A Second Sunrise: Taiwan of 2020 Sent Back to 1911

replacing white colonists with asian ones when the indigenous people still exist would be messed up. would mean pan-asian uplift stops south of indonesia.
very possible that the governments would do it anyway tho and just pretend they arent doing settler colonialism part 2
I wondering, the whole war so far the 'extreme' side in Russia aren't doing anything the whole time ?, last time when that general guy take rein of that madness there are still lot of those racist/mods people who still want to genocide the minority/non-pure russian there ? Also for more chapter idea, I don't see much more 'negative/bad people' side on the Nanjing Accord nations ? (especially in china/taiwan, after all not all people are 'good')
I wondering, the whole war so far the 'extreme' side in Russia aren't doing anything the whole time ?, last time when that general guy take rein of that madness there are still lot of those racist/mods people who still want to genocide the minority/non-pure russian there ? Also for more chapter idea, I don't see much more 'negative/bad people' side on the Nanjing Accord nations ? (especially in china/taiwan, after all not all people are 'good')
They got purged, what remained is in hiding. Also they only had 1 year of radical nationalist propaganda so they didn't get entrenched.

Kinda weird that second world war won't happen now, or will it?
Decided to switch out the Reddit post for a YouTube video essay of all the disadvantages the European Alliance had.

I'll work the treaties and post-war settlement in a later chapter.

Narrator: They were going to lose unless you could bend the laws of time and space so that future Europe also got teleported to the past, and I'm pretty sure that isn't going to happen a second time.

Narrator: Probably.

Also no, this isn't going to happen.


Even if it would be really funny.
Though how badly Britain is shafted will depend on reparations. I do hope that China remembers the mistakes of the treaty of versailles.

Ireland gets independence, but Britain is not getting chopped up into England, Wales, and Scotland.

Monarchy's a maybe, but the population isn't particularly happy with the Tories and Royal Family them into the war.

Empire's going out the window, though, especially when the Quebecois decided to embrace their French heritage by rioting.

Same with Germany, though they're losing Alsace to France and possibly the Polish parts to referendums.

Now that I think about it, the only big loser is probably Austria-Hungary, and that is likely due to the various provisional governments not wanting to live under a would-be autocrat.

Or Serbians, when it comes to Bosnia and Croatia.

But for the most part, the occupations are going to be pretty lenient, besides jailing all those guys who decided to tabun gas the Accord.

Also, i wonder if JP Morgan is shitting itself right now? Good time for American banks to be broken up and regulated so they can't pull the shit they have done OTL


I'm 90% sure that they were acting as an unregistered foreign agent in their dealings, so that's going to be a problem.

Especially when Representative Butler from Pennsylvania starts issuing subpoenas.
I'm 90% sure that they were acting as an unregistered foreign agent in their dealings, so that's going to be a problem.

especially since they would have been loaning out money backed by their deposits. I.e, bankrolling the British without their depositors consent or knowledge. When people decide they want to withdraw or use some of their money, they might find it isn't there. I'm not sure if the federal government has insured deposits yet so there could be an economic storm coming to America. Especially if JPmorgan aren't alone in this.
especially since they would have been loaning out money backed by their deposits. I.e, bankrolling the British without their depositors consent or knowledge. When people decide they want to withdraw or use some of their money, they might find it isn't there. I'm not sure if the federal government has insured deposits yet so there could be an economic storm coming to America. Especially if JPmorgan aren't alone in this.

The good news is that Teddy passed the equivalent of the FDIC to mitigate bank runs.

The bad news is that a lot of JP Morgan and other banks' loans are tied up in British, Italian, Austrian, and German banks.


Okay, time for what I like to call "Financial Musical Chairs," where China/Russia/France/The Ottomans/Japan come up with creative ways to get that money back.

Probably just selling off government assets in the occupied governments as well as lending money to the US that they will have the successor governments pay off to them in the long-term.
You know they're not. Smedley did.

The best part is that Britain probably has documentation of all the loans, and financial transactions are very low on the "Burn In Case of Surrender" list.

Which means that the MIB now has documentation, specifically Section 5, the intelligence-gathering section.

Y'know, the section run by a history nerd who admires Smedley Butler with a literal socialist as his number two.
The best part is that Britain probably has documentation of all the loans, and financial transactions are very low on the "Burn In Case of Surrender" list.

Which means that the MIB now has documentation, specifically Section 5, the intelligence-gathering section.

Y'know, the section run by a history nerd who admires Smedley Butler with a literal socialist as his number two.

So, do we call what follows the Almost Great Depression?
Anonymous Sources
MIB Headquarters, Nanjing, Jiangsu, Republic of China, 25 May 1925

"Another one," Rachel announced, before tossing another folder on his desk. "JP Morgan this time."

"Again?" Marty couldn't believe it. In fact, neither could she. "Britain?"

"Seeing that our people have finished sorting through all the paperwork from Italy, Austria, and Germany? Yes."

"Christ. How many does this put us at?"

"The usual suspects, Marty." Rachel added another tally to the whiteboard in his office. "JP Morgan, Brown Brothers, Kuhn Loeb, and Kidder Peabody."

"So all four big ones?" Rachel nodded. "And they're all over the place."

The mess of string, photographs, and pins on his wall were all they needed to know the answer.

"The four biggest banks were bankrolling the war effort, Marty. The enemy war effort, anyways."

"American neutrality, my ass," he grumbled. "All I want to know is why they would do this when the odds were stacked against them?"

"Insider trading."

"You sure about that, Rachel? I mean, I wouldn't put it past them, but do banks even invest in stocks?"

She shrugged. "One way or another. That, and we have evidence of it."

"You're shitting me," he said, to which she handed him a second folder. "Okay, maybe not. Huh. Personal memos from the Foreign Secretary's office?"

"It's the best we could do, since Balfour lit his diary on fire before he surrendered."

"Of course he did. So, that's how JP Morgan and the others were making their money back. They give out a loan, then they buy stock in companies the Alliance would buy from. They get dividends, and the stock appreciates in value."

"More or less," Rachel figured. She wasn't much of an economist, but that was what the analysis had told her. "What is the phrase in America? Double-dipping?"

"Yeah. And from the looks of it, the other banks were doing something similar. It's not surprising, though. War is good for business."

"Certain businesses, anyways."

"Right. That's the problem, though. 'Invest in military-related industries so we can profit off of the war' isn't really evidence of insider trading. It's common sense."

"Which is why the memo from Balfour's office is useful. It shows intent from JP Morgan."

"That, and the fact that Teddy Roosevelt pushed through his own version of the Securities Act during his second term as part of his platform."

"Which means they were committing an actual crime, Marty. One that Brown Brothers, Kuhn Loeb, and Kidder Peabody likely committed as well."

"Do we have evidence of that?" Rachel shook her head. "Fuck."

"The implication is there, Marty. But even then, they were all war-profiteering. That much is common knowledge."

"I don't think that's a crime, Rachel. Fucked up? Sure. But not a crime."

"Neither is loaning out your depositors' money," Rachel figured, "Money that they might not be getting back."

"Oh. Fuck."


"Do they know? The American people, I mean."

She needed a second to think of the best way to put it.

"Technically yes."

"So let me get this straight: The four largest banks in America committed insider trading by war profiteering off the knowledge of loans they gave to various European countries that don't exist anymore, so they probably aren't getting their money back?"

"More or less."

"Great. Welp, looks like I'm going to have to make a call."

Chen Residence, Ishigaki, Taiwan, Republic of China, 25 May 1925

Military glory were nice, but he would take time with his wife and children, any day.

Even if his children were still getting the hang of D&D.

Just when their party had finished committing insurance fraud against a corrupt noble (It was a long story that he didn't think would actually work), his phone rang.

"General Chen speaking."

Wow, that still feels weird to say.

"Hey Mike," his best friend greeted. "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Kinda in the middle of something. What's up?"

"Is that Uncle Marty?!" Morgan shouted from the living room. "TELL HIM I SAID HI!"

"Morgan…" her twin brother groaned.


"The kids say hi, Marty."

"So I've heard. Hey, you're pen pals with Smedley Butler, right?"

"It's a correspondence, Marty."

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Anyways, could you give me his address?"

"Sure, I guess," Michael figured. "What for?"

"Intel stuff, and he's the only person with ties to the US government any of us know."

"There's Ambassador Lea."

"Okay, let me rephrase that: He's the only person with ties to the US government any of us know, who isn't pissed off about us invading Britain."

"Don't you run an entire branch of an intel agency that is focused around gathering information?"

"It's quicker to just ask you," Marty figured, "So do you have it?"

"I'll text it to you," Michael promised. "Wait? This isn't some weird MIB op, is it?"

"No, just good old-fashioned intel sharing."

Butler Residence, Chester County, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 20 June 1925

Smedley Butler had done many tasks, from soldiering, to commanding, to everything in between.

He could now add "whistleblowing" to this list, since he had the box of papers in the passenger's seat of his car.

"You might want to read this," said a cryptic note taped on the lid. "And bring it to the right people."

Which was what had brought him here, to his family's home.

As far as "the right people" went, he could do much worse than a US representative from Pennsylvania.
Why do Taiwanese have English names? It throws me off a little, it's not to the level of Naruto Gremory but still.

Many of the main characters aren't Taiwanese.
For those who are, it's because one of them is Christian, and Asian Christians often have European names, and for the others who have a European name, it's because Asians often have a European nickname because white people don't know how to pronounce many Asian names.
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Probably just selling off government assets in the occupied governments as well as lending money to the US that they will have the successor governments pay off to them in the long-term.

So purchasing US debt and harvesting the interest for the next century because we all know America won't pay off the principle as long as they decide to peruse a debt based, fiat economy like OTL. Though I don't think they could do that as I'm sure the Yuan will become the global currency as it's used as the defecto petro dollar with the ottomans who have control over most of the oil rn.

Alternatively, they could decide to force countries in Europe to pay back debt in Yuan, similar to how the US does OTL to really ensure economic dominance. Not like China needs the cash immediately. They'd be best off "proving the west wrong" in that they are "benevolent" in their victory over them, rather than pushing them into a corner and hurting the wests pride so much they decide to fight another war in a generation.
As a side note. federal savings insurance would only be the 1925 equivalent of $250k. So a lot of rich people with hefty savings in the US might feel the burn if there is a bank run.
Many of the main characters aren't Taiwanese.
For those who are, it's because one of them is Christian, and Asian Christians often have European names, and for the others who have a European name, it's because Asians often have a European nickname because white people don't know how to pronounce many Asian names.
Yeah, basically this.

Michael Chen, Martin Li, and Rachel Fong were all born in Hong Kong in the 1990s, then immigrated to North America after Hong Kong was handed over.

Michael and Martin's families moved to Orange County, California while Rachel's moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, where they all grew up somewhat-westernized.

Especially Michael and Martin, who were baptized in the Diocese of Hong Kong before their families immigrated. Even if Martin has been lapsed for almost twenty years at this point

Shannon's name is actually Wu Shu-fen, but her father's work abroad as a businessman led to her being nicknamed "Shannon" by her classmates, much to her father's annoyance.

His homophobia and her orientation eventually led to her going by "Shannon" as one of three giant "Fuck Yous" to him for not accepting her when she came out to him.

The second is that she ended up befriending the guy her father tried to set her up with, and the third is the knowledge that she isn't going to give him grandchildren.
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I have a question here, what the german tank design in this war was like ? (after all they do get some reference from the future). If you have "Sprocket" game can you design that tank appearance ?

p/s: Also I noticed this three video about china here, what do you think about it ? (not bashing, just really curious )

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxaQAf3H4Ds&t=240s

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ_Mhc3hZLQ

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c5QpvQfbws&lc=UgyA9XUzWnX226lsPW54AaABAg
(I noticed some interesting comment. First at 12:38 show the distraught tree guy. Those tress were likely 1000s of hours of hard labor over decades, and to have it wiped out for another coal mine [after China got mad at Australia over some criticism, and foolishly banned Australian coal] must be awful.
Second: Someone tell the CCP that using a monoculture when trying to create a forest is bonkers. A single sort of bug or disease can kill ALL trees at once when they're the same species. Also, such an environment will also not be able to sustain any wildlife, but will selectively leech nutrients out of the ground. No ecosystem with sustainable material cycles can form this way. A healthy forest needs many different kinds of plants, bacteria and fungi at least. )
I have a question here, what the german tank design in this war was like ? (after all they do get some reference from the future). If you have "Sprocket" game can you design that tank appearance ?

p/s: Also I noticed this three video about china here, what do you think about it ? (not bashing, just really curious )

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxaQAf3H4Ds&t=240s

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ_Mhc3hZLQ

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c5QpvQfbws&lc=UgyA9XUzWnX226lsPW54AaABAg
(I noticed some interesting comment. First at 12:38 show the distraught tree guy. Those tress were likely 1000s of hours of hard labor over decades, and to have it wiped out for another coal mine [after China got mad at Australia over some criticism, and foolishly banned Australian coal] must be awful.
Second: Someone tell the CCP that using a monoculture when trying to create a forest is bonkers. A single sort of bug or disease can kill ALL trees at once when they're the same species. Also, such an environment will also not be able to sustain any wildlife, but will selectively leech nutrients out of the ground. No ecosystem with sustainable material cycles can form this way. A healthy forest needs many different kinds of plants, bacteria and fungi at least. )

Germany basically used WW2 tanks, with the Panther as the ideal.

Same with the rest of the Alliance, as industrial espionage allowed them to skip a few generations.
Germany basically used WW2 tanks, with the Panther as the ideal.

Same with the rest of the Alliance, as industrial espionage allowed them to skip a few generations.
Thank for the answer, from their current industry tech I guess their tank is around rank 3 or 4 in this list then if they already can make panther ? Btw I noticed this comment section about growing rices problem and solution from my discords, could help for idea.
+ The problem with rice no one is talking about (He do have some point that lot of us didn't noticed, but he also wrong or forgot some important fact, too. Check the comment to see what I mean)

Other comment for answer:
+ Weird world that we are living, "How to Grow Rice in the Great California Desert!", "How some of the world's finest wild rice is grown and harvested | We Are The Best | CBC", "Wild Rice Harvesters Are Pleased With This Season's Crop", "Wild Rice Harvesting"
it's funny to see that wild rice is harvested with huge chopsticks
And now that we already deal with the 'alliance' enemy, what plan you have forward aside from wrap it up and write new story ? (since I feel aside from write some topic if there are no more main plot next and are begin to lacking interesting/entertain chapter idea, then it better to give it open ending rather than continue but bloated there)