Maybe I missed them, but during the ship configuration I didn't see defensive items like Shield,Deflectors,Armour,ecc . Right now those ships feel like glass cannon
That's because aside from the Longbow Repeater Turrets and Tempest Grenade Prongs, the ship configuration doesn't have any defensive items yet. But considering its sheer size, and the fact that it is essentially one 'solid' object it will be rather difficult to damage it reliably, especially since it can regenerate mid-combat.

Dun worry, that will be rectified in the next chapter. (Not interlude, because that will be the next one and I'm thinking of which one my muse will decide to do.)

Don't forget, despite the image I gave it. It is still a Purger which is a goo protean on ALL of the steroids. Sooooo, what will happen if someone tries to ram it or try to 'board' it? Hehehe.
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Found this while searching for any badass Super Soldier like the Astartes and boy do they look mean.
Dark Legion
And holy shit are they tall. 18ft tall, armor so durable it can tank the equivalent of a much more powerful and advanced version of lasgun by their alien nemesis.

(Although they are powerful their fighting style is that of a berserker so their armor is more durable than their normal brethren. They are much more powerful than Astartes due to their super fast speed being able to move so fast that they create a few-second short flashing mirage behind them when they move. They have their healing factor. But unlike the Astartes who need gene-seed, these guys don't have it and they are all purely augmentation created by biomechanical technology without the need for gene-seed so literally anyone loyal to the EUF can become a supersoldier. These guys however came from a psychic flaw in the augmentation and as a result, they become violent and with it uncontrollable bloodlust. Not only that but they don't feel fear due to their augment and indoctrination by the EUF aka the equivalent of the Imperium who is so much more powerful in technologies and numbers. An already xenophobic empire that had to survive an alien invasion of the race known as the Ostroni who also without a doubt will obliterate most of the Warhammer factions due to their superior technology and numbers. But both side has the equivalent of millions of Astartes on steroids on their side because unlike the Warhammer factions. Because of their war of genocide against each other, they are ushering in a rapid development toward their military technologies including these guys who had been upgraded in armor and capability. But while the Ostroni supersoldiers have the majority of their emotions remain alongside the trait of unbreakable will and morale even in the face of the worst except fear. Templar or formerly known as Legionnaires can't express sadness or shed a tear because they are taught to turn their grief into vengeance. For these Dark Templar though...while they are capable of feeling somewhat sympathetic for their allies...that's it because they don't have any other thought other than causing massive xenocide. Unlike how they look as if they are corrupted by Chaos. Their loyalty to the EUF is without question. Even though the first (Venatius) went rogue and used his DNA added to the biochemical augmentation to create a legion housing 250,000 others like him in 185 years. But because Terra was attacked their legion all but died if it weren't for the fact that the leader of the EUF choose to keep that psychic flaw. Right now 110,000 current Dark Templar are battling the Ostroni alongside 2 million Templar.)

They are very powerful and durable to the point if they lost 90% of their internal organs...they would still be able to fight due to their rage and bloodlust. Although an original animation on youtube and despite it being discontinued though they are still badass looking as hell. Also very loyal due to them fighting a shadow war for mankind destroying a lot of Xeno civilizations to extinction.
(Had to go to the creator community to search for the necessary information.) While they are powerful. They don't have the Warp problem like in Warhammer. So all of their destructive capability come from their own technology.
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It's more or less a mechanical slime that can take specific shapes and probably eat damaged parts and if it's a physical projectile that too will get eaten and at those sizes it's going to be an absolute pain to do Significant damage unless your going for absolute overkill and can sustain that overkill especially since on a logistics level she has most other beat hands down so long as she has groups gathering mass because of keyhole bullshit

Seriously Slimes as an archetype are either relatively easy to deal with at small sizes or just an absolute night that only isn't worse because they are freaking dumb and you have the potential option of just seeing them on fire or something and Eien more or less can no sell most energy based attacks if she is prepared with siphons plus she is not just undifferentiated goo she has specialized parts that can do whatever she has put together with goomanity tech base once she has gotten her Economy rolling actually trying to out attrition her is an exercise in futility unless your the shroud of whome are just more bullshit
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I get that she can nearly no sell kinetic weapons and weaken energy weapons(she still need time to absorbe) with the synphon and thanks to be made of nanomachine reapair or costumize damaged parts. But that still doesn't stop them to be vaporized or lose mass during a battle. After all the term Overkill doesn't need to be used only for offence ;)

Anyway thanks for chapter
Will Ein ever be taking inspiration from our friends at Faro Automated Solutions? Making the Anti-Tyranids could be hilarious, they would "eat" the ´Nid biomass(drop the biofuel on go fully into converting biomass into "mass/catalyst") and grow eponentially, also the amount of schadenfreude on the Imperials when they learn the Titan is designated "Horus" would be also comical. I really love the Chariot line of autonomous agents, cool self-replicating nanotech bug-bots, just the Self-Replicating Mechanical Existential Horror we need!

PS: Thanks for the Chapter, updates to this story are always highlights to my day :p.
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I read the title of the Chapter 32 as Morbin time. Now I can't help but imagine a Khorne Cultist saying that.
Interlude: All Eyes on Me
Interlude: All Eyes on Me

Tiki Cheimmer POV

I was just passing by big sis Maimai's office when I heard through the door, that lady Eien is sending forces to Delta City and no doubt she will be liberating it. I listened in for a bit as I was just a teensy bit curious, I am assuming she is talking to big sis Maimai or maybe that not so bad inquisitor uhh, what was his name again? Brax? Drax? Ah I'll just call him Rax until I figure out his name.

When lady Eien said that should they wish that she would let them view a live feed of her attack then she would allow it, I could not help it. I burst through the doors, surprising the occupants, of which they were big sis Maimai, big Ko-bro, Lady Eien, and I couldn't help but shrink in a little when I saw the inquisitor and the space marine, huh the space marine was holding his shoulder a bit. "Tiki? What are you doing here?" I saw Maimai ask and also saw her eyes stray a bit to my side. "Bladewolf's not with you?"

To be fair Bladewolf seems to like staying invisible around me whenever we go out of our workshop. I mean I don't really understand why, I just changed his appearance a little, it's not like he is embarrassed about his appearance right? Then again it might be because of the numerous anti-armor weapons I put on him, but I removed them before we left the workshop so I still don't know why he stays invisible. "He's here, he's just invisible."

"...Ok then, but still why are you here Tiki? We were consulting about somethin-"

"I heard what you were talking about and I would like to give my opinion!" I could see big sis slap her hand to her face sighing, Lady Eien brought a hand to her mouth and giggled though that slightly disturbed me considering she is a machine.

"If you have heard us, then I for one would like to hear your opinion." The grey machine woman herself said with a 'raised eyebrow' at me.

"Well lady Eien. Uhhm, you said that you will be attacking Delta City soon right?" I see her nod and saw everyone else looking between me and her, I'm starting to think this was a bad idea barging in like this. "-and you said that if we want to then we can see a live pict-feed of it?"

"Indeed I did. The attack on Delta City and other Drukhari elements in the region north of us will be beginning shortly, via orbital drop from my ship the Alphatron." When the mother of the grey goo said that, I nodded.

"I think that if everyone were to see Delta City being taken back from the dark eldar then morale will rise up!"

"While the idea behind that is admirable little engineer, I highly doubt that your outlook would be the same with everyone else's, much less the men and women of the imperial guard." Lord Titus of the Space Marines spoke with skepticism in his voice, it kind of made me intimidated but his words kind of confused me.

"But why? Lady Eien is helping us, and she is helping the other people over there anyway, saving people from the dark eldar and helping those resistance guys. Why would everyone not be happy about that?" I mean of course I am younger than them, hell I wasn't even exactly military to begin with as I was just a civilian engineer that was 'dynamically recruited' in the words of big sis Maimai. I do know that she technically meant being conscripted or drafted, but I wasn't really stupid.

What confuses me however is why is everyone so nervous about her. I mean sure from her explanations and her memories she is a force to be reckoned with, but she can be negotiated with, and she has basically helped us repeatedly ensuring we both stay alive and prevent as many casualties as possible. Since, well if she wasn't here then that giant ork creature would have cracked down the fortress easily, we would be in so much worse a place if the lady Eien decided not to help.

I watch as big sis and big bro look at each other, as well as the lords inquisitor and space marine look at each other for a brief moment, turning to lady Eien I saw her eyes flash a few times. "The attack is underway." Wait, already?!

Seeing the others, they too were surprised how quickly the attack has begun as just a few minutes ago she said that the attack will soon take place. "Not wasting time now are you lady Eien?" The inquisitor asked with a raised eyebrow but I could see that calculating look in his eyes.

"Remember, I am connected to every single one of my children, and I have been uncomfortably watching the atrocities being committed by the dark eldar and the forces of chaos while I was making sure the planet we are standing on does not blow up. Now after the situation with the planet has been stabilized and the defense of castle Krakengar being not a problem, I can now put an end to at least one of these problems." I don't know about anyone else, but when she said the word 'problems' I felt a slight chill, as if it felt like some foreboding feeling.

Suddenly the space marine spoke up and I felt slightly vindicated. "If I may, a compromise may work. The little engineer is right that a pict-feed of Delta City being... liberated would be a morale booster, however why don't we view this first and if it is fine with you Lady Eien. We can save a pict-record of the attack, would that satisfy everyone here?"

"That may be the best course of action. What say you good general?" The inquisitor followed that up with an affirmation and a nod to big sis, I heard stories that if someone did not follow the inquisitor's lead then that inquisitor will make the life of the person who dared a living hell, I do not want that for big sis.

I watch as the general closed her eyes for a brief moment, crossing her arms in front of her while she leans back into her seat. Her face slightly twisted, looking a little frustrated before she let out a short breath through her nose and looked at Eien with pointed eyes as if... she was reminding her about something? Wait, did... she can't have right? Maimai is one of the people who dislikes lady Eien, but then again it would make perfect sense for her to do it.

"Fine. But for now this stays between us and whoever you decide to bring in inquisitor."

"That would be perfectly fine of course good general." The inquisitor inclined his head in a small nod to big sis.

"Then I suppose you want to see it now? Apologies that the opening of the attack has long since passed so you will be seeing mostly the next waves." I am starting to feel a little excited, who knows what technologies will be on display in this live feed, after all this lady Eien is far more advanced than anything we currently have.

I watch as everyone nodded and I nodded along with them, then lady Eien created a small mass of goo in the palm of her hand before she lightly tossed it at the wall. From there it sprouted out these weird stalks and that holo-window before it... revealed... oh my.

Everyone in the room were transfixed as they saw something rather odd, it was dark, it was raining, there was also lightning striking numerous panicking dark eldar forces in a very odd series of coincidences. "Lady Eien?" I heard the inquisitor slowly ask and from the corner of my eyes I saw the grey mother turn slightly to inquisitor Rax.


"This is a live feed correct?"


"Why is it that Delta City is currently suffering from a super massive dark storm, but also rather large meteor shower?"

My eyes dart between Lady Eien and whatever is happening within the live feed, we heard her speak. "That would be my doing, I am removing some rust from some of my old equipment. Specifically some of my terraforming equipment, the storm belongs in that category while the meteor shower you are seeing are the drop pods I have recently designed."

Old equipment? Terraforming equipment?! I focused on the multiple live-feeds shown by numerous stalks, specifically the ones looking towards the skies, while the 'meteor' drop pods were interesting the way these old equipment manipulates the weather makes me want to find out how they tick. "How is it doing that? On such a level to even block out the sun. It is still mid day, and yet whatever your old equipment is lady Eien, it is apparently capable of manipulating the weather."

Not to mention if what I am seeing is right, then those lightning strikes are not natural in anyway shape or form, as they are striking multiple dark eldar with relative accuracy.

"Manipulating is a somewhat accurate term for what they are doing. Those are my terraforming units, initially meant to help develop the atmosphere and transformation of barren terraforming candidates into habitable worlds. The lightning blasts you are seeing are from a unit meant to attract all the rogue lightning being created by storm clouds in order to prevent said environmental hazard from affecting any explorer form." That sounds like magic, a machine that can make clouds, lightning, and then harness that lightning to use as a weapon.

This is a very interesting live-feed to watch, I can't wait to try and see what I can dissect and glean from these old technologies!

Titus POV

This is a very worrisome live-feed to watch.

Already I can see the tactical advantages of having artificial storms, especially if it is creating weather this dark. Ground forces will have little to no vision of anything in the air and it is rather difficult to take out enemy air targets when the Emperor be damned sky is trying to murder you itself.

Harnessing the power of the sky to not only hide your orbital drop until it is too late, but to also have an actual force of nature fight for your side. I swear, every time whenever I feel like I have an inkling of the full extent of the Lady Eien's combat ability, the matron of the grey goo decides to pull grox shit like this to pull the rug from underneath me.

Granted I am not visibly flabbergasted, but the prospect of becoming hostile with the machine matriarch is rapidly losing any appeal if it even had any to begin with. The imperium is not equipped to deal with someone like her.

The Matriarch of the Grey Goo embodies the worst aspects of nearly every major horde-faction the Imperium has come to blows with. The orks and their stubborn ability to keep persisting, the tyranids horrid rapid gestation and the ability to consume whatever it can to increase their numbers.

It even has an 'aspect' similar to Chaos in which merely being touched by a Grey Goo can be considered fatal as a single nanomachine would only need to touch and land on one person before they can slowly grow into something that will eat the poor man. Though considering her aversion to Chaos, it would be wise of me to not say anything relating to how similar the Grey Goo and the Forces of Chaos can be at times.

Even space combat would be a rather arduous task, as every faction's ships have an interior of some sort. But lady Eien and her goo? I have a higher chance of convincing a black templar to become a kind and a non-dogmatic individual than there being any sort of interior to the matriarch's ships.

If any ship were to attempt to ram or board one of the matriarch's grey ships, then they would be idiotically sacrificing whatever forces they had before attempting to outrun the machine blobs due to the fact their ship or drop pod would be successfully subsumed and turned into resources.

It cannot be understated just how difficult it is to attempt to deal with the matriarch in the event that negotiations turn sour, and while I am completely loyal and will continue to serve the Imperium and the venerable Emperor himself, I also know that should connection to the wider Imperium be re-established, then a lot of idiots might attempt to make a jab at the goo matron or even attempt to outright attack her. This might cause the lady Eien to turn a hostile eye to the Imperium as a whole and we are nowhere near the height of our species to even attempt to beat her back.

I had read my history, the Iron War during the Dark Age of Technology was long, bloody, and humanity barely survived after defeating the Men of Iron. We are currently nowhere near that strength, and unless we find any technological miracles from the DAoT era, then the Imperium is going to have a rather rough time against the matron, especially in melee... which is a shame as I find using the Thunder Hammer extremely cathartic.

Watching the live feed, I see the dark eldar running around panicking shooting everywhere as various 'meteors' land and deposit its lethal payloads of grey goo, the entire vicinity of Delta City was lit up with numerous lightning bolts, energy blasts of different colors, and with the darkness provided by the storm. I have no doubt in my mind that the dark eldar stationed there are in a state of confusion.

This kind of orbital invasion, I can't help but imagine if this was what it was like fighting the Men of Iron of the past. But most of all, I cannot help but imagine the guardsmen in the drukhari's place, the state of confusion and the loss of any kind of battlefield cohesion has proven to be one of the most fatal reasons why armies lose and route. The commissars job is to have their unit maintain this cohesion to keep them fighting, but I can see the commissar themselves turning tail and running when faced with this kind of situation.

Lightning striking your squad, darkness clouding the previously sunny day, meteors falling down around you, and then suddenly attacks coming from said meteors. This was the definition of an orbital drop that follows Shock and Awe tactics, wherein one takes advantage of the confusion you sow into the enemy quickly in order to take them out easily.

Aside from providing reinforcements from above, most astartes drops use this tactic when beginning engagements with hostile ground forces from orbit, the ultramarines were no different.

Still, the matron called the machines that literally controlled the sky old, and if that talk about her memories being true were... well, true. Then I shudder to imagine what kind of monster these Silent Ones are in battle, as the lady Eien is a fierce enemy who can not only drown you in a large quantity of ferromorphs and combat frames, but their quality is also rather concerning. So to face something like the Matriarch of the Grey Goo and win? It showed how dangerous they are, and within the... Network, the Silent Ones felt incredibly disconcerting.

"Yeah, I'm going out on a limb here and say, I don't think showing this kind of thing will boost morale within Castle Krakengar." I heard the general of the Imperial Guard murmur and turned my head slightly to see her focusing on the panicking drukhari, while she definitely looked happy at seeing the xenos die, I believe she was also thinking something similar to me and seeing guardsmen in their place.

"Perhaps. The third wave is just beginning to start, things will get much more interesting. As I have a feeling that you will appreciate what will happen next."

What else could happen in Delta City that will distract us from imagining guardsmen in their place? Ah, no, well, that could do it actually. I thought to myself as I saw what could only be the various resistance groups attacking from several locations in Delta City, one thing I noticed is that there were various ferromorphs accompanying them, is it to signal to the rest of them that they are with 'allies' and not to fire in their direction?

But Lady Eien is correct, seeing the forces of the Matriarch and the Resistance groups working together to liberate Delta City may very well help in boosting the morale of the guardsmen and even the civilians within Castle Krakengar.

My eyes strayed to one scene, the scene of a guardsman protecting a fellow guardswoman, losing an arm in the heroic process. Briefly I shook my shoulder, the one the matriarch recently inspected and sprayed some rather stinging liquid, although she said it was a stimulant that made cells regenerate quicker. But the scene in the live feed is much more different, as the guardsman's arm was grabbed by a ferromorph before it got to work on the guardsman's limb.

Those actions do not go unappreciated, and despite the current situation in Castle Krakengar, I do not disbelieve the matriarch when she said that she loves life. Whether it is because of her war with the Silent Ones or if it is simply part of her initial programming will forever remain a mystery to me, but she has proven time and time again that she will not attack us as long as we don't provoke her and that if you do then Emperor have mercy on you.

Which is saddening, as fighting her would be not just an exercise in futility with just how much firepower is needed to just destroy her units, but it would be a massive waste of their time when they could be fighting the much more hostile factions currently out to get them.

I know that Magos Aronna is an outlier, usually those who follow inquisitors are different from the more common variants. The Adeptus Mechanicus is going to be the leading voice calling for the destruction of the Matriarch, this I have no doubt, even if the call to such would be folly, the mere mentioning of how AI or Abominable Intelligence will be enough to have the Mechanicus perhaps send their own forces in an attempt to destroy Lady Eien before she has a chance to grow.

'Yeah, fat chance of that happening.' Were my thoughts as I thought back to the start of our little journey on this planet, Lady Eien was most likely just a single being on this planet, and in nearly a day she had assembled herself a small army to combat the forces of Chaos and the Orks. In that very same day she created an even larger army and was continuing to build more in the vicinity of the Incorruptus, and while I may not have changed my stance if I was sent back to that day, the matriarch was in the most vulnerable state in that moment.

Lady Eien in a few days had assembled herself a massive army and even a ship within an extremely short amount of time, compared to the Imperium she can outproduce whole worlds in terms of quantity, and the quality of her forces would be no small challenge as well.

In my opinion, if the matriarch was to be stopped in the first place, then we should have attacked the moment we first met her.

But had we done so, then ourselves and the guardsmen of Castle Krakengar would have faced terrible, terrible losses. With no ship to ferry the several million beings in the stronghold, nearly all of them would die and we would not even be able to survive the orks assault with their creature.

I can't help but heave a mental sigh as I watch the Liberation of Delta City through one of the ground live-feeds overlooking the city. Storms blocking out the sky and sun, 'meteors' falling through the dark clouds, lightning striking the enemy, and a tide of grey supported by man washing over the city.

Dark Eldar/Drukhari Kabalite POV

This was officially the worst day of my life.

I was looking forward to going to the slaughterhouses and playing with the new pets there when the light of the sky cut off and darkness encroached onto this mon'keigh city.

Then the rain, the lightning, and the meteors started falling. Sowing chaos, discord, and havoc everywhere, and not the kind that one can use to backstab their superior in order to get promoted to her place no. But the kind of chaos where no one knows what the hell is going on!

I was in one of the mon'keigh buildings just a short distance away from my group and that could be the only reason why I am still alive. As not only did massive lightning bolt smite their position, but a strangely shaped meteor landed on whatever remained of them.

I hid as the meteor broke down revealing it was naught but a drop pod of some sort revealing the strange grey amorphous goo that was hanging around the mon'keigh fortress down to the south.

Making sure I did not make a sound, I watched as the large mass convulsed before it shaped itself into a rather titanic creature that had those shield crests on its head and arms. After, well, after it ate the remains of my group.

Shuddering slightly, I moved under the cover of darkness and in between the buildings in order to avoid the other groups. It was a shame my sybarite died, I wanted to backstab her and humiliate her for humiliating me before I take her position.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a crash above, looking up I saw one of those drop pods struck the tower and saw a large pulsing blue grey mass of goo start traveling upwards. I kept up my blaster and warily stepped out from the shadows looking for the voices of the other warriors, I'd rather have safety in numbers but I also do not want to get struck by lightning.

The sound of hissing however caused me to freeze as I slowly turned around to face whatever made that noise, I saw a grey creature that seems to be as tall as me with a strange triangular plane of light acting for its face.

It looked similar to the other grey masses and before I could think further upon it, the creature took an aggressive stance and hissed at me. Quickly, I aim my blaster at it and fired a smaller dark lance at the grey morphling creature, the lance impacted its side and I saw it sheared off quite a bit of the mass, causing it to fall on its side.

Before I could relish in the fact I crippled one of the grey creatures, I saw its form ripple before it grew its side again, and before I could aim and attack it again, one by one more of those creatures began popping up around it. Slowly I lowered my blaster as I took in the scene and looked behind them, seeing two meteors land behind them with a thunderous crash and melting as the large morphling creatures inside them turned into larger beasts, which combined with the weather and the lightning in the background made for a rather intimidating sight.

So I did what any self-respecting drukhari would do, and turned tail to run for my life. Hearing the hisses and sound of skittering behind me, I would slap myself for not choosing to find other warriors sooner. But I can lose them in the buildings, no creature could match the might of a kabalite!

Aiming backwards I fired my blaster and turned the corner into an alleyway, jumping up on some of these primitive catwalks these mon'keigh called them before entering through a window. Kicking over several of these wooden desks, I made sure that my pursuers would have harder time following my trail.

Jumping out the window I soared to the other rooftop and continued running, hearing the numerous crashing sounds behind me showed that they haven't given up. Looking around I saw numerous grey morphs slowly encroaching on other drukhari groups, barely stemming the tide as lightning dogged at their heels, heavy rain falling around us making fighting rather difficult.

Seeing some of the drukhari get swarmed, I saw something rather concerning. Some were being captured, but most were being slaughtered. Why were they being captured? The sounds of more crashing reached my ears and I shook my helmeted head, no there is no time for thinking. I need to escape.

Looking over the edge, I saw a rooftop with a catwalk leading to another alley, if I could get there then I could lose them.

Getting ready to jump, I heard the hiss and skitter behind me as I ran to the ledge and took a leap. Time slowed down for me as I saw a bolt of lightning slowly but steadily make its way towards me, and before light took my vision a single thought ran through my head.

'Oh that's just not fair.' Before my eyes were blinded and I knew no more.
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Ooh, it's so fun seeing Titus' thoughts here. He knows damn well that things are going to go to hell regarding Eien, and as such he is dreading reconnecting with the Empire at large. I mean, considering all the enemies the Emperium is currently facing, changing a neutral/allied party into an adversary DOES seem needlessly stupid. Yet he holds to his loyalty. Respectable, and it gives me hope that not ALL humans in the 40K universe are aiming for a Darwin award. I am really curious to see how things progress once they leave the planet.

Also, Tiki continues to be adorable. That is all.

chaos while I making sure the planet
while I making - while I was making

"Manipulating is the a mostly accurate term for what it they are doing.
is the a - is a (Just a suggestion, there are multiple ways to reword this.)

I was in one of the mon'keigh buildings just a short distance away from my group and that could be the only reason why I am still alive as not only did massive lightning bolt smite their position, but a strangely shaped meteor landed in whatever remained of them.
This paragraph is a run-on sentence.

Getting ready to jump, I heard the hiss and skitter behind me as I ran to the ledge and took a leap, time slowed down for me as I saw a bolt of lightning slowly but steadily make its way towards me, and before light took my vision a single thought ran through my head.
Another run-on sentence.
I lowkey hope that one time Eien is just gonna go like "Hmm? At the level of machinery I work at the difference between organic and mechanic is almost completely academic" and then she just steps out in a fully organic version of herself. Their faces and reactions would be hilarious.
that's basically Sinatra she's a hybrid between Human and Eldar and maybe Orks.

Yeah, i was referring to sinatra with the "her version of the eldar", but she could also create what she considers true humanity (the goomanity that created her) instead of the xeno of the imperium of man. Whether this difference is genetic or purely ideological in nature is something that hasn't been specified so far though.
Yeah, i was referring to sinatra with the "her version of the eldar", but she could also create what she considers true humanity (the goomanity that created her) instead of the xeno of the imperium of man. Whether this difference is genetic or purely ideological in nature is something that hasn't been specified so far though.
honestly, there would be no reason for her to raise a real human, as it wouldn't do her any kind of advantage.

Sinatra is basically more agile, stronger and also has psychic powers, so I don't see what sense it would make for Eien to create a normal human.

and also the difference between past humans and imperial humans is probably genetic, as it has been 40,000 years who knows what kind of modifications they made to their own bodies during all that time.
What are the chances of eien building a bunch of arks so she can create a safe place for various species that are facing extinction? Maybe she could recreate earths biosphere on one? Try and create humanity from scratch, give them early stone age tech and have those humans start anew, away from the clutches of the imperium, chaos and all the horrors of the galaxy. If eien could do this to as many planets and species as she can then she's definitely doing her job as a goddess of life
... So hey, Eien is an Earth native. That means it's possible she's seen TItan AE. She also belongs to a race of terraformers, and has access to the schizo-tech of warhammer 40k, and the Immaterium for infinite mass / energy.

She could totally build a structure capable of birthing a habitable planet, practically ex-nihilo. Hell, she might be able to swing birthing a star. Imagine what that would do to the Warp.
... So hey, Eien is an Earth native. That means it's possible she's seen TItan AE. She also belongs to a race of terraformers, and has access to the schizo-tech of warhammer 40k, and the Immaterium for infinite mass / energy.

She could totally build a structure capable of birthing a habitable planet, practically ex-nihilo. Hell, she might be able to swing birthing a star. Imagine what that would do to the Warp.

So devouring the warpstorm and using the energy to create habitable solar systems where instead of planets it's lots of gigastructures specifically designed to ward off the creatures of the warp and to be Gaia world? Such as a Gaia version of the shield world from halo? Or a ringworld from stellaris? Maybe even something like this beauty of a ringworld system?
TTS AMGIAGW - Alternate 1
TTS AMGIAGW - Alternate (Note: Not 'Canon' to TTS AMGIAGW)

Alternative 1 - A way to defeat the Machine Mother

Captain Titus was standing across from the matriarch of the Grey Goo, her children by her side. The captain of the Ultramarines narrowed his eyes, his hands clenching into fists as he tried to think of a way to at least drive away the mechamorph queen from this engagement and ultimately this planet.

He had barely secured this temporary cease-fire, he had to execute the local commander of the guard 'defending' the planet. It is really hard to say they were defending anything when the grey tide was simply just slowly washing over them, worst of all he could clearly tell that the Lady Eien was focused on the imperial guard for some reason.

It isn't anger or there wouldn't have been anything when he arrived to this planet.

"I don't suppose I can convince you to abandon this planet to us lady Eien?"

"Not without a fight I'm afraid captain Titus. Congratulations on your promotion by the way." Of course she would find out somehow, captain Titus may not have returned to his old post, but he has been given a special squad of ultramarines in a fashion not dissimilar to Deathwatch Kill Teams.

Titus closed his eyes and let out a short breath, I could hear the representative from the guardsmen curse quietly while my 2iC's stance loosened going by the noise of his boots on the ground.

"My thanks, and if I would be so bold. May I make a request to you lady Eien?"

The matriarch's two accompanying children were two beings that were entirely different from one another, Titus knows that the Eldar or Zalava's title for the machine is Life Mother and Life Reaper, and many in the Imperium still hardly believes it even when they engaged with Eien's more biological forces.

One seems to be a young woman with a skin-tone that would have immediately gotten her shot by any fanatical imperial, she has strange features that look as if it was a mix between human and eldar, frankly it disturbs him a slight bit.

While the other one is more familiar, at least to Titus as this was a more upgraded Myrmidon. It is no less disturbing to the ultramarine as the Myrmidon looks almost like an Astartes and to him it is only a matter of time until the matron perfects it.

"What... makes you think... mother will listen... to your request?" The young 'xeno(?)' woman said with a flat neutral look on her face.

The imperial group saw the matriarch then place a hand on her daughter's head, getting the young woman to close her head and bow. Eien turned to face Titus. "Because I respect you greatly Titus, I will listen to your request. You are a good man, and I can already tell that whatever you say will only make my respect for you grow."

To Titus, he inclined his head in a slight bow. "I am honored to have your respect matriarch, just as I do to you. Which is why I my request is, if we could settle this matter ourselves?"

Eien's face was unchanged however one could tell she was slightly confused. "Elaborate."

"Simply put, I request that we settle this in a battle, one vs one, you vs me. If you win, then we will retreat from this system. If I win, you will retreat from this system." Titus could tell from the dual stares he could feel hitting the back of his head, his offer surprised and worried them.

"... It is doable, I suppose you will be the one choosing the battlefield and our way of combat?" Eien was humoring him, which was good.


"Very well. I accept. But be warned Captain Titus, I admire and respect you, however I will not hold back because of that. So choose your battleground wisely. I am one of the most experienced combatants in this galaxy, there are few fields of battle I would not excel at."

While a bit boastful, the ultramarine could hardly fault her for that. As she is quite possibly the oldest 'living' being within the galaxy non-including any of Chaos' ilk.

Titus had to think long and hard for a way to even the playing field.

When a GOLD Light filled his vision, Titus quickly shut his eyes as the light burned his vision. Even closing them however did nothing as he 'saw' the golden splendor, before he could do anything he heard a whisper, and deep down he could feel that this was no trick of the four. But it is the voice of the one above Terra, and Titus was surprised at what the Emperor whispered to him.

The light faded and the ultramarine stared at Eien, face schooled into a neutral look. This might go horribly wrong but who was he to disregard the advice of the one above Terra?

"Then you would not mind the battlefield being a bedroom?" At that everything froze and everyone looked at Titus like he has lost his mind, none more so than Eien whose blue highlights centered around her face turned bright red.

"Wha?! Captain Ultramarine have your mental faculties taken leave at this moment in time?! Do you understand what you are suggesting?"

Oh he very well knows. No one can live for so long of course without knowing the cycle of life, including the act of reproduction. "I do."

"You are suggesting that we settle this... in the... bedroom..." Slowly, Eien's voice lowered until she became somewhat calm although the red colored light along her face has not diminished.

"Do you forfeit?" Titus could clearly see both of Eien's children are about ready to attack him for his quite frankly blunt and bold statement.

"You know what? I... accept your challenge." All the more surprising is that the matriarch accepted it, Titus had to give praise to the Emperor, He knew what He was doing suggesting that piece of advice at that moment.

Before anyone could react, Eien's grey goo morphed body flickered before disappearing. In that same moment, a silvery blue portal swirled before expanding just a short distance behind Eien's children, coming out from the portal was Eien in a more organic body wearing a dress.

"Do you think you can handle this captain?" The lady Eien's appearance has not really changed shape-wise, simply the coloring and the fact her body looks a lot more solid despite retaining her 'soft' features.

"No task is too great for an Ultramarine." Captain Titus reflexively said, and was rewarded with the biological Eien's cheeks slightly flushing even though her face has not changed emotions.

Timeskip - The 'Battle' is done. (Not writing the 'beginning' because I might get myself smacked by a mod. : p)

Inside a dimly lit but messy room, there was a massive bed whose occupants were currently laying in staring up at the ceiling. They had just woken up from their rest after their three day marathon.

"So..." Eien started with a slow but VERY satisfied sigh in her voice, pulling up the blankets to cover her body. "Did... you keep count?"

Glowing blue and silver eyes were staring into Titus' black ones, the ultramarine was equally as 'satisfied' with their situation, although... "I... did not."

The mega milf turned away to look at the ceiling, the blush seeming to make itself a permanent home on her face. She was glowing if not a bit embarrassed. "This... well..."

"You... have not had practice."

"Can you blame me?!"

"No." Titus had to give it to Eien, for being who knows how many millennia out of touch. He had a difficult time keeping up with her.

Silence reigned between the two and they simply decided to lay beside each other taking in their company. Letting the atmosphere of satisfaction and slight awkwardness spread. Only they exist, no Imperium and no war for the moment, just them.

"I'll... give it to you." Eien's words caused Titus to turn his head to face his larger partner. "The win, I mean."

"Does... that mean you will leave?"

"My my captain, it's almost like you want to get rid of me quickly~"

"You know that is not what I mean." The ultramarine's eyebrows scrunched up as his face slightly twitched into a frown for a moment.

"Yup. But to answer your question? Yes."
The awkwardness resumed and Titus could not help but wonder if the Emperor isn't as xenophobic as the Imperium was led to believe. He also could not help but make a comment.

"This was enjoyable."

He felt a light slap to his arm and Eien rolled over to press her body against him. "One, you don't just say that out loud. Two, I... enjoyed it too. Three? Let's have a... 'rematch' but I have suddenly lost the ability to count."

Captain Titus looked at his larger partner and thought to himself, Emperor protect him for he may not survive coherent after this. He has also suddenly lost the ability to count.

The battle lasted for days, and when they returned to their respective factions. They never told anyone else about what happened between them, simply to save themselves the embarrassment.

Meanwhile with a certain culprit


"Father, what in the name of Terra are you talking about?"


"AGAIN with the feathered- Oh on what?!?!"


Behold! Some more cringe shit my muse created.

Hope you enjoy this trash. *Wheeze*
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I homestly thought that Titus was gonna challenge Eien to a game of Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth-Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker.