um..... Aren't we Hispanic? That doesn't really look Hispanic.

EDIT: It says we are from Spain but the spanish variant that we are using is not the one that exists in Spain but rather the north american/central american variant.

Yes there is a difference (mostly spelling, pronunciation, usage in phrases, and other such things).

So I am assuming we have at least one parent from that area of the world. It would make the most sense and would justify the variant used.
It's not exactly easy to find a dark haired teenager in a animated art style that's not deck out in all black. Adding racial qualities makes it all the harder
It's not exactly easy to find a dark haired teenager in a animated art style that's not deck out in all black. Adding racial qualities makes it all the harder
Not really. Find a hispanic character in a popular book series or cartoon and viola. Got yourself a bunch of art.
[X] I will keep my hard-earned money

[] Dorian

Edit :
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Depending on where in Spain our parents are from, our skin could range from basically arab in colour to very light and freckled.
Depending on where in Spain our parents are from, our skin could range from basically arab in colour to very light and freckled.
True, but the variant of spanish we have been shown to speak is the north american/central american variant.

I am trying to find an in story reason to justify that.
How about this.
[X]"Marco Diaz" Look

With this as an extra.
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Imma just pop in and say Leo Valdez 100%
But Marco is too nice and would never give a look of complete and utter disdain for all things that breath coming near him like the MC does.
I'm glad this quest got revived. It's pretty interesting especially with the Detective Marvan Basques parts as well as well as his deadpan observations.



Good placement got a laugh out of me.

"Next time you hit me", you said, as you pushed yourself out of the hole. You were dirty and sweaty, but it seemed as if the products inside your backpack had survived it. "I will brew the Herbicide Potion and see at what quantity it will turn you into rampant weeds."

Congratulations, you've just swore vengeance to a tree. How does that make you feel?

Translations, please correct me if I make a mistake.

Hola mama, Hola papa,

espero que estéis bien.

Hello mom, hello dad

I hope that you are well.

Hasta la próxima, cuidaros mucho y que tengáis una feliz semana,

Until next time, take care of yourselves and have an happy week.

[X] I will keep my hard-earned money

None of this junk is really worth buying.

As for the picture, I'll try to scrounge around though not my forte.

I will say I'm not fond of the Leo expy picture because he looks like an engineer/tinkerer which doesn't match too well.


Found something. It's Spain from Hetalia.

[X]Cool Intellectual

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[X] Leo Valdez Expy 1

I dislike some of the Leo pics, but I do like this one.

No real opinion on what to buy, but nothing is really worth it when we have so much to get out of Hogwarts still.
@Tabula Rasa I have a question. Does our Ravenclaw Trait not work Retroactively? Since we started out with two points in classes we took in Years 1 and 2. When presumably due to our Ravenclaw Trait we should have four skill points in classes we've had since Year One.

Just curious and I apologize if you answered this before. It's been a long time.
I'm glad this quest got revived. It's pretty interesting especially with the Detective Marvan Basques parts as well as well as his deadpan observations.

Good placement got a laugh out of me.

Congratulations, you've just swore vengeance to a tree. How does that make you feel?

Translations, please correct me if I make a mistake.

Hello mom, hello dad

I hope that you are well.

Until next time, take care of yourselves and have an happy week.

[X] I will keep my hard-earned money

None of this junk is really worth buying.

As for the picture, I'll try to scrounge around though not my forte.

I will say I'm not fond of the Leo expy picture because he looks like an engineer/tinkerer which doesn't match too well.


Found something. It's Spain from Hetalia.

[X]Cool Intellectual

I really appreciate these kind of posts. The feedback helps to understand how you guys think and react to the chapters.

Thank you!

@Tabula Rasa I have a question. Does our Ravenclaw Trait not work Retroactively? Since we started out with two points in classes we took in Years 1 and 2. When presumably due to our Ravenclaw Trait we should have four skill points in classes we've had since Year One.

Just curious and I apologize if you answered this before. It's been a long time.

It has been addressed before, but that was before you knew about the specific trait. You can ask whatever you want :) I'm happy for any engagement.

As I see it, the first two years are for general introduction into magic. Actual school starts with year there, when more subjects are available and the magic gets trickier.

Jacob was loafing around quite a bit in his first two years. He is still one of the better students, but he made a point out of reading a lot of fiction and just looking at things. Not all knowledge is quantifiable like that.

In the end, you will soon develop way past your peers. So, there is no real harm done. You still got a lot of time.
Let's become a Ravenclaw Dark Lord maybe? The mad scientist type.

Haven't played that type in a while.
[X] Aviatomobile - A burgundy toy car, which was presumably bewitched to fly. It seems to have its own mind as it sometimes choses to follow you, only to randomly fly off at other times. Cost: 2 Galleon, 6 Sickles, 9 Knuts
He really doesn't look hispanic though.
Well, being Spanish doesn't mean you have to look brown and have brown eyes...
My grandmother, from Spain, was blue eyed, blond and as white as a sheet. It really depends on what region you are from. ( She was from the north of spain, from some noble family - which is actually pretty common in Spain - => lots of noble families )
On that note, the name Basques is a derivative from the name Vasquez that takes its origin in Galicia (Spain).
The Galician people have Celtics origins, so to tell the truth, they look more Irish or British than Hispanic.
With that perspective, I don't think my proposition was inappropriate.

Edit : Btw, all the arts I presented were done by Spanish artists.

[] Dorian


[] Ravenclaw boy
by Maripaz Villar the author of Miss Abbott and the doctor ( it's an early version of the doctor)

Edit 2 :
For Marvan it's less clear so I don't now, some source takes it the Saxons but it was also found in India or as an Arabic name.
With the setting of the story I'd say from Sussex.
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Well, being Spanish doesn't mean you have to look brown and have brown eyes...
My grandmother, from Spain, was blue eyed, blond and as white as a sheet. It really depends on what region you are from. ( She was from the north of spain, from some noble family - which is actually pretty common in Spain - => lots of noble families )
On that note, the name Basques is a derivative from the name Vasquez that takes its origin in Galicia (Spain).
The Galician people have Celtics origins, so to tell the truth, they look more Irish or British than Hispanic.
With that perspective, I don't think my proposition was inappropriate.

Edit : Btw, all the arts I presented were done by Spanish artists.

[] Dorian


[] Ravenclaw boy
by Maripaz Villar the author of Miss Abbott and the doctor ( it's an early version of the doctor)
No, I don't think you understand.

There is a variation between Spain's spanish and north and central american spanish. I am assuming the author used either google translate or was taught spanish in america as his variation (and the one google translate uses) is the north american central american variant.

I am trying to find a good IC reason. Best I can come up with is at least one parent is from central or north america and he took more to that variant.