honestly more I think about it more I kinda feel bad for Due! It seemed like Da Vinci really was trying to be a good science parent for her, I highly doubt she would have been okay with what just happened. kinda finding myself hoping she can be saved.
Just a quick note to anyone interested: After a short break to work on other things (and, um, start a new job on the other side of the world) I have just now finished planning out the final stages of the fic, right up to the epilogues. I'm pretty excited to get there, although while I hope to have a little time available to write over the next couple of months I don't know how far I'll get nor can I guarantee internet access even if I do get things done.

Still, the end is in sight! There's not much point in this message, but I wanted to let someone know how close this project is to being complete and to thank you all for staying patient.
Chapter 49 - Cast New
Chapter 49 - Cast

Kotomine Risei had been in Fuyuki for about a week now, and he had spent almost all of that time waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The Grail War was due to start any day now, as soon as all the participants were gathered and these 'Servants' summoned. In his capacity as Moderator, Risei had already met a couple when they and their Masters came to register their participation at his new church, and they were nothing like he'd imagined.

First had been Assassin, summoned by the Magus Association representative. Instead of a lurking killer, she had been a small Chinese girl in flamboyant purple and blue robes, who had referred to her clearly overawed Master by about three different names over the course of their introduction. She had magnanimously accepted Risei's refusal to simply hand the Grail over when demanded, recognising the importance of ceremony to the occasion of her reascension to Heavenly Emperor.

Next, the green Archer that had paired with one of the 'wild card' Masters, a fakir from some Indian tradition who clearly stated his intention to use the Grail to wish for an end to British occupation of his home. Archer had said nothing the entire time, and in fact had disappeared from sight as soon as his Master had proven his existence.

Just what Risei was expected to do to enforce any kind of sanctions against Heroic Spirits was beyond him – for that matter, while his close combat skills were considerable he was doubtful of his chances against even one of the Masters, with their 'Reinforcement' magecraft. Still, the Church was unwilling to let the opportunity to witness a genuine relic slip through their fingers, never mind that they had investigated over seven hundred similar artifacts and none of them so far had been the cup that had caught the blood of Christ. (And especially never mind that the whole concept of the Holy Grail was a later addition to Christian canon imported from a hodgepodge of Celtic, Welsh and Arthurian myth.)

Given that, who else would they send but Kotomine Risei, who'd already made a career out of recovering holy relics from all across the globe?

Now, it was time to meet the third Servant summoned – and this time, he was making a house call. When the Second Owner of Fuyuki decided you were to meet him in his house instead of exerting himself to go to your church, you didn't argue, not as a priest not even into your twenties and only just moved into your parish. If Mohammed will not go to the mountain, and all that.

Honestly, with Assassin and Archer being the two Servants currently at large, Risei could even see the sense in it.

So, he knocked on the door to Tohsaka Ren's huge Western-style house, and waited. After a moment, it opened by itself.

"Father," came a strong male voice, the sound carrying strangely from within the house. "Please come in. You are expected. I and my Servant await you in the living room."

"Thank you," Risei said, to no-one in particular, and did so.

He made his way inside, resisting the urge to appear too fascinated by the Western-style home, something of a rarity here. The Kotomine Church (and how weird it felt calling it that) was another anomaly in Fuyuki, but this was certainly the first time Risei had been inside so grand a home.

It was, however, a perfect fit for the men who dwelt inside it.

Tohsaka Ren rose to greet Risei when he arrived, an intimidating figure, surprisingly young, in a sober black Western suit. The Tohsaka were in many ways a family apart – not only as magi, but even in their choice of religion and to adopt Western culture. Despite this, they had remained pillars of the community, or even establishment in some ways. Balancing the two took will and skill, especially with what Risei had heard about the up-and-coming Yakuza group in Fuyuki (the Fujimaru group? Fujimura? Something like that).

Tohsaka had held onto his city against all comers, through careful manipulations and leaving no openings for others to exploit, and not for nothing was he regarded as one of the favourites to win this Third Holy Grail War. Both as Second Owner and as a powerful magus he would have been one of the most imposing figures Risei had ever met…

… had it not been for the other man in the room.

Risei had thought he'd readjusted his expectations for Servants, but this one's presence was completely unlike Assassin or Archer. A tall, aristocratic-looking man in a fine long black coat that contrasted with his pale, almost washed-out skin and hair, he radiated power and authority – with just a hint of blood underneath it all. He fit into the elegant affluence of Tohsaka's house as if he'd lived there all his life.

They even angled their wineglasses the same way. It was eerie to look at.

It looked as if there really was something to the rumours that the Grail could see into the hearts of men and pull the most appropriate soul down from Heaven for them as a Servant. Yes, the Church was right to not ignore this.

"Welcome to my home, Father Kotomine," said Tohsaka. "Please forgive me for having you come all the way to my home. I take my security very seriously, especially these days. May I present my Servant, Lancer?"

The Servant – Lancer, rather – inclined his head. "It warms my heart to see that the word of God has spread so far into distant lands," he said. "Any man of the cloth is welcome here, and shall be so long as I… or my Master… live."

Risei bowed low. Something about Tohsaka and Lancer's combined presence seemed to require it. "I am very grateful to you for inviting me to your lovely home," he said. "Though, please – call me Risei. I am still just a teenager, despite the position the Church has honoured me with, so being called 'Father' just seems strange."

Tohsaka smiled. "Then you must call me Ren."

"I will. And you, Lancer?"

Lancer stroked his beard, frowning. "… simply Lancer will do. I am not the man I once was – that man is surely facing whichever afterlife the Lord has seen fit to send him to. I am merely a copy, given shape by the Class of Lancer – so a lance indeed I shall be to those who threaten my Master's land, and Lancer you shall call me."

"Then it is Lancer that I am pleased to meet regardless," said Risei, and found it was more than simple politeness. He'd not interacted with either Assassin or Archer, so he'd missed the obvious. Servants, no matter how powerful or epic, were still people.

The pleased smile on the Servant's face at Risei's words was a little more toothy than might have been expected, but it warmed his heart to see anyway.

The main thing about being the Moderator between rival factions of magi and Heroic Spirits was that you were neither required nor expected to get involved – the opposite, if anything. Lacking any real sanction power, the Moderator's role in the case of a participant breaking the loose rules of the Grail War was really limited to bringing this fact to the attention of the others, and to encouraging or co-ordinating collective responses.

Direct action was not in the job description.

That said, if the Church wanted some dusty old fart to simply sit back and quote the rules at the Masters, they should have chosen someone else, because that just wasn't who Risei was. He was a fit and vital young man, unaccustomed to passively waiting for others to solve his problems…

And he did have a problem. Through his small but growing flock of parishioners, he'd heard rumours: strange figures on the streets, growing gang warfare, and disappearances. When asked, Tohsaka had said that he'd heard the same thing, and had already looked into it. The Fujimura Group swore up and down that they weren't involved, Tohsaka said – which, unfortunately, made it Grail War business, and therefore Risei's problem.

However, relying only on testimony from a single Master was hardly very impartial, so Risei had decided to see for himself if there was any truth to these rumours.

So, here he was – wandering the silent streets of Fuyuki in the dead of night. All the participants should know him by sight as the Moderator and leave him alone, and he had little to fear from any thug. Risei had turned to Bajiquan years ago as a method of physical meditation and path to self-improvement, and while he believed he had indeed become a better person for it he couldn't deny that the ability to break cinderblocks with his bare fists had come in handy once or twice.

He had been out here for a couple of hours now, and it was already past midnight. He'd worked his way through the residential areas, and was now in a commercial zone near to the river. He passed an alley – and froze, not even turning his head to peer into the darkness.

Something was there.

He couldn't tell what, couldn't even get a look at the shape, but there was a strange, shuffling movement in the corner of his eye, and an unearthly squishing noise. Whatever it was, it was not human. Risei cursed himself for a fool. Why on earth had he believed his martial arts made him safe? Magic and monsters was not his specialty – even if he wasn't facing a Master or one of their Servants, he was still out of his depth.

He was stuck in place, the sheer alien horror of what he had only glimpsed paralyzing his limbs. Even if he could move – was it better to face the thing, to try and intimidate it, or to simply turn and run? The moment stretched on… and then he heard the squishing noise, closer than before.

Risei reacted, turning towards the alley with a shout and bringing his fists up, prepared to sell his life dearly. There was a flurry of grey-green tentacles, and spikes, and teeth, like an enormous starfish had decided to scuttle spider-like out of Risei's nightmares and onto dry land – and then it burst, sending foul-smelling ichor flying all over the place.

When Risei wiped his eyes, a warrior stood where the tentacle-thing had been – stout and red-haired, with a simple helmet and suit of mail under a green cape. And… a spear?

This was no Servant. Apart from the fact that Lancer was already accounted for – it was not impossible that another Servant might also use a spear – this man didn't radiate the same sense of menace and power that the others had. But if not a Servant, what was such an anachronism doing in Fuyuki?

The red-haired warrior grunted something in some strange language, and gestured with his spear for Risei to leave. He did so, stammering his thanks, and fled back to the safety of his church.

Along the way, he saw more strange soldiers – some spearmen like the one that had saved him, others bowmen, others still holding short swords. They moved singly, or in small groups, and always with purpose. Twice more Risei caught glimpses of tentacle monstrosities like the one that had attacked him, fighting with these warriors, and once he even saw a squad of figures in Chinese robes dragging one into an empty building.

He did not investigate the rumours any further, but he did issue a general announcement reminding all Masters that the people of Fuyuki were not to be interfered with. It was all he could do.

Another of the Moderator's duties was to broker alliances, when requested.

Since the prize was something that required the death of the other party and couldn't be shared in the first place, Risei assumed such alliances could only ever be temporary at best, and rather strained besides. In fact, he had thought that such a duty would only ever be theoretical at best, and never actually called on.

Now, however, he was hosting such a parley in his own church. Risei had been extremely polite in relaying the request, and had stressed the importance of neutral ground, particularly since he was acutely aware that either of the Servants could bring the building down brick by brick if they chose, and that it was extremely unlikely to survive a fight between the two. Fortunately, Risei was confident that Tohsaka Ren would not order such a thing without considerably more assurances that it would pay off, and even more confident that Lancer would not carry it out if he did. Before today, Risei would have called Lancer the most pious person he had ever met.

However, Tohsaka had not been the one to request this parley, and since the pale Einzbern Master and her Servant had arrived, Risei had had to revise his baseline.

It wasn't every day you had a literal saint praying in your church, after all.

Ruler knelt before the altar in silent prayer, where she had been ever since introducing herself – including her name, which Risei took as the show of trust that it was – and shyly asking Risei if she would be permitted to worship there. Risei had agreed, privately wondering what right he could possibly have to prevent Jeanne d'Arc from doing whatever she felt was correct.

Her pale Einzbern Master, somewhat surprisingly, had joined her, though she too had not spoken since politely greeting Risei and passing a certain object into his care for safekeeping. She now knelt next to Ruler, occasionally shooting the Servant nervous glances and adjusting her position to match.

Tohsaka had said that the Einzbern were almost entirely homunculi, which meant that this woman was not in fact human. Theologically speaking, Risei was on somewhat shaky ground as to what that meant – but if the Grail had seen fit to match her with someone like Ruler, then Risei had no problems if she wanted to pray for her soul as well.

Suddenly, Ruler rose – and as she did so, the rear door to the church opened to admit Tohsaka and Lancer. Ruler turned, smiling.

"Lancer," she said. "I trust you are well?"

Lancer inclined his head, looking grim, although he did shoot a quick smile at Risei. "In my own person, yes. Thank you. However, both I and my Master are troubled at the chaos unfolding in his city."

At the reminder, Ruler's smile strained, and Risei couldn't blame her. The disappearances had not stopped, and there were new reports of fighting between strange groups of foreigners every day. The police had stopped short of issuing a curfew, no matter how strenuously Risei (through Tohsaka) recommended one, but they had encouraged residents to stay indoors after dark due to 'gang warfare'.

Worse, the Matou's Berserker was almost entirely uncontrollable, and had managed to stalemate Lancer in a very loud and flashy battle only barely past sundown, only forced to retreat when Assassin had snuck onto the battlefield to deliver some kind of magic item created by her Master which severely worsened every wound already taken. Both Lancer and Berserker had recovered by the following night, but over a dozen bystanders had bled to death from minor cuts and bruises, or had medical conditions suddenly worsen dramatically.

"Yes… well, that is why we asked Father Kotomine to facilitate this parley," said Ruler. "I haven't seen Archer since our first battle, but if these three armies fighting in the streets represent three of the other Servants, it seems likely that we are some of the only Servants intending to fight this War properly. I haven't encountered Saber, yet…"

"I have," said Lancer flatly. He exchanged a look with his Master, who nodded. "We attempted to assault Caster's lair beside the river. Saber is working with him – in fact, they seem to be two aspects of the same Servant. It was he who prevented me from reaching the Noble Phantasm that kept spawning those monsters. I was not impressed with Saber's skill, but it was enough to force even me into retreat when combined with the sheer number of monsters that Caster could provide as reinforcements."

Tohsaka snorted. "Typical Edelfelt honourless tactics. And, sadly, typically effective. I don't know how they induced the Grail to offer up a single divided Servant in two different Classes, although I suspect the," Tohsaka coughed, "completely unexpected and random presence of an Extra Class may have had something to do with it." Ruler and the Einzbern Master looked almost sheepish, if such a thing were possible. "Still, the combination of frontline fighter and backline spellcaster is potent. Quite apart from teaming up to quell the chaos, I would be willing to consider it for that alone."

"You'll agree to an alliance, then?" Ruler said, beaming. "I'm glad – you struck me as an honourable and God-fearing man when we first fought, Lancer."

"Indeed. You struck me too, with your mailed fist, as I recall," said Lancer, with a tiny smile. "Nevertheless, I am pleased to fight on the same side now, because I too have not seen Archer for days. He struck me as a woodsman and a hunter, so he may simply be hiding, but I mislike that he has apparently found no new opportunity to attack, when his traps were so effective the one time we fought. I fear he may be dead, and that we two are indeed the last two left who still remember how to act with honour."

Ruler frowned. "Mmm… I haven't received any visions about Archer, but I feel as if I would know if he were dead…"

"In any case," said the Einzbern Master. "The alliance is set. Who is our first target?"

Risei cleared his throat.

"Well," he cut in. "It seems my part in this is done. I can hardly be a part of any strategic planning meetings, after all. Please feel free to use the church for as long as you need, however." Risei bowed and removed himself from the discussion. While it could hardly be said to be impartial, the fact was that he really would much rather the Grail go to Tohsaka and Lancer or Ruler than anyone else. Given that, he was quite happy to let them scheme, even to let them use an ostensibly neutral building to do it in.

The way he saw it, the Church's part wasn't just to stay on the sidelines. In this, as in all things, God had a say. Building and supporting an alliance between the parties in His service was not really within his purview as a Moderator – but it was definitely part of his role as a priest.

He just hoped he didn't regret honouring one duty over another.

First had been Assassin, summoned by the Magus Association representative. Instead of a lurking killer, she had been a small Chinese girl in flamboyant purple and blue robes
Wu Zetian

Next, the green Archer that had paired with one of the 'wild card' Masters, a fakir from some Indian tradition who clearly stated his intention to use the Grail to wish for an end to British occupation of his home. Archer had said nothing the entire time, and in fact had disappeared from sight as soon as his Master had proven his existence.
This sounds like Robin Hood

Risei had thought he'd readjusted his expectations for Servants, but this one's presence was completely unlike Assassin or Archer. A tall, aristocratic-looking man in a fine long black coat that contrasted with his pale, almost washed-out skin and hair, he radiated power and authority – with just a hint of blood underneath it all.
Vlad III

There was a flurry of grey-green tentacles, and spikes, and teeth, like an enormous starfish had decided to scuttle spider-like out of Risei's nightmares and onto dry land – and then it burst, sending foul-smelling ichor flying all over the place.
That sounds like the things Gilles summons

When Risei wiped his eyes, a warrior stood where the tentacle-thing had been – stout and red-haired, with a simple helmet and suit of mail under a green cape. And… a spear?
Along the way, he saw more strange soldiers – some spearmen like the one that had saved him, others bowmen, others still holding short swords. They moved singly, or in small groups, and always with purpose.
I'm not sure of this one, but my best guess is that it's people summoned by a Noble Phantasm, like Iskandar's

Saber is working with him – in fact, they seem to be two aspects of the same Servant.
Ah, so both the Gilles are here

That is Saber, Archer, Lancer, Caster and Assassin confirmed (and Ruler, of course)
Rider and Berserker are unknown for now, Rider could be Iskandar but I'm not putting money on it yet
Tohsaka had said that the Einzbern were almost entirely homunculi, which meant that this woman was not in fact human. Theologically speaking, Risei was on somewhat shaky ground as to what that meant
Huh, that's a good question. How does the Catholic church handle the concept of people who aren't human? Either fully or at all? I don't know enough theology to say
Interesting glimpses of the third Fuyuki HGW. Seems it went just as sideways as the fourth, civilian casualties included.

Hm. Did anyone die in the fifth war in canon? Get injured yeah, but I can't recall deaths from Servant battles or actions.
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Given that, who else would they send but Kotomine Risei, who'd already made a career out of recovering holy relics from all across the globe?
So Risei's job qualification for running a Battle Royale co-opting the magical defenders of humanity wielding magic that cannot be replicated in the modern day... was being Indiana Jones.

Either Risei had no damn idea how to apply his skills
The Servant – Lancer, rather – inclined his head. "It warms my heart to see that the word of God has spread so far into distant lands," he said. "Any man of the cloth is welcome here, and shall be so long as I… or my Master… live."
I see that deliberate phrasing, and all of Vladdy's lines are now voiced by Takahata's Drac voice.
Lancer stroked his beard, frowning. "… simply Lancer will do. I am not the man I once was – that man is surely facing whichever afterlife the Lord has seen fit to send him to. I am merely a copy, given shape by the Class of Lancer – so a lance indeed I shall be to those who threaten my Master's land, and Lancer you shall call me."
Good, we're calling you Alucard, and any future chapters from you will be filled with incessant HUA references.
Risei reacted, turning towards the alley with a shout and bringing his fists up, prepared to sell his life dearly. There was a flurry of grey-green tentacles, and spikes, and teeth, like an enormous starfish had decided to scuttle spider-like out of Risei's nightmares and onto dry land – and then it burst, sending foul-smelling ichor flying all over the place.

When Risei wiped his eyes, a warrior stood where the tentacle-thing had been – stout and red-haired, with a simple helmet and suit of mail under a green cape. And… a spear?
a Noble Phantasm, like Iskandar's
While I also thought that was Iskandar, that Reality Marble can only sustain one soldier outside it at a time. If Iskandar had tried to send someone to back up Mithrenes, they both would have been hard-reset back into the Marble by The World. Iskandar's army also qualify as Servants, so Risei's comment of them not feeling like one also rules out a similar NP to Ioni Hetarioi. Don't think Captain Nemo would've qualified either. Did Medb have the ability to summon stuff or am I thinking of Fanon?

In any case, where does a small army of mortal warriors wielding ancient weapons come from in the Nasuverse?
How does the Catholic church handle the concept of people who aren't human? Either fully or at all? I don't know enough theology to say
If it helps anything, the Catholic Church has said that their position on alien life coming to earth is that if they want to convert to Christianity, they're more than welcome.
I might just be missing it but I can't find anything about growing warriors from a drop of blood on her wiki.

Edit: Never mind I did miss it.
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Medb had the ability to produce warriors from a drop of a blood, so Rider in this case might be Queen Medb
I might just be missing it but I can't find anything about growing warriors from a drop of blood on her wiki.

Edit: Never mind I did miss it.
OK, I double-checked, that's in her Level 4 Bond text:
Level 4 Bond
Medb has been referred as the mother of many soldiers, but it is not like she actually gives birth to those soldiers.
After taking in the genetic informations of warriors, she reproduces those inside her body.
By wounding the tip of her index finger with a blade and having that blood fall on the ground, what was no more than a single drop becomes a great puddle of blood and soldiers are "manufactured" along with the blood foam.
Medb is literally the "queen" and ruler of nameless soldiers.
It's just not part of her gameplay.

EDIT: I found the turas réalta manga image Rob used to source the soldiers' description. Aside from the lack of color, that pretty well tracks.
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Summoning the two aspects of Gilles? My, the Edelfelts must be quite twisted to be compatible with the likes of him
The real question is not "what is wrong with the Edelfelts".

It is, "which one is which?"

Personally, I think that Caster Edelfelt is the one who stays in Fuyuki and marries into the Tohsaka.
Given Tokiomi's whole "I would rather my daughter be tortured and my grandchildren fight each other to the death than my daughter not be a mage".
Huh, that's a good question. How does the Catholic church handle the concept of people who aren't human? Either fully or at all? I don't know enough theology to say
Aside from what was said about aliens, the Church has had endless debates, back when people generally believed in fantastical creatures and talking animals to be a thing, on the matter of whether or not they could be converted. Most of the time the answer was yes, if they exist, we could and should make moves to convert them.
Did anyone die in the fifth war I'm canon? Get injured yeah, but I can't recall deaths from Servant battles or actions.

If you mean non-participants, then yeah, surprisingly few, right? The 'gas leaks' caused by Medea just drained people to the point of unconsciousness, and while there's always the possibility of an accident we don't hear about anything like that. I think some of the people Shinji attacked with Rider might have died?

I found the turas réalta manga image Rob used to source the soldiers' description.

Well, that or, you know, their in-game sprite and art from E Pluribus Unum. Not to give the game away or anything…

Anyway, I have good news and bad news! The good news is that, thanks to being at sea with very little to distract me apart from writing and going to the gym, the next two chapters are already written (and I'm now massive).

The bad news is that I have kind of a dodgy internet connection that works just fine on my phone but is left up to the gods as to whether my laptop will accept it as a hotspot. Just how it can possibly be the case that my laptop can fail to load websites when my phone loads those same sites just fine using the same connection is beyond me, but I assure you it is the case. Therefore, while I will try to upload the next two chapters in the next couple of days, I promise nothing, and in the worst case we may have to wait a week or so until I'm in an area with hopefully better connection.
If you mean non-participants, then yeah, surprisingly few, right? The 'gas leaks' caused by Medea just drained people to the point of unconsciousness, and while there's always the possibility of an accident we don't hear about anything like that. I think some of the people Shinji attacked with Rider might have died
That's a pretty good track record vs prior wars, looking back - or at least the 4th war as depicted in Zero. Random people got preyed on by Zouken as new bodies going off the Sakura route iirc, but that's not really HGW events so much as a recurring problem with Zouken in general the past century or so. Maybe the grail mud damaged folk? Although I think it only impacted that mountain temple and a lake behind it, with the heroes preventing it going further.
Anyway, I have good news and bad news! The good news is that, thanks to being at sea with very little to distract me apart from writing and going to the gym, the next two chapters are already written (and I'm now massive).
You a sailor? I'm surprised to hear you can write regularly on the ocean, but I guess when entertainment is limited and electronic paper is free...
Chapter 50 - Shaft New
Chapter 50 - Shaft

Things got worse.

Through occasional updates from Tohsaka or Einzbern, Risei followed the course of the War. Lancer had finally slain Berserker, although it had taken an entire night, the help of Ruler and the release of his Noble Phantasm. As far as Risei understood it, it had only been once Ruler arrived that the pair had been able to dislodge Berserker from the residential area where Lancer's Noble Phantasm would have caused horrific damage, and from the sounds of it she had arrived in the nick of time to protect the surrounding area from Berserker's own Noble Phantasm.

Once they finally managed to push Berserker into the outskirts of the Einzbern forest, Lancer was able to put him down – but not without cost: unfortunately, Assassin had taken this opportunity to kidnap Tohsaka from his own house, passing through the wards with a combination of luck, skill and tactically applied brute force.

From the sounds of things she and her army of torturers had attempted to coerce him into forcing Lancer to obey her orders via Command Spell, having decided the Servant of the Spear was too difficult to take on directly and too valuable a resource to be wasted.

In the end, Tohsaka had seemingly succumbed and used two of his three Command Spells to ensure obedience, followed by a third to summon Lancer directly to Assassin. However, this had only been a ruse. Tohsaka knew full well that even a Command Spell could never force Lancer to obey a command so antithetical to his nature as to kneel to another, and trusted in his Servant to do what needed to be done.

Lancer had indeed carved a bloody path through Assassin's torturers to rescue his Master. However, Tohsaka was now all but bedridden, and could hardly move without pain.

In time, Tohsaka assured Risei, he would be fine – but he refused to talk about just what he had endured under Assassin. The mental damage might have been even worse than the physical, for someone as security-conscious as Tohsaka Ren to have been abducted without anything he could do about it, never mind that it had been by the Class exalted to the Throne of Heroes for doing things exactly like that. Worse, Tohsaka had not seen Lancer since, and with no Command Spells he could no longer compel him to do anything.

The Masters of neither Berserker nor Assassin had survived to surrender to Risei, which neatly sidestepped the problem of just what Risei was supposed to do with them. Neutrality be damned, he wasn't sure if he could simply say nothing and give sanctuary to someone who had allowed Assassin free reign over his friend. Maybe in a few years he'd be able to dissociate himself enough to bear it, but not now.

Still, Risei's dubious neutrality aside, he did still have a job to do, which is why he was once more on his way to a negotiation. This time, it was the Master of Rider who had requested his presence 'to guarantee a surrender', whatever that meant. The incentive for doing so, however, was significant – a complete cessation of activity from the Celtic warriors who had been causing so much trouble around town.

This was no small thing. While it was true that Risei had had no reports of the warriors directly kidnapping people the way Caster's creatures did, they were still a rowdy menace who seemed to think nothing of looting whatever they wanted from any shop or bar they could force their way into. They also violently clashed with the police whenever encountered, and Tohsaka had had to do some very fast talking indeed to prevent the frantic local commissioner from calling in the Imperial Army to restore order.

And, worse, they seemed to be… evolving? Improving? They had certainly changed since their first appearance, at any rate. The ones Risei had encountered had been tough and fearless, but as subtle as a fist to the jaw. The green-cloaked one that had passed him the address of the hotel he was currently outside, however, had melted out of the shadows of Risei's garden in broad daylight, then disappeared into the woods just as quickly.

As Risei approached the hotel, an honour guard of five more warriors appeared, as if escorting an envoy – or a prisoner, he couldn't help but think.

Inside in the lobby, more of them lounged, drinking, singing, and generally making merry. Despite that, Risei saw, their weapons were never far from their hands, and at least one in every group had their eyes on the entrances to the room at all times. When they saw Risei's escort, they relaxed and waved them on.

Strangely, the hotel's employees were still working there. At first Risei feared the worst, an entire hotel taken hostage and forced to work for a Servant, but though they eyed the warriors' weapons nervously, the staff didn't seem fearful for their lives, instead acting with every appearance of genuine enthusiasm – even a strange kind of deference. Risei filed it away in his head as something to check up on later, but said nothing.

He was led to the elevators (extremely posh, Risei reflected), and hustled inside, where a warrior carefully pushed the button for the top floor, frowning in concentration as though using a tool he'd heard described but never seen.

Eventually, they reached the penthouse. Any other time, any other circumstance, Risei would have very much appreciated the chance to look around a room – apartment, really – like this. While he had stayed in his share of hotels and bunkhouses across the world, the Church did not generally spring for luxury. The penthouse was opulent to the point of decadence, plush furniture on marble floor, paintings on every wall and sculpture on every side table. One side of the apartment boasted a set of enormous windows, boasting possibly the best view of Fuyuki that Risei had yet seen.

The warriors led Risei through the apartment, and to what seemed to be the master bedroom. Again those huge windows, again the artworks festooning every available surface, but this room was dominated by an enormous bed, large enough for ten people to lie in.

This was not a guess on Risei's part.

Risei was a devoted member of the Church, and a firm believer in the necessity of marriage before sex. That said, he was still a teenage boy, and even if he had practice in not acting on his lustful urges he was self-reflective enough to recognise that he most definitely had them. The scene he had walked in on was one of the most severe temptations he had ever suffered, all the stranger for the fact that he had zero interest in ninety percent of the participants.

That remaining ten percent, though… Risei's thoughts fogged up when he looked at the woman – a Servant, she had to be – in the centre of the orgy. Long, pink hair, a physique seemingly designed to be as perfect as possible, and an impish expression of satisfaction which sharpened to a smirk when she saw him. Risei's heart raced even at the eye contact… and he tried to maintain that eye contact, because the alternative was looking, er, pretty much anywhere else in the room.

"Well, well, Mister Moderator!" she said, in a voice like honey. "I'm ever so sorry, but I got bored while I was waiting for you, and you've found me quite unprepared. You'll forgive me, won't you?" She stood up, and sashayed across the room to put on a silken dressing gown. Risei tried not to stare.

"Yes," he said thickly. "That is, it's quite alright. You seem to have the advantage of me…?"

"Naturally! I do take advantage, whenever I choose… oh, you meant my name? Silly boy, didn't you just see?" The Servant leaned forward - Risei still wasn't looking! – and lowered her voice to a husky growl. "I'm Rider."

Risei gulped, and Rider giggled. "Anyway, I hope my braves didn't cause you too much trouble on the way here?"

Somehow, Risei found his tongue. "Uh, no. Not at all." Something tiny in his brain fired, some last grain of truthfulness. "Actually, yes. Your… braves are occupying the city illegally, and menacing the residents. Before we proceed, I'd like to ask you to stop."

"Menacing?" Rider tilted her head, the picture of innocence. "I suppose my braves can be a little boisterous, but boys will be boys. As to my occupying the city… well, yes. This is a War. What else would I be doing with my army?"

… this was going nowhere. Risei got the feeling that Rider would lie, cheat and steal her way out of trouble in a heartbeat if she had to, but he considered himself a decent judge of people and his instincts were telling him that Rider really didn't have any clue that what she was doing was wrong.

"May I please speak to your Master?" he tried. "Perhaps two humans from this era can come to an easier accord."

Rider frowned, and Risei fought down the irrational urge to apologise. "Well, if you must, but you'll have to wake him up first." She gestured at the pile of heaving naked bodies. "He's in there somewhere. He gets tuckered out so easily, he really is no good at all."

"…perhaps later," Risei said.

Rider beamed, and wandered over to a side table, where she uncorked a decanter of dark red liquid. The air filled with the smell of honey, sweet and intoxicating, and Rider's voice echoed just as sweetly in Risei's ears. "It's a promise! Anyway, I bet you're wondering why you're here."

Why, yes, it was so he could present himself to this perfect goddess and beg her to let him serve her forever, right?

No, hang on, there was something before that. Risei fought through the hazy fog his brain had become, and distantly made a connection.

"A… surrender?" he said. Risei took a deep breath to focus – a mistake, as his lungs just filled with more of that incredible scent. Still, he managed to make another connection. There didn't seem to be anyone else here, so how could he fulfil Rider's wish by helping her with this surrender? "Whose?" he asked.

Rider giggled. "Why, yours, silly!"

Part of Risei felt he should be terrified. But the much, much larger part was ecstatic at the opportunity he was being offered – he would have the chance to serve Rider after all!

The mystery of the hotel staff downstairs was easily solved. Risei nearly offered to join them himself, but it seemed like Rider had other plans for him.

"What…" he licked dry lips. "What would you like me to do? I'm hardly anyone special."

"Oh, I don't know about that…" Rider purred, stalking closer. "Shirt off."

Risei almost tore it in his haste to comply. He shivered as Rider ran one perfect hand down his shoulder, then his arm – then gasped in pain as the Command Spells there responded to the foreign magical energy.

"There it is," said Rider, a greedy glint in her eye. "I do love treasures, Moderator, and the power to compel Servants is a treasure indeed. Won't you give them to me?"

Risei nodded. What on earth was he thinking of, letting these Command Spells just go to waste like this? They were meant to be used, and he could think of no-one better than Rider.

"Excellent! Master, come here, the Moderator has some presents for us."

Rider's master lurched to his feet. He was fit, and clearly in excellent shape, but he looked exhausted, the bags under his eyes deep enough Risei would have been surprised if he'd slept more than a few hours since the start of the War. Wordlessly, he offered his arm to Risei.

Risei focused on the Command Spells, and began the incantation to begin their transfer. "Take, eat; this is my blood-"

And then, without warning, that huge window blew in – not just the window, but almost the entire wall. There, a bloodthirsty angel with spear in hand, stood Lancer. His long coat swirled dramatically in the cold night air whipping through the room, and silhouetted against the night sky of Fuyuki, all Risei could see of his expression was sharp teeth bared in a savage snarl.

"Jezebel!" he thundered. "Unhand my friend, or face judgement!"

"Unhand?" said Rider, giggling, seizing Risei's arm with an iron grip completely at odds with her slender physique. "Chopping bits off the Moderator seems a little dramatic since he's being so co-operative, but if you insist. Does anyone have a knife?"

Hearing that, Risei struggled – and only realised as he was doing so that he was able to conceive of resisting once more. Lancer's entrance had dispersed whatever Rider had put into the air that had made him act like that. Under the circumstances, then, screw neutrality.

"She has some kind of mind control," he blurted. "That liquid, in the decanter…"

"That's quite enough out of you, I think," Rider decided, pulling on his arm – only to let go with a yelp as Lancer's spear thrust between them. "Hey! Those are my Command Spells! Get your own!"

Lancer reached out with his free hand and pulled Risei behind him. "Command Spells? A chain for a beast. If the bond between Master and Servant is true, there is no need for such a thing."

Risei had ducked behind Lancer, but these last words confused him. "But… after Tohsaka used his Command Spells, you left. We thought… we weren't sure where you had gone."

Lancer looked surprised, before nodding in comprehension. "Ah, of course, I had not contacted my Master when you last spoke to him. I was hunting down Assassin once and for all, and felt my Master could use some rest after his ordeal." He looked… hurt, if anything. "Was your faith in me that weak, my friend? Command Spells or no Command Spells, Tohsaka Ren is my Master, matched with me by the Holy Grail itself. I promised that I would defend his lands, and a king never breaks his promise."

"I didn't know what to think," Risei said. "But you are quite right. I should never have doubted you, and I apologise. But how did you find me?"

"Ruler had a vision," Lancer said, as if that explained everything. Perhaps it did, come to that. Whether the revelations Ruler received were genuine miracles or not was something Risei was hardly equipped to judge – but whatever their provenance, she certainly believed they came directly from God. In the circumstances, Risei was not inclined to argue.

Rider backed away, looking extremely annoyed. "Well, not that this isn't lovely, but you've quite ruined my evening. I hope you're proud of yourselves. But don't go getting cocky now." She reached behind herself, and Risei opened his mouth, but not fast enough. "After all, you've only had the barest taste of My Red Mead."

From behind her back, Rider swung out the decanter, spilling mead in a dazzling arc – even in the dim lights of the penthouse the drops of liquid shone like rubies. The smell of honey and perfume slammed into Risei's mind like a truck, and he started forward, intent of getting a taste for himself. He would do anything – sell out his own mother, trample on an image of the Lord, kill a kitten without a single question, anything just so long as Rider would consider granting him even a single drop of the divine liquid-

Lancer's outthrust arm blocked his way, and when Risei tried to push past anyway it may as well have been an iron bar.

"Hold on, my friend," Lancer said. "Rider, your blandishments have no effect on me, for faith is my shield. Release the Moderator, and I will make your end swift."

Rider huffed. "Ugh… one of those types. You really are an incredible bore, you know that? Braves! Can someone kill this grumpy old man for me? I'd be ever so grateful~!"

Warriors leapt to their feet, and more poured in from the stairwell, and in seconds the room was filled with armed men, each and every one howling for blood. Risei was frantic – with all this competition, how was he meant to be the one to kill Lancer? He'd never get Rider's reward at this rate!

He needn't have worried, though – because as fast as they came, they died.

None of Rider's 'braves' were a match for Lancer. Not the swordsmen, who died before even coming in range. Not the archers, whose arrows Lancer batted out of the air contemptuously. Not the mage-types, whose spells Lancer simply ignored. That oddly crooked metal spear flashed and flickered, faster than Risei could follow, and wherever it went dead Celts followed.

Rider stomped her foot, seeming more annoyed than anything. "Grr… fine! I'd wanted to keep him in reserve, but… go! Kill him, Archer!"

From nowhere, a figure in a green cloak appeared, firing some sort of wrist-mounted crossbow. Again Lancer's spear flicked out to deflect it – but the force nearly jolted it out of his hands, and Archer had already ducked and weaved away from the counterstrike, his hood falling from his face.

Archer looked awful, twice as bad as even Rider's Master had – red hair lank around a pale face, drawn and emaciated. Risei didn't know how Rider made her braves, but it didn't take a magus to figure out why her later models were suddenly expert woodsmen. Just how long had he spent as her captive?

He had no time to worry – Archer shot twice, and though the first was deflected once more by Lancer the second flew straight at Risei. Lancer was out of position to block it, and Risei ducked knowing it wouldn't be enough-

Without hesitating, Lancer stuck his arm in the way, the arrow lodging itself in his wrist. Rider cackled.

Lancer looked at his arm as though it belonged to someone else, then back up at Archer. "I am sorry for what has happened to you, Archer," he said. "I would have preferred an honourable duel."

Archer actually cracked a grin at that. "I wouldn't," he said. "Have you seen me? Have you seen you? The only time I'd usually go up against a monster like you is if you were caught in a pit trap full of poisoned spikes, and even then it'd need to be a pretty deep pit. But, well, the lady's got orders, you know how it is."

Risei nodded, despite himself.

"A shame," said Lancer. "Your old Master knew how to use you far better. In our entire duel, at the start of this War, I caught only a single glimpse of you – and that was what saved you. Rider, you are a failure as a queen and a failure as a commander."

Rider pouted. "Rude! What would you know about it, anyway?"

Lancer bared his fangs. "By my skill, by my legend, by the grace of God and by the valour of my armies was a great empire halted. I am the only true military commander in this entire War. I am Vlad III Tepes, called the Impaler, and I will show you why."

The sudden panic in Rider's eyes as she seemed to realise what Lancer was about to do was shocking for how quickly it replaced the confidence. "Archer, save me!" she shrieked. "Fergus, My-"

"Kazikli Bey."

Then, everything was spears.

With the death of Rider, Fuyuki was no longer patrolled by packs of roving Celtic warriors.

Within a day, Risei had cause to regret that.

As the sun rose on the final day of the Third Holy Grail War, Caster's creatures could be found across half the city.

And on the final night, the siege of Kotomine Church began.
This was no small thing. While it was true that Risei had had no reports of the warriors directly kidnapping people the way Caster's creatures did, they were still a rowdy menace who seemed to think nothing of looting whatever they wanted from any shop or bar they could force their way into. They also violently clashed with the police whenever encountered, and Tohsaka had had to do some very fast talking indeed to prevent the frantic local commissioner from calling in the Imperial Army to restore order.
Oh yeah, this is the war that took place during the strategic bombing of Japan.
"May I please speak to your Master?" he tried. "Perhaps two humans from this era can come to an easier accord."

Rider frowned, and Risei fought down the irrational urge to apologise. "Well, if you must, but you'll have to wake him up first." She gestured at the pile of heaving naked bodies. "He's in there somewhere. He gets tuckered out so easily, he really is no good at all."

"…perhaps later," Risei said.
Medb doesn't have the... physique for the Touch It meme, but she doesn't to be tall. She is, literally, a Short Queen.
And then, without warning, that huge window blew in – not just the window, but almost the entire wall. There, a bloodthirsty angel with spear in hand, stood Lancer. His long coat swirled dramatically in the cold night air whipping through the room, and silhouetted against the night sky of Fuyuki, all Risei could see of his expression was sharp teeth bared in a savage snarl.

"Jezebel!" he thundered. "Unhand my friend, or face judgement!"

"Unhand?" said Rider, giggling, seizing Risei's arm with an iron grip completely at odds with her slender physique. "Chopping bits off the Moderator seems a little dramatic since he's being so co-operative, but if you insist. Does anyone have a knife?"
They're all downstairs, but that didn't stop the Celts from trying to throw them anyway.
Risei had ducked behind Lancer, but these last words confused him. "But… after Tohsaka used his Command Spells, you left. We thought… we weren't sure where you had gone."

Lancer looked surprised, before nodding in comprehension. "Ah, of course, I had not contacted my Master when you last spoke to him. I was hunting down Assassin once and for all, and felt my Master could use some rest after his ordeal." He looked… hurt, if anything. "Was your faith in me that weak, my friend? Command Spells or no Command Spells, Tohsaka Ren is my Master, matched with me by the Holy Grail itself. I promised that I would defend his lands, and a king never breaks his promise."
Some reputations can't be shaken... but that's not always a 'you' problem.
"Hold on, my friend," Lancer said. "Rider, your blandishments have no effect on me, for faith is my shield. Release the Moderator, and I will make your end swift."
Vlad is going pure Space Marine, and I. Am. HERE FOR IT!
Rider stomped her foot, seeming more annoyed than anything. "Grr… fine! I'd wanted to keep him in reserve, but… go! Kill him, Archer!"

From nowhere, a figure in a green cloak appeared, firing some sort of wrist-mounted crossbow.
Oh yeah, he does have that wierd thing on the sprites.
Lancer bared his fangs. "By my skill, by my legend, by the grace of God and by the valour of my armies was a great empire halted. I am the only true military commander in this entire War. I am Vlad III Tepes, called the Impaler, and I will show you why."

The sudden panic in Rider's eyes as she seemed to realise what Lancer was about to do was shocking for how quickly it replaced the confidence. "Archer, save me!" she shrieked. "Fergus, My-"

"Kazikli Bey."

Then, everything was spears.
I say this with full embrace of the subtext: Get Fucked, Medb.
As the sun rose on the final day of the Third Holy Grail War, Caster's creatures could be found across half the city.

And on the final night, the siege of Kotomine Church began.
... Someone got the phone number Curtis Lemay's HQ? I think we have a bombing target.
Mebd can be quite dangerous as a Servant even if direct combat isn't her forte, it seems. Is she as alluring to woman, I wonder? Or gay men?
Mebd can be quite dangerous as a Servant even if direct combat isn't her forte, it seems. Is she as alluring to woman, I wonder? Or gay men?

Medb is heterosexual in her myth so it would not occur to her to try and seduce women, not to mention how vicious she is with women she sees as rivals for any man's affection, and as for gay men?

It's not clear because Ferdiad might have been Cú Chulainn adopted brother or he might have been his lover depending on how you translate the part of the Ulster Cycle describing their relationship, but Medb did not seek out such men in her myths and she only offered Finnabair's hand for the defeat of Cú Chulainn in retaliation for Cú killing Finnabair's husband/beloved Fráech during that infamous cattle raid of hers.

So most likely her power would work on gay men and gay women, but she would spurn the former and hate the latter for taking up space that she sees as hers in the bedchamber. So a tragedy of utter confusion and heartbreak for gay men and hateful destruction for lesbians.
I'm not to sure about that. Medb's Noble Phantasm My Red Mead specifically mentions men and it's not like their aren't similar powers in Fate that effect only one gender for example Dairmuid's face.
Berserker got offscreened, do you have any plans of revealing who they were?

Sadly, Berserker is not especially important to this flashback, so I don't intend to dwell on them more than this. My guess is that the Matou household being such an awful place to live, even a couple of generations back, would spark such a rebellious streak in one of the still-competent Matou Masters that they'd get Spartacus, or (if they wanted to take Zouken's place instead, which might actually be an option before the Matou lost their magecraft) Lu Bu.

Oddly, there are surprisingly few options for Berserkers that aren't gamebreaking for this War (Herc, Lancelot), anomalous (Morgan, Arjuna Alter, MHXA) or Anti-Heroes (which this flashback is attempting to explain the presence of during the Fourth War, Caster!Gilles getting a pass because he's piggybacking off Saber!Gilles thanks to Ore Scales and Einzbern fuckery manifesting an Extra Class).

Is she as alluring to woman, I wonder?

Since the in-game Skill targets only men, I'm saying no, and since I already wrote it affecting Waver in Kaleido Garnet I'm also ruling that it affects gay men too (not that I intend to get into the Waver sexuality discourse here).

Of course, if Medb was minded to seduce a lesbian she'd probably be able (Golden Rule: Body goes a long way), just not supernaturally so.