A Shadow, an Eon, and a Worm (Worm/Pokemon)

Chapter 39- Threat, analysis, and beginning
"Behemoth," Eon said slowly, breathing deeply. It wasn't the first time he'd had to fill in a team member on a threat- he'd has to do it plenty as the leader of the team back in Alma, after all- but it was the first time he was ever going to be doing it for two Legendary Pokemon, both incredibly powerful and both totally, absolutely unaware of the sort of threat they were facing. "Behemoth is a dynakinetic. He manipulates energy. That makes countering him extremely difficult, because it's paired with incredibly high defences and a kill aura. It means he can ignore what the Parahumans here call the Manton Limit- basically internal powers only work internally, and external powers only work externally. He can bypass that and use his powers both ways within around thirty feet, letting him kill people incredibly easily. Suggested that you keep about a hundred foot distance from him because of that so you can dodge. Also projects radiation, glows white when he does it, that's got a range of about a hundred feet as well so staying back means you're hitting two Taillow with one Rock Throw. The radiation poisoning also causes a lot of trouble from it, and that'll get you fairly well even if you're pretty far away. Because of that the only people that get close are people with an extremely high defensiveness ability- what humans here call a 'Brute' rating- or are otherwise invulnerable. Most people with shield abilities don't like to risk it, though, at least from what I understand."

'I'm a Steel type.' Jirachi asked, tilting his head a little from where he was sitting on the opposite couch, Deoxys' arm curled around him slightly defensively. 'Wouldn't I be immune to the radiation poisoning, if it's a type of Poison?'

"Perhaps." He acknowledged. "But it's very different to how Poison types work in our world, so I wouldn't want to risk it, to be honest. For all we know it'll be just as harmful to you as it is to anyone else, and I'd rather not have you die from that."

'Fair point.'

"Anyway, that makes short range a pain, but long range is also an issue depending on what sort of thing you use for that. Since he can manipulate different types of energy, it's a bit hard to actually hit him. Plus he shoots lightning, which is pretty powerful when he wants it to be, and also he's pyrokinetic which will put us at a bit of a disadvantage because we don't know if he can use our flames."

"Fortunately for us, we have one advantage." Shadow butted in. "From what we've been able to tell in our fight against Leviathan, they're particularly weak to our Moves in some way. We're uncertain as to why, but we're pretty sure that it's something to do with our Aura. Since Aura is mostly an unknown force here- we've recently discovered that human's have it, but they can't manipulate it in any way- we figure that the Endbringers also have no idea what it is, and thus are more seriously affected by it, since they don't have any defences specifically for it."

'Query; would assistance be more beneficial on the attacking team? '

"Probably, though you'd be good anywhere." Eon told them. "Attack Forme is fragile but powerful, from what I understand, so you could likely do some good damage, assuming you have the right sort of moves to be able to do so. Defence Forme would be useful to try and control Behemoth's movements; maybe you could use your shields to keep him from going to certain areas. Plus you can shield others from Behemoth's attacks- perhaps even from the effects of the kill aura, though that would require experimentation that we don't really have time for, so we should probably avoid that for now. Speed Forme is less useful directly, since it's extremely frail from what I know, but indirectly you'd likely be able to handle search and rescue very well, which would let you get a lot more Parahumans back to the safe zone that we have for healing."

"The faster they get there, the more likely that it is that we can help them." Shadow added. "So that's also a really good thing in the end, because we can use that to be able to keep people from dying in the fight."

'Understanding; Unit will assist as directed.'

"Ok, so you're alternating, but focusing on search and rescue efforts at first. Good, that's probably for the best. Just make sure you use-" Eon paused. "Actually, you won't be able to use the bands, given that you can't speak aloud. Ok, you'll have to alert someone else to change the mode of your band so that you can help when you change what you're doing."


"Everyone participating in an Endbringer fight gets a band. These help keep track of who's where, what status they're in- they announce if they're down or deceased- and for people on search and rescue it helps point them towards other bands so that they can try and get to people faster than if they'd need to search themselves."

'Oh, I see.' Jirachi nodded. 'What about me?'

"In a way you're more and less complicated." Eon admitted. "Less, because you're powerful, so naturally you're on the attacking force, but also more, because you might be able to help more elsewhere. For example, you could help with search and rescue, being able to move a large number of people- can you teleport?"

'I can.'

"So that's an option, as is helping with healing if you were able."

'I can't do healing, no. Not without a wish, but then I'd need to do a Challenge first, and it wouldn't last long.'

"That's fine." Shadow promised. "Panacea and I can handle it ok, and there's probably gonna be other Capes there that'll have healing powers in some form that can help. Plus there's the normal humans that volunteer to stay and form medical teams as well, handling the less serious stuff and keeping people alive up until we can get to them. We managed Leviathan fine, though we did have more setup time then, hopefully we'll be ok here too." Shadow paused, looking up from the phone at Eon. "Swarm's on the move, she's picked up her own emergency kit and was heading to get ours, I told her no need, and she'll be heading out in a minute. She's planning to send a message to try and meet up with whoever in New Wave is heading out, and she's going to stick with Amy as best she can."

"Alright, good." Eon smiled, then refocused. "So Deoxys is switching around as they feel they're needed, and Jirachi is...?"

'I'll... I'll focus on attacking.' He told them, sounding nervous. 'I don't know how much I can do... I'm powerful, but I don't know if I'll be able to keep my power restrained enough to avoid hurting anyone else...'

"Just aim at the big bad, and we should be fine in the end." Eon suggested. "Other than that, there's not much to say, I think."

'Query; would multiplication be appreciated for rescue?'

Eon blinked. "Multiplication?"

'Deoxys can split themselves.' Jirachi elaborated. 'It's kinda difficult, and those guys are limited to Normal Forme only, but they can do a lot even so. They're not as powerful either, and they're pretty fragile...'

"That would be incredibly good for search and rescue." Eon agreed, after a moment to gather himself. "We'll have to pass that along up the chain, give a warning, but as long as they aren't about to get destroyed and end up hurting someone even more because they got dropped or something..."

'That isn't too likely to happen, but they can work in groups or something to keep that down as well.' Jirachi suggested, getting into the spirit of things amazingly well for someone so out of their depths. 'Sets of three, having two of them focus on defending and the other on moving? Sure the defences won't be as powerful as Defence Forme, or even just a normal Normal Forme's shields, but they should be good enough that they'd be able to keep things from getting through and hurting anyone on the other side.'

"That could work, yes." Eon hummed, turning towards the camera in the room. "Dragon, do you have a moment?"

"Certainly." The woman's voice was somewhat harried, likely from trying to coordinate things going on, so he kept it short.

"First, do we have any better confirmation on where it's going to be?"

"New Delhi, India. Scary, pretty populated, difficult to evacuate in a hurry, but there's already first responders on the scene working on it and we're trying our best to get our people there to help out as well. Hopefully we'll make it in time."

"Good. Second, Deoxys has the ability to duplicate themselves. The clones will appear only in their Normal Forme, will be unable to shift, and are rather weaker than the main body. They've suggested using them as disposables for search and rescue, allowing them to spread out further than we could otherwise and hopefully save more people, working in teams to minimise the chances that they'd be destroyed in a way that might hurt someone."

Dragon was silent for a long moment. "What exactly do you mean by duplication?"

"Clones, essentially, or perhaps something more similar to projections?" Eon shrugged. "I'm not totally sure, to be honest."

'Query; demonstration required?'

Eon looked at them. "Would you be able to do that in here?"

Deoxys nodded, before promptly doing so. The clone that appeared was purple rather than orange, with a duller blue, and the eyes looked blank and lifeless. The lilac crystal in its chest was dull as well, and it took the expected shape of Deoxys' Normal Forme.

Dragon made a soft, startled noise from the cockpit, while Eon fluidly removed himself from the couch to walk around the clone. "Impressive, though it might be a little... worrying, to some people. Then again the options are accepting its help or possibly ending up dead, so..." He shrugged. "How many can you make?"

'Admittance; upper limit unknown.'

'Usually doing more than about fifty leaves them drained, though.'
Jirachi put in.

"Sets of five, ten groups? Have all of them searching, three on defence, two on removal, moving that around as needed?" Eon suggested.

'That... that should work.' Jirachi nodded, rocking a little with the movement. 'Deoxys?'

'Agreement; suggested grouping is likely to be a viable tactic.'

"Alright, that's good." Eon hummed. "Dragon, did you get that?"

"I did, yes." She agreed. "I'm sending a message ahead of us now, so that people are properly warned. You should probably get back to your seats, we're coming in for a landing soon."

"No problem." The clone faded into lilac light as Eon jumped back to the chair, wrapping his tails around Shadow again. "How's Swarm?"

"Fine but worried." She replied lowly. "She's a bit unsure how much help she's going to be in a fight with Behemoth, but she's got what she needs and she'll be doing search and rescue as well."

"Remind her to stay as far out as she can-"

"Already done that, and she's aware. Swarm's not stupid, Eon, just because she's a bit uncertain doesn't mean that she's helpless." Shadow gave him a glare. "I know she's weaker and more limited than both of us but that doesn't mean we need to coddle her."

'Swarm?' Jirachi asked.

"The third member of our team. She's a Parahuman, native to this world, and controls insects." Shadow smiled. "It's actually a pretty cool power, all things considered."

'That sounds...'

"It's more useful than you'd think." Eon promised. "She's mainly our scout, since she can see and hear a lot further away using them, but they're not too bad for combat either. Mainly as a distraction, but also as actual weapons. Bites and stings tend to hurt humans pretty badly, especially if they're not expecting it."

'Interesting.' Jirachi raised an eyebrow. 'I'm looking forward to meeting her, I think.'

'Query; other notable figures?'

Eon blinked, then shook his head. "Yeah, filling you in on that might be good. Main one is Strider, he's going to be teleporting us." The craft shuddered to a stop, and as one the group hurried towards the already-opening doors, where a crowd of people were waiting for the teleport. "He'll get us where we need to go. Grab an armband, put it on, state your name and what you're planning- Deoxys come here and I'll do it for you-"

"No need, I'm on it."

"Thanks, Dragon." He nodded. "Alexandria, Brute, mostly invulnerable, probably gonna be up close. Legend, Blaster, long range, he'll be coordinating that team. Eidolon, Trump, mixed bag, no idea where he'll be until the point the fight starts." Eon flicked his tail in time with his words, creating illusions of each of the Parahumans he was talking about to show who they were. "Swarm looks like this, and this one is Panacea, she'll be working with Shadow and the other healers. She's one of the most powerful, so she desperately needs to be kept safe. We'll figure out where the medical bay is as soon as we can and point it out to you so you know where to take people, and hopefully Behemoth won't go anywhere near it. If he does we're gonna need all the help we can get forcing them back."

"From what you said the clones are pretty weak, so if you can keep them on search and rescue. Since they can't shift formes they're not going to be able to go into Attack Forme and act as some kinda canon fodder to distract Behemoth, or use Defence Forme to keep him away from things, so just keep them running around finding and saving as many people as they can before they get broken." Shadow added. "Do you feel them break?"

'Agreement; limited knowledge of when duplicates are removed from field.'

"Then keep an eye on that and make sure not to let too many of them break. Refresh them as often as you can when you need to, they're gonna be really helpful in this fight. Oh, and start boosting now, we're not going to have a lot of time once we get there cause we're gonna be going straight into the thick of things and I'm not certain where it's going to be starting, so you're gonna want to be as powerful as you can be before you head in."

Putting actions to words, Eon focused, breathing deeply for Calm Minds while bringing in Agilitys at the same time. "I'm staying on search and rescue, I think." Eon said quietly. "At least until we know what sort of effects our Moves have."

"Get close, blast it with a Flamethrower, and if it doesn't do anything start helping find people?" Shadow suggested. "I'd offer a Thunder, but there's no clouds, so unless one of you two knows Rain Dance, I'm no help there."

'We don't.' Jirachi looked worried. 'I have a few Moves. What happens if I'm no help?'

"Can you sense minds?"


"Sorta's good enough, you can move onto search and rescue as well and try to help find people. Look for minds and use your Psychic powers to lift them out of danger, either hand them over to Deoxys or bring them to the healing zones yourself." Shadow told him.

'Right.' Jirachi straightened. 'You know, this is a lot more serious than I expected rescue work to be...'

"This isn't normal rescue work." Eon corrected. "There's a lot more chance that people die here. While some missions might have that chance, it's far lower. Though we still put about this much work into planning the things to make sure that number stays as close to a zero chance as possible."

'Oh. I see.'

"Next group, go!"

"Eon, Blaster."

"Shadow, Healing."

"Jirachi, Blaster."

The four of them moved closer together, heading further into the room. Deoxys curled a tendril around Jirachi protectively and stared around, half-glaring at the people staring back.

"Don't worry about them, it's because you're new." Eon advised. "They'll get used to you in time, especially since you're with us. These people get used to weird things really quickly."

"Hold on!" Strider shouted, appearing. "Teleport going now!"

Eon held his breath.

The world shifted, taking his focus with it for a moment, fading out into a whirl of colours utterly unlike any long-range teleport he'd ever been in. It was subtly different from the last time they'd been teleported by Strider as well, probably due to the longer distance, and when the group was deposited they swayed lightly. Eon automatically curled his tails as far under him as he could, trying to keep them from being stepped on again, and both of the Legendaries made unhappy noises.

'That was... uncomfortable.'

"It was a lot worse than last time." Eon admitted, steadying himself. He started to look around, trying to see who was nearby, and herded the group of them out of the way of the teleport point. "Swarm should be around here somewhere, Deoxys, you can join with her on the search and rescue front for a little while. Shadow, since Panacea's gonna be with her, go ahead with them."

'I'll stay with you?' Jirachi requested, floating out of Deoxys' hold and down to the Ninetales' level instead.

"Works for me."


The sound of the Endbringer alarm was as loud as ever, making everyone in the street freeze in place. A number of people clasped their hands over their ears, crying out.

Swarm pushed her reaction into her bugs, making them buzz a little more loudly, and started working to gather them closer to her. "I'm sorry." She said to the group she'd been talking to. "I need to go."

"Stay safe!"

"Good luck!"

"Be careful!"

She slipped out of the way and into the nearest alleyway as fast as she could, using her spiders to lift her phone out of her backpack.

Be careful. We've got the situation handled, on our way out now. Have emergency bags already, will meet you there?

Sure. Stay safe.
She replied, before swapping over to a different number and hitting dial.


"Panacea. I'm heading to the PRT building, currently I'm on... fourth street, near the Boardwalk." She told her. "Shadow says that she'll meet us on the other side, they headed out for some stuff earlier this morning."

"New Wave's mobilising and on our way out too." The healer said, over the faint rush of wind. "Hang on, I'll get- Crystal! Swarm's over by the Boardwalk, think you can grab her?"

Swarm didn't hear a reply, and quickly moved some bugs to make a symbol pointing over to her. A few minutes later, Crystal- Lazerdream- flew down and landed next to her.

"Need a lift?" She asked, trying for cheerful. The fear of the situation seeped through, though, making it hard to take the attempt seriously, so Swarm just nodded.

"It'd be handy, yeah. Hope you don't mind the bugs." She returned, letting the older girl lift her up and start flying.

Like this, they made much better time towards the PRT building, the rest of New Wave flying in escort around them, but aside from nodding in acknowledgement to them, no-one said anything until they landed.

"I'll stay with you two." Swarm told Amy, while Vicky floated nearby. "Eon and Shadow are probably going to be looking for me, so it'll be easier to pass you over to them if we're all together."

"Sounds good to me." Amy said nervously, pulling at her costume. "We should get some armbands and get into groups for the teleports."

"Good plan." Vicky floated away, coming back a few moments later with three bands. "I take it you'll be on search and rescue too, Glory Girl?"

"Yeah. I don't really think I could do much to Behemoth up close, even with my invulnerability." She shrugged. "I'm better placed trying to help people out in this one."

"Makes sense to me."

"Do you know what Eon's doing?"

"No clue." Swarm grimaced slightly. "We've been talking about it a lot the last couple of weeks, trying to figure out what we could do against the other Endbringers. The Simurgh was considered as fairly safe, though it'd be annoying and Shadow would probably end up coming off of healing to start using her Moves out in the field instead, and Behemoth was one we were having a lot of trouble with. Don't have a way to resist the kill aura, after all, and we've got no idea if he's able to manipulate the energy they use."

"That's a good point."

"Possibly Eon's going to go into rescue as well, at least until he's got a chance to see what his Moves can do against Behemoth in a... well, not a controlled environment since nothing about an Endbringer fight is controlled, but a place that's less likely to have things go wrong?" She shrugged. "Then again, they also got called out by the PRT this morning over something. They said they're on their way, but I've got no idea what's going on."

"They didn't tell you?"

"I wasn't involved, they probably didn't think it was important." She shrugged again, waving it off. "Annoying, yeah, but what can you do? Besides, might be secret."

Both other girls looked unsure, but the entire group of them brushed it off in favour of moving closer to the teleport spot, where Strider flashed in a few moments later.

"Get ready, we're moving out!" He called. "New Delhi, Behemoth!"

Swarm inhaled sharply. "Great, probably the worst one." Not all that much time to evacuate, and a decent possibility that they wouldn't be able to do all that much to it. Fucking wonderful.

The teleport felt a lot worse than the last time, Swarm swaying heavily on the spot and needing Vicky to stabilise her. "I'm fine." She said to the concerned look. "Just a bit disorienting."

"If you say so." She replied. "Where're your team?"

They moved out of the teleport point to keep it clear, letting themselves get swept up in the flow of other volunteers, and Swarm stretched out her range, looking around for the Pokemon on her team. It took a lot less time than she'd expected, given how much smaller than all of the humans around them they were, but it was helped along in part by the new additions to the group.

"What the hell...?" Swarm muttered.


"I think I figured out what they were called out for this morning." She told them, starting to move towards them. She started moving her bugs into the expected attack zone as she did so, no longer needing them to track her friends down- it was easy enough to tell where they were from the glance she'd had, and her familiarity of needing to hunt them down helped out as well. It was easy to find people when you were used to needing to find them. Plus the much taller orange addition made it even more simple to see them. "Eon!" She shouted, making them all look sharply over.

"Swarm!" Shadow greeted. "Amy, Vicky, hi." The Vulpix hurried over, bumping against her team mate's legs as she walked past, then looped once around Amy's and stopped at her side. "Ready?"

"Are we ever?" She laughed bitterly, leaning down to pat her on the head. "Good to see you here at least."

"We'll manage."

"What's the situation?" Swarm cut in.

"This is Jirachi, that's Deoxys. He's on the attacking team helping us figure out what our Moves can do, they're on search and rescue until we get that information. Hopefully it turns out we can do something, cause they're both pretty powerful. I'm staying the same as Deoxys for at least a little while but I'm aiming for a good shot as early as I can manage to so that we can try and run a repeat of Leviathan and get Behemoth out of here as soon as possible. There's no guarantee that Behemoth will be able to turn any of my fire against us, but if he can we should at least still have Jirachi and Deoxys, plus anything else I can use." Eon listed quickly. "Deoxys, best to get your duplicates ready soon-"


"-Because things are starting now!" Eon finished. "Get going, stay safe, seeya later, go!"

"Going!" Swarm nodded, running away. Her bugs showed that behind her Amy was lifting Shadow into her arms before being carried away by Vicky in turn, likely using the bands to figure out where the medical area was. Eon was already running into the fight, dodging around people as the ground started shaking from the force of Behemoth's arrival- Swarm had to take a moment to steady herself as well, nearly tripping over into one of the other Capes nearby before she did- while the new pair, Jirachi and Deoxys, floated slightly off the ground to avoid dealing with it.

Jirachi almost immediately started following Eon, going over the top of everyone in the way instead, while Deoxys glowed a sharp lilac colour from a crystal in their chest. The colour warped around their body, flashed once, and then seeped away from them into the air, forming blobs- she counted about fifty in total.

They flashed again, and her eyes widened behind her mask as they formed into copies of the original. Now I see what Eon meant by duplicates, she chuckled weakly, examining them. They looked similar to the original in shape, just differently coloured, and she couldn't help but wonder if they were going to make people panic more, or if they would link it to Team Inari fast enough to avoid that. They started flying off, moving in sets of five; Swarm assumed that this was part of whatever strategy that Eon had managed to lay out with them while on the way over to the fight, probably to be as widespread as possible on the helping side of things.

Behemoth smashed out of the ground, roaring and causing a much larger quake than the ones before, and Swarm promptly disregarded her examination of the other Pokemon- and probable new team mates, given how Inari worked- in favour of using her bugs to start looking for any nearby civilians that hadn't been evacuated in time.

Epicycle down, B-6. Geared deceased, B-6. Wilderbeast down, B-6. Omnigal deceased, B-6. Vehemence deceased, B-6.

Amy looked down at the kitsune in her arms. "So, new friends?" She tried, lifting an arm to shield herself against the wind.

"Yeah, kinda." Shadow sighed. "It's a bit of a mess, and we didn't really get any sort of details before the alarm went off, but... well, we're on the same side for now, and that's enough for me."

"Enough for anyone when it comes to the Endbringers, really."

"Hopefully they'll be able to help out- we do actually know of them, or at least of the type of spirit that they are. They're really powerful." Shadow grinned. "If it turns out that we can use our abilities again Behemoth? This fight might actually end up finishing faster than Leviathan did."

"Oh." Amy didn't know what to say to that.

"Course it helps that we'll know pretty quick what sort of an effect we'll have." She continued, apparently oblivious. "With Leviathan we just knew that the Endbringers were super hard to hurt. Here? We know we did a lot of damage to Leviathan in one go with our abilities, so it stands a chance that it'll be the same sort of thing with Behemoth. We manage to land an attack, we'll hopefully be able to destroy him."


"Probably not." Shadow admitted. "We have no real way to tell whether or not we're strong enough to do that. Plus Behemoth's pretty defensive, from what I remember. Even with our boosts, we might not be anywhere near powerful enough by ourselves." She paused. "Then again, both Jirachi and Deoxys are really strong, so maybe they could? I don't know."

They landed at the healing tents before Amy could figure out another answer to that, so she let Vicky place her down and lowered Shadow to the ground, disregarding the conversation to hurry into the building and start looking around. There wasn't anyone there yet, given that the attack had only just started, so instead she busied herself washing her hands and checking with the people nearby that everything was set up.

"Stay safe, take care of yourself." Shadow said quietly.

"You too." She murmured in reply, as her companion ran over to the other side of the divide that had been set up to act as her healing room.

Duress deceased, B-6. Stoplight down, B-6. Gorge deceased, B-6.
Ok so; some bad news. Since I started posting again I've been doing my best to stay one chapter ahead of my buffer. So for example, there's been public chapters up to, say, 30, beta chapters up to 35, and written chapters up to 36. This was to keep me from running out of chapters.

It didn't work.

I'm most the way through writing chapter 40 at the moment, but this is the last chapter I actually have for posting at the moment. I should be able to get 40 finished before next week, but it's distinctly possible that we're gonna be starting to play it all by ear after next week, and just uploading on the weeks that I have chapters. I'll be trying my absolute best not to let that happen, but it's possible that it will because words are hard and so is my brain, so yeah... Sorry if I keel over again, I'll at the very least be avoiding a year and a bit holiday happening again this time.

I also have some oneshots, so I'll be posting those as well whether I have chapters for SEW or not. Might only be posting some of those on FF.net and/or AO3, admittedly, but they will exist, god damn it.

I'll try not to keep you waiting too long for more SEW, though.
Ok so; some bad news. Since I started posting again I've been doing my best to stay one chapter ahead of my buffer. So for example, there's been public chapters up to, say, 30, beta chapters up to 35, and written chapters up to 36. This was to keep me from running out of chapters.

It didn't work.

I'm most the way through writing chapter 40 at the moment, but this is the last chapter I actually have for posting at the moment. I should be able to get 40 finished before next week, but it's distinctly possible that we're gonna be starting to play it all by ear after next week, and just uploading on the weeks that I have chapters. I'll be trying my absolute best not to let that happen, but it's possible that it will because words are hard and so is my brain, so yeah... Sorry if I keel over again, I'll at the very least be avoiding a year and a bit holiday happening again this time.

I also have some oneshots, so I'll be posting those as well whether I have chapters for SEW or not. Might only be posting some of those on FF.net and/or AO3, admittedly, but they will exist, god damn it.

I'll try not to keep you waiting too long for more SEW, though.
Everything is fine. Please take your time as much as you want. I am already thankful that you wrote this enjoyable story.
Question Here how strong IS deoxys?
Like all Pokémon it varies ridiculously. Even moreso when you account for its many Forms.

If you're looking purely at its mechanical stats, then Deoxys is an absolute beast. It's Speed Form has the second fastest unmodified Speed stat in the series, and the Attack Form is tied with Mega-Rayauaza and Primal Groudon on the Attack front. Defense Form isn't quite that absurd but is still up there. Normal Form though is pretty horrible in comparison, with medium-high offense and medium-low defense. All the forms trade stats around though, so the Attack Form is ridiculously fragile, the Defense Form has no offense, and so on.

From a lore perspective, Deoxys can be summed up as "Crawler on steroids". It adapts to situations and problems absurdly quickly, and is actually nigh impossible to legitimately damage through conventional means. The body isn't actually the real Deoxys, it's some kind of false-matter/hardlight projection that Deoxys uses to interact with the world. The actual Deoxys is the chest crystal, which I'm fairly sure can survive hitting the ground as a meteorite without a scratch. And if the crystal does get damaged somehow, it can still heal it the pieces are recovered.

And from a feat perspective, I think Deoxys regularly fights with Rayquaza, who himself regularly pummels Groudon and Kyogre into submission.
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Like all Pokémon it varies ridiculously. Even moreso when you account for its many Forms.

If you're looking purely at its mechanical stats, then Deoxys is an absolute beast. It's Speed Form has the second fastest unmodified Speed stat in the series, and the Attack Form is tied with Mega-Rayauaza and Primal Groudon on the Attack front. Defense Form isn't quite that absurd but is still up there. Normal Form though is pretty horrible in comparison, with medium-high offense and medium-low defense. All the forms trade stats around though, so the Attack Form is ridiculously fragile, the Defense Form has no offense, and so on.

From a lore perspective, Deoxys can be summed up as "Crawler on steroids". It adapts to situations and problems absurdly quickly, and is actually nigh impossible to legitimately damage through conventional means. The body isn't actually the real Deoxys, it's some kind of false-matter/hardlight projection that Deoxys uses to interact with the world. The actual Deoxys is the chest crystal, which I'm fairly sure can survive hitting the ground as a meteorite without a scratch. And if the crystal does get damaged somehow, it can still heal it the pieces are recovered.

And from a feat perspective, I think Deoxys regularly fights with Rayquaza, who himself regularly pummels Groudon and Kyogre into submission.
So capable of soloing an endbringer
nah, deoxys isnt going to, most of him is on S&R, as for me, well this is going to be a interesting fight, cant get close, cant use my STAB Fire moves. i am boosting as much as i can tho. hmm, wonder if some ice moves could work... will see what takes place next time!
Guess jirachi isn't the friendship is magic kind. On the bright side contessa can't path coerce Taylor to make a wish via friendship.
Chapter 40- Contemplations, combat, and trust

"Armsmaster." Dragon replied distractedly, most of her focus on gathering and directing more suits to command during the fight. Splitting her attention like that was annoying, and for the most part she used smaller AI to run things while she gave them directions when necessary, but since most of those were still starting up, it was up to her to handle things. "How's setup?"

"Good enough, most of Brockton Bay's Capes are here helping, Panacea and Shadow are already on route to medical, being escorted by Glory Girl." He told her. "The spirits came with you?"

"Eon and Shadow asked for their help." She explained. "They agreed, pending discovering how much help they can actually be. Eon's planning to try hitting Behemoth early on so that they can try and figure out if Behemoth can manipulate their Aura or not."

"I should think not. Given that we have no way of detecting it ourselves as of right now..."

"That doesn't mean that they can't." She pointed out. "For all we know the Endbringers can manipulate it."

"Leviathan didn't show any sign of that."

"Leviathan isn't a known dynakinetic, though. Behemoth might be able to."

She could imagine the grimace on his face. "I suppose. We should hope for the best, though."

"True. Anyway, Jirachi is attacking, hopefully also finding out what they can do, Deoxys is on search and rescue while we wait for that information."

"We'd noticed. The purple clones are quite eye catching." He sighed a little. "Still, hopefully it will end up helping."

"I expect they will, given how Inari works." She pointed out. "They're helpful enough alone, so I imagine that some sort of spirit that's even more powerful than them would be able to help out much more."

The first set of bots came online as she spoke, taking over running a large group of her suits and freeing some processing power to focus on helping wake the other ones up. A part of her was also keeping track of the bands going off- Hedge deceased, B-7. Stormcat down, B-7. Starfly deceased, B-7. Frost deceased, B-7. Professor Ice down, B-7.- with a mental grimace at the number of dead.

"Stay safe, Armsmaster." Dragon added, before cutting off the call. She couldn't afford to get distracted talking with her friend when there was an Endbringer nearby, and she had a job to do providing as much support as she could using the more disposable drones that she had on hand.

One of the drones stumbled across a group of Deoxys' clones, two of them carefully holding people- both unconscious, fortunately, and both civilians- while the other three were projecting shields from the palms of hands that hadn't been there a few minutes before, floating in a triangle as they escorted the pair in the centre towards the medical zone, and she smiled slightly looking at it.

Those clones are going to be extremely helpful in this, she thought to herself, watching through the drone as they flew quickly away. Depending on how close they can get to Behemoth, and how fast they can move, they might be able to lower some of the casualties.

Scarlet Swipe deceased, B-7. Starry Night down, B-7.

Then again, so much of Behemoth's damage comes from close range and quick deaths that it's hard to say.
She admitted. But it should cut down on issues with radiation poisoning, at the very least. I wonder if they can sense it... they can apparently sense energy waves of some kinds, after all, so perhaps it's more than just electromagnetic waves? That might have been a good idea to ask...

Behemoth fired a lightning bolt towards a group of Capes, and she quickly abandoned that train of thought to duck a few drones into the path, defending the group and firing some of her own weapons back in return. They did very little, thanks to the heavier armour that Behemoth had, but they successfully diverted the Endbringer away for long enough that the Capes were able to make their escape.

A large chunk of ice followed, slamming into the side of Behemoth and flash freezing for all of a moment before melting away, and Dragon vaguely recognised it from the battle against Leviathan. Something Eon could apparently do, though not very often, and a part of her felt like she could hear the discontented grumble as the Kyuubi started moving again.

It seemed like even Eon was having trouble dealing with this one, and that made her worry slightly. Admittedly since those other spirits were apparently much more powerful, it wasn't too problematic if Eon couldn't provide a lot of support himself, but since they were mostly relying on Eon to handle finding out if they could actually deal damage to Behemoth, it was still worrying enough. Mostly because it would either mean that the Aura that the spirits used to attack with didn't affect Behemoth, or it meant that they couldn't figure out the answer to that question until Jirachi and Deoxys started trying to attack themselves.

And if they were as powerful as Eon and Shadow were suggesting, something like that could easily cause quite a lot of damage as well. Dragon didn't really want to risk something being used against Behemoth that he might be able to turn around, especially if it was something extremely powerful.

Although, Dragon thought, with a sudden jolt of unease, We've never actually seen any real destructive capabilities from Eon and Shadow, have we? They'd used their powers against people without hurting them at all- not even slight burns- and there'd barely been marks on any walls that were hit in the background of fights. There were some sooty marks and little scorches on occasion, but very little else. It was surprisingly little damage from the spirits, no matter what sort of fight they were in, which was something that had been commented on a number of times by PRT analysts and PHO alike. Since the conversation with Inari about the Time Gear, Dragon had come to the conclusion that it was probably a side effect of the Aura that the spirits apparently used for their attacks, potentially doing something to stop the attacks from doing much damage to the surrounding area or to the people they hit.

It was an interesting idea, and one that made her somewhat curious about how Inari handled fights back where they came from. If the Aura making up their attacks protected the people and environment that it hit to some degree, then she was curious how it worked when there was actually a serious enough threat to require proper damage.

Though there was a good part of her that really didn't want to find out.

Bringing her suits around for another set of blasts on Behemoth, she found herself needing to push them into dodging away from a collection of pink beams that came flying past. They were surprisingly indiscriminate, though they didn't actually hit anyone else; they just spread out across an area of about ten feet or so. A number of them missed completely, hitting buildings and the ground- again, leaving very little damage behind- but a few of them hit Behemoth in various points across his body, causing him to roar loudly.

She winced at the slight damage the sound did to her suits- Chaos deceased, B-7. Fireborn down, B-7. Phantom deceased, B-7. Radiance deceased, B-7. Nemesis down, B-7. Skipper deceased, B-7. Knockdown down, B-7.- and again at the flow of names coming in, before aiming again at the Endbringer.

The places where the beams had landed had a surprising amount of damage on them, she noticed, adjusting the targeting system to aim at them. It wasn't as violently obvious as Leviathan's had been after Eon had hit it with his metal tails, but Leviathan was less durable than Behemoth had been shown to be in the past anyway. It made her feel optimistic about their chances of actually driving Behemoth away with some serious damage.

Possibly they'd even manage to do it faster than Leviathan, too. An hour was probably the record for any of these battles at all, and that was without having any idea that Inari's spirits could deal incredible amounts of damage from the start. Here, going into the battle with that knowledge and with two more powerful spirits?

Dragon was genuinely hopeful that they might avoid the normal 'one in four deaths' that had become a rule for all Endbringer battles and just about a staple for Behemoth in particular.

Shadow breathed out slowly, letting the last of her Heal Pulse fade away, and trotted over to the side as the Capes in the room started moving. Most of them gave her a nod as they did, either heading back out into the fight again, or through another door in the side that would take them away to rest for a while. The vast majority were going out, but some people were taking a few moments to rest and rethink what they were doing. No-one was leaving the battle, exactly, but a fair few people would rearrange what they were doing, moving from attackers to defenders or onto search and rescue instead.

She'd overheard it happening a few times while she was healing for Leviathan, but it had happened a lot less there. She supposed that was because Leviathan was a little more fragile- comparatively speaking- and a lot faster, so people were more likely to just go straight back into the fight and do what they could to contribute. Since Behemoth was slower- and less likely to cause outright destruction in the form of literally sinking islands- they had a bit more time to figure out if they could be of more help elsewhere.

Plus Behemoth killed a lot more people than the others did. With radiation sickness and much more focused attacks, he was a lot of trouble. Plus he could redirect other Cape's attacks with some work too, which made him even more annoying. At least she and Amy could take the radiation poisoning out of the equation when they were healing. That was something she hadn't been certain about, because she hadn't known ahead of time if it would count as a status in the same way burns or paralysis did for Heal Bell, or if Heal Pulse would treat it as damage and handle it accordingly. She still didn't, but she did know it worked, thanks to Amy having a moment to check, so she would take it as a win and go from there.

Didn't really matter how it worked so long as it worked, right?

"You doing ok, Shadow?" Amy asked, appearing at her side through the doorway.

"Alright, yeah." She nodded back, sitting down beside her bag. There was no-one else there for the moment, just the other medical staff in another room who were handling smaller injuries- predominantly on the civilians being evacuated out, but there were a few of the search and rescue Capes that had injuries from their movements that were also being handled there. Mostly it was little cuts that were in bad places, like above the eyes, and were bleeding a lot. Anything more serious was usually sent straight to Shadow, or Amy if things were really bad or couldn't wait all that long.

It had been similar with Leviathan too, though in that case the casualties were usually going straight to one of them. There'd been a lot more of them, so it wasn't hard to fill a room to the breaking point and let Shadow handle all of it at once, though it led to Amy getting run off her feet a little as she tried to keep up. The other healers had helped, but they weren't anywhere near as effective as either of them.


"I'm surprised there's not more people here." She admitted quietly. "I mean, not that I want there to be more people, but Leviathan was so packed..."

Dragonloom deceased, B-7. Nightbolt down, B-7. Griffin deceased, B-7.

"That's why." Amy said quietly, looking down pointedly at her armband, now silent after the declaration. "The casualties are further apart with Behemoth, but there's still a lot. And they're usually deaths." She swallowed slightly. "With the kill aura that Behemoth has, and things like the scream he can do... there's a good number of times that Capes are dead and gone before we can even think of doing something to help them."


"Yeah." She sighed. "And of course, with how long it can take to get downed Capes out of there... the lucky ones are taken down outside of Behemoth's range, so rescue can get to them quickly. The unlucky ones are stuck behind the kill aura and end up dead from that instead. Unless you have some otherworldly Brute rating and manage to end up somewhere where Behemoth can't hit you himself, in which case you're going to be stuck waiting for the fight to end so people can even start to try and find you."

Shadow's ears went down, and she followed the movement with her head, focusing on her paws rather than the healer next to her or the empty room- a room that suddenly felt more like it was filled with ghosts and echoes than anything else. Abruptly, the mostly quiet of the medical bay felt deafening and stifling in equal amounts.

"I think I'd rather have Leviathan back." She murmured, after a few long moments. "At least then we could help."

"I know." Amy knelt down, running her hand down Shadow's back, and for a brief moment she couldn't help but be surprised at how easily she was taking all of this. Nine Endbringer attacks and working in the hospital all the time could do a lot, for sure... but the fact that her friend was so young and yet so jaded hurt. Amy was barely older than Shadow was, for Arceus' sake! The fact that she was so resigned to her inability to help was...

Quickslash deceased, B-7. Precia deceased, B-7. Cable down, B-8. Whirlwind deceased, B-8.

...It hurt so much more than she had ever expected.

"I hope Eon gets back to us soon." She added. "Maybe we'd be able to find out if I could be doing more out there." She hesitated. "I mean, I know I'm helping here, making sure people stay alive, but with how quiet things have been, maybe I'd be doing better if I was out there and helping to end the fight faster."

"Maybe you would be." Amy agreed. "But I wouldn't be able to guess. At least ending the fight faster would mean more people could be found and rescued, without the pressure of the whole Behemoth thing running about the field causing damage."

The noise outside the tent picked up for a bit, people rushing back and forth and handing over the injured to volunteers. Shadow swallowed, listening to it, and stood as they started moving people into the room with her.

She had plenty of Moves left to work with, and she hadn't needed to tap into her supply of Leppa Berries yet, let alone the Max Elixirs. It had only been about ten minutes or so, so that wasn't really too surprising, but the Leviathan fight had been much worse. At least here, she might be able to save her items, relying on the longer breaks between heals to let things recover on their own instead.

Though saving her items was only really good because it would mean having more for the Simurgh, whenever she showed up. And for the hospital, which would also be nice, but primarily for the Simurgh. Given that they had no idea how they were going to handle that, and it would likely depend entirely on the location of the attack, she had no idea how helpful she was going to be, but hopefully she'd be good enough.

Especially since she could work to clear off the Master effects that the Simurgh placed, which would mean that the Capes could stay in the fight for longer. If that went well, then they might even be able to minimize the damage the Simurgh did; as far as she knew she was pretty fragile compared to the other two Endbringers, so it was possible that being able to throw the same Capes at her over and over again would mean that they were able to destroy her faster.

Then again, if things worked out with Jirachi and Deoxys here, then they might not even need that. Maybe they could just throw the legendary slash mythical Pokemon at them and let them handle it.

...Probably it was best not to rely on that, though. The Simurgh was kind of Psychic, after all, and while there didn't seem to actually be any sort of types here on Bet, she didn't really want to pit three powerful Psychics against each other and hope for the best. That way likely lay a lot of pain for someone.

"I need to go." Amy told her, standing straight again. "Keep going, ok? Hopefully we'll get a message from Eon saying that you guys are effective against this thing soon."

"Hopefully we get a message saying that it's over soon." Shadow griped, slightly more sourly than she would usually have been. She was still upset about the number of deaths going on in this battle, and it was tipping over into her speech.

Healing might help, she hoped as she started preparing herself mentally for her Moves. It might not, it might just upset her more to remember how many people were getting hurt out there and how many of them she wasn't able to help because Behemoth could pretty much just kill them instantly...

But she could focus on doing what she could for now, at least. That would be good.

You do what you can, because your best is only your best when you're not doing it all the time, she reminded herself. If you're doing it all the time, then that's your normal, not your best. So just do your best when you can, and do what you can when you do.

Keeping that in mind was hard, but it was something she should probably try and do more often. If only to keep herself from going crazy trying to help everyone in times like these.

Tereso down, B-8. Killian deceased, B-8.

She grimaced deeper. Not that it always worked...

Swarm stumbled slightly at the earthquake that shuddered through the ground, looking nervously up at the buildings around her.

"Hopefully none of you decide to fall." She muttered, pushing her fear into her bugs. "Been there, done that, would rather not ever have to do it again, thank you very much."

At least there hadn't been too many people around here. She'd half expected more, for some reason- probably because Behemoth was the Endbringer that was hardest to evacuate for, being fast and hard to detect until he'd almost arrived- but it seemed like this area had managed it fine, either getting out themselves or already having been escorted away by other Capes that were running around doing search and rescue.

It was good, at least, because it meant that there were less people in the danger zone, and Swarm was definitely behind that idea... but it was also a little bad in that it was making it hard for her to focus on ignoring what was going on around her in favour of finding people.

Maybe that was selfish- no, that was definitely selfish, but Swarm couldn't find it in herself to care right now. The last few months had been painful, she felt like she was entitled to a little bit of selfishness even if there was an Endbringer fight going on.

...Ok, perhaps that was wrong. But the last few months had hurt, from a personal standpoint. Mostly because she'd been doing nothing.

The trips to the Simurgh Containment Zones? Just sitting there and waiting for Shadow and Eon to work, keeping an eye on things with her bugs even though there were cameras everywhere and Dragon was there too, undoubtedly with a half dozen invisible drones or something making sure nothing could go wrong. And that was before she got to talking about whatever guards were around- PRT or whatever the local equivalent was in that country, or even actual military- that were also very dedicated to making sure that no-one could try and attack the two Inari members that were able to do more for the people stuck in those zones than anyone had been able to do ever. She was just a side point, the extra member of the team bought along just because. No-one was really bothered with her.

Patrols? On the now less than rare occasions where she was patrolling alone- testing out of school to let herself patrol during the day had been a brilliant idea in the end, even if it had been difficult and led to a lot of time off to study that she was still making up with the team- a lot of the time people were more worried about asking her where Eon and Shadow were, rather than being curious about her herself. They talked to her a bit, asked for help with some mundane things sometimes, asked for pictures and autographs, and a few times she'd ended up holding impromptu lessons in the street as she taught kids about the differences between bees and wasps to make sure that they didn't get stung by then, but mostly people weren't interested in her. They were interested in Eon and Shadow, from Team Inari. They weren't interested in Swarm, the Parahuman in Inari.

Because of course most people were completely certain that neither of the fox-like people were Parahumans, because of everything they'd said online. Swarm had admittedly helped egg that on a few times, both with her 'official' account and a few personal ones, so it made sense, but... It meant no-one was interested in the bog-standard Parahuman. They were all curious about the weird spirits.

Not that that was unfair, really. Parahumans were common enough that they weren't interesting. Magical spirits that're apparently from another world or realm or something? That was new, so that was what people tended to focus on. Plus with Shadow being so well known as a healer now- one of the only people to be able to remove Master effects in that way- and Eon right behind her just about all the time, it made sense that they were popular and that people were curious about them.

Swarm just wished they cared more about her, too.

Even her team was a little bit colder now. With Shadow continually working herself into a stress when they were handling Simurgh Zones, Eon was spending a lot more time taking care of her- and lecturing her to remember that she didn't need to do everything herself, and didn't need to push herself so hard when she was working- and had less time to patrol or even just... hang out with her outside of Rescue Team work. And with Shadow always being so tired after the healing sprees she was doing, she wasn't really around to talk to or hang out with either.

Hell, aside from the Simurgh Containment Zones, the most interesting thing they'd done together since Leviathan had been biscuits. Done together, too, not as a team but just as friends having a little bit of fun experimenting with food. The closest thing after that would be the Dungeon setup with Uber and Leet, and even then that was being seen more as training than as a bit of fun. Like, it was fun, but that wasn't the main point of it. It was for training, not really for fun.

And that was depressing, because she missed that. She missed what it had been like right at the very beginning of things, where Inari had been the three of them learning the ropes together. Swarm got to teach Eon and Shadow about Parahumans and the world they were in- they'd gotten a lot of it from Tattletale, but she had the time to go more in depth with that- and Eon and Shadow taught her about working with a team, helped her learn to experiment with her powers, generally taught her about being in a Rescue Team and how how help people. They'd been so close, and now...

It felt like that was falling apart.

Thorns deceased, B-8. Mist Demon down, B-8

And then there were the new ones. Deoxys and Jirachi. Two mythical beings, extremely powerful by Pokemon standards, and something that made her even more nervous. Eon and Shadow were already bad enough; they had so many powers compared to her, so what was the point of her being on the team anymore? All she did was control bugs and act as a scout. She barely did anything else. Eon was pyrokinetic, could make his tails into iron clubs, could shoot ice balls with some focus; Shadow was pyrokinetic, could heal with barely any thought, and had a ton of really powerful attacks that were big enough to take out an Endbringer with quite a bit of ease, and both of them could boost their powers even further.

And then there was her. Little Taylor, in her costume, that just ran around controlling bugs and doing nothing else.

She didn't know all of what the new ones could do, yet, but she knew some things. She'd seen Deoxys split into duplicates, both of them could fly, Jirachi was helping out with the attacking forces, Deoxys could apparently do the same if he wasn't helping with search and rescue... And she was fairly sure she'd heard of Jirachi before, under the name Wish Maker, which probably meant that that was a power that he had as well.

What was even the point of having her on the team if all she could do was look around- poorly- with bugs?

Another quake rumbled through the area, making her wobble and curse softly, before snapping her head around at the sound of a scream. Her bugs startled collecting over in the direction it had come from, looking to gather together so that she could see better, and she started to examine the area to see who had screamed.

The answer came a few minutes later, finding a young woman trapped under some rubble- an overhang of some kind that had fallen when the quake happened, Swarm guessed. She didn't know what language she was speaking, but she was whispering something to herself.

She probably doesn't speak English, does she... Swarm groaned to herself, before hurrying over and looking around. There was a small opening, not quite large enough for the woman to crawl out, and she wasn't strong enough to move it herself.

"Hello!?" She called, trying to keep her voice soothing. "Stay calm, I'm going to get you some help!"

Even if the woman didn't speak English, Swarm hoped that the tone of her voice would help out a bit, keep her from panicking too much.

She didn't bother to try listening for a reply, instead turning to where she thought the closest Deoxys pack was, sending her bugs towards the group to get their attention.

Over here, she wrote, before making a line of bugs towards her. Hopefully the clones were smart enough to get the message.

Luckily for her, they were, changing course automatically to start making their way towards her. She traced them through the bug collection that she'd used to spell out her message, using the group of them to see a little more clearly, waiting for them to appear to her human self so that she could actually direct them towards the trapped woman.

"There's someone trapped under here." She told them, when the five landed nearby. "I can't get her out myself, I'm not strong enough, but I think you might be able to move them?"

The Deoxys clones traded looks with each other, then the one nearest stepped forward, the deadened core in the centre of their chest glowing lilac. The fallen debris glowed the same colour, and after a moment lifted up into the air, leaving a clearly shocked woman in their wake. Another clone moved forwards, lifting her up into their arms, and Swarm nodded.

"You should take her back to the medical bay." She recommended. "I know there's still more of you to search, but you should probably get her out of here."

The clones didn't react much, floating there for a moment, then started flying further away, the three on the outside forming shields while the other on the inside floated closer to the one carrying the woman.

Swarm started walking, spreading her bugs out around to see if she could spot anyone else, half paying attention to the five clones and making a note to keep an eye out to see if she saw any more groups. It could be useful for getting people out of the way quickly, given that she couldn't do that herself.

I guess having these two won't be too bad, she hummed to herself. At least they'll be able to help Eon and Shadow more than I will. Probably going to be able to help more in fights as well, since they're so powerful.

Jirachi dodged sharply to the left, weaving away from the lightning bolt being thrown at him. The act separated him from Deoxys, who had ended up moving to the right, and he scowled before looking around a little.

The small group of Deoxys' clones weren't hard to track for him, since they gave off faintly psychic vibes that he could feel in the air around them. Deoxys themselves was staying close to him, doing their job as a Guardian even though they were on a totally different world- and apparently in a different dimension entirely.

Jirachi was kinda surprised that Deoxys hadn't completely left him behind the second that they'd found out that Guardians and all of that sort of thing wasn't something that was really done anymore. Or done at all here. It had been quite a long time since the meteor he'd became upon using all his power had actually landed on a world, so it wasn't really surprising to find that out... though it was a surprise to find them in a different dimension of some kind. He was extremely curious as to how the Ninetales and Vulpix- Eon, Eon and Shadow were their names- had managed to get here, to a place where Pokemon didn't exist and people here thought that they were some form of spirits instead. He could tell Deoxys was as well, though they didn't show it. Travelling together for so long had given them some perks, and being able to read them well was one of them.

Hopefully when this fight was over they'd be able to get an answer from the two Rescue Pokemon.

Until then, he just needed to get through this fight.

It was a lot more violent than he'd expected. If it hadn't been for Eon's assurance that this wasn't like normal Rescue work back on their world, then Jirachi would've been seriously concerned for the health of every single Rescue Team that existed. The amount of damage being done to the area around them was terrifying, and the only reason that Behemoth wasn't more frightening was because Jirachi had been around for one of Kyogre and Groudon's earlier fights, and had seen the amount of damage they could do when severely pissed off. Hell, a good number of the more minor Legendaries could do more damage in one go than what he was seeing here.

So, while it was definitely more violent than he'd originally expected, there wasn't actually as much damage being done as he'd thought was going to happen. He'd figured that Deoxys would be busy running around, in Speed Forme trying to save people or in Defence Forme using shields to keep things from collapsing. Inside, they'd been able to let the clone groups do most of the work, leaving them to stay at his side- currently still in Normal Forme, though they seemed half tempted to switch to Speed Forme and bolt, taking Jirachi with them.

Guardians, he half chuckled, drifting back to their side and letting them check him over for non-existent damage. So fussy.

'How's is looking?'
He asked softly, taking a glance around the field again.

'Observation; extreme danger. Damage potential high. Query; certainty of assistance?'

'Yes, I'm sure.'
He sighed. 'If we can help out, we should, especially after what Leader Eon said about how these things normally go.'

They didn't push it further, however, apparently knowing that this was a point that he wasn't going to shift on, and instead flickered lilac. Their Defence Forme bubbled out around them a moment after, leaving them in a much more bulky appearance, and a shield appeared on their right hand. 'Observation; Priority Unit: Wish Maker requires closer range. Allied Unit: Inari Leader Eon has been unable to deal damage to Opponent Unit: Behemoth. Testing of damage potential required. Unit: Self will assist in closing in on Opponent Unit: Behemoth to allow for testing. Agreement?'

'Makes sense.'
Jirachi agreed, after a moment. Looking down and around himself again, he could see the silver-white form of the Team Inari leader flowing across the buildings and rubble in the area, blurring with the tell-tale sign of Agility boosts. Jirachi himself didn't have many boosting Moves, only Calm Mind, which he'd been using to keep things from getting too overwhelming as well as to hopefully score a decent hit.

He hummed. Earlier in the fight had proven that Dazzling Gleam didn't do much damage; whether it was something to do with the Fairy type itself, or if it was just because of the way the creature before them was made, he wasn't sure. But it did tell him that he'd probably need something different. The only issue was what, because aside from that, he had very few Moves that he could actually use in a situation like this. His entire knowledge of Moves was pretty limited, partly due to the fact that he lacked the time to learn much as a Wish Maker. He had to deal with people wanting to try challenging him quite often when he was just wandering- hence having a Guardian in the form of Deoxys in the first place- so he hadn't really had the ability to expand his Moveset beyond what he already knew.

For the most part, that had never been a problem. He had Dazzling Gleam, Psychic, and Future Sight for his main attacks, Water Pulse, Signal Beam and Thunderbolt for backup, and Calm Mind to help him use those. He'd never seen the need to really learn much more. It had always been enough for his Wish Challenges, the few that he'd ever done. Deoxys had handled most of his defences themselves, not letting Pokemon hurt him, so he hadn't needed anything more.

Examining Behemoth again as they got closer, Jirachi carefully cocooned behind the shield and bulk of Deoxys, he charged a Water Pulse between the palms of his hands, then peered out from his safe space to hurriedly throw it at the creature. He hit what appeared to be its head, making it lash out, the shield flexing but taking the hit well as they retreated.

It didn't seem to do much more than make it more angry, though, and with a small sigh he looked around for Eon.

'I don't think this is working.' He said, lowering himself down so he could hear the reply. Deoxys followed, still holding the shield above them even though Behemoth had been quickly distracted by some of the Parahumans around.

Eon spared them a small glance before going back to watching the fight, clearly carefully analysing his opponents moves. "No." He agreed. "I've been starting to think that for a while. Flamethrower doesn't work, I can't get close enough for Iron Tail, the one Freeze Dry I've been able to use didn't do anything more than annoy him... I saw your Dazzling Gleam and Water Pulse didn't do much either."

'There's not a lot more I can do.' Jirachi admitted. 'Well... aside from...'


'It's a signature Move of Jirachi. I've only ever used it once... never really had a threat big enough that Deoxys wasn't able to handle.' He scowled slightly at the memory, then shuddered. 'It's called Doom Desire. Takes a little while to charge, but it's powerful enough that it should do a lot of damage to that thing.'

"If you do enough damage, the Endbringers are known to retreat." Eon muttered, gaze sharpening. "Would you be willing to try? I understand if not, it's clearly very powerful, but the faster we get rid of this thing, the fewer people die."

Lockjaw deceased, B-8. Echo down, B-8. Pearl down, B-8.

They all winced at the proclamation of the bands, Jirachi looking down at it contemplatively. By his count, it had been about a half hour or so since this fight had started. The band had mostly been chiming in every few minutes with a recounting of down and dead, and that number was already uncomfortably high. And there was the fact that there were probably a lot of people dead under wreckage that hadn't had bands to announce that fact, too...

And the longer this went on, the more they'd need to rebuild here. The more lives would be ruined.

He clenched a fist. 'I can do it. Get everyone to start backing away, and Deoxys? I'm going to need you to try and box this thing in. Keep it still so that it can't dodge away and make me hit something else, please.'

'Surprise; Unit: Self did not expect this outcome. Agreement; Unit: Self will contain Opponent Unit: Behemoth with shielding capabilities. Projected outcome.'

The image that they sent implied that they would be working to trap Behemoth on all sides, lifting it up on a platform to keep it from digging away and enclosing him so that it couldn't run. So long as the thing wasn't able to jump over the edges, it would be fine, and since Deoxys' Defence Forme had two modes- extremely strong shields or extremely big ones- it wasn't very likely that it would be able to. Even if the shields weren't big enough to enclose it completely, it didn't seem like it would be able to jump over the sides, given what they knew of its abilities, and they would be strong enough to keep it from breaking out, especially with the help of a few boosts.

"I'll warn Dragon and she'll start warning everyone else out of the way." Eon told them. "How long will it take to charge?"

Jirachi paused, thinking back. It had been so long since he'd used it last... 'Maybe two minutes?'

He winced. "Give them a bit more time to get away. Maybe have Deoxys use that to start setting up shields?"

'Agreement with Allied Unit: Inari Leader Eon. Unit: Self will begin preparing containment barriers.'


Jirachi waited about two extra minutes. Two minutes which Eon spent arguing into the armband, apparently trying to persuade some of the Parahumans to back away, before running himself with a slightly terse "Good luck." Two minutes that Deoxys spent floating in their Defence Forme, herding Behemoth onto a platform and lifting it up before building more shields around it- layered, from the feel of things, so that even breaking one wouldn't set it free.

Two minutes spent getting ready.

Then he spent the next two minutes charging the Move, carefully maneuvering so that he was below the shields, just in case. Deoxys noticed, adjusting them to have a small hole above where he was floating, one barely big enough for the blast of the attack to go through. His third eye opened-

And the world stuttered, whiting out entirely.
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Awwww, poor Taylor. Her section makes me sad. Taylor needs hugs! And powerups! ...and a nice girlfriend!

I'm glad it's there, showing her being a person with real fears and worries, it was desperately needed for a while now... but it's still sad.
The section with Taylor was fantastic. Looking forward to the end of this fight as well.
Oh boy Behemoth defense is gonna fuck him up if I remember how Doom Desire works by taking attack and defense into one and it can't really be conventionally dodged it's like future sight that way. Unless it's the movie version of the attack.
Nice way to close the chapter .
Hmm wonder how wide the AOE is. Now the Abb have a blaster friend much more dangerous than Purity .
No, the important part of the move Doom Desire is that it takes the defence of the target. The target here being the incredibly indestructible Behemoth.

The higher your defence is, the greatest damage Doom Desire deals. I hope it damages only the target, because otherwise...
Awwww, poor Taylor. Her section makes me sad. Taylor needs hugs! And powerups! ...and a nice girlfriend!

I'm glad it's there, showing her being a person with real fears and worries, it was desperately needed for a while now... but it's still sad.

Yeah, going forward I'm gonna be aiming to add more Taylor bits to this in a way that isn't just 'background perspective' or 'the main PHO person'.

Also I found some of my old notes from freaking 2019 for this story the other day. I wrote them down in the notepad I used to take to class and apparently just forgot about it. Including some stuff I was supposed to start working on bringing into the story during the Simurgh Zones/Time Gear sections...

So yay, getting to figure out how to add some of that stuff in again! Especially because some of these involve making Taylor more important, because apparently 2019!Shadow who was bored as fuck in a History class one day realised that with the current plan and with how Pokemon work, Taylor was gonna become a bit useless. So yeah, we're gonna be adding that shit in like, two arcs late, but hey! I can probably manage that.

Oh boy Behemoth defense is gonna fuck him up if I remember how Doom Desire works by taking attack and defense into one and it can't really be conventionally dodged it's like future sight that way. Unless it's the movie version of the attack.

Yeah, Doom Desire is terrifying. According to Bulbapedia (which is what I was using), the Gen 5+ setup for it is 140 base power, calculates using the Special Attack of the user and Special Defense of the opponent, and now has both type effectiveness and STAB because it hits for Steel type damage rather than the typeless damage it'd done before then. It can also land crits.

So that's a 140 base power plus the 50% STAB bonus for 210, using Jirachi's base 100 Special Attack, smacking Behemoth right on.

He's about to have a bad time...

Something went missing.

Formatting derp?

I swear to god I check these before I post them.
No, the important part of the move Doom Desire is that it takes the defence of the target. The target here being the incredibly indestructible Behemoth.

The higher your defence is, the greatest damage Doom Desire deals. I hope it damages only the target, because otherwise...
No, you're misreading. It uses Defense (in current games, Special Defense) the same way other moves do, to reduce damage - the reason it's specifically noted on wikis and such is that since it's a delayed move, the original target and the one who takes the damage may not be the same (and the user's and defender's stats may change during the delay). Originally, it used the user's and defender's stats at time of targeting, which meant you could in theory target something with low defense and then force a switch to do high damage to a more durable target. In more recent games, it uses the user's and defender's stats at time of damage being dealt, so instead you can fire off the move before starting to boost stats. At least, assuming the descriptions on Bulbapedia are accurate.
Chapter 41- Explosions, destruction, and regrouping
Swarm searched around with her bugs, pushing her range out as much as she could to try and find anyone else that might be in trouble. Given the situation right now, she wasn't entirely sure that there'd be anyone else that she could find- with Behemoth there was a good chance most people were already dead- but if she could find people trapped under rubble she might be able to save them. Even if it wasn't likely that she'd be able to move the rubble alone, maybe there'd be enough Capes nearby that she could signal someone to help her...

Something caught the edge of her attention, making her pause and shift her bugs towards it, trying to get a clearer idea of what it was-

And the world spun, like she'd moved too quickly, and she stumbled, swaying on the spot as things seemed to freeze around her.

It was over a few moments later, the world coming back in a rush of blood in her ears as she fell to her knees, retching. Some part of her had made the decision to try and block out her bugs, leaving her with only the orange-tinted view from her goggles to focus on, which helped slightly.

"What just happened?" She mumbled, as soon as she felt she could without trying to vomit. None of the quakes earlier had done that to her, and as far as she could tell there hadn't even been a quake that could have set it off for her... though with how she'd been feeling she wouldn't've been surprised if she'd missed it, honestly.

Carefully, she stood up, then stared.


A tower-like structure was looming, a good few miles across the battlefield from where she was, barely big enough to peer over the remaining structures still standing but definitely enough for her to get the idea. It was glowing a fairly familiar lilac colour, one that she'd last seen barely half an hour before when Deoxys had created their clones, which gave her an idea of what had probably caused it. The inside was filled with a vibrant glowing white, which made her wince and look away a moment later, shielding her eyes with her arm. The shields had dimmed it a bit, but the brightness of what had obviously been an explosion still flared through well enough that there was no way she wanted to look at it for much longer.

I guess I know what knocked me over. She chuckled faintly, still somewhat awestruck. I'm going to assume that was Jirachi or Deoxys' doing... and that it was probably Behemoth in there.

being the operative word there, given the explosion that was still fading away inside the shields.

Lucky that whoever planned that thought to direct it all upwards. She added to herself, as she started to search around her with her bugs again- this time being careful not to look too closely at the shield tower. Otherwise that probably would've done a lot more damage than just whatever of the shockwave managed to escape. I think we're lucky that it probably only really hit us Capes, and didn't manage to take down any of the buildings... though I feel sorry for any of the fliers that caught the brunt of that. They probably got knocked out of the air.

Hopefully none of them had gotten too badly injured by it all. That would really be the cherry on top of this Endbringer-sized pain in the rear. Though Swarm was also pretty sure that this was the fastest an Endbringer attack had ever been ended, so it was possible that anyone who'd gotten hurt in the last blast would forgive them for that.

For now, Swarm would focus on continuing her search and rescue efforts, at least until it was either too dark to keep going or until one of Team Inari- which the two legendary Pokemon probably counted as now- came and found her to head back to the Bay.

Given what the Pokemon members of the team had managed today, she needed to find some way to catch up to them, and keeping up search and rescue was the only thing she could really do now that the fight was over- there was no way it wasn't over, with an attack like that hitting Behemoth. She'd seen how much Eon and Shadow had done to Leviathan, so someone even more powerful would certainly be making Behemoth turn tail and flee the second he was able to. In her mind there was no chance that this fight would be continuing.

So as much searching for people who needed help as she could manage was the only thing left for her to be able to do. Though she should probably keep an eye out for more aftershocks, either of the earthquake kind or the 'things are falling' kind, to make sure she didn't get knocked over or disoriented like that again. Plus, the earthquakes from Behemoth's retreat would have a pretty good chance of knocking more things down if anything was unstable, which might end up being a bit dangerous to get around.

This time, she'd also be careful not to look too closely at the shield that was still present over the top of the buildings, even though the explosion in it seemed to have faded away by now. If Deoxys was holding the shield up for some reason, Swarm was happy to assume that there was a good reason, and just leave them to it.

The sound of the explosion made everyone in the healing rooms jump, though fortunately there wasn't anyone around at the moment that needed help. Shadow glanced around as she picked herself up, having stumbled slightly when she'd started, the world having gone slightly dizzy for a moment from the faint concussion that had rippled through, and could see that everyone looked just as confused as she felt.

"What the hell was that?" Someone- probably one of the guards, given that she didn't recognise the voice- asked.

"No idea." Another person replied, sounding worried. "But it was probably something to do with Behemoth..."

Automatically, Shadow looked at her armband, heart abruptly in her throat, waiting for the band to start reeling off the names of people who had gotten hurt by the explosion- maybe Behemoth had pulled out a bigger attack, or hit something with fire or lightning hard enough to cause something like that? Or maybe it was some sort of new power that they'd never seen before, used because of the damage that was hopefully being done by the other Pokemon on the field- so that she could prepare herself for the influx of injured and scour the list for any of her friend's names at the same time...

But the band stayed uncharacteristically silent, as it had been since the last alert to brace for-

She sat down heavily, bringing her paw up to her head. "It was probably Jirachi or Deoxys." She announced generally, when a few people looked over. "We were asked to brace, yeah? Because the others had a plan." The band had said Inari, and Shadow had no doubt that Eon had been more involved in the decision making than just spreading the word to back off. "So it was probably them."

Now that the panic had passed, Shadow was just curious as to what the hell her team mate had been a part of- and what it had been able to do to the Endbringer. Hopefully they'd been able to do enough damage to him to make him flee, since that would make this an incredibly short attack with amazingly low casualties- at least, for a Behemoth fight, where the average number of deaths was one in four- and actually for pretty much any Endbringer, really. Only the Simurgh had any sort of low casualty numbers, and that was because she was apparently focused on mind controlling people more than she was killing them.

"What do you think they did?" Amy asked her, as people started bustling around again, and Shadow shrugged.

"I couldn't begin to guess." She admitted. And she couldn't, either. There was any number of things that could have theoretically happened to make that explosion. Maybe Eon had managed to land a good hit with a lot of boosts- something like Freeze Dry, perhaps, that didn't have an element Behemoth was known to manipulate. Maybe Deoxys had entered their Attack Forme and charged him, managing to land some high damage hits and splintering him. Or their Speed Forme and had gone for lots of weaker hits instead.

Possibly Jirachi had been able to hit him with something and done a lot of damage, or all three of them had teamed up and blasted Behemoth with something at the same time, using each others Moves to break through the barrier of his durability and made something explode at the same time.

"There's a lot of possibilities, really." She continued. "So I don't really know what would've happened... I'd need to speak to Eon. Though if I had to guess? Probably Jirachi or Deoxys in some way. Eon's pretty good, but there's not much he can do to match the raw power that Po- that spirits like them have, and that's without them boosting as well. So it was probably one of them."

"It sure sounded pretty impressive." Amy agreed, glancing over to the door. "Hopefully they've managed to put Behemoth down for a bit so that people can recover."

"Would be nice, yeah." Shadow sighed. "This hasn't been anywhere as frantic as Leviathan was, but I think it's been worse just because of how many people aren't coming to us."

Her tails curled into a ball behind her, ears drooping, and Amy ran a hand across her crest in comfort.

The armbands chimed, once, making everyone pause for a moment and glance at them.

"Behemoth down." Dragon's voice said over the speakers, sounding like she didn't quite believe her own words. "The attack is over. I repeat, Behemoth is down, the attack is over."

"Holy shit."

Shadow wasn't sure who'd said that- partly because it came from so many mouths that she wasn't certain it had been one person who started it- and stared up at Amy in shock.

"Behemoth is... down?"

"We need to find Eon." She said, spinning to get her bag from where it was being stored.

"You go find your team mate, I'll stay here and handle anyone who comes through now the attack's over." Amy assured. Shadow felt a little guilty for leaving her friend to deal with everything- now that the attack was over, search and rescue efforts could begin in earnest, since no-one was having to deal with the Endbringer running around the field- but it wasn't like she'd be of much use at this point. Most of the people coming in would either have very minor wounds that could be funnelled into the other healers, larger wounds that her Heal Pulse couldn't fix without help like broken bones or large tears, or enough damage that her Moves wouldn't be able to help out at all and could actually cause more problems with. Plus, there wouldn't be as many a lot of the time, so the main bonus of her abilities in this situation- being able to heal a full room at once- wasn't going to be as useful here.

And she needed to find Eon. He'd been a part of the attack that had somehow downed an Endbringer, whatever that ended up meaning, and the last time that'd ended up happening during Leviathan he'd been downed in return for helping set it up, and even though the band hadn't said anything about him being taken out it didn't mean he couldn't be hurt or exhausted somewhere...

So she had to go find him, even if it meant leaving the other healers without her help for some or even all of the rest of the time she was here.

She had to find Swarm, too, she noted to herself as she hurried out of the healing units and started looking around. While it wasn't as likely that she'd gotten into trouble during this fight, there was still far too much of a chance that she'd ended up injured in some way, given all of the debris going around, and she desperately wanted to make sure that her team was entirely safe.

Eon first, she decided, seeing the tower of Psychic energy that was slowly fading away in the distance. That was undoubtedly where Eon was, or at least near to where he was, but even if Eon wasn't there then Jirachi and Deoxys would be there- that was definitely Deoxys' shields at work, and there was no way that Deoxys was going to be far away from Jirachi, given that they were his Guardian- and the two Legendaries could point her in the correct direction for her leader instead. She didn't feel too bad about taking a bit longer to reach out to Swarm, given that the fight was over now and it wasn't likely that she was in any sort of danger, at least right now, and... well, she needed to get a report from her leader so that she could do her job as the second in command and start to deal with everyone else.

Plus, she trusted Swarm. She wasn't the most powerful member of the team, but she was smart, and she knew how to leverage the powers she had to keep herself and others safe, which was probably the most important thing to know when you were on a Rescue Team. Shadow could trust that she'd be ok until someone was able to find her, especially since the armbands hadn't reported anything on her this fight.

Taking a deep breath and another look around, she spared another moment to mourn the amount of destruction caused during the fight and took off. Heading towards what had been the centre of the fight was a little bit nerve wracking, even after two years of rescue work and another Endbringer attack under her badge, but she knew Dragon wouldn't have reported it as over unless it was definitely over- which was more than she could say about some battles that she'd been in in the past while on the job- and since Deoxys was taking down their shield, she was pretty confident that everything was under control over there, so there wasn't a need to worry about things.

Get over there, find Eon, get a report on what went down from him- or Jirachi, I guess, he could probably tell me as well- then go find Swarm and start helping out with the cleanup and search and rescue stuff. She told herself, picking her way through debris. We can stay well after it starts getting too dark for most people to see, too, since we have better night vision and can provide our own lights. Hopefully we'll be able to get this place into the position to start rebuilding sooner rather than later. That would be nice, given that there were still some parts of Brockton Bay that were being repaired after Leviathan's attack two months ago, because of how hard it had been to remove some things.

Eon shuddered slightly at the sound of the explosion, ducking down behind the nearest piece of reasonably-sized debris and covering his ears from the noise. While the shields muffled it all enough that it wasn't likely anyone further away had heard it, up close it was still plenty loud to his sharp ears.

Fortunately he was well versed in dealing with things like this during combat- because a lot of Moves had explosions as side effects or were otherwise very loud- so aside from a brief pause where the entire world seemed to be staring at them, he was barely stunned.

Even still, he remained behind the protective barrier that the fallen buildings made up until the after effects had definitely faded, then carefully peered over.

There was still some light within the shields, but for the most part everything was handled. Behemoth was gone, and Deoxys had started to collapse their shields downwards, removing them layer by layer from the outside in as if to ensure that any of the energy that was still left over from the Doom Desire didn't manage to escape outwards and cause more damage. Jirachi was floating slowly out from his position underneath the shields, the third eye on his chest drooping closed, and he was rubbing at his actual eyes and yawning.

"Are you alright?" Eon called, sweeping out from behind his makeshift defence and bounding over. He approached quickly, but kept his distance as he circled around the Legendary for a visual check- it was likely that Deoxys was still extremely protective of Jirachi, for good reason, and Eon didn't want to accidentally aggravate them by getting too close and potentially setting off danger senses that were still far too close to the surface in the aftermath of the fight.

Though Deoxys was currently occupied taking down the shielding that had been containing Behemoth, the residual energy fading fast, so there was a chance they were too distracted to notice.

'Fine.' He assured, mental voice sounding exhausted. 'Doom Desire is just... difficult. That's all.'

"I'm sorry I had to ask you to do that-"

'Don't be. I volunteered it, and I did it. I knew it'd make me tired, but it was worth it.' He replied, before yawning again. 'Urgh... I wouldn't say no to some time off, though...'

"We- that is, Inari- we're gonna be here a little while longer to help with search and rescue." Eon told him. "But you and Deoxys could take a break somewhere safe to regain your strength. No-one would really hold it against you if you decided to go home, either- ah, wherever home is for you right now- since there's a good number of Capes every attack that leave pretty soon after because they can't help out. Since Behemoth is down-"

Eon paused. Blinked. Looked at the ground, whole aside from the craters where Behemoth had stepped. Then up at the shields, which were still being taken down.

"Did." He paused again, shaking his head. "Wait, did you manage to destroy Behemoth?"

His voice sounded slightly incredulous even to his own ears- which was ridiculous, he knew. Behemoth was tough but Jirachi was a Legendary, the Wish Maker, and their Moves already did a lot of damage to Endbringers without even bringing that into the equation in the first place- but apparently Jirachi was too exhausted to pick up on that, given that he just nodded, bobbing in place as his levitation failed to compensate for it. 'I think so, yeah. It was a lot of power, so I'd be surprised if it made it.'

'Agreement; Opponent Unit: Behemoth has been destroyed.'
Deoxys confirmed, floating over. They were followed by a small box made of shields, which contained a number of large chunks- presumably left behind by Behemoth after his destruction.

"...By the Netherworld." Eon murmured, looking at Jirachi with some slight amazement. "That is... incredibly impressive, Wish Maker."

'Just call me Jirachi.' He shrugged, bobbing again. Deoxys- still in their Defence Forme- reached out with their paddle-like hands and herded him closer to their chest, near to where the core crystal lay, and he gladly took the moment to lean against them. 'We've fought together, you might as well.'

"If you insist." Eon accepted, stepping forward to examine the pieces in the shield. "These were left behind by Behemoth?"


Eon felt dizzy. Light headed, a little bit in shock-

And something more familiar, he realised after a moment, with no small hint of wariness.

"Oh dear." He grimaced, pulling away. "Deoxys, would you do me a favour and open a small hole in your shield? Just enough to put my paw through."

'Affirmative. Query; reasoning?'

"I'd like to test something, very quickly." He explained, looking around. There wasn't anyone nearby enough to possibly see it, given that everyone had backed away from Jirachi's attack-

But there was one thing that could make it a bit less likely that anyone would appear.

Eon sat down, freeing himself to reach up and press the communications button on the armband. "Dragon." He said clearly, waiting a moment for it to connect.


"Spread the word, the fight is over. Behemoth is down." He informed her. "Cleanup can begin."

"...You're certain." She replied, after a long moment of silence.

"Absolutely." Eon nodded. "Behemoth is down, totally destroyed." He didn't think it was a good idea to mention that there were still pieces left around over a channel like this, no matter how much he trusted Dragon's ability to keep things secure. There was still a chance that someone might be close enough to overhear, on either end- more likely on his end, since Dragon had hers on the internal speakers of her suit- or the even lower chance that someone could have hacked into Dragon's communication lines and could overhear things that way. "Jirachi did it."

"...I see." She sounded disbelieving, and honestly Eon couldn't blame her; the Endbringers had been a problem since the 80's, starting out with Behemoth himself, and he was known for being incredibly durable, so the idea that he could have been destroyed was...

It was understandably awe inspiring, he supposed.

"I'll spread the word around and get people started on moving into cleanup, then." She added, still sounding baffled, but seemingly putting it to one side in order to start working on the practicalities. "And- thank you."

"Our pleasure, Dragon." He assured, ending the call. "Ok, that should keep people from getting too close for at least a little while." He told the two Legendaries. "Mostly because they'll be too busy being in shock."

'It's really that big a deal?' Jirachi asked, frowning slightly. 'I didn't realise...'

"I'll give you a better history of it later- or Swarm will, she's local so she's more of an expert in this sort of stuff- but Behemoth was really bad news." Eon said. "So yes, it's a really big deal to get rid of him."

He focused on the chunks being held in the shield again, where there was now a small hole for him to reach through. Moving forward bought with it that familiar dizziness again, and that more than anything made Eon fairly sure that he was right, but he reached through anyway and touched the closest one.

The vision wasn't particularly important- a flash of a past or future with things built or rebuilt, and people walking in the streets talking in a language he didn't understand- but the contents of the vision weren't what he was interested in anyway.

He pulled away slowly, letting the dizziness from the vision fade away alongside it, and grimaced. "That's not good." He murmured.

'What's wrong?'

"Not right now." He half-snapped, looking around for Shadow on instinct at the same time as he started weaving his tails around in the air. Shadow wasn't there, which was bad because he needed his second in command right now to help him handle this, but also that was fine because she would be here soon- he could feel it, in the depths of his bones and in the fire that fuelled his Aura. She would've heard the alert Dragon sent out and made her way straight to him as soon as she could, so she would be here soon enough to help out- and in the meanwhile Eon could handle himself perfectly well, crafting an illusion out of thin air and layering it over the Time Gear pieces. "Close the box, make it as small as you can, keep the pieces in there and do not let go." He demanded as he did. "As strong as you can manage it, these things need to be protected with everything you have."

Illusions of invisibility and notice-me-not and nothing-to-see-here and there's-nothing-important-go-away and things-are-watching-me, over and over and over themselves until it was hard for him to look at them straight, let alone anyone else. Deoxys and Jirachi were already being affected as well, looking back and forth nervously and after a moment Eon put in an exclusion for Deoxys, because it wouldn't be a good idea to lock out the Pokemon who was holding up the integrity of the box in the first place.

'What's going on?' Jirachi asked again, his exhausted voice gaining a bit of strength as it gained nerves. 'Eon, what-'

"Not. Now." He hissed. "It's not safe here." He let his tails droop slightly in his own exhaustion, the feeling of layering so many illusions one after another straight after a fight like that pulling him down, but he mostly ignored it- it was familiar- in favour of another thought. "Unless you can read minds."

'Not really.'

'Agreement; Unit; Self lacks the capability to perform action.'

"Yeah, thought not." He sighed again. "Right, just... just keep that shield up, ok? Keep it running, don't let anything break it. I'll handle keeping it from being spotted but if that falls apart then you're going to need to protect it. Forgive me for saying it but between Jirachi and those things those are the more dangerous thing in the area. They need to stay safe."

'...I... see.'

He could tell from the tone of voice that Jirachi couldn't, not really, but at the same time he was trying his best to keep his questions to himself. On Eon's side, he wouldn't feel safe talking about the Time Gears until they were far, far away- on some ship of Dragon's, being dropped on some island in the most secure state they could manage, far away from anyone at all- and preferably until he was locked away under some illusions of his own.

As much as the PRT knew about Time Gears- and that was an annoyingly widespread amount of people- they didn't have the sort of experience with them to be truly wary. None of them did. But Eon had heard that story first hand, and there was no chance that he was going to play games with the entire planet.

Though if it came down to it and he had to kidnap Swarm, Danny, Amy, Vicky, and whoever else they could think of as friends, into a Hoopa portal and take them to his world, he would without regret. He was also fairly sure Shadow would help him if he needed it, up to and including knocking them out if they had to.

The wait didn't take long, Shadow suddenly appearing at his side with a blink of Agility, looking like she'd run the entire way over from the medical bay.

"What's up?"

He exhaled. "Jirachi fired a Doom Desire, Behemoth is destroyed. Only thing left are a bunch of fragments, in a similar condition to the ones that we had after Leviathan's... incident."


"You're on run, find Dragon, tell her what we need. We'll be bringing them to a craft asap once you've done that. For now we're staying here, I'm anchoring the illusions and as much as I could set them I'd feel better if there was more protection because of Jirachi's status. Deoxys can set their clones into a different grouping now, because we don't need to worry about defending them and the people they're rescuing from Behemoth, just from the rubble and things like that. Groups of two or three should be fine, maybe just make sure you can re-coordinate things if they come across a lot of people that need help all at once."

'Affirmative; Unit; Self will rearrange Unit; Self's duplicates into requested formatting. Unit; Self will ensure group is safe.'

The last part felt faintly reprimanding, but the leader ignored it. "Perhaps, but Jirachi is exhausted and you're going to need to be focused on the fragments, so I'd rather be safe than sorry. Shadow, get moving, after you've confirmed with Dragon I'll send Deoxys and Jirachi over to you and go pick up Swarm. After that we can all move onto search and rescue work up until we're all too tired to keep going, then we'll regroup with Strider and teleport back home."

Thank Arceus for the fact that Shadow was used to working with Eon even at his most snappy and distressed. She didn't say a word about the way he laid everything out, didn't question the orders, just nodded and bounded away again.

It would take her a while to find and get to Dragon, even using the bands to search her out, but that was fine. Eon could take a moment to recuperate, even if he'd be on mid-to-high alert keeping the Legendaries and the Time Gears safe.

He was fine with that.

It took maybe half an hour after the really big explosion for anything to really change.

Well, aside from the broadcast that came from the armbands about five or so minutes after it. Swarm wasn't really concerned with the length of time at the moment, given that she was working on pulling people out from under some rubble that another Cape was holding up- and not all of them were alive, or even in good shape- but a half an hour felt right.

The announcement that Behemoth was down had her worried and elated in nearly equal measures. Elated, because holy shit someone downed an Endbringer, and that someone was probably her team, which was amazing and thought to be impossible and it was hard to believe it. Worried, because holy shit her team had been nearby to that and downed an Endbringer. Somehow.

Every part of her had wanted to ditch out then, to use her bugs to find her team and head over there and not let any of them go for another week. Even Jirachi and Deoxys, because even if they weren't officially on Team Inari- which wouldn't be the state of affairs for long, Swarm could tell- they'd still been nearby when everything had gone down and Endbringer fights were traumatising for people who knew at least vaguely what they were going into and had been looking at news articles and shit about it for years. Being thrown directly into one, with barely any preparation aside from Eon's 'this is what the enemy is' speech that he'd undoubtedly given on the plane ride over, while new to the entire planet that they were now on?

Swarm was going to be surprised if the two Legendary Pokemon let each other out of sight for a very long time anytime soon.

Possibly Eon and Shadow would be similar towards them as well. Eon especially, since he'd been on the field as well and probably had been part of setting up that plan, which meant that when he came out of the 'I need to be the leader' mode that he had he'd be pretty worried about everyone, and probably end up trying to herd them all into the Den for him to keep an eye on for the rest of the evening.

It wasn't new, after all. She'd been in that position quite a few times now, usually when she was nearly shot out on patrol and he freaked. It was nice to have someone who cared, for sure, but it got annoying quickly when she wanted to go home in order to let her dad fuss over her.

Shaking her head as the last person crawled out from under the rubble, she reached out and helped them further away before examining the space once more. "It's good." She said to the Cape- she hadn't caught his name- as she helped the woman she was with to her feet and over to one of the flying Capes that was waiting to help with evacuation.

The rubble was lowered a moment later, and they exchanged a nod before walking away. Swarm kept looking around with her bugs, trying to see if there was anyone else in the area that needed help so that she could start walking that way, before a prickle of something at the back of her neck made her turn around.

"Eon." She greeted as she did, looking around-

-At the apparently empty street. She frowned; I swear I just saw him...

"Swarm." He returned, fading into view. "How'd you know I was there?"

"I thought I spotted you." She told him. "Did you forget to cloak to my bugs or something?"

Eon blinked, tilting his head. "Might've done." He shrugged. "I wouldn't be surprised... things were a little crazy a bit ago."

"Need a break?" She knelt down beside him and reached out, placing her hand on his head for a moment when he allowed it.

"I'm good for now. We have Berries and those biscuits, it's fine. Just came to fill you in on things."

On the things that were safe to say in public, she mentally corrected. "Lay it on me."

"Behemoth's down, we're all moving to search and rescue. Deoxys and Jirachi are backing up a bit, because Jirachi's exhausted and Deoxys' on protection duty. Shadow backed out of healing when she heard the word and came along, she'll be helping out too because it's not likely that her sort of healing is going to be of any help now things are over. I volunteered to find you and assure you that we're fine before things started for real."

"Good to know."

It was, too. It was good to know that her team was safe and well, even if it worried her a bit about Jirachi. "Is Jirachi going to be ok?"

"Should be fine, just too much energy used up in one go." Eon promised. "From what the two of them have said, he doesn't use that Move much."

"At all, I'd think, given how big it was."

"Pretty much." He nodded, sagging slightly. "Still, everyone's good now, we're going to keep going until things are over or we're all too exhausted to keep working safely, then we'll regroup at Strider and make our way back home."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

Eon nodded again, then started moving again, nudging her in the side with a tail as he walked by. He didn't bother to cloak this time, just moving through the streets and sniffing at the air.

Swarm turned her attention away from him, putting her full mind into working on finding people now that she knew the team was safe. The sooner that everyone else was safe, the sooner they would all head back to Brockton Bay and take a while to breathe, which was good.

She got the feeling it would be needed, given that Behemoth had gone down to one of her team mates. There'd probably be a lot of meetings about it all.
The Endbringers are either made of or powered by Time Gears. Well, that's going to be an issue...
Lol, the Pokemon don't quite have the frame of reference to really understand what Jirachi just did. Shadow and Eon come close, but they're well versed in the degree of bullshit Legendary Pokemon have tucked away.

For those that might cry foul over Doom Desire one-shotting Behemoth, a little context: in Wish-Maker, Jirachi's movie, the cast was up against a fucked up clone of Groudon that traded in his signature moves for hyper-regeneration, energy absorption, and slime tendrils capable of consuming more or less anything.

Doom Desire completely evaporated it, in spite of the aforementioned energy absorption. I believe the explanation was that Doom Desire simply consisted of too much energy to absorb before impact. Not to mention, the Jirachi in question had not only never performed the move before, he was a baby who'd been awake for less than a week. This Jirachi is clearly practiced and experienced with the move.