A New Dawn (Ex-Papergeist) - A Worm/Naruto Crossover

In Naruto, only Shadow clones had this ability, so she wouldn't get memories from just any clone. However, we don't know if her paper clones are normal clones or have some parts of Shadow Clones or something else, so anything is possible.
Oh, I thought that was a general clone thing. Is there any reason to use any other clone then, besides not knowing how to make shadow clones?
Oh, I thought that was a general clone thing. Is there any reason to use any other clone then, besides not knowing how to make shadow clones?

Chakra usage intensity, Shadow Clone was on the "Scroll of Forbidden Techniques" for that alone.

Reference: Shadow Clone Technique

EDIT: To clarify, Shadow Clone specifically divides the users chakra equally between the user and all clones made.
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Chakra usage intensity, Shadow Clone was on the "Scroll of Forbidden Techniques" for that alone.
This is mostly right.

However, the Shadow Clone technique lacks the kinjutsu classification and it's not on the forbidden scroll. Only the Multiple Shadow Clone variant is. The regular Shadow Clone technique can be safely used by jounin since they've got the chakra to handle it, but mass shadow clones can't be used safely by anyone who doesn't have chakra reserves in the same league as Naruto, so it goes on the forbidden scroll.

It seems weird to me that Kishimoto decided to have two techniques with variable outputs that do the same thing instead of just having one technique that covers the whole range of possible clone numbers, but there you go.
Ouch. That was so harsh. But good.

Good luck with your new promotion, by the way!

It was only a half an hour later that 'Jiraiya' had left, leaving me with my father as I cleaned up. After the confrontation that my father had evoked, and 'Jiraiya's' answers, he had become silent and contemplative. While she had been near the point of nervous breakdown.

That's actually on me. I'm so used to writing in third person, that I started writing that scene initially in third, then realized my screw up and began to try and fix it. Obviously a missed a few parts lol.

Doesn't Taylor get the memories of the clone when it's dismissed?

The only way she receives the memories of her paper clones is when she absorbs paper that had been part of the clone, as seen in the first chapter.

While Taylor is aware of the Shadow Clone, thanks to Konan's knowledge, it's a matter that she is more comfortable with paper clones, than Shadow Clones. That and she doesn't have to worry about the clone being popped, while she can manipulate her paper to mimic a human body to a better extent and not have to worry about repercussions.

Apologies for the late reply, I just got off work, was supposed to be off at 1am, didn't get home til 3am thanks to extra business. Got a meeting in 7 hours with my district boss, weeee
I always wondered why Konan wasn't basically immortal if she could do completely crazy stuff like transforming any part of her body and clothes and anything she could hold into paper and vice-versa (like the kunais in this chapter) and divide herself in a paper-cloud of distributed consciousness.

Hopefully the answer is 'because all instances of doing that are paper clones' because the alternative is that the jutsu is even more crazy than it appears at first (and it's already crazier than shadow clone with the transmutation and healing 'wounds' by moving more paper over them).

The other answer is obscene in terms of survability: just keep enough paper mass to have at least a backup body far away from combat. Which should have occurred to her if it was possible because that's what Pein does.
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I always wondered why Konan wasn't basically immortal if she could do completely crazy stuff like transforming any part of her body and clothes and anything she could hold into paper and vice-versa (like the kunais in this chapter) and divide herself in a paper-cloud of distributed consciousness.

Hopefully the answer is 'because all instances of doing that are paper clones' because the alternative is that the jutsu is even more crazy than it appears at first (and it's already crazier than shadow clone with the transmutation and healing 'wounds' by moving more paper over them).

The other answer is obscene in terms of survability: just keep enough paper mass to have at least a backup body far away from combat. Which should have occurred to her if it was possible because that's what Pein does.

Technically, Konan might have been functionally immortal, but I suspect that after Pain's death she had a serious death wish.
I kind of hope the prt sends there thinkers on the new cape to have powers go

" This is not a parahuman, this has nothing to do with parahuman, she has the potential to trigger but here power is waiting until it got a idea on here power more than the fact it uses some from of energy, does not fit in grand unified theory or the mechanics of how parahuman powers work.
Awakening 1.y Danny
Hey, it's been a bit. So, good news and bad news. The good news being that here's another chapter, the bad news is once again I'm reinforcing the fact that I pretty much rarely have any time to write, so updates are still going to be sporadic. I will say my promotion is rewarding monetarily, but for fuck's sake, the urge to just go full Trogdor on my employees is rising.

I will admit, that this chapter happened because of how another Worm fanfiction that I had been reading basically screwed the pooch and irritated me enough to actually want to write this, despite me being knee deep in other neglected projects.

Anyways, I spent a good few days just dwelling on Danny, the character. And while I'm not sure if I hit all the right buttons for him. I think I did a pretty good job in at least providing a rationale to why he is what he is. He loves Taylor, there's no doubt about that in Worm, considering despite the terrible shit she did, he still supported her. But there's a stark difference between being put on the spot and making a quick decision, and finding the raison d'etre to keep that love visibly supportive, and with Annette's death took him out at the knees. So yeah, I hope I did well enough for you guys.

Also, I will admit, that while I wrote this, I was listening to Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel II: Lost Butterly OST. If you haven't watched the movie, I suggest you do, it's damn good. But more than anything, if you want what I would argue is one of Yuki Kajiura's best soundtracks in quite some time, then I suggest you take a gander and listen to it, because it just captures the emotions of both the scenes it's played on, but hell, even if you don't know the context of the scenes, you can make up your own story to fit the emotions in the music.

Alright, rant over, onward with the story. We'll be returning back to Taylor and what's going on in the next chapter, and honestly, I hope what I have percolating will be enough to keep you all entertained. I only see maybe about 5 or 6 more chapters to this entire arc, and then things will start taking off. I don't really intend for another interlude except maybe at the end of the arc, so make that I guess maybe 7?


Interlude 1.y Danny

For the last three years of his life, work at the Dockworker's Association had been a sort of escape for Danny Hebert. The opportunity to escape from the realities of an empty, broken household. An escape from the fact that with the death of his wife three years ago, he had lost the most important part of himself.

That wasn't to say that Taylor was not important to him, but it was a far cry from what Annette Hebert had meant to him. It just wasn't enough, and as a result, their relationship over the last three years had degraded to the point that outside of a few shared meals together a week, they might as well be two strangers in the same household.

The Association had been the one constant remaining in his life. It was both an income, but it was the escape in which he could keep a sense of constancy that was lost the second he stepped into his home. And as the job became harder as contracts dried up, and the Union sought to diversify its portfolio in order to function, he had buried himself deeper into the work, letting it allow him to pretend something that honestly wasn't.

It was both a curse, and a blessing. Because it allowed him to retain his sanity, despite everything. Yet at the same time, it came at the cost of his daughter, an innocent victim in all of his weakness, self-feeding guilt, and inability to move on.

And now, he may have just lost the opportunity to fix it with her.

Even now, four days later, he was still angry at Jiraiya for stealing from him something that should have been what he had been doing. It should have been him that was helping Taylor. It should have been him that his daughter turned to (and if he were to be honest, there were plenty of times she could have turned to him, but his inability to provide her that safe harbor to believe she could turn to him had led to this failure), not this random person she had met off the street.

So he did what he always did, he buried himself further into his work, the guilt eating at him further, even as he reviewed an upcoming contract, making notes on salient points in maybe improving the plight of their situation. All the while his guilt and frustrations served to dutifully remind him of his own failures with his daughter.

He was still doing this as lunchtime came and passed, the only interruption being when his office door swung open, and Kurt stepped in. At first, Danny didn't even notice him, instead lost in his own thoughts that it wasn't until Kurt cleared his throat that Danny realized that he was no longer alone.

"Oh. Sorry Kurt," Danny began, placing down his pen and rubbing his wrist, "didn't see you come in. What's up?"

A sandwich was placed upon his desk, and Danny found his eyes glancing to the clock to check that, yes, he had missed lunch, causing him to sigh as he took the sandwich and unwrapped it.

"Trouble with Taylor," Kurt asked, as Danny took a bite of the sandwich.

"You could say that," Danny admitted, catching Kurt's expression before sighing again, placing the sandwich down and considered what to say. While Kurt was a friend, it was a friendship cultivated in the workplace, not the sort that personal issues would necessarily be discussed with.

Kurt seemed to sense that he wasn't going to get anything more. Then again, it wasn't necessarily a surprise. Danny had never been the best at expressing himself, not since Annette had passed. So, instead he resorted to a different tactic to take his friend's mind off his current issues.

"You hear about the excitement over the weekend at the docks?"

"Not really," Danny grunted, before taking a bit from the sandwich, satisfied at least that he wasn't going to have to discuss his daughter with Kurt. Especially when he was still grappling with it himself.

"Looks like our resident angel struck again."


While it wasn't something he was actively paying attention to, one would have to work under a rock at the Dockworker's Association not to know about the actions of the woman they were now calling Tenshi thanks to PHO. In the last two weeks, she had been increasingly hammering the Merchants, outside of the one incident with the Empire 88 (who, in her defense, was using the docks for an arms deal), driving them out of their drug dens and cleaning up the docks, and in one case, helping a member of the Association that got jumped. She had become so successful, that there were a few that he knew in passing were part of a small, but growing, fan club for the cape.

Privately, Danny was rather ambivalent to the cape. While he did approve of the woman's attempts at cleaning up the docks, because it benefited the Dockworker's Association, it was tempered by the fact that he was leery about the motivations of this Tenshi. While he was not racist in any shape, he couldn't help but note that Tenshi was obviously Asian, using a Japanese-themed cape name, and while she had hit the ABB a few times, seemed to be focus an inordinate amount of her attention upon drug dealers and Empire 88. Furthermore, he had heard that Tenshi was also interested in the fiduciary benefits of being a cape, namely in appropriating the money of the criminals.

No, he was right to be leery of the cape, as should anyone else. There were just too many unknowns involved in this cape, even if they were doing good for the Docks.

Obviously though, that wasn't what Kurt wanted to discuss, as it was evident that it seemed that there had been more activity over the weekend.

"Yeah, I don't have all the details, but I guess she was busy over the weekend. You remember that drug den over at the old Consolidated Steel building?"

"Yeah," the Consolidated Steel building was over in the southeast quadrant of the Docks, when the shipping industry collapsed, Consolidated hadn't been far behind it, as they had been heavily invested in the shipbuilding industry. After that, it had been abandoned for a few years before it became one of the dozens of drug dens that had become commonplace in the Docks.

"Yeah, I don't think we're going to have to worry about it anymore. Last night she hit it and I mean hit it hard. According to PHO, the police and PRT are both still cleaning the place up, and there were something like thirty arrests. But get this, while this was happening, she was also busy taking out another two places in the Docks."

This caused him to raise an eyebrow. Now, while he wasn't exactly a cape enthusiast, he wasn't ignorant of the cape scene considering his daughter's interest in it. So a cape that seemed to be able to be in multiple places at once was, while not unbelievable, seemed strange for a cape to have as an ability on top of what had already been reported. There were a handful of exceptions to this, with the most obvious case being Eidolon, still, it seemed strange to him.

"Well, that's good," he finally said, "I don't know how many times I've heard complaints about having something done about the Consolidated building. Do we know anything more?"

"Nope, but we got some video on PHO this time. Gotta say, I kinda feel bad for the druggies that were there, the lady was not exactly gentle. Still was interesting to watch regardless. Don't know how many times I wanted to go in there and clean it up whenever we caught one of those guys trying to peddle that shit or trying to steal something."

Danny found himself humming in agreement. That had been an ongoing problem for the Dockworker's Association, so it was nice that there may be a bit of relief upon the horizon. Still didn't take away from the fact that they were beholden in their gratefulness to someone like Tenshi.

Still, he had to wonder what Taylor would say about Tenshi. Despite his own misgivings, the cape had been doing some good for Brockton bay, even if the rationale behind it may not exactly be that of a saint. It'd be interesting to talk to Taylor about that the next time he got an opportunity, at least it would provide them an opportunity to talk about something instead of having a series of uncomfortable exchanges between the two of them.

"Anyways,," Kurt spoke up again, "just figured I'd pop in and give you the nitty gritty. Lacey'll probably strangle me if I don't get back to work. We good for Wednesday night?"

"Yeah, I'll be there. Taylor won't be able to, she has to work."

"Ahh," Kurt nodded knowingly, obviously thinking he had figured out what was bothering him, "well, she's getting to that age to wanting to spread her wings. Where's she working at?"

"Bookstore that's going in on the Boardwalk."

"Oh, you mean Daybreak."


Kurt offered a shrug, "Short for Daybreak Books. Strange choice for a book store name, but it makes sense with the artwork they have for their logo. A sun above broken clouds. Lacey wants to check it out when they open."

Danny didn't respond to that, instead finding himself once again reminded about the current source of his ongoing issues. Well, at least a significant portion. Kurt must have read it in his expression, taking that as his cue to leave, getting up and closing the door behind him as he left Danny's office, worried for his friend but knowing that trying to intervene would only make it worse.

Is this what I really want, Danny thought to himself, the door closing behind Kurt serving as the instigator for that one dominating thought. Did he really want to lose his daughter to a man he had only met once? Because it was more than likely if he kept going like this, unable to reach out to his daughter and connect with her.

A sigh escaped his lips as he leaned back in his chair, staring into the drag office lighting, hands finding their way to the top of his head.

He had failed her. There was no debating that simple fact. He had suspected for quite some time that something was wrong with Taylor. All of the indicators were there. How she seemed to become increasingly withdrawn past the point of how she had been when—Annete died. How she always tried to not talk about school. He had just been too damn focused on his own problems that Taylor had paid the price.

What would Annette think of him, came the sobering thought that robbed him of breath. Yet, as he dwelt upon it, it provided its own galvanizing element. Because the thought that Annette would be disappointed in him was something he could not bear.

The thoughts and worries that had been plaguing him for the last four days crystallizing into singular realization. He needed to be better. No excuses. He wasn't going to lose the last piece of the woman that he had loved more than anything. He had to be better for both Taylor and himself, because he couldn't bear to think of facing Annette like this.

It was with this in mind, that he picked his phone, dialing a quick extension into it, and waiting for the other person on the line to pick up.

"Matt, it's Danny. Hey, I'm going to take the afternoon off—No, it's nothing serious. I just need to take care of a few things.—Yeah, I know, I'll have it done by tomorrow.—Alright, thanks Matt. I'll catch you tomorrow."

With that, he placed the phone back in its cradle and got up, going over to grab his jacket.

If he was going to make the change, he might as well start today.
The only issue I have with this chapter is that there is not more of it. Keep it up! Or don't. I'm not your mom.
Good stuff, always nice to see a Danny who actually recognizes when things aren't great and takes action to communicate.

I will admit, that this chapter happened because of how another Worm fanfiction that I had been reading basically screwed the pooch and irritated me enough to actually want to write this, despite me being knee deep in other neglected projects.

If that fic happens to be Remnant of a Worm I'm 100% on board with this mood. It could just as easily be something else but I follow a lot of Worm fanfics and that's the only one that has recently nuked itself.
Good stuff, always nice to see a Danny who actually recognizes when things aren't great and takes action to communicate.

If that fic happens to be Remnant of a Worm I'm 100% on board with this mood. It could just as easily be something else but I follow a lot of Worm fanfics and that's the only one that has recently nuked itself.
It resulted in another chapter in godknowshowlong, so I too, am on board with this mood
Good stuff, always nice to see a Danny who actually recognizes when things aren't great and takes action to communicate.

Danny does seem to be doing it for the wrong reasons though.
Instead of trying to fix thing with Taylor for the sake of her being his daughter, he seems to want to fix it as she is "the last piece of the woman he had loved" and how "he couldn't bear to think of facing Annette like this".

Danny's motivation is to avoid losing what's left of Annette to some random bookshop owner. Not to be a good father to Taylor.
Danny does seem to be doing it for the wrong reasons though.
Instead of trying to fix thing with Taylor for the sake of her being his daughter, he seems to want to fix it as she is "the last piece of the woman he had loved" and how "he couldn't bear to think of facing Annette like this".

Danny's motivation is to avoid losing what's left of Annette to some random bookshop owner. Not to be a good father to Taylor.

You're right, Danny was/is a shitty dad. There's no argument you can make that can absolve him of the responsibility that he failed. Hell, even Danny is cognizant of it.

But sometimes its the wrong motivations that can lead people to doing the right things.
I must say I dislike Danny. It's just that in Worm he is pretty much there only to cause drama, he offers nothing to the story except giving Taylor more reasons to be depressed. And in fanfiction it's usually not better. Either he is still a drama device, he is nonexistant and blind, he is involved in everything only to put limits on Taylor and force her into things that are detrimental to her because "safety" (though to be fair, that's kinda what he should be doing with Taylor being a risky cape), he is a cape himself and goes crazy to have Taylor put him down and make more drama, or he is cape and a hypocrit that does whatever he wants but stops Taylor from doing half as much as he does, despite Taylor being smarter and having better powers than him.

Really, it's not even his fault as a character, but there are few fics that don't make me irritated whenever Danny has some role.
Too little, too late Danny. You decide to pay attention to your daughter and try to help her after years of seemingly actively ignoring her because you're suddenly jealous someone else helped her?

Your version of Danny is a self absorbed asshole, and I hope Taylor shoves his deadbeat head up his ass.
It's good that we get the little details that are part of world building, the thoughts tgat heros should not be doing this for money. But somehow it never clicks that pro heros get paid
It's good that we get the little details that are part of world building, the thoughts tgat heros should not be doing this for money. But somehow it never clicks that pro heros get paid
Honestly, I'm of the opinion that heroes should be paid for their time. No one expects first responders to put their lives on the line for free, and everyone has to eat. What gives pro heroes more legitimacy I suppose is where their salaries come from. Getting paid willingly by a government in theory accountable to the people leaves a much better taste in one's mouth than essentially stealing from people that haven't even been given a trial.
Honestly, I'm of the opinion that heroes should be paid for their time. No one expects first responders to put their lives on the line for free, and everyone has to eat. What gives pro heroes more legitimacy I suppose is where their salaries come from. Getting paid willingly by a government in theory accountable to the people leaves a much better taste in one's mouth than essentially stealing from people that haven't even been given a trial.
True. Personally, I find the fact that Tenshi takes money of criminals makes her more trustworthy than most vigilante, but majority of people wouldn't agree.
I am sorry if I'm the only person of this opinion, but I found the Interlude extremely boring. The writing was also a tad purple and florid. Danny is a working class man, I don't think he'd use this sort of circular speech.

Though your version of Danny seems like a bit of a selfish arsehole.
I am sorry if I'm the only person of this opinion, but I found the Interlude extremely boring. The writing was also a tad purple and florid. Danny is a working class man, I don't think he'd use this sort of circular speech.

Though your version of Danny seems like a bit of a selfish arsehole.
He was married to an english professer.
Along with working on contracts for the Union.
Still an asshole though.
I must say I dislike Danny. It's just that in Worm he is pretty much there only to cause drama, he offers nothing to the story except giving Taylor more reasons to be depressed. And in fanfiction it's usually not better. Either he is still a drama device, he is nonexistant and blind, he is involved in everything only to put limits on Taylor and force her into things that are detrimental to her because "safety" (though to be fair, that's kinda what he should be doing with Taylor being a risky cape), he is a cape himself and goes crazy to have Taylor put him down and make more drama, or he is cape and a hypocrit that does whatever he wants but stops Taylor from doing half as much as he does, despite Taylor being smarter and having better powers than him.

Really, it's not even his fault as a character, but there are few fics that don't make me irritated whenever Danny has some role.

Really? Because more often than not the Danny portailed in fanfiction is a white washed version of himself if even that. Worm fandom has a high tendency of OOCing characters left and right and flandering them a lot. Like Armsmaster for example... he might as well be called Dumb-botmaster with how often people portails as a idiotic robot incapable of understanding simple things, chief among them human interaction and lacking comon sense about things like do not provoke the dangerous cape for stupid reasons and many others.

In any case, good chapter. Danny might not be doing things with the right intentions in mind but maybe something can come out from that... On the other hand i would like to see how he will feel once he learns that 'Jiraija' was more or less pseudo-imaginary and that he was 'fighting' against said imaginary man for the attention of his daugther.
Awakening 1.05

Alive I am, happy with this work I am not. But progress is progress, even if I got plans for the next chapter which will start starting thinks off. I'm stepping down as manager of my store for health reasons, so I will likely have more time to update my works.

Awakening 1.05

The sound of shrieking metal filling the air as it was ripped and torn was like catharsis for my soul at the moment as I recalled the paper I had already used back to me, watching as it perforated that which had sought to contain it. Even more paper began to flake off me to join the remnants, floating to over my shoulder as it molded itself together, coalescing itself into a javelin. With a snarl, I launched it, watching as it punched through the rusted hull like it was paper itself.

The last two days had been a cruel mix of increasing trepidation and mounting frustration. The first being my decision to launch a simultaneous assault on multiple targets that I had identified in the Docks. While this would reveal an ability that I had wanted to keep closer to my chest, something that Konan would have done, the issue was that the Jiraiya 'incident' had rattled me.

No, if I were to be honest, it had resurrected an issue that had been niggling at the back of my mind since my encounter with Armsmaster. There were now two different aberrations in the designed behavior of my clones. The first time I had ignored it because clones were a facsimile of their creator with some brevity to make their own choices within a preset paradigm. Giving a bit of sass was possible within what I had done, but it didn't fit the situation.

The overarching issue is that they were making the wrong choices that were completely counterintuitive and created increased risk factors. Something Konan loathed and I feared, especially at this juncture, where one mistake could have far-reaching consequences.

That was why I had made the hard decision and had found that my fears were not only well-founded. They were a reality.

While they weren't as dramatic, or as noticeable as the two previous incidents, the data provided from the operation had been conclusive. For some reason, my paper clones were showing aberrant behavior that did not fit either Konan or my own personality. Something that should not be possible as far as Konan knew, which was damning since she had created the jutsu.

Then again, Konan hadn't been burdened with the memories and personality of another. Suffice to say, I was in uncharted territory and I did not like it one bit.

Releasing a sigh, I recalled the paper again, letting it mold itself again into a javelin, before launching it at a much higher velocity than before, the report of steel giving was a balm for my simmering anger.

Because it wasn't just my clones that were creating a problem, oh no, that would be too easy. No, now my father was suddenly showing an interest in my well-being. Once upon a time I would have been overjoyed by this, but now it was merely an annoyance that was more inconvenience than heart-warming. I needed my freedom if I was going to be successful as a hero and to solve this glaring weakness.

It was….vexing.

Releasing another sigh, knowing that if I tarried much longer here I'd attract undue attention that I frankly did not care to deal with at this moment, I recalled the paper once more. Breaking more paper off from myself, I could feel the drain as it combined to form a paper clone. Allowing myself to slump a little bit, as the drain from what I just did and what I had been doing caught up with me. Then again, what I had just done was much more than simply creating a paper clone.

With a nod, the clone turned and walked towards the bay as I caught my breath. I still wasn't strong enough, I thought bitterly. But I was getting better. Where a week ago I would have been gasping for breath, now it was just a mild winding.

It still wasn't enough though, while careful planning and well-prepared contingencies were great force multipliers, strength and skill, with a modicum of luck, were the ultimate determinants on the success of any operation. If I didn't have the ability to fulfill my objectives then I might as well not try at all.

I had to become stronger, there was no other way around it all. Might controls everything was an adage that was true both in this world and Konan's, and without the necessary strength I could not impose the changes I wanted upon the world.

That meant I had to push the envelope, surpass it, and keep on going. It was probably the one definable strength I had that no one else did, at least upon my cursory research. I had the ability to both quantitatively and qualitatively strengthen my skills with training, almost no other cape had that ability, not even the Triumvirate.

My head perked up at the sound of a motorcycle approaching in the distance.

It seemed my time was up, I thought as I spread my wings and took to the sky, taking the time to blend my profile in with the night sky before I head off towards home. Armsmaster never noticing my exit.


Slamming my locker door closed, I took the time to review my morning before I would be drawn inexorably into the mundane again. Not that the mundane wasn't nice, but when time was finite, it started to become an issue when it impacted what I was trying to do. Frankly, I had half a mind to just drop out of school, but I knew it honestly wouldn't be worth the hassle that would develop from it.

Maybe it would be a more wise decision to use paper clones for schooling. Relatively speaking, it would be no different than what I was already currently doing for the book store. Well, to an extent, considering that the book store had a lower probability of me being discovered compared to a school that not only had New Wave in it, but likely had a large proportion if not all of the Wards here.

It all came down to cost-benefit, I mused bitterly, hefting my textbook for the trip to AP US History. Was it worth the cost in increasing the possibility of discovery in order to increase my abilities? Part of me said yes, but the other part of me…

I sighed, shaking my head as I stepped into classroom and set for my seat, casting only a cursory glance at Panacea who currently had her head down in her arms, obviously using the time before class to rest. Again, I was struck by a familiarity I could not put my finger on, something from Konan's past, something important..

"Alright class," Mr. Fitzgerald began, and I only paid him half attention as I watched Panacea out of the corner of my eye, trying to figure out exactly what it was that was causing alarms to go off in my head.

"Miss Hebert," I brought my focus back solely upon Mr. Fitzgerald, "you'll be teamed up with Miss Dallon."

What, I thought, reviewing exactly what it was he had said leading up to assigning us whatever it was, even as I noted Amy was casting me a sidelong glance to size me up. Probably judging if I was going to be of any use for whatever it was that Mr. Fitzgerald had assigned us.

I resisted frowning at the project, a paper exploring the impact upon law enforcement since the advent of parahumans and the creation of the Protectorate.

Glancing at Amy even as Mr. Fitzgerald continued handing out assignments, I could only think that something, somewhere, must truly hate me.