A Play of Blood and Shot

277 AL

Ruler: Queen Vaena Dawntide
Queen of Qarth, Lady of Grace Unending, Lady of the Jade Straight, The Dragon Splendid of the East, , The First of a Thousand Thrones, and the Valyrian in the East.
Heir: Prince Malek Dawntide, the Sun Child, Pupil of Warlocks, Wielder of Light Arcane.
Dynasty: House Dawntide
Words: Sun and Moon
Faith: All Faiths are accepted, though the pseudo-religion of the Order of Sun and Moon is prominent among the nobility.
Ancestral Weapons: NONE
Other holdings: Yhos, Qal, Qarkash, Qartol, Point Qareth
Economy: FABULOUS!

The Steward: Lord Erel, the unofficial Leader of the Pureborn, does most of the work. Also has to listen to his Elder Warlock overlords to keep the Dawntides in the Hall and not trying to use their dragon to bust out.
The Chief Warlock: Otron Mott, who does tutoring for the Prince.
The Lady Tutor: Lady Ilen Myrel, who teaches practically everything but magic for the Prince.
The Doorkeeper: Master Hurol Keren, Controls access to the court.
The First Tourmaline: First Tourmaline Uro Lahol, representative of the Tourmaline Brotherhood.
The Face of the Guild: Guildmaster Selash, representative of the Most Ancient Guild of Spicers.
The Master of the Order: Lord Riel Soron, representative of the Order of Sun and Moon.
The High Marshal: High Marshal Deoryn Leodoi, leader of Qarth's armies.
QUEEN VAENA DAWNTIDE (b.247, a.30) called betrayer in Westeros, now Queen of the Qartheen, though it is but a gilded cage.
-Her husband Urrigon Dawntide (Alive), an Ironborn Surgeon who she ran away with.
-Their only son, Prince Malek Dawntide(b. 265, a. 12), a budding Warlock, and being tutored in statecraft for the purpose of creating the Ubermensch- I mean perfect prince.

*gnashes teeth*
They are the Hostages. The Dawntides, that is.
Elite Infantry:
50 Blade-masters, mercenaries hired by the most wealthy of Qartheen High Society as personal guards. Meant to be the best warriors gold can buy, and their long guaranteed-work contracts ensure some semblance of loyalty. Of course, their equipment is top-notch. Proofed armor and swords, with a few using two swords at once.

450 Paragons, the ceremonial guard of the Hall of a Thousand Thrones. More used to lounging around being dashing warriors, the recent drills have pushed some out of the new actually rigorous training. Others have taken it as a chance to awe Pureborn ladies with artful swordsmanship and get toned bodies. As with all things Pureborn, they have some of the best equipment, with proofed armor and longswords.

1,000 Golden Swords, the elite swordsmen of the Civic Guard, who guard the palace's most secure areas, and act as the Pureborn private bodyguards and guards for private homes of particular influence and importance. They have proofed armor and longswords.

Standard Infantry:
6,500 Civic Guard Arquebusiers, armed with proofed breastplates, standard helmets and pauldrons, proofed fixed shields and Qohori muskets and short swords. Pretty good troops, having just been drilled, and being kept at it for the purpose of Pureborn Pride.

5,450 Civic Guard Shieldbearers, armored with proofed heavy shields along with a combination of ordinary mail and plate, and armed with short swords. They form shield walls to hold the enemy at bay, while the rest of their army routs the enemy, as per Pureborn battle doctrine which is all about keeping barbarians out and war to a minimum. Very good at holding the line.

6,750 Civic Guard Phalanxes, armed with proofed light shields, pikes, and standard main and plate. They have daggers in case the Pike line disintegrates. They're pikes, what do you expect?

2,500 Civic Guard Marines, armed with a variety of equipment for shipboard actions. Meant for mostly individual combat, brawling in chaotic melded, not formation fighting.

1,000 Civic Guard Camel Guns , who patrol the Red Waste, with no armor, riding camels, and firing Qohorik arquebuses.

1,000 Civic Guard Camel Lancers , who also patrol the red waste, with proofed armor, swords, and lances.

5,000 Reserves.

200 Dromonds
400 War Galleys
100 Carracks
150 Galleas

-The Warlocks have gotten Uppity and begun making their way into Court.
-Trade ties, and Qarthene presence, in Vahar High Society have been developed.
-Founding of Port Town on Qartol and a Trading Post on the Isthmus of Sorthoryos, which connects the continent to Ulthos.
-Trade ties to Volantis have been developed.
-Financial innovations have begun to spread.
-The Civic Guard have been overhauled, reorganized into an actual effective fighting force.
The Changing Tides-277
The Changing Tides-277
The Dothraki were a constant irritant to the Freehold but one that by this point it had become used to solving. Guns and wildfire had proved to be a ready deterrent to their attacks and the Dothraki had long since given up threatening Freehold cities. Burning the countryside, looting plantations, and carrying slaves to the east was enough for them to sustain themselves and by this metric the latest raids had already been wildly successful. Those who tried to press their luck, however, found that the Freehold was now able to deal with the threat. While Qohor hunkered down behind its walls the Volantaenes led a force of troops from Sanctuary to repel the hordes. The raiding parties that dared to attack them were quickly smashed and the remainder fled east with what loot they could carry. It seemed an easy victory but it could only have been accomplished by focusing solely on the Dothraki. Trying to fight the Alliance and the nomads would have led to a bloodier outcome. As the Great Grass Sea retreated again, the Freehold could at last focus on a Constitution and elect a new Emperor along with recovering from the consequences of a devastating war just as their opponents int he West had to do.

Dothraki retreat.
Qohor, Volantis, Myrwater, Essaria, Norvos, Braavos, and the Vale lose two economy points for four turns.
Pentos loses three economy points for six turns.
@Texan @Atomicwalrus s @Volantis @bookwyrm @Sailor Midgard @Ceslas
To: All Freehold States
From: Qarth

Now that the War is over, and trade has once again become stable, we would like to establish trade ties with your states.

To: Summer Islands
From: Qarth

This applies to the Summer Empire as well. Trade enriches both who participate.

From: Warlocks of Qarth
To: The North's Greenseers

Would you consider conducting magical research in partnership with us? Magical knowledge from both the North and the East has never been combined, and great discoveries could be made.
From: Aenar Vhossar
To: Qohor @Atomicwalrus

The arcane arts practiced by the Temple of the Black Goat have been extremely impressive and have drawn my attention. Is there any possible means to study how these arcane efforts are performed.

To Aenar Vhossar
From the Forge-Prophet

Our practice of the higher mysteries is not the same as the arcane manipulations of lesser sorcerers. Our's is a catalyst for divine providence, we act as a conduit for the Dark Fathers will, we reforge reality into its correct configuration. Our art is not one that can be learned from a book, it requires surrendering one's self fully and absolutely to the Black Goat's will.

If you where Qohorik and willing to surrender yourself fully to the Temple we would be willing to teach you. As that is not possibly I must unfortunately and respectively refuse your request.
@Texan @Atomicwalrus s @Volantis @bookwyrm @Sailor Midgard @Ceslas
To: All Freehold States
From: Qarth

Now that the War is over, and trade has once again become stable, we would like to establish trade ties with your states.

To: Summer Islands
From: Qarth

This applies to the Summer Empire as well. Trade enriches both who participate.

From: Warlocks of Qarth
To: The North's Greenseers

Would you consider conducting magical research in partnership with us? Magical knowledge from both the North and the East has never been combined, and great discoveries could be made.
From: Emperor Dagon

We would greatly appreciate trade with our family in Qarth.


Though for the sake of good relations, we suggest you withdraw from Sothyros colonies. Po has little interest in more neighbors.
@Texan @Atomicwalrus s @Volantis @bookwyrm @Sailor Midgard @Ceslas
To: All Freehold States
From: Qarth

Now that the War is over, and trade has once again become stable, we would like to establish trade ties with your states.

To: Summer Islands
From: Qarth

This applies to the Summer Empire as well. Trade enriches both who participate.

From: Warlocks of Qarth
To: The North's Greenseers

Would you consider conducting magical research in partnership with us? Magical knowledge from both the North and the East has never been combined, and great discoveries could be made.

To Qarth
From Qohor

Im sure we can organise a deal to strengthen trade with Qarth. We can offer for sale at a modest price the facilities previously owned and used by Braavos and the Occupiers of Pentos in our fair city
Royal Palace, Pentos

The Velvet Sept of Pentos, together with a few other septs scattered throughout the large city had their large bells ringing all day. News had just arrived that peace had been signed between Pentos the Senate. Most important in the treaty, Pentos was again an independent land.

Prince Duncan sat in a chair, still resting after being wounded in battle. The view from his room overlooked a good portion of the city.

The door to the room opened, in entered his wife and his aunt. He looked at them, and again his gaze turned to looking at the city. "So much destruction was caused by this war. Now we must rebuild, and greater than before."

"We achieved our goal, Pentos no longer has to bow to any foreign emperor, or have its foreign policy subject to what the senate wants." Tara sounded as if she was reassuring her husband.

"Your father and grandfather would be proud" spoke Septa Tessa, "you achieved what they had sought to during their reigns". The oldest member of the dynasty spoke in a tone fitting a high ranking septa, but she also had a look to her, as if trying to also reassure her nephew.

Although he did not like contradicting her, Duncan felt the need to speak his thoughts, "my father, although supportive of independence, never sought out a war. He was a diplomat". He sighed, thinking of how many men and women the war had taken.

"The point still remains, Pentos is independent. Something it has not been for around 120 years." Septa Tessa said, wanting to highlight the historical significance of the moment.

All remained silent for a moment, Duncan himself was thinking of his parents, of his grandparents. Their goal had been achieved.

"We must think to the future. Rebuild we must, and I have also thought the way Pentos is governed should also have some changes." Duncan turned to look at his wife, and at his aunt. "After the city has been cleared of the refugees, we shall have a modest celebration."

"A victory celebration?" asked Tara.

"I do not think, after so many losses, the populace would welcome that" he shook his head. "I am referred to the wedding of our daughter."

"I suppose Stafford showed his worth in battle, although they have not really gotten acquainted, due to the war." Tara herself thought if her strong, independent daughter would agree to it.

"He did earn his knighthood in battle, and I do think the Arryns would prefer to see them married after all they contributed in the war." Duncan did not like making it sound political. "We shall host a modest gathering for the Arryns and their bannermen before they return to the Vale. From there, we shall see how well they get along."

Outside, the bells were becoming silent, Pentos had entered a new era, one which might bring peace and prosperity to the land.
From: Emperor Dagon

We would greatly appreciate trade with our family in Qarth.


Though for the sake of good relations, we suggest you withdraw from Sothyros colonies. Po has little interest in more neighbors.
From: Pureborn

This is received with many thanks.


We fully intend to remain outside of mainland Sothoryos, and we will concentrate our trade posts on the Ulthos side of the Isthmus.
To Qarth
From Qohor

Im sure we can organise a deal to strengthen trade with Qarth. We can offer for sale at a modest price the facilities previously owned and used by Braavos and the Occupiers of Pentos in our fair city
To: Qohor
From: Qarth

This is an entirely acceptable proposition. We look forward to mutual profit with the children of the Black Goat.


In addition, we would like to suggest a joint project. The Warlocks of Qarth and the Pureborn of Qarth have access to magical expertise and a dragon, respectively. We would hope to suggest mutual cooperation on attempting to rediscover the processes of Valyrian Steel, with the expertise of Qohori Smithing being legendary.
To: Qohor
From: Qarth

This is an entirely acceptable proposition. We look forward to mutual profit with the children of the Black Goat.


In addition, we would like to suggest a joint project. The Warlocks of Qarth and the Pureborn of Qarth have access to magical expertise and a dragon, respectively. We would hope to suggest mutual cooperation on attempting to rediscover the processes of Valyrian Steel, with the expertise of Qohori Smithing being legendary.

To Qarth
From Forge-Prophet Surak I


I will send a forge-priest to aid in your project. The priest will be both an emissary of the Dark City and her Dark Father. I ask that they be afforded alll privileges such a diplomat deserves.
@Texan @Atomicwalrus s @Volantis @bookwyrm @Sailor Midgard @Ceslas
To: All Freehold States
From: Qarth

Now that the War is over, and trade has once again become stable, we would like to establish trade ties with your states.

To: Summer Islands
From: Qarth

This applies to the Summer Empire as well. Trade enriches both who participate.

From: Warlocks of Qarth
To: The North's Greenseers

Would you consider conducting magical research in partnership with us? Magical knowledge from both the North and the East has never been combined, and great discoveries could be made.
They are receptive to this.
To Qarth
From Forge-Prophet Surak I


I will send a forge-priest to aid in your project. The priest will be both an emissary of the Dark City and her Dark Father. I ask that they be afforded alll privileges such a diplomat deserves.
From Warlocks and Pureborn of Qarth
To Forge-Prophet Surak I


Of course. We look forward to working with you.
They are receptive to this.
OOC: now we just gotta hear from the rest of the Freehold....
Turn Events for 277

Events in the Faith
About half of all the forces contributed by the Faith to the war in Lorath have returned to Westeros. While some return to their bases in the Crownlands, the bulk of these forces head to the Iron Isles. Among those who returned was Most Devout Ambrose, who after the initial setback in Lorath, had went to Pentos in exile. His recent show of bravery in the recent battle for the city regained his popularity. There are some amongst the higher ranking septons and septas that the nephew of a previous High Septon might have the title himself. The war itself cost many resources, in men, women and material. The Pentoshi and Lorathi sections of the military orders were decimated. While overall, only a few hundred members are left of the Warrior's Sons and the Mother's Hand. There is division within the Most Devout, as to whether gradually replace the losses, or to disband some of the militant orders. As even in regions where the orders had the greatest support, such as the Riverlands, their popularity has been decreasing. However, the orders still find prominent support amongst the nobility in the Crownlands and in the Vale.

Events in the Iron Isles
It has been several years since the Iron Isles were firmly defeated and occupied by the rest of Westeros. For the most part, the new leadership in the isles had settled themselves in without major issue. However, in Great Wyk and in Pyke, the commoners tried to hold onto their traditions. They pay their taxes, which gives the new rulers no cause to mobilize, but there is still a dislike amongst many for the greenlanders. The greatest resistance is on Old Wyk, the cultural and religious center of the Iron Isles. While a heavy presence by those who occupy the island, together with the exile of the local nobility, has prevented armed rebellion, the resistance is still present. Tax collection is a difficult process here, while many men refuse to give service, or adequate service, to any mainlanders. Those islanders who collaborate with the mainlanders usually are killed, or have their property destroyed. While again, not a major issue, it cannot be said that the Iron Isles have been fully subjugated by the mainland.
House Tully-277 AL
Name: House Tully of Riverrun
Head of House: Edmure Tully

Heir: Brynden Tully

Religion: Faith of the Seven
Words: "Family, Duty, Honor."
Other Words: "Defying the Odds"
Seat: Riverrun
Other Holdings: Oldstones, Fairmarket, Westgate, Stoney Sept, Summerhall (under Robb Tully)
Cadet branches: N/A
Current Season: Winter

Economy: Recovered

  • The Riverlands possess fertile soil for growing varieties of grain as well a limited production of grapes for winemaking. Furthermore, the rivers themselves provide an ideal means for transporting them throughout the Riverlands and beyond, especially since the canal allows smaller vessels to travel from one end of Westeros to the other. Unfortunately, given the land's central location, the Riverlands's economy is easily disrupted during times of war.
  • The Riverlands now has numerous obligations and it will be difficult to uphold them and maintain a balanced treasury.

45,400 (55,400 at a push)
11,700 Horse
33,700 Foot
700 Rangers
700 Knights of the Trident
45 Bombards

25 Carracks
60 Longboats
15 War Galleys

Family Tree:
  • Lord Paramount Brynden Tully (b. 200, a. 51, d. 251), was married to Lady Amerei Piper (b.204, a. 38, d.242),
    • Their son, Lord Paramount Edmure Tully (b.233, a. 44), Lord of Riverrun, Protector of the Trident, Chapter-Master of the Order of the Trident, married Lucara Bregia (b. 233, a. 42)
      • Their son, Brynden Tully (b. 256, a. 21) married to Janei Lefford (b. 256, a. 21)
        • Their daughter, Johanna Tully (b. 272, a. 5)
        • Their daughter, Jeyne Tully (b. 272, a. 5)
        • Their son, Tristifer Tully (b. 274, a. 3)
      • Their son, Benedict Tully (b. 259, a. 19) married Celia Whent (b. 257, a. 21)
    • Their son, Lord Robb Tully (b. 235, a. 42) married Sibela Targaryen (T) (b. 234, a. 43)
      • Their deaf daughter Visenya Tully (T) (b. 254, a. 23), rider of Morgyn, married to Prince Gatweck Dayne, had issue...
        • [See Dayne Page]
      • Their son Jaehaerys Tully (b. 256, a. 21) married to Alice Butterwell (b. 256, a. 21)
        • Daemon Tully (b. 275, a. 2)
      • Their daughter Rhaena Tully (b. 256, a. 21) married to Ser Triston Sunderland (b. 248, a. 29)
        • Osric Sunderland (b. 276, a. 1)
      • Their daughter Daenaerys Tully (b. 256, a. 21) married to Ser Oscar Paege (b. 254, a. 23)
        • Elmo Paege (b. 275, a. 2)
      • Their daughter Caerys Tully (b. 261, a. 16)
    • Their daughter, Lady Alissa Tully (b. 236, a. 41) married Lord Arryn (b. 229, a. 49)
      • [See Arryn Page]
    • Their daughter, Lady Camilla Tully (b. 238, a. 39) married Magnar William Stark
      • [See Stark Page]
  • Queen Dowager Catelyn Tully (b. 212, a. 65) married King Kendrick Targaryen (b. 209, a. 41, d. 250)
    • Their son, Prince Maeglin Targaryen (b. 229, a. 21, d. 250)
    • Their son, King Maelys Targaryen (T) (b. 232, a. 31, d. 263)
      • [See Targaryen Page]
    • His bastard, Sibela Waters (T) (b. 234, a. 43)
  • Lady Rebecca Tully (b. 215, a. 56) marred Ser Owen Targaryen (b. 215, a. 39, d. 254)
    • Their daughter Queen Rhaenys Targaryen (b. 230, a. 24, d. 254)
    • Their daughter Lady Daena Seadragon (b. 235, a. 37, d. 272) married Kazir Seadragon
      • Their son Balerion Seadragon (b. 257, a. 18, d. 272)
    • Their son Ser Aethon Targaryen (b. 238, a. 39) married... too many people
      • (See Summer Islands for list)
    • Their son Tristifer Targaryen (b. 252, a. 25)
  • Prince Joncar Tully (b. 213, a. 60, d. 273)
    • (Incomplete List)
    • Naman Tully (b. 236, a. 41) married a maiden of House Frey
      • Oscar Tully (b. 264, a. 13)
      • Elmo Tully (b. 269, a. 8)
      • Minsco Tully (b. 271, a. 6)
    • Kora Tully (b. 241, a. 36) married a son of House Blackwood
      • Bati Tully (b. 263, a. 14)
      • Asame Tully (b. 263, a. 14)
      • Joncar Tully (b. 263, a. 14)
      • Zhonto Tully (b. 265, a. 12)
Bannermen of The Trident
  • House Blackwood of Raventree Hall.
  • House Darry of Darry.
  • House Frey of the Crossing or The Twins
  • House Mooton of Maidenpool.
  • House Piper of Pinkmaiden.
  • House Ryger of Willow Wood.
  • House Butterwell of Esgaroth.
  • House Vance of Wayfarer's Rest.
  • House Mallister of Harrenhal.
  • House Mallister of Seagard
  • House Salt of High Heart
  • House Tyrell of the Cape of Eagles
  • House Lefford of the Giant's Tooth
  • And others...
House Tully reaffirms its devotion to the Faith begins encouraging soldiers to take up the star.

To: The Dothraki Cowards Fleeing the Freehold
From: Forge-Prophet Surak I
*Two badly scuffed and heavily worn copper coins accompany the missive.*

Sorry, I don't remember giving you permission to leave. Are the Dothraki now so spineless that they flee from the first opposition, or do they now only fight when and were their paymaster tell them?

Should I drag the souls of Khal Drogo, Khal Temmo or Khal Arkhoz out of the fires of the Black Goat's forges and ask them why their people have grown so craven? While I'm sure they would enjoy a reprieve, I fear their shame would be worse then the torment of the flames.

Then again maybe I'm mistaken, perhaps I'm not addressing A Dothraki Khal but a sellsword captain or maybe even a perfumed whore? In either case here's two coppers I'll be in the Black Temple waiting.
To: The Dothraki Cowards Fleeing the Freehold
From: Forge-Prophet Surak I
*Two badly scuffed and heavily worn copper coins accompany the missive.*

Sorry, I don't remember giving you permission to leave. Are the Dothraki now so spineless that they flee from the first opposition, or do they now only fight when and were their paymaster tell them?

Should I drag the souls of Khal Drogo, Khal Temmo or Khal Arkhoz out of the fires of the Black Goat's forges and ask them why their people have grown so craven? While I'm sure they would enjoy a reprieve, I fear their shame would be worse then the torment of the flames.

Then again maybe I'm mistaken, perhaps I'm not addressing A Dothraki Khal but a sellsword captain or maybe even a perfumed whore? In either case here's two coppers I'll be in the Black Temple waiting.
The coppers are later found near the border nailed to a tree with a note in Ghiscari reading. "They are dead. We are alive with our plunder. Keep your copper. The silver in your plantations was more than enough."
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The coppers are later found near the border nailed to a tree with note in Ghiscari reading. "They are dead. We are alive with our plunder. Keep your copper. The silver in your plantations was more than enough."

From: Forge-Prophet Surak I.

I'm not sure why I expected anything other then the daughters of the Mule bolting from the sons of the Dragon.
From: Volantis
To: Qarth

We are interested in these improved trading ties.
We would like to establish a trading post/port on the peninsula in your jurisdiction of Sorthoryos. With it, we could connect your colony, and by extension, your own state, to our own trade networks, merging Essosi and Eastern trade.
To Myrwater
From Qohor

We intend to increase the Freeholds resilience for the Dothraki Nuisance. As part of this plan we require more efficient counters to the Dothraki cavalry. Our planning has highlighted your longstriders as a potential counter to Dothraki light cavalry.

We would like to negotiate a trade deal for a breeding flock of longstriders, we can offer artilery in exchange.
To Myrwater
From Qohor

We intend to increase the Freeholds resilience for the Dothraki Nuisance. As part of this plan we require more efficient counters to the Dothraki cavalry. Our planning has highlighted your longstriders as a potential counter to Dothraki light cavalry.

We would like to negotiate a trade deal for a breeding flock of longstriders, we can offer artilery in exchange.
It would take far too long to breed a herd large enough.
We would like to establish a trading post/port on the peninsula in your jurisdiction of Sorthoryos. With it, we could connect your colony, and by extension, your own state, to our own trade networks, merging Essosi and Eastern trade.

Given certain terms you may do so.

-Local tribes in the area are not to be harmed unless permission from Volantis is given
-Disputes with any local tribe(s) are to be brought before Volantis for mediation
-An annual fee of *Medium-Large initial* with an annual fee of *Medium* for leasing of the territory
-Volanteen merchants and trading ships will be granted a 50% discount at this trading post
-Freehold shipping is granted a 15% discount on docking and shipping fees