A Second Sunrise: Taiwan of 2020 Sent Back to 1911

What would be a good name for the rewrite?

  • Children of Heaven

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • A Hundred Years' Difference

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Sun and Stars

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • The Second Sunrise

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • (Just call it Second Sunrise but make sure nobody refers to it as "SS")

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Please be the death of the 1st amendment. Tolerating racist rhetoric under the excuse of free speech only allows groups like those to exist. That amendment needs an amendment itself.
Ooohhh I see the American people not liking this and I definitely see the USA fully dissolving here or well a civil war and I see that the Golden circle being seen as a world order because they shouldn't have gotten this Big like holy shit Big there's something wrong here

@ChrisProvidence i believ Butler will become president here since well Bilbo sounds like he won't get the job done and will america go into a second civil war

The good news is that America wouldn't dissolve. Probably. Our government does have a lot of decentralization, but you won't see many separatist movements.

What we could see is multiple claimants that all argue that they are the legitimate government of the United States.

As for Butler vs. Bilbo, it's a matter of legitimacy and procedure right now, plus the latter being the suspected leader of the Golden Circle.

Please be the death of the 1st amendment. Tolerating racist rhetoric under the excuse of free speech only allows groups like those to exist. That amendment needs an amendment itself.

Constitutional Law is tricky, and people see stuff like this as a sort of Civil Religion that is sacred to them.

That said, we could see the US mimicking some of Germany's anti-Nazi laws as a result of all the Chinese, Black, Jewish, and Catholic people getting lynched.

Welp, time to finish what Sherman started…

I'll be honest, I Googled "Is napalm a war crime?"

The answer is "Maybe," so I'll stick to something less-controversial.

Like using thermite to destroy Confederate statues.
That said, we could see the US mimicking some of Germany's anti-Nazi laws as a result of all the Chinese, Black, Jewish, and Catholic people getting lynched.

Yeah I was thinking something like that. Unfortunately, that kind of law is unconstitutional hence the need for amendment to the 1st amendment. Repealing an amendment has precedent after all, unless the 18th amendment never became a thing in this timeline.
Y'know I'm pretty sure that historians are largely on the side of the cases of city fires not being started (deliberately or otherwise) by Sherman, who only targeted military infrastructure, but by southerners being careless. The association of Sherman with fire does the man a disservice.
Nice thing about Terrorists playing hardball this hard.

It means nobody gives a fuck later if you give no quarter.
I kinda see the Golden Circle as this story's version of the Nazis when it comes to how they're depicted.

Not in any sense of parallels, but how you can basically do whatever to them and it'd be socially acceptable. Games like Wolfenstein or Nazi Testicle Shooting Simulator Sniper Elite and movies like Inglorious Basterds come to mind.

Lin Chen shooting them in the face until there's not much of a head left? Had it coming.

A bunch of them get killed by the senator they were trying to assassinate? Even better.

Morgan Chen stabs one of them through the jugular with her hair sticks? Fine, but I need to stop watching so much Spy x Family.

Martin Li outright torturing one of them to find out where the bomb is? Eh, guy had it coming, too.

A global campaign to hunt every single one of them down that would make the Mossad of our timeline take pause? Sure, why not?

A scene-by-scene adaptation of Inglorious Basterds, but with the Golden Circle instead of the Nazis? Honestly, my only concern is the lack of originality there.

Short of enslaving them, eating them, or harvesting their organs, you can basically do whatever to enemies like the Golden Circle or the Nazis.

That's the "fun" of writing antagonists like them.
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@ChrisProvidence is the golden Circle the last atagonist of this story as they seem to the last of the old order also does this mean world war 2 has begun only it's against terrorist who sprung a massive uprising oh and also will the tsar survive
I kinda see the Golden Circle as this story's version of the Nazis when it comes to how they're depicted.

Not in any sense of parallels, but how you can basically do whatever to them and it'd be socially acceptable. Games like Wolfenstein or Nazi Testicle Shooting Simulator Sniper Elite and movies like Inglorious Basterds come to mind.

Lin Chen shooting them in the face until there's not much of a head left? Had it coming.

A bunch of them get killed by the senator they were trying to assassinate? Even better.

Morgan Chen stabs one of them through the jugular with her hair sticks? Fine, but I need to stop watching so much Spy x Family.

Martin Li outright torturing one of them to find out where the bomb is? Eh, guy had it coming, too.

A global campaign to hunt every single one of them down that would make the Mossad of our timeline take pause? Sure, why not?

A scene-by-scene adaptation of Inglorious Basterds, but with the Golden Circle instead of the Nazis? Honestly, my only concern is the lack of originality there.

Short of enslaving them, eating them, or harvesting their organs, you can basically do whatever to enemies like the Golden Circle or the Nazis.

That's the "fun" of writing antagonists like them.
I know you're trying to, quite politely I might say, hint I'm going overboard. I respect that.

My response would be, one of my two best friends in school had a very nice grandfather from Belgium rhat occasionally mentioned two sisters in the past tense and their cooking, and who had a number tattoo'd on his forearm that I never got him to tell me what it was until I hit middle school and opened up the chapter on Europe, 1940-1950.

Nazi clones can go to the same place for all I will ever care.

The other thing is, is that the Golden Circle & Hundred, as presented here, aren't specific to just one single country, but have spread globally. That and even in this ATLAS USA they are NOT in power. And they are mass murdering terrorists, whom as shown, specifically & knowingly targeted civilians as part of their agendas.
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I know you're trying to, quite politely I might say, hint I'm going overboard. I respect that.

I think we're on the same page, if I'm being honest.
Ike I said, the Golden Circle's similarities to the Nazis lie in that like the Nazis in media, you can kill them a hundred different ways and still be the good guy because of all the horrible crap they have done.

The same rules apply for the Golden Circle, far as I'm concerned. The Golden Circle's crimes include terrorism, rape, kidnapping, and murder, which they do that in order to turn America into their ideal ethnostate.

My point is not that you're going overboard. If anything, you presumably thinking that every single member of the Golden Circle and the Black Hundreds should get the wall is the kind of reaction I'm trying to evoke with my writing.

Because seriously, fuck those guys.

My point is that in fiction, factions like the Nazis serve an interesting role as a sort of antagonist that can be subjected to the most-brutal things imaginable.

Because they're the Nazis, and they're terrible people.

That kind of dynamic I'm going for in these next few chapters.

Yes, this is possibly the most-violent and brutal thing I've ever written in my life, but all of that violence and brutality is happening to the Golden Circle, who are the human embodiment of the worst aspects of American History.
@ChrisProvidence is the golden Circle the last atagonist of this story as they seem to the last of the old order also does this mean world war 2 has begun only it's against terrorist who sprung a massive uprising oh and also will the tsar survive
Not exactly.

In terms of the story, I don't really like the idea of a "Last Antagonist," because I kinda associate that term with the concept of the "End of History."

History is a constant process that never ends. And while the Arc of History may bend towards justice, there are those who will do everything to oppose it.

In terms of writing, I basically do this as a hobby and to practice.

That, and I still think there are stories to tell. Not necessarily wars, but the day-to-day lives of the people in this world. Things like Civil Rights, inequality, and a generally-optimistic humanity looking to the stars and beyond.

As for the Tsar… TBD.
Chapter 88: Four Score Years In The Making
"senior_thesis_notes.docx," by Jonathan "Jon" Dowd, Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America, 7 January 1942

"Real American."

What fucking bullshit.

Then again, I guess you can't expect too much from those Golden Circle assholes. What's a "Real American" supposed to be, anyways?

A miserable pile of secrets

Well, the honest answer is "Whatever the person saying it thinks," so let's take an example: Those jackasses in the Golden Circle who nearly killed me two days ago.

If the manifestos and online videos from FordU and our asshole classmate Lin nearly punched into next week are anything to go by, a "Real American" fits the following criteria:
  • WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), but especiallythe "White" and "Protestant" part.
    • "Anglo-Saxon" is sorta a holdover term, but I'm pretty sure they don't really care if you're Dutch or German or Scandinavian or French, as long as you are White and aren't Catholic. Or Jewish, but they don't really consider that to be "White," do they?
    • I'm going to have to go on a whole tangent about Whiteness, aren't I? Fine.
    • Basically, "White" is a sort of "in-group," a "club" of sorts, that isn't really related to skin color so much as heritage and culture. So while an Irish-American or an Italian-American or a Polish-American might be able to pass off as a white person, they wouldn't be considered "White."
    • It's racism. Kinda hard to describe it as anything but racism.
  • Socio-Political Leanings
    • Since we're basing this on the median member of the Golden Circle, odds are that a "Real American" is somebody who shares their socio-economic political views.
      • Sure, they don't have to agree with one another a hundred percent, but as long as they follow the gist of it, they still count as "Real Americans."
    • For starters, they probably vote for the True Patriot Party (aka the True Patriots of the USA). Sure, folks like Henry Ford might condemn the actions of the Golden Circle, but that's more to cover their own asses.
      • For example, they'll condemn the Golden Circle for hijacking the train we were on, but they were the same people who said, "We should do something about all those [Chinese people] coming to America and buying it out from us.
    • In terms of economics, they place themselves as largely anti-socialist and in favor of free-market economics. While that isn't necessarily a bad thing on its own, they share this view while alsoadvocating for strong social programs for themselves and their followers.
      • And protectionism. No, I don't know how that works, but they do.
      • The Lost History phrase, "Socialism for me, but not for thee," comes to mind. I swear, I can go into a whole tangent about hypocrisy, but I'm about ninety percent sure the reason they don't like safety nets is because non-white people also get to use them.
    • Socially-speaking, they tend to hold more conservative-leaning views, like being against race-mixing, immigration from anywhere that isn't Northern Europe, Civil Rights legislation (both racial and gender), Voting Rights legislation, and the separation of Church and State.
      • Conversely, they tend to support the concept of a nuclear family, traditional gender roles, (at least tolerating) lynching, and segregation.
    • The average "Real American" (according to the Golden Circle) takes a largely isolationist stance on foreign policy, in which they argue that the United States should abandon the Special Relationship between the United States and the Nanjing Accord and reassert its position as the hegemon of the Americas as per the Monroe Doctrine. This person is also likely support the Black Hundreds' coup against the Loyalist government and take a hostile stance towards the Socialists in Western Europe and Africa.
  • Of course, this criteria can vary based on the person you ask. In a large-enough organization, ideological disagreements are almost-inevitable. That, and people can make exceptions to their own deeply-held values under certain circumstances.
    • For example, the Isolationists in the movement like Henry Ford want a complete economic and political separation from the East, while the Americanists like Theodore Bilbo are content with "only" curtailing the East's influence in the Americas and enforcing their preferred social policies (Segregation, Deportation of Non-Americans, and Anti-Race-Mixing).
    • More to the point, there are several instances on the internet of members of the Golden Circle making exceptions for friends and loved ones, though they are often rebuked by the more-fanatical members of the organization.
National Assembly Building Nanjing, National Capital Region, Republic of China, 7 January 1942

This was the last place Director Rachel Fong wanted to be.

No, if she had her way, she'd be back at HQ coordinating the response to the Golden Circle and the Black Hundreds. Not here being dragged around by the right-wing "Blue" KMT as a potential scapegoat for the attacks.

"So tell me," said one of the members of the Committee on the January Attacks. She remembered his file: Young Blue KMT who took over one of the seats after she, Shannon, and Marty kneecapped their old guard with corruption charges, "Exactly how much did you know about the attacks beforehand?"

"Enough that we contacted our counterparts in the Russian Counterintelligence Service and the American Bureau of Investigation, as well as the local authorities throughout the rest of the Americas."

"Yet the Golden Circle were still able to attack several of our embassies and consulates throughout the Americas," he pointed out. "Not to mention the attack on the State of the Union or the attempted coup in Russia that has disappeared the Tsar and left hostile troops on our border in Siberia."

"That statement ignores every single attack that was prevented through our efforts. The Golden Circle's attempted attack on New York City's Chinatown, the planned bombing of the consulate in Sao Paulo, the attempted assassination of Senator Smedley Butler of Pennsylvania-"

"You're arguing a counterfactual, Director-"

"-the attempted assassinations of Governors Earl Warren of California and Robert La Follette of Wisconsin. Not to mention the failure of the Black Hundreds and their allies to seize Moscow and Saint Petersburg."

"We cannot base our arguments on what could have happened-"

"I beg to differ," Director Fong shot back a second time. She had to do her best to not spit those words back at him. "And while the Tsar may be missing, the legitimate government in Saint Petersburg still stands and is organizing a counter-attack."

"A counter-attack," Fong continued, "That I am unable to consult on so long as I am here and not at my desk."

"Director, that may not be within your authority in the next hour," the Blue KMT member countered. "Dozens of our embassies and consulates were attacked. Hundreds, if not thousands of Chinese were raped or murdered by the Golden Circle and the Black Hundreds. This is, without a doubt, the greatest intelligence failure in Chinese History. So tell me: Why should we do anything short of court martialling you?!"

"Because my jurisdiction, like most government institutions, has a finite amount of manpower, resources, intelligence, and political capital. In short, we cannot do everything, everywhere, all at once."

"Despite those finite resources," Fong continued, "we were able to prevent the complete decapitation of the American and Russian governments, as well attacks on New York, Boston, Providence, Detroit, Milwaukee, Toronto-"

"That does not ignore the countless attacks that have occurred-"

"-Panama City, Sao Paulo, Cordoba, Maracaibo, Quito, Tijuana... Shall I continue, sir? I have over a hundred other attacks that were prevented or mitigated through my agency's efforts. Countless lives, both Chinese and Non-Chinese, are alive because of our efforts."

The young Blue KMT couldn't believe what he was hearing. At least that's what she could see, anyways.

"After all that has happened on your watch, you want to us to give you more manpower, resources, intelligence, and political capital?!"

"Just the former three, sir."

"My point still stands: You want us to give you what, a "Blank Check," to go after the Golden Circle and the Black Hundreds?"

"In short, sir? Yes."

"And why should I-"

"Ahem-" The Chairwoman cleared her throat.

"Excuse me. Why should we do give you what you want?"

"Because under my watch, the Military Intelligence Bureau was one of the few things that prevented thousands of deaths from becoming tens or hundreds of thousands. Under my watch, the Military Intelligence Bureau was able to work with our Russian and American counterparts to fend off two coups in our greatest allies."

"And if this is what we can do with our finite budget," she continued, "With additional manpower and resources, we will be more-than-capable of working with our partners to strike back against those responsible."

Governor's Mansion, Madison, Wisconsin, 8 January 1942

(Wisconsin Governor's Mansion)​

This meeting wasn't in person.

It ought to be, with how many important people were here: Governors, Representatives, Senators, and even the former President and Vice President were gathered here. But with such short notice, this was the best they could do.

"We need to act now," Governor Robert La Follette said to the other men on the screen in his office, "For the sake of our nation, a National Unity Government is necessary to restore law and order to the United States and deal with the Golden Circle threat."

"Indeed," former President Franklin D. Roosevelt yawned. La Follette couldn't blame the man, seeing as he'd spent the last two days organizing this summit. "Democrats, Republicans, Progressives, Socialists, and even the True Patriots all need to join together to deal with this ongoing threat."

"You'll have no objections from me," said Governor Earl Warren of California. Senator Butler of Pennsylvania nodded in agreement. "Representative Johnson?"

"I'll have to run it by leadership, but that's more a formality than anything else." Former President Henry Wallace also nodded from his screen. "Though I am sure that even the conservatives will say yes."

"As will I," said Representative Norman Thomas of New York, the de-facto leader of the Progressive-Socialist Coalition's delegation, "Though I am sure they will also say yes."

"That is good to hear," said the former President. Now there is just the metaphorical elephant in the room. No offense to our Republican colleagues."

"None taken," La Follette promised. "So long as you mean the True Patriots."

"I am." Roosevelt shook his head. "While the Presidential Succession Act does provide a chain of succession, the fact that the Speaker of the House and the entire cabinet was caught in the Capitol Bombing or were otherwise assassinated during the attacks has left the chain of succession ambiguous, at best."

"Yet Senator Bilbo has claimed that as the most-senior surviving member of the Senate, he would be the de-facto Acting President."

"De-Facto?" Senator Butler spat, "The man is preparing to take the Oath of Office in Washington despite being sympathetic to the people most-likely to be responsible in the first place!"

"All the more reason to present a united front," said the former President. "That, and we need to issue a statement. Now."

Presidential Palace, Nanjing, Jiangsu, National Capital Region, 8 January 1942

(Presidential Palace, Nanjing, National Capital Region)​

It had been, what, fifteen years since Michael Chen had come here?

Back then, people called him "General," and he was here to receive the Order of National Glory right before his retirement. Nowadays, he was just a private citizen who had been very happy to live a peaceful retirement.

At least he would have been, had Nanjing not dragged his ass out of here.

I swear to God, I keep getting roped into shit, don't I? At this point, it's probably genetic.

At least I don't have to worry about Lin and Morgan anymore. They'll be fine.

"I knew you'd make it," a familiar voice greeted him. Michael turned around to see his brother (well, they might as well be, at this point) Marty walking up to him. "C'mon, walk and talk with me. Soong wants us in her office, ASAP."

"So," the former spymaster continued, "You ready to get back in the saddle?"

"Fuck no, Marty," Mike chuckled as they went through security. "I was happily enjoying my retirement before you and Rachel dragged me out here. You know I'm retired, right?"

"Yeah, well I know two other things, Mike. One, that you still served with distinction during the Great War and you're damned good at organizing things on short notice."

"You're clear, General- er, Sir," the Marine told him, "Please proceed to the President's office."

"Thanks," Mike said, and he even returned the man's salute. "Okay, you got me there, Marty. What's the second thing?"

His brother grinned back at him. "That you wouldn't say no, Mike."

"Thought so," the former General sighed. "So, it's just us and Rachel?"

"And the President," his brother teasingly chided as they walked into Soong's office. "Christ, you really are getting old, Mike."

"Gentlemen," President Soong greeted. President Soong was at her desk, while Rachel- er, Director Fong was seated in front of her. "Please, take a seat. I trust that you two have read the reports?"

"Only the parts that weren't blacked out," Mike answered. President Soong looked at Rachel. "Most of it wasn't, of course. Are we declassifying everything, Rachel?"

"Everything that is even tangentially-related, Mike," his other old friend promised. "Do we need to catch you up to speed?"

"This is about Russia, right?" Both Soong and Rachel nodded. "Well, I've got the gist of it: Moscow and Saint Petersburg are secure, but the Ultranationalists currently control territories in the South like Yuzhova, Luhansk, Rostov, the Crimean Peninsula, as as everything in Siberia from Yekaterinburg to Magadan."

"I see age hasn't slowed you down, Chen," said Soong, who maintained a calm face in spite of the chaos across their border. "Now, I know that it is on short notice, but I would like to know your assessment for the time being."

"Of course." Chen pulled up an image from his laptop. "This is a rough overview of the current situation in Russia. As we speak, the Loyalist forces are consolidating their hold on the West and marshalling their forces for a counterattack on Southern Russia with air support from our allies in Constantinople and Tehran, as well as our in-theater air wings flying the T-25 Stealth fighter."

"However," the retired Marine General continued, "Their focus on the West will allow the Ultranationalists to consolidate their hold on Siberia and draw out the conflict for years if left unavoided."

"I take it you have a plan, then, Mike?" Rachel asked him, "Because the MIB may have a blank check, but we can't outright seize territory, you know?"

"And a ground intervention on our part has the potential to delegitimize our Loyalist allies," Soong pointed out. "While I am willing to allow air support, sending troops across the border is a no for now."

"Air support includes our massive airlift capacity, right?" Soong nodded. "Well, then we could always fly the Loyalists out here, with their equipment."

"That's a bold plan," Soong observed, before turning to Rachel and Marty. "Is it possible?"

"We'd have to take the long way, Madame President," Rachel observed, "But yes, it is doable. More than doable, if they have the troops to spare."

"Wait, do they?" Marty chimed in, "I get that they are pushing the Ultranationalists into the Black Sea, but do they have enough forces to spare?"

"It shouldn't be too much," said the retired Marine General, before turning to Rachel. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Ultranationalists are also spread fairly thin while they try to consolidate their hold over Siberia, right?"

"That is true," Rachel agreed. "And for what it's worth, the Russians can spare a about a Corps' worth of units and a couple of air wings."

"Which means that the only issue is the actual transportation and resupply," said the President. The three advisors nodded. "Which we should be able to handle, given that our two militaries use much of the same equipment."

"Yes, Ma'am," Chen answered for the three of them. "And it's not like we're running out of guns, tanks, and planes anytime soon."

"That is true. I only have one more question, Mr. Chen?"


"Do you believe it will work?" Soong looked him square in the eye. "Not just the airlift, but the resupply and the ground campaign."

"I've run the numbers, and it is more than doable," he promised, "And for what it is worth, the last thing the Ultranationalists will expect is an attack from the East."

NBC Nightly News with Ronald Reagan, The White House, Washington, District of Columbia, 9 January 1942

REAGAN: Good afternoon and welcome to a Breaking News report from NBC. I am your host, Ronald Reagan. Our top story is the swearing in of Acting President Theodore G. Bilbo.

[The footage cuts to the interior of the White House]

BILBO: Despite my previous statements about Asiatics and Negroes, I want to make it clear that I hold nothing personal against Negroes or Asiatics as races. They should express their Negro Pride and Asiatic Pride just as much as I express my White Pride. While many would tar me as a racist for my beliefs, I stand by my opposition to racial intermingling as a means of securing the existence of Whites, Asiatics, and Negroes and a future for White children, Asiatic children, and Negro children.

REAGAN: By claiming the position of President Pro-Tempore of the Senate, Bilbo has argued that the Presidential Succession Act places him as the acting President of the United States. This, of course, has come under much scrutiny by several notable politicians, including Senator Smedley Butler of Pennsylvania, Governor Charles Sprague of Oregon, and former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt of New York.

[The footage cuts to a speech from Roosevelt in New York City]

ROOSEVELT: As our nation mourns our the losses from the Capitol Bombing and Homeland Attacks across the country, we must come together. Democrats, Republicans, Progressive-Socialists, and True Patriots must unite to form a United Front and stand up to the Golden Circle and all who are responsible for these tragedies.

[The footage cuts to Reagan]

REAGAN: So far, few nations have acknowledged Acting President Theodore Bilbo as the legitimate head of state. Nanjing, Paris, Mostcow, Istanbul, and Berlin have not issued a statement in support, although the Nanjing Accord has supported the creation of a United Front and has offered to share resources and intelligence with the United States.

REAGAN: In response, the Acting President has decried the United Front as "An attempt to seize power in the wake of a tragedy," a message that has been echoed by several members of his own True Patriot Party from their strongholds in the American South.

Aigun Air Base, Aigun, Heilongjiang Province, Republic of China, 11 January 1942

"So these are the maps," Colonel Jin Jie observed, "And the locals just told us where they're located?"

"More or less, sir," said Captain Hu, "Geolocation has been a useful tool in the last war."

Except that was normally done through investigation. Not sympathizers outright sending us pictures at the locations.

"Smart phones?" Hu nodded, "Thought so. I swear, this is even better than satellite footage."

"It helps that not everyone in Russia actually likes the Ultranationalists, sir."

"So these points indicated Ultranationalist-commandeered Patriot launchers," the Colonel observed, pointing at the map, "While the smaller points are other air defenses?"

"More or less, sir."

"Good. Are the drones removed from storage?"

"Every bit that isn't being moved across the border, Colonel. Everyone has the same plan you are, and even a mountain of suicide drones will run out eventually."

"Maybe, but we only need enough to get the first strike in," Colonel Jin promised, "Once we overwhelm the air defenses and radars with drones, we'll have free reign to start airstrikes with our T-25s."

"Think it'll work, boss?" asked the young Captain.

The Colonel looked back at her. "'Course it'll work, Hu. The T-25's proven itself against the same kind of radars the Ultras are using."

"I meant the plan, sir. This is an all-or-nothing attempt, you know?"

"Yeah, I think it'll work," Jin said calmly, "Suicide drones have been used for SEAD since the Great War, and unless they've developed unlimited ammo, there's only so many they can shoot down."

That, and they can't be everywhere at once. But we have the means to do so.

Lincoln Memorial, National Mall, Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America, 12 January 1942

(Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.)
The sight of protesters filled Lieutenant General Douglas MacArthur with disgust. Not just as a soldier, but as an American citizen who was loyal to his country.

"Orders, sir?" Colonel George Patton asked him, "The protesters are refusing to disperse, and there's more of them than there were yesterday."

"Tear gas," MacArthur instructed, before pulling up his binoculars from their position in the rear. "I want tear gas launchers moved up, ASAP."

Patton stared at him blankly. "Say again, sir?"

"I want the men to get their masks on and start launching tear gas in five," MacArthur repeated, "Is that a problem?"

"I would advise against that, General. If the Bonus Army was anything to go by, this could inflame tensions throughout-"

"That's an order, Colonel. The President wants this situation dealt with, and I'd rather not have the White House breathing down my back. Do I make myself clear?"

"...Understood, sir."

Aigun Air Base, Aigun, Heilongjiang Province, Republic of China, 13 January 1942

(Picture of a T-40 Leopard Tank)​

"And to think we couldn't get any colder," Lieutenant Ivan Sevchenko grumbled. "This plan better work, Oleksa."

"That's why we're here," his wife yawned, as they got their bags off the plane. "Well, except for our tank. Rumor has it the Chinese are supplying us with their own, and it's the same model."

"Here's hoping it has a heater, too," Ivan yawned, before shivering again, "Wait."

"What is it?"

"How exactly are we supposed to use the equipment if all the labels are in Chinese?"

"Lots of labels," a Chinese soldier interrupted in accented Russian. To his and his wife's surprise, the man looked as Russian as they did. "Sergeant Mykhailo Yurievych Hlushko, at your service."

"Your accent," Ivan wondered aloud, "Kharkiv?"

"Kyiv, actually. Family fled during Diterikhs' pogroms, and we were resettled in Aigun. Uncle used to be the Mayor of Haishenwai, so he helped us get settled. You?"

"Both of us are from Odesa," Oleksa explained."

"Really? My uncle's from there, too-" Though as if on cue, the Ukrainian-Chinese sergeant snapped out of it. "Sorry, I'm getting off track. Your equipment is being refurbished right now, but I'm here to get your unit settled until then. Could I speak to your commander?"

"You're talking to her," Oleksa said politely, "Please, lead the way. Any longer and my lightweight of a husband might freeze to death."

"Acting President Theodore G. Bilbo Declares Martial Law," The Straits Times, 16 January 1942

(Acting President Theodore G. Bilbo)​

Acting President Theodore G. Bilbo declared martial law across the United States today, the latest in a government crackdown on civilian protests against the Acting President's swearing in last week. While reports about the current unrest are currently under investigation, social media posts have reported the deaths of two protesters and the injury of fifty more in the Washington protest, while other posts are alleging that similar injuries have been sustained in other major cities.

Under Executive Order 32, Acting President Theodore Bilbo has ordered the nationalization of state national guards and ordered them to assist the United States Armed forces in order to "maintain order and cease the chaotic rioting across the nation." In addition, Executive Order 32 suspends the right of Habeas Corpus in the name of national security.

Declaring it a "Temporary but necessary action," the Acting President has insisted that the action is necessary in light of the recent violence and chaos in the nation. Moreover, the Acting President has requested that local law enforcement "Aid and assist the Armed Forces and National Guard in quelling this unrest."

This comes off the back of the Acting President's public call for the Golden Circle to cease their attacks and release their hostages, to which the organization's various cells have largely-complied.

Political commentators have observed that the Golden Circle's near-instant compliance with the Acting President's request does raise suspicions that he may have some connection to the terrorist group, though the White House has denied these accusations as "Conspiracies by those who would tear our nation apart in its hour of need."

Public response has so far been mixed, as while the members of Acting President Theodore Bilbo's National Emergency Government have echoed his sentiments as a necessary action under his authority as Acting President, organizations such as the NAACP, ACLU, and the American Bar Association have criticized the Acting President's actions as "A gross overreach of power."

This sentiment has been echoed in a statement by the recently-formed United Front, who have argued that the Executive Order 32 "An illegal action that violates not only the Presidential Succession Act, but the separation of powers according to the United States Constitution."

Governor Leverett Saltonstall (R-MA) has come out against the nationalization of the Massachusetts National Guard, a sentiment shared by Governor Theodore F. Green (D-NY) in Rhode Island, Governor Robert La Follette (R-NY), and Governor Elmer Benson (FL-MN). They, along with other United Front-aligned governors and politicians, have called on members of their State National Guards to resist what they claim as, "Unlawful Nationalization" by Acting President Bilbo's National Emergency Government.

Public demonstrations have already intensified across the United States, and both federal and local law enforcement have been documented taking increasingly-drastic measures to contain the backlash to Executive Order 32.

Executive Order 32 is expected to come in effect at midnight tonight, Eastern Standard Time.

Skies Above the Russo-Chinese Border, 17 January 1942

(Picture of the T-25 Stealth Fighter)​

"This is AWACS Monarch to all pilots of Task Force 41: Intelligence reports the saturation attack with the drones has overwhelmed the Ultras' air defenses. All forces are cleared to begin follow-up SEAD and airstrike operations. Repeat: HQ has given the green light to begin follow-up SEAD and airstrike operations. Monarch out."

"You heard him, Crimson," Colonel Jin Jie said to his squadron of T-25 stealth fighters. "Saffron Squardron'll handle SEAD duties, while we're going after their jets. Any questions?"

The line went silent for the next few seconds.

"Well alright, then. Crimson Squadron, form up on me. Operation: PEACEKEEPER is a go."

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Sides With United Front, Associated Press, 18 January 1942

(Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General George C. Marshall)
Citing the "illegality of the Acting President's Executive Order 32," General George C. Marshall has announced his support of the United Front government in PHiladelphia and called on American soldiers to disobey what he describes as an "palpably illegal and unlawful order."

"While American soldiers are expected to follow any and all lawful orders, as per the Uniform Code of Military Justice, soldiers are permitted to disobey illegal and unlawful orders such as this," said the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, "In doing so, they continue to serve their lawful oaths to the United States Constitution."

Acting President Theodore Bilbo has decried the Chairman's decision as a "Sedition, if not Treason against the United States," while Acting Chairman General Douglas MacArthur criticized General Marshall's actions as a "Dereliction of Duty of the highest degree."

General Marshall is the latest in a string of officers who have acknowledged the United Front as the legitimate government, following Colonel Matthew Ridgway, Brigadier General James Doolittle, Lieutenant General John L. DeWitt, Vice Admiral Chester Nimitz, and Major General Henry "Hap" Arnold.
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"And if this is what we can do with our finite budget," she continued, "With additional manpower and resources, we will be more-than-capable of working with our partners to strike back against those responsible."

If you factor in how the Director's niece and nephew were temporarily taken hostage by the same people she's talking about striking back against, then this makes her a finalist for "Aunt of the Year."
"As while the Tsar may be missing, the legitimate Russian government still stands and is preparing a counterattack. And while the Tsar may be missing, the legitimate government in Saint Petersburg still stands and is organizing a counter-attack."
Tsar went missing so hard she had to say it twice. Fortunately, the legitimate Russian government is preparing a counterattack, and so is the legitimate Russian government.
It's unclear from the chapter what exactly the United Front is and how it came to be, specifically. Or for that matter what's left of the government that Bilbo has taken charge of, other than himself.

Maybe some maps would be useful as well - what states and what military forces are aligned to each government, etc.
It's unclear from the chapter what exactly the United Front is and how it came to be, specifically. Or for that matter what's left of the government that Bilbo has taken charge of, other than himself.

Maybe some maps would be useful as well - what states and what military forces are aligned to each government, etc.

Are you kidding? The Madison meeting spells it out.
While I would be less-blunt, the "Battle Lines" can be drawn as follows:

Republicans, Democrats, Socialist-Farmer-Labor, and about half the military (Marshall and Nimitz).

True Patriots, Golden Circle, the other half of the military (MacArthur and Patton).

As for battle maps, a rough idea of the states' loyalties would be this map of how people voted during the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

So basically, states that are opposed to the Civil Rights Act are likely to be more-sympathetic to Bilbo's National Emergency Government, while the states that were more-in-favor would support the United Front.

Well, except for the Great Plains states in what is the US and Canada. With how spread-out those places can be (plus the resettlement of a ton of former colonists there), they've served as a sort of "National Redoubt" that threatens to cut the United Front in two at Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma.
Are you kidding? The Madison meeting spells it out.
That's the lead up explaining the motivation to create such a thing, but no details about what that thing actually is or what the process of making it was like.

Do they have a president? A congress? (Presumably after special elections or whatever each state will send people to whichever one it supports, or maybe try to send to both, but what do they have now?) Which side is the real supreme court on and what does the other side do about a judicial branch? What about the rest of the executive branch, agencies and such - etc etc there's so much left unstated here. Basically, what institutions does each side have continuity with and what are they doing for those that they don't?
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Republicans, Democrats, Socialist-Farmer-Labor, and about half the military (Marshall and Nimitz).
You kept including the True Patriots with the United Front in the last posted story segment. Was that intentional?
Do they have a president? A congress? (Presumably after special elections or whatever each state will send people to whichever one it supports, or maybe try to send to both, but what do they have now?)
Why would they? They are not trying to secede. They are the political actors attempting to unite and keep the country going in the current crisis while their political opponent went for the blatant power grab.
You kept including the True Patriots with the United Front in the last posted story segment. Was that intentional?

That was more a rhetorical thing, as Roosevelt is arguing that everyone should agree to be part of the caretaker government as part of a power-sharing agreement to keep US united.

And as much as nobody likes them, the True Patriots are part of that "Everyone." This could have unfolded two ways:
  1. They agree to join the United Front, which means the US has a legitimate provisional/caretaker government that can oversee special elections to fill all the vacancies while keeping the lights on.
  2. If they disagree, then the True Patriots lose legitimacy by publicly rejecting an olive branch from their fellow Americans. This makes the United Front look more-legitimate.
The True Patriots, Golden Circle, and Acting President Bilbo chose Option 2, which is why officers like George Marshall and Hap Arnold defected to the United Front, along with their subordinates.
That was more a rhetorical thing, as Roosevelt is arguing that everyone should agree to be part of the caretaker government as part of a power-sharing agreement to keep US united.
Unfortunately the way you wrote that segment left it a bit unclear on whether that was your intent, whether the True Patriots were splintering and you had one wing taking that olive branch or whether it was a mistake when writing it.
What Is The United Front?
United States Provisional Government
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from United Front)

The Provisional Government of the United States of America (also known as the United Front) is an emergency government formed in the wake of the 1942 Capitol Hill Bombing and the Homeland Attacks. It was officially formed as a caretaker government to oversee a special election to fill vacancies in the Senate, House of Representatives, and the office of President of the United States of America.

Its members include members of the Democratic, Republican, Farmer-Labor, Socialist, and Progressive Parties, and its leadership consists of a ten-man Executive Committee headed by former president Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The contested ascension of Theodore G. Bilbo to the office of President of the United States and his declaration of martial law under Executive Order 32 led to the United Front declaring itself the legitimate government of the United States under the argument that Bilbo violated the Presidential Succession Act.

The United Front is currently headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


The United States Provisional Government was formed in the wake of the Capitol Hill Bombing and the Homeland Attacks of early January 1942. Its first meeting was conducted through the internet, with former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt presiding over the meeting as its honorary leader.

The initial objectives of this meeting were the formation of a provisional government that would maintain and restore order in the United States and oversee special elections to fill the vacancies left in the wake of the terrorist attacks that occurred days earlier. Once the provisional elections were held and the newly-elected officials were sworn-in, the United Front would be formally dissolved.

While the Democratic, Republican, Socialist, Farmer-Labor, and Progressive parties were represented at the first meeting, the True Patriots were unrepresented, with much of the party leadership aligning themselves with Acting President Theodore G. Bilbo's National Emergency Government.


The United Front is led by the Executive Committee, which is a ten-man body with representatives from all of the major parties represented in the alliance:
  • Former President Franklin Roosevelt (D-NY) (Executive Committee Chair)
  • Senator Smedley Butler (R-PA) (Executive Committee Vice-Chair)
  • Representative Norman Thomas (S-NY)
  • Governor Elmer Benson (FL-MN)
  • Representative Lyndon Johnson (D-TX)
  • Governor Robert La Follette (R-WI)
  • Governor Earl Warren (R-CA)
  • Governor Herbert H. Lehman (D-NY)
  • General Goerge C. Marshall (I)
  • Admiral Chester Nimitz (I)
The United Front claims its legitimacy as a caretaker government formed through consensus and compromise while also acting in accordance with constitutional law.

While the Presidential Succession Act does not have any contingencies for a complete decapitation strike, the United Front has proposed special elections to fill the vacancies in the Legislative and Executive branches.

The United Front condemns the Bilbo-aligned National Emergency Government in Washington as a violation of the Presidential Succession Act and accuses it of overstepping the powers of the Executive Branch as outlined in the United States Constitution.

Defection of Armed Forces Personnel
The National Emergency Government declaring Martial Law and suspending Habeas Corpus under Executive Order 32 is seen by many as the catalyst for several defections from the Nationalist United States Armed Forces.

Statements issued by several officers directly reference Executive Order 32 as the reason for their defection, including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff George Marshall after the Baltimore Coup.

Territorial Control

The United Front currently controls much of the Northeastern, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Pacific Coast, and Southwest regions, as well as much of Eastern Ontario.

The United Front does not control the Panama Canal.

Foreign Recognition

The United Front is currently recognized as the legitimate American government by the Republic of France and the Loyalist faction of the Russian Empire.

While the Nanjing Accord has not issued any official statements of support, the alliance has echoed much of the United Front's sentiments.
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Nice thing is that it looks like, from his - very brief - scene, that Patton is NOT quite comfortable with engaging his own people.

(Also, it's 1942. WTH is Patton only a Colonel at his age??)

The man is a narcissist, yes, but hella loyal to the average citizen, and has a massive hate-boner for anyone that attacks US citizens. Due to that conflict of interest - his loyalty to government vs his loyalty to the command man - I can see whatever troops he commands being very....suspiciously slow....to attack anyone they're ordered to, so long as its US citizens (otoh, if you're not? God help you, its Patton). And more likely to find a location and defend it like honey badgers, without doing much more than keeping a light hand on things. Which the United Front would recognize for what it is, and do their damnnest to avoid him, and probably a quiet continuous dialogue going so Patton knows they are respecting his area of operations. In that everyone realizes Patton wants to keep the peace, so let him.

He might not get the MoH he desperately desires, but if he can be, well, a bastion of sanity? He might very well go down in history as someone who'll be revered even more than a MoH recipient. Which would stroke his ego something fierce.
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