[X] Aviatomobile - A burgundy toy car, which was presumably bewitched to fly. It seems to have its own mind as it sometimes choses to follow you, only to randomly fly off at other times. Cost: 2 Galleon, 6 Sickles, 9 Knuts
No, I don't think you understand.

There is a variation between Spain's spanish and north and central american spanish. I am assuming the author used either google translate or was taught spanish in america as his variation (and the one google translate uses) is the north american central american variant.

I am trying to find a good IC reason. Best I can come up with is at least one parent is from central or north america and he took more to that variant.

I understand, but from this, his origins are pretty clear and I actually think Jacob would look more like the way I suggested.

You have some British ancestors, most of your family line comes from the Mediterranean area, though. Your name shows a mix of Hebrew, Arabic and Spanish influences showcasing and calling back to different eras over the last thousand to two thousand years (More or less when Wizards started to build societies for themselves).

But then, If it the Spanish used really bother you.

@Tabula Rasa was it intentional for the Spanish used in the letter to be an American variation ?
If not could we try change it to make it more European ?
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I understand, but from this, his origins are pretty clear and I actually think Jacob would look more like the way I suggested.

But then, If it the Spanish used really bother you.

@Tabula Rasa was it intentional for the Spanish used in the letter to be an American variation ?
If not could we try change it to make it more European ?
My mother is from Spain, so I speak Spanish myself and even grew up there for a while. And I think you guys are looking at it too sternly. Everything that I've written I have heard mainland Spanish people speak at some point in time.

As to the Origins of your parents, there will be more information in a future story arc.
My mother is from Spain, so I speak Spanish myself and even grew up there for a while. And I think you guys are looking at it too sternly. Everything that I've written I have heard mainland Spanish people speak at some point in time.

As to the Origins of your parents, there will be more information in a future story arc.
Well, I speak Chilean Spanish but from what I know of Spain's spanish everything you wrote made sense.
My mother is from Spain, so I speak Spanish myself and even grew up there for a while. And I think you guys are looking at it too sternly. Everything that I've written I have heard mainland Spanish people speak at some point in time.

As to the Origins of your parents, there will be more information in a future story arc.

To be honest, I hadn't found anything strange with it from the beginning. However as I was pretty rusty, I doubted myself and spent quite some time trying to uncover what were the differences between castelliano and español.
If you had needed it, I would have tried to help so I needed to prepare.
But in the end, everything seemed pretty well written and I couldn't find anything that made it more American Spanish than Spanish Spanish.
I was starting to panic, doubting my own existence, yada, yada yada...

Thank you for your answer, I'm reassured and it makes my day.

I'm sorry, if what I said seemed harsh. I enjoy your stories. And I'm always eager to read more.

Please don't ask me anything about Spanish...Or I think I might make a panic attack. It's what I've learnt today.
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After reading the discussion, I went back and reread the chapter and being from Spain myself didn't find anything in the use of the language that seemed ood in Spanish from Spain. Maybe I'm missing something....
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1.6 September, 1993
[X]I will keep my hard-earned money

Present Date: 19th​ September 1993
Current Wand: Fagus wood, Phoenix feather core

You had gone to sleep early and fled your bedroom before the sunrise to evade having to answer any questions about what had happened to your face. There was neither a spell, nor a potion in your repertoire that could heal the purple streak that had developed on your face. Maybe you'd need something for next time? You should definitely search the library for healing options if you wanted to stay out of Madam Pomfrey's reach and questions in the future.

Passing a large window in the corridor, you stopped for a second to look out of it. It was still dark outside, but you were able to imagine the forbidden forest in the distance. The moon of the 19th​ September of 1993 had been non-existent. Weak and hidden behind clouds. And for you it was as if you were looking into the dark tunnel leading out of the Shrieking Shack again.

"Lumos", you said, raising your wand against the dark window to shine light into the world. For a second your eyes did not adapt to the sudden brightness. You saw yourself mirrored in the glass window before you, the darkness behind turning it into a weak mirror.

Why were there two set of eyes looking at the window?

Your heart stopped as you turned around as fast as you possibly could to see who was standing behind you. Your wand lightened the dark corridor only to show you that there was nothing but air behind you. Turning around to the window again, you tried to look for what you had clearly seen standing behind you. A girl, shorter than you. She had dark, long hair; her skin pale, almost of a silvery substance and her blue eyes were more vibrant and brighter than you had ever thought possible.

Heart pounding hart against your chest, you stepped forward with your hands raised as if to touch the space where you had seen her standing. Your hand went right through thin air.

"Sally-Anne?" you asked into the air, but nothing answered. Whatever had been here, it was gone.

Frustration was building up inside. How could one solve a riddle without clues?

You took a step forward and kicked out against the wall in anger, bracing for the pain that was to come. Instead, your foot went right through the massive wall and made you lose your balance as you crashed trough the stonewall that only existed to the eyes.

You lost any footing, falling down the slide and desperately trying to save your life by grabbing onto something to save you from the darkness below.

Reaction Time, DC 50 (Con + Luck) 1D100+3 → 58(55 + 3) → Success!

A scream escaped your throat; that you couldn't help.

Something had changed, though. The action of the prior day had let you stay attentive. Right now, there was no time to analyze whatever had happened. You were falling and you were afraid of crashing hard.

"Spongify!", you shouted moving your wand downwards into the direction that you were heading.

Just a second later you crashed through another imaginary wall without losing any momentum. You left the slide with enough force as to fly over the ground to crash back-first against the wall on the other side of the floor.

The only thing that saved your bones was the spell that you had used a moment prior, turning the hard stonewall soft and bouncy. You took the soft landing to redirect yourself and fall on your knees and hands, plopping hard against the ground.

"Bloody castle", you spat out in between your fast breaths.

Letting yourself fall against the wall behind you, you finally took time to look around. The corridor you had fallen into was familiar. Somehow you had gotten from the sixth floor into the second.

There had been a hidden entrance on a wall that you had passed dozens of times before and that you'd never noticed before. This treasure gave you something to work with. There was a clue about how these things were hidden in Hogwarts…

Sally-Anne was forgotten as you spent the next few days looking for hidden pathways in every waking hour you had outside of class. Not even curfew stopped you… and boy did you find an abundance of these hidden shortcuts.

You gained an understanding of some of the shortcuts through Hogwarts.

→ Gained one additional Normal Action per month
→ New Option available

Present Date: 22th​ September 1993
Current Wand: Fagus wood, Phoenix feather core

Lapifors Training, DC 50 (Transfiguration + INT + CRT) 1D100+9 → 60(51 + 9) → Success! → New Spell learned!

Reparo Training,
DC 50 (Charms + INT + CRT) 1D100+9 → 30(21 + 9) → Failure! → New DC 20.

"Lapifors", you said, raising your wand to move it from right to left and then down at the target. Your mind was clear of everything that was not the small salamander in front of you. You could see in your mind how his legs got longer and thicker and his thick skin turned into something fluffy and white moments before reality bent to your will.

And as if reality had accepted you as its master, the salamander turned into a fluffy rabbit that still didn't knew how to move in its new body but was very happy to be able to test it out.

"I am impressed, Mr. Basques." Professor McGonagall's voice brought you back to the classroom in which you were sitting. Only now did you realize that she had been still explaining the exact wand movements. It had been hard for you to sit through the lecture and it seemed as if you had just lost against your attention deficit again.

"Maybe next time you'd do us the honour to wait until the end of the explanation", she said in a stern voice.

"Two points from Ravenclaw", she said as you looked up to her with an apologetic smile. There was amusement in her eyes. "And five points to Ravenclaw for an exceptional demonstration of the spell."

You could feel heat rising up behind your ears as a few sets of eyes turned around to you.

That short attention span of yours was going to ruin you one day.

Present Date: 23th​ September 1993
Current Wand: Fagus wood, Phoenix feather core

Random Encounter
(+ Luck) 1D100+2 → 24(22 + 2) → You see nothing out of the ordinary

Your way up to the fifth floor was a short one, as you exited a door behind a thick curtain that only opened to those who knocked three times. It was such a basic riddle to solve that you'd needed an hour of spell-testing, lockpicking and password trying until you had solved it.

The good thing: It gave you a shortcut from a corridor near your common room to the floor next to the Dueling Club.

After the short life of a failed Dueling Club in your second year, Professor Flitwick had taken the responsibility onto himself to try again this year. It was clear that the euphory of last year had died down, now that no one was afraid of a monster that lurked around the corner.

Inside the large room there were the same two dozen students that you had seen during the last two weekly meetings as well. It was a mixture of different years and houses as everyone was allowed to attend, even if most people were from upper years trying to get a little more practice in.

To no one's surprise, anyone who had attended in the first week had stayed loyal and come back in all following weeks.

It was clear to see why that was.

"Welcome, Welcome", the short man said who didn't quite share neither Professor McGonagall's nor Snape's heavy aura. Still, there was a specific charisma to him that the other two lacked and it was easy to understand why the Club-members liked to attend the club.

Professor Flitwick, who was a tiny little wizard with a shock of white hair, was carrying a wooden stool to the front of the room, where he proceeded to climb on the stool to be able to look over the standing crowd.

"As I said last week, today we will step away from the form and nature of dueling. I think you have heard me rambling quite enough for a while", Professor Flitwick joked, provoking quite a few people to chuckle along.

"Instead we will focus on the actual spell work", he said. "So, who of you can show me what the Protego Charm is?"

New Spell Research available:
Protego (Basic) – Weakest version of the Shield Charm. Protego is a term applied to several varieties of charms. They create a magical barrier to deflect physical entities and spells, in order to protect a certain person or area. Conjurations may sometimes rebound directly off it back towards the caster or in other cases, may ricochet off in other directions or dissipate as soon as they hit the shield. Gives a +5 to defending rolls. DC: 100

Empathy Check (INT + EMP) 1D100+5 → 45(40 + 5)

The blonde girl in front of you was in a way more intimidating than the gaping hole you'd crawled through or the sentient tree that had chosen to hit you right in the face. At the end of each lecture Flitwick made a point out of it to pair all Club-members and let them duel each other.

It was fun, it let you learn a lot… but it wasn't without drawbacks.

"I've known you for two years", the blonde Slytherin said. "But I don't think that I ever heard your voice." Tracey Davis held her head in a slight angle to look at you. Her wand was raised to her chin.

Both of you were standing on the stage, all other students sitting around as tradition had become in a few short weeks. One could learn just as much from sitting down there as from being up here. They were just as quiet as you were right now.

"Are you a mute, or something?" Tracey asked with the clear intention of making fun of you. There was no maliciousness in her voice. She just wanted to provoke you. Well, she really didn't know you at all, did she?

Jacob Attack (Charms + INT + CRT + Wand) 1D100+14 → 55(41 + 14)
Tracey Defence → 1D100+10 → 22(12 + 10)

"I am clearly not", you said as your wand moved upwards and shot forwards. "Flipendo!"

She had clearly not been expecting this first blow, because she had nothing to defend herself with. The spell threw her out of her feet and let her crash hard against her back. She had not been expecting the spell, nor had she been able to attempt evading it.

You still had to respect her for a different thing; Tracey's wand never left her hand.

Tracey Attack → 1D100+10 → 62(52 + 10)
Jacob Defence → (Charms + INT + CRT + Wand) 1D100+14 → 77(63 + 14)

Tracey Davis was as fierce as one could be. You didn't know how such a character had formed itself at Slytherin, but you could see it in her eyes. There was no embarrassment for being on her back after one spell exchange, nor was there any anger and need for vengeance on her mind.

No, her eyes told you that she simply didn't want to lose. There was no false pride to be found in them.

"Incendio", she said, surprising you with her spell choice. Luckily, your wand had already been moving even before she had spoken that incarnation.

"Wingardium Leviosa", you said half a second earlier, throwing one of the older students out of his chair to grab his seating and throw it between you and Tracey. If there was anyone in the audience who thought Tracey to be a weak witch for losing the match, they were shown how wrong they were.

The chair was hit by the spell immediately, engulfing it in a ball of fire. You raised your wand and with it the glowing ball of fire that you were levitating between you and Tracey.

It was clear to you that she was one of type two of your definition of people; not gifted with talent, but extremely hard working. A good thing that she was in the club with you. She would keep you motivated.

"Catch the hot potato!" you said, as you threw the chair right back at her. Her eyes went wide as she saw the oncoming object. Tracey raised her hands above her head as if to guard herself on the ground, only for the chair to stop a few feet away from her face. Then it changed its course to move outside of her reach and come down near Professor Flitwick.

You didn't know any spells to stop the fire.

"Ehm, Professor?"

→ +10 Experience Points
→ Up to four random duels each month. Now rolling for the rest of them:

How many duels fought this month? →
1D3 → 2(2)
Exp on average → 1D20+2 → 18(16 + 2)

Exp = 10 + 2*18 = 46 → +46 Experience Points total

Dueling Club - Perks:
  • As long as you attend the club, get +10 in training Charms, Transfiguration or DADA
  • At least one duel per month, at max 4 duels per month (Experience and possible Perks gain)
  • Tournament at the end of the year

Present Date: 23th​ September 1993
Current Wand: Fagus wood, Phoenix feather core

For all the energy and joy the members of the Dueling Club brought, they couldn't hold a candle to the quiet peace of one of your new favorite activities. Hogwarts Ancient Runes Club or shorter H.A.R.C.

Yeah, you didn't like neither of those names. Who was there to stop you from calling it Runes Club in your mind? Right; no one at all.

Runes Club was the best thing that happened to you this school year. It didn't want to hit you in the face – the streak was still hurting but was not as visible anymore - it didn't try to set you in fire, nor was it a wall that went disappeared suddenly and let you fall three stories into pure darkness.

Runes Club was peace. Runes Club was home.

"Guys", one of the older members shouted as he entered the club room. There were no strict time schedules, because there was no teacher in charge. Most members simply found themselves here whenever they had some time.

Of all the members you only knew one. One of the three Hufflepuff girls: Megan Jones.

Megan was a quiet one. Not Jacob-grade quiet, but she was not the extroverted type like the other two Hufflepuff girls were. She had dark, short hair and had always been nice to anyone around her. Which was why people liked her… and it was the reason why the fourth year Hufflepuff that entered the room headed into her direction excitedly.

"Look at what I found", he exclaimed, turning a few heads around.

"Not again", Megan whispered more to herself than to you. You had just been able to hear her because both of you had chosen a position near the window to try and get some reading in and catch up to the rest of the Club-members.

"Not the first time?" you asked, looking up from your book.

Only now did your classmate realize that you had heard her. Her eyes widened as if surprised by her own words. She shook her head as fast as she could.

"No, it wasn't meant like that", she said, looking at the group that had intercepted the weirdly energetic boy. "They always find something with any kind of runes in it and think it to be of importance", Megan said, trying to sound as apologetic as she could.

"It's mostly crap, though."

"Ah", you said, closing your book to stand up and get a closer look at what the rune fanatics had gathered around.

"I think I understand", you said.

Something interesting or crap? → (+ Luck) 1D100+2 → 30(28 + 2)

"Is it an old wand?" you heard one of the older boys ask.

"An iron wand? That would be sick!" another one said, as you walked around them to get a look on the object.

"Do you see these runes down here? I think it's something really old!" the founder said proudly.

When you saw what the fuzz was about, you couldn't help yourself but grimace. Who would have thought that the guys running the Ancient Runes Club would be idiots?

"That's a nail", you said. "You found a brad nail – and that's why it doesn't have the usual head."

You couldn't help yourself from saying: "Congratulations!"

Hogwarts Ancient Runes Club (H. A. R. C.) -
  • As long as you attend the club, get +10 in training Ancient Runes and History of Magic, +5 on Alchemy related research
  • ???

Present Date: 24th​ September 1993
Current Wand: Fagus wood, Phoenix feather core

"Now, imagine looking for a girl", you said, caressing its soft and white fur. The small rabbit that you had turned out of an empty plate looked at you, as if it was trying to listen attentively.

"The only thing you know about that girl is that she went to a school for a short time", you said as your free hand turned another page.

1798 - Second year, Ravenclaw class.

"And that you don't remember her, nor have you ever heard anyone talking about her. Which is weird isn't it? If someone went missing suddenly, surely there'd be rumors?" The rabbit turned to the book on the table that you'd opened up besides him. On the ground below the table were ten more of the kind, all discarded as useless. The only interesting entry had been one of a specific Dumbledore from 1892. Who would have thought that your director was younger than your parents were?

You turned another page and looked over the faces.

1798 - First year, Hufflepuff class.

Again, nothing. No resemblance. The name Sally-Anne itself had come up two times, but none of the girls had been sorted into Hufflepuff, nor did they spark any memory. The only reason why you had kept going back and searching through the older books was because you remembered the vibrant eyes and the silvery skin that had been mirrored in the dark window. They were still haunting you.

"How do you tackle such a problem, Mr. Rabbit?" you asked the small rabbit, that didn't know how to give you an answer. You turned another few pages.

1797 - Fourth year, Gryffindor class.

You had found yourself walking into the old Clock Tower in the Castle. It had been built atop a hill and offered no floor below the third as it was connected to the rest of the castle… which made you quite anxious about the fact that there was a lot of space to hide things below the tower.

The Clock Tower had few things to offer, but it kept an archive about any student that had ever set foot into Hogwarts. That knowledge had been a courtesy of Nally. It was smart and a clever way to solve the problem… but it simply hadn't helped you. There had never been a Sally-Anne in Hufflepuff.

You turned another few pages as the small rabbit started to move and struggle under your hand. It squeaked as loud as it could.

It took a moment for you to realize that you were grabbing the rabbit with too much force, your hand had cramped up around the small animal. You let go of the rabbit, who chose to jump off the table and hop across the room to hide somewhere away from you.

You didn't mind the rabbit. Your eyes had fallen on something very, very interesting.

1797 - First year, Hufflepuff class.

Sully Adams, Minerva Johnson… Sally-Anne Hudson.

Your eyes fixated on the moving picture above that name. She sported neither the vibrant eyes, nor the silvery skin you had seen, but it was clear to you who you were looking at. You had found her.

"Sally-Anne… Hudson", you whispered as if testing the name.

The room was empty when your face hit the table hard enough to almost break your nose.

No one saw how you fell into darkness when you said the name that hadn't been spoken aloud in almost two hundred years.

You are eleven years old.

You remember your first day, arriving at Hogwarts. Father had carried you atop his personal Thestral. He had been angry, but you were not sure if it had been directed at you again. Father was often angry. You were sometimes the cause.

"Don't come back if you are the half-squib your brother is", he had said as he had let you head into the castle alone. You saw the other parents hug their children.

You are eight years old.

Your brother is crying. "You are no child of mine", father had said, when your brother had failed to produce the charm again. A whip of father's wand and the wound on your brothers back started bleeding again. You would never forget those vibrant blue eyes and how he was looking at you while father was hurting him.

Brother would never speak again after that day.

You are eleven years old.

Classes are a breeze. The other students are just as inexperienced as you, but somehow, they take far longer than you to imitate the teacher's spells. You don't understand neither their struggle, nor those of your brother. Why had he not just simply swished his wand and done the spells that father had shown him?

Your teachers were praising you. You didn't know what that feeling was. The warmth that was spreading inside your chest.

You are nine years old.

Mother is swinging, just like she had done to you when you had been young enough to be allowed to play with a swing. Mother had used the rope of the swing to put a knot in it and pull her head inside. "I love you", had been her last words to you, as you watched her jump down.

You watched her swing back and forth until father arrived. Brother was standing behind the swing. Simply looking up at you as he always did. Brother didn't say anything.

You are eleven years old.

Halloween is coming closer and there are so many people around you nowadays. They want to talk to you and play with you. Everyone envies your prowess. You don't understand why they can't simply do the things you do. You started discarding your wand. There was no need for it anymore. Magic was so easy to grasp, so easy to bend to your will.

You just needed to want.

You are ten years old.

Brother came back from his sixth year in Hogwarts. There was only one more year until he turned into a fully trained wizard. The first day he arrived, father took his
wand out. "Show me", father said. Your brother failed. Father showed him.

You are eleven years old

Today is the day of Halloween. You have been invited by your friends to go to the Great Hall with them. You will soon join them. Brother wants to see you in a floor you've never been to. He wants to show you something. Brother waited in there for you. Brother spoke.

You never spoke again.

Your magic didn't defend itself against brother. It couldn't. You couldn't.

Your magic screamed. The world cried.

You are eleven years old.

Thirteen years have passed, but you are in first class again. It's the first day of classes. You sit with the students, you show them how talented you are. Everyone cheers for you. Everyone says your name.

You want to hear your name again.

You come again for the next seven years. Always repeating your first two months, before disappearing. Your magic grows stronger, but it needs time to rest.

You are eleven years old.

Thirteen years have passed, but you are in first class again. You are in first class for seven years.

You are eleven years old.

Thirteen years have passed, but you are in first class again.

You are eleven years old.

You are eleven years old.

You are-…

You are thirteen years old.

When you finally open your eyes again nothing has changed. Your eyes roam over the empty archive, searching in the shadows. There is nothing waiting for you.

Slowly standing up, you notice that there is dry blood on your hand. You remember everything. And that is why you don't startle when you turn around to look directly into those vibrant blue eyes that she had always seen in her brother's face.

Her silvery skin was bright in the dark room. Hours must have passed for it to turn dark.

"I…", you tried to say. Your voice hoarse again, as if you had been screaming for hours.

Sally-Anne was not looking at you, she was looking right through your chest.

"I am sorry", you said. She never heard you. By the time you spoke again, she had disappeared.
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Sally-Anne's been stuck repeating 1st year for a long time. Some kind of ghost, but not as obvious as the others. Or maybe some kind of single target time loop, but that seems trickier.
Clearly Sally Anne was killed by her brother but her ghost is lingering on. More alarmingly, her ghost seems to have tremendous and growing power, reappearing in a numerological pattern, and it's effect over memory is clear. Her brother may have been an Obscurial and although she clearly is not one she seems to show some traits similar to one.
I feel like we could lay out a timeline and see which teachers went to Hogwarts in one of those seven year time frames.
Well dawm I thought it was going to be more mundane but that was interesting now for the fallout and hopefully getting Sally to pass on.
I like how you expanded Protego to be not a single charm, but a set of defensive charms, and stated that it's merely the weakest one. I hope you do the same with offensive magic, dark arts, etc.
I thought the obscurials were some kind of fanon
No, they are a core plot point from Fantastic Beasts which is canon. Though it is far more common for a witch or wizard to have the early version referred to as an Obscurus, that does not survive the death of their host witch or wizard. That fits Sally's brother better, it actually fits with Ariana Dumbledore'a condition as described in canon after being attacked by muggles for her magic at an early age also.

Technically any witch or wizard with an Obscurus is an Obscurial, but really it's the late stage you'd consider that. The marks of death via Obscurus are apparently also distinct.

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Funny thing, i think it would be nice if we started talking more with her and she became our friend, to the point where ppl start thinking that she is some sort of spirit instead of a ghost.
Funny thing, i think it would be nice if we started talking more with her and she became our friend, to the point where ppl start thinking that she is some sort of spirit instead of a ghost.
Well assuming she's dead. For all we know she might be cursed to wander Hogwarts as a first year forever.
...I've spent too long in the RWBY fandom. My second reaction was "waifu get?"*.

*My first reaction was "shit are we dead? Nah, even if we crit failed once we probably wouldn't be dead"
...Blacking out and then waking up in a pool of your own shortly after meeting a girl is considered a healthy form of puberty only within a very select group of Pureblood society I'd guess. :lol
Well assuming she's dead. For all we know she might be cursed to wander Hogwarts as a first year forever.
Its possible. Time Turners exist after all and while its unlikely to be nailed to a span in time and a span in place...its not out of the question for magic running amok.
It'd explain the forgetting too. Most people have never really met her, beyond those two months in her original timeline. She's in the wrong time.