A Play of Blood and Shot

Pentos - 278

Name: Principality of Pentos
Ruler: Prince Duncan Monatis
Religion: The Faith
Population: 5,000,000

House of Monatis

Duncan Monatis
(b. 221), Prince of Pentos and of Andalos, married to Tara Sunderland (b. 224), Princess of Pentos and of Andalos

Their children:
- Septa Larissa (b. 254)
- Jeyne (b. 257), married to Stafford Arryn
-- Jasper (b. 278)

His sister, Gwenys Monatis (b. 225), Princess of the Velvet Hills, married to Malcolm Waynwood (b. 225, d. 275)
-- Joanna (b. 256)
-- Alyssa (b. 260)

His aunt, Septa Tessa Monatis (b. 200)


- A son is born to Princess Jeyne and her husband Stafford. He is named Jasper, after her grandfather. While celebrated throughout the city, and within the household of the Prince of Pentos, several amongst the nobility where asking if this potentially meant the establishing of a new dynasty. These rumors quickly went away when it was proclaimed that Jasper would have the name Monatis.

- Reconstruction continues throughout the land. The offer made by Braavos to strengthen some of the forts guarding Pentos is accepted. While some of the forts, which were essentially fortified hills, around the city itself are dismantled. The forts along the border are not only repaired, but are to be strengthened. Of importance are the forts that guard Andalos, and the Flatlands.


10,600 total
- 7,800 Infantry
- 300 Heavy cavalry
- 100 Light cavalry

- 2,400 infantry of the city watch

- 200 men of the royal guard

Navy: 104 warships
- 74 galleys
- 15 dromonds
- 15 carracks