A Hellfish flys again! ( a Simpsons X DVV CK2 Quest)

A Hellfish flys again! ( a Simpsons X DVV CK2 Quest)
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"A Hellfish flys again! " DVV Gridlocked
After beating Burns in a poker match and gaining control of all his assets as a result a new power leads springfield...Grampa Simpson!
Now in charge of the town as it welcomes new arrivals will Grampa Simpson be able to protect the town and it's new residents from the forces of the kings while trying to keep the madhouse that is springfield in check and figure out how to use a computer or will he flounder.
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Big iron but with judge doom and Abe.
Here's a wee silly thing I made because why not.
To the town of doom town rode a simpson one fine day!
he spoke to folks around him, had way too much to say!
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
For the Simpson there among them had a big iron on his hip!
Big iron on his hip
It was early in the morning when he rode into the town
He came riding from the south side slowly lookin' all around
He's a mobster loose and running, came the whisper from each lip
And he's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip!
Big iron on his hip
In this town there lived a corrupt judge by the name of judge doom
Many toons had tried to take him and those many toons were dead!
He was vicious and a killer and rotten to the core
And the notches on his pistol numbered one and 19 more
One and 19 more
Now the Simpson started talking, made it plain to folks around
Was an Springfield ranger, wouldn't be too long in town
He came here to take a corrupt judge back alive or maybe dead
And he said it didn't matter he was after judge doom!
After judge doom!
Wasn't long before the story was relayed to judge doom
But the corrupt judge didn't worry toons that tried before were dead!
20 toons had tried to take him, 20 toons had made a slip
21 would be the simpson with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip!
The morning passed so quickly, it was time for them to meet
It was 20 past 11 when they walked out in the street
Folks were watching from the windows, everybody held their breath
They knew this ancient Simpson was about to meet his death
About to meet his death!
There was 40 feet between them when they stopped to make their play
And the swiftness of the Simpson is still talked about today
judge doom had not cleared leather 'fore a bullet fairly ripped
And the Simpson's aim was deadly with the big iron on his hip!
Big iron on his hip!
It was over in a moment and the folks had gathered round
There before them lay the body of the corrupt judge on the ground
Oh, he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip
When he tried to match the Simpson with the big iron on his hip!
Big iron on his hip!
Big iron, big iron
When he tried to match the Simpson with the big iron on his hip!
Big iron on his hip.
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A fans thoughts( unfortunately non canon)
Hiya everyone had another this time smaller omake angle hit me that I hope you like. This time approaching a angle inspired from a Paw Patrol villain quest (That's sadly entered hiatus) and some of the omakes on it. (A few of which I admit I wrote myself~)


How Ba-a-a-ad Can I Be? (A Paw Patrol SUPERVILLAIN Quest (Yes, Really)) Superhero

Join Johanna Kairi, a.k.a. The Puppeteer, as she plans to be a SUPERVILLAIN!!! Join her in her pursuit for power, wealth, fame, and whatever she seeks, all the while dodging do-gooder pups and their allies. You also have to navigate her civilian life as she tries not to out herself in a town...

The angle for the omake is simple and actually one that could probably be reused numerous times in quite a few ways by any writer, and it's basically this. What if the events of A Hellfish flys again were the actually seasons/episodes of the Simpsons after the first 18 seasons and kick starting in the aftermath of the movie?

By which I mean a approach of writing omake for viewers in Hellfish Simpsons timeline and their thoughts on this approach for the Simpsons.

It's a angle that figured be fun to explore and wanted to share it in case other contributors and readers of this fantastic quest wanted to try their hands at omake with this angle. I know there's the whole crossover angle to consider but still fun to do for omake~​

On crossover figure either acknowledge that aspect of Simpsons bringing in other Disney shows in new ways and forms, or just treat it as normal in way that various shows characters are from don't exist in omake timeline and are instead introduced as Simpsons characters.

But that's enough explaining time to have some fun by giving example so allow me to start things off with my own attempt at this angle with this small omake, hope you all enjoy. :) I also hope it inspires others to try omake or 2 like this~

Admit i've become fan of not only nega-quest omakes but viewer reception omakes~

A Fans Thoughts

The screen opens with a teenager sitting on a computer chair with Simpson merchandise seen in the background, "Hey all it's El Barto Rulz here with your latest on all things Simpsons." The teen said leaning back into the chair with a smirk as he looked into his computers camera while he picked up and sipped at a soda through a Simpsons brand wacky straw.

"Now than unless you've been living under a rock." The teen started to click and tap their fingers together, "Than you know season 19 which happens to the be first season to premiere since the Simpsons Movie hit theaters to the joys of fans everwhere."

The teenager said with a smile while pointing toward a poster of the Simpsons movie behind him, "Which speaking of fans everywhere wondered where the show would go after the movie." He picked up and started to mess around with a Homer Simpson stuff toy, "Some thought with the movie we might soon see a end to the longest running animated series of all time." The teenager let out a snort, "Crazy I know.."

He said giving a life while he made the Homer Simpson nod in agreement, "While others like myself....well." The El Barto Rulz just gave a shrug, "we just figured it'd be a return to the status quo." He admitted to his viewers, "Great episodes but same classic formula. " He explained before giving a chuckle as he shook his head, "Though it looks like we were wrong."

He admitted his voice carrying a tinge of disbelief, "Because season 19 has debuted and played out in a way that implies the Simpsons formula that we've known for years is about to change forever."

"Because not only...NOT ONLY!" He exclaimed holding up his finger, "Does this season introduce greater depth of continuity but.." They once more gestured toward the movie poster, "By not only acknowledging the events of the movie but have it start in the direct aftermath of it with Springfield still in ruins from it...and."

El Barto Rulz let out a little laugh as they shook their heads in open disbelief, "They kick things off with the status quo of Springfield changing potentially forever with Burns losing all of his money and property in a poker game of all things to none other than Abe Simpson!"

The teen delved into a mini fit of laughter as a scene pic from said episode depicting Abe Simpson, Mr. Burns, Krusty, and Rich Texan playing poker was displayed beside him to his viewer, "And..and I know what you're thinking." He said sending a nod to the camera, "Sounds like it'd be a great episode in itself but it play out like classic Simpson formula with Burns getting his fortune back and things returning to normal.."

He let out a snort, "And i'll admit even I thought that I first when I first started watching the episode." He said taking another sip from the soda before continuing, "But it looks like the shows writers might be determined to prove us wrong, and take the Simpsons in a new direction after the movie."

He leaned back into the chair, "The episode itself is actually quite tame but at the same time enjoyable." He looked directly into his camera, "We explore how the Springfield citizens are adjusting after the Doom Dome was destroyed and we see various familiar faces working together to repair Springfield and bring it back into tip top shape."

"All while of course Abe is trying to adjust to his new fortune, home, and of course position of power as not only the owner of the power plant but now the most powerful man in Springfield." El Barto Rulz let out a little laugh, "And must admit loved the scene of Homer's woo hoo when he found out Burns was out and his DOH that echoed across Springfield when he found out his old man was his new boss hehe classic~"

"But that aside we that Burns losing everything and Abe coming out on top isn't the only immediate change planned for the show." He said with a excited smile growing on his face, "Smithers of course follows Burns out to wherever he's disappeared off too paving the way for Ned Flanders to enter the scene as Abe Simpson new right hand."

"And not only that we see Flanders conduct various job interviews for Abe." The teen let out a sardonic chuckle, "And man does the show highlight how hard the town got hit by the dome. " They shook their head, "Because not only has the Springfield mob fallen apart but we got none other than Apu applying for a job and we learn the Kwik-E-Mart stores have shut their doors across North America leaving Apu in need of new employment."

The teen gave a wince, "And let me tell you unemployment does not suit Apu at all." He said bringing up a pic of Apu and Ned Flanders with Apu looking ready to leap across the table and shake Ned begging for a job, "So yeah it's looking like this new season of Simpson will really be shaking up Springfield that's for sure."

El Barto Rulz said with a excited smile, "While at the same time keeping to their roots and remembering their history." The teen tilted their head, "How you might ask?" They shot the camera a smirk, "Easy not only does the first episode give us a scene of Homer after being forgiven by his friends have a little reunion of the Be-Sharpes as they sing at Moes Tavern...but." The teen leaned into the Camera, "It ends on one heck of a cliffhanger with Abe Simpson walking into his formerly Mr. Burns office to find none other than his ex-wife Mona Simpson waiting for him."

A picture of the scene in question appeared on the screen.

"Hehe and I don't know about you but i'm eager to see how the reunion plays out~" The teen leaned back into their chair, "And how the rest of the episodes of season 19 or beyond will play out with this new approach to the classic Simpsons formula."

"But until than.." El Barto Rulz sent a salute toward the camera, "This has been El Barto Rulz with all things Simpsons and remember don't have a cow man~"
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A pieman song!
I found this in a old junk file. Here's a song about pieman (homers super hero identity)

There was a man from Springfield, in a Pink Sedan he rode

Defending the defenseless, it's to him I sing this ode.

With his Pastries of Justice, he struck down every foe
Safety for our families, it's this to him we owe.

Red and blue, red and blue,
The man from Springfield wore the red and blue.

He fought the vilest villains, too numerous to list,
Rendering his verdict with pie crumb covered fists.
Descending from the night sky, his bright red cape would flow,
Those who broke the law deserve the pies he would throw.

Red and blue, red and blue,
The man from Springfield, wore the red and blue.

But beneath the crust was just a man, same as you and me,
His true face he could never share, a secret identity...

But why endure this lone crusade, fight a fight you just can't win?
If asked the man would tell you; "Someone's gotta stand up to all this sin..."

Red and blue, red and blue!
The man from Springfield wore the red and blue!
Red and blue, red and blue!
The man from Springfield wore the red and blue!
The man from springfried wore the red and blue!
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Rap battle syndrome vs abe




: Snow! Who'd you bring around?

You went to Springfield and couldn't even get the Clown?!

(Snow: The last time you met one, he ended up six feet underground!)

Oh right, now let's bring the house down!

In fact, before we flip our lids,

You should quit rap battling me and hang out with your kids!

But I can't keep it straight which of your kids would be Canon,

Make like I'm Abbey and Herb and leave this battle straight up abandoned!

So, Hey pal, you're a soldier?

Then shut the fuck up, that's an order!

Abe: An order? HOMER!

(Homer: Yeah, pops, I heard ya;

with hair like that not sure how he gets on a shirt-)

-But now we're gonna serve ya!

My crapton of skills make you want to turn red,

Like your wacky hairdo this beef is coming To a head!

You hate certain people? Imposter Syndrome!

The last group of people like that I fought got lead to the dome!

You're a loser, a disgrace to your crew!

My 10 year old Grandson handles rejection better than you!

Syndrome: Yeah yeah, keep dissing me you shmuck!

I'd make a joke about doing your wife, but she ugly as fuck!

When it comes to worthwhile people, you didn't make the cut!

You're constantly confused, but I'll clear one thing up when you suck Syn-deez nuts!

With how you run around I should probably address,

Hero Syndrome is my name, not a request!

You're just a dumb clown in a shit town,

The last one of those I met got smacked down!

Make like Rita and abandon this singer,

With the raise of my finger, turn Springfield into a gigantic gravestone!

Abe: ...Talk about Mona like that again and I WILL BASH YOUR FUCKING FACE IN!

You talk about my parenting when you're probably an orphan!

You can't win, you can't even do your hair well

(Flanders: With how much you've sinned, the Devil weeps for you in Hell!)

Lose to you? Hardly

Your company is stress incarnate, mine is a party... HIT IT GANG! (All of Abe's Hero Units show up and start playing the instrumental for the rest of his verse)

You'll think you're great until you get caught, then you'll be posing for a mugshot

You're a joke and a fake, you shoulda dodged this battle, unlike the Bandit's cake!

HUNTER! (Hunter: Yes sir?)

Call a firefighter, cause in this lesson learned, this Pine just got burned!





The YouTube video closes.

"...I think they got my outfit wrong." Abe pouted.