A Second Sunrise: Taiwan of 2020 Sent Back to 1911

What would be a good name for the rewrite?

  • Children of Heaven

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • A Hundred Years' Difference

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Sun and Stars

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • The Second Sunrise

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • (Just call it Second Sunrise but make sure nobody refers to it as "SS")

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Historical Figures in Chapter 91:

10th Mountain Division (Unionists)
  • Bob Dole
United States Air Force and Navy (Unionists)
  • Robin Olds (Devil 1)
  • George HW Bush (Finback 3)
Army of the Potomac Command (Nationalists)
  • Curtis LeMay
  • Douglas MacArthur
  • George S Patton
  • Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter
1st Cavalry Division (Unionists)
  • Lafayette "War Daddy" Pool (along with the rest of his tank crew)
Army of the Rockies Command (Nationalists)
  • George Van Horn Moseley
  • William Westmoreland
542nd Regimental Combat Team (Unionists)
  • Young-Oak Kim
  • Daniel Inouye
  • Lane Nakano
  • Guy Gabaldon
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I'm not finding a 100th regiment in my google search, only a 100th Division and a 100th Battalion (the latter was part of the 442nd).
Yeah I had the two together at the start for simplicity's sake (and so I didn't have to worry about who was in what unit).

That's uh, not how battalions and regiments work.

The 100th was created first, and when they decided to expand it to the 442nd, they just slotted the 100th as the 1st battalion of the 442nd (which has a 2nd and 3rd battalion, but keeps the 100th designation for the first battalion as a legacy thing - most infantry battalions do not have an independent number, through specialized units more often do - the 555th artillery was also part of the 442nd, IIRC). The "merge numbers" thing would only actually make sense if both were the same size/type, you don't merge different sized units that way, one simply occupies a slot within the other.

For example, if we take the 100th division, per Wikipedia:

The 100th Division was constituted on 12 July 1918 in the National Army. It was organized in October of that year at Camp Bowie, Texas.[5] It was assigned the 199th Infantry Brigade commanding the 397th Infantry Regiment, the 398th Infantry Regiment and the 200th Infantry Brigade, commanding the 399th Infantry Regimentand the 400th Infantry Regiment.
What I mean is that the 100th and the 442nd don't exist in this timeline.

I just created a fictional unit called the 542nd, and I added the numbers as a reference.
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Maybe I missed something, but why is China trying to cover up their material support for the Unionists in America? Who would object that the Chinese would be concerned about? I'm pretty sure most world governments are either allied with China, or ideologically aligned with China enough to not object to overt Chinese support. I'm just kind of confused because even though it's sort of ambiguous as to which side in American could be legally considered the legitimate Federal Government, I don't know of any nation left standing that is trying to support the Nationalist besides their allies in Russia.
Because no one likes the idea of a foreign nation actively interfering in their internal politics and no one wants to set the precedent that it's okay for anyone to do that.

So they play a game of pretend to maintain the official status quo of "you shouldn't do that, it's bad, and we will raise all objections to it"
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Once news gets out about the Nationalists committing genocide on minorities the public will revolt causing anarchy in their territories

I'm curious as to what is the next story arc after the Civil Wars.

One possibility is fast forward to 20 years later. Have China and allies send an Expedition to another Timeline set in 1205 to fight the Mongols!
Chapter XX-2: Here We Go Again...
Chen Residence, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, 1 April, 1950

The wars had been over for a while, now. At this point, Morgan Chen stopped counting the years she'd fought with the Unionists, or the missions she'd gone on against the remnants of the Russian Ultranationalists.

Those days were behind her, and now she wanted to look forwards to better things.

The only question was just what she had to look forward to, while everyone else seemed to know what to do with their lives.

Her brother had it easy. All he had to do was play baseball, and he even managed to talk Jon and Adrian into following him back to China to play in the CPBL. Between that and starting a family with his wife, he seemed to have his whole life planned out.

In contrast was, well, her life. Sure, she was a damned good agent with years of field experience, but a life as a Tier One Operator for the Military Intelligence Bureau wasn't exactly the most-stable. Constantly going on missions that you couldn't talk about was, unsurprisingly, not conducive
to a stable romantic life.

Still, she'd made the best of it. Even if she stayed single for the rest of her life, she'd always be her nieces and nephews' favorite aunt.

Well, their only aunt, anyways, but Lin's kids thought she was cool, and that was enough for Morgan.

Morgan's phone rang, breaking her focus. She looked at it to see the words "Aunt Rachel" on the screen.

"Business or Family?" Morgan said on reflex. Because her aunt (for lack of a better term) may be the head of the Military Intelligence Bureau, but she was still Morgan's aunt.

"Get to the airport. There's a plane that'll fly you to Nanjing, ASAP."

"What's going on? I know there's an earthquake warning, but-"

A bright light flashed outside her window, and the lights blacked out.

"You still there, Morgan?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Thank goodness," the aging Director of the MIB breathed, "Everything must have come along, this time."

"Shenshen, what the fuck was that?"

"A second Great Journey, Morgan," the older woman said ominously. "And all the more reason for you to get to Nanjing. Now."

"Don't have to tell me twice," Morgan promised, before getting up.

Not like I was doing anything, anyways.

Bridge of the Kobayashi Maru, Fukuoka Harbor, Area 11, Holy Britannian Empire, 4 August 2017 a.t.b.

"Kobayashi Maru, please prepare to be boarded," the American-accented voice instructed, "Do not resist, or we will be forced to open fire."

"What are we supposed to do, Captain?" the adjutant said to Captain Fukuyama Goro, "We're not a navy vessel."

"We'll cooperate for now," Captain Fukuyama instructed, "Even if these people keep calling us 'Elevens' and getting angry at us for calling ourselves Japanese. Send out an SOS back to Busan. Got it?"

"Got it," the adjutant agreed, before turning to the men. "And the rest?"

"Have the security team on high alert and request they send over a delegation. Under no circumstances are we to get off this ship, am I clear?"

"More than clear, sir. Where are we, anyways?"

"Fukuoka, I think?" Fukuyama said, before looking out at the futuristic city. "At least that's what they're saying, anyways."

Military Intelligence Bureau Headquarters, Nanjing, National Capital Region, 2 April 1950

"A second Great Journey," Lei Anying repeated to the entire room. "With all due respect, Shen- er, Director, I find this hard to believe."

"It is fairly similar to the one from the Lost History," Morgan recalled, "Same readings as well. The only question is where we teleported and who came with us."

"I can answer the latter fairly easily," Director Fong announced. "As of now, we continue to have contact with Seoul, Delhi, Bangkok, Rangoon, Singapore, Manila, Kabul, and Jakarta, which means they all seem to have come back in time with us. Additionally, we have maintained contact with most of our naval assets, though a few are currently MIA."

"And where exactly are we, Director?" Lei asked. From the sound of him, Morgan figured he'd just accepted the reality of their new situation.

"We recently received a distress signal from the Kobayashi Maru, a Japanese-flagged vessel that was sailing from Busan to Fukuoka. According to them, our Japan didn't go back in time with us, unfortunately."

"Must have been a shock," one of the newer members muttered from the back. Morgan looked back to see Agent Hannah Zhu sink back into her chair. "Apologies."

"Indeed," Director Fong agreed. "In this world, Japan doesn't exist. In its place is an entity known as 'Area Eleven,' a colony of the Holy Britannian Empire."

"Britannia, Ma'am?" asked Zhu. "Is the British Empire still around in this world?"

"Not exactly," said the Director. "The British Empire doesn't exist."

"Yet they call themselves 'Britannians.' How does that work out?"

"Do you remember how in the Lost History, the island of Taiwan was effectively a government in exile?" the Director asked the team. Morgan and the other members nodded. Morgan most of all, since her mother literally wrote the book on the Lost History. "Well, the Holy Britannian Empire is similar. Just as the Nationalists were exiled to Taiwan, the British Empire was exiled to the Americas."

"You mean, America, right? asked Morgan. "As in, the United States?"

"No, I specifically said the Americas, Morgan," her aunt yawned, before downing the rest of her coffee. "As in, the entirety of the Western Hemisphere."

Tokyo Settlement, Area 11, Holy Britannian Empire, 4 August 2017 a.t.b.

"Well then, why don't you challenge the Elevens?" the blue-haired schoolboy asked his friend, "They're nothing like us Britannians!"

"As of now, contact with the Chinese Federation outside of the Turkestan Provinces has been cut off after last night's geomagnetic event," the newscaster said over the speakers. "We apologize for the delay. Now, his Royal Highness, Prince Clovis, Third Prince of Britannia, will address the nation."

Almaty, Province of Kazakhstan, Chinese Federation, 4 August 2017 a.t.b.

"In short," General Ma Bufang said to the High Eunuch and Governor, "The Federation no longer exists outside of the Central European provinces. We are cut off and alone."

"Then what should we do?" the High Eunuch asked in his typical high-pitched effeminate tone. "Surely Euro-Britannia will come for us, next!"

"Which is why we need to send a delegation out to whatever took the Federation's place. Whoever they may be, at least they will be fellow Chinese."

"Of course. But we cannot simply be at their mercy. Surely we can offer them something, right? Right?"

"Technology," the General offered, "There is no sense hoarding what we can barely produce ourselves, Governor. Perhaps we have a chance, this way."

"Of course!" the high-pitched man (if the General could even call him that) agreed. "Send a delegation to them, right away!"

Tokyo Settlement, Area 11, Holy Britannian Empire, 4 August 2017 a.t.b.

"Say," said the black-haired boy to the Royal Guardsmen, "How should a Britannian who detests his own country live his life?"

The commander aimed his pistol right at eye level.

"Are you some kind of radical? Huh?"

"What's wrong? Why not shoot? Your opponent is just a schoolboy. Or have you realized: The only ones who should kill are those prepared to be killed."

An eerie red glow shone out of his eyes into the Royal Guardsmen's souls."

"I, Lelouch vi Britannia command you! Now all of you: Die!"

"Happily, Your Highness!" the commander shouted, before the Royal Guardsmen pointed their guns to their heads in unison. "Fire!"

Presidential Palace, Nanjing, National Capital Region, 6 August 2017 a.t.b.

"Oh shit," Dr. Martin Li said for the whole room of experts. "This is not good."

"You mean the fact that we somehow ended up in a Rift that sent us into an anime world, Marty," his brother-in-all-but-name and fellow academic asked, "Or the fact that our agriculture is going to be screwed because we basically went four months ahead in time?"

"Mike," the former MIB Director nearly-shouted, "If this world is what I think it is, we're going up against people with fucking superpowers. I'm talking things like mind control, precognition, and possession. And that's before we get to the fact that they're probably outgunned."

"Yeah, the offer of selling us mechs is kinda a dead giveaway," former General Michael Chen agreed. "I wouldn't have believed it if Morgan hadn't shown us live footage of them, either."

"Which is why we requested your help with developing a strategy to counter them," said President Zhou Enlai. "Apologies for roping you into something yet again, Mr. Chen."

"I'm used to it at this point," Chen sighed, "From the looks of it, our main advantage against the Britannians will be range. Our weapons at least out-range them, and the Federation's delegation has informed us that we can exploit the Britannian preference for close-range combat."

"Good," said President Zhou, "Now, on to the issue of food. From what data we have, our reserves should be more-than adequate to feed the entirety of the Accord for the following year. Additionally, I am open to trade negotiations with this, 'Europia United' if they are willing to trade. We will be playing catch-up, but I want us going to full war economy, ASAP. Is that clear?"

The various advisors and experts nodded.

"And Li."

"Yes, Mr. President?" asked the former MIB Director. "If this is about how to counter the Britannians' 'Geass,' then I have a strategy written out. For your eyes only, of course."

"Anything the rest of us need to know, Marty?" Chen ribbed his old friend. "I'd hate to accidentally get mind-controlled, y'know?"

"Wear sunglasses. Make sure the delegation wears them at all times."

"And why's that?"

"Eye contact. Applied powers mainly work through direct eye contact, so a medium might be able to intercept it."

"And reality warping?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Right now, just be happy it isn't too hard for us to build nukes."

Nanjing Accord Embassy (Formerly Narita Airport), Tokyo Settlement, Area 11, Holy Britannian Empire, 9 August 2017 a.t.b.

Chinese logistical strength was its secret weapon. Well, its secret weapon outside of a massive amount of manpower and production capacity. This was how they managed to annihilate the European Alliance and then arm two continent-spanning armies over a decade later.

And it was that same logistical strength that allowed them to quickly build up an embassy in what was once an abandoned airport. It wasn't much right now, but it served as a strong-enough army base that could hold off an attack from any of those Knightmares.

At least Morgan Chen hoped so, anyways, but the network of CIWS guns and literal mountain of ammunition could probably tear those mechs to shreds.



Sure, they could have set up shop in the old Chinese Federation Embassy over in the Tokyo Settlement, but the delegation knew better than to trust their hosts. They'd never admit it, but the Nanjing Accord wasn't about to trust a society that outright had its own version of the Illuminati.

No, "Security Concerns" would be their primary reason, and they stuck with it.

Even if it seemed like most Japanese (or "Elevens") as the Brits called them, were more-interested in getting the Hell out of there, if the massive line outside the Embassy was anything to go by.

"Clear the way!" the speakers shouted in Japanese, Mandarin, and English to the crowd of refugee applicants, "Official business, coming through!"

"You know," Lei Anying told Morgan, "There's a decent chance it's a trap. Plus, the Britannians will probably be tailing us once we get into the city."

"Which is why we're under the guise of refugee work," Alice Zhu chimed in, "The Britannians don't like going into the ghettoes if they don't have to, so we can lose them in there."

At least that's what this "Zero" guy is telling us, anyways. Still can't believe we got Journeyed into an anime, of all things.

The rest of the ride was peaceful enough, though the sight of still-ruined buildings definitely put a damper on the mood.

"This is our stop," Morgan told her team, before they dismounted. "Remember: Once the crowd grows, we'll lose any tails and follow the prescribed route from Zero."

"You trust him that much?" Lei asked Morgan, "Did we get an alternate version of you, too?"

"Very funny," Morgan chuckled as they walked into the access tunnel. As if on cue, she switched out her sunglasses for her NVGs. "And we need all the help we can get. Britannia has the world's Sakuradite and freaking mechs. We need every advantage and ally we can get our hands on, and that includes literal terrorists."

If she was being honest, she felt a little naked without her Exo Suit on, but it would have made them stick out like a sore thumb.

"Is that so?" an American-sounding voice greeted her over the speakers. "So you must be the delegation."

Morgan held her hand up, and the MIB fireteams knelt down behind cover.

"You expected an ambush," the voice dryly, yet impassionately observed. "And yet you came."

"That we did," Morgan agreed. "So, are you going to show yourself, Zero, or am I going to have to shoot my way to you?"

She peered around the abandoned subway car to see several young men and women with weapons trained on them.

"I'm sure you would, Commander. But as a sign of your good faith, allow me to introduce myself."

The tunnel's lights flashed on, blinding nightvision. Morgan and her team instinctively ducked down and removed them, replacing them with their sunglasses.

In front of them was a skinny figure in a purple suit, a black helmet, and a matching black and red cape.

"That's the leader, alright," Lei muttered. "I've got a clear shot on him."

"Hold fire," Morgan instructed. "Headshots might not work, but drop 'em if they try anything."


"So you're the one they called 'Zero,' Morgan shouted over to him in Japanese. It was one of the reasons she was leading this op, after all. "You caused quite a stir at that execution, you know. Announcing to the world that you killed Clovis, not Kururugi. And your friend turns himself in."

"He was foolish to do so," the helmeted figure answered, "And he is not a friend."

"Really? I thought you two knew each other growing up. Guess I was wrong."

"You... are." Morgan could hear the faint pause in his normally-confident cadence. What she also noticed was a small slit open in his helmet, followed by a faint red glow. "Now, as your host, I request that you obey my every command until I say otherwise."

Morgan could see the light approach her through her sunglasses. It was almost slow-motion, as if she was in combat once more. Only this time, it was with a red light, rather than bullets.

And then nothing.

The light hit her, then it faded away.

"Now," Zero commanded, "Order your forces to lay down your weapons."

'Nah, I'll pass." It didn't show under her bandana, but she had a massive smile on her face. "Neat Geass, though. Want me to guess how it works?"

"H-how do you-"Zero stammered. Morgan could see his soldiers look back at him. "We should meet in the train car."

"Of course," Morgan agreed. "One-on-one."

"If you insist," the masked leader begrudgingly agreed. "As per our deal."

"Of course," Morgan agreed, and the two of them entered the train car with the doors shut behind them. Both sat down at opposite ends. "So, is it you in there, or a green-haired woman?"

"How do you-" Zero was taken aback. "How do you know about her?"

"I know everything, Lelouch vi Britannia," Morgan plainly told him. "Your name, your survival, your sister, and your ambitions."

"To destroy Britannia. Know that I would rather die than let that happen."

"I'm sure you would," Morgan observed, though she wouldn't tell him how true that really was. "But I am not here to stop you. Far from it."

"Then what do you want, Chen?"

"Cooperation. Maybe a partnership or an alliance down the road, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

"And what do the Black Knights get out of this?"

"Information. An ally. And a safe haven when your little rebellion eventually peters out."

"It will not. I will make sure of that."

"And what happens then? What about the reinforcements from Britannia? Do you keep fighting them off until Japan is nothing but ash and your sister is in your father's clutches?"


"What about your friends? What about the sister you're doing this for? How do you know that they too, won't get caught in the crossfire?"

"So what do you want?" he reiterated, his voice seething with a rage Morgan had never heard before. "Enough with the abstractions."

"Cooperation, but without any of the shenanigans. No Geass shenanigans or any other fuckery. Do we havew a deal?"

Morgan stared into the man's mask, and the man stared back into the sunglasses that shielded her eyes from his Geass.

"It is... agreeable," the schoolboy-turned-revolutionary finally spoke. "Assistance for assistance."

"Alright. So, for starters, I'm going to need a working Knightmare Frame and as many blueprints as you can get your hands on. I'm sure you have a few leftovers."

"That is doable," Zero agreed. "And in exchange?"

"Information about that green-haired woman. Tell me, kid, do you really think you're the only person she's ever given that power to?"

The masked figure just stared at her.

"What, did it never cross your mind?" Morgan asked him, "It didn't, but it makes enough sense, doesn't it?"

"It does."

Military Intelligence Bureau Blacksite, Location Unknown, Republic of China, 16 August 2017

Normally, Chen Lin would be upset about the season being cancelled. He'd already missed out on a couple seasons because of the Civil War, and he'd be missing out on a third.

This was time that could have been spent hitting home runs and going for Babe Ruth's record.

These were not normal times. And that meant something for somebody who was descended from a time traveler, of all people.

The fact that there was now a couple giant mech suits in front of him definitely helped with that.

"Morgan," his wife Selena asked over the secured video call. "One question."

"What's up?" his sister asked in her usual chipper tone. "It's about the robots, isn't it?"

"Mech suits," Lin corrected. "And because I have the same question, I'll ask for the two of us-"


"Where. The fuck. Did you get your hands on Britannian Knightmare frames?"

"Trade secret," Morgan said with the biggest shit-eating grin he'd ever seen. "Would have to murder you if I told you."

"Fair enough," he sighed, "So, you want me to take a look at these and what, reverse-engineer it?"

"Pretty much. Think you and the other engineers can do it?"

"In like a month? No. Six months and a near-unlimited budget with local assistance? Eh, probably."

Chamber of the Council of Forty, Paris, France, United Republic of Europia, RY 212

"It is a problem solving itself," one of the Councilors agreed, "Very well, General Smilas. We'll allow the Japanese refugees to resettle in the Nanjing Accord."

"And my other proposal?"

"Major Breislau's unit will be transferred under the guise of refugees and military training exercises."

"Very well," the General agreed. "Now, is there is nothing else for me to assist with, I will take my leave."

"Of course, General."

"Britannia Nightly News", Britannia News Network, 20 August 2017 a.t.b.

JOYCE: Good evening fellow Britannians and welcome to Britannia Nightly News. I am your host, William Joyce, and we begin with an update on the Clovisland shooting in Area 11. Viceroy Cornelia li Britannia has announced that the situation has been resolved without any losses of Britannian life.

CORNELIA: It is through the efforts of my men that the situation was resolved, and as such they deserve the credit for the situation. I am pleased to inform the general public that the terrorist has been killed by a sniper without any civilian or military losses. While my brother's amusement park will remain closed for the forseeable future, I promise that my late brother's park will be open as soon as possible.

JOYCE: While details are still being released, we are able to identify the suspect as "Mao," an albino Chinese Federation man who had been in Area 11 for the past few months. While we don't know his motive, the citizens of Britannia can rest easy knowing that this Mao will no longer pose a threat to their safety.

Black Knights Hideout, Area Unknown, Tokyo Settlement, Area 11, 20 August 2017 a.t.b.

"I never thought you'd want to give your sister the credit," the lime-haired woman dryly him. "It is so unlike you."

"It's not as if I could take credit for using you as bait and having Morgan Chen shoot Mao in the head with a sniper rifle."

"All thanks to those Chinese friends of yours," C.C. coldly observed. "I wish there was another way."

"That would take a miracle," Lelouch calmly observed. And my willingness to let a loose end live.

Military Intelligence Bureau Blacksite, Location Unknown, Republic of China, 24 August 2017

"I swear, is every single important person in this world a friggin' teenager?"
Chen Lin still couldn't believe it. "I mean, don't get me wrong, Lena. I'm happy that we have people to help us reverse-engineer all this stuff, but still."

"Anime, Lin," his red-haired wife simply observed. "That pretty much explains it."

"Yeah, I'm just going to roll with it and stop asking questions when I get roped into things," he thought aloud. Only for it to hit him. "Lena?"

"What's up?"

"This must be how my Dad feels whenever he gets roped into all kinds of weird shit, isn't it?"

"Probably," she figured, before looking at that Japanese kid talking with Major Malcal. "There's just one catch."


"They're still teenagers. Maybe this time they'll get to actually be teenagers."

Pendragon Imperial Palace, Pendragon, Holy Britannian Empire, 8 September 2017 a.t.b.

"The Special Administrative Zone seems to have been a success," Prime Minister Schneizel el Britannia observed to the Emperor. "Euphie- er, Princess Euphemia's approach has been met with cooperation from the residents, and she has already forwarded proposals despite the Black Knights' continued presence."

"They seem to be more-content with attacking industrial centers, anyways," said the Emperor. "Let them continue. Euphemia can keep her little settlement as it is, while the Black Knights can play vigilante. If anything, they are probably less-corrupt than the Knight Police."

"They will need to be dealt with, sooner or later," Schneizel pointed out. "They are the ones responsible for Clovis' death, and we cannot let that go unpunished. Not to mention the attacks on manufacturing and resource extraction throughout Area 11."

"Of course. However, I refuse to reallocate resources from the Kamine Island project."

Let Lelouch play rebel all he wants. Clovis told me everything I need to know about who this Zero truly is.

Black Knights Headquarters, Tokyo Harbor, Tokyo Settlement, Area 11, 10 October 2017 a.t.b.

"Huh." Morgan Chen looked around the underwater headquarters. "Pretty much everybody important here is a teenager, after all."

"Is that a problem, Chen?" the red-haired half-Britannian asked her, "We may be young, but we've proven ourselves again and again."

"It's an observation about your age, not your ability, kid," Morgan coolly responded. "So, is Zero really pursuing non-interference with the Special Administrative Zone?"

"It seems so," Kozuki answered. "He would rather attack our true enemy, rather than a distraction."

If only you knew, Kallen. If only you knew.

He's not attacking the SAZ because his beloved sister is there, and he refuses to make the same mistake again.

That, and he sees her as a means to an end. Somebody has to rule Britannia when Chuck is dead, and Euphemia is as good a choice as any.

And we are all playing into his plans. You, the Black Knights, Euphemia, Suzaku, Cornelia.

Even me, if I'm being honest. I'm well aware that he's using us to gain the upper hand on Britannia.

Then again, I'm using him to buy time to modernize against Britannia. We wouldn't be where we are today if it weren't for all the blueprints and technology samples you guys have given us.

Well, you guys and the Europeans, anyways.

I guess this is how the game is played. And unlike my brother, I have the patience for it.
Now, how will you deal with your father, Lelouch? It's only a matter of time until you will have to cross that bridge.

Special Administrative Zone, Area 11, Holy Britannian Empire, 11 November 2017 a.t.b.
Suzaku Kururugi had to be one of the luckiest men alive.

In the span of a couple months, he'd gone from a lowly Private to the Knight of the Sub-Viceroy of Area 11.

And so much more, but it had to be quiet, else Cornelia and Lelouch both kill him, literally and figuratively, respectively.

But here they were, welcoming the newest expansion of the Special Administrative Zone to rapturous applause and no objections from the Black Knights.

Truth be told, they'd been quiet.

Too quiet, if he was being completely honest.

There were attacks, but they tended to be against targets only tangentially-related to Euphy's rule. Corrupt businessmen, nobles, and political rivals would all be annihilated by the Black Knights, but even those were declining over the last few weeks.

He didn't know what to make of it. There was always the possibility that Zero was just that effective, but Suzaku had his doubts.

Idealist he may be, even he had to admit that Britannia was rotten to the core.

So where are you, Zero?

And what are you doing?

Secret Intelligence Service Office, Duchy of Hawaii, Holy Britannian Empire, 17 November 2017 a.t.b.

In the legends of Alexander the Great, it is said that he was able to untie the Gordian Knot by cutting it with his sword.

This wasn't exactly the perfect analogy, but Lelouch saw this as an equivalent path of least resistance.

All the subterfuge in the world couldn't stop him if he Geassed his way up the chain until even the Director of Intelligence was his slave in all but name.

So as the SIS agent looked at him in horror, he knew that he would have yet another pawn on his side of the board.

"Obey my every command," he said rather nonchalantly, as if he had done this a thousand times before. And like the other thousand times before, the subject complied. "Tell me your name and anything important about yourself."

"My name is Rolo Halliburton, Your Majesty," the young agent answered, "I am an SIS agent with a Geass that allows me to freeze people's perception of time."

"I see," Lelouch mused. This one would be much more useful to him than the dozen officers he'd off-handedly controlled into absolute obedience. "Tell me more about the Geass Order."

And so he did. Rolo told him everything, from the location to the leadership to the garrison and defenses.

"Now Rolo," the bemused prince in disguise added, "I have another task for you."

"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"When I give you the signal, you will kill Charles zi Britannia."

"Nanjing Accord Announces First Knightmare Design - Entering Production in 2018," Popular Science, October 2017

The world has been been taken aback by the announcement of the first Chinese mech suit (colloquially referred to as "Knightmares" by the Birtannians).

Dubbed the "Accord Model," the mech suit shares several similarities with the Britannian Sitherlands and Gloucesters, though there are some similarities with the Federation Gun-Ru models.

"The development of such a weapon is a testament to the merits of the Nanjing Accord and our commitment to moving forward, together," said Chinese spokesman Chen Lin, who unveiled the project in late November. "And it is through this spirit that we will begin mass-production in early 2017."

In response, the European Union congratulated the Nanjing Accord, while a Britannian spokesman said that it was "A stolen valor derived from Britannian genius."

Production is expected to begin in early 2018, now that the trade agreements at the Lake Kawaguchi Conference were ratified.

Given the emergency economic footing over the last year, this is just another in China's rapid growth as it incorporates modern technologies into their manufacturing.

Pendragon Imperial Palace, Pendragon, Holy Britannian Empire, 15 March 2018 a.t.b.

It hit him, all of a sudden.

In the front, the back, and the sides, all at once.

A hundred piercing spikes seemed to stab into his body, and the blood flew from each and every one of them.

He looked up to see one of his assailants towering over him despite the young man's height.


It all made sense now.

The royal bastard, one of Victor's failed creations, had paused time long enough for the red-eyed generals and ministers to stab him over and over again.

"It is done, Your Majesty. Lelouch will have his revenge for what you have done."

All sorts of thoughts ran through Charles' head. He wanted to say something, anything, just so he would have the dignity of the last word.

Part of him wanted to say how Marianne's death was Victor's doing. Not his.

Another wanted to scream and curse at the traitors who murdered him, having literally stabbed him in the back.

And yet another part wanted to lament the grand plan that could die with him and pray that Marianne could continue their dream.

"Well played, Lelouch," Charles wheezed, "I should have killed you for your insolence when I had the chance."

And with that, Charles zi Britannia's reign ended just as it began:

Through treachery and blood.

Second Emblem of Blood

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Britannian Civil War)

The Second Emblem of Blood (also known as the Second Britannian Civil War) was a civil war between the various factions of the Holy Britannian Empire in the wake of the assassinations for Emperor Charles zi Britannia, Prime Minister Schneizel el Britannia, and Crown Prince Odysseus eu Britannia.

The subsequent war would see several cliques and factions war with one another, as well as the return of Prince Lelouch vi Britannia, who gave his support to the li Britannia faction under control of Cornelia li Britannia.

The conflict would rage for the following five years and result in the ascension of Empress Euphemia li Britannia to the throne, her marriage to Emperor-Consort Suzaku Kururugi, and the ushering in of an era of reform and the gradual thawing of relations between Britannia, Europe, and Asia's Nanjing Accord.

Nevertheless, rumors and conspiracy theories continue to exist regarding the Emblem of Blood, including claims that the assassinations of the Emperor, Crown Prince, and Prime Minister were a Chinese plot to weaken Britannia.

Aries Villa, Pendragon, Holy Britannian Empire, 1 April 2025 a.t.b.
"I never thought you were the kind of guy to play second fiddle," Morgan Chen said to the Prince in his palace. "Yet here you are, protecting your sister from the shadows."

"It is important to adapt to new events," the Prince politely countered, "Whether that be my sister, teleporting continents, or a different perspective."

"I'll take your word for it, Prince I-Will-Destroy-Britannia-For-My-Little-Sister. Honestly, you burning Britannia down is probably the reason the Nanjing Accord was able to catch up with Britannia in the first place."

"And the world is better off for it," the Prince said politely. "Besides, I only swore to destroy Britannia. I never said anything about building a better one in its place."
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I should point out that I might do other universes as well, but a lot of it can be boiled down to "Use Nukes" or "Open a Rift and GTFO."

Like, nuking the crap out of everyone the answer for Man in the High Castle, Wolfenstein, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, and RWBY.

While opening a rift and GTFO is the answer to getting teleported into the Warhammer 40K, Dead Space or Halo with the Flood.

Because screw that, I'm not dealing with Chaos/Space Zombies/More Space Zombies.
Next chapter is already underway, and we're headed back to Russia.

Time to go back to canon, where everything isn't done by hypercompetent teenagers.

Instead, it's hypercompetent young adults.
Enhanced Interrogation Techniques
Boise Junior College, Boise, Idaho, Unionist-Controlled Territory, United States of America, 28 1942

Sergeant Samuel Kimura should be a happy man. He'd gotten a promotion for rounding up the POWs, and Captain Kim had personally vouched for him.

Of course, many of the promotions were due to simply needing competent-enough men in the ranks, but men like Sam knew they'd earned their place.

Promotion came with perks, as well. That was why he was here, talking with a Chinese volunteer soldier who spoke surprisingly-good English about the POW they captured.

"So," he said, trying to make smalltalk, "Did he talk?"

"They always talk," the Chinese soldier named "Chen," according to her nametag, told him. "Bastard told us everything from his time in the Golden Circle to joining the militia."

That second thing was the least surprising to Sam. If anything, he would've been more surprised if the racist terrorist group didn't side with the racist terrorist sympathizer occupying the Oval Office.

But the first part? That sent shivers down his spine.

"I'd hate to be that guy," Sam breathed. "Even if he probably deserved it."

"Like Hell he did," Chen seemingly laughed in annoyance, "He deserved worse than what we did to him."

"Christ. Remind me not to get on your guys' bad side, then."

"That goes without saying," Chen quietly laughed, only to turn to him. "Wait."


"Do you think I tortured him or something?"


Honestly, Sam didn't really know what else to say.

"Oh for fuck's sake, Sergeant," Chen groaned, "I didn't torture him, if that's what you're asking!"

"Well, that's good to know-"

"No, I drugged him with Diazepam."

"Wait, what?!"

"Yeah, I just mixed it in with his food. It's no truth serum, but it gets them talking."
I'm now wondering if drugging people outside of medical procedures considered a war crime. I'm leaning towards yes.

I think it should depend on the nature of the pill. Giving someone a painkiller or vitamin pills shouldn't count as war crimes. If the drugs have strong harmful effects, then they should count as war crimes.

Based on an unreliable quick Google search it seems Diazepam is just some sleeping pills.
I'm now wondering if drugging people outside of medical procedures considered a war crime. I'm leaning towards yes.
As per the Geneva Convention, yes. Drugging a prisoner is a violation of their rights, probably under part 3, 4, or 7.

That being said, it's vanishingly unlikely that anyone would bother going after him for something that's as small potatoes as roofieing a single prisoner unless he was dumb enough to write it up on his memoirs or brag about it.

Or, of course, if it was a systematic thing he did.


Remember kids, just because someone's an asshole working for even bigger assholes doesn't mean they lose their rights. If it would be wrong for it to happen to you, it's wrong to happen to them.
That being said, it's vanishingly unlikely that anyone would bother going after him for something that's as small potatoes as roofieing a single prisoner unless he was dumb enough to write it up on his memoirs or brag about it.

Yeah, that guy is probably going to get executed by firing squad for crimes against humanity.

Would be good for propaganda.
As per the Geneva Convention, yes. Drugging a prisoner is a violation of their rights, probably under part 3, 4, or 7.

That being said, it's vanishingly unlikely that anyone would bother going after him for something that's as small potatoes as roofieing a single prisoner unless he was dumb enough to write it up on his memoirs or brag about it.

Or, of course, if it was a systematic thing he did.


Remember kids, just because someone's an asshole working for even bigger assholes doesn't mean they lose their rights. If it would be wrong for it to happen to you, it's wrong to happen to them.

Except for nazis then it's fair game, they've already done that to themselves anyway by giving them (the "genius" official in the nazi hierarchy) cocaine laced bubblegum to keep them "top shape" to keep fighting and commit war crimes and crimes against humanity, (especially the top head leaders like Hitler and his cronies) I hope...
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Wondering what else could happen after the civil wars and I'm drawing only two things:

-The first space colony holding 100 people for its first phase

-The first Time-travel expedition. Taiwan sends a few hundred experts back in time to 120 000 BCE to save countless humans and animal species from the Ice Age