Eien: *Exists*
Vulkan: "I want to boop the snoot!"

Eien: "On the contrary, it is I who does the booping of the snoot!"

You don't think it would be more of a "Have my children!" moment instead?
Will he start throwing his astartes at her then?

Maybe eien could make Vulcan and his legion fertile?

I'm glad this ain't the TTS AMGIAGW timeline because I'd be a lot more concerned. Actually scratch that I am still greatly kunserned.
Will he start throwing his astartes at her then?

Maybe eien could make Vulcan and his legion fertile?
Is the primarch infertility thing canon or fanon? I've only read a few official stories and it appeared in none of them but then again neither did the primarchs as more then passing mentions. Read lots of fanfiction and it is mentioned in some of them but then again in some of them you meet a child of a primarch.

I mean the Emperor could use a primarch to create space marines based on them but does it actually state somewhere that they couldn't have children the regular way? Probably have to find a really large lady to try with but??
Is the primarch infertility thing canon or fanon? I've only read a few official stories and it appeared in none of them but then again neither did the primarchs as more then passing mentions. Read lots of fanfiction and it is mentioned in some of them but then again in some of them you meet a child of a primarch.

I mean the Emperor could use a primarch to create space marines based on them but does it actually state somewhere that they couldn't have children the regular way? Probably have to find a really large lady to try with but??

Maybe they are fertile but since they're really big, I doubt any woman in 40k could physically take it... until eien came along!
I feel like the final boss of this story will be the Void Dragon. Prying dominion from the C'tan so she can be the sole ruler ( parental figure) of machines.
Eh it would be improvment considering how much V dragon has influence over human technology wouldnt be suprised if down line its revealed that VD is reason why MoI and any other human made AI inevidably goes bonkers.

Pluss her owning concept of technology would mean can she mess with technology under chaos control thus forcing them use more power to counter it.
Pluss her owning concept of technology would mean can she mess with technology under chaos control thus forcing them use more power to counter it.

Brain cannot help it.

Eien: *Her head pops up unannounced cackling like a gremlin as she eyes Chaos tech with slowly growing siphons around her.* "Gib tecc!"

Any of the four: *Brandishes a psychic broom or some form of pesticide.* "Back foul demon!!!" *Tries to get rid of the hard to get rid of Eien with varying levels of success and failure.*
Chapter 23-A1: Rumble in the Underground
Chapter 23-A1: Rumble in the Underground

Within my private domain in the network I let out a scream of confusion but outside in the material world through the Eien-morph I neutrally eyed the necron cryptek with suspicion in my blue optics. Looking around, I spotted the wraith was just coiled up in a corner and seems to be hooked up to something with all those cables attached to its back. Nonetheless I could guess why the cryptek wants a body that he could actually move around in, his limbless situation being reason enough. But still...

"I will ask you a few questions for now, I don't suppose you will mind that?" I ask more so out of courtesy since this necron didn't act like an asshole and attack. In fact, technically I attacked first at his remotely controlled wraith with my prototype waveforce weapon. But still, most necrons would simply attack and with a wraith those things are ambush constructs so you cannot blame me for revealing it before it got the jump on us.

"Of course, I don't really have a choice now do I? Although I would like to ask questions of my own when you are finished if that is fine with yourself?" You know, if I didn't know that this guy was a necron and we had this kind of conversation without looking at each other? I would have thought he's a swell guy for being in the warhammer universe.

"I have no problem with that, however I will not answer questions that are too... sensitive, and I believe you will do the same if you so wish." Ah the cryptek turned his metallic skull to the side, the one strip of light that functions as his eye flashes from green to white then back to green a few times. I turn towards where he is looking and spot nothing, since the wraith was on the opposite way of where he is looking.

"Indeed. So, your questions then?" Right, I need to make sure I cover the bases, knowledge on this world, if he knows of the other active necrons down at the blackstone fortress. With my blue optics I watch unflinchingly as the cryptek stared at me patiently waiting.

With a show of clapping 'gooey' hands together I raise one finger. "Firstly, are you aware that the other necrons within the cave system are active? More precisely the ones within the talisman of Vaul?" I see the necron nod his head almost immediately after I finished speaking.

"Indeed. Your spelunking teams were not so... subtle, even then I knew that the other necrons were active a while ago as I was notified that some of the constructs have reactivated, although since I am too damaged I was not able to take direct control of any of them to aid myself." Rather honest and elegant statement of 'I can't do shit cause I'm effectively crippled and can't call cause my connection is shit.' but no judge.

I nod and raise another finger, that was all I needed to know on that front. He is still fixated and if I am right perhaps quite a bit desperate with me granting him a body, necron nobility have a lot of pride and crypteks are no exception. It is beneath of them to be so desperate and even if they are they must at least make it seem like they aren't desperate. "What makes you think I am able to grant you a body you will be satisfied with?"

The cryptek tilted his head side to side, his strip of green light regarded me with an almost interested and slightly sly look, I don't know how he did so and I'd rather not know. "I do not know if you will create one that I am satisfied with, but I do know you are the overarching intelligence and creator behind all those nanomachine morphs, frame walkers, and that very interesting dark form." Dark form? Oh wait, the Khalkotauroi right, his statement earlier of not being subtle means he would have spotted a lot if not all of the teams.

Looking to the side and to the wraith before I look at the cryptek again. "Am I right to assume that this world is a former aeldari shipyard base? What are you planning on doing with the half necronified talisman?" The cryptek replied instantly the mere nanosecond I finished speaking.

"Indeed, this world belonged to the Aeldari. As for what we were planning? At first we wished to simply destroy these soul furnaces, however certain... circumstances were put into place that required a method that is more beneficial to us in our current situation." Hold up that is a new name I have ever heard for the blackstone fortress. Soul Furnace? I don't like the sound of that, and another method which seems to be the complete takeover of one of the damned fortresses.

"Something slightly bothers me, you said earlier you went into the Great Sleep yet that implies that there were no Aeldari on the planet that would have tried to kill you. If this world was truly an Aeldari shipyard... what happened to the other Aeldari?" I watch as the cryptek actually begin to shift, at least shift as much as he could whether it was nervousness or something else I cannot tell.

"Neither I nor the Necron Lord that I was serving were the reason for the disappearance of the other Aeldari. That is all I can say." Hmm, so that means the Keeper of Secrets is the most likely suspect. That doesn't bode well actually, how did that one greater daemon wipe out the aeldari of this planet? I mean granted there must have been a metric fuck ton of chaos with the planetary shipyard being invaded by a necron force so the KoS could have went on an unnoticed rampage. Taking a peek at the three way battle that is still raging, and this necron force certainly isn't weak since it has to be a powerful enough one to assault a shipyard that makes blackstone fortresses.

Turning back to the cryptek, I raised a fourth finger. "What is in it for me? Even if I do make you a body you can transfer your conscience to, I have nothing to gain aside from simply wasting a bit of mass in order to give you a form of locomotion again. Can't you just teleport back to your repair bays with your built in teleporter?" I got to hand it to him, I could definitely feel his nervousness despite his lack of facial expressions. That must mean he's been awake and like this for a LONG time just barely skirting being permanently deactivated.

The cryptek stayed silent for a few minutes, this is the longest he has been silent. Then again he's probably thinking of an offer that would sway me to actually accepting his request, using my 360 vision I see the wraith construct is actually deactivated and the cryptek was stationary.

So while I wait I split my focus to listen and to direct the forces at the blackstone fortress and the imperial convoy. Speaking of which, my forces at the imperial convoy have found no traces of necron presence, radiants are patrolling constantly and looking for even a mound of dirt that looks off. So far nothing, if anything it might be just Anckm'rab's wraith that 'snuck up' on us at the time.

Regardless I simply had my forces around the cautious imperial convoy on high alert, war in heaven necrons and all that jazz, who knows what other kinds of overpowered stuff they have. Especially about that thing he mentioned before, the Conjuration Equation... if I get this right then this is probably some kind of complicated physics breaking method to turn energy into mass... that might be the way those construcnecrons are getting the mass to use nanolathe creation. Which already raises them higher on the destroy and/or assimilate list.

Then there is that Soul Furnace comment, I get at least that he is talking about the Blackstone Fortress, the Talisman of Vaul, but why is it called a Soul Furnace to the Necrons? Shaking my head mentally, I figure I can think about that later, sinking into Yggdrasil I spotted the three fronts were perfectly fine and locked in a stalemate with both sides simply taking potshots at each other.

Looking to the reinforcements, I had the harpies and wyverns take to the skies and start making rounds around the blackstone fortress, damn me if I do not make sure there aren't any other entrances and exits to the massive vessel that could be used to blindside me. The rest were crossing the bridge keeping an eye on the surroundings making sure that there are no surprise Necrons around, the amount of open space in this cavern makes me paranoid even if I have already checked every nook and cranny of this place.

Within the blackstone fortress I decided to watch the ongoing battle since Anckm'rab is still thinking of an offer that I would immediately snob, which to be fair is not as much as he would expect. I mean sure if he offers to join me then I'm not going to stop him... after I tell him just what exactly he will be getting into if he does make that offer.

Anyway, the three fronts are stalemateeeeed... actually I seem to have come at a good time since I am... hearing... I recognize that sound. The necrons have these things?! Quickly isolating where the sound is coming from judging from the echoes I order the defenders on the left corridor to prepare to focus fire, using a free radiant on the ceiling I spotted the noisy ones. Right, I knew I recognize that sound, twenty four canoptek constructs that look no bigger than an immortal were rolling in a wheel like state before they jumped over their created barrier and unfolded into something that resembles a droideka from star wars. I'll just call these things Canoptek Droidekas.

Quickly ordering every single unit there to focus fire those droidekas, about fourteen got blasted into pieces as they completed their setup while the other ten who finished unfolding had this flickering field flash brightly as numerous plasma and high velocity impacted the energy shield, the plasma dispersed and the ballistic rounds 'splattered' for lack of a better word on the field before vanishing.

Great, it doesn't help that they are just as annoying as the actual droidekas I know, and those must be gauss blasters too. The ones that necron immortals use, well as long as I have my siphons their energy is just feeding my mass storage. Case in point as another siphon is just constantly unraveling the barrage of gauss bolts from the the droidekas without a care in the world. With multiple siphons at the helm the necrons shouldn't be able to-

Oh now what? Looking through the right corridor units, I spot these... huh, so there ARE female necrons. I'm slightly disturbed that these female necrons have a non-skeleton face but what concerns me more are the four hyperphase swords they are wielding General Grievous style.

Welp that's not concerning at all, these ladies seem to be just as agile as the fucking aeldari. For now I'll call those gals Necron Wardancers since their motions look elegant despite being necron in origin. I sent some hecatoncheires and hunters to deal with them.

Taking control of a hunter, the group of wardancers, hecatoncheires, and hunters clashed in the area between the Necron and Goo battle lines in the right corridor. I attached the new plasma edged chainsaw to my tail and for lack of a better word 'danced' with one of the ladies, this might be a good chance to test how effective the new chainsaw is and I met one of her blades with my own. Pulling back with a hop I kept the wardancer in my sight and brought the chainsaw closer to my field of vision, I mentally tsk as I notice the ever so slight notches in some of the teeth of the weapon. I then sent the information through the network for my children to know and as a reminder to not get hit by hyperphase weapons, especially for combat frames.

Returning to combat, this time the hecatoncheires and hunters dancing out of the reach of the wardancers began teaming up to take them down one by one. A few hunters got sheared to pieces, but thankfully the puppeteer inside them didn't get touched, one of the hecatoncheires got slashed by the hyperphase blade but due to the amorphous state of goo morphs there wasn't as much damage as I feared, although the nanomachines still had to get replaced.

Wardancers would have been hell for any other enemy, but against someone like me? Who is just as technologically bullshit (potentially) and just as tireless? They are not as effective, in fact the droidekas are putting up more of a fight even though they finally got wiped by focus fire from hydras, destructors, and minotaurs.

When my hecatoncheires and hunters returned, I spotted with my radiants that the necron forces are beginning to bring in some more heavier units, seems like their use of the wardancers was a test as they were now idling looking for the right time, the droidekas on the other hand are rolling in to be part of their battle line. All corridors are now being reinforced by droidekas and, ah great, hexmark destroyers as if things aren't going to get tough enough.

Although I am supremely glad that Siphons are so bullshit, and with every success in unraveling energy based weapon attacks I feel even more apprehension and wariness against the Shroud that this weapon emulates. Vortexes swallow numerous necron energy attacks and multiple siphons grouped together in order to make larger siphon vortexes.

Feeling a ping I noticed that the first of the reinforcements has finally arrived, with the reinforcements here I can finally begin the assault in earnest.

To the necrons they noticed my battle line beginning to crawl forwards, including the ones on the ceiling and walls. They immediately began intensifying their weapons fire in order to try and suppress my children. The cyclops and crescents told them otherwise, plasma grenades and protean bombs fall in a rain of blue and grey as the necron positions in all corridors were suppressed in turn.

This is going we-


Excuse the fuck what?! What the hell happened?! Looking through the other Eien-morphs including the one stationed in Krakengar, nothing happened over there, and likewise nothing happened at the imperial convoy, although they seem to be even more worried, and nothing happened to the cryptek. Although he seems to be staring off into space. "Aizaun, what are you facing?"

Wait. Aizaun? The Necron Lord!

Looking through the three khalkotauroi spying on the three way battle I replay what happened a few minutes ago as I watched through their eyes. Man this place looks like hell, by that I mean pinking warp fire, emerald flame and some yellow crystalline formations were scattered throughout the room. Though the aeldari and the necron were looking up for some reason, looking up with them I finally noticed the eerie pinkish light was actually not from fire but from a swirling cloud on the ceiling of this chamber.

Oh that doesn't look good.

EL'DATHAR POV - A few minutes earlier

Damn this empyreal abomination, I leapt from one side using my Skywalker runes and parried several blows from Ner'isa as this creature swung at me with blades that promised agony should they land. We both jumped back as another torrent of baleful green flame blasted where we both were just a mere second ago, finally I could jump back farther as I fired my bright rifle at Aizaun who simply enshrouded himself in his cloak of darkness before vanishing from the spot and reappearing above the abomination's head.

Ner'isa had only enough time to turn towards the necron lord when Aizaun gripped the air and pivoted his necrodermis body in midair as if throwing something, the sparks of green along his fingers and arms heralded his attack as the abomination held out her/its hands in an attempt to shield her/its form from harm. Corrupt indigo warpfire coalesced into a hastily built shield. Just as the necron let loose a point blank blast of emerald flame the size of a monolith, the attack crashed into the shield of Ner'isa whose face actually began to crack as the being began to struggle against the necron lord's might.

As I saw Ner'isa fly downwards carried by the force of the baleful green attack that struck the shield, I then saw Aizaun was focused on the predator of the empyrean. My eyes narrowed behind my helmet, I holster my bright rifle and finger the heartstones of my fallen comrades, their names echoing in my mind.

"Fai'sha, Mardorm, Taldiir. Give me strength." Retreating my hand from the heartstones, I reach for a piece of my sword's hilt hanging from my belt and quickly shattered my soulsaber's blade before I open the hilt's bottom and slot the enhancer inside. I look on as Ner'isa crashes into a large ball of green fire, just as I close the hilt and channel my power into the soulsaber, I see Aizaun turn his head to me preparing to throw a bolt of verdant lightning at myself.

With a grunt I ready the hilt pointing upwards, the emitter blasts forth a long amber blade of refined warplight. Just as Aizaun throws the lightning bolt, I swing and slice it in half, the shards passing by me harmlessly and out of the corner of my eye Ner'isa Ur'ces leaps from the ball of fire with several parts of her/its body burnt into black patches. I forgot how baleful necron elemental algorithms are, they force beings of energy to suffer like physical beings, even stopping them from regenerating their current physical form.

Locking eyes with either foe, I channel more power into the enhancer and began swinging forward towards them in complex maneuvers, sending forth shining yellow ribbons of my refined empyreal might that crystallized into blades that shone malevolently. I couldn't help but tsk as the so called Keeper of Secrets jumped farther and used her/its two swords to parry or break the hail of crystalline blades, looking at Aizaun drew forth a similar feelings of annoyance as the necron lord simply raised a hand and flash created a massive emerald ball of fire which he then slammed into the ribbons.

Once again using my skywalker runes I took to the skies away from the ground as the emerald sun crashed through the hail of yellow, breaking large chunks of empyreal energy that fell to the floor as pillars. Unholstering my bright rifle I spotted that Ner'isa had the same idea by jumping on one of the tall pillars made from my shattered ribbons.

When the verdant star crashed into the floor, it exploded into massive tsunami of fire that encompassed the floor, bathing the room in its sickly green glow. Instincts honed from centuries of combat, I pivot on the spot and swing at Aizaun who came out of the shadows wielding a sword created by his damned gauntlets. The two of us clashed in the air sending forth streaks of amber and emerald away from our blades right before we both leapt away from each other in order to dodge the torrent of indigo flames.

Together, each of us stood on one of the amber crystalline pillars facing each other as the chamber around us was bathed in emerald fire and green gauss lighting. I curse mentally as I wish I didn't lose my 'god hands', this fight would be quite a bit easier for me. As the three of us looked at each other I inspect my own form while keeping the two within my senses.

I could not help but mentally wince at how beaten up my wraith plate is, some of the protective runic arrays were dimly lit and I knew that they were losing the strength to withstand the punishment of fighting these two on roughly equal footing. If I had my Knight group with me, then we would be able to support each other, but with only myself left then I had no choice but to constantly power these runes to meet them...

It is at this moment that I had to dread that I might have to 'Invoke' in order to reseal these two. A thought that seemed more and more like the correct option as I saw Ner'isa cackle despite the fact half her/its face is burnt black, as well as part of the forehead crest and one horn snapped off, the burnt left part of her face revealed another eye right where the broken crest was. "This song and dance was simply divine~ But I'm afraid this is the end for the both of you~"

An odd echoing snort came from Aizaun's direction, the necron lord's aurora of emerald fire and lightning seemed to intensify as he clenched his flaming gauntlet clad fists. "What makes you so certain that you will be able to defeat us? You are by far weaker than even the weakest of my Wraith Sentinels, why I'm pretty sure the little knight of Vaul can defeat you by himself." Despite the rather dire situation I rolled my eyes within my helmet, engagements with Aizaun were never dull, the necron made sure of that.

The next words of the abomination stopped the both of us in our tracks. "B̶̨̧̡̨̘̪̠͉͇̼̫̣̆̆̍̽̃̾̔͜͝ē̷͇͔̲̞̝̘̖̈́́͐̋͊̍͂̋̄̽̐̎̔̑č̵̨̥̗͕̯̽͜a̶̡̡̹̞̟̟̦͓͎̣̪͝u̶̞͍̩̮̪͓͎͎̪̳̠̳̗̒̈͊̈́̈́͝s̵̨͖̩̮͓̈́̊͗̒̌̓̅ę̵͓̘͇̖̝͑̋͋ ̸̛̠̬͖͖̟̩̭̬̯̂́̊͑̾̽t̵̡̻͔̻̹̪̝͎̓̒͑̌̌̏̈̉͋͒̉̋̎̂ͅí̶̢̧̢͉̖̠̱͈͙̌̌͗́̈͛̋͗̉̕̕͝͝m̸̨̗̻̖͖̤͕͚̞̠̬̩̤̉͊͑́̾͘e̸̡̥̯̝̓̅̽̿̾̈́̃̏͑̚͝.̴͎͊̋.̶̨̛̛̩̹̱̝̮͎̱̠̻̔̉̈́̈́̉́̂͛͂̒͒͝ͅ.̴̨̻̝͓̙̜̝͙̞̣̩̄͜ ̵̡̡̨̥̮̣̯͚̹͎̭̯̟̙͌͂͌͒̈͐͆̓h̴̰̠̔̀͒̀ą̵̛̈́̂̅̾́̂̀͠s̷̮͇͎̥͙̺̖͇̞̩̥̖͛̔̓ͅ ̷̨̡̛͉̰͈̞͍̠̙̥͗̀̊̓͜͠r̴̢̺̱̙̫̟̭̥̝̊̆́̽̃̀̿̈́̇̿͠ų̴̢͖̤̰̟͍̼̩͍͙͓͂̋̌̒̀̚͜͠ͅn̵̪̬̖͕̳͈̝̮̒̽͊̅̒̚̚͜ ̸̜͓̰̮͒̉͒̿̀̓o̵̲̙̊u̵̥̦̰͙̖̠̖̝͙̳͖̾̅̎̎͛̀̄̄̀͜ͅẗ̵̯̲́̀͒̇̆̂̀̑̓̕.̶̙̮͉̐͒̏̐͗̀̚͝͠"

My soulsaber and bright rifle were raised, I prepare myself for the worst and it seems like the necron lord felt the same as Aizaun's aura thickened and his stance solidified in preparation for anything. Thankfully even he isn't so immune, since a chunk of his necrodermis ribs were missing.

I could not help but watch, transfixed as this... abomination making several hand signs that bear an eerie resemblance to aeldari rune-hand. Aizaun gathered an orb of verdant lightning in his palms and fired a beam at Ner'isa, shaking myself from my transfixed state I raise my bright rifle firing while throwing another hail of crystalline amber warp blades.

It was all for naught however as Ner'isa finished whatever sequence she/it made and clapped her/its free hands together. Suddenly the floor lit up in a strange mark, the pink and purple light drew a cursed runic engram on the floor surrounding a symbol I would later know as the mark of whatever being this thing serves. Followed up by a large explosion detonating at Ner'isa's location.

The engram did not die out, and in the ceiling a vortex of... hang on, is that the sea of souls?! Why does it look so chaotic?!? "You... what have you done?!" All that he received was a demented giggle as the smoke cleared to reveal that although the abomination was damaged severely, countless wailing ghosts flew from the vortex above and surrounded her/its form healing Ner'isa as even more souls began surrounding the ceiling of the chamber.

"6,666,666 Aeldari souls... not the total of this planet during the War in Heaven, but it is more than enough of a boost to wipe you both out and clear this talisman for my prince~" All those innocent souls, damned to this... this! THING! I grit my teeth beneath my helm and finger the heartstones instinctively, the heartstones and spiritstones would defend the soul of Knights from falling into the empyrean, but to the average citizen of the Aeldari Dominion? They had no such protection, and Exal'tdorei (Exalus) was host to over ten million craftsmen and women not including the protectors and guardians.

So to see all of them wailing and suffering under the thrall of this horrid abomination, it fills me with fierce ire. But just as I was about to 'invoke' three shadows flew from separate locations and impacted Ner'isa's form, ignoring the souls. Turning to Aizaun the necron lord easily looked just as surprised as I am before turning to the empyreal core of the talisman. "I thought the spyders already took down all of the automated defenses."

Looking back at Ner'isa's location, I looked even more confused at what was holding the struggling warp creature. "... That, is NOT part of the Talisman's defense system..."

Holding the large distinctly feminine abomination were three incredibly strange black forms. They were half her size but they seemed to be far stronger. "My my~ Even these machines are... wait. nO!!! gEt OfF mE!!!" A panicked flex from the strangely fearful abomination cast a shockwave that blasted the three black figures away, they turned into clouds of black and orange lightning before the three coalesced and formed on one of the pillars.

The three of us couldn't help but stare at the three figures that all stood together on one of the amber formations. My stare in befuddlement, Aizaun despite his lack of face to express himself looked just as confused, his aurora dimmed and the verdant lightning stopped striking around, but it was Ner'isa's Ur'ces face who looked extremely fearful stared at the black figures.

We watch as the orange eyes of the middle one turn a light blue. "✋︎ ♒︎♋︎❖︎♏︎ ⬥︎♋︎⧫︎♍︎♒︎♏︎♎︎ ●︎□︎■︎♑︎ ♏︎■︎□︎◆︎♑︎♒︎📬︎ 😐︎♏︎♏︎◻︎♏︎❒︎ □︎♐︎ 💧︎♏︎♍︎❒︎♏︎⧫︎⬧︎📪︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎❒︎♏︎ ⬥︎♓︎●︎●︎ ♌︎♏︎ ■︎□︎ ♏︎⬧︎♍︎♋︎◻︎♏︎ ♐︎□︎❒︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎📬︎ 🏱︎❒︎♏︎◻︎♋︎❒︎♏︎ ⧫︎□︎ ♌︎♏︎ ◆︎■︎❍︎♋︎♎︎♏︎📬︎" A feminine voice resounded from the blue eyed one, although neither I nor Aizaun could understand it. But it seems Ner'isa did as she actually took a step back, the trio of black featureless forms looked up at the vortex. With a metallic howl, the forms leapt towards the abomination who seemed to lose all semblance of control and is frantically trying to keep them away.

Warning instincts saved me from an early demise as I swung my soulsaber to clash with Aizaun's emerald blade. "It seems that our mutual annoyance is being occupied at the moment. Now it is just you, and me." The Wrathlord intoned as he shoved me back from the deadlock, my skywalker runes active in making sure I don't fall into the emerald lake of fire below.

Whatever those three were, I am grateful that they prevented me from 'Invoking', and if the fear in the abomination's onyx jeweled eyes were real.

Then there might still be hope for them yet.


It is one thing to have something like this be described, it is another to actually see it. I control the three Khalkotauroi to begin attacking the greater daemon with no mercy, however the only reason why I haven't outright eaten this daemon bitch is because of all these souls.

The daemon's earlier statement basically truly confirms that all of them were from the War in Heaven, and since this isn't a necron tomb world thank the true powers that be, I can relax a little bit. Just a little bit, considering there is still this WiH Necron force, Keeper of Secrets, and Old Aeldari inside a Blackstone Fortress sitting right underneath our basement, there are still more things to be stressed about.

Anyway, it is good that I basically had the Khalkotauroi take a huge bite out of the KoS. Because of that, this warp spawn was now in a frenzied panic, simply doing her/its best trying to prevent any of my khalkotauroi from surrounding her/it and taking bites out of her/its immaterial structure. It's oddly satisfying seeing a keeper of secrets, a creature that is almost always smiling in perverse glee and hedonistic sadism, look so worried and frightened.

Using a radiant I left hidden, I see that the souls, vortex, and circle on the ground were idling. Good, I interrupted the daemon's ritual, I should be able to contain it then until I can figure out how to free those Aeldari souls, if I can't then the least I could do is spare them the suffering and give them an End. Khalkotauroi with siphon arrays are cheatsy against anything energy-based and the empyrean is a form of energy, so I should be able to weaken the daemon enough she/it can be easily captured.

Chancing a glance to the other side, man that Aeldari and Necron were duking it out on top of an amber crystal ground over a sea of emerald fire. Enough gawking, I can view that in detail later, for now let's deal with this daemon. I do not like that the daemon is the only one I can understand, but it is to be expected, the War in Heaven era races have not encountered humanity at all so they wouldn't understand low gothic and vice versa I wouldn't understand whatever dialect they commonly spoke of.

Ah, warpfire. The khalkotauroi I was backseat gaming from simply took the fire and ate it with its siphon array. To be honest, I can't really blame this daemon, if I was cornered by a creature that is immune to nearly everything I can throw at it and is very proficient in the only way I can damage it, I would be scared shitless too. The group of three khalkotauroi were probing the weakened and panicking keeper of secrets for weaknesses in her/its oddly effective hastily built defense.

The warp spawn's free flaming hands swiped a stream of corrupt pink fire at two of my khalkotauroi while deadlocking her/its blades against my own. She/it thinks that as long as my khalkotauroi don't touch her/it then she/it should be safe, unfortunately for the greater daemon they only need to be close enough. So my blades form 'sword catchers' and lock those swords in place before the khalkotauroi's 'abdomen' flowered outwards, a siphoning vortex in its place as it began to unravel the keeper of secrets.

Said keeper of secrets let out an echoing shriek of terror as the Slaaneshi creature actually let go of her/its blades in order to jump away from the khalkotauroi attempting to eat her/it. I saw that the daemon was holding a hand to her/its own stomach, a roiling colorful mess that is mostly pink and purple was very visible where she/it was trying to hold a hand over.

And because we are in a Blackstone Fortress/Talisman of Vaul, this greater daemon has no way to run like the Khornish Keeper of Secrets did. So oddly enough, the most effective prison will be this very vessel that she/it sought to convert for her/its master/mistress. Kind of poetic actually.

The floor of green fire dissipated as I heard the heavy Aeldari and Necron Lord upped their game if I deduce from the intensifying sounds of their battle. Turning back to the greater daemon who seems to be eyeing the ritual circle in desperation, but it seems like she/it is staying her/its hand due to the fact that one of my khalkotauroi was standing in her/its way.

Eyeing the fight from the radiant, the khalkotauroi I was in spoke once more to the greater daemon. "You will not do anything, unless you wish to be meet your death." From where I am looking, the warp tumor-bound creature is struggling with that ultimatum. I can tell she/it wants to make a run for it, but with the three khalkotauroi there is no way to do so, the greater daemon eyed the ritual circle etched on the floor of the chamber and then all the souls aimlessly flying about wailing incomprehensibly without purpose.

That ever so slight shift told me all I needed to know, I could only apologize mentally to the souls as the three khalkotauroi leapt forwards and- "Amalgamate" Wait what? The greater daemon intoned that out before she/it began running for one of the exits. Oh the hell you aren't getting away! Just as I send the khalkotauroi after the keeper of secrets, the cries of 6,666,666 souls echoed throughout the chamber.

Such an action stopped the Necron and Aeldari from fighting and stopped me within the body of the khalkotauroi while the other two gave chase for the fleeing purple woman in clouds of black and orange. I watch in transfixed horror as the souls tried to claw the air to try and get away from a black and purple ball that was pulling every single one of the souls damned by the keeper into it. A bomb? Wait, no the daemon said amalgamate. Is it?...

The necron lord, the aeldari knight, and myself watched the souls of countless aeldari wail in despair as they were forcefully brought together in the middle of the ritual circle, the swirling gate of empyreal energy above dissipated, while the poor damned aeldari solidified into a grotesque large hunched humanoid as large as a bloodthirster. I could not help but wince mentally as I spotted no less than twenty torsos had their front carved out exposing bone and sinew acting as some form of demented maw for this abomination, the other souls' forms weren't any better, bulging cancerous growths, skinless body parts, the stuff of nightmares.

Amalgamate... It's a fitting name for an abomination. I couldn't help but feel sorrow when I look at the countless faces of aeldari frozen in horror, despair, and agony, their eyes still moving, countless dimly lit colored eyes stared at the three of us, begging for the sweet embrace of death. But I knew that if they were freed from this disgusting state, they would only face the true horror of suffering under the thrall of the damned dark prince.

I turn my head to look at the Necron Lord and the Aeldari who turned to me, with one simple look we shared the same thought as the amalgam let out an echoing roar of perpetual agony, the numerous exposed eyes weeping blood and cursed warpfire.

"Let's put this sorry thing out of its misery."

Behold the end.

As you can tell I not only went ham with War in Heaven 'excuses', but I also dislike writing anything to do with Slaanesh. (You can tell probably)

So with this damnation that is me writing two Keeper of Secrets as Eien's current named enemies from Chaos, I am going to be subjecting myself to more unclean-ness in the form of word torture.

Anyway here is a translation of what Eien 'wingdinged'.
"I have watched long enough. Keeper of Secrets, there will be no escape for you. Prepare to be unmade."

I forgot to add the photo of the necron's canoptek guardian in chapter 21 so here ya go!

So anyway, I hope ya'll like this chapter and the blackstone fortress arc will be ending in the next few chapters. <:3
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I wonder if Eien will realize how pathetically easy it is for them to seperate the Amalgamate... or they are probably just going to kill it.
Omg I cant help imagine the KoS freaking out like when someone discovers a bug is on them hahahahahaha Lovely chapter! Cant wait for more
Did I miss something?

Cuz the kos was being built to be a far bigger threat than this.

Eien being Eien, that and the blackstone fortress is lined with stuff that contains the power of the empyreal engine within the vessel and other energies outside away from the vessel. So the KoS being a creature of the warp is essentially trapped inside whether she/it likes it or not.

And when you are trapped with a high potential chance of true death in the form of Eien's Khalkotauroi, you begin to make mistakes on account that they already took a successful bite and realize that they are not regenerating back the part lost to the bite.

The ritual was going to be a standard power up since that was a culmination of the KoS fucking around (figuratively and literally) during the War in Heaven, and it would have made her the bigger threat. If not for Eien finally sending in the Khalkotauroi and putting the greater daemon off balance with the threat of oblivion.

So in order to save her own ass, she sacrificed the potential power up to be a distraction. (As you can tell that partially worked)
the KoS fucking around (figuratively and literally) during the War in Heaven
okay, i know the warp takes a dim view on the concept of linear time, but a greater deamon existing millions of years before its god comes into existance is pretty crazy. i previously thought he was trapped there during/shortly after the fall.
-Any eldar soul not bound to the materium by a body or a soulstone goes into the warp... and then gets eaten by Slaanesh. Pretty sure the only thing keeping those souls there would be the daemon's spell.-

Eien sees the combined abomination and hums to herself. "I can't just break that ritual spell, then all 6,666,666 of those aeldari souls will just be free for a scant few nanoseconds before the whore gobbles them up all-you-can-eat buffet style. But I can't just unravel and sentence all of them to oblivion without at least trying to save them."

In order to not damn them to Slaanesh, it would seem that she must damn them herself.

Kinda grimdark isn't it? :3
What are the chances of eien trying to adopt as many of those souls into her network as possible? Maybe she could create more of those bio-mechanical bodies for them?
Chapter 23-A2: Rumble in the Underground - Side
Chapter 23-A2: Rumble in the Underground - Side


My eyes narrowed slightly as I watch the great number of ferromorphs and frames that make up the abominable intelligence's force either fly over us or walk within and around the convoy before I turned my head to look at Eien with a flat look and no suspicion at all... well, that is a lie. I always had a healthy amount of suspicion for everyone including and especially including those serving the imperium and even my own retinue.

Regardless, right now I won't suspect Lady Ei- the abominable intelligence as much right now, because she did help the convoy by outing that necron hidden in the ground from ambushing us, it looked incredibly damaged from her one attack as well so I may have to keep an eye out for any other weapons she might bring forth.

"So, any other hidden necrons in the area Lady Eien?" My question garnered the attention of the other imperial commanders within the convoy, as well as the notice of mine as well as Titus' team. It is a shame that the twins weren't able to join us, but they were far too spooked to even be of any use so he put them on 'temporary leave', perhaps those two could bother the good general or that engineer girl.

Eien turned her head to me, and I find it slightly disturbing that even if she is 'looking away' from me, it still feels like I am being watched by her and not by the myriad of ferromorphs and frames she sends all around. "I find none at the moment, but it is best if the convoy is on high alert, I may have been able to detect their signature no matter how muddled it was, it is still a high possibility that I may not be able to read others if there are more in the area."

I nodded at that and turned my head to the other commanders as well as my inquisitorial party. "You heard Lady Eien, set the convoy to condition majoris. Everyone and their shovel will have eyes out for any possible necron sightings, if anyone so much as get a glimpse of something black and green I want everyone to immediately be aware of it, understood?"

A whole myriad of affirmative responses were given to me, off to the side I see Titus give a nod followed by the sororitas and the one imperial guard from Mala's team, turning to Aronna and Oleg they too gave a nod of their own. All the imperial commanders of the convoy were using their vox casters to relay my orders to the rest of the imperial convoy.

Turning to Eien, it would appear that she too was surveying the area which was good, now comes the arguably most stressful part of this operation.

The waiting game. Before when we left Castle Krakengar, this would have been a simple travel down to the depths without any major confrontation until we arrived to the blackstone fortress.

But alas, things can never be that simple nowadays, with the reveal of a necron canoptek wraith and the possibility of there being more hiding in the area. Things will get really stressful for the men the longer we wait without anything happening at all, the individual will begin to lose sense and become paranoid, and while I am all for a healthy dose of paranoia as it is what kept me safe all these years as an inquisitor. Too much will ensure that you will become a detriment to your allies at best, and ironically helpful to your enemies at worst.

Speaking of paranoia, I find it oddly disconcerting to know that despite the rather impressive sensor suites under Eien's disposal, she didn't detect the necron until it was right on top of us. Ah, her eyes are flashing that bright blue, the humanoid ferromorph turned towards the rest of the imperials and then to me. "I will try to minimize the chances of your forces taking casualties, I have given my forces the command to shield the imperials from any attacks made by the necrons, they will be able to take the hits you cannot."

That's rather... nice of the abomina- her, looking off to the side I see the other imperial commanders looking slightly put off which is understandable. The phrase 'preventing casualties' is extremely optimistic and much less the reason for so would be coming from what is arguably one of the imperium's most hated creatures.

But then again, Eien has gone above and beyond proving us wrong, but then it could also be an elaborate ruse, we will never know until the hammer drops or unless one of us gets inside her head to try and figure out her motives which is highly unlikely.

Oh, one of the commanders stood up. Hmm, it is the commander of the 2nd 'power armor' company sent with us. She's rather young, and she bowed her head at Eien. Humble too. "As Captain of 2nd Shock Armor Company, I thank you for the actions you are taking to defend us and the rest of the imperial convoy." I should keep an eye for her, and by extension her lieutenant, they might make good recruiting material along with the engineer Tiki... granted if Eien doesn't kidnap the engineer before I do it fir- I mean, respectfully relocate her to my command.

The other captains of the imperial convoy looked a lot older than the power armor wearing captain, it seems that most of them disapprove of her or any imperial thanking the goo matriarch. Their only saving grace is that they do not needlessly antagonize the grey lady who has us currently outnumbered 20 to 1 not including her new voidcraft, because if one of them sets her off we are frakked in every way possible in every frakking direction.

Anyway, enough of the possible horrible early ends we can meet should we provoke the mother. Speaking of which, Eien simply waved her hand while placing her other hand on her 'cheek'. "No problem captain, there is no reason to not ensure that you would take minimal to no casualties in any coming engagement. Besides, I treasure life."

Hearing that little statement I couldn't help but recall the absolute annihilation of anything that moved during the Ork and Dark Eldar attack on Castle Krakengar, then again it IS those two races so perhaps even Eien would make exceptions... then I remember watching those harpies and wyverns grabbing dark eldar and either snapping them in half or pulling them apart. Rather brutal for someone that treasures life but ok then.

I heard a slight snort coming from, oh? It came from the sister hospitaller, this might prove to be interesting but it also might needlessly antagonize her if things go wrong. "I said I treasure life, I never said I treasure ALL life. There are some things in the universe that need to be purged." Looks like Eien saw and heard the snor- the grey lady actually shuddered. What kind of creatures did she 'Reap', if we go by that farseer's description of the matriarch, that was horrid enough to shake a digital creature albeit even if for a physical 'show of emotion' that the abominable intelligence is prone to doing?

"If you do not mind me asking Lady Eien, but it sounds like you are experienced in some of those creatures. Would you mind showing us an example?" Oddly enough it was the ogryn Oleg that requested that, it seems like the captain wants to know more about these kinds of creatures. Why he wants to know, I may not know the reason but perhaps it is just in case we encounter a creature of similar attributes.

"Oleg, do you really want to know this now? When the convoy might possibly be ambushed at any given moment? The necrons are not just going to politely wait and listen to lady Eien explain about a dangerous species she purged long ago you know?" I saw the magos Aronna quip at the ogryn, who coughed into his titanic fist in a rare display of embarrassment.

"Fair enough magos. Apologies, I got carried away." Oleg apologized, and apparently not a moment too soon, as lady Eien's blue optics flashed and the goo matriarch turned around with her arm forming two stalks on her ferromorph's shoulders which then turned into that strange weapon from earlier when she detected the wraith, only this time they were emitting a faint hum as if they were charging.

I watch as Eien turn their head slightly to us before looking around warily. "You might want to have the convoy prepare for a fight, I am detecting several necron signatures approaching from up ahead. I wonder how they snuck past though..."

The goo mother's words shook the commanders from their thoughts, I watch as those flying frames soared overhead with some circling around the convoy in general. My vox-comms came alive as I heard the orders from the various commanders in this convoy be given to their respective companies.

Turning my head to Titus and my inquisitorial party, we all shared a nod. "Stick with the initial battle plan unless something drastically changes."

Watching them all nod back at me I turn towards Eien just as she fired both of those weapons, letting loose twin giant distorted wave-like beams out into the darkness. Taking a step closer until I was beside Eien, I look ahead to see if I could spot any of our enemies. I could practically feel her annoyance with how close I am to the matriarch.

"Damn. Those things have Dispersion Fields, that is going to be real annoying to deal with." The goo mother wanted me to hear that is seems, given her next set of words as she turned slightly towards me. "The only necron presences I can sense around us is the one that is ahead of us, there are no muddled signatures behind or underneath us thankfully. The imperial convoy with my children should be able to eventually break through this necron force. Tell me inquisitor, do you know of Necron armor?"

I couldn't help but blink at that question. "I know that the armor they use makes them nearly unkillable with how much it seems to regenerate if that is what you are asking."

Eien seemed to look a slight bit sheepish. "Sorry, I should have clarified. I meant their vehicles."

With that correction I tilted my head back and forth, idly preparing my plasma pistol. "Not much, the magos has far more information on it. I only know of those arks and tomb blades, why are you asking?"

I was vaguely aware of the other imperial commanders as well as Titus, and our respective squad members listening in on our conversation. "Well, I think you are about to get a taste of some War in Heaven armored units. I will have bastions and the siphons be at the forefront of the engagement. See to it that your convoy does not get caught outside of me and my children's protection."

With that sentence finished, Eien then seemed to focus as these large ball-like ferromorphs rolled around the convoy and even on the tunnel walls to get around the convoy before they slammed to a halt right in front of us, not before I saw what was it we were facing. I do not recognize any of those designs, rolling necron constructs that unfold into a weapons platform with two of those immortal gauss weapons.

There are about six 'tanks' which look like strangely designed 'carts' to fit only one person, maybe two if they are small enough. Two tanks that actually have the appearance of regular tanks, they slightly remind me of the eldar's grav-tanks along with... along with those three walkers as well actually. Supported by quite a few standard necron warriors, immortals, and the like.

If Eien and her children were not here with this convoy, we would have been in for a rather painful engagement. It is a shame that we have to rely on her for combat so much, and even more of a shame that she will never be a part of the wider Imperium as it is in its current state. Eien would have done so much in pushing back if not constantly defeating the enemies of the Imperium if past engagements with the orks, dark eldar, and the eldar were any indicator.

My eyes narrowed as I spotted some kind of strange necron, it looks like a construct but it isn't... it looks like a wraith but, the necron looks as if it is made from more than one necron. That doesn't look good, it towers over those necron immortals and those are the size of the average space marine if not a slight bit taller.

Shaking my head, I prepare my plasma pistol and Iron Blessing. I saw the glow of a blue light ahead and saw the tell-tale green 'lightning' of the necrons fly at us, impacting the large wall-headed bastions and disappear into the blue light vortexes as if they did nothing.

Yeah. It is a shame that Eien will never be a part of the Imperium. She would be a game changer in any and all future engagements.


The banter with her is a plus. Not as frustrating as those farseers or other inquisitors.


I dash through the halls of the Talisman of Vaul, being a creature of the immaterium I had no concept of being physically tired, but it almost felt like it as I ran as fast as I could to find a way out of this vessel. I need to get out in order to make a gate back to the empyrean, there is no way I am staying here as long as those... those... THINGS are in this shi-

The sound of skittering, hissing, fluttering, and slight buzz of electrical currents nearly gave me what the mortals of the materium would call a heart attack. THEY ARE FOLLOWING ME!

Hazarding a glance behind me, I see the black clouds with orange lightning and fire roiling within chasing after me. I see only two, so that first one must be distracted by my little sacrifice. I did NOT want to use the souls of the Aeldari in that way, it is a waste. Well normally it wouldn't be since it would be fed to my prince, but I wanted the permanent power up. But now? Now it is a waste because of those accursed monsters.

As I turned around a corner, one of my free hands reached for my abdominal area. I winced at feeling NOTHING there, just an empty void, my empyreal signature has been damaged, if I had let them latch for perhaps a second longer... NO!

Get it together Ner'isa! There is no point imagining the possibility of oblivion, you still exist and as long as you get out of here, you will continue existing. Right.

The sounds of the swarm receded and instead I heard the sound of something flying through the air with an ominous hum. Without looking behind me, my upper arms gathered more than just the standard corroding warpfire, I gathered a more concentrated version of it before flinging it behind me. I was rewarded with the sound of a metallic howl and the sound of something making an impact.

Bolstered by the sound, I sped up my pace and chanced another look at my back. If I was a mortal of the materium, my heart would have been in my ear with how one of those things was beginning to steadily get closer to her despite the 'damaged head'. Something that felt cold was gripping my very being as I watched the form of the creature ripple once, then twice, before the damage dealt to its head regenerated. Looking as if it was never damaged in the first place.

The cold feeling only tightened its grip on me when I noticed one thing important.

I can not see the other one.

Frantically looking around for a way of escape, I noticed the area I was in. This was the beginning of the Talisman's more complicated pathways, specifically the pathways that snake from the bowels of the ship, to the outer sectors of this vessel, I can do this, I can lose them here.

With a feeling of renewed confidence, I look behind me to see the still chasing creature. "Y-you want me?~ C-come an-d g-get me!~"

I hate that I sounded so pathetic when I made that quip, but the threat of these creatures has shaken me to my core. If I falter, they will catch me, and if I don't break free they will take another piece, when I break free again, they will chase me down again. They will wear me down the longer I am in this vessel, I need to get out if I am to survive and be of use to my Prince once more.

Turning the last corner, I spot the numerous pathways that make this place seem like a maze. Perfect, I quickly gather the warp energy and formed several corporeal illusions of myself and spread out. Hearing the tell-tale sound of the creature flying from just around the corner, I ran to a pathway I knew that would later converge at a checkpoint that will lead me to one of the Talisman's hangars. From there I should be able to get out.

I can do this!

I can escape this horrid nightmare!



So why do I feel cold?

And so a side to Chapter 23. This introduces some more necron shit and a look inside the thoughts of the current Thot.

This may not be a major chapter just yet, but I hope it amuses you all just the same. <:3

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TTS AMGIAGW - Boy's Adventures: Repossessed
So I just rewatched a few episodes of the Emperor's voxcasts which was all in good fun, and my muse decided it was funny to have this has been stuck inside my head for quite a while. So take a good look at more of this trash, for my muse refuses my pleas of actually making any chapters for now.

Boooooldeeerr Gooooold - GEoM/Adam Revale
Bold Gold - Son GEoM/Shard of the Emperor/Adamson Revale

Yellow - Rogal Dorn the man with fortified facial hair
Red - Magnus the Red Big Bird
Blue - Roboute Guilliman aka Julius Caesar MK.2
Orange - Kittonius the Non-Canonizer aka Little Kitten
White - Fabulous Stripstodes
Dark Green - Vulkan is Frendly Man Ork Man
Gray - Corvus Corax the depressed but determined birb
[Glow="Cyan"]Glowing Cyan - Momma Ara ara Eien[/Glow]
Light Cyan - Little Sinastra
Blood Red - Ripper and Tearer/Doom Slayer/John
Light Yellow - Vox Hailer Boy/Tiny One

Walking down the halls of the golden Imperial Palace of Terra was a person that was slowly becoming a more common sight within said halls and a being that is vaguely respected by its more permanent residents.

His name was unknown to the inhabitants, and due to the impatience of someone who shall not be named. "WASN'T ME." This voxcaster novitiate is simply known as... Boy.

It has been quite some time since Boy walked the halls, he had to recover from the incident of a certain black templar's rage *AhemHelbrechtAhem* and such he was just released from the Imperial Palace's Silent Sister's Hospitallers. Apparently the Sisters of Silence and Legio Custodes had their own Hospitallers and Apothecaries, and they were equally as deadly as the brothers and sisters of their respective orders.

With a gentle but firm wrap of bandages covering the damaged eye, Boy walked through the golden halls of the palace with a solemn but distracted air to him. He was thinking quite a bit, wondering how he even got this far, and not in the way that how he managed to get all the way to the Imperial Palace. He just simply walked through the sewers and up the steps to His holy palace whenever he is called upon... which was almost every day actually.

Boy was thinking to himself why was it that HE of all people was called upon by the venerable God Emperor of Mankind, he was simply a novitiate, he speaks with a nasally lisp, and he was tiny. Yet, the Emperor himself called upon his services to be the Vox Hailer of these Voxcasts, even lord Rogal Dorn or at least Lord Dadorable in Boy's mind seemed to like him for whatever reason, and those three... strange custodians while apathetic to him at first, they began to begrudgingly respect him... somehow?

The Boy was deep in his thoughts when he was shaken rather violently from them when he ran into something, or rather. Someone. When the one-eyed boy looked up from his place sitting on the floor, he saw a beautiful girl with purplish-blue skin, pointy ears, and long luscious soft pink and black hair fashioned in a long braid. Her armor hugged her form and when the woman turned, Boy could see her eyes were glowing a soft bluish-white with a hint of purple in them.

While undoubtedly beautiful, the first thing to come to the mind of Boy was one thing. Why was there a xeno inside the Imperial Palace? Where they being infiltrated and he caught an infiltrator in the act of... infiltrating?!

Before Boy could do anything, the girl got down to his level, her facial expression looked straight and neutral like Lord Dadorable's own constant expression but he could definitely see the hint of curiosity in her eyes. "Hmm... Cute..."

Of all things, Boy didn't think that this infiltrator(?) would call HIM cute, and- woah oh, she was beginning to reach out for him. Before he could panic and scream, the xeno girl in front of him simply poked his slightly chubby cheeks, this confused him even more, and even more as the beautiful xeno girl began gently pulling at his cheeks.

It was then he couldn't help but whimper as the xeno girl picked him up, his hands clutching the voice-hailer tightly as she stood up and lifted him up off the ground. Her eyes, which he could just barely see that had pupils were looking into his one eye and at his bandaged one in silence, Boy had to wonder if he will meet his end here. To be silenced by an infiltrator(?) before he could warn anybo-

"I will bring you... to mother... and father in the throne room." Wait what, Boy could only blink as he registered what the xeno girl just said. The throne room? She wasn't an infiltrator? What is going on? Boy made an uncertain noise as he was turned around and hugged to the chest of the- Ohsweetemperorwhywasthissosoft?!

If anyone saw the two, they would have been stared at as the sight of a xeno girl hanging her arms down 'hugging' a rather small boy under his arms and he reflexively put his arms over hers in order to not fall while clutching his voice-hailer. The boy was also positioned in a way that the top of his head was 'shielded' by an 'extension' from the xeno-girl's armor.

Boy was rather intimidated, but at their pace they weren't going to be reaching the throne room quickly, if that was where they were going in the first place anyway. He had no way of verifying if this xeno girl was speaking the truth or not, so he had to pass the time. AKA Try and stall his possibly imminent demise. "S-so u-u-uuuhhhhh... W-w-what i-is y-your name lady?"

He saw the xeno girl bow forwards to the point he could see the top of her head and barely her glowing eyes. "I am Sinatra... What is yours?"

Honestly? The Vox Hailer Boy didn't think that she would actually answer him, much less ask him for his own name. Maybe this xeno girl isn't that bad? Oh wait she might want him to answer her request back. "Th-that's a n-nice n-n-name... U-uhhh, m-my name is-"

"BOY! Ah so this is where yoouuuu aaaare... Ahh lady Sinatra, I did not think you would be with Boy when you explored the palace actually." It was at that moment, that Boy... became really confused. Was this xeno girl an honored guest or something? Karstodes usually sounds really distrustful, but he was actually being respectful now, to a xeno girl.

"Found him... earlier. He is... cute... I was going to bring him to the throne room." Again with the cute comment, Boy could not understand why this xeno girl was calling him cute, he was NOT cute!

"R-right, it just so happens the Emperor was going to begin planning another voxcast, and our glorious overlord was looking for your pathe- EEP!" Before Karstodes even finished his initial ribbing of Boy, he was abruptly halted by the presence of a mostly blue and purple 'electric' blade of psionic energy being pointed at his throat in a near instant.

Usually the threat of bodily harm coming from anyone but their glorious overlord would not be enough to shake a member of the adeptus custodes, much less the fabulous custodes. But the eyes of Sinatra bear the same presence as her mother Eien, and all members of the adeptus custodes, actually everyone who serves inside the Imperial Palace knows not to mess with the Emperor's squeeze. So the daughter's eyes inspire the same command and fear that Karstodes couldn't help but flinch.

"-y-your Vox Hailer, Boy. H-hmm myes." Karstodes nervously finished as underneath his helmet he was looking between the psionic blade and its neutrally expressive wielder. He let loose a quiet sigh of relief when the psionic arm weapon dissipated harmlessly. Which made for an amusing sight since Sinatra was a full two heads shorter than the custodian.

"We will... go to the throne room now." Sinatra's flat voice echoed throughout the hall as she made sure her hold on Boy was re-applied and not too tightly. Thoroughly confused now, the Boy couldn't help but let out an unsure noise as he tried to look around to Karstodes, although the sound of footsteps behind them reveals that he is following them. "Hmm... Boy..."

"Y-y-yes m-my lady?" Fearful for his life considering the girl holding him like a doll was powerful enough to make the Emperor's custodes flinch or nearly panic, Boy immediately responded but could not control his initial stutter.

"Is that... your name?" Ah, right he wasn't able to speak his name to the pretty xeno girl earlier as he was interrupted. Surely now would be a great time to tell her then, there... didn't seem to be any harm in Boy's eyes despite the possible chance of dying somehow.

Before Boy could say anything though, they reached the doors where the sounds of rapid slapping and laughter were echoing albeit a tad bit muffled. All three of them looked at each other before looking at the door, Karstodes opened it for the three of them and they were treated to the sight of...

The Emperor of Mankind laughing while his chest is getting slapped by Eien repeatedly who was angrily pouting at him. They could see Adamson, Rogal, Magnus, Roboute, Vulkan, Corvus, Kitten, and John were there watching the ongoing scene of their parents with varying emotions. When the door opened, all eyes turned to them, including the two on the Golden Throne.

"Ello der sistah Sinatra! Hows was your explorin of teh palace?" The titanic black primarch asked in his oh so very friendly manner.

"Indeed, you were gone for quite some time. During said time Father decided to tease... uhh well, Mother."

"I did say you all can call me mom or mother, I don't mind. If we go into the full technicalities, I would say I AM your mother." "Even if I only carried Vulkan to term and gave birth to him."

"Uhh right, so you... who is this?" Magnus' voice trailed off as he spotted the extra baggage in Sinatra's arms, his pointed stare was replicated by everyone except for two people.

"I found him earlier... I wanted to bring him here."

"Ahh, Boy. There you are. Father was hoping to find you soon so that we may begin the planning of the next Voxcast."

"Hold up, Adam. You run a Podcast? Since when?"


"If... mother didn't repeatedly slap you just a few seconds ago father, I believe she would have slapped you again."

"Damn straight!"

"Now mother. You cannot blame older me, his... memory is not that stable since his shards are all over the place." To the other denizens of the Imperial Palace, much less the Emperor himself, it was weird seeing another being they know as a shard of the Emperor defend... well, the Emperor.


"Nevertheless, who is this serf holding a voice-hailer and is his name actually Boy?"

"Allow me to explain brother. Boy here is a serf who the Emperor has selected out of a whim or flight of fancy when initially planning for the very first Voxcast. He may be a novitiate, but so far the Boy has been rather helpful during the Voxcasts."


"Adam! Behave, and hello there little one. My name is Eien, and those are Magnus the Red, Roboute Guilliman, Corvus Corax, Vulkan, and Rogal Dorn mine and my husband's sons, that custodian over there is Kittonius but I think you can also just call him Kitten, over there are Adamson and John my sons, and you have met my daughter Sinatra."

"I-I-I know Lord Dadorable m-ma'am."

The people in the throne room saw Adamson snort, and if their eye was really trained (Which is pretty much everyone), they would see Eien's shoulders twitch as if she suppressed a snort herself. "Excuse me, what did you call him?" Everyone could see the slight smile she had on her face.

"L-lord Dadorable?"

Eien's shoulders twitched as she got down and began rubbing Boy's cheeks softly but almost aggressively with her hands causing him to let out confused and unsure noises as his cheeks were bright red now. "Aaahh~ That is soooo cuuuute!~"

"This adorable sight is hurting my dull eyes."

"Oh lighten up you depressed bird. I swear, the Engine of Woes heightened your depression with how long you sat inside the thing."


"A-anyway, is Boy actually your name young one?"

"N-n-no sir." "IT IS- URK."


"Adam. Why do I get the feeling you did something stupid again?"

"I NEVER DO ANYTHING STUPI- AH FUDGE." It was clear to the whole room that those were not the right words for the Emperor to say when Eien is around.

"Kids~ Why don't you all explore the palace. AWAY from the throne room."

"O' course motha mom Eien! Come brothahs and sistah, there is still a lot of the Imperial Palace that I have not explored."

"Very well mother, I along with the custodes will show my brothers and sister the rest of the palace. We will take our time."


"Face the consequences of your actions as you always nag at me father, ta taaaaaa."

"Don't hurt father too much... uhh mother."

As Adam and Eien were gradually left alone, the shard of the emperor, AKA Adamson was nowhere to be seen. "EVEN MY OWN SHARD ABANDONED ME, THAT IS SAVAGE."

"Right. Adam dear?~ Let's talk~"


With the pack consisting of five primarchs, three of Eien's kids, two custodians, and one very confused vox boy. They deigned to go together so that they would give their father ample talking time with Eien. Throughout the entire time, Sinatra did not let go of Boy, who was looking rather shy and scared now since he figured that he was the reason the grey Eien woman is going to attack their glorious overlord.

"I like this serf, because of him father is getting another long overdue check on his own stupidity." Magnus was clearly happy with the fact the emperor is getting a stern talking to by their technically mother.

A snort from the custodian, specifically Kittonius or rather Kitten put Magnus' jovial mood on violent hold with his next set of words. The custodian even made an extravagant motion waving a hand towards the red primarch and towards the rapidly shrinking door to the throne room in the distance. "Pot meet kettle, you are both black."

Incensed, the primarch of the Thousand Sons glared at Kitten with his one physically working eye while his wings flapped agitatedly. "What was that companion?!"

"He is not wrong Magnus, you do not listen just as father doesn't listen when either of you are wrong." Another blow to the primarch would come from a fellow brother, specifically the one with the skill for fortification AKA Rogal Dorn and his monotone voice.

Steadily getting angrier, the primarch made a quick retort to his rockrete obsessed brother. "Because I am not wrong! Well, at least not all the time."

"I... actually you know what I will not say anything."

"That may be wise brother."

"...I will keep him." When Sinatra said this, the primarchs, custodians, and her brothers looked at her then back at Boy, then back at her again. Predictably the first one to oppose this was-

"I cannot let you do that Sinatra, Boy is not a toy to be brought back to your home." Rogal Dorn was looking at the sight with a rather small unnoticeable frown from underneath his fortified mustache. Unknown to both the primarch, Sinatra, and Boy, the other members of their party were backing away intending to watch from a distance.

Karstodes very faint voice was ignored as he wished the upcoming possible fight to rip the serf in half. Boy on the other hand, had to wonder deeply to himself as he felt Sinatra's arms slightly tighten around his chest while looking ahead at lord Dadorable.

"Did I just get repossessed?" Were his thoughts as Sinatra pulled him up until his head was now resting on the chest area of her armor.

Walking down the halls of the golden Imperial Palace of Terra was a person that was slowly becoming a more common sight within said halls and a being that is vaguely respected by its more permanent residents.

His name was unknown to the inhabitants, and due to the impatience of someone who shall not be named. [GEoM Says]"WASN'T ME." This voxcaster novitiate is simply known as... Boy.

It has been quite some time since Boy walked the halls, he had to recover from the incident of a certain black templar's rage *AhemHelbrechtAhem* and such he was just released from the Imperial Palace's Silent Sister's Hospitallers. Apparently the Sisters of Silence and Legio Custodes had their own Hospitallers and Apothecaries, and they were equally as deadly as the brothers and sisters of their respective orders.

With a gentle but firm wrap of bandages covering the damaged eye, Boy walked through the golden halls of the palace with a solemn but distracted air to him. He was thinking quite a bit, wondering how he even got this far, and not in the way that how he managed to get all the way to the Imperial Palace. He just simply walked through the sewers and up the steps to His holy palace whenever he is called upon... which was almost every day actually.

Boy was thinking to himself why was it that HE of all people was called upon by the venerable God Emperor of Mankind, he was simply a novitiate, he speaks with a nasally lisp, and he was tiny. Yet, the Emperor himself called upon his services to be the Vox Hailer of these Voxcasts, even lord Rogal Dorn or at least Lord Dadorable in Boy's mind seemed to like him for whatever reason, and those three... strange custodians while apathetic to him at first, they began to begrudgingly respect him... somehow?

The Boy was deep in his thoughts when he was shaken rather violently from them when he ran into something, or rather. Someone. When the one-eyed boy looked up from his place sitting on the floor, he saw a beautiful girl with purplish-blue skin, pointy ears, and long luscious soft pink and black hair fashioned in a long braid. Her armor hugged her form and when the woman turned, Boy could see her eyes were glowing a soft bluish-white with a hint of purple in them.

While undoubtedly beautiful, the first thing to come to the mind of Boy was one thing. Why was there a xeno inside the Imperial Palace? Where they being infiltrated and he caught an infiltrator in the act of... infiltrating?!

Before Boy could do anything, the girl got down to his level, her facial expression looked straight and neutral like Lord Dadorable's own constant expression but he could definitely see the hint of curiosity in her eyes. [Sinatra Says]"Hmm... Cute..."

Of all things, Boy didn't think that this infiltrator(?) would call HIM cute, and- woah oh, she was beginning to reach out for him. Before he could panic and scream, the xeno girl in front of him simply poked his slightly chubby cheeks, this confused him even more, and even more as the beautiful xeno girl began gently pulling at his cheeks.

It was then he couldn't help but whimper as the xeno girl picked him up, his hands clutching the voice-hailer tightly as she stood up and lifted him up off the ground. Her eyes, which he could just barely see that had pupils were looking into his one eye and at his bandaged one in silence, Boy had to wonder if he will meet his end here. To be silenced by an infiltrator(?) before he could warn anybo-

[Sinatra Says]"I will bring you... to mother... and father in the throne room." Wait what, Boy could only blink as he registered what the xeno girl just said. The throne room? She wasn't an infiltrator? What is going on? Boy made an uncertain noise as he was turned around and hugged to the chest of the- Ohsweetemperorwhywasthissosoft?!

If anyone saw the two, they would have been stared at as the sight of a xeno girl hanging her arms down 'hugging' a rather small boy under his arms and he reflexively put his arms over hers in order to not fall while clutching his voice-hailer. The boy was also positioned in a way that the top of his head was 'shielded' by an 'extension' from the xeno-girl's armor.

Boy was rather intimidated, but at their pace they weren't going to be reaching the throne room quickly, if that was where they were going in the first place anyway. He had no way of verifying if this xeno girl was speaking the truth or not, so he had to pass the time. AKA Try and stall his possibly imminent demise. [Boy Says]"S-so u-u-uuuhhhhh... W-w-what i-is y-your name lady?"

He saw the xeno girl bow forwards to the point he could see the top of her head and barely her glowing eyes. [Sinatra Says]"I am Sinatra... What is yours?"

Honestly? The Vox Hailer Boy didn't think that she would actually answer him, much less ask him for his own name. Maybe this xeno girl isn't that bad? Oh wait she might want him to answer her request back. [Boy Says]"Th-that's a n-nice n-n-name... U-uhhh, m-my name is-"

[Karstodes Says]"BOY! Ah so this is where yoouuuu aaaare... Ahh lady Sinatra, I did not think you would be with Boy when you explored the palace actually." It was at that moment, that Boy... became really confused. Was this xeno girl an honored guest or something? Karstodes usually sounds really distrustful, but he was actually being respectful now, to a xeno girl.

[Sinatra Says]"Found him... earlier. He is... cute... I was going to bring him to the throne room." Again with the cute comment, Boy could not understand why this xeno girl was calling him cute, he was NOT cute!

[Karstodes Says]"R-right, it just so happens the Emperor was going to begin planning another voxcast, and our glorious overlord was looking for your pathe- EEP!" Before Karstodes even finished his initial ribbing of Boy, he was abruptly halted by the presence of a mostly blue and purple 'electric' blade of psionic energy being pointed at his throat in a near instant.

Usually the threat of bodily harm coming from anyone but their glorious overlord would not be enough to shake a member of the adeptus custodes, much less the fabulous custodes. But the eyes of Sinatra bear the same presence as her mother Eien, and all members of the adeptus custodes, actually everyone who serves inside the Imperial Palace knows not to mess with the Emperor's squeeze. So the daughter's eyes inspire the same command and fear that Karstodes couldn't help but flinch.

[Karstodes Says]"-y-your Vox Hailer, Boy. H-hmm myes." Karstodes nervously finished as underneath his helmet he was looking between the psionic blade and its neutrally expressive wielder. He let loose a quiet sigh of relief when the psionic arm weapon dissipated harmlessly. Which made for an amusing sight since Sinatra was a full two heads shorter than the custodian.

[Sinatra Says]"We will... go to the throne room now." Sinatra's flat voice echoed throughout the hall as she made sure her hold on Boy was re-applied and not too tightly. Thoroughly confused now, the Boy couldn't help but let out an unsure noise as he tried to look around to Karstodes, although the sound of footsteps behind them reveals that he is following them. [Sinatra Says]"Hmm... Boy..."

[Boy Says]"Y-y-yes m-my lady?" Fearful for his life considering the girl holding him like a doll was powerful enough to make the Emperor's custodes flinch or nearly panic, Boy immediately responded but could not control his initial stutter.

[Sinatra Says]"Is that... your name?" Ah, right he wasn't able to speak his name to the pretty xeno girl earlier as he was interrupted. Surely now would be a great time to tell her then, there... didn't seem to be any harm in Boy's eyes despite the possible chance of dying somehow.

Before Boy could say anything though, they reached the doors where the sounds of rapid slapping and laughter were echoing albeit a tad bit muffled. All three of them looked at each other before looking at the door, Karstodes opened it for the three of them and they were treated to the sight of...

The Emperor of Mankind laughing while his chest is getting slapped by Eien repeatedly who was angrily pouting at him. They could see Adamson, Rogal, Magnus, Roboute, Vulkan, Corvus, Kitten, and John were there watching the ongoing scene of their parents with varying emotions. When the door opened, all eyes turned to them, including the two on the Golden Throne.

[Vulkan Says]"Ello der sistah Sinatra! Hows was your explorin of teh palace?" The titanic black primarch asked in his oh so very friendly manner.

[Magnus Says]"Indeed, you were gone for quite some time. During said time Father decided to tease... uhh well, Mother."

[Eien Says]"I did say you all can call me mom or mother, I don't mind. If we go into the full technicalities, I would say I AM your mother." "Even if I only carried Vulkan to term and gave birth to him."

[Magnus Says]"Uhh right, so you... who is this?" Magnus' voice trailed off as he spotted the extra baggage in Sinatra's arms, his pointed stare was replicated by everyone except for two people.

[Sinatra Says]"I found him earlier... I wanted to bring him here."

[Rogal Says]"Ahh, Boy. There you are. Father was hoping to find you soon so that we may begin the planning of the next Voxcast."

[Eien Says]"Hold up, Adam. You run a Podcast? Since when?"


[Roboute Says]"If... mother didn't repeatedly slap you just a few seconds ago father, I believe she would have slapped you again."

[Eien Says]"Damn straight!"

[Adamson Says]"Now mother. You cannot blame older me, his... memory is not that stable since his shards are all over the place." To the other denizens of the Imperial Palace, much less the Emperor himself, it was weird seeing another being they know as a shard of the Emperor defend... well, the Emperor.


[Roboute Says]"Nevertheless, who is this serf holding a voice-hailer and is his name actually Boy?"

[Rogal Says]"Allow me to explain brother. Boy here is a serf who the Emperor has selected out of a whim or flight of fancy when initially planning for the very first Voxcast. He may be a novitiate, but so far the Boy has been rather helpful during the Voxcasts."


[Eien Says]"Adam! Behave, and hello there little one. My name is Eien, and those are Magnus the Red, Roboute Guilliman, Corvus Corax, Vulkan, and Rogal Dorn mine and my husband's sons, that custodian over there is Kittonius but I think you can also just call him Kitten, over there are Adamson and John my sons, and you have met my daughter Sinatra."

[Boy Says]"I-I-I know Lord Dadorable m-ma'am."

The people in the throne room saw Adamson snort, and if their eye was really trained (Which is pretty much everyone), they would see Eien's shoulders twitch as if she suppressed a snort herself. [Eien Says]"Excuse me, what did you call him?" Everyone could see the slight smile she had on her face.

[Boy Says]"L-lord Dadorable?"

Eien's shoulders twitched as she got down and began rubbing Boy's cheeks softly but almost aggressively with her hands causing him to let out confused and unsure noises as his cheeks were bright red now. [Eien Says]"Aaahh~ That is soooo cuuuute!~"

[Corvus Says]"This adorable sight is hurting my dull eyes."

[Magnus Says]"Oh lighten up you depressed bird. I swear, the Engine of Woes heightened your depression with how long you sat inside the thing."

[Corvus Says]"Never."

[Roboute Says]"A-anyway, is Boy actually your name young one?"

[Boy Says]"N-n-no sir." [GEoM SAYS]"IT IS- URK."


[Eien Says]"Adam. Why do I get the feeling you did something stupid again?"

[GEoM SAYS]"I NEVER DO ANYTHING STUPI- AH FUDGE." It was clear to the whole room that those were not the right words for the Emperor to say when Eien is around.

[Eien Says]"Kids~ Why don't you all explore the palace. AWAY from the throne room."

[Vulkan Says]"O' course motha mom Eien! Come brothahs and sistah, there is still a lot of the Imperial Palace that I have not explored."

[Rogal Says]"Very well mother, I along with the custodes will show my brothers and sister the rest of the palace. We will take our time."


[Magnus Says]"Face the consequences of your actions as you always nag at me father, ta taaaaaa."

[Roboute Says]"Don't hurt father too much... uhh mother."

As Adam and Eien were gradually left alone, the shard of the emperor, AKA Adamson was nowhere to be seen. [GEoM SAYS]"EVEN MY OWN SHARD ABANDONED ME, THAT IS SAVAGE."

[Eien Says]"Right. Adam dear?~ Let's talk~"


With the pack consisting of five primarchs, three of Eien's kids, two custodians, and one very confused vox boy. They deigned to go together so that they would give their father ample talking time with Eien. Throughout the entire time, Sinatra did not let go of Boy, who was looking rather shy and scared now since he figured that he was the reason the grey Eien woman is going to attack their glorious overlord.

[Magnus Says]"I like this serf, because of him father is getting another long overdue check on his own stupidity." Magnus was clearly happy with the fact the emperor is getting a stern talking to by their technically mother.

A snort from the custodian, specifically Kittonius or rather Kitten put Magnus' jovial mood on violent hold with his next set of words. The custodian even made an extravagant motion waving a hand towards the red primarch and towards the rapidly shrinking door to the throne room in the distance. [Kitten Says]"Pot meet kettle, you are both black."

Incensed, the primarch of the Thousand Sons glared at Kitten with his one physically working eye while his wings flapped agitatedly. [Magnus Says]"What was that companion?!"

[Rogal Says]"He is not wrong Magnus, you do not listen just as father doesn't listen when either of you are wrong." Another blow to the primarch would come from a fellow brother, specifically the one with the skill for fortification AKA Rogal Dorn and his monotone voice.

Steadily getting angrier, the primarch made a quick retort to his rockrete obsessed brother. [Magnus Says]"Because I am not wrong! Well, at least not all the time."

[Roboute Says]"I... actually you know what I will not say anything."

[Corvus Says]"That may be wise brother."

[Sinatra Says]"...I will keep him." When Sinatra said this, the primarchs, custodians, and her brothers looked at her then back at Boy, then back at her again. Predictably the first one to oppose this was-

[Rogal Says]"I cannot let you do that Sinatra, Boy is not a toy to be brought back to your home." Rogal Dorn was looking at the sight with a rather small unnoticeable frown from underneath his fortified mustache. Unknown to both the primarch, Sinatra, and Boy, the other members of their party were backing away intending to watch from a distance.

Karstodes very faint voice was ignored as he wished the upcoming possible fight to rip the serf in half. Boy on the other hand, had to wonder deeply to himself as he felt Sinatra's arms slightly tighten around his chest while looking ahead at lord Dadorable.

[Boy Thinks]"Did I just get repossessed?" Were his thoughts as Sinatra pulled him up until his head was now resting on the chest area of her armor.

It is at times like these when I question why my muse does this to me.

But hopefully with this out of my head I will be able to actually thonk up some of the actual chapters for this story and maybe my other stories so that they won't just be sitting there doing fuck all.

Anyway as Magnus said in this sidestory brain fart. Ta taaaa~

Hopefully my muse will heed my pleas this time. Although I highly doubt it. TwT
Thank you for this! Will this be Sinatra's personality? If so then like mother like daughter haha! I wonder if the entire race will be like that?