A New Dawn (Ex-Papergeist) - A Worm/Naruto Crossover

It's no problem.

Just want to alert you all that my timeline is about to get a lot rougher, if my understanding of my current work situation is accurate (I'm supposed to get an update tomorrow), but I'm pretty much back to 50-60 hour weeks starting Wednesday, with two of the five days I'm scheduled being 15 hour open to close shifts. So, I want to let you guys know if I don't get my a chapter done today, then it's unlikely for another update until we get another manager online. I apologize in advance, but I just got the news a few hours ago.

Edit: It is confirmed. Sorry guys
Damn. Oh well, we waited a long time for the reboot, we can wait for updates.
That is similar to a storage seal, but instead of chakra, also uses your soul as a price for a being.
She might be trying to make different storage seals that aren't suicide techniques but might work on an Endbringer.

She can try but i seriously doubt she can create anything useful if she isnt aware what an EB is in the first place and that trying to seal one might look like trying to take all the bijus by her lonesome like something easy in comparizon. At the very least she could end up killing some of them, but against an EB? Nope, not even a fully powered Konan is close to do something more than scratching their paint job.

And even having the whole Uzushio working in a seal to deal with an EB would garantee that you will get one. EBs are walking bullshit. The sole amount of energy they expend to avoid their own weigh forms a black hole is above and beyond that what is has been shown in Naruto let alone their multidimensional nature and time/space warping power.
EB are like the Tailed Beasts on steroids, even full power Konan would get crushed, it would be like trying to fight the Ten-Tails or Madara.
EB are like the Tailed Beasts on steroids, even full power Konan would get crushed, it would be like trying to fight the Ten-Tails or Madara.

Yeah, if those steroids were like pils with the equivalent energy of the sun in every pil.

Bijus and EBs are similar in the fact they are giant monsters able of reshaping the landscape but for all the bijus are like walking nukes, all that energy pales in comparison to what EBs waste only to be operative even when they are doing nothing.

Those things are ridiculous and the kind of thing that something smart but stupid like the entities can only come up with.

Packing that much mass in so little space, using time/space fuckery to avoid the effects of having that much mass around in one place plus being able of still easily repair their shell if damage.

The amount of energy required to brute force killing them would wipe everything on the planet if said energy ended up discharged everywhere like an explosion.

The diference between a biju and a EB would be like the diference betweem a firecracker and a modern nuke.
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The sole amount of energy they expend

It would depend i think, if seals work more on a conceptual level or a energy level.

If it works more on a conceptual level, it would work.

An energy being which can live/work/interact, and is not as static, while sealed would then be a bigger issue than a more materialistic entity.

A seal to contain all that is a endbringer within this world, would even work better than a seal which tries to contain someone's power in this world, since a power is extra dimensional.

On the other hand, all tailed beasts have more energy and power than any person who seals them. However the 'death kami' would probably trump them all.

Though the 'death kami' itself might be one of those beings who work on a more conceptual than an energy level... :p :)
It would depend i think, if seals work more on a conceptual level or a energy level.

If it works more on a conceptual level, it would work.

An energy being which can live/work/interact, and is not as static, while sealed would then be a bigger issue than a more materialistic entity.

A seal to contain all that is a endbringer within this world, would even work better than a seal which tries to contain someone's power in this world, since a power is extra dimensional.

On the other hand, all tailed beasts have more energy and power than any person who seals them. However the 'death kami' would probably trump them all.

Though the 'death kami' itself might be one of those beings who work on a more conceptual than an energy level... :p :)

I dont think those seals work on conceptual lvl and some are more of a esoteric way of energy manipulation.

To seal and EB you would need to know about it first and then try to make a seal from zero. They would need to account for their multidimensional nature, space/time fuckery and their gigantic mass and they would also have to account for the eventuality one of the just decide to self-destruct if it is trapped. Then you would need a strong enough container to keep them trapped and i do not think a human can do it without extensive testing at the very least.

Bijus are a known thing, that despite how destructive they are, there is nothing alien about them, they are just giant sentient mass of chakra that by the time the story rolls, they are seen no better than nuclear deterrent and chakra reactors to be used as weapons from some.

EBs are alien, multidimensional, superpowered super weapons. They do not have anything similar beside being highly destructive monsters.

The death god seal may or may not work. The EB are physical things but are more like robots than anything else and i do not believe they have a soul either and that thing looks like work in that scale.
It actually doesn't matter whether the sealing works on conceptual level or not, because in either case there wouldn't be a good enough vessel in Earth Bet. The stronger Bijuu can't even be sealed into non-living items/plants (their chakra destroys such vessel) or animals (the chakra drives them mad and/or ultimately destroys them), which is one of the reasons jinchuriki exist. Given that EB are much more powerful than them, I would imagine humans not to be strong enough either, and any attemp to seal them would just destroy the vessel.
Whether or not sealing endbringers works or not is something that in my opinion is very much up to the author in my opinion. It depends largely on how you choose to integrate Naruto with Worm. Is chakra supernatural in some way, and an actual power that comes from the gods? Is the Shinigami an actual god or just an entity shaped from the rituals to summon it? Or are the abilities that Taylor is granted here entirely based around her shard, and what that provides her? I can't remember if the nature of Taylor's powers within this fic has been explained or not.

There's also the question of how you measure power differences between endbringers and Bijuus, and whether one being "more powerful" actually means it's harder to seal away, or just different. One thing that could make sealing an endbringer away more problematic is that they all use dimensional shenanigans in some way or another. Depending on how much control they have over that, and how the seals work that might let them easily escape even if they do get sealed away.
I quite like the balance of this idea, especially the reboot. It's actually ingenious on her part -- the PRT and gangs are going to try to find a person who doesn't exist, since she's actually a Changer as the PRT would classify her. I do think that was a rather ham-handed justification on their part, but they are admittedly besieged and rather immoral at this point.

I do also have to agree with @Timmotepp's comment, since I find it odd that her warning network and other associated powers (not that I recall Konan, having only known about Naruto from accounting in other fanfics) would not have noticed her spies. That said, Tattletale is a Bullshit 12 when it comes to powers, and apparently saw her arriving -- perhaps the one time that she could be reliably detected. Hopefully she is interested enough in the building to want to use it as a possible escape and won't mention it to Coil when she's interrogated. I can't really trust that too much, though, because this one sounds slightly less sympathetic than the ones I'm used to reading about. Taylor is also acting -- to some degree -- on her own thoughts on Konan's memories, so this could also explain how she got tracked, as this is not as instinctive to her.

Actually, what I'd like to see (though I have no idea if this lines up at all with your plans) is that she stays successfully disconnected from her civilian identity, even with Tt researching her. It would rely on using the Changer form even in her own base, but I can see that being plausible if she thinks enough about security. At that point even Tattletale probably could not detect her unless they physically run into each other in both of her forms and Lisa notices something off.

This would allow Taylor to settle in at her new school, perhaps befriend the healer (always an important member of the party, especially when they want to go full Black Mage otherwise!), and fool her dad with a Jiraiya clone. Meanwhile, she can frustrate the crap out of the PRT (seems fair, especially once she finds out about Miss Power Of Running Away and their not-so-little coverup), confuse Coil, and try to clean up the city.
I suspect that at some point her civilian identity is going to end up accidentally caught in some sort of trap -- bus holdup, or maybe Bakuda targets the school -- at which point she can call in the clones, but the important part is that they can be seen in the same place at once. So, this can actually be a benefit, because even if the gangs or PRT figure something out, at best they have a person who might know her cape identity. Depending on how Coil's power works here, and how good it is, she might even be able to backstab him if she gets "invited" to find out more information!

Basically, I feel like her disguise is good enough that barring some impressive Murphy's Law attacks, she should be able to remain relatively safe and anchored while being able to plan out what to do. Right now, the worst that could happen is that she loses the base, or that they bug it and get false information (assuming that she's not dumb enough to use her own form). A setback, and a good escalation point for the plot ("Big Bad does something, but she needs to find a new base." *Please do not do this for an Endbringer attack -- it's always frustrating when it's a few more days to some useful device and they strike first!)

So, while I did enjoy the previous incarnation of the story, it would also be kinda nice for it to remain almost a slice-of-life for a while. Let her have some time before the stress hits, and add some happiness to her life (it would suck to get outed almost negligently by Tattletale just as the story starts -- it's quite another if she accidentally outs herself, as in the previous version). For that matter, she technically doesn't really need to be forced into anything in her civilian ID anyway -- all that needs to happen is that she finds some actionable information and her alter ego figures out what to do about it. "What, Coil has kidnapped the Mayor's niece?!"

There's also the question of how you measure power differences between endbringers and Bijuus, and whether one being "more powerful" actually means it's harder to seal away, or just different. One thing that could make sealing an endbringer away more problematic is that they all use dimensional shenanigans in some way or another. Depending on how much control they have over that, and how the seals work that might let them easily escape even if they do get sealed away.
One thought is that Chakra might be conceptual, in which case it works, or you could also go with the very reasonable idea that Chakra storage and confinement seals are dimensional themselves...
Aside from thus being very bullshit if properly reverse-engineered, it's also a very good explanation and might allow for the utterly hilarious possibility of Pokeballing an Endbringer.
"My dimensional BS is stronger than yours!" *Cauldron suffers a bluescreen*
Now I'm hoping that the author wants to keep this somewhat light and humorous of a Worm crossover, because the world needs more of those (and of the mentioned event, which would have me laughing myself off of my chair).
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It actually doesn't matter whether the sealing works on conceptual level or not, because in either case there wouldn't be a good enough vessel in Earth Bet. The stronger Bijuu can't even be sealed into non-living items/plants (their chakra destroys such vessel) or animals (the chakra drives them mad and/or ultimately destroys them), which is one of the reasons jinchuriki exist. Given that EB are much more powerful than them, I would imagine humans not to be strong enough either, and any attemp to seal them would just destroy the vessel.

I remember there were some Hagoromo relics that could hold the strongest bijus for a while but yeah, that is another problem to deal with.

Whether or not sealing endbringers works or not is something that in my opinion is very much up to the author in my opinion. It depends largely on how you choose to integrate Naruto with Worm. Is chakra supernatural in some way, and an actual power that comes from the gods? Is the Shinigami an actual god or just an entity shaped from the rituals to summon it? Or are the abilities that Taylor is granted here entirely based around her shard, and what that provides her? I can't remember if the nature of Taylor's powers within this fic has been explained or not.

There's also the question of how you measure power differences between endbringers and Bijuus, and whether one being "more powerful" actually means it's harder to seal away, or just different. One thing that could make sealing an endbringer away more problematic is that they all use dimensional shenanigans in some way or another. Depending on how much control they have over that, and how the seals work that might let them easily escape even if they do get sealed away.

Even if it is posible, it isnt something that would happen without extensive testing first and some seal masters working on it.

Konan is not a seal master nor does she have the time or the, lets say, oportunity to do so. To begin with, the only EB safe enough to attemp sealing is the Leviathan.

It isnt a good idea to put yourself anywhere near to the Behemoth even if youre made of paper(or because youre made of paper) and trying to seal Ziz is about just as easy as to deal with Contessa.
since she's actually a Changer as the PRT would classify her

She would be clasified as Breaker/Changer.

Aside from thus being very bullshit if properly reverse-engineered, it's also a very good explanation and might allow for the utterly hilarious possibility of Pokeballing an Endbringer.
"My dimensional BS is stronger than yours!" *Cauldron suffers a bluescreen*
Now I'm hoping that the author wants to keep this somewhat light and humorous of a Worm crossover, because the world needs more of those (and of the mentioned event, which would have me laughing myself off of my chair).

The only way that could happen is if this fic were turned into a crack fic.
So, just an update for you all, and explaining why I've gone quiet the last week and a half pretty much.

Right now, on the next chapter, I am currently resting at 932 words. Not great, but not terrible, considering my average word per chapter count at the moment.

Now, as to the rest of the details, frankly, I've been working almost every single day, leaving me completely drained when I do get home (I just did a 15, 7, and 15 hour shift over three days, and I have a 9/18/7/15 slew of shifts starting Friday, with Tuesday tentatively labeled as a day off on my schedule). Now, this sounds like a bit of insanity, but it's finally paying off, as I was just informed yesterday that I will be taking over as the GM of my store in 2-3 weeks (I'm arguing for three weeks as I am attending AnimeMidwest the week of the 4th), which means I can actually schedule days off for myself, once I get enough personnel online (something my boss has been terribleat)

I'm going to try and get some work done today, as soon as I wake up, as its currently 230 AM over here in Iowa, but I gotta take a look on how I want to work the conflict of Taylor's need of creating an adult figure in order to continue her smokescreen for her after-school activities, versus the dearth of memories Konan has in regards to Jiraiya, both the good and the bad. I want to explain why the memories and mentality that Taylor has of Konan, is driving her to do a good job in presenting Jiraiya, despite the fact that he's both dead, and from another world.

Anywho, figured you'd all want an update, I"m still alive, it's just, finding time to do anything except work, sleep, decompress, sleep, then work again is kinda problematic. Hopefully you can bear with me a bit longer.

And to all of you arguing over whether Taylor's creating a seal to seal Endbringers, I can firmly, and unequivocally say absolutely not to that.

Keep on trying, though.
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So, just an update for you all, and explaining why I've gone quiet the last week and a half pretty much.

Right now, on the next chapter, I am currently resting at 932 words. Not great, but not terrible, considering my average word per chapter count at the moment.

Now, as to the rest of the details, frankly, I've been working almost every single day, leaving me completely drained when I do get home (I just did a 15, 7, and 15 hour shift over three days, and I have a 9/18/7/15 slew of shifts starting Friday, with Tuesday tentatively labeled as a day off on my schedule). Now, this sounds like a bit of insanity, but it's finally paying off, as I was just informed yesterday that I will be taking over as the GM of my store in 2-3 weeks (I'm arguing for three weeks as I am attending AnimeMidwest the week of the 4th), which means I can actually schedule days off for myself, once I get enough personnel online (something my boss has been terribleat)

I'm going to try and get some work done today, as soon as I wake up, as its currently 230 AM over here in Iowa, but I gotta take a look on how I want to work the conflict of Taylor's need of creating an adult figure in order to continue her smokescreen for her after-school activities, versus the dearth of memories Konan has in regards to Jiraiya, both the good and the bad. I want to explain why the memories and mentality that Taylor has of Konan, is driving her to do a good job in presenting Jiraiya, despite the fact that he's both dead, and from another world.

Anywho, figured you'd all want an update, I"m still alive, it's just, finding time to do anything except work, sleep, decompress, sleep, then work again is kinda problematic. Hopefully you can bear with me a bit longer.

And to all of you arguing over whether Taylor's creating a seal to seal Endbringers, I can firmly, and unequivocally say absolutely not to that.

Keep on trying, though.

Take your time and don't feel you have to burn yourself out on our account, we'll still be here when you have time to get something down.
Glad to hear this story is back. I like the reboot, I think this gives a lot more freedom to Taylor in leveraging Konan's abilities. More Taylor acting on the world, less the world kicking Taylor while she's down and therefore into action.

Amy showing up....well, I'm neutral on the subject, cause she can be good or bad in this fandom. Interested to see where you go with this. The Konan persona is unmasked, so it's possible New Wave will be crossing her path now and then. Normally it's one of the New Wave kids, and to be fair Glory GIrl is fairly active and might have reason to seek Konan out. Konan may even possibly have reason to tolerate Glory Girl, as a distraction or more public face while Konan works in the shadows, or at least from afar with paper shenanigans. Or Shielder, who dyes his hair or something, may think Konan does something similar, and he wouldn't be wrong.

Konan was a grown woman though. Taylor's not but I'm guessing some things will leave an impact, so Taylor may get along better with the adults of New Wave. Dunno if they'll cross paths, although Konan may appears to be an out-and-out cape. Could make for some pretty interesting interaction. I doubt they'd join forces, especially once it becomes more clear how extreme Taylor can be, but there's some definite potential.

Actually, shinobi roots may give Taylor the idea of being hired muscle for rogues. The big problem would be that a rogue probably can't afford constant protection from a adversary that isn't being killed or locked away for good. Sabah, for instance, almost definitely wouldn't risk it. Taylor likely wouldn't call down the heat from openly killing someone (yet), and while she can probably make problems go away discreetly, that generally means not being able to claim credit.

That said, I wouldn't put it past Taylor to try. Especially if her memories as Konan is giving her a lot of skills and how-to-do, without giving her the wisdom to know whether she should do something. That's good though, Taylor having to dig her way out of her own hole in order to achieve her goals makes for a good story.

Stuff to improve on...I have to say Sophia's narration was a little too eloquent for her. She's kind of thuggish and if memory serves, doesn't have the best vocabulary. Her throwing around words like ascertain was a bit of a blink moment. Pretty minor issue though, all things considered, and I doubt Sophia's perspective is gonna show up too much. Maybe something to keep in mind for future perspectives.

Also, congrats on your incoming promotion!
Awakening 1.04
This is probably my weakest chapter yet. It also doesn't hurt that this is more filler than anything, as well.

I will admit here that I really suck in familial interactions. It has never been my strength, both because of personal experiences but also simply cuz I don't have really a template to observe, so I think, in some ways, this may be the best I can do to describe the level of dysfunction that I feel exists between Taylor and Danny.
If I'm wrong, please, don't be afraid to tell me.

Going forward, I really don't know my timetable, as I am now officially the general manager of my store, which means at minimum I'm working 50 hours a week in making sure my store runs on all fronts. Nice pay raise, just a lot more stress and time consumed. So I apologize in advice if it seems that the story is silent for awhile, I just don't have the time to invest in it, especially with other stories also languishing because of my lack of a life.

Awakening 1.04

Catching a flying overhead kick, I was just able to push it back in time to dodge my head to avoid a tossed kunai that whizzed by me. Dropping to a low position, I swept low and away, even as I threw my own kunai in return using the momentum of my body to propel it.

It was then I broke apart into paper, rapidly reforming away from a suiton jutsu that impacted where I had just been. With a quick jerk of the arm I created another kunai just in time to block a katana that would have bisected me, even as I tracked my attackers, some of them wearing my face.

All the while a paper clone of Konan watched me.

This was the sort of intense training that I put myself through at least three times a week once I had the opportunity. You could have all the power in the world, but if you could not hone it to a fine edge then it was wasted power. And chakra was like a muscle, if it wasn't worked then it would fail me when I needed it the most.

That was why when I wasn't working on other projects or out in the field, I was working myself to the bone in improving my chakra, but also honing my skills further.

With a thought, I dismissed my paper clones, watching as they disintegrated into paper before being reabsorbed into myself.

Catching a towel tossed by the Konan clone, I proceeded to dab my brow of the sweat that had gathered as I organized the fight for review, but also reflected upon my first day at Arcadia.

It had been...interesting, to say the least. Intellectually, of course, I had known that New Wave attended Arcadia. It was common knowledge. I just hadn't expected for my first class to be with Panacea of all people. Of course, it wasn't like we had interacted at all, either. But that didn't mean I didn't spend my time observing her either. Surreptitiously, of course.

The jury was still out on my read of her though. There was something about her that not only bothered me, but niggled at something from Konan's memories. It was something I would have to investigate further when I had the opportunity to do so.

Probably Tuesday, I mused, refocusing my attention upon the paper clone of Konan. It was a trick I was still perfecting, but it was proving to be worth its weight in gold for what it could offer. With the memories of Konan, I could at least create a facsimile of her that could help me in things like training, improving on what I may not be able to see simply by skimming her memories.

It did have its limits, of course, it could not perfectly replicate her, as hard as I tried. There was also the fact that when I did do it, I somehow felt...incomplete. It was difficult to explain as to why it seemed that way, but I knew, instinctively, that I was splitting a part of myself in the process.

But that was also for later analysis. There was just too much to do and too little time in which to do it. This was especially so now with the news breaking on PHO of my capture of Hookwolf. I hadn't expected the reaction that resulted there, considering it was the usual modus operandi for the Protectorate to downplay or deny any sort of rogue cape involvement in the prevention of a crime.

The more cynical part of me (re: Konan) couldn't help but note the coincidence that in the very same thread that announced my apprehension of Hookwolf, a post declaring that the Empire 88 was putting a bounty for information on me just happened to be posted for almost twenty minutes before it was finally taken down.

I would write it off to a sudden case of incompetency if the mere fact that this would, in the long run, benefit the Protectorate either by having the Empire 88 do the leg work for them, or they figured the threat and pressure from them would cause me to flock to them for protection.

It was subtle, yes, but to Konan, it was about as subtle as a bijuu in a hidden village. The mere image caused me to snort as I decided to table that concern. I wished the Nazis and Protectorate luck in finding someone who simply did not exist.

That simply left my father…

Sighing, I tossed my towel into the laundry basket, before stripping out of my workout clothes. With only a moment's hesitation, I stepped into the shower and turned it on, letting the water drive away the accumulated sweat and grime from my workout.

Tonight was going to be rather finicky. It wasn't the meal that necessarily worried me, that was relatively easy to handle. No, the problem laid within both the conversations that were likely to take place and the presentation of 'Jiraiya'.

Even in death, Jiraiya was an extremely delicate subject for Konan. He had been her first, and only, sensei, teaching her the necessary skills to survive in the brutally cutthroat world of Shinobi. He had also been responsible for directing Yahiko on that path that would eventually lead to the creation of the Akatsuki, a path that would end in his death and the subjornment of his dream into the monstrosity that was Madara's Akatsuki.

Oh yes, Konan had a lot of bitter feelings in regards to Jiraiya that tempered the good. It had only been further enhanced when he had tried to stop them. Konan had been incensed when the man who had been responsible for setting them on their damned quixotic quest had the temerity to tell them they were wrong.

And yet...despite all of that. Konan still retained a semblance of...I don't know, warmth? The emotions and feelings were too complicated to even explain, yet those feelings were the ones that allowed Konan, along with Nagato's request, to decide to believe in Naruto Uzumaki, yet another one of the 'disciples' (and I use that term sparingly) of Jiraiya's beliefs in ending the cycle of hatred that existed in the Shinobi World.

Honestly, my opinion was more in line with Konan's in regards to that matter, though Konan's experienced only cemented mine. It was an idealistic notion, yes, and maybe it was achievable, but it would require such a dramatic shift in the human condition that it would need those who would support that bridge.

But that was neither here nor there, the fact of the matter was that I needed to ensure that Jiraiya made the right splash, while at the same time honoring the man.

Sighing, I shut off the shower, just letting gravity slowly claim the water upon me as I considered just how I was going to achieve that.


Danny Hebert has failed as a parent. There existed single no argument that could deny that fact. When his daughter had depended upon him, had needed him, he hadn't been there for her, choosing instead to remain so lost in his own thoughts and troubles that she had paid the price for his willful ignorance. Just that fact would haunt him to the end of his days.

So when Taylor had told him about Jiraiya, that atrophied sense of fatherly protectiveness that had been revived from its ignorance had immediately taken notice. While he had failed his daughter on Emma and Winslow without any means of making it right thanks to her own industriousness, he wasn't keen to fail her again.

It was only the fact that he had failed her previously that had stayed his hand from taking a more extreme action against this Jiraiya, instead insisting to meet the man so that he could at least get a read of the man before he decided to take any action.

He had honestly expected this Jiraiya to be the stuff of any father's nightmares for their teenage girl, an older man slowly worming his way into taking advantage of a young, directionless teenage girl with no friends and enemies on all sides.

What he hadn't expected was a man who was the exact opposite of every expectation. In fact, if there was a word or phrase to describe the man sitting across from him, laughing raucously at a story that his daughter had just shared, it would be larger than life. He could easily see why Taylor had spoken glowingly about Jiraiya, he had only known the man for a half an hour now, and he found himself actually liking the guy.

But he still had his duty as a father, even if he had dropped the ball in the past.

"So Jiraiya," he finally decided to speak up, "Taylor tells me that you are opening a bookstore."

"I am," the white-haired man replied, smile never leaving his face as he settled into his chair across the table from him.

"And what made you want to do that?"

The 'Why in Brockton Bay' was, of course, left unasked, but was implied nonetheless. It was something he was curious about, to be perfectly honest. Not many people would willingly move into Brockton Bay, especially after the collapse of the maritime trade. And those that did generally could be lumped into a handful of camps, almost none of them positive. That wasn't to say that he suspected Jiraiya was involved in anything underhanded, it just was something that nagged at him, and maybe it was a way to protect Taylor.

However, if he had expected it to put Jiraiya on his back foot, he found himself mistaken as Jiraiya nodded his head in, he didn't want to say, acknowledgment, but it seemed to be just that.

'It seems kind of silly, when you think about it," Jiraiya started with a chuckle, "but I've always had a fondness for books. They can be anything. A font of knowledge. An escape. They can even provide inspiration in their pages. I've always wanted to have my own bookstore so I could share that love with others."

"As for why the Bay? It reminds me of home," the man then laughed as Danny couldn't help but give him an incredulous look, "I'm actually a lot older than I look Mr. Hebert. I also was a lot more hotheaded in my youth, and got myself involved with the wrong crowd for a time. I've left that life behind, thanks to an old man who knocked some sense me, but there are times when I find myself nostalgic for that excitement. Mind you, it's a bit different now and here, but still," he offered a shrug, "I'm not exactly complaining and maybe I can be like the old man for some of the young troublemakers around here."

Honestly, he had expected Jiraiya to provide some sort of story to present himself in some sort of glowing terms. What he hadn't expected was any sort of transparency! Yes, there might be a danger to his daughter, if the man was keen to be like this 'old man' he referred to, but it was Brockton Bay, no one was actually really safe when you got down to the brass tacks of it all.

But still, he was left with quite a bit to stew on, somewhat annoyed that there wasn't really anything there in that statement that would provide an ah-ha! Moment that would let him protect Taylor. He could just take the fatherly stance and just deny her working there, but that would only alienate her, and he honestly didn't want to have it go back to what it was, especially after Emma.

"And why all of this effort on my daughter," he blurted out, his annoyance providing the fuel to bypass the filter that was his mouth.


"It's fine, Taylor. If I were in his shoes, I'd be asking the same.," Jiraiya intervened in whatever his daughter was going to say, adding to his irritation, he then leaned back in his chair, arms crossing, "To answer your question, Mr. Hebert, it's because your daughter helped a man she didn't even know find his way around a town he had just come to despite her own troubles. A lot of people would have just ignored me and went on their way, but your daughter didn't. I felt compelled to repay her kindness. An earnest ear. A job offer. Those were things I could offer easily, but it's Taylor choice what she wanted to do with it.. I'm just glad that I've made a little difference in her life."


It was only a half an hour later that 'Jiraiya' had left, leaving me with my father as I cleaned up. After the confrontation that my father had evoked, and 'Jiraiya's' answers, he had become silent and contemplative. While I remained near the point of nervous breakdown.

There was always a degree of freedom to clones and their actions, though it was reserved via the baseline behavioral model of their creator. And while my clone was still me, with some input and decided upon tweaks to Konan's memories of Jiraiya, the exchange and story that had been given by Jiraiya had not been what I had planned on being the backstory of him. Was this a case of merely poor programming in the role of the clone, an aberration of behavior, or was this something else. It honestly bothered I, because while I had Konan's memories and experiences, I was still myself.


I mentally shook my head, discarding those deep thoughts for now and filing them away for when I wasn't keeping a careful watch upon my father, hoping that despite what had happened at dinner, he wouldn't be an impediment to me. It was doable if he was, it just would be one less thing I would have to juggle in the process if he did become one.

It was just as I was finishing putting the last plate away that he finally spoke.

"I'm not sure I really approve of him, Taylor."

Biting back a sigh, I turned back to him. I had a gut feeling that even if everything had gone perfectly, this would still be the discussion we would be having because my father had suddenly found the will to be an actual parent again.

"I know what you mean, dad," I had to say, keeping my impatience from being evident in my tone, "but it's a new chance, if it wasn't for the job he offered, I wouldn't have the opportunity to even go to Arcadia, to even think I had it as an option anymore."

It was his turn to sigh, as he rubbed his face in his hands, obviously not liking my response, probably because it placed him even further in the corner. It was sad to see, once upon a time, my father had been a decisive man, not one to deliberate over things to the point that it froze him. But after Mother had died—

"I just worry about you Taylor," he finally admitted, "I know I mentioned it earlier, but an older man helping a teenage girl. I just don't want you to be hurt."

Too late for that, Dad, you are far too late, I thought bitterly, but kept my face impassive.

"When does the store open?"

"Next week."

Again a sigh, obviously this was still too much for him. Arcadia was difficult, but now a job with a man who had been interested in me, yeah, I could understand to a degree why my father would be so hesitant, especially at my age.

"Alright," he finally said, a hint of bitterness in his tone, "but I want for us to sit down every week and just talk. If you ever think there's something wrong, please, Taylor, talk to me. I may seem like I don't care at times, but I do, I just—"

"I know," offering a wan smile to him, Mother had been the glue for the family, the life and verve, without it, we might as well be housemates, "you'll be the first to know."

You won't.
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Ok at first I thought I missed a chapter or two and that was the real Jiraya reincarnated or something. Took me too the end to realize it was a clone
I think its pretty true to both of them, both canon wise and the differences Taylor has here.

Danny is still ineffectual and trapped by his depression while trying to step in and "make up" for his failings, which just serves to drive Taylor farther out because she's so used to having to look after herself and having the freedom to look after herself. Likely more relevant because she now has the power to exorcise that freedom granted, but that's beside the point by this point in time.

Konan here seems to more just provide context, or a differing perspective at least, which is going to shift Taylor's own views accordingly anyway.
I think you might be a bit hard on yourself :)

It might not have had much action, but I think you balanced the introspection of Taylor and Danny quite well, with both seeing their relationship through different lenses.

I think the way that Taylor is unconsciously mirroring Konan and Jiraya's relationship is actually quite nice, kinda poetic. Some of my favourite parts if this story is the line between Konan and Taylor, and I think this chapter is a good example of that.
Noticed some errors in tense and pronouns.

It honestly bothered I, because while I had Konan's memories and experiences, I was still myself.


I mentally shook her head, discarding those deep thoughts for now and filing them away for when I wasn't keeping a careful watch upon her father, hoping that despite what had happened at dinner, he wouldn't be an impediment to me.
It honestly bothered me.

I mentally shook my head... a careful watch upon my father.

But really enjoying the story.
I really liked the chapter, and have really liked the story as a whole. Good job!
"I know," offering a wan smile to him, Mother had been the glue for the family, the life and verve, without it, we might as well be housemates, "you'll be the first to know."

You won't.

Ouch. That was so harsh. But good.

Good luck with your new promotion, by the way!

It was only a half an hour later that 'Jiraiya' had left, leaving me with my father as I cleaned up. After the confrontation that my father had evoked, and 'Jiraiya's' answers, he had become silent and contemplative. While she had been near the point of nervous breakdown.
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There was always a degree of freedom to clones and their actions, though it was reserved via the baseline behavioral model of their creator. And while my clone was still me, with some input and decided upon tweaks to Konan's memories of Jiraiya, the exchange and story that had been given by Jiraiya had not been what I had planned on being the backstory of him. Was this a case of merely poor programming in the role of the clone, an aberration of behavior, or was this something else. It honestly bothered I, because while I had Konan's memories and experiences, I was still myself.
Doesn't Taylor get the memories of the clone when it's dismissed?