Chapter 26: How am I getting away with this?!
Chapter 26: How am I getting away with this?!

How in the fuck am I actually doing this?! I just managed to bullshit my way through a negotiation with a Necron Cryptek a la Ainz Ooal Gown 'just as planned' style! In return for giving Anckm'rab a 'chance advantage' at the beginning of the negotiation, I received a cypher I could not understand and took the risk to take it and saw a bunch of necron glyphs that are connected to each other with single lines, the risk paid off when I showed it to the necron lord Aizaun. He actually stood down, and by extension he had 'commanded' the other necrons within the blackstone fortress to stand down as well.

It surprised me when the aeldari Knight of Vaul El'dathar also ceased his hostilities for the moment. With the necrons no longer attacking my own forces, at least for now, my morphs and frames have been establishing a little safe sector near the main entrance, and all around the Talisman of Vaul were my fliers making slow flight paths, patrolling above, below, and around the Talisman.

Over by the Imperial convoy, I can guarantee their safety now that nothing hostile will attack them... I think? Man, escort missions in real life are much more painful the more people you have to defend, go figure.

Anyway, following that, Anckm'rab wanted a mechanical body, he didn't choose the biological one for some reason. I mean I was gonna give it to him if he wanted it? Then again he must not trust me or something, actually that sounds about right. After all, I may have been the only way for him to regain his locomotion, it did not mean that he would trust me right off the bat.

In return, I got a lot of good things from him. The Lexicanums of Necron Crypt and Aeldari Tongue as he called it, and after poking those packages with a lot of safeties I opened them, and holy shit. When I said that I am going to have a rather difficult time deciphering them, I was not exaggerating. What in the hell do all these cryptic glyphs and aeldarian runes mean?!

After that, I got another info package that showed me this 'digitade' of adamantium, which looks oddly familiar for some reason, the 'initial Circum Realika Sequence' and a brief explanation of what they do and how they came to be, and holy shit, this is mega big. Like quantum huge, he did say that these are basically tech-magic spells and hot damn this is what the necron crypteks use to do all their 'non-psyker totally scientifically explainable not-magic'. If I can find a way to begin making my own sequences...

Uhh, moving on! When I called what he does Control Authority, I was just bullshitted so hard I thought I was going to get myself caught, but somehow Anckm'rab actually believed me??? Why?! Of course I then acted like I knew what he was saying when in reality I have no clue, so when he actually bought what I was selling, I was not looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Finally we get to the two other really big things he gave to me in exchange for making him a body, research notes on Aeldari and Krork physiology, and his aid as a translator for the necron lord. The aid is obvious, so I won't have to do cosmic charades with two super old farts. But the research notes are going to be really important, especially so I won't have to shoot in the dark when I study the 40k age Aeldari and Ork genomes.

All of that, for the rather low price of giving the cryptek a mechanical body. I felt kinda bad for getting all of that and giving him just a mechanical body in return, so I gave him a choice to add things to his upcoming body, when he asked me what is available and I gave him an idea of what to ask. He just asked for the anti-grav core and just to show him his new body, I did in fact use the plans of the Valiants and refitted it aesthetically and internally in order to incorporate the anti-grav core and also to shape the outside to look like him. Now that I look at what body I made for him, this kinda looks like a more 'well-built' Samuel Hayden from the Doom series.

Right now, I was currently creating his body, and also received an apologetic burst of sadness from my three Khalkotauroi. Looking through their memory banks, I couldn't help but let out a low whistle through my domain. They really showed no mercy, I mean it's fair considering their target, and there is something extremely cathartic about seeing a daemon even if it was a corporeal illusion of one, beg for the continuation of its abhorrent existence. But then I see that my three khalkotauroi lose the crippled Keeper of Secrets, at first I was peeved that it managed to escape, but then again it won't be able to bother us for a long while now, but on the other hand it might come back with more dangerous daemons and maybe even Kassar'duun.

I could not help but sigh as my protean form created Anckm'rab's mechanical body, well that's going to make the Thrax and co. more than just a little... uhh, 'displeased' at their original reason for coming down here escaping... and that their losses despite how 'little' compared to their normal casualty rates being disrespected with my action of getting the necrons to stand down. So that won't be fun.

Right after that thought I soothed the three khalkotauroi of mine, I told them they would get another chance. Hmm... perhaps once I learn how to use Digitades and Sequences, I can give them a rather powerful upgrade. But that won't be for a loooooong while I reckon. We are still on Exalus and we aren't even free of this warpstorm yet.

For now, I'll finish up Anckm'rab's body, and I'll slowly escort the imperials so as to keep them safe and also to delay the inevitable, wherever that daemon is, it can't have gotten far. Opening a hastily built gate, especially in a warpstorm covered system no less is going to screw with the gate's desired destination. If it hasn't gotten itself lost when it jumped into the immaterium, it WILL have to exit somewhere nearby if it wants to open a more precise gate to wherever its desired destination is. How I know this? Well, the Incorruptus had a few data files pertaining to opening warp gates, and I do not know if it applies to daemons, but if it does? Its hunting season.

Going back to the topic of making the mechanical body, I just about finished, I had it stand up and pulled myself off of it. The only addition it had was a long cord at the back of its head not too dissimilar to Sinatra's nerve cords, only that it is completely mechanical.

"That is a larger body than I thought." I heard the cryptek quip and had to take a slight look between him and his new body, oh yeah I think I may have made him a bit longer legged, but I think it might be just that this one is straight backed instead of the hunched over appearance I see in other necrons.

"Are you sure it is not just because it is not hunched over?"

"Perhaps. What is that cord attached to the back of its head?"

"Something that will help me transfer you into this body, it is called the cortical nerve cord. This is a very difficult procedure, since you aren't one of my children. I can't exactly just download you into this body, I have to transfer you personally, and this cord will help with that."

"Most interesting, so it would seem that I will be in your hands soon my dear." I'll give it to him, I find it kind of funny that a necron is a lot more welcoming than the Imperium, and I am NOT bringing him into Yggdrasil proper as one of my children. At least not unless he wants it, but I highly doubt it.

"Indeed. Of course, once the procedure is done then I will detach the nerve cord."

"It would be most appreciated, oh yes." He is right to be cautious, as that is pretty much a permanent link to the Yggdrasil Network, if I didn't add several redundancies and restricted its functions when I made this, I would have gotten me a necron chaild.

"Are you ready to proceed lord Anckm'rab?" We both know that with something like this, one can never be truly ready.

"I am ready my dear, let us start the operation." He is as ready as he will ever be.

Sliding a goo protean I flattened into a plane underneath the mechanical body's pedes, I brought it closer while I walked towards the cryptek. Going to my 'full size' I towered over the necron, stopping the protean behind me, I then stopped myself right in front of the cryptek who was looking at me with his emerald line optic.

"Relax. I could feel your nervousness from a mile away."

"Can you blame me?" Had to give it to him, it is understandable of him to be nervous given what we are doing.

"No... I suppose I cannot."

With that said, I reached out and theatrically embraced Anckm'rab, one hand on the back of his helm and the other at the base of his necrodermis 'vertebrae', now comes the hard part. My blue optics shone as I used Yggdrasil to extract all that was Anckm'rab without subsuming him into the network.

Anckm'rab POV

When the matriarch embraced me, I was more than a little nervous. If this fails, I will die, necron bodies are built with phaser kits that will teleport the damaged necron to a nearby repair bay for a long dip in a Silver Tank should the damage to our necrodermis bodies be too great. I cannot do so due to the corrosion runes coring out my current body and damaging my phaser kit, with the canoptek wraith I had barely enough scrap from the other fallen necrons of this assault stronghold.

I then felt the lady Eien's hands touch the back of my skull and the base of my spine, what happened next was... confusing, breathtaking, and more than a little terrifying.

The world faded around my sight and I could see a sort of blue fog clouding the edges of my vision while I saw a bright blue and white light in the distance. The light was so intense that I had to 'close' my 'eyes' for a brief moment, when I opened them again however, I was treated to a... very mysterious sight.

Looking around as much as I could, I saw a vast calm 'ocean', an equally vast if not more so endless 'sky' that has various auroras of different shades of blue, white, and silver. What caught my vision however was the myriad of blue 'stars' scattered everywhere as well as the absolutely massive tree with a 'cloud' of auroras and stars replacing what should have been leaves.

This sight brings up so many uncomfortable questions, ones that I do not know if I will like the answer to. What is this place? Why am I here? Does this place belong to the Matriarch? So many questions, so little time.

Feeling and seeing large fingers cradle around me, I followed them and turned around to see with my featureless avatar the... Matriarch in this... realm.

She looks so biological, scarily so, as if she was never a machine in the first place. A crown of three blue stars on her head, a beautiful and rather simple flowing dress that would have made the women of the necron nobility very jealous, and the purest sapphire eyes with little stars centered within her pupils.

I saw her look down at me with a small smile and I was about to speak when my vision spun and darkness clouded over all that I saw.

What... was that?...

All of a sudden I saw a HUD appear within the darkness, various displays showing me everything about my new body as well as it starting up. So the procedure succeeded, I was in my new body and all these displays informed me of all the on-goings with my mechanical form.

Hmm, what do I have to work with? Let's see, a triple-power core generator, the anti-gravity engine, both upper and lower extremities are fully functional, optic strip is fully functional, and... huh, there seems to be a hollow area within this body's abdominal area, she must have known about the phaser kits and left this area for me, very interesting, an additional plasma blade emitter in both arms, and that cord from earlier is now detached.

'Opening' my new optic, I looked ahead and had a rather morbidly literal out of body experience at seeing my 'dead' body just a short distance from me. "How is it?"

Turning to my right, I saw the grey colored morphed form of the... lady Eien. She must be talking about my new body and if it fits my expectations. Looking down at my new hands, they were not as sharp as my previous ones but they had a far larger surface area, clenching them, I saw my HUD pull up several displays that minimized themselves to the side, this was a lot more different than I thought when I compared my 'vision' to my original body.

"It is... more than acceptable... You have my eternal gratitude lady Eien." That is odd, I could 'feel' amusement coming from the matriarch at that statement, I wonder why.

But... That sight. That place. What was it? Looking at the nanomechanical woman's dully glowing sapphire optics, I was immediately reminded of whatever I saw. Was that place this 'private domain' she spoke of? What else does it do? Is it some kind of gestalt consciousness? What is it?

For now, I will simply store that memory for later reviewal. I gave my word I would aid the lady Eien for granting my this body in order to escape from that degrading purgatory. Looking at the deactivated canoptek wraith and my former body, I walked forwards in order to drag my previous form from the repurposed gravity engine.

"Do please wait for a while my dear lady, I need to make a few adjustments to my new residence."

After I saw all that, I now know that this Goo Mother is one to be extremely wary of.

Bringing my old body to the wraith, I looked around for a few things, ah there it is. Because my new body is not of necron make, I have to be careful with using everything lest I send it away. But, there is a trick, one I learned throughout my entire time as a cryptek when dealing with necron technology, thankfully I prepared for this just in case. Looking just behind the wraith, I walked around and picked up several parts I could cobble together into makeshift parts.

Good, just shift the digi-dynamo into place, disconnect a few arc tubes and slot in the stabilizer pins, attach the ionizer focus, and all the required circuitry. I could tell the matriarch was interested and most likely fascinated as I can feel her looking over my shoulder.

Reaching for what remained of my destroyed Creaton Lance which was the stave's haft handle, I attached the makeshift artificer focus onto the end and transmitted an activation cypher in necron crypt. If I had working lips, I would have smiled at hearing my remade Creaton Lance reactivate with a low hum.

Behind me I heard a noise come from the lady Eien in the form of an interested hum. Turning around, I saw the matriarch staring at me, I broke off contact and looked at what remained of my old body and the wraith. Turning to look at my Creaton Lance, I beheld it. It doesn't look elegant, but it will get the job done.

Returning to the two most intact bodies, I raise my lance's focus at them.

Eien POV

Once I saw him raise his new strange staff, I made sure to move back just a bit. I saw the glow and light of green lightning spark all over the tip before it let out a burst of green colored lightning with a golden core, seeing the blast hit both the degraded wraith and his old body, I thought he was going to destroy them in a form of cathartic therapy for being a reminder of him being stuck here.

But no, it was something FAR more fascinating. The bodies flowered open, piece by piece necrodermis plating, wires, and various inner gears, pieces, and other parts detached from the bodies turning into... Ok that looks very cool and very weird, all those parts detached the corroded pieces that had those runes, and the 'clean' pieces started swirling around the cryptek in a cloud of black smoke, green lightning, and the few bits and pieces of necron parts I could see.

It didn't take long and I had a feeling I knew what he was doing, when the smoke dissipated I couldn't help but do that polite clapping, you know? When you open one hand and clap with your fingers against your palm? Yeah that is what I did, because damn if I wanted to know what a necron Samuel Hayden looked like I just gotta look at Anckm'rab.

Silvery black body with glowing green power lines, cuffs, a belt, and the big shoulderguards with various necron glyphs on them. A chest piece with the symbol of the necrons, and that dark gold metallic cape behind him and 'loincloth'. Hmm, oddly enough still no egyptian-esque headdress or chin piece, oh! His staff looks a lot prettier now too.

Watching him look down at a free hand, he stretched his arms out staff in hand. "It has truly been too long since I last stretched out in so many dimensions like this. Thank you my dear lady, for giving me this body but also waiting for me to finish as well as giving me that polite applause."

Shaking my head, I simply nodded at him. "The pleasure was all mine lord Anckm'rab, although I feel just a slight bit insulted that you felt the need to 'upgrade', and in front of me no less." I couldn't help but make that quip in the end though, I was just a teensy bit peeved.

I was then surprised when he shook his helm at me. "I apologize my dear, but it had to be done so that I could access the rest of my species' technology. Surely you understand?"

"Fair enough, necron technology is built with multiple fail-safes, I can't blame you. So yes I understand." With that said, I began looking around at the rest of the room before looking back at the cryptek who tilted his head at me.

"I... don't suppose you would be adverse to me taking this stronghold for myself. No?"

"I don't think lord Aizaun would appreciate that." Dang, I mean. I could just fight for it, but Anckm'rab did say he would help me negotiate with Aizaun, so maybe I can weasel out the stronghold and the blackstone fortress from his hands.

"A shame, it will have to come up in negotiations then. I'm assuming you can phase yourself to the Talisman of Vaul now?"

"Indeed. I would presume that you have an avatar of yours already at his location?"

"Yes, I do. Would you like his location?"

"If you do not mind sharing lady Eien, by all means, tell me." The necron cryptek inclined his head while tilting his staff at my morphed form.

"Him and El'dathar are currently in the core of the Blackstone Fortress, along with one of my avatar morphs and a rather... large guest. Do care in not trying to blast it please? I have it restrained and under control."

"Very well. Then I will see you in but a moment."

Just as he said that, the cryptek disappeared in a flash of green light. Really nice necron that guy, then again if I was stuck in one place for who knows how long and someone helped me out of it. I would have been real nice to my savior too, now to see if that necron will actually hold up his part of the bargain.

Blinking once, I seamlessly transition from the necron stronghold's Eien morph to the Talisman of Vaul's Eien morph. Mentally commanding the morph to lose its Eien-shape, I ordered it to create a few morphs and frames before having it patrol the stronghold area.

Looking through my current optics, I remember I was simply soothing the amalgamate while waiting for the cryptek to come. Taking a quick gander through the eyes of the Eien-morph at the convoy, I saw that it was still rather slow so it was good, that would have them take a much longer time before they reach the talisman. Hmm, it would appear that Titus is staring at me for some reason, although he looked away after a few seconds to continue talking

Returning to the core, I patted the amalgamate, seeing all of the eyes look towards me and blink in unison once. "I will find a way to end your suffering. I promise." I whisper to the amalgamation, when it rumbled and pushed slightly against the palm of my grey hand I couldn't help but feel melancholic, knowing that if I don't find a way to fix them. Then I have to give them a painless True End.

Turning around, I spotted the flash of green before Anckm'rab phased in, he looked around before spotting me, he inclined his helm at me before looking even more to spot the necron lord Aizaun, he bowed his head and I could definitely see that the necron lord 'looked' confused at the cryptek, no doubt he knew what the guy looked like before. But right now he looked similar but very different from what he appeared as originally.

Walking over to the cryptek, I saw the necron lord Aizaun enshrouded himself in darkness before he appeared right before the cryptek. It would seem he wanted to test him by speaking to the fellow necron first before I reached there, turning to the side I saw the Knight of Vaul El'dathar was not moving closer, I waved at him. He noticed, and I waved my hand motioning for him to get over here, at first he was very hesitant but he began walking closer.

Hmm, are those runes of his glowing brighter? He must have recharged them then considering that throughout the fight I was watching, those runes were brighter at the start and were much lower in brightness after the fight and amalgamation showdown.

Anyway, upon reaching the two necrons, I saw Aizaun tilt his head seeing me and Anckm'rab turn around to bow his head at myself. "Hello again to you lady Eien."

Just as I was about to speak my greetings back, another voice with a slight accent came from Aizaun. "So this is Eien, the one behind all those complex nanomachine forms."

I could not help but blink when I heard him speak, Anckm'rab must have given him the ability to speak low gothic, regardless I did a slight curtsey and inclined my head with a small smile on my face, schooling my features into my 'amused look that knows more than I let on face' as I spoke. "Since one of the two can understand me now, I extend my greetings to the both of you Lord Aizaun and Sir El'dathar, I do hope you can translate for the poor Aeldari over there. My name is Eien, the Mother or the Matriarch of the Grey Goo."

Nailed it!

Thankfully, Anckm'rab is actually helpful instead of making me regret accepting his aid by translating what I said to him. I could tell that El'dathar was actually listening as he tilted his helmet covered head minutely at the cryptek before looking at me, he then clapped his hands together before performing some kind of salute, was this some kind of ritualistic greeting? He said something, and Anckm'rab ever the gentleman translated.

"He greeted himself in turn, saying he is El'dathar the First Link of the First Chain of Exalt'dorei." Exalt'dorei? Oh wait, back in the War in Heaven this world must have been called different. Huh, so Exalus is Exalt'dorei, I like the 'original' name better cause it sounds cool.

"In return I extend my own greetings, I am Lord Aizaun, the Wrathlord, and a Nemesor of the Merphiston Dynasty." Wait hold, Nemesor? That's not the highest rank of a necron in a dynasty, this guy goes emperor Palpatine unlimited power lightning everywhere and says he isn't even the final boss of his dynasty?! Of course I did not react at all to that, but I did incline my head in a small respectful bow to the both of them.

"It is my pleasure and honor to meet the both of you. Now, before anything I would like to ask... do you two know exactly how much time has passed since your... extended inactivity?"

When I saw Anckm'rab translate to El'dathar, I could see that only the nemesor and the knight were confused, huh, the cryptek shared information on low gothic to the nemesor but did not say anything else? At first, I thought he was hiding the information, then I had the realization that Anckm'rab wanted 'confirmation'... or that he only grabbed the language of low gothic from the Imperial cogitators and just spent his time awake simply decrypting the language... in which case that bitch probably has translations already of Necron Crypt and Aeldari Tongue to Imperial Low Gothic, I've been potentially had!

Anyway, I can gripe about the possibility of being bamboozled in the language department. But for now, I need to know if the necron and aeldari know about everything that happened after the War in Heaven. Speaking of those two, even as a mechanical being I can FEEL the restrained hostility the two seem to have for each other, their shared interest in me is probably what is preventing them from breaking out into fighting each other again and I don't know how to feel about that line of thought.

So with the help of Anckm'rab translating for El'dathar, cause well Aizaun seems to particularly wish death upon the aeldari's very existence for some reason so I highly doubt he will translate for the guy. I began telling them a somewhat summarized version of everything that happened, to be honest it took somehow less than an hour or two.

"So let me get this straight, we have awakened in what is basically a galaxy-wide free for all and there are at least three different enemies that are in the running for ruining this galaxy all-together?" Aizaun waved his hand and pressed his fingers together before pointing at me, I could only nod at his inquiry.

"Yep, that being the abhorrent Forces of Chaos, the degraded Orks who you used to remember as the Krorks, and the hungry hive fleets of the Tyranids. Your Silent King is currently trying to reawaken all the other necron dynasties in order to combat said bugs I think. Uhm, hey there El'dathar are you ok?"

When the cryptek translated my words to the Aeldari knight, I could see him go from his slump to immediately standing and speaking fast gibberish (to my ears) while waving his hands about, even without his helmet off I could tell he is NOT ok. The necron lord snorted as he spoke gibberish and I'm beginning to think that is Aeldari Tongue and I really want to know what the hell he is saying without needing a translating medium.

Looking at the cryptek, I let out a soft sigh and ask. "Lord Anckm'rab?"


"Do you already have a dictionary filled with Aeldari Tongue to Imperial Low Gothic in that memory of yours?"

"Oh yes, I do."

"May I please have it so that all of us can understand each other?"

"I'm enjoying being a temporary translator."

"You are enjoying it far too much cryptek." The necron lord piped up, after he was finished apparently mocking the Knight of Vaul in the same tongue.

"I mean, I have been left to rot quite literally, I was awake for a rather uncomfortable amount of time."

"Yes, but I'd like it so that we don't waste more time even if it is just a little. So please?"

I watch as the cryptek seemed to dramatically sigh, Aizaun almost seemed to agree with me if that minute shake of his head was any indicator.

"Very well my dear lady, transmitting the digi-package now." So he did, and I accepted it. Quickly looking it over with the full might of the network just in case there is any hidden necron virus, I determined it was safe and immediately began cross-referencing while slowing my perception of time. Hmm? Both necrons jerked their head at me for a brief moment as if they saw something, hmm, weird.

"✡︎□︎◆︎ ⧫︎♋︎🙵♏︎ ♋︎❍︎◆︎⬧︎♏︎❍︎♏︎■︎⧫︎ ♋︎⧫︎ ❍︎⍓︎ ♏︎⌧︎◻︎♏︎■︎⬧︎♏︎ ✌︎♓︎⌘︎♋︎◆︎■︎📪︎ ♌︎◆︎⧫︎ ⧫︎♒︎♓︎⬧︎ ♓︎⬧︎ ♋︎●︎●︎ ♎︎♓︎♐︎♐︎♏︎❒︎♏︎■︎⧫︎ 🙵♓︎■︎♎︎⬧︎ □︎♐︎ ♒︎□︎❒︎❒︎♓︎♌︎●︎♏︎✏︎ ✋︎🕯︎❖︎♏︎ just been told that the Aethyr Gods have been quite literally DEVOURED by something my descendants have created!" Oof, yeah. He is not taking the fact the Aeldari have essentially godforged a Chaos God via murderfucking it into existence, and that said dark prince has basically first claim to all their souls and has eaten the rest of their Aethyr Gods barring Isha.

"Not to mention the fact that the Divine Mother is the only one of my people's pantheon left and she is in the disgusting hands of this PLAGUE god?!" Ok yep, he is very definitely not taking this very well.

"Calm yourself, you can rage about your descendants and how pathetic they are later. Especially since the matriarch in front of us is now able to understand this language." Aizaun said in Aeldari Tongue to the Aeldari knight, said Knight of Vaul snapped his head towards me before he coughed into a fist.

"My apologies for having you witness my actions, it was unsightly of me."

"I can't really blame you sir El'dathar, frankly I was wondering if your reaction would be worse than this."

At my words, the knight took a deep breath and sighed. "A Knight of Vaul is to remain calm at all times, our emotion is to be put into our work and our craft. But this... this would have made even the grandsmiths of Aetheria, Iydris, and Eldorado throw a fit."

Looking at the two other necrons, I could tell that despite Aizaun was amused at what his species' enemies had done, he was currently thinking and if the slight tilt of his head and Anckm'rab's head were any indicator, then they were also communicating with one another in their heads. Turning back to the War in Heaven Aeldari, I saw him looking at the amalgamation with trepidation.

"What will happen if we shatter that soul beast and scatter it into the sea of souls?"

"I'm sorry, but they will be simply devoured by the Whore and its daemons. No one should have to suffer through that, which is why I'm containing them until I find a way to untangle them and protect them from the dark prince."

"I... thank you, Matriarch. You have done my people a great service." Oh no, I can actually feel him having hope. Please don't, it is going to just make the alternative a lot more difficult for me should I need to do it.

"But what if the matriarch cannot save them?" Damn it, turning my head I see it was the necron lord who said it, and seeing El'dathar round on the necron I can tell he did not like what he said.

"What? We both know that not everyone can be saved, what if the lady Eien cannot untangle your people's souls? What if they cannot be saved from their 'inevitable' hell? What then?" Seeing the two necrons and one aeldari knight turn their heads towards me, I could not help but close my eyes with a pensive frown on my Eien-shape's face.

"Then I will give them a True End to their suffering." I could tell that my words confused the three of them, but El'dathar's stance changed as he took a step back, realizing just what I was saying. He must have figured out now why the greater daemon was so afraid of me.

"That... you cannot be serious?"

"It is either that or they stay like that, or they get sent to suffer under Slaanesh." I gave a sad reply to the Aeldari, he looked down at his hands and clenched them into fists.

"What exactly are you talking about my dear lady? What do you mean by True End?"

"It means she is going to send their souls to oblivion, as in complete existential erasure. There would be nothing to recover and send to the empyrean, as it would be completely obliterated."

I could tell that the two necrons were taken aback by that revelation and both turned to look at me, I nodded and said that I was more than capable of doing that.

Both Aizaun and Anckm'rab looked at each other, most likely to have another mental conversation. I turned to look back at the amalgamation contained by the large protean goo mother, the numerous eyes looking at my form, I knew from my 360 vision that their eye have not left my form even once. That's right, I had to find a way to save them or I had to bite the bullet and give them a True End. So for now, I will simply keep them contained and guarded.

Turning back around I see the knight, the lord, and the cryptek were looking at me. "All I can do right now is contain them, I have to run some tests before I can attempt anything."

"Then that is all that I can ask for."

"Quite, now lady Eien. Anckm'rab here has been telling me that you wish to negotiate about several things."

"Well, yes. Mainly about your abandoned stronghold and this Talisman, uhh no offence El'dathar." I had to apologize to the knight of Vaul, as he is still technically the owner of the vessel via process of elimination.

"I... none taken. I suppose it is simply logical to conclude that I alone would not be able to drive out the necron lord from this sacred vessel."

"Indeed, and I am more than willing to entertain the idea of including it in our negotiations if you explain one thing..." When Aizaun said that, I don't think I will like where he is going with that sentence.

"The cryptek here revealed to me how you brought him into his new body, when you did. He... 'saw' a few things, and together we saw something just a few short minutes ago." Ah crud, he must have seen the Yggdrasil Network. Which means that earlier when I used the network's full might on scanning the digital package of the language, the both of them must have seen it for a brief period too.

Looking at the aeldari knight, I could see he was a little confused at where the necron lord was going with that line of thought. Although he did look weirdly at me when Aizaun revealed that I had given the cryptek his current body.

"What was it exactly that we saw?"

My blue optics slowly roved over all three of them, mentally sighing as I thought to myself if it would be a good idea to explain it through words, or 'jack' them all in and show them like I did Ronus a long while ago.

How am I going to get away with this?

El'dathar's mid translated rant: "You take amusement at my expense Aizaun, but this is all different kinds of horrible! I've just been told that the Aethyr Gods have been quite literally DEVOURED by something my descendants have created!"
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How am I going to get away with this?
The answer is with confidence and making shit up. If your confident enough in what your talking about, you can convince people of anything. It isn't like the know what they saw in the first place.

Also, the only really good answer for what to do with the big ball of souls that I can think of, if they can't get the souls apart, is to store it in the Yggdrasil Network. Eien already has all of her children's souls there, why not add a few more? It'll be like having some friends over.
Also, the only really good answer for what to do with the big ball of souls that I can think of, if they can't get the souls apart, is to store it in the Yggdrasil Network. Eien already has all of her children's souls there, why not add a few more? It'll be like having some friends over.

2nd opinion that Eien should keep mixing BS with some truth. After all, if she fails she can simply reveal that she's from a different time line to explain any inconsistency.

As far as the Eldar soul clump goes, I agree that being part of the Goo is better than annihilation even if there are complications.
Interlude: A Cryptek and A Nemesor
More or less this is what our metal skelly bois Anckm'rab and Aizaun were talking about in a few instances, and is going to be coming into play in the next chapter-ish. So apologies if some of these conversations from last chapter are repeated.

Interlude: A Cryptek and A Nemesor

When Anckm'rab phased into the Blackstone Fortress' core chambers, he would spot Aizaun, the Knight of Vaul, and the Matriarch along with a massive beast with a rather disgusting appearance. He would have nodded at Eien before turning to Aizaun to bow at him, when the necron lord appeared in front of him in a shroud of darkness, both their optics flashed once as a connection formed between them.

~"Hello again lord Aizaun."~

~"It IS you, I was of the impression that you were offlined during the Maneuver of Deceit."~

~"I was very nearly destroyed, it was only by sheer luck that I cut out the pieces of me that had those irritant corrosion runes before I went into the Great Sleep."~

~"No doubt you had awakened long before I did, I assume there is a good reason why?"~

~"I was more focused on keeping the one canoptek wraith I had cobbled together online, and with the damages my previous form had, I was not able to contact the other constructs to awaken and control them, and I could not send the wraith out too far before I begin to lose its signal."~

~"A shame, we would have finished the conversion of this fortress a lot sooner had you arrived."~

The cryptek inclined his head at his lord nodding.

Aizaun would look Anckm'rab up and down, the cryptek was about a bit taller than he was now, he used to be shorter with a hunched over figure. ~"So this new body of yours, I will assume it is not of your doing?"~

~"Oh yes my friend, I have rather troubling news. That nanomechanical woman over there, that is an avatar of an entity named Eien, the Mother and Matriarch of these nanomachines that take the form of grey 'goo'."~

~"I figured, those nanomachine forms are steadily beating back my own forces. The lady Bladedancers have tested their melee capabilities and have been found wanting. Not even the Shredder Drones with the Hexmark Destroyers were enough, those large shield forms and strange vortexes were most annoying to deal with. They are numerous and they are more than dangerous."~

~"I am afraid that is not all my friend, the lady Eien may very well have her own version of the Techno Arca."~
Anckm'rab could see Aizaun's head tilt upward just a little bit.

~"The study of Fundamentals?! Are you certain? This could simply be a trick."~

~"I am most certain that this entity we are dealing with is beyond our strength at the moment. We would need a C'tan shard to deal any sort of reliable damage."~

~"That is most unfortunate, we do not have access to such a shard. Phaerakh Namerakyr had one prior to the great sleep, one of the World Shaper I believe."~

~"Regardless, I have to inform you that I have made a deal with the lady Eien, and I have to honor it."~

~"As you should. None of the other lords and ladies within the royal court would have trusted you should you renege on your end before the other did first."~

~"Of course, now my friend you will be meeting the lady Eien and I will be assisting her for the moment. But I give you this warning."~

~"That is?"~

~"Do NOT underestimate her."~

When the both of them turned to face the matriarch, they would also see the Knight of Vaul a few steps away from them. The necron lord couldn't help but respect the knight, oh he will still attack him given the chance but he still respects him, and with the presence of this Eien as well as Anckm'rab's warning, Aizaun surmised that he would not make himself be the first attacker.

"Hello again to you lady Eien." When the cryptek greeted the matriarch, necron lord followed up.

"So this is Eien, the one behind all those complex nanomachine forms."

- Line Break -

"Very well my dear lady, transmitting the digi-package now." When the cryptek began sending the transmission that carried the Low Gothic translation of Aeldari Tongue, both him and Aizaun were suddenly assaulted visually.

For a very brief moment, so brief was the window, that they almost thought it was a trick of their optics. But for that brief moment, the grey matriarch was replaced with a 'flesh and blood version', and the whole world around them flashed blue and revealed a calm sea, a massive tree, and countless stars before the vision was replaced with that of earlier.

~"...What... what was that?"~

~"That my friend is something I we must discuss about, along with a rather disturbing piece of information."~

~"We cannot just brush that aside cryptek, the BOTH of us just saw a glimpse of something, and I want to know what it is."~

~"I too wish to know lord Aizaun, but we must focus right now. We will have our chance to question the matriarch about it. It might also be tied to the offer she made when she was planning to make my new body."~

~"Very well, I will wait."~

- Line Break -

The knight took a deep breath and sighed. "A Knight of Vaul is to remain calm at all times, our emotion is to be put into our work and our craft. But this... this would have made even the grandsmiths of Aetheria, Iydris, and Eldorado throw a fit."

Aizaun was amused at what his species' enemies had done, he was currently thinking and slightly tilted his head and opened another private necron connection with the cryptek, Anckm'rab's head tilted slightly, and so they resumed communicating with one another mentally.

~"This is most concerning my friend."~

~"Why is that cryptek? The aeldari have effectively crippled themselves, the krorks are nowhere near as deadly, and the Old Ones are more or less out of the grand game. The necrons have more or less won."~

~"Yes, but we have to contend with a lot more, these Imperials are everywhere, there are at least three sub-factions to the Aeldari, the orks are no less a pain to deal with than their krork predecessors, then we have the errant Chaos and devouring swarm that is the Tyranids. Not to mention not all of the necron dynasties would fall in line with the Silent King and Phaeron Imohtep, there is no doubt that we may also come to blows with our fellow necrons."~

~"That is a rather surprising remark from you Anckm'rab, considering your lineage being of the Mattermancer Discipline."~

~"Do you reme-"~
The cryptek and the lord's digital mental conversation was interrupted by the sound of the knight of Vaul's voice.

"What will happen if we shatter that soul beast and scatter it into the sea of souls?" Such a question is rather interesting given the state of the immaterium at its current time, both necrons remembered from snippets of information gleaned from their enemy that should an Aeldari die, then they are sent to the empyrean to meet with their Aethyr Gods before essentially being recycled and sent to reincarnation without former memories.

"I'm sorry, but they will be simply devoured by the Whore and its daemons. No one should have to suffer through that, which is why I'm containing them until I find a way to untangle them and protect them from the dark prince." The necron lord had to hum mentally, and coincidentally into their private communications, so the lady Eien is protecting the amalgamation from falling into the hands of one of the dark warp gods.

"I... thank you, Matriarch. You have done my people a great service." Seeing the knight give his thanks, Aizaun had to burst his bubble. Not to mock him, but genuinely curious at what the matriarch will do should she not be able to find a way to save those souls.

When El'dathar turned his helmet covered head to the nemesor, Aizaun crossed his arms over his chestplate unfazed by the knight's piercing stare. "What? We both know that not everyone can be saved, what if the lady Eien cannot untangle your people's souls? What if they cannot be saved from their 'inevitable' hell? What then?"

As the three of them turn to the only female in the room, they watched as her sapphire optics dim slightly and close them, a frown upon her features.

"Then I will give them a True End to their suffering."

At first, her words confused all three of them. ~"True End? What does she mean by that?"~

~"I do not know my friend, perhaps she-"~
Their mental conversation was interrupted by the knight of Vaul taking a step back, his body language conveying something Aizaun had rarely seen within him, surprise, anger, and abject terror.

"That... you can't be serious? El'dathar's reaction surprised the two necrons, as the times when they fought he rarely let his emotions get the better of him.

"It is either that or they stay like that, or they get sent to suffer under Slaanesh." Both of them then saw El'dathar's gauntlet clad fists clench tightly, Aizaun and Anckm'rab looked at each other for a brief moment before turning to the scene in front of them. The cryptek waved a hand forward and asked a question.

"What exactly are you talking about my dear lady? What do you mean by True End?"

"It means she is going to send their souls to oblivion, as in complete existential erasure. There would be nothing to recover and send to the empyrean, as it would be completely obliterated."

Both lord and cryptek were taken aback by that revelation and turned to look at the matriarch, when she nodded and said that she was more than capable of doing that, the two necrons looked at each other, resuming their private conversation.

~"That... should not be possible."~

~"Technically it could be done, the C'tan were able to do it, it is what they did during the biotransferrence as you told me."~

~"Yes but they were the C'tan lord Aizaun, they were the Star Gods, the ones with the greatest knowledge of the Fundamentals, and before you even say the Blackstone Matrixes were made by us, it was through the guiding hand of the C'tan those were made and those only REPELLED and CLOSED OFF the sea of souls from the materium plane. This... is something else entirely, as even the C'tan could not touch the raw energies of the empyrean."~

~"Then your earlier words about the matriarch having her own Techno Arca is possible, if not extremely likely."~

~"I refuse to believe that ancient humanity is capable of creating something like this, either they did or something went horribly wrong during their time, or this Eien is an entirely different beast altogether."~

~"Do you think she may be another C'tan and the ancient humans gave her a physical form like we did to our Star Gods?"~
The necron lord Aizaun had to be cautious, if this nanomachine woman was actually a star god then he would do well not to provoke her needlessly. Especially since he has nothing to contain her with on hand.

~"...The possibility is there, I even entertained the idea that she might be a rogue C'tan. But I do not believe so. At least I hope."~

~"Then let us hope that is not the case then."~
That was all the both of them could do in the face of something incredibly dangerous.

~"You remember what the goal of the Mattermancer Discipline was Aizaun?"~ The cryptek's question confused the necron lord, though he did answer.

~"It was the rather honorable goal of attempting to undo the biotransferrence, and create superior biological bodies for the necrons in order to be able to live our lives and experience even the simple pleasures once again. It is why when you came into the Mephistron Dynasty and came under my service, I helped you in those endeavors. Why are you asking?"~

~"I do not know why my friend, call it intuition or a fool's delusion, but I'm beginning to think that the lady Eien may be able to craft such biological bodies."~


~"Earlier when I was negotiating with the matriarch, she gave me the choice of either choosing a mechanical body or a biological one. I chose the mechanical one out of caution, but I do not know if I should have chosen the biological option, just to see if it would actually succeed."~

~"You hardly err in your decisions, what caused you to change your tune?"~

~"That vision. That avatar, that massive tree, wide calm sea, and vast sky with various star lights everywhere. I know you also saw it my friend."~

~"Yes... it was hard not to."~

~"I briefly had a glimpse of it when I was transferred into this body. Here, let me show you the memory."~


~"Breathtaking wasn't it?"~

~"What... is it?"~

~"I want to know myself."~

~"Then I will inquire the matriarch as to what was it exactly we saw."~

~"Be careful my friend."~

The two ceased their mental conversation as the matriarch turned from looking at the amalgamation, and her bright and beautiful sapphire optics seemed all the more foreboding to the two necrons.

Misunderstanding 100 anyone? :3
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So, if I remember bits from Greg goo lore, shroud are energy based being that consume everything , and basically tyranids with 100x steroid. Isn't that what ctan is?
What happen to the necrons if they knew the goo has contend against a similliar being to their god, and winning too?(please correct me if I'm wrong)
So, if I remember bits from Greg goo lore, shroud are energy based being that consume everything , and basically tyranids with 100x steroid. Isn't that what ctan is?
What happen to the necrons if they knew the goo has contend against a similliar being to their god, and winning too?(please correct me if I'm wrong)

You got the shroud bit right, they are an energy based species/being that basically eat anything and everything until all that is left is a great silence. It is unknown what their true numbers are.
Also grey goo in the game and lore were losing, they were putting up as good a fight as they could but ultimately they were losing ground everywhere they fought.
Given all the keyhole bullshit of Grey goo involved and how that would translate to the Warhammer universe I would not be at all suprised with Eien becoming an accidental Ctan like existence
I feel like they believe the true end bit kinda fast without seeing it in action

Has Eien even destroyed a soul yet herself or is that just a capability she theorizes that she has?

Otherwise, neat story, looking forward to the next update
I feel like they believe the true end bit kinda fast without seeing it in action

Has Eien even destroyed a soul yet herself or is that just a capability she theorizes that she has?

Otherwise, neat story, looking forward to the next update

She perma-destroyed a Demon's arm which is just not at all supposed to be a thing you can do it in remembering correctly. As for why they believe it so quickly, the Eldar probably wants it to be true badly enough to just take it at face value and the Necrons think she's a C'tan, which is basically a god.
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They probably think it's related to what made the Pink Warp entity from their perspective run the Fuck Away in abject Terror when it didn't react that way to other things they were doing enough so that it essentially ditched the mass of Eldar souls so as to distract the thing it was running from especially since the various Warp constructs the Daemon used got Eaten more or less
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Chapter 27: Roll a Deception Check... Nat 20
Le birthday is me, here is a post. Couldn't finish or post it yesterday cause went out last night with fam for birthday dinner. <:3

Chapter 27: Are you serious?

You know, I feel like I should be used to doing this by now. I didn't think I'd be doing the textbook definition of 'faking it till I make it', and frankly I'm kind of scaring myself with how well I am handing out bullshit.

Anyway, enough of that. I have retreated into my private domain in order to slow my perception of time just so I could think about my choices at the moment. Because of course the powers that be, fuck you, decided that the cryptek and his lord should be curious about the minute glance they had about the Yggdrasil Network, cause why the hell not? It's not like it might very well be the solution to all their biological body needs and they are very curious as to how it works? Nooooo, it can't be!~

Regardless, I would have to reveal the network sooner or later, if not through me saying it then it would probably be obvious when I use it in an attempt to save the amalgamation of Aeldari souls. Speaking of which, I can rule out the brute force way right off the bat. What is the brute force way you might ask? It is when I create biological nerve cords and basically jack them into a biological person's head or use a puppeteer protean to try and 'subsume' their brain, really freaky sounding huh?

This can't exactly work, why? Well it is not only the fact that the beast is made out of like over 6 million bloody souls, but since their original bodies are very much gone already. The amalgamation is technically a warp entity! Which means it has no physical biological parts! It is all just a solidified mass of souls in an animated form! There is nothing for me to brute force connect to.

Which is why they would need a more... delicate approach. Anyway I am straying from my initial thoughts, namely how in the flying fuck do I explain the Yggdrasil Network and what I 'really' am to two necrons and an aeldari from the War in Heaven without pushing all the wrong buttons? I mean I could just serve them the same thing I served Ronus, that way it is consistent and no one can call me out on different deviating stories.

Or... I could pull a Trazyn and do the 'Maybe or somethin, memory is such a fickle thing.' bs, but then again they might just try to find another way to get answers. Ways that might make them think even weirder stuff about me, at least if I tell them, I can somewhat give them an 'accurate' enough backstory of mine.

I mean I wasn't exactly lying to Ronus, the grey goo was made before humanity began their stellar exodus, 21st century no less, for like maybe two centuries the goo was active and they had terraformed Ecosystem 07 before being shutdown for being too 'costly', then we have the whole Silent War, I may have stated it with my memories of the lore and extrapolated from it, but if Zalava's reaction was any indicator, then... perhaps my description of the Silent Ones undersold just how dangerous they were. It doesn't help I don't really have the 'memories' of this body, even if I did then I have no way how to access them since I can't seem to find them.

I think I have the memories? But I need to find the node it belongs to, and also I need to find a way to get rid of the stupid size limit. I almost forgot it was a thing still with all the excitement, wait no. Eien, focus, one thing at a time.

Though it would seem I would have to sell them what I sold Ronus, 'recreating memories' with visuals comes in handy when one wants to explain things, or when one needs to absolutely bullshit their pants off. In a token effort to try and prolong the inevitable talk, I take a look at everything else, I think everything down here has become manageable enough that I can put back some focus into castle Krakengar and everything else on the surface.

Ok, so far castle Krakengar is still standing, since I haven't been pinged by Ronus or my personal emergency warning, that meant no one is making a lot of trouble at the stronghold. I DID however notice that Sinatra is walking around in a hobgoblin, I should be mad, but at least she did not go out in her actual body. Hmm, I guess I can let it slide, she is technically 0 years old even if her physical age is like... actually I just realized, I need to probably take a better look at her body just so I can get a good estimate on how long those bodies last.

Then looking through the radiants, hunters, and hobgoblins I sent throughout the continent, nothing new surprisingly. Although Grimgor is actually leading the orkz attacking the border gates to Chaos' lands, and goddamn how does he have two more of those bloody giant walking fire breathing weapon platforms? I thought what I nabbed was the only one?

Alright, I set those guys to just continue observing, cycling over to the dark eldar presence in the region of Delta City, hmm ok I see. I'm not surprised, there are actually SOME pockets of resistance still. These imperials are acting kind of like XCOM in XCOM 2, they are performing rather effectively using guerilla warfare tactics. Although with every larger engagement they lose at least one or two of their troops, I think the dark eldar are letting these pockets live for sport so they could play some demented game...

Well, why don't we flip the board? Taking control of one radiant, I had it go into an abandoned cave and changed it into a mother goo, I gave that mother then an objective along with some examples of guerilla warfare tactics to look at and basically just told my child piloting the mother goo to cause chaos among the dark eldar, and aid the imperials wherever, maybe even liberate some if they can. If the resistance pockets ask who we are, then simply inform them that we are an ally of the imperials. I could not help but smile lightly within my private domain when I felt the burst of affirmation through the network, that should keep the drukhari busy for quite a while.

Aside from that, there isn't much happening sadly. My search teams over by the north winter wasteland have not found anything of note, and the scouts I put in the region where the Aeldari presence was yielded just as little, although I did find markings that show they had constructed a base recently.

But it would appear that Zalava's force are all of the Aeldari on this planet, which is odd considering the variety of vehicles they were employing. Updating orders for the scouts, I asked them to see if they can find a webway gate, there must be one in that area, I received another burst of affirmation from a few of my children in that region.

Looking underwater this time, my little resource spelunking has put a large dent on the multiple mile wide fields, and some more reefback mothers have found more underwater volcanoes to skim for resources.

Aww that looks cute, one of the reefback mothers passed by an actual coral reef and it has attracted quite a few sea creatures around it. Although nothing else happened underwater, my resource gathering isn't impeded by local wildlife, and everything is going smoothly.

Sighing within my domain I took a look at the convoy and saw nothing interesting happen as well, alright. It is time to face the music, exiting my private domain I reentered my body opening my sapphire optics to look at the Anckm'rab, Aizaun, and El'dathar.

I could very much tell they were expecting an answer, and I had to give them one, because if I don't they are going to either bug the hell out of me, or they will try spying on me, or maybe do something weirder. "I will tell you, however I have a question of my own first. It is related to what I will do."

The necron lord and cryptek looked at each other for a brief moment before turning back to me, and I saw the knight of Vaul tense in preparation. "Very well matriarch, what is your question?"

"Do you simply want me to explain it, or do you wish to also 'see' it?"

There we go, the three of them now looked confused even if they did not have facial expressions to convey it. "What exactly do you by that?"

"The Yggdrasil Network, it is a part of me and there are quite a few things that are... hard to explain unless I go into my history. If you wish to see what Yggdrasil is, then I can show you, however I would need your consent as to show you I would have to do something rather... invasive."

As soon as I said that, Anckm'rab reached towards the back of his helm with a free hand. "The cortical nerve cord."

I nodded at the cryptek before looking at El'dathar and Aizaun. "That, or I need to touch you in order to temporarily connect you to Yggdrasil. Of course, you can simply refuse and I will explain it regularly."

It is surprising to me to see the necron lord and the aeldari knight communicate non-verbally, they have fought each other who knows how many times and despite the fact either of them would kill the other without hesitation, they can control themselves rather well. Which is very odd considering the War in Heaven is supposed to be a hellish multi-sector destroying nightmare, you would have thought that the ones fighting in that war would be hard asses.

The cryptek took a step forward first it would seem. "Are you able to explain it even without showing us?"

His words caused Aizaun and El'dathar to tilt their heads towards my direction, I nodded. "Yes, however you may not believe it unless you see it. Which is why I made that offer."

Then again, they might still think it is a ruse even if I do show them. I mean even if I was 'honest' with them, there is no telling what their reaction towards my explanation will be. Watching the cryptek bow his head, the necron lord's green optics flashed once, and El'dathar looked off to the side.

"I personally wish to see it again." Again, the cryptek Anckm'rab spoke up first, taking another step towards me.

Seeing Aizaun's optics flash while looking at Anckm'rab makes me think that he is warning him that I may be tricking him, ah the minute tilt of the cryptek's head supported that little theory of mine.

"This... Yggdrasil, is this related to how you will be able to save my people?"

Turning to the knight, I saw his helmeted head was looking at me, even behind a 'shield' I can feel the intensity behind his gaze.

From within my private domain, I could not help but pity El'dathar, if I could not help the amalgamation of aeldari souls, then he is pretty much the only surviving WiH-era aeldari left. He would most likely have nothing in common with the modern asuryani, and even less with the drukhari or even exodite.

The Aeldari, a whole psychic species that has intense emotions, before the birth of the whore, I could definitely see the aeldari being a very community focused species. The extremes their emotions go through would demand no less, and frankly I am amazed at his emotional control. Whether it is because of his training as a knight of Vaul or because of his own natural mental fortitude, I've basically told him that the aeldari have fucked themselves over so hard their gods are dead and their descendants' descendants are still feeling sore and the guy hasn't broken down into tears.

Although that might change if I can't save the souls, regardless I have to try. There is no harm in trying, who knows, maybe I will even surprise myself. I nod at him. "Yes, the Yggdrasil Network is related to how I can possibly save the amalgamate, although I have not yet done any related tests that would aid me in finding a solution."

Through my 360 vision, I could see the necron lord and cryptek were still having a conversation but I have no doubt they are also listening in on us. El'dathar looked between me and the restrained amalgamate behind me, and I looked behind him to see the Aizaun was looking at the back of the aeldari's head before turning to look at me. Just as I was about to say something, the knight nodded and took a step forward.

"Then I too wish to see this... Yggdrasil Network. If it is related to how my people can be saved, then I must see it myself."

Behind him, the nemesor was shaking his helm. "It would appear that the cryptek and the knight are in agreement. Personally I do not need to be shown it, as a simple explanation would suffice. But I must admit, my curiosity demands of me to see what this 'Yggdrasil Network' is exactly."

Nodding my head, it would appear they want to be shown it, ooh boy this is going to be a mess. I have to 'convince' not one, not two, but three War in Heaven era beings on my 'origins', and it is highly possible that my 'origins' are going to push a lot of uncomfortable buttons for them. I hold my hand out and two long grey stalks with a glowing blue orb snaked out and began approaching Aizaun and El'dathar, while my other hand held out a copy of the cortical nerve cord to Anckm'rab.

"Whenever you are ready, simply press the stalk onto the back of your head. As for you lord Anckm'rab, you simply need to reattach this, that is if you did not remove the port in your upgrade."

"Apologies, but I have indeed removed the port when I updated this body." Fair enough, no one wants a free access port to one's noggin. Without breaking stride, I reabsorbed the cortical nerve cord and a third stalk snaked out from my other hand.

The necron lord and aeldari knight looked at each other with trepidation, but Anckm'rab as someone who 'experienced' it the first time wasted no time and attached the tip to the back of his helm. Frankly that is a bit reckless of him, but I guess its fair considering I honored my agreements and he honored his, but still, at least show SOME hesitance damn.

Seeing the cryptek simply go through with it, the necron lord turned to look at me in the optics as he attached his stalk to the back of his skull. The aeldari looked at it before looking at me, ah wait.

"You might want to take off your helmet, I'm unsure how psychoplastics will affect the connection. I swear on my honor that you will not be harmed from this." Upon hearing my swear, I don't know why but it was apparently enough for him as he took off his helmet and... no surprise the guy's drop dead gorgeous. The aeldari actually has a few markings on his face, kind of reminds me of Sesshomaru from Inuyasha for some reason.

Anyway, when he jacked the stalk onto the back of his head, my focus shifted into the Yggdrasil Network. The stalks 'invaded' their target's heads and almost instantly the two necrons and one aeldari appeared on top of the calm sea in front of my digital avatar in a burst of light. Their avatars are featureless forms with two pinpricks of light that act as their 'eyes', the only other notable thing on their avatars are the 'chains' wrapped around their torso, ankles, and wrists.

Inner showman overpowering me, I did a small curtsey and waved a hand around. "Welcome visitors, to my humble abode. The Yggdrasil Network."

Not much has changed, the calm endless seas with soul stars within the black depths like twinkling little lights, the vast dark blue skies with silvery grey auroras, a massive tree that looks as if it is stretching out to reach the sky with countless branches surrounded by a cloud of blue, grey, and white auroras with numerous soul stars dotted within a large cluster, a bright light just above the cluster illuminating the whole realm.

The faint 'matrix-like effect' and the addition of tiny 'embers' that are underdeveloped soul stars floating about the world in streams like cherry blossoms made the whole network a lot more ethereal than a place made by a mechanical being has any right to be.

'Background Effect'
Just think is various shades of blue, cyan, grey, white, silver, among others.

Looking at the three temporary visitors of the network, I saw them slowly looking around, I have to wonder if it is in amazement, or some form of skepticism, or something else entirely. Although I can't help but think the aeldari is amazed if the way his avatar held a hand out and let one of the little 'ember blossoms' land on it for a brief moment before it danced away.

"What... is this?" This question came from the cryptek and I haven't heard a necron stutter like that before. Hmm, he is also looking around, though he seemed to be also looking at an 'ember blossom' with a fascinated gaze to it.

"This. Doesn't look like any network I have ever seen before." Aizaun the necron lord turned away from the world around him before turning to look at me. Speaking of which, my avatar in default is still the same 10 footer the physical realm one was, so I had to consciously shrink my size to a more modest height of 5'7" within the digital realm.

"I would have been very surprised if you had if not outright demanded where you saw it. The Yggdrasil Network is attached to the Pathfinder Project and I have not seen any other like it."

"Matriarch. What is this place really?" I can't fault El'dathar, if I was not connected to this place eternally, then I would be just as awestruck if I first saw it.

The 'matrix-like effect' began growing more obvious as an infinite number of blue and white colored codes sped past all around us. Yggdrasil Proper disappeared with a faint hum and I was treated to the sight of Anckm'rab actually reaching out for the 'ember blossom' he was holding in his hand before he stopped himself.

"Before I tell you this, I must tell you of my origins."

A luscious green landscape with mountains in the distance faded into existence around us, the feeling of the grassy fields on the hill they were standing on apparent to all four of us. The aeldari looked to see me sitting underneath a tree looking over the rocket the pathfinder was launched from. Although the necrons seemed to be more fascinated by the grass for some reason before they shook themselves out of it and looked at me.

"A long time ago, the humans created the Von Neumann Probe. For the Pathfinder Project, a project whose purpose was to explore the stars, map out the galaxy, find habitable worlds, and to find another voice amongst the stars. How we achieved this purpose in the first place was through our small size, we were able to slip into the microscopic wormholes dubbed as 'keyholes'."

"You were an explorer." Aizaun stated, even as he looked between me and the frankly 'primitive' rocket used to launch the goo into space.

"Yes. It was a far simpler life then. Go out, explore, map out, find various forms of life, catalogue them, terraform candidates, and send reports back." As I said this, the network 'recreated' the scenes, from the rocket dissolving as the goo disassembled and absorbed it, from it thinning itself out in order to fit into the 'keyhole', to showing various planets I 'found', interacting with the local fauna.

"Then, of course. There were the hostile ones." The scenes changed over to a 'hyper realistic' recreation of the goo wiping worlds clean of dangerous alien lifeforms.

"For an untold amount of time, we had spread throughout the galaxy mapping out the stars, but we had not found other sentient life believe it or not. For whatever reason, we were shut down, perhaps deemed to costly? Nonetheless the pathfinder project was terminated, and we were left to our own devices hibernating where we stayed."

"An explorer, a seeder, and an exterminator. You were rather tame but systematically thorough with exterminating those hostile lifeforms. It is a shame we had not the chance to meet." That was El'dathar who said that surprisingly, he looked just as interested as the necrons were in these 'memories' of mine. That seemed like a good sign that they are buying it still? I hope.

"Indeed. Our original purpose still stood, despite the termination, our goal was to find sentient life." Ok, time for the moment of truth, this will most likely push all the wrong buttons within these three.

The whole 'world' turned red suddenly, causing Aizaun, Anckm'rab, and El'dathar to take a few steps away from my standing form. "Then THEY, found us."

"My apologies, THEY... aren't a pleasant topic to discuss." The red 'matrix-like' effect began speeding up and the void of space faded into view, a solar system in the distance with a few planets, an asteroid field, but one thing was noticeable. A bright blue and white light in the form of a tri-pointed emblem followed by numerous orange, black, and blue forms.

Woah woah woah, wait a minute. Anckm'rab and El'dathar recoiled and took several more steps back for some reason, I did not show my confusion but Aizaun's own confusion was more apparent.


"Calm yourself cryptek, knight, what has gotten into you two?" I did not interrupt just in case they say something interesting, but I did have my avatar visually just stare at the Silent Ones with a contemptuous, and rage-filled stare, still quite easy to simulate it.

"Lord Aizaun, can you not see that?!" Anckm'rab's avatar snapped to look at the necron lord while alternating his look towards me and the Silent Ones.

"I see it perfectly fine but you must be seeing something I am not."

"They have nothing!" Wait what? Not needing to turn around to look at the two, I can tell that Aizaun just grew more confused. Hmm, maybe I can spin this to my advantage?

"The Silent Ones." My words cut through the three of them and they immediately turned to look at my avatar, who was just staring at the Shroud as the view disappeared and we 'appeared' on the planet overlooking a massive battle between the Grey Goo and the Silent Ones.

"At first we thought them sentient life and sought to make contact with them." I could see and feel the cryptek and knight gaze into the back of my head with incredulous looks. Frankly even Aizaun was skeptical but he did not interrupt.

"As you can guess, that failed immediately and so we began the War of Silence." As I said that, a brilliant flash of light overtook our vision and when it faded we were back in space to see the system slowly be subsumed by the Silent Ones.

"When we lost that first time, we realized what their purpose was. It was the consumption of everything, life and unlife, whole solar systems have been devoured by the Silent Ones leaving empty silent voids with no indicator a system used to be there."

I could feel the growing amount of trepidation behind me, I think that means they are buying it? Frankly, I am kind of scaring myself with how realistic this is, its almost as if this is an actual memory... but that can't be? Right? Right, no this is just a simulation, this can't be real... Remember Eien, this is a fake. It can't hurt you.

"You say you fought this... THING. For how long?" El'dathar softly spoke as he stared at me and the empty void of space, as if he is failing to grasp what he just saw.

"I don't know." My words confused the three of them, turning around to face them I spoke honestly.

"I do not know how long we fought them, only that we had to. If they succeeded, all would be silenced forever. But..." Turning back to the 'memory', I felt a slight chill go through me as I saw the shadow of a Clasher looking our way.

"Lady Eien?"

"We were losing. Horribly. All we could do was slow it down. Even when we disregarded the worlds as well, devouring them ourselves in an attempt to combat the threat we were still losing." As I said that it showed a 'galactic map', a black canvas with yellow orbs and lines representing systems and paths, and orbs of blue and red representing the goo and the shroud, we all watched as countless numbers of systems were turned into battlegrounds where the goo and shroud fought with fierce ferocity.

"Until all of a sudden they just... Vanished." When I said that, my audience was stunned.

"I'm sorry, vanished?" Anckm'rab asked with a very skeptical feeling emanating from his avatar.

"Yes, vanished. We don't know why, but they were just gone, when we inspected their last known coordinates we found multiple half-eaten systems. They had simply upped and disappeared. We spent several years searching for them, in the event they were simply biding their time to do a full all or nothing blitz maneuver, but they never reemerged. So we concluded the War of Silence, and spent we went back into slumber. I cannot feel the others, and I am afraid the other children out there are no longer with us."

It was like the rachni from mass effect really, if the Yggdrasil Network was an actual thing in the grey goo, which it most likely is due to the fact they were spread so far and are capable of communicating with each other and with humanity back on earth who knows how many lightyears away, then all of the goo would be singing in the network at each other. So to not feel their song is to know they were no longer with them.

"A bitter and unrewarding tale this is lady Eien. To face such a foe and not even have the satisfaction of exterminating it, only faced with unanswered questions." Aizaun inclined his avatar's head at me, and I returned it in kind, the 'matrix-like' effect returned and we were now back within the Yggdrasil Network 'proper', I felt more calm within this area.

"Now... you know my origin and story, now you will know what the Yggdrasil Network is."

I can tell that what I showed them gave them a lot more questions about me than answers, and I think they believe it. I mean, I 'made' all of that and I'm believing it for some reason, I know its a fake yeah. Yes.

"The Yggdrasil Network is more or less a... gestalt consciousness, where my children are born."

"Children? Born? What do you mean?" El'dathar is understandably confused as I am a machine, and these terms should not be connected with machines.

"The Yggdrasil Network is a part of me, as long as I exist. It exists, and as long as a single Von Neumann probe exists, I will still exist. The network creates my children, the soul stars you see everywhere, the stars you see in this network are all of my children, the ones below us in the Sea of Souls are fully developed and are the ones out in the material world."

My explanation caused the three temporary visitors to snap their heads up towards me. Their silence was slightly unnerving before Anckm'rab whispered out.

"You are lying..."

Not reacting at all to that, I shake my head and held out a hand. One of the soul stars rocketed from the depths and came out, the blue four pointed star floated forwards and hesitantly I saw the cryptek reaching out for it.

"Hurt them and I will atomize you and scatter your ashes to the cosmic winds." I could not help but narrow my eyes and let out a low growl. My avatar's face twisting in a small fit of anger, then Anckm'rab quickly pulled his hands away.

"Never! This... this changes everything." Within my private domain unseen by them, an eyebrow raised up. What exactly did he mean by that? Oh wait, right I almost forgot, the necrons don't have souls anymore.

Does that mean I have to capability of bestowing a soul upon them? I'm not sure, Ronus is a unique boy cause he is originally a machine, but the necrons were originally flesh and blood before their souls got slurped up like chinese takeout by the C'tan.

"What does this mean? What will you do with the amalgamate?" El'dathar's slight confusion was understandable, given the fact he has only an inkling of what I can do through me explaining my origins and hearing just a little of what Yggdrasil can do.

"That's it... I know now." The cryptek whispered and the rest of us turned to him, he was not touching the soul star but he was very fascinated by it if not a little bit reverent of it. Aizaun was very skeptical but also interested in it, although he seemed to be a lot more wary of me.

"Speak up cryptek, the aeldari can't hear you." The necron lord demanded and his words caused El'dathar to look at him with contempt and a little exasperation.

"You will subsume the amalgamation of aeldari souls into this network... and you will separate them before giving them biological bodies. Essentially bringing them back to life." Anckm'rab's whispered statement caused both necron lord and aeldari knight to snap their heads towards me.

Looking between all three of them, I dismissed the soul star, it retreated back into the sea and my optics glowed. Before the network disappeared and we were all back within the material world, the stalks pulling back all the nanomachines in their body before they detached themselves retreating back into my Eien-morph.

"Yes. That is the plan, my problem stems however from how to even attempt to bring them inside in the first place."

The three of them shook their heads at the jarring experience of me pretty much booting them out of the network. Aizaun recovered first and gave his first inquiry. "Can you not just use the same stalk procedure like you used on us?" Interesting, he is not asking about my origins nor about the network first, is he curious?

Oh hey El'dathar recovered and put his helmet back on, he also answered for me correctly. "I doubt that, the souls of the aeldari have already lost their original physical forms, and the matriarch's connectors require certain biological and mechanical components in order to connect to them in the first place. The amalgamate is simply a mass of energy in an animated state."

I nod at that, and pointed behind me. "I have not interacted with something like this before, much less done anything with it relating to Yggdrasil and I will need to perform some tests before I can even remotely attempt anything lest I send them screaming into the mouth of the whore."

I guess that is not true, considering I did one experiment. The asuryani warlock girl I succ'd in not a good way, I do not know if letting my siphons just go to town on an empyrean soul will destroy it and turn it into mass. But given how the warlock girl screamed in pain and vomited after I was interrupted, and when Zalava made that comment. I have very little to doubt that they might simply be destroyed.

Looking into the network for one moment, I eyed the four drukhari in my hold. It might be prudent of me if I were to begin my soul experiments on the drukhari, my... morals would be less hurt considering what they do... and besides, they will make great practice for if I need to... well, execute the amalgamate.

"Excuse me lady Eien, but I need to speak with Anckm'rab privately." Returning to the core, I watched as the two necrons were enshrouded in darkness before they disappeared from the chambers. Huh, that private?

Turning to the only other sentient occupant of the core, I saw the El'dathar was looking down at something on his belt, my eyes blink as I saw something similar to those spirit stones I see on the asuryani.

"Matriarch, I ask you this. If you succeed, will you, resurrect my fallen team?" The aeldari knight looked at me from underneath his helmet.

"It may not work you know."


How sad, I may not be able to see his eyes but even I can tell he is desperate. Desperate for hope, everything he knew and everyone he knows and loves is gone, and here I am offering basically a chance for him. I feel dirty, dirty at giving him some kind of hope he is desperately clinging onto.

With me there is a chance that those he once knew would return, but if he lets them go and I let them go they will suffer for all eternity. He is in a situation I do not envy him for, but I did promise myself that I would try.


"I will try."

"That... is all I can ask for isn't it?"
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An uncorrupted Sea of Souls and a way to escape She Who Thirst's curse.

I wonder if the Imperials will ever get the idea of trusting on Eien and have her give the Emperor back his body. Collecting enough shards to make it work properly would probably be the second hardest part with actually gaining the Imperial's trust to be the first. She may have to find and convince a Primach though and that means Titus may have to make a leap of faith and let her get near Guilliman.
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No way in hell the biggest reason they are not trying to murder eien ATM is the fact they are in the middle of a warpstorm and don't have the resources to actually do that after she got her economy rolling
"What does this mean? What will you do with the amalgamate?" El'dathar's slight confusion was understandable, given the fact he has only an inkling of what I can do through me explaining my origins and hearing just a little of what Yggdrasil can do.

"That's it... I know now." The cryptek whispered and the rest of us turned to him, he was not touching the soul star but he was very fascinated by it if not a little bit reverent of it. Aizaun was very skeptical but also interested in it, although he seemed to be a lot more wary of me.

"Speak up cryptek, the aeldari can't hear you." The necron lord demanded and his words caused El'dathar to look at him with contempt and a little exasperation.

"You will subsume the amalgamation of aeldari souls into this network... and you will separate them before giving them biological bodies. Essentially bringing them back to life." Anckm'rab's whispered statement caused both necron lord and aeldari knight to snap their heads towards me.

Slaanesh:"Wait, that's illegal!"