Saint Oscar Romero Church, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China, 20 July 1918
"It's been over seven years," the priest said through the speakers, "Seven years since God sent us back in time."
And in those seven years, he had built his own congregation from an assortment of Catholics, be they converts, locals, or tourists sent back in time with them.
"It's been hard, I know, but we all have stuck together and rebuilt our lives. Though we have lost family and loved ones, our faith has helped us get through this."
"At the same time, I still ask myself why this had to happen. I'll be honest, I've gotten this question so many times over the years, and I still don't have an answer."
"As a scientist, I could say it's some fluctuation in spacetime that sent us back. Should this be the case, I guess we could argue that this is all part of the 'Hands-Off' theory of God, in the sense that He values Free Will above all else and largely doesn't interfere with our world."
"If that's the case, then life goes on. And it has gone on. In all these years, I've done my share of weddings and baptisms, and so many of you have rebuilt your lives in our new home."
Of all things, that was what he was most proud of. So many of these people, be they his former students, friends, and recent converts, were in the crowd today, along with their families.
Sure, not all of their spouses were even Catholic, but the fact that they were even here warmed his heart.
"Or, maybe God had a reason to send us back in time. If that's the case, I don't know what it is, but I'm always open to answers."
With this, he turned to the statue of Jesus on the altar, and that got a few laughs out of the crowd.
"Yeah, He's not talking."
That got even more laughs out of the congregation.
"I don't know what His plan is. But, if I am being completely honest, I don't think our mission's changed."
"We're still supposed to be good people and set good examples. We're supposed to spread the Word of God through our kindness and goodness to one another, just as He once did all those years ago."
"Does it matter whether we're doing this in 2028 or 1918? Goodness, kindness, and decency (and I'm not talking about the backhanded stuff you used to see on the internet) are universal goods that resonate just as much with us from the future as they do with all of us who came from the past."
"We can talk about Revelations, Raptures, and Divine Tests, but our duty to spread the Word of God through goodness and kindness have not changed, no matter what has happened."
"I know, I know, 'I don't know' isn't the best answer in the world. But it's an honest one, if nothing else."
Location Unknown, Salem, Oregon, United States of America, 1 September 1918
"I know what this is!" bellowed the Pastor Locke from his pulpit. "It is a warning from God! Nothing less than that!"
"Blacks and whites living with one another? The Polish and Irish living alongside us Anglo-Saxons?! Catholics and Protestants living alongside one another?"
"The world of the future is little more than a modern Sodom and Gomorrah of degeneracy where people have turned away from God and towards fornication with one another!"
"It is a sign of their moral decay that so many are poor and suffering, for they have turned away from God himself! That is the world that awaits us if we do not secure an existence for ourselves and our children!"
"It is a world of degeneracy, of weakness and impurity brought forth by those who claim to worship Christ but take orders either from Rome or Jerusalem!"
"And here we are, seen as outcasts for what we have said for our safety, for the protection of America's innocence against those who would rape and pervert her virgin innocence!"
"Tell me, would you want your daughter to marry a negro. For your beautiful girl to give birth to a mutt?"
The woman shook her head quietly.
"Or would you, sir," he said to one of the men in the front row, "Would you want your children to be taught the lies and slander of these so-called 'scientists' that God did not create the Earth in seven days?"
"Well no, I wouldn't!"
"Then it is all the more reason that we take a stand today to protect America. This Christian nation of ours is worth fighting for, even if our so-called 'leaders' in Washington refuse to fight for her.
"Our enemies are cowards, with how they sneakily try to infect our society. How they work in the shadows to pervert us and turn us against one another, enraging us into doing the Devil's work!"
"These cowards are the greatest threat to the existence of the American people! Not just the Negro, but the Socialist, the Progressive, the Chinaman, the Catholic, and the Jew as well! All of them seek nothing more than to see us weakened and feeble!"
"Then it is our mission to fight against these great odds and rid ourselves of these people. Don't get me wrong, brothers and sisters, there will be many who say what we are doing is 'immoral' or 'wicked.'"
To them I say to get out of our way. For just as God knows us as his beloved children, we know God! He sees us, just as well as he knows us, and he knows we are right in our cause!"
"And when that Judgement Day finally comes, we will be vindicated, for Christ himself will look upon us in approval while the naysayers look on in horror and regret at their decision to not join us in our heavenly struggle to do the work of our god!"
East Harlem Presbyterian Church, New York City, New York, United States of America, 30 October 1918
"The future?" Reverend Thomas said to the crowd, "It is many things. Promising and Discouraging all at once, depending on where you look."
At least that was what he could tell from his own readings. Here was a time when there was more food than necessary, yet people still went hungry in America.
"But it is the sheer capacity for progress in a hundred years that has amazed me the most. To think that in such a short period of time, Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans would be seen as, well, Americans. Or to think that Americans of different races could marry one another without any restriction."
"It is beautiful. Wouldn't you say so?"
Sure enough, many of his Italian-American congregation nodded their heads.
"However, the future is not a utopia, not should we think of it as such. Not when so many are as wealthy as the robber barons of our own time, with so many more willing to justify this greed and suffering with the claims lf hard work."
"If I am honest," the young reverend admitted, "It saddens me. There is so much potential for our future, but so much of it is wasted on the evils of Greed, Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, and Lust for power."
"Christ Himself could feed an entire crowd with a handful of loaves and fishes, yet the people of the future still had millions starving around the world."
"What saddens me more, my neighbors," he continued, using a phrase from a future Presbyterian minister, "is how so many use Christ Himself to justify these injustices. The Bible is a beautiful book that we can learn from, but I do not think that we should pick our favorite verses to justify our shortcomings."
"If anything, I would argue that we ought to use the Bible to be as close to Christ in faith and action as we can be."
"Prayer is all well and good. After all, I am a reverend." A few people nodded to that. "But as a Christian philosopher once said, 'You cannot eat Christ… Unless you are Catholic, of course."
Reverend Thomas looked to see his congregation smile at the joke. As funny as he thought it was, he had a point to it all.
A point that his now-engaged congregation seemed to have understood.
"That is the crux of this, I believe," he said to them. "Faith and Action. Through good works we can achieve the goodness of that future. Through our faith, we can guide ourselves away from making the same mistakes."
"A better future is possible," he surmised, before pausing to take a breath. "But if we want to live in that better world, then we will need to work hard for it. It will not be easy, I am afraid, but a future where all are welcome at the table of plenty is a future worth working towards."
First Methodist Church, Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America, 31 December 1918
"As our Lord and Savior once said, 'Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven," the preacher began. Sure enough, all the assembled were at least familiar with those words. "Then if that is the case, then would it not mean that this is the key to Christ's return?"
The people looked on at him with confused faces, but at least they were not enraged.
"As He said, 'On Earth as it is in Heaven.' Would this not mean that for Christ to return, His will must be done on Earth as it is in Heaven?"
Now the people nodded, which meant he was at least making some sense to them.
"And what is Heaven? It is a place of paradise, where there is no suffering. A home where nobody is homeless, with a table where nobody is hungry, led by a Christ who can heal the sick for no money. A perfect place to spend an eternity, wouldn't you say?"
"This, of course, is all God's will, isn't it. After all, He is the ruler of Heaven, so all of this would be through his doing. Does that make sense?"
Again, the crowd nodded, encouraging him to move on to his next point.
"Then if that is the case, wouldn't it mean that Christ will not return until we do on Earth as it is in Heaven? That is, an Earth free of sickness, homelessness, and starvation. A world of peace and love, just as Heaven will be upon our arrival."
"My brothers and sisters," he said to the congregation. These were bold words, of course, seeing that this was a congregation of black and white people, though he hardly cared. After all, he doubted Christ would, either. "This is our mission. If we are to bring forth the return of Christ, Our Lord and Savior, then we must do unto Earth as the Father has already done in Heaven."
"Why else would He send back an entire island's worth of technology back to our time, if not to help us achieve this? With this technology, God has given us the means to house and feed the world, just as we have the means to wipe out the perfidious diseases that have killed so many of our brothers and sisters."
"Only then will Christ return to Earth. Only then will our work be done, and we may ascend to Heaven just as He had done all those years ago."
"Now, I know that there are those who have their own questions. Those who would disregard the Lord's own words and ask, 'What if you are wrong?'"
"To them I ask them to look in the Bible and see how God is ever-present, ever-testing us. Be it through Christ, Solomon, Joseph, Abraham, or even Sodom and Gomorrah, the Lord is always looking upon us and testing our character to see if we are as genuine in action as we are in faith."
"To them who would discourage us from acting with goodness and kindness with this kind of question, I have only one question for them."
"What if you are wrong?"