Both Martha and Tokiomi hide their brash martial spirit under a dignified veneer. Maybe Martha can pull off another miracle and drag Tokiomi's heart back out from his shell.

Still no hints about Lancer huh, other than they're a powerhouse. A strong Lancer who's a good match for Kirei...Vlad? Kagetora? Whoever they are, I bet they're terrifying.

Da Vinci and Waver are such a good team! I wonder if Ibaraki is getting aimed at the church alliance, or just at her own Master.
On one hand, there's a lot Tokiomi legitimately did not know or assumed incorrectly about Zouken and he would be very angered to know of her current state.

On the other hand that has nothing to do with the rape worms, so bleh.
I remember reading an interview that said something along the lines of: If Tokiomi found out about Sakura's circumstances he would be upset that she was never taught to be a magus.

Apparently he would accept and be alright with the rape worms since they can be used to teach someone magecraft. If it was for helping Sakura be a greater mage then Tokiomi would accept and understand the Matou families methods.

Edit: Found the Reddit post

So yeah Tokiomi is not only a scumbag for abandoning Sakura, not only is he a scumbag for making a contract that included his family not to interact with Sakura, but he's even a scumbag for thinking that the best thing to ever occur for the family would be for Sakura and Rin to have a deathmatch against each other for the holy grail like at the end of HF.

And people wonder why I hate this guy.
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I remember reading an interview that said something along the lines of: If Tokiomi found out about Sakura's circumstances he would be upset that she was never taught to be a magus.

Apparently he would accept and be alright with the rape worms since they can be used to teach someone magecraft. If it was for helping Sakura be a greater mage then Tokiomi would accept and understand the Matou families methods.

The point was he thought she'd be going through a lot of pain with the explicit "and come out the other end significantly stronger and head of the Matou" implied. That Zouken couldn't go too far on her because she was a ridiculously useful investment and something he sorely needed. He thought, in essence, he was sending her away to be treated similarly to how he was going to treat Rin.

But he did this with the thought that Zouken, who was old as fuck and deteriorating fast, would be ecstatic about her because he needed an heir really badly in a very short amount of time. And that entire premise was fucked from the start.

Is he still scummy? Yeah, absolutely. Do his actions make sense when taken from his perspective? Of course. You know what they say about the road to hell, though...
While I mostly enjoyed the Ibaraki vs Da Vinci fight, isn't the whole point of the Disengage skill that you can't whittle someone down with status effects the way that Da Vinci seems to have?
I heavily disagree with this thought.


Look, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice. Every single Caster with a major role in a Fate story except the ones allied to Ritsuka or Hakuno have, eventually, gone Full Evil.
Do I spy a Negima reference?

You do! For whatever reason, Da Vinci's just lent herself to being a fountain of references.

I'm especially pleased to have managed to get that one in, because the Negi vs. Jack Rakan fight is not just my favourite fight scene in all of Negima, not just my favourite fight scene in all of manga, but my favourite anything scene in anything.

She's a Caster working for someone not Ritsuka.

She's fuckin toast.

No comment, of course. But I was surprised while writing how strongly her whimsical personality lent itself to what a reviewer on FFnet identified as sadism, not entirely unjustifiably.

Martha and Tokiomi probably got matched up on the basis of both being religiously Christian and trying very hard to maintain a dignified demeanor appropriate to their stations at all times.

Pretty much what I was going for, yes. I can't promise a 1:1 personality match between Master and Servant every time - as long as the Grail (i.e. me) sees some connection or resonance between personality, wish, or the like, it counts. However, it really is quite interesting how well Risei would have fit as Martha's Master as well.
While I mostly enjoyed the Ibaraki vs Da Vinci fight, isn't the whole point of the Disengage skill that you can't whittle someone down with status effects the way that Da Vinci seems to have?
The author seems to be emphasizing the first sentence over the second. Which, to be fair is reasonable given the Rashomon event wouldn't make much sense if it perfectly reverted Ibaraki to a prior state.
Disengage: A
The ability to withdraw from battle.
Returning disadvantageous battle to its initial state.
From an anecdote where she managed to splendidly withdrew from battle when Watanabe fought her and had her hand severed with his famed sword "Higekiri".
Also, as much as Ibaraki can disengage, she's stuck in the mirror world, and thus, cannot really run away, so she'll get worn down until she does lose eventually.
Didn't the author mention that he totally forgot about it already anyway? Somebody commented on it at the start of the fight.

A little harsh, considering Ibaraki does try to Disengage (by name) at the end of Chapter 12. All it earns her is another faceplant into the road, courtesy of Da Vinci's space warping, and she doesn't try after that.

As for the original point that it removed status effects - yes it does. What status effects? Ibaraki's wounded, sure, but although the skill heals her in FGO as well as removing debuffs I'm not sure it would translate that way outside videogame mechanics. She's also trapped both inside a pocket dimension and a personal levitation bubble, neither of which I would count as a status effect on her. (The latter might well be captured by the 'resetting the battlefield' part of the skill - the former is almost certainly too powerful to be.)

Now, the mind control potion is definitely a status effect. The problem is if Ibaraki retains the presence of mind to activate a Disengage anyway - and if it even works outside a battle that's pretty definitively finished...
I guess specifically I was thinking of Da Vinci making Ibaraki super-conductive to electricity, and maybe the frostbite are things that Ibaraki should have been able to shake off if she manages to maintain some distance, which seems to have been something Da Vinci was arrogant enough to allow her to do a couple times.

But then again, it seems like Ibaraki attempted to just bum rush Da Vinci at the end of the fight, so if she didn't continue attempting hit-and-run tactics, it wouldn't have really stopped Da Vinci from just reapplying the same moves.
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Had this fic tabbed for a couple of weeks. Just now decided to sit down and read it, and damn am I glad I did. It's honestly hard for me to get into most Fate fics since they go for the rehased formula without actually capturing the nice meat and bones of the battle royale setting. This one does though with all the Servants being shown to be a deadly threat in their own right.

Ibaraki slaughtering Copenhagen and wrecking havoc in the daytime was a refreshing breeze compared to how she's usually flanderized. She's defnintely been the rampaging star of the show.

Serenity and Kiri have been slowly but surely developing in the background, and I can't wait for them to make a serious move.

D'eon making an appearance is definitely a surprise just as it is to see them hold their ground. I will always question why the hell they have A-rank Strength but combining it with their skills as a fencer makes a pretty potent combination. Also laughing at Kayneth falling for them.

Martha hasn't had much of a spotlight besides being Tokiomi's shield, but I am looking forward to her getting into the fray and shooting exploding prayers.

Da Vinci schooling Ibaraki as a lesson to Waver was great not just for the fight itself, but for the potential development in a Waver who had Da Vinci as a Servant instead of Iskandar. I don't expect him to pull off much here, but just the thought alone is tantalizing.

And finally of course, there's Atalanta whose honestly making me feel kind of complicated. She's right in character and really Kariya's one of the most fitting Master for her considering their goal, but, well while compatibility matching may for good teamwork, doesn't make for the smartest team aka what happens when you put two single-minded, children-obsessed, bad-end magnets together? It's a sinking ship, one I'll enjoy watching but can't help sigh and shake my head at.

Like with the both of them throwing everything at the Tohsaka manor which is 100% in character as is both of them utterly failing to do any significant damage.

Or immediately jumping at the bone to chase Berserker without a second thought.

They're idiots-lovable ones-but idiots nonetheless.

Yeah, but she's been firing NPs left and right, which might be worse.

It's honestly dependent of the author how much Phoebus Catastrophus drains since it's a technique NP just like Tsubame Gaeshi or Billy's Thunderer. All the NP is, is firing two arrows in a specific way into the sky; Artemis and Apollo do the rest.

Granted, Atalanta does mention it using mana, though not how much, in an off-hand remake in Apoc, so shrug

Serenity was very possibly the fastest Servant in the War, with only Archer maybe outpacing her, and could cover a lot of ground in a very short space of time.

I know this is a character's remark which makes it biased in their own right, but I still feel the need to say that Atalanta is faster. Statwise, Serenity should be faster with A+ Agility to Atalanta's A-rank Agility, but you also have Chiron, another Servant with A+ Agility, who tried to taunt her to get her to stop because he had no chance of catching up to her.

I feel so filthy for making a Powerlevel/speed debate up.

My one complaint though is how petulant Kariya came off in his confrontation with Tokiomi. Yeah, he's in a slightly better state of mind compared to getting mana chugged from Berserker, but he comes off as a petty man instead of someone driven by revenge. I cannot see him calmly sitting in a church getting lectured and not jumping at Tokiomi and shouting at him for giving up Sakura.

Another thing that feels a bit hand-wavy is how the Grail supplying knowledge is being used. It's like a Google search that just freely gives info out like Tarasque being Martha's NP or the exact details behind Phoebus Catastrophus.

Besides, that I've been enjoying this fic quite a bit, and I'm curious to see what happens next.
I know this is a character's remark which makes it biased in their own right, but I still feel the need to say that Atalanta is faster. Statwise, Serenity should be faster with A+ Agility to Atalanta's A-rank Agility, but you also have Chiron, another Servant with A+ Agility, who tried to taunt her to get her to stop because he had no chance of catching up to her.

Agility is a bit weird because it can measure both reaction time/small-scale movement and long-distance top speed. Hell, in F/sn Medusa and Cu both have A-rank Agility, but specifically representative of each side of that - Cu's faster in combat and with his footwork, but he can't beat Medusa in a race across the city.

Or perhaps I'm getting it reversed, but the point remains the same.
Agility is a bit weird because it can measure both reaction time/small-scale movement and long-distance top speed. Hell, in F/sn Medusa and Cu both have A-rank Agility, but specifically representative of each side of that - Cu's faster in combat and with his footwork, but he can't beat Medusa in a race across the city.

Or perhaps I'm getting it reversed, but the point remains the same.

You have it the right way. On top of this, + ranks are temporary boosts under specific circumstances, so A+ will be A a lot of the time.
Chapter 15 - Culprit
Chapter 15 - Culprit
So, uh, Ryuunosuke was having basically the best day of his entire life.

Seriously! He knew he was weird, but how could anyone not find this cool? In less than twelve hours an entire city had been brought to its knees by a single demon! It was every apocalypse movie wrought in miniature but real, and it was all Ryuunosuke could do not to walk around with a big goofy grin on his face.

He'd gone along with Ibaraki for the earlier parts, which were awesome enough. Knocking down electricity pylons with her bare hands, crushing cars with people inside them… it was like Ibaraki had finally come around to his way of thinking and started properly enjoying herself while killing. She'd said her goal was to create chaos, but come on. She was a demon, right? If Ryuunosuke was having so much fun, there was no way Ibaraki wasn't too.

Sadly, after a while there was too much chaos, and Ryuunosuke was finding it hard to get around. Ibaraki wasn't going to carry him, and Ryuunosuke wasn't going to piss her off by asking, so he'd gone back to climb the hill that led to the temple. From here, there was a great view of the city burning, and it make Ryuunosuke want to cry with frustration that he just couldn't take every part of it in.

SUMMONER! Summoner, summon me now!

Ibaraki's sudden telepathic shout had him leap about a foot in the air and yelp with surprise.

Wha- had Ibaraki gotten in trouble? Damn, he'd just assumed she could handle whatever she came across, they'd planned this out pretty well. He was pretty glad no-one was around to see his reaction, he wouldn't want to come across all crazy.

Shit, did he have to do the whole thing with the blood and the sacrifice to re-summon her? That was going to be awkward, especially today of all days-

With your Command Spell, idiot!

…oh, right. Yeah, good idea, Ibaraki, except how was he supposed to do that? Ryuunosuke lifted his hand and frowned at the red marks that had appeared on the night he first summoned Ibaraki, all those days ago. He'd seen and done things he never expected since then… but for all that, he hadn't really changed at all, had he? He was just a dude who stumbled into a partnership with an awesome demon girl, and had been dragged around in her wake ever since.

And he was fine with that!

But for once, Ibaraki needed him. Now, how did you use a Command Spell?

There was only one clue Ryuunosuke had. The only bit of magic he'd ever done on purpose since summoning Ibaraki – seeing through her eyes. It was great, partly because it was real goddamn magic that he could do, and partly because it meant Ibaraki could really cut loose without worrying without her squishy Master in the way.

But what did it mean? The only thing Ryuunosuke could guess was that there was a connection between him and Ibaraki – on a very deep level, that wasn't visible even to spirits like Servants but that was fundamentally there. All he needed to do was… just kind of yank on that connection, maybe?

He tried. Really tried, screwing up his eyes and focusing on what it felt like to see through another person's own eyes as if he was there. From his hand where the Command Spells shone, he pictured a rope of glowy energy. Blue, he thought at first – but changed it to yellow, which he thought fit Ibaraki better.

In his mind's eye, it stretched away into the distance, connecting to his faraway Servant. He imagined it getting shorter, pulling Ibaraki along, and smiled at the unamused expression on her imaginary face as she was hauled through the air.

He went deeper. The expression she'd had when he'd offered her that kid to eat. The feel of her body squirming when he'd picked her up. The smell of smoke from the ruins of the Copenhagen. Everything he'd shared with his Servant… and capped it off with the first sight he'd had of her reptile eyes opening for the first time in this world.

He pulled it all together, and pulled. He looked to see if he'd succeeded.

Nothing had happened… but his Command Spells were glowing like they were waiting for something. As he watched, they faded into a sullen red gleam.

Oh, were they expecting him to talk out loud? That seemed like a weird restriction, but hey, he wasn't a wizard. He focused on the connection he knew he had with Ibaraki, pictured her eyes opening again, and said,

"Get over here right now, Ibaraki!"

He'd meant to just, you know, say it. But they came out of his mouth with a tone of certainty and authority he'd never heard before. The voice of God couldn't have sounded as sure of itself as Ryuunosuke's had just then.

Against that voice, how could any Servant resist?

A hole opened in the world, spilling red light onto the sleepy hill. A hundred, a thousand, ten thousand yellow sparks gathered and swirled through, forming a very familiar shape.

In less than a second, the great demon Ibaraki-douji stood before him. Ryuunosuke grinned in triumph.

"Hey, you," he said. "Run into issues?"

Ibrakaki studied him, her expression unreadable.

"Yes," she said. "Servant Caster… she is more annoying by far than my worst expectations."

That brought Ryuunosuke up short. He killed the grin, Ibaraki definitely didn't look in the mood for it. "Eesh. That bad?"

"Very. Your summons came at just the right time – a little later and the War would have been over for us. But it was useful nevertheless. Enlightening, in fact." Ibaraki turned and started stalking dow the hill, and Ryuunosuke couldn't really do anything else but follow.

"How so?"

"I learned a lot. As expected of a battle against a mage, I suppose. In any case, prepare yourself, Master. We have been grossly deceived." A feral smile split Ibaraki's face. "There is something we need to do…"


It had been… a terrible day.

Serenity had seen her share of war, like all the Order. Ruined towns weren't something new to her – often, the chaos and confusion made perfect hunting grounds for her target. But what war did to the places it touched was always bad. As bad as Serenity's brand of silent killing was, at least she avoided the horror that went with open battle.

Mostly, anyway.

She shook her head. A salve for her guilt, no more. Death, one by one or en masse, was monstrous, and Serenity the biggest monster of all. The blood on her hands would never be washed off. Moralising would do her no good.

The fact remained, Serenity was not as uncomfortable in the burning city as she would have liked to be. She picked her way across treacherous roofs, faded to a shadow in the billowing smoke, and threaded her way through panicking crowds like she had a hundred times before.

Ahead of her, Saber was visible as a shining white glow in her mind's eye, dematerialised but otherwise not bothering to hide.

Serenity had followed Saber through this Hell – disaster to disaster, horror to horror, until the flare had gone off, a signal impossible to ignore. What kind of spell it was, Serenity could not say, but it was the most obvious thing she had ever encountered. It pulled at the senses, almost painful to look away from, the direct opposite of Serenity's Presence Concealment.

She wanted to go to it – even beyond the fact that Saber had taken off running after it, even beyond the logic that said this had to be a Servant encountering Berserker. A subtle compulsion? Something else. Serenity didn't know. In the end, her path lay that way.

Saber had rushed ahead, heedless of who saw them, and arrived under the flare, shining directly on…

… a ruined street, with scorch marks and craters and every sign of a Servant battle but no Servants at all. No people at all, in fact.

There was a fading presence, the last sign of a Servant recently gone, but the area had been fairly bathed in so much prana that it was impossible to pick up anything more. Saber stopped from a dead run in a single smooth step, and materialised in the same motion. They cursed, and looked around.

"Caster? Caster, I know your magic when I feel it! Stop hiding behind your illusions, Servant of the Spell – on my honour and my Master's, I will stay my hand while Berserker remains free!"

The street remained silent. Saber's lip curled, and she turned on her heel, cape swirling as she left to start her hunt for Berserker again-

The church bells rang.

The special bells, the special sequence – once again, the Moderator was summoning the Masters in his War to Kotomine Church. And this time, he wanted everyone there. In person.

Now? Of all times, he chose now? Serenity's lips quirked at the grim irony. Just when every Servant was out in force at the same time, carrying out his instructions and searching for Berserker, he called them back. Probably, the priest wanted to make sure everybody got the message… and deliver any more 'helpful guidance' he and Tohsaka had cooked up.

But… you couldn't just ignore the Moderator of the Holy Grail War without a really good reason.

Master, Serenity sent. Your orders?

We'll go. We have no choice, or we'll be labelled the next targets after Berserker is dealt with. I want you hidden unless we have no other choice.

Very well. I am on my way.
Kiritsugu had removed himself back to the Einzbern castle as soon as it became clear what kind of fiasco Berserker was creating. He was no stranger to wartorn hellscapes either, but he couldn't get around the city as easily as Serenity – and if Berserker caught him in the open, even by accident, even without realising who he was, it was over.

Good. I will call Maiya. This is an opportunity, if we use it right.

Yes… but Master, do remember she has her own assignment now.
Serenity paused, considering her words. And, Master…

What is it?

I will follow your orders and remain unseen, as you wish. But… no Master would venture into the city as it is without a Servant escort. Every other Servant bar Berserker will be at the church, and should they assume you are without protection, they may seize the opportunity… Master, I will try to protect you, but if I cannot be seen I cannot act as a deterrent, and I am no match for any Servant in a fight.

Kiritsugu's mental voice was wry. So I think it best if we take extra precautions.

Serenity waited patiently.

There is a certain grace period for us to arrive at the Church. An hour would not be unreasonable. Assassin… if I were to make my own way, how many of these locations can you reach within an hour?

Kiritsugu explained his plan. It was genius, it was cold, and the other Masters would never see it coming.

You seem set on making enemies, Master… was what Serenity said. But what she thought was,

You seem set on destroying yourself with your kind heart.


Last time Serenity had arrived at Kotomine Church, it had been on a bustling morning, the congregation arriving to worship, socialise and generally live their life. The church itself had looked comfortable and inviting, its doors thrown wide open and the priest himself standing by them with a smile to welcome his parishioners.

It had stirred deep memories of a village mosque, long buried to the sands of time. Different faiths, different cultures, different times, but the sense of community and belonging was exactly the same.

Now, the church lurked on the hill, black silhouette against an iron-grey sky. The doors were closed, and the façade loomed above Serenity as she approached. There were Servants within – many Servants, their presences all overpowering each other to the point where it was impossible to distinguish the number, and not helped by the spiritual layout of the church dampening even Serenity's sense for that kind of thing.

It didn't seem to bother Kiritsugu, so she said nothing.

Her Master pushed open the great wooden door, and slipped inside. Invisible, undetectable, Serenity leapt up into the rafters, and positioned herself where she could see the entire room.

"So Master number six shows his face at last," drawled an aristocratic voice. Kayneth Archibald El-Melloi lounged on a pew, having turned his head to note the new arrival. He smirked. "Even I have heard of you. Watch out, everyone! We are in the presence of Emiya Kiritsugu, the so-called Magus Killer."

Kiritsugu said nothing, but leaned against the far wall of the church and lit a cigarette. El-Melloi frowned, but rallied and continued, "As far as I can tell, though, you're nought for six. Losing your touch, are we?"

Again, Kiritsugu said nothing. His dull eyes scanned the room, neither avoiding nor lingering on the Master of Saber. El-Melloi's face twisted.

"I asked you a question, Magus Killer! I heard you were an uncouth heretic, but to think you were so disrespectful as to not even acknowledge my-" He stopped, quelled by Saber's hand on his knee. "Hmph. Very well. You intend to talk through battle, is that it? Fine by me. For your sake, I hope you live up to your reputation."

El-Melloi's jabs seemed not to affect Kiritsugu at all. There was silence in the church, a heavy, oppressive stillness. None of the other Masters seemed willing to talk.

El-Melloi had claimed the centre of the church, choosing a pew in the middle. Saber sat next to him, their head on a swivel as they kept track of those around them. Tohsaka Tokiomi had chosen the opposite pew, in precisely the same row, mirroring El-Melloi's position but otherwise not acknowledging him. The holy woman next to him could only be Rider, in that case.

From the back row, Matou Kariya and his cat-eared, lion-tailed Archer both glared at the back of Tohsaka's head. Archer had fixed Kiritsugu with a warning stare when he had settled against the back wall, but had returned to mimicking her Master.

In a corner, as far from El-Melloi as he could get, was a boy Serenity recognised from Kiritsugu's files. Having made himself known to the Einzbern information network when he unexpectedly boarded a flight to Japan, this must be Waver Velvet. A student at the Clock Tower, and in fact a student of El-Melloi. Thinking back to how irritated El-Melloi had been, the dark-haired beauty next to him would be Caster.

Which left…

Kotomine Kirei rose from where he was kneeling at the front of the church and turned. A tall man, in a dark suit and priest's collar, he didn't look like the sort of man to worry someone like Kiritsugu.

As always, Serenity couldn't help herself from noticing the threats. The jacket was reinforced, by metal and magic judging by the weight, and from the way it hung there were some kind of long throwing knives inside it. The priest's stance was surefooted and balanced, and his hands bore the signature scars of someone used to fighting. A competent fistfighter, then.

Combined with reinforcement, he would certainly be formidable in battle. The extensive files Kiritsugu had made bore out this assessment. The life on an Executor was not for the weak of will or the weak of body.

That alone would not have worried Kiritsugu so. Serenity had been sceptical, sure that her Master was reading too much into things, worrying over nothing.

But Serenity recognised those eyes. Dull, cold, devoid of all energy… if Serenity's Master had not found his purpose – his driving wish to save all mankind – would this be what his eyes looked like? If Serenity had not had her faith, would she have gone through life as dead inside as this man?

Yes. Serenity now knew who the most dangerous Master in the War was. Kiritsugu's worries were, in her Serenity's professional opinion, very well-founded indeed.

The two men locked eyes. Kiritsugu looked away almost immediately, but the difference between his demeanour earlier and now was night and day.

El-Melloi was someone to be ignored, dismissed as a posturing windbag, no threat. Kotomine Kirei had Kiritsugu's full attention.

"Emiya Kiritsugu," said Kotomine. "Welcome to my family's church. Know that we are all under truce here. I've been waiting to talk to you."

To anyone else watching, Kiritsugu would seem to have ignored the comment entirely. But Serenity noticed the tiny flinch, the tension in her Master's shoulders.

Ignore him, Master, she sent, desperately. Leave him to Maiya. I will help her if needs be, but leave this man alone.

No response. But Kiritsugu forced himself to relax, and took a draw on his cigarette.

"Kirei," said Tohsaka. "All the Masters are here. Where is your father?"

"Maybe he's waiting on a full head count of Servants?" spat Matou. "I count two Masters without Servants. A bold move, coming alone. You're putting a lot of trust in everyone else to follow the rules… too much, if you ask me. Kinda makes you wonder what you two know that everyone else doesn't. How many alliances have we got, under the table, right now, hm?"

"This is hardly the time for politicking," said Tohsaka, turning round in his seat to glare at Matou. "You know very well we are all united against such a threat to the War as Berserker. Why would I want to burn down the city I live in, for goodness' sake?"

"Hey, I didn't mention anything about you." Matou gave a sick, lopsided grin. "Sounds like a guilty conscience to me."

"Oh? You mean you were thinking of someone other than me? My, that would make a change…"

"I am satisfied as to my own safety," said Kirei. "This is the place I have grown up, and I trust in its status as neutral ground – and besides that, calling Servants in times of need is exactly what Command Spells are for. But what of you, Emiya Kiritsugu? Why arrive without your Servant? Surely the Magus Killer could not be so careless. Is it confidence in your skills that has led you to walk into this place, where all your foes are gathered together, with impunity?"

Kotomine walked slowly down the central passage, his eyes never leaving Kiritsugu.

"I must know. Is it recklessness, or are you simply confident? If the former, what drives you to such lengths? If the latter, whence does your confidence flow? How are you so sure of yourself? Could it be that, even now, you do not wish to give away any advantage?" Kotomine's full attention was fixed on Kiritsugu. Tohsaka looked frankly baffled, as though he'd never seen his student this way before.

"Your Servant must be Assassin…" Kotomine said, although to Kiritsugu or himself Serenity couldn't say. "Yes, it is perfect for you. So, is your Assassin hidden? Did you come alone, or did you use this time to send your Servant away? This would be a perfect opportunity to strike elsewhere while all other Servants should be gathered in one place. But do you trust your Servant to act alone? Or do you trust them to protect you? Magus Killer, I must know how you think…"

As he passed Tohsaka, Rider reached out and put a hand on Kotomine's arm. He paused, startled, then blinked. The rapt expression faded away, replaced by a mask of indifference once more.

"Of course, you needn't tell me such things. I will learn the answer. You are the greatest threat in the War, that is all."

There was a rustle of activity at his words. El-Melloi looked indignant, but restrained himself. Caster, on the other hand… Caster's bright eyes were looking between Kotomine and Kiritsugu with interest. That could not be a good sign. Serenity still did not know what had happened between Caster and Berserker, but the Servant of the Spell seemed entirely unharmed.

"I'm still curious about what kind of insurance the Magus Killer has, actually," said Matou. "Come on, tell us."

Kiritsugu took one last pull on his cigarette, then pointed at Matou and pulled out a polaroid photograph.

"Matou Sakura."

Matou flinched. Kiritsugu didn't linger, but pointed at the other Masters in turn, pulling out more photographs.

"Tohsaka Rin. Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri. Glenn and Martha Mackenzie… Caren Hortensia." On this last, he had no photo – Serenity was fast, but the Einzbern network had Kotomine Kirei's daughter in Europe still. The point was made.

Archer's eyes flashed. "You dare? On this day, in this place, with Berserker running wild, you threaten us with hostages?" She bared her teeth. "You truly are reckless if you think this will earn you anything but your death."

"I have not done anything. But my associates have taken one of these people. If I am alive and free at a predetermined time later, this person will be released unharmed."

"It's a bluff." Everyone turned to look. Caster spoke again, confidently. "He's far too kindhearted to actually kidnap anyone. It's obvious if you're a genius. There's no-one in danger."

"I find that hard to believe," sneered El-Melloi. "This is the Magus Killer."

Waver Velvet stood up, and spoke in a hesitant voice. "I… I think we should listen to Caster. She… isn't wrong. Basically ever."

El-Melloi rolled his eyes. "How convenient, you agree with your own Servant. You may not know his history, Mr Velvet, so let me give you a history lesson. This man has the blood of hundreds on his hands. Entire families, wiped out along with their crests – down to the last child, the last familiar, the last servant. This man broke a dam and drowned two villages, just to kill one magus who lived there. He killed his own father – and then, years later, the woman who took him in as his mother. All you have to lose is the couple you've duped into providing a roof over your head, but I refuse to trust my fiancée to the mercy of the Magus Killer!"

There were nodding heads all around, as everyone glared at Kiritsugu.

Dammit, thought Serenity.

There really wasn't anyone in danger.

Caster was exactly right. Kiritsugu was far too ready to make an enemy of everyone in the War for the sake of a bluff, and not as hard-hearted as he needed to be. Like his plan to topple the Hyatt, far too kind.

He justified it, saying this was the best way to get attention without risking it solidifying into hatred by actually putting anyone in harm's way. The paranoia would do his job for him, and every other Servant would prevent anyone from harming him for fear that their hostage was the one taken. When everyone realised their hostage was fine, their anger at Kiritsugu would fade, and they wouldn't expect him to actually take hostages in future. It was fine justification… but Serenity couldn't help but feel like once again Kiritsugu had half-done the job.

Tohsaka looked as though he was about to speak up – but just then, the back door opened once more, with a loud creak. A man walked through, and grinned wildly.

"Well, uh, wow. Anyway, now that that's over, I guess… time to get this all started! Number seven, Uryuu Ryuunosuke, Master of Berserker, reporting in!"

There was a scrape of wood on stone as both Saber and Rider stood up. Archer had somehow flipped herself onto the back of the pew, her great black bow drawn and aimed. Caster hummed, drumming the fingers of her brass gauntlet on her staff.

"Whoa there!" laughed the man responsible for all the ruin brought to Fuyuki today. "I thought this was neutral ground? Uh, I wasn't wrong about that, was I?"

"You dare stand there and request the rights afforded to combatants?" snapped Saber. "What you have done – what Berserker has done in your name – is unconscionable! You have completely disregarded the code of conflict, and rendered yourself no better than a beast in my eyes. As a knight of France, I will not stand by and let your crimes go unpunished, neutral ground or no!"

Rider inclined her head. "Be glad this is a church. Repent, order Berserker to slay herself, and I give you my word, such as it is: I will preserve your life to face justice, even against Saber. Refuse, and, with great regret, I will send both you and your Servant to God."

The Master of Berserker raised his eyebrows. "Uh, wow. That's, uh, kind of you? But, yeah, not going to happen. Me and the big man never got on. 'Thou shalt not kill' was kind of a dealbreaker, you know how it is."

Archer spoke up. "Then you surely cannot have come here hoping to walk away alive. Say what you wish to say, then accept your death."

"Hey, I'm just a spectator here. Really. It ain't me that's got something to say…"

There was a noise from the front of the church, behind the altar. Risei appeared, walking stiffly. He stopped, but didn't say anything, instead issuing a strange choking noise as yellow motes swirled into existence behind him.

Within a second, Servant Berserker stood at the head of the church, her right hand firmly clamped around Kotomine Risei's neck.

"Well met, heroes," she said. "Now. While I've got the Moderator's ear, let's talk about how unfairly this War has been proceeding, shall we?"
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Oh, Ibaraki. Pulling this on a pastor in a church is going to just earn you the eternal, burning disdain of Martha, and I am fairly certain that would get you killed very quickly. Ibaraki was around as strong as someone who got their power because their father was a dragon, she's the person who beat a dragon up so badly it has PTSD.

And that's even assuming Enkidu isn't the Lancer, because if he is you're fucked even faster.

I can't believe Leo might stomp this if I'm reading this right.

Playing 4d chess now of all times.

Leo is a great Servant and has been given an inordinate amount of time to prepare under the guise of fighting Saber, but she has some very stiff competition.
Hot damn. This is definitely making Ryuunosuke into a much more significant narrative entity, but that's kind of a bad thing, Ibaraki is infinitely more threatening because of the magnitude of what she has actually done without getting stopped.
Agility is a bit weird because it can measure both reaction time/small-scale movement and long-distance top speed. Hell, in F/sn Medusa and Cu both have A-rank Agility, but specifically representative of each side of that - Cu's faster in combat and with his footwork, but he can't beat Medusa in a race across the city.

Or perhaps I'm getting it reversed, but the point remains the same.

Yeah, Agility-and stats in general are weird. I know stats are basically just fluff at this point, but I really wish that they had their own descriptions, so we could know how exactly they stack up against each other and what exactly are they deriving the stat from i.e reaction speed/running speed/footwork.

fucking D'eon and their A-rank strength meaning they could beat Leonidas, Gilgamesh, Karna, Alexander, and Achilles in an arm wrestling competition.

Well, sweet, came back just in time for an update!

And damn, Ibaraki just keeps on building and building that explosive climax of hers. She's going out with a bang, but not before adding even more dynamite to fire. Seriously, she and Uryuu have been the best pairing so far.

Kiri pulling a hostage bluff is fitting though Kayneth's rant about him feels weird since as a noble, he would be more concerned with all the damage Kiri's done to destroying research or whole mage bloodlines than the actual humanity of his actions.

Caster's bright eyes were looking between Kotomine and Kiritsugu with interest.

Da Vinci's Science Yaoi trigger has been flipped.

I can't believe Leo might stomp this if I'm reading this right.

Kiri pulling a hostage bluff is fitting though Kayneth's rant about him feels weird since as a noble, he would be more concerned with all the damage Kiri's done to destroying research or whole mage bloodlines than the actual humanity of his actions.
Kayneth's one sole virtue is that he genuinely, unabashedly loves his fiancée with all his heart. His first concern is to speak of killing the young, the innocent, and those closed to him because he already knew Kiritusugu would potentially target his wife to get to him.

That's what Kiritsugu was hoping to play off of with his bluff. His reputation for extermination.