A New Dawn (Ex-Papergeist) - A Worm/Naruto Crossover

Just with the basic jutsus Taylor would end stamped with a nice Stranger ratting and couple that with all the other shit she is able to do plus guerilla warfare, sabotage and general underhanded ninja tactics she will be a terror for everyone involved.
If we just go by what she's shown in this story, and the standard array of basic jutsu that pretty much everybody knows by the time they're a chunin, she'd warrant a rating in every category except for Trump and possibly Tinker (which they might rate her at anyway, since she's reliant upon materials for her tags and threat ratings are about specifying countermeasures; Tinker countermeasures include denying access to materials and prep time).

I do like that Taylor isn't full-powered Konan, though. Power levels in Naruto are absurd and in my opinion the best fights were all bush league genin and chunin stuff. A Taylor that has to plan and use her abilities wisely is more interesting than a Taylor who can maintain her paper transformation 24/7 and has the perfect jutsu for every situation.

Well, to be fair, Konan did show an ability to make explosive seals in canon
Not just the ability to do so; the percentage of explosive tags in the setting that were made by people other than Konan is so small that you should probably express it using scientific notation. Konan's ultimate technique used six hundred billion of the damn things, and she said she made them herself. Even if you do some ridiculously generous spitballing like overestimating the ninja population by half of the combined Allied Shinobi Forces and attribute five thousand tags to every single ninja in the world, she still outproduces the entire world combined by a factor of about a thousand to one. With just that technique.

While Taylor doesn't have anything like Konan's chakra reserves, it's probably safe to say that she could bang these things out no problem. Everybody in the setting has access to explosive tags and even genin can be seen throwing them around like candy at a parade. They can't be that hard to make.
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Yeah, Konan can definitely make Explosive Tags, but there is a huge jump from 'can make Explosive Tags' to 'Is a Seal Master'. With how frequently Explosive Tags are shown to be used, they're clearly extremely common and probably one of the most basic forms of Sealing, alongside Storage Seals. I'd expect Taylor to be entirely capable of using the more common seals, such as basic Barrier Seals, Explosive Seals, Storage Seals and so forth, it's the super advanced Seals like the Flying Thunder God and the Impure World Resurrection that would be beyond her abilities.

But on Earth Bet, even a standard Chuunin skillset would be incredibly potent. While yes there are Parahumans that could just overpower a Chuunin in direct combat, there's no reason for Taylor to ever actually engage a Parahuman in direct combat. Naruto ninjas excel in information warfare, evasion and avoidance tactics; even the basic Genin Three would be absolutely nightmarish in comparison to Parahumans, as those three techniques are far more flexible in application than is normal for Parahuman powers. Even better, while many Ninjutsu are relatively easily countered by other ninjas, there are no other ninjas on Earth Bet, and without Chakra and a knowledge of Ninjutsu even the most basic techniques become potential game-changers. Ex: Without Chakra seeing through the Transformation Technique is basically impossible, as it produces tangible physical changes rather than simply being a visual illusion. That's a high ranking uncounterable Stranger ability right there, all by itself, and that is one of the most basic Ninjutsu.

e: Konan's knowledge would also include the Summoning Technique which, as we know from how Jiraiya got the Toad Contract, causes a reverse-summon to the Summon Clan that the person has an affinity for if they do not have a Contract already. Whether this would work from Earth Bet is up in the air, but given that the Summoning Technique is already a space\time technique that probably involves crossing dimensions (as there is no sign that the world the Summons live in is in any way physically connected to the rest of the Naruto world), it's entirely possible it would still work just fine, and probably result in Taylor ending up in the home of the Ant Clan or something.
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Yeah, Konan can definitely make Explosive Tags, but there is a huge jump from 'can make Explosive Tags' to 'Is a Seal Master'.
Note that this is a jump I didn't make. At this point I wouldn't assume anything more than explosive tags, storage seals, and the stuff she's been shown to use already. Barrier seals, maybe.

But on Earth Bet, even a standard Chuunin skillset would be incredibly potent. While yes there are Parahumans that could just overpower a Chuunin in direct combat, there's no reason for Taylor to ever actually engage a Parahuman in direct combat. Naruto ninjas excel in information warfare, evasion and avoidance tactics; even the basic Genin Three would be absolutely nightmarish in comparison to Parahumans, as those three techniques are far more flexible in application than is normal for Parahuman powers. Even better, while many Ninjutsu are relatively easily countered by other ninjas, there are no other ninjas on Earth Bet, and without Chakra and a knowledge of Ninjutsu even the most basic techniques become potential game-changers. Ex: Without Chakra seeing through the Transformation Technique is basically impossible, as it produces tangible physical changes rather than simply being a visual illusion. That's a high ranking uncounterable Stranger ability right there, all by itself, and that is one of the most basic Ninjutsu.
Yeah, I wrote about this before.
"Even before you start factoring in ninja powers, the years of experience and mundane tradecraft makes Taylor a force to be reckoned with. With just paper clones and the D-rank jutsu you'd expect any Genin to know, she's got so many tools that she'd be an absolute nightmare to try to pin down, and unlike the opponents in Naruto, nobody has any idea what any of those capabilities are or how to counter them. While some parahumans have powers that could make them resistant or immune to genjutsu, for example, most have no defense against that sort of thing. What works as a temporary distraction or misdirection in Naruto is an unbreakable genjutsu as far as most people are concerned. A lot of the more powerful jutsu aren't even necessary given the nature of her targets. She just has to be smart about it."
And that's the fun part, really. A high end shinobi would just blow through almost everybody, but a low end shinobi with the experience and knowledge of a high end shinobi makes things a whole lot more interesting. A smart character with a versatile set of options (and by Worm standards, even low powered ninja are absurdly versatile) is more fun to read about than overpowered characters throwing Biju Bombs around.

e: Konan's knowledge would also include the Summoning Technique, which as we know from Jiraiya causes a reverse-summon to the Summon Clan that the person has an affinity for. Whether this would work from Earth Bet is up in the air, but given that the Summoning Technique is already a space\time technique that probably involves crossing dimensions (as there is no sign that the world the Summons live in is in any way physically connected to the rest of the Naruto world), it's entirely possible it would still work just fine.
Yeah, that one's entirely author discretion. Taylor already has origami minions and paper clones, and as I understand it the main constraint on summons is chakra cost. All of that together makes summons somewhat less useful while also being a poor fit with her limitations. They also require a contract, which probably doesn't exist on Bet.
Wonder if Konan knew the original ability that became ninjutsu?

Are you talking about the Yin-Yang Release that forms the basis of modern Ninjutsu, or the Ninshu religion that Haguromo created prior to Indra weaponizing the usage of Chakra to create Ninjutsu? Either way, the answer would be a resounding 'no'. Konan lacks the Rinnegan and thus cannot use the Yin-Yang release, and by the time of the Naruto story Ninshu is long dead, until Naruto ends up inadvertently reinventing it through sheer blind optimistic stubbornness. As Konan died quite some time before that happened, she cannot possibly have any knowledge of Ninshu. Ninshu is also entirely counter to Nagato's 'Paths of Pain' ideal, which Konan fully supported, and is thus highly unlikely to be something that either of them had any knowledge of.
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e: Konan's knowledge would also include the Summoning Technique which, as we know from how Jiraiya got the Toad Contract, causes a reverse-summon to the Summon Clan that the person has an affinity for if they do not have a Contract already. Whether this would work from Earth Bet is up in the air, but given that the Summoning Technique is already a space\time technique that probably involves crossing dimensions (as there is no sign that the world the Summons live in is in any way physically connected to the rest of the Naruto world), it's entirely possible it would still work just fine, and probably result in Taylor ending up in the home of the Ant Clan or something.

If I remember right, it's actually stated in canon that the places the summons reside is a physical location in the naruto-world, just very far away.
If I remember right, it's actually stated in canon that the places the summons reside is a physical location in the naruto-world, just very far away.
Sort of; it's said that you can physically travel to Mt Myobuku and Ryuchi Cave from Konoha, but that it is impossible to find either if you don't know the 'hidden paths'. Given that Myobuku is a giant bloody mountain surrounded by other mountains, there must be something hinky going on for the place to be unfindable without following the hidden paths. What exactly that is? Who knows. It could be something as simple as the mountain being shrouded in a barrier, or the mountain could be 'out of phase' with reality, or it could be on a different world entirely or one of the dozens of other possibilities. Canon is decidedly uncertain on the specifics, so it's pretty much up to individual authors to decide how exactly the summons work.
Sort of; it's said that you can physically travel to Mt Myobuku and Ryuchi Cave from Konoha, but that it is impossible to find either if you don't know the 'hidden paths'. Given that Myobuku is a giant bloody mountain surrounded by other mountains, there must be something hinky going on for the place to be unfindable without following the hidden paths. What exactly that is? Who knows. It could be something as simple as the mountain being shrouded in a barrier, or the mountain could be 'out of phase' with reality, or it could be on a different world entirely or one of the dozens of other possibilities. Canon is decidedly uncertain on the specifics, so it's pretty much up to individual authors to decide how exactly the summons work.
Could also be another continent, or far west of Suna.
Given that the Death God Seal is an inescapable suicide technique, I sincerely doubt it.

It might be based on it though.

If we define the Death God Seal, as a storage seal, that seals things within a specified container while extracting your soul as one of its prices...

That is similar to a storage seal, but instead of chakra, also uses your soul as a price for a being.
She might be trying to make different storage seals that aren't suicide techniques but might work on an Endbringer.

With the setting of Naruto including different summoned beings...
Monsters that can't die. But can be split.

I can easily imagine people researching a combination of beings that they can summon or communicate with.
Together with researching a seal that will seal something that cannot die.

We know that Endbringers can die, though Taylor might not. She might be researching something that will seal parts of an Endbringer into multiple seals.

In the end she is something of a tinker within the setting. In the end, unless we see the effect of a seal on an actual para human or endbringer, we and Taylor might not know the actual result due to interaction with Worm powers.
I like the idea of making a seal that you suggest. I just don't think it fits the constraints.

A seal that uses murder instead of suicide for that seal can also fit into "ethically and morally abhorrent" constraint.
(Think of a villian or even hero who is volunteering for an Endbringer fight. Using the life of such a person while they are fighting a being like that to kill it. They didn't volunteer to just die to kill it.)
It's also possible in a different way. The seal is to take care of an Endbringer. The problem is that Endbringers are too strong (just like Tailed Beasts, especially the ones with more tails) to seal them inside an item or an animal. That leave only one thing - sealing them inside humans, creating Jinchuuriki. Considering that people of Earth Bet are much more scared of Endbringers than ninja are of Tailed Beasts, doing something like that to a person would be very cruel, especially since Taylor doesn't know that Endbringers are more like drones or robots than monsters filled with hate, so she would probably imagine that the End-jinchuuriki would spend their whole life feeling a hate of such creatures...
Remember that woobie Panacea does not exist and is in fact a bitch when she feels like it and really not capable of warming up to anything not Victoria.
Remember that woobie Panacea does not exist and is in fact a bitch when she feels like it and really not capable of warming up to anything not Victoria.

Gleaming 9.2 (Ward) said:
Amy had been the odd one in more than I had. Purely average in appearance, quiet, she hadn't been passionate about hobbies or about anything in particular. She'd liked movies from Aleph and when she was twelve she'd break her usual reserved, quiet composure to get way too excited if she checked the change slot of a vending machine or pay phone and found a quarter. And yet when we got to high school, she was automatically included in the group of popular students. The group with Dean, who was supposed to take over his dad's company, and with the star athletes and the star athletes' boyfriends and girlfriends.

Doesn't really sound bitchy to me.
For unethical seals, is there a way to do forced summons, imagine if you forcefully pull a toad or similar with an amped up summoning array and then can't send them back due to further dimensional distance.

The question we should be asking is what would Taylor find objectionable but do anyway that Konan or a ninja of similar skill could pull off.

Mind control, explosives, imprisonment of monstrous beings, teleportation and limited resurrection of the dead are all shown as possible. What would Taylor actually want to do?
Doesn't sound like it's from her PoV either, or her own interlude in Worm.
I haven't read Ward, but it's worth remembering that Amy was burnt out and experiencing a great deal of stress from at least 3 different sources, so her canon levels of bitchiness might not be representative of exactly how bitchy she really is. If that quote was only looking at Amy from before she got her powers she'd have only had Carol's attitude to worry about, and that wouldn't have been exacerbated by the similarity to Marquis yet.
For unethical seals, is there a way to do forced summons, imagine if you forcefully pull a toad or similar with an amped up summoning array and then can't send them back due to further dimensional distance.
I don't think it's ever explicitly covered, but it's heavily implied that the Summons don't have to respond to a summoning if they don't want to, typically demonstrated in the story with a different summon showing up instead. There are however many different kinds of summoning, some of which appear to catch the summonee by surprise (such as the Reverse Summoning that the Summons Clans sometimes do) and it would presumably be at least possible to 'force' summon a target if said target was marked with some kind of seal first.

Although Taylor can't summon any of the Clans without having signed the relevant scroll first, so right now any attempt at using the standard Summoning Technique would either reverse-summon her to an appropriate Clan, or fail entirely, depending on the author.
So, just to check, does the German name/title mean this is going to turn into a "join the nazis we have cookies" fic? Because that's kind of a deal breaker for me.
So, just to check, does the German name/title mean this is going to turn into a "join the nazis we have cookies" fic? Because that's kind of a deal breaker for me.

No. I named it as a sort of reflection of zeitgeist, and how I hope to portray Taylor's actions and effects upon the world. It's basically a wordplay.

I found my old rendition of Awakening 1.04, has me stopping to look at and see what I can use for the next chapter. Also, I'm getting pestered to work on another project that I will be posting upon here once I have the second chapter finished.

And guys, at this point in the planning, there will be no summons. I had considered it, but it just doesn't make sense to try and explain everything in regards to that, either iteration of Taylor's power origins fit it.
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Thx for clarifying that.

It's no problem.

Just want to alert you all that my timeline is about to get a lot rougher, if my understanding of my current work situation is accurate (I'm supposed to get an update tomorrow), but I'm pretty much back to 50-60 hour weeks starting Wednesday, with two of the five days I'm scheduled being 15 hour open to close shifts. So, I want to let you guys know if I don't get my a chapter done today, then it's unlikely for another update until we get another manager online. I apologize in advance, but I just got the news a few hours ago.

Edit: It is confirmed. Sorry guys
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