A Play of Blood and Shot

From: Your father
To: Emperor Dagon

I'm heading into Dorne to get your half-siblings and stepmother. If you don't get a letter within a month from me or my crew containing the phrase "little Spitfyres", assume the Dornish have arrested or killed me and react accordingly.
To: Regent Tully @Ceslas
From: Aethan Targaryen

The Dornish have my wife and given recent events between us I am reluctant to part with all guarantees of safety to retrieve her. Is there anything you can do to help?
First, tell me what has been happening.

OOC: I don't read the RP thread.
My wife, Okshana, is in Dorne following the incident of my flight while injured. The Dornish now refuse to allow me into the country, or allow me to communicate with her, unless I travel entirely disarmed into the heart of their territory.

As you can likely gather, given the numerous indignities levied on my by Dornishmen in the past, I refused. I have offered to travel alone without my VS blade, but they will not accept it unless I go disarmed entire, nor will they speak to me as befitting my station, or bring my wife to me. Thus, I find my only option may soon be to attempt to run my Leopard Ship up the Greenblood and fight my way through anything that opposes me.
My wife, Okshana, is in Dorne following the incident of my flight while injured. The Dornish now refuse to allow me into the country, or allow me to communicate with her, unless I travel entirely disarmed into the heart of their territory.

As you can likely gather, given the numerous indignities levied on my by Dornishmen in the past, I refused. I have offered to travel alone without my VS blade, but they will not accept it unless I go disarmed entire, nor will they speak to me as befitting my station, or bring my wife to me. Thus, I find my only option may soon be to attempt to run my Leopard Ship up the Greenblood and fight my way through anything that opposes me.
Or you could ask the King on the Iron Throne to help you assert yourself.
From: Princess Regent Aelinor Targaryen
To: Prince Aethan Targaryen

You may enter Dorne with seven armed men once you have apologised formally, in Sunspear, for your recent military actions along our coast in Lemonwood.​
From: Volantis
To: Sanctuary @Ceslas

Sanctuary must commit troops to the cause in order to end this war sooner rather than later. As a daughter of Volantis you know we will not sacrifice your people in vain and without cause.
From: Princess Regent Aelinor Targaryen
To: Prince Aethan Targaryen

You may enter Dorne with seven armed men once you have apologised formally, in Sunspear, for your recent military actions along our coast in Lemonwood.​
I'm afraid we understand things very differently, your highness. Not a single ball has left our guns, not a single sword drawn, the entirety of the time we have been in Westeros.
I'm afraid we understand things very differently, your highness. Not a single ball has left our guns, not a single sword drawn, the entirety of the time we have been in Westeros.

Yet you were drilling off our shore in a time of war, as a means of showing your defiance and aggression to the guards who had fallen short of your favour. Both Dorne and House Targaryen are full sated of your misconducts and missteps, dear cousin, and you are neither invited nor welcome. I have nevertheless extended you the courtesy of a message, a reply, and permission to enter armed in a time of war. Take it or leave it.​
Of course but this is a Freehold effort and all the manpower that can be provided is appreciated. We intend to ask more from Myrwater and commit more men ourselves. All must contribute.
I fail to find the law that states that a city must commit anything. Such a law might have enshrined in a constitution. But for some reason it has never been made.
Yet you were drilling off our shore in a time of war, as a means of showing your defiance and aggression to the guards who had fallen short of your favour. Both Dorne and House Targaryen are full sated of your misconducts and missteps, dear cousin, and you are neither invited nor welcome. I have nevertheless extended you the courtesy of a message, a reply, and permission to enter armed in a time of war. Take it or leave it.​
The matter could be entirely settled if my wife and her children were delivered to me, or indeed, had your guards not chosen to be pointlessly obstructive.

Deliver them to me, and I will apologize, leave, and with any luck never darken your doorstep again.
I fail to find the law that states that a city must commit anything. Such a law might have enshrined in a constitution. But for some reason it has never been made.

Sanctuary aided Volantis in its struggles with the Dothraki, Volantis helped the birth of Sanctuary in the war with the Triarchy. We do not ask for a major commitment of forces but merely a bonus force to aid in the attacks against Pentos, not Braavos. The states of the Freehold were bonded together in blood and now we must do it again. You know that Volantis will not allow the soldiers of Sanctuary die needlessly. The High Triarch of Volantis rides into battle as well. We are all risking a great deal in this conflict.
The matter could be entirely settled if my wife and her children were delivered to me, or indeed, had your guards not chosen to be pointlessly obstructive.

Deliver them to me, and I will apologize, leave, and with any luck never darken your doorstep again.

Our guards are on their home soil, where you are an outsider and interloper causing trouble. I commend them for barring you at the gates, so to speak.

The Lady Okshana is a free woman and I will not "deliver" her or hers unto you.​

Our guards are on their home soil, where you are an outsider and interloper causing trouble. I commend them for barring you at the gates, so to speak.

The Lady Okshana is a free woman and I will not "deliver" her or hers unto you.​
They refused to deliver a message even. I fail to see how that protects anyone.

Are you questioning the validity of my marriage? I will remind you that it was overseen by the Archsepton of the Dornish Rite. She is a married woman, of my family, and if you will not deliver her I can only assume that it is because Dorne is holding her hostage.
They refused to deliver a message even. I fail to see how that protects anyone.

Are you questioning the validity of my marriage? I will remind you that it was overseen by the Archsepton of the Dornish Rite. She is a married woman, of my family, and if you will not deliver her I can only assume that it is because Dorne is holding her hostage.

Assume whatever you wish, my Lord.
To: The Senate of the Freehold
CC: Everyone Else
From Braavos

This war has dragged on and on for years now with no end in sight, your armies dwindle in size and your fleets cower from our might whilst your Eastern territories are burned to ash. It is time to speak of peace.

Braavos offers the following terms for a resolution to this conflict on the understanding that a full and proper conference must be held between all parties to establish the actual terms of any treaty. Think of these as a gesture of intent.

  • Pentos is granted full independence complete with its traditional territory.
  • Slavery is not to be returned to Pentos under any circumstances.
  • The Stepstones are to be returned to Braavos.
  • Lorath falls under the protection of the Faith, Braavos and the Freehold.
  • The Freehold maintains no military forces in the Narrow sea excluding those native to the cities of the Freehold located within that sea.
  • All prisoners are to be released without mistreatment.
  • Volantis apologises for its crimes against the city of Braavos in its attack on their very lives.
From: Dorne
To: Iron Throne


To be clear, we want Braavos out of the Stepstones. Does this peace demands of theirs meet with your approval/participation?
Northern Innovation

Two years ago, the newly constructed Observatory of Winterfell was open to the Academia of the North, it had gathered plenty of intellectuals who wished to work and use the observatory to further their own research. One such intellectual was Ethan Snow, a bastard of House Glover that had taken the opportunity to study at the University of Winterfell when the Institution was just starting. Ethan studied the crafts of Cartography, Geography, and Cosmographer. He would oftentimes study the night's sky and finding patterns in them. He would later turn his hobby into a career when the North took its interest to what lay beyond the Sunset Sea. Armed with a quill, parchment, ink, and a variety of instruments, Ethan began to make a living mapping the unknown for the beginning years of discovery. He would continue to map the lands west of Westeros for years, until a discovery from Bravos changed everything.

When the Bravosi discovered ,through mathematical and astronomical means, how large the World was, he was excited at the possibilities that that discovery brought. So much so that he went back to Winterfell to work on that further. He was determined to use that newfound knowledge and see how he could apply it to map making. Maybe he could bring order to his maps and combine them into a big, and great map of the world. All in a way that was neatly organized and that made sense. He read all he could about the Bravosi formula, and began to work.

Using the Observatory of Winterfell, he began to work on projecting an image of the world (of what is currently known) upon a two dimensional paper. Said projection included a set of horizontal and vertical lines, each divided equally. He derived them from deeply thought out mathematical means. It was, an elegant design. The vertical lines where equally spaced, and the most important one (the one all other lines made reference too) was chosen arbitrarily. Ethan had chosen the location where the line would intercept it perfectly, the same place he began and finished his work, Winterfell.

He named his projection the Teilgean Projection, in the words of the Old Tongue. This would allow him and his colleagues to do a variety of maps that would greatly help in the navigation of the open seas, mainly because any straight line on the Teilgean-projection map is a line of constant true bearing that enables a navigator to plot a straight-line course. There is however some things that the Teilgean projection failed miserably at. It tended to exaggerate the sizes of landmasses at very high and low lattitudes, and thus Ethan warned that the map should be used strictly for navigation. That it certainly cannot fail.

Ethan Snow
Inventor of the Teilgean Projection​
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