[X] Plan Meandering Inside
-[X] Quidditch Round 2, Hufflepuff vs Slytherin – It's time for the second game of the year and while you have a lot of things that you'd like to focus on, most of the school will be present here. Go and watch the Quidditch Game. It could be interesting and if it is not, well you will be high enough up to watch the clouds instead.
-[X] Random Encounter – Just… Go and live your life. You don't need to plan everything in your life out. X 2 Actions
-[X] Write a Letter (Free Action) – To your family on the things we've learned and what's happened the last month.
-[X] Business School of Hogsmeade (Multiple Actions on this count as multiple rolls stacking) – This is the first year, in which you can go to Hogsmeade. Good that you've been planning for this since first year: Buy Books, Ingredients, Joke Shop Articles, Instruments and other things. Go and look, if you can make some money by buying things for first and second years. Roll for how many are interested and then for how much they want to spend. Take 15% of their spending as a fee.
-[X] Stage II, Dreams of old (Takes 2 Actions) – Coming back into the years of unrelenting war. Basques and Valentino want to go scouting and skirmish the attacker that have been gathering for a month outside their borders. While her older brother wants to keep her far from harm, she is as much a child of their ancestors as he is. No one will be allowed to destroy what her father and her father's father build in these lands
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve — Reducto
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Shrinking Solution
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Avifors
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Cheering Charm
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Protego
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Alchemy
-[X] Train, Learn, Achieve – Ancient Runes
Alright, if I have my math right Jacob would spend 7 actions doing stuff, 2 actions get traded for 1 personal action, and this leaves a final action used free. I can get rid of the second dice for Random Event Roll or drop the Search for new Spells action in order to get an additional dice for either learning or another spell for Jacob to try his hand at.
edit: Dropped the search library to reduce the actions to 6, but gain an additional personal action.