So where exactly did this Jalter get her Dragon Witch powers from? Since it seems like all her other abilities are just her copying/stealing from other Heroic Spirits (Vlad and Enkidu for the stakes, Ibaraki for the fire)

Same place as in canon.

Which, so far as I can tell, seems to be 'she just can lol'

Or, less flippantly, dragons have always been a symbol of evil, heraldically and theologically speaking. Jalter's materials specifically mention her Dragon Witch skill being an inverse to the anti-dragon saints like Martha and Georgios, but don't go into any further detail. I've always assumed that Gilles' vision of an 'evil saint' just naturally includes dragon control due to his own package of religious beliefs.
Whoo, between not having instant corruption abilities and Lancer existing it feels like less of the outright horror show of Angra Mainyu.

But almost two full Grail Wars worth of Servants to take stuff from, that's a lot of firepower. Even if Saber Gilles is mostly worthless.

Just imagine what she'll get from combining the eldritch biology of the Horrors with the mass production of Braves drawing talents from all those Servants.
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Whoo, between not having instant corruption abilities and Lancer existing it feels like less of the outright horror show of Angra Mainyu.

But almost two full Grail Wars worth of Servants to take stuff from, that's a lot of firepower. Even if Saber Gilles is mostly worthless.

Just imagine what she'll get from combining the eldritch biology of the Horrors with the mass production of Braves drawing talents from all those Servants.
I'm not fully sure Jalter can pull from that wide a range. It was pretty well specified that the only two things in the Grail were her and Vlad. If Jalter starts pulling Medb's power, she's not pulling from the Grail, she's straight-up jacking the Throne. So it's pretty much the Servants that were summoned for this war, maybe even just the ones still alive.

And to be honest? I am skeptical about how big of a problem that is. She's a Servant made from the mud of Enkidu, but there is such a thing as too much power. I'm pretty sure that the more Servant, Noble Phantasms, and other tools Jalter consumes, the more she gets closer to her limit. Energy field, meet head, results in loss of cohesion. I'm uncertain if the Grail has turned "vehicle to summon Jalter" into being an infinite mana generator, but the lack of a diety or equivalent BBEG running this makes me think no. Like she says in the Chapter, she's Avenger. She's a Servant, not an FGO Boss.

In short, Jalter is going to starve or Chaos Spawn herself before she gets anywhere close to whatever the amounts of Servants she can dine on is.
I'm not fully sure Jalter can pull from that wide a range. It was pretty well specified that the only two things in the Grail were her and Vlad. If Jalter starts pulling Medb's power, she's not pulling from the Grail, she's straight-up jacking the Throne. So it's pretty much the Servants that were summoned for this war, maybe even just the ones still alive.

Pretty much this. My thinking, Doylistically speaking, was 'hey cool I can jigsaw together most of Jalter's canon powers from bits and pieces of already-summoned Servants, neat'.

However, I have of course prepared an explanation/excuse/handwave! Any Servant killed before Jeanne was already fully converted into magical energy by a properly-functioning Fuyuki Grail, so no abilities from those. Jeanne was busy trying to resurrect when Gilles died, so didn't manage to filter anything from him either. Vlad was around and actually semi-conscious for the intervening sixty years, not that Jeanne knew that, so his Noble Phantasm was available for her to base La Grondement du Haine off.

Of the Fourth War Servants… well, surprisingly few give her any kind of upgrade given that she's already in Due's overpowered body with overpowered stats that she can tweak at will. A lot of what they do is based on technical skill and experience rather than just having superpowers (Archer, Saber and Caster are all this type), which Jeanne can't just integrate. Berserker's flames are pretty easy to use, and you know that Jalter would have gone for that over Disengage. Rider's prayers and Miracle are off the table for obvious reasons.

So, yes, for all intents and purposes this is 'canon Jalter with canon Jalter powers, except played by Enkidu'. I guess that wasn't especially clear, was it? This is what I get for trying to half-assedly add in things I think are neat, I suppose…
Berserker's flames are pretty easy to use, and you know that Jalter would have gone for that over Disengage.
Jalter should actually have those flames inherently mind you, it's one of the few things she naturally has purely because that's actually a Jeanne power. Jeanne has the ability to summon the cursed flames that kill her, it's just that doing it kills her - Jeanne Alter, who isn't quite Jeanne, can survive using them.
So, yes, for all intents and purposes this is 'canon Jalter with canon Jalter powers, except played by Enkidu'. I guess that wasn't especially clear, was it? This is what I get for trying to half-assedly add in things I think are neat, I suppose…
"Big black scary monster that wants to eat everything and gets bonuses for killing servants" is kinda the impression we have for all of the Grail-related antagonists, so don't sweat it. You've got plenty of story to focus on "this is an Avenger Servant, but not a punching bag."
Jalter should actually have those flames inherently mind you, it's one of the few things she naturally has purely because that's actually a Jeanne power. Jeanne has the ability to summon the cursed flames that kill her, it's just that doing it kills her - Jeanne Alter, who isn't quite Jeanne, can survive using them.
This isn't that Jeanne Alter, her summoning is different and thus so is the origin of her abilities.
This isn't that Jeanne Alter, her summoning is different and thus so is the origin of her abilities.
It doesn't matter what Jeanne Alter it is, it's a Jeanne that's Altered and has Jeanne as a base. And Jeanne as a base has this NP:

Jeanne's FGO materials said:
La Pucelle (The Maiden). A sacred sword that makes flames manifest by invoking the following line from a death poem: "O' Lord, I entrust this body to You————". A Conceptual Crystallized Armament that interpreted Jeanne's burning at the stake like it is an attack. It is a subcategory of a Reality Marble, an imagined landscape crystallized as a sword. This sword is the Heroic Spirit Jeanne d'Arc herself, and after the battle where this Noble Phantasm was manifested, Jeanne will be extinguished.

That is to say, she has the ability to summon the flames that burned her at the stake.

And yes, this isn't quite the same as Jalter's "I remember burning at the stake vaguely and can thus still use a variant of that NP" La Grondament Du Haine, and it isn't quite the same as Jeanne Alter's "I can literally summon the circumstances by which I burned at the stake to take out everything surrounding me" Flamme Pays Etranger, but it is the base for both of those NPs. (Although Jeanne Alter also had La Pucelle proper, which seems kind of fucking redundant since they're both self-harming NPs involving the fire that killed her, but whatever, it's not like much real thought was put into Jeanne Alter in F/SR anyway.)