Alchemy Research Idea Obtained: Ghostly GogglesMagical Item. You now have a much higher understanding about what it is to be a ghost. For a second, you walked in their shoes and looked through their eyes. They live in a spectrum of the world far different from yours, bridging between the here and the there as most of their magic has passed on and some of their soul stayed behind. You may be able to build something that does the same; give an item magic and then simulate the process the Grey Lady let you feel. Simulate the process of dying and give yourself the ability to see between the living- and the afterlife. [While wearing Ghostly Goggles; Allows you to see the spirits of the living; Gain a +5 in combat against creatures; Gain the ability to see a form of afterimages as footprints that living creatures leave behind; Gain the ability to see living things through walls; ?? when interacting with Dementors and ghosts ??] (Requires Alchemy and Ancient Runes skill of at least P), DC 400.
This is pretty awesome and extremely useful... I think that we should try to raise our alchemy level soon...
[X] Plan: Scattershot
-[X] Case III: The Riddle of Riddle
-[X] It's time for the second game of the year and while you have a lot of things that you'd like to focus on, most of the school will be present here. Go and watch the Quidditch Game. It could be interesting and if it is not, well you will be high enough up to watch the clouds instead.
-[X] Random Encounter – Just… Go and live your life. You don't need to plan everything in your life out.
-[X] Business School of Hogsmeade (2X)
-[X] Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea I
-[X] Stage II, Dreams of old
-[X] In Search of New Spells – Go into the library and look for new spells that you could try to learn. If you have some specific effect in mind, write it down.
-[X] Something to help breathe underwater
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Specify what you want to train or study
-- [X] Avifors
-- [X] Diffindo
-- [X] Waddiwasi
-- [X] Protego

10 normal action and 5 personal, case 3 the riddle of riddle - 2 actions, quidditch - 1, random encounter - 1, hogsmeade - 2, league under sea - 3, dreams of old - 2, search spells - 1?, personal - 4 action so you're over normal action by 1 and have an extra personal action
[X] Plan Cases and Essential Studies
-[X] Case III: The Riddle of Riddle - Digging through the archives for so long has given you a good grasp as to who walked these floors in the last two hundred years. There were mentions of someone, you still remembered. There had been some records history of one of the greatest minds that walked this castle, maybe not as special as Sally-Anne or even Dumbledore, but still … Who was he? (2 Actions)
-[X] Business School of Hogsmeade (Multiple Actions on this count as multiple rolls stacking) – This is the first year, in which you can go to Hogsmeade. Good that you've been planning for this since first year: Buy Books, Ingredients, Joke Shop Articles, Instruments and other things. Go and look, if you can make some money by buying things for first and second years. Roll for how many are interested and then for how much they want to spend. Take 15% of their spending as a fee.
-[X] Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea I – The fairly large Great Lake to the south of the main building has always been your most favorite part of Hogwarts' surrounding lands. It was breathtaking how beautiful it was on a sunny day and frightening how dark it could get at night, almost looking like a hole in the fabric of the world. At the beginning of your year you glimpsed at something that had broken through the surface, making you realize how shallow your world view had been. Find a way to get below the water and discover what is below. (Takes 3 Actions, can't be taken in the same month as Break through your Horizon and What hides behind trees.)
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve Potions
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve Charms
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve DADA
-[X] Do your research Protego
-[X] Do your research Protego if not finished, otherwise Expelliarmus
-[X] Do your research Expelliarmus
-[X] Do your research Expelliarmus if not finished, otherwise Avifors

So with this, we make progress towards the Patronus, and we handle both combat spells and a year's end spell. Thoughts guys?
[X] Plan Meandering Inside
-[X] Quidditch Round 2, Hufflepuff vs Slytherin – It's time for the second game of the year and while you have a lot of things that you'd like to focus on, most of the school will be present here. Go and watch the Quidditch Game. It could be interesting and if it is not, well you will be high enough up to watch the clouds instead.
-[X] Random Encounter – Just… Go and live your life. You don't need to plan everything in your life out. X 2 Actions
-[X] Write a Letter (Free Action) – To your family on the things we've learned and what's happened the last month.
-[X] Business School of Hogsmeade (Multiple Actions on this count as multiple rolls stacking) – This is the first year, in which you can go to Hogsmeade. Good that you've been planning for this since first year: Buy Books, Ingredients, Joke Shop Articles, Instruments and other things. Go and look, if you can make some money by buying things for first and second years. Roll for how many are interested and then for how much they want to spend. Take 15% of their spending as a fee.
-[X] Stage II, Dreams of old (Takes 2 Actions) – Coming back into the years of unrelenting war. Basques and Valentino want to go scouting and skirmish the attacker that have been gathering for a month outside their borders. While her older brother wants to keep her far from harm, she is as much a child of their ancestors as he is. No one will be allowed to destroy what her father and her father's father build in these lands
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve — Reducto
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Shrinking Solution
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Avifors
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Cheering Charm
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Protego
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Alchemy
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Ancient Runes

Alright, if I have my math right Jacob would spend 7 actions doing stuff, 2 actions get traded for 1 personal action, and this leaves a final action used free. I can get rid of the second dice for Random Event Roll or drop the Search for new Spells action in order to get an additional dice for either learning or another spell for Jacob to try his hand at.

edit: Dropped the search library to reduce the actions to 6, but gain an additional personal action.
Last edited:
I guess, but we're not quite equipped to deal with any underwater issues if they come up, and it's November in the Isles. The water around Hogwarts is going to be freezing.

That is an excellent point that I had not considered. Thanks to @AT4467 knowing how to count properly, I've gone back and edited the plan slightly to account for researching a spell to keep warm. I'd add one on for seeing underwater as well, but we can doggy paddle on top of the water at least for part 1 of this excursion. The giant squid is pretty chill and the grindylows don't seem to like the surface area much and keep more to the deeper parts/lakeweed forested area.

I do not think we should do any exploring till we get the goggles. We should do dreams instead and see if we get more magic from her.

Goggles are a smart bet, true. But if we're just on the surface/edges of the lake at least for part 1 of this jaunt we should be pretty OK
@Tabula Rasa Just a question as to Spell Learning: does any success beyond the DC to learn a spell bleed into the next spell we are trying to learn? For instance, if we put in one action for spell learning, write in Avifors first and Protego next, and we roll a 80...does that mean we just learn Avifors (DC 5)? Or do we learn Avifors and 75 DC is knocked off Protego?
I've not got the time to come up a plan right now, but tbh, I find the "Hogsmead cash option" boring to read about - in terms of narrative, a X 1 and a X 2 are much the same - and I value making our skill numbers bigger more than making our money numbers bigger.

Hopefully I'll have time in a few hours.
That is an excellent point that I had not considered. Thanks to @AT4467 knowing how to count properly, I've gone back and edited the plan slightly to account for researching a spell to keep warm. I'd add one on for seeing underwater as well, but we can doggy paddle on top of the water at least for part 1 of this excursion. The giant squid is pretty chill and the grindylows don't seem to like the surface area much and keep more to the deeper parts/lakeweed forested area.

Goggles are a smart bet, true. But if we're just on the surface/edges of the lake at least for part 1 of this jaunt we should be pretty OK
Yes we should be safe because it's not like the Dementors have already attacked a large group of people. I am being sarcastic but the Dementors are a real threat and I believe we will get attacked. We should stay in the castle till we have the goggles or patronus.
Yes we should be safe because it's not like the Dementors have already attacked a large group of people. I am being sarcastic but the Dementors are a real threat and I believe we will get attacked. We should stay in the castle till we have the goggles or patronus.
There's only one way to fight Dementors and that's a Charm that we don't have the skill to start trying to learn how to use. The goggles AT BEST are going to give us another insight on what Dementors are. But it's not going to be something that lets us fight them.

Not like the goggles are even safe in the first place if 'simulate death' is not hyperbole. Seriously, those goggles could well be very dangerous for us.
[X] Plan All Work and Play
-[X] Case III: The Riddle of Riddle - Digging through the archives for so long has given you a good grasp as to who walked these floors in the last two hundred years. There were mentions of someone, you still remembered. There had been some records history of one of the greatest minds that walked this castle, maybe not as special as Sally-Anne or even Dumbledore, but still … Who was he? (2 Actions)
-[X] Quidditch Round 2, Hufflepuff vs Slytherin – It's time for the second game of the year and while you have a lot of things that you'd like to focus on, most of the school will be present here. Go and watch the Quidditch Game. It could be interesting and if it is not, well you will be high enough up to watch the clouds instead.
-[X] Random Encounter – Just… Go and live your life. You don't need to plan everything in your life out.
-[X] Write a Letter (Free Action) – to Parents regarding the last month and what he has learned
-[X] Stage II, Dreams of old (Takes 2 Actions) – Coming back into the years of unrelenting war. Basques and Valentino want to go scouting and skirmish the attacker that have been gathering for a month outside their borders. While her older brother wants to keep her far from harm, she is as much a child of their ancestors as he is. No one will be allowed to destroy what her father and her father's father build in these lands.
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Empathy
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Charms
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – DADA
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Potions
-[X] Do your research – Avifors
-[X] Do your research – Shrinking Solution
-[X] Do your research – Waddiwasi

I'm skipping the Hogsmeade action because of the recent brush with death, goggles are a non factor until alchemy and the rest of the skills required are at minimum
I'm probably blind and missed it somewhere but how long is each turn/how long till year end? I'm inclined to getting the required stuff asap out of paranoia that the year will end before we actually start learning them.
@RookDeSuit Looking at your plan, may I suggest adding in Charms? Reading the mechanics, increasing Charm, Intelligence, or Creativity would increase the bonus to learning a charm. Which, yes, is only +1, but because it also subtracts DC on failed rolls, its affects stack up.

@Tabula Rasa Sorry for pestering you with questions. But, I am trying to grasp the mechanics of the case and I can be a bit thick at times. Looking at the mechanics outlined in dueling, it seems that attributes and skills above 10 get an additional bonus (+5 for 11, then +6 ontop of that for 12, +6 again for 13, etc.). My question is does this extend to rolls such as learning or skill checks? So, if a person has an Intelligence of 11 (not happening for a long time) would they get a bonus of 11+5 to the roll?
If we want to keep up in the dueling club game, I honestly think Portego and Expelliramus are must gets for us.