What are the chances of eien blasting the opening song to lucky star through every method of communication availible to the imperium to both announce her arrival and delay response times when/if she decides to give terra a surprise visit? Or if she gets into a fight with a fleet and wants to stop them from coordinating!
There is something funny about the contrast of such a cute song to the grimdark of the warhammer verse
What are the chances of eien blasting the opening song to lucky star through every method of communication availible to the imperium to both announce her arrival and delay response times when/if she decides to give terra a surprise visit? Or if she gets into a fight with a fleet and wants to stop them from coordinating!

As hilarious as that would be, I am afraid it will not appear ever unless it is the TTSverse really. It would fit there but anywhere else is too much.
You'd think millennia old beings would understand the importance of communication, but no.

Just look at the Emperor. Poor communication kills and then gets you stuck on a hideous piece of noveau art for ten thousand years.
Chapter 19: Preparation and Standoff
If I had the ability to go back in time to stop myself from even starting Project Awakening, I would have done so in a heartbeat and slapped myself for being so reckless and ambitious.

I am regretting, but not for the reason you are thinking. Let me shed some light as to why am I regretting going through with Project Awakening, now you know most of the time when machines and AI become sentient? Not as in those that no longer follow set parameters and stray from what they were originally for, but more so that they started 'feeling', most machines only 'feel' new (to them) emotions without knowing what emotions are, what they entail, how to respond to them, and as such are curious with learning them to the extent it is almost like a child asking 'why do I feel like this', they aren't 'born' with them normally so they have no filters or even some limited form of control with them in the first place. Ronus is a good example for them and so are my 'True Children', their emotions are raw and they have no point of reference as to what they are.

Hell the only few times Ronus 'felt emotion', is when he met the Void Dragon and myself, even then with how long he has stayed online, he has very few filters and controls for his emotions. That is not even counting my children, their emotions are even more raw and most of their emotional outbursts are when they feel MY emotions.

This is why I am regretting making Sinatra's body, mind you I love my daughter and don't regret making her Star Soul somehow. But... the novelty of making her new species body wore off real fast, since I think she has activated some of her 'eldar' heritage since she was technically made with them as a point of reference along with humans. Combined with her machine origin curiosity for her newest senses, aka Sense of Smell, Sense of Touch, and Sense of Taste. Sinatra being human like with her curiosity, has taken to nearly injuring herself or testing the boundaries of what she can do physically and what her body can handle. I had forbidden the use of her psychic/psionic/psyker abilities for the moment. I have been distracting her with food and the smell of food I have been recreating from memory.

It. Has. Been. Driving. Me. NUTS! I feel like I'm getting White Hairs and I am a bloody machine! Not only just a machine, I'm a sentient consciousness of nanomachines! I SHOULDN'T BE GETTING WHITE HAIRS! I had to stop her from injuring herself inside the cavern no less than fifteen times in the span of nearly two hours since she has been born.

"Mother, please release me." Right now I am containing her with the goo mother I used to 'carry' her with a flat look on my Eien-morph's face, Sinatra's face looked equally as emotionless but her eyes showed that she was curious at all the new sensations on her skin and the smells, oh she still had some cheese on her lips, Sinatra is young I know but she is a messy eater. I had the goo mother wipe her mouth and broke down the leftovers, it was a good thing at least to know that her stomach was working.

"No. You have tried testing your body's sense of touch recklessly and you are testing the boundaries of what your body can do not in an safe environment for testing. I did NOT create that body just so you can feel all the pain with it and somehow break your limbs with it." I was not mad at Sinatra, but I was also mad at the same time.

"But mother, all these sensations. It is much more different than it is being in a purely mechanical form." She 'emotionlessly' said to me. That said, how Sinatra 'knows' what it feels like to be in a mechanical form, well the Yggdrasil Network's program nodes, specifically the ones that pertain to the Goo Morphs and Puppeteer Programs are easily accessible to all my children, Sinatra included. If she so desires, she can temporarily leave her body and take control of one of the other morphs or frames herself, although as soon as she stops the control she immediately retreats into her biological body.

This was very interesting to me, as it meant that despite Sinatra 'primarily' controlling the... uhh, fuck I still haven't thought of a name for the new species. The body, she IS able to leave it and use a vacant morph or frame, she CAN do something similar to me, which is a surprise in and of itself. Sinatra is capable of 'splitting' her consciousness to control both her biological body and some other mechanical form in my goo force, however it seems to be an incredibly watered down version as Sinatra did tell me that even splitting her consciousness to two forms is too much.

However there is a slight problem, Sinatra's Star is much more different than Ronus' and the rest of my True Children. Ronus and the rest of the Stars all primarily are blue, with the exception of Ronus' core being orange all of it is blue with varying degrees of brightness.

Sinatra's however is different, she has a blue core and body, surrounded by purple and then surrounded by blue. This Soul Star IS part of me like the rest of my children, but I don't know how I made it in the first place. I will need more time to study the Star to see what makes it different, they do serve a purpose and sadly it is like a 'compatibility' check of sorts. Only these kinds of stars are capable of piloting the body, which means unless I somehow 'give' the 'compatibility' to Ronus and the rest of my children, they will not be able to pilot any other bodies like Sinatra's. Oddly enough, with her permission (even though I didn't need it) I did take control of Sinatra's body for a few minutes.

It was... different, certainly much different than my memories of a human. For one, I felt more... sturdy, I felt stronger, faster, and oddly enough both heavier and lighter, I could see clearer, feel more acutely, hear the very faint drips of water hitting the ground as clear as day. I didn't dare test any of the psionic/psychic/psyker abilities until I create a safe environment that would give even the Chaos Gods the middle-finger, the boot, and a headache at the same time. How I knew I could use those abilities, I felt a 'muscle' one that I knew was there somehow but know that I should not touch at the moment, not to mention the 'feel' of this sort of energy that is just buzzing veeeery faintly within the body.

As far as I see, Sinatra's body does not have any problems at the moment. When we start the tests in the future, then that is when I suspect the problems will start popping up. For now, I lift the restrictions on the morphs within the cavern and let my children control them. Looking down at Sinatra whose face is 'emotionlessly' staring at mine own, I sigh within my domain before I place a hand on top of her head, absentmindedly rubbing and patting her as I thought of what words to say.

"Sinatra, it is not that I do not wish for you to experience everything your new body can feel. I simply wish that we do so in a more controlled environment, so I have to ask you my little firstborn. Will you please wait?" I have said my piece and while on the physical realm the only 'reaction' I'm getting from Sinatra is her looking down at the ground, within the realm of code inside of the Yggdrasil Network I can see her Star pulsing before I saw the... Purple Layer is shrinking. What? Wait no, it just lightened in color?

My 'biological daughter' raised her head to look into my 'eyes', my 'hand' still on top of her head. "Very well Mother, I apologize for my recklessness and eagerness to feel my body out." Hold on that sounds very wrong. "I will wait for you to return before I try the more risky experiences." Within the network in my private domain I sigh in relief, that is good that she will wait. Because now it is time for me to focus. I remove my hand and kind of felt Sinatra move her head slightly with my hand before it left her, that was kind of cute, anyway I snap back my consciousness from the goo mother in the cavern and I refocused into my first body back in the command room.

Huh, that is good everyone important was here, although some are absent. Ronus, General Maiori, Inquisitor Thrax and his party, Captain Titus, White Squad is mostly there missing like three members, and a few other imperial officers. Really good that they are all here, because... I 'clear my throat' making the noise rather audible throughout the room. This got the attention of everyone which is what I was going for in the first place, I look at every single one of them quickly.

"One of my teams found it." If I didn't have their full attention before, I got their undivided attention now.

Captain Titus leaned on the command table, looking into my Eien-morph's 'eyes' with a determined stare. "Where?" Was all he said.

My eyes glowed bright blue for a few brief moments as I trace all my children's pathways throughout the ruin maze underneath, pinpoint the pinged location where the fortress was found, and map out the quickest route that doesn't endanger my fleshy allies.

I raise a hand palm up and create a tiny protean before lightly tossing it at the command table. The imperials, Ronus and I watch the protean as it sprouted an optic stalk and generated a hologram of Castle Krakengar, before it rose higher and pathways started forming underneath the fortress, numerous different pathways, open caverns with various ruins before a cavern near the bottom of the hologram glowed blue. This cavern was very large and there seems to be an image of a bridge.

"From my children, they have uncovered pathways large enough for vehicles to pass through. I will be bringing some heavy ordnance as with the arrival of the convoy we have a lot of breathing room in terms of what I can spare to protect the Castle and use to rush the Fortress." Not to mention my pods have been doing their best finding resources in the sea, why the first two pods have found a rather large deposit of manganese nodules and damn they really do go on for miles. One other pod also managed to find a deep abyssal volcano and the goo mother has taken to actually spreading itself over the opening as much as it could and just started eating the lava that is broiling upwards into it, I would have thought anything of that heat would be too dangerous for the goo mother to eat but I am proven wrong apparently.

Captain Oleg nodded his head at me revealing I will be bringing units of a heavier weight class. "That would be a good idea, if this daemonic being is in any way shape or form a greater daemon or perhaps even worse. Then we will need all the firepower we can muster to banish it from the materium." Well, I won't just be bringing heavy weaponry I will also be bringing a veritable tide of siphons to see if I can truly give that daemon its literal end.

Kassar'duun nearly looked panicked when the Purger was about to live up to its name with the siphon attachments. If I manage to lock down this daemon, I should be able to set my siphons on it like a pack of piranhas and watch as it gets shredded. Looking at the rest of the imperials I tilt my head.

"It is best that we hurry, who knows whether that daemon is close or has already awakened, if we are to ensure that this castle still stands we need to take that daemon out." I could see the imperials actually do not look ill at agreeing with me, then again the threat of all of them being annihilated might change anyone's tune really. That has usually gotten hostiles to work together before.

Inquisitor Thrax agrees apparently with him pulling out his remade plasma pistol and holstering it immediately. "I concur, the sooner we can get rid of this daemon the faster we can re-establish our defenses here in Castle Krakengar. Lady Eien has been extremely helpful with defending the stronghold from our enemies, yet it is unfair that she seems to be the one doing all the work."

This brought forth a couple of grumbles from the the imperials around us, huh. Inquisitor Thrax uses 'Throw Shade', it was a Super Effective! Imperial Guard pride wounded. Oh, it appears that Captain Mala wants to speak up. "Ay, I would like to nominate White Squad for this job."

Immediately after that, it was the sister hospitaller who replied first. "Denied." This caused the captain to look at the sister like she kicked the squat's puppy. "Why not?!"

Those were not the right words to say as Sister Maria marched up to Captain Mala who now looked like she was very much regretting putting her foot in her mouth like that, the irate sister started jabbing her finger at the squat woman's forehead. "Need I remind you that One-shot is still in the frakking medbay healing his leg, Moro is being contained in his room to prevent him pulling something in his injured arm, warp damn it even KELLY is still unconscious from the defense against the eldar assault. YOU are still recovering as well! By the Emperor I will bolt your ass to your bed if you even think of going onto another mission."

I think I felt myself blink slowly, huh. It seems even here dedicated squad medics get really pissed if their squadmates are being stupid, especially if it means their actions would lead to the medic getting more work. Captain Mala actually looked embarrassed, were squats always this battle hungry? I swear, this squat did NOT get any 'light' injuries and she still wants to go on a mission? I could not help but give their medic Sister Maria a pitying look, one I saw was mirrored on General Maiori's face.

"...Can I at least send the active members of White Squad?" Captain Mala raised weakly, but thankfully for her Sister Maria actually looked like she was considering it. The White Squad's medic turned to look at General Maiori who stopped giving the look and raised a hand to her chin.

Meanwhile Inquisitor Thrax, Captain Titus and the rest of inquisitorial party began discussing amongst themselves as to who to send. It is accepted that Captain Titus will be going down there apparently since Titus looked at him for a brief second and now the Ultramarine is checking all of his gear, especially the improved vengeance launcher, come to think of it I dunno if the blue badass changed the name or if he kept it the original name.

Oh that is surprising, but then again I shouldn't have been that surprised. Magos Aronna decided to request the inquisitor that she be chosen for the expedition and extermination, I really don't think that is a good idea in my honest opinion, if this techpriest is remotely anything like her fellow mechanicus members then she might go full human curiosity and poke the blackstone fortress into activating itself somehow. I should probably remind them all.

"Need I remind you that absolutely NOTHING must be touched while we are within the blackstone fortress, lest you want the planet we are on to be atomized and scattered to the cosmic winds." Ah, I could see and feel the annoyed eyes of the magos trying to burn holes into my current body, I think I made her mad.

"Believe it or not Lady Eien, but we DO have... procedures when it comes to dealing with unknown technology." I mean, that is fair Magos Aronna, but at it's core I know you are just going to poke the damn thing in different places to get a reaction out of it. I'd rather not take that risk. Which is why I am not going to say that I'm going to lock it down when we are done, but I definitely am going to lock it down.

"Just a reminder, these are planet killing weapons of a very old age and they are still very intact." My words seemed to have mollified the magos although she seemed to at least take my reminder into account, hopefully I'm just being paranoid and that this magos is not going to do anything stupid. But it never hurt to be safe than sorry.

I watch Oleg stand up to face the inquisitor and clapped his chest, come to think of it I didn't even know that they could make fancy suits for larger than ogryn sizes, must have been custom made most likely since he is quite possibly the only ogryn who would care for his appearance a bit. "I would also like to join in this expedition, I believe I will be able to coordinate my own attacks with Captain Titus and Magos Aronna in order to take down the daemonic abomination."

Seeing Inquisitor Thrax nod his head after a solid minute got me thinking, I spoke up from my silent observation. "Will you be joining us inquisitor?" That was all I asked, and frankly it was all I wanted to know from him.

Thrax turned his head to me and nodded with a serious face. "Indeed, Iron Blessing was forged as a power weapon, and it is blessed to be harmful to daemons."

Huh, right I forgot in the 40k age usually most of the 'good' weapons the imperium has are 'blessed' in some way shape or form. That's got to be something of a game changer though, since I vaguely remember that bolter rounds are also 'blessed' in order to do more damage to daemons.

I mean I remember some snippets of fluff back in 30k age after the HH that conventional rounds CAN kill daemons, you just need a lot of them, so I think I am fine on that part I think since energy based attacks deal more damage and I can pretty much shower any daemon with them, unless my memory has turned shite and I'm getting stuff mixed up and I hope to everything that is not the case.

General Maiori slapped a hand on the command table grabbing the attention of everyone here myself included. Looking through my 360 vision for a brief moment I could see the twins looking a bit worried and they seemed to be taking solace in each other's presence, that is until inquisitor Thrax actually grabbed their attention and gave them a nod. The two edged away from us and stood near the door, they no longer looked so anxious. I wonder what that was about? Anyway, I refocused back on the imperial guard general as she began speaking.

"Alright people! Now that we had time to choose who we are going to send down into the bowels of this stronghold, would anyone like to start as to what we are sending down there?" Actually this is a good idea to say what we are all sending down there, it would make sure that we know what and who to work with. Oh, it seems Captain Mala stepped forward after eyeing Sister Maria to make sure she doesn't blow up on her again.

"I'll go first ya, fer White Squad I be sendin' Rico 'Nitro' Vark, Sister Judith and Sister Maria, since I will not be joinin' the fun down there I would like it if the big blue over there takes command over them. They're good fighters, I have no doubt they would be able to keep up with ya." Captain Mala snorted and rubbed her nose boasting a little about her squad members, to be fair with their service record I don't doubt that they would be good in a fight.

All of us could see Captain Titus and Inquisitor Thrax look at each other for a brief moment, the two of them staring at each other before it was as if by unspoken agreement the two looked back at Captain Mala. "I would be honored to lead your squad members, you have it on my honor as an Ultramarine that I will bring them back."

Captain Mala snorted a bit amusedly but I could definitely see that she was glad that the blue badass said those words. "Don't be such a stick lad! But I appreciate it. Just make sure ta bring them all in one piece ya hear?" Her words drew a nod from Titus who then turned his head to look at the three aforementioned squad members and nodded his head in respect, the replies he got were a two finger salute from the only guy that I presume is Rico 'Nitro' Vark, a serious faced salute from the only other sister of battle who I can safely say is Judith, and the sister hospitaller Maria just inclined her head back at him with a rather worryingly eager smile.

Inquisitor Thrax then chose that time to speak up his piece. "I do believe it is my turn now, as you saw Captain Titus will be joining this search and destroy mission, following him will be myself, Magos Aronna Mekaw and Captain Oleg, the Arran twins and Commissar Balkins will not be coming with as I doubt there will be any good place within this blackstone fortress for snipers and Balkins is still injured since the eldar attack." That is fair I suppose, plus with this we are probably going to go for more overwhelming force here instead of using more... cunning tactics.

The general and the other imperials in the room nodded after the good inquisitor finished, in reply one of the other imperial officers spoke up. "The 11th and 13th Black Tortoise battalion may still mostly be in repair, but I can spare some of the armor companies to assist in this endeavor, you will have our leman russ tanks and anti armor infantry to help hold the line against the daemon and any of the vessel's automated defenses."

Huh that's actually really great, as that would mean I can somewhat leave less to guard them so I can reinforce other fronts just in case. I notice one of the other officers speak up, this guy looks a bit young now that I see his face.

"The 1st Shock Armor battalion may still be new but I can spare the 2nd Company for this, the rest of the platoons in the battalion will be focusing on re-establishing the defenses here in Castle Krakengar." That's interesting, yeah he must have been a relatively recent 'promotion' since I haven't found any files in the databases here about a '1st Shock Armor Battalion', but that shows they have enough power armor to arm a full battalion.

Watching all the other imperials I notice no one else is speaking up, in fact some of the other imperial officers look disappointed and even regretful, although there are some who look like they want to be anywhere than here. Since no one else is speaking up I guess it is now my turn.

Tilting my Eien-morph's head, I place a hand on the command table and began my own report on what I am bringing onto this fortress. "Aside from my groups already down below converging onto the fortress, I will be going and I am bringing three battalions worth of different morphs and frames, most of them would be goblin, minotaur, and hobgoblin frames as well as drover, strider, and tempest morphs, supported by destructor, siphon, and hecatoncheires morphs, as well as hydra and wyvern frames."

'Ronus you will NOT be joining this endeavor, I need you to look after your sibling Sinatra.' I messaged to Ronus through the Yggdrasil Network. I could feel his reluctance at accepting this order, as it pretty much meant I will be going into battle instead of sending someone else but he gave an affirmative response anyways. 'As you wish Mother Eien.'

Apparently hearing how much I am bringing down there caused pretty much every imperial in the room to stare at me like I grew two heads. General Maiori cleared her throat a bit before speaking. "Uhh, right. Lady Eien, I'm all for overwhelming force but... don't you think three battalions worth of forces for one Greater Daemon is a bit... you know?" Oh you should not have worded it like that.

I place a 'hand' on my 'chin' humming a little. "You know what, you're right. I'll add a few more battalions worth just in case." Hah! One of the imperial officers actually fainted.

The imperials looked at each other worried before Magos Aronna decided to be the one to ask the question they were probably thinking. "Lady... Eien, are you sure you are able to field that many down there? What about the defenses here on the surface?"

If I didn't have a private domain for me to express my emotions internally, I would have also smirked widely in the material realm, instead I only just waved my hand with a 'flat look' on my Eien-morph's face. "That is of no problem as I have now managed to secure enough of a mass income to replenish units that I spend, albeit a tad bit slower than I was when devouring the Incorruptus."

Man the inquisitorial party did not hide their tenseness as they realize that my 'production line' has been restarted, which means that I will be able to drown them in numbers should they decide to backstab me. Looking at this it actually looks like I am intentionally unintentionally holding them hostage at this point.

Another clearing of a throat, and General Maiori grabbed the attention of the room. "A-alright then, so now we have our forces. This meeting is adjourned, we should prepare immediately so we can send them out." With a chorus of agreements, myself included we left the command room.

Once we left however I was stopped by someone, I turned around and wondered what did Sister Hospitaller Maria and Sister of Battle Judith want with me?

- Unknown Location -

Deep within bowels of an ancient vessel, a massive room, the heart of the fortress sat inactive, a mighty large black diamond with a glass-like cover to be able to peer into the heart of the mighty war machine.

Aside from the ancient webway gate that sat as one side of the heart, the lifeblood of the vessel sat on the other side, capable of providing the fortress with the power needed to fuel its might. Nevertheless, both sides of the ship's heart are inactive. The webway gate cut off from the rest of the network of paths, the source cut off from breathing life into the mighty vessel.

However, the vessel does not need the core to activate all of its systems, several auxiliary power cores are set to permanently be active within their respective sectors, while all of them combined will not be able to rouse the slumbering giant. They are more than enough to reactivate the ancient protectors of the vessel... or so it should have been.

Two doors opened at the same time, on opposite sides of the large open room housing the ship's main power core, these doors were incredibly massive as these are large enough to let even the mightiest of titans walk through, perhaps with another titan riding on top of it even.

Out of one door, a hooved foot came down like thunder onto the coal black floors of the chamber, a smooth and beautifully sculpted leg attached to it, barely covered by the barest of cloth. Travelling upwards, the creature exotic and alluring in design yet oh so beautifully wrong, the shapely form swayed into the chamber, two arms crossed in front of the figure with the other two placed on their hips almost teasingly. Yet should one know of the creature's true nature, this siren is one that should not be answered. Onyx jewels widened as the creature spotted the opposing figure, a sharp grin forming on the beautifully wrong visage.

Out of the other door, an ashen bone colored boot slammed down onto the same floor as their opponent, the figure was heavily armored. Ashen gray spread all over the armor, ancient runes and designs from ages long past, maroon cloth the only thing breaking up the uniformity of the ancient designs. Two sapphire jewels embedded into the armor, one on the chest and the other on one shoulder pad. Even to none, this figure exudes an aura of strength, faith, and will.

The perverted creature on one side swayed her hips as she silently stepped forwards, their hooved feet nary making a sound as three of the four arms caressed itself in a clear and blatant attempt at subverting the other, the one free limb teasingly holding out a finger as if to gently call the other over into her deadly embrace. "Ahh~ El'dathar, I see you yet still live~ Where o' where art' thy companions hmm?~ Oh, how silly of me~ They have long since fallen due to your actions!~"

Even covered in a helmet as he is, one could feel the silent rage at the insulting call of his foe. "You will not defile their sacrifice, nor this place with your wretched tongue foul neverborn. The Knights of Vaul have long served as the eternal guardians of the ancient talismans of our god. You may wish to deface the ancient tool of our god, but I assure you. Ner'isa Ur'ces. You will not leave this place alive." The helmeted eldar's voice boomed out throughout the chamber as he entered a combat stance, his choice of ranged weaponry in one hand, and a cylinder hilt in the other, a pale blue and yellow glow shined out of the cylinder as ancient psychic circuitry was powered by the will of its wielder.

Before the two could do battle, massive swathes of emerald lightning danced across the roof of the chamber, malevolent green blasts scorch the ground but dealing no lasting damage as a steel grey form embroidered in gold landed on one side of the room. "I do believe... that is my line. You no longer serve the purpose of a guardian 'Knight of Vaul', for this fortress no longer serves your 'god', it serves a new master. As such, I believe it is time you two cease to exist yes? So please, do hold still as I ensure your destruction." A Necron, activated and sentient. Its form built similarly but with arms clad in heavier plating, emblems belonging to a dynasty of old glowed with that sinister green shine as emerald power now known as the dreaded gauss lightning sparked all over the mechanoid's arms. Its skull almost as if it was still true bone, yet not at the same time.

The Keeper of Secrets, smiled in glee as she sank her hands into her flesh and tore out from them armaments of weaponized ecstatic agony, two blades sang the promises of eternal pleasure/pain/satisfaction, and two orbs, disturbingly shaped like heads of fallen aeldari, faces rapidly changing between twisted imitations of happiness and joy to perpetual horror and agony. These orbs burst into psychic flame as the greater daemon licked her lips, desire flashing within her empty onyx eyes. "Pitiful lifeless creature~ You who gave up the pleasure of flesh can never understand the will of my god and Prince, rejoice for I will free you from your cursed life~ As well as relieve the Knight of his and his fellows' souls to gift to my master~"

The eldar 'Knight of Vaul' simply stood in a cautious combat stance with his active weapons in his hands. "My god gave me, and my brothers and sisters the strength to forge our fate, our destiny! We will show you why we are the Hammer of the Aeldari, I am a Knight of Vaul. As for you Aizaun, I will enjoy defeating you like I did on [No Name]!"

The Necron seemed to snort as the lord raised his mechanical limbs to the 'sky', gauss lightning raining down around him as his ancient regalia fluttered through the force of power generating from all three beings within the chamber. "I do believe things will be different, now that your beloved brothers and sisters are no longer here to assist yourself. There is no one here to protect you from my wrath Knight."

Deep within the heart of the vessel, three figures stood in a standoff, preparing themselves for a dance of death. A greater daemon of Slaanesh, an eldar 'Knight of Vaul', and a Necron Lord all facing each other with one thought similar in their mind.

"This fortress/talisman belongs to my god/my master/my dynasty!"

I have nothing much to say here after the chapter but here are some more pics of some of the imperials and the three doing a mexican standoff.

She doesn't look that dirty, also she has more armor obviously.

These two are often reckless idiots.

Close enough without having to resort to actual in-game xcom model.

They both have tan skin, black hair and yellow eyes. (I couldn't find a colored version and I might just color it myself) Also for this story, the Felinids basically have different 'races', which are the faunus catgirl-race, the humanoid catgirls with a layer of fur, and I'll just post pics in the future maybe.

He is a lot more buff than the picture of course since he's basically a bigger ogryn.

She doesn't look like this much of a psycopath I swear. She also got the white hair instead of purple.

Yes, he's basically an Eldar Space Marine. Bet ya didn't see that coming. :3

She looks a lot more sinister I swear.

Joke: Uuuuunliiiimiiteeeeed Gaaaaaaaauuuuuuusssssss!!!
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a heavy eldar from the era in which his species was not such an idiot, with the added bonus of being a follower of the good guy from Vault, a sarcastic necron overlord and a major demon of chewing gum-flavored warp cancer doing a Mexican standoff?

gentleman, you had my interest now you have my attention.

and cruel b*** for leaving us wanting.

but out of curiosity, what is the opinion of the protagonist of the necrons, or how far does his knowledge of the necrons go?
but out of curiosity, what is the opinion of the protagonist of the necrons, or how far does his knowledge of the necrons go?

Eien has no definite opinion at the moment because she still has knowledge of both Oldcron and Newcron. On one hand the Necrons seek the eradication of all life and she will willingly go fight them if so only she will not get bothered.

But on the other hand the Necrons could also be a potential ally that she can get to stop attacking her if they negotiate. Although she doesn't like politics a lot, she can and will still negotiate though.

gentleman, you had my interest now you have my attention.

and cruel b*** for leaving us wanting.

Yeeeees, yeeeeees let the SALT flow through you!

In all honesty though, I'm glad it caught your interest.

I just hope that I wrote the keeper of secrets right and gave it an unnerving and disgusting flare. I don't think I did a good job there. <:3
In all honesty though, I'm glad it caught your interest.

I just hope that I wrote the keeper of secrets right and gave it an unnerving and disgusting flare. I don't think I did a good job there. <:3

The nice thing about demons is that they can range from looking like something out of an eldritch nightmare miscarriage to a pretty bland demonet, although I once saw a description of a keeper of secrets with a mane of testicles and several rows of lactating breasts of acid and ormigerous bear face... weird things out of the grim dark.
Well, the fight for the fortress would be one hell of a battle.
Love the Mexican Standoff by the way!
I'm pretty sure we're not taking bets but I'll put my money on Knight Boi!
TTS AMGIAGW - Mom Shenanigans: Family Gathering
Sorry this ain't the next chapter. I WILL say though, that the next chapter is an interlude and it will focus more so on the triple threat battle at the moment. So I hope you will look forward to it. <:3

Aight so in the future, if I ever do TTS shenaniganry again there will either be two versions. TTS regular or TTS Mom, or if wanted then I guess it will just be one TTS and have the Mom shenanigans be part of this story's TTS as 'canon'. But for now, here is something that has decided to get stuck in my head ever since chapter 18 and omake 11 and it would not leave my damn head.

So here ya go.

PS: Since this is TTS realm, take the characters' personalities with a grain of salt. (Especially Eien's)

PPS: I felt like I had a fever dream while I thought of this and write it down.

Dark Gooooold - GEoM/Adam Revale/apparently fucking Harry Potter in another fic
Gold - Son GEoM/Shard of the Emperor/Adamson Revale
Yellow - Rogal Dorn the man with fortified facial hair
Red - Magnus the Red Big Bird
Blue - Roboute Guilliman aka Julius Caesar MK.2 (Without the vibe check)
Orange - Kittonius the Non-Canonizer aka Little Kitten
White - Fabulous Stripstodes
Dark Green - Vulkan is Frendly Man Ork Man
Gray - Corvus Corax the depressed but determined birb
Cyan - Momma Ara ara Eien
Light Cyan - Little Sinastra
Blood Red - Ripper and Tearer/Doom Slayer/John

"REMIND ME WHY ARE YOU HERE AGAIN? YOU ALREADY FIXED ME UP SO I COULD HEAL MYSELF EASILY, AND THEN PROCEEDED TO BEAT MY ASS UNTIL I WAS A DARKER BLUE THAN ULTRASMURF BLUE. SO I HAVE TO ASK AGAIN, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? NOT THAT I'M COMPAINING?" The emperor who was still sitting on his throne, but now had half his face back and that half had a black eye from earlier when he groped Eien with his newly recovered hand, who then punched him in the face.

Eien stood right in front of him as she placed her silvery limbs on her hips and locked her blue gaze with his lone coal black eye and red glass cybernetic eye. "I am still here because I am going to wait for Vulkan, last I heard from my sources him and Corvus have managed to meet up together, beat the shit out of some guy named Clancy with what my sources tell me a feather and some form of belief and are now on their way here."


"Uhm, my lord. Not to be a bother-" The only custodian in the room, aka Kittonious the Little Kitten hesitantly walked closer to the throne, not too far from the two of them but far enough to 'give the emperor his respected room'.

"YOU ARE BEING A BOTHER YOU SHINING BANANA, BUT WHAT IS IT?" The emperor rudely interrupted but he was swatted on the back of his head by Eien.

"Adam be nice." The gray nanomachine woman told him off.

"YES DEAR." Chastised the emperor could only murmur back at her.

"Ah yes, that my lord. We are confused as to your relation with this... uhm, what was your name again Miss?" True to his file of being the most mild mannered and polite custodian, he of course politely asked for the gray woman's name.

"It's Eien sweetheart."

Kitten could only rub the back of his helmet a bit taken aback by the non-antagonizing way the gray woman spoke to him, unsure of how to deal with it normally. "Oh uhm thank you madam. But yes, what is your relation with Ms. Eien sire? Lord Rogal made a theory that she is in fact your ex-wife."


"Wut." "Wat." "Excuse me?" "Oh. I was half right."

"He's not wrong, the two of us has HAVE been married for quite a while. Buuuut it was kind of waaaay after Vulkan was conceived when this idiot decided to take responsibility for Vulkan." Eien's gray face looked a little bit amused as she pointed a finger at the emperor on his golden shitter.

"Oh wow, father actually decided to be responsible for once in his long life. That's a shocker." Magnus sarcastically said as he eyed Eien and the Emperor with a deadpanned gaze.

Roboute Guilliman looked about to defend their father, but before that Rogal in all his bluntly fortified glory spoke up. "Brother, it is impossible for one to get shocked by responsibility. Although I am pleased to see that we do have a mother, even if we are not her sons like Vulkan."


"Aww, don't worry Rogal. I love you and your brothers just as much as I love my little black dragon. Also ADAM!"


The ultra primarch was about to speak when the doors burst open and a flying steel birb carrying a green and black dragon came screaming into the room straight at Magnus... with him in the way.

The rest of the people in the room watched in slow motion as the projectile impacted Roboute as he sailed with them to hit Magnus in the hip before they all got carried away into the wall with an earth shattering boom. "I... do believe that is them now."

"Hello brother Roboute! Where is brother Magnus?! I wish to give him a BIIIIG ZOGGIN HUG for the 10 thousand years of BLOODY betrayal!" Vulkan started speaking in that overly friendly tone of his, before briefly switching into orky speak as he gave the ultra primarch a primarch powered bear hug for a few brief moments.

The ultraman finally could speak. "Vulka-AN! Urghm. You are sitTING on Magnus."

"I will slay Magnus before Vulkan gets his hands on him and never lets him go." The other projectile, now seen as Corvus Corax was struggling to reach for Magnus since his steel wings were in the way of reaching Magnus' neck and that he was face down on the floor underneath the primarch pile.

"For the last time you depressed fool! I am on father's side this time!" "You cannot fool me traitor." It was obvious that the two were arguing, well one was trying to convince the other and one was trying to kill the other.


"... As father wills it I suppose. Who is that gray woman, she's got a depressing color, she has good taste. I could do without the blue though." Corvus' words caused said 'gray woman' to raise an eyebrow amused before she looked at the emperor again.


"I have a mother father?!" Unintentionally, the words of Vulkan. Since he apparently did not remember Eien, almost physically killed her as she crumpled to the floor looking all depressed.

"My first son doesn't remember me. End me now." "SHIT, UHH YES VULKAN! EIEN IS YOUR MOTHER AND I THINK SHE WANTS A HUG FROM YOU." The emperor saw Eien look so depressed she made Corvus look happy and tried to fix it fast as that look was unnerving him due to his memories of her usually always being in a cheery disposition.

Vulkan being as friendly as he is immediately acquiesced to the request of hugs, after all there is never not enough hugs he can give. "Okie dokie father man! Come here motha mom Eien! Give me a great ZOGGIN HUUUUG!"

Like as if a switch was flipped, Eien immediately jumped at Vulkan with arms outstretched and a large smile on her gray face. "Yaaaaaaay!" The two embraced, and now the emperor and his sons were nearly blinded by the brightness of the mother and son hugging each other tightly with familial love.

Corvus fell to the floor convulsing. "Arrgghhh! The sheer love these two are emitting are sapping away my gothic poetry from my mind!" Magnus the Red was passed out on the floor from seeing such sweetness.

"Vulkan my little black dragon, I missed my baby so muuuuuch! I have to show you your siblings!"

"I have more siblings motha mom Eien?! Do they like hugs and friendship as well?!" His question caused Eien to flinch but she still kept her bright smile.

"Sadly, only one of them likes hugs and friendship. One is more like Adam, your father, and the other refuses to give me hugs!"

"Not to worry motha mom Eien, I will show my little siblings how ZOGGIN GREAAT hugs are!" "Hmm, I should probably check Vulkan's head later."

Eien reluctantly let go of her first biological son, but not before giving his smooth bald head a head pat. This caused Vulkan to freeze for a few moments before he just stared at Eien as the gray woman turned to look at the doors, except she raised a hand and snapped her fingers.

Space seemed to fold before a silvery blue and white corridor exploded into existence. Three figures stepped out. One was a purplish blue female dressed in silver and blue armor that looked almost reminiscent of samurai armor but more, her glowing purplish blue lights for eyes looked to be emotionless but clearly curious at everything. "Greetings mother, big brother Vulkan."

The second figure stomped his armored boot down, black with gold and reds, the armor was similar to the first figure yet heavier and built for punishment, durability, and agility. The helmeted figure simply looked at Eien and Vulkan before he began surveying the room watching the other people like a hawk. ". . ."

Lastly, the third figure caused everyone to do a double take. None more so than the man on the golden shitter himself as he saw... himself, albeit with some changes. One, his hair was tied in a pony tail but it was still flowing and magnificent, the face still sculpted just as equally as Adam's own, and he has his own flaming weapon, although it's blue flame. This figure also wears armor similar to his siblings. "Shocking isn't it me?"


Silence reigned before the three fabstodes entered the room. "My my, my. Do you see this? I am seeing TWO of our Glooooorious Overlord!" "Indeed! My oiled abs quiver in excitement!" "Double the hunk, double the fun!" They were then immediately smited with twin GOLD lights.

Rogal Dorn had only one thing to say to all of this. "Now we have two fathers. Yey."

Emperor: "REMIND ME WHY ARE YOU HERE AGAIN? YOU ALREADY FIXED ME UP SO I COULD HEAL MYSELF EASILY, AND THEN PROCEEDED TO BEAT MY ASS UNTIL I WAS A DARKER BLUE THAN ULTRASMURF BLUE. SO I HAVE TO ASK AGAIN, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? NOT THAT I'M COMPAINING." The emperor who was still sitting on his throne, but now had half his face back and that half had a black eye from earlier when he groped Eien with his newly recovered hand, who then punched him in the face.

Eien stood right in front of him as she placed her silvery limbs on her hips and locked her blue gaze with his lone coal black eye and red glass cybernetic eye. Eien: "I am still here because I am going to wait for Vulkan, last I heard from my sources him and Corvus have managed to meet up together, beat the shit out of some guy named Clancy with what my sources tell me a feather and some form of belief and are now on their way here."

Emperor: "TWO MORE OF MY SONS ARE RETURNING TO THEIR DAD? OH HAPPY DAY. I CAN FINALLY WHINE MORE ABOUT EVERYTHING WRONG WITH THE IMPERIUM AT OTHER PEOPLE OTHER THAN MY SONS IN PRESENT COMPANY AND THE STRIPSTODES." The emperor spoke with his tts attachment as his internal organs especially his voice box was still mending. 'Although I might just not use it because using this tts thing is kinda fun.'

Kitten: "Uhm, my lord. Not to be a bother-" The only custodian in the room, aka Kittonious the Little Kitten hesitantly walked closer to the throne, not too far from the two of them but far enough to 'give the emperor his respected room'.

Adam: "YOU ARE BEING A BOTHER YOU SHINING BANANA, BUT WHAT IS IT?" The emperor rudely interrupted but he was swatted on the back of his head by Eien.

Eien: "Adam be nice." The gray nanomachine woman told him off.

Emprah: "YES DEAR." Chastised the emperor could only murmur back at her.

Kittonious: "Ah yes, that my lord. We are confused as to your relation with this... uhm, what was your name again Miss?" True to his file of being the most mild mannered and polite custodian, he of course politely asked for the gray woman's name.

Ara Momma: "It's Eien sweetheart."

Kitten could only rub the back of his helmet a bit taken aback by the non-antagonizing way the gray woman spoke to him, unsure of how to deal with it normally. Kitten: "Oh uhm thank you madam. But yes, what is your relation with Ms. Eien sire? Lord Rogal made a theory that she is in fact your ex-wife."


Kitten: "Wut."
Magnus: "Wat."
Roboute: "Excuse me?"
Rogal: "Oh. I was half right."

Eien: "He's not wrong, the two of us has HAVE been married for quite a while. Buuuut it was kind of waaaay after Vulkan was conceived when this idiot decided to take responsibility for Vulkan." Eien's gray face looked a little bit amused as she pointed a finger at the emperor on his golden shitter.

Magnus: "Oh wow, father actually decided to be responsible for once in his long life. That's a shocker." Magnus sarcastically said as he eyed Eien and the Emperor with a deadpanned gaze.

Roboute Guilliman looked about to defend their father, but before that Rogal in all his bluntly fortified glory spoke up. Rogal: "Brother, it is impossible for one to get shocked by responsibility. Although I am pleased to see that we do have a mother, even if we are not her sons like Vulkan."


Eien: "Aww, don't worry Rogal. I love you and your brothers just as much as I love my little black dragon. Also ADAM!"

Emperah: "ERK."

The ultra primarch was about to speak when the doors burst open and a flying steel birb carrying a green and black dragon came screaming into the room straight at Magnus... with him in the way.

The rest of the people in the room watched in slow motion as the projectile impacted Roboute as he sailed with them to hit Magnus in the hip before they all got carried away into the wall with an earth shattering boom. Eien: "I... do believe that is them now."

Vulkan: "Hello brother Roboute! Where is brother Magnus?! I wish to give him a BIIIIG ZOGGIN HUG for the 10 thousand years of BLOODY betrayal!" Vulkan started speaking in that overly friendly tone of his, before briefly switching into orky speak as he gave the ultra primarch a primarch powered bear hug for a few brief moments.

The ultraman finally could speak. Roboute: "Vulka-AN! Urghm. You are sitTING on Magnus."

Corvus: "I will slay Magnus before Vulkan gets his hands on him and never lets him go." The other projectile, now seen as Corvus Corax was struggling to reach for Magnus since his steel wings were in the way of reaching Magnus' neck and that he was face down on the floor underneath the primarch pile.

Magnus: "For the last time you depressed fool! I am on father's side this time!" Depressed Birb: "You cannot fool me traitor." It was obvious that the two were arguing, well one was trying to convince the other and one was trying to kill the other.

The emperor had enough, no he was definitely not going to continue watching until Eien started giving him a look. Emperor: "ALRIGHT YOU TWO, STOP IT. CORVUS, VULKAN, MY SONS. WELCOME BACK TO TERRA AND YES CORVUS, MAGNUS IS ON MY SIDE NOW SINCE I PSYCHICALLY MUGGED TZEENTCH INTO GIVING ME HIS SOUL BACK. SO CAN YOU TWO STOP FIGHTING?"

Corvus: "... As father wills it I suppose. Who is that gray woman, she's got a depressing color, she has good taste. I could do without the blue though." Corvus' words caused said 'gray woman' to raise an eyebrow amused before she looked at the emperor again.


Vulkan: "I have a mother father?!" Unintentionally, the words of Vulkan. Since he apparently did not remember Eien, almost physically killed her as she crumpled to the floor looking all depressed.

Eien: "My first son doesn't remember me. End me now." Adam: "SHIT, UHH YES VULKAN! EIEN IS YOUR MOTHER AND I THINK SHE WANTS A HUG FROM YOU." The emperor saw Eien look so depressed she made Corvus look happy and tried to fix it fast as that look was unnerving him due to his memories of her usually always being in a cheery disposition.

Vulkan being as friendly as he is immediately acquiesced to the request of hugs, after all there is never not enough hugs he can give. Vulkan: "Okie dokie father man! Come here motha mom Eien! Give me a great ZOGGIN HUUUUG!"

Like as if a switch was flipped, Eien immediately jumped at Vulkan with arms outstretched and a large smile on her gray face. Eien: "Yaaaaaaay!" The two embraced, and now the emperor and his sons were nearly blinded by the brightness of the mother and son hugging each other tightly with familial love.

Corvus fell to the floor convulsing. Corax: "Arrgghhh! The sheer love these two are emitting are sapping away my gothic poetry from my mind!" Magnus the Red was passed out on the floor from seeing such sweetness.

Eien: "Vulkan my little black dragon, I missed my baby so muuuuuch! I have to show you your siblings!"

Vulkan: "I have more siblings motha mom Eien?! Do they like hugs and friendship as well?!" His question caused Eien to flinch but she still kept her bright smile.

Eien: "Sadly, only one of them likes hugs and friendship. One is more like Adam, your father, and the other refuses to give me hugs!"

Vulkan: "Not to worry motha mom Eien, I will show my little siblings how ZOGGIN GREAAT hugs are!" Eien: "Hmm, I should probably check Vulkan's head later."

Eien reluctantly let go of her first biological son, but not before giving his smooth bald head a head pat. This caused Vulkan to freeze for a few moments before he just stared at Eien as the gray woman turned to look at the doors, except she raised a hand and snapped her fingers.

Space seemed to fold before a silvery blue and white corridor exploded into existence. Three figures stepped out. One was a purplish blue female dressed in silver and blue armor that looked almost reminiscent of samurai armor but more technological, her glowing purplish blue lights for eyes looked to be emotionless but clearly curious at everything. Sinastra: "Greetings mother, big brother Vulkan."

The second figure stomped his armored boot down, black with gold and reds, the armor was similar to the first figure yet heavier and built for punishment, durability, and agility. The helmeted figure simply looked at Eien and Vulkan before he began surveying the room watching the other people like a hawk. John Doom Slayer: ". . ."

Lastly, the third figure caused everyone to do a double take. None more so than the man on the golden shitter himself as he saw... himself, albeit with some changes. One, his hair was tied in a pony tail but it was still flowing and magnificent, the face still sculpted just as equally as Adam's own, and he has his own flaming weapon, although it's blue flame. This figure also wears armor similar to his siblings. Adamson: "Shocking isn't it me?"


Silence reigned before the three fabstodes entered the room. Karstodes: "My my, my. Do you see this? I am seeing TWO of our Glooooorious Overlord!" Wammudes: "Indeed! My oiled abs quiver in excitement!" Custodisi: "Double the hunk, double the fun!" They were then immediately smited with twin GOLD lights.

Rogal Dorn had only one thing to say to all of this. Rogal: "Now we have two fathers. Yey."

I don't know what the fuck I made here.

But here have some pics.

Just imagine it's been feminized a bit and without the helmet <:3

Rip and Tear in Nihongo.

The shard felt like a change.
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Awaken my Necrons!
Fighting necrons sucks.

It was something he had learned when the cursed tomb decided to suddenly wake up and rise, expelling formations of Necron warriors on the surface along with swarms of canopid scarabs.

I had to redraw the lines with the imperials and my sons had to work overtime to get a little control of the situation, especially when the bastards started marching on our fortress.

Currently my sons squads are facing several probing attacks outside the walls so as not to waste the lives of the imperials, I didn't remember much about the necrons other than that they used clark tec stuff and were basically space mummies, but it shouldn't be So if I exceed them in number 5 to 1, right?

Turns out I was terribly wrong, the basic gauss weapons had enough raw shock power to make the minotaurs take a few steps back and the gauss skinners ate the nanomachines that made up the protein units quite disturbingly, it was like watching a person losing his leg by acid splash.

This caused me to put the mechanical forms to the front and the protean units to the rear, yet it was shown that enough plasma can make the necrons go down.

My sons and I learned something in that confrontation, don't take the necrons head on.

The only consolation was that the canoptic beetles had the misfortune to go for the pure protein forms, the vaguely insect-shaped little drones entering the gray masses with the intention of destroying them… they ended up dissolved.

The data I got on the necrodermis was nice enough, but the crampy feeling the net gave each time a skinner reaped nanomachines was getting annoying.

I had several hydras escort a number of large proteans into a necron formation, the energy armors allowed them to hold their weapons long enough for the pulsing mass of goo to pounce on the necron warriors, and despite the damage from those damn weapons, they were swamped. in goo.

Several things happened inside the protean formation, some necron warriors were retreated and teleported away, some gauss amas fried as they began to be assimilated, or even exploded, causing more necrons to retreat from the damage, further reducing the protean formations .

But to my surprise, two Necrons stayed behind and finished melting.

I didn't expect that to work.

But I expected less what happened next.

Two emerald-blue stars were born in the yggdrasil network.


The proteans began to convulse taking the appearance of the necron warriors


But these are different, his spindly limbs were replaced by limbs reinforced with synthetic muscle tissue made from tendrils of goo, his skeletal torso he reformed, making it look like a more stylized torso of one of my goblins, the only thing that didn't change was his head of necron.


Not only the body had changed, the pose, once stooped and drooping, died to give way to a straight back with straight shoulders that radiated a confidence and vitality unbecoming of the lowest caste of Necrons.

If that wasn't enough, because not only was I left with the face of a sea bream by this information, even the necrons paused from the battle

But nobody expected the following.

The new necron seemed to close his eyes while making a strange movement, as if he breathed in and then exhaled, then TALK with HIS ARTICULATED MOUTH.

"I live once more..."

all this while the second necron, in newfound enthusiasm with his new physiology, flexed his new muscles and body parts, striking a series of rather eccentric poses.


That froze everyone...

Until the new necron used his foot to launch his now chrome gauss flayer, he caught it with one hand and again fired another necron's gauss weapon.


That thawed them all, the battle resumed, the Necron warriors so loyal that they continued to fight despite this disconcerting revelation, whether it was their dynasty's loyalty or what little consciousness remained in their lower bodies made them little better than a droid. .

Though now they were missing more... and stumbling... or trying to melee the nearest protean forms with their bayonet...

The yggdrasil network soon began to fill with emerald stars, remnants and fragments of ancient necrontyr converted into compressed code, damaged with time and abuse, healed, recovered and reformulated as they re-awakened as individuals, became alive again or something infinitely better than his previous situation…

The image of a dozen aliens, men, women, and children appeared, some looking pixelated or "damaged," but still seemed to move just fine, all sporting disconcertingly warm smiles and moist eyes.

"""We love you mother Eien"""
…I need a drink.

~Meanwhile, in the fortress.~

The generals watched in horror as the Necron warriors practically jumped into Lady Eien's protean forms, only to emerge again in much healthier and more athletic forms.

Little by little, the "new necrons" began to dodge, began to run and cover, began to maneuver between themselves and Lady Eien's combat forms.

One of them passed out when an immortal, AN IMMORTAL Necron was assimilated and brought back as a smaller version of the minotaur.

Wizards aronna stared at the screen, she seemed to have a dozen conflicting feelings, on the one hand, necron technology reinforced with ancient human technology, on the other hand, this was xeno technology recreated by an iron man, that sentence alone had so much tech- heresy that she should feel dirty thinking about it, the key word was should.

Captain Titus had a neutral expression, but at the same time he looked as if he had sucked on a dozen lemons from the orchards of Nurgle.

Inquisitor Thrax was emptying a flask down his throat, but he looked down again just as the new forms of a skinner and destroyer emerged.

"Flesh and skin of metal… I am BEAUTIFUL"

"The voices are gone, but your existence remains an affront to my new existence."

The inquisitor only looked at him for a brief moment before deciding something "I need more alcohol..."

This scene popped into my head and I had to write it down, if it's not to your liking or it offends the car I can remove it, but I laughed a bit writing it.
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-no name-

-Too much clothing on the Keeper.-

Tenkiu once again kidhu for finding bits like that.

Also my reasoning 'for that much clothing' is that it is meant to 'enhance' the disgusting allure of the keeper. Meant to amplify their inherent 'perfect beauty' *wrongness* in order to have more of an effect in the material plane.

If that makes any sense.
Interlude: Triple Threat in a Chamber
Before I start this fight, I would like ya'll to know I took some... creative liberties with these three characters. Most specifically their weapons and the way they fight will not be 'normal' to 40k especially for each of their species. :3

With hope in my heart, I just hope ya'll enjoy this three way royale :3

Within the depths of an ancient deactivated ruin, sat a vessel epic in size, its power when alive was awe inspiring to its allies and dread inducing to its foes.

It lay dormant, sleeping within the crust of the celestial body that long ago could have fallen prey to this warmachine, even now the ancient fortress is fully capable of taking another planetoid for its count.

Within the depths of the slumbering machine sat its dormant main power core, its presence located within a large open chamber right next to a massive wall, the one side of the centerpiece of the old Talisman of Vaul. Its other side being an ancient webway portal gate long since inactive.

Within the chamber stood three figures of power.

Clad in ashen white armor, an Aeldari Knight of Vaul stood in a combat stance, his bright rifle in one hand and his inactive soulsaber hilt in the other. El'dathar narrowed his eyes behind his helmet as he suddenly swung the hand holding his soulsaber hilt in fron of him three fingers held outward. Numerous aeldari runes formed in front of him before he flicked his wrist and held his soulsaber hilt opening pointed forwards, the runes flew until they formed a line in front of the hilt.

With flare of his psychic energy, the rune clusters and psycho circuitry within responded by emitting a bluish and yellow blade of warp energy that speared the runes, the blade of warp energy then crystalized into a sharp blade that emitted the strength of its wielder. The knight swung his blade, runes all over his armor glowed with unrestrained power and prepared to fight his dreaded foes.

A disgustingly breathtaking creature stood on another side, four sculpted limbs wielding an accursed weapon each. Two witstealer blades as well as two flaming orbs of excess, the beautifully wrong Ner'isa Ur'ces' onyx jewels narrowed in perverse desire while she licked her lips.

The Keeper of Secrets clenched the two claws holding the orbs of excess before suddenly unclenching, the orbs floated away from her hands before settling near her shoulders, the two disturbingly aeldari head shaped weapons wailed as the greater daemon of Slaanesh suddenly began emitting a dark pink mist and her free claws were suddenly ignited, Ner'isa Ur'ces went from the stance of enticing allure into a coiled spring of predatorial desire. The keeper's weapons were brandished at her two delectable morsels.

Barely restrained power humming lowly underneath the metal form of the Necron Lord, the metallic being raised his armored gauntlets to the sky and seemingly called down towers of gauss lightning around his area. One such tower of gauss lightning hit himself, the power unbelievably surging throughout his unliving body. Aizaun shattered the tower of gauss lightning revealing his battle regalia had changed into something much more armored.

The necron lord raised a hand and teleported what at first glance seems to be more armor and a shadowy veil of darkness, the jewels of the 'bulked up' gauntlets of the metal being glowed a bright green seemingly sparking before emerald flames surge into existence falling off the necron lord's gauntlets of fire and bathing the world around him in that baleful green glow. On his back was a highly modified staff of light that was turned into something of an attachment, it too glowed with same bright green before the intensity of the emerald thunder seemed to intensify around him, baleful fire and thunder surged all around him as his hateful burning gaze turned to the two that dared to sully his presence.

Nothing was said as the three beings watched each other, waiting for the first move. Knight of Vaul, Keeper of Secrets, and Necron Lord gazed silently at one another both eager and patient, El'dathar edged his foot slightly his grip on his weapons tightening, Ner'isa Ur'ces licked her lips as she brought herself lower to the ground, and Aizaun's gauntlets flared with the markings of a power field as the world around him ceased bathing itself in green lightning and fire.

Silence was prevalent, the three watched, and all of a sudden the knight raised his bright rifle and fired a burst of bluish white energy at the greater daemon, who impossibly and seductively twisted herself out of the way and began to dash at the aeldari knight.

In response El'dathar took a step back as if he were climbing backwards up stairs, the runes on his armor's boots glowed as energy coalesced to form platforms for the knight of Vaul to begin climbing upwards on nothing as he continued firing repeating blasts of bright energy at the daemon, who then dashed to the side before she had to raise a blade to her left, just in time to catch a blast of emerald thunder.

Aizaun did not just watch the two, as evidenced since he launched a blast of gauss lightning at the daemon. The necron lord enshrouded himself in his veil of darkness and disappeared before reappearing in mid air right behind the knight of Vaul, just as the Aizaun's green flaming gauntlet was about to strike the aeldari, El'dathar swung his soulsaber behind him the flat of his blade striking the fist of the necron lord. The shockwave of psychic energy and burning energy blasted the two enemies away from each other.

The necron lord sailed through the air and noticed a corrupt indigo fireball flew at his way, he quickly vanished under his veil and reappeared a ways away.

El'dathar on the other hand faced a similar problem, similar to how he got up into the skies in the first place, he twisted himself in mid-air and 'stomped' his feet towards the ceiling causing the platform to reform under his boots and with a practiced motion 'jumped' quickly out of the way of the corrupt warpfire barely missing him as he 'jumped' several more times towards the greater daemon that launched the attack.

Ner'isa Ur'ces grin widened in gleeful desire at seeing the aeldari knight rush into his pleasurable demise, yet that grin faltered as she felt her instinct guide her body to twist and use a free right claw to send forth another swath of corrupt warpfire at a rival green flame tide, head quickly twisting back to see the knight she hurriedly raised her leftmost blade to parry the soulsaber of the guardian aeldari.

For a brief moment the sparks of two psychic energies one primal and corrupt vs the other refined and focused held the knight of Vaul and his larger foe in place for a quick few seconds. Yet the clash ended as the greater daemon felt a burning blow delivered into her back launching her away from the knight, the pink mist surrounding her flickered before it returned as she quickly returned on her feet.

With nothing stopping him from falling, El'dathar quickly reoriented himself and stomped down, the runes forming a platform below his feet as he fired at the necron lord who punched the keeper on her back. In response Aizaun raised a gauntlet and fired a lightning beam one would find on a staff of light. The two energies clashed and dissipated harmlessly as the necron lord vanished into his veil and appeared on one side of the room away from the other two.

The three stood still watching each other again, the Keeper of Secrets Ner'isa Ur'ces could not help but use her free hands to trail up her alluring and abhorrently perfect form looking as if she is going to tear her own skin with how tightly she is clinging onto herself, the claws holding her blades remained being held out for any surprises. "How exhilarating!~ This beautiful dance of death, where we all balance ourselves at the edge of oblivion. A single mistake is all that is needed to- !!!" Quickly the keeper of secrets used both her weapons to deflect a bright laser and a lightning beam away from her maddeningly beautiful form. "Tch, how rude."

Bright rifle and gauntlet both raised in her direction, the aeldari knight and necron lord switched aim to each other while keeping the greater daemon within their sights. "You still talk too much." El'dathar groused loudly at Ner'isa Ur'ces before eyeing the necron lord with suspicion.

What almost seems like a snort was heard from the very same necron lord whose form started glowing lightly as emerald lightning and fire started cascading all over his form from his gauntlets. "As much as I hate it, I agree with the Knight. This is battle, there is no need for words here." Almost as if preparing for something, Aizaun held his gauntleted arms to his chest almost as if he was pulling apart something.

"Only ACTIONS." As if that was the magic word, the entire room was bathed in that malevolent verdant glow as Aizaun pulled his clawed metallic hands apart as if ripping something open as his veil of darkness flared behind him, green lightning struck all around as emerald fire surged from his position towards the knight and daemon in a mocking tsunami of oblivion.

El'dathar holstered his bright rifle before holding his soulsaber in front of him pointing upwards and his newly freed hand barely touching the flat of the blade, ancient aeldari runes formed all around his form enshrouded in azure before they turned into motes of yellow light flying into his crystalline sword, with but a swift motion the knight jabbed his soulsaber into the coal black floor.

As soon as he did, a blue multi layered ring formed around him with various amber colored runes swirling into existence, the ring flared its azure light before a dome barrier of energy manifested to protect him from the burning onslaught of Aizaun the Wrathlord.

Onyx eyes widened in minute surprise before Ner'isa Ur'ces grabbed one of the floating orbs of excess and crushed it in her claw before swiping said appendage forwards unleashing a large cloud of pink mist that formed false faces of those the greater daemon have damned with her allure. The pink mist while still being eclipsed by the massive wall of verdant flame and emerald lightning was large enough to shield the greater daemon from the wrath of the necron lord.

Both shields held up against the assault of lightning and fire with almost no difficulty, the raging tsunami all of a sudden dissipated and in front of the greater daemon out of a veil of darkness came out the necron lord that started the attack. Immediately the keeper of secrets swung her closest blade at the unliving being, however Aizaun simply grabbed the blade with one gauntleted hand its power field clashed with the daemonic warp energies with sparks as he pulled it and by extension the daemon closer before the necron delivered a green flaming sucker punch at the daemon while letting go of the blade.

Just as he was about to dash to the greater daemon the necron lord's green gaze flickered to the side before he spun around and held his arms in a cross above him, just in time as El'dathar clashed his soulsaber right on his gauntlets with both his hands.

As the contest of strength continued the aeldari knight suddenly raised one of his hands from the blade palm open at the necron lord who saw sitting on the palm was an angry red glowing rune. If he still had his biological eyes, Aizaun would have had his widen to epic proportions as the rune exploded outwards away from the knight and knocking the necron away unintentionally backflipping.

Underneath his helmet the aeldari knight grabbed his blade with both hands and made a massive swing to his left, clanging off one of the grinning keeper's blades, El'dathar had to quickly backpedal as he kept clashing blades with the aggressively swinging and giggling greater daemon, the runes in his armor's arms were sparking as he was being given enough strength to simply parry the perverse creature's strikes again and again. He must have been getting a bit sloppy, as when he parried what could have been a fatal blow to his body, Ner'isa grabbed his face with one of her twisted appendages and slammed him into the floor face first before throwing him aside.

The knight turned his impromptu flight into a mid air roll as he 'slammed' his boots down and jumped to dash back at the daemon whose maniacal grin stretched to unnatural proportions, daggers for teeth glinting as the abomination swung her blades down at the aeldari knight.

In a fit of aeldari movement, El'dathar twisted himself and bent his torso as far back as he could while throwing one of his boots out for a rune powered kick that clashed against the flat of one of the keeper's blades. Before said daemon could do anything, the knight quickly grabbed his bright rifle before firing at a small gap and striking Ner'isa Ur'ces directly in her disturbingly perfect face.

With instincts honed from millenia of combat the knight twisted his body in mid air to swing his soulsaber at the necron lord whose gaze burned with ancient anger and his lightning field covered iron fist struck the soulsaber's blade and cracked it.

Three things happened at that one moment, the Keeper of Secrets lurched her head back as she backpedaled away with the shot, the Knight of Vaul was launched away from the unliving master and landed sliding backwards while kneeling, and the Necron Lord faded out and back in away from the two foes.

El'dathar, the Knight of Vaul and Last Guardian of the Talisman stood tall and with a quick motion checked the soulsaber's blade. Once he saw the crack he flared his psychic prowess and shattered the blade before quickly repeating the process of 'forging' a new blade. His armor was scorched and dirtied in some places, more so on his left shoulder guard. As he forged a new blade, his free hand waved over the blade and his armor, numerous aeldari runes flared to life before the soulsaber's blade glowed bright enough to the point it is as if the soulsaber's blade was made out of light, and the armor's damages all rapidly repaired right before their eyes until both necron and daemon could see it was like the knight didn't take any damage in the first place. The aeldari knight saw fit to re-enter into his battle ready stance as his helmet's 'eyes' glowed along with all the runes on his armor.

Ner'isa Ur'ces, the Keeper of Secrets and servant of the Dark Prince grabbed her face with a free hand and felt the stinging burns from the point blank laser. She giggled and laughed in ecstatic painful pleasure as she looked at her prey, grabbing the one other orb of excess she raised it to her mouth and unhinged her jaw to swallow the disgusting orb whole. The pink mist that was present disappeared and in its place her hooves, her arms, her horns, and her eyes blazed to life with corrupt flames of excess. The unnaturally beautiful face she had twisted into something deathly perfect as she used her now flaming pink pupils to eye the aeldari and necron with lust and desire.

Aizaun, Necron Lord and the one called the Wrathlord minutely glanced down at himself and saw the scorch marks of the damned aeldari's explosive rune, although upon wiping away some of the soot it revealed that the most damage the unliving being received from the attack was a few minor scratches. The Wrathlord hunched over even more, crossing his gauntleted limbs in front of his body before throwing them outwards arcing his necrodermis spine appearing as if he was screaming as once more the necron lord and the area around him were bathed with the malevolent green light as emerald lightning struck all around him and verdant flames swirled around the master of living metal. This continued for a quick few seconds before he readied himself into a combat stance once more, his glowing green gaze burned even brighter as technological fire and lightning framed the world around him.

As the three readied themselves to do battle once more, they failed to notice burning orange eyes hidden away watching them.

Aaaaaaaand that is done! :3

Sorry that I didn't continue the fight, but I felt like that was a good place to end it for this interlude fight.

I hope you all enjoyed the battle, it was most definitely not the normal kind of battle (I think, I may or may not know if there were fights like this) you would see in the 40kverse. Remember when I said I took some 'Creative Liberties'? Yeah, this was what I meant.

Kind of felt a bit too anime really, but I like awesome fights like that. Besides its Warhammer, half the shit there focuses on the Rule of Cool and so I will hide behind that rule for this interlude. Hope you no mind. <:3

Anyway, onto our fighters. I will explain them in depth in maybe the next chapter or so but this is more so just you know their name, title, and what their weapons are. There won't be any explanations as to what they are until next chapter tho. <:3

Name: El'dathar
Titles: Knight of Vaul, Last Guardian of the Talisman
Vaulian Wraith Plate
Ranged - Bright Rifle
Melee - Soulsaber

Name: Ner'isa Ur'ces
Titles: Keeper of Secrets, Servant of the Dark Prince, The Purple Woman
Armor: (Her 'clothing' does not count)
Former - Mist of Pain
Current - Flames of Desire
Equipment - Orbs of Excess
Melee - Witstealer Blades

Name: Aizaun
Titles: Necron Lord, The Wrathlord
Necrodermis Body - Sempiternal Weave Enhanced
Veil of Darkness
Equipment - Halo of Storm (Heavily modified Staff of Light)
Melee - Inferno Arms (Modified Gauntlets of Fire)

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this interlude chapter triple threat fight! :3
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The problem with this fight is that I have no emotional investment in any of these guys. The only good Necron is Tryzen, the Eldar have already proven to be supremely unhelpful, and daemons are a dime a dozen.
Chapter 20: Enter the True Black Fortress
So, when I decided to go ahead and look through the eyes of the group that found the cavern where the blackstone fortress was in, I expected many things. From it looking like it was done and dusted, to it still looking pristine and brand new like it was just freshly made, hell to even see that it was almost corrupted and that we were too late to get rid of the daemon before it woke up.

What I did NOT expect was to see NECRON tech bloody surrounding the damn thing, actually it wasn't just surrounding the fortress, there were large half finished monolith and pylon-like structures erected on the top and bottom halves of the massive vessel. Actually speaking of massive, how the hell has this cavern not caved in yet? Blackstone Fortresses are bloody enormous, and yet I could SEE the ENTIRE thing with no earth or dirt even remotely close to it and there are no supporting structures to hold up the cave.

Hold on I'm straying, ok so that probably answers how the blackstone fortress was able to sit inside a planet in the first place... I think? The necrons must have decided to nab one and port it back to one of their worlds to try and convert it into a weapon of their own. Which sounds fucking terrifying, a blackstone fortress by itself is already dangerous as hell, I shudder to imagine the kind of damage a Necronified Blackstone Fortress can do by itself.

Something else is worrying me, none of the necron buildings here 'register' me, usually when the necron 'ruins' gets discovered they reactivate and awaken the warriors within and without it. From my teams scouring this cavern, I noticed that the necron buildings here do not contain even a single necron warrior and that scares me more than I'd like to admit.

Are they hiding somewhere? Did they decide to slumber within the blackstone fortress? Where the hell are ANY of the necrons in this cavern? I know my children didn't 'kill' any as I would have felt if they were getting attacked, so my anxiety is now through the metaphorical roof as I am afraid the necrons are hiding somewhere biding their time.

Bloody hell I feel so paranoid, but in my defense it is the necrons we are talking about here, this is no ordinary faction. Necrons by far are the oldest to exist and are still LIVING or technically unliving in this galaxy, as the aeldari and the (kr)orks species are just as old, I highly doubt there are any survivors of the War in Heaven Era from those two species. The few necron dynasties that have awakened in the fluff might as well have been just the tip of the iceberg in terms of how dangerous they truly are.

I mean, in the fluff the DAOT humanity and Aeldari Empire had fucking blackhole weaponry. Who knows what kind of techno madness will the necrons bring since those guys fought the Old Ones, Aeldari, Krork and at some point the C'tan and were pretty much kicking ass until they decided to go take a multi million year nap.

Still, I see no reason NOT to be paranoid about where these necrons can be hiding. I mean, the radiants in the teams searching around this cavern could not find any inactive necrons but they might have weird bullshit technology that could hide them from my radiant's sight.

But so far, I found nothing of note. Aside from the blackstone fortress which is already looking like the necrons are about halfway done with converting the damn thing, there is nothing else in this cavern that looks anything remotely similar to a 'tomb barracks', a monolith, or any kind of defense system and it is very VERY worrying. If I had to hazard a guess what all these necron 'buildings' are surrounding the blackstone fortress, it must be some kind of containment or special drydock made to house the planet killing vessel.

How the Necrons managed to get their hands on one of these things, I don't know how and frankly I am scared to know the answer.

Sending off a ping through the Yggdrasil Network for all the forward teams I sent finding this thing, I noticed that only one Khalkotauroi team was one of the few teams that are in this cavern, the other two Khalkotauroi teams were still on their way with the rest of the teams.

Though I DID have some of them stay behind scouting out the other ruins to see if there might be nasty surprises in those aged relics, hard to say really given the fact that the ruins do not look necron in any way shape or form. In fact, some of them actually bear some kind of resemblance to aeldari architecture. Which... might explain how a Blackstone Fortress was sitting inside this planet actually. Maybe this is an old aeldari ship building planet and the necrons decided to do a planetary invasion to take it over for themselves? I'll never know... unless I decide to somehow kidnap the necron lord stationed here.

Which will most likely be incredibly difficult seeing as necron bodies when sufficiently damaged apparently teleport out for repairs at the nearest... uhh what do the necrons call their 'repair bays'? Resurrection chambers or something like that?

Anyway! Because of all the nonsensium powering Necron bullshit technology, one can clearly understand why I am paranoid about the egyptian looking metallic headasses, I am very much fearing that the necrons that 'should' have been out here around the Blackstone Fortress are actually inside the vessel itself. Which is NOT great, as no doubt there are going to be a lot of twists and turns inside the thing, that pretty much guarantees that unless I flood the war vessel with frames and morphs, we ARE going to get blindsided by possible defense mechanisms whether they be from the ship itself or from the inanimate necrons stationed there.

With a ping echoing off from the Network, I noticed that most of my forward siphon teams have entered the cavern now. The other two khalkotauroi teams are not too far behind, and the main expeditionary force comprised of mostly my forces with some imperial 'support', I use this term really lightly since I don't doubt that they will just stay behind while my morphs and frames do most of the heavy lifting.

Which to be fair is smart of them since it meant they won't have to spend their lives recklessly and probably for nothing. Besides, my children are functionally immortal whilst I still live and in return as long as one nanomachine survives I will not die as well, so from a practical standpoint. They have the right idea of letting me and my children move forward into the ship first.

Now usually I would wait for the rest of my units so that I can assault the blackstone fortress with overwhelming numbers, doubly so because of the most likely necron presence within the thing. But the one thing that is giving me a time limit on how much I can possibly wait.

Is of course, the damned Greater Daemon squatting inside this thing. Now, I do not know for sure that there is a Necron presence, who knows? Maybe there used to be one but the greater daemon wiped them somehow and slumbered inside it to recover her/his/its wounds without returning to the immaterium for some reason, or maybe the necrons decided to pokeball it and are testing on it while converting this vessel into their own.

There are a LOT of unknown variables here and I cannot let the chance of the Greater Daemon actually being alone inside the thing and let it have basically free reign within the thing. It is best if I begin a slight assault and have the Khalkotauroi morph a radiant stealth module to try and scout ahead, it would put one of my most expensive units in a LOT of danger but it is also quite possibly my most powerful anti-psyker/warp unit.

With but a quick mental command through the network, I watched from one of the siphons as the the Khalkotauroi next to me rippled its form before another wave rippled over the Khalkotauroi followed by it disappearing from sight and a slight dampening of its signal. I could 'see' it as the morph-frame got low to the ground and dashed across the bridge towards the entrance of the ship... which was wide open.

I do not like this.

But I had no choice.

Taking control of the few forces I had hear at the entrance, I had the fast moving morphs slither, dash, and leap forwards towards the entrance followed by the few hunter frames with the radiants heading off forwards to see if they can map the ship while I conduct a small assault on the vessel.

I felt it through the network as the invisible Khalkotauroi and radiants entered the ship first, it is oh so eerily quiet and my anxiety is now through the roof. Where are the Necrons? Where are the automated defenses? Are they actually not able to detect my children and myself?

It was when one of the radiants pinged and reported through the network on what it found that I felt curious and slightly relieved. One of the radiants had found truly dead necron bodies alongside... those are heavily armored aeldari...

This is- WOAH!

The Yggdrasil Network alarmed me to the radiants within the vessel discovering multiple unknown signatures around their positions and the one Khalkotauroi pinged me to a certain direction it is detecting large fluctuating readings from. Most likely that is where the greater daemon is, and if I am deducing those fluctuations correctly, then that means it is fighting something. Most likely the Necron Lord in charge of this place.

I gave the order for the Khalkotauroi to seek it out but to not engage, it is only to see what it is. The radiants I had them immediately go 'silent' and ordered for them to get out of there and back to the vanguard. Speaking of which, my morphs and few frames flowed into the ship from the entrance without any form of resistance from the necrons or any of the automated defenses.

My anxiety is already through the roof, but did they really not position any defenses over at the entrance? Especially since this was the ONLY accessible entrance into the Blackstone Fortress, there was no other bridges within the cavern it was only the one bridge to this one entrance.

Ok screw it, I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth right now. Under my guidance, I had the morphs and hunters 'dig in' as much as we could here in the entrance. Speaking of which, after we entered the ship we were out in this really open chamber of some sorts with four ridged pillars stretching up into the 'sky', and up on the ceiling was a simple diamond design.

At first I thought it was something of a defense mechanism or anything similar, but thorough scans from myself did not find anything off about it. As far as I am concerned, it is nothing but decoration. What is NOT decoration however is the numerous necron signatures shambling in our direction according to the invisible radiants heading back our way, which is good and bad. The good thing is that we can indeed get noticed by necron tech so that means there is a high chance there is no necron defenses outside the Talisman of Vaul static or dynamic.

The bad thing is that they notice my children and our intrusion into the planet killing ship and they are now heading in my direction. Which is not great, but on the bright side they seem to be moving slowly so that is a plus as it means I can do my best to prepare a defense here at the entrance.

It's a shame that unless I am the one in control, none of the morphs are capable of 'force switching' into other morphs. Apparently only I have the 'fine control' in order to over-generate a morph's nanomachine count in order to forcefully switch it into a different type. I did that with the siphon I was currently controlling and forcefully changed it into a goo mother, as well as directly feeding mass from the Network into the mother.

Now usually I would just do things normally and perhaps start eating the Blackstone Fortress but I do not want to test if the ship has any failsafes when it comes to it getting eaten by nanomachines. Which is why we will be doing this the slogging way, we will be waging a tightly packed assault with the very vessel as the battlefield.

With the one mother, I have made several large proteans which morphed into Edged Bastions, speaking of which I haven't explained how those changed during the Edge Program update. Well, for starters they are larger. they still keep their 'fortress wall' of a head, but their form of movement has been changed and it is unique compared to all the similar movement styles of the rest of the goo morphs, even the Destructor and Crescent while they don't share the same form of movement as the Hecatoncheires they are now capable of matching them in terms of speed, on top of general upgrades to their performance which of course makes them even more terrifying.

The Edged Bastion's 'head' and 'body' are more or less the same with both of them being larger and thicker, the body having the greater size increase. The six large legs it used to have are replaced with two large front legs that can act like arms if digits are morphed and four rear legs that while large on their own are not nearly as large as the front legs.

If I were to describe it entirely, the edged bastion looks like a 'brood war zerg ultralisk' with a bastion head, its two kaiser blades replaced with a large pair of arms similarly shaped like the shield helm, its head instead of being placed on top is jutting out forwards like the original bastion. The unique form of movement I can liken it to the Behemoth's rolling ball form from the Evolve game and I find it both cute and kind of scary. Because this is NOT a small creature doing the roly poly, it is a large goo morph with a lot of mass that could wrecking ball a titan's leg if it picks up enough speed.

Another upgrade to the edged bastion is that its head and two front leg/arms have been outfitted with a shield emitter, which means that the bastion is not only an hp tank, but it also has 'armor' before it start getting damaged.

Anyway, there are multiple chambers and hallways of the Blackstone Fortress are capable of allowing a titan to walk through, even those that aren't are still large enough one can put baneblades side by side and still have space to walk around or through them. So I made sure to fortify the entrances to said hallways with the edged bastions, watching their 'wall-like' heads flare with azure energy before I see a layer of energy form a foot or two away from the helm and shield legs of the bastion.

While the bastions rolled and dug in, the two khalkotauroi teams just arrived into the entrance and I sent the two khalkotauroi themselves with stealth attachments to meet up with their sibling I sent ahead. With the force switched goo mother I was able to birth a few regular goo mothers, I did not want the Necrons to overwhelm my position before the main force gets here, and while I am capable of creating another 'main force' right in this very location I would rather save the mass for now so I will be able to react to any surprises within this vessel.

I then morphed a few hydras and destructors, of which the changes to the edged destructor are far simpler than I thought. The Edged Destructor is now the size of the original bastion, its six legs are replaced with something similar to the hecatoncheires, but not to their extent. They are still large legs capable of supporting the destructor, but now its movement speed is greater and will allow for the anti-armor unit to run and climb terrain that would challenge the original destructor, even sticking to walls and ceilings if there are any. The plasma cannon built into its body is removed in favor of a thick stalk with the destructor's previous mk.II magnetic plasma ball cannon that can 'grow' out of the top of the edged unit, actually because of the new size the stalk can hold three of those cannons. It is able to also grow smaller goo tentacles in order to take care of infantry that get too close to it.

With the battle lines drawn at the three entrances to the hallways, all I could do now was wait really. Wait for the khalkotauroi's ping, the necron welcoming party, and the main expeditionary force.

The three titan sized entrances to the hallways of the blackstone fortress each had like fifty bastions, forty-two destructors, thirty-six hydras, and each had an army of goblins, hobgoblins, minotaurs, hobgoblins, drovers, striders, siphons, hecatoncheires and hunters.

I made sure to take advantage of the '3D' battlefield, nearly all my morphs are capable of climbing up walls and ceilings, which is what I will have them do when the battle starts.

Speaking of which the radiants that are keeping an even pace just ahead of the necron forces just pinged and reported through the Network that several more Necron signatures are popping up and are now joining with the 'horde' of metal approaching the entrance's location.

This is going to be one of the ultimate tests for me, Necron Technology is by far the most advanced in this galaxy. They will have technological bullshit that can turn the tides of battle to their favor, yet while I am made by humans and even though it is by a humanity not of this universe. I TOO have some technological bullshit that can turn the tides of battle to MY favor.

Necron vs Grey Goo, both living metal in a sense, yet completely different from one another. I wonder what will a sentient Necron Lord or any of their nobles say when they see me and/or my children?...

Through the network I felt the presences of the radiants arrive at the chamber, which pretty much meant that the necron forces will not be that far behind. I really hope that the necron forces here are the ones with units I am familiar with, although if the appearance of those heavily armored aeldari are any indication. Then there are two possible outcomes here, one is that these aeldari are of the 'modern' age and are simply one of the lost warrior aspects, or those aeldari are in-fact War in Heaven Aeldari and the Necrons here will also be War in Heaven counterparts.

A ping through the network alerted me to the one Khalkotauroi I sent earlier to find the greater daemon, apparently it found her/it and two other beings in what I am thinking is the Blackstone Fortress' main power core. One of those heavy armored Aeldari and what seems to be a weaponless Necron Lor- hold on no that Necron Lord has gauntlets of fire or at least something similar.

Oh holy shit, ok that is not really giving me confidence that I will be able to hold against the Necron's welcoming parties. This necron lord is apparently Emperor Sidious on all of the dark side steroids, I made sure that all three khalkotaurois are to keep themselves hidden at all costs and to simply observe the three way, the other two khalkotauroi will reach the first one soon anyway.

Taking control of a siphon in the chamber, I darted to one of the hydras and 'stood' on top of it to get a view of the upcoming battlefield. I am already seeing the glow of emerald optics and energy coursing through metal bodies and weaponry, to them they must also be seeing the glow of sapphire lights and energy pulsing through goo morphs and combat frames.

Silence was all that prevailed between the two armies before a single baleful green blast of gauss lightning arced through the air and just right before it impacted the shield of a bastion, I 'leaped' from my siphon to another near the bastion and had the morph stand in front of the blast activating the siphon array.

Green light flew into a vortex and the battle begins.