The Changer would probably just leave the group and go by himself, which would cause massive issues.

"Hopefully we get to recruit someone new, or something." He grumbled, making his way up front to inform Manton of the plan. "Maybe we can rope one of the new ones out of that team before they're too settled..."
He seems to be going only cause he sees that the level of hassle has grown to the point where he feels he has to if he wants to keep his little group under control. Now if he knew what he would be getting into, he probably would have found a way to ditch the gang before they got themselves killed...
At least that is the feel I get here anyway 🤷‍♂️

*Stockpiling boost noises*
time to do my best to match a Doom Desire~