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I thought that classes level up skills and not stats.

That is my understanding as well.

Classes level up skills, and the auto level up is not impacted by training.

Experience by Classes:

You are a Ravenclaw and will it might have advantages outside of class to be of a different house, your true advantage lies inside the classroom. Out of all houses you have to highest gains for simply going to classes. Classes go from September to June, leaving you with ten months' worth of classes in one school year. With your Ravenclaw trait you get your skill raised by 2 per year in each subject that you have classes in, which means that every month worth of class gives a 1/5 to the next raise in skill.

These progresses are not hindered by your own studies. If you chose to train your skills by yourself, you instead roll for it. If your skill is raised by a point through training outside of class, your progress to the next overall skill raise through classes will still stay the same.


You go to classes for two months 2/5 progress to raise a skill point.
Now you choose to train that skill separately on your own and succeed to raise a point.
The progress to the next level stays the same 2/5 progress to raise to next point.
In fact, I was talking about classes. They just compete for the same actions of stats.

No they don't classes are automatic. Do you mean you were talking about skills? My plan is built with the idea of trying to get our stats up higher early on so our level up stat points can be put into stats which are hard/impossible to train efficiently and therefore give us maximum long term gain. Pumping skills right now feels like a false economy unless we are explicitly gated from something.

I believe they are referencing the opportunity cost of leveling up Stats right now versus leveling up skills right now and stats after we get class skills to P- (since timing is important for the skills).

So what spells are we aiming to unlock in the short term? None of the alternative plans have stat training (as big a component) and it feels like this is a big mistake. At the moment we can go to level 7 in a stat at the most due to constitution being 2. We should be looking to training at least one of our stats a turn to try and get to the point where we're seeing our highest stats at 7-8 and our lowest around 5. That way when we next level up we can jump a stat to 10 and work on getting our stats above 10 with the next level up.

As each level up takes more XP to get the opportunity cost of the stats being placed badly due to a lack of training them jumps enormously.
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@SuperSonicSound You do have a point that there is a time gate in Stats: our level ups. If I switched Ancient Runes in my plan for another Intelligence stat gain (which would be 2), would you vote for my plan instead? This would (hopefully) put our Intelligence at 5. Depending on how fast the level up is, that might be sufficient to give us time to work on the Class Skills.

@darknessworld Are there any modifications you would like to see in my plan that would help you vote for it?

I am trying to form a coalition plan as, otherwise, a plan I am not a huge fan of will likely win.
No they don't classes are automatic. Do you mean you were talking about skills? My plan is built with the idea of trying to get our stats up higher early on so our level up stat points can be put into stats which are hard/impossible to train efficiently and therefore give us maximum long term gain. Pumping skills right now feels like a false economy unless we are explicitly gated from something.

Classes are auto-successes up to P-, then they can only increase with a 100% chance with the automatic upgrades.
I have to say that I am pretty surprised that no one is taking at least one action to train Alchemy...

I mean it is going to take quite a few actions to get results out of it, but the potential rewards are frankly awesome... So I don't know why not try to squeeze at least one Alchemy Action each turn.
I have to say that I am pretty surprised that no one is taking at least one action to train Alchemy...

I mean it is going to take quite a few actions to get results out of it, but the potential rewards are frankly awesome... So I don't know why not try to squeeze at least one Alchemy Action each turn.

Because, even if it is limited to just some classes, most of us want to reach P- in at least 4 classes before January, due to the automatic upgrades we would get at that point.

Pumping skills right now feels like a false economy unless we are explicitly gated from something.

@SuperSonicSound They increase our ability to learn spells and some actions. They start to become incredibly more powerful starting from the 11th level.
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Her last sentence would haunt you for days after.

"I hope that I am now worthy of being a ghost to Ravenclaw."
Well, that was rude. She sought us out this time. But it seems like anger is a big part of her being so her acting on spite is to be expected I guess. Still, Jacob was curious, but it was her that initiated contact this time.

Alchemy Research Idea Obtained: Ghostly GogglesMagical Item. You now have a much higher understanding about what it is to be a ghost. For a second, you walked in their shoes and looked through their eyes. They live in a spectrum of the world far different from yours, bridging between the here and the there as most of their magic has passed on and some of their soul stayed behind. You may be able to build something that does the same; give an item magic and then simulate the process the Grey Lady let you feel. Simulate the process of dying and give yourself the ability to see between the living- and the afterlife. [While wearing Ghostly Goggles; Allows you to see the spirits of the living; Gain a +5 in combat against creatures; Gain the ability to see a form of afterimages as footprints that living creatures leave behind; Gain the ability to see living things through walls; ?? when interacting with Dementors and ghosts ??] (Requires Alchemy and Ancient Runes skill of at least P), DC 400.
Long term item. Probably something we won't be able to complete this year. Maybe after Christmas holidays we will have the time for it.
Do you think we could ask Nally about the RoR, though since that's meta knowledge, think we could ask her about any other secret passage or rooms she knows?

also when December comes around, do you think we have the option to either stay at the castle or go home for the holidays?
Or we do it now in order to get it out of the way from more interesting potions/ spells, and Jacob has a 50/50 chance to learn it.

I guess I just see it a different way. Why not get that 2 extra points (a 4% chance increase in success for a DC 50) than potentially fail by that slim margin and have to waste an action re-taking it? Not a huge chance, granted, but still 4% isn't nothing. And I'd prefer to maximize chances.
Because, even if it is limited to just some classes, most of us want to reach P- in at least 4 classes before January, due to the automatic upgrades we would get at that point.

@SuperSonicSound They increase our ability to learn spells and some actions. They start to become incredibly more powerful starting from the 11th level.

So do attributes and i think its more feasible to get a stat above 12 in the mid term than a skill.

Consider that attributes apply a bonus to multiple skills at the same benefit level.

An attribute at 12 will apply the boost to multiple skills.

Any way i dont believe we will have a problem getting our skills to p before the january turn.
Modified my plan to now use Potions instead of History of Magic and now with x2 Train Intelligence Actions. Other than shaving off an adventure, I believe this is as close to a coalition plan as I can get to fulfill the stated concerns of those who have not voted for the prevailing plan.
Modified my plan to now use Potions instead of History of Magic and now with x2 Train Intelligence Actions. Other than shaving off an adventure, I believe this is as close to a coalition plan as I can get to fulfill the stated concerns of those who have not voted for the prevailing plan.

Then post it here when we can all see it.
It would make it a lot more visible than editing an old vote.
[X] Plan Coalition
-[X] Stage II, Dreams of old (Takes 2 Actions) – Coming back into the years of unrelenting war. Basques and Valentino want to go scouting and skirmish the attacker that have been gathering for a month outside their borders. While her older brother wants to keep her far from harm, she is as much a child of their ancestors as he is. No one will be allowed to destroy what her father and her father's father build in these lands.
-[X] Write a Letter (Free Action) – To your parents. Talk about the amazing things you have discovered at Hogwarts. The book which they have sent you. Tell them about your experience with the Dementor but reassure them that you are fine and made it out whole, if a bit shaken.
-[X] Random Encounter – x2 Just… Go and live your life. You don't need to plan everything in your life out.
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Charms
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – DADA
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Potions x2
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Intelligence x2
-[X] Do your research – x2: Protego (Basic) -> Avifors

Edit: I changed my letter to Shyguy's because I liked it better. The more I think about it, the more I think it'd be safer for Jacob to explore outside Hogwarts after he learns Protego. Thus, doubled up on Protego, if he gets it in one go, next go to avifors. Ditched random to the popular Quidditch.

Edit: Format. Did not appear correctly in vote- note x2 Potions and Intelligence
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My plan, reasoning below.

[X] Plan: Spells, Attributes, and Classes
-[X] Case III: The Riddle of Riddle - Digging through the archives for so long has given you a good grasp as to who walked these floors in the last two hundred years. There were mentions of someone, you still remembered. There had been some records history of one of the greatest minds that walked this castle, maybe not as special as Sally-Anne or even Dumbledore, but still … Who was he? (2 Actions)
-[X] Write a Letter (Free Action) – To your parents. Talk about the amazing things you have discovered at Hogwarts. The book which they have sent you. Tell them about your experience with the Dementor but reassure them that you are fine and made it out whole, if a bit shaken.
-[X] Quidditch Round 2, Hufflepuff vs Slytherin – It's time for the second game of the year and while you have a lot of things that you'd like to focus on, most of the school will be present here. Go and watch the Quidditch Game. It could be interesting and if it is not, well you will be high enough up to watch the clouds instead.
-[X] Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea I (Takes 3 Actions, can't be taken in the same month as Break through your Horizon and What hides behind trees.)
-[X] Stage II, Dreams of old (Takes 2 Actions)
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Creativity
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – DADA
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Charms
-[X] Do your researchAvifors (Needed for exams at the end of the year) Transfiguration.
-[X] Do your research Cheering Charm (Needed for exams at the end of the year) - Charm.
-[X] Do your research Protego (Basic Understanding) – DADA.

Reasoning: Took the Case because those usually have some payoff. They either give us experience or drive the plot forward in some way. Letter to parents because we haven't talked to them and it is a free action, they probably miss us. Quidditch because Jacob needs social exposure. It isn't healthy for him to spend all his time alone. Hopefully he can form some bonds with his yearmates. I wanted to do the Horizon Mountain exploration but chose the Lake instead because I believe the mountains will be more dangerous. At least the Lake is close to the school so if we get in trouble we are close to the hospital. Probably better to save the Mountain Secret Passage for later on in the year when we have more spells under our belt. Dreams of Old because we got some good stuff last time we did them. Also, our parents want us to know more about our heritage, we should oblige them.

As for the Personal Actions. Did Creativity because it is one of the main skills that effect magic (I went a bit light on Attribute training this time, I know. Next month we can do a few more actions). DADA and Charms to get them to P-. Two essential Charms that have a low DC and to get them out of the way. Protego for the Dueling Club and because we have been in a lot of dangerous situations so far and it seems like a good idea to get some defensive magic.

Edit: Regarding the Random Encounter. I ended up changing that to Quidditch . I put it in because I think it is important for Jacob to have some social actions every month. It isn't good to spend all of one's time cooped up studying.
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While i am still undecided on the vote, could someone please explain the gray lady and the whole being worth of ravenclaw thing? I think missed something.
While i am still undecided on the vote, could someone please explain the gray lady and the whole being worth of ravenclaw thing? I think missed something.

"As the castle itself is a riddle for the students to learn about the secrets of magic, I think that you are one as well. I haven't heard of ghosts spontaneously ceasing to exist and there were certainly no cases of ghost exorcisms in the castle in any book about the history of Hogwarts. Which means that of all ghosts, those pertaining to specific houses might be the oldest because they might have been around the longest."

You watched her every feature, not sure if she was tensing or if it was a trick of the mind.

"You might think that, yes", she answered the question you hadn't asked.

"Which could mean that you've been selected with reason; someone to represent the house of Ravenclaw. A studious and curious mind, as I said, but one that is just as aloof as I tend to be. Why wouldn't I try to guide the students with someone that participated in their lives instead?"
We basically told her our theory that House Ghosts must in some way embody the House they represent. That they need to be worthy of it. We unintentionally insulted her because Ravenclaw is one of her issues. I think we also implied that she should be more interactive in student's lives and guide them more. She doesn't seem to have taken our theory well.
As thoroughly uninterested as I am about Quidditch, to the point that I dislike having to hear about the inanity at all, I suppose I could vote for plan coalition, as it includes more stat training than any other plan.