Oh, Ibaraki. Pulling this on a pastor in a church is going to just earn you the eternal, burning disdain of Martha, and I am fairly certain that would get you killed very quickly. Ibaraki was around as strong as someone who got their power because their father was a dragon, she's the person who beat a dragon up so badly it has PTSD.

And that's even assuming Enkidu isn't the Lancer, because if he is you're fucked even faster.
Eh. Ibaraki has the equivalent of Charisma A (and historically, people have talked their way out of worse situations) and her Disengage skill, as much as the author has at times shaped circumstances to make it non-functional, was sufficient to let her escape Archer Gilgamesh while carrying two humans, and historically allowed her to escape Kintoki and quite possibly Raikou multiple times. Even if they take a limb, she's still liable to leave with her master in grip. As for Enkidu....his best restraining method would essentially just be a super-tough chains. No conceptual or power-canceling on an oni without an ounce of divine blood in her.

Not even getting into the fact that force sufficient to kill Ibaraki would by nature risk all the Masters present....as a side note, it'd doubtful that Da Vinci didn't tell Ibaraki to do exactly this, so if anyone you should be reprimanding Da Vinci.
But what did it mean? The only thing Ryuunosuke could guess was that there was a connection between and Ibaraki – on a very deep level, that wasn't visible even to spirits like Servants but that fundamentally there.
between him and Ibaraki
but that was fundamentally there.
She wanted to go to it – even beyond the fact that Saber had taken off running after it, even beyond the logic that said this had to a Servant encountering Berserker.
to be a Servant

Well, I didn't see this coming as far as the next tactic of Ibaraki and the crazed murderer serving as her Master. They're proving quite the bigger threat to the average person than in canon, yup. Also liked the threat Kiritsugu pulled regarding the other Master and their loved ones - although honestly speaking, kidnapping Sakura Matou would probably be a blessing for the girl right now...
When Kiritsugu mentioned Sakura, I hoped he would spill the beans on her situation. This is definitely more in character for him. Nice to see that Da Vinci wasn't fooled for a second.
I've been wondering about this for quite some time...

Ibaraki is a servant who is a Japanese mythological figure summoned in Japan, right?

Shouldn't she be more dangerous in this war due to her homeland bonus? Like what happened to Vlad in Apocrypha?

Or does that not apply it this story?

I've been wondering about this for quite some time...

Ibaraki is a servant who is a Japanese mythological figure summoned in Japan, right?

Shouldn't she be more dangerous in this war due to her homeland bonus? Like what happened to Vlad in Apocrypha?

Or does that not apply it this story?

Ryuunosuke is such a bad master that it basically cancelled out.

Which is totally just a cheap excuse to not give her a Mt. Ooe Reality Marble/Otherworld NP, like what she did with the Book of Enma in Benienma's Interlude, I'm onto you author-kun!
I've been wondering about this for quite some time...

Ibaraki is a servant who is a Japanese mythological figure summoned in Japan, right?

Shouldn't she be more dangerous in this war due to her homeland bonus? Like what happened to Vlad in Apocrypha?

Or does that not apply it this story?

I mean, she's just swaggered into the church where at least four Servants are united against her (Lancer isn't present and who knows what Caster is doing) and the person she fought after gouging herself on the blood, souls, and terror of Fuyuki was someone who excels at turning force against itself, so we don't really know what her upper limit is when she gets to really show off.
Kiri pulling a hostage bluff is fitting though Kayneth's rant about him feels weird since as a noble, he would be more concerned with all the damage Kiri's done to destroying research or whole mage bloodlines than the actual humanity of his actions.

Always Late kind of covered it, but since Caster's claim was that Kiritsugu was too kindhearted to pull of a hostage situation, that's what Kayneth is providing evidence against. But, yes, destroying a lineage's entire work is the more heinous crime to Kayneth.

Ibaraki has the equivalent of Charisma A

Interestingly, the two Servants most pissed off at Ibaraki right now are protected against mental influence: Saber by their Self-Suggestion skill and Rider by Protection of the Faith (although it's not as clear what that does exactly). So, uh. Good thing she has Disengage.

between him and Ibaraki
but that was fundamentally there.
to be a Servant

Thanks - fixed.

When Kiritsugu mentioned Sakura, I hoped he would spill the beans on her situation.

I'm not actually sure he knows. He'd have done his research, and is almost certainly aware that Sakura was originally a Tohsaka, but probably hasn't got the whole picture as to her situation. This photo Serenity just took is recent, though - she'd probably be at school.

Ibaraki is a servant who is a Japanese mythological figure summoned in Japan, right?

Shouldn't she be more dangerous in this war due to her homeland bonus? Like what happened to Vlad in Apocrypha?

There was a discussion about this way back. It's a factor, but not much of one, partly because of Ryuunosuke and partly because she's a Kyoto youkai summoned in Kyushu. I'm deliberately not tying myself to hard numbers for this fic, because that way lies madness.

On the other hand, if anyone feels Ibaraki is overpowered, then that's the reason. Totally.
I'm not actually sure he knows. He'd have done his research, and is almost certainly aware that Sakura was originally a Tohsaka, but probably hasn't got the whole picture as to her situation. This photo Serenity just took is recent, though - she'd probably be at school.
What do you think Kiri's reaction would be if he did know?
As father to a little girl himself, that would hit home hard, regardless of how how deep he is in "Mind of Steel" mode.
What do you think Kiri's reaction would be if he did know?
As father to a little girl himself, that would hit home hard, regardless of how how deep he is in "Mind of Steel" mode.

As a best guess, he would act as if it didn't affect him, and continue to do what he had to do, then break down privately later to Iri. One of the things I've tried to push in this fic - and it may well just be an alternate interpretation, but I'm running with it regardless - is that Kiritsugu really isn't as hardhearted as he pretends or believes himself to be, and is under a lot of mental strain from the unhealthy disconnect between his ideals and his methods.

So, yes, I think he would basically ignore it as far as practical results went, but it would just increase his mental strain by doing so.
Rider by Protection of the Faith (although it's not as clear what that does exactly).

I believe that Lancer Vlad's profile and Mats imply that it's an outward mental influence blocking other ones out, but only strong enough to affect you in specific circumstances (eg how it is for him).
Ibaraki was around as strong as someone who got their power because their father was a dragon
That's Shuten and Kintoki.

Anyway I'm honesty genuinely impressed by this. Its an alt war fic which almost by its nature is doomed but things are actually different in a fun and plausible way, you've using all the characters effectively and not bashing anyone or having things land on the canon rails inexplicably and your Servant choice and the reasoning behind it is also 👌. You played with the compatibility so that it varies between someone like them, someone they would get along with/have a similar worldview, to just someone who they would learn a lot from.

Hell even with using worst/most boring Assassin I'm finding myself enjoying this and genuinely interested in what happens next.

As for Kirei's Servant at first my gut said Karna because his Fate take of serving terrible people faithfully could actually play out for once rather than being a mostly informed attribute but on further thought I came to think it might be Takeuchi's Salt/Kagetora. Her thing about being/feeling inhuman and not really getting people would fit better with Kirei and his search for meaning and while her stats, skills and NP aren't bad they aren't overpowered either. Which takes away from the trump card aspect....BUT Uesugi Kenshin is super famous all over Japan and would thus get a massive boost from a home turf advantage even if Kyushu is way to the south of Eichigo/Niigata. But I could very well be wrong and it turns out to be Titoria or Titsalter because they have the personality of cardboard and big titties :V
I'm saying Ibaraki is on Shuten's level, arguably even stronger, and Shuten is half-dragon because her father was the Orochi.
Though, comparing Tarrasque to Yamata-no-Orochi is a bit of a stretch. Plus, if you want a buff Martha, you want her in her Swimsuit where she has B+ Strength, compared to her normal D rank....actually, looking at her Materials, almost all her really good stuff is in her Swimsuit version...
Though, comparing Tarrasque to Yamata-no-Orochi is a bit of a stretch. Plus, if you want a buff Martha, you want her in her Swimsuit where she has B+ Strength, compared to her normal D rank....actually, looking at her Materials, almost all her really good stuff is in her Swimsuit version...
That's just Rulers being OP as usual. Even Amakusa goes from a garbage Caster to pretty damn good as one.
But for all that… Ibaraki was still going to win this fight. Because Ibaraki's real strength?

Sheer rugged toughness. Many soldiers, guardsmen and heroes were sure they had killed Ibaraki, and all were proved wrong in the end. Bring on Saber's worst, because Ibaraki did not give a fuck. Stab her, slash her, beat her black and blue, Ibaraki would still be in the fight and only come back twice as pissed off.

She could do this all night.
I'm a little late to the party here, but I gotta ask, was this meant to come across as badass? Because it came across as more delusional than anything else. Ibaraki has established that she has no respect for humans, so she just sounds like she's completely forgetting that she's fighting another Servant, a fellow warrior of myth and legend, some one that can boost the same practically by definition( though admittedly said definition has been loosened of late...), and not just some punk with a magic sword. She does have a bit better showing when she pulls out Mana Burst: Flames, but honestly it was too little too late given her attitude. EDIT: And of course, what happened to her and what almost happened to her when she fought Caster made her look even more delusional.

To be clear, I most emphatically do not mean this as an insult to your writing prowess if it was meant to be badass, I'm a big fan of your work, I'm just legitimately curious if I read it the way it was meant to be read.
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Chapter 16 - Accused
Chapter 16 - Accused

Risei had never been an Executor. Not that he had anything against the order – there were those in the Church that disdained what they thought of as heretics and fanatics, but Risei had seen that they had their place, and the day his boy Kirei had decided to join them had been one of the proudest of his life. Being an Executor was a fine thing, but Risei knew it wasn't for him.

That said, in this strange and hostile world of mages and monsters, the life of a priest wasn't always a simple one, and Risei had seen some shit. Demons, dark spirits, things he couldn't even put a name to. He'd muddled through somehow, with help from Kirei or Tokiomi, and considered himself a little hardened to danger.

He'd started his career in the dark side of the Church by moderating the Third Holy Grail War, after all. The horrors he'd witnessed there would stick with him until he died. Nothing could top it.

But, this day of devastation…

Alone in prayer in his church, he'd heard cruel laughter from behind and turned around to find the Devil in a yellow kimono.

Small, hardly even coming up to his chest, and appearing in the guise of a beautiful woman, but Risei knew the Devil when he saw it. He didn't need the wicked horns or the grasping, black-nailed claws to let him know, either – one look in the yellow, hate-filled eyes was enough.

Even the red claw closed around his neck, he couldn't stop himself from focusing on the sharp, sharp tusks gleaming in the candlelight. What would happen to his immortal soul if it were mutilated and devoured by those tusks before it reached its eternal rest?

For the first time in a very, very long time, Risei feared death.

If he made it through this, the Fourth War would take a comfortable second billing in his nightmares.

But it seemed Berserker did not wish him dead just yet. Instead, she had marched him to the bell tower and forced him to summon a conclave of Masters once more. When he'd dared to ask why, she had only said, "Justice," and tightened her grip on his neck. The feral gleam in her eyes dissuaded him from asking more.

And now, here they all were, Masters and Servants both. A sorry congregation, each so suspicious of the other. Into a place of community and togetherness, war had come. Into a house of God, the profane and the heretical held sway. How could he be surprised that a demon now stood ready to conduct her own sermon?

Risei did not recognise the young redheaded man who introduced himself as Berserker's Master, but he spoke like a local. How had he failed to notice such a tortured soul in his own city? If he had only reached out sooner…

But the time for kicking himself was past. His life was literally in Berserker's hands – all that was left was to see what she wanted.

At the head of the church, there was a raised dais around the altar. It added ceremony to what would otherwise be a man standing in a room and talking. It was a little crass to refer to it as stagecraft, but that was what it was. The speaker was elevated above the congregation, separated even by something so little as a foot of height. Now Berserker held the room, and it served the same effect.

"Well met, heroes," she was saying. "Now. While I've got the Moderator's ear, let's talk about how unfairly this War has been proceeding, shall we?"

"Unfairly?" spat Rider, incredulously. "You're a monster! Look at what you have done, just today! How many lie dead, because of you? How many lives ruined, homes destroyed, supports ripped away, because of you? How can you possibly claim yourself to be unfairly persecuted?"

Berserker growled, and Risei felt the tension in his neck rise ever so slightly. "If I am a monster, it is because you – all of you – have made me one. I say again, I have been persecuted, hunted down for actions that would earn anyone else a slap on the wrist at the very worst. Unfairly forced into combat so, small wonder that I resort to desperate measures to acquire the power I need to defend myself."

"If you have not the power to acquit yourself in battle, the correct response is to make up the difference with guile," said Archer, her face hard as stone. "If you have not the guile to overcome the difference in strength, the correct response is to seek allies to aid you. If you have neither strength nor guile nor allies, you are unfit to obtain the Grail. Fail and fall to those who do."

Berserker sneered. "The law of the jungle, is it? Then why object to my preying on the weaklings who make up the citizens of this measly city? If anyone, I thought you would understand, Atalante of the Argonauts. I am an oni of Mt. Ooe, and I take what I want – and what I wanted was power. That you responded with outrage for my having the temerity to try and stay alive shows only your hypocrisy and insecurity. But this is not the injustice I speak of."

"Well, do tell, dear," said Caster. "We're all just dying to hear whatever nonsense you've got to say." She brushed her hair over one shoulder with a nonchalant shrug. "The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can squash you, after all."

The other Servants nodded. Risei breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Berserker held the floor, she wasn't liable to crush his neck like a rice cracker. His eyes darted to meet Caster's, and she shot him a little wink.

"You are the worst of all, Caster," said Berserker. "Shall I tell everyone what you tried to do to me? How you tried to manipulate me for your own ends?" Caster's relaxed smile slid off her face. "Oh, yes. If it is monsters you are after, Rider, look no further than the Servant of the Spell."

Rider did not look at Caster. "Your attempts at deflection will get you nowhere. Speak swiftly. What do you want?"

Berserker smiled sweetly. "What do I want? Why, what I want is acknowledgement. I am not the only one with a crime to confess. In this place, in this company, there is much that needs to be said, and to be heard. But since you ask – I will begin at the beginning.

"I found myself summoned to this time weak – weaker than I have ever been. My Master, pathetic fool that he is, could never supply me with the prana I needed to fight. And yet, did I not have a wish I would stake everything to obtain? I ask you, Servants of the Fourth Holy Grail War – who among you would have denied the wish the Grail chose you for, in the very instant of your summoning, just because the power to grasp it was not handed you on a silver platter? Well, heroes?"

Risei looked out among the Servants. None spoke. For a moment his eyes lingered on Rider's… before she looked down.

Berserker smiled, and swiped her hand to the side. "Never! You would not give up so easily, and neither did I. All the strength I needed was mine for the taking, in the city so ripe for plunder. And so, I devoured the people of Fuyuki, yes. As I had, at need, in life, so was my need now. Moderator, I bid you speak – was my action against the rule of the Grail War?"

The iron grip on Risei's neck eased, just enough. The awful pressure in his head ceased, and he coughed, and spoke. "What you did was never something intended by the Founders – only a necessary consequence of a Servant's spiritual form-"

Berserker shook Risei like a dog with a toy, and his words choked off. "I did not ask the opinion of fools long dead, who sought to bind the monsters of old to their will! You are the Moderator. You are the sole arbiter of what is and is not legal. You are the one man who dares to tell those beyond humanity what they may or may not do. Rejoice, take pride – and answer me. I asked you once, and ask you once more – was my action against the rule of the Grail War?"

Speaking the words was hard, and not just because this time Berserker had not loosened her hold on his throat. "…no."

"Very good," Berserker smiled, and released Risei. Several of the Servants stirred, but Risei made no move to escape. How could he? No matter where he went, his sin would follow. He had always thought of the Moderator's role as being the one to curb the worst excesses of magi. How naïve. The rules he enforced were laid down by none other than those magi – how could they be anything but monstrous?

Risei could have made to step down from the raised dais and escape. Instead, he remained where he was, on the same level as the oni Berserker.

"And here is where the injustice of those who hold themselves to be heroes rears its head," Berserker said. "Indeed, I preyed on those within the town – as is my right as a Servant, my right as the strong," she nodded at Archer. "None could object. And yet you did."

"My Master and I seem to have been left out of the loop a little, wouldn't you say, Moderator? Tell me – tell the room, in fact – just what was the discussion that led to your declaring me anathema, and placing a bounty of a Command Spell on my head?"

"Who says we did?" said Tokiomi, leaning back in his pew. "The fact that you can think of no reason for anyone to want you gone other than for compensation… well, it seems you are projecting a little. Can it really be so hard to imagine that all these," he waved a hand to indicate the gathered Servants and Masters, "simply objected enough to your actions, legal or not, to wish to destroy you first? I know Rider was outraged at your depredations – as all decent folk would be, I'm sure. There is no need to invent a conspiracy where none exists."

Berserker laughed, a high, mocking laugh without an ounce of mirth in it. "Well said, Master of Rider. Indeed, what self-respecting hero would suffer an oni to live? I may well have just thought that all these paragons of humanity simply wanted me gone, were it not for the fact that Saber let slip the existence of the reward."

All eyes turned to the Knight of White Lilies. "Ehehe… oops?" they said, with a sheepish smile. El-Melloi put a hand to his head.

"What I do not know is why," said Berserker. "You surely did not believe I was a threat to the secrecy of the War, not with Archer throwing her Noble Phantasm around as though it were seeds on a field – and besides," she smiled. "I made very sure to remove all witnesses. Speak, priest! Why come after me?"

"You were a danger," began Risei. "You had no intention of participating in the War-"

"Lies!" In a flash, Berserker seized Risei's hair and twisted. Risei sank to his knees, bellowing in pain.

"I have heard enough excuses, priest," Berserker snarled. "The truth, now – or shall I pull your head from your shoulders and shake it to see what secrets are inside?" Her claws tightened on Risei's scalp, hair coming out at the roots.

"You will do no such thing," hissed Rider, rising to her feet. "You are mad, not stupid. Kill Father Kotomine, and I promise you will suffer retribution the next instant. Father, do not speak. You have no reason to do anything this creature says."

Berserker growled, and for a moment Risei wondered if Rider had doomed him. Then with a thrust, she released him, and Risei was left on his knees, not daring to move. His eyes met Kirei's, and the burning shame ate at him. For the boy to see his father like this, a plaything to a demon… Kirei looked stoic, but Risei could tell it was bothering him.

"I suppose we are at something of an impasse," said Berserker, stepping back and raising her hands placatingly. "Then, how about this? I will spin a tale, and the Moderator will say yea or nay. Before that, though…"

Risei felt claws between his shoulder blades, and was roughly pushed down to a prostrate position. Berserker sat down on his back, and Risei held still, face reddening at the indignity.

"Let me tell you exactly what I've been up to."


Serenity crouched in the rafters of the church, listening to Berserker make her demands. Ever since the oni had appeared, she had been ready to strike.

But not to strike Berserker. That was too risky.

Serenity wasn't worried about accidentally hitting the Moderator – she could shave the wings off a fly in mid-flight, so accurate was she with her thrown daggers. Instead, the risk was that Berserker would not immediately die from something as simple as a poisoned knife. Even in the second she took to die, she could very easily rip the Moderator to shreds. Or, worse, let loose a last-ditch burst of fire.

While Kiritsugu was nearby, Serenity would not take the risk.

Instead, she was shadowing the redheaded man who had called himself Uryuu Ryuunosuke. Killing a Servant's Master would choke off their supply of prana. Berserker might well have enough left to not immediately disappear, and even to destroy the Moderator on the way out, but she would cause no more damage than that.

Uryuu Ryuunosuke seemed to have no idea of the danger he was in, leaning against the double doors into the church with a wide grin on his face. Foolish of him to appear before the assembled might of the War, if he truly was Berserker's Master – uncharacteristically so. Berserker had, so far, been playing the war very cannily indeed. Even while throwing caution to the winds and creating chaos, she had done so tactically. In the end, she had eluded both Serenity and Saber, moving too quickly to track.

There was every chance this was a simple dupe, a stalking horse meant to attract attention while Berserker and her true Master maintained the advantage of surprise. If so, killing him would not slay Berserker, and would not solve the standoff in the church.

Not worth revealing herself, then.

Nevertheless, Serenity positioned herself to strike. At the command from her Master, this Uryuu Ryuunosuke would die, Master of Berserker or not. In the meantime, Serenity held herself ready – and listened to what Berserker had to say.

"I can only think of one incident that would have provided the reason – the excuse, rather – for why I was singled out for the righteous punishment of the august heroes. A couple of nights ago, yes. Unsatisfied with my progress with piecemeal prey, I decided to seek better hunting grounds." Berserker looked down, pensive. "I suppose you, Rider, will call it my monstrous nature driving me to greater evil, but the truth is I simply wished to secure myself. You claimed I did not intend to participate in the War? How wrong you were. I was trying to drag myself to the starting line, as quickly as possible…"

Berserker blinked, and straightened, her face hard once more. "My Master made himself useful for once, and selected the perfect target. Some tavern somewhere, I do not recall the name. I feasted – not unkindly, though I doubt you will care – and when I was done I burned the place to the ground. Thus did I remove all witnesses and conceal the secret of magic in a single stroke. None should have been aware of my actions that night.

"And yet, when I ventured forth I was beset by both Saber and Archer, and I was informed that there was a bounty on my head. Long have I thought on how my actions became known, and I can only think of one option. I was observed."

Ah. Serenity could see where this was going. The messages Berserker had left at her crime scenes over the course of the day…

Master… she started. We may be about to be put in a difficult position.

came Kiritsugu's response immediately. Berserker has outmanoeuvred us splendidly. …I never thought I'd be saying that, he added wryly.

"Yes," Berserker said with a nasty smile. "I was quite sure that no human could have escaped the trap my Master and I set – which leaves six obvious culprits. Now, if a Servant watched what I did and still did not see fit to intervene, that is hardly my fault, or so I reasoned. All it shows is what I have suspected all along – that heroes are more interested in persecuting the oni when it suits them, and not at all in protecting the people they profess to serve. However…" She trailed off and scanned the room, her eyes landing on Saber, Archer and Rider.

"I was wrong. I now believe that some heroes, at least, would have stepped in to confront me – out of hatred for the oni or a self-righteous belief in absolute justice, if nothing else. So now I ask myself…" Berserker's eyes flashed.

"Which Servant is the best suited for spying on the deeds of others? Which Servant may well be too weak to face me in open battle? Which Servant would think it a grand scheme, a perfect murder, if they instead tattled to the Moderator and got others to do their dirty work? To be sure, the lion's share of the blame lies with the Moderator, who had his own reasons to agree – but the one who gave him the excuse, who provided the pretext for all these fine heroes to pick on the oni… yes, you have indeed earned my hatred as well."

In a flash of fire, Berserker was on her feet, bone sword in hand, and she pointed that great twisted blade down the length of the Church. Servants stood ready to defend their Masters in the next instant, but Berserker wasn't looking at any of them.

"Assassin!" she roared. "I accuse you of conspiring to manipulate the War against me with the Moderator! Come, deny it, and face me, or else hide and prove yourself a coward and weakling!"
Nice logic.
Completely wrong conclusion.
Not half bad for a Beserker.
I can't actually recall how Berserker was observed burning down that tavern. What happened there again?
Im assuming she was probably caught by a hidden familiar. Its not like there isnt a bunch of them around.
Nice logic.
Completely wrong conclusion.
Not half bad for a Beserker.

I suspect that Caster/Da Vinci is pulling the strings
mixing the battlelines up to get rid of some competition and gain intel without becomeing a target

I can't actually recall how Berserker was observed burning down that tavern. What happened there again?

wasn't that Bar one with an iron door?
I think the left behind evidence was more than enough to point to Berserker.
Well, it was a nice read, though I'm afraid I don't have much to say. Anything Ibaraki does that's in-character is just that (or Da Vinci mind control) and anything she does out of character can just be dismissed as Da Vinci Mind-control...though, I do like the ending line. You can tell Ibaraki is having fun with this underneath everything else.

Looking forward to the next release!

EDIT: Actually, I do have another comment.

Atalante's kinda talking outta her ass here.
"If you have not the power to acquit yourself in battle, the correct response is to make up the difference with guile," said Archer, her face hard as stone. "If you have not the guile to overcome the difference in strength, the correct response is to seek allies to aid you. If you have neither strength nor guile nor allies, you are unfit to obtain the Grail. Fail and fall to those who do."
Guile by itself can't get you magical energy, and without a grounding in magecraft no amount of sitting on a leyline was going to help. Her options were 'consume souls' or 'die'. The notion of acquiring allies is practically laughable, given the weakness of her master, her lack of energy on summoning, and her life experience biasing her extremely against trusting humans. Given the mindset of the average mage, it's completely reasonable to think that the moment she'd approach an ally they'd see how weak she was (mages can, after all, perceive the soul and vitality) and try to kill her.

It's also rich coming from the woman who's near sociopathic in her regard for human life with the exception of children who she has a pathological need to 'save'. Though, she very notably didn't directly state that eating humans was the wrong way to go.
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Chapter 17 - Ambush
Chapter 17 - Ambush

The church was silent following Berserker's ultimatum. All eyes were on Kiritsugu, who seemed as unconcerned as ever, continuing to draw on his cigarette with his other hand in his pocket.

Serenity knew better. Some magi who picked up the habit – especially those with Fire elements –occasionally did things like draw runes with the end, or make use of the smoke to blind or smother. In Kiritsugu's case, though, the cigarette was a distraction. His other hand had a light grip on his Thompson Contender, already loaded and ready to fire.

And despite the quiet in the hall, there was a frantic conversation inside the heads of the Master-Servant pair.

We can't show ourselves, Serenity sent, the communication fast as thought.

I had no intention of doing so, said Kiritsugu. If we had acted sooner, we may have been able to stop Berserker before she put us in this position.

And before she had destroyed Fuyuki, were the words left unsaid.

Serenity fiddled with her knife, hidden up in the rafters. This is a problem. If we do not clearly deny our involvement… even if we do, Berserker is not wrong to suspect us.

There is that. Turning in a dangerous Master to the Moderator is precisely the kind of step I would take if I were not sure of our ability to kill them by other means. Except that my real target would then have been one of the other Servants, temporarily focused on a different threat.

Serenity nodded. Unfortunately, your reputation… we look guilty. And dangerous. If the other sides in the War decide we are the next biggest threat after Berserker…

Even so,
Kiritsugu said. Uncertainty is our surest shield… and this Caster worries me. She saw through our ruse far too easily.

Behind her skull mask, Serenity chewed her lip. What will you do instead? Should you deny it anyway without letting me face Berserker? The other Masters…

Let them whisper, let them suspect. They cannot afford to focus on anything other than Berserker right now. I know you of all people are not worried about our reputation.
A twitch of the cheek, which Serenity recognised as a smile.

Of course her Master would understand. As you wish. As always, the talking I leave to you, Master…

Kiritsugu exhaled a large amount of smoke. "I do not deny it," he said, dull eyes fixed on nothing in particular. "I would be a fool to. You will not fight my Servant today."

"Oh?" said Berserker. "I thought you might try and wriggle out of the blame somehow. Taking it on your shoulders instead… how manly of you." Her smile gained a cruel edge. "Do the other Servants here feel the same?"

Kiritsugu said nothing.

"At least Saber and Archer fought to stop me. Yes, okay, there was a reward, but still. But you… you didn't even try. You sat there and watched me – such terrible things I did – and did nothing but make notes for your tattling. Was it cowardice or callousness that stilled your limbs and stifled your tongue? I would usually assume the former, but I know how magi are…"

"You cannot blame Assassin for your actions," said Rider, although she didn't sound very sure. "You bear that sin alone. Even if it was an ill thing to stand by and not even try to help…"

"I don't know," said Caster. "We're supposed to be heroes, are we not? The best and brightest of humanity! Would you have let Berserker have her way with those poor people right in front of you? I for one would have at least tried to make a distraction. My Master would never let me hear the end of it, otherwise… he's really just a big teddybear, under that grumpyguts front he puts on- ow ow ow, hey, Master, let go!"

Waver Velvet stopped tugging on Caster's ear, but stayed the same amusing shade of scarlet.

"We're not here to discuss Assassin's misconduct," he said. "Stay focused, would you?"

"Agreed," said El-Melloi. "My discomfort at how cavalier the Magus Killer and his Assassin seem to be with the rules can wait – Saber, at least, has a score to settle with you, Berserker."

Serenity was watching the other Masters. They all seemed to be in silent conversation with their Servants the same way she was with Kiritsugu – and she didn't like the way those conversations seemed to be going. Tohsaka's expression remained cool and calculating as ever, while Matou turned round in his seat to glare at Kiritsugu.

We've lost the room, she realised. Maybe they'd lost it the moment Kiritsugu pulled his hostage bluff. If there had ever been any chance of an alliance with the other Masters, there was none now. The question was, which of the other pairs would be first to take advantage of the new most obvious target?

Berserker smiled. "Oh? Come and do your worst, then, by all means. I'm not going to ask Saber to halt their unreasonable pursuit of me just because of Assassin. Just remember that I challenged Assassin, and was ignored – whatever excuses you choose to make, it's not me that doesn't want to fight in this War."

The Moderator struggled to his knees. His breathing was ragged, his clothes rumpled from where Berserker had shoved him to the floor, but he strove for dignity nevertheless. "What do you want from us, Berserker? All this will earn you is more hate from the Masters…"

Berserker rounded on him, and he quailed. "Hate is all I have ever been given from humankind! Who would treat an oni fairly, after all? Satisfaction, justice, fair treatment… these are not in the stars for me, I know that already. No more than victory in this Grail War." With a disgusted look, she turned her back on the priest.

"You ask what I want?" Berserker closed her eyes and clenched her fists, speaking half to herself. "I want to leave this city a smoking ruin, just to show I was here. I want to ruin every one of your lives, and hear your loved ones wail and regret you ever made an enemy of the oni kind. I want to use every minute of my borrowed time to mark my existence. I'll paint my name into this town, with blood, fire and scars if that's what it takes."

"We'll stop you," said Rider. Her earlier doubt seemed to have passed, and she sat ramrod-straight in her pew, the perfect saint once again. "It will bring me no joy to do so, but if a glorious death is truly all you aspire to, let us make that end right here. Let Father Kotomine go, and I will fight you in Assassin's place. I, for one, will remember you and what you have done for as long as I live. Let that be enough. The death and destruction… for the love of Christ, let it end."

"Augh! You must not have been listening, Rider," huffed Berserker. "Myself, against four Servants? An oni is worth ten of you humans… but even I have limits. I wouldn't accomplish anything, I'd just be squashed. No! If you want to end me, work for it. And I'll fight you every step of the way. Every trick I know, every bit of power I can gather… I will use it all to stay alive that little bit longer. I may not be able to win this Grail War. But I assure you, I can make sure this entire city loses."

Serenity stole a glance at her own Master. As always, he looked unaffected, but his hand stayed in his pocket, gripping his gun.

If today was only the start of Berserker's campaign of terror… the city was already on its knees after twelve hours. Where would it be after a day? A week? Berserker was tough enough, and slippery enough, that she could draw out the suffering for as long as it took. Serenity had no desire to see such a hell, but she'd made worse with her own hands – she could weather the most horrible scenes Berserker could create so long as she had faith. But her Master, her softhearted Master…

He would remain professional. He would observe the battlefield with cold, stoic eyes and make the best of the situation, then emerge victorious. And in the doing, his heart would break. The things Berserker would make Kiritsugu ignore on his road to victory would leave nothing but a shell of a man left to wish upon the Grail. Even if a better world was achieved, Kiritsugu could not be part of it.

"So… what now, Berserker?" tried the Moderator again, eyes pleading. "You've said your piece, you've made your accusation. Where do you go from here?"

Berserker laughed. "Oh, you think I've finished? Ha! More fool you, priest, I have barely begun! Assassin deserves all the scorn I have for them, and more, but you are the reason I am here and not hunting for shadows."

She stalked over to the old man and hauled him to his feet.

"I said I would spin a tale, and I will. My attack on the tavern was the excuse. Assassin was how you heard about it. But why, why post a bounty?" She seized the priest by the front of his robes and snarled up into his face. She snorted.

"Ugh, I'll just get to the point already. When Assassin came to you with reports of my deeds, you seized on this as the excuse to influence the shape of the War. Your friend, the Master of Rider, was under siege, by Archer probably. His defences, shattered. His home, imperilled. His Servant, tied down defending what was his." Berserker looked out over the church at the Servants gathered there. "It's like you said, Archer – Rider's Master hadn't the strength to win on his own… so he turned to his old friend for help.

"You gave Archer a wonderful distraction," she continued, nodding at the cat-eared Servant. "You pulled attention off Rider and her Master. You condemned me to death. Admit it." She extended one claw as if to caress the Moderator's face. With a flash, it ignited, and Father Kotomine's eyes widened in fear.

All present in the church were silent, spellbound by the display. Tohsaka and Kotomine Kirei seemed impassive, although Serenity thought she detected a spark of interest in the young Master of Lancer's eyes. El-Melloi seemed intrigued by the possibility, shooting glances over at Tohsaka.

Rider's hands gripped the pew in front so hard the wood had splintered.

And Caster… Caster was staring at Berserker with an uncomfortable intensity, at odds with her flighty attitude from earlier. Those blue eyes, so filled with intelligence… just how much did they see?

"Admit it! You did, didn't you!" spat Berserker. Her claw inched closer and closer to Kotomine's face. Sweat was pouring down the priest's cheeks, but Berserker's grip on his robes held him fast.

Serenity adjusted her grip on her knife. She had no special sympathy for priests – the number of missionaries to the 'Holy Land' she'd been ordered to kill would have Rider after her head if she knew – but to see any man so helpless before a monster was uncomfortable. Fire was a terrible way to die.

Not that her poison was any kinder.

The very tip of Berserker's superheated claw touched Kotomine's cheek. Flesh smoked, with an awful hissing noise barely audible over the howls of agony. He pulled away – but one old man could not resist the Servant of Madness, and Berserker hauled him back as if he were made of straw.

"Say it!" said Berserker again. "You think you're protecting anyone like this? Just give up already, old man!" Though Kotomine struggled, the incandescent claw grew closer and closer.

Do you think it's true? Serenity asked. Berserker was wrong about us…

Kiritsugu didn't answer for a moment. I think that's the wrong question. The question is, what does Berserker gain by raising the point? If all she wants is to cause as much havoc as possible, it shouldn't matter.

Sowing division?
suggested Serenity. Turn the war against Rider like she tried to do to us?

Mmm… maybe. But I can't help but feel there's more to this. Division or not, after this the whole War is going to be against her no matter what she does. I just don't see how she benefits.

On the dais, Berserker caressed Kotomine's cheek once more. No-one does, thought Serenity, to herself this time. What a joke this War was turning out to be. Five Servants sat in a church and did nothing while the worst of them did whatever she wanted. Was any of it worth it?

Yes. For Kiritsugu's wish, anything was.

But the tension in her Master's face told Serenity he couldn't take much more of this.

We need to stop this, she said.


Because her Master was having a hard enough time reconciling his ideals and his methods as it was, without forcing himself to watch a man die by fire for the sake of pragmatism. Because even weighed against the happiness of everyone in the world, a tiny risk to their chances of success was worth it to prevent suffering happening right in front of them. Because Kotomine Risei did not deserve to burn to death.

She couldn't say that, though. Kiritsugu had spent far too long justifying his own actions by the yardstick of the ends.

Instead, she kept her tone professional and detached. If someone else really is set to benefit from this, we don't need to know who it is to want to prevent it.

Serenity could see her Master weighing up her words. …very well. Did you have something in mind?

Berserker's Master… or the man acting as one. He remains within my sights. Say the word.

A slight smile. No need.

In a sudden flurry of motion, Kiritsugu's gun was out of his pocket, levelled at Uryuu Ryuunosuke.

"Berserker," he said, into the sudden silence. "Step away from the Moderator."

The young man – a child, really – put his hands up, a 'who, me' grin slipping onto his face. "Hey, buddy, no need for that. I thought this was a neutral zone?"

"Your Servant is attacking the Moderator," said Kiritsugu. "I think I will be forgiven, this once."

Berserker herself had stopped her torture, and was looking at the scene with interest. "An interesting choice. Go on, then, fire away – if you don't mind letting me kill this priest, of course. I'm sure I can kill one old man, even as I disappear. Sorry, Master, but please die beautifully."

"Always knew I'd leave a good-looking corpse," said Uryuu with a smile. He laced his fingers behind his head. "Death doesn't scare me. Not a lot of folks get to say they died to such a cool gun, you know? Thompson Contender, right? Man, those bullets are going to mess me up." He laughed, but his eyes flicked to Berserker as he did so.

Caster's gauntlet made a series of taps on the wood of the pew as she drummed her fingers. "If he were going to fire, he'd have done it already," she said to no-one in particular. "You don't care about the Moderator at all, do you? But… hm. Worried he's not the right guy? That's probably a good decision. Not that I'd have any idea, of course."

Kiritsugu's aim was rock steady, but Serenity felt the sudden confusion through the link.

"Not helping, Caster…" muttered Waver Velvet.

"Well, it's a change to the deadlock, at least," said Caster cheerfully. "Go on then, Master of Assassin – the ball's rather in your court, I'm afraid. Berserker's called your bluff. What were you planning to do from here?"

She grinned, a cheerful grin, as though the lives of two men did not hang in the balance.

It's her, Serenity realised. There wasn't any reason for the thought. It was nothing more than a hunch. But Serenity had long since learned to trust her hunches. She didn't know how, she didn't know why… Caster just wasn't responding like she should be.

And Caster had seen right into the depths of Kiritsugu's heart. He wouldn't fire, for fear of making a mistake, breaking the deadlock and freeing Berserker to sow more chaos. Serenity knew it. Caster knew it.

But Caster had no idea what Serenity would do. How could she? No-one in Fuyuki had ever so much as glimpsed her.

She made the call.

The knife flew from her fingers like a bullet.

Even with everyone's attention on the tableau, no-one reacted in time. Only Caster, using some application of that oracular intelligence, seemed to have a clue – and Serenity relished the widening of the Servant of the Spell's eyes in the instant before the poisoned knife drilled into the side of Uryuu Ryuunosuke's head.

In the next second, Caster's surprise was replaced with a smirk, just for a split-second. Serenity looked at what she'd done in dismay.

Uryuu Ryuunosuke remained standing, a hole through his skull – and through that hole, brass gears spun and clicked in an intricate pattern. His outline shimmered and wavered, before the illusion failed entirely, leaving nothing but an ornately decorated doll, decorated in shades of gold and blue, where the Master of Berserker had stood.

All eyes were on the scene taking place at the rear of the church.

"A golem?" said Tohsaka dumbly. "Incredible… I've never seen such intricate work. Whoever made this must be a true visionary in the craft. I see we have all been underestimating the Master of Berserker."

Saber looked very intently at the gear mechanisms, then leaned over to whisper in El-Melloi's ear.

For a moment, Serenity saw a flash of annoyance cross Caster's face. "Ah. Yes. Berserker's Master. Indeed. Also, actually that's a clockwork homunculus, so technically- ow!" She broke off after her Master kicked her under the pew, and regained her cheerful disposition. "Now, let's see… a thrown dagger, non-reflective but lighter in colour than I'd expect. Looking at the angle, it came from the rafters… good afternoon to you, Assassin."

Caster turned her head to look at where Serenity had been. Serenity had moved on since then, of course, but it was still uncanny.

"No? Not even a little hint?" She pouted. "I don't suppose you'd care to demonstrate again?"

There was no way Serenity was going to pass up a straight line like that. The cat was out of the bag, so to speak, and there was still a hostage situation that needed to be resolved.

Three more knives ripped through the air.

At Berserker.

Fast as the oni was, Serenity could throw knives faster than any arrow, completely silently and without warning. Berserker hissed in pain as they scored lines of blood on her hand, cheek and bare shoulder, and spun to place the priest in between her and the source.

Serenity was already in the shadows behind her.

The fourth knife plunged itself into the base of Berserker's neck, between her shoulder blades – but only penetrated a quarter-inch.

Tough, Serenity thought. She could throw her knives straight through plate armour if she got the angle right. To really cause any damage with her knives she'd have to put her weight behind it in close combat… and that was just a stupid plan.

No matter. Kiritsugu had quietly slipped out the back of the church as soon as Serenity had begun her attack on Berserker. He was out of the firing line for any retaliation – the worst Berserker could do now was kill the Moderator.

Luckily, Berserker didn't seem all that interested in making good on her threat, instead looking around for Serenity. Serenity had already dematerialised, and repositioned herself up in the rafters.

All she had to do was wait.

"Where… where are you, Assassin?" growled Berserker. Already, her face was flushed, beads of sweat forming. Her words were very slightly slurred. "Come out and fight!" She shook her head to clear it, blinking. Her grip relaxed, ever so slightly, on Father Kotomine's robes.

That was all it took.

An explosion of pure white light hurled Berserker into the stone wall behind the altar, leaving the priest untouched. Rider was on her feet, the portrait of an avenging angel. She pointed her cross-shaped staff, shining with that same holy glow, at the downed Berserker.

Caster sat back, an intense expression of frustration on her perfect face. With all eyes on Berserker, Serenity was the only one to notice her sigh.

The next second, Berserker launched herself at the Moderator.

"No!" Rider yelled.

With a wrench, space dislocated. Berserker vanished. Kotomine Risei went with her.

Archer vaulted a pew and was out the door the next instant, and out of sight the instant after. Rider and Saber were hot on her heels, but Serenity remained, watching Caster.

"I suppose we'd better go try to retrieve the Moderator," she said to her Master. "Tally-ho!"

With a smoother distortion of space than the violent break Berserker had used, they were gone.

Now would be the time to kill the remaining Masters… but no. Tempting as the thought might be, they were needed to chase down Berserker before she caused more havoc.

Worse, Serenity suspected even she and Kiritsugu would need help in dealing with the most dangerous Servant in the War – the one who'd somehow subverted the Servant of Madness into doing her bidding.


Just north of Kotomine Church, there were suburbs, where the countryside slowly turned into the more modern Shinto. Despite the horror of the day, they were quiet.

Risei appeared in mid-air, and fell.

Before he hit the ground, he was seized by small but strong arms, and shoved roughly against a wall.

He cried out, but found a tiny, red-clawed hand clapped over his mouth. His cheek throbbed where the Servant in front of him had burned it, and he thrashed trying to squirm away.

"Silence, fool!" said Berserker. "You will reveal us. I need to warn you about-"

The oni jerked aside, cursing, as a green arrow blurred through the space her head had been.

"Already?" She lunged at Risei, and he flinched, but all she did was hustle him around a corner. "Listen. I have been controlled, and you have been deceived. My escape removed all persistent effects, and my head is clear – but we have only moments."

"Controlled?" Risei was having trouble catching up. Berserker stomped her foot in impatience.

"Yes! I am not so stupid as to make an enemy of the entire War and then appear in front of them like some theatre villain!"

There was a whistling noise, and Berserker swatted two more arrows out of the air.

"Curses!" Berserker seized Risei's wrist, and picked him up bodily as if he were no more than a child. "Come, Moderator of the Holy Grail War. We have much to discuss, but we are pursued!"

Wind whipped at Risei's robes as he was carried on the shoulders of the Servant of Madness, who was apparently not quite as mad as previously believed. He closed his eyes and tried to ignore the agony in his cheek.

Maybe this war would turn out to be worse than the Third after all…